The Gentile Times Reconsidered Chronology Christ

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.


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<strong>The</strong> History of an Interpretation 71<br />

would the end of the <strong>Gentile</strong> <strong>Times</strong> mean?” <strong>The</strong> surprising answer<br />

given is that the Bible Students “were not completely sure what<br />

would happen”!<br />

Although some of the predictions are briefly mentioned, the<br />

Society carefully avoids terming them “predictions” or<br />

“prophecies.” Russell and his associates never “predicted” or<br />

“foretold” anything, never claimed to present “proof” or<br />

“established truth.” <strong>The</strong>y just “thought,” “suggested,” “expected,”<br />

and “earnestly hoped” that this or that “might” happen, but they<br />

“were not completely sure.” 102 Thus the predictions are wrapped<br />

up in language that completely masks the true nature of the<br />

aggressive doomsday message proclaimed to the world by the<br />

International Bible Students for over a quarter of a century before<br />

1914. Disguising the presumptuous predictions in such vague and<br />

unassuming words and phrases, of course, makes it easier to<br />

“humbly” concede that these failed.<br />

102 Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom (1993), page 135.<br />


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