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Kerry Declares ISIS Committing<br />

Genocide Against Christians, Others<br />

22 Monday, March 21, 2016 The San Juan Daily <strong>Star</strong><br />

Secretary of State John Kerry declared late last week that<br />

the Islamic State is committing genocide against Christians<br />

and other minorities in the Middle East, after facing<br />

heavy pressure from lawmakers and rights groups to make the<br />

rare designation.<br />

“In my judgment, Daesh is responsible for genocide<br />

against groups in territory under its control, including Yazidis,<br />

Christians and Shia Muslims,” Kerry said Thursday at the<br />

State Department, referring to the terror group by an adapted<br />

acronym of its Arabic name.<br />

He accused ISIS of “crimes against humanity” and “ethnic<br />

cleansing.”<br />

The announcement was a surprise, at least in terms of<br />

the timing. A day earlier, a State Department spokesman said<br />

they would miss a congressionally mandated March 17 deadline<br />

to make a decision. Yet as the department took heat from<br />

lawmakers for the expected delay, the department confirmed<br />

Thursday morning that Kerry had reached the decision that<br />

Christians, Yazidis and Shiite groups are victims of genocide.<br />

It comes after the House this week passed a nonbinding<br />

resolution by a 393-0 vote condemning ISIS atrocities as genocide.<br />

Kerry’s finding will not obligate the United States to take<br />

additional action against ISIS militants and does not prejudge<br />

any prosecution against its members, said U.S. officials.<br />

Kerry, though, urged others to join in holding the group<br />

“accountable”; he called for an “independent investigation” as<br />

well as a court or tribunal to take action to that end.<br />

Saying the terror network is “genocidal” in what it says,<br />

believes and does, Kerry recited a litany of documented atrocities<br />

including the execution of Christians in Iraq “solely because<br />

of their faith” and of Yazidis.<br />

Lawmakers and others who have advocated for the finding<br />

had sharply criticized the department’s disclosure Wednesday<br />

that the deadline would be missed. The officials said Kerry<br />

concluded his review just hours after that announcement and<br />

that the criticism had not affected his decision.<br />

“Secretary Kerry is finally making the right call,” House<br />

Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce, R-Calif., said<br />

in a statement after the announcement Thursday. He added<br />

that “President Obama should step up and lay out the broad,<br />

overarching plan that’s needed to actually defeat and destroy<br />

ISIS. This administration’s long pattern of paralysis and ineffectiveness<br />

in combating these radical Islamist terrorists is unacceptable.”<br />

The determination marks only the second time a U.S. administration<br />

has declared that a genocide was being committed<br />

during an ongoing conflict.<br />

The first was in 2004, when then-Secretary of State Colin<br />

Powell determined that atrocities in Sudan’s Darfur region<br />

constituted genocide. Powell reached that determination amid<br />

much lobbying from human rights groups, but only after State<br />

Department lawyers advised him that it would not -- contrary<br />

to legal advice offered to previous administrations -- obligate<br />

the United States to act to stop it.<br />

In that case, the lawyers decided that the 1948 U.N. Convention<br />

against genocide did not require countries to prevent<br />

genocide from taking place outside their territory. Powell instead<br />

called for the U.N. Security Council to appoint a commission<br />

to investigate and take appropriate legal action if it agreed<br />

with the genocide determination.<br />

The officials said Kerry’s determination followed a similar<br />

finding by department lawyers.<br />

Although the United States is involved in military strikes<br />

against ISIS and has helped prevent some incidents of ethnic<br />

cleansing, notably of Yazidis, some advocates argue that a<br />

genocide determination would require additional U.S. action.<br />

In making his decision, Kerry weighed whether the militants’<br />

targeting of Christians and other minorities meets the<br />

definition of genocide, according to the U.N. Convention: “acts<br />

Secretary of State John Kerry speaks to reporters at the State<br />

Department in Washington, Thursday.<br />

committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national,<br />

ethnic, racial or religious group.”<br />

His determination, however, does not carry the legal implication<br />

of a verdict of guilt or conviction on genocide charges,<br />

the officials said. Such decisions will be left to international or<br />

other tribunals.<br />

In a bid to push the review process, several groups released<br />

reports last week documenting what they said is clear<br />

evidence that the legal standard has been met.<br />

The Knights of Columbus and In Defense of Christians,<br />

which had applauded Monday’s House resolution, said they<br />

hoped the delay would ensure that Kerry makes the determination.<br />

“There is only one legal term for this, and that is genocide,”<br />

said Knights of Columbus chief Carl Anderson.<br />

The groups’ 280-page report identified by name more than<br />

1,100 Christians who they said had been killed by ISIS. It detailed<br />

numerous instances of people kidnapped, raped, sold<br />

into slavery and driven from their homes, along with the destruction<br />

of churches.<br />

Egypt Finds New Clues That Queen Nefertiti May Lie Buried Behind Tut’s Tomb<br />

Egypt has unearthed further evidence that a secret<br />

chamber, believed by some to be the lost burial site<br />

of Queen Nefertiti, may lie behind King Tutankhamun’s<br />

tomb, Egypt’s antiquities minister said late last<br />

week.<br />

There is huge international interest in Nefertiti, who<br />

died in the 14th century B.C. and is thought to be Tutankhamun’s<br />

stepmother, and confirmation of her final<br />

resting place would be the most remarkable Egyptian archaeological<br />

find this century.<br />

An analysis of radar scans done on the site last November<br />

has revealed the presence of two empty spaces<br />

behind two walls in King Tut’s chamber, Damaty told a<br />

news conference.<br />

“(The scans point to) different things behind the walls,<br />

different material that could be metal, could be organic,”<br />

he said.<br />

Damaty said in November there was a 90 percent<br />

chance that “something” was behind the walls of King<br />

Tut’s chamber following an initial radar scan that had<br />

been sent to Japan for analysis.<br />

A more advanced scan will be conducted at the end<br />

of this month with an international research team to confirm<br />

whether the empty spaces are in fact chambers. Only<br />

then, Damaty said, can he discuss the possibility of how<br />

and when a team could enter the rooms.<br />

“We can say more than 90 percent that the chambers<br />

are there. But I never start the next step until I’m 100 percent.”<br />

The find could be a boon for Egypt’s ailing tourism<br />

industry, which has suffered endless setbacks since an<br />

uprising that toppled autocrat Hosni Mubarak in 2011 but<br />

remains a vital source of foreign currency.<br />

British Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves, who is leading<br />

the investigation, believes that Tutankhamun’s mausoleum<br />

was originally occupied by Nefertiti and that she lies<br />

undisturbed behind what he believes is a partition wall.<br />

The discovery of Nefertiti, whose chiselled cheekbones<br />

and regal beauty were immortalised in a 3,300-year<br />

old bust now on display in a Berlin museum, would shed<br />

fresh light on what remains a mysterious period of Egyptian<br />

history.<br />

“It can be the discovery of the century. It’s very important<br />

for Egyptian history and the history of the world,”<br />

said Damaty.

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