Australia's junior explorers - The ASIA Miner

Australia's junior explorers - The ASIA Miner Australia's junior explorers - The ASIA Miner
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China Drilling at Linc Energy’s Chinchilla project in Australia. Gasifier infrastructure at Linc’s Queensland plant. Linc Energy and GCL in deal for UCG to GTL LINC Energy has agr eed to key commer cial terms with GCL Projects Limited, a subsidiary of Golden Concord Holdings (GCL-Poly), to form a joint venture to commercialize UCG (Underground Coal Gasification) to GTL (Gas to Liquids) in China with the first multi-gasifier project to begin construction within six months of completion of the formal binding legal agreements. GCL-Poly has interests in power generation, coal and poly-silicon production. Linc and GCL have agreed to cooperate via an incorporated JV in the utilization of the world-leading UCG to GTL pr ocess Linc has developed over the past five years at its Chinchilla site in Queensland, Australia. Linc also owns the world’s only commercial UCG operation, Yerostigaz, in Uzbekistan. Linc will hold 33% of the JV and GCL 67%. GCL will provide US$15 million in working capital to the JV in thr ee equal instalments over Linc Energy与保利协鑫合作发展UCG制合 成油项目 LINC 能源公司已经与保利 协 鑫(GCL- Poly)旗下子公司GCL项目有限公司达成关 键商业条款,双方将成立一家合资公司,在 中国发展煤炭地下气化(UCG)生产天然 气合成油(GTL)的商业项目。第一个多功 能气化项目将在签署有法律约束力的正式协 议后六个月内开始建设。保利协鑫在发电、 煤炭和多晶硅产品方面都有投资。 Linc公司和保利 协 鑫 已 达 成协议,通 过一家合资股份有限公司合作利用Linc公 司的UCG生产GTL工艺。Linc公司在过去 的 五 年 时间里在 澳 大 利 亚 昆 士 兰州的 Chinchilla矿区开发的这一生产工艺居于 世界领先水平。该公司在乌兹别克斯坦的 Yerostigaz工厂是世界上唯一一个商业化 UCG项目。 Linc公司和保利协鑫在合资公司中持有股 20 | ASIA Miner | July/August 2012 the first three years. GCL also has an obligation to principally arrange CAPEX funding of commercial projects the JV undertakes in China via debt and other structures. Linc will grant an exclusive licence to the JV for use of its UCG and GTL intellectual property in China. GCL will provide US$5 million of working capital to begin site selection and engineering. Linc will complete the site selection and majority of the engineering, commencing with a commercial UCG gas facility consisting of initially four commercial size UCG gasifiers working in parallel. GCL has also agr eed to subscribe Aus$120 million for an approximate 5% interest in Linc Energy. It has agr eed to subscribe to a first tranche Aus$60 million placement on execution of the JV contract suite for 2.5% of Linc’s issued stock. Linc’s chief executive of ficer Peter Bond says, “I am very pleased that we have reached 份分别为33%和67%。保利协鑫将在前三年 时间内以等额形式分三期向合资公司提供共 1500万美元的流动资金。此外,保利协鑫 还有义务作为主要发起人为合资公司在中国 推行的商业项目通过债务或其他融资结构安 排基建费用融资。 Linc公司将为该合资公司颁发独家许可 证,保证其在中国使用Linc公司拥有的UCG 生产GTL的知识产权。保利协鑫将提供500 万美元的流动资金,用来启动项目选址和设 计。Linc公司将完成项目选址和大部分的设 计工作,开始建造一个商业化UCG天然气 设施,它最初包括四个并行的工业规模的 UCG气化炉。 保利协鑫同意以1.2亿澳元收购Linc 能源 公司大约5%的股份。它还同意将在合资公 司合同 签署生效后以第一笔6000万澳元的 金额承购Linc定向增发的股份,这批股份将 占Linc已发行股份的2.5%。 An aerial view of Linc Energy’s plant at Chinchilla in Queensland, Australia. agreement on the commercial terms with GCL. We have been working tirelessly on our options into China over many months, having long identified China as a key market for Linc Energy’s UCG expertise and our GTL operational excellence and know how. China’s insatiable appetite for liquid fuels and gas pr esents Linc Energy and GCL with a unique opportunity to capitalize on this world changing market.” “Linc Energy chose GCL as its partner in China for a variety of reasons, starting with my relationship and respect for the chairman of GCL Poly, Gongshan Zhu, but also particularly because of GCL’s entrepreneurial nature, its strong financial position, its pr oven ability to execute large projects in a fast and cost effective manner and its history of protecting its own world-leading intellectual property. GCL is a solar energy developer, and the largest poly silicon manufacturer in the world.” Linc公司首席执行官Peter Bond说:“我 很高兴我们和保利协鑫达成了商业条款。 我们早就认识到,对 于 Linc Energy公 司拥有的UCG专业知识和GTL的完美运行 和技能来说,中国是个关键的市场。中国 对于液体燃料和天然气的无穷需求为Linc 能源和保利协鑫提供了一个独特的机会, 可以让他们利用这个正在改变着世界的市 场。” “Linc 能源选择保利协鑫作为在中国的 合作伙伴,其中有多方面的原因。最初是 由于我与保利协鑫董事长朱共山先生之间 的关系以及我对他的敬意,当然同样重要 的原因是保利协鑫所具有的创业精神和强 势的财务状况,它快速高效益地实施大型 项目的能力已得到证明,一贯以来成功地 保护了其自身的全球领先的知识产权。保 利协鑫是太阳能开发商,同时也是全世界 最大的多晶硅生产商。”

China<br />

Drilling at Linc Energy’s Chinchilla project in Australia. Gasifier infrastructure at Linc’s Queensland plant.<br />

Linc Energy and GCL in deal for UCG to GTL<br />

LINC Energy has agr eed to key commer cial<br />

terms with GCL Projects Limited, a subsidiary<br />

of Golden Concord Holdings (GCL-Poly), to<br />

form a joint venture to commercialize UCG (Underground<br />

Coal Gasification) to GTL (Gas to Liquids)<br />

in China with the first multi-gasifier<br />

project to begin construction within six months<br />

of completion of the formal binding legal agreements.<br />

GCL-Poly has interests in power generation,<br />

coal and poly-silicon production.<br />

Linc and GCL have agreed to cooperate via<br />

an incorporated JV in the utilization of the<br />

world-leading UCG to GTL pr ocess Linc has<br />

developed over the past five years at its Chinchilla<br />

site in Queensland, Australia. Linc also<br />

owns the world’s only commercial UCG operation,<br />

Yerostigaz, in Uzbekistan.<br />

Linc will hold 33% of the JV and GCL 67%.<br />

GCL will provide US$15 million in working capital<br />

to the JV in thr ee equal instalments over<br />

Linc Energy与保利协鑫合作发展UCG制合<br />

成油项目<br />

LINC 能源公司已经与保利 协 鑫(GCL-<br />

Poly)旗下子公司GCL项目有限公司达成关<br />

键商业条款,双方将成立一家合资公司,在<br />

中国发展煤炭地下气化(UCG)生产天然<br />

气合成油(GTL)的商业项目。第一个多功<br />

能气化项目将在签署有法律约束力的正式协<br />

议后六个月内开始建设。保利协鑫在发电、<br />

煤炭和多晶硅产品方面都有投资。<br />

Linc公司和保利 协 鑫 已 达 成协议,通<br />

过一家合资股份有限公司合作利用Linc公<br />

司的UCG生产GTL工艺。Linc公司在过去<br />

的 五 年 时间里在 澳 大 利 亚 昆 士 兰州的<br />

Chinchilla矿区开发的这一生产工艺居于<br />

世界领先水平。该公司在乌兹别克斯坦的<br />

Yerostigaz工厂是世界上唯一一个商业化<br />

UCG项目。<br />

Linc公司和保利协鑫在合资公司中持有股<br />

20 | <strong>ASIA</strong> <strong>Miner</strong> | July/August 2012<br />

the first three years. GCL also has an obligation<br />

to principally arrange CAPEX funding of commercial<br />

projects the JV undertakes in China via<br />

debt and other structures.<br />

Linc will grant an exclusive licence to the JV<br />

for use of its UCG and GTL intellectual property<br />

in China. GCL will provide US$5 million of working<br />

capital to begin site selection and engineering.<br />

Linc will complete the site selection and<br />

majority of the engineering, commencing with<br />

a commercial UCG gas facility consisting of initially<br />

four commercial size UCG gasifiers working<br />

in parallel. GCL has also agr eed to<br />

subscribe Aus$120 million for an approximate<br />

5% interest in Linc Energy. It has agr eed to<br />

subscribe to a first tranche Aus$60 million placement<br />

on execution of the JV contract suite<br />

for 2.5% of Linc’s issued stock.<br />

Linc’s chief executive of ficer Peter Bond<br />

says, “I am very pleased that we have reached<br />

份分别为33%和67%。保利协鑫将在前三年<br />

时间内以等额形式分三期向合资公司提供共<br />

1500万美元的流动资金。此外,保利协鑫<br />

还有义务作为主要发起人为合资公司在中国<br />

推行的商业项目通过债务或其他融资结构安<br />

排基建费用融资。<br />

Linc公司将为该合资公司颁发独家许可<br />

证,保证其在中国使用Linc公司拥有的UCG<br />

生产GTL的知识产权。保利协鑫将提供500<br />

万美元的流动资金,用来启动项目选址和设<br />

计。Linc公司将完成项目选址和大部分的设<br />

计工作,开始建造一个商业化UCG天然气<br />

设施,它最初包括四个并行的工业规模的<br />

UCG气化炉。<br />

保利协鑫同意以1.2亿澳元收购Linc 能源<br />

公司大约5%的股份。它还同意将在合资公<br />

司合同 签署生效后以第一笔6000万澳元的<br />

金额承购Linc定向增发的股份,这批股份将<br />

占Linc已发行股份的2.5%。<br />

An aerial view of Linc Energy’s plant at Chinchilla in<br />

Queensland, Australia.<br />

agreement on the commercial terms with GCL.<br />

We have been working tirelessly on our options<br />

into China over many months, having long<br />

identified China as a key market for Linc Energy’s<br />

UCG expertise and our GTL operational<br />

excellence and know how. China’s insatiable<br />

appetite for liquid fuels and gas pr esents Linc<br />

Energy and GCL with a unique opportunity to<br />

capitalize on this world changing market.”<br />

“Linc Energy chose GCL as its partner in<br />

China for a variety of reasons, starting with my<br />

relationship and respect for the chairman of<br />

GCL Poly, Gongshan Zhu, but also particularly<br />

because of GCL’s entrepreneurial nature, its<br />

strong financial position, its pr oven ability to<br />

execute large projects in a fast and cost effective<br />

manner and its history of protecting its own<br />

world-leading intellectual property. GCL is a<br />

solar energy developer, and the largest poly silicon<br />

manufacturer in the world.”<br />

Linc公司首席执行官Peter Bond说:“我<br />

很高兴我们和保利协鑫达成了商业条款。<br />

我们早就认识到,对 于 Linc Energy公<br />

司拥有的UCG专业知识和GTL的完美运行<br />

和技能来说,中国是个关键的市场。中国<br />

对于液体燃料和天然气的无穷需求为Linc<br />

能源和保利协鑫提供了一个独特的机会,<br />

可以让他们利用这个正在改变着世界的市<br />

场。”<br />

“Linc 能源选择保利协鑫作为在中国的<br />

合作伙伴,其中有多方面的原因。最初是<br />

由于我与保利协鑫董事长朱共山先生之间<br />

的关系以及我对他的敬意,当然同样重要<br />

的原因是保利协鑫所具有的创业精神和强<br />

势的财务状况,它快速高效益地实施大型<br />

项目的能力已得到证明,一贯以来成功地<br />

保护了其自身的全球领先的知识产权。保<br />

利协鑫是太阳能开发商,同时也是全世界<br />


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