Feburary 3, 2016 This week in Gay Palm Springs

Printed Fresh each WEEK! Not so innocent anniversary! Lots of great gay bars and pool parties of all kinds. Checkout the weekly schedule and free map. The oldest LGBT Guide to the Palm Springs Desert Area, Gay Palm Springs, California! Great weather, long weekend parties and more. This week's LGBT weekly guide in PRINT and ONLINE, Also Gay and Gay Friendly Weekend parties.

Printed Fresh each WEEK! Not so innocent anniversary! Lots of great gay bars and pool parties of all kinds. Checkout the weekly schedule and free map. The oldest LGBT Guide to the Palm Springs Desert Area, Gay Palm Springs, California! Great weather, long weekend parties and more. This week's LGBT weekly guide in PRINT and ONLINE, Also Gay and Gay Friendly Weekend parties.


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Understand<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

The unofficial yet elegant and simple guide to<br />

gender awareness.<br />

Gender today is def<strong>in</strong>ed as A social cultural<br />

and personal construct. We have<br />

moved away from b<strong>in</strong>ary def<strong>in</strong>itions<br />

and it is not a biological construct; separate<br />

from the sex-based categories of<br />

male/female.<br />

But its not really about gender is it? Its<br />

about how you th<strong>in</strong>k and act. The lack<br />

of understand<strong>in</strong>g that creates bully<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and can be verbal, physical, or via<br />

the Internet. It can severely affect the<br />

victim’s self-image, social <strong>in</strong>teractions,<br />

and often leads to <strong>in</strong>security, lack of<br />

self-esteem, and depression. Who <strong>in</strong><br />

their right m<strong>in</strong>d would be happy to see<br />

others suffer? Probably those that suffer<br />

the most. maybe some <strong>in</strong> the LGBT<br />

community felt it happen to them and<br />

now they do it to others. We have many<br />

bullies all around us. I see it on face<br />

book, constant jabs and creat<strong>in</strong>g social<br />

clicks that exclude rather the <strong>in</strong>clude.<br />

People even use their friends to trick<br />

them <strong>in</strong>to bully<strong>in</strong>g others. Some times<br />

its just <strong>in</strong>tentional. We may be crazy<br />

but really we are all we have, we should<br />

make life better not harder for others.<br />

Optical illusion?<br />

Above, how many legs can you count?<br />

The <strong>in</strong>formation that your eyes feed<br />

back to the bra<strong>in</strong> must to be understood<br />

by the bra<strong>in</strong>,<br />

While the bra<strong>in</strong> is quite clever at<br />

guess<strong>in</strong>g what it should be see<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

sometimes this difference can be quite<br />

astound<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

Can you all spot the different animals<br />

that are with the elephant, or even a<br />

part of the elephant?<br />

22 Your <strong>week</strong>ly LGBT <strong>Gay</strong> Desert Guide. View our Free Digital Version on-l<strong>in</strong>e.

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