Exalted Utterances - Udāna (KN 3)

An English translation of this important collection of eighty discourses covering many themes and biographical details in the Buddha’s teaching.

An English translation of this important collection of eighty discourses covering many themes and biographical details in the Buddha’s teaching.


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1: Bodhivaggo - 3<br />

Then the Gracious One, having understood the significance of it, on<br />

that occasion uttered this exalted utterance: 10<br />

“When (the nature of) things becomes really manifest<br />

To the ardent meditating brāhmaṇa,<br />

Then all his doubts disappear,<br />

Since he knows (the nature of a) thing and its cause.”<br />

1.2 The Second Discourse about the Awakening (Tree)<br />

Thus I heard: at one time the Gracious One was dwelling near Uruvelā,<br />

on the bank of the river Nerañjarā, at the root of the Awakening tree,<br />

in the first (period) after attaining Awakening. Then at that time the<br />

Gracious One was sitting in one cross-legged posture for seven days<br />

experiencing the happiness of freedom.<br />

Then with the passing of those seven days, the Gracious One, after<br />

arising from that concentration, for the middle watch of the night,<br />

applied his mind thoroughly to conditional origination in reverse<br />

order:<br />

“This not being so, that is not; from the ceasing of this, that ceases,<br />

that is to say: from the cessation of ignorance, there is the cessation<br />

being so, that is, being parallel to: because of ignorance there are<br />

(volitional) processes; with honti being understood.<br />

10 <strong>Udāna</strong>, from ud, up, out + ān, to breathe out. The verb is used with the<br />

cognate accusative, a common construction in Pāḷi, which cannot be<br />

reproduced in English which normally avoids such internal repetition.

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