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Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements – continued<br />

For the 52 WEEK period ended 31 July 2011<br />

21. Trade and Other RECEIVABLES (CONTINUED)<br />

(b) Employee share purchase plan<br />


NOTE 2011 2010<br />

000 000<br />

Opening balance 1,003 5<br />

Shares allocated 30 – 1,003<br />

Shares redeemed (12) (2)<br />

Shares forfeited 30 (62) (3)<br />

Closing balance 929 1,003<br />

In May 2010 the Group re-introduced an employee share purchase plan. Shares were offered to all team members of The Warehouse<br />

Limited and Warehouse Stationery Limited who had been employed for more than 3 months prior to the offer and work more than 15 hours<br />

per week. The offer ($3.06) was priced at a 20% discount to the market share price on terms permitted by the share purchase plan and in<br />

accordance with section DC13 and 14 of the Income Tax Act 2007 (maximum consideration is set at $2,340 per team member). The share<br />

purchase plan has been approved by the Inland Revenue in accordance with section DC12 of the Income Tax Act 2007.<br />

Team members accepting the share offer are provided financial assistance on an interest free basis, payable over five years in regular<br />

instalments. The qualifying period between grant date and vesting date is a minimum of three years to a maximum of five years.<br />

The vesting period for the current plan commences from May 2013 through to May 2015.<br />

Shares are allocated to team members from treasury stock, on condition that should the participant leave the group before the<br />

vesting date, their shares will be repurchased by the Trustee at the lesser of the market price and the price at which the shares were<br />

originally allocated to the employee, subject to repayment of the original loan.<br />

The Warehouse Management Trustee Company acts as trustee for the share purchase plan. Any repurchased shares are held by<br />

the Trustee for any future allocations under the employee share purchase plan. Dividends paid on the allocated shares during the<br />

qualifying period are paid to team members. Voting rights on the shares are exercisable by the trustee. Trustees for the plan are<br />

appointed by the Group (the current trustees are detailed in note 39).<br />

At balance date the Trustees of the share purchase plan and LTIP (refer note 15) held the following shares:<br />


NOTE 2011 2010<br />

000 000<br />

Allocated to employee share purchase plan 929 1,003<br />

Unallocated treasury stock 30 1,719 1,797<br />

Total ordinary shares held by the Group's Trustees 2,648 2,800<br />

Percentage of share capital 0.85% 0.90%<br />

The fair value of shares allocated to participants of the plan in May 2010 ($2.69 per share) represents the discount on the share<br />

issue less the fair value of the interest free component of the loan provided to the employee. The difference between the fair value<br />

and the share price at grant date ($3.83) has been amortised over the expected vesting period and recognised as an employee<br />

benefit expense of $0.381 million (2010: $0.064 million) during the year.<br />

The parent has no trade or other receivables.<br />

Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements – continued<br />

For the 52 WEEK period ended 31 July 2011<br />

22. Derivative Financial Instruments<br />

GROUP<br />

Asset/(Liability)<br />







TOTAL<br />


$000 $000 $000 $000<br />

As at 31 July 2011<br />

Non-current assets – 1,138 – 1,138<br />

Current liabilities (25,024) (879) – (25,903)<br />

Non-current liabilities (5,843) (2,725) – (8,568)<br />

(30,867) (2,466) – (33,333)<br />

As at 1 August 2010<br />

Current assets 167 – – 167<br />

Non-current assets – 706 – 706<br />

Current liabilities (2,924) (468) (194) (3,586)<br />

Non-current liabilities – (3,269) – (3,269)<br />

(2,757) (3,031) (194) (5,982)<br />

Derivative financial instruments are used by the Group to hedge financial risks (refer note 4). The fair value of a derivative financial<br />

instrument is classified as a non-current asset or liability if the maturity of the derivative is more than 12 months and, as a current<br />

asset or liability, if the maturity is less than 12 months.<br />

(a) Forward currency contracts – cash flow hedges<br />

The Group purchases inventory directly from overseas suppliers, primarily priced in US dollars. In order to protect against exchange<br />

rate movements and to manage the inventory costing process, the Group has entered into forward currency contracts to purchase<br />

foreign currencies. These contracts are hedging highly probable forecasted purchases timed to mature when the payments are<br />

scheduled to be made. The cash flows are expected to occur during the next 18 months and the gain/loss within cost of sales will be<br />

affected over the following year as the inventory is sold.<br />

At balance date the details of the outstanding contracts are:<br />


Forward currency contracts – cash flow hedges 2011 2010 2011 2010<br />

NZ$000 NZ$000 $ $<br />

Buy US dollars/Sell New Zealand dollars<br />

Maturity 0 to 6 months 117,451 122,981 0.7387 0.7084<br />

Maturity 7 to 12 months 68,681 52,831 0.7717 0.7026<br />

Maturity 13 to 18 months 66,250 – 0.7698 –<br />

The forward currency contracts are considered to be highly effective as they are matched against forecast inventory purchases with<br />

any gain/loss on the contracts attributable to the hedged risk taken directly to equity. When inventory is purchased the amount<br />

recognised in equity is adjusted to the inventory account in the balance sheet.<br />

(b) Interest rate swaps<br />

GROUP 2011 2010<br />

$000 $000<br />

Cash flow hedges (2,820) (3,210)<br />

Fair value hedges 354 179<br />

(2,466) (3,031)<br />

(i) Interest rate swaps – cash flow hedges<br />

The Group’s core bank borrowings bear an interest rate priced 0.70% (2010: 0.40%) above the bank bill mid rate (BKBM). In order<br />

to protect against rising interest rates the Group has entered interest rate swap contracts which it has a right to receive interest at<br />

variable rates and to pay interest at fixed rates.<br />

At balance date the notional principal amounts and expiry of the interest rate swap contracts are as follows:<br />


Interest rate swaps – cash flow hedges 2011 2010 2011 2010<br />

$000 $000 % %<br />

Maturity<br />

0 to 1 Years 20,000 20,000 4.92 6.60<br />

1 to 2 Years – 20,000 – 4.92<br />

4 to 5 Years – 30,000 – 6.70<br />

5 to 6 Years 10,000 – 6.40 –<br />

6 to 7 Years 20,000 – 6.12 –<br />

50,000 70,000 6.07 6.16<br />



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