A Resource Guide for Students and Teachers - Bowers Museum

A Resource Guide for Students and Teachers - Bowers Museum A Resource Guide for Students and Teachers - Bowers Museum


Traditional Values Workers use tools to uncover shards 20 TERRA COTTA WARRIORS Family was very important to the Chinese. If a family could afford it, as many as 100 relatives would live in one household. Most common people could not afford to live this way, but common households included grandparents. Sons were considered to be more valuable than daughters because they could carry on the family name. Men were expected to work and women were expected to keep house and raise children. Children were expected to obey their parents, and it was not against the law to kill a child who disobeyed. Most marriages were arranged when children were born, and often the bride and groom did not meet until their wedding day. Modern Way of Life Although the Qin dynasty lasted only 15 years, the influence of the First Emperor has continued to this day. When Mao Zedong brought communism to China and created the People’s Republic of China in 1949, he praised the First Emperor for his foresight and ability to carry out programs that benefited the people of China. Time has softened the view of his cruelty, and his determination continues to be admired by the people of China. Because of Western influences, modern China has changed. The people dress like westerners and modern high rises and apartments can be seen everywhere. Both males and females work outside the home. Families live in smaller groups, generally adding grandparents who watch after the home and children who are not yet attending school. Children are still expected to be respectful, to obey and to uphold family honor. Marriage is more likely decided by the couple, but they include their parents in the decision. Rural families tend to hang on to traditional values, still living in mud and straw houses, still valuing a male child over a female, and continuing to arrange marriages.

An archer lies in partly excavated section of Pit 2 21

An archer lies in partly<br />

excavated section of Pit 2<br />


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