Emergence for Yumpu Final version

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Emergence Poetry and Art by Lisa Kagan

<strong>Emergence</strong><br />

Poetry and Art by Lisa Kagan


<strong>Emergence</strong><br />

Poetry and Art by Lisa Kagan<br />



Contents<br />

Brilliance Obscured<br />

9<br />

Mt. Zeus<br />

25<br />

Moonrise<br />

in the Garden<br />

45<br />



This book is dedicated to my family,<br />

east and west. With special gratitude<br />

to my editors, my dad Neil Kagan and<br />

my husband Lewis Childs.<br />



Words<br />

Quietly they emerge<br />

some are seed words<br />

ready to plant themselves<br />

multiply<br />

cross pollinate<br />

repopulate<br />

some are shadow words<br />

living in caves<br />

labyrinths of roots and bugs<br />

some are new words<br />

self-invented<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

explorers<br />

some are God words<br />

unspoken<br />

hovering in the universe.<br />



Brilliance Obscured<br />


Cartwheels<br />

You are all ocean<br />

sea caves<br />

a multitude of tiny stones<br />

sun kissed you carry me<br />

through tide pools<br />

starfish slowly turning cartwheels<br />

one rotation will take a lifetime to complete.<br />


Today<br />

In the mornings, amidst the fog<br />

I desire to dissolve into nothingness<br />

feel my bones mingle with the salt of the earth<br />

some days I could just float off<br />

making my home on a warm rock<br />

at the mouth of a bellowing sea cave<br />

but today, I will lie down in the tall grass of this crazy life<br />

with a breath of thanks,<br />

rejoice that it is my own.<br />



Brilliance Obscured<br />

Hailstorms blacken a channel<br />

of afternoon sky<br />

I stand in the heart of brilliance obscured<br />

falls rush<br />

in an endless conversation with gravity<br />

thunderous call<br />

resonates off walls of rock<br />

the scream inside of me is released.<br />



Mt. Zeus<br />



Sustenance and Song<br />

You are a soft grin<br />

that dips down a little on one side<br />

lights up the whole room at a glance<br />

you are a steep slope<br />

vaulting shamelessly into the sea<br />

tails flying, ef<strong>for</strong>tlessly in motion<br />

sailing across the whole world in one deep breath<br />

you are a spark<br />

all handstands and shooting stars<br />

filling the night with howling visions<br />

galloping through celestial fields<br />

a stallion trailing glitter and stardust<br />

you are a cavernous wonder<br />

obscure columns and hidden rivers<br />

spelling out secret stories in the darkest hours<br />

whispers of earthquakes<br />

tremors trapped in rocks<br />

ladders carved up into another time<br />

you are a ripe fruit<br />

spellbound with glory<br />

ready to be devoured<br />

drop by drop in the early morning light<br />

sweet color swells<br />

sustenance and song.<br />


Aerial Conception<br />

Asymmetry of delicate wings<br />

charts the beauty of your flight<br />

traversing the surface of afternoon in a kinesthetic embrace<br />

exhibition of aerial harmony<br />

anticipates offspring of exquisite grace<br />

your conception in the sky<br />

trans<strong>for</strong>ms stillness into life<br />

quietly I become one of those golden leaves<br />

drifting slowly past<br />

becoming the evergreen’s shadow<br />

silence born to night.<br />




Moonrise in the Garden<br />


Moonrise in the Garden<br />

I dig my hands into the winter earth<br />

surrounded by trees<br />

strikingly bare in retreating afternoon sun<br />

fall plumage of red and gold<br />

dissolving to a brown rumpled pile at their roots<br />

some stand proudly<br />

branches arching boldly across the sky<br />

others, more reserved<br />

humble brown trunks keeping their brilliance<br />

hidden beneath the ground<br />

preparing to bloom once again<br />

I feel like I have entered into their space<br />

at a very intimate moment<br />

as if they were getting undressed<br />

and lost in the serenity of their unveiling<br />

stark figures showing off their individual <strong>for</strong>ms<br />

without distractions of leaves and flowers<br />

quiet surrender<br />

I glimpse remnants of summer’s unrestrained passions<br />

clematis vines intertwine with the crabapple tree<br />

in a silent embrace<br />

wildly overgrown butterfly bushes bow deeply<br />

dreaming of butterflies, far off in their migration<br />


in this temperate December rain<strong>for</strong>est garden<br />

not everything is sleeping<br />

already fresh green heads peek out from the dark earth<br />

I want to tell them to go back to bed<br />

you are up too early, sun hardly rises here now<br />

your exposed tips will be taken by frost<br />

yet they are arriving in their own perfect harmony<br />

even on the darkest days of the year<br />

harboring enough faith to believe in the coming light<br />

a single purple flower stares at me unblinkingly<br />

taken by its bold presentation<br />

amidst a tumble of brown and green<br />

it seems unperturbed that it is the only flower blooming<br />

in the entire garden<br />

now as the moon rises<br />

today’s wonders become shrouded in darkness<br />

obscured, at peace with the night<br />

they keep each other warm in their underground chambers<br />

quietly at rest<br />

amidst the rain, amidst the stars<br />

writing their own poems to be unearthed in the springtime.<br />


The Same Dream<br />

Night breathes slowly into the room<br />

outside humming birds are hidden in the shadows<br />

beaks dripping with nectar<br />

garden photosynthesizes beneath the stars<br />

spiders draw lines of silk from branch to branch<br />

weaving a delicate twilight of fine bridges<br />

scent of lilies populates the rooms of the house<br />

wild bodies explode from the vases<br />

veins of magenta<br />

tiny hairs<br />

deep purple stamens<br />

brilliant green stars<br />

bursting<br />

still wet with yesterday’s rain<br />

others lounge languidly in the corners<br />

petals cascading over the edges<br />

watching<br />

ones in the bedroom seem to be swimming off<br />

dreaming of one day becoming sea turtles<br />

free in the vast tumult of waves<br />

in the currents of our sleep last night,<br />

I believe we also had the same dream.<br />



Credits<br />

Poetry and Art by Lisa Kagan<br />

Designed by Lisa Kagan<br />

Lisa Kagan Designs<br />

www.LisaKaganDesigns.com<br />

Portland, Oregon<br />

The poetry in this book was written between 2001 and 2009.<br />

Copyright © 2009 Lisa Kagan Designs<br />

All rights reserved. Reproduction of the whole or any part of the contents without<br />

permission is prohibited.<br />

Printed by Stevens Printing, Portland, Oregon.<br />

Front cover: Metamorphosis, 2009, Mixed Media<br />

Celebrating the human spirit through the<br />

trans<strong>for</strong>mative nature of the artistic process<br />



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