The Gentile Times Reconsidered Chronology Christ

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.


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Shiff, Laurence Brian, 125<br />

Shula (Sula): head of Egibi firm, 123, 124<br />

Sign, of <strong>Christ</strong>’s “presence,” 275, 276<br />

Sippar Cylinder, 112, 247<br />

Smalley, Gene, 284<br />

Smith, George, 78, 123<br />

Snow, Samuel, 42<br />

Soderlund, Sven, 196<br />

Sogdianus, 368<br />

Solar eclipse: in 585 BCE, 104<br />

Solomon ben Jehoram, 25<br />

Spiegelberg, W., 143<br />

Stager, Lawrence E., 199<br />

Stele, John M., 22, 86, 150, 173, 176, 184, 185, 187,<br />

359, 365, 366<br />

Stephenson, F. Richard, 110, 172, 334<br />

Sterling, Gregory E., 92<br />

Stern, Menahem, 207<br />

Stern, Sacha, 317<br />

Stetson, George, 47<br />

Storrs, George, 42, 47-50, 193, 312-314<br />

Strassmaier, J. N., 153, 173, 357<br />

Streeter, R. E, 237, 239<br />

”Strm. Kambys. 400,” 85-87, 359, 360<br />

Stuhlmueller, Carrot, 227<br />

Svensson, Rolf, 10<br />

Swerdlow, N. M., 169, 185, 362, 365<br />

Swingle, Lyman, 283<br />

Synchronisms: between Babylon, Judah, and Egypt,<br />

139-147, 151, 153<br />

Tabouis, G. R., 202<br />

Tadmor, Hayim, 109, 330, 346<br />

Taharqah, reign of, 141<br />

Talmon, Shemaryahu, 246<br />

Terry, Milton S., 252, 279<br />

Tertullian, 193<br />

Thackeray, H. St. J., 93, 299<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Christ</strong>ian Quest (ed. James Penton), 46<br />

<strong>The</strong> Midnight Cry (by N. H. Barbour), 45-47<br />

<strong>The</strong> Prophetic <strong>Times</strong> (ed. J. A. Seiss et al), 46, 69<br />

<strong>The</strong> Rainbow (ed. William Leask), 46<br />

<strong>The</strong>odoret, on the “seven times,” 255<br />

<strong>The</strong>odotion: version of, 255; on Dan. 12:1,244;<br />

on the seven times at Dan. 4, 255<br />

<strong>The</strong>ophilus of Antioch, 300<br />

Thiele, Edwin R., 223, 317, 320, 345, 346<br />

Thirty Years’ War, 31<br />

Thompson, J. A., 197, 227, 315<br />

Thompson, R. Campbell, 87, 88, 321<br />

Thutmosis III (picture), 265<br />

Timaeus Sicilus, 83<br />

”Time,” Greek kairós, 244, 255, 256; Aram. ‘iddan,<br />

253, 255, 256<br />

”Time of the end”: 1798-1873,45; not the “End of<br />

Time,” 246; 1866-1941, 276<br />

”Time of trouble”: will begin in 1910 and end in<br />

1914,51; wil1 end after 1914,51; “a class struggle,”<br />

55; beginning moved to 1914, 56; will culminate<br />

in 1941, 276<br />

Time periods:<br />

3 1/2 days (Rev. 11:8), 26; 40 year-days (Num.<br />

14:34; Ez. 4:6), 24; 390 year-days (Ezek. 4:5), 24;<br />

70 weeks (Dan. 9:24-27), 25; 192-194, 246; 42<br />

months (Rev. 11:2), 279; 7 times (Dan. 4), see<br />

Seven times; 70 years, 76-79, 191, 194-235, 238,<br />

295-304,<br />

355, 372-382; 1242 (Julian) years, 33 (table);<br />

1260 (lunar) years, 32, 33 (table), 69; 1260<br />

years, 26-32, 33 (table), 35, 36, 44, 47, 59,<br />

252, 253, 256, 276; 1290 years, 25-29, 33<br />

(table), 44, 59, 252; 1335 years, 25, 26, 44,<br />

252, 276; 2300 years, 25, 26, 32, 35, 41; 2450<br />

years, 59, 60-61 (table); 2452 years, 59, 60-<br />

61 (table); 2520 years, 23, 24, 32, 35, 36, 38-<br />

41, 43, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 59, 60-61 (table),<br />

69, 79, 89, 236, 238, 243, 246, 249-253, 256-<br />

259, 278, 306; 6000 years, 44<br />

<strong>Times</strong> of the <strong>Gentile</strong>s, 4, 6, 23, 24, 28-30, 32,<br />

36, 38, 39, 47, 50, 60, 61, 67-70, 77, 79, 89,<br />

230, 236-244, 257-260, 276, 278-282.<br />

Tishri years, 317-320<br />

Toomer, G. J., 94, 99<br />

Torrey, R. A., 65<br />

Tregelles, Samuel P., 252<br />

Trinity doctrine, 43<br />

Turner, Joseph, 42<br />

Tyre: seventy years of, 195, 231<br />

Umman-manda (= Medes), 112, 233<br />

Ungnad, Arthur, 123, 125<br />

Uruk King List: on Labashi-Marduk, 98, 107;<br />

discussion of, 105-108; 326,327<br />

USH, Babylonian time unit (four minutes), 175<br />

Ussher, James, 52, 78, 82<br />

van der Waerden, Bartel L., 159-162, 333<br />

van Dijk, J., 106, 107, 124<br />

van Driel, G., 123, 131-133<br />

VAT 4956, see Astronomical diaries<br />

Victorinus, 26<br />

Voigtlander, E. N., 100<br />

von Bismarck, Otto, 63<br />

Vulgate version, 378, 379<br />

Waddell, W. G., 143<br />

Wagebald, Michael, 64<br />

Walker, C. B. F., 21, 169-171, 321, 323, 326,<br />

357, 359<br />

Walker, P. W. L., 280<br />

Walters, Al, 246<br />

Watch Tower Society: claims of, 2, 3, 13-15,<br />

18, 19, ,275, 305-307<br />

Weidner, Ernst F., 157, 163, 361<br />

Weingort, Saul, 125<br />

Weisberg, David B., 324<br />

Weissbach, F. H., 322, 323, 357<br />

Wellcome, Isaac C., 43, 313<br />

Wendell, Jonas, 45, 47,49<br />

Wendell, Rufus, 314<br />

Whiston, William, 299, 300<br />

White, Ellen G., 312<br />

Willis, D. M., 361<br />

Wilson, Benjamin, 46,314<br />

Wilson, Curtis, 362<br />

Wilson, Dwight, 65,280<br />

Wilson, Gerald H., 216<br />

Winckler, Hugo, 207<br />

Winkle, Ross E., 235, 354<br />

Wiseman, Donald J., 2l , 75, 100, 118, 119, 184,<br />

201, 204, 207, 232, 234, 249, 255, 256, 318,<br />

322, 323, 346, 347<br />

Woman, in heaven, 271 (picture), 272<br />

World War I: “a major turning point,” 31;<br />

expectations for, 50, 51; expectations not<br />

fulfilled, 55-57, 257; reinterpretation of, 58;<br />

year of not foreseen, 63, 276-278

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