The Gentile Times Reconsidered Chronology Christ

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.


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A critical review of Rolf Furuli’s 2 nd volume on chronology:<br />

Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian <strong>Chronology</strong>. Volume II<br />

of Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian<br />

<strong>Chronology</strong> Compared with the <strong>Chronology</strong> of the Bible<br />

(Oslo: Awatu Publishers, 2007).<br />

Part I: <strong>The</strong> astronomical “diary” VAT 4956<br />

Rolf Furuli’s new book on chronology, Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian <strong>Chronology</strong> (Oslo:<br />

Awatu Publishers, 2007), covers 368 pages. Chapter 6 (pages 94-123) and Appendix C (266-<br />

325), which together cover 90 pages or about 25 percent of the book, are devoted to an<br />

attempt to overcome the evidence provided by the astronomical cuneiform tablet VAT<br />

4956, dated to the 37 th year of Nebuchadnezzar II.<br />

VAT 4956 is a so-called astronomical “diary” that records the positions of the moon and<br />

the five planets visible to the naked eye observed during the 37 th year of Nebuchadnezzar.<br />

About 30 of these records are so well preserved that they can be checked by modern<br />

computations. <strong>The</strong>se computations have confirmed that the 37 th year of Nebuchadnezzar<br />

corresponds to year 568/567 BCE (spring-to-spring).<br />


Furuli dedicates a substantial part of his discussion to arguing that the cuneiform signs on<br />

the tablet have been “deliberately tampered with” in modern times. In particular he claims<br />

that the signs for “year 37” at the beginning of the text in line 1 on the obverse of the tablet<br />

and the signs for “year 38” and “year 37” in the concluding lines at the lower edge on the<br />

reverse seem to have been “incised” by someone in modern times. He also claims that the<br />

signs for the name “Nebuchadnezzar” in line 1 on the obverse have been manipulated.<br />

After a lengthy analysis Furuli presents the following hypothesis on pages 285, 286:<br />


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