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يم<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مآنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ ِ<br />

In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

أَعُ‏ وذٌ‏ بِااللهِ‏ الْعَظِ‏ يمِ‏ وَ‏ بِوَ‏ جْ‏ هِ‏ الْكَرِ‏ يمِ‏ وَ‏ سُ‏ لْطَ‏ انِهِ‏ الْقَدِيمِ‏ مِنَ‏ َّ الش يْطَ‏ انِ‏ الر َّ جِ‏ يمِ،‏ بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ وَ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ اللهِ َِّ،‏ اَلل َّ هُ‏ َّم<br />

صَ‏ ِّ ل عَ‏ لَى مُحَ‏ م َّدٍ‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ لَى آ لِهِ‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ ل ِّ مْ.‏ اَ‏ لل َّ هُم َّ إِغْ‏ فِرْ‏ لِي ذُنُوبِي وَ‏ افْتَحْ‏ لي أَبْوَ‏ ابَ‏ رَ‏ حْ‏ مَتِكَ‏ ‏(رواه البخاري ومسلم<br />

‏(وأبو داود والنساء<br />


A’uudu bi­llahil­‘azim, wa biwajhi­il­karim, wa sultoonihil­Qodiimi,<br />

minash­shaetoonir­rojiim. Bismi­llahi wal­hamduli­llahi. Allahumo solli<br />

‘alaa Muhammadin wa ‘alaa aalihi wa­sallim. Allahumo igfirlii dhunuubii,<br />

abwaaba rahamati­ka. (Rowaau Bukhari wa Muslim wa Abu Daaud wa<br />

Nasaai)<br />


Mo wa iso ni odo Olohun, pelu oju­u re Re ti o ni aponle ati olaa Re ti o ti pe,<br />

kuro ni odo esu, a­ju­l’oko. Ni oruko Olohun, ope fun Olohun. Oluwa, se ike ati<br />

Alafia fun Muhammad (saw) ati awon ara ile re. oluwa Oba o, f’ori ese mi ji mi,<br />

ki o si awon ona ike re (fun mi) (Muslim, Abu Daaud ati Nasaai lo gba a wa).<br />


I seek refuge in Allaah, the Supreme, and His honoured presence and His<br />

ancient majesty from the accursed devil. In the name of Allaah and praise be<br />

to Allaah. O Lord! Have mercy upon Muhammad (pbuh) and his household. O<br />

Lord! Forgive me of my sins and open for me the door of Your mercy. (Related<br />

by Muslim, Abu Daaud and Nasaai)<br />

PART ONE<br />

يم<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مآنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ ِ<br />

اَل َّ ذِينَ‏ يَذْ‏ كُرُ‏ ونَ‏ االلهَ‏ قِيَامًا وَ‏ قُعُودًا وَ‏ عَ‏ لَى جُ‏ نُوبِهِمْ‏ وَ‏ يَتَفَك َّ رُ‏ ونَ‏ فِي خَ‏ لْقِ‏ الس َّ مَاوَ‏ ات وَ‏ الأَرْ‏ ضِ‏ رَ‏ ب َّنَا مَا<br />

خَ‏ لَقْتَ‏ هَذَا بَاطِ‏ لاً‏ سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَكَ‏ فَقِنَا عَ‏ ذَابَ‏ الن َّارِ‏ * رَ‏ ب َّنَا إِن َّكَ‏ مَنْ‏ تُدْخِ‏ لِ‏ الن َّارَ‏ فَقَدْ‏ أَخْ‏ زَ‏ يْتُهُ‏ وَ‏ مَا لِلظ َّ الِمِينَ‏ مِنْ‏<br />

أَنْصَ‏ ارِ‏ * رَ‏ ب َّنَا إِن َّنَا سَ‏ مِعْ‏ نَا مُنَادِيًا يُنَادِي لِلإِيمَانِ‏ أَنْ‏ آمِنُوا بِرَ‏ ب ِّكُمْ‏ فَآمَن َّا * رَ‏ ب َّنَا فَأ غْ‏ فِرْ‏ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَ‏ كَف ِّرْ‏<br />

عَ‏ ن َّا سَ‏ ي ِّئَاتِنَا وَ‏ تَوَ‏ ف َّ نَا مَعَ‏ الاَْبْرَ‏ ارِ‏ * رَ‏ ب َّنَا وَ‏ أْتِنَا مَا وَ‏ عَ‏ دْ‏ تَنَا عَ‏ لَى رُ‏ سُ‏ لِكَ‏ وَ‏ لَ‏ اتُخْ‏ زِ‏ نَا يَوْ‏ مَ‏ الْقِيَامَةِ‏ اِن َّكَ‏ لاَ‏<br />

تُخْ‏ لِفُ‏ الْمِيعَادِ‏ * سورة ال عمران الآية ۱۹٤ ­ ۱۹۱<br />

رَ‏ ب َّنَا آتِنَا فِى الد ُّنْيَا حَ‏ سَ‏ نَةً‏ وَ‏ فِى الآْ‏ خِ‏ رَ‏ ةِ‏ حَ‏ سَ‏ نَةً‏ وَ‏ قِنَا عَ‏ ذَابَ‏ الن َّارِ‏ * سورة البقرة الآية ۱۰۲<br />


Bismi­llahi Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

Alladhina yadhkuruna­llaha qiyaaman wa qu’uudan wa ‘alaa junubihim,<br />

wa yatafakkaruuna fii khaliqs­samaawaati wal­ardi, Robbanaa maa

khalaqta haadhaa baatilan, subhaana­ka faqinaa adhaaban­naar.<br />

Robbanaa inna­ka man tud­khili nnaara faqod akhazaetau, wa­maa<br />

lizzoolimiina min ansoor. Robbanaa innanan semi’inaa munaadiyan<br />

yunaadi lil­iimaani, an aaminu bi­robbikum fa aamanna. Robbanaa<br />

fagfir­lanaa dhunuubana, wa kaffir anna sayyi­aatinaa, wa tawaffanaa<br />

ma’al­abroor. Robbanaa wa aatinaa maa wa­‘adtanaa ‘alaa rusuli­ka, wa<br />

laa tukhizinaa yaomal­qiyaamati inna­ka laa tukhliful­mii’aada. (Q3: 191 ­<br />

194)<br />

Robbanaa aatina fid­dunya hasanatan wa fil­aakhirati hasanatan wa kina<br />

‘adhaaba nnaar. (Q2:201)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olorun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Awon eniti nranti Oloruhun ni iduro ati ni ijoko ati ni idubule won, ti won nronu<br />

nipa iseda orun ati ile; (ti won nwipe) Oluwa wa! Iwo ko da (gbogbo) eyan<br />

lasan! Ogo ni fun O! nitorina gba wa la kuro nibi iya ina. Oluwa wa! Dajudaju<br />

enikeni ti O ba fi si ina, nipapa Iwo ti dojuti I, ki yio si si oluranlowo fun alabosi.<br />

Oluwa wa! Dajudaju, awa gbo (ohun) olupe kan ti npe (ipe) si ibi igbagbo na<br />

pe; E gba Oluwa yin gbo awa si Gbagbo, Oluwa wa! Nitorinaa dari ese jin wa,<br />

ki O si pa wa mo kuro nibi iwa buburu wa, ki o si je ki a ku pelu awon eni­rere.<br />

Oluwa wa! Ki O si fun wa ni ohun ti O se ni ileri fun wa lori (ahon) awon ojise<br />

Re, ma si se dojuti wa ni ojo ajinde, dajudaju Ire ki iye adehun. (Q3:191 ­ 194)<br />

“……………Oluwa wa, fun wa ni rere ile aye, ati rere ti orun (ile ikehin), ki o si<br />

la wa ninu iya ina”. (Q2:201)<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

Whoever remembers Allaah standing and sitting and lying on their sides and<br />

reflects on the creation of the heavens and the earth saying: ‘Our Lord! You<br />

created not all these in vain. Hallowed be You! Save us from the torment of<br />

the Fire.<br />

Our Lord! Verily he whom You will cast into the Fire, him You have surely<br />

humiliated, and for the wrong­doers there shall be no helpers.<br />

Our Lord! Verily, we! We have heard a caller calling to belief: believe in your<br />

Lord, so we have come to believe. Our Lord, forgive us our sins, and expiate<br />

from us misdeeds and let us die along with the pious. ‘Our Lord! Grant us<br />

what You have promised us by Your messengers and humiliate us not on the<br />

day of judgement. Verily You fail not the tryst (promised).’ (Q3: 191 ­ 194)

“…………….Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the<br />

Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire”.<br />

(Q2:201)<br />

االله أَكْ‏ بَرُ‏ االله أَكْ‏ بَرُ‏ االله أَكْ‏ بَرُ‏ , لاَ‏ إِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ االله،‏ اَاللهُ‏ أَكْ‏ بَرُ‏ اَاللهُ‏ أَكْ‏ بَرُ‏ وَ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ،‏ اَاللهُ‏ أَكْ‏ بَرُ‏ كَبِيرً‏ ا،‏ وَ‏ سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏<br />

االلهِ‏ بُكْرَ‏ ةً‏ وَ‏ أَصِ‏ يلاً،‏ لاَ‏ إِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ االلهُ‏ وَ‏ حْ‏ دَ،ُ‏ أَنْجَ‏ زَ‏ وَ‏ عْ‏ دَهُ،‏ وَ‏ نَصَ‏ رَ‏ عَ‏ بْدَهُ،‏ وَ‏ أَعَ‏ ز َّ جُ‏ نْدَهُ،‏ وَ‏ هَزَ‏ مَ‏ الأَْحْ‏ زَ‏ ابَ‏<br />

وَ‏ حْ‏ دَهُ،‏ لاَ‏ إِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ االله,‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ نَعْ‏ بُدُ‏ إِلا َّ إِي َّاهُ،‏ مُخْ‏ لِصِ‏ ينَ‏ لَهُ‏ الد ِّينُ‏ ، وَ‏ لَوْ‏ كَرِ‏ هَ‏ الْكَافِرُ‏ ونَ‏ ، اَلل َّ هُم َّ صَ‏ ل ِّ عَ‏ لَى<br />

سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا مُحَ‏ م َّدٍ،‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ لَى آلِ‏ سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا مُحَ‏ م َّدٍ،‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ لَى أَصْ‏ حَ‏ ابِ‏ سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا مُحَ‏ م َّدٍ،‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ لَى أَنْصَ‏ ارِ‏ سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا مُحَ‏ م َّدٍ،‏<br />

‏(وَ‏ عَ‏ لَى أَزْ‏ وَ‏ اجِ‏ سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا مُحَ‏ م َّدٍ،‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ لَى ذ ُّ ر ِّ ي َّةِ‏ سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا مُحَ‏ م َّدٍ،‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ ل ِّ مْ‏ تَسْ‏ لِيمًا كَثِيرً‏ ا كَثِيرً‏ ا ‏(سورة الفاتحة<br />


Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar, Allaahu Akbar, Laaillaah illa­llaahu.<br />

Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar, Wali­Llaahil­hamd. Allaahu Akbar Kabiiran,<br />

wal­hamduli­Llaahi kathiiran, wa subhaana­Llaahi bukratan wa asiilan.<br />

Laaillaah­a illa­Llaahu wahda, anjaza wa’da, wa nasora ‘abda, waa ‘azza<br />

junda, wa haza mal­ahzaaba wahda, Laaillaah­a illa­Llaahu, wa laa<br />

na’abudu illaa iyyaahu, mukhlisiina lau ddiina, wa lao karial­kaafiruuna.<br />

Allahumma solli ’alaa sayyidinna Muhammad, wa ‘laa aali sayyidina<br />

Muhammad, wa ‘alaa as­haabi sayyidina Muhammad wa ‘alaa ansoori<br />

sayyidina Muhammad, wa ‘alaa azwaaji sayyidina Muhammad, wa ‘alaa<br />

dhurriyyati sayyidina Muhammad, wa sallim tasliiman kathiiran­kathiiran<br />

(Al­Faatiah)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olorun tobi, Olorun tobi, Olorun tobi, ko si Olorun miran ayafi Olorun kan soso,<br />

Olorun tobi, Olorun tobi, ti Olorun naa ni ope, Olorun tobi, opolopo ope ki o<br />

maa jen ti Olorun mimo fun Olorun ni owuro ati irole. Kosi Olorun miran ayafi<br />

Olorun eyokan soso, O mu adehun Re se, O ran eru Re lowo, O gbe iyin fun<br />

awon omo ogun Re, O wa bori awon omo ogun ibaje. Olorun ni okan soso. Ko<br />

si Olorun Oba miran ayafi Olohun eyo kan soso, bee si ni awa ko ni sin ohun<br />

miran ayafi Olohun naa, bee si ni Oun nikan ni a o maa se gbogbo ijosin wa<br />

fun koda bi awon alaigbagbo ko fe e bee; Olohun jowo se ike ati ige fun<br />

asiwaju wa Muhammad (saw) ati awon ara ile asiwaju Muhammad (saw) ati<br />

awon ore asiwaju wa Muhammad (saw) ati awon oluranlowo asiwaju wa<br />

Muhammad (saw) ati awon iyawo asiwaju wa Muhammad (saw) ati aon<br />

aromodomo asiwaju wa Muhammad (saw) ki o si se ike lopolopo fun­Un.<br />

(Al­Faatiha).<br />


Allaah is great, Allaah is great, Allaah is great, there is no deity worthy of<br />

worship except Allaah, Allaah is great, Allaah is great. To Him belong all<br />

praises. Allaah is great. All praises are due to Him, and glory be to Allaah, at

all times, there is no deity save Allaah, the Unique. He has fulfilled His<br />

promise and made victorious His servant. He has elevated and made mighty<br />

His soldiers on the confederates. There is no deity except Allaah. He alone<br />

was worship with sincere and exclusive devotion. Even though the idolaters<br />

hate it.<br />

Our Lord, have mercy on our leader­(Prophet) Muhammad (pbuh) and the<br />

family of our leader, Muhammad (pbuh) and on the companions of our leader.<br />

Muhammad (pbuh) and on the wives of our leader, Muhammad (pbuh) and on<br />

the progeny of our leader, Muhammad (pbuh) and bestow upon them peace<br />

abundantly. (Recite Suuratul­Faatiha)<br />

سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّكَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعِز َّ ةِ‏ عَ‏ م َّا يَصِ‏ فُونَ‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ لاَمٌ‏ عَ‏ لَى الْمُرْ‏ سَ‏ لِينَ‏ وَ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعَالَمِينَ‏ . سورة ص الآية ۱۸۰<br />

۱۸۲ ­<br />


Subhaana Robbika Robbil­‘izzati ‘amma yasifuun, wasalaamun<br />

‘alal­mursaliina, wal­hamdu li­Llaahi Robbil­‘aalamiina. (Q37: 180 ­ 182)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ogo ni fun Oluwa re, Oluwa ti O ni titobi, O ju ohun ti nwon fi nse irohin Re lo.<br />

Ifayabale ki o ma baa awon ojise. Ope ni fun Olohun, Oluwa gbogbo aon eda.<br />

(Q37: 180 ­ 182)<br />


Hallowed be your Lord, the Lord of Majesty, from what they associate to Him!<br />

And peace be unto the sent ones. And all praise to Allaah, the Lord of the<br />

worlds. (Q37: 180 ­ 182)<br />

إِن ِّي وَ‏ جَ‏ هْ‏ تُ‏ وَ‏ جْ‏ هِيَ‏ لِل َّ ذِي فَطَ‏ رَ‏ الس َّ مَوَ‏ اتِ‏ وَ‏ الأَْرْ‏ ضَ‏ حَ‏ نِيفًا وَ‏ مَا أَنَا مِنَ‏ الْمُشْ‏ رِ‏ كِينَ‏ سورة الأنعام الآية‎۷۹‎<br />

قُلْ‏ إِن َّ صَ‏ لاَتِي وَ‏ نُسْ‏ كِي وَ‏ مَحْ‏ يَايَ‏ وَ‏ مَمَاِتِي اللهِ َِّ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعَالَمِينَ‏ * لاَ‏ شَ‏ رِ‏ يكَ‏ لَهُ‏ وَ‏ بِذَا لِكَ‏ أُمِرْ‏ تُ‏ وَ‏ أَنَا أَو َّ لُ‏<br />

الْمُسْ‏ لِمِينَ‏ سورة الأنعام الآية – ۱٦۳ ۱٦۲<br />

سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّكَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعِز َّ ةِ‏ عَ‏ م َّا يَصِ‏ فُونَ‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ لاَمٌ‏ عَ‏ لَى الْمُرْ‏ سَ‏ لِينَ‏ وَ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعَالَمِينَ‏ . سورة ص الآية ۱۸۰<br />

۱۸۲ –<br />


Inni wajjahtu, waj­hiya lilladhi fatoras­samaawaati wal­arda haniifan wa<br />

maa anaa minal­mushrikiiina. (Q6:79)

Qul ‘Innas­solaatii wa nuskii wa­mahyaaya wa mamaati li­Llaahi<br />

Robbil­‘aalamiin * Laa shariika lau wa bidhalika, umirtu wa anaa<br />

awwalul­muslimiin’. (Q6:162 ­ 163)<br />

Subhaana Robbika Robbil­‘izzati ‘amma yasifuun, wasalaamun<br />

‘alal­mursaliina, wal­hamdu li­Llaahi Robbil­‘aalamiina. (Q37: 180 ­ 182)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Dajudaju emi ti doju mi ko eni ti o pile da sanmo ati ile, emi ki ise okan ninu<br />

awon ti o da nkan po mo Olohun. (Q6:79)<br />

Wipe: Dajudaju irun mi ati fifi ore se esin mi ati igbesi aiye mi ati oku mi fun<br />

Olohun ni, Oluwa gbogbo eda. Ko si orogun fun U. eyi ni a pa lase fun mi, emi<br />

si ni asiwaju aon ti o gba pipa ofin Olohun mo ni esin (Musulumi). (Q6:162 ­<br />

163)<br />

Ogo ni fun Oluwa re, Oluwa ti O ni titobi, O ju ohun ti nwon fi nse irohin Re lo.<br />

Ifayabale ki o ma baa won ojise. Ope ni fun Olohun, O luwa gbogbo awon<br />

eda. (Q37:180 ­ 182)<br />


Verily I have set my face towards Him who has created the heavens and the<br />

earth, upright, and I am not of the associaters. (Q6:79)<br />

Say: ’Surely my <strong>prayer</strong> and my rites and my life and my death are all for<br />

Allaah, Lord of the worlds. No associate has He. To this I am bidden, and I am<br />

the first of the Muslims. (Q6:162 ­ 163)<br />

Hallowed be your Lord, the Lord of Majesty, from what they associate to Him!<br />

And peace be unto the sent ones. And all praise to Allaah, the Lord of the<br />

worlds. (Q37: 180 ­ 182)<br />

وَ‏ إِم َّا يَنْزَ‏ غَ‏ ن َّكَ‏ مِنَ‏ الش َّ يْطَ‏ انِ‏ نَزْ‏ غٌ‏ فَاسْ‏ تَعِذْ‏ بِاالله َِّ‏ إِن َّهُ‏ هُوَ‏ الس َّ مِيعُ‏ الْعَلِيمُ‏ سورة فصلت الآية ۳٦<br />


Waimmaa yanzagannaka minas­shaytooni nasgun, fastaidh bi­Llaahi<br />

inna­Hu Huwas­Semii’ul­‘Aliim (Q41:36)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Atipe ti siseri kan ba fe wa ba o lati odo esu, nigbana ki o sadi Olohun.<br />

Dajudaju Oun ni Olugboro, Oni mimo (Q41:36)


And if there stirs you an incitement from Satan, then seek refuge in Allaah.<br />

Verily He! is the Hearer, the Knower (Q41:36)<br />

يم<br />

ِ<br />

أَعُ‏ وذُ‏ بِاالله َِّ‏ مِنَ‏ َّ الش يْطَ‏ انِ‏ الر َّ جِ‏ يمِ،‏ بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حمن الر َّ حِ‏<br />


A ‘uudhu bi­Llaahi minas­shaytoonir­rojiimi,<br />

Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Rahiim<br />

ITUMO<br />

Mosadi Olohun kuro lodo esu, eni egun, Ni Oruko Olohun Oba Ajoke Aiye,<br />

Asake Orun<br />


I Seek refuge with Allaah against Shaytan the accursed, In the name of Allaah<br />

the Most Gracious the most Merciful<br />

وَ‏ يَا قَوْ‏ مِ‏ إِسْ‏ تَغْفِرُ‏ وا رَ‏ ب َّكُمْ‏ ثُم َّ تُوبُوا إِلَيْهِ‏ يُرْ‏ سِ‏ لِ‏ الس َّ مَاءَ‏ عَ‏ لَيْكُمْ‏ مِدْرَ‏ ارً‏ وَ‏ يُزِ‏ دْ‏ كُمْ‏ قُو َّ ةً‏ إِلَى قُو َّ تِكُمْ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ تَتَوَ‏ ل َّ وْ‏ ا<br />

مُجْ‏ رِ‏ مِينَ‏ سورة هود الآية ٥۲<br />


Wa yaa qaomi, istagfiruu Robba­kun, thumma tuubu ilaehi,<br />

yursili­ssamaa­a alaekun midraaran, wa yuzidkum quwwatan ilaa<br />

quwwatikum wa laa tatawallao mujrimiina. (Q11:52)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni Oruko Olohun Oba Ajoke Aiye, Asake Orun<br />

Enyin eniyan mi, e wa aforiji lodo Oluwa yin, lehinna ki e ronupiwada si i. oun<br />

yio ro ojo fun nyin lati sanma ni pupo, yio si le nyin kun ni agbara kun agbaraa<br />

nyin, e mase pehinda ni oludese. (Q11:52)<br />


O my people, ask forgiveness of your Lord, then repent to Him, He will send<br />

upon you the heavens pouring, and He will add strength upon your strength<br />

and turn not away as guilty ones. (Q11:52)<br />

أَسْتَغْفِرُ‏ االله الْعَظِ‏ يمَ‏ ال َّ ذِى لاَ‏ إِلَهَ‏ اِلا َّ هُوَ‏ الْحَ‏ ي ُّ الْقَي ُّومُ‏ وَ‏ أَتُوبُ‏ اِلَيهِ‏<br />


Astagfiru­Llaahal­‘aziima lladhii Laa­ilaah­a illaa<br />

Huwal­Hayyul­Qoyyuumu wa atuubu ilae­Hi

ITUMO<br />

Mo wa aforiji wa si odo Olohun, Oba nla, ti ko si oba miran lehin Re (lati josin<br />

fun), Alaaye titi laelae. Mo nbeere ki O gba ironu­pi­wada mi.<br />


I seek Allaah’s forgiveness, the Supreme in glory, besides Whom there is no<br />

other deity, the Living, the Self­Subsisting, I also repent whole heartedly to<br />

Him.<br />

يم<br />

ِ<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مآنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏<br />

آمَنَ‏ الر َّ سُ‏ ولُ‏ بِمَا أُنْزِ‏ لَ‏ إِلَيهِ‏ مِنْ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّهِ‏ وَ‏ الْمُؤْ‏ مِنُونَ‏ ُّ كُل آمَنَ‏ بِااللهِ‏ وَ‏ مَلاَئِكَتِهِ‏ وَ‏ كُتُبِهِ‏ وَ‏ رُ‏ سُ‏ لِهِ‏ لاَنُفَر ِّ قُ‏ بَيْنَ‏<br />

أَحَ‏ دٍ‏ مِنْ‏ رُ‏ سُ‏ لِهِ‏ وَ‏ قَالُوا سَ‏ مِعْ‏ نَا وَ‏ أَطَ‏ عْ‏ نَا غُ‏ فْرَ‏ انَكَ‏ رَ‏ ب َّنَا وَ‏ إِلَيْكَ‏ الْمَصِ‏ يرُ‏ * لاَ‏ يُكَل ِّ فُ‏ االلهُ‏ نَفْسً‏ ا َّ إِلا وُ‏ سْ‏ عَهَا لَهَا<br />

مَا كَسَ‏ بَتْ‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ لَيْهَا مَا اكْ‏ تَسَ‏ بَتْ‏ رَ‏ ب َّنَا لاَ‏ تُؤَ‏ خِ‏ ذْ‏ نَا إِنْ‏ ن َّسِ‏ ينَا أَوْ‏ أَخْ‏ طَ‏ أْنَا رَ‏ ب َّنَا وَ‏ لاَ‏ تَحْ‏ مِلْ‏ عَ‏ لَيْنَا إِصْ‏ رً‏ ا كَمَا<br />

حَ‏ مَلْتَهُ‏ عَ‏ لَى ال َّ ذِينَ‏ مِنْ‏ قَبْلِنَا رَ‏ ب َّنَا وَ‏ لاَ‏ تَحَ‏ م ِّلْنَا مَالاَ‏ طَ‏ اقَةَ‏ لَنَا بِهِ‏ وَ‏ اعْ‏ فُ‏ عَ‏ ن َّا وَ‏ اغْ‏ فِرْ‏ لَنَا وَ‏ ارْ‏ حَ‏ مْ‏ نَا أَنْتَ‏<br />

‏.مَوْ‏ لاَ‏ نَا فَانْصُ‏ رْ‏ نَا عَ‏ لَى الْقَوْ‏ مِ‏ الْكَافِرِ‏ ينَ‏<br />


Bismi­Llaahi­Rahmaanir­Rohiim<br />

Aamanar­Rosuulu bimaa unzila ilaehi min Robbi­hi wal­muuminuuna,<br />

kullum aamana bi­Llaahi, wa malaaikati­hi, wa kutubi­hi, wa rosuli­hi, laa<br />

nufarriku baena ahadin min rusulihi, wa qaalu semi’inaa wa atoona<br />

gufraana­ka Robbanaa wa ilae­kal­masiiru. Laa yukallifu­Llaahunafsan<br />

illaa wus’aha, lahaa maa kasabati, wa alaehaa maak­tasabat, Robbanaa,<br />

laa tuakhkhidhnaa innasiinaa ao akhtoonaa Robbanaa, wa laa<br />

tahmil­‘alaenaa maa laa tooqata lanaa bihi, wa­‘af­‘annaa, wagfir­lanaa,<br />

wa arhamnaa, anta maolaanaa, fansur­naa, ‘alal­qaomil­kaafiriina.<br />

(Q2:285 ­ 286)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni Oruko Olohun Oba Ajoke Aiye, Asake Orun<br />

Ojise Olohun na Gbagbo ohun ti a so kale fun u lati odo Oluwa re, be sini<br />

awon onigbagbo. Olukuluku won ni o gba Olohun gbo, ati awon molaika Re,<br />

ati awon tira Re, ati awon ojise Re, awa ko ya okan si oto ninu awon ojse Re.<br />

won so wipe: awa gbo, a si tele, Oluwa wa, aforijin Re ni awa ntoro, odo Re ni<br />

a si ma pada si. Olohun ko gbe eru ti o ju enikan lo le lori bi ko se bi agbara re<br />

ti mo; tire ni anfani ise ti o base, tire na si ni iya ohun ti o ba se. Oluwa wa! Ma<br />

mu wa ti a ba gbagbe tabi ti a ba se asise. Oluwa wa, ma se di eru ti o wuwo<br />

le wa lori bi iru eyi ti O di le awon ti o siwaju wa. Oluwa wa, ma se di ru wa<br />

ohun ti ko si agbara re fun wa. Moju kuro fun wa. Ki O si se aanu wa, Ire ni

Alafehinti wa, nitorinaa ki O ran wa lowo lori awon alaigbagbo eniyan. (Q2:285<br />

­ 286)<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

The Messenger believes in what is sent down to Him from his Lord, and so do<br />

the believers. They all believe in Allaah and His Angels and His <strong>book</strong>s and His<br />

Messengers, saying: ‘We discriminate not against any of His Messengers.<br />

‘And they say: ‘We hear and obey; Your forgiveness, our Lord! And to You is<br />

our return.<br />

Allaah charges not a soul except according to its capacity. For it shall be the<br />

good it earns, and against it the evil it earns.<br />

Our Lord! Reckon with us not if we forget or err. Our Lord! Burden us not like<br />

unto those You burdened before us. Our Lord! Impose not on us that for which<br />

we have not strength.<br />

And pardon us, forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our Master, so<br />

make us triumph over the disbelieving people. (Q2:285­286)<br />

يم<br />

ِ<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مآنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏<br />

فَتَعَالَى االلهُ‏ الْمُلْكُ‏ الْحَ‏ ُّ ق لاَ‏ إِلَهَ‏ َّ إِلا هُوَ‏ رَ‏ ب َّ الْعَرْ‏ شِ‏ الْكَرِ‏ يمِ‏ * وَ‏ مَنْ‏ يَدْعُ‏ مَعَ‏ االله إِلَهًا آخَ‏ رَ‏ لا َ بُرْ‏ هَانَ‏ لَهُ‏<br />

بِهِ‏ فَإِن َّمَا حِ‏ سَ‏ ابُهُ‏ عِ‏ نْدَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّهِ‏ إِن َّهُ‏ لاَ‏ يُفْلِحُ‏ الْكَافِرُ‏ ونَ‏ . وَ‏ قُلْ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ اِغْ‏ فِرْ‏ وَ‏ ارْ‏ حَ‏ مْ‏ وَ‏ أَنْتَ‏ خَ‏ يْرُ‏ الر َّ احِ‏ مِينَ‏ سورة<br />

المؤمنون الآية – ۱۱٦ ۱۱۸<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Rahiim<br />

Fata’aala­Llaahul­malikul­haqqu, Laailaah­a illaa Huwa,<br />

Robbul­‘arshil­kariimi, wa man yad’u ma’a Llaahi ilaahan aakhara, laa<br />

burhaana la­Hu bihi, fa innamaa hisaabuhu ‘inda Robbihi, innau laa<br />

yuflihul­kaafiruuna. Wa qul­Robbi igfir, war­ham, wa anta<br />

khaerur­Roohimiina. (Q23:116 ­ 118)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni Oruko Olohun Oba Ajoke Aiye, Asake Orun<br />

Olohun si ga lola, Oba ododo, ko si olohun miran ayafi Ohun, Oluwa<br />

Oni­Ite­ola, Alaponle. Eniti o ba npe olohun miran lehin Olohun, ko ni idi ti o le<br />

mu wa fun u, sugbon isiro re mbe lodo Oluwa re, dajudaju awon alaigbagbo<br />

won ko ni se orire. Wipe: Oluwa mi, se aforijin ki O si se aanu, Ire ni O dara ju<br />

awon alaanu lo. (Q23:116 ­ 118)


In the Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

So exalted be Allaah, the True King! There is no god but He! Lord of the<br />

honoured Throne. And whosoever calls along with Allaah unto another god, of<br />

whom he has no proof, then his reckoning is only with his Lord; surely the<br />

infidels will not thrive. And say: ‘Lord! Forgive and have mercy, You are the<br />

best of the merciful ones. (Q23:116 ­ 118)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ سَ‏ جْ‏ دَةِ}‏<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مآنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يم<br />

الم {۱} تَنْزِ‏ يلُ‏ الْكِتَابِ‏ لاَرَ‏ يْبَ‏ فِيهِ‏ مِنْ‏ ر َّ ب ِّ الْعَالَمِينَ‏ {۲} أَمْ‏ يَقُولُونَ‏ افْتَرَ‏ اهُ‏ بَلْ‏ هُوَ‏ الْحَ‏ ُّ ق مِنْ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّكَ‏<br />

لِتُنْذِرَ‏ قَوْ‏ مًا م َّا أَتَاهُمْ‏ م ِّنْ‏ ن َّذِيرٍ‏ م ِّن قَبْلِكَ‏ لَعَل َّ هُمْ‏ يَهْ‏ تَدُونَ‏ {۳} االلهُ‏ ال َّ ذِي خَ‏ لَقَ‏ الس َّ مَاوَ‏ اتِ‏ وَ‏ الأَرْ‏ ضَ‏ وَ‏ مَا<br />

بَيْنَهُمَا فِي سِ‏ ت َّةِ‏ أَي َّامٍ‏ ثُم َّ اسْ‏ تَوَ‏ ى عَ‏ لَى الْعَرْ‏ شِ‏ مَا لَكُمْ‏ م ِّن دُونِهِ‏ مِنْ‏ وَ‏ لِي ٍّ وَ‏ لاَ‏ شَ‏ فِيعٍ‏ أَفَلاَ‏ َّ تَتَذَك رُ‏ ونَ‏ {٤}<br />

يُدَب ِّرُ‏ الأَمْرَ‏ مِنَ‏ الس َّ مَاءِ‏ إِلَى الأَرْ‏ ضِ‏ ثُم َّ يَعْرُ‏ جُ‏ إِلَيْهِ‏ فِي يَوْ‏ مٍ‏ كَانَ‏ مِقْدَارُ‏ هُ‏ أَلْفَ‏ سَ‏ نَةٍ‏ م ِّم َّا تَعُد ُّونَ‏ {٥} ذَا<br />

لِكَ‏ عَ‏ الِمُ‏ الْغَيْبِ‏ وَ‏ َّ الش هَادَةِ‏ الْعَزِ‏ يزُ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمُ‏ {٦} ال َّ ذِي أَحْ‏ سَ‏ نَ‏ َّ كُل شَ‏ يْ‏ ءٍ‏ خَ‏ لَقَهُ‏ وَ‏ بَدَأَ‏ خَ‏ لْقَ‏ الإِنْسَ‏ انِ‏ مِنْ‏<br />

طِ‏ ينِ‏ {۷} ثُم َّ جَ‏ عَلَ‏ نَسْ‏ لَهُ‏ مِنْ‏ سُ‏ لاَلَةِ‏ م ِّنْ‏ م َّاءٍ‏ م َّهِينٍ‏ {۸} ثُم َّ سَ‏ و َّ اهُ‏ وَ‏ نَفَخَ‏ فِيهِ‏ مِنْ‏ رُ‏ وحِ‏ هِ‏ وَ‏ جَ‏ عَلَ‏ لَكُمْ‏<br />

الس َّ مْ‏ عَ‏ وَ‏ الأَبْصَ‏ ارَ‏ وَ‏ الأَفْئِدَةَ‏ قَلِيلاً‏ م َّا تَشْ‏ كُرُ‏ ونَ‏ {۹} وَ‏ قَالُوا أَ‏ إِذَا ضَ‏ لَلْنَا فِي الأَرْ‏ ضِ‏ أَإِن َّا لَفِي خَ‏ لْقٍ‏ جَ‏ دِيدٍ‏<br />

بَلْ‏ هُمْ‏ بِلِقَاءِ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّكُمْ‏ كَافِرُ‏ ونَ‏ {۱۰} قُلْ‏ يَتَوَ‏ َّ ف اكُمْ‏ م َّلَكُ‏ الْمَوْ‏ تِ‏ ال َّ ذِي وُ‏ ك ِّلَ‏ بِكُمْ‏ ثُم َّ إِلَى رَ‏ ب ِّكُمْ‏ تُرْ‏ جَ‏ عُونَ‏ {۱۱<br />

{ وَ‏ لَوْ‏ تَرَ‏ ى إِذِ‏ الْمُجْ‏ رِ‏ مُونَ‏ نَاكِسُ‏ و رُ‏ ؤُ‏ وسِ‏ هِمْ‏ عِ‏ نْدَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّهِمْ‏ رَ‏ ب َّنَا أَبْصَ‏ رْ‏ نَا وَ‏ سَ‏ مِعْ‏ نَا فَارْ‏ جِ‏ عْ‏ نَا نَعْ‏ مَلْ‏ صَ‏ الِحً‏ ا إِن َّا<br />

مُوقِنُونَ‏ {۱۲} وَ‏ لَوْ‏ شِ‏ ئْنَا لآتَيْنَا َّ كُل نَفْسٍ‏ هُدَاهَا وَ‏ لَكِنْ‏ حَ‏ َّ ق الْقَوْ‏ لُ‏ مِن ِّي لأَمْلأَن َّ جَ‏ هَن َّمَ‏ مِنَ‏ الْجَ‏ ن ِّة وَ‏ الن َّاسِ‏<br />

أَجْ‏ مَعِينَ‏ {۱۳} فَذُوقُوا بِمَا نَسِ‏ يتُمْ‏ لِقَاءَ‏ يَوْ‏ مِكُمْ‏ هَذَا إِن َّا نَسِ‏ ينَاكُمْ‏ وَ‏ ذُوقُوا الْخُ‏ لْدِ‏ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ‏ تَعْ‏ مَلُونَ‏ {۱٤}<br />

إِن َّمَا يُؤْ‏ مِنْ‏ بِآيَاتِنَا ال َّ ذِينَ‏ إِذَا ذُك ِّرُ‏ وا بِهَا خَ‏ ر ُّ وا سُ‏ ج َّ دًا وَ‏ سَ‏ ب َّحُ‏ وا بِحَ‏ مْ‏ دِ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّهِمْ‏ وَ‏ هُمْ‏ يَسْ‏ تَكْ‏ بِرُ‏ ونَ‏ {۱٥}<br />

تَتَجَ‏ افَى جُ‏ نُوبُهُمْ‏ عَ‏ نْ‏ الْمَضَ‏ اجِ‏ عِ‏ يَدْعُ‏ ونَ‏ رَ‏ ب َّهُمْ‏ خَ‏ وْ‏ فًا وَ‏ طَ‏ مَعًا وَ‏ مِم َّا رَ‏ زَ‏ قْنَاهُمْ‏ يُنْفِقُونَ‏ {۱٦} فَلاَ‏ تَعْ‏ لَمُ‏<br />

نَفْسٌ‏ م َّا أُخْ‏ فِيَ‏ لَهُمْ‏ مِنْ‏ قَر َّ ةَ‏ أَعْ‏ يُنٍ‏ جَ‏ زَ‏ اءً‏ بِمَا كَانُوا يَعْ‏ مَلُونَ‏ {۱۷} أَفَمَنْ‏ كَانَ‏ مُؤْ‏ مِنًا كَمَنْ‏ كَانَ‏ فَاسِ‏ قًا لاَ‏<br />

يَسْ‏ تَوُ‏ ونَ‏ {۱۸} أَم َّا ال َّ ذِينَ‏ آَمَنُوا وَ‏ عَ‏ مِلُوا الص َّ الِحَ‏ اتِ‏ فَلَهُمْ‏ جَ‏ ن َّاتُ‏ الْمَأْوَ‏ ى نُزُ‏ لاً‏ بِمَا كَانُوا يَعْ‏ مَلُونَ‏ {۱۹}<br />

وَ‏ أَم َّا ال َّ ذِينَ‏ فَسَ‏ قُوا فَمَأْوَ‏ اهُمُ‏ الن َّارُ‏ كُل َّ مَا أَرَ‏ ادُوا أَنْ‏ يَخْ‏ رُ‏ جُ‏ وا مِنْهَا أُعِ‏ يدُوا فِيهَا وَ‏ قِيلَ‏ لَهُمْ‏ ذُوقُوا عَ‏ ذَابَ‏<br />

الن َّارِ‏ ال َّ ذِي كُنْتُمْ‏ بِهِ‏ ِّ تُكَذ بُونَ‏ {۲۰} وَ‏ لَنُذِيقَن َّهُمْ‏ مِنَ‏ الْعَذَابِ‏ الأَْدْ‏ نَى دُونَ‏ الْعَذَابِ‏ الأَْكْ‏ بَرِ‏ لَعَل َّ هُمْ‏ يَرْ‏ جِ‏ عُونَ‏ }<br />

۲۱} وَ‏ مَنْ‏ أَظْ‏ لَمُ‏ مِم َّنْ‏ ذُك ِّرَ‏ بِآَيَاتِ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّهِ‏ ثُم َّ أَعْ‏ رَ‏ ضَ‏ عَ‏ نْهَا إِن َّا مِنَ‏ الْمُجْ‏ رِ‏ مِينَ‏ مُنْتَقِمُونَ‏ {۲۲} وَ‏ لَقَدْ‏ آَتَيْنَا<br />

مُوسَ‏ ى الْكِتَابَ‏ فَلاَ‏ تَكُنْ‏ فِي مِرْ‏ يَةٍ‏ مِنْ‏ لِقَائِهِ‏ وَ‏ جَ‏ عَلْنَاهُ‏ هُدًى لِبَنِي إِسْ‏ رَ‏ ائِيلَ‏ {۲۳} وَ‏ جَ‏ عَلْنَا مِنْهُمْ‏ أَئِم َّةً‏<br />

يَهْ‏ دُونَ‏ بِأَمْرِ‏ نَا لَم َّا صَ‏ بَرُ‏ وا وَ‏ كَانُوا بِآَيَاتِنَا يُوقِنُونَ‏ {۲٤} إِن َّ رَ‏ ب َّكَ‏ هُوَ‏ يَفْصِ‏ لُ‏ بَيْنَهُمْ‏ يَوْ‏ مَ‏ الْقِيَامَةِ‏ فِيمَا<br />

كَانُوا فِيهِ‏ يَخْ‏ تَلِفُونَ‏ {۲٥} أَوَ‏ لَمْ‏ يَهْ‏ دِ‏ لَهُمْ‏ كَمْ‏ أَهْ‏ لَكْ‏ نَا مِنْ‏ قَبْلِهِمْ‏ مِنَ‏ الْقُرُ‏ ونِ‏ يَمْشُ‏ ونَ‏ فِي مَسَ‏ اكِنِهِمْ‏ إِن َّ فِي<br />

ذَلِكَ‏ لآََيَاتٍ‏ أَفَلاَ‏ يَسْ‏ مَعُونَ‏ {۲٦} أَوَ‏ لَمْ‏ يَرَ‏ وْ‏ ا أَن َّا نَسُ‏ وقُ‏ الْمَاءَ‏ إِلَى الأَْرْ‏ ضِ‏ الْجُ‏ رُ‏ زِ‏ فَنُخْ‏ رِ‏ جُ‏ بِهِ‏ زَ‏ رْ‏ عً‏ ا<br />

تَأْكُلُ‏ مِنْهُ‏ أَنْعَامُهُمْ‏ وَ‏ أَنْفُسُ‏ هُمْ‏ أَفَلاَ‏ يُبْصِ‏ رُ‏ ونَ‏ {۲۷} وَ‏ يَقُولُونَ‏ مَتَى هَذَا الْفَتْحُ‏ إِنْ‏ كُنْتُمْ‏ صَ‏ ادِقِينَ‏ {۲۸}<br />

قُلْ‏ يَوْ‏ مَ‏ الْفَتْحِ‏ لاَ‏ يَنْفَعُ‏ ال َّ ذِينَ‏ كَفَرُ‏ وا إِيمَانُهُمْ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ هُمْ‏ يُنْظَ‏ رُ‏ ونَ‏ {۲۹} فَأَعْ‏ رِ‏ ضْ‏ عَ‏ نْهُمْ‏ وَ‏ انْتَظِ‏ رْ‏ إِن َّهُمْ‏<br />

‏{مُنْتَظِ‏ رُ‏ ونَ‏ {۳۰<br />




1. Alif, Laam, Miim<br />

2. Tanziilul­kitaabi, Laa roeba fiihi minr­Robbil­‘aalamiina.<br />

3. Am yaquulunaf­taraau bal huwal – haqqu min Robbi­kaa litundhira<br />

qoaman mmaa aataahun min naziirin min qobli­ka, la’allahum<br />

yahtauuna.<br />

4. Allaahul­ladhii khalaqos­samaawaati wal­ardo wamaa<br />

baenahumma fi sittati ayyaamin thummas­tawaa ‘alal­‘arshi man<br />

lakun min duunihi min waliyyin walaa shafiih’in, afalaa<br />

Tatadhakkaruuna.<br />

5. Yudabbirul­amra minas­samaai ilal­ardi thumma ya’aruju ilaehi fii<br />

yaomin kaana miqdaaruhu alfa sanatin­mmimma Ta’udduuna.<br />

6. Dhaalika ‘aalimul­gaebi washshaadatil­‘Aziizur­Rohiimu.<br />

7. Alladhii ahsana killa shaehin khalaqahu, wa bada’a<br />

khalqal­insaana min tiinin.<br />

8. Thumma ja’ala naslau min sulaalatin min mmaaai ma’iini.<br />

9. Thumma sawwaahu wanafakha fiihi min ruuhi­i, waja’ala<br />

lakumus­sam’a, wal –absoora, wal­af­idata qoliilan mmaa<br />

Tashkuruuna.<br />

10. Waqooluu aidhaa dolal­naa fil­ardi, ainnaa lafii khalqin jadiidi<br />

bal hum biliqooi Robbihim kaafiruuna.<br />

11. Qul yatawaffaakum­malakul­mauti­ladhi wuqqila bikum, thumma<br />

ilaa Robbikum turja’uuna.<br />

12. Walao taraa idhil­mujrimuuna naakisuu ru­uusihim ‘inda<br />

Robbihim, Robbikum absornaa, wa sami’inaa, farji’naa na’amal<br />

soolihan, inna muuqinuuna.<br />

13. Walao shii­Naa la­aa tae­Naa kulla nafsi hudaaha, walaakin<br />

haqqol­qaolu mi­Nnii, la amla­anna jahannama minal jinnati<br />

wannaasi ajma’iina.<br />

14. Fadhuuquu bimaa nasiitum liqooa yaomikum adhaa, innaa<br />

nasiinaakum, wadhuuquu ‘azaabal­khuldi bimaa kuntum<br />

Ta’maluuna.<br />

15. Innamaa yuumiinu bi aayaati­Naal­ladhiina idha zukkiruu bihaa,<br />

kharruu, sujjadan, wasabbauu bihamdi robbihim wahum laa<br />

yastakbiruuna.<br />

16. Tatajaafaa junuubuhum anil­madooj’i, yad­uuna Robbahum<br />

khaofan watoma’an wamimmaa rozaqnaahum yunfiquuna.

17. Falaa ta’alamu nafsunm­maa ukhufiha lahun min qurratin<br />

a’ayunin jaza­an bimaa kaanu ya’amaluuna.<br />

18. Afaman kaana muuminan Kaman kaana faasiqan laa<br />

yas­Tauuna.<br />

19. Ammaal­ladhiina aamanun wa ‘amilus­soolihaati, falahun<br />

jannaatul­maawa, nuzulan bimaa kaanu ya’maluuna.<br />

20. Wa ammal­ladhiina fasaquu, fa ma’waahumum­naaru kullamaa<br />

araaduu an yakhrujuu minhaa, u’iiduu fiihaa, waqiila lahum<br />

dhuuquu ‘azaaban­naaril­ladhii kuntun bihi tukadhibuuna.<br />

21. Walanudhiiqonnahum minal­adhabil­adnaa,<br />

duunal­adhaabil­akbari, la’allahum yarji’uuna.<br />

22. Waman azlamu mimman dhukkira biaayaati Robbi­hi, thumma<br />

a’aroda anhaa, innaa minal­mujrimiina munttaqimuuna.<br />

23. Walaqod aataenaaMuusa­l­kitaaba, falaa takun fii miryatin min<br />

liqooihi, waja alnaahu hudan libanii Israaiila.<br />

24. Waja’alnaa minhum aimmatan yahduuna biamrinaa lamma<br />

sobaruu, wakaanuu bi­aayaatinaa yuuqinnuuna.<br />

25. Inna Robbaka Huwa yafsilu baenahum yaomal­qiyaamati Fiimaa<br />

kaanuu fiihi yakhtauuna.<br />

26. Awalam yahdi lahum kam ahlaknaa min qoblihimminal­kuruuni<br />

yamshuuna fi masaakinihim inna fii dhalika la aayaatin afa laa<br />

yasma’uuna.<br />

27. Awalam yarao annaa nasuuqul maa­a ilal­ardil­juruzi, fanukhiju<br />

bihi zar’an ta’kulu minhu an’aamuhum wa Anfusuhum afalaa<br />

yubsiruuna.<br />

28. Wayaquuluunq mataa aadhal­fathu in kuntun soodiqiina.<br />

29. Qul yaomul fathi laa yanfa’ul­ladhiinaa kafaruu iimaanuhum<br />

Wa­laa­hum yundhoruuna.<br />

30. Fa a’rid ‘anhum wantadhir, innaum muntadhiruuna.<br />

ITUMO<br />


Ni Oruko Olohun Oba Ajoke Aiye, Asake Orun<br />

1. Alif, Laam, Miim (Olohun ni O mo ohun ti O gba l’ero pelu awon harafi<br />

yii)<br />

2. Sisokale tira na, ko si iyemeji ninu re, odo Oluwa gbogbo eda ni o ti wa.<br />

3. Abi nwon yi o ma sope: oun (Muhammad) o ro o so ni? Betieko, o nje<br />

ododo lati odo Oluwa re ki o le ba ma se ikilo fun awon eniyan kan ti<br />

olukilo kan ko wa ba ri siwaju re kin won le ba mo ona.

4. Olohun naa ni eniti O da sanma ati ile ati ohun ti mbe ni arin awon<br />

mejeeji ni ojo mefa, lehinna O si se petepere sori ite­ola Re (ni ona ti o<br />

to sii). Ko si alaranse kan fun nyin lehin Re be si ni ko si osipe kan fun<br />

yin. Ese ti e ko gba ikilo?<br />

5. A ma se eto awon oro lati sanma wa si ile; lehinna (awon ise rere) yi o<br />

gunke to O lo ninu ojo kan ti idiwon re yio je gegebi egberun odun ninu<br />

ohun ti e nka.<br />

6. (Oluse) eyi ni Olumo oun ti o pama ati eyiti o han O hun ni Alagbara,<br />

Onike.<br />

7. Eniti O se gbogbo nkan ti O da (eda Re dada) ti O si bere eda eniyan<br />

lati inu amo<br />

8. Lehin na O se awon aromodomo re lati ara omi logbologbo ti o je ti<br />

(omi) ole.<br />

9. Lehin na O se e ni dogbadogba, O si fee mi Re si i, O si se igbo oro fun<br />

nyin ati awon iriran ati awon okan, die ni ope yin ti e nda.<br />

10. Atipe nwon sope; nje nigbati a ba pamo sinu ile, nje awa yio ha tun<br />

ma be ninu eda titun bi? Betieko, awon je alaini igbagbo si iba Oluwa<br />

won pade.<br />

11. Sope: Malaika iku yio pa yin, eniti a fi ti nyin, lehin na a o da nyin<br />

pada si odo Oluwa yin.<br />

12. Ti o ba se pe ire rii nigbati awon elese ba soriko ni odo Oluwa won;<br />

(ti won yio sope) Oluwa wa, awa ri awa si gbo, sugbon dawa pa da (si<br />

aiye) ki awa le se ise rere; dajudaju awa ti mo amodaju.<br />

13. Ti o ba se pe a fe ni, dajudaju a ba fun gbogbo emi kookan ni ona<br />

imona re, sugbon oro mi ti se; dajudaju emi yio fi ninu alijonu ati awon<br />

eniyan kun (ina) Jahanomo yanyan.<br />

14. Nitori naa, e to (iya) wo, nitori igbagbe nyin ti egbagbe pipade ojo<br />

nyin oni yi; dajudaju a o fin yin (sinu iya); ki e to iya gbere wo nitori ohun<br />

ti e se nise.<br />

15. Dajudaju awon kansoso tin won ni igbagbo ododo si awon aaya Waa<br />

won ni eniti o se wipe nigbati a ba ran won leti awon nkan wonyi, nwon<br />

a wo lule nitori re niti iforikanle, won o si mase afomo ati fifi eyin fun<br />

Oluwa won atipe nwon kin se igberaga.<br />

16. Nwon o fi ibusun won sile, won o ma kepe Oluwa won niti iberu ati<br />

niti ireti, won o si ma na ninu ohun ti a pa lese fun won (si oju ona rere)<br />

17. Kosi emi kan ti o mo ohun ti a fi pamo fun won; ninu ohun ti o nmu<br />

oju tutu, ni esan ohun ti won se nise<br />

18. Nje eniti o je onigbagbo ododo ha le dabi obileje bi? Nwon ko le<br />

Dogba<br />

19. Sugbon awon eniti o je onigbagbo ododo ti nwon sin se ise rere,<br />

nitorinna ogba idera ni aye ibugbe won ti a o gba won lalejo si nitori<br />

awon ohun ti nwon nse nise

20. Sugbon awon eniti o je obileje ina nin aye ibugbe won, Igbayowu ti<br />

nwon ba nfe jade ninu re, a o da won pada sinu re, a o s iwi fun won pe:<br />

Ki e to iya ina wo, eyiti enyin npe ni iro.<br />

21. Atipe dajudaju a o fun won ninu iya ti o sunmo towo siwaju iya ti o<br />

tobi, ki nwon le seri pada<br />

22. Atipe tani eniti o je alabosi ju eniti, a se iranti awon aaya Oluwa re<br />

fun, lehinna ti o seri kuro nibe? Dajudaju a o gba esan iya lara awon<br />

odese<br />

23. Atipe dajudaju a fun Musa ni tira na nitorina kio ma se si ninu tabitabi<br />

si ipade Re (Oluwa) A si se (Tira na) ni afinimona fun awon omo Israila<br />

24. Atipe a fi awon asiwaju kan ninu won se afinimona pelu ase wa,<br />

nigbati nwon roju. Atipe nwon je eniti omo amodaju nipa awon ohun ami<br />

wa<br />

25. Dajudaju Oluwa re Oun ni yio se idajo laarin won ni ojo ajinde nipa<br />

ohun tin won se aiko enu si<br />

26. Ko wa han fun won nip e, melomelo ninu awon iran ti o ti siwaju won<br />

ti A ti pare ti nwon nrin ninu awon ibugbe won? Dajudaju awon ami mbe<br />

ninu eyi. Tabi nwon ko gbo ni?<br />

27. Tabi nwon ko ha ri nip e dajudaju awa ni a ndari omi (ojo) si orile ti o<br />

otigbe, nigbana A o wa mun irugbin jade nibe, awon eran won Elese<br />

merin yio ma je ninu re ati awon na. Tabi nwon kori i ni?<br />

28. Ati pe won sope: Nigbawo ni isegun naa ma de, ti eyin ba je<br />

Olododo?<br />

29. So pe: Ni ojo isegun naa, igbagbo awon eniti o se aigbagbo ko ni se<br />

won ni anfani, atipe A koni lora fun won<br />

30. Nitorina seri kuro lodo won ki o ma reti, dajudaju ki awon na ma reti<br />


1. Alif Lam Mim.<br />

2. The revelation of the Book in which there is no doubt, is from the Lord of all<br />

worlds.<br />

3. Or say they: "He has fabricated it'' Aye! It is the truth from your Lord that<br />

you may warn therewith a people to whom no warner came before you,<br />

that haply, they may be guided.<br />

4. Allah it is Who has created the heavens and the earth and whatsoever is in<br />

between in six days, and then He established Himself on the Throne. No<br />

patron have you nor an intercessor besides Him. Will you not then be<br />

admonished?<br />

5. He disposes every affair from the heaven to the earth; thereafter is shall<br />

ascend unto Him on a Day whereof the measure is one thousand years of<br />

what you compute.

6. Such is the Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Mighty, the Merciful.<br />

7. Who has made everything good, which He has created. And He originated<br />

the creation of man from clay.<br />

8. Then He made his progeny from an extract of mean water.<br />

9. Then He fashioned him and breathed into him something of a spirit from<br />

Him; and He ordained for you hearing and sight and hearts. Little is the<br />

thanks you return.<br />

10. And they say: "When we are varnished in the earth, shall we be raised<br />

in a new creation?'' Aye! They are disbelieving in the meeting with their<br />

Lord!<br />

11. Say: "The angel of death, who is set over you shall cause you to die.<br />

Thereafter you shall be returned to your Lord.”<br />

12. Could you but see when the culprits shall hang their heads before their<br />

Lord saying: "Lord! We have now seen and heard, so send us back; we<br />

shall now work righteously, verily we are convinced.''<br />

13. And had We willed, surely We would have given every soul its<br />

guidance, but true must be the Word from Me; I shall surely fill Hell with the<br />

Jinn and mankind together.<br />

14. So taste you the sequel for as much as you forgot the meeting of this<br />

Day, verily We have forgotten you. Taste the abiding torment for what you<br />

have been working.<br />

15. They alone believe in Our revelations who, when they are reminded<br />

thereof, fall down prostrate and hallow the praise of their Lord and they are<br />

not proud.<br />

16. Their sides leave off the couches, calling upon their Lord in fear and in<br />

desire, and they expend of that with which We have provided them.<br />

17. No soul knows what is kept hidden from them of perfect comfort as a<br />

recompense for what they have been working.<br />

18. Shall he, therefore, who is a believer, be like him who is a transgressor?<br />

Equal they are not.<br />

19. As for those who believe and work righteous deeds for them are<br />

gardens of abode: an entertainment for what they had been working.<br />

20. And as for those who transgress – their abode is the Fire. Whenever<br />

they will desire to get thereout, they shall be drawn back thereto, and it will<br />

be said to them: ‘Taste the torment of the Fire which you were wont to<br />

belie.’<br />

21. And surely We shall make them taste of the smaller torment before the<br />

greater that haply they may yet return.

22. And who is a greater wrongdoer than he who is reminded of his signs,<br />

and he turns aside therefrom. Verily We are going to be the Avenger unto<br />

the culprits.<br />

23. Assuredly We vouchsafed the <strong>book</strong> to Moses; so be you not in doubt in<br />

receiving it. And We assigned it to be a guidance to the children of Israel.<br />

24. And We appointed from amongst them leaders, guiding others by Our<br />

command, when they had persevered, and of Our signs they were<br />

convinced.<br />

25. Verily your Lord; He shall decide between them on the judgement day<br />

concerning that wherein they have been differing.<br />

26. Has this not guided them; how many a generation We have destroyed<br />

before them amidst whise dwellings they walk? Surely therein are signs;<br />

will they not listen?<br />

27. Do they not see that We drive water to a bare land, and bring forth<br />

therewith crops of which their cattle and they themselves eat? Will they not<br />

therefore be enlightened.<br />

28. And they say: ‘When will this decision arrive, if you speak truth?’<br />

29. Say: On the day of the decision their belief will not profit those who have<br />

disbelieved; nor will they be respited’.’<br />

30. So turn aside you from them, and await, verily they are awaiting. (Q32:1<br />

­ 30)<br />

NB. The <strong>prayer</strong> below will be recited during the prostration at verse 15 of the<br />

above Suuratus­Sajdah<br />

الل َّ هُم َّ إِن ِّي أَسْ‏ أَلُكَ‏ بِاَن ِّي أَشْ‏ هَدُ‏ أَن َّكَ‏ أَنْتَ‏ االلهُ‏ الأَْحَ‏ دُ‏ الص َّ مَدُ‏ ال َّ ذِى لَمْ‏ يَلِدْ‏ وَ‏ لَمْ‏ يُولَدْ‏ وَ‏ لَمْ‏ يَكُنْ‏ لَهُ‏ كُفْوً‏ ا أَحَ‏ دٌ.‏<br />

أَنْ‏ لاَ‏ تَدَعْ‏ لَنَا فِي سُ‏ جُ‏ ودِنَا هَذَا ذَنْبًا إِلا َّ غَ‏ فَرْ‏ تَهُ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ هَم َّا إِلا َّ فَرَ‏ جْ‏ تَهُ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ دَيْنَا إِلا َّ قَضَ‏ يْتَهُ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ حَ‏ اجَ‏ ةً‏ مِنْ‏<br />

‏.حَ‏ وَ‏ ائجِ‏ الد ُّنْيَا وَ‏ الآخِ‏ رَ‏ ةِ‏ إِلا َّ قَضَ‏ يْتَهَا يَا أرحم الر َّ احِ‏ مِينَ‏<br />


Allaahumma inni as­alu­ka bianni ash­hadu anna­ka<br />

anta­Llaahu­l­Ahdus­Somadu, ladhii lam yalid wa­lam yuulad, wa­lam<br />

yakun la­Hu kufwan ahadun, an laa tad’a lanaa fii sujuudina haadha<br />

dhaban illa gafarta­hu, wa­la hammaa illaa farrajta­hu, wa­la daenan illaa<br />

qodaeta­hu, walaa haajatan min hawaaijid­dun’yaa wal­aakhirati illa<br />

qodaetaha, yaa arhamar­Roohimiina.<br />

ITUMO<br />


Oluwa wa, emi n beere lowo Re, mo si jeri pe Iwo Olohun, Eyo kan,<br />

A­ji­ronu­kan, Eni ti ko bi, Eni ti a o bi, Eni ti ko ni afiwe ati afijo, ma fi wa sile

ni if’ori kan’le wa yi lai fi ori ese wa jin wa, lai mu ibanuje wa kuro, lai san<br />

gbese wa, bee ko si bukaata ninu awon bukaata aye ati orun bi ko se ki o ba<br />

wag be, Iwo ni eniti O n ke’ni julo<br />


Oh our Lord! I am asking You and I testify that You are Allaah, the One, the<br />

independent that begets not nor was He begotten and never has there been<br />

anyone co­equal with Him. And that You should forgive us our sins, and<br />

eliminate our grievances and relieve our worldly needs and our burdens in the<br />

hereafter. You are full of bounties.<br />

سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ الْمُلْكُ‏<br />

يم<br />

ِ<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حمن الر َّ حِ‏<br />

تَبَارَ‏ كَ‏ ال َّ ذِي بِيَدِهِ‏ الْمُلْكُ‏ وَ‏ هُوَ‏ عَ‏ لَى ِّ كُل شَ‏ يْ‏ ءٍ‏ قَدِيرٌ‏ {۱} ال َّ ذِي خَ‏ لَقَ‏ الْمَوْ‏ تَ‏ وَ‏ الْحَ‏ يَاةَ‏ لِيَبْلُوَ‏ كُمْ‏ أَي ُّكُمْ‏ أَحْ‏ سَ‏ نُ‏<br />

عَ‏ مَلاً‏ وَ‏ هُوَ‏ الْعَزِ‏ يزُ‏ الْغَفُورُ‏ {۲} ال َّ ذِي خَ‏ لَقَ‏ سَ‏ بْعَ‏ سَ‏ مَوَ‏ اتٍ‏ طِ‏ بَاقًا مَا تَرَ‏ ى فِي خَ‏ لْقِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ مِنْ‏ تَفَاوُ‏ تٍ‏<br />

فَارْ‏ جِ‏ عِ‏ الْبَصَ‏ رَ‏ هَلْ‏ تَرَ‏ ى مِنْ‏ فُطُ‏ ورٍ‏ {۳} ثُم َّ ارْ‏ جِ‏ عِ‏ الْبَصَ‏ رَ‏ كَر َّ تَيْنِ‏ يَنْقَلِبْ‏ إِلَيْكَ‏ الْبَصَ‏ رُ‏ خَ‏ اسِ‏ ئًا وَ‏ هُوَ‏<br />

حَ‏ سِ‏ يرٌ‏ {٤} وَ‏ لَقَدْ‏ زَ‏ ي َّن َّا الس َّ مَاءَ‏ الد ُّنْيَا بِمَصَ‏ ابِيحَ‏ وَ‏ جَ‏ عَلْنَاهَا رُ‏ جُ‏ ومًا َّ لِلش يَاطِ‏ ينِ‏ وَ‏ أَعْ‏ تَدْ‏ نَا لَهُمْ‏ عَ‏ ذَابَ‏ الس َّ عِيرِ‏<br />

{٥} وَ‏ لِل َّ ذِينَ‏ كَفَرُ‏ وا بِرَ‏ ب ِّهِمْ‏ عَ‏ ذَابُ‏ جَ‏ هَن َّمَ‏ وَ‏ بِئْسَ‏ الْمَصِ‏ يرُ‏ {٦} إِذَا أُلْقُوا فِيهَا سَ‏ مِعُوا لَهَا شَ‏ هِيقًا وَ‏ هِيَ‏<br />

تَفُورُ‏ {۷} تَكَادُ‏ تَمَي َّزُ‏ مِنَ‏ الْغَيْظِ‏ كُل َّ مَا أُلْقِيَ‏ فِيهَا فَوْ‏ جٌ‏ سَ‏ أَلَهُمْ‏ خَ‏ زَ‏ نَتُهَا أَلَمْ‏ يَأْتِكُمْ‏ نَذِيرٌ‏ {۸} قَالُوا بَلَى قَدْ‏<br />

جَ‏ اءَنَا نَذِيرٌ‏ َّ فَكَذ بْنَا وَ‏ قُلْنَا مَا نَز َّ لَ‏ االله َُّ‏ مِنْ‏ شَ‏ يْ‏ ءٍ‏ إِنْ‏ أَنْتُمْ‏ َّ إِلا فِي ضَ‏ لاَ‏ لٍ‏ كَبِيرٍ‏ {۹} وَ‏ قَالُوا لَوْ‏ كُن َّا نَسْ‏ مَعُ‏<br />

أَوْ‏ نَعْقِلُ‏ مَا كُن َّا فِي أَصْ‏ حَ‏ ابِ‏ الس َّ عِيرِ‏ {۱۰} فَاعْ‏ تَرَ‏ فُوا بِذَنْبِهِمْ‏ فَسُ‏ حْ‏ قًا لأَِصْ‏ حَ‏ ابِ‏ الس َّ عِيرِ‏ {۱۱} إِن َّ ال َّ ذِينَ‏<br />

يَخْ‏ شَ‏ وْ‏ نَ‏ رَ‏ ب َّهُمْ‏ بِالْغَيْبِ‏ لَهُمْ‏ مَغْفِرَ‏ ةٌ‏ وَ‏ أَجْ‏ رٌ‏ كَبِيرٌ‏ {۱۲} وَ‏ أَسِ‏ ر ُّ وا قَوْ‏ لَكُمْ‏ أَوِ‏ اجْ‏ هَرُ‏ وا بِهِ‏ إِن َّهُ‏ عَ‏ لِيمٌ‏ بِذَاتِ‏<br />

الص ُّ دُورِ‏ {۱۳} أَلاَ‏ يَعْ‏ لَمُ‏ مَنْ‏ خَ‏ لَقَ‏ وَ‏ هُوَ‏ الل َّ طِ‏ يفُ‏ الْخَ‏ بِيرُ‏ {۱٤} هُوَ‏ ال َّ ذِي جَ‏ عَلَ‏ لَكُمُ‏ الأَْرْ‏ ضَ‏ ذَلُولاً‏<br />

فَامْشُ‏ وا فِي مَنَاكِبِهَا وَ‏ كُلُوا مِنْ‏ رِ‏ زْ‏ قِهِ‏ وَ‏ إِلَيْهِ‏ الن ُّشُ‏ ورُ‏ {۱٥} أَأَمِنْتُمْ‏ مَنْ‏ فِي الس َّ مَاءِ‏ أَنْ‏ يَخْ‏ سِ‏ فَ‏ بِكُمُ‏<br />

الأَْرْ‏ ضَ‏ فَإِذَا هِيَ‏ تَمُورُ‏ {۱٦} أَمْ‏ أَمِنْتُمْ‏ مَنْ‏ فِي الس َّ مَاءِ‏ أَنْ‏ يُرْ‏ سِ‏ لَ‏ عَ‏ لَيْكُمْ‏ حَ‏ اصِ‏ بًا فَسَ‏ تَعْ‏ لَمُونَ‏ كَيْفَ‏ نَذِيرِ‏<br />

{۱۷} وَ‏ لَقَدْ‏ َّ كَذ بَ‏ ال َّ ذِينَ‏ مِنْ‏ قَبْلِهِمْ‏ فَكَيْفَ‏ كَانَ‏ نَكِيرِ‏ {۱۸} أَوَ‏ لَمْ‏ يَرَ‏ وْ‏ ا إِلَى َّ الط يْرِ‏ فَوْ‏ قَهُمْ‏ صَ‏ َّ اف اتٍ‏<br />

وَ‏ يَقْبِضْ‏ نَ‏ مَا يُمْسِ‏ كُهُن َّ َّ إِلا الر َّ حْ‏ مَنُ‏ إِن َّهُ‏ ِّ بِكُل شَ‏ يْ‏ ءٍ‏ بَصِ‏ يرٌ‏ {۱۹} أَم َّنْ‏ هَذَا ال َّ ذِي هُوَ‏ جُ‏ نْدٌ‏ لَكُمْ‏ يَنْصُ‏ رُ‏ كُمْ‏<br />

مِنْ‏ دُونِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ إِنِ‏ الْكَافِرُ‏ ونَ‏ َّ إِلا فِي غُ‏ رُ‏ ورٍ‏ {۲۰} أَم َّنْ‏ هَذَا ال َّ ذِي يَرْ‏ زُ‏ قُكُمْ‏ إِنْ‏ أَمْسَ‏ كَ‏ رِ‏ زْ‏ قَهُ‏ بَلْ‏ لَج ُّ وا<br />

فِي عُ‏ تُو ٍّ وَ‏ نُفُورٍ‏ {۲۱} أَفَمَنْ‏ يَمْشِ‏ ي مُكِبا عَ‏ لَى وَ‏ جْ‏ هِهِ‏ أَهْ‏ دَى أَم َّنْ‏ يَمْشِ‏ ي سَ‏ وِ‏ يا عَ‏ لَى صِ‏ رَ‏ اطٍ‏ مُسْ‏ تَقِيمٍ‏ }<br />

۲۲} قُلْ‏ هُوَ‏ ال َّ ذِي أَنْشَ‏ أَكُمْ‏ وَ‏ جَ‏ عَلَ‏ لَكُمُ‏ الس َّ مْ‏ عَ‏ وَ‏ الأَْبْصَ‏ ارَ‏ وَ‏ الأَْفْئِدَةَ‏ قَلِيلاً‏ مَا تَشْ‏ كُرُ‏ ونَ‏ {۲۳} قُلْ‏ هُوَ‏ ال َّ ذِي<br />

ذَرَ‏ أَكُمْ‏ فِي الأَْرْ‏ ضِ‏ وَ‏ إِلَيْهِ‏ تُحْ‏ شَ‏ رُ‏ ونَ‏ {۲٤} وَ‏ يَقُولُونَ‏ مَتَى هَذَا الْوَ‏ عْ‏ دُ‏ إِنْ‏ كُنْتُمْ‏ صَ‏ ادِقِينَ‏ {۲٥} قُلْ‏ إِن َّمَا<br />

الْعِلْمُ‏ عِ‏ نْدَ‏ االله َِّ‏ وَ‏ إِن َّمَا أَنَا نَذِيرٌ‏ مُبِينٌ‏ {۲٦} فَلَم َّا رَ‏ أَوْ‏ هُ‏ زُ‏ لْفَةً‏ سِ‏ يئَتْ‏ وُ‏ جُ‏ وهُ‏ ال َّ ذِينَ‏ كَفَرُ‏ وا وَ‏ قِيلَ‏ هَذَا ال َّ ذِي<br />

كُنْتُمْ‏ بِهِ‏ تَد َّعُ‏ ونَ‏ {۲۷} قُلْ‏ أَرَ‏ أَيْتُمْ‏ إِنْ‏ أَهْ‏ لَكَنِيَ‏ االله َُّ‏ وَ‏ مَنْ‏ مَعِيَ‏ أَوْ‏ رَ‏ حِ‏ مَنَا فَمَنْ‏ يُجِ‏ يرُ‏ الْكَافِرِ‏ ينَ‏ مِنْ‏ عَ‏ ذَابٍ‏<br />

أَلِيمٍ‏ {۲۸} قُلْ‏ هُوَ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنُ‏ آَمَن َّا بِهِ‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ لَيْهِ‏ تَوَ‏ َّ ك لْنَا فَسَ‏ تَعْ‏ لَمُونَ‏ مَنْ‏ هُوَ‏ فِي ضَ‏ لاَ‏ لٍ‏ مُبِينٍ‏ {۲۹} قُلْ‏ أَرَ‏ أَيْتُمْ‏<br />

‏{إِنْ‏ أَصْ‏ بَحَ‏ مَاؤُ‏ كُمْ‏ غَ‏ وْ‏ رً‏ ا فَمَنْ‏ يَأْتِيكُمْ‏ بِمَاءٍ‏ مَعِينٍ‏ {۳۰<br />


1. Tabaraka allathee biyadihi almulku wahuwa AAala kulli shay­in<br />

qadeerun<br />

2. Allathee khalaqa almawta waalhayata liyabluwakum ayyukum<br />

ahsanu AAamalan wahuwa alAAazeezu alghafooru<br />

3. Allathee khalaqa sabAAa samawatin tibaqan ma tara fee khalqi<br />

alrrahmani min tafawutin fairjiAAi albasara hal tara min futoorin<br />

4. Thumma irjiAAi albasara karratayni yanqalib ilayka albasaru<br />

khasi­an wahuwa haseerun<br />

5. Walaqad zayyanna alssamaa alddunya bimasabeeha<br />

wajaAAalnaha rujooman lilshshayateeni waaAAtadna lahum<br />

AAathaba alssaAAeeri<br />

6. Walillatheena kafaroo birabbihim AAathabu jahannama wabi/sa<br />

almaseeru<br />

7. Itha olqoo feeha samiAAoo laha shaheeqan wahiya tafooru<br />

8. Takadu tamayyazu mina alghaythi kullama olqiya feeha fawjun<br />

saalahum khazanatuha alam ya/tikum natheerun<br />

9. Qaloo bala qad jaana natheerun fakaththabna waqulna ma nazzala<br />

Allahu min shay­in in antum illa fee dalalin kabeerin<br />

10. Waqaloo law kunna nasmaAAu aw naAAqilu ma kunna fee<br />

as­habi alssaAAeeri<br />

11. FaiAAtarafoo bithanbihim fasuhqan li­as­habi alssaAAeeri<br />

12. Inna allatheena yakhshawna rabbahum bialghaybi lahum<br />

maghfiratun waajrun kabeerun<br />

13. Waasirroo qawlakum awi ijharoo bihi innahu AAaleemun bithati<br />

alssudoori<br />

14. Ala yaAAlamu man khalaqa wahuwa allateefu alkhabeeru<br />

15. Huwa allathee jaAAala lakumu al­arda thaloolan faimshoo fee<br />

manakibiha wakuloo min rizqihi wa­ilayhi alnnushooru<br />

16. Aamintum man fee alssama­i an yakhsifa bikumu al­arda<br />

fa­itha hiya tamooru<br />

17. Am amintum man fee alssama­i an yursila AAalaykum hasiban<br />

fasataAAlamoona kayfa natheeri<br />

18. Walaqad kaththaba allatheena min qablihim fakayfa kana<br />

nakeeri<br />

19. Awa lam yaraw ila alttayri fawqahum saffatin wayaqbidna<br />

ma yumsikuhunna illa alrrahmanu innahu bikulli shay­in baseerun<br />

20. Amman hatha allathee huwa jundun lakum yansurukum min<br />

dooni alrrahmani ini alkafiroona illa fee ghuroorin<br />

21. Amman hatha allathee yarzuqukum in amsaka rizqahu bal lajjoo<br />

fee AAutuwwin wanufoorin<br />

22. Afaman yamshee mukibban AAala wajhihi ahda amman<br />

yamshee sawiyyan AAala siratin mustaqeemin

23. Qul huwa allathee anshaakum wajaAAala lakumu alssamAAa<br />

waal­absara waal­af­idata qaleelan ma tashkuroona<br />

24. Qul huwa allathee tharaakum fee al­ardi wa­ilayhi tuhsharoona<br />

25. Wayaqooloona mata hatha alwaAAdu in kuntum sadiqeena<br />

26. Qul innama alAAilmu AAinda Allahi wa­innama ana natheerun<br />

mubeenun<br />

27. Falamma raawhu zulfatan see­at wujoohu allatheena kafaroo<br />

waqeela hatha allathee kuntum bihi taddaAAoona<br />

28. Qul araaytum in ahlakaniya Allahu waman maAAiya aw<br />

rahimana faman yujeeru alkafireena min AAathabin aleemin<br />

29. Qul huwa alrrahmanu amanna bihi waAAalayhi<br />

tawakkalna fasataAAlamoona man huwa fee dalalin mubeenin<br />

30. Qul araaytum in asbaha maokum ghawran faman ya/teekum<br />

bima­in maAAeenin<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni Oruko Olohun Oba Ajoke Aiye, Asake Orun<br />

1. Ibukun ni fun Eniti ijoba wa ni Owo Re, atipe Oun ni Alagbara lori<br />

gbogbo nkan<br />

2. Eniti O da iku ati wiwa laaye ki O le bad an nyin wo, lati mo ewo ninu<br />

nyin ni yio se ise rere julo, atipe Oun ni Alagbara, Alaforiji<br />

3. Oun ni Eniti O da sanma meje ni ipele (kan lori) ipele (kan), o ko le ri<br />

ipakaso ninu eda (Oba) Ajoke aiye. Nitorinaa, tun wo o yida; nje o le ri<br />

ipakaso kan bi?<br />

4. Lehinna, ki o tun wo yida leekeji si, iriran na yio si pada si odo re ni ti<br />

aare, oun na yio di alaare (kure)<br />

5. Atipe A ti se sanma aiye ni oso pelu awon atupa, A si se (awon atupa<br />

na) ni oko asobade fun awon esu. A si ti pa iya ina jonijoni lese sile de<br />

won.<br />

6. Iya inaa Jahannama si mbe fun awon eni ti won ti se aigbagbo si Oluwa<br />

won, o si buru ni apada si<br />

7. Nigbati a ba ju won sinu re, nwon yio ma gbo kikun ina na, bee ni yio<br />

ma ru soke<br />

8. Yio fere pin rare si meji niti ibinu. Igbayowu ti A ba ju ijo kan sinu re,<br />

awon oluso ibe yio ma bi won lere pe: nje olukilo kan ko w aba yin bi?<br />

9. Nwon a sope; beeni dajudaju olukilo kan ti wa ba wa, sugbon a pee ni<br />

opuro, a si sope: Olohun ko so kinikan kale, eyin kowa ninu kinikan ju<br />

isina lo<br />

10. Atipe won a tun sope: Ti o ba se pe awa gboran ni tabi ti a si lo<br />

lakaye ni, aki ba tiwa ninu ero ina jonijoni<br />

11. Nigbana nwon yio jewo ese won; nitorina iparun kio ma be fun awon<br />

ero ina jonijoni

12. Dajudaju awon eniti nwon npaya Oluwaa won ni koko, ti won ni aforiji<br />

ati oore ti o tobi<br />

13. Atipe bi eba fi oro yin pamo tabi e so o sita, dajudaju Oun ni<br />

Onimimo ohun ti mbe ninu awon igbaiya<br />

14. Nje Oun ko ha mo eniti O da? Atipe Oun ni Alaanu, Alamontan<br />

15. Oun ni Eniti O se ile fun yin ni riro, nitorina ki e maar in ni awon<br />

agbegbe re, li e si ma je ninu ese re. A o gbe gbogbo eda dide si odo<br />

Re<br />

16. Nje eyin ha nfi ayabale si Eniti O mbe ninu sanma pe kole je ki ile<br />

gbe yin min ni? Nigbana, ile na yio ma mi titi<br />

17. Abi eyin fi ayabale si Eniti mbe ninu sanma pe ko ni da le nyin lori<br />

awon eworo okuta? Nitorina e mbo wa mo bawo ni ikilo (mi) tiri.<br />

18. Atipe awon eni ti nwon ti siwaju nwon pe (oro Olohun) niro, nitorina<br />

bawo ni atako (mi) ti ri?<br />

19. Abi won ko wo awon eiye ti o wa ni oke won ti o nna iye ti o si mpa<br />

iye na mora? Kini kan ko le da won duro ayafi (Oba) Ajoke aiye.<br />

Dajudaju Oun ti ri gbogbo nkan.<br />

20. Taani eniti yio je omo ogun fun yin ti o le ran yin lowo laije (Oba)<br />

Alaanu? Awon alaigbagbo ko si ninu nkankan ju itanje lo<br />

21. Taani eni ti o le ma se arisiki fun yin bi Oun ba da ipese re duro?<br />

Bee ti e ko, won ti se orikukun sinu igberaga ati sisa kuro (nibi otito)<br />

22. Nje eniti nrin ni idorikodo ni o mona julo ni tabi eniti o nrin ni iduro<br />

deede ni oju ona ti o to?<br />

23. So pe: Oun ni eniti O se eda yin O si se awon igboro fun yin ati awon<br />

iriran ati awon okan. Ope yin ti e nda kere pupo<br />

24. So pe:m Oun ni O nje ki e ma po si lori’le ati pe odo Re ni a o ko yin<br />

jo si<br />

25. Atipe nwon yio ma so pe: Nigbawo ni ileri yi yio se ti eyin ba je<br />

Olododo?<br />

26. So pe: dajudaju mimo (re) mbe no odo Olohun nikan ati pee mi je<br />

olukilo kan ti o han lasan ni<br />

27. Nitorina nigbati won ba ripe o sun mo won pekipeki, oju awon<br />

alaigbagbo yio si yi pada ati pe A o wi fun won pe: Eyi ni oun ti enpe ni<br />

(iro)<br />

28. So pe: Eyin ko se akiyesi ni, ti Olohun ba pa mi ati awon ti o mbe<br />

pelu mi, tabi ti O ba se aanu wa, nitorina tani eniti yio da aabo bo awon<br />

alaigbagbo nibi iya eleta, elero?<br />

29. So pe: Oun ni (Olohun) Ajoke aiye, Eniti awa Gbagbo, awa fi ara ti i.<br />

Nitorina, e o mo tani o mbe ninu isina ti o han gbangba<br />

30. So pe: E ko se akiyesi nip e bi omi yin ba di ohun ti o gbe, tani eni ti<br />

yio mu omi iseleru wa ba yin? (Q67:1 ­ 30)



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. Blessed be He in whose hand is sovereignty, and He is Potent over<br />

everything.<br />

2. Who has created death and life, that He might test you as to which of<br />

you is excellent in work. And He is the Mighty, the Forgiver.<br />

3. Who has created the seven heavens in storeys. You shall not find any<br />

oversight in the creation of the Compassionate. Then repeat your look,<br />

do you find any crack?<br />

4. Then repeat your look twice over and your look will return to you dim<br />

and drowsy.<br />

5. And assuredly We have bedecked the nearest sky with lamps We have<br />

them missiles for pelting devils, and We have prepared for them the<br />

torment of the Blaze.<br />

6. And for those who disbelieve in their Lord will be the torment of Hell; a<br />

hapless destination!<br />

7. When they will be cast in it, they will hear a braying as it boils up;<br />

8. It almost burst up with rage. So often as company is cast in it, its<br />

keepers will ask them: ‘Did not warner come to you?’<br />

9. They will say: ‘Surely a warner did come to us but we belied him and<br />

said: ‘God has not sent down anyone; you are but in a great Error.’<br />

10. And they will say: ‘Had we been wont to listen or to reflect, we would<br />

not have been among the fellows of the Blaze.’<br />

11. So they will confess their sin. Far away be they, the fellows of the<br />

Blaze!<br />

12. Those who are in awe of their Lord Unseen, theirs shall be<br />

forgiveness and a great reward.<br />

13. And whether you keep your discourse secret or disclose it, verily He<br />

is the Knower of what is in the breasts.<br />

14. Will not He Who has created know? He is the Subtle, the Aware.<br />

15. He it is Who has made the earth subservient to you; so go forth in<br />

the tracts thereof, and eat of His provision. And to Him is the<br />

Resurrection.<br />

16. Are you secure that He Who is in the heaven will not sink the earth<br />

with you, and then it should quake?<br />

17. Or are you secure that He Who is in the heaven will not send against<br />

you a whirlwind? Soon you shall know how has been My warning.<br />

18. And assuredly those before them have belied, then how has been<br />

My wrath?

19. Do they not see the birds above them outstretching their wings and<br />

also closing them? None sustains them except the Compassionate.<br />

Verily He is the Beholder of everything.<br />

20. Who is he, besides the Compassionate, that can be an army unto<br />

you and succour you? The infidels are but in delusion.<br />

21. Should He withhold His provision, who is he that can provide for<br />

you? Aye! They persist in perversity and aversion.<br />

22. Is he, then who goes about grovelling upon his face better directed<br />

or he who walks evenly on a straight path?<br />

23. Say: ‘He it is Who has brought you forth and has endowed you with<br />

hearing and sights and hearts. Little thanks it is you give!’<br />

24. Say: ‘He it is Who has spread you over the earth, and to Him you<br />

shall be gathered.’<br />

25. And they say: ‘When will this promise come to pass, if you speak<br />

truth.’<br />

26. Say: ‘The knowledge thereof is only with Allaah, and I am but a<br />

manifest warner.’<br />

27. But when they will see it proximating, sad will be the countenances<br />

of those who disbelieve, and it will be said: ‘This is what you have been<br />

calling for.’<br />

28. Say: ‘Think! If Allaah destroys me and those with me, or has mercy<br />

on us, who will protect the infidels from an afflictive torment?’<br />

29. Say: ‘He is the Compassionate; in Him we have believed, and in Him<br />

we have put our trust. And soon you will know who it is that is in<br />

manifest error.’<br />

30. Say: ‘Think! Were your water to be sunk away, who then could bring<br />

you water welling up? (Q67:1 – 30)<br />

اَلل َّ هُم َّ أَنْتَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّي لاَ‏ إِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ أَنْتَ‏ خَ‏ لَقْتَنِي وَ‏ أَنَا عَ‏ بْدُكَ‏ وَ‏ أَنَا عَ‏ لَى عَ‏ هْ‏ دِكَ‏ وَ‏ وَ‏ عْ‏ دِكَ‏ مَا اسْ‏ تَطَ‏ عْ‏ تَ‏ . أَعُ‏ وذُ‏ بِكَ‏<br />

مِنْ‏ شَ‏ ر ِّ مَا صَ‏ نَعْ‏ تُ‏ وَ‏ أَبُوءُ‏ لَكَ‏ بِنِعْ‏ مَتِكَ‏ عَ‏ لَي َّ وَ‏ أَبُوء بِذَنْبِي فَاغْ‏ فِرْ‏ لِى،‏ فإِن َّهُ‏ لاَ‏ يَغْفِرُ‏ الذ ُّ نُوبَ‏ إِلا َّ أَنْتَ‏ . لاَ‏<br />

‏.اِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ أَنْتَ‏ سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَكَ‏ إِن ِّي مِنَ‏ الظ َّ الِمِينَ‏<br />

سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّكَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعِز َّ ةِ‏ عَ‏ م َّا يَصِ‏ فُونَ‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ لاَمٌ‏ عَ‏ لَى الْمُرْ‏ سَ‏ لِينَ‏ وَ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعَالَمِينَ‏ . سورة ص الآية ۱۸۰<br />

۱۸۲ –<br />


Allahumma anta Robbi, Laa­ilaa­a illa anta, Khalaqtani, wa ana ‘abdu­ka,<br />

wa anaa ‘alaa ‘ahdi­ka, wa wa’adika mas­tato’tu, a’uudhu bi­ka min sharri<br />

maa sona’tu, wa­abuu laka bi­n’imati­ka ‘alayya, wa­abuuhu bi­dhambii,<br />

fagfirlii, fainna­Hu la yagfiru dhdhunuuba illa anta. Laa­ilaa­a illa an­ta,<br />

subhaana­ka innii kuntu minazzoolimiina.

Subhaana Robbika Robbil­‘izzati ‘amma yasifuun, wasalaamun<br />

‘alal­mursaliina, wal­hamdu li­Llaahi Robbil­‘aalamiina. (Q37: 180 ­ 182)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Oba o, Iwo ni olutoju mi, ko si Olohun miran ayaafi Ire, O da mi, mo je<br />

eru Re, mo wa lori adehun Re, mo se adehun fun O bi agbara mi se mo, mo<br />

wa iso kuro ninu nnkan ti mo se, ti O ko fe, pelu idera Re lori mi, f’ori ese mi ji<br />

mi, f’ori ji mi, ko si eni ti o le f’ori (ese) ji’ni yato si Iwo (Olohun). Ko si eni kan<br />

yato si ire Olohun. Mimo fun O, dajudaju emi wa ninu awon alabosi.<br />

Ogo ni fun Oluwa re: Oluwa ti O ni titobi, O ju ohun ti nwon fi nse irohin Re lo.<br />

Ifaiyabale ki o ma baa won ojise. Ope ni fun Olohun, Oluwa gbogbo awon<br />

eda. (Q37:180 ­ 182)<br />


Oh Lord! You are my Lord, You created I am Your servant and I am on Your<br />

covenant and promise to the best of my ability. I seek Your protection from the<br />

evil of my deeds: I realise Your favour on me and also I do realise my sins;<br />

forgive me for nobody can forgive sins beside You. There is no deity except<br />

You. Glory be to You I am one of those that wronged themselves. Exalted be<br />

You O Lord, the Lord of glory, above their imputations! Peace be on the<br />

Messengers and praise to God, Lord of the Universe.<br />

أَسْ‏ مَاءُ‏ االلهِ‏ الحُ‏ سْ‏ نَى<br />


بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حمن الر َّ حِ‏ يم<br />

قُلِ‏ ادْعُ‏ وا االله ََّ‏ أَوِ‏ ادْعُ‏ وا الر َّ حْ‏ مَنَ‏ أَيا مَا تَدْعُ‏ وا فَلَهُ‏ الأَْسْ‏ مَاءُ‏ الْحُ‏ سْ‏ نَى وَ‏ لاَ‏ تَجْ‏ هَرْ‏ بِصَ‏ لاَ‏ تِكَ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ تُخَ‏ افِتْ‏<br />

‏(​بِهَا وَ‏ ابْتَغِ‏ بَيْنَ‏ ذَلِكَ‏ سَ‏ بِيلاً‏ ) سورة الإسراء الآية ۱۱۰<br />

ِ<br />

Ar­Rahmaan The Beneficent Oba Oloore­Ofe<br />

الر َّ حْ‏ مَنُ‏ Ar­Raheem The Merciful Oba Olopo Aanu<br />

الر َّ حِ‏ يمُ‏ Al­Malik The Sovereign Oba Olola<br />

اَلْمُلِكُ‏ Al­Qudduus The Holy Oba to mo<br />

اَلْقُدُوسُ‏ As­Salaam The Source of Peace Oba Alaafia<br />

اَلس َّ لاَمُ‏ Al­Mu’min The Guardian of Faith Oba Olugbagbo<br />

الْمُؤْ‏ مِنُ‏

اَلْمُهَيْمِنُ‏<br />

Al­Muhaemi<br />

n<br />

The Watcher over His<br />

Creatures<br />

Oba Alabojuto<br />

Al­‘Azeez The Mighty Oba Alagbara<br />

Al­Jabbar The Compeller Oba a­je’ni ni’pa<br />

اَالْعَزِ‏ يزُ‏<br />

اَلْجَ‏ ب َّارُ‏<br />

Al­Mutakabb The Majestic Oba Mo to – Mo to<br />

اَلْمُتَكَب ِّرُ‏ ir<br />

Al­Khaaliq The Creator Oba A d’eda<br />

الْخَ‏ الْقُ‏ Al­Baari The Evolver Oba Olupebubu<br />

Nnkan<br />

Al­Musowwir The Fashioner Oba Oluyaworan<br />

Nnkan<br />

Al­Ghaffaar The Forgiver Oba Alaforinjin<br />

َّ اَلْغَف ارُ‏ Al­Qahhaar The Subduer Oba Olukapa<br />

gbogbo Nnkan<br />

Al­Wahhaab The Bestower Oba Olore<br />

Al­Rasaaq The Provider Oba Olupese<br />

اَلْوَ‏ ه َّابُ‏<br />

اَلر َّ زَ‏ اقُ‏<br />

Al­Fattaah The Opener Oba Olusina<br />

اَلْفَت َّاحُ‏ Al­‘Aleem The All­Knowing Oba Oni Mimo<br />

اَلْعَلِيمُ‏ Al­Quabid The Sparing Provider Oba A fun’ni<br />

die­die<br />

Al­Baasit The Spreader Oba Atepere<br />

اَلْبَاسِ‏ طُ‏ Al­khaafid The Abaser Oba Olu­re­nnkan<br />

Sile<br />

Al­Raafi’u The Exalter Oba Ti O n<br />

gbe’niga<br />

Al­Mu’izz The Honourer Oba t’onfun ni Niyi<br />

اَلْمُعِز ُّ Al­Mudhil The Humuliator Oba tii tii yepere<br />

Eda<br />

As­Samee’u The All­Hearing Oba tii gbo ohun<br />

gbogbo<br />

Al­Baseer The All­Seeing Oba tii ri ohun<br />

gbogbo<br />

Al­Hakam The Judge Oba Oludajo<br />

اَلْحَ‏ كَمُ‏ Al­‘Adl The Just Oba Oni­Deede<br />

اَلْعَدْ‏ لُ‏ Al­Lateef The Subtle One Oba Alaanu<br />

اَلل َّ طِ‏ يفُ‏ Al­Khabeer The Informer Oba Olufun’ni<br />

ni’iro<br />

Al­Haleem The Forbearing One Oba Alamu Mora<br />

اَلْحَ‏ لِيمُ‏ Al­‘Azeem The Great One Oba Nla<br />

اَلْعَظِ‏ يمُ‏ Al­Gafuur The All­Forgiving Oba Alaforijin<br />

اَلْغَفُورُ‏ اَلْبَارِ‏ ئُ‏<br />

اَلْمُص َّ و ِّ رُ‏<br />

اَلْقَه َّارُ‏<br />

اَلْقَابِضُ‏<br />

اَلْخَ‏ افِضُ‏<br />

اَلر َّ افِعُ‏<br />

اَلْمُذِ‏ ُّ ل<br />

اَلس َّ مِيعُ‏<br />

اَلْبَصِ‏ يرُ‏<br />

اَلْخَ‏ بِيرُ‏

Ash­Shakuur The Appreciative Oba Ti O mo ope<br />

َّ اَلش كُورُ‏ Al­‘Aliyy The Most High Oba Ti O ga<br />

اَلْعَلِي ُّ Al­Kabeer The Great Oba Ti O tobi<br />

Al­Hafeez The Preserver Oba Oludasi<br />

اَلْكَبِيرُ‏<br />

اَلْحَ‏ فِيظُ‏<br />

Al­Muqeet The Maintainer Oba Olumojuto<br />

اَلْمُقِيتُ‏ Al­Haseeb The Reckoner Oba tii se isiro ise<br />

اَلْحَ‏ سِ‏ يبُ‏ Al­Jaleel The Sublime One Oba t’O gbongbon<br />

اَلْجَ‏ لِيلُ‏ اَلْكَرِ‏ يمُ‏ Al­Kareem The Honourable One Oba Abiyi<br />

اَلر َّ قِيبُ‏ Ar­Raqeeb The Watchful Oba Oluso<br />

Al­Mujeeb The Responsive Oba Oludahun<br />

Al­Waasi’u The All­encompassing Oba ti O gbaaye<br />

اَلْمُجِ‏ يبُ‏<br />

اَلْوَ‏ اسِ‏ عُ‏<br />

Al­Hakeem The Wise Oba Ologbon<br />

اَلْحَ‏ كِيمُ‏ Al­Waduud The Loving Oba Ife<br />

اَلْوَ‏ دُودُ‏ Al­Majeed The Glorious One Oba Ologo Julo<br />

Al­Baa’ith The Ressurector Oba Olu­ji­ni dide<br />

اَلْمَجِ‏ يدُ‏<br />

اَلْبَاعِ‏ ثُ‏<br />

Ash­Shahee The Witness Oba Olujeri<br />

َّ اَلش هِيدُ‏ d<br />

ي اَلْمُحْ‏ ِ<br />

Al­Haqq The Truth Oba Ododo<br />

اَلْحَ‏ ق ُّ Al­Wakeel The Trustee Oba A­to­f’ara ti<br />

اَلْوَ‏ كِيلُ‏ Al­Qawiyy The Powerful Oba Alagbara<br />

Al­Waliyy The Reliable Oba ato gbe’kele<br />

اَلْقَوِ‏ ي ُّ<br />

اَلْوَ‏ لِي ُّ<br />

Al­Mateen The Firm One Oba ti O rinle<br />

اَلْمُتِينُ‏ Al­Hameed The Praise worthy Oba ti O to yin<br />

اَلْحَ‏ مِيدُ‏ Al­Muhsee The Reckoner Oba Olusiro Ise<br />

اَلْمُحْ‏ صِ‏ ي Al­Mubdi The Originator Oba Olubere<br />

اَلْمُبْدِئُ‏ Al­Mu’eed The Restorer Oba Aladapada<br />

اَلْمُعِيدُ‏ Al­Muhyi The Giver of Life Oba Olu­sod’aaye<br />

Al­Mumeet The Creator of Death Oba tii so­d’oku<br />

اَلْمُمِيتُ‏ Al­Hayy The Living Oba Iye<br />

اَلْحَ‏ ي ُّ Al­Qayyuum The self­Subsisting Oba to da duro<br />

اَلْقَي ُّومُ‏ اَلْوَ‏ اجِ‏ دُ‏<br />

Al­Waajid The Finder Oba tii ri ohun<br />

gbogbo<br />

اَلْمَاجِ‏ دُ‏ Al­Maajid The Lord of Dignity Oba Iyin<br />

اَلْوَ‏ احِ‏ دُ‏ Al­Waahid The One Oba Okan<br />

أَلأَْحَ‏ دُ‏ Al­Ahad The Only One Oba Okan Soso<br />

As­Samad The Independent Oba t’oda wa<br />

اَلص َّ مَدُ‏ Al­Qaadir The One who Decrees Oba Olup’ebubu<br />


Al­Muqtadir The Absolute<br />

Authority<br />

Oba Alase<br />

Al­Muqaddi The Foremost Oba Isaaju<br />

m<br />

اَلْمُقَد ِّمُ‏<br />

Al­Muakhkhi The Delayer<br />

Oba Olu­da nkan<br />

r<br />

duro<br />

Al­Awwal The First Oba Akoko<br />

اَلأَْو َّ لُ‏ Al­Aakhir The Last Oba Igbeyin<br />

اَلآخِ‏ رُ‏ Az­Zaahir The Manifest Oba ti O han<br />

َّ اَلظ اهِرُ‏ Al­Baatin The Hidden Oba ti O pamo<br />

اَلْبَاطِ‏ نُ‏ Al­Waalee The Governor Oba Olakoso<br />

اَلْوَ‏ الِي Al­Muta’aalii The Exalted Oba t’O ga<br />

اَلْمُتَعَالِي Al­Baru The Gracious Oba Daada<br />

اَلْبَر ُّ At­Tawwaab The Acceptor of Oba tii gba<br />

Repentance<br />

ironu­piwada<br />

Al­Munttaqi The Avenger Oba Olugbesan<br />

m<br />

اَلْمُنْتَقِمُ‏<br />

Al­‘Afuwwu The Pardoner Oba Alamoju Kuro<br />

Ar­Rauuf The Compassionate Oba Alaanu<br />

اَلْعَفُو ُّ<br />

اَلر َّ ؤُ‏ وفُ‏<br />

Maalik­ul­Mu The Owner of Oba Olukapa<br />

lki<br />

Zul­Jalaal­w<br />

al­Ikraam<br />

Sovereignty<br />

The Lord of Majesty<br />

and Bounty<br />

awon Alagbara<br />

Oba togbongbon<br />

اَلْمُقْتَدِرُ‏<br />

اَلْمُؤَ‏ خ ِّ رُ‏<br />

اَلت َّو َّ ابُ‏<br />

مَالِكَ‏ الْمُلْكِ‏<br />

ذُو الْجَ‏ لاَلِ‏<br />

وَ‏ الإِْكْرَ‏ ام<br />

Al­Muqsit اَلْمَانِعُ‏ The Equitable Oba Oni Deede<br />

ِ<br />

اَلْمُقْسِ‏ طُ‏<br />

Al­Jaami’u The Gatherer Oba Alakojo<br />

اَلْجَ‏ امِعُ‏ Al­Ghaniyy The Self­Sufficient Oba Oloro<br />

اَلْغَن ِّي ُّ Al­Mughniy The Enricher Oba tii ro ni l’oro<br />

اَلْمُغْ‏ نِي Al­Maani’u The Preventer Oba tii ma dena<br />

nnkan<br />

Ad­Darru The Distresser Oba tii ni’ni l’ara<br />

اَلض َّ ار ُّ An­Naafi’u The Propitious Oba Anfaani<br />

اَلن َّافِعُ‏ An­Nuur The Light Oba Imole<br />

اَلن ُّورُ‏ Al­Haadee The Guide Oba Olufini Mona<br />

اَلْهَادِي Al­Badee’u The Innovator Oba tii se otun<br />

اَلْبَدِيعُ‏ Al­Baaqee The Everlasting Oba ti yio seku<br />

اَلْبَاقِي<br />

gbere<br />

Al­Waarith The Inheritor Oba ti yoo jogun<br />

اَلْوَ‏ ارِ‏ ثُ‏ Ar­Rasheed The Guide to the Oba Afi’ni m’ona<br />

Right Path<br />

اَلر َّ شِ‏ يدُ‏

اَلص َّ بُورُ‏ As­Sabuur The Patient Oba Onisuru<br />

وَ‏ مَا مِنْ‏ إِلَهٍ‏ َّ إِلا االله َُّ‏ الْوَ‏ احِ‏ دُ‏ الْقَه َّارُ‏ ، ‏​رَ‏ ب ُّ الس َّ مَوَ‏ اتِ‏ وَ‏ الأَْرْ‏ ضِ‏ وَ‏ مَا بَيْنَهُمَا الْعَزِ‏ يزُ‏ َّ الْغَف ارُ‏ ) سورة ص الآية ٦٥<br />

٦٦ – ​)<br />


….wamaa min ilaahin illa­Llaah­l­Waahidul­Qohhaar.<br />

Robbus­samaawaati wal­ardi, wa­maa baenahumal­‘Aziizul­Gaffaru.<br />

(Q38:65­66)<br />

ITUMO<br />

………ko si olohun miran ayaafi Olohun, Okansoso, Olubori, Oluwa awon<br />

sanma ati ilea ti ohun ti mbe ni agbede meji awon mejeeji. Alagbara, Alaforiji<br />

(Q38:65 ­ 66)<br />


....and there is no god but Allaah, the One, the Subduer. Lord of the heavens<br />

and the earth and whatsoever is in between them, the Mighty, the Forgiver.<br />

(Q38:65­66)<br />

لاَ‏ اِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ االله َُّ‏ الْوَ‏ احِ‏ دُ‏ الْقَه َّارُ‏ ‏​رَ‏ ب ُّ الس َّ مَوَ‏ اتِ‏ وَ‏ الأَْرْ‏ ضِ‏ وَ‏ مَا بَيْنَهُمَا الْعَزِ‏ يزُ‏ الْغَف َّ ارُ‏ – رواه البخارى<br />


Laa ilaah­a illa­Llaah, al­Waahidul­Qohhaar. Robbus­samaawaati<br />

wal­ardi, wa­maa baenahumal­‘Aziizul­Gaffar. (Bukhari)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ko si olohun miran ayaafi Allaah, Okansoso, Olubori (ohun gbogbo) Oluwa<br />

awon orun ati aye ati nkan ti o wa laarin won, Alagbara, Alaforiji (Bukhari)<br />


There is no god but Allaah, the One, the Subduer. Lord of the heavens and<br />

the earth and whatsoever is in between them, the Mighty, the Forgiver.<br />

(Bukhari)<br />

لاَ‏ إِلَهَ‏ َّ إِلا االلهُ‏ وَ‏ حْ‏ دَهُ‏ لاَ‏ شَ‏ رِ‏ يكَ‏ لَهُ،‏ لَهُ‏ الْمُلْكُ‏ وَ‏ لَهُ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ يُحْ‏ ِ ي وَ‏ يُمِيتُ‏ وَ‏ هُوَ‏ حَ‏ ي ُّ لاَ‏ يَمُوتُ‏ بِيَدِهِ‏ الْخَ‏ يْرُ‏<br />

‏.وَ‏ هُوَ‏ عَ‏ لَى ِّ كُل شَ‏ يْ‏ ءٍ‏ قَدِيرٌ‏<br />


Laailaaha illa Llaah, wahda­Hu laa shariika la­Hu, la­Hul­mulku,<br />

wa­la­Hul­hamdu, yuhyi wayumiitu, wa­Huwa hayyun La yamuutu,<br />

biyadi­Hil­khaeru, wa­Huwa’alaa kulli shaehin qodiirun.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ko si Oba (to ye lati sin ayafi Olohun), Aso ni, Ko ni orogun, tire ni agbara ati<br />

ope, Oba tii ye’ni, tii si pa’ni, Oba iye ni, Kii ku. Owo Re ni gbogbo ohun rere<br />

wa, Oun si ni O l’agbara l’ori ohun gbogbo<br />


There is no deity besides Allaah, He has neither partner nor associates. To<br />

Him belongs the sovereignty and the Praise. He gives and takes life. He is the<br />

Eternal Living and Self­Subsisting. To Him belong all good things, and He has<br />

power over all things.<br />

سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّكَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعِز َّ ةِ‏ عَ‏ م َّا يَصِ‏ فُونَ‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ لاَمٌ‏ عَ‏ لَى الْمُرْ‏ سَ‏ لِينَ‏ وَ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعَالَمِينَ‏ . سورة ص الآية ۱۸۰<br />

۱۸۲ –<br />


Subhaana Robbika Robbil­‘izzati ‘amma yasifuun, wasalaamun<br />

‘alal­mursaliina, wal­hamdu li­Llaahi Robbil­‘aalamiina. (Q37: 180 ­ 182)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ogo ni fun Oluwa re, Oluwa ti O ni titobi, O ju ohun ti nwon fi nse irohin Re lo.<br />

Ifaiyabale ki o ma ba awon ojise. Ope ni fun Olohun. Oluwa gbogbo awon eda<br />

(Q37:180 ­ 182)<br />


Hallowed be your Lord, the Lord of Majesty, from what they associate to Him!<br />

And peace be unto the sent ones. And all praise to Allaah, the Lord of the<br />

worlds. (Q37: 180 ­ 182)<br />

يم<br />

ِ<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حمن الر َّ حِ‏<br />

‏​وَ‏ قُلِ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ ال َّ ذِي لَمْ‏ يَت َّخِ‏ ذْ‏ وَ‏ لَدًا وَ‏ لَمْ‏ يَكُنْ‏ لَهُ‏ شَ‏ رِ‏ يكٌ‏ فِي الْمُلْكِ‏ وَ‏ لَمْ‏ يَكُنْ‏ لَهُ‏ وَ‏ لِي ٌّ مِنَ‏ ُّ الذ ِّ ل وَ‏ كَب ِّرْ‏ هُ‏<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

‏(تَكْ‏ بِيرً‏ ا ‏(سورة الإسراء الآية ۱۱۱

Wa­qul­hamdu li­Llaahil­ladhii lam yattakhiz waladan, wa­lam yakun<br />

La­Hu sheriikun fil­mulki, wa­lam yakun La­Hu waliyyun mina dhdhulli,<br />

wa­kabbirhu takbiiran. (Q17:111)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni Oruko Olohun Oba Ajoke Aiye, Asake Orun<br />

Ati ki o sope: Ope ti Oluwa ni, eniti ko ni omo ti kosi si orogun fun U ninu ijoba<br />

(Re), be si ni kosi oluran lowo kan fun U nitori ailagbara, atipe kio si gbe E ga<br />

ni gbigbega ti o tobi. (Q17:111)<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

And say: ‘All praise to Allaah Who has not taken a son and Who is no<br />

associate in the dominion, nor has He a protector through weakness, and<br />

magnify Him with all magnificence. (Q17:111)<br />

سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏ االلهِ‏ وَ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ إِلَهَ‏ َّ إِلا االلهُ‏ وَ‏ االلهُ‏ أَكْ‏ بَرُ‏ وَ‏ االلهُ‏ أَكْ‏ بَرُ‏ وَ‏ االلهُ‏ أَكْ‏ بَرُ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ حَ‏ وْ‏ لَ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ قُو َّ ةَ‏ َّ إِلا بِااللهِ‏<br />

‏.الْعَلِي ِّ الْعَظِ‏ يم<br />


Subhaana Llaah, wal­hamdu li­Llaah, wa laa ilaah­a illa Llaah wa­Llaah<br />

Akbar, wa Llaahu Akbar, wa­llaahu Akbar, wa­laa haola wa­laaquwwata<br />

illaah bi­Llaah­‘Aliyyil­‘Aziimi.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Mimo fun Olohun, Ope ni fun Olohun, ko si olohun miran ayafi Allaah, Olohun<br />

tobi (3 times), ko si ogbon kan, bee si ni ko si agbara kan ayafi Olohun, Oba<br />

t’O ga, t’O si gbonngbon<br />


Praise and thanks belong to Allaah, there is no one to be worshipped except<br />

Him. Allaah is Great, Allaah is Great, Allaah is Great and there is neither<br />

authority nor power but with Allaah, the Most High, the Supreme in glory.<br />

كَلِمَتَانِ‏ خَ‏ فِيفَتَانِ‏ عَ‏ لَى الل ِّ سَ‏ انِ‏ ، ثَقِيلَتَانِ‏ فِي الْمِيزَ‏ انِ‏ ، حَ‏ بِيبَتَانِ‏ إِلَى الر َّ حَ‏ مَنِ‏ سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏ االلهِ‏ وَ‏ بِحَ‏ مْ‏ دِهِ‏ سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏<br />

االلهِ‏ الْعَظِ‏ يم<br />


ِ<br />


Kalmataani, khafiifataani, ‘alaa llisaani, thaqiilataani fil­miizaani,<br />

habiibataani ilaa Rahmaani, “Subhaana­Llaah wa­bihamdi­hi<br />

Subhaana­Llaahil­‘aziim.”<br />

ITUMO<br />

Gbolohun meji kan, ti o fuye l’ori ahon, t’o wuwo ninu osuwon, ti Olohun oloore<br />

ofe feran: “Mimo fun Olohun, ope ni fun O. Mimo (Re) Olohun Oba t’o<br />

Gbonngbon<br />


Two words, which are light in utterance and heavy in weight and loved by the<br />

Compassionate: Glory and Praise be to Allaah, Glory and Praise be to the<br />

Supreme.<br />

‏.سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏ االلهِ‏ وَ‏ بِحَ‏ مْ‏ دِهِ‏ عَ‏ دَدَ‏ خَ‏ لْقِهِ،‏ وَ‏ رِ‏ ضَ‏ ا نَفْسِ‏ هِ،‏ وَ‏ زِ‏ نَةَ‏ عَ‏ رْ‏ شِ‏ هِ،‏ وَ‏ مِدَادَ‏ كَلْمَاتِهِ‏<br />


Subhaana Llaah, wa­bihamdi­Hi, ‘adada khaliqi­Hi, wa­ridoo nafsi­Hi,<br />

wa­zinata ‘arshi­Hi, wa­midaada kalmaati­Hi.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Mimo Olohun, ope fun Olohun, ni iye onka edaa Re, ni osuwon iyonu Re, ni<br />

itewon ite Olaa Re ati ni deede gbogbo oroo Re.<br />


Praise and glory be to Allaah according to the number of His creations,<br />

according to His pleasure, according to the weight of His throne and according<br />

to the volume of His words.<br />

سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏ االلهِ‏ وَ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ اَسْ‏ تَغْفِرُ‏ االلهَ‏ لاَ‏ إِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ االلهُ‏<br />


Subhaana­Llaah, wal­hamduli­Llaah, astagfiru­Llaah­a, Laailaah­a<br />

illa­Llaah.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Mimo Olohun, gbogbo ope ti Olohun ni, mo toro aforiji lodo Olohun, ko si<br />

olohun miran ayafi Allaah<br />


Glory be to Allaah, praise be to Allaah, I seek forgiveness of Allaah, there is<br />

no deity besides Allaah.<br />

االلهُ‏ حَ‏ ي ٌّ وَ‏ احِ‏ دٌ‏ حَ‏ ي ٌّ حَ‏ ي ٌّ قَي ُّومٌ‏ دَائِمُ‏ حَ‏ ٌّي<br />


Allaahu­hayyun, Waahidun­Hayyun, Hayyun­Qoyyuumun,<br />

Daaimu­Hayyun<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Alaaye, Okan soso, Alaaye: Oba gberee, Alaaye: Oba laelae, Alaaye<br />


Allaah, the Eternal Living, the only One, the Living, the self­Subsisting, the<br />

Living, the Everlasting, the Living, the Sustainer, The Living.<br />

سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّكَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعِز َّ ةِ‏ عَ‏ م َّا يَصِ‏ فُونَ‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ لاَمٌ‏ عَ‏ لَى الْمُرْ‏ سَ‏ لِينَ‏ وَ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعَالَمِينَ‏ . سورة ص الآية ۱۸۰<br />


Subhaana Robbika Robbil­‘izzati ‘amma yasifuun, wasalaamun<br />

‘alal­mursaliina, wal­hamdu li­Llaahi Robbil­‘aalamiina. (Q37: 180 ­ 182)<br />

۱۸۲ –<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ogo ni fun Oluwa re, Oluwa ti O ni titobi, O ju ohun ti nwon fi nse irohin Re lo.<br />

Ifaiyabale ki o ma baa won ojise. Ope ni fun Olohun, Oluwa gbogbo awon eda<br />

(Q37:180 ­ 182)<br />


Hallowed be your Lord, the Lord of Majesty, from what they associate to Him!<br />

And peace be unto the sent ones. And all praise to Allaah, the Lord of the<br />

worlds. (Q37: 180 ­ 182)<br />

يم<br />

ِ<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حمن الر َّ حِ‏<br />

وَ‏ عَ‏ نَتِ‏ الْوُ‏ جُ‏ وهُ‏ لِلْحَ‏ ي ِّ الْقَي ُّومِ‏ وَ‏ قَدْ‏ خَ‏ ابَ‏ مَنْ‏ حَ‏ مَلَ‏ ظُ‏ لْمًا * وَ‏ مَنْ‏ يَعْ‏ مَلْ‏ مِنَ‏ الص َّ الِحَ‏ اتِ‏ وَ‏ هُوَ‏ مُؤْ‏ مِنٌ‏ فَلاَ‏<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

) يَخَ‏ افُ‏ ظُ‏ لْمًا وَ‏ لاَ‏ هَضْ‏ مًا ‏(سورة طه الآية – ۱۱۱ ۱۱۲

Wa anatil­wujuuhu, lil­Hayyil­Qoyyuumi, wa­qod khaaba man hamala<br />

zulman. Wa­man ya’mal minas­soolihaati, wa­huwa mu’minun falaa<br />

yakhaafu zulman, walaa hadman. (Q20:111­112)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni Oruko Olohun Oba Ajoke Aiye, Asake Orun<br />

Awon oju yio rele fun (Oba) Alaaye, Oba ti O duro funra Re. Eniti o bag be<br />

abosi ru ti padanu. Eniti o ba se ise rere, ti o si je olugbagbo ododo ko mase<br />

paya abosi tabi ituje (Q20:111 ­ 112)<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

Downcast will be he who bears a wrong. Whoever works of righteous deeds<br />

and is a believer – he will not fear, wronged or begrudging. (Q20:111­112)<br />

يَا حَ‏ ي ُّ يَا قَي ُّومُ‏ لاَ‏ اِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ االلهُ‏<br />


Yaa­Hayyun, Yaa­Qoyyuumu, (Allaah) Laailaah­a illah­Llaah<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ire Olohun Alaaye, Ire Olohun Oba gberee, ko si olohun miran ayafi Olohun<br />

Allaah<br />


Oh The Living! Oh The ever Existing! There is none worthy of worship except<br />

Allaah.<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حمن الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

االله َُّ‏ نُورُ‏ الس َّ مَوَ‏ اتِ‏ وَ‏ الأَْرْ‏ ضِ‏ مَثَلُ‏ نُورِ‏ هِ‏ كَمِشْ‏ كَاةٍ‏ فِيهَا مِصْ‏ بَاحٌ‏ الْمِصْ‏ بَاحُ‏ فِي زُ‏ جَ‏ اجَ‏ ةٍ‏ الز ُّ جَ‏ اجَ‏ ةُ‏ كَأَن َّهَا<br />

كَوْ‏ كَبٌ‏ دُر ِّ ي ٌّ يُوقَدُ‏ مِنْ‏ شَ‏ جَ‏ رَ‏ ةٍ‏ مُبَارَ‏ كَةٍ‏ زَ‏ يْتُونَةٍ‏ لاَ‏ شَ‏ رْ‏ قِي َّةٍ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ غَ‏ رْ‏ بِي َّةٍ‏ يَكَادُ‏ زَ‏ يْتُهَا يُضِ‏ يءُ‏ وَ‏ لَوْ‏ لَمْ‏ تَمْسَ‏ سْ‏ هُ‏<br />

نَارٌ‏ نُورٌ‏ عَ‏ لَى نُورٍ‏ يَهْ‏ دِي االله َُّ‏ لِنُورِ‏ هِ‏ مَنْ‏ يَشَ‏ اءُ‏ وَ‏ يَضْ‏ رِ‏ بُ‏ االله َُّ‏ الأَْمْ‏ ثَالَ‏ لِلن َّاسِ‏ وَ‏ االله َُّ‏ بِكُل ِّ شَ‏ يْ‏ ءٍ‏ عَ‏ لِيمٌ‏ ‏(سورة<br />

‏(النور الآية ۳٥<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

Allaahu nuurus­samaawaati wal­ardi, mathalu nuuri­hi kamishkaatin fiiha<br />

misbhul­misbaahu fii zujaajatin zzujaajatu, ka annahaa kaokabun<br />

durriyyun, yuuqodu min shajaratin mubaarrakatin zaetuunatin, laa<br />

sharqiyyatin wa­laa garbiyyatin, yakaadu zaetuhaa yudiiu, wa lao­lam

tamsas­hu naarun nuurun ‘alaa nuurin, yahdi­Llaahu linuuri­Hi man<br />

yashaa­Hu, wa­yadribul­Llaahul­amthaala linnaasi, wa­Llaahu bikulli<br />

shaehin ‘aliimun. (Q24:35)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni Oruko Olohun Oba Ajoke Aiye, Asake Orun<br />

Olohun ni imole sanma ati ile. Apejuwe imole Re da gegebi opo (ifi atupa ko) ti<br />

atupa kan mbe ninu re, ti atupa na wa ninu jigi kan, ti jigi na dabi irawo kan ti o<br />

ntan yanran­yanran, ti nwon tan lati inu igi kan ti o ni ibukun, ti o si ni epo, ti ki<br />

ise ti iyo oorun ti kosi nse ti iwo oorun, epo re fere ma se imole bi ofe bi ina ko<br />

kan; imole lori imole. Olohun ma nfi eniti O ba fe mona losi ibi imole Re,<br />

Olohun si mpa owe fun awon eniyan, Olohun ni O ni mimo nipa gbogbo nkan.<br />

(Q24:35)<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

Allaah is the Light of the heavens and the earth; the likeness of His light is as<br />

a niche wherein is a lamp; the lamp is in a glass; the glass is as though it is a<br />

star brilliant; lit from a tree blest, an olive, neither of the east not of the west;<br />

its very oil will shine forth, even though no fire touched it; Light upon Light.<br />

Allaah guides unto His light whom He will, Allaah propounds similitudes for<br />

mankind; and verily Allaah is the knower of everything. (Q24:35)<br />

سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّكَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعِز َّ ةِ‏ عَ‏ م َّا يَصِ‏ فُونَ‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ لاَمٌ‏ عَ‏ لَى الْمُرْ‏ سَ‏ لِينَ‏ وَ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعَالَمِينَ‏ . سورة ص الآية ۱۸۰<br />


Subhaana Robbika Robbil­‘izzati ‘amma yasifuun, wasalaamun<br />

‘alal­mursaliina, wal­hamdu li­Llaahi Robbil­‘aalamiina. (Q37: 180 ­ 182)<br />

۱۸۲ –<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ogo ni fun Oluwa re, Oluwa ti O ni titobi, O ju ohun ti nwon fi nse irohin Re lo.<br />

Ifaiyabale ki o ma ba awon ojise. Ope ni fun Olohun. Oluwa gbogbo awon eda<br />

(Q37:180 ­ 182)<br />


Hallowed be your Lord, the Lord of Majesty, from what they associate to Him!<br />

And peace be unto the sent ones. And all praise to Allaah, the Lord of the<br />

worlds. (Q37: 180 ­ 182)

PART TWO<br />

اَلص َّ لاَةُ‏ عَ‏ لَى الن َّبِ‏ ِّي<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

إِن َّ االلهَ‏ وَ‏ مَلاَئِكَتَهُ،‏ يُصَ‏ ل ُّ ونَ‏ عَ‏ لَى الن َّبِي ِّ ، يَأَيُهَا ال َّ ذِينَ‏ آمَنُوا صَ‏ ل ُّ وا عَ‏ لَيْهِ،‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ ل ِّمُوا تَسْ‏ لِيمًا<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

Inna Llaah­a wa­malaaikata­Hu yusolluuna ‘alan­Nabiyyi, yaa<br />

ayyualladhiina aamanu, sollu ‘alaehi, wa­sallimu tasliiman. (Q33:56)<br />


ITUMO<br />

Ni Oruko Olohun Oba Ajoke Aiye, Asake Orun<br />

Dajudaju Olohun ati awon malaika Re nfi ibukun fun Anabi. Eyin ti e Gbagbo<br />

ni ododo, e maa toro ibukun fun u, ki e si kii ni kiki alaafia (Q33:56)<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

Verily Allaah and His angels send their benedictions upon the Prophet you<br />

who believe! Send your benedictions also upon him and salute him with a<br />

goodly salutation. (Q33:56)<br />

اَلل َّ هُم َّ يَا رَ‏ ب ِّ صَ‏ ل ِّ عَ‏ لَى مَحَ‏ م َّدٍ‏ # وَ‏ سَ‏ ي ِّدِ‏ الس َّ ادَاتِ‏ الن َّبِي ِّ مُحَ‏ م َّدٍ‏<br />


Allahumma yaa Robbi solli ‘ala Muhammadin, wa­sayyidis­saadaati<br />

nabiyyi Muhammadin<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Oba o, se ike (t’o kun rere) fun Muhammad (saw) tii se asiwaju awon<br />

ojise t’o ti koja lo<br />


Oh Lord! Shower Your blessing upon the holy prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the<br />

leader of prophets.<br />

اَلل َّ هُم َّ صَ‏ ل ِّ عَ‏ لَى سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا مُحَ‏ م َّدٍ‏ # وَ‏ آلِهِ‏ وَ‏ صَ‏ حْ‏ بِهِ‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ ل ِّمْ‏ تَسْ‏ لِيمًا<br />


Allahumma salli ‘alaa Sayyidina Muhammad, wa aalihiwa sahbihi wa<br />

sallim tasliimaa.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Oba o, ro ojo ike ati alaafia (t’o kun rere) fun asiwaju wa, Muhammad<br />

(saw),ati awon ara ilee re ati awon alajosee (saabe) re.<br />


Oh Lord! Shower Your blessing and benediction on our master, Muhammad<br />

(pbuh), on his household and his companions.<br />

اَلل َّ هُم َّ صَ‏ ل ِّ عَ‏ لَى سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا مَحَ‏ م َّدٍ‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ لَى آلِ‏ سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا مَحَ‏ م َّدٍ‏ كَمَا صَ‏ ل َّ يْتَ‏ عَ‏ لَى سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا إِبْرَ‏ اهِيمَ‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ لَى آلِ‏ سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا<br />

إِبْرَ‏ اهِيمَ‏ فِي الْعَالَمِينَ‏ إِن َّكَ‏ حَ‏ مِيدٌ‏ مَجِ‏ يدٌ‏<br />


Allahumma solli ‘alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin, wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa<br />

Muhammadin, kamaa sollaeta ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraaheema, wa ‘alaa aali<br />

sayyidinaa Ibraaheema, fil­‘aalamiina, innaka hamiidun majiidun.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Oba o, se ike fun asiwaju wa Muhammad (saw) ati awon ara ile<br />

asiwaju wa, Muhammad (saw), gege bi o ti se ike fun asiwaju wa Ibraheem<br />

(AS) ati awon ara ile asiwaju wa Ibraheem (AS) laarin gbogbo eda, tire ni Iyi<br />

ati Ogo.<br />


Oh Lord! Shower Your blessing on our leader, Muhammad (pbuh) and on his<br />

household as You have showered Your blessing on our leader, Ibraheem<br />

(pbuh) among Your creatures. Surely, You are indeed praise worthy, the<br />

Glorious.<br />

اَلل َّ هُم َّ صَ‏ ل ِّ عَ‏ لَى سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا مُحَ‏ م َّدٍ‏ وَ‏ أَزْ‏ وَ‏ اجِ‏ هِ‏ وَ‏ ذُر ِّ ي َّتِهِ‏ كَمَا صَ‏ لَيْتَ‏ عَ‏ لَى سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا إِبْرَ‏ اهِيمَ‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ لَى آلِ‏ سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا<br />

إِبْرَ‏ اهِيمَ‏ وَ‏ بَارِ‏ كْ‏ عَ‏ لَى سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا مُحَ‏ م َّدٍ‏ وَ‏ أَزْ‏ وَ‏ اجِ‏ هِ‏ وَ‏ ذُر ِّ ي َّتِهِ‏ كَمَا بَارَ‏ كْ‏ تَ‏ عَ‏ لَى سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا إِبْرَ‏ اهِيمَ‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ لَى آلِ‏ سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا<br />

‏.إِبْرَ‏ اهِيمَ‏ إِن َّكَ‏ حَ‏ مِيدٌ‏ مَجِ‏ يدٌ‏<br />


Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammadin, wa azwaajihi,<br />

wazurriyyatihi, kamaa sollaeta ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraheema, wa ‘alaa aali<br />

sayyidina Ibraheema, wa baarik ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammadin, wa

azwaajihi, wa dhurriyyatihi kamaa baarakta ‘alaa sayyidina Ibraheema<br />

wa’alaa aali sayyidina Ibraheema, innka hamiidun­majiidun.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Oba o, se ike fun asiwaju wa Muhammad (saw) ati awon iyawo re ati<br />

awon aromo­domo re gege bi O ti se ibukun fun asiwaju wa Ibraheem (as) ati<br />

awon ara ile asiwaju wa Ibraheem (as) ki O fun asiwaju wa Muhammad ni<br />

ibukun to po ati awon iyawo re ati awon aromo­domo re, gege bi O ti se fun<br />

asiwaju wa Ibraheem (as). Dajudaju, ire ni ope ye, Ire ni iyin ye.<br />


Oh Lord! Shower Your blessing on our leader, Muhammad (pbuh) and his<br />

wives, his progenies as you have showered your blessing on our leader,<br />

Ibraheem (pbuh) and on the family of our leader, Ibraheem (pbuh) and shower<br />

Your endless bliss on our leader, Muhammad (pbuh) and his wives, his<br />

progenies as You blessed our leader, Ibraheem (pbuh) and on the family of<br />

Ibraheem (pbuh). Surely, You are the most Praise worthy, the most Glorious.<br />

اَلل َّ هُم َّ اِجْ‏ عَلْ‏ صَ‏ لاَتَكَ‏ وَ‏ رَ‏ حْ‏ مَتَكَ‏ وَ‏ بَرَ‏ كَاتِكَ‏ عَ‏ لَى سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا مَحَ‏ م َّدٍ‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ لَى آلِ‏ سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا مُحَ‏ م َّدٍ‏ كَمَا جَ‏ عَلْتَهَا عَ‏ لَى<br />

‏.سَ‏ ي ِّدِنَا إِبْرَ‏ اهِيمَ‏ إِن َّكَ‏ حَ‏ مِيدٌ‏ مَجِ‏ يدٌ‏<br />


Allahumma ij’al solaataka warahamataka wabarakaatika ala sayyidina<br />

Muhammadin wa ala aali sayyidina Muhammadin kama ja­altaha alaa<br />

sayyidina Ibraheema innka hamiidun majiidun.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Oluwa fi ibukun Re ati ike Re ati opolopo oore Re fun asiwaju wa Muhammad<br />

(saw) ati awon ara ile asiwaju wa Muhammad (saw) gege bi O ti se fun<br />

asiwaju wa Ibraheem (as) Iwo ni ope ye, Iwo ni iyin ye.<br />


O Lord! Shower Your blessing, Your benediction, and your mercy on our<br />

leader Muhammad (pbuh) as You have showered it on our leader Ibraheem<br />

(as). You are the most praise worthy, the most Glorious.<br />

ثُبَاتُهُمْ‏ قَدْ‏ أُلِفَتْ‏ بِتَبَاعِ‏ هِ‏ # وَ‏ جَ‏ مْ‏ عُ‏ رَ‏ سُ‏ ولِ‏ االلهِ‏ لاَ‏ يَتَشَ‏ ع َّثُ‏<br />


Thubaatuhum qodulfat bittibaai’i, wajam’u rosuuli­Llaahi laa<br />

yatasha’aathu<br />

ITUMO<br />

l’fese rin’le won ti dara nitori pe won tele (Muhammad), ijo ojise Olohun koni tu<br />

laelae<br />


Their steadfastness is strengthened by their loyalty to him (Muhammad). The<br />

community of the apostle of Allaah shall never disintegrate.<br />

ثُم َّ الص َّ لاَةُ‏ وَ‏ الس َّ لاَمُ‏ سَ‏ رْ‏ مَدَا # عَ‏ لَى الن َّبِي ِّ مَصْ‏ طَ‏ فَى مَحَ‏ م َّدِ‏<br />


Thummas­solaatu was­salaamu sarnadan ‘alaa nabiyyi mustofa<br />

Muhammad.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Lehin naa, ike ati alaafia, titi lae, ko maa be fun Annabi wa, eni esa,<br />

Muhammad (saw)<br />


Once again, may peace and blessing (of Allaah) be on the chosen prophet<br />

Muhammad (pbuh)<br />

لَقَدْ‏ فَازَ‏ مَنْ‏ كَانَ‏ الر َّ سُ‏ ولُ‏ إِمَامَهُ‏ # يَقُودُ‏ بِهِ‏ نَحْ‏ وَ‏ الن َّجَ‏ اةِ‏ زِ‏ مَامَهُ‏<br />


Laqad faaza man kanar­rosuulu imaamau, yaquudu bi­I nahwan najaati<br />

zimaamau<br />

ITUMO<br />

Dajudaju eni ken ti Ojise nla Muhammad (saw) ba je asiwaju re ti je’re, yoo si<br />

maa fa a lo si’bi oriire.<br />


He has prospered whoever has accepted the messenger as his leader,<br />

(assuredly) he would lead him to salvation.<br />

وَ‏ يَا رَ‏ ب ِّ انْصُ‏ رْ‏ نَا وَ‏ نَصْ‏ رً‏ ا عَ‏ زِ‏ يزً‏ ا # بِجَ‏ اهِ‏ رَ‏ سُ‏ ولِ‏ االلهِ‏ وَ‏ مُوسَ‏ ى كَذَا عِ‏ يسَ‏ ى


Wayaa Robbi n­surnaa wanasran aziizan, bijaahi rosuuli Llaahi wa<br />

Muusa (as) kadha ‘Issa (as)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Oloun wa o, ran wa se ni aranse t’o tobi, ni ola iyi ojise Re (Muhammad), ni<br />

ola anabi Musa (as) ati ola anabi ‘Isaa (as).<br />


O Lord! Assist and help us in all our endeavours with the honour (bestowed)<br />

on Prophets Muhammad, Musa and Isa.<br />

وَ‏ يَا رَ‏ ب ِّ يَا االلهُ‏ إِغْ‏ فِرْ‏ ذُنُوبَنَا وَ‏ يَس ِّ رْ‏ لَنَا الْمَقْصُ‏ ودَ‏ فِي الد ِّينِ‏ وَ‏ الد ُّنَا وَ‏ صَ‏ ل ِّي عَ‏ لَى الْمُخْ‏ تَارِ‏ ذِي الس ُّ ؤْ‏ دَدِ‏<br />

العُلْوِ‏ ي<br />


Wayaa Robbi yaa Allaahu igfir dhunuubanaa, wayassir lanal­maqsuuda<br />

fiid­diini wad­dunnaa. Wasolli ‘alal­mukhtaari dhii­suudadil­uluwiy<br />

ITUMO<br />

Mo pe Ire Olohun Oba wa, Ire Olohun Oba wa, jowo dari ese wa jin wa. Ki O<br />

si se erongba wa ni irorun fun wa l’aye ati l’orun. Ki O si maa se ike fun eni ti<br />

Asa l’esa, eni isiwaju, eni ti o ga.<br />


Oh Lord! Oh Allaah! Forgive us our sins and make all our endeavours easier<br />

here on earth and in the hereafter, and continue to shower Your blessing on<br />

the chosen and most fortunate (of the Prophets).<br />

خَ‏ رَ‏ جْ‏ نَا بِهِ‏ مِنْ‏ كُل ِّ ضِ‏ يقٍ‏ وَ‏ غُ‏ م َّةٍ‏ # دَخَ‏ لْنَا بِهِ‏ فِي ظِ‏ ل ِّ أَمْنٍ‏ وَ‏ عِ‏ صْ‏ مَةٍ‏<br />

أَتَتْنَا بِهِ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ أَسْ‏ بَغَ‏ نِعْ‏ مَةٍ‏ # لَحِ‏ قْنَا بِهِ‏ الس ُّ بَاقَ‏ مِنْ‏ كُل ِّ أُم َّةٍ‏<br />

وَ‏ لَوْ‏ لاَهُ‏ كَانَ‏ البَعْ‏ ضُ‏ يَسْ‏ بِقُهُ‏ الْكُ‏ ُّ ل<br />


Kharajina bihi min kulli diiqin wa­gummatin. Dakhalna bihi dhillin amnin<br />

wa­ismatin. Atatna bihi li­Llaahi asbagha ni’imatin, lahiqna<br />

bihi­subbaaqa min kulli ummatin. Wa laollaahu kaanal­ba ‘adu<br />


ITUMO<br />

Awa ti kuro ni ibi gbogbo ifun pinpin ati ibanuje, awa ti ko sinu iboji if’aya bale<br />

ati iso (nitori Ola Anabi). Ike ti o po ti w aba wa lati odo Olohun (nitori Ola<br />

Anabi). A ti se aleba awon ti o siwaju ninu awon ijo (nitori Ola Anabi). Ti ko ba<br />

si ola re ni, awa ijo ti Annabi iba ti le s’iwaju awon yoku ti o ti koja lo (ninu<br />

awon Anabi Olohun).<br />


We have been exempted from hardship and poverty. We are under the<br />

protection of Allaah and He has bestowed on us peace of mind. Benevolence<br />

and blessing of Allaah shall be with us. We are now close to those who have<br />

passed before us in the way of Allaah. If not for Allaah’s mercies and blessing<br />

on Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) we would not have been ahead of those who<br />

were before us.<br />

فَيَا رَ‏ ب َّنَا فِي أَرْ‏ ضِ‏ هِ‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ مَائِهِ‏ # وَ‏ يَا رَ‏ ازِ‏ قَنَا فِي أَرْ‏ ضِ‏ هِ‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ مَائِهِ‏<br />

وَ‏ يَا مَعْ‏ بُودَنَا فِي أَرْ‏ ضِ‏ هِ‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ مَائِهِ‏ # أَمِتْنَا عَ‏ لَى تَصْ‏ دِيقِنَا بِاصْ‏ طِ‏ فَائِهِ‏<br />

فَإِن َّا وَ‏ ذُو الاَْشْ‏ قَاقِ‏ يَحْ‏ يَا بِدَائِهِ‏ # يَشُ‏ ق ُّ عَ‏ لَيْنَا الْعَيْشُ‏ دُونَ‏ لِقَائِهِ‏<br />

إِذَا الد ِّينُ‏ لَمْ‏ يَكْ‏ مُلْ‏ فَلاَ‏ كَانَتِ‏ الد ُّنْيَا<br />


Fa­yaa Robbanaa fii ardihi was­samaahihi, wa­yaa rooziqanaa fii ardihi<br />

wa­samaahihi, wa­yaa ma’buudanaa fii ardihi wa­samaai­Hi, amitna ‘alaa<br />

tasdiiqinaa bi’stifaai­Hi. Fainnaa wa dhul­ashwaaqi yahyaa bidaaihi.<br />

Yashuqqu ‘alaenal­aeshu duuna liqooi­hi. Idhaad­diinu lam yakmul falaa<br />

kaanatid­dunyah.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Mo pe Ire Oluwa wa tii se alakoso ilea ti sanma Re, mop e Ire Olupese fun wa<br />

ni ilea ti sanma, mop e Ire ti a n josin fun ni ilea ti sanma. Pa wa lori ododo<br />

(Islaam) lola sisa ti O sa Annabi l’esa. Awa n j’eran iwosan okan, aye o ba<br />

ni’ra fun wa ti a ko b aba Annabi pad, esin ki ba ti pe, bee ni aye ki ba ti ni<br />

itumo.<br />


Oh! Lord of heaven and earth, the Lord that provides for those in heaven and<br />

earth, the Lord we worship both I heaven and earth. Let us be steadfast in<br />

Islaam we who cherish the prophet are protected from all distress. The<br />

distress experienced by those who have not come in contact with Islam. We<br />

are conscious of living unholy life for fear of not meeting up with the teachings<br />

of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). If one does not follow the tenets of Islam,<br />

then he has no meaningful life.

اَلص َّ لاَةُ‏ وَ‏ الس َّ لاَمُ‏ عَ‏ لَيْكَ‏ يَا رَ‏ سُ‏ ولَ‏ االلهِ‏<br />


Assalaatu wassalaamu alaeka yaa Rosuula­Llaah<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ike Olohun ati ola Re k’o ma ba ire ojise Olohun.<br />


Peace and salutation be unto you, the Messenger of Allaah<br />

۱۸۲ –<br />

سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّكَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعِز َّ ةِ‏ عَ‏ م َّا يَصِ‏ فُونَ‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ لاَمٌ‏ عَ‏ لَى الْمُرْ‏ سَ‏ لِينَ‏ وَ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعَالَمِينَ‏ . سورة ص الآية ۱۸۰<br />


Subhaana Robbika Robbil­‘izzati ‘amma yasifuun, wasalaamun<br />

‘alal­mursaliina, wal­hamdu li­Llaahi Robbil­‘aalamiina. (Q37: 180 ­ 182)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ogo ni fun Oluwa re, Oluwa ti O ni titobi, O ju ohun ti nwon fi nse irohin Re lo.<br />

Ifaiyabale ki o ma ba awon ojise. Ope ni fun Olohun. Oluwa gbogbo awon eda<br />

(Q37:180 ­ 182).<br />


Hallowed be your Lord, the Lord of Majesty, from what they associate to Him!<br />

And peace be unto the sent ones. And all praise to Allaah, the Lord of the<br />

worlds. (Q37: 180 ­ 182)<br />


‏{اَلْقِسْ‏ مُ‏ الث َّ الِثُ‏ {<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

اَلل َّ هُم َّ اَنْتَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّي لاَ‏ اِلَهَ‏ اِلا َّ اَنْتَ‏ عَ‏ لَيْكَ‏ تَوَ‏ كَلْتُ‏ وَ‏ اَنْتَ‏ رَ‏ ب ُّ الْعَرْ‏ شِ‏ الْعَظِ‏ يمِ.‏ مَا شَ‏ اءَ‏ االلهُ‏ كَانَ‏ وَ‏ مَا لَمْ‏ يَشَ‏ أْ‏<br />

لَمْ‏ يَكُنْ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ حَ‏ وْ‏ لَ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ قُو َّ ةَ‏ اِلا َّ بِااللهِ‏ الْعَلِي ِّ الْعَظِ‏ يمِ.‏ أَعْ‏ لَمُ‏ اَن َّ االلهُ‏ عَ‏ لَى كُل ِّ شَ‏ يْ‏ ءٍ‏ قَدِيرٌ‏ وَ‏ اَن َّ االلهَ‏ قَدْ‏ أَحَ‏ اطَ‏<br />

بِكُل ِّ شَ‏ يْ‏ ءٍ‏ عِ‏ لْمًا.‏ اَلل َّ هُم َّ إِن ِّي أَعُ‏ وذُ‏ بِكَ‏ مِنْ‏ شَ‏ ر ِّ نَفْسِ‏ ي وَ‏ مِنْ‏ شَ‏ ر ِّ كُل ِّ دَاب َّةٍ‏ أَنْتَ‏ آخِ‏ ذٌ‏ بِنَاصِ‏ يتِهَا اِن َّ رَ‏ ب ِّي<br />

‏.عَ‏ لَى صِ‏ رَ‏ اطٍ‏ مُسْ‏ تَقِيمٍ‏<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

Allahumma anta robbii, Laaillah­a illah anta, alai­ka tawakaltu wa anta<br />

robul­‘arshil­‘aziimi, maa shaa­a Llaahu kaana, wama lam yasha’ lam<br />

yakun, walaa haola wala quwwatan illah bi­Llaahil­‘Aliyyil­Aziimi. A’alam<br />

anna Llaah­a ‘alaa kulli shaihin qodiirun, wa anna Llaah­a qod ahaato<br />

bikulli shaihin ‘ilman. Allahumma, inni auudhubi­ka min sharri nafsiy<br />

wamin sharri kulli daabbatin, anta aakhidhu binaasiyatiha, inna Robbii<br />

‘alaa sirootin mustaqiimin.<br />


ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke Aiye, Asake Orun<br />

Olohun Oba o, Ire ni Oluwa mi, ko si olohun miran ayafi Ire, Ire ni mo gb’ara<br />

le, Ire ni Oba t’oni ite ola t’o gbon­ngbon, ohun ti Olohun ba n fe ni yoo maa<br />

be, eyi ti ko ba fe, ko ni si. Ko si ase ati agbara ayafi ti Olohun t’o ga, to<br />

gbon­ngbon. Mo mo daju pe Olohun l’agbara lori gbogbo nkan, ati wipe<br />

Olohun rokirika gbogbo nkan ni imo. Olohun Oba o, emi wa iso pelu re kuro<br />

nibi aburu emii mi ati nibi aburu gbogbo eda, Iwo ni o ni idari gbogbo won.<br />

Dajudaju, Olohun mi wa l’oju ona t’o to.<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

Oh Allah! You are my Lord, there is no deity except You. I rely on You, You<br />

are the Lord of the mighty throne. What Allaah wishes will be, and what He<br />

does not wish, will not be. And there is neither authority nor power but with<br />

Allaah, the Most High, the Supreme in glory. I know that Allaah has power<br />

over everything, and Allaah has surrounded everything with knowledge. O<br />

Lord! I seek Your refuge from the evil of my mind and from the evil of every<br />

creature. You are their Controller. Surely my Lord is on the straight path.<br />

اَلل َّ هُم َّ اِن ِّي أَعُ‏ وذُ‏ بِكَ‏ مِنَ‏ الْكُفْرِ‏ وَ‏ الْفَقْرِ‏ وَ‏ مِنَ‏ عَ‏ ذَابِ‏ الْقَبْرِ‏ لاَ‏ اِلَهَ‏ اِلا َّ اَنْتَ‏<br />


Allahumma, inni auudhubi­ka minal­kufri wal­faqri, wamin<br />

adhaabil­qobri, Laaillaah illah anta.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Oba o, mow a iso kuro nibi aimoore, osi ati iya inu saare, ko si olohun<br />

miran ayafi Ire.<br />


O Lord! I seek Your protection against ingratitude, poverty and torment in the<br />

grave. There is no deity except You.<br />

اَلل ُّ هم َّ اٍن ِّي أَعُ‏ وذُ‏ بِكَ‏ مِنَ‏ الْهَم ِّ وَ‏ الْحُ‏ زْ‏ نِ‏ وَ‏ اَعُ‏ وذُ‏ بِكَ‏ مِنَ‏ الْعَجْ‏ زِ‏ وَ‏ الْكَسَ‏ لِ‏ وَ‏ أَعُ‏ وذُ‏ بِكَ‏ مِنَ‏ الْجُ‏ بْنِ‏ وَ‏ الْبُخْ‏ لِ‏<br />

‏.وَ‏ أَعُ‏ وذُ‏ بِكَ‏ مِنْ‏ غَ‏ لَبَةِ‏ الد ِّينِ‏ وَ‏ قَهْرِ‏ الر ِّ جَ‏ الِ‏<br />


Allahumma, inni auudhubi­ka minal­hammi wal­huzni, wa auudhubil­ka<br />

minal­‘ajzi wal­kasal, wa auudhubil­ka minal­jubuni wal­bukhli, wa<br />

auudhubil­ka min galabati­ddain, waqahri­rrijaal<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Oba o, mo wa iso kuro nibi ibanuje ati ironu, mo wa iso kuro nibi<br />

ikagara ati iroju, mo wa iso kuro nibi sis’ojo ati ahun, mo wa iso kuro nibi mimu<br />

daru gbese ati ikapa awon eniyan.<br />


Oh Lord! I seek refuge with You from grief and sadness and I seek refuge with<br />

You from dullness and laziness and I seek refuge with You from cowardice<br />

and stinginess and I seek refuge with You from overwhelming indebtedness<br />

and oppression.<br />

‏.اَلل َّ هُم َّ اِن ِّي أَعُ‏ وذُ‏ بِكَ‏ مِنْ‏ قَلْبٍ‏ لاَ‏ يَخْ‏ شَ‏ ى وَ‏ نَفْسٍ‏ لاَ‏ يَشْ‏ بَعُ‏ وَ‏ عِ‏ لْمٍ‏ لاَ‏ يَنْفَعُ‏ وَ‏ دُعَ‏ اءٍ‏ لاَ‏ يُسْ‏ تَجَ‏ ابُ‏ لَهُ‏<br />


Allahumma, inni auudhubil­ka min qolbin laa yakhsha, wanafsin laa<br />

yashb’au, wa ‘ilmin laa yanfa ‘u, wadu ‘aai laa yustajaabu lau.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Oba o, mo wa iso pelu Re, kuro nibi okan ti kii paya (Re) ati emi ti ko<br />

ni itelorun, ati imo ti kii se anfaani ati adu’a ti ko ni gba.<br />


Oh Lord! I seek refuge with You from an arrogant heart, greedy mind,<br />

non­beneficial knowledge and unanswerable <strong>prayer</strong>.<br />

‏.اَلل َّ هُم َّ رَ‏ ب ِّ الن َّاسِ‏ إِذْ‏ هَبَ‏ الْبَأْسَ‏ إِشْ‏ فِ‏ أَنْتَ‏ الش َّ افِي لاَ‏ شِ‏ فَاءَ‏ إِلا َّ شِ‏ فَاؤُ‏ كَ‏ شِ‏ فَاءُ‏ لاَ‏ يُغَادِرُ‏ سَ‏ قْمً‏<br />


Allahumma, Robban­naas, idh­abil­ba’sa, ishfi, anta shaafii, laa shifaa­a,<br />

illa shifaau­ka shifaa­an, laa yugaadir saqman<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun eniyan, mu inira kuro, wo mi san Iwo ni Oniwosan, kosi iwosan, ayaa fi<br />

iwosan­an Re, iwosan ti kosi aisan lehin re.<br />


Oh Lord of mankind, take away the pain; You are the Healer (of mankind). No<br />

healing except Yours, a healing that begets no sickness.<br />

وَ‏ إِذْ‏ صَ‏ رَ‏ فْنَا إِلَيْكَ‏ نَفَرً‏ ا مِنَ‏ الْجِ‏ ن ِّ يَسْ‏ تَمِعُونَ‏ الْقُرْ‏ آَنَ‏ فَلَم َّا حَ‏ ضَ‏ رُ‏ وهُ‏ قَالُوا أَنْصِ‏ تُوا فَلَم َّا قُضِ‏ يَ‏ وَ‏ ل َّ وْ‏ ا إِلَى<br />

قَوْ‏ مِهِمْ‏ مُنْذِرِ‏ ينَ‏ * قَالُوا يَا قَوْ‏ مَنَا إِن َّا سَ‏ مِعْ‏ نَا كِتَابًا أُنْزِ‏ لَ‏ مِنْ‏ بَعْ‏ دِ‏ مُوسَ‏ ى مُصَ‏ د ِّقًا لِمَا بَيْنَ‏ يَدَيْهِ‏ يَهْ‏ دِي إِلَى<br />

االله َِّ‏ وَ‏ آَمِنُوا بِهِ‏ يَغْفِرْ‏ لَكُمْ‏ مِنْ‏ ذُنُوبِكُمْ‏ وَ‏ يُجِ‏ رْ‏ كُمْ‏ مِنْ‏<br />

الْحَ‏ ق ِّ وَ‏ إِلَى طَ‏ رِ‏ يقٍ‏ مُسْ‏ تَقِيمٍ‏ * يَا قَوْ‏ مَنَا أَجِ‏ يبُوا دَاعِ‏ يَ‏<br />

) عَ‏ ذَابٍ‏ أَلِيمٍ‏ ‏(سورة الأحقاف الآية – ۲۹ ۳۱<br />


Waidh sorafnaa ileika nafaran minal­jinni yastami’uunal­Qur’aana,<br />

falammaa adoruuhu, qaaluu, ansituu, falammaa qudia wallao ilaa<br />

qaomihim mundhiriina. Qoolu yaa qaomanaa innaa sam’inaa kitaaban<br />

unxila min ba’di Musa, musoddiqon limaa baina yadaehi, yahdii<br />

ilal­haqqi, wailaa toriiqin mustaqiimin. Yaa qaomanaa ajiibuu<br />

daaiya­Llaahi, wa aaminuu bihi, yagfiru lakun min dhunuubikun, wa<br />

yujirkun min adhaabin ‘aliimin (Q46:29­31)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Atipe (ki o se iranti) nigba ti A seri awon ijo kan ninu awon alijoonu si o, ti won<br />

gbo Al­kurani; Nigbati won pe sibe: E dake. Sugbon nigbati a pari re, won yi<br />

pada losi odo awon ara won, ni oluse ikilo (fun won). Nwon sope; eyin elegbe<br />

wa dajudaju awa gbo akosile kan ti asokale lehin Musa, ti o njeri ododo fun<br />

ohun ti o ti siwaju re, ohun nfini mona nibi otito ati si oju ona ti o to. Eyin<br />

elegbe wa, e je ipe olupeni si ti Olohun, ki esi ni igbagbo ododo si i, ki O ba le<br />

fi ori jin yin ninu ese yin atipe ki O so yin ninu iya eleta, elero (Q46:29 ­ 31)<br />


And recall when We sent towards you a company of the jinn listening to the<br />

Qur’an. So when they came in the presence thereof they said, ‘give ears’.<br />

Then when it was ended, they returned back to their people as warners. They<br />

said: ‘O our people, verily we have hearkened to a Book sent down after<br />

Moses, confirming what was before it, guiding to the Truth and a straight path.<br />

O our people! Answer Allaah’s summoner, and believe in him; He shall forgive

you your sins and shall shield you from an afflictive chastisement.’<br />

(Q46:29­31)<br />


Allahumma isrif ‘annal­waba­a wal bala­a<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Oba o, gbe ajalu ati adanwo kuro fun wa<br />


Oh Lord! Drive calamities and catastrophes away from us<br />

اَلل َّ هُم َّ إِصْ‏ رِ‏ فْ‏ عَ‏ ن َّا الْوَ‏ بَاءَ‏ وَ‏ الْبَلاَءَ‏<br />

يَا دَافِعَ‏ الآْ‏ فَاتِ‏ إِدْفَعْ‏ عَ‏ ن َّا الآْ‏ فَاتِ‏<br />


Yaa daafi ‘al aafaati, idfa’a annal aafaati<br />

ITUMO<br />

Mo pe Iwo Olohun ti o maa n gbe aburu kuro fun eniyan, jowo gbe aburu kuro<br />

fun wa.<br />


Oh the Repeller of evils! Repel evils and calamities from us<br />

وَ‏ لَقَدْ‏ سَ‏ بَقَتْ‏ كَلِمَتُنَا لِعِبَادِنَا الْمُرْ‏ سَ‏ لِينَ‏ * إِن َّهُمْ‏ لَهُمُ‏ الْمَنْصُ‏ ورُ‏ ونَ‏ * وَ‏ إِن َّ جُ‏ نْدَنَا لَهُمُ‏ الْغَالِبُونَ‏ * ‏(سورة الصفات<br />

) الآية – ۱۷۱ ۱۷۳<br />


Walaqod sabaqat kalmatuna li ‘ibaadinal mursaliina. Innaum lahumul<br />

mansuuruuna, wa inna jundanaa lahumul gaalibuuna. (Q3:171­173)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Atipe dajudaju oro Wa ti siwaju lo baa won eru sin Wa ti nwon je ojise. Pe<br />

dajudaju nwon yio je eniti A o ranse. Atipe dajudaju awon omo ogun Wa,<br />

awon lo ma bori (Q37:171 ­ 173)<br />


And assuredly Our word has gone forth for Our bondsmen, the sent ones,<br />

That verily they shall be made triumphant. And verily Our host! They are to<br />

overcome. (Q3:171­173)<br />

‏:رَ‏ ب ِّ نَج ِّ نِي وَ‏ أَهْ‏ لِي مِم َّا يَعْ‏ مَلُونَ‏ ‏(سورة الشعراء الآية ۱٦۹) ‏​بِحَ‏ ق<br />


Robbi najjini wa­ahalii mimmaa ya ‘amaluuna. (Q26:169)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Oluwa mi, ko emi ati awon eniyan mi yo ninu ohun ti won nse. (Q26:169)<br />


Oh My Lord! Deliver me and my family from their evil machinations. (Q26:169)<br />

يم<br />

ِ<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏<br />

اَلل َّ هُم َّ يَا حَ‏ ي ُّ يَا قَي ُّومُ‏ يَا دَافِعُ‏ يَا قَاهِرُ‏ يَا قَه َّارُ‏ إِقْهَرْ‏ مَنْ‏ أَرَ‏ ادَنِي بِضُ‏ ر ٍّ بِقَهْرِ‏ كَ‏ ، يَا مَنْ‏ أَخْ‏ رَ‏ جَ‏ آدَمَ‏ مِنَ‏<br />

الْجَ‏ ن َّةِ‏ وَ‏ رَ‏ د َّهُ‏ بِقَوْ‏ لِ‏ رَ‏ ب َّنَا ظَ‏ ل َّ مْ‏ نَا أَنْفُسَ‏ نَا وَ‏ إِنْ‏ ل َّ مْ‏ تَغْفِرْ‏ لَنَا وَ‏ تَرْ‏ حَ‏ مْ‏ نَا لَنَكُونَن َّ مِنَ‏ الْخَ‏ اسِ‏ رِ‏ ينَ‏ " وَ‏ يَا مَنْ‏ ضَ‏ َّر<br />

أَي ُّوبَ‏ وَ‏ شَ‏ فَاهُ،‏ بِقَوْ‏ لِ‏ : ‏"وَ‏ أَي ُّوبَ‏ إِذْ‏ نَادَى رَ‏ ب َّهُ‏ أَن ِّي مَس َّ نِيَ‏ الض ُّ ر ُّ وَ‏ أَنْتَ‏ أَرْ‏ حَ‏ مُ‏ الر َّ احِ‏ مِينَ‏ . فَاستَجَ‏ بْنَا لَهُ‏<br />

فَكَشَ‏ فْنَا مَا بِهِ‏ مِنْ‏ ضُ‏ ر ِّ وَ‏ آتَيْنَاهُ‏ أَهْ‏ لَهُ‏ وَ‏ مِثْلَهُمْ‏ م َّعَهُمْ‏ رَ‏ حْ‏ مَةً‏ م ِّنْ‏ عِ‏ نْدِنَا وَ‏ ذِكْرَ‏ ى لِلْعَابِدِينَ‏ " وَ‏ يَا مَنْ‏ جَ‏ عَلَ‏<br />

أَعْ‏ دَاءَ‏ لِمُوسَ‏ ى،‏ وَ‏ نَجَ‏ اهُ،‏ بِقَوْ‏ لِ‏ : رَ‏ ب َّنَا إِن َّكَ‏ آتَيْتَ‏ فِرْ‏ عَ‏ وْ‏ نَ‏ وَ‏ مَلَئِهِ‏ زِ‏ ينَةً‏ وَ‏ أَمْ‏ وَ‏ الاً‏ فِي الْحَ‏ يَاةِ‏ الد ُّنْيَا رَ‏ ب َّنَا<br />

لِيُضِ‏ ل ُّ وا عَ‏ نْ‏ سَ‏ بِيلِكَ‏ رَ‏ ب َّنَا اطْ‏ مِسْ‏ عَ‏ لَى أَمْ‏ وَ‏ الِهِمْ‏ وَ‏ اشْ‏ دُدْ‏ عَ‏ لَى قُلُوبِهِمْ‏ فَلاَ‏ يُؤْ‏ مِنُوا حَ‏ ت َّى يَرَ‏ وُ‏ ا الْعَذَابَ‏ الأَلِيمَ‏<br />

."<br />

وَ‏ يَا مَنْ‏ رَ‏ فَعَ‏ عِ‏ يسَ‏ ى إِلَى الس َّ مَاءِ‏ بِقَولِ‏ ‏:"وَ‏ مَا قَتَلُوهُ‏ وَ‏ مَا صَ‏ لَبُوهُ‏ وَ‏ لَكِنْ‏ شُ‏ ب ِّهَ‏ لَهُمْ‏ وَ‏ إِن َّ ال َّ ذِينَ‏ اخْ‏ تَلَفُوا فِيهِ‏<br />

لَفِي شَ‏ ك ٍّ م ِّنْهُ‏ مَا لَهُمْ‏ بِهِ‏ مِنْ‏ عِ‏ لْمٍ‏ إِلا َّ ات ِّبَاعَ‏ الظ َّ ن ِّ وَ‏ مَا قَتَلُوهُ‏ يَقِينًا * بَلْ‏ رَ‏ فَعَهُ‏ االلهُ‏ إِلَيْهِ‏ وَ‏ كَانَ‏ االلهُ‏ عَ‏ زِ‏ يزً‏ ا<br />

حَ‏ كِيمًا"‏ وَ‏ يَا مَنْ‏ جَ‏ عَلَ‏ يُونُسَ‏ فِي بَطْ‏ نِ‏ الْحُ‏ وتِ‏ وَ‏ اَخْ‏ رَ‏ جَ‏ هُ‏ بِقَوْ‏ لِ‏ : ‏"لاَ‏ إِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ أَنْتَ‏ سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَكَ‏ إِن ِّي كُنْتُ‏ مِنَ‏<br />

‏"الظ َّ الِمِينَ‏<br />

وَ‏ يَا مَنْ‏ نَجَ‏ ا نُوحً‏ ا وَ‏ قَوْ‏ مَهُ‏ مِنْ‏ مَاءِ‏ طُ‏ وفَانِ‏ ، بِقَوْ‏ لِ‏ : ‏"فَإِذَا اسْ‏ تَوَ‏ يْتَ‏ أَنْتَ‏ وَ‏ مَنْ‏ م َّعَكَ‏ عَ‏ لَى الْفُلْكِ‏ فَقُلْ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏<br />

اللهِ َِّ‏ ال َّ ذِي نَج َّ انَا مِنَ‏ الْقَوْ‏ مِ‏ الظ َّ الِمِينَ‏ * وَ‏ قُلْ‏ ر َّ ب ِّ أَنْزِ‏ لْنِي مُنْزِ‏ لاً‏ م ُّبَارَ‏ كًا وَ‏ أَنْتَ‏ خَ‏ يْرُ‏ الْمُنْزِ‏ لِينَ‏ " وَ‏ يَا مَنْ‏<br />

سَ‏ ل َّ مَ‏ إِبْرَ‏ اهِيمَ‏ مِنْ‏ نَارِ‏ نَمْرُ‏ ودِ‏ بِقَوْ‏ لِ‏ : ‏"قُلْنَا يَا نَارُ‏ كُونِي بَرْ‏ دًا وَ‏ سَ‏ لاَمًا عَ‏ لَى إِبْرَ‏ اهِيمَ‏ وَ‏ أَرَ‏ ادُوا بِهِ‏ كَيْدًا<br />

فَجَ‏ عَلْنَاهُمُ‏ الأَْخْ‏ سَ‏ رِ‏ ينَ‏ " سَ‏ ل ِّمْ‏ نَا مِنْ‏ كُل ِّ الْفَزْ‏ عِ‏ ، وَ‏ الْحَ‏ زْ‏ نِ‏ ، وَ‏ الْهَم ِّ،‏ وَ‏ الْغَم ِّ،‏ وَ‏ الضُ‏ ر ِّ ، وَ‏ الش َّ رِ‏ ، وَ‏ الْفَقْرِ‏ ،<br />

وَ‏ الْمَرْ‏ ضِ‏ ، وَ‏ الش ِّ قَاقِ‏ ، وَ‏ الْفُسُ‏ وقِ‏ ، وَ‏ مِنْ‏ كُل ِّ ذِي شَ‏ ر ِّ وَ‏ مِنْ‏ جَ‏ مِيعِ‏ مَصَ‏ ائِبِ‏ الد ُّنْيَا وَ‏ الآخِ‏ رَ‏ ةِ‏ يَا أَرْ‏ حَ‏ مَ‏<br />

الر َّ احِ‏ مِينَ‏ . وَ‏ يَا مَنْ‏ أَخْ‏ رَ‏ جَ‏ يُوسُ‏ فَ‏ مِنْ‏ غِ‏ يَابَةِ‏ الْجُ‏ ب ِّ وَ‏ زَ‏ ي َّنَهُ‏ بِالْحُ‏ سْ‏ نَى بِقَوْ‏ لِ‏ : ‏"رَ‏ ب ِّ قَدْ‏ آتَيْتَنِي مِنَ‏ الْمُلْكِ‏<br />

وَ‏ عَ‏ ل َّ مْ‏ تَنِي مِنْ‏ تَأْوِ‏ يلِ‏ الأحَ‏ ادِيثِ‏ فَاطِ‏ رِ‏ الس َّ مَاوَ‏ اتِ‏ وَ‏ الأَرْ‏ ضِ‏ أَنْتَ‏ وَ‏ لِي ِّ فِي الد ُّنْيَا وَ‏ الآخِ‏ رَ‏ ةِ‏ تَوَ‏ ف َّنِي مُسْ‏ لِمًا<br />

وَ‏ أَلْحِ‏ قْنِي بِالص َّ الِحِ‏ ينَ‏ " يَا قَدِيمَ‏ الإِحْ‏ سَ‏ انِ‏ ، إِحْ‏ سَ‏ انُكَ‏ الْقَدِيمُ‏ يَا دَائِمُ‏ يَا قَائِمُ‏ يَا كَرِ‏ يمُ‏ حَ‏ سْ‏ بُنَا االلهُ‏ وَ‏ نِعْمَ‏ الْوَ‏ كِيلُ‏

نِعْمَ‏ الْمَوْ‏ لَى وَ‏ نِعْمَ‏ الن َّصِ‏ يرُ‏ " وَ‏ اذْ‏ كُرْ‏ عَ‏ بْدَنَا أَي ُّوبَ‏ إِذْ‏ نَادَى رَ‏ ب َّهُ‏ أَن ِّي مَس َّ نِيَ‏ الش َّ يْطَ‏ انُ‏ بِنُصْ‏ بٍ‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ ذَابٍ‏<br />

‏.إِرْ‏ كُضْ‏ بِرِ‏ جْ‏ لِكَ‏ هَذَا مُغْ‏ تَسَ‏ لٌ‏ بَارِ‏ دٌ‏ وَ‏ شَ‏ رَ‏ ابٌ‏ وَ‏ وَ‏ هَبْنَا لَهُ‏ أَهْ‏ لَهُ‏ وَ‏ مِثْلَهُمْ‏ م َّعَهُمْ‏ م ِّن َّا وَ‏ ذِكْرَ‏ ى لأُولِي الأَلْبَابِ‏<br />


Allahumma Yaa Hayyu, Yaa Qoyyuumu, Yaa Daafi’u, Ya Qoohiru, Yaa<br />

Qohhaaru, Iqhar man araadani bidurrin biqohri­ka, Yaa man akharaja<br />

Aadama minal­jannati waraddau biqaoli: “Robbanaa zolamnaa anfusana,<br />

wain lam tagfir lanaa, wa antar­hamnaa, lanakuunan­naa<br />

minal­khaasiriina”.<br />

Wa­Yaa man dorra Ayyuba washafaau biqaoli: “Wa Ayyuuba idh naadaa<br />

Robbahu anni massanniya­duuru, wa anta arhamu Rroohimiina.<br />

Fastajabnaa lahu, fakashafnaa maa bihi min durrin, wa aataenaahu<br />

ahalahu, wamithlahum ma’ahum rahmantan min ‘indinaa, wadhikraa<br />

lil­‘aabidiina.<br />

Wa­yaa man ja’ala a’adaa­a li Muusa wanajjaahu biqaoli: “Robbanaa,<br />

inna­Ka aataeta fir­‘aona wa­mala­iihi ziinatan wa amwaalan<br />

fil­hayaatid­dunyaa, Robbanaa, liyudillu an sabiilika, Robbanaa, itmis<br />

‘alaa amwaalihim, washdud ‘alaa quluubihin, falaa yuuminuu hattaa<br />

yaraol­‘adhaabal­‘aliima.<br />

Wa­yaa man rofa’a ‘Isa ila Ssamaai biqaoli: “Wa­maa qotaluuhu, wama<br />

solabuuhu, walakin shubbiha lahum, wainnal ladhiina­khtalafuu fihi lafii<br />

shakkin minhu, maa lahun bihi min ‘ilmin illat­tiba ‘a zonni, wa ma<br />

qotaluuhu yaqiinan. Bal rofa’au­Llaahu ilia­Hi, wakaana­Llaahu ‘Aziizan<br />

Hakiiman. Wa­Yaa man ja’ala Yuunusa fii batnil­huutii waa kharajahu<br />

biqaoli: “Laailaah­a illa anta subhaana­ka inni kuntu mina zoolimiina”.<br />

Wa­Yaa man najaa Nuuhu waqaomahu min maai­t­tuufaani biqaoli:<br />

“Faizaaz­stawaeta anta waman ma ‘aka alal­fulki faqul alhamduli­Llaahi<br />

ladhii najjaanaa minal qaolmi zoolimiina, wa qul Robbi anzilnii munzalan<br />

mubaarakan wa anta khaerul­munziliina.<br />

Wa­yaa man Sallama Ibraheema min naari Namruudi, biqaoli: “Qulnaa<br />

yaa naaru! Kuunii bardan was­salaaman ‘alaa Ibraheema. Wa araaduu<br />

bihi kaedan faja’alnaahumul­khaasariina.” Sallim­naa min kullil­faza’I,<br />

wal­maradi, wash­shiqooqi, wal­fusuuqi, wamin kulli dhii sgarrin, wamin<br />

jami masooibid­dunyah wal­aakhirati, Yaa arhama Rrahimiina.

Wa­Yaa man akharaja Yuusufa min gayaabatil­jubbi wazayyanahu<br />

bilhusnaa biqaoli: “Robbi, qod aataitani minal­mulki, wa ‘allamtani min<br />

taa wiilil­a­haadiithi, faatiras­samaawaati wal­ardi, anta waliyyin fii dunya<br />

wal­a­khirat tawaffani Musliman wa al­hikni bissoolihiina.<br />

Yaa Qodiimal­ihsaani, ihsaaanukal qodiimu, Yaa Daaimun, Yaa Qooimu,<br />

Yaa Kariimu, Hasbuna­Llaahu wani’mal­wakiilu ni’mal­maolaa,<br />

wani’man­nasiiru. “Wadhkur ‘abdanaa Ayuuba idhnaadaa Robbahu, anni<br />

massaniyash shaetooni binusbin wa’adhabin, irkud birijlika haadha<br />

mugtasalun, Baaridun wa­sharaabun. Wa­wahabnaa lahu ahlahuu<br />

wa­mithlahum ma’hum rahmatan minnaa wa­dhikraa li uuli­albaab”.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Oba o, Ire Alaaye, Ire Oba gbere, ire Olu­gbani, Ire Olu­je’ni­ni’pa<br />

Olubori, bori eni ti o ba fe inira (fun mi) pelu agbara Re. ire ti o yo Adam kuro<br />

ninu ogba idera ti O si daa pada pelu gbolohun: ‘Oluwa wa, a se aboosi fun<br />

emi wa, ti o ko ba dari jiwa, ki o si ke wa a o wa ninu ofo’. (Q7:23)<br />

Mo pe Ire ti O fi inira kan Ayyuuba ti O si wo o san pelu gbolohun: ‘Ati Ayuba<br />

(as) ni igba ti o pe Olohun re, inira gbami mu, iwo ni o n ke eni ti o ma n ke<br />

(eniyan). A dahun adua re a woosan kuro nibi inira, a si fun­un ati ara ile re ati<br />

iru­u won pelu­u won ike lati odoo­wa ati iranti fun awon eru­u w’. (Q21:83 ­<br />

84)<br />

Mo pe Iwo ti O gbe awon ota dide fun Muusa (as) ti o si ko o yo pelu<br />

gbolohun: ‘Oluwa dajudaju Ire nio fun Firiaona ati awon ijoye re ni nkan oso ati<br />

dukia ninu igbesi aiye nbi, Oluwa wa, awon (oro wonyi) ni o nse awon enia lori<br />

kuro ni oju ona ti Re. Oluwa wa, pa awon oro won na re ki O si mu okan won<br />

le, nitori ki won ma le ni igbagbo titi ti nwon o fi ri iya eleta­elero. (Q10:88)<br />

Mo pe Iwo ti O gbe Isa (as) lo si oke pelu gbolohun: ‘be si ni nwon ko pa a<br />

dajudaju. Beko, Olohun gbe e lo si odo Re, atipe Olohun je eniti o tobi,<br />

Ologbon. (Q4: 157 ­ 158)<br />

Mo pe Iwo ti O fi Yunusa (as) s’inu eja ti O sit un yo o jade pelu gbolohun: ‘Ko<br />

si elomiran yato si iwo (Olohun) mimo fun o, emi wa ninu awon alabosi’. Mo<br />

pe Iwo ti o la Nuha (as) ati ijo re kuro ninu omi ibinu pelu gbolohun pe: ‘Ni igba<br />

ti o ba se pese pere ati iwo ati awon ijo­o re lori oko oju omi so pe: ‘Mo dupe<br />

fun Oluwa ti o lawaa kuro ninu ijo alabosi, so pe, Oluwa je ki n sokale ni<br />

isokale oore, Iwo ni eni to lore, ti O ma n so (eniyan) kale’. Mo pe Ire ti O yo<br />

Ibraheem (as) kuro ninu ina Namurudu pelu gbolohun: ‘A wa so pe, ire ina, di

tutu ki alaafia ma ba Ibraheema (as). Nwon gbero lati da ete si i, sugbon A je<br />

ki nwon padanu’. (Q21:69 ­ 70)<br />

Lawaa kuro ninu idaamu, ipaya, airoju, inira, aburu, osi, aisan, atako, oori<br />

kun­kun ati gbogbo aburu aiye ati orun, ati kuro nibi gbogbo nkan ti o n sele<br />

(laburu) aiye ati ojo ikeyin, iwo ni eni ti o nke eniyan julo. Mo pe Ire ti O yo<br />

Yuusuf (as) kuro ninu kanga olokunkun pelu gbolohun: ‘oluwa mi, dajudaju ire<br />

ti fun mi ni ijoba na, O si ko mi ni itumo awon oro. Eleda sanma ati ile, Ire ni<br />

Oluranlowo mi ni aiye yi ati orun. Ki O mi ni eni ti o ju owo­j’ese sile<br />

(Musulumi) fun O ki O si fi mi pelu awon enia rere. (Q12:101)<br />

Mo pe Ire Olohun, oni daadaa, daadaa aiye raye, Ire Oba gbere, Ire ti O duro<br />

sinsin, Ire Abiyi. Oluwa to fun wa, Eni t’O to ba duro, Eni t’O to f’ara ti,<br />

Alaranse eda. “Atipe ki o ranti erusin wa Ayuba. Nigbati o kegbe pe Oluwa re<br />

pe: Esu ko inira ba mi, pelu arun ati iya. (awa wi fun pe): Fi ese re janle, (omi)<br />

fifi we tutu niyi ati mimu. Atipe awa fun u ni awon ara re pada ati iru won kun<br />

u, anu l’oje lati odo Waa ti iranti fun awon onilakaye”. (Q38:41 ­ 43)<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

Oh Allah! The Eternal, the self­Subsisting, Oh the Remover of all evils, Oh the<br />

subduer, subdue those that wish calamity for me with Your power.<br />

Oh You that drove Adam (pbuh) from the paradise and returned him (into Your<br />

mercy) (as found in Your words): ​‘Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If<br />

you forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your mercy, we shall certainly be<br />

of the losers.’ ​(Q7:23)<br />

Oh You that afflicted Job (Ayyuub) (pbuh) and healed him (as found in Yours<br />

words): ​‘And as to do Job (Ayyuub), recall when he cried to the Lord: ‘Verily<br />

affliction has touched me, and You are the Most Merciful of the mercifuls. ‘So<br />

We answered him, and We removed from him what was with him of the<br />

affliction, and We gave restoration to him and his household and along with<br />

them the like thereof as a mercy from Us and as remembrance to the devotes.<br />

(Q21:83­84)<br />

O You that saved Musa (pbuh) from his enemies as found in Your words: and<br />

Moses said: ​‘Our Lord! Verily you have given to Pharaoh and his chiefs<br />

adornment and riches in the life of world, our Lord! That they may lead astray<br />

men from Your way. Our Lord! Wipe out their riches, and harden their Hearts,<br />

so that they may not believe until they face the afflictive torment.’ ​(Q10:88)

O You that lifted Issa (pbuh) to the heaven as found in Your words: ………​Yet<br />

they killed him not, nor did they sent him to the cross, but it was made dubious<br />

to them. And surely those who differ therein are in doubt about it; they have no<br />

true knowledge thereof; they but follow a conjecture, of a surely they killed him<br />

not.’ ​(Q4:157)<br />

O You that kept Yunnus in the belly of the whale and rescued him as found in<br />

Yours words:………​there is no god but You! Hallowed be You! Verily I have<br />

been of the wrong­doers. ​(Q21:87)<br />

O You that saved Nuhu and his people from the flood of Tuufaan as found in<br />

Your words: ​‘And when you are settled in the ark, you and those with you, say:<br />

‘Praise to Allaah Who has delivered as from the wrong­doing.’ And say, Lord!<br />

Cause me to land at a landing blessed; and You are the best of those who<br />

bring to land.’ ​(Q23:28­29)<br />

O You that rescued Ibraheem from the fire of Namrood as found in Your<br />

words: We said: ​‘O Fire! Be you coolness and safety for Abraham. ‘and they<br />

wanted to do him harm but We made themselves the worst losers.<br />

(Q21:69­70)<br />

Save us from worry, sadness, agony, melancholy, affliction, evils, poverty,<br />

sickness, misfortune, rebellion and from all related evils and from all mishaps<br />

in this world and the hereafter. You the most Merciful.<br />

O You that brought out Joseph (Yussuf) from the depth of well and adore him<br />

with goodness as fond in Your words: ​My Lord You Have given me of the<br />

dominium, and taught me of the interpretation of discourse. Creator of the<br />

heavens and the earth! You are my Patron in the world and the Hereafter.<br />

Make me die a Muslim and join me with the righteous. ​(Q12:101)<br />

Oh You that is ever good, Your goodness is forever, You that live for ever,<br />

You that stand firmly, You that is generous. Allah is sufficient for us. And He is<br />

the best Disposer of affairs, the best to protect and the best to help. ​‘And<br />

remember Our bondsman Job (Ayyuuba) when he cried to his Lord: ‘Verily<br />

Satan has touched me with affliction and suffering’. ‘Stamp you the ground<br />

with your foot; there is water, to wash in, cool, and to drink’. And we bestowed<br />

on him his household and along with them the like thereof, out of mercy from<br />

Us, and a remembrance to men of understanding. ​(Q38:41­43)<br />

وَ‏ تَوَ‏ ك َّلْ‏ عَ‏ لَى الْعَزِ‏ يزِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏ ال َّ ذِي يَرَ‏ اكَ‏ حِ‏ ينَ‏ تَقُومُ‏ وَ‏ تَقَل ُّ بَكَ‏ فِي الس َّ اجِ‏ دِينَ‏ إِن َّهُ‏ هُوَ‏ الس َّ مِيعُ‏ الْعَلِيمُ‏


Watawakkal ‘alal­‘aziizir­Rohiim. Allazdi yaraaka hiina taquumu.<br />

Wataqollubaka fii saajidiiina. Innahu huwas­samii’ul­‘Aliimu.<br />

(Q26:217­220)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ati ki o fi ara ti Oba Alagbara, Onike. Eniti O ri o nigbati o naro, ati yiyi pada re<br />

ninu ifi ori anle, dajudaju oun ni Olugboro, Onimimi (Q26:217)<br />


And rely you upon the Mighty, the Merciful, Who sees you when you stand up;<br />

And your movement among those who fall prostrate. Verily He! He is the<br />

Hearer, the Knower. (Q26:217­220)<br />

حَ‏ سْ‏ بُنَا االلهُ‏ وَ‏ نِعْمَ‏ الْوَ‏ كِيلُ‏<br />


Hasbuna­Llaahu wan’imal­wakeelu<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun ti to fun wa, o si dara julo ni Olufarati<br />


Suffices us Allaah and an excellent Trustee is He’.<br />

ال َّ ذِينَ‏ قَالَ‏ لَهُمُ‏ الن َّاسُ‏ إِن َّ الن َّاسَ‏ قَدْ‏ جَ‏ مَعُوا لَكُمْ‏ فَاخْ‏ شَ‏ وْ‏ هُمْ‏ فَزَ‏ ادَهُمْ‏ إِيمَانًا وَ‏ قَالُوا حَ‏ سْ‏ بُنَا االله َُّ‏ وَ‏ نِعْمَ‏ الْوَ‏ كِيلُ‏<br />

* فَانْقَلَبُوا بِنِعْ‏ مَةٍ‏ مِنَ‏ االله َِّ‏ وَ‏ فَضْ‏ لٍ‏ لَمْ‏ يَمْسَ‏ سْ‏ هُمْ‏ سُ‏ وءٌ‏ وَ‏ ات َّبَعُوا رِ‏ ضْ‏ وَ‏ انَ‏ االله َِّ‏ وَ‏ االله َُّ‏ ذُو فَضْ‏ لٍ‏ عَ‏ ظِ‏ يمٍ‏ ‏(سورة آل<br />

‏(عمران الآية ۱۷٤ ­ ۱۷۳<br />


Alladhiina qoola lahumun­naasu, inna naasa, qod jama’uu lakun, fa<br />

akhashaohun fazaadahun iimaanan, waqooluu hasbuna­Llaahu<br />

wan’imal­wakeel. Fanqolabuu bini’matin mina­Llaah wafadlin, lam<br />

yamsas­hun suu0un wat­taba’uu ridwaana­Llaahi wa­Llaahu zuu­fadlin<br />

‘aziimin (Q3:173­174)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Awon eniti awon eniyan so fun pe: dajudaju awon eniyan ti parojo de yin,<br />

nitorinaa, e beru­u won; eyi si muu igbagbo won lekun. Nwon wipe; Olohun ti<br />

to fun wa. O si dara julo ni olufarati. Nitorinaa nwon si pada pelu ike lati odo

Olohun ati ibale okan, ibi kan ko si fi arakan won nwon si tele iyonu Olohun,<br />

Olohun ni Olola nla. (Q3:173 ­ 174)<br />


And those to whom certain persons said: ‘Verily the people have mustered<br />

against you, so fear them.’ It merely increased them in belief, and they said:<br />

‘Suffices us Allaah and an excellent Trustee is He’. they then returned with a<br />

favour from Allaah and His grace. No evil touched them, and they followed<br />

Allaah’s pleasure, and Allaah is the Owner of mighty grace. (Q3:173­174)<br />

يم<br />

ِ<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏<br />

وَ‏ جَ‏ اهِدُوا فِي االله َِّ‏ حَ‏ ق َّ جِ‏ هَادِهِ‏ هُوَ‏ اجْ‏ تَبَاكُمْ‏ وَ‏ مَا جَ‏ عَلَ‏ عَ‏ لَيْكُمْ‏ فِي الد ِّينِ‏ مِنْ‏ حَ‏ رَ‏ جٍ‏ مِل َّ ةَ‏ أَبِيكُمْ‏ إِبْرَ‏ اهِيمَ‏ هُوَ‏<br />

سَ‏ م َّاكُمُ‏ الْمُسْ‏ لِمِينَ‏ مِنْ‏ قَبْلُ‏ وَ‏ فِي هَذَا لِيَكُونَ‏ الر َّ سُ‏ ولُ‏ شَ‏ هِيدًا عَ‏ لَيْكُمْ‏ وَ‏ تَكُونُوا شُ‏ هَدَاءَ‏ عَ‏ لَى الن َّاسِ‏ فَأَقِيمُوا<br />

‏(الص َّ لاَ‏ ةَ‏ وَ‏ آَتُوا الز َّ كَاةَ‏ وَ‏ اعْ‏ تَصِ‏ مُوا بِاالله َِّ‏ هُوَ‏ مَوْ‏ لاَ‏ كُمْ‏ فَنِعْمَ‏ الْمَوْ‏ لَى وَ‏ نِعْمَ‏ الن َّصِ‏ يرُ‏ ‏(سورة الحاج الآية ۷۸<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

Wa jaahiduu fil Llaahi haqqo jihaadihi huwa ijtabaakum, wa maa ja’ala<br />

alaekum fid­diini min harajin millata abiikum Ibraaheema huwa<br />

sammakumul Muslimiina min qoblu wa fil haadhaa liyakuunar­Rasuulu<br />

shahiidan alaekum wa takuunuu shuhadaa­a alan­Naasi fa<br />

akiimus­solaata wa aatuuz­zakaata wa’tasimuu bil­Laahi huwa<br />

maolaakum fani’mal maola wa ni’man­Nasiir. (Q22:78)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

E sa’pa si ona Allah ni ojulowo isapa re, Oun ti sa yin lesa, Oun ko sig be inira<br />

kan ko yin l’orun nipa isin naa, isin baba yin Ibraheema ni ise. Oun (Allah) so<br />

yin ni Musulumi, ni atetekose ati ninu eyi. Nitori e maa kirun, ki esi maa san<br />

Zakat, ki e si gba Allah mu ni sinsin, Oun ni Olu daabo bo yin Oun ni Ogarere<br />

julo ati Oluranlowo rere julo! (Q22:78)<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

And strive hard for Allaah as is diu unto Him hard striving. He has<br />

distinguished you, and has not laid upon you any narrowness in religion; the<br />

Faith of your father Abraham. He has named you Muslim before, and in this,<br />

that the Messenger may be witness against you and that you may be witness<br />

against mankind. So establish the <strong>prayer</strong> and pay the poor­rate, and hold fast

y <strong>prayer</strong> to Allaah. He is your patron­an Excellent Patron and an Excellent<br />

Helper! (Q22:78)<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

‏(االله َُّ‏ لَطِ‏ يفٌ‏ بِعِبَادِهِ‏ يَرْ‏ زُ‏ قُ‏ مَنْ‏ يَشَ‏ اءُ‏ وَ‏ هُوَ‏ الْقَوِ‏ ي ُّ الْعَزِ‏ يزُ‏ ‏(سورة الشورى الآية ۱۹<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

Allaahu Latiifu bi’ibaadi­Hi yarzuqu man yashaau<br />

wa­Huwal­Qowiyyul­‘Aziizu. (Q42:19)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Olohun je alaanu fun awon olujosin Re; O npese fun eniti O ba fe; Oun ni<br />

Alagbara, ti O si Pataki (Q42:19)<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

Allaah is gentle to His bondsmen. He provides for whomsoever He will, and<br />

He is the Strong, the Mighty. (Q42:19)<br />

يَا لل َّ طِ‏ يفُ‏ يَا االلهُ‏ يَا رَ‏ ز َّ اقُ‏ يَا االلهُ‏ يَا سَ‏ ت َّارُ‏ يَا االلهُ‏ يَا وَ‏ دُودُ‏ يَا االلهُ‏<br />


Yaa­Latiifu Yaa­Allaahu, Yaa­Rozzaaqu Yaa­Allaahu, Yaa­Sattaaru<br />

Yaa­Allaahu, Yaa­Waduudu Yaa­Allaahu<br />

ITUMO<br />

Mo pe Ire Olohun Alaanu. Mo pe Ire Olohun Olupese. Mo pe Ire Olohun Olu<br />

b’asiri. Mo pe Ire Olohun Olufe.<br />


Oh Allaah, the Subtle; Oh Allaah, the Provider; Oh Allaah, the Confidant; Oh<br />

Allaah, the Loving<br />

يَا وَ‏ دُودُ‏ يَا وَ‏ دُودُ‏ يَا وَ‏ دُودُ‏ يَا ذَا لْعَرْ‏ شِ‏ الْمَجِ‏ يدِ‏ يَا مُبْدِئُ‏ يَا مُعِيدُ‏ يَا فَع َّالُ‏ لِمَا يُرِ‏ يدُ‏ أَسْ‏ أَلُكَ‏ بِنُورِ‏ وَ‏ جْ‏ هِكَ‏<br />

ال َّ ذِي مَلأَ‏ اَرْ‏ كَانَ‏ عَ‏ رْ‏ شِ‏ كَ‏ وَ‏ بِقُدْرَ‏ تِكَ‏ ال َّ تِي قَد َّرْ‏ تَ‏ بِهَا عَ‏ لَى خَ‏ لْقِكَ‏ وَ‏ بِرَ‏ حْ‏ مَتِكَ‏ ال َّ تِي وَ‏ سِ‏ عَتْ‏ كُل َّ شَ‏ يءٍ‏<br />

أَنْتَ‏ وَ‏ سِ‏ عَتْ‏ كُل َّ شَ‏ يْ‏ ءٍ‏ رَ‏ حْ‏ مَةً‏ وَ‏ عِ‏ لْمًا لاَ‏ اِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ أَنْتَ‏ يَا مُغِيثُ‏ أَغِ‏ ثْنِي يَا مُغِيثُ‏ أَغِ‏ ثْنِي يَا مُغِيثُ‏ أَغِ‏ ثْنِي<br />


Yaa­Waduudu, Yaa­Waduudu, Yaa­Waduudu, Yaa­Zal­‘arshil­majiidi,<br />

Yaa­Mubdiu Yaa­Mu’iidu, Yaa­Fa’aalu lima yuriidu, as­aluka binuuri<br />

waj­ji­ka ladhi mala­a­arkaana arshi­ka, wabiqudrati­ka llatii qoddarta<br />

bihaa ‘alaa khalqi­ka, wabirahmati­ka latti wasi’at kulla shaehin, anta<br />

was’ita kulla shaehin rahamatan wa ‘ilman. Laaillaaha illah anta,<br />

Yaa­mugiithu agithnii, Yaa­mugiithu agithnii, Yaa­mugiithu agithnii,<br />

ITUMO<br />

Mo pe Ire Olufe, Ire Olufe, Ire Olufe, Ire Onite Ola, Ire Olubere, ire Oludapada,<br />

ire ti O maa nse nnkan ti o fe, mo n be ere lowo Re pelu imole oju­u Re, eyi ti<br />

o kun ite ola Re ati agbara Re, eyi ti O pa lase lori eda Re, ati aanu Re, eyi ti o<br />

kari ohun gbogbo. Ire ni Olohun ti O kari ohun gbogbo pelu ike ati imo. Ko si<br />

olohun miran ayaafi Ire. Ire Oluranlowo, ran mi lowo, Ire Oluranlowo, ran mi<br />

lowo.<br />


Oh the Loving; Oh the Loving; Oh the Loving! Oh the Owner of the mighty<br />

throne, Oh the Originator, Oh the Restorer, You that do what You want. I am<br />

asking with the light of Your presence that illuminates Your throne, and with<br />

Your might that is destined on Your creatures and with Your mercy that<br />

transcends everything. You surrounded everything with Your blessing and<br />

knowledge; there is no deity except You, Oh the Helper, help me! Oh the<br />

Helper, help me.<br />

يَا غِ‏ يَاثَ‏ الْمُسْ‏ تَغِينَ‏ أَغِ‏ ثْنِي<br />


Yaa­Giyaathal­mustagithiina agithni<br />

ITUMO<br />

Mo pe Iwo Oluranlowo awon eni ti o n wa iranlowo, ran mi lowo<br />


O God who help those who seek help, please help me.<br />

رَ‏ ب ِّي إِن ِّي مَغْ‏ لُوبٌ‏ فَاْنْتَصِ‏ رْ‏ وَ‏ اجْ‏ بُرْ‏ قَلْبِي الْمُنْكَسِ‏ رْ‏<br />


Robbi inni magluubun fantasir. Wajbur qolbii al­munkasir<br />


Olohun mi, dajudaju mo je eni ti (awon ota) ti bori re, ran mi lowo, ki O si da’ri<br />

okan mi ti o pin yeleyele<br />


Oh my Lord! I have been suppressed (conquered), help and soften my broken<br />

heart.<br />

رَ‏ ب ِّي لاَ‏ تَكِلْنِي إِلَى أَحَ‏ دٍ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ تُحَ‏ و ِّ جْ‏ نِي إِلَى أَحَ‏ دٍ‏ وَ‏ أَغْ‏ نِنِي عَ‏ نْ‏ كَل ِّ أَحَ‏ دٍ‏ يَا مَنْ‏ إِلَيْهِ‏ الْمُسْ‏ تَنَدُ‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ لَيْهِ‏ الْمُعْ‏ تَمَدُ‏<br />

وَ‏ هُوَ‏ الْوَ‏ احِ‏ دُ‏ الْفَرْ‏ دُ‏ الص َّ مَدُ‏ لاَشَ‏ رِ‏ يكَ‏ لَهُ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ وَ‏ لَدُ،‏ خُ‏ ذْ‏ بِيَدِي مِنَ‏ الض َّ لاَلِ‏ إِلَى الر ُّ شْ‏ دِ‏ وَ‏ نَج ِّ نِي مِنْ‏ كُل<br />

‏.الض ِّ يْقٍ‏ وَ‏ نَقْدٍ‏<br />


Robbi Laa takilnii ilaa ahadin, walaa tuhawwijnii ilaa ahadin, wa agninii<br />

an kulli ahadin, Yaa­man ilaehil­mustanad, wa alaehil­mu’tamad, wa<br />

huwal­waahidul­fardus­somad, Laa shariika la­Hu walaa walad, khudh<br />

biyadii mina ddolaali ilaa rrushdi, Wa najjinii min kulli diiqin wanaqdin.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Mi, ma se dari mi lo sodo eninkeni, ma je ki n toro lo wo eni keni, ki O<br />

ro mi loro kuro lodo eni keni. Ire ti O to fara ti, Ire ti O to diro mo Ire ni Okan<br />

soso, Aso, Olu­ran­kan­si. Ko si orogun fun un, bee si ni ko si omo fun un, se<br />

Olugbowo mi kuro ni’bi anu, ki O si fi ona mo mi, ki O si la mi kuro ni’bi<br />

gbogbo ifun­pinpin ati ese.<br />


Oh my Lord! Make me not a burden on any one, do not compel me to ask for<br />

my needs from any one, do not make me dependent on any one, Oh Allaah!<br />

To whom every voice cries, to Whom everything is attached, Who is Unique,<br />

the only One, the Absolute Who has no associate nor beget any son! Guide<br />

my hand from wrongfulness to righteousness, and deliver me from every<br />

distress and plot.<br />

‏(وَ‏ أُفَو ِّ ضُ‏ أَمْرِ‏ ي إِلَى االله َِّ‏ إِن َّ االله ََّ‏ بَصِ‏ يرٌ‏ بِالْعِبَادِ‏ ‏(سورة غافر الآية ٤٤<br />


......waufawwidu amrii ilaa­Llaahi, inna Llaah basiirun bil’ibaad (Q40:44)<br />

ITUMO<br />

…atipe mo ti fi oro mi ti si odo Olohun, dajudaju Olohun ni reran ri awon eda<br />



......I confide my affair to Allaah. Verily! Allah is the Beholder of His bondsmen<br />

(Q40:44)<br />

‏.يَا خَ‏ الِقَ‏ الن َّفْسِ‏ مِنَ‏ الن َّفْسِ‏ يَا مُخْ‏ رِ‏ جَ‏ الن َّفْسِ‏ مِنَ‏ الن َّفْسِ‏ وَ‏ يَا مُخْ‏ لِصَ‏ الن َّفْسِ‏ مِنَ‏ الن َّفْسِ‏ أَخْ‏ لِصْ‏ هَا<br />


Yaa­khaaliqa nnafsi minan­nafsi, yaa­mukhrijan­nafsi, minan­nafsi, wa<br />

yaa­mukhlisan­nafsi minan­nafsi; Akhalis­haa.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Mo pe Ire ti O da emi lati ara emi, mop e Ire ti O yo emi lati ara emi, mop e Ire<br />

ti O maa n ko emi yo lati ara emi, ko o yo.<br />


You that create soul from soul, You that remove soul from soul, You that<br />

release soul from soul; Release (what is in) her (womb).<br />

‏(ثُم َّ الس َّ بِيلَ‏ يَس َّ رَ‏ هُ‏ ‏(سورة عبس الآية ۲۰<br />


Thumas­sabiila yassara­hu (Q80:20)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Leyin naa O se ona irorun fun­u (Q80:20)<br />


Then He made easy the way (Q80:20)<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

كهيعص {۱} ذِكْرُ‏ رَ‏ حْ‏ مَةِ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّكَ‏ عَ‏ بْدَهُ‏ زَ‏ كَرِ‏ ي َّا {۲} إِذْ‏ نَادَى رَ‏ ب َّهُ‏ نِدَاءً‏ خَ‏ فِيا {۳} قَالَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ إِن ِّي وَ‏ هَنَ‏<br />

الْعَظْ‏ مُ‏ مِن ِّي وَ‏ اشْ‏ تَعَلَ‏ الر َّ أْسُ‏ شَ‏ يْبًا وَ‏ لَمْ‏ أَكُنْ‏ بِدُعَ‏ ائِكَ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ شَ‏ قِيا {٤} وَ‏ إِن ِّي خِ‏ فْتُ‏ الْمَوَ‏ الِيَ‏ مِنْ‏ وَ‏ رَ‏ ائِي<br />

وَ‏ كَانَتِ‏ امْرَ‏ أَتِي عَ‏ اقِرً‏ ا فَهَبْ‏ لِي مِنْ‏ لَدُنْكَ‏ وَ‏ لِيا {٥} يَرِ‏ ثُنِي وَ‏ يَرِ‏ ثُ‏ مِنْ‏ آَلِ‏ يَعْقُوبَ‏ وَ‏ اجْ‏ عَلْهُ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ رَ‏ ضِ‏ يا<br />

٦}}<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Kaaf, Hau, Yaau, ‘Ain, Sood.<br />

2. Dhikru rahmati Robbika ‘abdau Zakariyyah<br />

3. Idh­naadaa Robbau nidaa­an khafiyyan<br />

4. Qoola Robbi inni, wa hanal­‘azmu minii, wash­ta’ala ra’su shaeban,<br />

walam akun bidu’aaika Robbi shaqiyyan<br />

5. Wa inni khiftul­mawaaliya min waraii, wakaanat imra­atii ‘aakiran, fa<br />

habli min ladunka waliyyan<br />

6. Yarithunii, wayarithu min ahaali Ya’aquuba, waj’alhu Robbi rodiyyan<br />

ITUMO<br />

1. Kaf, Ha, Ya ‘Ain Sad<br />

2. Se iranti ike Oluwa re si erusin Re Sakariyau<br />

3. Nigbati o pe Oluwa re ni pipe ikoko<br />

4. O so pe: Oluwa mi, dajudaju awon egungun mi ti hu, ori mi si kun fun<br />

ewu, emi ko si pasan nipa ipe mi sio Oluwa mi<br />

5. Emi si npaya awon ibatan mi leyin mi nitoripe aya mi ti ya agan, nitori<br />

naa ta mi l’ore omo arole kan lati odo Re<br />

6. Ti yoo jogun mi, ti yoo tun jogun awon omo Yakuba, ki O jeki o je eni<br />

itewogba lodo (Re), Oluwa mi. (Q19:1 ­ 6)<br />


1. Kaf, Ha, Ya, ‘Ayn, Sad.<br />

2. This is a mention of the mercy of your Lord to His bondsmen, Zacharia.<br />

3. Recall when he cried unto his Lord with a low tone.<br />

4. He said: ‘Lord! My bones have waxen feeble and the head is glistening<br />

with hoariness, and I have not yet been in my <strong>prayer</strong> to You, my Lord,<br />

unblessed<br />

5. And I fear my kindred after me and my wife has been barren; so bestow on<br />

me from before You an heir.<br />

6. Inhering me and inheriting the children of Jacob, and make him, Lord,<br />

acceptable. (Q19:1­6)<br />

أَعُ‏ وذُ‏ بِكَلْمَاتِ‏ االلهِ‏ الت َّام َّةِ‏ مِنْ‏ غَ‏ ضَ‏ بِهِ‏ وَ‏ شَ‏ ر ِّ عِ‏ بَادِهِ‏ وَ‏ مِنْ‏ هَمَزَ‏ اتِ‏ الش َّ يَاطِ‏ ينِ‏ وَ‏ اَنْ‏ يَحْ‏ ضُ‏ رُ‏ ونَ‏<br />


Auudhu bikalmaatil­Laahit­taamat min gadobihi, washarri ‘ibaadihi,<br />

wamin hamazaatish shayaatiini wa an yahduruuni

ITUMO<br />

Mo wa iso pelu gbolohun Olohun t’o pe kuro nibi ibinu­u Re, ati nibi aburu<br />

awon eruu Re ati kuro ni’bi roi­roi awon esu pe ki o ma se kan mi<br />


I seek refuge with the words of Allaah from His anger and from evils of His<br />

servants and from the handiwork of devil and their affliction.<br />

‏.بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ ال َّ ذِي لاَ‏ يَضُ‏ ر ُّ مَعَ‏ اسْ‏ مِهِ‏ شَ‏ يْئٌ‏ فِي الأَْرْ‏ ضِ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ فِي الس َّ مَاءِ‏ وَ‏ هُوَ‏ الس َّ مِيعُ‏ الْعَلِيمُ‏<br />


Bismi­Llaahi lladhi, laa yadurru ma ‘a ismi­Hi shaehun fil­ardi, walaa<br />

fiis­samaai, wa­Huwas Samii ‘ul­‘Aliimu<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, t’aburu kan ko le ba Oruko Re lori ilea ti ni sanma, Oun ni<br />

Olugboro, Oni mimo<br />


In the name Allaah, with whose name nothing can harm in this world and<br />

hereafter, He is All­Hearing, All­Knowing.<br />

‏.اَلل َّ هُم َّ لاَ‏ مَانِعَ‏ لِمَا أَعَ‏ طَ‏ يْتَ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ مثعْطِ‏ يَ‏ لِمَا مَنَعْ‏ تَ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ رَ‏ ادا لِمَا قَضَ‏ يْتَ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ يَنْفَعُ‏ ذَا الْجَ‏ د ِّ مِنْكَ‏ الْجَ‏ ُّد<br />


Allahumma laa maani’a lima a ‘atoeta, walaa mu’utiya lima mana’ta,<br />

walaa rodda liman qodaeta, walaa yanfa’u dhal­jaddi minkal­jaddu<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Oba o, ko si eni ti o le diohun ti O ba fun ni keni lowo, bakan naa ko si<br />

eni ti o le fun eni keni ni ohun ti O ba ko lati fun un, ko si eni keni ti o le ye<br />

idajo Re, ko si alagbara kan ti o le se’ni lanfaani, (nitori pe) odo Re nikan ni<br />

agbara wa.<br />


Oh Lord! No one can withhold whatever You have offered, nor can anyone<br />

give whatever You have denied, there is no appeal against Your judgement,<br />

nor can anyone surpass You in generosity.

‏(رَ‏ ب ِّ زِ‏ دْ‏ نِي عِ‏ لْمًا ‏(سورة طه الآية ۱۱٤<br />


......Robbi zidnii ‘ilman (Q20:114)<br />

ITUMO<br />

……………Olohun, se alekun imo funmi (Q20:114)<br />


......My Lord! Increase me in knowledge (Q20:114)<br />

اَلل َّ هُم َّ إِن ِّي عَ‏ بْدِكَ‏ وَ‏ ابْنُ‏ عَ‏ بْدِكَ‏ وَ‏ ابْنُ‏ أَم َّتِكَ‏ نَا صِ‏ يَتِي بِيَدِكَ‏ مَاضٍ‏ فِي َّ حُ‏ كْ‏ مِكَ‏ عَ‏ دْ‏ لٌ‏ فِي َّ قَضَ‏ ائُكَ‏ أَسْ‏ اَلُكَ‏<br />

بِكُل ِّ اسْ‏ مٍ‏ هُوَ‏ لَكَ‏ سَ‏ م َّيْتَ‏ بِهِ‏ نفْسَ‏ كَ‏ أَوْ‏ أَنْزَ‏ لْتَهُ‏ فِي كِتَابِكَ‏ أَوِ‏ عَ‏ ل َّ مْ‏ تَهُ‏ أَحَ‏ دًا مِنْ‏ خَ‏ لْقِكَ‏ أَوِ‏ اسْ‏ تَأْثَرْ‏ تَ‏ بِهِ‏ فِي<br />

عِ‏ لْمِ‏ الْغَيْبِ‏ عِ‏ نْدِكَ‏ أَنْ‏ تَجْ‏ عَلَ‏ الْقُرْ‏ آنَ‏ رَ‏ بِيعَ‏ قَلْبِي وَ‏ نُورَ‏ صَ‏ دْرِ‏ ي وَ‏ جِ‏ لاَءَ‏ حُ‏ زْ‏ نِي وَ‏ ذِهَابَ‏ الهَم ِّى وَ‏ أَبْدِلْ‏<br />

‏.الْفِي مَكَانَ‏ حَ‏ زُ‏ نِي فَرَ‏ حً‏ ا<br />


Allahummaa inni abdu­ka, wabnu abdi­ka, wa bnu ammati­ka, naasiyatii<br />

biyadi­ka,maadin fiyya hukmu­ka, ‘adlun fiyya qodoohu­ka, as­alu­ka<br />

bikulli ismin huwa la­ka sammaeta bihi nafsa­ka, ao anzaltau fii<br />

kitaabi­ka, ao ‘allamtau ahadan min khalqi­ka awis­taathar ta bihi fi<br />

‘ilmil­gaebi inda­ka, an taj­‘alal­Qur’an robbi ‘a qolbii, wa nuura sodri,<br />

wajilaa­a huznii, wazihaaba hammi, wa ‘abdil­fii makaani huznii farhan.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun Oba o, emi je eru Re, omo eru Re, ati omo eru binrin Re, aso ori mi<br />

wa ni owo­o Re, idajo Re ti pari, deede ni idajo Re lo ri mi, mo n be O pelu<br />

gbogbo oruko Re, ti O so ara Re, tabi ti O so kale ninu iwe Re, tabi ti O fi mo<br />

eru Re kan ninu eda Re, tabi ti O sa l’esa ninu imo ti o pamo ni odo Re, ki O<br />

se Alkur’an ni ifokan bale emi­i mi, ati imole igbaaya mi, tu mi ninu, ki O si mu<br />

airoju raye kuro fun mi, ki O si fi ayo ropo ibanuje mi.<br />


Oh Lord! I am Your servant, son of Your male servant, the son of Your female<br />

servant, my forelock is in Your hand, Your order concerning me would be<br />

executed and just is Your judgement upon me. I ask You with all of Your<br />

names that You named Yourself, or revealed in Your Book, or taught any o<br />

Your creatures from Your hidden knowledge, to make the holy Qur’an a<br />

soothing for my heart, the light for my chest, make it to overwhelm my grief,<br />

remove my agony and replace my sorrow with joy.

رَ‏ ب َّنَا ظَ‏ لَمَنَا أَنْفُسَ‏ نَا وَ‏ إِنْ‏ ل َّ مْ‏ تَغْفِرْ‏ لَنَا وَ‏ تَرْ‏ حَ‏ مْ‏ نَا لَنَكُونَن َّ مِنَ‏ الْخَ‏ اسِ‏ رِ‏ ينَ‏<br />


.....Robbanaa, zolamnaa anfusanaa, wa in lam tagfir la­naa, wa<br />

tar­hamnaa, lanakuu nanna minal­khaasiriin. (Q7:23)<br />

ITUMO<br />

…..Oluwa wa, ati bo ara wa si, ti O ko ba fi ori jinwa ki O si se aanu wa,<br />

dajudaju a o je eni ofo. (Q7:23)<br />


.....Our Lord! We have wronged our souls, and if You do not forgive us, we<br />

shall of a surely be the losers’. (Q7:23)<br />

‏(رَ‏ ب َّنَا لاَ‏ تُزِ‏ غْ‏ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْ‏ دَ‏ إِذْ‏ هَدَيْتَنَا وَ‏ هَبْ‏ لَنَا مِنْ‏ لَدُنْكَ‏ رَ‏ حْ‏ مَةً‏ إِن َّكَ‏ أَنْتَ‏ الْوَ‏ ه َّابُ‏ ‏(سورة آل عمران الآية ۸<br />


Robba­naa laa tuzug quluuba­naa, ba’ba idh adaetanaa wahablanaa min<br />

ladun­ka rahamatan inna­ka antal­Wahaab. (Q3:8)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Oluwa wa! Ma se je ki okan wa yapa, lehin ti O fi ona taara mon wa, ki O si ta<br />

wa lore aanu lati odo Re yi emi wa pada leyin igba ti O ti fi ona mo wa.<br />


Our Lord! Suffer not our hearts to deviate after that which You have guided us<br />

to and bestow on us from Your presence mercy. Surely, it is You Who are the<br />

bestower. (Q3:8)<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ ال َّ ذِي أَنْزَ‏ لَ‏ عَ‏ لَى عَ‏ بْدِهِ‏ الْكِتَابَ‏ وَ‏ لَمْ‏ يَجْ‏ عَلْ‏ لَهُ‏ عِ‏ وَجً‏ ا {۱} قَي ِّمًا لِيُنْذِرَ‏ بَأْسً‏ ا شَ‏ دِيدًا مِنْ‏ لَدُنْهُ‏ وَ‏ يُبَش ِّ رَ‏ الْمُؤْ‏ مِنِينَ‏ ال َّ ذِينَ‏<br />

يَعْ‏ مَلُونَ‏ الص َّ الِحَ‏ اتِ‏ أَن َّ لَهُمْ‏ أَجْ‏ رً‏ ا حَ‏ سَ‏ نًا {۲} مَاكِثِينَ‏ فِيهِ‏ أَبَدًا {۳} وَ‏ يُنْذِرَ‏ ال َّذِينَ‏ قَالُوا ات َّخَ‏ ذَ‏ االله َُّ‏ وَ‏ لَدًا {٤} مَا لَهُمْ‏ بِهِ‏ مِنْ‏ عِ‏ لْمٍ‏ وَلاَ‏<br />

لآَِبَائِهِمْ‏ كَبُرَ‏ تْ‏ كَلِمَةً‏ تَخْ‏ رُ‏ جُ‏ مِنْ‏ أَفْوَ‏ اهِهِمْ‏ إِنْ‏ يَقُولُونَ‏ إِلا َّ كَذِبًا {٥} فَلَعَل َّ كَ‏ بَاخِ‏ عٌ‏ نَفْسَ‏ كَ‏ عَ‏ لَى آَثَارِ‏ هِمْ‏ إِنْ‏ لَمْ‏ يُؤْ‏ مِنُوا بِهَذَا الْحَ‏ دِيثِ‏<br />

أَسَ‏ فًا {٦} إِن َّا جَ‏ عَلْنَا مَا عَ‏ لَى الأَْرْ‏ ضِ‏ زِ‏ ينَةً‏ لَهَا لِنَبْلُوَ‏ هُمْ‏ أَي ُّهُمْ‏ أَحْ‏ سَ‏ نُ‏ عَ‏ مَلاً‏ {۷} وَ‏ إِن َّا لَجَ‏ اعِ‏ لُونَ‏ مَا عَ‏ لَيْهَا صَ‏ عِيدًا جُ‏ رُ‏ زً‏ ا {۸} أَمْ‏<br />

حَ‏ سِ‏ بْتَ‏ أَن َّ أَصْ‏ حَ‏ ابَ‏ الْكَهْفِ‏ وَ‏ الر َّ قِيمِ‏ كَانُوا مِنْ‏ آَيَاتِنَا عَ‏ جَ‏ بًا {۹} إِذْ‏ أَوَ‏ ى الْفِتْيَةُ‏ إِلَى الْكَهْفِ‏ فَقَالُوا رَ‏ ب َّنَا آَتِنَا مِنْ‏ لَدُنْكَ‏ رَ‏ حْ‏ مَةً‏<br />

‏{وَ‏ هَي ِّئْ‏ لَنَا مِنْ‏ أَمْرِ‏ نَا رَ‏ شَ‏ دًا {۱۰


Bismillaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Alhamdu li­Llaahi ladhi anzala ‘alaa ‘abdihil­kitaaba walam<br />

yaj’al­lahu ‘iwajan<br />

2. Qoyyiman liyundhira ba’san shadii’dan min ladunihu,<br />

wayunashshiral­muuminiinal­ladhiina ya’amaluumas soolihaati<br />

anna lahun ajran hasanan<br />

3. Mmaakithiina fihi Abadan<br />

4. Wayundhiral­ladhiina qooluut­takhadha Llaahu waladan<br />

5. Mmaa lahum bihi min ‘ilmin walaa li­aabaahihim kaburat kalimatan<br />

takhruju min afwaahihim in yaquluuna illa kadhban<br />

6. Fala­‘allaka baakhihun nafsaka ‘alaa aatharihim, in lam yuuminuu<br />

bihaadhal­hadiithi asafan<br />

7. Innaa ja’alna maa ‘alal­ardi zinaatan llaha linab­luwahun ayyuhum<br />

ahasanu ‘amalan<br />

8. Wainna lajaa ‘iluuna maa alaeha so ‘iidan juruzan<br />

9. Am hasiba anna ashaabal­kahfi war­roqiimi kaanu min aayaatina<br />

‘ajaban<br />

10. Idh awal­fityatu ilal­kahfi, faqooluu: Robbanaa aatina min<br />

ladun­ka rahmatan, wahayyi’lanaa min amrinaa roshadan<br />

(Q18:1­10)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

1. Gbogbo ope ti Olohun ni, eniti O so tira naa kale fun erusin Re ti ko si<br />

se wiwo kan fun u<br />

2. Ti o duro dede, ki o le ba ma fi iya ti o le koko ti mbe lodo Olohun se<br />

ideruba awon (alaigbagbo), ati ki o le ma fun onigbagbo ododo tin won<br />

se ise rere niro idun nu pee esan ti o dara mbe fun won.<br />

3. Won yio maa gbe inu re laelae<br />

4. Ati ki o le ma se ikilo fun awon ti nwon wipe: Olohun bimo<br />

5. Ko si mimo kan fun won nipaa re, ati awon baba won pelu. Oro ti o<br />

njade lenu won tobi pupo. Dajudaju, nwon ko so nkankan ayafi Iro.<br />

6. Iwo yio fi ibinu pa ara re nipa pe o nbanuje nitori ti won, bi won ko ba<br />

gba oro yi gbo<br />

7. Dajudaju Awa ti se ohun ti mbe ni ori ile ni oso fun ile nan, ki A le bad<br />

an won wo ni (ki Ale mo) tani ninuu won ti o dara julo ninu ise<br />

8. Atipe Awa yio se ohun ti mbe ni ori re ni iyepe gbigbe (ti ko ni Irugbin)<br />

9. Abi ire yio ma ro pe dajudaju awon ara inu iho (Kahfi) ati akole je eema<br />

kan ninu awon amin Wa?

10. Nigbati awon odomode naa ko ara won sinu ogun iho na nwon si<br />

nwipe: Oluwa wa, fun wa ni ike kan lati odo Re ati ki O se imono ni<br />

irorun fun wa ninu ise wa. (Q18:1 ­ 10)<br />



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. All praisen to Allaah who has sent down to His bondsman the Book, and<br />

allowed no crookedness therein<br />

2. Straightforward, that it may warn of a severe violence from before Him,<br />

and bring glad tidings to the belivers who work righteous works that<br />

theirs shall be a goodly reward<br />

3. They will abide there forever<br />

4. And that it may warn those who say: ‘God has taken a son.’<br />

5. No knowledge they have of it, nor had their fathers. Odious is the word<br />

that comes from their mouths; they utter not but a lie.<br />

6. You are, as if going to kill yourself over their footsteps out of sorrow, for<br />

they do not believe in this discourse<br />

7. We have made whatever is on the earth as an adornment of it, that We<br />

test them – which of them is best in work.<br />

8. And We are going to make whatsoever is on it bare soil<br />

9. Do you think that the people of the cave and the inscription were of Our<br />

signs a marvel?<br />

10. Recall when the youths took themselves to the cave and said: ‘O our<br />

Lord! Grant us mercy from before You and prepare for us in our affair a<br />

right course.’ (Q18:1­10)<br />

رَ‏ ب َّنَا اكْشِ‏ فْ‏ عَ‏ نّا الْعَذَابَ‏ إِن َّا مُؤْ‏ مِنُونَ‏<br />


......Robbanak­shif’annal­‘adhaaba innaa mu’minuuna (Q44:12)<br />

ITUMO<br />

……Oluwa wa! (Jowo) si iya na kuro fun wa, dajudaju awa yio gbagbo ni<br />

ododo (Q44:12)<br />


.....Our Lord! Lift up from us this scourge; verily we shall become believers.<br />

(Q44:12)<br />

رَ‏ ب َّنَا تَقَب َّلْ‏ مِن َّا إِن َّكَ‏ أَنْتَ‏ الس َّ مِيعُ‏ الْعَلِيم


...Robbanaa taqobbal minnaa, inna­ka antas­Samii’ul­‘Aliim (Q2:127)<br />

ITUMO<br />

…Oluwa wa, gbaa lowo wa dajudaju Iwo ni Olugbo, Olu mo (Q2:127)<br />


…Our Lord! Accept this from us, surely You alone are the Hearer, the Knower.<br />

(Q2:127)<br />

رَ‏ ب َّنَا آتِنَا فِي الد ُّنْيَا حَ‏ سَ‏ نَةً‏ وَ‏ فِي الآخِ‏ رَ‏ ةِ‏ حَ‏ سَ‏ نَةً‏ وَ‏ قِنَا عَ‏ ذَابَ‏ الن َّارِ‏<br />


…..Robbanaa aatina fii dunyaa hasanatan, wafil­aakhirati hasanatan<br />

waqinaa ‘adhaaban­naar. (Q2:201)<br />

ITUMO<br />

……Oluwa wa, fun wa ni rere ni aye yi, ate rere l’orun, ki o si so wa ninu iya<br />

ina (Q2:201)<br />


…..Our Lord! Give us good in the world and good in the hereafter, and save<br />

us from the torment of the Fire. (Q2:201)<br />

رَ‏ ب َّنَا أَتْمِمْ‏ لَنَا نُورنَا وَ‏ اغْ‏ فِرْ‏ لَنَا إِن َّكَ‏ عَ‏ لَى كُل ِّ شَ‏ يئٍ‏ قَدِيرٌ‏<br />


……Robbanaa atmim lanaa nuuranaa, wagfir lanaa inna­ka ‘alaa kulli<br />

shaehin qodiirun. (Q66:8)<br />

ITUMO<br />

.......Oluwa wa, se imole wa ni pipe fun wa, ki o si dari ese­e wa jinwa,<br />

dajudaju iwo ni Alagbara lori ohun gbogbo (Q66:8)<br />


……Our Lord! Perfect for us our light, and forgive us; Verily you are over<br />

every thing Potent. (Q66:8)<br />

رَ‏ ب َّنَا لاَ‏ تَجْ‏ عَلْنَا فِتْنَةً‏ لِل َّ ذِي كَفَرُ‏ وا واغْ‏ فِرْ‏ لَنَا رَ‏ ب َّنَا إِن َّكَ‏ أَنْتَ‏ الْعَزِ‏ يزُ‏ الْحَ‏ كِيمُ‏


…….Robbanaa laa taj’alnaa fitnatan lilladhiina kafaruu, wagfir­lanaa,<br />

Robbanaa inna­Ka anta­’Aziizul­Hakiimu. (Q60:5)<br />

ITUMO<br />

……Oluwa wa, ma fi wahahala­a wa si owo awon alaigbagbo, fi ori jiwa oluwa<br />

wa, nitoripe Iwo ni Oba Olubori Oba Ojogbon (Q60:5)<br />


……Our Lord! Make us not a trial for those who disbelieve, and forgive us our<br />

Lord. Verily You are the Mighty, the Wise. (Q60:5)<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

وَ‏ تِلْكَ‏ حُ‏ ج َّ تُنَا آَتَيْنَاهَا إِبْرَ‏ اهِيمَ‏ عَ‏ لَى قَوْ‏ مِهِ‏ نَرْ‏ فَعُ‏ دَرَ‏ جَ‏ اتٍ‏ مَنْ‏ نَشَ‏ اءُ‏ إِن َّ رَ‏ ب َّكَ‏ حَ‏ كِيمٌ‏ عَ‏ لِيمٌ‏ * وَ‏ وَ‏ هَبْنَا لَهُ‏<br />

إِسْ‏ حَ‏ اقَ‏ وَ‏ يَعْقُوبَ‏ كُلا هَدَيْنَا وَ‏ نُوحً‏ ا هَدَيْنَا مِنْ‏ قَبْلُ‏ وَ‏ مِنْ‏ ذُر ِّ ي َّتِهِ‏ دَاوُ‏ ودَ‏ وَ‏ سُ‏ لَيْمَانَ‏ وَ‏ أَي ُّوبَ‏ وَ‏ يُوسُ‏ فَ‏<br />

وَ‏ مُوسَ‏ ى وَ‏ هَارُ‏ ونَ‏ وَ‏ كَذَلِكَ‏ نَجْ‏ زِ‏ ي الْمُحْ‏ سِ‏ نِينَ‏ * وَ‏ زَ‏ كَرِ‏ ي َّا وَ‏ يَحْ‏ يَى وَ‏ عِ‏ يسَ‏ ى وَ‏ إِلْيَاسَ‏ كُل ٌّ مِنَ‏ الص َّ الِحِ‏ ينَ‏ *<br />

وَ‏ إِسْ‏ مَاعِ‏ يلَ‏ وَ‏ الْيَسَ‏ عَ‏ وَ‏ يُونُسَ‏ وَ‏ لُوطً‏ ا وَ‏ كُلا فَض َّ لْنَا عَ‏ لَى الْعَالَمِينَ‏ * وَ‏ مِنْ‏ آَبَائِهِمْ‏ وَ‏ ذُر ِّ ي َّاتِهِمْ‏ وَ‏ إِخْ‏ وَ‏ انِهِمْ‏<br />

) وَ‏ اجْ‏ تَبَيْنَاهُمْ‏ وَ‏ هَدَيْنَاهُمْ‏ إِلَى صِ‏ رَ‏ اطٍ‏ مُسْ‏ تَقِيمٍ‏ . ‏​(سورة الأنعام الآية ۸۷ ­ ۸۳<br />


Bismillaahir­Rahamaanir­Raheem<br />

Watilka hujjatunaa aataenaaha Ibrahiima ‘alaa qaomihi, narfau darajaatin<br />

mman nashaau, inna Robbaka Hakiimun ‘Aliimun, Wamahabnaa lau<br />

isahaaqa, Wa Ya’aquuba kullan hadaenaa, Wa Nuuhan hadaenaa min<br />

qoblu, wamindh dhurriyyati­Daauuda. Wa sulaimaana, wa ayuuba, wa<br />

yuusufu, wa Muusa, wa Haaruuna, wakadhaalika najzil­muhsiniina. Wa<br />

zakariyyah, wa yahyaa, wa ‘Issa, wa Ilyaasa, kullun minas­soolihiina. Wa<br />

ismaa’iila, wal­Yasa’a, wa Yuunusa, wa Luuton, wa kullan faddolnaa<br />

‘alal­‘aalamiina. Wa min aabaahihim, wadhurriyyaatihim, wa<br />

ikhwaanihim, waj­tabaenaahum, wa hadaenaahun ilaa sirootin<br />

mustaqiimin. (Q6:83­87)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Eyi ni idi oro wa ti A fi fun Ibrahim lori awon eniyan re. A ngbe eniti o ba wu<br />

wag a ni ti iyi. Dajudaju Oluwa re je Ologbon, Onimimo. Awa si fun ni Is­haaq<br />

ati Yakuuba. Awa si to okookan won si ona: Awa si to Nuha si ona si waju ati<br />

ninu awon aromodomoo re, Dawuda ati Sulaimon ati Ayuba ati Yuusufa ati<br />

Muusa ati Haruna. Bayi ni A se nsan fun awon eniyan rere. Ati Zakariya ati<br />

Yahaya ati ‘Isa ati Iliyasa, gbogbo won wa ninu awon eni rere. Ati Ismaila ati

Aliyasau ati Yuunusa atu Luutu, gbogbo won ni a se ajulo fun lori awon eda.<br />

Ati ninu awon babaa won ati aromodomo won ati awon arakunrin won. Awa<br />

sis a won lesa, a si to won si ona kan ti o to (Q6:83 ­ 87)<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compaasionate, the Merciful<br />

This was the argument which We gave to Abraham against his people. We<br />

raise in degrees whom We please; verily your Lord is the Wise, the Knowing.<br />

And We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob; each one We guided. And<br />

Noah We had guided before, and of his progeny David and Solomon and Job<br />

and Joseph and Moses and Aaron, and thus We recompense the well­doers.<br />

And also Zacharia and John and ‘Isa and Ilyas; each one was of the righteous.<br />

And also Ishmael and Al­Yasa’, and Jonah and Lot; each of them we preffered<br />

above the worlds. And also some of their fathers and their progeny and their<br />

brethren; we chose them and guided them on the right path. (Q6:83­87)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ الْفَاتِحَ‏ ةِ}‏<br />

‏{بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏ {۱<br />

الحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ اللهِ َِّ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّ الْعَالَمِينَ‏ {۲} الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏ {۳} مَالِكِ‏ يَوْ‏ مِ‏ الد ِّينِ‏ {٤} إِي َّاكَ‏ نَعْ‏ بُدُ‏ وَ‏ إِي َّاكَ‏ نَسْ‏ تَعِينُ‏ {٥}<br />

‏{اهْ‏ دِنَا الص ِّ رَ‏ اطَ‏ الْمُسْ‏ تَقِيمَ‏ {٦} صِ‏ رَ‏ اطَ‏ ال َّ ذِينَ‏ أَنْعَمْ‏ تَ‏ عَ‏ لَيْهِمْ‏ غَ‏ يْرِ‏ الْمَغْ‏ ضُ‏ وبِ‏ عَ‏ لَيْهِمْ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ الض َّ ال ِّينَ‏ {۷<br />


1. Bismil­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

2. Alhamdu li­Llaahi Rabbil ‘aalamin<br />

3. Ar­Rahmaanir­Rohiim.<br />

4. Maaliki yaomid­diin.<br />

5. Iyyaa­Ka na’budu, wa iyya­ka nastaiin.<br />

6. Ihdinas­siraatal mustaqeem.<br />

7. Siraatal­ladhiina an’amta ‘alaihim, gaeril magduubi ‘alaihim<br />

walad­doolleen. (Ameen) (Q1:1­7)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Gbogbo ope ti Olohun ni, Olutoju gbogbo eda. Ajoke aiye, asake orun.<br />

Olukapa ojo idajo. Ire nikan ni awa yio maa sin, odo Re nikan ni a o ma toro<br />

iranlowo. Towasi ona taara, ona awon eniti o se ibale­okan fun; la ije ona<br />

awon ti O binu si, beni lai je awon ti won sine. (Q1:1 ­ 7)<br />



1. In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

2. All praise unto Allaah, Lord of the worlds<br />

3. The Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

4. Sovereign of the Day of Reckoning<br />

5. You alone we worship, and of You alone we seek help.<br />

6. Guide us in the straight path<br />

7. The path of those whom You have favoured on whom your indignation<br />

has not befallen, and who have not gone astray. (Q1:1­7)<br />

‏{آيَةُ‏ الْكُرْ‏ سِ‏ ي ُّ {<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يم<br />

االله َُّ‏ لاَ‏ إِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ هُوَ‏ الْحَ‏ ي ُّ الْقَي ُّومُ‏ لاَ‏ تَأْخُ‏ ذُهُ‏ سِ‏ نَةٌ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ نَوْ‏ مٌ‏ لَهُ‏ مَا فِي الس َّ مَوَ‏ اتِ‏ وَ‏ مَا فِي الأَْرْ‏ ضِ‏ مَنْ‏ ذَا ال َّ ذِي<br />

يَشْ‏ فَعُ‏ عِ‏ نْدَهُ‏ إِلا َّ بِإِذْ‏ نِهِ‏ يَعْ‏ لَمُ‏ مَا بَيْنَ‏ أَيْدِيهِمْ‏ وَ‏ مَا خَ‏ لْفَهُمْ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ يُحِ‏ يطُ‏ ونَ‏ بِشَ‏ يْ‏ ءٍ‏ مِنْ‏ عِ‏ لْمِهِ‏ إِلا َّ بِمَا شَ‏ اءَ‏ وَ‏ سِ‏ عَ‏<br />

‏.كُرْ‏ سِ‏ ي ُّهُ‏ الس َّ مَاوَ‏ اتِ‏ وَ‏ الأَْرْ‏ ضَ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ يَئُودُهُ‏ حِ‏ فْظُ‏ هُمَا وَ‏ هُوَ‏ الْعَلِي ُّ الْعَظِ‏ يمُ‏<br />

ِ<br />


Allaahu, laa ilaaha illaa huwal­hayyul­Qoyyuumu, la taakhuzuhu sinatun<br />

wala naomu lahu maa fis­samaawaati wa ma fil­ardi man dhal­ladhi<br />

yashfa’u ‘inda­Hu illa bi idhnihi, ya’lamu maa baina aidiihim wa ma<br />

khalfahum, wa la yuhiituna bi shai’in min ‘ilmihi illaa bimaa sha a, wasi’a<br />

kursiyyuhus­samaawaati wal ardo, wa la ya’u ‘uduhuhifzuhumaa<br />

wa­Huwal­‘aliyyul­‘Aziimu.<br />

ITUMO<br />

Olohun; ko si olohun miran ayaafi Oun, Alaaye, Oludawa, ki ntorungbe, bee ni<br />

kii sun. tire ni ohun gbogbo tiowa ni sanmo ati ohun gbogbo ti o wa ninu ile.<br />

Tani eni o le sipe lodo Re. O mo ohun o mbe ni iwaju won ati ohun ti n be<br />

leyin won, nwon kosi le ro kirika kinikan ninu imo Re, ayafiohun ti O ba fe, Aga<br />

(Ola) Re gbaye ju awon sanmo ati ile lo. Iso awon mejeeji ko si ko aare ba A.<br />

Oun ni eni ti O ga (ni ola) ti o sit obi (ni ogo)<br />


Allaah! There is no god but He, the Living, the Sustainer, slumber seizes Him<br />

not, nor sleep. His ia whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth.<br />

Who can intercede with Him, save by His leave? He knows whatever was<br />

before them and whatever shall be after them, and they encompass nothing of<br />

His knowledge, save what He wills. His throne comprehends the heaven and

the earth; and the guarding of both wearies him not, and his is the High, the<br />

Supreme. (Q2:255)<br />

‏{آخِ‏ رُ‏ الت َّوْ‏ بَةِ}‏<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

لَقَدْ‏ جَ‏ اءَكُمْ‏ رَ‏ سُ‏ ولٌ‏ مِنْ‏ أَنْفُسِ‏ كُمْ‏ عَ‏ زِ‏ يزٌ‏ عَ‏ لَيْهِ‏ مَا عَ‏ نِت ُّمْ‏ حَ‏ رِ‏ يصٌ‏ عَ‏ لَيْكُمْ‏ بِالْمُؤْ‏ مِنِينَ‏ رَ‏ ءُوفٌ‏ رَ‏ حِ‏ يمٌ‏ فَإِنْ‏ تَوَ‏ ل َّ وْ‏ ا<br />

‏(فَقُلْ‏ حَ‏ سْ‏ بِيَ‏ االله َُّ‏ لاَ‏ إِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ هُوَ‏ عَ‏ لَيْهِ‏ تَوَ‏ ك َّلْتُ‏ وَ‏ هُوَ‏ رَ‏ ب ُّ الْعَرْ‏ شِ‏ الْعَظِ‏ يمِ‏ ‏(سورة التوبة الآية ۱۲۹ ­ ۱۲۸<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

Laqod jaa­akum rosuulun min anfusikum, ‘aziisun ‘alaihi maa ‘anittum,<br />

hariisun ‘alaikum bil­mu’miniina ra’uufun­r­rahiim. Fa in tawallau fa qul<br />

hasbiya­Llaahu laa ilaa­a illa Huwa, ‘alaihi tawakhaltu wa­Huwa Rabbul<br />

‘arshi ‘aziim. (Q9:128­129)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Dajudaju ojise kan ti wa baa yin lati inu yin; Ohun ti o ni yin lara je oun ti ko<br />

dunmo­on, oje Olutara (lati fi yin mona), alaanu, onike ni fun awon olugbagbo<br />

ododo. Bi nwon ba si pehinda, ki o sope: Olohun ti to mi, ko si Olohun kan aya<br />

fi Oun. Oun naa ni emi fi ara ti ati pe Oun naa ni Oluwa Ite (Al­arasi) ti o tobi<br />

(Q9:128 ­ 129)<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

Assuredly there has come to you a Messenger from among yourselfs; heavy<br />

upon him is whatever harasses you, and who is solicitous for you and is unto<br />

the faithful tender and merciful. If then, they turn away, say: ‘Sufficing unto me<br />

is Allaah, there is no god but He; in Him I put my trust, and He is the Lord of<br />

the mighty throne.’ (Q9:128­129)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ الض ُّ حَ‏ ى}‏<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

وَ‏ الض ُّ حَ‏ ى {۱} وَ‏ الل َّ يْلِ‏ إِذَا سَ‏ جَ‏ ى {۲} مَا وَ‏ د َّعَ‏ كَ‏ رَ‏ ب ُّكَ‏ وَ‏ مَا قَلَى {۳} وَ‏ لَلآْ‏ ‏َخِ‏ رَ‏ ةُ‏ خَ‏ يْرٌ‏ لَكَ‏ مِنَ‏ الأُْولَى {٤}<br />

وَ‏ لَسَ‏ وْ‏ فَ‏ يُعْطِ‏ يكَ‏ رَ‏ ب ُّكَ‏ فَتَرْ‏ ضَ‏ ى {٥} أَلَمْ‏ يَجِ‏ دْ‏ كَ‏ يَتِيمًا فَآَوَ‏ ى {٦} وَ‏ وَ‏ جَ‏ دَكَ‏ ضَ‏ الا فَهَدَى {۷} وَ‏ وَ‏ جَ‏ دَكَ‏<br />

عَ‏ ائِلاً‏ فَأَغْ‏ نَى {۸} فَأَم َّا الْيَتِيمَ‏ فَلاَ‏ تَقْهَرْ‏ {۹} وَ‏ أَم َّا الس َّ ائِلَ‏ فَلاَ‏ تَنْهَرْ‏ {۱۰} وَ‏ أَم َّا بِنِعْ‏ مَةِ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّكَ‏ فَحَ‏ د ِّثْ‏ {۱۱<br />



Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Wadh­dhuhaa<br />

2. Wal­laili idha sajaa<br />

3. Ma wadda’aka Rabbuka wa ma qolaa<br />

4. Wa lal aakhiratu khairun llaka minal­uulaa<br />

5. Wa la saofa, yu’tiika Rabbuka fatardaa<br />

6. Alam yajidka yatiiman faa­wa<br />

7. Wa wajadaka doollan fahadaa<br />

8. Wa wajadaka ‘aa ilan fa agnaa<br />

9. Fa ammal yatiima, taqhar<br />

10. Wa ammas­saa ila, fala tanhar<br />

11. Wa amma bi ni’mati Robbika fahaddith. (Q93:1­11)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

1. Mo fi imole iyaleta (duha) bura<br />

2. Ati oru nigba ti o ba bole biribiri<br />

3. Oluwa re ko fi o sile ko si binu sie<br />

4. Ati pe dajudaju,, igbehin yio dara fun o ju ti akoko lo<br />

5. Atipe Oluwa re yio fun o ni oun ti yio dun moo ninu<br />

6. Nje ko ri o ni omo orukan ti O si daabo bo o<br />

7. Ati pe O ri o ni eni ti ko mona, O si fi ona mo o<br />

8. Atipe O ri o ni alaini O si so o di eni ti o ni<br />

9. Nitori naa, mase ni omo orukan lara<br />

10. Ati pe kio mase kanra mo alagbe<br />

11. Ati pe oore idra oluwa re so jade (Q93:1 ­ 11)<br />



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. By the morning brightness<br />

2. By the night, when it darkens<br />

3. Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor is He displeased<br />

4. And the hereafter is indeed better unto you than the present life<br />

5. And soon shall your Lord give unto you so that you shall be<br />

well­pleased<br />

6. Did He not find you an orphan? So He sheltered you<br />

7. And He found you wandering. So He guided you<br />

8. And He found you destitute. So He enriched you<br />

9. Therefore as to the orphan be not overbearing unto him<br />

10. And as to the beggar, chide him not;

11. And as to the favours of your lord, discourse you thereof. (Q93:1­11)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ لإِنْشِ‏ رَاح}‏<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

أَلَمْ‏ نَشْ‏ رَ‏ حْ‏ لَكَ‏ صَ‏ دْرَ‏ كَ‏ {۱} وَ‏ وَ‏ ضَ‏ عْ‏ نَا عَ‏ نْكَ‏ وِ‏ زْ‏ رَ‏ كَ‏ {۲} ال َّ ذِي أَنْقَضَ‏ ظَ‏ هْرَ‏ كَ‏ {۳} وَ‏ رَ‏ فَعْ‏ نَا لَكَ‏ ذِكْرَ‏ كَ‏ }<br />

٤} فَإِن َّ مَعَ‏ الْعُسْ‏ رِ‏ يُسْ‏ رً‏ ا {٥} إِن َّ مَعَ‏ الْعُسْ‏ رِ‏ يُسْ‏ رً‏ ا {٦} فَإِذَا فَرَ‏ غْ‏ تَ‏ فَانْصَ‏ بْ‏ {۷} وَ‏ إِلَى رَ‏ ب ِّكَ‏ فَارْ‏ غَ‏ بْ‏<br />

۸}}<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahamaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Alam nashrah laka sodraka<br />

2. Wa wada ‘naa anka wizraka<br />

3. Aladhii anqoda zahraka<br />

4. Wa rafa’naa laka dhikraka<br />

5. Fa inna ma’al ‘usri yusra<br />

6. Inna ma’al ‘usri yusrah<br />

7. Faizaa faragta fansob<br />

8. Wa ilaa Robbika fargab (Q94:1­8)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Inje Awa ko ti sipaya igbaiya re fun o bi? {1} Atipe Awa ti gbe eru wiwuwo re<br />

kuro fun o {2} Eyi ti o wo o lorun {3} A si ti gbe oruko re ga fun o {4} Dajudaju<br />

lehin inira naa, iroorun kan mbe {5} Dajudaju, lehin inira naa, irorun kan mbe<br />

{6} Nitorinaa nigbati o b abuse, ki o gbiyanju {7} Nitorinaa se ojukokoro lo si<br />

odo Oluwa re {8} (Q94:1 ­ 8)<br />



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. Have we not opened for you you breast?<br />

2. And We have taken off from you your burden<br />

3. Which weighed down your back<br />

4. And We have exalted your fame<br />

5. Verily then along with every hardship is ease<br />

6. Verily along with every hardship is ease<br />

7. Toil then when you are relieved<br />

8. And attend to you Lord (Q94:1­8)

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ الْقَدْرِ‏ {<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يم<br />

إِن َّا أَنْزَ‏ لْنَاهُ‏ فِي لَيْلَةِ‏ الْقَدْرِ‏ {۱} وَ‏ مَا أَدْرَ‏ اكَ‏ مَا لَيْلَةُ‏ الْقَدْرِ‏ {۲} لَيْلَةُ‏ الْقَدْرِ‏ خَ‏ يْرٌ‏ مِنْ‏ أَلْفِ‏ شَ‏ هْرٍ‏ {۳} تَنَز َّ لُ‏<br />

‏{الْمَلاَ‏ ئِكَةُ‏ وَ‏ الر ُّ وحُ‏ فِيهَا بِإِذْنِ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّهِمْ‏ مِنْ‏ كُل ِّ أَمْرٍ‏ {٤} سَ‏ لاَ‏ مٌ‏ هِيَ‏ حَ‏ ت َّى مَطْ‏ لَعِ‏ الْفَجْ‏ رِ‏ {٥<br />

ِ<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Innaa anzalnaa­hu fii lailatul­Quodir<br />

2. Wa maa adroo­ka maa lailatul­Quodir<br />

3. Lailatul­Quodir khairun min alfi shaharin<br />

4. Tanazzalul­malaaikatu wa ruhu fii­ha bi izni Robbi­hi min kulli<br />

amrin<br />

5. Salaamun hiya hatta mat­lail­fajri. (Q97:1­5)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Dajudaju Awa la so o kale ni Oru Abiyi {1} Kini oun tio le mu o moo un ti Oru<br />

Abiyi na je {2} Oru abiyi na, oni oore ju egberun osu lo {3} Awon Malaika ati<br />

Emi na nsokale ninu re pelu iyonda Oluwa won fun gbogbo oro kookan {4}<br />

Alafia ni titi ile yio fi mo {5} (Q57:1 ­ 5)<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. Verily We have sent it on the night of power<br />

2. And what will make you know what the night of power is?<br />

3. The night of power is better than a thousand months<br />

4. The angels and the spirit descend therein by the command of their Lord<br />

with His decrees for every affair<br />

5. It is all till the rising of the dawn. (Q97:1­5)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ الْفِيلِ‏ {<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يم<br />

أَلَمْ‏ تَرَ‏ كَيْفَ‏ فَعَلَ‏ رَ‏ ب ُّكَ‏ بِأَصْ‏ حَ‏ ابِ‏ الْفِيلِ‏ {۱} أَلَمْ‏ يَجْ‏ عَلْ‏ كَيْدَهُمْ‏ فِي تَضْ‏ لِيلٍ‏ {۲} وَ‏ أَرْ‏ سَ‏ لَ‏ عَ‏ لَيْهِمْ‏ طَ‏ يْرً‏ ا<br />

‏{أَبَابِيلَ‏ {۳} تَرْ‏ مِيهِمْ‏ بِحِ‏ جَ‏ ارَ‏ ةٍ‏ مِنْ‏ سِ‏ ج ِّ يلٍ‏ {٤} فَجَ‏ عَلَهُمْ‏ كَعَصْ‏ فٍ‏ مَأْكُولٍ‏ {٥<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Alam tara kaefa fa’ala Rabbuka bi­ashaabil fiil<br />

2. Alam yaj ‘al kaeda­hum fii tadliil<br />

3. Wa ar sala ‘alaehim toeran abaabiila<br />


4. Tarmii­him bi hijaaratin min sijjiilin<br />

5. Faja ‘alahum ka’asfin, ma’kuulin. (Q105:1­5)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Nje ire ko ri bi Oluwa re ti se pelu awon ijo elerin (Fiili) {1} Nje (Oluwa) ko so<br />

ete won di ohun to kuna? {2} Ati pe O ran awon eye si won ni opolopo<br />

(lowolowo) {3} Ti nwon ju won ni oko ti a sun ninu ina (Sijjiili) {4} O si se won<br />

gege bii erun koriko ti a (eran) jeku {5} (Q105:1 ­ 5)<br />



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the fellows of the elephant?<br />

2. Did He not set their stratagem at naught?<br />

3. And He sent against them birds in flocks<br />

4. They hauled upon them clay stones<br />

5. Then He rendered them as stubble devoured. (Q105:1­5)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ قُرَ‏ يْشِ‏ {<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

لإِِيلاَ‏ فِ‏ قُرَ‏ يْشٍ‏ {۱} إِيلاَ‏ فِهِمْ‏ رِ‏ حْ‏ لَةَ‏ الش ِّ تَاءِ‏ وَ‏ الص َّ يْفِ‏ {۲} فَلْيَعْ‏ بُدُوا رَ‏ ب َّ هَذَا الْبَيْتِ‏ {۳} ال َّ ذِي أَطْ‏ عَمَهُمْ‏<br />

‏{مِنْ‏ جُ‏ وعٍ‏ وَ‏ آَمَنَهُمْ‏ مِنْ‏ خَ‏ وْ‏ فٍ‏ {٤<br />



Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Li­iilaafi quraish<br />

2. Iilaafihim rihlata sh­shitaai wassaef<br />

3. Falya ‘buduu robba hadhal­baeti<br />

4. Alladhi at’amahum min juu ‘in, wa aamana hum min khaofin.<br />

(Q106:1­4)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Nitori ibasaaba (idaabobo) awon iran kuraeshi {1} Ibasaaba won lati maar in ni<br />

akoko otutu ati ooru {2} Nitori naa, ki won maa sin Oluwa ile yii {3} Eniti O nfun<br />

won ni ounje ke lakoko ebi ti O sin fi won laya bale ni akoko ipaya {4} (Q106:1<br />

­ 4)



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. For the protection of the quraysh<br />

2. For certain protection for the journey in the winter and the summer<br />

3. Let them worship the Lord of this house<br />

4. Who has fed them against hunger, and has remdered them secure from<br />

fear of being way laid. (Q106:1­4)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ الْمَاعُ‏ ونَ‏ {<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

أَرَ‏ أَيْتَ‏ ال َّ ذِي يُكَذ ِّبُ‏ بِالد ِّينِ‏ {۱} فَذَلِكَ‏ ال َّ ذِي يَدُع ُّ الْيَتِيمَ‏ {۲} وَ‏ لاَ‏ يَحُ‏ ض ُّ عَ‏ لَى طَ‏ عَامِ‏ الْمِسْ‏ كِينِ‏ {۳} فَوَ‏ يْلٌ‏<br />

‏{لِلْمُصَ‏ ل ِّينَ‏ {٤} ال َّ ذِينَ‏ هُمْ‏ عَ‏ نْ‏ صَ‏ لاَ‏ تِهِمْ‏ سَ‏ اهُونَ‏ {٥} ال َّ ذِينَ‏ هُمْ‏ يُرَ‏ اءُونَ‏ {٦} وَ‏ يَمْ‏ نَعُونَ‏ الْمَاعُ‏ ونَ‏ {۷<br />



Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. ​Ara­aeta Llaadhi yukadhdhibu bid­deen<br />

2. Fadhaalika lladhi yadu ‘uul­yatiima<br />

3. Walaa­yahuddu ‘alaa to’aamil­miskiin<br />

4. Fawaelun lil­musolleen<br />

5. Alladhiina hum anssolaati­him saahuum,<br />

6. Alladhiina hum yuraauuna<br />

7. Wayam­na’uunal­maahuuna. (Q107:1­7)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Nje o ko ri eniti o npe esan niro? {1} Oun ni eniti nkanra mo omo orukan {2} Ati<br />

pe ko gbiyanju lati bo alaini {3} Egbe ki o ma aba awon akirun {4} Awon ni<br />

oluso okan nu kuro nibi irun won {5} Awon naa ni alasehan (karimi) {6} Nwon<br />

a si maa ko nkan ajolo (gegebi – koroba – abere – abo) fun awon eniyan<br />

(maa’uuna) {7} (Q107:1 ­ 7)<br />



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. Have you seen him who denies the Requital?<br />

2. It is he who pushes away the orphan<br />

3. And does not urge the feeding of the poor<br />

4. So woe be to such performers of <strong>prayer</strong>s<br />

5. As are heedless of their <strong>prayer</strong>

6. They who would be seen;<br />

7. And who withhold even the common necessaries from others.<br />

(Q107:1­7)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ الْكَوْ‏ ثَرَ‏ {<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

‏{إِن َّا أَعْ‏ طَ‏ يْنَاكَ‏ الْكَوْ‏ ثَرَ‏ {۱} فَصَ‏ ل ِّ لِرَ‏ ب ِّكَ‏ وَ‏ انْحَ‏ رْ‏ {۲} إِن َّ شَ‏ انِئَكَ‏ هُوَ‏ الأَْبْتَرُ‏ {۳<br />



Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Inaa a ‘toenaakal­kawthara<br />

2. Fasalli li­Robbika wan­har<br />

3. Inna shaaniaka huwal­abtar (Q108:1­3)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Dajudaju, Awa ti fun o ni oore ti o po (kaosari) {1} Nitori naa kirun fun Oluwa<br />

Re, ki o si gun eran (ileya) {2} Dajudaju, eni ti o nbi nu re ni gbogbo oore ti tan<br />

fun {3} (Q108:1 ­ 3)<br />



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. Verily We have bestowed on you Kawthar<br />

2. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice<br />

3. Truly it is your traducer who shall be childless. (Q108:1­3)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ الْكَافِرُ‏ ونَ‏ {<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

قُلْ‏ يَا أَي ُّهَا الْكَافِرُ‏ ونَ‏ {۱} لاَ‏ أَعْ‏ بُدُ‏ مَا تَعْ‏ بُدُونَ‏ {۲} وَ‏ لاَ‏ أَنْتُمْ‏ عَ‏ ابِدُونَ‏ مَا أَعْ‏ بُدُ‏ {۳} وَ‏ لاَ‏ أَنَا عَ‏ ابِدٌ‏ مَا<br />

‏{عَ‏ بَدْ‏ تُمْ‏ {٤} وَ‏ لاَ‏ أَنْتُمْ‏ عَ‏ ابِدُونَ‏ مَا أَعْ‏ بُدُ‏ {٥} لَكُمْ‏ دِينُكُمْ‏ وَ‏ لِيَ‏ دِينِ‏ {٦<br />



Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Qul yaa ayyual kaafiruuna

2. Laa a’abudu maa ta’buduuna<br />

3. Wa laa antum ‘aabiduuna maa ‘abudu<br />

4. Wa laa ana ‘aabidun maa a’abadtun<br />

5. Wa laa antum ‘aabiduuna maa a’abudu<br />

6. Lakun diinukum, wa liya din. (Q109:1­6)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

So pe: Mo pe eyin alaigbagbo {1} Emi ko ni sin ohun ti e nsin {2} Ati pe enyin<br />

naa ko ni sin ohun ti emi naa nsin {3} Atipe emi ko ni je olujosin ohun ti e nsin<br />

{4} Be si ni eyin ko ni je olujosin ohun ti emi nsin {5} Esin (aigbagbo) ti yin ti<br />

wa fun nyin, esin (igba – Olohun – lokan) temi si wa fun mi {6} (Q109:1 ­ 6)<br />



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. Say: Infidels<br />

2. I worship not what you worship<br />

3. Nor are you the worshippers of what I worship<br />

4. And I shall not be a worshipper of what you have worshipped<br />

5. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship<br />

6. Your requital shall be yours, and my requital shall be mine. (Q109:1­6)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ الن َّصْ‏ رِ‏ {<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

االله َِّ‏ أَفْوَ‏ اجً‏ ا {۲} فَسَ‏ ب ِّحْ‏ بِحَ‏ مْ‏ دِ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّكَ‏<br />

إِذَا جَ‏ اءَ‏ نَصْ‏ رُ‏ االله َِّ‏ وَ‏ الْفَتْحُ‏ {۱} وَ‏ رَ‏ أَيْتَ‏ الن َّاسَ‏ يَدْخُ‏ لُونَ‏ فِي دِينِ‏<br />

‏{وَ‏ اسْ‏ تَغْفِرْ‏ هُ‏ إِن َّهُ‏ كَانَ‏ تَو َّ ابًا {۳<br />



Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Idhaa jaa­a nasrul­Laahi wal fathu,<br />

2. Wara aetan­naasa yad­khuluuna fii­diinil­Laahi afwaajan<br />

3. Fasabbih bihamdi Robbika wastaghfir­u innahu kaana tawwaaba.<br />


ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Nigbati aranse Olohun ba de ati isegun {1} Ati pe ire yio ri awon eniyan ti won<br />

yio maa wo inu esin ti Olohun nijo­nijo {2} Nitorinaa, maa se afomo pelu ope<br />

didu fun Oluwa re ki o si maa toro idariji lowo Re. dajudaju, Oun je Olugba<br />

ironu piwada {3} (Q110:1 ­ 3)<br />



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. When there come the succour of Allaah and victory<br />

2. And you find mankind entering the religion of Allaah in crowds<br />

3. Then hallows the praise of your Lord, and ask forgiveness of Allaah.<br />

Verily He is Ever­Forgiving? (Q110:1­3)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ الْمَسَ‏ دِ}‏<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

تَب َّتْ‏ يَدَا أَبِي لَهَبٍ‏ وَ‏ تَب َّ {۱} مَا أَغْ‏ نَى عَ‏ نْهُ‏ مَالُهُ‏ وَ‏ مَا كَسَ‏ بَ‏ {۲} سَ‏ يَصْ‏ لَى نَارً‏ ا ذَاتَ‏ لَهَبٍ‏ {۳} وَ‏ امْرَ‏ أَتُهُ‏<br />

‏{حَ‏ م َّالَةَ‏ الْحَ‏ طَ‏ بِ‏ {٤} فِي جِ‏ يدِهَا حَ‏ بْلٌ‏ مِنْ‏ مَسَ‏ دٍ‏ {٥<br />



Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Tabbat­yadaa­Abii Lahabi watabba<br />

2. Maa­agnaa­aniu maaluhu wa maa kasaba<br />

3. Sayas­laa naaran dhaata­lahabin<br />

4. Wam­ra­a­tuhu hammaa latal­hatobi<br />

5. Fii jiidihaa mim masadi. (Q111:1­5)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Owo Abi­Lahabi (baba ina) mejeeji ti sofo o (on na) si sofo {1} Awon oro (owo)<br />

re ati ise ti o se koni se e ni oore kan {2} Yio wo ina jijo fofo {3} Ati iyawo re<br />

a­ru igi isepe elegun {4} Ti o si ni okun roran lorun {5} (Q111:1 ­ 5)<br />



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. Perish the two hands of abu Lahab and perish he!

2. His riches availed him not, nor what he earned<br />

3. Soon he shall in a Fire flame<br />

4. And his wife also,; a fuel carrier<br />

5. Around her neck shall be a cord of twisted palm­fibers. (Q111:1­5)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ الإِْخْ‏ لاَصِ‏ {<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

‏{قُلْ‏ هُوَ‏ االله َُّ‏ أَحَ‏ دٌ‏ {۱} االله َُّ‏ الص َّ مَدُ‏ {۲} لَمْ‏ يَلِدْ‏ وَ‏ لَمْ‏ يُولَدْ‏ {۳} وَ‏ لَمْ‏ يَكُنْ‏ لَهُ‏ كُفُوً‏ ا أَحَ‏ دٌ‏ {٤<br />



Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Qul huwa Llaahu ahdun<br />

2. Allaahu s­samadu<br />

3. Lam­yalid wa lam yuulad<br />

4. Wa lam yakun lahun kufwan ahadu. (Q112:1­4)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

So pe: Oun ni Olohun Okan soso {1} Olohun ni Oba ti a ma nronu kan {2} Ko<br />

bi omo be ni a ko bi i {3} Be si ni ko si enikeni ti o jo O {4} (Q112:1 ­ 4)<br />



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. Say: He is Allaah, the One<br />

2. Allaah, the independent<br />

3. He begget not, nor was he begotten<br />

4. And never has there been anyone co­equal with Him. (Q112:1­4)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ الْفَلَقِ‏ {<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يم<br />

قُلْ‏ أَعُ‏ وذُ‏ بِرَ‏ ب ِّ الْفَلَقِ‏ {۱} مِنْ‏ شَ‏ ر ِّ مَا خَ‏ لَقَ‏ {۲} وَ‏ مِنْ‏ شَ‏ ر ِّ غَ‏ اسِ‏ قٍ‏ إِذَا وَ‏ قَبَ‏ {۳} وَ‏ مِنْ‏ شَ‏ ر ِّ الن َّف َّاثَاتِ‏ فِي<br />

‏{الْعُقَدِ‏ {٤} وَ‏ مِنْ‏ شَ‏ ر ِّ حَ‏ اسِ‏ دٍ‏ إِذَا حَ‏ سَ‏ دَ‏ {٥<br />



Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />


1. Qul a’uudhu bi­Robbil­falaq<br />

2. Min sharri maa khalaqa<br />

3. Wa min sharri gaasikin idhaa waqab<br />

4. Wa min sharrin­naffaathaati fil’uqod<br />

5. Wa min sharri haasidin idhaa hasada. (Q113:1­5)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

So pe! Mo sadi Oluwa owuro kutukutu (falaki) {1} Kuro nibi buburu ohun ti O<br />

da {2} Ati kuro nibi buburu ti oru nigba ti o ba su biribiri {3} Ati kuro nibi awon<br />

opidan ti nwon ma npofo sinu koko (ti won ta) {4} Ati kuro nibi buburu onilara<br />

nigbati ba n se ilara {5} (Q113:1 ­ 5)<br />



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the day break<br />

2. From the evil of what He has created<br />

3. And from the mischief of the darkning when it comes<br />

4. And from the mischief of the women blowers upon the knots<br />

5. And from the mischief of the envier when he envies. (Q113:1­5)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ الن َّاسِ‏ {<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

قُلْ‏ أَعُ‏ وذُ‏ بِرَ‏ ب ِّ الن َّاسِ‏ {۱} مَلِكِ‏ الن َّاسِ‏ {۲} إِلَهِ‏ الن َّاسِ‏ {۳} مِنْ‏ شَ‏ ر ِّ الْوَ‏ سْ‏ وَ‏ اسِ‏ الْخَ‏ ن َّاسِ‏ {٤} ال َّ ذِي<br />

‏{يُوَ‏ سْ‏ وِ‏ سُ‏ فِي صُ‏ دُورِ‏ الن َّاسِ‏ {٥} مِنَ‏ الْجِ‏ ن َّةِ‏ وَ‏ الن َّاسِ‏ {٦<br />



Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Qul a ‘uudhu bi­Robbi­n­naas<br />

2. Maliki­n­naas<br />

3. Ilaahi­n­naas<br />

4. Min sharri­l­was­waasil­khannaas<br />

5. Alladhi yuwas­wisu fii suduuri­n­naas<br />

6. Minal­jinnati wa­n­naas. (Q114:1­6)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun

Sope: Mo sadi Oluwa Oba awon eniyan (Nasi) {1} Oba awon eniyan {2}<br />

Olohun awon eniyan {3} Kuro ni ibi aburu royiroyi ti o nsa pamo (sinu okan) {4}<br />

Eniti o n so royiroyi ti o sa pamo sinu okan awon eniyan {5} Laarin awon<br />

alijonu ati awon eniyan {6} (Q114:1 ­ 5)<br />



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind<br />

2. The King of Mankind<br />

3. The God of Mankind<br />

4. From the mischief of the sneaking whisperer<br />

5. Who whispers into the breast of mankind<br />

6. Whether of jinn or of mankind. (Q114:1­6)<br />

مُحَ‏ م َّدٌ‏ رَ‏ سُ‏ ولُ‏ االله َِّ‏ وَ‏ ال َّ ذِينَ‏ مَعَهُ‏ أَشِ‏ د َّاءُ‏ عَ‏ لَى الْكُف َّارِ‏ رُ‏ حَ‏ مَاءُ‏ بَيْنَهُمْ‏ تَرَ‏ اهُمْ‏ رُ‏ ك َّعًا سُ‏ ج َّ دًا يَبْتَغُونَ‏ فَضْ‏ لاً‏ مِنَ‏<br />

االله َِّ‏ وَ‏ رِ‏ ضْ‏ وَ‏ انًا سِ‏ يمَاهُمْ‏ فِي وُ‏ جُ‏ وهِهِمْ‏ مِنْ‏ أَثَرِ‏ الس ُّ جُ‏ ودِ‏ ذَلِكَ‏ مَثَلُهُمْ‏ فِي الت َّوْ‏ رَ‏ اةِ‏ وَ‏ مَثَلُهُمْ‏ فِي الإِْنْجِ‏ يلِ‏<br />

كَزَ‏ رْ‏ عٍ‏ أَخْ‏ رَ‏ جَ‏ شَ‏ طْ‏ أَهُ‏ فَآَزَ‏ رَ‏ هُ‏ فَاسْ‏ تَغْ‏ لَظَ‏ فَاسْ‏ تَوَ‏ ى عَ‏ لَى سُ‏ وقِهِ‏ يُعْجِ‏ بُ‏ الز ُّ ر َّ اعَ‏ لِيَغِيظَ‏ بِهِمُ‏ الْكُف َّارَ‏ وَ‏ عَ‏ دَ‏ االله َُّ‏<br />

‏.ال َّ ذِينَ‏ آَمَنُوا وَ‏ عَ‏ مِلُوا الص َّ الِحَ‏ اتِ‏ مِنْهُمْ‏ مَغْفِرَ‏ ةً‏ وَ‏ أَجْ‏ رً‏ ا عَ‏ ظِ‏ يمًا<br />


Muhammadun rosuulu Llaahi walladhiina ma’a­u ashiddaau ‘alal­kuffaar,<br />

ruuhamaahu baenahum, taraahum rukka’an sujjadan, yabtaguuna fadlan<br />

mina­Llaahi waridwaanan, siimaahum fii wujuuhihim min atharis­sujuudi,<br />

dhaalika mathaluhum fii ttaoraati wa mathaluhum fil­injiili, kazarhin<br />

akharaja shat­auu, fa aazarau fastagilazo fastawa ‘alaa suuqii<br />

yu’ujibuz­zurraa’a liyagiiza bihimul­kuffaara, wa’ada Llaahu ladhiina<br />

aamanuu, wa ‘amiluus­soolihaati, minhun m agfiratan wa ajran ‘aziiman.<br />

(Q48:29)<br />

ITUMO<br />

Muhammad je ojisee Allaah, awon ti won wa pelu re le koko mo awon<br />

alaigbagbo, sugbon won nse aanu laarin ara­a won. Iwo yoo ri nwon ti won<br />

yoo maa forikanle, ti won yoo maa wa oore lodoo Allaah ati iyonuu Re. Amii<br />

won wa ni iwaju orii won tii se ekipa ifi ori. (won) Iyen ni apejuwee won ninu<br />

injiila. Won dabi irugbin ti o mu re jade, ti o si fun ni agbara ti o si nipon, ti o<br />

duro sinsin lori opoo re, ti o wa njo eni ti o gbin in loju ki o le maa bi awon<br />

alaigbagbo ninu. Allaah se adehun aforiji ati esan fun awon ti won gbagbo ti<br />

won si se ise rere. (Q48:29)


Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of Allaah. And those who are with him<br />

are stern against the infidels and merciful among themselves. You see them<br />

bowing down and falling prostrate, and seeking grace from Allaah and His<br />

goodwill. This mark is on their faces, a trace in the gospel; like a seed that<br />

puts forth its shoot and strengthens it, and grows and rises straight upon its<br />

stalk delighting the sowers. Such are the early Muslims described that He may<br />

enrage the infidels with them. To those among them who believe and work<br />

righteous deeds, Allaah has promised forgiveness and a splendid reward.<br />

(Q48:29)<br />

‏{سُ‏ ورَةُ‏ يسِ‏ {<br />

بِسْ‏ مِ‏ االلهِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنِ‏ الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏<br />

يس {۱} وَ‏ الْقُرْ‏ آَنِ‏ الْحَ‏ كِيمِ‏ {۲} إِن َّكَ‏ لَمِنَ‏ الْمُرْ‏ سَ‏ لِينَ‏ {۳} عَ‏ لَى صِ‏ رَ‏ اطٍ‏ مُسْ‏ تَقِيمٍ‏ {٤} تَنْزِ‏ يلَ‏ الْعَزِ‏ يزِ‏<br />

الر َّ حِ‏ يمِ‏ {٥} لِتُنْذِرَ‏ قَوْ‏ مًا مَا أُنْذِرَ‏ آَبَاؤُ‏ هُمْ‏ فَهُمْ‏ غَ‏ افِلُونَ‏ {٦} لَقَدْ‏ حَ‏ ق َّ الْقَوْ‏ لُ‏ عَ‏ لَى أَكْ‏ ثَرِ‏ هِمْ‏ فَهُمْ‏ لاَ‏ يُؤْ‏ مِنُونَ‏<br />

{۷} إِن َّا جَ‏ عَلْنَا فِي أَعْ‏ نَاقِهِمْ‏ أَغْ‏ لاَ‏ لاً‏ فَهِيَ‏ إِلَى الأَْذْقَانِ‏ فَهُمْ‏ مُقْمَحُ‏ ونَ‏ ‏{‏‎۸‎‏}وَ‏ جَ‏ عَلْنَا مِنْ‏ بَيْنِ‏ أَيْدِيهِمْ‏ سَ‏ دا<br />

وَ‏ مِنْ‏ خَ‏ لْفِهِمْ‏ سَ‏ دا فَأَغْ‏ شَ‏ يْنَاهُمْ‏ فَهُمْ‏ لاَ‏ يُبْصِ‏ رُ‏ ونَ‏ {۹} وَ‏ سَ‏ وَ‏ اءٌ‏ عَ‏ لَيْهِمْ‏ أَأَنْذَرْ‏ تَهُمْ‏ أَمْ‏ لَمْ‏ تُنْذِرْ‏ هُمْ‏ لاَ‏ يُؤْ‏ مِنُونَ‏ }<br />

۱۰} إِن َّمَا تُنْذِرُ‏ مَنِ‏ ات َّبَعَ‏ الذ ِّكْرَ‏ وَ‏ خَ‏ شِ‏ يَ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنَ‏ بِالْغَيْبِ‏ فَبَش ِّ رْ‏ هُ‏ بِمَغْفِرَ‏ ةٍ‏ وَ‏ أَجْ‏ رٍ‏ كَرِ‏ يمٍ‏ {۱۱} إِن َّا نَحْ‏ نُ‏<br />

نُحْ‏ يِي الْمَوْ‏ تَى وَ‏ نَكْ‏ تُبُ‏ مَا قَد َّمُوا وَ‏ آَثَارَ‏ هُمْ‏ وَ‏ كُل َّ شَ‏ يْ‏ ءٍ‏ أحْ‏ صَ‏ يْنَاهُ‏ فِي إِمَامٍ‏ مُبِينٍ‏ {۱۲} وَ‏ اضْ‏ رِ‏ بْ‏ لَهُمْ‏ مَثَلاً‏<br />

أَصْ‏ حَ‏ ابَ‏ الْقَرْ‏ يَةِ‏ إِذْ‏ جَ‏ اءَهَا الْمُرْ‏ سَ‏ لُونَ‏ {۱۳} إِذْ‏ أَرْ‏ سَ‏ لْنَا إِلَيْهِمُ‏ اثْنَيْنِ‏ فَكَذ َّ بُوهُمَا فَعَز َّ زْ‏ نَا بِثَالِثٍ‏ فَقَالُوا إِن َّا<br />

إِلَيْكُمْ‏ مُرْ‏ سَ‏ لُونَ‏ {۱٤} قَالُوا مَا أَنْتُمْ‏ إِلا َّ بَشَ‏ رٌ‏ مِثْلُنَا وَ‏ مَا أَنْزَ‏ لَ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنُ‏ مِنْ‏ شَ‏ يْ‏ ءٍ‏ إِنْ‏ أَنْتُمْ‏ إِلا َّ تَكْ‏ ذِبُونَ‏ }<br />

۱٥} قَالُوا رَ‏ ب ُّنَا يَعْ‏ لَمُ‏ إِن َّا إِلَيْكُمْ‏ لَمُرْ‏ سَ‏ لُونَ‏ {۱٦} وَ‏ مَا عَ‏ لَيْنَا إِلا َّ الْبَلاَ‏ غُ‏ الْمُبِينُ‏ {۱۷} قَالُوا إِن َّا تَطَ‏ ي َّرْ‏ نَا<br />

بِكُمْ‏ لَئِنْ‏ لَمْ‏ تَنْتَهُوا لَنَرْ‏ جُ‏ مَن َّكُمْ‏ وَ‏ لَيَمَس َّ ن َّكُمْ‏ مِن َّا عَ‏ ذَابٌ‏ أَلِيمٌ‏ {۱۸} قَالُوا طَ‏ ائِرُ‏ كُمْ‏ مَعَكُمْ‏ أَئِنْ‏ ذُك ِّرْ‏ تُمْ‏ بَلْ‏ أَنْتُمْ‏<br />

قَوْ‏ مٌ‏ مُسْ‏ رِ‏ فُونَ‏ {۱۹} وَ‏ جَ‏ اءَ‏ مِنْ‏ أَقْصَ‏ ى الْمَدِينَةِ‏ رَ‏ جُ‏ لٌ‏ يَسْ‏ عَى قَالَ‏ يَا قَوْ‏ مِ‏ ات َّبِعُوا الْمُرْ‏ سَ‏ لِينَ‏ {۲۰} ات َّبِعُوا<br />

مَنْ‏ لاَ‏ يَسْ‏ أَلُكُمْ‏ أَجْ‏ رً‏ ا وَ‏ هُمْ‏ مُهْ‏ تَدُونَ‏ {۲۱} وَ‏ مَا لِيَ‏ لاَ‏ أَعْ‏ بُدُ‏ ال َّ ذِي فَطَ‏ رَ‏ نِي وَ‏ إِلَيْهِ‏ تُرْ‏ جَ‏ عُونَ‏ {۲۲} أَأَت َّخِ‏ ذُ‏<br />

مِنْ‏ دُونِهِ‏ آَلِهَةً‏ إِنْ‏ يُرِ‏ دْنِ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنُ‏ بِضُ‏ ر ٍّ لاَ‏ تُغْنِ‏ عَ‏ ن ِّي شَ‏ فَاعَ‏ تُهُمْ‏ شَ‏ يْئًا وَ‏ لاَ‏ يُنْقِذُونِ‏ {۲۳} إِن ِّي إِذًا لَفِي<br />

ضَ‏ لاَ‏ لٍ‏ مُبِينٍ‏ {۲٤} إِن ِّي آَمَنْتُ‏ بِرَ‏ ب ِّكُمْ‏ فَاسْ‏ مَعُونِ‏ {۲٥} قِيلَ‏ ادْخُ‏ لِ‏ الْجَ‏ ن َّةَ‏ قَالَ‏ يَا لَيْتَ‏ قَوْ‏ مِي يَعْ‏ لَمُونَ‏ }<br />

۲٦} بِمَا غَ‏ فَرَ‏ لِي رَ‏ ب ِّي وَ‏ جَ‏ عَلَنِي مِنَ‏ الْمُكْرَ‏ مِينَ‏ {۲۷} وَ‏ مَا أَنْزَ‏ لْنَا عَ‏ لَى قَوْ‏ مِهِ‏ مِنْ‏ بَعْ‏ دِهِ‏ مِنْ‏ جُ‏ نْدٍ‏ مِنَ‏<br />

الس َّ مَاءِ‏ وَ‏ مَا كُن َّا مُنْزِ‏ لِينَ‏ {۲۸} إِنْ‏ كَانَتْ‏ إِلا َّ صَ‏ يْحَ‏ ةً‏ وَ‏ احِ‏ دَةً‏ فَإِذَا هُمْ‏ خَ‏ امِدُونَ‏ {۲۹} يَا حَ‏ سْ‏ رَ‏ ةً‏ عَ‏ لَى<br />

الْعِبَادِ‏ مَا يَأْتِيهِمْ‏ مِنْ‏ رَ‏ سُ‏ ولٍ‏ إِلا َّ كَانُوا بِهِ‏ يَسْ‏ تَهْزِ‏ ءُونَ‏ {۳۰} أَلَمْ‏ يَرَ‏ وْ‏ ا كَمْ‏ أَهْ‏ لَكْ‏ نَا قَبْلَهُمْ‏ مِنَ‏ الْقُرُ‏ ونِ‏ أَن َّهُمْ‏<br />

إِلَيْهِمْ‏ لاَ‏ يَرْ‏ جِ‏ عُونَ‏ {۳۱} وَ‏ إِنْ‏ كُل ٌّ لَم َّا جَ‏ مِيعٌ‏ لَدَيْنَا مُحْ‏ ضَ‏ رُ‏ ونَ‏ {۳۲} وَ‏ آَيَةٌ‏ لَهُمُ‏ الأَْرْ‏ ضُ‏ الْمَيْتَةُ‏ أَحْ‏ يَيْنَاهَا<br />

وَ‏ أَخْ‏ رَ‏ جْ‏ نَا مِنْهَا حَ‏ با فَمِنْهُ‏ يَأْكُلُونَ‏ {۳۳} وَ‏ جَ‏ عَلْنَا فِيهَا جَ‏ ن َّاتٍ‏ مِنْ‏ نَخِ‏ يلٍ‏ وَ‏ أَعْ‏ نَابٍ‏ وَ‏ فَج َّ رْ‏ نَا فِيهَا مِنَ‏ الْعُيُونِ‏<br />

{۳٤} لِيَأْكُلُوا مِنْ‏ ثَمَرِ‏ هِ‏ وَ‏ مَا عَ‏ مِلَتْهُ‏ أَيْدِيهِمْ‏ أَفَلاَ‏ يَشْ‏ كُرُ‏ ونَ‏ {۳٥} سُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏ ال َّ ذِي خَ‏ لَقَ‏ الأَْزْ‏ وَ‏ اجَ‏ كُل َّ هَا مِم َّا<br />

تُنْبِتُ‏ الأَْرْ‏ ضُ‏ وَ‏ مِنْ‏ أَنْفُسِ‏ هِمْ‏ وَ‏ مِم َّا لاَ‏ يَعْ‏ لَمُونَ‏ {۳٦} وَ‏ آَيَةٌ‏ لَهُمُ‏ الل َّ يْلُ‏ نَسْ‏ لَخُ‏ مِنْهُ‏ الن َّهَارَ‏ فَإِذَا هُمْ‏ مُظْ‏ لِمُونَ‏<br />

{۳۷} وَ‏ الش َّ مْ‏ سُ‏ تَجْ‏ رِ‏ ي لِمُسْ‏ تَقَر ٍّ لَهَا ذَلِكَ‏ تَقْدِيرُ‏ الْعَزِ‏ يزِ‏ الْعَلِيمِ‏ {۳۸} وَ‏ الْقَمَرَ‏ قَد َّرْ‏ نَاهُ‏ مَنَازِ‏ لَ‏ حَ‏ ت َّى عَ‏ ادَ‏<br />

كَالْعُرْ‏ جُ‏ ونِ‏ الْقَدِيمِ‏ {۳۹} لاَ‏ الش َّ مْ‏ سُ‏ يَنْبَغِي لَهَا أَنْ‏ تُدْرِ‏ كَ‏ الْقَمَرَ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ الل َّ يْلُ‏ سَ‏ ابِقُ‏ الن َّهَارِ‏ وَ‏ كُل ٌّ فِي فَلَكٍ‏<br />

يَسْ‏ بَحُ‏ ونَ‏ {٤۰} وَ‏ آَيَةٌ‏ لَهُمْ‏ أَن َّا حَ‏ مَلْنَا ذُر ِّ ي َّتَهُمْ‏ فِي الْفُلْكِ‏ الْمَشْ‏ حُ‏ ونِ‏ {٤۱} وَ‏ خَ‏ لَقْنَا لَهُمْ‏ مِنْ‏ مِثْلِهِ‏ مَا يَرْ‏ كَبُونَ‏

{٤۲} وَ‏ إِنْ‏ نَشَ‏ أْ‏ نُغْرِ‏ قْهُمْ‏ فَلاَ‏ صَ‏ رِ‏ يخَ‏ لَهُمْ‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ هُمْ‏ يُنْقَذُونَ‏ {٤۳} إِلا َّ رَ‏ حْ‏ مَةً‏ مِن َّا وَ‏ مَتَاعً‏ ا إِلَى حِ‏ ينٍ‏ {٤٤}<br />

وَ‏ إِذَا قِيلَ‏ لَهُمُ‏ ات َّقُوا مَا بَيْنَ‏ أَيْدِيكُمْ‏ وَ‏ مَا خَ‏ لْفَكُمْ‏ لَعَل َّ كُمْ‏ تُرْ‏ حَ‏ مُونَ‏ {٤٥} وَ‏ مَا تَأْتِيهِمْ‏ مِنْ‏ آَيَةٍ‏ مِنْ‏ آَيَاتِ‏ رَ‏ ب ِّهِمْ‏<br />

إِلا َّ كَانُوا عَ‏ نْهَا مُعْرِ‏ ضِ‏ ينَ‏ {٤٦} وَ‏ إِذَا قِيلَ‏ لَهُمْ‏ أَنْفِقُوا مِم َّا رَ‏ زَ‏ قَكُمُ‏ االله َُّ‏ قَالَ‏ ال َّ ذِينَ‏ كَفَرُ‏ وا لِل َّ ذِينَ‏ آَمَنُوا<br />

أَنُطْ‏ عِمُ‏ مَنْ‏ لَوْ‏ يَشَ‏ اءُ‏ االله َُّ‏ أَطْ‏ عَمَهُ‏ إِنْ‏ أَنْتُمْ‏ إِلا َّ فِي ضَ‏ لاَ‏ لٍ‏ مُبِينٍ‏ {٤۷} وَ‏ يَقُولُونَ‏ مَتَى هَذَا الْوَ‏ عْ‏ دُ‏ إِنْ‏ كُنْتُمْ‏<br />

صَ‏ ادِقِينَ‏ {٤۸} مَا يَنْظُ‏ رُ‏ ونَ‏ إِلا َّ صَ‏ يْحَ‏ ةً‏ وَ‏ احِ‏ دَةً‏ تَأْخُ‏ ذُهُمْ‏ وَ‏ هُمْ‏ يَخِ‏ ص ِّ مُونَ‏ {٤۹} فَلاَ‏ يَسْ‏ تَطِ‏ يعُونَ‏ تَوْ‏ صِ‏ يَةً‏<br />

وَ‏ لاَ‏ إِلَى أَهْ‏ لِهِمْ‏ يَرْ‏ جِ‏ عُونَ‏ {٥۰} وَ‏ نُفِخَ‏ فِي الص ُّ ورِ‏ فَإِذَا هُمْ‏ مِنَ‏ الأَْجْ‏ دَاثِ‏ إِلَى رَ‏ ب ِّهِمْ‏ يَنْسِ‏ لُونَ‏ {٥۱} قَالُوا<br />

يَا وَ‏ يْلَنَا مَنْ‏ بَعَثَنَا مِنْ‏ مَرْ‏ قَدِنَا هَذَا مَا وَ‏ عَ‏ دَ‏ الر َّ حْ‏ مَنُ‏ وَ‏ صَ‏ دَقَ‏ الْمُرْ‏ سَ‏ لُونَ‏ {٥۲} إِنْ‏ كَانَتْ‏ إِلا َّ صَ‏ يْحَ‏ ةً‏<br />

وَ‏ احِ‏ دَةً‏ فَإِذَا هُمْ‏ جَ‏ مِيعٌ‏ لَدَيْنَا مُحْ‏ ضَ‏ رُ‏ ونَ‏ {٥۳} فَالْيَوْ‏ مَ‏ لاَ‏ تُظْ‏ لَمُ‏ نَفْسٌ‏ شَ‏ يْئًا وَ‏ لاَ‏ تُجْ‏ زَ‏ وْ‏ نَ‏ إِلا َّ مَا كُنْتُمْ‏<br />

تَعْ‏ مَلُونَ‏ {٥٤} إِن َّ أَصْ‏ حَ‏ ابَ‏ الْجَ‏ ن َّةِ‏ الْيَوْ‏ مَ‏ فِي شُ‏ غُلٍ‏ فَاكِهُونَ‏ {٥٥} هُمْ‏ وَ‏ أَزْ‏ وَ‏ اجُ‏ هُمْ‏ فِي ظِ‏ لاَ‏ لٍ‏ عَ‏ لَى<br />

الأَْرَ‏ ائِكِ‏ مُت َّكِئُونَ‏ {٥٦} لَهُمْ‏ فِيهَا فَاكِهَةٌ‏ وَ‏ لَهُمْ‏ مَا يَد َّعُ‏ ونَ‏ {٥۷} سَ‏ لاَ‏ مٌ‏ قَوْ‏ لاً‏ مِنْ‏ رَ‏ ب ٍّ رَ‏ حِ‏ يمٍ‏ {٥۸}<br />

وَ‏ امْ‏ تَازُ‏ وا الْيَوْ‏ مَ‏ أَي ُّهَا الْمُجْ‏ رِ‏ مُونَ‏ {٥۹} أَلَمْ‏ أَعْ‏ هَدْ‏ إِلَيْكُمْ‏ يَا بَنِي آَدَمَ‏ أَنْ‏ لاَ‏ تَعْ‏ بُدُوا الش َّ يْطَ‏ انَ‏ إِن َّهُ‏ لَكُمْ‏ عَ‏ دُ‏ ٌّو<br />

مُبِينٌ‏ {٦۰} وَ‏ أَنِ‏ اعْ‏ بُدُونِي هَذَا صِ‏ رَ‏ اطٌ‏ مُسْ‏ تَقِيمٌ‏ {٦۱} وَ‏ لَقَدْ‏ أَضَ‏ ل َّ مِنْكُمْ‏ جِ‏ بِلا كَثِيرً‏ ا أَفَلَمْ‏ تَكُونُوا تَعْقِلُونَ‏<br />

{٦۲} هَذِهِ‏ جَ‏ هَن َّمُ‏ ال َّ تِي كُنْتُمْ‏ تُوعَ‏ دُونَ‏ {٦۳} اصْ‏ لَوْ‏ هَا الْيَوْ‏ مَ‏ بِمَا كُنْتُمْ‏ تَكْفُرُ‏ ونَ‏ {٦٤} الْيَوْ‏ مَ‏ نَخْ‏ تِمُ‏ عَ‏ لَى<br />

أَفْوَ‏ اهِهِمْ‏ وَ‏ تُكَل ِّمُنَا أَيْدِيهِمْ‏ وَ‏ تَشْ‏ هَدُ‏ أَرْ‏ جُ‏ لُهُمْ‏ بِمَا كَانُوا يَكْسِ‏ بُونَ‏ {٦٥} وَ‏ لَوْ‏ نَشَ‏ اءُ‏ لَطَ‏ مَسْ‏ نَا عَ‏ لَى أَعْ‏ يُنِهِمْ‏<br />

فَاسْ‏ تَبَقُوا الص ِّ رَ‏ اطَ‏ فَأَن َّى يُبْصِ‏ رُ‏ ونَ‏ {٦٦} وَ‏ لَوْ‏ نَشَ‏ اءُ‏ لَمَسَ‏ خْ‏ نَاهُمْ‏ عَ‏ لَى مَكَانَتِهِمْ‏ فَمَا اسْ‏ تَطَ‏ اعُ‏ وا مُضِ‏ يا وَ‏ لاَ‏<br />

يَرْ‏ جِ‏ عُونَ‏ {٦۷} وَ‏ مَنْ‏ نُعَم ِّرْ‏ هُ‏ نُنَك ِّسْ‏ هُ‏ فِي الْخَ‏ لْقِ‏ أَفَلاَ‏ يَعْقِلُونَ‏ {٦۸} وَ‏ مَا عَ‏ ل َّ مْ‏ نَاهُ‏ الش ِّ عْرَ‏ وَ‏ مَا يَنْبَغِي لَهُ‏ إِنْ‏<br />

هُوَ‏ إِلا َّ ذِكْرٌ‏ وَ‏ قُرْ‏ آَنٌ‏ مُبِينٌ‏ {٦۹} لِيُنْذِرَ‏ مَنْ‏ كَانَ‏ حَ‏ يا وَ‏ يَحِ‏ ق َّ الْقَوْ‏ لُ‏ عَ‏ لَى الْكَافِرِ‏ ينَ‏ {۷۰} أَوَ‏ لَمْ‏ يَرَ‏ وْ‏ ا أَن َّا<br />

خَ‏ لَقْنَا لَهُمْ‏ مِم َّا عَ‏ مِلَتْ‏ أَيْدِينَا أَنْعَامًا فَهُمْ‏ لَهَا مَالِكُونَ‏ {۷۱} وَ‏ ذَل َّ لْنَاهَا لَهُمْ‏ فَمِنْهَا رَ‏ كُوبُهُمْ‏ وَ‏ مِنْهَا يَأْكُلُونَ‏ }<br />

االله َِّ‏ آَلِهَةً‏ لَعَل َّ هُمْ‏ يُنْصَ‏ رُ‏ ونَ‏ }<br />

۷۲} وَ‏ لَهُمْ‏ فِيهَا مَنَافِعُ‏ وَ‏ مَشَ‏ ارِ‏ بُ‏ أَفَلاَ‏ يَشْ‏ كُرُ‏ ونَ‏ {۷۳} وَ‏ ات َّخَ‏ ذُوا مِنْ‏ دُونِ‏<br />

۷٤} لاَ‏ يَسْ‏ تَطِ‏ يعُونَ‏ نَصْ‏ رَ‏ هُمْ‏ وَ‏ هُمْ‏ لَهُمْ‏ جُ‏ نْدٌ‏ مُحْ‏ ضَ‏ رُ‏ ونَ‏ {۷٥} فَلاَ‏ يَحْ‏ زُ‏ نْكَ‏ قَوْ‏ لُهُمْ‏ إِن َّا نَعْ‏ لَمُ‏ مَا يُسِ‏ ر ُّ ونَ‏<br />

وَ‏ مَا يُعْ‏ لِنُونَ‏ {۷٦} أَوَ‏ لَمْ‏ يَرَ‏ الإِْنْسَ‏ انُ‏ أَن َّا خَ‏ لَقْنَاهُ‏ مِنْ‏ نُطْ‏ فَةٍ‏ فَإِذَا هُوَ‏ خَ‏ صِ‏ يمٌ‏ مُبِينٌ‏ {۷۷} وَ‏ ضَ‏ رَ‏ بَ‏ لَنَا مَثَلاً‏<br />

وَ‏ نَسِ‏ يَ‏ خَ‏ لْقَهُ‏ قَالَ‏ مَنْ‏ يُحْ‏ يِي الْعِظَ‏ امَ‏ وَ‏ هِيَ‏ رَ‏ مِيمٌ‏ {۷۸} قُلْ‏ يُحْ‏ يِيهَا ال َّ ذِي أَنْشَ‏ أَهَا أَو َّ لَ‏ مَر َّ ةٍ‏ وَ‏ هُوَ‏ بِكُل ِّ خَ‏ لْقٍ‏<br />

عَ‏ لِيمٌ‏ {۷۹} ال َّ ذِي جَ‏ عَلَ‏ لَكُمْ‏ مِنَ‏ الش َّ جَ‏ رِ‏ الأَْخْ‏ ضَ‏ رِ‏ نَارً‏ ا فَإِذَا أَنْتُمْ‏ مِنْهُ‏ تُوقِدُونَ‏ {۸۰} أَوَ‏ لَيْسَ‏ ال َّ ذِي خَ‏ لَقَ‏<br />

الس َّ مَوَ‏ اتِ‏ وَ‏ الأَْرْ‏ ضَ‏ بِقَادِرٍ‏ عَ‏ لَى أَنْ‏ يَخْ‏ لُقَ‏ مِثْلَهُمْ‏ بَلَى وَ‏ هُوَ‏ الْخَ‏ لا َّ قُ‏ الْعَلِيمُ‏ {۸۱} إِن َّمَا أَمْرُ‏ هُ‏ إِذَا أَرَ‏ ادَ‏<br />

‏{شَ‏ يْئًا أَنْ‏ يَقُولَ‏ لَهُ‏ كُنْ‏ فَيَكُونُ‏ {۸۲} فَسُ‏ بْحَ‏ انَ‏ ال َّ ذِي بِيَدِهِ‏ مَلَكُوتُ‏ كُل ِّ شَ‏ يْ‏ ءٍ‏ وَ‏ إِلَيْهِ‏ تُرْ‏ جَ‏ عُونَ‏ {۸۳<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

1. Ya­seen<br />

2. Waalqur­ani alhakeemi<br />

3. Innaka lamina almursaleena<br />

4. AAala siratin mustaqeemin<br />

5. Tanzeela alAAazeezi alrraheemi<br />

6. Litunthira qawman ma onthira abaohum fahum ghafiloona<br />

7. Laqad haqqa alqawlu AAala aktharihim fahum la yu/minoona<br />

8. Inna jaAAalna fee aAAnaqihim aghlalan fahiya ila al­athqani fahum<br />


9. WajaAAalna min bayni aydeehim saddan wamin khalfihim saddan<br />

faaghshaynahum fahum la yubsiroona<br />

10. Wasawaon AAalayhim aanthartahum am lam tunthirhum<br />

la yu/minoona<br />

11. Innama tunthiru mani ittabaAAa alththikra wakhashiya<br />

alrrahmana bialghaybi fabashshirhu bimaghfiratin waajrin<br />

kareemin<br />

12. Inna nahnu nuhyee almawta wanaktubu ma qaddamoo<br />

waatharahum wakulla shay­in ahsaynahu fee imamin mubeenin<br />

13. Waidrib lahum mathalan as­haba alqaryati<br />

ith jaaha almursaloona<br />

14. Ith arsalna ilayhimu ithnayni<br />

fakaththaboohuma faAAazzazna bithalithin faqaloo inna ilaykum<br />

mursaloona<br />

15. Qaloo ma antum illa basharun mithluna wama anzala<br />

alrrahmanu min shay­in in antum illa takthiboona<br />

16. Qaloo rabbuna yaAAlamu inna ilaykum lamursaloona<br />

17. Wama AAalayna illa albalaghu almubeenu<br />

18. Qaloo inna tatayyarna bikum la­in lam tantahoo<br />

lanarjumannakum walayamassannakum minna AAathabun<br />

aleemun<br />

19. Qaloo ta­irukum maAAakum a­in thukkirtum bal antum qawmun<br />

musrifoona<br />

20. Wajaa min aqsa almadeenati rajulun yasAAa qala ya qawmi<br />

ittabiAAoo almursaleena<br />

21. IttabiAAoo man la yas­alukum ajran wahum muhtadoona<br />

22. Wama liya la aAAbudu allathee fataranee wa­ilayhi turjaAAoona<br />

23. Aattakhithu min doonihi alihatan in yuridni alrrahmanu bidurrin<br />

la tughni AAannee shafaAAatuhum shay­an wala yunqithooni<br />

24. Innee ithan lafee dalalin mubeenin<br />

25. Innee amantu birabbikum faismaAAooni<br />

26. Qeela odkhuli aljannata qala ya layta qawmee yaAAlamoona<br />

27. Bima ghafara lee rabbee wajaAAalanee mina almukrameena<br />

28. Wama anzalna AAala qawmihi min baAAdihi min jundin mina<br />

alssama­i wama kunna munzileena<br />

29. In kanat illa sayhatan wahidatan fa­itha hum khamidoona<br />

30. Ya hasratan AAala alAAibadi ma ya/teehim min rasoolin<br />

illa kanoo bihi yastahzi­oona<br />

31. Alam yaraw kam ahlakna qablahum mina alqurooni annahum<br />

ilayhim la yarjiAAoona<br />

32. Wa­in kullun lamma jameeAAun ladayna muhdaroona<br />

33. Waayatun lahumu al­ardu almaytatu<br />

ahyaynaha waakhrajna minha habban faminhu ya/kuloona

34. WajaAAalna feeha jannatin min nakheelin waaAAnabin<br />

wafajjarna feeha mina alAAuyooni<br />

35. Liya/kuloo min thamarihi wama AAamilat­hu aydeehim<br />

afala yashkuroona<br />

36. Subhana allathee khalaqa al­azwaja kullaha mimma tunbitu<br />

al­ardu wamin anfusihim wamimma la yaAAlamoona<br />

37. Waayatun lahumu allaylu naslakhu minhu alnnahara fa­itha hum<br />

muthlimoona<br />

38. Waalshshamsu tajree limustaqarrin laha thalika taqdeeru<br />

alAAazeezi alAAaleemi<br />

39. Waalqamara qaddarnahu manazila hatta AAada kaalAAurjooni<br />

alqadeemi<br />

40. La alshshamsu yanbaghee laha an tudrika alqamara wala allaylu<br />

sabiqu alnnahari wakullun fee falakin yasbahoona<br />

41. Waayatun lahum anna hamalna thurriyyatahum fee alfulki<br />

almashhooni<br />

42. Wakhalaqna lahum min mithlihi ma yarkaboona<br />

43. Wa­in nasha/ nughriqhum fala sareekha lahum wala hum<br />

yunqathoona<br />

44. Illa rahmatan minna wamataAAan ila heenin<br />

45. Wa­itha qeela lahumu ittaqoo ma bayna aydeekum<br />

wama khalfakum laAAallakum turhamoona<br />

46. Wama ta/teehim min ayatin min ayati rabbihim illa kanoo<br />

AAanha muAArideena<br />

47. Wa­itha qeela lahum anfiqoo mimma razaqakumu Allahu qala<br />

allatheena kafaroo lillatheena amanoo anutAAimu man law yashao<br />

Allahu atAAamahu in antum illa fee dalalin mubeenin<br />

48. Wayaqooloona mata hatha alwaAAdu in kuntum sadiqeena<br />

49. Ma yanthuroona illa sayhatan wahidatan ta/khuthuhum wahum<br />

yakhissimoona<br />

50. Fala yastateeAAoona tawsiyatan wala ila ahlihim yarjiAAoona<br />

51. Wanufikha fee alssoori fa­itha hum mina al­ajdathi ila rabbihim<br />

yansiloona<br />

52. Qaloo ya waylana man baAAathana min<br />

marqadina hatha ma waAAada alrrahmanu wasadaqa<br />

almursaloona<br />

53. In kanat illa sayhatan wahidatan fa­itha hum jameeAAun<br />

ladayna muhdaroona<br />

54. Faalyawma la tuthlamu nafsun shay­an wala tujzawna<br />

illa ma kuntum taAAmaloona<br />

55. Inna as­haba aljannati alyawma fee shughulin fakihoona<br />

56. Hum waazwajuhum fee thilalin AAala al­ara­iki muttaki­oona<br />

57. Lahum feeha fakihatun walahum ma yaddaAAoona<br />

58. Salamun qawlan min rabbin raheemin

59. Waimtazoo alyawma ayyuha almujrimoona<br />

60. Alam aAAhad ilaykum ya banee adama an la taAAbudoo<br />

alshshaytana innahu lakum AAaduwwun mubeenun<br />

61. Waani oAAbudoonee hatha siratun mustaqeemun<br />

62. Walaqad adalla minkum jibillan katheeran afalam takoonoo<br />

taAAqiloona<br />

63. Hathihi jahannamu allatee kuntum tooAAadoona<br />

64. Islawha alyawma bima kuntum takfuroona<br />

65. Alyawma nakhtimu AAala afwahihim watukallimuna aydeehim<br />

watashhadu arjuluhum bima kanoo yaksiboona<br />

66. Walaw nashao latamasna AAala aAAyunihim faistabaqoo<br />

alssirata faanna yubsiroona<br />

67. Walaw nashao lamasakhnahum AAala makanatihim<br />

fama istataAAoo mudiyyan wala yarjiAAoona<br />

68. Waman nuAAammirhu nunakkis­hu fee alkhalqi<br />

afala yaAAqiloona<br />

69. Wama AAallamnahu alshshiAAra wama yanbaghee lahu in<br />

huwa illa thikrun waqur­anun mubeenun<br />

70. Liyunthira man kana hayyan wayahiqqa alqawlu<br />

AAala alkafireena<br />

71. Awa lam yaraw anna khalaqna lahum mimma AAamilat<br />

aydeena anAAaman fahum laha malikoona<br />

72. Wathallalnaha lahum faminha rakoobuhum waminha ya/kuloona<br />

73. Walahum feeha manafiAAu wamasharibu afala yashkuroona<br />

74. Waittakhathoo min dooni Allahi alihatan laAAallahum<br />

yunsaroona<br />

75. La yastateeAAoona nasrahum wahum lahum jundun<br />

muhdaroona<br />

76. Fala yahzunka qawluhum inna naAAlamu ma yusirroona<br />

wama yuAAlinoona<br />

77. Awa lam yara al­insanu anna khalaqnahu min nutfatin<br />

fa­itha huwa khaseemun mubeenun<br />

78. Wadaraba lana mathalan wanasiya khalqahu qala man yuhyee<br />

alAAithama wahiya rameemun<br />

79. Qul yuhyeeha allathee anshaaha awwala marratin wahuwa<br />

bikulli khalqin AAaleemun<br />

80. Allathee jaAAala lakum mina alshshajari al­akhdari naran<br />

fa­itha antum minhu tooqidoona<br />

81. Awa laysa allathee khalaqa alssamawati waal­arda biqadirin<br />

AAala an yakhluqa mithlahum bala wahuwa alkhallaqu alAAaleemu<br />

82. Innama amruhu itha arada shay­an an yaqoola lahu kun<br />

fayakoonu<br />

83. Fasubhana allathee biyadihi malakootu kulli shay­in wa­ilayhi<br />


ITUMO<br />

YASIN<br />

Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

1. Yaa Sin (Olohun ni O mo ohun ti O gbal’ero pelu awon harafi yi).<br />

2. Al’kurani ti o kun fun gbogbo ni mo fi bura<br />

3. Dajudaju ire je okan ninu awon ojise<br />

4. Ti o wa ni oju ona ti o to<br />

5. Ohun ti a sokale lati odo Alagbara, Alaanu<br />

6. Ki ire le maa fi se kilokilo fun awon eniyan kan ti nwon ko se ikolo fun<br />

awon babaa won ri, ti nwon fi ya alaikula<br />

7. Dajudaju oro naa ti se le opolopo won lori, sibesibe nwon ko gbagbo<br />

8. Dajudaju Awa ti ko ewon si won lorun ti o ga de agbon (won), A sig a<br />

won lori soke<br />

9. Awa fi gaga kan si iwajuu won ati gaga kan si ehin­in nitori awa fiwon a<br />

bo ojuu won, won ko si reran mo<br />

10. Bakannaa si ni fun won, iwo I baa kilo fun won tabi o ko kilo fun won,<br />

won ko ni gbagbo<br />

11. Eniti o ba tele ikilo (iranti) ti o sit un nberuu (Allaah) Oloore­ofe ni<br />

ikoko ni iwo le maa kilo fun. Nitorinaa fun un niroo idunmu pe yoo ri<br />

idariji gba ati esan ti o ni aponle<br />

12. Dajudaju Awa ni A so oku di alaaye, Awa si nko isee won sile, eyiti<br />

won ti se nisiwaju ati nkan ti won fi sehin, a tipe gbogbo nkan ni Awa ti<br />

ko sile ninu Iwe kan ti o han gbangba<br />

13. Fi apejuwe kan han won nipa awon ara ilu kan nigbati awon ojise w<br />

aba won<br />

14. Nigbati Awa ran awon ojise meji si won, won si pe won ni opuro,<br />

nitorinaa A fi iketa kun won. Won wipe ojise ni awa je si yin<br />

15. Nwon sope: Eyin ko je nkankan ju eniyan bii tiwa, atipe (Allaah<br />

Oloore­ofe) ko so nkankan kale; iro ni e npa<br />

16. Won wipe: Oluwa wa mop e dajudaju ojise ni a je si yin.<br />

17. Ko si nkan ti o je oranyan le wa lori bi ko se pe ki a je ise de opin ki o<br />

si han gbangba (pe a se bee)<br />

18. Won wipe: A ri wipe e ko aburu ba wa. Ti e ko ba siwo, a o so yin<br />

loko, iya eleta­elero yoo si je yin lati odoo wa<br />

19. Won wipe: Oniburuu yin nbe peluu yin. Se nitoripe ikilo ti won nse<br />

fun yin ni? Rara O! Eyin je eniti o tayo enu aala<br />

20. Okunrin kan si nsare bo lati ibiti o jina ninu ilu naa, o wipe: eyin<br />

eniyan mi, e tele awon ojise naa<br />

21. E tele awon ti ko beere owo­oya lowoo yin, beeni won si je eniti o<br />

mona<br />

22. Ki lo de si mi ti emi ko fi nii sin eni ti O pile da mi nigba ti o se wipe<br />

odoo re ni won yoo da yin pada si?

23. Nje emi le mu awon olohun miran lehin­in Re ni oluwa bi? Bi (Allah)<br />

Oloore­ofe ba gbero lati ko inira ba mi, ebee won ko le se mi ni anfaani<br />

Kankan, won ko si legba mi la<br />

24. Nigba naa emi yoo wa ninu isina ti o han gbangba<br />

25. Dajudaju emi gba Oluwa yin gbo. Nitori naa e teti si mi<br />

26. Won si so fun un pe: Wo ogba­idera naa. O wipe: o ma see o! iba<br />

dara ti o ba se wipe awon eniyan mi mo ni<br />

27. Bi Oluwaa mi ti forijin mi ki o O si se mi ni okan ninu awon eni aponle<br />

awa ko so omo­ogun kan kale lati orun le awon eniyan­an re lori lehin­in<br />

re. Awa ko sin ii so won kale<br />

28. (Iparun won) ko ju ki A jagbe (mo won) leekan soso lo, nigbanaa<br />

won si ti di oku<br />

29. Mase fun awon erusin naa o, ojise kan ko nii waa ba won ayafi ki<br />

won maa fi se yeye<br />

30. Abi won ko rip e opolopo iran ni A ti parun siwaju won, ti won ko tun<br />

nii pada si odoo won mo<br />

31. Atipe gbogbo won patapata ni won yoo ko wa si iwaju Wa.<br />

32. Ile ti o ti di oku je ami kan fun won. Awa so odi aaye, A si mu irugbin<br />

jade lati inuu re ti won si n je ninuu re<br />

33. Awa sit un se awon dabinu ati ti ajara sinuu re, A si je ki omi iseleru<br />

maa tu jade nibe<br />

34. Ki won le maa je ninu esoo re, bee si ni ki se awon ni o se won pelu<br />

owoo won, nje nigba naa ko ye ki won dupe bi?<br />

35. Mimo ni fun eni ti O se edaa gbogbo nkan ni mejimeji (tako­tabo)<br />

ninu awon nkan ti ile nhu jade ati ninu awon funraa won ati ninu nkan ti<br />

won ko mo<br />

36. Atipe oru naa je mi kan fu won, A n mu osan jade lati inuu re,<br />

nigbanaa awon wa ninu okunkun<br />

37. Atipe oorun maa nrin tire. Eyi je asee ti (Allah) Alagbara, Oluni­imo<br />

38. Atipe ni ti osupa, A ti diwon ibuso fun un titi yoo fi pada da gege bi<br />

imo­ope gbigbe<br />

39. Ko to si oorun lati le osupa ba, tabi fun oru ki o gba’waju osan.<br />

Okookan won nrin lo lonaa tire ni<br />

40. Ami kan sit un wa fun won; A gbe awon aromodomoo won sinu oko<br />

(oju omi) tio kun fomu­fomu<br />

41. A sit un da iru re fun won ti won ngun<br />

42. Bi o ba si wu Wa ni, Awa le te won ri, ko sin ii si alaranse kan fun<br />

won, won ko nii je eniti won o gbala<br />

43. Ayafi pelu aanu lati odo Waa ti igbadun fun igba die<br />

44. Atipe nigbati won ba so fun won pe: e beru ohun ti o wa ni iwajuu yin<br />

ati ni ehin­in yin ki (Allaah) le baa ke yin<br />

45. Atipe ami kan ko nii waa baa ninu awon ami Oluwa won ayafi ki won<br />

seri kuro nibe

46. Atipe nigbati won ba so fun w ape: E maa na ninu nkan ti Allah pese<br />

(arisiki) fun yin, awon alaigbagbo so fun awon olugbagbo pe: Awa ni<br />

yoo fun ni onje bi, eiti o se wipe bi Allah ba fe ni O le fun un ni onje?<br />

Eyin ko si kinikan bikose isina ti o a han gbangba<br />

47. Won sin wipe: igbawo ni ileri yii yoo se, bi e ba je olododo?<br />

48. Won ko reti nkankan bikose ijagbe­mo kan ti yoo mu won nigbati<br />

won ban se ariyanjiyan<br />

49. Won ko nii le so asole (nipa ohun ini won), bee si ni won ko nii le<br />

pada si odo awon ebii won<br />

50. (Asaraafilu) yoo si fun fere, nigbanaa won yoo si maa jade lati inu<br />

isa­oku lo si odo Oluwa won<br />

51. Won yoo wipe: Egbee wa o! Taa ni ji wad ide lati oju oorun wa<br />

(ibusub­un wa)? Eyi ni nkan ti (Allah) Oloore­ofe se adehun­un re, ati pe<br />

ododo ni awon ojise so<br />

52. Ijagbe­mo kan soso ni yoo je, nigbanaa won yoo ko<br />

53. Eyi ko je kini kan bi kose ijagbe kan soso, nigbana gbogbo won yio<br />

pese si odo wa<br />

54. Nitorinaa ni oni, A ko nib o emi kan si: bee si ni A ko ni san yin lesan<br />

ayafi ohun ti e ba se ni ise<br />

55. Dajudaju awom omo Alijanna wa ninu iroju (idera) loni ti won n<br />

gbadun<br />

56. Awon ati awon iyawo won mbe ni abe iboji ti nwon rogboku si ori<br />

ibusun (won)<br />

57. Oniruuru eso mbe fun won ninu re, ohun ti won yio ma brere fun mbe<br />

ni inu re<br />

58. Kini ti Alafia ni oro ti yio ma wa lati odod Oluwa Onike<br />

59. Eyin odese, e bo si oto loni<br />

60. Eyin omo Adama, nje Emi ko ha se adehun fun yin, pe e ko gbodo<br />

sin esu? Dajudaju oun je ota ti o han gbangba fun yin<br />

61. Atipe ki e josin fun Mi. eyi ni ona ti o to<br />

62. Atipe dajudaju oun ti si opolopo eda ninu yin lona. Eyin ki yio lo<br />

laakaye ni?<br />

63. Eyi ni ina jahannama ti a leri re fun yin<br />

64. Ewo inuu re loni nitoripe eyin je alaigbagbo<br />

65. Loni ni A o di enu won, a o jeki owo ma soro fun Wa, esee won yio<br />

maa jerii nipa ohun ti nwon se nise<br />

66. Ti o ba se pe Awa fe ni, A o ba pa ojuu won re, nwon iba si yara si<br />

oju ona naa, bawo ni nwon iba se reran<br />

67. Atipe ti o ba sepe Awa fe ni, Awa iba yi won pada si eda miran ninu<br />

ibugbee won, nwon ko si nii ni agbara lilo, won ko si nib o<br />

68. Eniti A ba fun ni gigun lo, A o sit un da a pada sinu eda (ti o di ole)<br />

kilo se ti won ko ronu?<br />

69. Awa ko ko o ni orin, atipe ko je eto fun un. Ko si ohun ti o je ju iranti<br />

ati alukurani ti o han lo

70. Ki o le ma fi se kilokilo fun eniti ti o je alaaye eniyan, atipe ki<br />

gbolohun naa le se lori awon alaigbagbo<br />

71. Won ko mo nip e Awa ni A da fun won ninu ohun ti owo Wa se (eda<br />

re) ni awon eran, ti nwon je eniti o kappa won<br />

72. A si te won lori ba fun won, nwon ngun ninu won, nwon sin je ninu<br />

won<br />

73. Anfaani wa fun won ninu won ati ohun ti a n mu. Kilo se ti won ko<br />

dupe<br />

74. Nwon si mu olohun miran (ni sinsin) lehin Olohun, boya won yio se<br />

atilehin fun won<br />

75. Nwon ko ni ni agbara lati ran won lowo, gbogbo won ni nwon yio<br />

pese ati awon omo ogun won (si odo Olohun)<br />

76. Nitorinaa, ki o ma je ki oro won ba o ninu je. Dajudaju Awa mo ohun<br />

ti won fi pamo ati oun ti won fi han<br />

77. Eniyan ko mo nip e dajudaju Awa ni A da oun ni lati inu omi<br />

logbologbo? Nigbanaa oun wa je alatako ti o han gbangba<br />

78. Atipe o se apejuwe fun Wa si gbagbe eda re. O wa wipe: Tani yi ji<br />

egungun ti o ti kefun?<br />

79. Sope: Oun yio ji dide, eniti O se edaa re ni akoko, Oun si ni Oni<br />

mimo nipa gbogbo eda<br />

80. Eni ti O nmu ina jade ninu igi tutu fun yin, ki e le ma fi ko ina<br />

81. Nje eniti O da sanma ati ile ko ha ni agbara lati da iruu won? Beeni,<br />

oun ni O da awon eda, (Oun ni) Oni mimo<br />

82. Ohun ti o je ase Re nip e nigba ti O ba gbero nkankan, yio so fun un<br />

pe: Ki o je bee, nigba naa yio si je bee<br />

83. Nitorinaa, ogo ni fun eni ti ijoba gbogbo nkan mbe ni owo Re, atipe<br />

odo Re ni a o da yin pada si.<br />


In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

1. Yasin<br />

2. By the Qur’an full of wisdom<br />

3. You are sent upon a straight path<br />

4. This is revealed by the Mighty one, the Merciful<br />

5. So that you may forewarn a nation who, because their fathers were not<br />

warned before them<br />

6. Live in heedlessness<br />

7. For most of them the word has been decreed, because they are<br />

Unbelievers<br />

8. We have bound their necks chains of iron reaching up to their chins, so<br />

that they cannot bow their heads<br />

9. We have put a barrier before them and a barrier after them and covered<br />

them over, so that they cannot see

10. It is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will never have<br />

faith<br />

11. You shall admonish none but those who observe our precepts and<br />

fear the Merciful, though they cannot see Him, to these give news of<br />

pardon and rich reward<br />

12. It is we who will resurrect the dead. We record the deeds of men and<br />

the marks leave behind; we note all things in a glorious <strong>book</strong><br />

13. You shall cite, as a case in point, the people of the city to which our<br />

messengers made way<br />

14. At first we sent to them two messengers, but when they rejected<br />

both we strengthened them with a third<br />

15. They said: We have been sent to you as apostles. But the people<br />

replied: you are but mortals like ourselves<br />

16. The Merciful has revealed nothing; you are surely lying<br />

17. They said: Our Lord knows that we are true apostles. Our only duty<br />

is to give plain warning<br />

18. The people answered: Your presence bodes for us nothing but evil.<br />

Desist, or we will stone you or inflict on you a painful scourge<br />

19. They said: The evil you forebode can come only from Yourselves<br />

20. Will you take heed? Surely you are great transgressors<br />

21. There upon a man came running from the far side of the city<br />

22. My people, he said, follow those who have been sent to you. Follow<br />

those who ask no reward of you and are rightly guided<br />

23. Why should I not serve Him who has created me and to whom you<br />

shall all be recalled?<br />

24. Would I serve other gods than Him? If it is the will of the Merciful to<br />

afflict me, their intercession will avail me nothing<br />

25. Nor will they save me. Indeed, I should then be in evident error<br />

26. I believe in your Lords; so hear me<br />

27. We said to Him; Enta Paradise, and he exclaimed: Would that my<br />

people knew how gracious my Lord has been to me, how highly He has<br />

exalted me!<br />

28. After Him, We sent down no host from heaven against his people,<br />

this we never do<br />

29. There was but one shout and they fell down lifeless<br />

30. Alas for My bondsmen! They laugh to scorn every apostle that<br />

comes to them<br />

31. Do they not see how many generation we have destroyed before<br />

them?<br />

32. Never shall they return to them: all shall be brought us<br />

33. Let the once­dead earth be a sign to them<br />

34. We gave it life, and from it produced grain for their sustenance<br />

35. We planted it with the palm and the vine, and watered it with gushing<br />

springs, so that men mighty feed on its fruit

36. It was not their hands that made all this. Should they not give<br />

thanks?<br />

37. Glory be to Him who made all things in pair; the plants of the earth,<br />

mankind themselves, and the living things they know nothing of<br />

38. The night is another sign for men. From the night we lift the day and<br />

they are plunged in darkness<br />

39. The sun hastens to its resting­places; is course is laid for it by the<br />

Mighty one, the All­Knowing<br />

40. We have ordained phases for the moon, which daily wanes and in<br />

the end appears like a bent and withered twig<br />

41. The sun is not allowed to overtake the moon, nor does the night<br />

outpace the day, each in its own orbit runs<br />

42. We gave them yet another sign when we carried their offsprings in<br />

the laden ark<br />

43. And similar vessels we have made for them to voyage in<br />

44. We drown them if we will; none can help or rescue them, except<br />

through our mercy and unless we please to prolong their lives awhile<br />

45. When they are told; Have fear that which is before you and behind<br />

you, so that you may be shown mercy, (they give no Heed)<br />

46. Indeed, they turn away from every sign that comes to them from their<br />

Lord<br />

47. And when they are told; give alms from that which God has given<br />

you, the unbelievers say to the faithful: Are we to feed those whom God<br />

can feed if He chooses? Surely you are in glaring error<br />

48. They also say: When will this promise be fulfilled, if what you say be<br />

true?<br />

49. They must be waiting but for a single blast, which will overtake them<br />

while they are disputing<br />

50. They will have no time to make a will, nor shall they return to their<br />

kins folk<br />

51. The Trumphet will be blown and, behold, they will rise up from their<br />

graves and hasten to their Lord<br />

52. Woe to us1 they will say. Who has roused us from our resting­place?<br />

53. This is what the Lord of Mercy promise; the apostles have told the<br />

truth!<br />

54. And with but one blast they shall be gathered all before us. On that<br />

day no soul shall suffer the least injustice<br />

55. You shall be rewarded according to your deeds<br />

56. On that day the heirs of paradise will be busy with their joys<br />

57. Together with their spouses, they shall recline in shady groves upon<br />

soft couches<br />

58. They shall have fruits therein, and all that they desire<br />

59. Peace! Shall be the word spoken by a merciful God

60. But to the guilty He will say: Away with you this day! Sons of Adam,<br />

did I not charge you never to worship Satan, your acknowledged foe<br />

61. Buy no worship Me? Surely that is a straight path. Yet he has led a<br />

multitude of you astray<br />

62. Had you no sense? This is the Hell you have been threatened with.<br />

Burn therein this day on account of your unbelieve<br />

63. On that day we will seal their mouths. Their hands will speak to us,<br />

and their very feet will testify to their misdeeds<br />

64. Had it been our will, we could have put out their sight; yet even then<br />

they would have rushed headlong upon their wanted path<br />

65. For how could they have seen their error?<br />

66. Had it been our will, we could have transformed them where they<br />

stood, so that they could neither go forward not retrace their steps<br />

67. We reverse the growth of those to whom we give long life, can they<br />

not understand?<br />

68. We have taught him no poetry, nor does it become him to be a poet<br />

69. This is but a warning; an eloquent Koran to exhort the living and to<br />

pass judgement on the unbelievers<br />

70. Do they no see how, among the things our hands made, we have<br />

created for them the beasts of which they are masters?<br />

71. We have subjected these to them, they may ride on some and eat<br />

flesh of others they drink their milk and put them to other uses<br />

72. Will they not give thanks<br />

73. They have set up other gods besides God, hoping that they will<br />

stand like warriors ready to defend them<br />

74. Let not their words grieve you. We have knowledge of all that they<br />

hide and all that they reveal<br />

75. Is man not aware that we created him from a little germ<br />

76. He makes arguments and forgets his own creation. He asks: who will<br />

give life to rotten bone?<br />

77. Say: He who first brought them into being will give them life again<br />

78. He has knowledge of every creature<br />

79. He who gives you from the green tree a fire to light your fuel with<br />

80. Has he who created the heaven and the earth no power create their<br />

like? That He surely has<br />

81. He is the all­Knowing creator<br />

82. When He decrees a thing He need only say: Be and it is<br />

83. Glory be to Him who has control of all things. To Him shall all be<br />

recalled. (Q36:1­83)<br />

اَلل َّ هُم َّ يَا رَ‏ ب ِّ صَ‏ ل ِّ عَ‏ لَى مَحَ‏ م َّدٍ‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ ي ِّدِ‏ الس َّ ادَات الن َّبِي مُحَ‏ م َّد.‏ عَ‏ وْ‏ نَكَ‏ يَااالله،‏ عَ‏ وْ‏ نَكَ‏ يَا حَ‏ ن َّانُ‏ ، عَ‏ وْ‏ نَكَ‏ يَا<br />

‏.مَن َّانُ‏ ، عَ‏ وْ‏ نَكَ‏ يَا سُ‏ لْطَ‏ انُ‏ ، لاَ‏ اِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ االلهُ‏ الْمُلْكُ‏ الْحَ‏ ق ُّ الْمُبِينُ‏ مُحَ‏ م َّدُ‏ رَ‏ سُ‏ ولُ‏ االلهِ‏ صَ‏ ادِقُ‏ الْوَ‏ عْ‏ دِ‏ الأَْمِينُ‏


Allahumma yaa Robbil salli ‘alaa Muhammadin, wa sayyidis­saadaati<br />

nabiyyi Muhammad. ‘Aonaka yaa­Allaah, ‘aonaka yaa­hannanu, ‘aonaka<br />

yaa­mannanu, ‘aonaka yaa­sultoon, Laailaa­ha illa­Llaahu,<br />

al­Malikul­Haqqul­Mubiin, Muhammadu Rosuulu­Llaahi,<br />

Soodiqul­wa’dil­Amiin<br />

ITUMO<br />

Oluwa O! se ike fun anabi Muhammad, asiwaju awon asaju, iranlowo Re (ni<br />

mo toro), iranlowo Re ni (mo toro) Oba alaanu, iranlowo Re (mo toro) Oba to<br />

ga, iranlowo re (ni mo toro) Oba toni ase. Ko si olohun miran ayafi Allaah, Oba<br />

otito, Oba to han. Muhammad, Ojise Olohun ni, Olotito eniyan.<br />


Oh Allaah! Oh Lord! Shower Your blessing on prophet Muhammad (pbuh); the<br />

leader of leaders, I seek Your assistance oh Allaah! I seek Your assistance<br />

you the Compassionate! I seek Your assistance You the Gracious! I seek<br />

Your assistance You the Supreme Authority. There is no god worthy of<br />

worship except allaah, the Sovereign; the Truth; the Evident; Muhammad<br />

(pbuh) is the messenger of Allaah, the Trustworthy.<br />

الخطية<br />

لاَ‏ اِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ االلهُ‏ وَ‏ حْ‏ دَهُ‏ لاَشَ‏ رِ‏ يكَ‏ لَهُ،‏ لَهُ‏ الْمَلْكُ‏ وَ‏ لَهُ‏ الْحَ‏ مْ‏ دُ‏ يُحْ‏ ِ ي وَ‏ يُمِيتُ‏ وَ‏ هُوَ‏ حَ‏ ي ُّ لاَ‏ يَمُوتُ‏ بِيَدِهِ‏ الْخَ‏ يْرُ‏<br />

وَ‏ هُوَ‏ عَ‏ لَى كُل ِّ قَدِيرٌ‏ * اَلل َّ هُم َّ يَا مَنْ‏ يَمْ‏ لِك حَ‏ وَ‏ ئِجَ‏ الس َّ ائِلِينَ‏ وَ‏ يَعْ‏ لَمُ‏ ضَ‏ مَائِرُ‏ الص َّ امِتِينَ‏ ، يَا مَنْ‏ لَيْسَ‏ مَعْ‏ هُ‏<br />

رَ‏ ب ٌّ يُدْعَ‏ ى وَ‏ لاَ‏ اِلَهٌ‏ يُرْ‏ جَ‏ ى،‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ فَوْ‏ قَهُ‏ خَ‏ الِقٌ‏ يُخْ‏ شَ‏ ى،‏ اَلل َّ هُم َّ إِن َّا نَسْ‏ أَلُكَ‏ مَسْ‏ أَلَةَ‏ الْمِسْ‏ كِينَ‏ وَ‏ نَبْهَلُ‏ إِلَيْكَ‏<br />

إِبْتِهَالَ‏ الْمُذْ‏ نِبِ‏ َّ الذ لِيل وَ‏ نَدْعُ‏ وكَ‏ دُعَ‏ اءَ‏ الْخَ‏ ائِفَ‏ الض َّ رِ‏ يرِ‏ كُنْ‏ بِنَا رَ‏ ؤُ‏ فًا رَ‏ حِ‏ يمًا،‏ يَا خَ‏ يْرَ‏ الْمَسْ‏ ؤُ‏ ولِينَ‏ ، وَ‏ يَا<br />

خَ‏ يْرَ‏ الْمُعْطِ‏ ينَ‏ يَارَ‏ ب ِّ إِهْ‏ دِنَا بِالْهُدَى،‏ وَ‏ زَ‏ ي َّن َّا بِالت َّقْوَ‏ ى،‏ وَ‏ اغْ‏ فِرْ‏ لَنَا فِي الآخِ‏ رَ‏ ةِ‏ وَ‏ الأُولَى * أَلل ُّ هم َّ إِجْ‏ عَلْ‏ فِي<br />

قُلُوبِنَا نُورً‏ ا وَ‏ فِي أَسْ‏ مَاعِ‏ نَا نُورً‏ ا وَ‏ فِي أَبْصَ‏ ارِ‏ نَا نُورً‏ ا وَ‏ مِنْ‏ فَوْ‏ قِنَا نُورً‏ ا وَ‏ مِنْ‏ تَحْ‏ تِنَا نُورً‏ ا وَ‏ مِنْ‏ خَ‏ لْفِنَا نُورً‏ ا<br />

* رَ‏ ب ِّ اشْ‏ رَ‏ حْ‏ لَنَا صُ‏ دُورَ‏ نَا وَ‏ يَس ِّ رْ‏ لَنَا أُمُورَ‏ نَا،‏ يَا خَ‏ يْرَ‏ مَسْ‏ تَغَاث،‏ وَ‏ يَا أَجْ‏ وَ‏ دَ‏ الْمُعْطِ‏ ينَ‏ ، وَ‏ يَا مَنْ‏ لاَ‏ يُشْ‏ غِلْهُ‏<br />

‏.سَ‏ مْ‏ عٌ‏ عَ‏ نْ‏ سَ‏ مْ‏ عٍ،‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ تَشْ‏ تَبِهُ‏ عَ‏ لَيْهِ‏ الأَْصْ‏ وَ‏ اتُ‏ ، وَ‏ لاَ‏ تَلْتَبِسُ‏ عَ‏ لَيْهِ‏ الْمَسَ‏ ائِلُ‏<br />

أَنْتَ‏ الأَْو ُّ ضل فَلاَ‏ شَ‏ يئٌ‏ قَبْلَكَ‏ وَ‏ الآْ‏ خِ‏ رُ‏ فَلاَ‏ شَ‏ يْئٌ‏ بَعْ‏ دَكَ‏ وَ‏ الظ َّ اهِرُ‏ فَلاَ‏ شَ‏ يْئٌ‏ فَوْ‏ قَكَ‏ وَ‏ الْبَاطِ‏ نُ‏ فَلاَ‏ شَ‏ يْئٌ‏<br />

دُونَكَ‏ ، اَلل َّ هُم َّ يَا عَ‏ الِمَ‏ الْخَ‏ فِيَاتِ‏ وَ‏ يَا سَ‏ امِعَ‏ الأَْصْ‏ وَ‏ اتِ‏ وَ‏ يَا بَاعِ‏ ثَ‏ الأَْمْ‏ وَ‏ اتِ‏ وَ‏ يَا مُجِ‏ يبَ‏ الد َّعْ‏ وَ‏ اتِ‏ يَا قَاضِ‏ يَ‏<br />

الْحَ‏ اجَ‏ اتِ‏ يَا خَ‏ الِقَ‏ الأَْرْ‏ ضِ‏ وَ‏ الس َّ وَ‏ اتِ‏ ، أَنْتَ‏ االلهُ‏ ال َّ ذِي لاَ‏ إِلَهَ‏ إِلا َّ أَنْتَ‏ الْوَ‏ احِ‏ دُ‏ الأَْحَ‏ دُ‏ الْفَرْ‏ دُ‏ الص َّ مَدُ‏<br />

وَ‏ الْوَ‏ ه َّابُ‏ ال َّ ذِي لاَيَبْخَ‏ لْ‏ أَنْ‏ تُرْ‏ زِ‏ قَنَا عَ‏ لْمًا نَافِعًا وَ‏ رِ‏ زْ‏ قًا وَ‏ اسِ‏ عًا وَ‏ لِسَ‏ انًا ذَاكِرً‏ ا وَ‏ عَ‏ مَلاً‏ زَ‏ كِيا وَ‏ إْيمَانًا خَ‏ الِصً‏ ا<br />

وَ‏ اجْ‏ عَلْ‏ خَ‏ يْرَ‏ أَعْ‏ مَارِ‏ نَا وَ‏ أَوَ‏ اخِ‏ رَ‏ نَا وَ‏ خَ‏ يرَ‏ أَعْ‏ مَالِنَا خَ‏ وَ‏ اتِمَهَا وَ‏ خَ‏ يْرَ‏ أَي َّامِنَا يَوْ‏ مَ‏ لِقَاعِ‏ كَ‏ * اَلل َّ هُم َّ اَخْ‏ تِمْ‏<br />

‏.بِالْخَ‏ يْرَ‏ اتِ‏ آجَ‏ الَنَا،‏ وَ‏ حَ‏ ق ِّقْ‏ بِفَضْ‏ لِكَ‏ آمَالَنَا،‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ ه ِّلْ‏ لِبُلُوغِ‏ رِ‏ ضَ‏ اكَ‏ سُ‏ بْلَنَا<br />

اَلل َّ هُم َّ لاَ‏ تَدَعْ‏ فِي مَقَامِنَا هَذَا ذَنْبًا إِلا َّ غَ‏ فَرْ‏ تَهُ،‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ هَما إِلا َّ فَرَ‏ جْ‏ تَ‏ ، وَ‏ لاَ‏ غَ‏ ائِبًا إِلا َّ رَ‏ دَدْ‏ تَهُ،‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ كَرْ‏ بًا إِ‏ َّلا<br />

كَشَ‏ فْتَهُ،‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ دَيْنَا إِلاّض قَضَ‏ يْتَهُ،‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ عَ‏ دُو إِلا َّ كَفَيْتَنَا شَ‏ ر َّ هُ،‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ فَسَ‏ ادًا إِلاّض أَصْ‏ لَحْ‏ تَهُ،‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ مَرِ‏ يضً‏ ا<br />

إِلا َّ عَ‏ افَيْتَهُ،‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ خُ‏ ل َّ ةً‏ إِلا َّ سَ‏ د َّدْ‏ تَهَا،‏ وَ‏ لاَ‏ حَ‏ اجَ‏ ةً‏ مِنْ‏ حَ‏ وَ‏ ائِجِ‏ الد ُّنْيَا وَ‏ الآْ‏ خِ‏ رَ‏ ة،‏ هِيَ‏ لَكَ‏ رِ‏ ضَ‏ ى وَ‏ لَنَا فِيهَا

صَ‏ لاَحَ‏ إِلا َّ قَضَ‏ يْتَهَا فَإِن َّكَ‏ تَهْ‏ دى الس َّ بِيلَ‏ ، وَ‏ تُجَ‏ ب ِّرِ‏ الْكَسِ‏ يرَ‏ ، وَ‏ تُغْ‏ نِى الْفَقِيرَ‏ . اَلل َّ هُم َّ إِن َّهُ‏ لاَ‏ بُد َّلَنَا مِنْ‏ لِقَائِكَ‏ ،<br />

فَاجْ‏ عَلْ‏ عِ‏ نْدَكَ‏ عُ‏ ذْرَ‏ نَا مَقْبُولاً،‏ وَ‏ ذَنْبَنَا مَغْفُورً‏ ا،‏ وَ‏ عِ‏ لْمَنَا مَوْ‏ فُورً‏ ا،‏ وَ‏ سَ‏ عْ‏ يَنَا مَشْ‏ كُورً‏ ا.‏ رَ‏ ب َّنَا آتِنَا فِي الد ُّنْيَا<br />

حَ‏ سَ‏ نَةً،‏ وَ‏ فِي الآْ‏ خِ‏ رَ‏ ةِ‏ حَ‏ سَ‏ نَةً،‏ وَ‏ قِنَا عَ‏ ذَابَ‏ الن َّارِ‏ ، وَ‏ اغْ‏ فِرْ‏ لَنَا وَ‏ لِوَ‏ الِدَيْنَا،‏ وَ‏ وَ‏ الِدِ‏ وَ‏ الِدِينَا،‏ وَ‏ ذُؤٍ‏ يَتِنَا وَ‏ الْمُسْ‏ لِمِينَ‏<br />

‏.وَ‏ الْمُسْ‏ لِمَاتِ‏ ، وَ‏ الْمُؤْ‏ مِنِينَ‏ وَ‏ الْمُؤْ‏ مِنَاتِ‏<br />


Bismi­Llaahir­Rahmaanir­Raheem<br />

La ilaaha illa­Llaahu wahda­Hu la sharii­ka la­hu. La­hul­mulku wa<br />

la­hul­hamdu yuhyii wa yumiitu, wa­huwa hayyun la yamuutu, biyadi­hil<br />

khaeru wa­huwa ‘ala kulli shaein qodiir. Allahumma, yaa man<br />

hawaijas­saa iliina, wa ya’lamu domaa iras­somitiina. Ya man laesa<br />

ma’Hu, Robbu yud’a wa la ilahun yurja, wa la faoqohu khaaliqu<br />

yukhshaa.<br />

Allahumma, innaa nas­alu­ka mas­halatal­miskiin, wa nabtahil ilae­ka<br />

ibtihaalal­mudhnubi, daliili, wa nad’uu­ka du’aa­al­akhifi addoriiri, kun<br />

binaa rohufan rohiima<br />

Ya­khairanl­mas­huliina, wa yaa man khairal mu’tiina, way a­Robbi<br />

ihdiina bil hudaa wa zayyinaa bit­taqwah wagfirlanaa fil­aakhirati<br />

wal­hulaa. Allahumma, ijhal fi quluubinaa nuuran, wa fii asmaainaa<br />

nuuran, wa fii absoorinaa nuuran, wa min faoqinaa nuuran, wa min<br />

tahtinaa nuuran wa min khalfinaa nuuran<br />

Robbi­shrah lanaa suduuranaa, wa yassir lanaa umuuranaa,<br />

ya­khaira­mustagaathin, way a ajwadal­mu’tiina, way a man la yushgil­hu<br />

sam’un an sam’in, wa la tash­tabih ‘alaeil­aswaat, wa la taltabis<br />

alaeil­masaailu<br />

Anta­Awwal, fa la shaehun qobla­ka, wal­aakhiru, fa la shaehun ba’da­ka,<br />

waz­zoohiru wa la shaehun faoqo­ka, wal­baatinu, fa la shaehun<br />

duuna­ka. Allahumma, ya ‘Aalimal­khafiiyati, way a saami’al aswaati, way<br />

a baa’ithal­amwaati, wa yaa mujiibad­da’waati, yaa qoodiyal­haajaati, yaa<br />

khaaliqol­ardi was­samaawaati. Anta­Llaah ladhii la­ilaaha illaa anta,<br />

al­waahidul­ahadu, al­fardus­samadu<br />

Al­wahhaabul­ladhi la yabkhalu anturziqanaa ‘ilman naafi’an, wa rizqan<br />

waasi’an, wa lisaanan dhaakiran, wa’amalan zakiyyan, wa iimaanan<br />

khaalisan, waji’al khaera a’maarinaa, wa awakhiraha, wal khaera<br />

a’maalina awaatomaha wa khaera ayyamina yaoma liqooika.<br />

Allahuma thabbitnaa bi amri­ka, wa ayyidanaa bi nasri­ka, wa najjina min<br />

adhaabika yaoma tab’athu ‘ibaada—ka. Allahumma akhtim bil khayraati

aajalanaa, wa haqqiq bi fadlika aamaalanaa, wa sahhil li­bulluugi<br />

ridoo­ka subulanaa. Allahumma la tada’ fii maqoomina haadhaa dhanban<br />

illa gafartahu, wa la hamman illa farrajtahu, wa la ghaaiban illa<br />

radadtahu, wa la karban illa kashaftahu, wa la daena illa qodaetahu, wa<br />

la ‘aduwwan illa kafaetana sharrahu, wa la fasadan illa illa aslahtahu, wa<br />

la mariidan illa ‘aafaetahu, wa la khullatan illa saddadtaha, wa la haajatan<br />

min hawaaiji dunya wal aakhirati hiya­laka ridoya, wa lana fiiha solahan<br />

illa qodaetah, fa inna­katahdis­sabiila, wa tujabbirul kasiira wa<br />

tugniil­faqiira. Allahumma innahu laa budda lanaa min liqooiika, faji’al<br />

inda­ka ‘usdhrana maqbuulan, wa dhambanaa magfuuran, wa’ilmanaa<br />

maofuuran, wa sa’yanaa mashkuuran. Robbanaa aatina fid­dunya<br />

hasanatan wa fil aakhirati hasanatan wa qinna adhaaban­naar.<br />

Wagfirlanaa wa liwaa lidiina, wa waalidi waali diina, wa dhuriyyatinaa<br />

wal­muslimiina, wal­muslimaati, wal­muuminiina, wal­muuminaati.<br />



Ni oruko Olohun, Ajoke aiye, Asake orun<br />

Ko si olohun miran ayafi Allaah, Oba kan soso, eni ti ko ni orogun. Tire<br />

(Allaah) ni ola ati iyin, Oun ni eniti O n fun wa ni emi ti O si n gba a pada, Oba<br />

aiyeraye ti ko ni ku lailai, ikapa Re ni gbogbo rere wa. O si ni agbara lori ohun<br />

gbogbo. Oluwa o, Iwo ni O kappa bukata gbogbo alaini, Olumoran okan, eniti<br />

ko su oba miran lehin Re ti a le kepe, ti ko si elomiran lehin Re ti a le<br />

gbokanle, ko si elomiran lehin Re ti a le beru.<br />

Oluwa wa o, ibeere wa yi ibeere alaini agbara, ipe wa (Adua) si je ti elese<br />

dajudaju ire nikan ni eniti a le bere lowo Re, ati eni ti ole fun wa (laise iregun)<br />

Oluwa o, fun wa ni oore ofe imona, fi iberu Re se wa ni oso, fi ori ese wa jin<br />

wa, ni ile aye nibi ati ni orun.<br />

Oluwa wa, jowo tan imole Re si okan wa, tan imole si eti, oju ati ahon wa, jeki<br />

o wa ni oke ati isale wa, Oluwa o, fo aya wa mo (kuro ninu ese), je ki gbogbo<br />

ise wa rorun fun wa. Dajudaju Iwo ni Oluranlowo, eniti ibere kan ko di ekeji<br />

lowo lodo Re. Eni ti ogunlogo aroye ko di igboran Re lowo. Eni ti gbogbo ohun<br />

ko daru ninu igboran Re. Eniti ibere awon erusin Re kii ko idamu baa. Iwo ni,<br />

ko si nkankan siwaju Re, Iwo ni igbeyin, kosi nkankan leyin Re, iwo ni O han,<br />

kosi nkankan to bori Re, Iwo ni O pamo, ko si nkankan ti o pamo bi Re.<br />

Oluwa wa o, eniti o mo gbogbo nkan ti o pamo, Eleti gbo aroye, (Alagbara) ti<br />

yo ji gbogbo awon oku dide (ninu sare won). Olohun ti n gbo gbogbo eda, ti n<br />

biya gbogbo bukata, Aseda sanmo ati ile. Ire ni Oluwa ti ko si Olohun miran<br />

lehin Re, Oba kan soso, ti O da duro laifi ara ti enikan, Oba ti gbogbo nkan<br />

ronu kan, Oba onibu ore ti ko je se laili. (Awa n be O) fun wa ni imo ti yio wulo,<br />

ati arisiki lopolopo, fun wa ni ahon ti yo ma se iranti Re, fun wa ni ise rere se

ati igbagbo ti o mo, jeki eyiti o daraju ninu igbesi aye wa je opin re ati ti o<br />

daraju ninu ise wa, je atubutan rere eyiti o dara ju ninu ojo wa je, ojo ti a ba<br />

pade Re (Oluwa). Oluwa, mu wa duro sinsin pelu agbara Re ran wa lowo, ko<br />

way o ninu iya Re ni ojo igbende awon erusin Re.<br />

Oluwa o, je ki atubotan wa dara, je ki erongba wa se deedee, je ki a ri liana<br />

Re gba pelu irorun. Je ki gbogbo ise wa yori sir ere.<br />

Oluwa wa o, ma se se kini kan ninu ese wa ku laifi orire jin wa, ma se se okan<br />

ku ninu ibanuje w alai mu kuro, ma se se eni kan ku ninu awon ti ko le ba wa<br />

pe (si bi adura yi) lai muu pada si odo wa layo, ma se se okan kun ninu amodi<br />

wa ku lai se iwosan re, ma se se okan ku ninu gbese wa lai san, ma se se<br />

okan ku ninu awon ota w alai ro okan re, ma se da okan si ninu awon iwa<br />

ibaje wa lai se atunse re.<br />

Ma se se okan ku ninu aare wa lai toju re. Ma se se okan ku ni ibi ti oro wa ti<br />

mehe lai se atunse re. Ma se se okan ku ninu bukata wa ti aiye ati orun lai gbo<br />

(fun wa)<br />

Ire (Oluwa) ni Afinimona, Alatunse, Ogbagba ti n gba alaini (talaka). Oluwa o,<br />

o ti di dandan wi pe ki a pade Re, jowo gba awawi wa, dari ese wa jin wa, fun<br />

wa ni ore ti yo kaju bukata wa ti yoo tun seku, (jowo) fi ise wa yin wa. Oluwa<br />

wa, fun wa ni rere ti aye (nibi) ati ore ile­ikehin (orun), ki o si gba, wa la ninu<br />

iya ina ajooku, Oluwa dari ese wa jin wa, ati ese awon obi wa mejeeji, ati ese<br />

awon omo wa, ati ese gbogbo musulumi lokunrin ati lobinrin.<br />

(A o wa fi Fatihah pari adura yii nitori ola iyi ti Olohun fun Suurah na).<br />



In the name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Merciful<br />

There is no deity except Allaah, the Unique, He has no associate. His is the<br />

kingdom and praise, He gives and takes life (as He likes). He is Ever­Living, to<br />

Him belong all goodness and He has power over all things.<br />

Oh our Lord! Who fulfils the need of petitioners, and knows best the thoughts<br />

of the quiet. Oh You besides Whom no other master can be called upon, and<br />

beside Whom there is no hope. There is no creator above Him to be feared.<br />

Oh our Lord! Our request is that of one in dire need and we humble ourselves<br />

before You as sinners. We call on You in our state of distress, have<br />

compassion on us, You are the best to request from and the best to grant.

Oh Lord! Give us the grace of guidance and adorn us with piety, forgive us our<br />

iniquities here and the hereafter. Oh Lord! Let there be light in our hearts, in<br />

our ears, in our sights, above us, beneath us and behind us.<br />

Oh Lord! Puridy our hearts, make our mission easy for us to accomplish. You<br />

are best to implore for help and the most generous of all givers. We implore<br />

You Who no request can confuse His listening to requests, neither can<br />

multiplicity of voices obscure His attention.<br />

The demands (of His servants) are never ambiguous to Him. You are the<br />

beginning and nothing is before You. The Last and nothing after You, You are<br />

the Apparent and nothing is above You, the Hidden and nothing besides You.<br />

Oh Lord! You know the innermost secrets, You hear the most silent voice, You<br />

are the one to resurrect lthe dead, the best is answering supplications, One<br />

Who grants request, the Creator of Heaven and the Earth. You are Allaah,<br />

there is no god except You, the only One, the Unique, the Absolute, the<br />

Benevolent Who is never stingy. We request you to grant us useful<br />

knowledge, expansive provision, remembering and righteous acts and sound<br />

faith (O Allaah). Let our last days be the best days of our lives, let our last<br />

deeds be the best and let the best day be the day we meet You.<br />

(O Allaah) strengthen us with Your command, empower us with your help,<br />

save us from your punishment on the Day You resurrect Your servants. O<br />

Allaah! Grant that we conclude our affairs gloriously, make our aspiration<br />

realised by Your grace. Make easy for us attainment of Your pleasure in all<br />

our ways.<br />

O our Lord! Don’t leave out, in this our situation, a single sin except that You<br />

forgive it, likewise a distress unremoved, and no absent member except that<br />

You bring him back (to us) safely, and no sorrow unremoved, leave no debt to<br />

us unpaid, and no enemy without shielding us from his evil and no corruption<br />

without reforming it and no sickness uncured, leave no gap (in our lives)<br />

unfileed. Likewise, leave no need to us unattended here and in the hereafter.<br />

We ask because You often guide to the right path and enrich the poor.<br />

(O Allaah) we cannot escape our return to You, make our excuses acceptable<br />

(to You), and our sins forgiven, and our effort appreciated. Our Lord gives us<br />

the good in this life and in the hereafter, and save us from the punishment of<br />

Hell fire. Forgive us, and our parents our grand parents, our offsprings, all<br />

male and female Muslims, male and female faithful.

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