The Gentile Times Reconsidered Chronology Christ

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.


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<strong>The</strong> 20 th Year of Artaxerxes 391<br />

All these nine texts agree in showing that Darius II acceded to the<br />

throne in the 41st year of his predecessor. <strong>The</strong> tablets clearly show<br />

that Artaxerxes I cannot have ruled for more than 41 years. As<br />

stated above, the text published by Albert Clay in 1908, the only<br />

one quoted by the Watch Tower Society, belongs to the same<br />

category of doubled-dated texts as those quoted above, the only<br />

difference being that it gives the predecessor of Darius a reign of<br />

51 years instead of 41. It is quite clear that the number ”51” on that<br />

tablet contains a scribal error. This is the only reasonable<br />

conclusion to draw, as the only alternative is to claim that the<br />

figure ”41” on all the other nine tablets listed above are errors.<br />

It is difficult to believe that the Watch Tower Society’s writers were<br />

completely ignorant of the existence of several double-dated tablets<br />

from the accession-year of Darius. To quote only the two tablets<br />

with scribal errors (years ”50” and ”51”) and keep silent about all<br />

the double-dated texts that equate Darius’ accession-year with year<br />

”41” of his predecessor is far from honest.<br />

Albert T. Clay, who published the tablet with the erroneous figure<br />

”51” on it, was well aware that it was a scribal error. To the right of<br />

the erroneous figure in his published copy of the text he pointed<br />

out that ”51” was a ”mistake for 41”:<br />

Tablet ”CBM 12803”, published by Albert T. Clay as<br />

No. 127 in <strong>The</strong> Babylonian Expedition of the<br />

University of Pennsylvania, Series A: Cuneiform<br />

Texts, Vol. VIII (Philadelphia, 1908), P1. 57.

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