Celebrating Pat

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<strong>Celebrating</strong> <strong>Pat</strong><br />

A Life in Full Circle

<strong>Celebrating</strong> <strong>Pat</strong><br />

As told by George Copa<br />

Produced by Family Heirloom Arts<br />

www.FamilyHeirloomArts.com<br />

Portland, Oregon<br />

George Copa: Memorist, Writer, Oral Historian, Author<br />

and Photography Editor<br />

Kristin Cooper: Memorist, Writer, Editor and<br />

Photography Editor<br />

Vincent Copa: Memorist, Editor and Consultant<br />

Owen Cooper, Emma Cooper, Grace Copa, Nathan Copa:<br />

Contributing Artists and Writers<br />

Lisa Kagan: Director, Oral Historian, Writer, Artist,<br />

Photography Editor and Book Designer<br />

Jane Plihal: Editor and Proofreader<br />

Ellen Wax: Proofreader<br />

Content for this book is based on oral history interviews of<br />

George Copa, Kristin Cooper, Vincent Copa, Philip Cooper,<br />

Alicia Copa, Anita Murphy, Mary Lou Shaw, Linda Barnes,<br />

Joanne Murphy, Claudia Murphy and Thomas Murphy.<br />

Interviews were conducted by George Copa and Lisa Kagan<br />

during 2009-2010.<br />

Copyright © 2011<br />

George Copa and his heirs<br />

All rights reserved. Reproduction of the whole or any part of the contents<br />

without permission is prohibited.<br />

Printed by Stevens Printing,<br />

Portland, Oregon.<br />

Book binding by Grossenbacher Bros., Inc.<br />

Front Cover Caption:<br />

A collection of images celebrating <strong>Pat</strong> and her relationships<br />

with her family.<br />

Cover design and heirloom art images by Lisa Kagan.<br />


Contents<br />

A Vibrant Spirit Blossoms<br />

8<br />

Caring for Causes<br />

70<br />

Caring for People<br />

86<br />

Caring for Animals<br />

128<br />

Caring for Adventure<br />

154<br />

A Year of Serendipity<br />

178<br />



For <strong>Pat</strong>ricia Murphy Copa<br />

Like us for you<br />

A labor of love<br />



About This Book<br />

The purpose of this book is to help honor <strong>Pat</strong> Copa. At its<br />

heart, this project has been conceived and motivated by the<br />

desire to keep her story alive for her grandchildren: Nathan,<br />

Grace, Emma and Owen. Our aim is that they will pick up<br />

this book and find it grounding and insightful at many times<br />

throughout their lives as they ask, “I wonder what Grandma<br />

would think or say about this?”<br />

With the grandchildren in mind, this book has been<br />

written in my voice and is meant to take the form of a conversation<br />

or story. The first chapter, entitled “A Vibrant Spirit<br />

Blossoms,” is a biographical collection of stories and images,<br />

which takes us through the different phases of <strong>Pat</strong>’s life in<br />

chronological order. The title highlights the way <strong>Pat</strong>’s indomitable<br />

spirit grew out of many of her early life experiences. The<br />

opening chapter is followed by four theme chapters, which<br />

illuminate major aspects of <strong>Pat</strong>’s character—caring for causes,<br />

people, animals and adventure. Each theme also characterizes<br />

a strength of one of our grandchildren. Each grandchild<br />

embodies a part of <strong>Pat</strong>’s living heritage—strengths they can<br />

use as a guide and others can recognize and enjoy as they<br />

grow and develop. The theme chapters are presented in the<br />

birth order of the grandchildren from oldest to youngest. The<br />

final chapter is entitled “A Year of Serendipity” and highlights<br />

the last year of <strong>Pat</strong>’s life. That year unfolded almost as if it<br />

had been predestined to be her last year with resolution of<br />

ongoing worries, happy memories and deeply heartfelt conversations.<br />

The chapter concludes with insights that can be<br />

drawn from <strong>Pat</strong>’s life put forth as hopes and wishes for each of<br />

the grandchildren as individuals and collectively.<br />

The initial impetus for this book came from Kristin. She<br />

was inspired by a family history workshop she participated in<br />

with Lisa Kagan, and conceived of the idea of creating a book<br />

in honor of <strong>Pat</strong>. Kristin also made many special and creative<br />

contributions when I got stuck at points during the writing<br />

process, when we were searching for just the right words for<br />

a key passage in the narrative. She was my trusted partner<br />

in every meeting with Lisa Kagan over a period of two years<br />

as we worked through purpose, organization, textual content<br />

and picture selection. Vince served as an invaluable consultant<br />

and editor for tone and content. Because he was more<br />

physically distant, living in Minnesota while Kristin and I<br />

were in Oregon as was Lisa, Vince served an independent<br />

third party advisor. We relied on him to maintain a big picture<br />

perspective as we worked through the details, give honest<br />

feedback so we did not overlook important pieces and give<br />

balanced attention to the components of <strong>Pat</strong>’s life.<br />

As Kristin, Vince and I moved forward with developing<br />

the book, it became more than a story of <strong>Pat</strong>’s life with us. The<br />

planning and organizing, workshops with the grandchildren,<br />

interviews, sorting through family files and editing hundreds<br />

of photos became a healing process for each of us and the<br />

other people mourning <strong>Pat</strong>’s loss. It often brought both smiles<br />

and tears (more of the former) as we relived everyday life<br />

and special events with her. It provided us an opportunity to<br />

reminisce and record our thoughts about <strong>Pat</strong>, many of which<br />

we wanted to preserve and would otherwise fade with the<br />

passing of time. This book provides a space to bring the many<br />

anecdotes and artifacts of a family’s experience together into<br />

some kind of order. It should be clear as you read this book<br />

that we are very proud of <strong>Pat</strong> and exceedingly grateful that<br />

we had the special opportunity to know her intimately, to love<br />

her deeply and to be unconditionally loved by her. Now that<br />

we have experienced some time without her, we have come to<br />

more fully understand and sincerely appreciate <strong>Pat</strong>’s force of<br />

personality, character, love, commitments, energy and competence<br />

in positively shaping her life, our lives and the lives of<br />

those around her. She must be smiling at this heritage.<br />

With special love and regard,<br />

George, Kristin and Vince, November 4, 2010<br />



A Vibrant Spirit Blossoms<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> was born in the Pacific Northwest and the region<br />

drew her back years later. As she grew as a person,<br />

she was able to build on her strengths and sources<br />

of inspiration to find a place that fulfilled her, gave her<br />

peace and brought so much to the people in her life. Even<br />

as a young person, she was giving of herself, willing to<br />

put her needs behind those of others, clear-headed about<br />

what she wanted and an organizer and leader who could<br />

competently direct and balance multiple activities at the<br />

same time. As she went out on her own, she demonstrated<br />

her hard-working nature with high standards for herself<br />

and others, gracious social ability at creating a feeling of<br />

comfort and unwillingness to be patient with incompetence<br />

and unfairness. As an adult, she showed her skills<br />

in creating a special home, loving family, and productive<br />

workplace in her signature style with a spirited smile, twinkling<br />

eyes, a quick and independent mind, untiring energy<br />

and personal drive.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>'s Origins, Simple Beginnings<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>’s mother, Anita Delores Pauley, was of Italian, Swiss<br />

and German heritage. She was born on June 14, 1922 in<br />

Stillwater, Minnesota. Anita was the youngest of six children<br />

in her family and grew up on a farm just outside<br />

Stillwater. The farm’s toilet was in an outhouse all the while<br />

Anita lived at home and they did not have electricity until<br />

she was in high school. She studied by kerosene lamp<br />

before electricity came and entertained herself by listening<br />

to a battery-operated radio.<br />

Anita went to a one-room rural primary school with<br />

only 12-15 students; there were only two students in her<br />

grade. Anita later attended Stillwater High School, where<br />

her favorite subjects were English and mathematics, and<br />

Anita Murphy<br />

then she went to Winona Teacher’s College to prepare to<br />

be a teacher. Her pioneering spirit was demonstrated by<br />

her soccer playing at college. After graduating, she taught<br />

school for two years before her visit to a girlfriend in San<br />

Francisco, California, changed her life.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>’s father, Tom, came from an Irish and Italian family.<br />

His mother, Ursula, helped her sisters run a hotel and<br />

dining room and his dad, Tom Sr., worked in the coal<br />

mines as a “rope rider,” electrician, and foreman in Red<br />

Lodge, Montana. Tom was born on October 10, 1919, in<br />

Red Lodge and weighed only 3 ½ pounds—they kept him<br />

in a baby basket in back of the wood-burning kitchen stove<br />

to keep him warm until he gained more weight. His mother<br />

died of a chronic liver illness when he was 13 years old. As<br />

a young boy, he loved reading and walking in the Cascades<br />

forest. He went to high school at St. Martin’s boarding<br />

school in Olympia, Washington. Tom attended the University<br />

of Washington in Seattle and then the Boeing School of<br />

Aeronautics in Oakland, California.<br />


12<br />

Baby <strong>Pat</strong> and Anita

<strong>Pat</strong> celebrating her first birthday with her father Tom<br />


18<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> as a young girl

Looking for a change the next year, Tom and Anita<br />

moved back to Stillwater, Minnesota. Tom continued to<br />

work for Northwest Airlines in the Twin Cities, and Anita<br />

was back in the familiar place where she grew up. They<br />

moved into a comfortable little rental house on Mulberry<br />

Street in Stillwater and began to settle in. Anita’s parents<br />

lived on a farm nearby and her siblings were close at hand<br />

to help out. The next two Murphy girls were born there:<br />

Linda in January 1949 and Joanne in December 1950. <strong>Pat</strong><br />

was the only one old enough to go to school during the<br />

three years they lived in Stillwater, and she went to kindergarten<br />

and first grade there.<br />

In 1951, Tom’s father and <strong>Pat</strong>’s grandfather, Thomas J.<br />

Murphy, died and the family inherited enough money to<br />

purchase their first home. The big farmhouse, now at 6450<br />

Pleasant View Circle in Chanhassen, Minnesota, needed a<br />

lot of work, but had a lot of character. Although fixing up<br />

a house was a bit overwhelming for a young couple with a<br />

bunch of small children, Tom and Anita would go on living<br />

in that house for 30 years and raise all of their children<br />

there. Claudia was born there just before Christmas 1953<br />

and Tom, the youngest, was born in the summer of 1957.<br />

Everyone joked about how long Tom and Anita had to wait<br />

for a boy. By then father Tom thought the family was big<br />

enough. He had grown up in a family with only three children,<br />

but Anita was one of seven. Of course everyone was<br />

happy when “Tommy” finally came along to carry on the<br />

Thomas Murphy name.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> went to second grade at a public school before spending<br />

third through eighth grade at St. John the Baptist School<br />

in Excelsior. After a year at a public junior high, she attended<br />

Minnetonka High School. Anita returned to teaching as<br />

soon as Tommy entered first grade. She taught first grade at<br />

St. John the Baptist School for 18 years, and it was said, “She<br />

could teach a rock to read!” Anita reflected—“I didn’t want<br />

to just be a housewife!” She enjoyed working with her students<br />

and made lifelong friends with the other teachers.<br />

“<strong>Pat</strong> had been through several cross-country<br />

moves by 1950 when the family re-located from<br />

Stillwater to the three acres in Chanhassen. By the<br />

time I knew her, she already seemed like a little<br />

lieutenant mom. I can picture her serious face; the<br />

glasses perched up on her nose, helping to pull diapers<br />

or snowsuits on people. People have always told<br />

me that I have been good with kids, but I must have<br />

been like her apprentice, as far as looking around<br />

and seeing a model. She just assumed that role, and<br />

took care of all of us.”<br />

- Joanne Murphy<br />

The Murphy home in Chanhassen, Minnesota<br />


in her sorority—secretary/treasurer and also she held a<br />

similar office at the Newman Club. Her leadership and<br />

organizational skills were recognized and valued. <strong>Pat</strong> and I<br />

used to compete for grades a lot when we were in the same<br />

courses, and we always used to lord our successes over<br />

each other in a fun-loving kind of way. She did better than<br />

I did in biochemistry and never let me live that down. We<br />

both were very good students and had among the top grade<br />

point averages on campus.<br />

During those three years of dating, I also got to know<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>’s family. She was the first one of the Murphy girls to<br />

bring a boyfriend home for an overnight stay, so all of her<br />

younger siblings had a lot of fun teasing us. <strong>Pat</strong> and I were<br />

in front of her house under the poplar tree and her siblings<br />

were having a great time snooping on us. We did not<br />

mind. I enjoyed getting a sense of how she had grown up<br />

and liked talking with her sisters and brother and getting<br />

to know her parents.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> also went home with me several times to Little Falls<br />

to meet my parents and all five of my younger brothers. I<br />

grew up on a farm, milking cows and raising hogs. It was<br />

a new experience for everybody to have a girl around. My<br />

mom really liked the help and companionship. <strong>Pat</strong> and I<br />

used to go for long walks in the pastures, ride the minibikes,<br />

and in the winter, the snowmobiles.<br />

I was one year ahead of <strong>Pat</strong> so I graduated first and<br />

began teaching vocational agriculture in the junior high<br />

and high school at Alexandria, Minnesota, which is about<br />

150 miles north of the Twin Cities. She had one more year,<br />

including her student teaching experience. I made a lot<br />

of trips back to the Twin Cities that first year of teaching.<br />

In the spring, she decided to do her student teaching in a<br />

small town called Sebeka, which was only 30 miles from<br />

Alexandria. I was glad that she was closer and I could go<br />

see her much more often.<br />

“Being the youngest, I remember what a big<br />

deal it was when <strong>Pat</strong> brought George home for the<br />

first time, introducing him as her boyfriend. It was<br />

very exciting to me. I was awful and merciless as<br />

a younger brother; I sat around saying, ‘Georgie<br />

Porgie, pudding and pie, kissed the girls (and made<br />

them cry).’ Looking<br />

back I realize<br />

what a huge sign of<br />

affection that actually<br />

was. I really<br />

wanted attention<br />

from George, being<br />

the only boy out of<br />

five sisters, and I<br />

was pouring myself<br />

into it. <strong>Pat</strong> was very<br />

patient and goodnatured<br />

with me,<br />

George and <strong>Pat</strong> out on a date<br />

nobody sent me off to the lower quarters of the house<br />

for my obnoxious behavior. It was like a miracle,<br />

one of my first memories of my sister with a guy and<br />

it turned out to be her mate for life. <strong>Pat</strong> would come<br />

in just dressed to the hilt, I mean just gorgeous, and<br />

I would be sitting there saying, ‘This is my sister!’<br />

I was just in awe at that point. It was good for me<br />

because it gave me a glimpse into the world outside<br />

of the west suburbs of Excelsior, which was a lot<br />

more isolated then than it is now. <strong>Pat</strong> would come in<br />

and it would be like a princess coming to visit. For a<br />

kid this was amazing.”<br />

- Tom Murphy<br />


<strong>Pat</strong> and George dressed up for a dance<br />



<strong>Pat</strong> consistently translated her values into action.<br />

Rather than spread herself over hundreds of causes,<br />

she poured herself into ones that ignited her passions<br />

and interests at different points in her life. There were<br />

consistent themes that connected these causes. When <strong>Pat</strong><br />

believed in a cause, she gave her unwavering determination<br />

and loyalty to it.<br />

Caring for Causes<br />

Passion and Purpose,<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>'s Causes<br />

Throughout her personal life and career, two of <strong>Pat</strong>’s<br />

most important causes were helping children and families<br />

in need and empowering groups and individuals who were<br />

outside the predominant power structure. She focused her<br />

efforts especially on women, people from minority ethnic<br />

groups and those who were poor. For <strong>Pat</strong>, working towards<br />

gender equality was a central cause that she dedicated<br />

herself to throughout her life. She felt that she certainly<br />

had more opportunities than her mother did, but fewer<br />

than I did. She always sought ways to encourage women to<br />

empower themselves and realize their full potential.<br />

One of the first times I saw <strong>Pat</strong> delving into a cause for<br />

children and families was through the Latch Key Program<br />

in St. Paul. <strong>Pat</strong> initiated and co-planned the first schoolbased<br />

Latch Key program in the city. Latch Key serves<br />

children and families by providing after-school, schoolbased<br />

childcare through Community Education to fill the<br />

gap between when kids get out of school and when parents<br />

come home from work. The program is now widespread<br />

in St. Paul. <strong>Pat</strong> would have been surprised and pleased to<br />

learn that her nephew Tommy and niece Nora took part<br />

in the program some 30 years after she helped initiate it.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> staffing the Community Education booth<br />

at the 4th of July celebration in St. Anthony Park<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>’s brother, Tom, mentioned that he only learned of <strong>Pat</strong>’s<br />

involvement in founding the program when he attended<br />

a retirement event for the co-founder of the program<br />

after <strong>Pat</strong> had passed away. He was pleasantly surprised<br />

to learn that his sister had been instrumental in creating<br />

this innovative program that had benefited his family. The<br />

co-founder, Beth Cutting, used this quote from Pericles to<br />

describe <strong>Pat</strong>’s work, “What you leave behind is not what is<br />

engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the<br />

lives of others.” <strong>Pat</strong> did a lot of this kind of weaving in her<br />

life through her work with the causes she cared about.<br />

While our children were growing up, <strong>Pat</strong> was also<br />

very supportive of the Newman Center and Chapel at the<br />

University of Minnesota, an organization for Catholic<br />

students with a liberal approach to community support.<br />

We attended the Center as our place of worship, and it is<br />

where Kristin and Vince got their early religious education.<br />


84<br />

Caring for Causes, Mixed Media Art by Owen Cooper

Caring for Causes<br />

The Importance of Having Determination<br />

By Owen Cooper, Age 10<br />

My grandma taught me to keep working hard and do your best,<br />

stay positive and never give up. My grandma worked with goats and<br />

she was very determined to make the goats ribbon winners and make<br />

them the best they can be.<br />

I want to do good in school and to follow grandma’s example<br />

and try hard at everything. Determination is important because you<br />

always do good if you try your best, if you don’t have determination<br />

you won’t do good at anything.<br />

Owen building bird houses for Christmas gifts<br />

“I see these qualities of loyalty and determination<br />

coming out very strongly in Owen. He gets really<br />

firmly behind something and is unwavering in his<br />

loyalty. It sometimes makes things hard on him.<br />

He is very committed to the sports teams that he is<br />

backing and we support him in that. We were watching<br />

the World Cup and following England to see how<br />

far they would go. We knew that at a certain point<br />

that they probably weren’t going to win, but he was<br />

so loyal that he took it really hard when they lost.<br />

Owen gets really indignant at baseball games if there<br />

is a call that he doesn’t agree with. He can get really<br />

upset about it because he has a sense of how things<br />

should go and that it should be fair.<br />

He applies this same passion to politics.<br />

Through his friends at school he got very interested<br />

in the 2008 presidential election. He was completely<br />

behind Obama. I was on the fence with it<br />

for a while, and he was okay with that. I think he<br />

recognized that I had the right to my own opinion,<br />

but he didn’t make any secret about what his feelings<br />

were in trying to convince me.<br />

He is really loyal to people in his family and<br />

friends that he cares about. I remember once I knitted<br />

a sweater for my husband, and it took a really<br />

long time. I mentioned to Owen how long it was taking.<br />

When my husband opened the present, he said,<br />

‘Oh look, a sweater.’ Owen said, ‘Mama made that<br />

by herself and it took her a really, really long time.’<br />

That’s the sort of thing that my mom would do. I<br />

always made my mom things as a child, and as I got<br />

older I would take classes and continue to make her<br />

gifts. She would wear them and be happy to receive<br />

them. She was appreciative, which could be seen as<br />

loyalty because they are not always the most obviously<br />

precious items.”<br />

- Kristin Cooper<br />



<strong>Pat</strong> was always quiet about her decisions to care for<br />

other people—she just did it without fanfare or<br />

even letting others know. Her care began with her<br />

family as she grew up the oldest of six—Joanne christened<br />

her “Lieutenant Mom.” When I got to know her, she was<br />

quietly caring for her dormitory roommates and sorority<br />

sisters. When <strong>Pat</strong> left college, she focused on caring for her<br />

expanding family—me, my parents and siblings and our<br />

family together with Kristin and Vince. After that her care<br />

expanded to the children, adolescents and parents in the<br />

programs where she was a teacher in a wide variety of organizations.<br />

Next came her sweetest and indulgent care with<br />

her most prized family—her four grandchildren Owen,<br />

Emma, Grace, and Nathan—each the apple of her eye.<br />

Along the way <strong>Pat</strong> extended herself to many individuals in<br />

Caring for People<br />

Vince and <strong>Pat</strong><br />

hard situations who were in need of help: a niece interested<br />

in the performing arts, a troubled teenager with little family<br />

support, a woman recovering from debilitating surgery,<br />

a woman in the final stages of ALS, another woman with<br />

multiple sclerosis, and eventually her own mother, to name<br />

a few. Anyone who knew <strong>Pat</strong> was aware that she was a very<br />

busy person—always working on one thing or another<br />

while balancing family and work responsibilities. I was<br />

there for much of this caringtaking, particularly for our<br />

families. Yet, much of this caring she did on her own, and<br />

I took on a supporting role. I was there when she asked for<br />

advice or needed help covering other things so she could<br />

be gone. She simply took time out to care for people—it<br />

was an essential part of who she was at heart.<br />

This quality of caring for people was expressed in a<br />

wide variety of ways. The most obvious<br />

ways in which <strong>Pat</strong> cared for others<br />

were by giving them food, helping<br />

with their bathing needs, making<br />

sure they had clean clothes, sewing<br />

new clothes, helping with school<br />

work, listening and giving advice.<br />

After people’s basic needs were met,<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> continued to care for others by<br />

making places for them to feel comfortable<br />

and loved, building their<br />

self-confidence and their trust in her,<br />

and bringing beauty to their lives. She<br />

made each of our houses into a warm,<br />

inviting, attractive, and unique home<br />

through carefully selected decorations,<br />

furnishings, reconfigurations,<br />

remodeling and new additions. She<br />

was also a master at making, selecting<br />


The Strength of Her<br />

Personal Relationships<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> embodied the role of caretaker<br />

in our family when we were raising<br />

our children and in the other personal<br />

relationships that were important to her<br />

throughout her life. For our family, she<br />

was always the go-to person when Kristin<br />

and Vince were babies, children, and<br />

early adolescents. This was the case for<br />

the thousands and thousands of small<br />

and large, routine and unique needs that<br />

arose. While Kristin and Vince were<br />

very young, <strong>Pat</strong> continued to work and<br />

pursue advanced professional study, but<br />

the children always came first. If there<br />

was a conflict with our schedules, she<br />

was usually the one to adapt. She would<br />

make arrangements with neighbors and<br />

friends to exchange child care so she<br />

had time for her work and study. This<br />

continued all the way through Kristin’s<br />

and Vince’s elementary and middle<br />

school years. Then she started more<br />

intense work and concentrated study,<br />

moving from her master’s degree to her<br />

doctorate. Even during this period, she<br />

engaged our children by involving them<br />

in a slide presentation to use in her master’s<br />

study. Throughout the process of<br />

collecting data for her thesis, she would<br />

bring Vince and Kristin with her to<br />

observe parenting practices at the local<br />

McDonald’s restaurant.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> with Kristin and Vince<br />


“I think <strong>Pat</strong>’s ability to care for others is one of<br />

the most important things about who she was. That<br />

is what she did with us as her younger siblings; it<br />

was always family first. It was the same with George<br />

and their children; she was always so proud of them.<br />

It couldn’t have been more perfect than for her to<br />

have been gifted the four grandchildren. Her theory<br />

was that she could never do too much for her kids,<br />

and for the most part that worked out pretty well.<br />

They are well-loved kids, and it shows, and the same<br />

goes for the grandkids. <strong>Pat</strong> and George both modeled<br />

being there and being very present parents, and<br />

I think those four grandkids are lucky with that. It’s<br />

cut short, but it’s going to be present for them. That<br />

love doesn’t go away.<br />

I felt very fortunate to have been a recipient of<br />

that kind of love when <strong>Pat</strong> and George offered me a<br />

place to stay so that I could go to the University of<br />

Minnesota after my high school graduation. I had<br />

dreams of going to Berkeley, but I had no money. I<br />

was able to work parttime<br />

during the school<br />

year and throughout<br />

the summers to put<br />

myself through college,<br />

but it was contingent<br />

upon me feeling brave<br />

enough to do that.<br />

Having a supportive<br />

place to be during my<br />

first semester made<br />

all of the difference.<br />

They built me a room<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> with Vince<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>, bringing out cupcakes at Vince's birthday party<br />

in their basement; it was a jumping off place to start<br />

my life. I really enjoyed spending quite a bit of time<br />

with Kris when she was still tiny, and I felt totally<br />

comfortable around <strong>Pat</strong> and George’s house during<br />

those five years until I left the Twin Cities area. <strong>Pat</strong><br />

always made me feel very welcome.<br />

During that time when <strong>Pat</strong> was working on her<br />

graduate program, her approach was a real model<br />

for me, how she stuck to it. With two little kids, it<br />

was not so easy. There were flurries of index cards<br />

all over the floor. Watching her really solidified in<br />

my mind the importance of setting goals and sticking<br />

to them. It wasn’t so clear to me what she was<br />

after, but it was clear that she wanted it badly. She<br />

maintained absolute focus on Vince and Kris, from<br />

their daily care to creating special parties for their<br />

birthdays, while simultaneously pursuing her academic<br />

goals. It was really something to see.”<br />

- Joanne Murphy<br />


<strong>Pat</strong> with Emma and Owen<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> feeding Owen his first baby food<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> tickling Owen<br />


<strong>Pat</strong> and George enjoying Emma's first steps<br />


“Before Vince and I got married and bought a<br />

house, we decided it’s time to get a dog. I got a pug<br />

dog from a breeder that turned out to be a “puppy<br />

mill,” and the puppy died four days after we got her.<br />

It was just horrible. She was only the size of the palm<br />

of my hand. I held her while she had her last seizures<br />

and drew her last breath. It was devastating to me.<br />

I stayed in the room when she was put to sleep. <strong>Pat</strong><br />

knew how awful that was. I was an emotional wreck.<br />

We talked about the possibility of getting<br />

another dog, and I said, ‘We can’t because it is a<br />

very contagious disease, and you can’t bring any<br />

other animal into the environment for18 months<br />

until they are fully vaccinated.’ <strong>Pat</strong> went out and<br />

found a dog in Oregon. She raised her until she was<br />

three months old, took her to the vet for her vaccinations,<br />

then had her blood tested to make sure<br />

that she had enough antibodies so she wouldn’t get<br />

the disease. Vince went to their home for Thanksgiving<br />

and brought back this perfect puppy that <strong>Pat</strong><br />

had given to us. Strangely enough the puppy, who<br />

we named Addie, has the same birthday as Vince.<br />

She did that for us, and it is not easy to bring a<br />

puppy into your house. They’re not potty trained or<br />

anything, and she never complained. She was very<br />

proud of how she had made us so happy by giving<br />

us this dog. Addie is now going to be ten, and every<br />

time Grandma <strong>Pat</strong> would come, she would be just<br />

beside herself.<br />

As our relationship progressed and we started<br />

our family, <strong>Pat</strong> was always there anytime you needed<br />

her. Even if she was halfway across the country, or<br />

if she was busy at a conference, if you needed her,<br />

she would drop things and come. She came for the<br />

birth of each of our kids. She arrived about a week<br />

after Grace was born when we returned home from<br />

the hospital. It was really helpful to have her there<br />

because Grace had her days and nights mixed up. <strong>Pat</strong><br />

would take her at night so we could get a little bit of<br />

sleep, and then <strong>Pat</strong> would sleep during the day.<br />

Then when I was pregnant with Nathan, I got<br />

sick and I was in the hospital for I don’t know how<br />

many days, and Vince needed somebody to watch<br />

Grace. He called up one night and said, ‘Mom, I<br />

need you,’ and she was there the next morning.<br />

Anything you needed she was there. With Nathan,<br />

we knew that I was going to have a C-section so we<br />

scheduled it six weeks out so that I had coverage,<br />

somebody to take care of Grace the whole time after<br />

Nathan was born. Yet Nathan decided to come a<br />

month early and so we called <strong>Pat</strong> and said, 'Nathan<br />

is here.' She flew out the next morning and was there<br />

to take care of Grace so that Vince could be with me<br />

during the days. <strong>Pat</strong> actually introduced Grace to<br />

Nathan. She brought Grace up to the hospital, and<br />

sat down in the chair with Grace on one knee and<br />

Nathan on the other and said, ‘This is your baby<br />

brother.’ She was smiling and laughing, and Grace<br />

was holding Nathan’s face in her hands.<br />

When <strong>Pat</strong> and George were delivering goats<br />

about three years ago, they were coming through<br />

Minnesota and planning to stay a few days and<br />

then head on. My grandmother called to say that<br />

my grandfather was in the hospital and needed a<br />

triple bypass. They’re in Arizona, so I asked <strong>Pat</strong> and<br />

George, 'Do you mind staying?' Vince was flying<br />


<strong>Pat</strong> introducing Grace to her new baby brother, Nathan<br />

out of the country for work and there was no one to<br />

watch the kids. No problem. They just rearranged<br />

everything and stayed so that I could go.<br />

When Vince’s grandfather Tom was in the nursing<br />

home, his grandma had to sell her cabin in Wisconsin<br />

in order to pay for his medical needs. Vince and<br />

I couldn’t afford it at the time, although we wanted<br />

to keep it in the family. <strong>Pat</strong> and George bought the<br />

cabin and made the mortgage payments for a year<br />

until we were financially<br />

ready, and then they<br />

sold it to us. She took<br />

care of things like that.<br />

If she could work something,<br />

or if she could<br />

contribute to something<br />

that someone wanted or<br />

needed, she did it.<br />

She had a friend that<br />

had ALS, Lou Gehrig’s<br />

disease. Every Tuesday,<br />

she would go over<br />

to Laurie’s house and<br />

wash and style her hair,<br />

and do her nails. She<br />

would spend time with<br />

her especially when she<br />

was doing really poorly<br />

and couldn’t do any of<br />

those things. She did<br />

this to give her husband<br />

a break, and also<br />

just because those are<br />

the kinds of things that you would do for a friend<br />

that couldn’t do it for themselves. I thought that was<br />

really noble of her because it is really hard to watch a<br />

friend die, especially from something so horrible like<br />

that. She did it with grace and love; she wasn’t afraid<br />

of her friend’s disease. Some people would back away<br />

from others when they are sick, but she never did.”<br />

- Alicia Copa<br />


Vince also exemplifies that quality of caring through<br />

his relationships with his children. He is tuned into them<br />

at a high level all the time. He understands each one's<br />

needs, interests, and personality—how they are similar<br />

and different and responds accordingly with great success<br />

and resulting mutual fondness. Grace and Nathan love<br />

him dearly (as they do Alicia); he is a very important part<br />

of their lives. He does what I did not do very much. When<br />

he gets home from work, the children have his primary<br />

attention until they go to bed. Then on Saturdays and<br />

Sundays he is there for them fulltime with activities, new<br />

experiences, and learning. He is focused on who they are<br />

and how they are developing—they are very central and<br />

precious to his life. For Grace, it could be encouraging her<br />

to try something new or developing the patience to talk<br />

something through. For Nathan it, might be practicing<br />

a new sports skill or forming a collaboration so they can<br />

work on mowing their lawn together.<br />

“I think that it is wonderful how Vince and Kristin<br />

have cultivated some of the best qualities of both<br />

of their parents. I can see it in their intellect, generosity,<br />

and ability to be good parents. I can see how<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> and George influenced them in a positive way.”<br />

- Tom Murphy<br />

•<br />

“When <strong>Pat</strong> gave our family gifts, they were not<br />

something that she would just go and pick up off of<br />

the shelf. She thought about it, and they were meaningful,<br />

wonderful things. The last trip out before<br />

she died, she and George had been in New Mexico,<br />

and she gave Grace these beautiful Native American<br />

placemats for the table. Cloth placemats with all of<br />

the beautiful colors, and they had horses running on<br />

them. She also brought her a book called, The Girl<br />

Who Loved Wild Horses. It is a story about a Native<br />

American girl who has wild horses. At kindergarten,<br />

instead of bringing treats for Grace’s birthday, the<br />

teacher invited the parents to come in and read the<br />

child’s favorite book, and that was the book Grace<br />

chose. She got Nathan a Native American story<br />

about why the wolf is grey with a black tail. The wolf<br />

started out blue, but he was mischievous, and he got<br />

in trouble so his tail changed colors. Nathan loves<br />

that book, too. She must have spent hours thinking<br />

about the perfect gift. That was always wonderfully<br />

endearing to us, and much appreciated.”<br />

- Alicia Copa<br />

Vince, Anita, Alicia and <strong>Pat</strong><br />


<strong>Pat</strong> teaching Grace how to fish at the family cabin in Wisconsin<br />



<strong>Pat</strong> enjoyed a special relationship with animals, and<br />

they played a significant role in our life together.<br />

She loved animals and they loved her. At the core<br />

of this connection was a deep gentle caring, bewildering<br />

joy, boundless exchange, fulfillment of dreams, unwavering<br />

loyalty, unexpected miracles and soothing internal peace.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>’s love of animals found its beginning and nurturing in<br />

the Murphy family and was strengthened throughout her<br />

life. <strong>Pat</strong> took pride in passing this love on to her children<br />

and grandchildren.<br />

Caring for Animals<br />

Beginning of a Love Affair<br />

with Animals<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>’s caring for and<br />

love of animals began<br />

long before I knew her,<br />

when she was growing<br />

up in the Murphy<br />

family. During her<br />

childhood, the Murphy<br />

family lived on the edge<br />

of the Twin Cities with<br />

several acres for pasture<br />

and garden—it was a<br />

neat place for animals.<br />

In <strong>Pat</strong>’s family, not<br />

only did everyone enjoy<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> as a young girl<br />

the animals, each took<br />

a role in caring for them. <strong>Pat</strong> and her siblings embraced this<br />

responsibility. She enjoyed having animals around and was<br />

eager to attend to their needs—feeding, watering, cleaning<br />

up after them, tending them when they were sick and<br />

Thomas Murphy and the Murphy familly pugs<br />

“We always had animals around the Murphy<br />

household when the children were growing<br />

up—most of the time we had a dog. First we had<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>ches, the cocker spaniel, then Prince, the German<br />

shepard, and later we had Pappy and Cookie, the<br />

pugs. The animals were part of the family. It means<br />

a lot to me that my children, grandchildren, and<br />

great-grandchildren are good with animals. For us<br />

they are not just animals; they are very special.”<br />

- Anita Murphy<br />


and worked evenings and weekends building<br />

her goat enterprise. She then moved<br />

to a faculty position at Western Oregon<br />

University, only about three miles from our<br />

farm, so she could return home during the<br />

day and tend the growing herd of goats.<br />

After two years, <strong>Pat</strong> decided to leave<br />

professional education work to raise goats<br />

full time. The goat enterprise tapped <strong>Pat</strong>’s<br />

considerable energy, determination and<br />

organizational skills. It modeled for me<br />

how to make a smooth transition from the<br />

field of professional education, where we<br />

were both working, to a distinctly different<br />

area of focus. I think this was one<br />

of the best decisions of <strong>Pat</strong>’s life (besides<br />

saying yes to me). She fell in love with this<br />

endeavor and gave it her all. In return, it<br />

gave her more than she could have imagined. It ushered<br />

in a new level of love and commitment, deep caring, joy,<br />

dreams, loyalty, miracles, peace, respect, self-confidence<br />

and a new opportunity to teach.<br />

By the time <strong>Pat</strong> died, she was known across the United<br />

Owen and <strong>Pat</strong> with one of the young goats at Verdant Vistas<br />

A baby goat nursing from its mother<br />

“My mom’s work with goats almost seemed like<br />

she was returning to where she came from. It was a<br />

way to combine her affinity with animals with making<br />

a contribution and being respected. That was<br />

important to her.”<br />

- Kristin Cooper<br />


States for the physical quality of her goats, their friendly<br />

personalities and the fiber they produced. <strong>Pat</strong>’s new goat<br />

kids were sought even before they were born (she kept a<br />

waiting list). In the Pygora Breeders Directory, you can<br />

now find Verdant Vistas goats throughout the country, and<br />

she received requests daily for her advice and support on<br />

caring for Pygora goats.<br />

A collection of the signs that <strong>Pat</strong><br />

had out in front of Verdant Vista,<br />

updating the community on news<br />

from the goat farm<br />

Verdant Vista goats<br />


<strong>Pat</strong> playing with the goats<br />

Fiber from the goats<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> with her goat Maggie at a dress-up event<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> sharing her goats with children in the community<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> with award-winning Killian at the Fiber Frenzy<br />


Remembering <strong>Pat</strong><br />

<strong>Celebrating</strong> <strong>Pat</strong>’s Friendships in the Pygora Goat Community<br />

When news of <strong>Pat</strong>’s death spread through the Pygora<br />

goat community, we saw an outpouring of sympathy.<br />

Everyone wanted to tell me how much <strong>Pat</strong> meant to<br />

them and what a strong role she played in their lives<br />

with their animals. One way <strong>Pat</strong> communicated with<br />

the people in the community was through an online<br />

discussion group where members usually talk about<br />

their “goaties” as if they are referring to family members.<br />

When <strong>Pat</strong> died, it was clear that, in addition to us<br />

losing an important member of our family, the Pygora<br />

goat community had lost an important member of its<br />

family. Their thoughts and reflections on their relationships<br />

with <strong>Pat</strong> have been a real gift to us.<br />

“She was one of the dearest, most sincere,<br />

giving people I have ever known. I would like to carry<br />

on her effort to get Pygora fiber out to the world, not<br />

just for the spinners, but also in yarn form for the knitters<br />

out there. <strong>Pat</strong> truly was an inspiration to me.”<br />

A Special, Inspiring Woman<br />

“It was an honor and a privilege to have crossed<br />

paths with a woman such as <strong>Pat</strong>. In this shallow<br />

world that seems to be going crazy, it is a rarity to meet<br />

such a hardworking woman who walked with elegance,<br />

kindness, intelligence and class.”<br />

“What a beautiful and inspiring woman. Her<br />

spirit will soar as she watches all of us she has touched.”<br />

“<strong>Pat</strong> was such an inspiration to all of us with her vast<br />

knowledge, her cheerfulness and her zest<br />

for life.”<br />

“<strong>Pat</strong> was one in a million. The Pygora chat line has had<br />

many who all have said the same—<strong>Pat</strong> was always there<br />

to offer help, encouragement, to teach and teach again<br />

for those of us slow learners and then when we finally<br />

got it you could feel her smile.”<br />

A collection of cards from <strong>Pat</strong>'s friends in the Pygora Goat Community<br />


152<br />

Caring for Animals, Mixed Media Art by Grace Copa

Caring for Animals<br />

As told by Grace Copa, Age 6<br />

Grace taking Gretel for a walk<br />

I have a lot of favorite memories of my grandma and I caring for<br />

her animals. Gretel is a very nice donkey because she walks nice. I am<br />

a very good animal trainer, I feed her apples. Briana is a very nice goat.<br />

She is my friend, but she went to another farm. I pet her a lot and take<br />

her out of the fence. Gretel would come out, too. Ben, the cat, was my<br />

favorite and Jerry was a scared cat. Grandma gave me a rock horse on<br />

the train. I have eyes like a hawk and ears like a mouse. I have a lot of<br />

animals like my grandma, five duck eggs, a lot of fish, one hamster and<br />

two dogs. I loved spending time with my grandma and her animals. I<br />

always wanted to go down there everyday.<br />

“When I think about <strong>Pat</strong>’s special connection<br />

with animals, I see some of the same characteristics<br />

in Grace. Grace has a special way with animals.<br />

They are as drawn to her as she is to them. They<br />

settle down and feel comfortable with her. It is<br />

almost a spiritual kind of thing. When Grace comes<br />

to Verdant Vistas, as soon as she gets out of the car,<br />

she always wants to see the goats and lead around<br />

the donkey, Gretel. She says, ‘Grandpa, come tack<br />

up Gretel.’”<br />

- George Copa<br />

Grace and a young goat<br />



Caring for Adventure<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>’s passion for adventure and her multitude of<br />

diverse experiences helped her feel comfortable<br />

with change, build her self-confidence and increase<br />

her competence in dealing with a variety of circumstances.<br />

Her dynamic energy and creativity brought new<br />

adventures and opportunities to her family and friends.<br />

Our shared adventures helped to create some of our fondest<br />

memories, allowing us to get to know each other in<br />

deeper ways through sharing “quality time” and engaging<br />

in conversation over challenges and joys in new contexts.<br />

These experiences helped to build confidence and strength<br />

in us as individuals and in our partnership. We learned<br />

how to handle unpredictability, risk and change as it arose.<br />

Throughout our travels, as one form of adventure, we<br />

continued to discover more about the broader world physically,<br />

geographically, socially and spiritually.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>’s sister, Joanne, got it right when she was reflecting<br />

about <strong>Pat</strong>. She said, “Not many made better use of the time<br />

they had.” <strong>Pat</strong> was a very spirited person, and, as Kristin<br />

says, “Not easily settled.” I would add “if ever” because<br />

it was rare to find her sitting still unless she was really<br />

exhausted. But, often in her experiences of adventure by<br />

herself and with others, <strong>Pat</strong> seemed more settled—at peace<br />

with herself and very pleased with the impact she was having,<br />

the difference she was making in the world.<br />

“One of the main things I miss about <strong>Pat</strong> is just<br />

her joy of life. I miss how totally involved she was in<br />

everything that she did. Whether she was cleaning<br />

the barn or doing other chores, it didn’t matter, she<br />

was totally into it. She never passively observed life,<br />

she was just in it.”<br />

- Linda Barnes<br />

“I will never stop being sad that we didn’t have<br />

more time with <strong>Pat</strong>, but there are not many people<br />

that have made better use of the time that they did<br />

have in their lives.”<br />

- Joanne Murphy<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> and Erin enjoying Silver Falls in Oregon<br />


<strong>Pat</strong> and Kristin playing in the backyard at the Copa house in St. Paul, Minnesota<br />

and Mount Rushmore.<br />

We also visited the<br />

home of <strong>Pat</strong>’s ancestors<br />

in Ireland—<strong>Pat</strong> and I<br />

relished in the challenges<br />

of driving on the left side<br />

of road throughout the<br />

country and picking up<br />

peat samples to bring<br />

home for our fireplace.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> even ventured to<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> and Vince in Minnesota<br />

Poland, the home of my<br />

ancestors, and brought my Dad with her from Minnesota.<br />

He had traveled very little by air and never internationally.<br />

They met me in Germany for a train trip to Warsaw and<br />

visited a small village where his parents grew up.<br />

Together we introduced Kristin and Vince to the joys<br />

of living in another country when <strong>Pat</strong> and our children<br />

joined me for a summer in Portugal—I had gone a week<br />

earlier to find a place to live during my Fulbright experience<br />

there. Kristin started young with a trip when she was<br />

“I remember the summer you guys went to Portugal<br />

with two kids when they were still pretty young.<br />

I just kind of stood back with my mouth wide open.<br />

I mean, I couldn’t even keep the bird alive. It was<br />

sort of awe-inspiring. Traveling was in our blood,<br />

watching the airplanes go over, and Dad working for<br />

Northwest. We all pretty much without exception got<br />

that love of traveling. <strong>Pat</strong> was making that happen<br />

with the kids still being little. I have a stack of postcards<br />

from all of the times that she wrote when she<br />

was off on her adventures.”<br />

- Joanne Murphy<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> and Vince playing in the snow in Minnesota<br />


Vince, Kristin and <strong>Pat</strong> preparing to board a plane to Portugal<br />



A Year of Serendipity<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>’s final year with us was a very special year—<br />

perhaps one she and we would have planned if we<br />

knew what was ahead. It left her family with the<br />

comfort of the experiences we shared and the memories we<br />

made. This time was also an important reminder of all of<br />

the gifts she gave us to carry forward.<br />

Happy to Be on Her Feet Again<br />

The summer of 2007 started with <strong>Pat</strong>’s amazing recovery<br />

from a car accident two years before. In many ways the<br />

first accident was very similar to the one that took her life,<br />

just less serious. She had been up late the night before preparing<br />

goat fiber and knitting products for display and sale<br />

in a shop in downtown Portland. She drove up to Portland<br />

that morning, spent the day at the shop in discussions with<br />

the owner and then drove back to our farm in Salem.<br />

It was a rainy day, she was tired and she was planning<br />

to meet me about 20 miles south of Salem in Albany for a<br />

retirement party for one of my university faculty colleagues<br />

whom she knew and enjoyed. I talked with her when<br />

she got home and suggested she not come because she<br />

was tired and it was a dark, dreary night for driving. She<br />

decided she wanted to come anyway and got on the road.<br />

About 45 minutes later, I got a call from her that she<br />

had fallen asleep driving, went off the road and drove into<br />

an orchard and hit a couple of trees. She had managed to<br />

get to her cell phone to call me and said she had a broken<br />

ankle and could not move. She asked me to come quickly—<br />

I was only about 15 minutes away. Before I got there,<br />

someone had stopped and called 911. The police came and<br />

an ambulance took her to the hospital in Corvallis.<br />

It turns out <strong>Pat</strong>’s ankle was severely broken, and her<br />

car was completely destroyed. The ankle was mended with<br />

several metal<br />

braces and a screw.<br />

Her leg was in cast<br />

for two months<br />

and then she wore<br />

a large black boot<br />

with all kinds of<br />

support for 2-3<br />

months more. During<br />

this time she<br />

was not able to put<br />

any weight on the<br />

ankle and she was<br />

supposed to take it<br />

easy. Taking it easy<br />

was not <strong>Pat</strong>’s way.<br />

She still wanted to<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> and Anita<br />

be as independent<br />

as possible and active with goat care, so I rented a couple of<br />

motorized carts for her—a smaller 3-wheel one for in the<br />

house and a larger 4-wheel one for outside. We installed a<br />

ramp to go from inside to outside the house so she could<br />

get between the carts.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> did amazingly well in bringing her life back to some<br />

kind of normal routine and never once complained of the<br />

pain and discomfort during this time. We even made long<br />

goat delivery trips with one of her carts on board, and she<br />

made the best of it in the pickup cab.<br />

After awhile, <strong>Pat</strong> was on her feet again but could not<br />

wear a regular shoe because the braces and screws were<br />

irritated by any kind of tight covering. She also could not<br />

walk more than a block without a lot of pain—she was<br />

beginning to think that this was going to be the situation<br />

for the rest of her life and that our plans would need to<br />


She was almost home.<br />

Summer evening: sunny, warm.<br />

A long drive back from a wonderful<br />

day at the coast with friends.<br />

Looking forward to HOME—a place<br />

of verdant vistas, deep satisfaction,<br />

and people who loved and needed her.<br />

Too hard to believe<br />

that the car could find its way<br />

through such a narrow path.<br />

The road, while winding and turbulent<br />

in many spots,<br />

is flat and open here.<br />

Blueberries at the height of perfection,<br />

and peach trees with dangling globes<br />

lay in the distance.<br />

But here, there’s nothing but sun and the<br />

heat and the quiet satisfaction from a<br />

day well spent.<br />

The droning of the car and sound of irrigation<br />

in the field...the smell of new mown<br />

hay and precious release of all<br />

cares...and then...sleep.<br />

Momma, grandma, goat lady.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>ty...Irish girl of wit and sparkle.<br />

Teacher and caretaker for<br />

the world around her and lover of life.<br />

She was gone too soon for those that loved her.<br />

A butterfly set free.<br />

- Poem by Suzanne Brazier, friend, July 24, 2008<br />

On the morning of July 18th, when Anita got up, she<br />

asked about <strong>Pat</strong> right away and I told her of the accident<br />

and <strong>Pat</strong>’s death. Later that day Vince arrived with Joanne.<br />

Now I had the support of both of our children and Joanne<br />

was there to help us and with Anita. We needed to do<br />

some planning for a memorial service for <strong>Pat</strong>. We scheduled<br />

a meeting with the funeral director at the mortuary<br />

in Independence, a small town close by, where <strong>Pat</strong>’s body<br />

was taken after the accident. Before we went, the three of<br />

us sat down to talk about the memorial celebration that we<br />

thought <strong>Pat</strong> would appreciate—no casket (she wanted to be<br />

cremated), no formal church service, not too long, attended<br />

by family and friends, held outside, some Irish music, at a<br />

meaningful place, mainly women doing the talking. When<br />

we got to the mortuary we picked out an urn for the ashes;<br />

the mortuary director advised us not to view her body<br />

because of its condition. In hindsight, that was a mistake.<br />

We would not have had to see her whole body, but it would<br />

have been nice to at least touch her hand for a last time and<br />

confirm it was definitely her to make it seem real.<br />

Creating a Memorial<br />

We settled on holding the service at Mission Mill<br />

Museum where <strong>Pat</strong> had exhibited her goats for the past<br />

several years at their annual Sheep to Shawl event. It was<br />

her favorite event to present her goats and introduce them<br />

to mostly city families, especially children not familiar<br />

with farm animals. There was no competition among the<br />

goats and exhibitors; the focus was education and enjoyment.<br />

When I told the Mission Mill administration of our<br />

wishes and of <strong>Pat</strong>’s involvement there, they were quick to<br />

give us full support. We selected the very same spot for<br />

the ceremony where she had exhibited her goats and fiber<br />

products. We placed the table holding the urn with her<br />

ashes where her goat pens had been earlier in the spring.<br />

I asked a friend, Jennifer Webster, whom I knew well<br />


Another speaker at the service was Phyllis Quanbeck.<br />

She had known <strong>Pat</strong> throughout her time in Oregon as a<br />

colleague in the Oregon Department of Education and as a<br />

close friend. Phyllis was very helpful to us in finding local<br />

Irish singers and musicians, and we worked with them to<br />

select the music and songs that would be performed.<br />

Kristin typed the program for the memorial and took it<br />

for copying. She looked at several quotations that could be<br />

used on the program and that meaningfully fit the context<br />

of <strong>Pat</strong>’s death.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>'s urn surrounded by her yarn and favorite flowers<br />

from my work at the university to be the facilitator for the<br />

memorial event. She had brought her children to see <strong>Pat</strong>’s<br />

goats at the Sheep to Shawl event the year before and she<br />

was very thoughtful and skilled at presentations. We put<br />

together a memorial service of about 30 minutes with two<br />

major speakers representing different parts of <strong>Pat</strong>’s life. We<br />

also wanted some words shared by her family—me, the<br />

children, grandchildren and the Murphy family.<br />

With the help of close friends and family, the plans<br />

for the memorial came together. We asked a professional<br />

photographer, Stan Harryman, who was a partner to one<br />

of my professional friends, Susan Wolff, to videotape the<br />

ceremony. Invitations were sent out through lists we had<br />

of family and friends and through public announcements.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong>’s friends in the goat community organized and served<br />

a light lunch and beverages. Kristi Gustafson, a speaker at<br />

the memorial service and a close friend who knew of <strong>Pat</strong>’s<br />

work with Pygora goats and the goat community, organized<br />

the refreshments.<br />

“Tell all my mourners<br />

To mourn in red—<br />

Cause there ain’t no sense<br />

In my bein’ dead."<br />

- Langston Hughes<br />

Memorial display for <strong>Pat</strong><br />


me messages at one or two in the morning? She always<br />

said she got her “second wind” at that time of the night<br />

and could get all kinds of things done. I will never<br />

forget how she took the time to show me how to take<br />

the photo of the goat, do the quick edit, print it on the<br />

registration form and “voila,” I would have a registration<br />

form ready for sending to the association! In all<br />

honesty, I never quite got it the way she showed me, but<br />

I learned enough to be MUCH better at it than I was.<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> ALWAYS came around at buck show time to<br />

offer her and George’s help in getting ready and setting<br />

up. She always donated items for the door prizes<br />

and, then later, for the silent auction table. <strong>Pat</strong> helped<br />

with the registration table, the fleece judging tables or<br />

wherever we needed help. We both knew how to get<br />

our husbands to show those bucks while we were busy<br />

with the show’s organization and paperwork! My only<br />

regret in canceling this year’s buck show was not being<br />

able to spend the time with <strong>Pat</strong>. We plan to resume the<br />

show next June, so we will definitely present a memorial<br />

to her. I remember <strong>Pat</strong> driving in with<br />

marionberries, “just because” there<br />

were lots at her house and she wanted<br />

to share. I remember showing up at her<br />

house to make skeins of yarn, wearing<br />

a sweatshirt (no menopausal woman<br />

should wear a sweatshirt!) and she<br />

went to find me a t-shirt to wear while<br />

I was there! I remember many talks<br />

about PBA—<strong>Pat</strong> filled the Board position<br />

which I had, and how optimistic<br />

she was that “things” could improve. I<br />

remember sharing her disappointment<br />

that “things” did not change as much as<br />

she would have liked. She was always<br />

willing to stand up for what she believed, and I respect<br />

her greatly for that. I am thankful that she was able to<br />

see some positive changes within this last year in particular.<br />

I will make it my personal goal to continue to keep<br />

those changes being made, in <strong>Pat</strong>’s honor.<br />

It was a true honor to have known <strong>Pat</strong>. Of course, I<br />

regret not having spent more time with her. Life always<br />

seems to get in the way of time spent with friends. I<br />

am still struggling with the thought of her being gone,<br />

but I am trying to learn from <strong>Pat</strong> and her life and death<br />

what I can apply<br />

to my own life. I<br />

guess that is the<br />

best we can all<br />

do. We must go<br />

on, as it is the<br />

only proper thing<br />

to do. It is what<br />

<strong>Pat</strong> would be telling<br />

us all to do! George speaking at Wilma's dedication<br />

George sharing the story of Wilma's creation at the Sheep and Shawl event<br />


Wilma the Goat<br />

Message from the sculptor, Georgia Gerber<br />

Presented by Darlene Chambers<br />

Art is created for many reasons: for aesthetics, for<br />

expression, for symbolism, for whimsy and often for<br />

the honoring of an event or an individual. While creating<br />

this sculpture of Wilma, the Pygora Goat, I felt all<br />

of these motivations influencing and guiding me.<br />

For a public artist it is both a challenge and a<br />

pleasure to create a work that is meant to bring joy and<br />

meaning to many people on many levels. I hope that<br />

this sculpture, placed here<br />

in this beautiful setting, will<br />

bring joy to those who knew<br />

and loved <strong>Pat</strong> Copa. I also<br />

hope it is a delight to those<br />

who may not have known<br />

her but have come across<br />

this small treasure because<br />

they are here sharing in her<br />

passion for the woolen arts<br />

and the wonderful animals<br />

that are at the heart of it.<br />

Working with George<br />

Copa on this project has<br />

been an honor. From the<br />

start it was clear he is a gracious<br />

and loving man and it<br />

has been a privilege to help<br />

him achieve this vision. I<br />

can’t help but marvel at the<br />

serendipity of George and<br />

his young grandson Owen<br />

conceiving of this memorial<br />

tribute, the family learning of my work not long after<br />

and then Wilma ending up on a farm only a few miles<br />

from my home.<br />

When I visited Mary Donaty’s farm and saw<br />

Wilma, I knew immediately she was the perfect model,<br />

and that the sculpture could not help but turn out both<br />

beautiful and endearing—with a touch of silliness that<br />

would make it irresistibly loveable.<br />

I sincerely hope, and expect, that the back of this<br />

sculpture will be brightly polished by generations of<br />

children who cannot resist becoming a part of this<br />

tribute to a woman who so loved the young.<br />

Wilma<br />


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Owen, Emma, Nathan and Grace unveiling the Wilma sculpture

Following the artist’s statement, Peter Booth made a<br />

few remarks regarding how pleased the Museum was with<br />

having the opportunity to be a site for the goat sculpture<br />

and how appropriate it was to honor <strong>Pat</strong> and recognize the<br />

heritage of the museum. He paid special tribute to Owen<br />

for conceiving the idea for honoring <strong>Pat</strong> in this way.<br />

Owen then joined Emma, Grace and Nathan for unveiling<br />

the sculpture for its very first public viewing. There was<br />

loud applause and cheering and many bright smiles.<br />

Owen was asked to step forward to read the text on the<br />

dedication plaque for the sculpture. Following Owen, two<br />

of <strong>Pat</strong>’s close goat keeper friends then offered their tributes.<br />

Wilma<br />

Pygora Goat<br />

In memory of <strong>Pat</strong>ricia M. Copa -<br />

An exemplary goat keeper and beloved wife,<br />

mother, grandmother and friend.<br />

The Pygora goat was first bred in Oregon,<br />

combining many of the best qualities of the<br />

Pygmy and Angora breeds. Wilma, at six months<br />

of age, was one of <strong>Pat</strong>’s award-winning fiber<br />

goats, which she shared with children and<br />

families at Mission Mill Museum on<br />

numerous occasions.<br />

Dedicated by family and friends<br />

May 16, 2009<br />

Sculpture by<br />

Georgia Gerber<br />

Owen giving his presentation<br />


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