The Gentile Times Reconsidered Chronology Christ

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.

An historical and biblical refutation of 1914, a favorite year of Jehovah's Witnesses and other Bible Students. By Carl Olof Jonsson.


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<strong>The</strong> Length of Reigns of the Neo-Babylonian Kings 151<br />

<strong>The</strong> careers of scribes, temple administrators, slaves, business<br />

men, and others may be followed for decades, in some cases<br />

through almost the whole Neo-Babylonian period and on into the<br />

Persian era. Thousands of dated documents give insight into the<br />

business, legal, religious, family and other activities of these<br />

individuals. Many texts deal with matters that extend over weeks,<br />

months, or even years, such as inventories, lease of land or houses,<br />

instalments of debts, hire of slaves and livestock, run-away slaves,<br />

court proceedings, and so on.<br />

<strong>The</strong> activities of some individuals may be followed through<br />

almost their whole lives. But never do we find that their activities<br />

cross the established chronological borders of the period into some<br />

unknown twenty-year period that the Watch Tower Society would<br />

add to the Neo-Babylonian era. <strong>The</strong> insertion of these twenty years<br />

would, in fact, not only distort the understanding of the careers,<br />

activities, and family relations of many individuals, but it would<br />

also give many of them abnormal life spans.<br />

(6) Chronological interlocking joints<br />

Sometimes a text may contain activities and dates that intersect<br />

two or more consecutive reigns in a way that chronologically ties<br />

them together and excludes every possibility of inserting extra<br />

kings and years between them.<br />

As was demonstrated in this particular section, quite a number<br />

of such documents exist that interlock each reign with the next<br />

throughout the whole Neo-Babylonian period. Although eleven documents<br />

of this kind were presented earlier, a close examination of the tens<br />

of thousands of unpublished tablets from the Neo-Babylonian<br />

period would probably multiply the number. Those presented,<br />

however, suffice to show that the length of the whole Neo-<br />

Babylonian era may be securely established by the aid of such<br />

“chronological joints” alone.<br />

(7) Synchronisms with the contemporary Egyptian<br />

chronology<br />

<strong>The</strong> chronology of contemporary Egyptian kings provides an<br />

excellent test of Neo-Babylonian chronology, as there are four<br />

synchronisms tied to it, three of which are given in the Bible.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se synchronisms are of the utmost importance, as the<br />

contemporary chronology of Egypt has been established<br />

independently of the chronologies of other nations of that time. Yet it<br />

was shown that the Egyptian chronology is in complete harmony<br />

with the data given by Berossus, the Royal Canon, and all the

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