Mahakhandhako, The Great Chapter sections 1-4

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Great</strong> <strong>Chapter</strong> - 122<br />

So kho ahaṁ Kassapa tava cetasā cetoparivitakkam-aññāya,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n I, Kassapa, knowing with my mind the reflection that had arisen in your mind,<br />

Uttarakuruṁ gantvā, tato piṇḍapātaṁ āharitvā, Anotattadahe paribhuñjitvā,<br />

after approaching Northern Kuru, gathering alms from there, and eating them at lake<br />

Anotatta,<br />

tattheva divāvihāraṁ akāsin.”-ti<br />

made my dwelling right there for the day.”<br />

Atha kho Uruvelakassapassa jaṭilassa etad-ahosi:<br />

<strong>The</strong>n this occurred to the yogi Uruvelakassapa:<br />

“Mahiddhiko kho Mahāsamaṇo mahānubhāvo,<br />

“Powerful and majestic is this <strong>Great</strong> Ascetic,<br />

yatra hi nāma cetasā pi cittaṁ pajānissati,<br />

since he can even know (my) mind with (his) mind,<br />

na tveva ca kho Arahā yathā ahan.”-ti<br />

but he is surely not a Worthy One like I am.”<br />

Atha kho Bhagavā Uruvelakassapassa jaṭilassa bhattaṁ bhuñjitvā,<br />

<strong>The</strong>n the Gracious One, having eaten the yogi Uruvelakassapa’s food,<br />

tasmiṁ yeva vanasaṇḍe vihāsi.<br />

dwelt on in that very jungle thicket.<br />

Pañcamaṁ Pāṭihāriyaṁ<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fifth Miracle (is Finished)

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