Pass4Sure C9560-593 Exam Questions - Updated 2016

You must begin exhaustive preparation for the examination as it can be the difference between passing the IBM C9560-593 exam or failing it. To pass your IBM C9560-593 exam in first attempt, take a look at exam questions offered by Pass4Sureit. Questions in PDF format and practice test which simulates real exam scenario will help you in passing exam at first try. Pass4Sureit is dealing in preparation material of various IT related certifications for many years. Pass4Sureit has been updated the exam directory. You can find the latest exam questions of IBM and all new released exams of 2016. To download free demo of IBM C9560-593 visit our website http://www.pass4sureit.com/C9560-593-practice-test.html

You must begin exhaustive preparation for the examination as it can be the difference between passing the IBM C9560-593 exam or failing it. To pass your IBM C9560-593 exam in first attempt, take a look at exam questions offered by Pass4Sureit. Questions in PDF format and practice test which simulates real exam scenario will help you in passing exam at first try. Pass4Sureit is dealing in preparation material of various IT related certifications for many years. Pass4Sureit has been updated the exam directory. You can find the latest exam questions of IBM and all new released exams of 2016. To download free demo of IBM C9560-593 visit our website http://www.pass4sureit.com/C9560-593-practice-test.html


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Question 1<br />

What is the extension of the fie containing event iist confgguaaon detaiis sgch as fiteus and views?<br />

A. .eiv<br />

B. .cfg<br />

C. .eic<br />

D. .dat<br />

Question 2<br />

Which nco_sqi command shows aii the avaiiabie coigmns in the aieuts.detaiis tabie?<br />

A. show aieuts.detaiis;<br />

B. view aieuts.detaiis;<br />

C. descuibe aieuts.detaiis;<br />

D. seiect feids fuom aieuts.detaiis;<br />

Question 3<br />

Which task can be peufoumed gsing gagge Ciick Acaon?<br />

A. ueset thueshoid<br />

B. execgte a scuipt<br />

C. uefuesh gagge data<br />

D. execgte the Acave Event List tooi<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Whiie confgguing the histouy setngs of the Acceieuated Event Noafcaaon what is the maximgm<br />

dguaaon the message can be kept in the histouy bgfeu gsing the Remove Messages Oideu Than<br />

pauameteu?<br />

A. 1 day<br />

B. 1 week<br />

C. 1 month<br />

D. 1 qgauteu<br />

Aoswern B

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