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IN $35 MILLION<br />

<strong>RENTAL</strong> <strong>DEAL</strong>!

Page 2 ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />




A weekly column by JACK WARNER<br />

Clean water is not<br />

the only precious<br />

commodity missing<br />

at WASA; integrity seems<br />

to be also absent in every<br />

form.<br />

For this reason, if I were<br />

the Prime Minister of Trinidad<br />

and Tobago, I would<br />

have appointed a Commission<br />

of Inquiry (COI) into<br />

this State agency to determine<br />

why it has virtually<br />

ground to a halt.<br />

It must be of national concern<br />

that an agency, which<br />

hired 1000 people, mainly<br />

from South of the Caroni<br />

Bridge between August 5<br />

and September 8, 2015 is<br />

now once again with a staff<br />

of some 4000 people after<br />

it had that figure reduced to<br />

just over 2000 a few months<br />

ago.<br />

One of the focii of my COI<br />

would have been to unearth<br />

the corruption in the hiring<br />

practices at WASA.<br />

People at WASA cannot<br />

understand how an employee<br />

who was in jail for three<br />

months on guns and ammunition<br />

charges received his<br />

full pay from WASA during<br />

incarceration.<br />

Employees are incensed<br />

that not only was the man allowed<br />

to walk from his jail<br />

cell straight back to the job<br />

but also the person whom is<br />

known to have signed his pay<br />

slip during that period and<br />

who WASA knows is selling<br />

uniforms to local workers<br />

and non employees is also<br />

still on the job.<br />

My COI would uncover<br />

and deal with the WASA administration<br />

and managers of<br />

WASA at Kew Place in Port<br />

of Spain who refused to take<br />

action against the employee<br />

who broke into WASA’s<br />

building and was caught on<br />

camera stealing WASA’s<br />

money.<br />

Today, the man is still employed<br />

at WASA.<br />

In fact the COI would<br />

want to know why the late<br />

Hooker’s successor told<br />

workers to refrain from going<br />

to WASA’s Head Office<br />

to complain and why under<br />

his watch weed smoking<br />

has become rampant at Kew<br />

Place.<br />

At present WASA is on<br />

the brink of collapse and its<br />

Minister, poor soul, seems<br />

paralyzed but if I were the<br />

Prime Minister of Trinidad<br />

and Tobago, I would have<br />

immediately appointed this<br />

COI to save the nation from<br />

what is heading to be a sure<br />

disaster.<br />

Employees are also concerned<br />

that the qualifications<br />

of many WASA workers are<br />

suspect.<br />

How a WASA Police Officer<br />

could suddenly ascend<br />

to the position of Senior<br />

Manager is confusing and<br />

maybe, at the same time, the<br />

COI would identify the three<br />

bagmen in the last administration<br />

and provide answers<br />

not only pertaining to who<br />

or where the bags of money<br />

went or from whence but<br />

also the process of promotion<br />

at WASA.<br />

Of concern also is the<br />

employment of two workers<br />

at WASA who received<br />

$17,000 per month for two<br />

years yet never turned up one<br />

day for work.<br />

The COI would reveal<br />

whether one of these employees<br />

was a Minister’s son<br />

and whether the other one<br />

was the Minister’s driver the<br />

latter of whom also received<br />

two salaries for two years -<br />

one as the Minister’s driver<br />

and the other as an employee<br />

at WASA.<br />

The COI would also investigate<br />

how five brothers from<br />

one family could be hired<br />

in one department at WASA<br />

and how in that said department<br />

there are now the appointments<br />

of various Heads<br />

such as the Head of Cleaning,<br />

the Head of Making Tea<br />

and the Head of Staples and<br />

Paper Clips.<br />

The stories at WASA are<br />

nothing short of scandalous<br />

yet honest hard working employees<br />

are being sent home<br />

or are suspended while those<br />

who contribute nothing to<br />

- at all levels in WASA<br />

Former Acting WASA<br />


the development of our nation<br />

are allowed to rape our<br />

Treasury.<br />

Then there is the favourite<br />

son at the St. Clair yard,<br />

a former soldier, who has<br />

a relationship with a top<br />

management personnel and<br />

whom is given preferential<br />

treatment such as being<br />

placed in Range 58 and being<br />

sent on various WASA<br />

courses and programmes.<br />

He is also the beneficiary of<br />

paid personal security all at<br />

WASA’s expense.<br />

This man who is also a<br />

DJ is said to have no experience<br />

and no certification but<br />

he is the favoured son who<br />

is reporting for duty at the<br />

St. Clair Yard instead of the<br />

Santa Cruz yard where he<br />

has been assigned.<br />

The COI would also discover<br />

that the selling of<br />

WASA materials from the St.<br />

Clair Yard has now become<br />

the norm. Moreover the COI<br />

would discover that every<br />

fortnight WASA pays some<br />

$170,000.00 to workers in<br />

the Tacarigua and Santa Cruz<br />

yards all of whom have nothing<br />

to do.<br />

In fact in the recent back<br />

pay received by WASA<br />

workers many employees<br />

expressed shock at the large<br />

amount of money they received.<br />

It is reported that in<br />

one case a driver received<br />

well over $250,000.00 in<br />

back pay.<br />

The COI would also discover<br />

the motive and possible<br />

perpetrators for the<br />

murder of WASA Police<br />

Supt. Deoraj Maharaj as well<br />

as Pastor Derek Hooter since<br />

WASA Caroni<br />

Water Treatment plant<br />

in Piarco<br />

the COI will be interested in<br />

a file that was delivered to a<br />

WASA employee the night<br />

before the Superintendent’s<br />

death. In fact the COI would<br />

find out from its inquiry that,<br />

at WASA, they first took<br />

away Maraj’s driver and then<br />

his firearm and then had him<br />

murdered.<br />

One of the major problems<br />

at WASA is the employment<br />

of thugs and gangsters some<br />

of whom act as bodyguards<br />

to senior officials who are<br />

unrepentant in their actions<br />

and who continue to intimidate<br />

hardworking employees<br />

and bring the agency into<br />

disrepute.<br />

There is also an uneasy<br />

quiet at WASA and many<br />

have taken note that the<br />

management of WASA’s<br />

Operations Administration<br />

is preferring persons with a<br />

certain sexual orientation for<br />

employment and this most<br />

certainly would be of interest<br />

to the COI if such a pattern is<br />

identified.<br />

But I was told that if I<br />

think the employment practices<br />

at WASA are nauseating,<br />

then expect to vomit at<br />

the corrupt practices that will<br />

be uncovered.<br />

The COI would want to<br />

know whether an employee<br />

cashed WASA’s office equipment<br />

vouchers at Moosai’s<br />

Hardware during the last<br />

Christmas season and of the<br />

close to half a million in<br />

cheque fraud that has taken<br />

place these past months.<br />

Employees now receive<br />

their salary cheques crossed<br />

forcing them to now deposit<br />

the cheques to their bank accounts<br />

and await four days<br />

for them to be cleared.<br />

The COI would be interested<br />

in hearing about the<br />

number of senior officers’<br />

homes that were repaired<br />

with materials and labour<br />

from the WASA stockyard.<br />

The COI would be concerned<br />

about reports that in<br />

the case of a Fleet Officer<br />

Two, the private labour for<br />

a two-week period paid by<br />

WASA was in the sum of<br />

$195,000 of taxpayers’ money.<br />

Already information is<br />

available and employees<br />

are willing to talk about the<br />

scope of works such as tiling,<br />

putting up water tanks, casting<br />

of driveways and much<br />

more which were done at the<br />

homes of top management<br />

personnel - all at taxpayers’<br />

expenses.The COI would<br />

certainly want to investigate<br />

the role played by the Special<br />

Manager Projects and his<br />

staff during the $400m pipe<br />

laying contract from Chaguanas<br />

to the Deep South<br />

If I were the Prime Minister<br />

of Trinidad and Tobago I<br />

would have been concerned<br />

about how persons were employed<br />

on these projects, how<br />

much they were paid and the<br />

work they were doing.<br />

WASA has been inherently<br />

corrupt but today a sad<br />

sorry story has developed<br />

at WASA; it is a shame and<br />

scandal affair.<br />

Many WASA workers<br />

have every reason now to<br />

be angry because some of<br />

their workers who contribute<br />

daily to WASA’s growth and<br />

development and who report<br />

on the corruption at WASA<br />

are being sent home on suspension<br />

while misfits sit in<br />

their offices and continue to<br />

mismanage WASA’s affairs<br />

just as they had done in the<br />

past. For those hard working<br />

WASA employees the more<br />

things change the more they<br />

remain the same and in all<br />

of this WASA’s Line Minister<br />

seems impotent to effect<br />

the required changes to fix<br />

WASA. .In WASA the COI<br />

would have discovered that<br />

as far as reforms are concerned<br />

it is all a game of musical<br />

chairs.<br />

A forensic audit will certainly<br />

help in unearthing<br />

many of the corrupt practices<br />

at WASA especially if the<br />

auditor is hired from abroad,<br />

but notwithstanding that, if I<br />

were the Prime Minister of<br />

Trinidad and Tobago I would<br />

have immediately launched a<br />

Commission of Inquiry into<br />

WASA because it is not only<br />

the water at WASA that is not<br />

clean.<br />

Too much seems to be going<br />

wrong there.<br />

It seems as though monsters<br />

are everywhere.

ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />

Page 3<br />


- for 10 years<br />

Story by Investigative Reporter AZAD ALI<br />

Questions are being<br />

raised about<br />

a decision by the<br />

Tenders Committee of<br />

the Water and Sewerage<br />

Authority (WASA)<br />

regarding the rental of a<br />

property owned by Bhagwansingh’s<br />

Hardware and<br />

Steel Industries Limited<br />

for $35.4 million for 10<br />

years.<br />

This is one of the “irregularities”<br />

it is hoped will be<br />

part of the forensic audit<br />

into WASA, insiders in the<br />

company are saying.<br />

The investigation will be<br />

conducted as to how WASA<br />

spent $38 million to renovate<br />

the Bhagwansinghowned<br />

property at Golden<br />

Grove Road, Arouca 18<br />

months before the Tenders<br />

Committee approved<br />

the long-term rental of the<br />

property for use as the Trincity<br />

Regional Complex.<br />

According to documents<br />

in the possession of Sunshine,<br />

on May 25, 2015,<br />

then Acting Chief Executive<br />

Officer (CEO) Yorke<br />

wrote a memorandum to<br />

Diaz who was the Acting<br />

Director of Corporate Services<br />

at the time, stating<br />

that at the 252nd meeting<br />

of the Tenders Committee,<br />

a decision was taken to<br />

advise the board of directors<br />

to renew the lease for<br />

WASA’s Trincity Regional<br />

Complex in Arouca.<br />

The funds for servicing<br />

the lease would come<br />

from the Corporate Services<br />

Recurrent Budget.<br />

The proposed terms for<br />

the rental are: for a period<br />

of 10 years commencing<br />

September 15, 2014<br />

and ending in 2024 at a<br />

fixed rate with the option<br />

to renew the lease at the<br />

end of the 10 year period,<br />

and at a monthly rate of<br />

$295,000 which amounts<br />

to $35.4 million over the<br />

life of the lease.<br />

Sunshine has been informed<br />

that the rental<br />

agreement has still not yet<br />

been signed to date and<br />

moves are being made to<br />

have it rushed through and<br />

to bind the State for the<br />

next decade before the new<br />

board has a chance to figure<br />

out what is going on.<br />

What is curious though<br />

is that work on the Trincity<br />

Regional Centre began<br />

when Ganga Singh was<br />

Acting CEO of WASA following<br />

the 2010 General<br />

Election.<br />

In 2012, Singh was made<br />

Minister of the Environment<br />

and Water Resources<br />

and line minister for<br />

WASA.<br />

This placed him in a position<br />

where he would have<br />

had as minister to oversee<br />

and approve matters commenced<br />

by him as CEO.<br />

The Trincity Regional<br />

Centre was opened in December<br />

2013 by Singh in<br />

his capacity as Minister and<br />

was described as a “stateof-the-art”<br />

facility.<br />

Singh confirmed at the<br />

opening ceremony that $38<br />

million had been spent by<br />

WASA on the renovation<br />

works.<br />

“How can you spend $38<br />

million on a property that<br />

you have no long-term<br />

lease for? How can you<br />

spend that kind of money<br />

before you have the approval<br />

to rent the property<br />

for such a long period?”<br />

One senior WASA<br />

source asked.<br />

“After you spend $38<br />

million to renovate a<br />

building you are now asking<br />

for permission to lease<br />

the very said building.<br />

How can the board say<br />

no? You cannot pick up the<br />

building and walk with it,<br />

so the board’s hands are<br />

tied. The timeline here is<br />

also very questionable.”<br />

It is also important to note<br />

that having spent $38m to<br />



renovate the property and<br />

another $35.4m in rent by<br />

2024, the same WASA offices<br />

even in the best of<br />

times do not collect more<br />

than $75,000.00 per month<br />

from customers. What kind<br />

of business enterprise is<br />

WASA? Many persons are<br />

asking.<br />

Sunshine also made inquiries<br />

about the property<br />

and learned it was previously<br />

owned by CLICO. The<br />

building was much smaller<br />

and housed a branch of the<br />

insurance company, which<br />

was owned and managed by<br />

Shama Deonarine mother<br />

of former ILP Deputy Political<br />

leader, Anna Deonarine.<br />

The building also had<br />

an office for Home Construction<br />

Limited (HCL),<br />

the land and property development<br />

subsidiary of<br />

CLICO.<br />

When the fall of CLICO<br />

began in 2009, HCL was in<br />

debt to Bhagwansingh.<br />

The company supplied<br />

HCL with a substantial<br />

amount of steel and other<br />

building materials for its<br />

housing developments such<br />

as at the Crossings in Arima<br />

and major projects such<br />

as One Woodbrook Place,<br />

St. James. When the Insurance<br />

giant collapsed, HCL<br />

owed Bhagwansingh over<br />

$10 million for materials.<br />

The land on Golden Grove<br />

Road was traded to Bhagwansingh’s<br />

as part of the<br />

settlement of the outstanding<br />

bill,” according to a former<br />

HCL source.<br />

The word making the<br />

rounds is that a lawyer who<br />

is the wife of a government<br />

minister from the previous<br />

administration made a tremendous<br />

amount of money<br />

out of WASA’s rental of the<br />

property and has a major<br />

financial interest in the 10-<br />

year deal going forward.<br />

All eyes remain fixed on<br />

the upper-level management<br />

of WASA over this and<br />

other questionable deals at<br />

the Authority. Many persons<br />

are concerned that a<br />

forensic audit ordered last<br />

year is taking place while<br />

the persons whose professional<br />

conduct and decisions<br />

are being probed remain<br />

on the job albeit that<br />

they are not holding the<br />

same positions as under the<br />

last administration.<br />

A WASA media release<br />

last December – 13 days<br />

before the fire at the headquarters<br />

– advised that<br />

former CEO Yorke, a close<br />

friend of former Minister<br />

Singh and a fete promoter,<br />

was demoted to act as Director<br />

of Corporate Services,<br />

while four other senior<br />

level staff who held acting<br />

positions reverted to their<br />

previous substantive posts.<br />

General Counsel and<br />

Corporate Secretary Dion<br />

Abdool was appointed to<br />

act as interim CEO. Paula<br />

Maria Fortuné, head of Legal<br />

Services, was shifted to<br />

act as General Counsel and<br />

Corporate Secretary; Raffie<br />

David, head of the Tobago<br />

Region, now acts as Director<br />

of Operations; Rachelle<br />

Wilkie, head of Financial<br />

Planning and Management<br />

was put to act as Director<br />

of Finance; and May Ann<br />

Diaz, head of Workforce<br />

Planning and Organisation<br />

Development, was re-assigned<br />

to act as Director of<br />

Human Resources.<br />

Diaz (M) is the sister of<br />

former Director of Corporate<br />

Services Wendell<br />

Diaz. Diaz (W), was reassigned<br />

in the management<br />

shuffle to Assistant to the<br />

Director of Corporate Services,<br />

former CEO Yorke.<br />

He was allegedly caught on<br />

the fourth floor of the damaged<br />

WASA headquarters<br />

building a few days after<br />

the fire without authorization.<br />

He was immediately<br />

suspended.<br />

All the managers served<br />

during the tenure of Indar<br />

Maharaj as Chairman<br />

of WASA. Maharaj was<br />

appointed Chairman in<br />

December 2010 until the<br />

September 7, 2015, General<br />

Election. Maharaj simultaneously<br />

held the post<br />

of President of the National<br />

Gas Company (NGC) during<br />

which time billions of<br />

dollars in questionable ventures<br />

were undertaken by<br />

both NGC and WASA such<br />

as the $1.6 billion Beetham<br />

Wastewater Treatment<br />

Plant project which was<br />

awarded to SIS and which is<br />

now before the courts since<br />

SIS is unable to deliver.<br />

A $70 million contract by<br />

NGC to SIS for the beautification<br />

of the lands surrounding<br />

the Preysal Interchange<br />

in Couva is also<br />

under investigation.<br />

There is another WASA<br />

rental property that is giving<br />

the Sunshine serious<br />

cause for concern and<br />

that is the WASA stores at<br />

Johnny King ext. in Aranguez,<br />

but more about this<br />

in a subsequent issue of the<br />


Page 42 ISSUE ISSUE 135 Friday 147 Friday 18th 11th DECEMBER, MARCH, 2015 2016<br />



A<br />

very different<br />

Christmas.<br />

Will the 2015<br />

Christmas be a traditional<br />

one in Trinidad<br />

and Tobago since we<br />

are now in a recession<br />

as officially pronounced<br />

by Governor<br />

Jwala Rambaran?<br />

Trinidad and Tobago<br />

has received its Christmas<br />

gift from the Governor<br />

of the Central<br />

Bank who chose to deliver<br />

his goodies at the<br />

fifth Monetary Policy<br />

- From Governor Jwala Rambaran<br />


this 2015 recession,<br />

which should not come<br />

as a major surprise to<br />

many of us? Well...<br />

prolonged supply disruptions<br />

in the energy<br />

sector in 2015 continued<br />

to result in sharp<br />

shortfalls of natural<br />

gas production which,<br />

in turn, adversely affected<br />

output of LNG<br />

and petrochemicals<br />

(methanol, ammonia,<br />

urea and iron and<br />

steel). Lower energy<br />

prices also negatively<br />

Forum co hosted by impacted the domestic does it reflect a structural<br />

shift in global oil<br />

Ninety-nine year-old FITZJAMES WILLIAMS is all smiles<br />

the Downtown Owners energy sector. This has<br />

and Merchants<br />

HE’S<br />

Association<br />

in Port of Spain in job losses at some A speech by Spencer<br />

already been reflected markets.<br />

JUST<br />

recently.<br />

energy companies. The Dale, chief economist<br />

The Governor awakened<br />

decision by Arcelor of BP (and former chief<br />

99<br />

from his UNC<br />

YEARS<br />

Mittal to idle its steel economist of the Bank<br />

OLD<br />

slumber made the plant has not only affect<br />

energy output but on what is driving oil<br />

of England) sheds light<br />

pronouncement that<br />

Trinidad and Tobago also jobs.<br />

prices. He argues that Finance Minister<br />

is in a recession, apparently<br />

surprising tor, which has kept the that oil is an exhaust-<br />

The non-energy sec-<br />

people tend to believe COLM IMBERT<br />

- and doing fine<br />

his new Minister of economy from veering ible resource whose likely to import threequarters<br />

& of Angela its oil Ifill, and<br />

Past Finance Colm Students Imbert of the off Mausica<br />

seeking Teachers’ confir-<br />

College growth prayers, trajectory ice for cream over and time, cool that demand Fareeda Chapman, India almost Carol 90 Reveil-<br />

per<br />

its sica already Alumni weak surprised price him is likely with to ough, rise Trevor<br />

who is<br />

mation held from a the birthday CSO the party past drinks, few a years, lovely birthday and supply cake and curves lac, for Eulalie cent. Lawrence, Of course, Barbaras this<br />

for on this the College’s matter..... first as seems Warden<br />

well as Fitzjames from the Williams Police momentum. who by them However, during their ly, “inelastic”), stay at the that Maureen oil port Warner. system will re-<br />

to many have songs lost which its oil had are been steep sung (technical-<br />

Davis, Allan assumes Clovis that and the Jack trans-<br />

&<br />

turned on whether 99 last the Governor<br />

can held be the charged office for of Warden over the of the past members year of western the Alumni countries lodge and members over this present long period. includ-<br />

Saturday the and economic Mausica events Teachers’ flows College. predominantly All There to were main also dependent several on of his oil<br />

who<br />

from his deliberate 1963 to 1977. indiscretion.<br />

Affectionately called Fitzie bering, by even den is the still most very lucid to stabilise and knows the market. son and Hugh no great Smith. mental leap to<br />

should have marvelled started how so-<br />

their that former OPEC War-<br />

is willing ing Leroy If Williams, it does, it Al demands Robin-<br />

the The students, Governor he was pronounces.<br />

among us. Among those tional who attended wisdom Bethel about Home in stabilising for the the Aged Mid-<br />

in<br />

a mentor financially to the nonchalant first names of all Much of them. of this conven-<br />

Mr Williams assume is that staying US interest at the<br />

many.<br />

For “Since his the birthday, release the Mau-<br />

The last the party time were the Felix oil is, Edinbor-<br />

he argues, false. Arima.<br />

of our previous Monetary<br />

country saw economic<br />

Policy Report performance figures<br />

in early June 2015,<br />

Trinidad and Tobago’s<br />

economic growth<br />

like these was in 2009,<br />

a recession which lasted<br />

all of one year. Prior<br />

prospects remain to that, the country<br />

subdued amid weak experienced a severe<br />

business and consumer<br />

recession for seven<br />

confidence. Fol-<br />

lowing a dismal first<br />

half of 2015, (contrary<br />

to what was reported<br />

by the former<br />

consecutive years from<br />

1983 to 1989. “<br />

On the basis of this<br />

data it is clear that<br />

recession as defined<br />

administration) domestic<br />

by the Central Bank<br />

economic ac-<br />

Governor has been<br />

tivity was depressed<br />

in the third quarter<br />

of 2015. Similar weak<br />

economic conditions<br />

have prevailed so far<br />

into the fourth quarter<br />

of 2015. Four consecutive<br />

quarters of<br />

managed by previous<br />

administrations and as<br />

a country Trinidad and<br />

Tobago has some experience<br />

in transitioning<br />

out of a recession.<br />

An examination of the<br />

solutions indicates that<br />

decline in real GDP in the country got out<br />

2015 means Trinidad of the last recession<br />

and FELIX Tobago EDINBOROUGH is now by (1963/65) higher commodity first<br />

officially President in of a the recession.”<br />

Mausica prices, Students’ a feature Council of the<br />

is seen here hugging ANGELA IFILL of the<br />

Mausica Alumni and highs wishing and FITZIE lows of energy<br />

What brought “Happy on Birthday” pricing.<br />

What confronts us<br />

today however is a totally<br />

different set of<br />

challenges in a new<br />

global oil economy.<br />

In an article (reprinted<br />

in part) in the<br />

financial times written<br />

by Martin Wolf the<br />

chief economics commentator<br />

at the Financial<br />

Times, London he<br />

answers the following<br />

important questions?<br />

Why have oil prices<br />

fallen? Is this a temporary<br />

phenomenon or<br />

A part of what is<br />

shaking these assumptions<br />

is the US shale<br />

revolution. From virtually<br />

nothing in 2010,<br />

US shale oil production<br />

has risen to around<br />

4.5m barrels a day.<br />

Most shale oil is, suggests<br />

Mr Dale, profitable<br />

at between $50<br />

and $60 a barrel.<br />

Moreover, the productivity<br />

of shale oil<br />

production (measured<br />

as initial production<br />

per rig) rose at over 30<br />

per cent a year between<br />

2007 and 2014. Above<br />

all, the rapid growth<br />

in shale oil production<br />

was the decisive factor<br />

in the collapse in<br />

the price of crude last<br />

year: US oil production<br />

on its own increased<br />

by almost twice the expansion<br />

in demand.<br />

By 2035, China is<br />

Central Bank<br />

Governor JWALA<br />


dle East will shrink as<br />

that of China and India<br />

rises. The geopolitical<br />

implications might be<br />

profound.<br />

A further implication<br />

concerns the challenge<br />

for OPEC in stabilising<br />

prices. In its World<br />

Energy Outlook 2015,<br />

the International Energy<br />

Agency forecasts a<br />

price of $80 a barrel in<br />

2020, as rising demand<br />

absorbs what it sees<br />

as a temporary excess<br />

supply. A lower oil<br />

price forecast is also<br />

considered, with prices<br />

staying close to $50 a<br />

barrel this decade.<br />

The implications are<br />

very clear and perhaps<br />

Governor Jwala may<br />

have unknowingly begun<br />

the discussion that<br />

must occur about our<br />

future choices....What<br />

a Christmas from the<br />

Governor?<br />

JACK WARNER having a toast with FITZIE

ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />




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Page 5<br />

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Page 6 ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />

TOWN<br />





People are talking how the<br />

country is at a standstill<br />

since the PNM government<br />

took office six months ago.<br />

Motorists are complaining about<br />

the deteriorating conditions of the<br />

nation’s roads with large potholes<br />

which are now turning into sinkholes.<br />

Talk is that the poor conditions of<br />

the roads are leading to many accidents<br />

where drivers have to swerve<br />

to get away from the holes.<br />

People are calling on Works and<br />

Transport “Rastaman” Minister<br />

Fitzgerald Hinds to take a drive<br />

along the Churchill Roosevelt Highway<br />

from Arima to Curepe and he<br />

Poor service at Arima FCB bank!<br />

People are talking about<br />

the poor FCB bank service<br />

in Arima. On a near<br />

aily basis, customers are unble<br />

to make deposits because<br />

here are no envelopes in the<br />

ispenser, no account balance<br />

lips and at times no money at<br />

he ATMs.<br />

FCB has two ATM machines at<br />

xtra Foods and customers have<br />

een experiencing the same probem<br />

of an money and account balnce<br />

slips.<br />

People are saying this has been<br />

n ongoing problem for customers<br />

t FCB at Arima.<br />

Last month end (Sunday, March<br />

8) frustrated customers were seen<br />

will see the large potholes in the<br />

middle of the road and at the side,<br />

which motorists have to pull away<br />

from to avoid an accident.<br />

In Arima, the roads also have a<br />

number of sink holes in the Borough.<br />

In the past, the Arima Borough Corporation<br />

used to patch the holes but<br />

that is now a thing of the past.<br />

Burgesses are saying the road repair<br />

crew has abandoned the job.<br />

In Curepe the road that leads from<br />

the CR Highway to the University of<br />

the West Indies (UWI) on the Western<br />

side is also in a poor condition.<br />

People are asking where is Minister<br />

Hinds?<br />

lining up at one of the three ATM<br />

machines to make withdrawals<br />

but money ran out and they had to<br />

turn away.<br />

Works and Transport Minister<br />




People are saying how<br />

bandits are holding up<br />

customers outside Reublic<br />

Bank Trincity and robing<br />

them.<br />

Last week a businessman was<br />

obbed of $75,000 while on his<br />

ay to make a deposit around<br />

.30 pm.<br />

He is one of the several businessmen<br />

who have been robbed,<br />

Arima branch of First Citizens Bank<br />

over the past months in the car<br />

park while on their way to make<br />

deposits or withdraw cash.<br />

Although there are security<br />

guards on the compound they are<br />

unarmed and their duties appear<br />

to be just car park attendants.<br />

People are calling on the bank<br />

to provide armed security guards<br />

in the car park.<br />

People are saying that ATM<br />

machines should be checked on<br />

weekends to ensure there are<br />

money and account balance slips.<br />

Republic Bank<br />



Talk in town is how<br />

President Anthony<br />

Carmona has taken<br />

the people of T&T for a bunch<br />

of fools. Many are asking how<br />

Carmona can seriously talk<br />

about the integrity of politicians<br />

and the Board of Inland<br />

Revenue (BIR) when he addressed<br />

the Commonwealth<br />

Caribbean Association of<br />

Integrity Commissions and<br />

Anti-Corruption Bodies last<br />

week when many have accused<br />

him of not displaying<br />

the required integrity since<br />

he continues to illegally receive<br />

a monthly housing allowance<br />

of $28,000.<br />

Many in town are also asking<br />

how come Justice Zainool<br />

Hosein, Chairman of T&T’s<br />

Integrity Commission, can also<br />

participate in such a meeting<br />

and talk about “confidential-<br />

President ANTHONY<br />


ity” when prior to the September<br />

7 General Election he<br />

allegedly tried to assist the PP<br />

government by accusing Prime<br />

Minister Dr. Keith Rowley of<br />

not submitting his 2004 integrity<br />

forms?<br />


Some journalists are saying<br />

the Government<br />

should scrap the post-<br />

Cabinet news conference because<br />

they are unable to ask<br />

ministers questions.<br />

Communications Minister<br />

Maxie Cuffie who has been hosting<br />

the new conference is struggling<br />

to give answers to questions<br />

and being very dismissive<br />

to other important ones.<br />

Some people are saying that it<br />

appears that Cuffie is the “messenger”<br />

for the Cabinet and is<br />

told just what to answer.<br />

One journalist said when Cuffie<br />

is asked questions he brushes<br />

them aside and just defends the<br />

government.<br />

People are saying that since<br />

Cuffie came from the media in<br />

senior positions they expect he<br />

Communications Minister<br />


would have done a better job as<br />

Communication Minister, but it<br />

appears he has a speech impediment<br />

and is unable to properly<br />

communicate with journalists.<br />



People in Town are asking<br />

the President of the<br />

Police Service Social and<br />

Welfare Association Anand Ramesar<br />

why he is not calling for<br />

an investigation into the VIP<br />

treatment given to millionaire<br />

businessman Sheron Sukdheo<br />

while he was in custody at the<br />

Chaguanas Police Station recently.<br />

Sheron was arrested for allegedly<br />

beating his wife Rachael and<br />

was supposed to spend the night<br />

in custody before being taken to<br />

court the next day.<br />

However, there were reports<br />

that Sheron was taken home to<br />

have a bath and while he was in<br />

the CID office, he passed through<br />

a window and went home to sleep.<br />

He returned around 3 am later<br />

that night to get ready for court.<br />

Three officers from the CID<br />

haave since been transferred.<br />


When the incident occurred<br />

with Inspector Roger Alexander<br />

and Crime Watch host Ian<br />

Alleyne outside Sheron’s Chaguanas<br />

home the association<br />

president was calling for an investigation<br />

into alleged police abuse<br />

of power.<br />

Now people in Town said he<br />

should make the same call for the<br />

three transferred officers to be investigated.

ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />


By Publisher<br />


We have to find a<br />

common sense<br />

approach in<br />

dealing with reprisals to<br />

policy decisions targeted<br />

at those behind the prison<br />

walls.<br />

The emotional rhetoric<br />

defining the killing of<br />

young Fitzalbert Victor Jnr<br />

as a war is just sensational<br />

and instills an aura of fear<br />

in the minds of his brothers<br />

and sisters in the prisons<br />

service.<br />

What is worse is that after<br />

having defined the killing<br />

as part of a war, the<br />

Commissioner of Prisons<br />

proceeds to advise his subordinates<br />

“not to be fearful.”<br />

But the stark truth is that<br />

if this is really a war, then<br />

the men who signed up “to<br />

treat and to hold” those<br />

who run afoul of the law<br />

are powerless to maintain a<br />

stance of professionalism in<br />

times such as these.<br />

This conversation is<br />

nothing new.<br />

What seems to be the<br />

only constant is the inability<br />

of the authorities to devise a<br />

plan that makes our prison<br />

officers feel safe even when<br />

they are off the job.<br />

Previous governments<br />

have tabled many ideas.<br />

One such is the allocation<br />

of HDC homes to law<br />

enforcement officers.<br />

The policy of 10 percent<br />

is spread over all the agencies<br />

including Fire officers<br />

and at the rate at which<br />

houses are being built, one<br />

cannot offer any hope to the<br />

officers under threat that<br />

such a plan will ever come<br />

to fruition in my lifetime or<br />

theirs.<br />

What is worse is that the<br />

HDC homes to be allocated<br />

are still among the general<br />

public and so access to<br />

these officers regardless of<br />

where they are assigned is<br />

just as easy as when they<br />

live in at-risk communities.<br />

Another idea is providing<br />

firearms for off-duty prison<br />

officers.<br />

It’s time to deal with reprisals to policy decisions<br />



Such an idea sounds good<br />

but the effect inhibits when<br />

one considers the criminal<br />

mind.<br />

In societies, which pursue<br />

such a path the realities<br />

present offer a more ominous<br />

end than leaving these<br />

officers unarmed. How can<br />

we forget that a former<br />

Commissioner of Prisons,<br />

Michael Hercules, was<br />

murdered by two young<br />

men ( he ended up killing<br />

one) and he was armed? Or<br />

how can we forget the Prisons<br />

Officer who was shot<br />

with his own firearm on the<br />

Quinem beach? Such cases<br />

of Prison Officers being<br />

shot with their own firearms<br />

are too numerous to mention.<br />

And, moreover, did<br />

the late Prison officer Victor<br />

not have a firearm under<br />

his pillow we are told?<br />

So the first point of note<br />

is that officers are known<br />

to have been killed while<br />

in possession of their firearms,<br />

which are then stolen<br />

by their assailants.<br />

The threat here, therefore,<br />

is the possibility of<br />

legal firearms being in the<br />

hands of criminals.<br />

Another threat is that<br />

cowards would then pursue<br />

softer targets such as<br />

members of prison officers’<br />

families which will put a<br />

larger demographic at risk<br />

and exacerbate the problem<br />

at hand.<br />

The third idea has to do<br />

with the threat by the Prison<br />

Officers Association to take<br />

the Government to court<br />

over its inability to protect<br />

and assure the safety of officers<br />

while on or off duty.<br />

It will be interesting to<br />

hear the debates on both<br />

sides and to read the court’s<br />

judgment on this matter because<br />

any employee within<br />

the public service can make<br />

such a claim.<br />

But that is another matter!<br />

My own position is that<br />

there needs to be a thorough<br />

review of the penal system.<br />

In the first place, we have<br />

A new fearsome reality<br />

reached this point because<br />

rogue officers have been<br />

allowed to compromise the<br />

safety of the Prison Service<br />

and the good officers have<br />

kept silent for too long<br />

so the chickens have now<br />

come home to roost.<br />

The perception is that the<br />

killing may be materially<br />

linked to the policy decision<br />

to install telephone<br />

jammers at the nation’s<br />

prisons.<br />

The question is how did<br />

these phones get there in<br />

the first place?<br />

Civilians did not carry<br />

them in and if the prisoners<br />

sneaked them past the various<br />

checkpoints then somebody<br />

turned a blind eye or<br />

offered a favour, which has<br />

contributed to the problems<br />

we are facing today.<br />

So the first approach<br />

must be the commitment<br />

to tighter security measures<br />

and an assurance by officers<br />

to speak up and act against<br />

errant officers within the<br />

service.<br />

The second is improving<br />

the human rights conditions<br />

which exist within the prison<br />

walls.<br />

The living conditions<br />

there are deplorable and<br />

the Minister of National<br />

Security Edmund Dillon<br />

needs to do more than being<br />

alarmed when officers<br />

are murdered and come up<br />

with a way for prisoners to<br />

be treated as human beings<br />

even when incarcerated.<br />

If you treat someone<br />

like an animal they will<br />

act as an animal towards<br />

you and when one feels<br />

that one has lost all reason<br />

to live and has nothing to<br />

lose, anything is possible.<br />

Prisoners must never be<br />

treated in a way that pushes<br />

them to that point because<br />

the actions that we will witness<br />

would be unthinkable.<br />

Thirdly, the judicial system<br />

cannot continue to treat<br />

with prisoners in the tardy<br />

manner that has become the<br />

norm.<br />

A young man sentenced<br />

National Security Minister<br />


to six years in prison appealed<br />

the judgment because<br />

he maintained his innocence.<br />

Unable to secure bail because<br />

of his financial and<br />

social standing he remained<br />

seven years in jail for an<br />

opportunity to plead his innocence.<br />

The sad end to his<br />

story is that he died behind<br />

the prison walls waiting for<br />

justice.<br />

Can you imagine the<br />

angst this has evoked in the<br />

minds of close relatives?<br />

Can you imagine the feelings<br />

of reciprocity or conjure<br />

up the images of whom<br />

might be the possible target<br />

for attack for the feelings<br />

harboured?<br />

Why in God’s name I<br />

ask for the umpteenth time<br />

can’t we complete an initiative<br />

which, as a former<br />

Golden Grove Prison...scene of trouble<br />

Former CoP MICHAEL<br />


Minister of National Security,<br />

I had started to address?<br />

And that is having a<br />

court at the Golden Grove<br />

Prisons!!!! I know why this<br />

matter has been consistently<br />

stalled but, in the end, we<br />

shall pay a high price for<br />

our recalcitrance.<br />

Also, why don’t we have<br />

night courts in an effort to<br />

expedite the judicial process?<br />

Why not?<br />

We have to approach<br />

this prison officer’s tragedy<br />

with a level of common<br />

sense that seeks to produce<br />

a sustainable end rather<br />

than emotive rhetoric that<br />

dies 10 days after the burial<br />

of the prison officer.<br />

This calls for a multisectoral<br />

approach to initiate<br />

action if this debacle has to<br />

be brought under control<br />

Page 7<br />

Murdered Prison Officer<br />


before being extirpated.<br />

Most prisoners are citizens<br />

of our country with<br />

inalienable human rights by<br />

virtue of their birthright.<br />

Those in Remand Yard<br />

are innocent until proven<br />

guilty and if we are to effect<br />

the change in the lives<br />

of the men and women<br />

accused of breaking the<br />

law then we must treat<br />

them as human and very<br />

humane when we detain<br />

them behind our prison<br />

walls and this advice is<br />

not an indictment of any<br />

prison officer nor even the<br />

prison service. It is an indictment<br />

against our system<br />

of justice.<br />

So the answer is not easy<br />

but we must make a determined<br />

effort to work together<br />

to get this right.<br />

Let’s do it now.

Page 8 ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />

CARICOM explores…<br />




Each year, approximately<br />

200,000 youths<br />

aged 10 to 29 die, and<br />

many more sustain serious<br />

injuries because of violence<br />

across the world. Youth violence<br />

is a global challenge<br />

that the Caribbean Community<br />

(CARICOM) knows<br />

only too well: its young people<br />

are both the main perpetrators<br />

and victims.<br />

But CARICOM is accelerating<br />

its fight. Its most current<br />

initiative is a two-day<br />

youth forum in Georgetown,<br />

Guyana. The forum begins<br />

on Monday, with an opening<br />

ceremony to be chaired by<br />

CARICOM Secretariat director<br />

for human and social development,<br />

Myrna Bernard.<br />

Guyana’s vice president and<br />

minister for public security,<br />

Khemraj Ramjattan, will deliver<br />

the address.<br />

The Forum<br />

The forum, funded by the<br />

Caribbean Development Bank<br />

(CDB) and the government of<br />

Spain, is an outcome of the<br />

two-year CARICOM/Spain<br />

Project: Youth on Youth Violence<br />

in the Caribbean. This<br />

project which aims to reduce<br />

youth on youth violence, particularly<br />

in schools, is now<br />

being piloted in five member<br />

states: Antigua and Barbuda,<br />

Jamaica, St Kitts and Nevis,<br />

Saint Lucia and Trinidad and<br />

Tobago.<br />

New platforms for transformation<br />

will be explored to<br />

break the cycle of youth crime<br />

and violence. Specifically,<br />

CARICOM policy-makers,<br />

the media and other stakeholders<br />

will be sensitised on<br />

the major elements of youth<br />

crime and violence and on the<br />

responses to break the silence.<br />

Good practices will be shared<br />

with a view to replicating the<br />

lessons learned.<br />

At the same time, strategies<br />

for a multi-sectoral ‘whole of<br />

society’ response to the challenge<br />

will be examined, as<br />

well as the means for greater<br />

collaboration among institutions<br />

and development partners<br />

to sustain CARICOM’s<br />

response to youth crime and<br />

violence.<br />

Approximately 100 participants<br />

from across CARI-<br />

COM will engage in interactive<br />

sessions centered on four<br />

main topics/issues: violence<br />

against children; school violence;<br />

gender based violence;<br />

and youth gangs and<br />

violence, together with the<br />

cross-cutting themes of gender,<br />

culture and other social<br />

determinants.<br />

The forum will employ a<br />

mix of feature presentations,<br />

panel discussions and video<br />

presentations, with participation<br />

from a wide range of<br />

stakeholders including policymakers<br />

in all sectors: law enforcement,<br />

the private sector,<br />

labour, development partners,<br />

civil society, academia, faithbased<br />

and community organisations,<br />

youth, reformed nontraditional<br />

leaders and special<br />

interest groups.<br />

Youth Violence in<br />


Crime and violence has<br />

negatively impacted the quality<br />

of life of CARICOM<br />

member states. It has placed<br />

pressure on limited resources,<br />

reduced local and foreign direct<br />

investment and threatened<br />

the achievement of the developmental<br />

goals of these states.<br />

According to the CARI-<br />

COM Eye on the Future Report<br />

of 2010, the number one<br />

concern of youth is crime and<br />

violence. Sixty percent of<br />

CARICOM’s population is<br />

under the age of 30. The main<br />

perpetrators as well as the<br />

victims of crime are young<br />

people. Moreover, violence<br />

is the lead cause of death<br />

among males aged 15-24 in<br />

the Caribbean.<br />

Not only is the incidence of<br />

youth violence increasing, but<br />

according to a 2010 regional<br />

survey in seven member states,<br />

the pattern indicates: a gender<br />

dimension to violence in<br />

which violent acts are carried<br />

out mainly by young males<br />

against other young males, and<br />

females are the main victims<br />

in situations of domestic abuse<br />

or sexual assault.<br />

It also indicates increasing<br />

school violence, with a close<br />

connection between youth<br />

violence and violence in the<br />

community. Victimisation of<br />

youth by peers and adults is<br />

shown to often lead to more<br />

violence and a resort to violence<br />

out of fear, or in response<br />

to a perceived threat.<br />

For the Caribbean, school<br />

remains one of the key socialising<br />

environments for<br />

their youth. According to the<br />

IADB 2012 report, “class attendance<br />

of the region’s share<br />

of elementary and secondary<br />

school-age children stands<br />

at 95.0 per cent and 73.0 per<br />

cent, respectively”.<br />

One of the outcomes of<br />

the Youth on Youth Violence<br />

Project was an assessment of<br />

risk factors, threats for violence,<br />

protective factors and<br />

school bonding factors in the<br />

pilot schools of the selected<br />

member states. To date, 520<br />

students have been surveyed<br />

and have also participated in<br />

various focus group discussions,<br />

with the majority of<br />

them (90%) between the ages<br />

of 11–16 years. Many were<br />

victims of bullying, classroom<br />

theft and robbery from<br />

other students.<br />

Information from the survey<br />

revealed that violence in<br />

schools was perceived to be<br />

related to gangs moving into<br />

the schools and communities<br />

(27%); easy access to<br />

drugs and guns (14.8%); and<br />

a lack of positive activities<br />

(13.2%), among other factors.<br />

The challenges being faced in<br />

the schools and communities<br />

were very similar across states<br />

and, in many cases, pointed<br />

to issues that had to do with<br />

boredom in school, poor conflict<br />

resolution skills and a<br />

general lack of discipline.<br />

According to the students<br />

Youth on Youth Violence Group<br />

surveyed, strategies to reduce<br />

violence in schools should include<br />

mentoring programmes<br />

for students (18%); gang prevention<br />

programmes (14.6%);<br />

parenting training (13.1%);<br />

and police presence (25%). To<br />

date, five schools have been<br />

engaged, the smallest with a<br />

population of 400 students.<br />

Deepening crime<br />

prevention initiatives<br />

For CARICOM, crime and<br />

insecurity remains one of the<br />

principal obstacles to social<br />

and economic development.<br />

Conservative estimates place<br />

annual direct expenditure<br />

on youth related crime and<br />

violence in five CARICOM<br />

states at between 2.8 percent<br />

and 4 percent of GDP.<br />

CARICOM’s Community<br />

Strategic Plan for 2015-2019<br />

identifies Deepening Crime<br />

Prevention Initiatives and<br />

Programmes as an area of<br />

focus to build the social resilience<br />

of the Community.<br />

The Deepening Crime Prevention<br />

Initiatives strategy<br />

takes on board the CARI-<br />

COM Social Development<br />

and Crime Prevention Action<br />

Plan 2009-2013, which<br />

provided a template for addressing<br />

the issue through<br />

a cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary<br />

approach based<br />

on five pillars: prevent and<br />

reduce violence; foster social<br />

inclusion; promote re-integration;<br />

empower victims;<br />

and protect the environment<br />

and economic resources.<br />

The prevent and reduce violence<br />

pillar provides the basis<br />

for the CARICOM/Spain<br />

Youth Violence Project. This<br />

pillar notes “addressing violence<br />

in school settings in the<br />

Caribbean is crucial to efforts<br />

to prevent violence in the region”<br />

and “comprehensive<br />

policies and programmes are<br />

needed to promote pro-social,<br />

non-sexual and physically<br />

non-violent environments in<br />

classrooms and throughout<br />

schools”.<br />

The forum, which ends on<br />

Tuesday, and its follow-up<br />

will accelerate the necessary<br />

action, both at the policy and<br />

operational levels, to further<br />

the prevention of youth violence<br />

and crime agenda and<br />

help restore the Community<br />

to a place where every citizen<br />

is safe.

ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />

Page 9<br />

Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago<br />

Ministry of Labour and Small Enterprise Development<br />

Sen. the Hon. Jennifer Baptiste-Primus delivers the<br />

Feature Address at the National Tripartite Consultation<br />

in NESC, Couva.<br />

Energy Chamber CEO, Dr. Thackwray Driver and other<br />

participants from the business sector listen attentively<br />

to the presentations.<br />

Cross section of executive representatives of various<br />

Trade Unions deliberate on amendments to be made to<br />

the Bill.<br />

AMCHAM CEO, Mr. Nirad Tewarie and some employer<br />

representatives deliberate over varying views of the Bill.<br />

The National<br />

Tripartite<br />

Consultation<br />

The Ministry of Labour and Small Enterprise<br />

Development recently hosted its second<br />

consultation for the year. This two-day<br />

National Tripartite Consultation was held on<br />

February 22 and 23, with leaders of the Trade<br />

Union Movement, Chambers of Industry<br />

and Commerce and Employer Associations.<br />

Also participating were the International<br />

Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Director Ms.<br />

Claudia Coenjaerts and her team. The<br />

Consultation focused on the Industrial<br />

Relations Advisory Committee (IRAC)<br />

Report and recommendations as well as<br />

reviewing the principles, polices and issues<br />

to be considered in the development of<br />

legislation to amend the Industrial Relations<br />

Act, Chapter 88:01. As such the Minister of<br />

Labour and Small Enterprise Development,<br />

Senator the Honourable Jennifer Baptiste-<br />

Primus gave the undertaking to ensure<br />

appropriate consultation to make the<br />

appropriate amendments to this piece of<br />

legislation.<br />

In a rare occurrence, representatives<br />

present from both the Labour Movement<br />

and Employer Associations have been<br />

unanimous in their view that the Industrial<br />

Relations (Amendment) Bill, 2015 had<br />

been submitted to Parliament without<br />

the necessary consultation with these<br />

stakeholder groups.<br />

Over the two-day period, participants<br />

were presented with recommendations to<br />

this Bill from both local committees and<br />

international bodies. Participants also<br />

worked in groups to generate suggestions<br />

and recommendations on the way forward<br />

with legislative amendments. These<br />

recommendations included the re-definition<br />

of “worker”, the rights of workers, legislating<br />

procedures and guidelines for layoffs, the<br />

re-classification of essential workers and<br />

the timeframe for labour disputes and<br />

resolution in the Industrial Court.<br />

The two-day discourse provided the Ministry<br />

with a clear view on the perspectives of the<br />

stakeholders on how the Ministry should<br />

move forward with this critical piece of<br />

legislation. All stakeholders were given<br />

a two month deadline to submit further<br />

written views to be considered for the<br />

amendments to the Bill.<br />

Minister Baptiste-Primus stands amongst leaders from<br />

various sectors. From left to right: Dr. Catherine Kumar<br />

(TTCIC), Mr. Michael Annisette (NATUC), Ms. Claudia<br />

Coenjaerts (ILO), Mr. Ancel Roget (JTUM), Ms. Jocelyn<br />

Francois-Opadeyi (ECA), Mr. Joseph Remy (FITUN) and<br />

Dr. Hyacinth Guy (IRAC).<br />

NATUC<br />

Representative<br />

provides his view on<br />

the issues about the<br />

Industrial Relations<br />

(Amendment) Bill.<br />

Leaders from the Employer Associations take in the<br />

feedback from participants.<br />

Trade Union members review and discuss the Industrial<br />

Relations (Amendment) Bill.

Page 10 ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />


with dem new Vat prices. Dey<br />

not bringing down dey prices to<br />

12.5 percent whey ‘shortman’ say<br />

should be d new VAT prices”.<br />

Barman: “D last time allyuh<br />

come here ah tell allyuh we selling<br />

at d same ole price and if allyuh<br />

Rum shop POLITICS<br />

When the police cannot<br />

hold white collar<br />

criminals, cannot<br />

olve the gruesome murders,<br />

annot catch the “big” fishes in<br />

he lucrative drug trade - only<br />

he “sardines”-, you know this<br />

ountry is falling apart.<br />

Past and present governments<br />

re unable to stop the guns and<br />

rugs from entering the country<br />

hrough the porous borders, when<br />

here are prisoners languishing in<br />

ail for “donkey” years and are<br />

nable to get a speedy trial, when<br />

he Judiciary is unable to clear the<br />

acklog of mounting cases, when<br />

here are hundreds of killers roamng<br />

the streets for years and the<br />

olice cannot find them and when<br />

e hear there are “monsters” in<br />

he school, people are saying dis<br />

ountry gone thru.<br />

There was hope that this new<br />

NM government under Dr Keith<br />

owley could fix some of the<br />

roblems but so far everything apears<br />

to be at a standstill after six<br />

onths in office.<br />

The Prime Minister has given<br />

he Minister of National Security<br />

etired Brigadier Edmund Dillon, a<br />

etired senior police officer Glena<br />

Jennings-Smith and “Moses” to<br />

elp in the fight against crime, but<br />

ome have argued he was just usng<br />

“spent shells” since they have<br />

o proven track record to stop the<br />

awlessness in the society.<br />

People are asking when last a<br />

rug kingpin has been jailed in this<br />

ountry, when last any high-rankng<br />

people in this country have<br />

een charged with white-collar<br />

rime?<br />

The police have been probing<br />

llegations of corruption in the<br />

ast PP government for more than<br />

year now but so far no arrests<br />

ave been made to date.<br />

When you hear the Finance<br />

ntelligence Unit (FIU) reportng<br />

about millions of suspicious<br />

oney laundering transactions<br />

nd dollars going from T&T to terorists,<br />

then this country is in real<br />

rouble.<br />

These are some of the issues<br />

unpat, Mukesh, Baboolal, Spaner,<br />

Rasta, and Piper were discussng<br />

last week when they went to<br />

heir usual “watering hole” at<br />

awk and Spit bar.<br />

Gunpat: “Barman whey is<br />

ll dis confusion bout businessen<br />

trying to dig out people eyes<br />

find ah cheaper bar allyuh can go<br />

dey and spend allyuh money. Nobody<br />

telling allyuh to buy here”.<br />

Rasta: “Like yuh eat roast pepper<br />

dis morning. How yuh hot so.<br />

If yuh wife giving trouble stay<br />

home and macco she to see if yuh<br />

getting horn”.<br />

Gunpat: “Barman yuh talking<br />

like some ah dem ignorant PNM<br />

politician. Yuh ent hear how d<br />

mosquito minister does talk arrogant.<br />

Like d mosquito sucking out<br />

all he blood dat is whey he does<br />

get hot under the collar when the<br />

media asking him questions. Don’t<br />

talk bout d short man”.<br />

Barman: “Just tell me whey allyuh<br />

want because ah ent have no<br />

time to argue with allyuh. Ah does<br />

stay away from argument because<br />

ah don’t want to drink no jail soup<br />

with split peas and pig tail”.<br />

Rasta: “How yuh know dey<br />

does serve dat in jail. Like you<br />

spend ah few days inside. Like yuh<br />

get lock up for child maintenance<br />

because ah can’t see yuh as a tief<br />

or big time criminal”.<br />

Barman: “Ask yuh mudder and<br />

she go tell yuh. Ah done with dis<br />

dotish talk. Ah going an bring yuh<br />

order and pay right away because<br />

when alluyh done drunk allyuh go<br />

say ah didn’t order dis and dat and<br />

how d bill so much. Ah ent no tief,<br />

nah”.<br />

Spanner: “Whey allyuh think<br />

going on in dis country. Like we<br />

cant’get ah government to run dis<br />

place. We was fed up with the last<br />

PNM and we put Kamla, we take<br />

out Kamla and it look like we get<br />

back d same old khaki pants”.<br />

Gunpat: “Yuh people feeling<br />

disappointed with dis new government.<br />

Dey are saying better dey<br />

had left Kamla and let dem ministers<br />

tief out d Treasury”<br />

Mukesh: “Ah see d Express<br />

headline say if Rowley ent going<br />

to wedding, he going to funeral.<br />

So dey trying to say if he ent marrindin’<br />

someone he going an bury<br />

dem”.<br />

Baboolal: “So whey allyuh<br />

think bout dem lawlessness in d<br />

country. Dem criminals running<br />

rings around d police. Dey put soldiers<br />

and police in Laventi and dey<br />

still killing people. Dem bad boys<br />

killing people in broad daylight<br />

and by d time police reach dey<br />

disappear. It look like d government<br />

go have to put ah police and<br />

ah solider near every street corner.<br />

Ah feel not even dat go help”.<br />

Rasta: “It look like dem killers<br />

on ‘coke’ because dey ent have no<br />

KAREEM GARDENER’S killers sawed his neck attempting to behead him<br />

feelings. Dey numb. Look how<br />

dey shoot ah man and try to saw<br />

off he neck. Dem killers so smart<br />

dey wearing bandanas to hide dey<br />

face so d police finding it hard to<br />

see dey face on dem security cameras”.<br />

Spanner: “But whey dem police<br />

whey does be looking like<br />

astronauts in white clothes on dem<br />

crime scenes doing. Dem eh helping<br />

solve dem killings.”<br />

Gunpat: “D Prison Officers<br />

Association calling for guns for<br />

prison officers but d officer who<br />

got killed in Laventi had a gun but<br />

he left it inside. D Association say<br />

d government should move dem<br />

out ah dem hot spots and give dem<br />

ah house elsewhere. But all over d<br />

country is ‘hot spots’. Dem criminals<br />

have dey own intelligence<br />

network, dey go know anywhere<br />

dey go an live”.<br />

Piper: “Ah see big bottom Beverly<br />

coming. She see we. Is right<br />

here she coming”<br />

Spanner: “Whey yuh was all d<br />

time guyal. So long you ent come<br />

and give we ah check. We say yuh<br />

must be still tired from d Carnical<br />

so yuh taking ah rest”.<br />

Beverly: “Boy, ah shame to tell<br />

allyuh. Bandits come in we house<br />

and gone with we tv and DVD<br />

and dey nearly clean out d house.<br />

It look like dey was looking for<br />

jewelry. But ah only have costume<br />

jewelry because is only dat yuh<br />

can wear in d Beetham.We suspect<br />

who it is but is no use going an report<br />

it. D police does protect some<br />

bandits who does give dem information<br />

on other criminals”<br />

Gunpat: “Ah see Inspector<br />

Roger Alexander showing every<br />

day on d tv how much guns and<br />

drugs d police seizing. But dem<br />

criminals get smart now since it<br />

ent have no bail for six months<br />

for firearm offences. Dey hiding d<br />

guns in abandoned places”.<br />

Beverly: “Dat is only ole talk<br />

ah know fellas who get charge<br />

with guns an dey outside on bail.<br />

Meh daughter made ah baby and<br />

Local Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) officers<br />

ah have to see bout me grandchild<br />

now because d mudder wuking.<br />

Things so hard now all ah we have<br />

to do some kind ah wuk to get an<br />

extra change”.<br />

Rasta: “So whey d child father<br />

like he make ah ‘monster’ and<br />

leave allyuh to mind it”.<br />

Beverly: “Doh call me grandson<br />

ah ‘monster’ nah. Leh Rowley<br />

play he calling children ‘monster’<br />

dem same ‘monster” go tun on<br />

him. Wait! He he like to call people<br />

children ‘monster’.<br />

Baboolal: “Whey allyuh worrying<br />

bout. By d time he grow up<br />

it eh go have plenty people living<br />

here because dem criminals go kill<br />

out all ah we”.<br />

Beverly: “Someday ah was in<br />

Town an ah hear ah set ah bullets<br />

flying. Yuh see how dey kill<br />

ah young man by d Cathedral.<br />

Yuh know it ent like long time,<br />

people now fraid to go in Town.<br />

Long time ah remember we used<br />

to go window shopping. Now it<br />

end have no widows to look inside<br />

because all ah dem block up” in d<br />

night”.<br />

Gunpat: “Dey say people going<br />

to shop in Malls now but dey fraid<br />

when dey come out dey car gone.<br />

It have car thieves patrolling dem<br />

car parks in d Mall just like security<br />

guards. It ent have no way safe<br />

now, not even d police station”.<br />

Piper: “Ah hear d police allow<br />

a millionaire man to go home<br />

bathe and sleep and come back to<br />

station in d early hours of d morning<br />

to go to court. Dem police officers<br />

must be get ah good change.<br />

And yuh know all dey do is transfer<br />

dem cops. Money have to pass<br />

because dem officers ent go risk<br />

dey job to allow a prisoner to leave<br />

d station”.<br />

Rasta: “So Bev how yuh making<br />

out with all ah dem new food<br />

prices now, guyal. Things go get<br />

real hard after d next budget because<br />

it go have VAT on more<br />

items”.<br />

Bev: “Ah hear d money to make<br />

a pacotee gone up now. Fares going<br />

up from $300 for ah quickie and<br />

$500 for half an hour. Is dem big<br />

men whey driving around in Prado<br />

in Woodbrook whey go pay dat”.<br />

Rasta: “Bev yuh have real<br />

goods to sell. Ah man go pay any<br />

money to ride on dat bumsee”<br />

Bev: “When ah was much<br />

younger and was ketchin hell ah<br />

and didn’t make fares now ah<br />

get ole ah want man to ride me?<br />

Meh asthma go worry meh ah go<br />

can breathe properly and ah might<br />

conk out. When ah under pressure<br />

meh heart does beat fast, fast”.<br />

Spanner: “So Bev when we<br />

go make ah lime again. Yuh must<br />

come and give we ah check and<br />

leh we know how life going”.<br />

Until next week.

ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />

The killings of Prison Officers is a case of…<br />


Story by AZAD ALI<br />

The killings of prison<br />

officers are being<br />

blamed on the<br />

abuse of inmates at the<br />

Remand Yard, Golden<br />

Grove, Arouca by prison<br />

officers.<br />

This is the claim made<br />

by a prison officer who told<br />

Sunshine there are certain<br />

prisons officers who beat<br />

prisoners during searches<br />

of their cells while masked<br />

from the Emergency Rapid<br />

Response Unit (ERRU) and<br />

since the inmates are unable<br />

to see their faces other innocent<br />

officers are targeted<br />

for revenge.<br />

He said the killing of Fitzalbert<br />

Victor Jnr. who was<br />

gunned down in Laventille<br />

last week is a case of “Peter<br />

paying for Paul”.<br />

This was the second time<br />

over the past four months<br />

a prison officer has been<br />

murdered near his home,<br />

prompting Commissioner<br />

of Prisons Sterling Stewart<br />

to declare “we are under attack”.<br />

But this “attack” will<br />

not stop until prisoners are<br />

treated in a humane manner,<br />

one officer said.<br />

A source said it is a norm<br />

for prisoners at the Remand<br />

Yard to get a beating when<br />

cellphones and illegal drugs<br />

are found in their cells.<br />

When inmates protest the<br />

search of their cells they<br />

also get a cutarse. Many of<br />

them suffer injuries about<br />

their bodies. A source said<br />

as long as prison officers<br />

continue to beat inmates<br />

there would be attacks on<br />

them by their criminal<br />

friends on the outside.<br />

Prison Officers’ Association president CERON RICHARDS, second from left,<br />

speaks with members of his association at the front gate of the Remand Prison<br />

Facility, Port-of-Spain, following a press conference.<br />

GUYANA<br />



After three days of<br />

protests by prisoners<br />

at Guyana’s<br />

main jail – which<br />

resulted in the deaths of<br />

17 inmates –, and a meeting<br />

between prisoners<br />

and government ministers,<br />

agreement has been<br />

reached on steps to improve<br />

conditions at the<br />

penal institution.<br />

Inmates at the Camp<br />

Street Prison will be allowed<br />

to call their families<br />

more regularly, the quality<br />

of their meals will be improved,<br />

and efforts will be<br />

made to reduce periods of<br />

remand.<br />

That was announced by<br />

Public Security Minister<br />

Khemraj Ramjattan at a<br />

press conference on Friday<br />

after he and Minister of<br />

State Joseph Harmon met<br />

after three days of unrest<br />

with an 18-man delegation<br />

from the prison.<br />

The latest period of unrest<br />

began last Wednesday,<br />

after a search uncovered<br />

cellphones and drugs. Prisoners<br />

set nine fires which<br />

were extinguished before<br />

getting out of control, but<br />

the disturbance was reignited<br />

the following morning,<br />

as some prisoners were<br />

being moved from one<br />

part of the jail to another.<br />

They set a fire that damaged<br />

part of the compound<br />

and resulted in 16 of them<br />

perishing there and a 17th<br />

passing away at the hospital<br />

after suffering burns to<br />

most of his body. Several<br />

other prisoners were also<br />

injured.<br />

In another round of protests<br />

early on Friday, prisoners<br />

set fire to another<br />

section of the prison but<br />

that was quickly extinguished.<br />

They also kicked<br />

out the walls of a wooden<br />

section of the jail and security<br />

forces were called in as<br />

they ran through the prison.<br />

Several prison officers<br />

and inmates were injured<br />

and treated at hospital.<br />

Officer in Charge of the<br />

prison, Kevin Pilgrim,<br />

confirmed that following<br />

the meeting between the<br />

ministers and the prisoners,<br />

some calm was restored<br />

at the prison. He<br />

said the damaged sections<br />

of the prison were being<br />

repaired.<br />

Harmon also reporters<br />

after the meeting: “I think<br />

we have sort of a gentleman’s<br />

agreement on both<br />

sides and we are going to<br />

try to keep our end of the<br />

- over abuse of inmates<br />

bargain and they are going<br />

to keep theirs.”<br />

Among the concerns expressed<br />

by the inmates<br />

were: the long time many of<br />

them were on remand; only<br />

being able to call their loved<br />

ones twice a week; and the<br />

poor quality of meals.<br />

Ramjattan and Harmon<br />

said those matters would<br />

be addressed immediately.<br />

According to Ramjattan,<br />

telephone calls will be increased<br />

to three per week,<br />

with the possibility of being<br />

increased to four or five<br />

when more telephone lines<br />

are installed at the prison,<br />

and prison authorities have<br />

been reminded that meals<br />

are to be of a sufficient<br />

good quality and in conformity<br />

with the Standard<br />

Operating Procedures of<br />

the prison system.<br />

Commissioner of Prisons<br />


Page 11<br />

Deceased FITZALBERT<br />

VICTOR Jnr<br />

Reports are that after the<br />

two recent lockdowns at the<br />

Remand Yard prison, several<br />

inmates were beaten<br />

and there was talk in the jail<br />

there would be a reprisal<br />

for the injuries a number of<br />

them suffered.<br />

Prison officers have been<br />

warned by their seniors<br />

about abusing inmates,<br />

which they are not heeding.<br />

Another prison officer<br />

said instead of Prisons Association<br />

President Ceron<br />

Richards “bumping his<br />

gum” about taking the government<br />

to court over its inability<br />

to protect and assure<br />

the safety of officers while<br />

on or off duty, he should<br />

call on his membership to<br />

stop the beating of inmates.<br />

richards should also try<br />

to stop the smuggling of<br />

contraband behind bars by<br />

some of his rouge officers.<br />

It was noted that while<br />

Richards have been calling<br />

for officers to be given<br />

firearms, Victor had been<br />

issued with a licenced gun,<br />

but he was unable to defend<br />

himself as he had left it upstairs<br />

at his Prizgar Lands<br />

home when he was ambushed<br />

and shot.<br />

Richards also wants officers<br />

to be removed from<br />

“hot spots” but there are “hot<br />

spots” all over the country.<br />

Prisoners on Remand are<br />

getting more and more frustrated<br />

over the long delay in<br />

their cases being heard and<br />

are now becoming more agitated<br />

since they are unable<br />

to use their illegal cellphone<br />

to make outside calls and<br />

have phone sex since the installation<br />

of jammers.<br />

They will now have to<br />

use the Inmate Calling Solutions<br />

(ICS) system where<br />

inmates can now make outgoing<br />

calls from the jail.<br />

So far it has been reported<br />

that some 300 prisoners at<br />

the Remand Yard at Golden<br />

Grove and Maximum Security<br />

Prison have registered<br />

with the programme.

save political expediency?<br />

Under any other less distorted<br />

mindset, would Rowley<br />

not have been charged<br />

for fraudulent misrepresentation,<br />

when he could not<br />

support the authenticity of<br />

those faux, incriminating<br />

e-mails? Assuming the existence<br />

of a DPP with the<br />

testicular fortitude to have<br />

indicted either Manning or<br />

Rowley to answer for their<br />

obvious indiscretions, in, or<br />

out of power, which court<br />

of “justice” in T&T would<br />

have dared to convict either<br />

of them?<br />

Which other flawed mindset,<br />

afflicting both sides of<br />

the ethnopolitical divide,<br />

has insulated Faris Alwari<br />

from facing questions upon<br />

his wife’s connection to the<br />

ongoing scandal surrounding<br />

the exorbitantly expensive,<br />

ongoing lease on a<br />

never occupied 1 Alexandra<br />

Place or PM Rowley’s roles<br />

in both Landate and Las<br />

Alturas, or his more recent<br />

assumption of the roles of<br />

judge and jury in the Malcolm<br />

Jones/Petrotrin affair,<br />

the serious and expensive<br />

“indiscretions” of Marlene<br />

McDonald and at least one<br />

other of his PNM Ministers?<br />

Further, did Rowley<br />

not originally vacillate in<br />

sync with ex-Mayor Timkee<br />

and why does Mayor Paul,<br />

after his public comments<br />

on this issue still wearing a<br />

Mayoral chain of office?<br />

Finally, if the specific<br />

mindset which has rendered<br />

all the above “untouch-<br />

Page 12 ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />


tion that Warner, unlike an so long as that malign Williams’<br />

legacy is permitted to<br />

CRY THE BELOVED COUNTRY expatriate Calder Hart, ever<br />

with T G. MENDES<br />

profited from public office? remain, “the elephant in the<br />

After declining all but $1.00 room”!<br />

Was Port of Spain side of the ethnopolitical divide<br />

reacted with less than vice rendered to T&T, even could refuse to open a fully<br />

per month for yeoman ser-<br />

Which another mindset<br />

PNM ex-Mayor<br />

Timkee’s initial contempt for popular resentment?<br />

Timkee has thus answer must be obvious. pital in Couva in favour of<br />

to his severest critics, that equipped children’s hos-<br />

announcement of resignation,<br />

in response to 1,000 established a precedent. The explanation for that throwing another scarce<br />

angry demands for same The resignation of a PNM glaring distortion of fact is, $90m at Manning’s already<br />

a threat or a vague promise?<br />

public indignation! ency.<br />

incomplete “Tsunami shel-<br />

office holder in response to of course, political expedi-<br />

hideously over budget and<br />

Whatever it was, his What other than that same What other mindset ensured<br />

the ongoing bloody ley not thus faithfully folter”<br />

at Tarouba? Is Row-<br />

obvious, unseemly and politically expedient mindset,<br />

the foundation upon murder of thousands since lowing in the footsteps of<br />

vacillating delay between<br />

announcement and fact which Williams built the ‘02 when an illegitimate Manning’s refusal to open<br />

has done his public image<br />

no favours. Which of Calder Hart to laugh with crime”, elevated by a flawed built school in Biche? What<br />

PNM, is today permitting PM, Hart’s “partner in a much-needed opposition-<br />

those who have criticised derision at the dupes he and President in ‘01, an obscenity<br />

justified by that same priorities, therefore, is the<br />

in light of those warped<br />

as “same old, same old” a rejected PNM PM bilked<br />

my unflinching focus upon of the millions now held flawed mindset, accepted objective of that warped<br />

Former POS Mayor RAYMOND TIM KEE<br />

that flawed mindset which in foreign accounts? What with enthusiasm by beneficiaries<br />

of “business as usual<br />

able”, regardless of their via that Williams mindset,<br />

Williams/PNM mindset<br />

is the Williams legacy - by else has precluded official<br />

which a discredited ex- requests for Calder Hart’s, and public apathy, sought a<br />

“indiscretions” or which not today, by the process<br />

Mayor, and many in similar rather than Jack Warner’s, legitimate mandate by legitimising<br />

criminal dons and<br />

in power, is not another as the only individual still<br />

political dispensation is of elimination, identify him<br />

circumstances before him extradition to answer<br />

have been similarly encouraged<br />

to temporize - would “home drums” supposed to their political support in the<br />

continues to serve its inguided<br />

nation out of harm’s<br />

charges in court? Are not unrepentant terrorists for<br />

Williams’ affliction which capable of leading a mis-<br />

now care to dispute the real beat loudest for homeboys? General Elections of Oct<br />

tended purpose admirably, way? Provided of course<br />

explanation and “justification”<br />

for that Mayoral vac-<br />

here, Warner from Long-<br />

them handsomely at taxpaymarkable<br />

“good fortune”?. disgusted by the treatment<br />

Which is the “home boy” ‘02 and ‘07 compensated<br />

then what explains their re-<br />

that he have not been too<br />

illation? When, since ‘56 denville, or Hart from Canada?<br />

Aside from which, has he not assured of immunity<br />

Warner, against whom no to accept that awesome reer<br />

expense thereafter? Were<br />

Why then has Jack Austin received to still be inclined<br />

has an elected PNM office<br />

holder or a politician on any there ever been any allega-<br />

from prosecution via the<br />

breath of scandal might be sponsibility on behalf of a<br />

widespread value distortion<br />

credibly levelled against deluded, judgmental and<br />

of that PNM mindset,<br />

would Manning have so<br />

confidently bankrupted the<br />

economy? Indeed, after his<br />

defeat on 24/5/10, which<br />

other mindset enabled him<br />

to welcome the charity of<br />

his now reviled successors<br />

in power to cope with his<br />

subsequent medical problems?<br />

Why did not PNM<br />

colleagues who fattened on<br />

the public purse not save an<br />

ailing Manning that indignity?<br />

Further, in the absence of<br />

that now all-encompassing<br />

either his political or personal<br />

performances in T&T,<br />

not to date enjoyed similar<br />

“good fortune” against the<br />

demands of a foreign imperialist<br />

power for his extradition<br />

to answer trumped up<br />

charges? Unless of course<br />

he is mutually regarded<br />

upon both sides of that ethnopolitical,<br />

divide in his native<br />

land as a potential political<br />

threat to both!<br />

In that plausible scenario,<br />

does not the socio-political<br />

future of the nation demand,<br />

depend upon the ongoing<br />

ungrateful society! Pray,<br />

Williams/PNM political<br />

focus, exposure and prompt<br />

mindset, would PM Rowley<br />

have dared to present to<br />

Parliament those obviously<br />

spurious e-mails in his attempt<br />

to falsely discredit<br />

the then ruling PPG? Under<br />

which another mindset<br />

could the PPG have suffered<br />

the addition of insult to injury<br />

when they have adjudged<br />

the villains for bringing<br />

their subsequent vote of “no<br />

confidence” against Rowley<br />

for his fraudulent mischief?<br />

No significant improvement<br />

in political conduct might<br />

be reasonably anticipated<br />

and total exorcism of that<br />

ongoing, all-embracing,<br />

and malign legacy of the<br />

late putative “Father of the<br />

Nation”?<br />

In the ongoing neglect of<br />

that national responsibility,<br />

to what can T&T look<br />

forward except escalated<br />

violence, death, and destruction?<br />

Given his demonstrated<br />

performance and<br />

personal generosity does<br />

Jack Warner’s deliberate<br />

official denial of national<br />

protection from extradition<br />

by “the powers that be”<br />

therefore, if only for subsequent<br />

generations, that his<br />

oft-demonstrated patriotism<br />

precludes any such reaction<br />

- however justified!<br />

Alternatively, T&T can<br />

always continue denigrating<br />

and rejecting Warner on<br />

spurious and unsubstantiated<br />

allegations of corruption<br />

outside of T&T.<br />

Having so done and in<br />

the unlikely event that the<br />

society has not violently<br />

imploded before the next<br />

General Election as a result<br />

of political corruption, arrogance,<br />

and mismanagement,<br />

a misguided society<br />

might as well continue voting<br />

PNM, since as Sparrow<br />

will have accurately sung -<br />

“We like it so” until as they<br />

boast in Laventille, vote<br />

“PNM until we (are all prematurely)<br />

dead”.<br />

At which point in time<br />

that durable and malign<br />

Williams’ legacy will have<br />

fulfilled its specific purpose!<br />

Then and not unless<br />

removed before, will it<br />

cease to be “the elephant in<br />

the room.”

ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />

Page 13<br />


- it’s a very hard thing to expect but FCB must come clean<br />

Story by JACK WARNER<br />

The national conversation<br />

now taking<br />

placing as a result<br />

of Camille Robinson-Regis’<br />

$93,000 deposit is of concern<br />

to many sectors of our<br />

community.<br />

As a result, our Prime<br />

Minister Dr. Keith Rowley<br />

should not trivialize the disquiet<br />

among many citizens<br />

with talk about his wife’s underwear<br />

but seek to get to the<br />

bottom of this story if only<br />

to extirpate the perception of<br />

corruption among one of his<br />

senior Cabinet members.<br />

The fact that this story is<br />

still gaining traction is simply<br />

because there has been<br />

flip-flopping in the responses<br />

made by the Honourable<br />

Minister.<br />

And even though the Ex-<br />

press stops publishing and<br />

social media regress into silence<br />

on this issue there will<br />

always be a cloud of doubt,<br />

as questions will continue to<br />

plague the stewardship of this<br />

Minister.<br />

The citizens want to believe<br />

the Minister but they are<br />

not sure about the source of<br />

funds nor are they sure about<br />

the quantum nor its composition.<br />

One minute the Minister<br />

says it is her salary, another<br />

time she says it is a withdrawal<br />

from Republic Bank (from<br />

which Bank Sunshine has<br />

been told that $150,000.00<br />

had been withdrawn by the<br />

Minister) and on yet on another<br />

occasion we are hearing<br />

that the source included funds<br />

from her husband’s resources.<br />

FCB<br />

Another issue of concern<br />

has to do with the form of the<br />

deposit whether it was cash<br />

or cheque or whether it was<br />

a combination of the two; the<br />

Minister has not been very<br />

clear on these matters and<br />

thus the public senses a tad<br />

of equivocation on the part of<br />

the Minister.<br />

So this $93,000 deposit<br />

has landed this Minister in a<br />

quagmire from which her versions<br />

of the truth seem to have<br />

her more entangled.<br />

What is even worse is that<br />

this Minister has a precedent,<br />

which does not locate her on<br />

the side of trust with the national<br />

community.<br />

So coupled with her various<br />

versions concerning the<br />

$93,000 deposit and the history<br />

of the credit card scandal<br />

under Patrick Manning’s administration,<br />

it is only reasonable<br />

that one would expect<br />

a sense of anxiety related to<br />

financial transactions under<br />

question by this Minister.<br />

But of even greater concern<br />

is the response of the First<br />

Citizens Bank.<br />

In a number of cases banks<br />

have shown selective indiscretion<br />

in the release of customers’<br />

business with financial<br />

institutions.<br />

I feel a sense of pity for the<br />

Minister because I too have<br />

been a victim of such recklessness<br />

where my own financial<br />

situation was exposed<br />

leaving me at risk to the deviant<br />

within our society.<br />

As a former Minister of<br />

National Security, I am also<br />

aware that in a number of<br />

kidnapping cases the victims’<br />

bank accounts were known to<br />

the kidnappers, down to the<br />

very last cent.<br />

Some of the kidnappers<br />

could have recited dates,<br />

times and quantities of deposits<br />

thus assuring the relatives<br />

about the accuracy of their<br />

wealth and the ability to pay<br />

their demands.<br />

So if there is unease on the<br />

part of the Honourable Minister<br />

I can by all means sympathize<br />

with her because they<br />

have placed her security and<br />

the security of her immediate<br />

family and relatives under<br />

threat.<br />

And if the Prime Minister<br />

said that he too was uncomfortable<br />

with FCB after this<br />

event, the nation cannot be<br />

angry with him because if citizens’<br />

financial business is not<br />

safe with banking institutions,<br />

it becomes a threat to both the<br />

financial and national security<br />

of Trinidad and Tobago.<br />

But here lies my dilemma<br />

with FCB.<br />

What they have offered<br />

on numerous occasions is a<br />

prepared text parroting the<br />

general policy approach of<br />

the bank without taking into<br />

consideration the current situation.<br />

By now every citizen can<br />

tell you what FCB’s policy<br />

is but what we do not know<br />

is what happens when that<br />

policy is breached.<br />

The only way the Express<br />

could have known about the<br />

$93,000 deposit is through an<br />

agent of FCB.<br />

Somebody who was part of<br />

that transaction or who had<br />

access to the information regarding<br />

the transaction leaked<br />

it to the Trinidad Express.<br />

I felt insulted when the Express<br />

exposed to the public<br />

the texts shared between its<br />

reporter and the Minister in<br />

an attempt to convince the<br />

national community that FCB<br />

did not leak the information.<br />

Then from where did the<br />

source get the information?<br />

Was the bank’s data hacked<br />

by someone known to the reporter<br />

who provided her with<br />

such information?<br />

Not once have we read that<br />

FCB proposes to launch an<br />

investigation into this leak.<br />

Not once have we heard<br />

any attempt by FCB to identify<br />

the person or persons culpable<br />

for the leak and to take<br />

action against them.<br />

Until the bank convinces us<br />

that such a process is in motion,<br />

every citizen with a bank<br />

account at FCB is under threat<br />

because within its employ are<br />

persons who lack discretion<br />

and who are willing to part<br />

with information regardless<br />

of the threat it poses to individual<br />

or national security.<br />

This is something with<br />

which we as citizens cannot<br />

be comfortable and the Board<br />

of FCB needs to step in and<br />

interrupt this laissez-faire approach<br />

before citizens choose<br />

to close their accounts with<br />

the Bank and thrust it into financial<br />

peril.<br />

Regardless of what FCB<br />

suggests we know that they<br />

have had difficulty with staff<br />

in recent times and the latest<br />

episode is a further manifestation<br />

that all is not well.<br />

So as much as the Minister<br />

would like this to die, unless<br />

FCB comes clean the national<br />

community should be wary of<br />

doing business with this bank<br />

since the confidentiality of<br />

business transactions appears<br />



REGIS<br />

to be compromised.<br />

My sympathy here is with<br />

the Minister.<br />

It is not because I believe<br />

that she has no questions to<br />

answer, on the contrary, I<br />

hope that her next comment<br />

will be one that will put her<br />

side of the story to rest forever.<br />

But my sympathy is with<br />

her because I sense politics in<br />

motion in the release of this<br />

story.<br />

I am aware of instances<br />

where politicians from another<br />

administration made<br />

larger deposits at FCB than<br />

the one in question and not a<br />

word was heard and I am sure<br />

that FCB’s former CEO Larry<br />

Howai can attest to that.<br />

So the integrity of which<br />

the bank speaks is suspect as<br />

far as I am concerned and the<br />

Minister has every right to<br />

feel targeted.<br />

She has done the right thing<br />

in closing off her accounts<br />

and if I were her colleague I<br />

too would have closed my account<br />

and would have been<br />

very wary because this most<br />

certainly seems to echo with<br />

political overtones.<br />

But to FCB my one wish<br />

is for you to come clean and<br />

launch an investigation to assure<br />

the national community<br />

that you are prepared to do the<br />

right thing at all times.

Page 14 ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />



tant, I have had to deal<br />

with many parents who<br />

will bring their children<br />

to seek help and I will<br />

what a police officer has to<br />

deal with on a daily basis,<br />

before you make it look<br />

like the officers are not<br />

spend countless hours properly trained. My father<br />

speaking to them to find<br />

out why they are doing<br />

what they are not supposed<br />

was a police officer and<br />

many of you will not like<br />

to hear the kind of stories<br />

to be doing while that he had shared when he<br />

BY MANSA<br />


they are out to the public, was in the Service.<br />

MUSA<br />

so I can just imagine what Therefore, I will like to<br />

a Police Officer has to make seven suggestions<br />

My brothers and deal with on a daily basis. on how the country can<br />

sisters, it’s easy Based on what was handle the youth violence<br />

for many of us shown in that Roger Alexander/Ian<br />

Alleyne video, problems.<br />

and other escalating crime<br />

IAN ALLEYNE being arrested by Inspector<br />


to sit on our comfortable<br />

sofa and try to tell the<br />

Trinidad and Tobago Police<br />

officers, how to handle<br />

a misbehaving young<br />

person or Television personality.<br />

we are all jumping to conclusions<br />

without having<br />

enough facts. Many persons<br />

also complained about<br />

the Ian Alleyne’s arrest re-<br />

1. If anyone has any better<br />

suggestions on how a<br />

Police Officer should interact<br />

with the public, they<br />

should first attend the Po-<br />

However, has garding how the police had lice Training Academy and<br />

anyone of our critics,<br />

ever had to encounter an<br />

handled him. Until many<br />

of us have walked a few<br />

learn what they are teaching<br />

the recruits there about<br />

unruly young person or<br />

adult before in our life<br />

and try to use reasoning<br />

with them? As a consul-<br />

footsteps and I am not talking<br />

about a mile, just a few<br />

footsteps in a Police Officer’s<br />

shoes, please know<br />

apprehending someone.<br />

If you think that you can<br />

improve on their methods,<br />

then share it with them and<br />

hope that they will implement<br />

them in their daily<br />

practice when they are<br />

dealing with the public.<br />

However, until then, let<br />

us keep a civil head and<br />

understand that while a<br />

glass may look half-full to<br />

you, it will also look halfempty<br />

to another person,<br />

but to someone else who<br />

is thirsty, they will drink it<br />

either way to quench their<br />

thirst.<br />

2. Many suggestions on<br />

how the Police Officers in<br />

Trinidad and Tobago could<br />

fix the problems with today’s<br />

youth are coming<br />

from people who do not<br />

have any children of their<br />

own or a clue about raising<br />

them. It is just like,<br />

“squeezing an empty tube<br />

of toothpaste, and hoping<br />

to get some toothpaste to<br />

brush your teeth.” They<br />

usually have nothing to offer,<br />

no matter how hard you<br />

try to squeeze them into<br />

something substantial.<br />

3. The growing crime<br />

statistics in the country<br />

is not a PNM or a UNC<br />

problem for only them to<br />

solve when either one of<br />

them gets into power. It<br />

is a problem for everyone<br />

to deal with in the whole<br />

country, which also include<br />

the members of the Opposition<br />

Party. Everyone<br />

should work together with<br />

the present administration<br />

to help implement comprehensive<br />

solutions for the<br />

benefit of all.<br />

4. The present administration<br />

instead of modernizing<br />

the older jails<br />

should invest the funds in<br />

constructing “Community<br />

Police Centers” throughout<br />

the whole country. A<br />

“Community Police Center”<br />

is a combination of<br />

a “Police Station” built<br />

within or adjacent to the<br />

local “Community Center.”<br />

The stigma is of having the<br />

word “Station” to be removed<br />

and replaced with<br />

“Center” instead. Here will<br />

be a safe place where many<br />

young people and adults<br />

can visit and participate in<br />

the various activities that a<br />

regular “Community Center”<br />

usually provides. The<br />

“Community Police Officers”<br />

will be members<br />

living within the community<br />

and they will be able<br />

to assist those who may<br />

need their help in whatever<br />

capacity that they can<br />

perform. Since most Police<br />

Stations are supposed<br />

to be operating 24/7/365,<br />

this will be an ideal place<br />

for many people to visit<br />

at any hour of the day or<br />

night. If anyone wants to<br />

participate in the activities<br />

of the “Community Police<br />

Center”, they must register<br />

and sign their name upon<br />

entering the facility. Many<br />

young people after finishing<br />

their schooling for the<br />

day, can stay in those safe<br />

facilities to complete their<br />

homework, or until their<br />

working parents arrive to<br />

take them home.<br />

5. Any person under the<br />

age of twenty-five, who<br />

was caught dealing with<br />

Several members of the Trinidad & Tobago<br />

Police Service<br />

illegal drugs or guns, will<br />

be given the opportunity to<br />

either join the Coast Guard<br />

or Army for the minimum<br />

term of seven [7] years or<br />

will be incarcerated to the<br />

maximum time allotted for<br />

their individual crimes.<br />

6. Any Police, Army,<br />

Coast Guard or Prison Officers,<br />

who were caught participating<br />

in any indictable<br />

crime or criminal activities,<br />

will be automatically incarcerated<br />

to the maximum<br />

life sentence of twenty-five<br />

years without any early parole<br />

options.<br />

7. Institute a policy of<br />

having the young students<br />

from the various secondary<br />

schools in the country<br />

visit the many Government<br />

owned and larger business<br />

facilities. School tours<br />

should be mandatory for all<br />

young people to the various<br />

jails and to the Police Stations<br />

and Headquarters so<br />

that they can see firsthand,<br />

the end result that awaits<br />

them if they do not graduate<br />

from Universities, but<br />

choose to get into trouble<br />

with the law.<br />

I am positive that other<br />

readers of this worthwhile<br />

Newspaper can come up<br />

with many solutions that<br />

are more workable and<br />

share them with the MP in<br />

their area.<br />

It is left up to the MPs<br />

to have a closer connection<br />

with their respective<br />

constituencies to give them<br />

feedback to all of the suggestions<br />

that they may have<br />

brought forward and shared<br />

with them.<br />

“We are all in the same<br />

boat together and the sooner<br />

we look out for those<br />

few people who may want<br />

to come aboard with a<br />

cordless drill in their hand<br />

instead of ours; we will<br />

never enjoy a safe cruise.”<br />

SIS IN NEW<br />



ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />

Page 15<br />



Caribbean governments,<br />

indigenous<br />

banks and offshore<br />

anks located in the Caibbean<br />

are extremely<br />

oncerned about the withrawal<br />

of correspondent<br />

elations from Caribbean<br />

anks by banks in the<br />

nited States (US).<br />

Caribbean Heads of Government<br />

at a meeting in Belize<br />

in February made their<br />

concern very clear. The<br />

Caribbean Association of<br />

Banks have done so in separate<br />

statements.<br />

Their sense of alarm arises<br />

from the fact that, if all correspondent<br />

banking relations<br />

are withdrawn, the<br />

region will be isolated from<br />

the rest of the world and will<br />

be unable to carry out the<br />

most basic of bank transactions.<br />

In many Caribbean countries<br />

there has been a steady<br />

decline in such correspondent<br />

banking relations, and<br />

there is no sign of an early<br />

abatement.<br />

Caribbean governments<br />

and banks are not alone in<br />

their concern. Other regions<br />

of the world are also similarly<br />

affected. Countries in East<br />

Asia, the Pacific, Eastern Europe<br />

and Central Asia with<br />

significant offshore banking<br />

activities, are also affected.<br />

What has caused the withdrawal<br />

of correspondent relations<br />

to the Caribbean and<br />

the other regions identified<br />

above is the huge penalties<br />

that US banks would have to<br />

pay if any incidence of money<br />

laundering, terrorism<br />

financing, or tax evasion<br />

passed through them from<br />

their respondent banks.<br />

Regulatory and enforcement<br />

agencies have dealt<br />

harshly with such incidents,<br />

creating a strong deterrent<br />

to taking risks. The simplest<br />

form of “de-risking” is to<br />

terminate correspondent<br />

banking relations.<br />

Paradoxically, the very<br />

rule-making bodies, such<br />

as the Financial Action<br />

Task Force (FATF) and the<br />

Financial Stability Board<br />

(FSB) that created the rules<br />

and penalties that now terrify<br />

US banks and encourage<br />

them to “de-risk”, are themselves<br />

becoming concerned<br />

about the decline in correspondent<br />

banking relations.<br />

Last November, the FSB<br />

released a statement saying:<br />

“At the extreme, if an<br />

individual bank loses access<br />

to correspondent banking<br />

services, this may affect its<br />

viability and if a country’s<br />

banks more generally face<br />

restricted access then it may<br />

affect the functioning of the<br />

Re Thin Business<br />

rentaceo@gmail.com<br />

Brian G Stone,<br />

MBA, Business Consultant<br />

dent banking were concerns<br />

about money laundering and<br />

terrorism financing risks<br />

in the jurisdictions of their<br />

counterpart banks”.<br />

In other words, even<br />

though US Banks are aware<br />

that, in the case of the Caribbean,<br />

organizations such<br />

as the FATF and the OECD<br />

Global Forum on Tax Matters<br />

have found jurisdictions<br />

to be compliant with rules<br />

and enforcement, they are<br />

unwilling to take the risk.<br />

The FATF has given an<br />

undertaking to the FSB that<br />

it will “clarify regulatory<br />

expectations, as a matter<br />

of priority, including more<br />

guidance, on the application<br />

of standards for anti-money<br />

laundering and combating<br />

the financing of terrorism<br />

(AML/CFT) to correspondent<br />

banking, especially on<br />

the customer due diligence<br />

expectations for correspondent<br />

banks when faced with<br />

respondent banks in ‘highrisk<br />

scenarios’, as well as<br />

additional work on remittances,<br />

financial inclusion<br />

and non-profit organizations”.<br />

That work will be ready<br />

in two stages in June and<br />

October 2016. Whether it<br />

will make any difference<br />

to banks in the US is left to<br />

be seen. In any event, at the<br />

rate at which correspondent<br />

banking relations are being<br />

local banking system.<br />

In addition, loss of correspondent<br />

banking services<br />

can create financial exclusion,<br />

particularly where it<br />

affects flows such as remittances<br />

which are a key<br />

source of funds for people<br />

in many developing countries”.<br />

The report rightly observes<br />

that: “The ability to<br />

make and receive international<br />

payments via correspondent<br />

banking is vital<br />

for businesses and individuals,<br />

and for the G20’s goal<br />

of strong, sustainable, balanced<br />

growth”.<br />

In the statement, sent to<br />

the group of powerful nations<br />

– the G20, the FSB<br />

stated that a World Bank<br />

survey of jurisdictions and<br />

banks finds that roughly<br />

half of the emerging market<br />

and developing economies<br />

surveyed have experienced<br />

a decline in correspondent<br />

banking services. Three<br />

quarters of the 20 large correspondent<br />

banks participating<br />

in the survey responded<br />

that the number of correspondent<br />

accounts they hold<br />

for other banks had declined<br />

between end 2012 and mid-<br />

2015.<br />

The FSB report did not<br />

end there. Significantly, it<br />

stated that “the main drivers<br />

given by the large banks for<br />

their reduction in corresponwithdrawn,<br />

any FATF recommendations<br />

in October<br />

2016, even if they are helpful,<br />

may come too late to<br />

help some Caribbean banks<br />

that are already reduced to<br />

tenuous relations with just<br />

one correspondent bank.<br />

In this scenario, it is imperative<br />

that Caribbean<br />

banks cease their reliance<br />

on US banks alone for their<br />

correspondent relations in<br />

the US. It is time that they<br />

jointly, in groups, or individually<br />

establish an agency<br />

of their own in the US to be<br />

their correspondent bank<br />

and handle their transactions<br />

in the US and beyond.<br />

They have to ensure that<br />

they will be able to do business<br />

if US banks abandon<br />

them. And, it must be the<br />

banks themselves – not Caribbean<br />

governments – that<br />

undertake the establishment<br />

of such an agency. Governments<br />

can advocate for the<br />

agency with us authorities<br />

and provide any non-financial<br />

assistance than may be<br />

helpful, including diplomatic<br />

and political spadework,<br />

but it must be the banks that<br />

look after their own business.<br />

Establishing a Caribbeanowned<br />

agency in the US to<br />

provide correspondent relations<br />

for regional banks is<br />

not impossible, though it<br />

is difficult and will require<br />

investment in time, money<br />

and professional advice. An<br />

application for such an entity<br />

would have to be made<br />

concurrently to the Federal<br />

Reserve Bank and the Office<br />

of the Comptroller of<br />

the Currency (OCC).<br />

If the application is approved<br />

by these two bodies,<br />

a licence to operate can then<br />

be sought from the Northeast<br />

District Licensing Division<br />

in New York. There are<br />

strict and onerous criteria<br />

that would have to be satisfied<br />

in each case, including<br />

extensive background<br />

checks on the banks and<br />

their affiliates and reviews<br />

of the effectiveness of the<br />

regulatory regimes of the<br />

jurisdictions in which they<br />

are located.<br />

The procedure could take<br />

longer than six months and<br />

would require the banks<br />

to dedicate staff or employ<br />

qualified consultants to see<br />

them through the process.<br />

But, there is no swift or<br />

easy solution to the present<br />

problem.<br />

If Caribbean banks believe<br />

that there is no risk to<br />

US Banks in the provision<br />

of correspondent relations,<br />

then they should be prepared<br />

to take the risk themselves<br />

by setting up their<br />

own agency to facilitate<br />

their business. They might<br />

even make more money.<br />

Leadership Vs Management? Ask the Military!<br />

For many business<br />

executives, leadership<br />

and management<br />

in practice is often<br />

welded together under a<br />

one-and-the-same definition<br />

which effectively diminishes<br />

the significant<br />

differences and blurs the<br />

fundamentals of each.<br />

Leadership is not management,<br />

nor are managers<br />

necessarily leaders! The importance<br />

of this truism as it<br />

relates to everyday business<br />

functions is the recognition<br />

by introspection and evaluation<br />

of human capital as it<br />

relates to performance.<br />

A proper analysis of a<br />

firms’ performance analytics<br />

requires the study of its<br />

financial results which is<br />

effectively an examination<br />

of the decisions made by its<br />

leaders and managers. Regrettably,<br />

many companies<br />

fail to evaluate their decision<br />

making processes when<br />

performing a root-cause<br />

analysis in problem solving.<br />

The academic definition<br />

of Leadership is “The action<br />

of leading a group of people<br />

or an organization, or the<br />

ability to do this”- Oxford<br />

Dictionary.<br />

“If your actions inspire<br />

others to dream more,<br />

learn more, do more and<br />

become more, you are a<br />

leader”- John Quincy Adams.<br />

Whereas Management<br />

is defined as “The process of<br />

dealing with or controlling<br />

things or people”- Oxford<br />

Dictionary.<br />

A more pragmatic “Re-<br />

Think” relative to answering<br />

the question of what’s<br />

the (significant) difference<br />

between leadership and<br />

management is managers<br />

have subordinates; leaders<br />

have followers. On the surface<br />

the difference between<br />

the two may appears simplistic.<br />

In practice they are<br />

indeed profound.<br />

The famous business<br />

guru, Peter Drucker, best<br />

defines the difference when<br />

he stated that “Management<br />

is doing things right;<br />

leadership is doing the right<br />

things.” Another analogy<br />

in operational terms is that<br />

strategy is a function of<br />

leadership whereas management<br />

implements strategy.<br />

In the late 70’s I was enlisted<br />

in the Toronto Scottish<br />

Regiment in Canada<br />

reporting to the de facto<br />

Commanding Officer, a<br />

Sergeant Major of official<br />

rank. He was a tough combatant<br />

of Canadian Scottish<br />

lineage. His explanation of<br />

the difference, in military<br />

terms, is most instructive<br />

and relevant to the business<br />

of business. He explained<br />

that military leaders convince<br />

the troops that dying<br />

in battle is a glorious death;<br />

and it’s “my” job (as manager)<br />

to keep you alive. The<br />

analogy interprets leadership<br />

as a “can do” culture<br />

creator whereas management<br />

makes it happen.<br />

Digressing a bit onto the<br />

stage of entertainment, while<br />

staying on point, George C.<br />

Scott in his Academy award<br />

winning role playing the<br />

heroic and most successful<br />

Tank Commander in World<br />

War 2, General George S.<br />

Patton, in addressing the<br />

third Army on march to Nazi<br />

Germany correlates with the<br />

Sergeant Major’s view, but<br />

in more colourful theatrical<br />

words: “No bastard ever won<br />

a war by dying for his country;<br />

We won it by making the<br />

other poor dumb bastard dye<br />

for his country.” Leadership<br />

makes heroes of men; management<br />

makes men heroes.<br />

In business lingo, for example,<br />

outstanding sales performance<br />

is rarely achieved<br />

without heroic feats of salesmanship<br />

- and as every seasoned<br />

sales manager knows,<br />

such feats are usually attained<br />

by a few heroic salesmen/saleswomen.<br />

The Israeli (military) security<br />

machine is arguably<br />

the best in the world. The<br />

famous “Raid on Entebbe”<br />

(1976) rescue by Israeli<br />

commandos of 103 hostages<br />

from a jet airliner killed all<br />

11 terrorists with just one<br />

Israeli commando fatality,<br />

the commanding officer in<br />

charge. Leaders in the Israeli<br />

military lead by example.<br />

They literally lead their<br />

troops into battle. True leaders<br />

say “follow me”; do as I<br />

do not as I say!<br />

The US Marines, Army<br />

Rangers and Navy Seals<br />

training can teach the business<br />

world a lot about effective<br />

leadership and management.<br />

In fact, US military<br />

training philosophies have<br />

permeated the business<br />

world.<br />

One example of this is in<br />

executive development programmes<br />

on team building<br />

and emerging leaders. An<br />

effective how-to technique,<br />

virtually any business can<br />

implement to build teams<br />

and drive potential leaders<br />

to emerge, is the US Marines<br />

“no man left behind”<br />

training philosophy.<br />



Page 16 ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />



Story by ARLEY GILL<br />

We, in the Caribbean,<br />

always<br />

complain about<br />

our politicians and politics.<br />

We complain how<br />

they engage in “gutter’’<br />

politics. The politicians<br />

call one another names –<br />

and bad ones too; and they<br />

accuse each other of corruption<br />

and lying, among<br />

other things. We gripe and<br />

whine that our politicians<br />

never really address the issues.<br />

I am now wondering if the<br />

people in the United States<br />

can justifiably have the<br />

same complaint. As a student<br />

of politics, the current<br />

US presidential campaign<br />

is interesting for several<br />

reasons, not least of which<br />

is the Donald Trump factor<br />

on the Republican side; and<br />

a confessed socialist, Bernie<br />

Sanders, running on the<br />

Democratic Party side.<br />

In terms of politicians<br />

dealing with the issues of<br />

the American campaign<br />

race, a few candidates – in<br />

particular Trump and, to a<br />

lesser extent, Ben Carson –<br />

demonstrate a poor grasp of<br />

most of the issues. They just<br />

give some “merry-go-round<br />

answers’’ – not unlike our<br />

own politicians.<br />

The democratic side of the<br />

presidential contest is less<br />

crazy, it must be said, and<br />

there is more substance in<br />

their discussion and debates.<br />

However, if one looks<br />

keenly at the American media,<br />

the Republicans dominate<br />

the news. Maybe that’s<br />

because they have more<br />

newsworthy issues, are<br />

more entertaining and, as<br />

such, carry more ratings for<br />

the news networks. But it is<br />

clear, with all the name-calling<br />

and controversy, the Republicans<br />

control the media.<br />

Republican Ted Cruz, so<br />

far, has conducted a campaign<br />

that we can identify<br />

within the Caribbean region.<br />

His campaign tweeted that<br />

Dr. Ben Carson was ending<br />

his camping when that was<br />

not true.<br />

This week, the Cruz camp<br />

released a videotape purporting<br />

to show rival Republican<br />

candidate, Marco Rubio,<br />

saying some negative<br />

things about the Bible when,<br />

indeed and in truth, Rubio<br />

was saying something quite<br />

different. Cruz eventually<br />

fired his communications<br />

director.<br />

Trump has called Cruz<br />

a liar and a cheat and has<br />

threatened to take him to<br />

court. Rubio has also labeled<br />

Cruz a liar at every<br />

turn. Does that ring a bell?<br />

Do you know of a politician<br />

near you that called another<br />

such names?<br />

Trump has said many<br />

controversial things – some<br />

might say even crazy things.<br />

Certainly, not things that<br />


any smart politician would<br />

say. Trump even took on the<br />

popular Pope Francis. However,<br />

each time he is criticized,<br />

Trump seems to soar<br />

in the polls. Unorthodox,<br />

maybe, but he is extending<br />

his lead in the polls and winning.<br />

But it’s not dissimilar to<br />

what happens in poor countries,<br />

where politicians also<br />

say and do all sorts of crazy<br />

things, whether those crazy<br />

things include bragging<br />

about an attempt to walk on<br />

water, addressing the United<br />

Nations on UFOs, or about<br />

getting the banana boat to<br />

travel up Birchgrove River.<br />

Even then they still won at<br />

the polls. Or, take the 1970s<br />

example of the opposition<br />

saying a Prime Minister was<br />

involved in obeah and later<br />

publishing photos of the<br />

supposed obeah room and<br />

the obeah gown.<br />

Not so long ago in the<br />

USA, no sensible politician<br />

Another man dead after…<br />


would dare declare himself<br />

or herself as a communist<br />

or a socialist. America is the<br />

center of capitalism. However,<br />

things have changed<br />

and there is this 74-year-old<br />

Jew Bernie Sanders, championing<br />

the cause of poor<br />

people and taking the fight<br />

to the richest of the richest.<br />

Refreshing, isn’t it?<br />

But let’s take a further<br />

look at the convergence between<br />

US politicians and<br />

those in other parts of the<br />

world, including Grenada.<br />

In developing countries<br />

like ours, opposition figures<br />

who lost their seats in the<br />

parliamentary elections oppose<br />

constitutional reform,<br />

not because of what is contained<br />

in the reform itself<br />

but what is not there. They<br />

oppose billion-dollar investments,<br />

even though they<br />

sought the same thing when<br />

they were in government.<br />

Politicians are the same, it<br />

seems, wherever they are.<br />



Story by SARAH K BURRIS<br />

A<br />

bullet remained<br />

in the chamber<br />

of a gun when a<br />

43-year-old Concrete,<br />

Washington man attempted<br />

to take a selfie with the<br />

weapon.<br />

The Skagit Valley Herald<br />

reported that the man and<br />

his girlfriend were playing<br />

around taking selfies all<br />

day with the gun. She told<br />

officers that the man had<br />

loaded and unloaded the<br />

gun many times.<br />

The last selfie, the gun<br />

fired killing the man.<br />

Last September, 19-yearold<br />

Houston man shot himself<br />

while doing the same<br />

thing. He later died from<br />

his injuries.<br />

A helpline was launched<br />

in Russia last summer to<br />

help people who suffer<br />

from selfie addiction. The<br />

country has suffered from<br />

similar selfie incidents<br />

where over 100 people<br />

have been harmed and a<br />

dozen killed themselves<br />

while attempting to get a<br />

photo. They even launched<br />

a “selfie safety guide.” Perhaps,<br />

Americans could get a<br />

translation.<br />

You have the Republicans<br />

in the US Senate and<br />

Congress, as well as their<br />

presidential hopefuls, opposing<br />

for opposing sake.<br />

They vow to oppose anyone<br />

President Barack Obama<br />

nominates to the Supreme<br />

Court and argue he should<br />

wait until after the election.<br />

That’s despite the fact he<br />

has a constitutional right to<br />

nominate someone to the<br />

court. What will be the argument<br />

if a Democrat succeeds<br />

Obama in the White House?<br />

Then, they oppose<br />

Obama’s upcoming visit<br />

to Cuba and the lifting of<br />

sanctions against the Spanish-speaking<br />

Caribbean nation,<br />

in spite of the fact that<br />

the world has accepted and<br />

embraced the US change in<br />

policy towards Havana.<br />

And, without missing a<br />

beat, they remain opposed<br />

to the closing down of the<br />

Guantanamo prison, even<br />

though there are detainees<br />

who, after so many years,<br />

are still locked up without<br />

charge – something that<br />

goes against all the moral<br />

standards the US speaks of<br />

and tries to enforce in other<br />

countries, not least Cuba.<br />

As the US election campaign<br />

continues, it will be<br />

interesting to see who will<br />

eventually emerge as the<br />

respective nominees of the<br />

two major parties. Hillary<br />

Clinton seems most likely<br />

to get the nod for the Democrats<br />

while Donald Trump<br />

appears to be the unlikely<br />

Republican candidate.<br />

Whatever it is, and whoever<br />

are the final presidential<br />

candidates, I think we can<br />

feel less badly about our politics<br />

and politicians. And it’s<br />

not because the Americans<br />

have lowered their standard<br />

but, just maybe, they have<br />

taken it up a notch.<br />

They have now taken it to<br />

a place where we have been<br />

for the longest while.<br />


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ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />

Page 17<br />



Today Vin Diesel is<br />

best known as the<br />

star and driving<br />

force behind the megapopular<br />

Fast & Furious<br />

series, which has evolved<br />

from an early-2000s B-<br />

movie into a self-aware<br />

international action<br />

brand.<br />

However, once upon a<br />

time Hollywood tried to<br />

remake him as the next<br />

James Bond with xXx,<br />

an action franchise that<br />

did not really get off the<br />

ground but is getting another<br />

shot as xXx: The<br />

Return of Xander Cage.<br />

Clearly eyeing the same diverse<br />

global approach that<br />

has worked for the Fast<br />

series, the film has sought<br />

out international co-stars<br />

like Donnie Yen, Deepika<br />

Padukone and Tony Jaa to<br />

round out its cast.<br />

Now, we can add one<br />

more name to that list:<br />

Ariadna Gutiérrez, the first<br />

runner-up at the 2016 Miss<br />

Universe pageant, has<br />

joined the cast for The Return<br />

of Xander Cage.<br />

Gutiérrez was already<br />

a star in her native Colombia,<br />

where she was<br />




Sonakshi Sinha will<br />

be doing something<br />

unique this International<br />

Women’s Day. The<br />

actress is set to attempt<br />

to create a world record<br />

of the most people painting<br />

fingernails simultaneously,<br />

by joining a group<br />

of women. The actress<br />

tells us that she has always<br />

been competitive by<br />

nature and hopes to see<br />

her name as one among<br />

those holding a Guinness<br />

record.<br />

“I love challenges and I<br />

am competitive in a good<br />

way if I participate in<br />

something I like to be good<br />

at it and do well. I enjoy<br />

the process of attempting<br />

a task more than anything<br />

else. It is such an achievement<br />

to set a record and<br />

be featured in the Guinness<br />

books. There are so<br />

many categories and fields<br />

where records are broken<br />

every year and it makes for<br />

a really interesting read,<br />

it’s something I always<br />

enjoyed reading about and<br />

now I’m part of one such<br />

attempt myself.”<br />

Sharing some of the obstacles<br />

that she has undergone<br />

in real life, Sonakshi<br />

says, “A couple of my challenging<br />

moments to-date<br />

have definitely been getting<br />

through fashion school<br />

and then jumping from<br />

that to being an actress and<br />

besides that another challenge<br />

was learning mixed<br />

martial arts for Akira. It is<br />

both physically and men-<br />


with the Ian Alleyne and Roger Alexander clash<br />

The recent clash between<br />

Crime Watch host Ian Alleyne<br />

and Beyond the Tape<br />

host Inspector Roger Alexander has<br />

taken the Comedy stage by storm<br />

and there is an overwhelming demand<br />

by people for more shows.<br />

The Alternative Comedy Festival, a<br />

Randy Glasgow production will be featuring<br />

a skit of the break-up of the once<br />

close relationship between the two<br />

hosts starting on Sunday, March 13<br />

at the Centre of Excellence, Macoya,<br />

including popular comedians. Kenneth<br />

Seepersad, and the Drunken Saint,<br />

along with Extempo King Winston<br />

“Gypsy” Peters, Lingo and Black Sage<br />

Other shows will be held on Friday,<br />

March 18, at Queen’s Hall, Port<br />

of Spain and on Sunday, March 26 at<br />

Shaw Park Entertainment Complex,<br />

Tobago.<br />

crowned Miss Colombia<br />

in 2014. But she got an<br />

unexpected (and somewhat<br />

awkward) push to<br />

international recognition<br />

when, after having placed<br />

second in the overall voting<br />

for the Miss Universe<br />

pageant, her name was<br />

mistakenly called as the<br />

winner (the actual victor<br />

was Miss Philippines, Pia<br />

Alonzo Wurtzbach) by comedian<br />

and Family Feud<br />

host Steve Harvey, who<br />

was serving as host.<br />

The confused scene that<br />

resulted, broadcast live internationally,<br />

made Gutiérrez<br />

an instantly sympathetic<br />

household name<br />

worldwide – something<br />

that generally does not<br />

happen to second-place<br />

finishers in such contests.<br />

As reported by Variety,<br />

the glamorous star will<br />

now make her film debut<br />

as Diesel’s love interest<br />

in the big-budget action<br />

feature directed by D.J.<br />

Caruso (Eagle Eye, I Am<br />

Number Four). The Return<br />

of Xander Cage is clearly<br />

aiming to provide Diesel<br />

with a third reliable boxoffice<br />

franchise to join his<br />

current collection alongside<br />

the Fast films and Riddick,<br />

with Samuel L. Jackson,<br />

Kris Wu and Ruby<br />

Rose also being part of<br />

the xXx film’s (seemingly<br />

ever growing) cast.<br />

Gutiérrez casting will<br />

give the film another<br />

much-needed female face<br />

and add to the internationally<br />

flavored diversity that<br />

has become a regular focus<br />

of films produced by and/<br />

or starring Diesel – an actor<br />

whose early appeal<br />

was often partly attributed<br />

to his multi-ethnic background<br />

and “post-national”<br />

persona.<br />


tally challenging. But I’m<br />

always up for a task so I<br />

won’t complain.”<br />

IAN ALLEYNE (left) and<br />


BUNJI<br />

GARLIN<br />

DESTRA<br />

1. CHEERS TO LIFE - Voice<br />

2. SCENE - GBM Nutron ft. Fayann Lyons<br />

3. BODY TALK - Kess ft. Chris Hierro<br />

4. PEOPLE - Kes The Band<br />

5. WORK - Rihanna ft. Drake<br />

6. OH YAH - Olatunji<br />

MACHEL<br />


7. GYAL MEETS BRASS [RR RHYTHM] - Salty ft.<br />

Fayann Lyons<br />

8. DIFFERENT ME - 5 Star Akil<br />

9. HUMAN [Ti’ Punch RIDDIM] - Machel Montano<br />

10. MON BON AMI [Ti’ Punch RIDDIM] - Angela Hunte<br />

11. FREEDOM - Lyrikal<br />

12. BET - Ricardo Dru<br />

13. BUM BUM - Third Bass<br />

14. MEMORY - Machel Montano and Tarrus Riley<br />

15. BEND DOWN PAUSE - Machel Montano ft. Runtown<br />

and Wizkid<br />

16. SUGAR RUSH - Hypasounds<br />

17. ALLEZ - Teddyson John remix ft. Bunji Garlin<br />

18. MASTERS OF MAS [RR RHYTHM] - Blaxx<br />

19. LEH WE FETE - Rikki Jai<br />

20. BAMBILAMBAMBILAMBAM - Farmer Nappy<br />

21. TRUCK DRIVER - Shurwayne Winchester<br />

22. TAXI CARNIVAL - Machel Montano ft Pitbull [NEW]<br />

23. CAN YOU FEEL IT - Aaron Duncan<br />

24. NONSTOP [JAMBE AN RIDDIM] - Pternsky<br />

25. WORK - Lil Bits<br />

26. TEMPERATURE - Machel Montano<br />

27. SORRY - Justin Bieber<br />

28. BETTER THAN THEM - Machel Montano and Timaya<br />

29. FEELS LIKE AN EARTHQUAKE - Bunji Garlin<br />

30. TOO HARD - Hypa 4000<br />

31. PARTY - Shal Marshall<br />

32. TOUCH THE STAGE - Bunji Garlin<br />

33. BLOCK D ROAD - Fayann Lyons ft. Stonebwoy<br />

34. ANYWAY ROADMIX - Jaiga<br />

35. OLD AND GREY - Patrice Roberts<br />

36. MAGIC - Sekon Sta and Nadia Batson<br />

37. UNFOGETTABLE - Kerwin Du Bois and Patrice Roberts<br />

38. INTENTION - Erphaan Alves<br />

39. OH GOSH - Flipo<br />

40. HIT MEH - S.Carter<br />


Follow our expanded<br />



of LOCAL MUSIC<br />


Page 18 ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />



ed?<br />

laws of the land that makes this situation gets the support<br />

Is the school environment us a civilized society, otherwise,<br />

from some prominent<br />

conducive and friendly to<br />

our existence may people in the society. I<br />

those students who want to become short-lived.<br />

secure their future?<br />

The only way that the<br />

STORY BY<br />

Are there individuals impeding<br />

the progress of those come protected is through<br />

school environment can be-<br />


who want to advance in the rigid discipline – nothing<br />

development of their lives? else. In the absence of<br />

In Trinidad and Tobago, strict, discipline the buildings<br />

schools can be found in every<br />

that are called schools<br />

constituency to accommodate<br />

and which accommodate<br />

the many young our children that should<br />

children in our society. instead be called “Do your<br />

Both past and present own thing Centers.” In<br />

governments did their utmost<br />

my days at school, just the<br />

to ensure that educa-<br />

presence of the whip or belt<br />

Education Minister<br />

tion is the bedrock of our kept reminding us about the<br />


society by investing in the need to be disciplined and<br />

erection of schools all over to avoid trouble. In this<br />

the country for the purpose<br />

of educating our youths.<br />

Institutions for learning<br />

have been around<br />

for centuries and they<br />

have served mankind well<br />

throughout our history.<br />

Different institutions are<br />

specifically built to accommodate<br />

certain training that<br />

will facilitate individuals<br />

coming from a particular<br />

age group with a common<br />

objective to prepare them<br />

to better their lives as they<br />

mature into being young<br />

men and women.<br />

One such institution in<br />

Trinidad and Tobago for<br />

learning comes through our<br />

education system with the<br />

availability of schools is it<br />

primary or secondary.<br />

The question must, therefore,<br />

be asked, are our<br />

schools serving the purpose<br />

for which they were intend-<br />

How then must these<br />

schools function?<br />

Without guidelines, rules<br />

or regulations human beings<br />

will operate at their<br />

own whims and fancy.<br />

In fact, it is through the<br />

obedience and the willingness<br />

of us to adhere to the<br />

manner, those who were<br />

very talented were not allowed<br />

to be distracted by<br />

those less inclined along<br />

the education pathway.<br />

Now, I am hearing corporal<br />

punishment no longer<br />

exists in the schools. Who<br />

are those “Brilliant Minds”<br />

that have made corporal<br />

punishment extinct? In addition,<br />

what is even scarier,<br />

am not even too concerned<br />

about those psychologists<br />

who support the eradication<br />

of corporal punishment in<br />

our schools for I am certain<br />

that those psychologists<br />

need help themselves.<br />

For those with religious<br />

beliefs against corporal<br />

punishment in schools, I am<br />

wondering if their authority<br />

is the Bible. Are they forgetting<br />

that the first human<br />

pair had to face dire consequences<br />

for their disobedience?<br />

Are they also forgetting<br />

that we are told that foolishness<br />

is tied up in the hearts<br />

of young people and it is<br />

the rod of correction that<br />

will remove such?<br />

Are they also forgetting<br />

that the very scripture says<br />

that the fear of the Lord is<br />

the beginning of wisdom?<br />

Do these scriptures have<br />

any meaning to those Christians<br />

who are in agreement<br />

with others to eradicate the<br />

rod of correction?<br />

With the absence of corporal<br />

punishment or other<br />

means of punishment, what<br />

fear would schoolchildren<br />

have in the school environment?<br />

Why should young students<br />

be permitted in the<br />

classroom if they are not<br />

prepared to take instructions<br />

from their teachers?<br />

Why should they with<br />

their criminal records and/<br />

or deviant behaviour be<br />

allowed to remain in the<br />

classroom to contaminate<br />

the law abiding others?<br />

Why must they be tolerated<br />

in the school while<br />

they are threatening the<br />

lives of the very ones who<br />

are there to educate them?<br />

Why must young girls<br />

who become pregnant be<br />

allowed to continue in the<br />

classroom?<br />

Education Minister Anthony<br />

Garcia should look<br />

into the aforementioned<br />

problems.<br />

Our sympathetic hearts<br />

and minds and our refusal<br />

or inability to see and understand<br />

logic will continue<br />

to be our demise. Unless<br />

there are robust aggressive<br />

dealings with school delinquencies<br />

the school system<br />

will continue to be a failure<br />

if we are not prepared to<br />

act swiftly and decisively<br />

in getting rid of those bad<br />

elements within the school<br />

walls.<br />


Story by JACK WARNER<br />

Negligence!<br />

That is the only<br />

way one can describe<br />

the events that lead<br />

to the death of little baby<br />

Miracle.<br />

Whether or not we agree<br />

with the way the fund was<br />

being administered, the<br />

Children’s Life Fund is a<br />

necessity.<br />

And to think that after so<br />

many allegations of impropriety,<br />

the least the administrators<br />

would have done<br />

is to perform efficiently to<br />

eliminate the scarring of<br />

this Fund under the PNM,<br />

but alas!<br />

The more things change<br />

most certainly the more<br />

they will remain the same.<br />

for Miracle Baby Cross<br />

Who failed to understand<br />

all the nuances associated<br />

with what is required when<br />

one of our little babies require<br />

critical surgery should<br />

be fired.<br />

And when the Fund’s Director<br />

Dennis Cox is quoted<br />

as saying a five-week delay<br />

to process funding is not<br />

unusual, it means that he<br />

lacks the empathy and the<br />

compassion to sit in the<br />

chair as Director.<br />

It is difficult not to feel<br />

the pain the parents would<br />

have experienced first at<br />

the death of little Miracle<br />

and shortly after to receive<br />

a call indicating that the<br />

people upon whom they depended<br />

on for a miracle for<br />

Miracle came hours late.<br />

For over five weeks one<br />

can only imagine the anxiety<br />

of the baby’s parents while<br />

these servants of the people<br />

twiddled their thumbs innocuous<br />

of the death sentence<br />

they had pronounced<br />

on little Miracle.<br />

And the sad part about it<br />

is that nothing will change,<br />

no one will be held accountable<br />

and more babies<br />

will die because as far as<br />

Director Dennis Cox is<br />

concerned the actions of his<br />

administrators were really<br />

not unusual.<br />

I did not know little Miracle<br />

but my heart bleeds.<br />

I was never privileged to<br />

watch this baby smile but<br />

I know the hope that I felt<br />

when I believed that under a<br />

caring PNM administration<br />

that at least Miracle would<br />

stand a fighting chance.<br />

I never believed this is<br />

the way the story would<br />

have ended.<br />

At least as a nation, we<br />

expected the Life Fund administrators<br />

to do the best<br />

that they could.<br />

But they have not only<br />

failed little Miracle, they<br />

have failed us because they<br />

have caused grief to visit us<br />

in a way that is reprehensible<br />

and in a manner that<br />

is as callous as the deviant<br />

criminals who bring death<br />

upon so many.<br />

It is as though we are<br />

cursed as a nation.<br />

There is no sense of urgency,<br />

not for those awaiting<br />

trial in prison, or those<br />

awaiting their pensions after<br />

serving this country for<br />

33 plus years.<br />

We have become an insensitive<br />

lot and we are<br />

being governed by coldhearted<br />

leaders to whom<br />

empathy and pity are no<br />

longer feelings that move<br />

us to act with a sense of<br />

alacrity.<br />

I take no consolation<br />

that Miracle’s pain is no<br />

more when I know that as a<br />

people we could have done<br />

We failed Baby MIRACLE<br />

better.<br />

We failed little Miracle<br />

and those who are responsible<br />

should hang their heads<br />

in shame.<br />

If their actions are not<br />

unusual then they do no justice<br />

in the office they serve.<br />

The only consolation I<br />

will hold is when each and<br />

every one of these administrators<br />

is removed from<br />

office to give our children<br />

who are sick a fighting<br />

chance to live.<br />


CALL SUNSHINE at: 692-6781 /6782 | Fax: 692-6940 | Email: info@sunshinett.com

ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />

Stakeholders in the racing industry are calling on the government<br />



Stakeholders in the<br />

racing industry are<br />

calling on the government<br />

to install members<br />

of the Trinidad and<br />

Tobago Racing Authority<br />

(TTRA).<br />

The Authority has been<br />

without a board for the<br />

past eight month and come<br />

next month secretary to the<br />

board, David Loregnard<br />

will be retiring. And it<br />

seems that the Rowley-led<br />

PNM government is not<br />

making a move to appoint<br />

a board since its nine members<br />

term of office came to<br />

end in June last year and<br />

to date there haVE been<br />

no appointments to fill the<br />

vacancies.<br />

Stakeholders in the racing<br />

industry claim that<br />

there has always been a<br />

problem with past governments<br />

appointing a board<br />

on time.<br />

Members of the TTRA<br />

have to be appointed by<br />

the Minister of Trade and<br />

Industry under which<br />

horse racing falls, but the<br />

new Trade Minister is<br />

claiming that horse racing<br />

is now under the Ministry<br />

of Finance.<br />

Stakeholders are in<br />

a quandary as to which<br />

minister is responsible for<br />

horse racing now.<br />

One racing official said<br />

horse racing has to remain<br />

with the Ministry of Trade<br />

until the TTRA Act changes<br />

to bring the sport under<br />

the Ministry of Finance.<br />

In 2013 after the Derek<br />

Chin-led board went out<br />

of office, it took the former<br />

PP government some<br />

six months to appoint new<br />

members of the TTRA for<br />

two years, which expired<br />

in June last year under<br />

chairman Sunil Sirjoo.<br />

Since then Loregnard<br />

has been carrying out the<br />

functions of the Authority<br />

within<br />

The TTRA is the regulatory<br />

body for horse racing,<br />

among its function are<br />

to administer and enforce<br />

rules made under section<br />

17of the TTRA Act, and<br />

regulations made under<br />

section 19, hear all disputes<br />

arising out of the<br />

rules of racing made under<br />

section 17, hear appeals of<br />

jockey against fines and<br />

suspension handed down<br />

by the Arima Race Club<br />

(ARC) stewards.<br />

Lorenard, who has been<br />

secretary of the TTRA for<br />

over 30 years, will be retiring<br />

at the end of April<br />

and since there is no board<br />

to decide whether to offer<br />

him a contract to stay until<br />

a new secretary is appointed,<br />

he will be packing his<br />


By Azad Ali<br />

bags and heading out of his<br />

office at Santa Rosa Park,<br />

Arima.<br />

Staffers at the TTRA are<br />

now worried about their<br />

salaries from May since<br />

currently there are two signatories-<br />

secretary and accountant-<br />

required to sign<br />

cheques for wages.<br />

Some stakeholders have<br />

Page 19<br />

described Loregnard as a<br />

“walking encyclopedia”<br />

when it comes to the rules<br />

of racing and has got high<br />

recognition from other racing<br />

jurisdictions abroad.<br />

One racing official said<br />

it would be difficult to replace<br />

Loregnard with is<br />

years of experience in the<br />

sport.<br />

Trainer ROHIT DUBE (left) and owner DAVID MAHABIR lead in Mary’s Girl Chile<br />

with jockey KESHAN BALGOBIN in the saddle.<br />

Messi with jockey EMILLE RAMSAMMY in winner’s enclosure.<br />

Happy connections of Onefortheroad in winner’s circle. Trainer HARRIRAM<br />

“Pepsi” GOBIN (second from right). Fourth from right is KAMA MAHARAJ.<br />

Indian Medicine won the feature Top of the Class race with<br />

jockey PRAYVEN BADRIE in the saddle.

Page 20 ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />




stress or abuse, increase the risk of<br />

poor mental health and psychiatric<br />

disorders later in life.<br />

stress were smaller at weaning,<br />

but this difference disappeared<br />

over time.<br />

“The number of traumatic “Rats consuming sugar in both<br />

events – accidents; witnessing an<br />

injury; bereavement; natural disasters;<br />

physical, sexual and emotional<br />

abuse; domestic violence and<br />

being a victim of crime – a child<br />

is exposed to is associated with elevated<br />

concentrations of the major<br />

stress hormone, cortisol.<br />

“There is also evidence that<br />

childhood maltreatment is associated<br />

with reduced brain volume<br />

and that these changes may be<br />

linked to anxiety.<br />

“Looking at rats, we examined<br />

whether the impact of early life<br />

stress on the brain was exacerbated<br />

by drinking high volumes of<br />

sugary drinks after weaning.<br />

“As females are more likely to<br />

experience adverse life events, we<br />

studied female Sprague-Dawley<br />

rats.<br />

“To model early life trauma or<br />

abuse, after rats were born half of<br />

the litters were exposed to limited<br />

nesting material from days two to<br />

nine after birth.<br />

“They then returned to normal<br />

bedding until they were weaned.<br />

“The limited nesting alters maternal<br />

behaviour and increases<br />

groups (control and stress) ate<br />

more calories over the experiment.<br />

“The rats were followed until<br />

they were 15 weeks old, and then<br />

their brains were examined.<br />

“As we know that early life<br />

stress can impact mental health<br />

and function, we examined a part<br />

of the brain called the hippocampus,<br />

which is important for both<br />

memory and stress.<br />

“Four groups of rats were studied<br />

– control (no stress), control<br />

rats drinking sugar, rats exposed<br />

to stress, and rats exposed to stress<br />

who drank sugar.<br />

“We found that chronic consumption<br />

of sugar in rats who<br />

were not stressed produced similar<br />

changes in the hippocampus as<br />

seen in the rats who were stressed<br />

but not drinking sugar.<br />

“Early life stress exposure or<br />

sugar drinking led to lower expression<br />

of the receptor that binds<br />

the major stress hormone cortisol,<br />

which may affect the ability to recover<br />

from exposure to a stressful<br />

situation.<br />

“Another gene that is important<br />

for the growth of nerves, Neurod1,<br />

and the impact of the sugar is worrying<br />

as it may affect brain development,<br />

although further work is<br />

required to test this.<br />

“In this study, combining sugar<br />

intake and early life stress did not<br />

produce further changes in the<br />

hippocampus, but whether this<br />

remains the case over time is unclear.<br />

“The changes in the brain induced<br />

by sugar are of great concern<br />

given the high consumption<br />

anxiety in the offspring later in was also reduced by both sugar of sugar-sweetened beverages,<br />

life.<br />

“At weaning, half the rats were<br />

given unlimited to access to lowfat<br />

chow and water to drink, while<br />

their sisters were given chow, water<br />

and a 25 per cent sugar solution<br />

that they could choose to drink.<br />

“Animals exposed to early life<br />

and stress.<br />

“Other genes important for the<br />

growth of nerves were investigated,<br />

and just drinking sugar from a<br />

young age was sufficient to reduce<br />

them.<br />

“The rats were exposed to high<br />

sugar intakes during development,<br />

with particularly high consumption<br />

in children aged nine to 16<br />

years.<br />

“If similar processes are at play<br />

in humans to what was found in<br />

our rat study, reducing the consumption<br />

of sugar across the community<br />

is important.<br />

In light of mounting evidence<br />

indicating the link between<br />

a high sugar diet and ill<br />

health, it is now widely accepted<br />

that more should be done to encourage<br />

people to reduce their<br />

consumption of sugar.<br />

Many interest groups are pushing<br />

for the imposition of a “sin<br />

tax” on sweet drinks, and dietary<br />

guidelines in the US and UK have<br />

been tightened to reflect the changing<br />

scientific evidence.<br />

The World Health Organization<br />

(WHO) recommends no more<br />

than 10 percent of a person’s daily<br />

energy should come from added<br />

sugars, or those found naturally in<br />

juices and honey, which equates to<br />

around 50g or 12 teaspoons a day.<br />

And while the links between a<br />

high-sugar diet and obesity, with<br />

all its accompanying ills, are well<br />

documented, experts are now turning<br />

their attention to the other<br />

ways sugar can affect the body.<br />

In a recent study, a team at the<br />

University of New South Wales<br />

concluded that sugar is as damaging<br />

to the brain as extreme stress<br />

or abuse.<br />

Research associate Jayanthi Maniam<br />

and professor of pharmacology<br />

Margaret Morris were involved<br />

in the study and discussed their<br />

findings with The Conversation:<br />

“The changes we observed to<br />

the region of the brain that controls<br />

emotional behaviour and cognitive<br />

function were more extensive than<br />

those caused by extreme early life<br />

stress,” they revealed.<br />

“It is known that adverse experiences<br />

early in life, such as extreme<br />


1. Curry<br />

Curry contains turmeric, a spice<br />

that in turn contains the anti-inflammatory<br />

antioxidant curcumin.<br />

Curcumin is capable of crossing<br />

the blood-brain barrier, which is<br />

one reason why it holds promise as<br />

a neuroprotective agent in a wide<br />

range of neurological disorders.<br />

Research has shown that curcumin<br />

may help inhibit the accumulation<br />

of destructive beta amyloids<br />

in the brain of Alzheimer’s<br />

patients, as well as break up existing<br />

plaques.1 Curcumin has even<br />

been shown to boost memory and<br />

stimulate the production of new<br />

brain cells, a process known as<br />

neurogenesis.<br />

A word to the wise… some curry<br />

powders may contain very little<br />

curcumin compared to straight turmeric<br />

powder, so choose the latter<br />

for the best health benefits.<br />

2. Broccoli and Cauliflower<br />

Broccoli and cauliflower are<br />

good sources of choline, a B vitamin<br />

known for its role in brain<br />

development. Choline intake during<br />

pregnancy “super-charged” the<br />

brain activity of animals in utero,<br />

indicating that it may boost cognitive<br />

function, improve learning<br />

and memory,<br />

It may even diminish age-related<br />

memory decline and your<br />

brain’s vulnerability to toxins during<br />

childhood, as well as conferring<br />

protection later in life.3 Eggs<br />

and meat are among the best food<br />

sources of choline.<br />

3. Walnuts<br />

Walnuts are good sources of<br />

plant-based omega-3 fats, natural<br />

phytosterols and antioxidants, and<br />

have been shown to reverse brain<br />

aging in older rats. DHA, in particular,<br />

is a type of omega-3 fat<br />

that’s been found to boost<br />

brain function and even<br />

promote brain healing,<br />

although it’s<br />

more plentiful in animal-based<br />

omega-3<br />

sources, like krill, as<br />

opposed to walnuts.<br />

4. Crab<br />

One serving of crab contains<br />

more than your entire daily requirement<br />

of phenylalanine, an amino<br />

acid that helps make the neurotransmitter<br />

dopamine, brain-stimulating<br />

adrenaline and noradrenaline and<br />

thyroid hormone, and may help<br />

“The fact that drinking sugar<br />

or exposure to early life stress<br />

reduced the expression of genes<br />

critical for brain development and<br />

growth is of great concern.<br />

“While it is impossible to perform<br />

such studies in humans, the<br />

brain circuits controlling stress responses<br />

and feeding are conserved<br />

across species.<br />

“People who were exposed to<br />

early life trauma have changes in<br />

the structure of their hippocampus.<br />

In humans, those consuming<br />

the most ‘western’ diet had smaller<br />

hippocampal volumes, in line with<br />

data from animal models.<br />

“Taken together, these findings<br />

suggest future work should consider<br />

possible long-term effects of<br />

high sugar intake, particularly early<br />

in life, on the brain and behaviour.”<br />

fight Parkinson’s disease. Crab is<br />

also an excellent source of brainboosting<br />

vitamin B12.

ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />

Page 21<br />

Crossword Puzzle<br />

ACROSS<br />

1. Sysadmin<br />

6. A hemispherical roof<br />

10. Egg-shaped<br />

14. Neighborhood<br />

15. Mimics<br />

16. Drill<br />

17. Onyx<br />

18. Mongol hut<br />

19. City in Peru<br />

20. Beggar<br />

22. Computer symbol<br />

23. Arid<br />

24. Speaks<br />

26. Circle fragments<br />

DOWN<br />

1. Smack<br />

2. Eastern discipline<br />

3. Glance over<br />

4. Pledge<br />

5. Supplications<br />

6. Dreamlike musings<br />

7. Luxurious<br />

8. No more than<br />

9. Anagram of<br />

“Russet”<br />

10. Destroy completely<br />

11. Vocalization<br />

12. Knight’s “suit”<br />

13. Inclines<br />

21. Requires<br />

25. Russian emperor<br />

26. Does something<br />

27. A chess piece<br />

28. Hint<br />

29. Fortify<br />

34. Void<br />

36. Frozen<br />

37. Countertenor<br />

38. Appear<br />

40. Bit of gossip<br />

30. Poetic dusk<br />

31. South southeast<br />

32. A young male horse<br />

33. A romantic meeting<br />

35. Operatic solos<br />

39. Sightseeing industry<br />

41. Any amazing<br />

occurrence<br />

43. Shooting sport<br />

44. Absorbs<br />

46. French for “Head”<br />

47. Born as<br />

49. Faster than light<br />

50. Biblical kingdom<br />

42. A small island<br />

45. Umbrage<br />

48. Artists’ workstands<br />

51. Water balloon sound<br />

52. Bully<br />

53. Put out<br />

51. A symbol of<br />

disgrace<br />

54. Feudal estate<br />

56. Publicize<br />

57. Loud<br />

63. Verdant<br />

64. Sea eagle<br />

65. Fine thread<br />

66. Chills and fever<br />

67. Not more<br />

68. Painful grief<br />

69. Not now<br />

70. Views<br />

71. Horse<br />

55. Bends<br />

58. Tall woody plant<br />

59. Violent disturbance<br />

60. Small island<br />

61. Maguey<br />

62. Egghead<br />



aries<br />

libra<br />

You can suddenly feel you are freed<br />

A greater sense of self confidence<br />

from pressures that have been<br />

with decisions can start to take<br />

there since January. Put your focus<br />

shape now and go on to late May.<br />

on the future to late May though be<br />

This can be particularly so with any<br />

aware that you will then have pressures<br />

financial situations you might have<br />

return. There is much that will not be fully evi-<br />

been dealing with since January. From now to your<br />

dent just yet and this is why you need to let matters birthday deal with details carefully when it comes to<br />

take their own course while paying careful attention. things you want to bring to an end. Small steps are<br />

best.<br />

taurus<br />

Interactions with others since January<br />

have been a relatively open<br />

exercise even with challenges that<br />

may have arisen. From now to late<br />

May others can become more mysterious,<br />

making it difficult to know<br />

exactly where you stand. You can realise different priorities<br />

need to take shape based on what can logically<br />

be enjoyed.<br />

gemini<br />

Interaction with others will now begin<br />

to step up a notch or two until<br />

late May. Commitment from others<br />

is something you need to be mindful<br />

about. Don’t be tempted to presume<br />

it will simply go with the circumstances. Don’t<br />

simply look at matters, as you want to see them. You<br />

do not want your future security threatened.<br />

cancer<br />

Greater focus on your health<br />

and particularly your fitness level<br />

should begin now and be kept up<br />

to late May. If you haven’t been to<br />

the dentist in a while, it might pay to<br />

do so. Careful planning with daily matters needs to be<br />

adhered to – future opportunities can certainly exist<br />

but will not be fulfilled without good routines.<br />

leo<br />

The level of attention you have put<br />

into getting a good foundation in<br />

place since January will now have<br />

a lot to do with the benefits to gain<br />

or the enjoyment you get from it to<br />

late May. Uncertainties others experience<br />

could put you under pressure. Be cautious<br />

about how you respond to this financially or you could<br />

lose money.<br />

virgo<br />

Some very interesting, even profound<br />

situations can arise from now<br />

until your birthday in your dealings<br />

with others. This will have much<br />

to do with new directions generated<br />

by them and how you decide<br />

to respond. You need to take action in putting things<br />

in place for your own stability and security from now<br />

until late May.<br />

12 31 3 17 28 25<br />

12 3 16 22 35 28<br />

28 3 5 12 16 14<br />

12 25 36 10 14 32<br />

33 28 32 12 10 3<br />

14 25 18 12 36 3<br />

scorpio<br />

A new 2 year cycle has been shaping<br />

up in your life since January,<br />

though there will be some rethinking<br />

on this to do later. Finances will<br />

now become your focus until late<br />

May. There will be a need to include a degree of practicality,<br />

which might also include limitation. This will<br />

set the stage for reconsidering new directions later.<br />

sagittarius<br />

You should start to feel much better<br />

about matters that involve you,<br />

with Mars moving into your sign,<br />

where it will stay until 28th May.<br />

This generates a new 2 year cycle,<br />

though there will be a second stage to this later, which<br />

is most unusual. You will feel more energetic and confident<br />

now. It is imperative that you are responsible.<br />

capricorn<br />

You will need to find time to withdraw<br />

from now to late May to enable<br />

consideration of priorities.<br />

This is an excellent period for you<br />

to gather information, learn or<br />

refresh yourself with skills that you consider will be<br />

helpful in the long term. Your intentions would be better<br />

kept to yourself, as you won’t know whom you can<br />

trust.<br />

aquarius<br />

Pressure that you have had to deal<br />

with since January, regarding obligations,<br />

can ease now, though they<br />

will return after late May. Up until<br />

then you need to put your energy<br />

into looking at priorities that will sustain you over the<br />

long term. Pay close attention to your finances – don’t<br />

let others drain them, one way or another.<br />

pisces<br />

The Solar Eclipse this week takes<br />

place in your sign, heralding significant<br />

new beginnings over the next<br />

6 months. This will involve other<br />

people and you should be mindful<br />

of them lowering things in some<br />

way. Your focus, to late May, needs to be kept upon<br />

commitments you have to be prepared to accept that<br />

are in your best interests.<br /><br /><br />

Page 22 ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />


- Warner threatens to sue on behalf of T&T!<br />

Story by JACK WARNER<br />

The collapse of the<br />

Petrotrin v Malcolm<br />

Jones case<br />

was stylishly managed by<br />

Anand Ramlogan, Kamla<br />

Persad Bissessar and company<br />

last week.<br />

Singing from the same<br />

hymn sheet the UNC managed<br />

to deflect public attention<br />

from the fact that yet another<br />

one of Anand’s ‘make<br />

work’ ventures had in fact<br />

failed spectacularly before<br />

the local courts.<br />

The time line is useful to<br />

remember.<br />

Immediately after we took<br />

office Anand appointed his A<br />

Team to investigate corruption.<br />

Although they were appointed<br />

with public fanfare<br />

the now disgraced team<br />

comprised persons who were<br />

handpicked by Anand to<br />

conduct these investigations.<br />

The team included Ramdeen<br />

who is still working in<br />

all of these failed cases.<br />

Trinidad is a small place<br />

so when I was given certain<br />

information I went trustingly<br />

to the Prime Minister<br />

to warn her about what was<br />

then an open secret. The A<br />

Team itself was nothing but<br />

an opportunity for graft and<br />

In essence, teams are<br />

not measured by the first<br />

across the line, but by<br />

the last to finish.<br />

The technique naturally<br />

motivates all stakeholders<br />

to unite around a<br />

common purpose, build<br />

synergies that add value<br />

to accomplishing the objective,<br />

encourages the<br />

worst performers to up<br />

their game so as not disappoint<br />

his teammates<br />

and drives leaders to<br />

emerge- Team dynamics.<br />

The business of the<br />

military shares similar<br />

business fundamentals<br />

of quality, production,<br />

efficiencies and accomplishing<br />

mission objectives.<br />

No military is worth<br />

its weight in gold without<br />

inspirational Leadership<br />

(serve for God,<br />

Duty and Country) and<br />

corruption. She disregarded<br />

my advice then.<br />

The rest is now history.<br />

In the few months it took<br />

to prepare worthless reports<br />

with a few salacious details<br />

thrown in, the team was able<br />

to rack up legal fees in excess<br />

of fifty million dollars.<br />

All for us to ‘discover’<br />

that some State Enterprises<br />

had made some bad investments<br />

and that Reverend<br />

Pena had ‘stayed’ at a UTT<br />

guest house that was open to<br />

the public.<br />

I warned the then Prime<br />

Minister repeatedly. Her<br />

attitude then was different<br />

from what it is today. Then<br />

she would not hear of an investigation<br />

into her AG. Today<br />

she is the first to speak of<br />

writing letters to her friends<br />

in the Integrity Commission.<br />

It was an open secret that<br />

there was no basis to mount<br />

civil actions in any of the<br />

claims. The AG’s office<br />

sought to get advice to justify<br />

all of the claims. For<br />

a few dollars here and there<br />

they got the advice.<br />

In at least two cases that<br />

I know of Queen’s Counsel<br />

advised against the proceedings<br />

in advance.<br />

One of these was the e<br />



Management competencies<br />

in all fields of operations.<br />

Most militaries are vast<br />

and very complex organizations<br />

with many (business)<br />

units working in<br />

sync.<br />

Business enterprises<br />

too require synchronized<br />

units bound by common<br />

strategy and operational<br />

threads.<br />

One salient attribute<br />

inherent in most military<br />

organizational infrastructures<br />

that give them competitive<br />

advantage over<br />

every business archetype<br />

is their discipline.<br />

A disciplined organization<br />

is a credit to exemplary<br />

leadership and competent<br />

management.<br />

One can argue that the<br />

military’s organizational<br />

culture allows for management<br />

to give orders<br />

that forces obedience,<br />

Teck case. Yet Anand went<br />

ahead and sued. I went<br />

ahead and warned the then<br />

Prime Minister as it was<br />

my duty to do. She ignored<br />

me once again while Anand<br />

and his friends sued everybody.<br />

And Anand, drunk<br />

with power, boasted publicly<br />

that he was on a witch hunt.<br />

No one held him to account<br />

then.<br />

It was also an open secret<br />

that the DPP was not entertaining<br />

any of Anand’s varied<br />

requests to act. So the<br />

law suits came thick and fast.<br />

But as I had then warned<br />

the then Prime Minister<br />

these public relations victory<br />

dances by Anand could<br />

not last. And so when the<br />

UTT case collapsed spectacularly<br />

before the elections<br />

the public’s anger was quite<br />

correctly directed to Anand<br />

and Kamla. Mr Garvin<br />

Nicholas who by then had<br />

replaced Ramlogan promised<br />

the population that the<br />

other cases were all on solid<br />

ground. I knew first hand<br />

that this was not true. So I<br />

waited. I waited until the<br />

Petrotrin case collapsed last<br />

week expecting that there<br />

would now be an accounting<br />

by Anand or Kamla. Only<br />

to discover that they took in<br />

front and caught the Government<br />

with its pants down.<br />

With Sturge mouthing<br />

for them now that Anand is<br />

a bad word the focus was<br />

deftly thrown back to the<br />

present Government who<br />

seemed too happy to just accept<br />

the blame. So instead of<br />

answering the question why<br />

were these worthless cases<br />

brought in the first case the<br />

question a bold Kamla is<br />

now asking why they were<br />

stopped. She didn’t bother<br />

to answer for Anand.<br />

The Petrotrin case collapsed<br />

in the High Court<br />

in even more spectacular<br />

fashion than the UTT case.<br />

With Petrotrin, Anand’s<br />

hand picked lawyer Vincent<br />

Nelson QC, pulled the<br />

case before it even started<br />

with a cut tail facing<br />

him.<br />

At least in the UTT case<br />

he pulled out after the case<br />

had started.<br />

Well I am waiting still.<br />

I am waiting to hear how<br />

much taxpayers money still<br />

has to be thrown away not<br />

only in the failed persecution<br />

of Malcolm Jones. I am<br />

also waiting for Ken Julien<br />

‘s e Teck case. I am also<br />

waiting for Professor Copeland’s<br />

Pan case and his e<br />

Teck case.<br />

I am also waiting for all<br />

unlike a business organization<br />

that does not have<br />

the luxury of every order<br />

being carried out without<br />

question.<br />

The argument emphasizes<br />

the Leadership Vs<br />

Management ReThinking<br />

exercise this article invokes.<br />

No soldier in any army<br />

will carry out his orders<br />

to the best of his ability,<br />

willingly, unless the leadership<br />

has inspired him.<br />

The same can be said for<br />

business organizations.<br />

ReThink It: Leadership<br />

and management are<br />

symbiotic twins having<br />

individual characteristics.<br />

One cannot survive and<br />

grow without the other.<br />

Many businesses fail<br />

to value the difference<br />

between the two and consequently<br />

limit their organization<br />

to taskmaster<br />

management- a tunnel vision<br />

operations mindset.<br />

Leadership is the map<br />

whereas management is<br />

the driver- A business is<br />

lost if its value creation<br />

drivers have no purposeful<br />

direction.<br />

“Leadership and<br />

learning are indispensable<br />

to each other”- John<br />

F. Kennedy<br />

A few good reads:<br />

An easy read: “The<br />

21 Irrefutable Laws of<br />

Leadership” by John C.<br />

Maxwell<br />

A best in class book on<br />

Leadership: “On becoming<br />

a leader” by Warren<br />

Bennis<br />

Every new leader’s<br />

handbook: “The First 90<br />

Days: Critical Success<br />

Strategies for new leaders<br />

at all levels”<br />

A Leadership and<br />

Management classic:<br />

“Jack Straight from the<br />

Gut” by Jack Welch<br />



of these cases including<br />

the Calder Hart case to collapse.<br />

If by that time the powers<br />

that be have not called<br />

Anand and Kamla to account<br />

I will take action as a<br />

taxpayer to make sure that<br />

Barbados and<br />

St. Lucia have<br />

ended talks here<br />

aimed at establishing an<br />

agreement on maritime<br />

boundaries between the<br />

two Caribbean Community<br />

(CARICOM)<br />

countries.<br />

A government statement<br />

said that officials<br />

from the two countries<br />

ended four days of talks<br />

here Friday and ‘prepared<br />

the draft text of a<br />

maritime boundary delimitation<br />

agreement”.<br />

It said they were joined<br />

by officials from St. Vincent<br />

and the Grenadines,<br />

who had recently concluded<br />

similar negotiations<br />

with Barbados.<br />

St. Vincent and the<br />

Grenadines and Barbados<br />

signed a Maritime<br />

Boundary Delimitation<br />

Agreement on August 31,<br />

last year.<br />

Former AG ANAND<br />


Former PM KAMLA<br />


those who raided the public<br />

purse will be made to answer<br />

for their wrongs.<br />

At the end of the day as I<br />

warned Kamla we will all be<br />

paying for her boys wickedness<br />

for years to come.<br />

If the Government will<br />

not protect us from Anand<br />

and Kamla even now then I<br />

will have to take in front to<br />

protect us all.<br />



- for agreement on maritime<br />

boundaries<br />

The statement said that<br />

the two delegations were<br />

supported by a team from<br />

the Commonwealth Secretariat<br />

and that the heads<br />

of delegations underlined<br />

“that these negotiations<br />

and, in particular, the<br />

provisional agreement<br />

between Barbados and<br />

St. Lucia bear testimony<br />

to the spirit of cordiality<br />

and good-neighbourliness<br />

that has characterised<br />

all of these discussions.<br />

“The United Nations<br />

Convention of the Law<br />

of the Sea, to which both<br />

countries are party, entitles<br />

them to claim an Exclusive<br />

Economic Zone<br />

of up to 200 nautical<br />

miles. As a result of the<br />

proximity of these States,<br />

there is a necessity to<br />

delimit their maritime<br />

boundaries,” the statement<br />


ISSUE 147 Friday 11th MARCH, 2016<br />

Page 23<br />




Johnson & Johnson<br />

(JNJ.N) was ordered<br />

by a Missouri State<br />

jury to pay $72 million indamages<br />

to the family of a<br />

woman whose death from<br />

ovarian cancer was linked<br />

to her use of the company’s<br />

talc-based Baby Powder<br />

and Shower to Shower<br />

for several decades.<br />

In a verdict announced<br />

two weeks ago, jurors in<br />

the circuit court of St.<br />

Louis awarded the family<br />

of Jacqueline Fox $10 million<br />

of actual damages and<br />

$62 million of punitive<br />

damages, according to the<br />

family’s lawyers and court<br />

records.<br />

The verdict is the first<br />

by a U.S. jury to award<br />

- Johnson and Johnson ordered to pay<br />

damages over the claims,<br />

the lawyers said.<br />

Johnson & Johnson<br />

faces claims that it, in an<br />

effort to boost sales, failed<br />

for decades to warn consumers<br />

that its talc-based<br />

products could cause cancer.<br />

About 1,000 cases<br />

have been filed in Missouri<br />

state court, and another<br />

200 in New Jersey.<br />

Fox, who lived in Birmingham,<br />

Alabama,<br />

claimed she used Baby<br />

Powder and Shower to<br />

Shower for feminine hygiene<br />

for more than 35<br />

years before being diagnosed<br />

three years ago with<br />

ovarian cancer. She died<br />

in October at age 62.<br />

Jurors found Johnson &<br />

Father of two girls…<br />

Johnson liable for fraud,<br />

negligence and conspiracy,<br />

the family’s lawyers<br />

said. Deliberations lasted<br />

four hours, following a<br />

three-week trial.<br />

Jere Beasley, a lawyer<br />

for Fox’s family, said<br />

Johnson & Johnson “knew<br />

as far back as the 1980s of<br />

the risk,” and yet resorted<br />

to “lying to the public,<br />

lying to the regulatory<br />

agencies.” He spoke on a<br />

conference call with journalists.<br />

Carol Goodrich, a Johnson<br />

& Johnson spokeswoman,<br />

said: “We have<br />

no higher responsibility<br />

than the health and safety<br />

of consumers, and we are<br />

disappointed with the outcome<br />

of the trial. We sympathize<br />

with the plaintiff’s<br />

family but firmly believe<br />

the safety of cosmetic talc<br />

is supported by decades of<br />

scientific evidence.”<br />

Trials in several other<br />

talc lawsuits have been<br />

set for later this year, according<br />

to Danielle Mason,<br />

who also represented<br />

Fox’s family at trial.<br />

In October 2013, a federal<br />

jury in Sioux Falls,<br />

South Dakota found that<br />

plaintiff Deane Berg’s use<br />

of Johnson & Johnson’s<br />

body powder products was<br />

a factor in her developing<br />

ovarian cancer. Nevertheless,<br />

it awarded no damages,<br />

court records show.<br />

Valeant Pharmaceuticals<br />



A<br />

man from southern<br />

China was so<br />

disappointed at<br />

not having produced a son<br />

that he cut off his own penis<br />

as a way of punishing<br />

himself.<br />

The 36-year-old, known<br />

under a pseudonym of<br />

A Yong, used a knife to<br />

sever around 1.2 inches of<br />

his penis on February 22,<br />

the People’s Daily Online<br />

reports.<br />

The man from a rural<br />

area near Quanzhou City<br />

was upset that he had two<br />

daughters and had reportedly<br />

been taunted by local<br />

villagers.<br />

According to Chinese<br />

media, the man has two<br />

daughters aged three and<br />

13.<br />

He was taken to the<br />

Emergency Room at the<br />

Fujian Armed Police<br />

Force Hospital in Quanzhou<br />

around 11pm on February<br />

15.<br />

His family members say<br />

that he had drunk around<br />

five shots of alcohol that<br />

night before coming to a<br />

drastic decision to cut off<br />

part of his penis.<br />

When A Yong’s family<br />

members realised what he<br />

had done, they rushed him<br />

to hospital immediately<br />

with the organ in a bag of<br />

ice.<br />

Huang Zhihong, a doctor<br />

on the night shift at the<br />

time, said: ‘The severed<br />

part is around 1.2 inches<br />

long.’<br />

The patient reportedly<br />

shouted at medical staff<br />

that he did not want it put<br />

back on.<br />

According to doctor<br />

Huang, A Yong had already<br />

been to a local clinic<br />

for first aid.<br />

Staff at the hospital immediately<br />

performed surgery<br />

on A yong. His manhood<br />

was allegedly sewed<br />

back on after a four-hourlong<br />

operation.<br />

Doctor Huang who undertook<br />

the surgery told<br />

reporters that the healing<br />

Bottles of Johnson & Johnson baby powder<br />

line a drugstore shelf in New York<br />

International Inc (VRX.<br />

TO) now owns the Shower<br />

to Shower brand but was<br />

not a defendant in the Fox<br />

case.<br />

process will take around<br />

six to 12 months.<br />

In rural areas of China,<br />

having a son is valued<br />

higher than a daughter<br />

because boys carry on<br />

The case is Hogans et<br />

al v. Johnson & Johnson<br />

et al, Circuit Court of the<br />

City of St. Louis, Missouri,<br />

No. 1422-CC09012.<br />

In rural China, a son is valued more than a daughter<br />

as boys can carry on the family name<br />

the family bloodline and<br />

stay to look after their<br />

parents while girls marry<br />

into other families and<br />

look after her husband’s<br />

parents.<br />


In late 2015, two officers<br />

of the Blaine,<br />

Minnesota, police department<br />

responded to an<br />

alarm call from the local<br />

Fleet Farm. When they<br />

arrived, the officers discovered<br />

a running car in<br />

the parking lot with an<br />

apparently unconscious<br />

man behind the wheel.<br />

The responding officers<br />

discovered the interior of<br />

the car was littered with<br />

Coors Light cans.<br />

The occupant was completely<br />

unresponsive with<br />

his penis out of his pants.<br />

What should have been a<br />

textbook DWI arrest, however,<br />

sparked an investigation<br />

exposing officer<br />

malfeasance and an unwillingness<br />

to hold fellow officers<br />

responsible for their<br />

criminal actions.<br />

Dashcam footage from<br />

the responding officer’s<br />

patrol car was obtained<br />

by KARE News 11 after a<br />

public records request. The<br />

footage shows the Blaine<br />

PD officers taking all the<br />

proper steps in dealing<br />

with a potential DWI. The<br />

driver, William Monberg,<br />

was so inebriated that it<br />

took one officer several<br />

attempts to wake him up<br />

enough to get out of the car.<br />

After banging on the roof<br />

and windows for several<br />

minutes, Monberg came to.<br />

During the field sobriety<br />

tests he was so inebriated<br />

he couldn’t understand a<br />

simple command, such as<br />

when an officer asked him<br />

to remove his hat. Monberg<br />

then blew a .202 on the officers’<br />

breathalyzer. He was<br />

arrested, cuffed, and placed<br />

in the back of the squad car.<br />

Once Monberg was in<br />

the squad car, however, the<br />

responding officers went<br />

through Monberg’s wallet<br />

and discovered that he was<br />

a Columbia Heights police<br />

officer. The video then<br />

shows the officers turning<br />

off their body microphones<br />

and stepping out of view of<br />

the cruiser’s forward-facing<br />

camera. Unfortunately for<br />

them, the cruiser’s interior<br />

camera, which monitors the<br />

back seat, captured them returning<br />

to the car, uncuffing<br />

Monberg, and arranging a<br />

ride home for him instead<br />

of a ride to jail.<br />

The responding officers<br />

covered up the entire affair.<br />

They filed no official<br />

reports and entered nothing<br />

into the department’s Computer<br />

Aided Dispatch system.<br />

They almost got away<br />

with it too, until Blaine PD<br />

chief Chris Olson opened<br />

an investigation into the incident<br />

nearly a month later.<br />

Thanks to the investigation,<br />

Officer Monberg was finally<br />

officially charged with<br />

DWI. Chief Olson would<br />

not provide a statement to<br />

KARE, citing the impending<br />

DWI case. He did, however,<br />

tell reporters that the<br />

young officers would be<br />

held accountable.<br />

“In this case inexperienced<br />

officers made a mistake.<br />

It is not acceptable.<br />

My expectation is fair and<br />

impartial policing and that<br />

didn’t happen. We need to<br />

treat people fairly, and it<br />

doesn’t matter what they do<br />

for a living.”

ISSUE: #147 | FRIDAY 11 th MARCH, 2016<br />

SIS IN NEW<br />


$CANDAL<br />

www.sunshinett.com | ONLY $3<br />

SEE PAGE 17<br />

People’s Partnership (PP)<br />

preferred contractor SIS<br />

is being named in yet<br />

another multi-million dollar<br />

scandal; this time at the Penal<br />

Recreation Ground in the heart<br />

of the Siparia Constituency of<br />

former Prime Minister Kamla<br />

Persad-Bissessar. The situation<br />

has rendered one of the<br />

most prestigious and celebrated<br />

first class cricket venues in the<br />

country to a state of abandonment.<br />

According to information<br />

received by Sunshine, SIS has<br />

pocketed approximately $14<br />

million – 10 percent of the contract<br />

value - and has lifted not a<br />

finger at the site.<br />

The ground is better known as<br />

the Petrotrin Ground and is located<br />

on Clarke Road, Penal opposite<br />

Petrotrin’s Exploration Department.<br />

The $140 million contract for<br />

the upgrade of the ground was issued<br />

to Point Lisas Construction<br />

Ltd (PLCL), one of the dozens of<br />

By Investigative Reporter AZAD ALI<br />

companies owned by SIS under<br />

which bids were submitted for<br />

government contracts.<br />

In September 2014, the contract<br />

was issued to SIS by the Sportt<br />

Company of the Ministry of<br />

Sports with a delivery deadline of<br />

12 months. Sunshine was reliably<br />

advised that a 10 percent advance<br />

was paid to SIS for mobilisation.<br />

According to sources, SIS took<br />

control of the site around October<br />

2014 and immediately fenced<br />

the perimeter with galvanize and<br />

placed container-type site offices<br />

on the compound. The ground<br />

was blocked from public access<br />

and all sporting activities ceased.<br />

Sunshine was advised that in<br />

the haste by the former PP government<br />

to get the project going,<br />

several critical issues were overlooked,<br />

and this may have contributed<br />

to the project being “hang<br />

up” as it currently is.<br />

For starters, Petrotrin did not<br />

agree to hand over the ground to<br />

the SporTT company, even in the<br />

The building that has been left in a deplorable condition<br />

face of a high-handed Cabinet decision.<br />

The ground, even though<br />

the pavilion was in a moderate<br />

state, was a facility used by the<br />

staff when not being used for toplevel<br />

sporting activities.<br />

The source said that there were<br />

“oil installations” close to the existing<br />

field and in the surrounding<br />

areas where the contractor would<br />

have had to work and hence Environmental<br />

Clearance from the<br />

Environmental Management<br />

Authority (EMA) was required.<br />

EMA Clearance has not been obtained<br />

as yet.<br />

At the moment, the playfield<br />

is in a state of abandonment. The<br />

grass is over five feet high in<br />

some places and as much as seven<br />

feet in others.<br />

The wooden pavilion building<br />

is still intact but is falling into disrepair<br />

from lack of use.<br />

Round-the-clock security has<br />

been placed at the site to keep<br />

prying eyes and trespassers away.<br />

“That used to be one of the<br />

most glorious sporting grounds<br />

and it is a shame to see how it has<br />

deteriorated,” the source said.<br />

Even though the sign at the<br />

entrance to the site lists the contractor<br />

as PLCL, everyone whom<br />

Sunshine spoke with, including<br />

ordinary persons passing by, were<br />

aware that PLCL is really an SIS<br />

company.<br />

One source speculated that the<br />

reason SIS has not started work<br />

on the Penal Ground as yet is because<br />

SIS still has a lot of work<br />

still to be done at Irwin Park in<br />

Siparia.<br />

The Irwin Park upgrade, which<br />

is priced at $110 million, was<br />

started in 2012. The contract was<br />

awarded to Phoenix Welding and<br />

Fabricated Ltd (PWFL) and was<br />

expected to be completed in May<br />

2015.<br />

PWFL, like PLCL, is another<br />

SIS company through which<br />

Krishna Lalla trawled for State<br />

contracts.<br />

The park upgrade, though incomplete,<br />

was opened by Persad-<br />

Bissessar in an extravagant ribbon<br />

cutting ceremony 12 days before<br />

September 7, 2015, General Election<br />

which saw her and the PP being<br />

deposed.<br />

When Sunshine visited Irwin<br />

Park, we saw several pieces of<br />

equipment – from rollers to water<br />

trucks and backhoes – at work at<br />

several parts of the facility. All the<br />

equipment bore the logo of Prime<br />

Equipment and Rentals Ltd.<br />

Prime is another SIS company.<br />

With the National Gas Company<br />

(NGC) suing SIS for failure to<br />

deliver on the $1 billion Beetham<br />

Waste Water Project and the High<br />

Court ordering the freezing of<br />

$180 million of SIS’ assets, an<br />

attempt by Prime to ship several<br />

expensive pieces of equipment<br />

out of the country to be auctioned<br />

in the United States in January<br />

was thwarted. NGC was forced<br />

to intervene to stop the equipment<br />

which was in the Port of<br />

Spain Docks from being shipped<br />

to auctioneers Ritchie Brothers in<br />

Florida.<br />

Lalla has not been seen in Trinidad<br />

and Tobago since after the<br />

September polls. Sources say he<br />

packed up shop and headed for<br />

Panama which does not have any<br />

extradition arrangements with<br />

this country.<br />

Additionally, Lalla removed<br />

himself from the network of companies<br />

which are owned by Super<br />

Holdings and transferred what is<br />

left of those companies to his son<br />

Terrance and to an offshore company<br />

in the British Virgin Isles<br />

named Raisin Services Inc.<br />

With the current state of SIS<br />

and its companies, many persons<br />

are asking what will become of<br />

projects not yet completed by<br />

SIS, especially those for which<br />

advanced payments were already<br />

made – projects such as the Penal<br />

Recreation Ground.<br />

“It is more than a year and<br />

a half that SIS has the contract<br />

for the Penal Recreation<br />

Ground and not a blade of<br />

grass has been cut, not a pebble<br />

turned over, not a picket has<br />

been planted. If SIS does not do<br />

this job - even though it is long<br />

overdue – is SIS going to get to<br />

keep that $14 million for doing<br />

nothing?” one source queried.<br />

Published by Sunshine Publishing Company #135 Eastern Main Road, Arouca | Tel: 692-6781/6782 | Fax: 692-6940 | Printed at Guardian Building AMCO Compound, Rodney Road Endeavour, Chaguanas

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