an unpublished letter from henry oldenburg to johann heinrich rahn

an unpublished letter from henry oldenburg to johann heinrich rahn

an unpublished letter from henry oldenburg to johann heinrich rahn


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252 Noel Malcolm<br />

I wish you could … learne <strong>from</strong> Zurich, concerning Joh<strong>an</strong> Heinrich Rahn, lately L<strong>an</strong>dvogt der<br />

Graffschaft Kyburg, whether he be yet alive, whether he be now at Zurich, what titles or offices<br />

he hath now. You gave me his booke in November 1660. I suppose you know that it is turned in<strong>to</strong><br />

English, <strong>an</strong>d that 15 sheets of it are printed. Some mention should be made of him, if we c<strong>an</strong> get<br />

sufficient information concerning him. 10<br />

From the absence of such details about Rahn in the printed volume, it would appear<br />

that Haak’s attempts <strong>to</strong> carry out this task met with no success during the following two<br />

years. But in 1671 he did make contact with Rahn (who had in fact returned <strong>to</strong> Zurich in<br />

1664). On 17 May 1671 Rahn wrote what was evidently a reply <strong>to</strong> Haak’s enquiries, giving<br />

news of his own scientific work <strong>an</strong>d asking for details of new mathematical publications<br />

in Engl<strong>an</strong>d. On receiving this <strong>letter</strong>, Haak seems <strong>to</strong> have passed it on <strong>to</strong> Oldenburg;<br />

his motives for doing so would probably have included both a desire <strong>to</strong> stimulate contacts<br />

between The Royal Society <strong>an</strong>d foreign scientists, <strong>an</strong>d the feeling that Oldenburg<br />

was particularly well placed <strong>to</strong> provide news of recent publications. Oldenburg, in turn,<br />

passed the <strong>letter</strong> <strong>to</strong> John Collins, who was playing <strong>an</strong> increasingly active role as his<br />

adviser on mathematical matters. All that survives of Rahn’s <strong>letter</strong> <strong>to</strong> Haak (<strong>to</strong> which<br />

Oldenburg’s <strong>letter</strong> <strong>to</strong> Rahn is in effect a reply) is the following extract made by Collins,<br />

which was later copied out (<strong>to</strong>gether with other associated items <strong>from</strong> Collins’s papers)<br />

by David Sinclair <strong>an</strong>d sent <strong>to</strong> Collins’s correspondent in Scotl<strong>an</strong>d, James Gregory.<br />


Ex literis D ni Joh<strong>an</strong>nis Henrici Rahn, Secretioris consilij Tigurini ad Theodorum Haak, redditis<br />

17 o Maij 1671<br />

Ego praeteri<strong>to</strong> jam aliquo tempore, insistens m<strong>an</strong>uductioni D ni Pellij (cui quicquid in Algebra<br />

scio, unice acceptum fero) problemata Dioph<strong>an</strong>ti Alex<strong>an</strong>drini ad Speciosam reduxi et constitui.<br />

nuper etiam tractatum absolvi de Optica, Ca<strong>to</strong>ptrica et Dioptrica cum <strong>an</strong>nexa dioptrica<br />

practica exhibente modum et instrumenta necessaria lim<strong>an</strong>dis et poliendis vitris, et haec quidem<br />

non ex mera ideâ, sed ex ipsa praxi, et usu sese mihi obtulere cum subinde curiositate delecter,<br />

non t<strong>an</strong>tum tubos majores et minores et microscopia construendi, sed insuper etiam rationem<br />

invenerim prope partem interiorem, seu circuitum Rotae medium sectiones Hyperbolicas affirm<strong>an</strong>di,<br />

quarum beneficio objecta admodum perspicua redduntur, et campus visorius egregie<br />

dilatatur, Si tibi adlubescit videre Iconismum horum Instrumen<strong>to</strong>rum, aut ejusmodi vitra objectiva<br />

et ocularia dabo operam ut tibi tr<strong>an</strong>smitt<strong>an</strong>tur, interim libenter viderem Hookij vestri<br />

Micrographiam utinam latine loquentem.<br />

Contigit mihi non ita pridem observare (au Journal des scav<strong>an</strong>ts) Figuram ingenti<br />

admodum formâ minima repraesent<strong>an</strong>tem, 11 sed non constat mihi proportio istius Microscopij,<br />

quod vitris constet, quis sit uniuscujusq[ue] vitri diameter; et qu<strong>an</strong>tum vitra ab invicem distent.<br />

Nos enim nondum eo usq[ue] progressi sumus, nec cogitata nostra ultra tertium vitrum<br />

extendimus.<br />

Si quid aliud etiam vobiscum in Mathematicis prodijt, notatu dignum, ne graveris quaeso<br />

illud impertiri nobis ad omnia officia paratissimis. 12<br />

Tr<strong>an</strong>slation<br />

From the <strong>letter</strong> of Mr Joh<strong>an</strong>n Heinrich Rahn, Secretary-Councillor of Zurich, <strong>to</strong> Theodore Haak,<br />

written on 17 May 1671

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