Deliverables and Services - IHP Microelectronics

Deliverables and Services - IHP Microelectronics

Deliverables and Services - IHP Microelectronics


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G A S t w I S S e N S C H A F t L e r u N d S e M I N A r e – G u e S t S C I e N t I S t S A N d S e M I N A r S<br />

Vortragender Institution Thema<br />

presenter Institution topic<br />

13. Dr. Regina paszkiewicz university of Wroclaw, pol<strong>and</strong> “Gan Research Activities at the<br />

university of Wroclaw“<br />

14. prof. Klaus petermann technical university Berlin, Germany “Integrated optics in Silicon“<br />

15. Dr. Andrei postnikov paul Verlaine university, Metz, France “Vibration properties of Mixed Semiconductors:<br />

Impurity Modes <strong>and</strong><br />

local environment effects“<br />

16. Dr. Mirja Richter IBM Zuerich, Switzerl<strong>and</strong> “Advanced Functional Materials at IBM<br />

Zurich Research lab: III-V Devices <strong>and</strong><br />

Routes towards Integration on Silicon“<br />

17. Dr. Guillaume ecole Centrale de lyon, France “oxide Heterostructures for<br />

Saint- Girons Microelectronic Applications“<br />

“Monolithic Integration of Crystalline<br />

oxides <strong>and</strong> III-V Heterostructures on<br />

Silicon“<br />

18. Mr. Martin Schlosser university of the German Federal “tunnel transistors for Future CMoS<br />

Armed Forces, Munich, Germany technology“<br />

19. prof. Alexey German Aerospace Center, Berlin, Germany “Integrated lens Antennas with planar<br />

Semenov Feeds at tHz Frequencies“<br />

20. prof. Andrzej l. Institute of physics, polish Academy “theoretical Investigations on photo-<br />

Sobolewski of Sciences, Warsaw, pol<strong>and</strong> physics of organic Switches Driven by<br />

excited-State proton transfer“<br />

21. Dr. Christoph Vallee letI-Minatec, France “High k for linear MIM Capacitors <strong>and</strong><br />

non Volatile Memories (RRAM)“<br />

22. prof. Ya-Hong Xie university of California, los Angeles,uSA “Graphene: promises <strong>and</strong> Challenges“<br />

A n n u A l R e p o R t 2 0 0 9<br />


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