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20 Monday, March 21, 2016 The San Juan Daily <strong>Star</strong><br />

Culture Gap Impedes US Business<br />

Efforts for Trade With Cuba<br />


They have gone to Cuba with plans to<br />

build houses. To assemble tractors. To<br />

buy apps from young programmers.<br />

Even to import charcoal made from the sicklebush<br />

that grows in vast stretches across the<br />

island.<br />

But 15 months after American prospectors<br />

began swarming Havana, filling hotels<br />

and hiring consultants, only a handful have<br />

inked deals to do business with the once-forbidden<br />

island.<br />

As President Obama visits Cuba this<br />

week, the lack of trade with the former foe<br />

threatens to sap momentum from the process<br />

of building relations. It is also a reminder that<br />

beyond tourism — which satisfies Cuba’s need<br />

for foreign currency and the desire of Americans<br />

to visit the island — the countries have<br />

very different visions of economic engagement.<br />

“The litmus test of normalization is trade<br />

and investment,” said Robert Muse, a Washington<br />

lawyer who specializes in Cuba-related<br />

law. “That’s how the Obama legacy will be<br />

judged.”<br />

Eager to show results, the Obama administration<br />

in late January made the biggest<br />

breach yet in the embargo by permitting<br />

Americans to trade with state-owned companies,<br />

which control much of Cuba’s commerce<br />

and are run, mostly, by the military.<br />

The new regulations mean that exporters<br />

can apply for a license to sell goods to state<br />

entities in sectors that include education,<br />

food processing and infrastructure, making<br />

them “the most significant” change since Mr.<br />

Obama announced a thaw with Cuba in December<br />

2014, said Stephen Propst, a partner at<br />

the Hogan Lovells law firm in Washington.<br />

The move was a concession to reality: Efforts<br />

at opening commerce had, until then, targeted<br />

everyday Cubans. But with the island’s<br />

trade apparatus controlled by the state, trying<br />

to sell American cement to Cuban homeowners<br />

or stoves to privately owned restaurants is<br />

impractical and of little interest to the Cuban<br />

government.<br />

The Obama administration has “accepted<br />

the fact that they have to do business<br />

with Cuban state enterprise,” Mr. Propst saed.<br />

The administration loosened restrictions on<br />

trade and travel even further and announced<br />

new commercial deals with Cuba before Mr.<br />

Obama’s arrival on Sunday.<br />

The European Union, meanwhile, signed<br />

an agreement with Cuba on March 11 to establish<br />

normal relations. If ratified by its member<br />

states, it will open the way for full cooperation<br />

and commercial ties between Cuba and<br />

Europe.<br />

Cuba has made it clear that it will not<br />

alter the way it does business to suit American<br />

needs. A stinging editorial published last<br />

Wednesday in Granma, the official Communist<br />

Party organ, said that Mr. Obama could<br />

do even more to ease trade and that, for Cuba,<br />

“getting along does not mean having to give<br />

up our beliefs.”<br />

Cuban officials are “overwhelmed” by the<br />

number of American delegations, said Philip<br />

Peters, a partner at D17 Strategies, a consultancy<br />

in Washington, who travels frequently<br />

to Cuba. And, he said, they are “not going to<br />

rewrite the rule book” for American entrepreneurs.<br />

That rule book is restrictive. Foreigners are<br />

barred from buying most property in Cuba, so<br />

Americans can only covet the beautiful, crumbling<br />

mansions of downtown Havana.<br />

The Cuban government usually insists on<br />

holding a majority stake in any joint venture<br />

outside the new development zone at the port<br />

of Mariel, near Havana, where foreign companies<br />

can wholly own ventures and receive a<br />

10-year tax holiday. State-owned companies<br />

often ask for up to a year to pay for goods, not<br />

the customary 90 days.<br />

Still, some American businesses have<br />

prospered. Airbnb began operating in Cuba<br />

in April; Sprint now has a roaming agreement<br />

with the Cuban state telecommunications<br />

company, Etecsa.<br />

Cleber, an Alabama company, received a<br />

license in February from the Treasury Department<br />

— and has an agreement with the Cuban<br />

government — to assemble simple tractors in<br />

Cuba to sell to private farmers and cooperatives.<br />

Florida Produce, a grocer in Tampa, Fla.,<br />

has a license from the Treasury to open a distribution<br />

warehouse in Cuba and is in talks<br />

with the Cuban authorities.<br />

But threading the needle between Cuba’s<br />

rigid rules and the restrictions that the United<br />

States continues to impose is tricky.<br />

John S. Kavulich, the president of the<br />

U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council, said<br />

he had counted about 500 visits to Cuba by<br />

American businesspeople since December<br />

2014 and more than 140 visits by United States<br />

representatives and officials. But, he said, he<br />

could count the number of business deals they<br />

had reached on his fingers.<br />

Each government has urged the other to<br />

do more. Rodrigo Malmierca, Cuba’s minister<br />

of foreign trade and investment, told a trade<br />

conferencein Washington on Feb. 16 that the<br />

countries “need to show that things are happening,”<br />

and referred repeatedly to the embargo.<br />

Penny Pritzker, the commerce secretary,<br />

said the next day that her department had<br />

granted American companies billions of dollars’<br />

worth of authorizations to do business in<br />

Cuba.<br />

In interviews, American entrepreneurs,<br />

business lawyers and consultants described<br />

a culture gap that often seems the size of the<br />

Florida Straits, with Americans expecting<br />

swift decisions and baffled by the time and<br />

meetings required to get answers from Cuban<br />

officials.<br />

Kevin Ellis, the chief executive of Cayuga<br />

Milk Ingredients, a dairy company in Auburn,<br />

N.Y., met with officials at Alimport, a state import<br />

company, in Havana in April about selling<br />

milk powder. The officials were polite,<br />

said Mr. Ellis, who was part of a whirlwind<br />

delegation led by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of<br />

New York. But they seemed more interested<br />

in talking about the embargo than about milk,<br />

he said.<br />

On his return, Mr. Ellis twice emailed<br />

Alimport, in Spanish, about sending samples,<br />

but did not get a response.<br />

“I took that as a ‘No,’ ” he said.<br />

Some worry about the lack of freedoms<br />

in Cuba. Carlos Medina, the chairman of the<br />

Statewide Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of<br />

New Jersey, who visited Cuba as part of a business<br />

delegation in April, said he was dismayed<br />

by the “slow movement toward change” and<br />

would not recommend investing there.<br />

Internet access, for example, has improved<br />

only marginally over the past year, and political<br />

oppression continues, said Mr. Medina, an<br />

engineer who does aerial mapping. Business<br />

cannot thrive in “this controlled environment,”<br />

he said.<br />

Some Americans have only a vague grasp<br />

of the United States regulations or of the kind<br />

of business they are pursuing, lawyers and<br />

consultants said. Even when advised that their<br />

proposal will not be successful, some still insist<br />

on visiting Havana.<br />

Mr. Peters said those who do succeed in<br />

making deals “are prepared to have extended<br />

dialogue in Cuba and go and return.”<br />

“It’s not done by a quick visit and followup<br />

by email,” he said.<br />

The seafront outside the American Embassy<br />

in Havana. Cuba has made it clear<br />

that it will not alter the way it does business<br />

to suit American needs.<br />

Saul Berenthal, a co-founder of Cleber,<br />

the tractor company, who was born in Cuba<br />

and spent part of his childhood there, said he<br />

had studied Cuban and American regulations<br />

in detail and then identified a gap in the Cuban<br />

market: small tractors that do not require<br />

sophisticated parts.<br />

“I spend a lot of time understanding the<br />

social context in Cuba,” Mr. Berenthal said.<br />

Meanwhile, applications for licenses from<br />

United States officials take months to process,<br />

as officials grapple with business proposals<br />

for which there is no precedent.<br />

Ambar Diaz, a Miami lawyer who handled<br />

Cleber’s application, said it had taken<br />

seven months to get the license for the tractor<br />

project. She has been waiting four months<br />

for a license for a Hollywood filmmaker who<br />

wants to film in Cuba, and has another license<br />

pending to import charcoal from a group of<br />

Cuban entrepreneurs.<br />

“My job is to test the limits of the regulations,”<br />

she said.<br />

The most important change that United<br />

States regulators could make — and that many<br />

expected would be made before Mr. Obama’s<br />

trip — is to lift a ban on using dollars in transactions<br />

with Cuba, lawyers and consultants<br />

said. The ban means that legitimate trade with<br />

Cuba has to be financed through complicated,<br />

three-way operations or simply does not happen<br />

because no bank wants to handle it.<br />

Lifting that restriction would “take many<br />

of the excuses away from Cuba” for holding<br />

up business deals, Mr. Kavulich said.<br />

Mr. Muse predicted that the Obama administration<br />

would continue to relax restrictions<br />

during its remaining months, regardless<br />

of how Cuba responds.<br />

The notion of the process as quid quo pro<br />

is false, he said, adding, “You cannot deal in<br />

conditionalities with the Cubans.”

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