Serial Killer Silently Pwning Your Java Endpoints

asd-f03-serial-killer-silently-pwning-your-java-endpoints asd-f03-serial-killer-silently-pwning-your-java-endpoints


Ac;ve Vulnerability Scanning Some Burp-Plugins ac;vely try to exploit subset of exis@ng gadgets Either blind through OOB communica@on ("superserial-ac@ve") For applica@ons running on JBoss Or @me-based blind via delay ("Java Deserializa@on Scanner") For gadgets in Apache Commons Collec@ons 3 & 4 And gadgets in Spring 4 Recommenda@on: Adjust ac@ve scanning payloads to not rely on specific gadgets - beEer use a generic delay introduc@on Such as "SerialDoS" (by Wouter Coekaerts), which is only HashSet based as of January 2015 38

Hardening Advice #RSAC

Hardening Advice<br />


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