Dec 2013 Newsletter


MEMBERSHIP We know that the strength of our chapter is held in the membership that you maintain. We thank you for your support. An active membership provides you with this quarterly newsletter along with SCI International publications which both keep you up to date on the world of SCI, and provide input and stories about local and international efforts that your membership is supporting. Should you not be receiving your mail from SCI International please contact Adam Schwengler at 780-621-0100. You should receive your literature within two months of signing up. We are requesting of our members to provide us with their email addresses so that we can develop and email distribution group to keep our members informed of meetings and events that all Chapter members are welcome to attend. You can share this with us by sending us an email at Thank you for your support and for being part of a local volunteer effort that is dedicated to creating memorable outdoor memories for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts alike. If you are aware of a potential new or renewing member, please encourage them to contact Adam Schwengler, Membership Chair at 780-621-0100. Welcome to our new members…. Rosarie Be'rube Corinne Boyle Janell Boyle Brian Brown Deanna Caine Keaton Cartwright John Compton Colene Davie Keith Davis Diane Demetrick Miles Grumetza Ken Litchfield Lee Mears Joan Mus Garry Nelson Jason Nelson Troy Patten Marvin Pischke Alana Robb Dean Sheeler Butch Shewfelt Tammy Shewfelt Garett Swap Chance Thomson Jim Thomson Dan Wirstiuk Adrienne Zenko Our strength as a chapter is rooted in our membership and SCI Drayton Valley is honored to welcome you as new members. Join SCI Today!!! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS We are pleased to provide the opportunity for you to promote your business and to share items you might want to sell. Costs are based on four issues per year: Business Card $50 ¼ page $100 ½ page $200 full page $400 front inside or back inside/outside $500 17 |

GREAT MEMORIES SCI-Canada also looks forward to working with all parties and Members of Parliament on matters of concern to Canadian hunters and conservationists. As a long-time advocate for the elimination of the Long Gun Registry, SCI-Canada is pleased that this initiative will now be moving ahead. The Registry has unfairly stigmatized legitimate gun owners; hunters, farmers, sport shooters, outfitters and others, disingenuously targeting these law-abiding and compliant citizens in a false effort to reduce crime. Cash and COlt Carter Jackfish Please submit and share your photos with us at George Belter Muskox “SCI-Canada is pleased that the new government will be in a position to deliver on its commitment to scrap the wasteful Long Gun Registry,” said Sven-Erik Jansson, Canada Committee Chair. “We encourage the government to focus its resources on the elimination of violent crime by enforcing the other existing laws governing the use and storage of firearms, by strengthening border controls and by targeting the real criminals.” SCI also applauds the Prime Minister’s commitment to establish a National Fish and Wildlife Advisory Panel to offer recommendations to the government with respect to fish and wildlife resource management. While these matters lie mostly within provincial jurisdiction, Canadian conservation groups will be in a position to address these important issues at the federal level, especially when it comes to the health of migratory bird and fisheries resources across Canada. Engine, Compressor LTD. MAINTENANCE & Pump Services MacGregor QUARTER HORSES 780-542-5845 Kam & Dianne MacGregor DRAYTON VALLEY Box 6608 Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1S1 542-5846 DAN DAVIE Cell: 621-0956 Fax: 514-3520 5513 - 50 Phone: Avenue, 780-389-2483 Cell: Cell: 780-202-0297 780-514-6589 P.O. Box 6875 Fax: 780-542-5644 Drayton Valley, Email: AB T7A 1S2 Leonard Claffey Branch Manager Drayton Valley Branch Box 6908, 5506 - 50 Street Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1S3 t: 780.542.2496 ext 67223 c: 780.898.2489 f: 780.542.1558 machine & welding ltd. GREG HARTMAN ph: Pipeline 780-514-3380 & Facility fax: 780-514-3381 Construction Facility Maintenance Quality Box 5341 Control Drayton Fully Valley, Insured AB Shop T7A Welding 1R5 PHONE: 5428 780-542-3578 - Industrial Rd. CELL: 780-621-2530 e-mail: FAX: 780-542-3608 6205 - 56th Ave., Box 7287 Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1S5 13 MacGregor QUARTER HORSES Kam & Dianne MacGregor Phone: 780-389-2483 Cell: 780-202-0297 Email: | 18


We know that the strength of our chapter is held in the membership that you maintain. We thank<br />

you for your support. An active membership provides you with this quarterly newsletter along with<br />

SCI International publications which both keep you up to date on the world of SCI, and provide input<br />

and stories about local and international efforts that your membership is supporting. Should you not<br />

be receiving your mail from SCI International please contact Adam Schwengler at 780-621-0100. You<br />

should receive your literature within two months of signing up. We are requesting of our members to<br />

provide us with their email addresses so that we can develop and email distribution group to keep our<br />

members informed of meetings and events that all Chapter members are welcome to attend. You can<br />

share this with us by sending us an email at Thank you for your support<br />

and for being part of a local volunteer effort that is dedicated to creating memorable outdoor memories<br />

for hunters and outdoor enthusiasts alike. If you are aware of a potential new or renewing member,<br />

please encourage them to contact Adam Schwengler, Membership Chair at 780-621-0100.<br />

Welcome to our new members….<br />

Rosarie Be'rube<br />

Corinne Boyle<br />

Janell Boyle<br />

Brian Brown<br />

Deanna Caine<br />

Keaton Cartwright<br />

John Compton<br />

Colene Davie<br />

Keith Davis<br />

Diane Demetrick<br />

Miles Grumetza<br />

Ken Litchfield<br />

Lee Mears<br />

Joan Mus<br />

Garry Nelson<br />

Jason Nelson<br />

Troy Patten<br />

Marvin Pischke<br />

Alana Robb<br />

Dean Sheeler<br />

Butch Shewfelt<br />

Tammy Shewfelt<br />

Garett Swap<br />

Chance Thomson<br />

Jim Thomson<br />

Dan Wirstiuk<br />

Adrienne Zenko<br />

Our strength as a chapter is rooted in our membership and SCI Drayton Valley<br />

is honored to welcome you as new members.<br />

Join SCI Today!!!<br /><br /><br />


We are pleased to<br />

provide the opportunity<br />

for you to promote<br />

your business and to<br />

share items you might<br />

want to sell. Costs are<br />

based on four issues<br />

per year:<br />

Business Card $50<br />

¼ page $100<br />

½ page $200<br />

full page $400<br />

front inside or<br />

back inside/outside $500<br />

17 |

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