The Gentile Times Reconsidered Chronology Christ

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.


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As may be seen, the parallels between the literal fulfillment and the<br />

claimed greater application are strained, and the greater application,<br />

therefore, becomes quite complicated and confusing. Would not<br />

this application have been far more probable if the vision had been<br />

given to one of the last kings of Judah instead of to<br />

Nebuchadnezzar? Would not a king of the royal dynasty of David<br />

be a more natural figure of that dynasty, and the “seven times” of<br />

loss of power experienced by such a king a more natural figure of<br />

the loss of sovereignty in the Davidic line?<br />

Evidently, then, the person to whom the vision was given is no clear<br />

indication of another application beyond that one given directly<br />

through Daniel the prophet.<br />

d) <strong>The</strong> theme of the vision<br />

<strong>The</strong> theme of the vision of the chopped-down tree is expressed in<br />

Daniel 4:17, namely, “that people living may know that the Most High is<br />

Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that to the one he wants to, he gives it<br />

and he sets up over it even the lowliest one of mankind.”<br />

Does this stated intent of the vision indicate it pointed forward<br />

to the time for the establishment of God’s kingdom by his<br />

<strong>Christ</strong>? 29<br />

To draw such a conclusion would be to read more into this<br />

statement than it actually says. Jehovah has always been the<br />

supreme ruler in the kingdom of mankind, although his supremacy<br />

has not always been recognized by everyone. But David did realize<br />

this, saying:<br />

Jehovah himself has firmly established his throne in the very<br />

heavens; and over everything his own kingship has held dominion. —<br />

Psalms 103:19, NW.<br />

Your kingship is a kingship for all times indefinite, And your<br />

dominion is throughout all successive generations.― Psalms<br />

145:13, NW.<br />

Thus Jehovah has always exercised control over the history of<br />

mankind and maneuvered the events according to his own will:<br />

And he is changing times and seasons, removing kings and<br />

setting up kings, giving wisdom to the wise ones and knowledge to<br />

those knowing discernment. —Daniel 2:21, NW.<br />

This was a lesson that Nebuchadnezzar―as well as kings before<br />

and after him—had to learn. <strong>The</strong> period that followed upon<br />

Nebuchadnezzar’s desolation of Judah and Jerusalem represented<br />

no exception or interruption to Jehovah’s supreme rule, in spite of<br />

29 Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 1 (1988), p. 134.

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