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Corporate Governance – continued<br />

• the audit firm may be permitted to provide non-audit services<br />

that are not considered to be in conflict with the preservation<br />

of the independence of the auditor subject to the approval of<br />

the company’s Audit Committee; and<br />

• the Audit Committee must approve significant permissible<br />

non-audit work assignments that are awarded to an external<br />

auditor, and the value of non-audit work must be reported at<br />

every Board meeting.<br />

Engagement of the External Auditor<br />

The Warehouse’s external auditor is PricewaterhouseCoopers<br />

(PwC). PwC was appointed by shareholders at the 2004 Annual<br />

Meeting in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act<br />

1993 (Act). PwC is automatically reappointed as auditor under<br />

Section 200 of the Act.<br />

Attendance at the Annual Meeting<br />

PwC, as auditor of the 2011 Financial Statements, has been<br />

invited to attend this year’s annual meeting and will be available<br />

to answer questions about the conduct of the audit, preparation<br />

and content of the auditors’ report, accounting policies adopted<br />

by The Warehouse and the independence of the auditor in<br />

relation to the conduct of the audit.<br />

Internal Audit<br />

The company has an internal audit function, which is<br />

independent of the company’s external auditors. The internal<br />

audit function of the company is undertaken in conjunction with<br />

Ernst & Young. The respective internal audit teams report to<br />

and are directed by the Audit Committee.<br />

Each year, the internal audit programme is approved by the<br />

Audit Committee. The programme of audit work considers the<br />

most significant areas of business risk in the company and<br />

is developed following discussions with senior management,<br />

review of the business process model of the company and<br />

consideration of the findings of the annual strategic risk<br />

assessment. The programme considers risks also in relation to<br />

major projects that are planned or currently under way.<br />

The role of internal audit is to:<br />

• assess the design and operating effectiveness of controls<br />

governing key operations, processes and business risks;<br />

• provide the Board with an assessment, independent of<br />

management, as to the adequacy of the company’s internal<br />

operating and financial controls, systems and practices; and<br />

• assist the Board in meeting its corporate governance and<br />

regulatory responsibilities.<br />

Store audits are conducted by the company’s internal auditors.<br />

For the year ended 31 July 2011, 306 store audits were<br />

conducted by the company’s internal auditor (2010: 296 audits).<br />

Internal business processes are audited by Ernst & Young also.<br />

Principle 8 – Shareholder Relations<br />

The Board fosters constructive relationships with shareholders<br />

that encourage them to engage with the company.<br />

The company values its dialogue with institutional and<br />

private investors and is committed to giving all shareholders<br />

comprehensive, timely and equal access to information about<br />

its activities.<br />

The Board aims to ensure that shareholders are informed of<br />

all information necessary to assess the Board’s performance.<br />

They do so through a communication strategy which includes:<br />

• periodic and continuous disclosure to NZX and ASX;<br />

• information provided to analysts and media;<br />

• half-yearly and Annual Reports;<br />

• the annual shareholders’ meeting and any other meetings<br />

called to obtain approval for Board actions as appropriate; and<br />

• the company’s website.<br />

In accordance with the New Zealand Companies Act and NZSX<br />

Listing Rules, the company is no longer required to automatically<br />

mail a hard copy of its half-yearly or Annual Reports to shareholders.<br />

The Board has moved to electronic reporting. Even though<br />

interim and Annual Reports are available electronically,<br />

shareholders can request a hard copy of the report to be mailed<br />

to them free of charge.<br />

The notice of meeting is circulated at least 10 days before the<br />

meeting and is also posted on the company’s website.<br />

Shareholders are provided with notes on all the resolutions<br />

proposed through the notice of meeting each year. Directors<br />

and the company’s external auditor are available to answer<br />

shareholder questions. The Board encourages full participation<br />

of shareholders to ensure a high level of accountability and<br />

identification with the company’s strategies and goals.<br />

In addition, web-casting and teleconferencing facilities are<br />

provided for market briefings to encourage participation from all<br />

stakeholders, regardless of their location.<br />

Principle 9 – Stakeholder Interests<br />

The Board respects the interests of stakeholders within the context<br />

of the company’s ownership type and its fundamental purpose.<br />

The Warehouse aims to manage its business in a way that will<br />

produce positive outcomes for all stakeholders including the<br />

public, customers, Team Members, suppliers and shareholders.<br />

We monitor progress in business sustainability as we seek to<br />

actively improve the social and environmental characteristics of the<br />

business. This is a goal to which The Warehouse is strategically<br />

committed and which it incorporates in its day-to-day operations.<br />

The Warehouse is listed on the FTSE4Good Index which<br />

identifies companies that meet globally recognised corporate<br />

responsibility standards.<br />

Diversity<br />

The Warehouse is committed to providing a work environment<br />

where we recognise and value different skills, ability and<br />

experiences and where people are treated fairly in order to<br />

attract and retain talented people who will contribute to the<br />

achievement of its corporate objectives.<br />

We encourage a working environment in which individual<br />

diversity is recognised and where equal employment<br />

opportunities are offered to all potential and existing Team<br />

Members on the basis of relevant merit.<br />

During the year The Warehouse Equal Employment Opportunity<br />

Policy was reviewed in line with recent guidelines in respect of<br />

diversity issued by the ASX. The Board has adopted a Diversity<br />

Policy for the Group. Executive teams will assist the Board in<br />

establishing measurable objectives for achieving diversity.<br />

The Board will assess annually both the measurable objectives<br />

and progress towards achieving them and will ensure that the<br />

appropriate disclosures are made in the Annual Report, in<br />

addition to the diversity disclosures which been included for many<br />

years in The Warehouse Community and Environment Report.<br />

The Warehouse’s commitment to Communities and Environment<br />

is further demonstrated on page 20.<br />

Statutory Disclosures<br />

Disclosures of Interests by Directors<br />

General Disclosures<br />

The following are particulars of general disclosures of interest given by the Directors of the company pursuant to section 140(2) of<br />

the Companies Act 1993:<br />

Robert Challinor<br />

Director, Electronic Navigation Limited<br />

Director, CDL Investments New Zealand Limited<br />

Director, Enterprise Motor Group Limited and subsidiaries<br />

Director, Challinor and Associates Limited<br />

Director, Gwendoline Holdings Limited (non-trading)<br />

JV Committee Member, Copthorne Bay of Islands Resort<br />

Director, James Raymond Holdings Limited (non-trading)<br />

Graham Evans<br />

Director, Mighty River Power Limited<br />

Chairman, Multichem Group Limited and associated companies Director, PGG Wrightson Limited<br />

Trustee, Cornwall Park Trust Board<br />

James Ogden<br />

Director, MTA Group Investments Limited<br />

Sir Stephen Tindall<br />

and associated companies<br />

Chairman, KEA New Zealand<br />

Director, Ogden Consulting Limited<br />

Director, Branches Station Limited<br />

Director, Petone Investments Limited<br />

Director, Byron Corporation Limited<br />

Director, Seaworks Limited and associated companies<br />

Director, Foundation Services Limited<br />

Director, Summerset Group Holdings Limited<br />

Director, Highland Resorts Limited<br />

and associated companies<br />

Director, K One W One Limited<br />

Director, Upstart Capital Limited<br />

Director, K One W One (No 2) Limited<br />

Director, Vehicle Testing Group Limited<br />

Director, Norwood Investments Limited<br />

Council Member, Victoria University of Wellington<br />

Director, Nurture Nature Limited<br />

Independent Member, AMP Capital Property Portfolio Fund Director, Sustainable New Zealand Limited<br />

(Governance Committee)<br />

Member, New Zealand Institute<br />

Chair, Audit Committee of the Ministry of Social Development<br />

Chair, Value for Money Advisory Board of the<br />

Ministry of Social Development<br />

Member, Audit and Risk Committee of the Ministry of<br />

Foreign Affairs and Trade<br />

Member, Finance and Risk Committee of Crown Forestry<br />

Rental Trust<br />

Member, Nominating Committee for the Guardians of<br />

New Zealand Superannuation<br />

Janine Smith<br />

Chairman, McLarens Young (New Zealand) Limited<br />

and associated companies<br />

Chairman, AsureQuality Limited<br />

Director, Steel & Tube Holdings Limited<br />

Principal, The Boardroom Practice Limited<br />

Member, University of Auckland New Zealand Governance<br />

Centre Advisory Board<br />

Member, Massey University College of Business Advisory Board<br />

Director of other privately owned companies<br />

Keith Smith<br />

Chairman, Goodman (NZ) Limited<br />

Chairman, Healthcare Holdings Limited and subsidiaries<br />

Chairman, Mobile Surgical Services Limited<br />

Chairman, Tourism Holdings Limited<br />

Member, New Zealand Business Council for<br />

Sustainable Development<br />

Trustee, The Tindall Foundation<br />

Eduard (Ted) van Arkel*<br />

Chairman, Health Benefits Limited<br />

Chairman, Restaurant Brands NZ Limited<br />

Chairman, UNITEC NZ Limited<br />

Director, Abano Healthcare Group Limited<br />

Director, Auckland Regional Chamber of<br />

Commerce & Industry Limited<br />

Director, AWF Group Limited<br />

Director, Danske Mobler Limited<br />

Director, Lang Properties Limited<br />

Director, Nestlé NZ Limited<br />

Director, Van Arkel & Co Limited<br />

* Appointed 1 July 2011<br />

Mark Callaghan †<br />

Director, Callaghan & Associates<br />

† Resigned 31 July 2011<br />

Robert Tindall (Alternate Director) ‡<br />

Trustee, The Tindall Foundation<br />

‡ Appointed 1 July 2011<br />

Indemnity and Insurance<br />

In accordance with section 162 of the Companies Act 1993 and the constitution of the company, the company has provided<br />

insurance for, and indemnities to, Directors and employees of the Group and its subsidiaries for losses from actions undertaken in<br />

the course of their legitimate duties. The insurance includes indemnity costs and expenses incurred to defend an action that falls<br />

outside the scope of the indemnity.<br />


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