Mahakhandhako, The Great Chapter sections 1-4

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III. <strong>The</strong> Miracles at Uruvelā - 143<br />

Yan-nūnāhaṁ imaṁ jaṭilaṁ saṁvejeyyan?” ti<br />

Now what if I were to cause spiritual anxiety to this yogi?”<br />

Atha kho Bhagavā Uruvelakassapaṁ jaṭilaṁ etad-avoca:<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the Gracious One said this to the yogi Uruvelakassapa<br />

“Neva kho tvaṁ Kassapa Arahā.<br />

“You are certainly not a Worthy One, Kassapa.<br />

Na pi Arahattamaggaṁ vā samāpanno.<br />

Nor have you entered the path to Worthiness.<br />

Sāpi te paṭipadā natthi yāya tvaṁ Arahā vā assasi,<br />

This practice of yours is not one whereby you could be a Worthy One,<br />

Arahattamaggaṁ vā samāpanno.” ti<br />

or one who has entered the path to Worthiness.”<br />

Atha kho Uruvelakassapo jaṭilo Bhagavato pādesu sirasā nipatitvā,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the yogi Uruvelakassapa, having fallen with his head at the Gracious One’s feet,<br />

Bhagavantaṁ etad-avoca:<br />

said this to the Gracious One:<br />

“Labheyyāmahaṁ Bhante Bhagavato santike pabbajjaṁ<br />

“May I receive the going-forth, venerable Sir, in the presence of the Gracious One,<br />

labheyyāmi upasampadan.”-ti<br />

may I receive the full ordination.”<br />

“Tvaṁ khosi Kassapa pañcannaṁ jaṭilasatānaṁ,<br />

o “But you Kassapa, are the leader,<br />

nāyako vināyako aggo pamukho pāmokkho.<br />

guide, chief, director and instructor of five hundred yogis,<br />

te pi tāva apalokehi yathā te maññissanti tathā karissantī.” ti<br />

you should them give permission and they can do whatever they are thinking.”<br />

Atha kho Uruvelakassapo jaṭilo yena te jaṭilā tenupasaṅkami,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the yogi Uruvelakassapa approached those yogis,<br />

upasaṅkamitvā te jaṭile etad-avoca:<br />

and after approaching he said this to those yogis:<br />

“Icchāmahaṁ bho Mahāsamaṇe brahmacariyaṁ carituṁ,<br />

“I wish to live the spiritual life under the <strong>Great</strong> Ascetic,

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