The Gentile Times Reconsidered Chronology Christ

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.


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“Anyone acquainted with cuneiform can see that ‘year 37’ and ‘year 38’ are<br />

written by an experienced scribe. No modern person could have achieved to<br />

scratch (into dried clay!!) true-looking signs.” (Communication Hermann<br />

Hunger–C. O. Jonsson, Jan. 8, 2008)<br />

Another problem with Furuli’s hypothesis is the identity of the supposed modern forger of<br />

the dates and the royal name on the tablet. <strong>The</strong> first translation of the tablet was that of Paul<br />

V. Neugebauer and Ernst Weidner, whose translation together with an astronomical<br />

examination and a discussion of it was published back in 1915. (“Ein astronomischer<br />

Beobachtungstext aus dem 37. Jahre Nebukadnezars II. (– 567/66),” Berichte über die<br />

Verhandlungen der königlich sächlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Philologischhistorische<br />

Klasse. 67. Band. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1915)<br />

As the article by Neugebauer and Weidner clearly shows, the date and the royal name (“year<br />

37 of Nebuchadnezzar”) were already on the tablet in 1915 when they were examining it.<br />

Are we to believe that these two scholars were forgers, who co-operated in removing some<br />

of the original signs on the tablet and replacing them with signs of their own preference?<br />

Even Furuli admits that he “cannot imagine that any scientist working with the tablet at the<br />

Vorderasiatische Museum has committed fraud.” (Furuli, p. 285) He has no idea about who<br />

the supposed forger may have been, or how he/she managed to change the signs on line 1<br />

without leaving any traces of it on the tablet.<br />

Finally, Furuli’s hypothesis is self-contradictory. If it were true that the planetary positions<br />

“represent backward calculations by an astrologer who believed that 568/67 was year 37 of<br />

Nebuchadnezzar II,” and if it were true that “the original tablet that was copied in Seleucid<br />

times was made in 588/87,” which Furuli argues was the 37 th year of Nebuchadnezzar, then<br />

the astrologer/copyist must have dated the tablet to the 37 th year of Nebuchadnezzar from<br />

the very beginning! No modern manipulation of the date would then have been necessary.<br />

Furuli’s hypothesis is simply untenable. <strong>The</strong> only reason for his suggesting it is the desperate<br />

need to get rid of a tablet that inexorably demolishes his “Oslo [= Watchtower] chronology”<br />

and firmly establishes the absolute chronology for the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562<br />

BCE).<br />

As discussed in chapter 4 of my book <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gentile</strong> <strong>Times</strong> <strong>Reconsidered</strong> (Atlanta: Commentary<br />

Press, 2004), there are at least nine other astronomical tablets that perform the same service.<br />

Furuli’s futile attempts to undermine the enormous burden of evidence provided by these<br />

other astronomical tablets will be discussed in another, separate part of this review.<br />

<strong>The</strong> question that remains to be discussed here is Furuli’s claim that the lunar positions that<br />

were observed in the 37 th year of Nebuchadnezzar and are recorded on VAT 4956 fit the<br />

year 588/587 better than 568/567 BCE.<br />


BETTER THAN 568/567 BCE?<br />

On the back cover of his new book Rolf Furuli states that the conclusion of his study is that<br />

“the lunar data on the tablet [VAT 4956] better fit 588 than 568 B.C.E., and that this is the<br />

37 th year of Nebuchadnezzar II.” What about this claim?<br />

A careful examination of all the legible lunar positions recorded on this astronomical “diary”<br />

proves that the claim is false. Almost none of the lunar positions recorded on VAT 4956 fit<br />

the year 588/587 BCE, while nearly all of them excellently correspond to lunar positions in<br />

the year 568/567 BCE.<br />

<strong>The</strong> astronomy program used for this examination is Chris Marriott’s SkyMap Pro 11.04,<br />

which uses the modern complete ELP2000-82B lunar theory. <strong>The</strong> “delta-T” value used for<br />

the secular acceleration of the Moon is 1.7 milliseconds per century, which is the result of<br />

the extensive research presented by F. Richard Stephenson in his Historical Eclipses and

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