Sok, mhW Sok, mhW Sok Gly Awvih nwnkw sdy auTI jwhy]1

Sok, mhW Sok, mhW Sok Gly Awvih nwnkw sdy auTI jwhy]1

Sok, mhW Sok, mhW Sok Gly Awvih nwnkw sdy auTI jwhy]1


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iehnW qsvIrW dy vloN sR:rijMdr<br />

pwl isMG jI dw qy pMjwb qy isMD<br />

bYNk dw DMnvwd kIqw jWdw hY[js<br />

siqgur pRswid<br />

Ç ieku auqm pMQu suinE gur sMgiq, iqh imlMq jm qRws imtweI ] Ç<br />

iek Ardwis Bwt kIriq kI, gur rwmdws rwKhu srxweI ]<br />



inXqkwlI rUp pRkwSn,AMqr rwStrI,do BwSIAW,jo Bwt sMgq ƒ smRripq hY[<br />


Issue Number 61 pUjw Akwl kI,prcw Sbdu dw,dIdwr Kwlsy dw[ AMk nMbr 61<br />

JUNE 2010 jUn 2010<br />

swry ivSv iv`c Bwt sMgqw dw Awpxw rswlw jo hr do mhIinAW<br />

bwd inkldw hY qy ijs nMU qusI swfy hyT ilKy vYbsweIt qoN fon<br />

lof kr skdy ho[jo do mhIinAW bwd Apfyt huMdI hY[ies dI<br />

sport krnw swirAW dw Prz bndw hY[ jsvMq isMG “js”[<br />

Do we know<br />

our our 15<br />

Bhagats?<br />

thanks goes<br />

to PunjaB &<br />

sinD Bank in<br />

inDia<br />

The only magazine in the world which is dedicated to Bhat Sikh Sangat, the Bhat<br />

Sikh Community of the world. Which can be downloaded free from Our web site<br />

www.bhatsangat.com This Rasala is very eagerly looking for the support from<br />

its Community people

Bwt sMgq sMdyS ƒ pRkwSq krky qksIm kIqw<br />

cIP AYfItr jsvMq isMG js ny Bwt sMgq AYsosIeySn dy hYf AwiPs qoNN<br />





(0)2920 256431 MOBILE: 07974 098416 EMAIL:jaswantmail@gmail.com<br />

Please go to our website and find us at www.bhatsangat.com your very own Rasala.<br />

Bwt sMgq sMdyS iv`c C`py lyKkW dy Awpxy jwqI ivcwr hn sMpwdk dw auhnW nwl sihmq hoxW<br />

zrUrI nhIN<br />





ieh rswly nMU swrI kOm leI smripq kIqw hoieAw hY ies leI swfI swrI kOm<br />

dw Prz bndw hY ik auh ies dI shwieqw krn qW ik hmySw leI cldw rhy[<br />

ies dy nwl nwl swfI kOm dI Avwz vI cldI rhy gI[qusI 11 pONf Byj ky mYNbr<br />

bx skdy ho iek swl leI[£51 BYj ky qusI lweIP mYNbr bx skdy ho qy jy kr<br />

qusI ies rswly dy iek eISaU nMU spWsr krnw hovy qy £101 Byj ky spWsr krw<br />

skdy ho[jW £300 Byjky iek swl leI Awpxw iek sPw mShUrI leI<br />

kfwau[swfI swrI brwdrI dw Prz bndw hY ik AwpxIAW KuSIAW nMU swfy nwl<br />

sWJw krn qy jy kr ku`J shwieqw ByjnI cwhux qW AsI DMnvwdI hovWgy nhIN qy<br />

ieh krnw zrUrI nhIN[swrI brwdrI not kr lvy ky AsI ieh rswlw bweI post<br />

isrP Awpxy mYNbrW qy lweIP mYNbrW nMU qy gurduAwirAW nMU hI ByjWgy nhIN qy swfy<br />

ipAwry vIr BYx swfy vYbsweIt qy jwky ies nMU fonlof kr skdy hn[<br />

This Rasala has now been running for the last 9 years and we are very<br />

grateful to those individuals who have kept it running by sending us<br />

donations, and by sponsoring an issue. This Rasala is now on website<br />

where it can be down loaded. The web site address is given above.<br />

Please note that this Rasala is only now been sent to our life members,<br />

annual members and to those who have sponsored an issue. Others can<br />

download it from our website. If you would like to receive this Rasala by<br />

post then you can send us £10 for a year or £51 for life membership or if<br />

you wish to sponsor an issue then send us £101. You can also send us<br />

£300 for a page to be included in every issue for a year. Which ever way<br />

you decide we shall be most grateful to the whole community and do very<br />

much hope that you will help. Help from Ethnic Minority Community First<br />

project, Communities first project Riverside, as well as Cardiff and the Vale<br />

Race Equality First in the form of advert, grant and other Help towards<br />

running of this magazine for which we wish to acknowledge their kind help.<br />

Jaswant Singh Chief Editor. page2<br />

swaUuQ irvrsweIf iv`c kimauntI Pst<br />

kimauntI Pst kI hY?<br />

kimauntI Prst nMU vYlS AsYNblI srkwr PMf krdI hY[ieh iek lMBw<br />

clx vwlw pRogrwm hY ijdw m`ksd swauQ irvrsweIf dy rihx dy FMg nMU<br />

suDwrx Aqy lokW vwsqy hor Awausr pYdw krxw hY[<br />

ies pRogrwm dw muK audyS ieh vyKxw hY ik koeI vI pirvrqn ilAwaux<br />

iv`c kimauntI dI g`l bwq duxI jwvy Aqy pUrw Xogdwn hovy[<br />

kimauntI sYtr iv`c AMgryzI qoN ielwvw bolIAW jwx vwlIAW iBSwvW iv`c<br />

g`l bwq krn vwly krmcwrI mihjUd hn[<br />

jy kr quhwnMU cMgI qrHW AMgryzI bolx XW smJx iv`c id`kq humid hY Aqy<br />

quhwnMU kimauntI Pst bwry vDyry jwxkwrI lYxI hY XW ie<strong>sdy</strong> iksy Awausr<br />

Awauxw hY,qW iksy AMgryzI bolx vwly ivAkqI rwhIN swdy nwl sMprk kro<br />

Aqy AsI quhwfy vwsqy qrjmy dw ieMqjwm kr dyvWgy[<br />

swaUQ irvrsweIf kimauntI Pst tIm nMU 2025 0549 XW eI-myl<br />

southriversidecommunitiesfirst@yahoo.co.uk qy sMprk kIqw jw<br />

skdw hY[<br />

Communities First in South Riverside<br />

What is Community First?<br />

Community first is funded by The welsh Assembly Government<br />

It is a long term program which aims to improve living<br />

conditions and opportunities for people in South Riverside.<br />

At the community centre we have staff that can communicate<br />

in some of the languages other then English.<br />

If you have difficulties with English and you would like to find<br />

out more about Communities First or would like to attend one<br />

of the events, ask some one who can speak English to contact<br />

us and we can arrange for translation or interpretation.<br />

The South Riverside Community First Team can be contacted<br />

on 2025 0549 or by e mail at<br />

southriversidecommunitiesfirst@yahoo.co.uk<br />


Some thing from the chief editor<br />

As I was watching the Sikh Channel, today and they were advertising a<br />

meeting of the Gurdwara’s from East and west Midland, and were also<br />

saying to send only one member. The meeting was in Wolverhampton at<br />

the sadgely Road Gurdwara on 21 st August. In the last meeting which was<br />

held in Birmingham we told them that we were from the Bhat Sikh<br />

Gurdwara’s Council and now we have not even got together as yet, as no<br />

meeting of our has been called. So I am asking, did any of our members of<br />

the Birmingham Gurdwara go to this meeting? We are wondering when will<br />

the turn come for Wales and the West Gurdwaras to meet Sikh Channel as<br />

there are 4 Gurdwara’s in Wales and about 4 or five in Bristol. We have not<br />

had any invitation what so ever.<br />

For this issue I have felt that the matter for the Rasala has some what dried<br />

up no one is sending any news of their city, no one is sending any other<br />

news or views and I felt shortage of the matter. Now I feel the Rasala has<br />

become difficult to be published every two months. So thinking about the<br />

future, we have decided that it will no longer be a bi monthly and will now<br />

become periodical. That’s means that it will carry on printing when ever we<br />

get enough matter for it or it will come out if any one wish to sponsor an<br />

issue in celebrating some event or in remembering some one dear to them.<br />

What I am trying to tell the readers is that I am still willing to publish it but<br />

the readers needs to take part in sending in their news and views as well.<br />

I just cannot do it all myself I need your views what should go in it as well.<br />

For the last 10 years we have published 6 issues in one year and when it<br />

came to issue number 60 that was the total 10 years. That is a record of<br />

any Bhat magazine that went on for so long. But we are still here live and<br />

well. So to boost the matter the next Rasala will again will be printed in A4<br />

size. The matter that I need for it should be no longer then a one A4 page;<br />

otherwise I will reduce the matter to that amount. We are looking for<br />

reporters from each of the city to come forward and send in their matter<br />

when we will print their photos as well. We don’t have any annual members<br />

any more only life members and those kind people who have donated an<br />

issue in the last year or so. The free Rasala will only go to these people as<br />

well as to our Gurdwara’s. So now if you wish to have this periodical<br />

delivered to your door then send us a cheque £51 today life membership.<br />

You will still be able to download it from our website. Now that it has been<br />

going for over 10 years I am hoping that our kind readers will carry on<br />

supporting us so that it can continue, by when we are hoping that we will<br />

have an organisation as well as a committee who will be able to take it over<br />

and it will carry on yet. It would be good if the Secretary of the Gurdwara<br />

can send me one a 4 page of the news and views of the town, city as well<br />

as the Gurdwara. Jaswant Singh Jas. The Chief Editor<br />

P22<br />

Please kindly<br />

make note our<br />

new email<br />

address.<br />

jaswantmail @<br />

googlemail.com<br />





















Editor *******Vacant<br />

Jaswant Singh Jas<br />

would like to welcome<br />

you as the chief editor.<br />

jsvMq isMG js Awp jI ƒ jI<br />

AwieAW AwKdw hY, sMsQwipk<br />

Aqy muK sMpwDk dI hsIAq<br />

iv`c[ swfy AgsYikauitv<br />

AyYfItr hn bIbI rijMdr kOr<br />

lwV jI lMfn swfy shwiek<br />

AYfItr hn sR: blbIr isMG jI<br />

pwrs kwrifP swfy icqrkwr,<br />

pRbMDk Aqy Poto sMpwidk hn<br />

hyc Awr hyc gurUSbd isMG<br />

cOhwx, ieSiqAwr qy pRkwiSk<br />

iencwrj sMpwidk sR: pMnw<br />

prbidAwl isMG cohwx<br />

AYl.AYl.bI<br />

post AYNf pYikMg jsprIq<br />

jvwhr lwl isMG cnnpwl<br />


S. Daler Singh Bhakar Totean wale, Middlesbrough, S.<br />

Sawindarpal Singh Jani Bristol,<br />

pRiqinXukq AYfItr<br />

sR: sivMdrpwl isMG jwnI birstol qoN[sR:dlyr isMG BwkV qoqyAW<br />

vwly imflsbrw<br />




Tel: 00 44 (0)2920 256431, Mobile, 00 44 (0) 79740 98416<br />

Our web site is http://www.bhatsangat.com<br />


jaswantmail@yahoo.co.uk or jaswantmail@goolemail.com<br />

Now you can simply Transfer your donation or send the<br />

association membership fee straight into our bank account of<br />

Bhat Sangat Association without writing a Cheque and drop us a<br />

line or email us to say what it is for. It is BARCLAYS BANK<br />

CANTON BRANCH CARDIFF. ACCOUNT No 53370941 Sort Codes<br />





List of our Life Members.<br />

1) S. Gulab Singh Sucha, Middlesbrough.<br />

2) S. Daler Singh Bhakar,<br />

Toteanwale, Middlesbrough.<br />

3) S Tejpal Singh Savtantar, Bristol.<br />

4) S. Gulab Singh Digpal "Panchi", Cardiff.<br />

5) Bibi, Rajindar Kaur Lard, London.<br />

6) S. Harbhajan Singh, Dard, Bhakar.<br />

South Shield<br />

7) S Sewa Singh Dard, Bhakar,<br />

Manchester<br />

8) S. Kuldeep Singh Lakhanpal, Glasgow<br />

9) S. Harindarpal Singh Saki, Bristol,<br />

10) S. Lakhbir Singh Bhakar Birmingham<br />

11) S. Jaswindar Singh Potiwal,<br />

Doncaster<br />

12) Gurdwara Sri Har Krishan Ji<br />

Middlesbrough<br />

13) S. Harcharan Singh Digpal of<br />

Ipswich<br />

14) S. Hardave Singh Swali of<br />

Peterborough<br />

15) S. Surjeet Singh Bhakar of<br />

Manchester<br />

16) S.Tarloke Singh Rathore of London<br />

17) Gurdwara Sri Guru Tegh Bhadur Ji,<br />

Glasgow<br />

18) S. Khushwant Singh, Bhakar, of<br />

London.<br />

19) S. Balbir Singh Ji Parus, Cardiff.<br />

20) S. Mohindar Singh, Ji Rathore London.<br />

22) S. Paramjit Singh, Landa Nottingham.<br />

23) S. Bhagwan Singh, Rafiq of Cardiff.<br />

24) S. Satwant Singh Roudh of London<br />

25) S. Rajindar Saroop Singh Bhakar,<br />

Edinburgh.<br />

26) S. Gurmukh Singh Das of Bristol<br />

27) S. Kuldip Singh Landa Ireland<br />

28) S. Amarjeet Singh Potiwal, Cardiff.<br />

29) S. Vicram Singh Landa, Peterborough.<br />

30) S. Nirman Singh Hamdard of Manchester<br />

31) S. Gargee Singh Lovely ‘Swali’ Doncaster<br />

32) Professor, Glen Ford of Cardiff.<br />

33) Mata, Jeet Kaur of Bristol.<br />

34) S. Ranjit Singh Landa Wahiwale of Birmingham.<br />

35) S. Harbhajan Singh Ji Mauji Potiwal.<br />

36) S.Gurbachan Singh Bhakar, of London.<br />

37) S. Lakhwindar Singh, Bhakar of London.<br />

38)S.Ujjal Singh Ji Swali of Ipswich<br />

This is the list of all of our<br />

Sponsors<br />

1) Family of late, S. Chanan Singh<br />

Rathore of Middlesbrough<br />

2) S Gurdeep Singh Rathore, Glasgow<br />

3) S Gurparkash Singh Rathore, “”””<br />

4) S Baldave Singh Kasbia, Edinburgh<br />

5) S. Jagdish Singh Bhakar Edinburgh.<br />

6) S. Mukhtiyar Singh Rathore<br />

Delegate, Birmingham.<br />

7) S. Rajindar Singh Sangi of Salford,<br />

Manchester<br />

8) S. Phuman Singh Rathore of London<br />

9) S. Sarabjit Singh, Ji Rathore, of<br />

Peterborough.<br />

10) S. Harbhajan Singh Kasbia<br />

Edinburgh,<br />

11) Shri Mati, Pritam Kaur Ji Gaur<br />

12) S. Kuldip Singh Ji Bhakar of<br />

Edinburgh<br />

13)S Amreek Singh Landa,<br />

Middlesbrough<br />

14) S Jasbir Singh Potiwal, Doncaster.<br />

15) S. Balwindar Singh Swali, Sangi,of<br />

Manchester .<br />

16) S. Kuldip Singh Landa of Ireland<br />

17 Bibi Rajindar Kaur Lard London<br />

18) Mata Jeet Kaur of Bristol<br />

19) Punjab Singh Swali S/o S. Maan<br />

Singh Swali of Birmingham<br />

20) S. Ranjit Singh Landa Wahiwale of<br />

Birmingham<br />

21) S. Avtar Singh Rahi Potiwal of<br />

Cardiff<br />

P4<br />


SANDESH,<br />

The only voice of the<br />

Bhat Sangat, in the<br />

whole wide world and it<br />

is the duty of every one<br />

to support it. Because, if<br />

this goes down no one<br />

will never see another<br />

one again. Chief Editor<br />

<strong>Sok</strong>, <strong>mhW</strong> <strong>Sok</strong>, <strong>mhW</strong> <strong>Sok</strong><br />

<strong>Gly</strong> <strong>Awvih</strong> <strong>nwnkw</strong> <strong>sdy</strong> <strong>auTI</strong> <strong>jwhy</strong>]1]<br />

AsI ieh Kbr bhuq hI duK nwl Awpxy pwTkW nMU dy rhy hW ik svrgvwsI sR:<br />

drSn isMG jI idvwnw birtol invwsI jI dI Drm p`qnI mwqw cwnn kOr jo<br />

sR: iblw isMG ksibAw jI dI bzurg mwqw jI sn iqnw dI idl dI DVkn<br />

bMd ho jwx dy kwrn birstol ivKy 1 Agsq 2010 nMU svrgvws ho gey sn<br />

Aqy iqnW dw AMqm sMskwr vIrvwr 5 Agsq nMU birstol ivKy kIqw igAw<br />

sI[anHW dy r`Ky AKMf pwT swihb jI dw Bog sNnIcrvwr 7 Agsq nMU pwieAw<br />

igAw[dws nMU smyN isr pqw nw lgn dy kwrn dws ieh duK Bry smyN qy phuMc<br />

nhIN sikAw ijs dy leI dws iKmw dw jwick hY ikauN sR: drSn isMG idvwnw<br />

jI swfy v`fy BrwvW vrgy sn qy swfy nwl bhuq ipAwr krdy sn, so AsI iblW<br />

isMG ksibAw jI dy mwqw jI bwryy swry prvwr nwl hmdrdI krdy hoey<br />

Ardws krdy hW ik buzurg mwqw jI nMU vwihgurU Awpxy crnw iv`c invws bKSy<br />

qy ip`Cy swfy swry AzIzWnMU Bwnw mMnn dw bl bKSy [sR: iblw isMG ksibAw<br />

jI auhnW dy v`fy spu`qr hn[ jsvMq isMG js cIP AYfItr qy Bwt sMgq SMdyS<br />

dy swry AYfItorIAl Aqy stwP[<br />

So are sorry in reporting this sad news<br />

to our readers<br />

It is with a very heavy heart that we report this sad news to all of our<br />

readers that, the wife of the Late S. Darshan Singh Ji Diwana Mata<br />

Chanan Kaur of Bristol passed away on 1 st of August and her Antam<br />

Sanskar was done on Thursday the 5 th of August. The Akhand path Bhog<br />

was on Saturday 7 th August. I am very sorry that not having heard the sad<br />

news I was not at the funeral for which I would like to apologise to the<br />

family. Because,the late S. Darshan Singh Ji Diwana Ji was like a Big<br />

brother. So now we wish to portray our sympathy to S. Bila Singh Kasbia<br />

and rest of the family and prey for the soul of Bazurg Mata Chanan Kaur Ji<br />

and say may our Waheguru give her abode by his feets.<br />

With lots of respect Jaswant Singh Jas and all the editorial Board of the<br />

Bhat Sangat Sandesh and al the staff<br />


ku`J cIP AYfItr dy vloN<br />

A`j is`K cYnl iv`c Pyr vyK irhw hW ik auhnW snIcrvwr 21 Agsq nMU<br />

vulvrhYmptn dy sYjlI rof dy gurduAwry dy iv`c eIst Aqy vYst imflYNf dy<br />

gurduAwirAW nMU tYlIvISn qy s`dw Byj ky mItMg dy leI bulwieAw hY[ pr AsI<br />

Ajy iek`Ty hI nhIN hoey qy ipCly iek`T iv`c brimMGm ivKy AsI ikhw sI ik<br />

AsI Bwt isK gurduAwrw kONsl vloN ieh pqvMqy Awey hW[pr Aj is`K cYnl<br />

ny ieh vI ikhw hY ik Dwrikm sMsQw qy gurduAwry Awpxw isrP iek p`qvMqw<br />

hI Byjn[ijQON q`k swfw knsrn hY biRstol qy vylz nMU koeI s`dw p`qr hY hI<br />

nhIN<br />

hux mslw ieh pYdw huMdw hY ik kI swfy imflYNf dy gurduAwry gey sn? qy<br />

vylz AYNf vYst dI kdoN mItMg isK cYnl vwly kr rhy hn[ swfy kwrifP iv`c<br />

qy svWjI iv`c 4 gurduAwry qy biRstol iv`c vI 4 ku gurduAwry qW hoxgy[ Pyr<br />

vylz Aqy vYst dy gurduAwirAW dw slwh mSvrw kdoN ilAw jwvygw[<br />

mYN ies AMk bwry mihsUs kIqw hY ik A`j kl mYtr frweIf Ap ho igAw hY qy<br />

hr do mhIinAW dy bwd iek rswlw pbilSf krnw ku`J muSkul ijhw l`g<br />

irhw hY[ieho hI gl mYNnMU rwjpUq jI ny DUrI qoN ilKky ByjI sI[qy nwl nwl<br />

aunHW iehvI ilKky ByijAw sI ik Bwt sMgq sMdys dw AsI vI Akwr vdweIey<br />

bhuqw nhIN qy sMgq smwcwr dy vWg hI shI[mYN suirMdr isMG jI A`gy bynqI<br />

krW ik v`fy Awkwr qy Cpwaux dy qy positMg krn dy pYsy bhuqy zAwdy lgdy<br />

sn ies leI ies dw Akwr Cotw kr id`qw sI[<br />

pr hux A`gy qoN Bwt sMgq sMdyS nMU iek vwrI Pyr v`fy Akwr iv`c ilAwNdw<br />

jweygw[ pr nwl nwl ies Bwt sMgq sMdyS rswly nMU hux bweI mMQlI qoN<br />

pIrIAwfkl bnwieAw jw irhw hY[ijs dw mqnb ieh hovygw ik jy kr koeI<br />

rswlw spWsr krygw jW jdoN swfy pws iek eISIau leI mYtr Aw jwvy krygw<br />

AsI tweIp krky pirMt krnw dy idAW krwgy[<br />

pr muPq rswlw isrP Awpxy gurduAwirAW nMU Aqy lweIP mYNbrW nMU hI, aunHW<br />

dy Gr ByijAw jwieAw krygw[ jykr qusI Ajy lweIP mYNbr nhIN bxy qW A`j<br />

hY £51 dI cYk Byjky lweIP mYNbr bnoN[hux swfw koeI slwnw mYNbr nhIN irhw<br />

isrP leIP mYNbr hI hn qy jW ijnW ny rswly dw AMk huxy huxy kFvwieAw hY[<br />

swnMU bhuq swrI aumId hY ik swfy bhuq swry vIr Brw swfw swQ zrUr dyxgy qW<br />

ik ieh rswlw iksy nw iksy Skl iv`c Awp swirAW dy h`QW iv`c pMhuMcdw<br />

rhy[ieh AMk jo hY 62vW AMk hY ijs dw mqlb hY ik AsI iek swl iv`c 6<br />

rswly k`fky[ ijs dy nwl AsI 10 swl pUry kr ley ny ies rswly dy AMk<br />

nMbr 60 qy hI[pr hwlI vI quhwfIAW myhrbwnIAW dy nwl cldw rhygw jy kr<br />

quhwfI myhr huMdI rhygI[ qy swfy vIr BYxw lweIP mYNbr bnxgy[gurUu sMgqW dw<br />

dwsn dws cIP AYfItr jsvMq isMG “js” p20<br />

Awp jI nMU Bwt sMgq sMdyS jI AwieAw AwKdw Awp jI dw suAwgq krdw hY, Aqy<br />

nwl nwl aumId krdw hY ik Awp jI Aqy Awp jI dw swrw prvwr kuSlqw iv`c rih<br />

ky vwihgurU jI dy gux gw rhy hoxgy[<br />

AsI hmySw ies rswly iv`c iehI bynqI krdy hI rihMdy hW ik jy kr iksy<br />

myry vIr BYx ny Agly rswly dw AMk nMbr 63 iksy KuSI iv`c jW Pyr iksy dI im`TI<br />

Xwd iv`c kFwauxw hovy qW swnMU jldI qoN jldI ieqlwh dyx dI ikrpwlqw krn qW<br />

ik AsI aus rswly nMU auhnW dy nw dw buk kr deIey[jdoN ik AsI PrMt,bYk qy iek<br />

pyj iv`c vI Awp dy mYtr dy leI dyvWgy qy jy kr auh cwhun qW AsI Poto vgYrw vI<br />

auhnW dIAW Cwp dyvW gy[ spWsr krn dy leI PIs isrP £101 hY[A`j hI cYk nwl<br />

Awpxw mYtr Byj ky swnMU Awpxw DMnvwdI bnwau![<br />

kI Awp jI nMU swfy ip`Cly rswly iml igey sI? kI Awp jI ny swfy vYbsweIt<br />

qy jwky swfy rswly vyKy hn? swfy vYbsweIt qy Awp jI nMU iqn rwsly Kolx leI imlx<br />

gy ijnHW nMU qusI fwEnlof kr skdy ho qy jdoN ieh rswlw nMbr 62 AsI vYbsweIt qy<br />

pwvWgy qW rswlw nMbr 59 nMU auqwr dyvWgy[ qy Pyr iqMn rswly iek vwrI Pyr ho<br />

jwxgy[jy kr koeI vI myry vIr BYx ny rswlw Awpxy Gr mgwaux hovy qW auh £11 dI<br />

cYk Byj ky rswly nMU Awpxy Gr dy pqy qy mMgw skdy hn[iek swl leI, jW Pyr<br />

ieMqzwr kr lYx qy jdoN nvW rswlw vYbsweIt qy pih jwvygw qW auh myry vIr BYx aus<br />

nMU fonlof kr skn gy[<br />

brwdrI nMU iek`Tw krnw swfy leI iek bhuq hI zrUrI mslw hY ijs nMU krn nwl<br />

swfI Avwz mzbUq ho skdI hY[qyy brwdrI nMU gurduAwirAW dy ADwr qy hI iek`Tw<br />

krnw TIk hY qy jy kr swfy swry gurduAwirAW dy pRDwn,sYktrI KjwncI,qy j`Qydwr do<br />

mhIinAW bwd iek ieqvwr nMU jW SnIcrvwr bwkI dy gurduAwirAW nwl imlky Bwt<br />

sMgq dw BivKq soc lYx qW ik`nW cMgw hovy[mYnMU Brosw hY ik auhnW dy mIq A`T<br />

hPiqAW dy bwd iek hPqy dy gurduAwry jI dw kMm clw skdy hn[ qy eysy qrHW AsI<br />

vwrI vwrI do mhIinAW dy bwd iek gurduAwry iv`c iml skdy hW,jdoN ik lMgr qy cwh<br />

pwxI dI muSkl vI nhIN hovygI[ ieh myrI bynqI hY swfI nvIN jnrySn nMU hY ik qusI<br />

ieh auprwlw zrUr kro qy imlky iek Bwt is`K gurduAwrw koNsl zrUr bnw lvo[Aws<br />

hY ik swry gurduAwirAW dy pRbMDk ies gl vl iDAwn zrUr dyxgy[ies mhIny dy SurU<br />

qy AsI A`T nON s`jn birstol iPSpoNf gurduAwry iv`c iek`Ty hoey sI qy brwdrI dy<br />

BivKq bwry ivcwrW hoeIAW sn ies mhIny dy AKIr qy iek mItMg Pyr kIqI jwey gI<br />

qy Agly rswly iv`c AsI sMgqW nMU hor jwxkwrI idAWgy[q`d q`k swry gurduAwirAw dy<br />

pRbMDk swnMU ieh ieqlwh dyx ky kI auh do mhIinAW dy bwd imlky brwdrI dw<br />

BivKq socn leI tweIm kfn gy qy kI auh AYqvwr jW SnIcrvwr ie nw iek<br />

gurduAwry iv`c imlnw cwhuMxgy[pRbMDkW dw ptrol dw Krcw Awpxw Awpxw gurduAwrw<br />

hI kry krygw[ Awpxy ivcwr Agly rswly leI zrUr ilK ky Byjo[ guru sMgqW dw<br />

dwsn dws jsvMq isMG js cIP AYfItr[ p5

Sampadki<br />

Well half of the year has already<br />

gone and we were saying the<br />

new century is here and now the<br />

first 10 years of that has also<br />

gone by us. Don’t you agree<br />

with me that time has speeded<br />

up it self as you only got to turn<br />

around and another year goes<br />

by.<br />

We are always saying in the<br />

each of the Rasala that if some<br />

one wish to sponsor an issue in<br />

some happiness or may be to<br />

remembering some one dear to<br />

them can they please let us<br />

know, so that we can the book<br />

that in their name. The cost of<br />

that is £101 and for that we will<br />

print a picture on the front page<br />

as well as some on the back<br />

page and a page of information<br />

in side.<br />

Did you receive the last issue 60<br />

of our Rasala at your home<br />

address? If you did not then you<br />

can have it sent to your home<br />

address for £11 a year. Other<br />

wise,if our brothers and sisters<br />

wait till we have put the latest<br />

issue on the web site then they<br />

can down load from there. We<br />

always keep three of the issues<br />

On our www.bhatsangat.com<br />

website. This issue 61 has been<br />

delayed and there are two<br />

reasons for that, one is that our<br />

sister Rajindar Kaur Larh Ji who<br />

was sponsoring this issue went<br />

to India and fell ill and she has<br />

now come back but is still not<br />

Well but is getting better, the<br />

second is that I my self have been<br />

very busy marrying my youngest<br />

son and a daughter. I am glad to<br />

say that they have successfully<br />

carried out, so now I hope to send<br />

this issue to our readers by<br />

beginning of July. We wish to pray<br />

for the good health of our sister.<br />

The Sikh channel were recording<br />

a gathering of all the Gurdwaras<br />

of UK, on 3 rd May did your<br />

Gurdwara get invited? We feel<br />

some of the Gurdwaras were not<br />

invited others had a letter asking<br />

them to come. Any way for that we<br />

called a meeting of all of our Bhat<br />

Sikh Gurdwaras and held a<br />

meeting at Mary St Gurdwara in<br />

Birmingham 6 Gurdwaras turned<br />

up and it was decided to go to the<br />

meeting on the 3 rd May as<br />

deputised for Bhat Sikh Gurdwara<br />

Council we wish to thank the<br />

committee of Mary St Gurdwara<br />

for hosting that meeting at their<br />

Gurdwara as well as providing the<br />

participants with refreshment as<br />

well as lunch. Our aims are still to<br />

get all the Bhat Sikh Gurdwaras<br />

together and try to establish the<br />

Bhat Sikh Gurdwaras Council. We<br />

hope to communicate all of our<br />

Gurdwaras as soon as we get a<br />

date as well as a place to hold the<br />

meeting. We thought that it should<br />

be held in the midland and<br />

particularly if one of the<br />

Gurdwaras can volunteer for<br />

which we will be grateful as we<br />

need to get together as soon as it<br />

is possible. Jaswant Singh Jas.<br />

Page 6.<br />

pMjwb Aqy isMd bYNk dI ies ilKq vloN DMnvwd kIqw jWdw hY[‘js’<br />

is``K Drm dy AwrMB hox qoN pihlW BgqI lihr Aqy sMqw Aqy sUPI<br />

PkIrW ny eykqw Aqy BrwvlI dw sunyhw Gr Gr iv`c phuMcwnw SurU kr<br />

id`qw sI[anHW BgqW Aqy sUPIAW dw ipCokV vKO vKrw sI qy auh Drm<br />

dy krmkWfI qy rvwieqI p`KW dy vroDI sn[ auh s`cy qy su`cy ivhwr nwl<br />

iek r`b dI BgqI qy zor dyNdy sn[ sRI gurUUUu nwnk dyv jI ny AwpxIAW<br />

lMmIAW XwqrwvW arQwq audwsIAW dy durwn anHW sMqw Aqy PkIrW dI<br />

bwxI iek`TI kIqI Aqy AwpxI bwxI smyq aus nMU Awpxy auqrwiDkwrI nMU<br />

soNp id`qw[pMcm pwqSwh,sRI gurUUu Arjn dyv jI ny aunWH sMqw PkIrW dI<br />

bwxI dw sMkln Aid-gRMQ swihb jI iv`c kIqw[v`K v`K ihisAw nwl<br />

sMbMD rKx vwly sMqw PkIrW dIAW rcnwvW nMU Awid gurU gRMQ swihb jI<br />

iv`c Swiml krnw isK guru sihbwn dw iek AduqI kwrj sI ikauNik<br />

ies duAwrw aunHW jwq- pwq Aqy vMfIAW Bry smwj nMU srb sWJIvwlqw<br />

dw aupdyS id`qw[is`K gurUAW sMqw- drvySw dI isiKAw mOjUdw hwlwq iv`c<br />

AiqAMq swrQk hY, ikauNik jnqw nMU jwq pwq Kyqr Aqy Drm dy Adwr<br />

qy vrglwieAw jw irhw hY[pMjwb Aqy isMD bYNk vloN swl 2009 dw<br />

kYlMfr aunHW mhwn sMqW nMu smRipq ijnHW dI bwxI nMU gurbwxI dw drjw<br />

id`qw igAw hY Aqy ieh isKW dy srb –auc Drm gRMQ dw AinKVvW AMg<br />

hn[ies nMU Sbd –gurU mMn ky ies Agy sIs nvwauNdy hW<br />

Before the advent of Sikhism, the Saints of Bhakti movement<br />

and the Sufi Fakirs had already spread the message of<br />

equality and universal brotherhood. These Bhagats and the<br />

Sufis came from varied social background and most of them<br />

opposed the ritualistic aspects of religion and laid stress on<br />

truthful conduct and devotion of God. Sri Guru Nanak Dave Ji<br />

collected the verses of these saints and fakirs during his long<br />

journeys called 'Udasis' and passed them on to his successor<br />

along with his own composition. The Fifth Guru Sri Guru Arjan<br />

Dev Ji included these verses of the saints and fakirs in the Aad<br />

Granth. The Aad Granth contains verses of first five Sikh<br />

Gurus apart from fifteen Bhagats, eleven Bhats and four Sikhs.<br />

The hymns of the 9 th Guru, Sri Guru Tegh Bhadar Ji were<br />

incorporated later on in the Granth Sahib by the 10th Guru, Sri<br />

Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The compilation of the Aad Granth<br />

Sahib Ji with verses from various saints and Fakirs coming<br />

from different social background and different parts of the<br />

country was a unique effort by the Sikh Gurus to spread the<br />

message of Universal Brotherhood in a society ridden by caste<br />

and sectarian tendencies. The message given by the Sikh<br />

Gurus and these saints in their verses is extremely relevant in<br />

the present circumstances where people are being misled in<br />

the name of caste, region and religion. The Punjab & Sind<br />

Bank has dedicated the calendar for the year 2009 to the<br />

memory of these saints whose verses have the status of<br />

‘Gurbani’ and the integral part of the holy book of the Sikhs<br />

revered by the Sikhs as 'Shabad-guru'.

Bhat LAA Sikh Community Very Own Match Finder Each *<br />

represent a match arranged by Bhat Sangat Sandesh<br />

* * * * * * * * *<br />

A match is required for an 18 years boy<br />

from the Swali family Clean-shaven<br />

attending Uni, nearly six feet tall with<br />

wheat complexion please Tel: the Editor<br />

Looking for a lady for a 38 years old chap<br />

from the Digpal family he is 5:8 with a fair<br />

complexion and wears turban. Who is<br />

working for curry store? For more<br />

information please ring our mobile.<br />

Looking for a match. For a very handsome<br />

looking 21 years old boy from Loha family,<br />

has very fair complexion, Puran Gursikh 6<br />

feet tall and is working in an office. For<br />

more information ring our mobile (RN)<br />

Match required for a lad of Lakhanpal family<br />

from Patiala. He is 24 years old 5.5<br />

wheatish complexion slim. he is an lecturer<br />

in GGMC college Ludhiana in computer. He<br />

is a Gianni Pass BA1<br />

Tel: our mobile.<br />

Looking for a match for 21 years old, Car<br />

Salesman who is wears a turban with a trim<br />

beard he is 5:6 good complexion From<br />

Sheri family, who is looking for slim girl with<br />

fare complexion more information ring our<br />

mobile<br />

Looking for a match for a 23 years old<br />

lad from Kasbia family he is working as<br />

an engineer in a paper printing firm he is<br />

5:5 with good complexion. Who wears<br />

turban with trim beard. Who is looking<br />

for a slim girl with good complexion for<br />

information please Tel: our mobile.<br />

A match is required for 41 years old 5.9”<br />

Average built from the Rathore family Work as<br />

a manager at curry store, for more information<br />

please contact us on our mobile. Ref sk<br />

A match is required for a chap from the<br />

Rathore family who is divorced and is<br />

approximately 35 years old, got his own house<br />

and is working for himself more information<br />

Ring our mobile<br />

Looking for a match for a 23 years old girl with<br />

a education up to university level from the<br />

Rathore family. Who is 5:6, slim with a fair<br />

complexion. Looking for a possible Gursikh<br />

lad. For more info. Ring our mobi<br />

Looking for match boy in India. He is a<br />

Gursikh 6 feet tall fair complexion 22 years<br />

old. Has double MA in computing hardware<br />

soft ware and music from Landa family. More<br />

information ring our mobi.<br />

Looking for a match for a 27 years old<br />

girl from the Chohan family who was<br />

married but has no children she has<br />

wheat complexion and is 5”2 tall<br />

Lady in Birmingham who<br />

contacted us who’s son works as<br />

a social worker please ring us<br />

We are also looking for a match for a girl<br />

with fair complexion who was married<br />

just for a short time 21years old. For<br />

more information telephone us onour<br />

mobile.<br />

You will be glad to read that we are making a success of the advert we are placing.<br />

Try and see if we can do the same with your son or daughter. You don’t have to be<br />

concern as no one will know if it is you who is placing an advert for your son or<br />

daughter. When someone rings up for your son or daughter we are not going to give<br />

them your name address or telephone. Instead we will ring you to tell you so an so has<br />

rung, then it will be up to you to say yes, you ring them and find out more or we can<br />

do it for you. You will also be happy to know that this service is totally free for our<br />

community. It is not good that we do not tell any one about a boy or a girl we have who<br />

we wish to marry. So, why should we not tell that we have a son or a daughter who we<br />

wish to marry or who has been divorced and that we are looking for a match for them?<br />

So far we have matched eight people already in a such a short time.So rings us. P18<br />

15 Agsq dI Xwd iv`c sR: Bgq isMG jI nMU srDWjlIAW<br />

kurbwnI Bgq isMG jI dI,AjwdI dI Amr khwxI hY[<br />

kurbwnI Bgq isMG jI dI, AjwdI dI Amr khwnI hY[<br />

myry sohxy dys pMjwb dIAW, nw rIsW koeI vI kr skdY[<br />

ijs jnm ilAw aus DrqI qy nw eIn iksy dI mMn skdY[<br />

ijs sykI Du`p pMjwb dI,nw siVAw iksy dI sV skdY[<br />

auh J`KV vWgU Jul ky qy, duSmn dy kMfy BMn skdY[<br />

jo kOfI Kyly kwl nwl,auh mOq koloN kI fr skdY[<br />

rb jwxy hr mYdwn AMdr,auh sdw hI ijqW kr skdY[<br />

Blw auhnW nMU kIvyN Bul jweIey,jo AjwdI dy hI bwnI ny[<br />

kurbwnI Bgq isMG jI dI AjwdI dI Amr khwxI ey[<br />

swfy dys coN jdoN PrMgIAW ny, A`nI hI l`ut mcweI sI[<br />

myrI AwbrU sohxy dys dI, jdoN im`tI iv`c mlweI sI[<br />

s`p mry qy sotI rih jwvy, AYsI iek skIm clweI sI[<br />

hr g`l iv`c gory zwlm ny,AwpxI hI eIn mnweI sI[<br />

kwiPr hiqAwry fwier ny,hoxI dI Skl vtweI sI[<br />

iv`c jilAW vwly bwg iv`c, byh`qI golI clweI sI[<br />

aus mwr soxy dI icVIAw nMU ,qy KUb dI AYS aufweI sI[<br />

pIky Kun swfI aus Awn dw qy AwpxI ipAws buJweI sI[<br />

aus vyly Bgq isMG Syr nMU,Br A`KI nINd nw AweI sI[<br />

Awau auTo myry vqnIa, iek AYsI Avwz auTweI sI[<br />

s`c puCoN aunHW PrMgIAW dy,Pyr nwnI ig`ty AweI sI[<br />

aus gorw SwhI hkUmq dI, ies ny hI jV hlweI sI[<br />

ijs ny vI AKIAW AfIAW sn auhdI ies kbr bnweI sI[<br />

ijs mMgnI krky mOq nwl, qy r`KI kwiem inSwnI ey[<br />

kurbwnI Bgq isMG jI dI, AjwdI dI Amr khwnI ey[<br />

vwh Bgq isMG srdwrw vy, quM KoP nw iksy qoN KWdw sYN[<br />

qUM dys nMU Ajwd krwvn leI, gmI iv`c KuSI mnWdw sYN[<br />

ij`Qy dyS nMU loV sI pwnI dI,qUM Kun Awpxw hI pWdw sYN[<br />

pw crbI Awpxy ijgr dI, AjwdI dy dIp jgwdW sYN[<br />

gulwmI dIAW k`t jMjIrW nMU dwqy dw Sukr mnwdW sYN[<br />

idhwqI ij`q AjwdI dI, eysy dI hI myhrbwnI hY[<br />

kurbwnI Bgq isMG jI dI AjwdI dI Amr khwnI hY[<br />

sR: kuldIp isMG idhwqI jI dI klm qoN nOitMgGMm invwsI[

cutkly<br />

rijMdr lwV<br />

iek vwrI dI g`l hY ik AmrIkw vwly qy rUs vwly cMn qy gey<br />

hoey sn[aunHW dovW ny bYT ik Awips iv`c iek mItMg kIqI ik<br />

AsI rlky Koj krIey ik cMn qy koeI nvW kMm ikvyN kIqw jw<br />

skdw hY[jd auh cMn au`qy tur iPr rhy sn qW kI vyKdy hn ik<br />

A`gy iek v`fw swrw borf l`gw hoieAw hY,qy aus qy iliKAw hY<br />

pMjwbI Fwbw Aqy aus dy Agly pwsy do pMjwbI Brw bYTy hoey<br />

hn[ ieh swrw ku`J vyK ky rUsI qy AmrIkI ihrwn ho gey ik<br />

AsI qW Ajy soc hI rhy sW ik cMn qy kI kwrobwr kIqw<br />

jwey[ieh qW pihloN hI kMm Kol ky bYTy hoey hn[AKIr kol jw<br />

ky iehnW ny auhnW qoN puiCAw AksIauz mI, qusI eyQy kdoN dy<br />

Awey ho sr AsI qW jdoN ieMfIAW dI pwritSn hoeI sI,AsI<br />

aus vyly hI soc ilAw sI ik hux AsI cMn qy hI jw ky AwpnI<br />

ibizins Kol lYNdy hW,iPr pqw nhIN bwd iv`c ikdry QW imly jW<br />

nW imly[auh suxky swry ihrwn ho gey ik jo AsI soicAw sI auh<br />

pMjwbI pihlo hI krky bYTy hn[ rwjI[<br />

--------------------------------------------iPr<br />

myry Sihr sy guzrw vo bwdl kqryh dsqy gulW, PYlw huAw<br />

hY,myry AWcl kI qirh,kih rhw hY iksI mosm kI khwxI Ab<br />

q`k rwjI jYsy ijsRm brswq my BIgy huey jMgl kI qrih[<br />

--------------------------------------------<br />

iksy tybl py purwnI ikqwb KulI QI kl AweI hvw Aor ikqny<br />

vI sPy ault gey[ Sihr- vPw my Dup kw swQI koeI nhIN[<br />

sUrj jb sr py AwieAw qoN swey BI gt gey[<br />

ieqnI jswrqyN qo aus ko nsIb QI[<br />

muJy BI au`n kI sB KusIAW hbIb QI<br />

dsqy hvw ny jYsy drwqI sMBwl lI<br />

ANc ko sroN kI Psl sy KilAwn pt gey[ “rwjI”<br />

***iek rubweI***ig: pRIqm isMG jI “mKmUr”<br />

Soc irhw sW ‘BUq kwl’ nMU, iek iCn Jlk ivKwvy!<br />

A`g ivCoVy vwlI a`uqy,AMimRq jl iCVkwvy!<br />

‘vrqmwn’ ny id`qI GurkI:E Swier C`f socW-<br />

vylw lMiGAw qy jl v`igAw,muuuuV ky h`Q nw Awvy[ p8<br />

This letter is addressed to that child who<br />

is going to be born in the New Year.<br />

Can I welcome you for being born in the Bhat Sikh Community<br />

house hold? May the Waheguru give you long life and may<br />

you grow up to be fine boy or a girl and make name for your<br />

mother father and the community that you are being born in to<br />

your self. If you are a boy I hope when you grow up you will<br />

maintain the Sikhi that is withering away from our community,<br />

the youngster of today don’t where turban with pride but are<br />

starting to wear Patkas. In the Janjh these days you can count<br />

the male with turbans on the tips of your fingers and many of<br />

those will have trimmed beards and majority of them are<br />

wearing black. A Sikh channel has started not so long ago and<br />

they are doing their utmost to promote the Sikhism. On the<br />

other hand if you happened to be a girl the life in the Bhat Sikh<br />

Community is more protective for girls. I do hope though that<br />

by the time you are 21 you will have a choice as to what you<br />

want to do with you’re life, or who you wish to marry. No, No<br />

overall it is a good community, but they do have their very rigid<br />

thoughts, old customs and there way of life.<br />

The biggest problems, that we have today is our arranged<br />

marriage as they are breaking down left right and centre.<br />

Why? I think because we are not doing it properly, the<br />

introduction is to quick and not enough time is given to the boy<br />

and the girl to find out more about each other and more so to<br />

find more about the boy as to what he does with his life and<br />

what work he what social life he has, if he smoke, take drugs,<br />

or drink. More importantly is what is his mother like? And can<br />

the boy do any thing without the mother say. Is he tied to her<br />

finger? Some how or other all this information needs to be had<br />

before the marriage should go ahead. Let me hope and pray<br />

that by the time you grow up the community will be able to sort<br />

out all the problems about the arrange marriages, as to how<br />

two off you should meet .how when and why as that is the<br />

most important part of our future if we are to maintain our way<br />

of life. More, in the next issue. P17

sQwipq hoieAw[ dK`xI Bwrq<br />

iv`c rwToVW (rwstrkUtW) dy<br />

rwijAw dI aupwdI lu`t lUr<br />

prwDISvr sI[ies gOq ny<br />

Syv, jYn, bu`D, vYSnyv m`q, nMU<br />

smyN smyN Dwrn vI kIqw[<br />

ieslwm dy Bwrq iv`c Awaux<br />

nwl bhuq swryrwTOr muslmwn<br />

ho gey sn[ solvI sdI iv`c<br />

pMjwb dy hor kbIilAw vWg<br />

ieh kbIlw vI is`K m`q ivc<br />

kwPI igxqI iv`c Aw igAw[<br />

is`K ieiqhws iv`c BweI auDy<br />

jI vSyS vrnxXog hY[isKW<br />

dy novyN gurUu sRI gurUu qyg<br />

bhwdr jI dw piv`qr sIs<br />

BweI jyqw (BweI jIvn isMG)<br />

jI nwl imlky id`lI qoN sRI<br />

AnMdpur swihb lYky AwieAw<br />

sI[ku`J is`K ieiqhwisk kwrw<br />

ny nweIk mweIdws dy dsvyN<br />

puqr BweI auDy isMG,BweI<br />

bic`qr isMG pRmwr nMU vI<br />

rwTOr iliKAw hY[isAwlkot<br />

dy ijlw fsky pRgny dy ipMf<br />

glotIAW dy rihx vwly bwbw<br />

n`Qw isMG rwTOr(svwlI ny)<br />

is`K imslW iv`c rihky<br />

nwdrSwh qy AihmdSwh<br />

AbdwlI nwl kwPI jMg lVy<br />

sn[pitpIAw dy jMg AMdr<br />

SwhcI KW nwl lVdy ShId ho<br />

gieAw sI[bhuq swry hor<br />

nwiek CqrI vI ShId hoey<br />

sn[rTOrw dw lVIvwr<br />

ieiqhws sMn 593 eI qoN<br />

1947 eI q`k imldw hY[<br />

mu`FlI rwjDwnI mwn Kyf qoN<br />

lYky AMmJrW q`k Coty v`fy<br />

rwTor vMSQ dy 163 rwijAw ny<br />

rwj kIqw[iehnW dy pRis`D<br />

rwj mwnKMf gujrwq,godyq,<br />

hsq kuMfI, knoj, joDpur,<br />

bIkwnyr, ikSngV, rqlwm<br />

Aqy sImw rwE Awidk sn[<br />

ienHW dy jgq pRisD rwjy dyYq<br />

vrmw1,dMq vrmw],ieMdr<br />

rwj 1,ieMdr rwj][mhwrwjw<br />

goibMdr rwey, ivjy pwl,jY<br />

cMd,SIhw jI,rwxw irfml,gvY<br />

XoDw,joDpur dw bwnI,rwv<br />

bIkw, (bIkw nyr dw bwnI)<br />

rwjw mwl dyv, jsvMq isMG,<br />

AjIq isMG,gMgw isMG sn[<br />

Bwrq dy ieiqhws iv`c durgw<br />

dws rwTOr,jYml P`qw,rwTor<br />

vIr,Amr isMG rwTOr,Aqy<br />

ikRiSn BgqnI, mIrw bweI,<br />

sMjy gqwieS vI kul nwl<br />

sMb`dq sn[nwiek CqrI jy<br />

pMjwb dy gurdwspur ijly dy<br />

iqbV ksby iv`c rihMdy sn[<br />

auhnW ivcoN jIq isMG rwTOr<br />

ny Coty GlUGwry iv`c KUb<br />

bIrqw dy johr dKwey Aqy<br />

aus dI bhwdr pùqrI bIbI<br />

jlp kOr AwpxI keI<br />

shylIAW smyq durwnI Poj dI<br />

iek tukrI nwl lVdI ShId<br />

ho geI[bwkI Agly AMk iv`cP16<br />

kUMjw dI mOq AMk 62<br />

lVI joVn leI vyKo AMk 61 sPw 10<br />

aus dw jI qW bhuq krdw sI ausdw swrw prvwr aus dy pws<br />

jldI qoN jldI Aw jwvy jW Pyr auh Awpxy vqn pu`J jwvy[pr<br />

kdy ieh huMdw[ienHW hI BMnW GVqW ivc pMj swl bIq gey<br />

sn[kMm qoN imlI Cu`tI ny aus iv`c iknHW auqSwh Br id`qw sI nwly<br />

auh sMdIp qy bicAW nMU lYky pihlI vwr ieMfIAW jw irhw sI iPr<br />

auh socdw ik ienHW nMU imlky auh iknHY KuS hoxgy[iPr auh<br />

AKMfpwT rKwauxgy,irSqydwrW dw iek`T juVygw,qohPy id`qy jwxgy<br />

Aqy bhuq swrIAW KUSIAW mnweIAW jwxgIAW[aus AKMfpwT dy<br />

Bog smyN swry ipMf dy lok Awauxgy[ipMf dw iKAwl AwauNidAW hI<br />

aus nMu mMn iv`c iek ikrmcI lkIr augVdI hY[ Swied Bog qy<br />

Awey lokW iv`c rimMdr vI hovy,aus dI izMdgI dI pihlI pwk<br />

mh`bq,iknHW bdl geI hovygI auh A`j k`lI pr aus ny Awpxw<br />

Awp vI dyiKAw,mYN vI qW iknHW bdl igAw hW[auh socdw irhw<br />

hux qW myry swry dosq vI ivAwhy gey hoxgy,suirMdr qwrI Aqy<br />

jgdIp[hux qW auhnW dy K`q vI kdI kdweI AwauNdy hn[ikvyN<br />

Aijhy dosqW nwl aus dIAW mhiPlW juiVAw krdIAW sn,ikvyN<br />

auh A`DI A`DI rwq q`k bihky g`lW mwirAw krdy sn[gurmIq<br />

socdw iknHW cMgw hov jy kr aunHW c iksy dw ivAwh myrI Cu`tI<br />

durwn hovy[gIq gwey jwey rhy hox mylIAw leI swry ipMf ivcoN<br />

ibsqry iek`Ty kIqy jw rhy hox,rwq nMU auhvI kuVI hovy ijs nMU auh<br />

AwpinAw supinAW iv`c qlwS krdw irhw hY[iPr aus nMU iKAwlW<br />

hI iKAwlW iv`c Awpxy Awp nMU bYNf dI qwl qy n`cdw mihsUs<br />

kIqw[iknyH hI lok bnyirAW qy bYTy ies KuSI dw AnMd mwn rhy<br />

sn[ausdw iKAwl AdoN tu`itAw jdoN sMdIp ny Kyfdy Kyfdy ny Awpxy<br />

bol nMU jor nwl tI vI skrIn qy mwirAw,aus ny dyiKAw ik aus<br />

bwkI sPw 10 P9

sPw 9 dw bwkI[dI pqnI rsoeI iv`c rwq dI rotI bnwaux iv`c r`uJI<br />

hoeI sI Aqy sMdIp AwpxI Kyf iv`c msq sI[vqn jwx dy cwA ny<br />

ausdI klpnw iv`c ikMny hI rMg Br id`qy[auh socdw irhw Awh<br />

sqMbr dw mhInw hY, auh Agly mhIny AkqUbr iv`c dys jwxgy[iknHW<br />

ipAwrw mosm hoaU[pr swry mShUr myly lMg cu`ky hoxgy duishrw Aqy<br />

dIvwlI dy iqauhwr Aw rhy hn[ Jony dI dI ktweI cl rhI hoaU[kdI<br />

kdI m`kI kfn vwlIAW frmIAW dI GUkrW suxIAW jwx gIAw K`uly<br />

KyqW iv`c pSUAw dy bg iPr rhy hoxgy[trYktrW dI gUMj iv`c knk<br />

bIjn leI jmIn iqAwr kIqI jw rhI hoaU[nvIN bIjI sroN AwpxI<br />

hrAwvlI dw jwdU vKw rhI hovy hovygI[sroN dw iKAwl AwauNidAw hI<br />

aus nMU sroNH dy swg qy m`kI dI rotI dI iKAwl Aw gieAw ik ikvyN<br />

auh sroNH dw swg qy m`kI dI rotI dy nwl Fyr swrw m`Kx Du`py bihky<br />

KwieAw krdw sI nwl mUlIAW Kwx dw Awpxw hI AnMd sI[aus dy<br />

mukwbly iv`c GVI dI GVI aus nMU swry vlYqI Kwxy qu`C l`gy<br />

jwpy[PrIjrW iv`c mhIinAw dy jmW kIqy Aqy AwpxI s`jrI mihk qy<br />

svwd gvw c`ku Kwxy Kw Kw ky aus nMU ieMJ jwpdw dI ijvyN auh Awpxy<br />

swry svwd guAw cu`kw hY[auhdw jI kIqw ik huxy hI aufky auh vqn<br />

phMc jwvy,Kùly Kyqw iv`c GMumy AwpxI motr dy cubcy iv`c cubIAW lw<br />

lw ky auh cWdI rMgy ifg rhy pwxI hyT nhwvy qy iPr mW dIAW myQy pw<br />

ky pkIAW dhIN nwl Kwvy[aus dI rUh JUm jUm jwvy Aqy auh Awpxy<br />

Awp nMU bhuq hI KuSiksmq mihsUs kry[pqnI dI Avwj ny aus nMU<br />

JMjoiVAw[pqnI rotI Kwx leI Avwj mwr rhI sI[iehnW rotI Kwx<br />

dy nwl nwl vqn jwx dI iqAwrI dI vI gl bwq kIqI[ij`dy iv`c<br />

irSqydwrW leI sUt,BYx BrwvW leI kpVy Aqy Fukdy<br />

qohPy[ielYktirk dw smwn,jhwj dIAW itktW,ku`J Awpxy leI<br />

smwn Aqy EQy jwky turn iPrn dw Krcw[ iehnW g`lW ny aunHW dy<br />

mMn iv`c ku`l Krc dw suAwl pYdw kr id`qw[iPr auhnW soicAw<br />

sMdIp nMU pihlI vwrI ieNfIAW lYky jwxw hY Aqy AYnI dyr bwd jw<br />

irhy hW hr iksy ku`J nw kU`J qW lY jwky dyxw hI pvygw[kI Pyr swfw<br />

gurmIq vwips Awpxy ipMf igAw?khwxI dI AglI iksq zrUr pVo<br />

AMk nMbr 63 iv`c nvMbr dsMbr nMU pirMt hovy gw[ P10<br />

rwjpUqW dw<br />

vloN suirMdr isMG rwjpUq DUrI<br />

rwjpUqW dy 36 GrwixAw ivcoN<br />

rwTOr iek mh`qvSwlI Grwxw<br />

hY[ies dI auqpqI bwry<br />

ivdvwnw iv`c kwPI mq Byd<br />

hn[ienHW dy B`t (BwtVy nhIN)<br />

iehnW nMU hrnk`Sp Aqy<br />

A`idqI dI aupjI sMqwn jW<br />

mckMd qoN mMndy hn[ chuM<br />

XugW iv`c ienHW dI ku`l dy vI<br />

qrqIb vwr mckMudw, bhuMdrw,<br />

pKwnycn Aqy nwgnycw mMndy<br />

hn[ku`J ivdvwnW muqwibk<br />

ieh ieMdr dI rIf dI h`fI<br />

qoN pYdw krnl jyms muqwibk<br />

isbIAnW dI ASv SwK ivcoN<br />

hn[jdoN ik bI ey simQ ienHW<br />

nMU BIlW gOfw dI sMqwn mMndy<br />

hn[ ku`J dKx dy dVwvVW dI<br />

SwK vI kihMdy hn[joDpur dI<br />

iKAwq ienHW dI auqpqI rwjw<br />

XvnwSv dy pu`qr bh`drbl<br />

qoN mMnI hY[idAwl dws ienHW<br />

nMU Blw rwv bRwhmx dI<br />

sMnqwn ilKdw hY[<strong>mhW</strong> kwv<br />

rwTOr iv`c ienHW nMU iSv SMkr<br />

dy m`Qy auprly qoN inkilAw<br />

mMinAw hY[pr ieh vMS sRI<br />

rwm cMdr dy dUjy pu`qr kuS<br />

dI sMqwn nwl sMbD`q hY[ies<br />

dw pRwcIn nwm rwStrkùt<br />

hY[rwStrkUt dw ArQ rySt<br />

dys huMdw hY[pMfq p15<br />

rwTOr vMS<br />

ivSvySr rwE dI ilKq<br />

muqwibk rwStrkUt Sbd holI<br />

holI rwStr, rwStrrwT,<br />

rwiTk,lwt,Alwrt, rwTvr,<br />

rwT vV qy rwTVw, rwEtr,<br />

rwstrOf,rwToV qy Pyr rTor<br />

bx igAw[jo hux q`k pRclq<br />

hY[iehnW nMU BwvyN ku`J<br />

iv`dvwnw qy Kws krky ienHW<br />

dy rwijAW dy SwhI kwgjW qy<br />

iSlw lyKkW iv`c cMdr vMSIAW<br />

iliKAw hY[pr kuS nwl<br />

sbMD`q hox krky ieh sUrj<br />

vMSI kS`qrI hn[iehnW dI<br />

dyvI AMgnpMKnI(ivMDvwsnI)<br />

ijs nMU rwTyCvrI jW rwStr<br />

sweInw(kul dw riKAkbwj)<br />

hY[jo joDpur qy bIkwnyr dy<br />

rwjW dy JMifAW iv`c Ajy vI<br />

bwj jW ie`l dI rUp iv`c dyKI<br />

jw skdI hY[iskMdr mhwn dy<br />

hmly smyN ieh Grwxw<br />

Alwrt nWA hyT auqrI<br />

Bwrq iv`c mwjUd sI[qWKSW<br />

(twkW) nwl iml ky pihlW<br />

ienHW ny <strong>mhW</strong> Bwrq dy Xu`d<br />

iv`c pWfvW vloN lVy[iPr<br />

pors dy smyN sMikMdr lVdy<br />

rhy imstr PlIt dI Dwrnw<br />

hY ik mhwrwjw A<strong>Sok</strong> rwj qoN<br />

ku`J icr pihlW ieh Kwndwn<br />

auqrI p`CmI Bwrq vloN auTky<br />

d`KxI Bwrq iv`c mhwn

sPw 13 dw bwkI qy iek ieiqhwsk<br />

mkytI dI AsQwpn<br />

sMglw dIp iv`c sMgq bhuq isK bnI sI,ies iv`c koeI SMkw nhIN<br />

hY[nwl hI ieh lUx swrI rsoeI dy idn dw Krc hY[roj do vwrI<br />

rsoeI pkdI hY[ies leI jy mx nMU iek syr smJ ilAw jwvy qy<br />

20 syr lUxiek CtWk,iek syr dy ihswb Anuswr AT mx rsoeI<br />

pwn huMdI hY qy cwr sO AdmI iek mx simgrI vrqn qy AT mx<br />

isimgrI b`qI sO nr nwrI vrq skdy hn[ Bwv ik iek fMg leI<br />

1600 sMgq juVky prSwdw CkdI sI[ ieh igxqI qy ieh lUn iksy<br />

ikAws qoN pry nhIN ho skdI[<br />

so ies lyK dy AwKrI crn AMdr mYN kOm dy igAwnI qy hor isAwxy<br />

purSW Agy ApIl krdw hW ik ieh myrI qWg hY komI ieiqhws<br />

iek`Tw krn ihq[ so mYN Aws krdw hW ik ijs s`jn pws kOm dw<br />

koeI vI ieiqhws sBMDI smgrI hY[aus nMU iek jgHw iek`Tw kIqw<br />

jwvy qy jo vI s`jnw dy pws auhnW dy buzuurgW dw iek`Tw kIqw<br />

hoieAw ieiqhws vI hY aus nMU vI ieko jgw iek`Tw kIqw jwvy qy<br />

iek iqhwisk kmytI brwdrI bnweI jwvy[ijs pws ieiqhws hY<br />

auh qy hor isAwxy lok aus kmytI dy mYNbr bnx gy[<br />

nvIN ieiqhwisk kmytI<br />

mYN igAwnI pRIqm isMG jI mKmUr horW dy v`fy spu`qr mwnkdyv<br />

isMG nwl sMprk kIqw hY qy auhnW mYNnMU Drvws dvwieAw hY ik<br />

ayuh Awpxy ipqw jI dw qy smuMdr isMG historian jI dy lVikAw<br />

dy pwsoN ieiqhws iek`Tw krky dyxgy nwl hI AwrP jI dIAW<br />

ikqwbW dI vI Bwl kIqI jweygI qy Pyr ies swrI smgrI nMU<br />

iek`Tw krky AMgryzI iv`c aulQw krky cpwieAw jwvy[ijs ijs<br />

s`jn nMU ieh kMm nypyVn dI <strong>Sok</strong> hY auh dws dy nwl sMprk krn<br />

myry pws sMgq smwcwr dy qkrIbn swry AMk igAwnI rqn isMG<br />

jI Swd horW dy pey hoey hn[ nwl sMgq vIklI qy hor jo AMk<br />

inkly sn[ ptyl AMk qwilb AMk, pRdysI AMk, kOmI AMk qy<br />

smuMdr isMG ihtorIAn jI dw kOS qy hor iek ilKq vI hY[ so<br />

Awau nojvwno A`gy Pyr Dro qy AwpxI brdwrI dw kMm so kMm<br />

ieqhws hI iek`Tw kr lvo[ Awaux vwlI pIVI dy leI qW ik aunHW<br />

nMU kMMm so kMm ieh qW pqw hovy ik AsI kI hW,ikQoN Awey hoey hW[<br />

mYNMnUM bhuq swrI Aws hY ik myry nOjvwn zrUr A`gy Aw ky ies bhuq<br />

hI zrUrI msly nMU hl krn dI koisS krngy[ ‘js’ p14<br />

do idlW dy myl lVI joVn leI<br />

vyKo AMk nMbr 61sPw 10<br />

AKIrlI ikSq:- krwV bhuq inMmUJwxw<br />

hoky iPr kihx lgw vyK Eey j`tw jwq<br />

qy jor dI hYkV iv`c Awky doh idlW nMU<br />

qoV nw beIN[ ies iv`c r`b vI nrwz<br />

huMdw hY[“AMq mYN qyry A`gy JolI A`fI<br />

vwsqw pwky qyry pwsoN dwn mMgdw<br />

hW[ies iv`c swfy dohW dw Blw hY”[<br />

j`t Pyr grmI iv`c Awky kihx l`gw<br />

“Swh jwh cilAw jwh myrIAW AKW<br />

Ago,nhIN qW ku`J dw ku`J ho jweIgw[<br />

krwV inrws hoky Gr clw AwieAw[KUh<br />

dw kMm mukw ky jd j`t Gr AwieAw qy<br />

aucI aucI vwjW mwrn l`gw “Eey sMqI<br />

dI mW,Eey sMqI dI mW”[<br />

j`tI bolI,A`j kyhVI bUtI t`p AwieAw<br />

ey, Gr vVdy hI rolw pwauxw SurU kr<br />

id`qw hY”[<br />

j`t, “sux leI Aw krqUq,AwpxI<br />

lwflI sMqI dI,kI cMn cwiVAw sU”[<br />

j`tI, “srdwrw ku`J Akl kr Arwm<br />

nwl bih ky gl kr,pqW vwly eyDW rolw<br />

nhIN pwauNdy”[<br />

“Arwm nwl mYN gl kI krW,qyrI lwflI<br />

dI g`l Swh ny kIqI hY,hux ds kI kIqw<br />

jwey,qynMU vI kuJ disAw hY sMqI ny”[<br />

j`tI kihx l`gI,ip`Cy jhy mYN sMqI dy<br />

ivAwh bwry gl qorI sI,auh kihx l`gI<br />

mYN swrI aumr ivAwh hI nhIN<br />

krwauxw[jd mYN aus nMU iPr ipAwr nwl<br />

smJwieAw buJwieAw qy iPr kihx l`gI<br />

“jy myrI SwdI krnI loVdI hYN qW mYNnMU<br />

Swh dy pu`q jgqy nwl ivAwh idau[mYN<br />

aus nMU bhuq ipAwr krdI hW”[<br />

mYN gu`sy rwjI hoeI qy fr frwvw vI<br />

id`qw[qy ikhw ik DIAW eydW nhIN<br />

krdIAW[nwly krwVW nwl j`tW dIAW<br />

SwdIAW hoxIAW nw mumikn vwlI gl<br />

hY”[iPr kihx l`gI jy myrI SwdI D`ky nwl<br />

iksy hor nwl krogy qW mYN Pwhw lYky mr<br />

jwvWgI”[ “mYN qW aus nMU bhuq smJwieAw<br />

hY pr auh koeI kihxw hI nhIN mMndI”[<br />

jt kihx l`gw, “ip`Cy jhy mwauVw dy DMnw<br />

isauN ny nweI dy h`Q iek sunyhw GilAw<br />

sI,sMqI dy irSqy bwbq,pr mYN mcl mwr<br />

C`fI sI, so myrw iKAwl hY j`t srdwpujdw<br />

hY,dUjw iDr bn jweygI[ieh AKV<br />

kuVI dy qMd pIly kr CfIey[Awpxy Gr<br />

BwvyN mry qy BwvyN jIvy AsW Awpxw Prj<br />

pUrw krnw hY[<br />

j`tI frdI mwrI hW iv`c hW imlweI<br />

geI[ku`J idn bwd j`t ny sMqI dI SwdI<br />

ArMB kr id`qI[igixAw- imiQAw idn<br />

nyVy Aw igAw[iek rwq vwijAW dI DuMnW<br />

nwl jMJ AweI[ipMf iv`c hr pwsy jSn<br />

mnwey jw rhy sn, sMqI qy jgqy nMU sog<br />

vriqAw hoieAw sI[puqr vwilAW ny<br />

AwiqSbwjI mMgvweI hoeI sI[rotI Kwx qoN<br />

ivhly hoky lok AwiqS bwjI vyKx iv`c ru`J<br />

gey[sMqI nMU smw iml igAw aus ny Awpxy<br />

kmry dw buvw mwrky Pwh lY ilAw[ieh gl<br />

jgqy q`k vI sunI geI[ aus ny vI dirAw<br />

iv`c jw ky Cwl mwr id`qI qy kihx l`gw<br />

“sMqI mYN vI qyry pws AwieAW”<br />

PweIl pVHn qoN bwAd ipAwr nwQ iPr<br />

boilAw “hux ieh dovyN quhwfy pws hn,<br />

iehnW qINbr ieiCAw Aj pUrI krn dI<br />

rsm sRI bwbw jI AwpxI h`QI Awp puirAw<br />

krngy”[ sRI bwbw jI, “Awau myry bicE”<br />

dovyN A`gy v`Ddy hn qy bwbw jI Pu`lW dIAW<br />

imlwp mwlw auhnW dy h`QW iv`c dy dyNdy hn<br />

sRI bwbw jI ieh mwlw iek dUsry dy gl<br />

iv`c pwau qy swry jYkwr blwau[ do idlW dw<br />

myl sdw At`l[myrI supny dI dy ny vI<br />

jYkwrw CifAw[do idlW dw myl sdw At`l<br />

sPw 11

qUM hY rwTW dI sMqwn<br />

vloN isMG rsuirMdr “rwjpUq”<br />

jwg Bwtrw vIr juAwn,hux quMU Awpxw mUl pCwx[<br />

AYvyN jwqoN kujwq nw ho, qMU hYN rwTW dI sMqwn[<br />

pVH qUMN goqW dw ieiqhws, ho jwvy qYnMU Aihsws[<br />

swry KojI ieho AwKx hoky qYnMU iek zubwn[<br />

qUM hY rwTW dI sMqwn…………………………<br />

GoK rqw kU AwpxIAW rvwieqW,ivrsy bwry jo dyx hdwieqW[<br />

kwhnMU G`ty dy iv`c rolyN, gorv meI ivrsw mhwn[<br />

qUM hY rwTW dI sMqwn…………………………<br />

Brm BulyKy pw ividvwnw, Kjl kIqI do jhwnW[<br />

jy AslIAq pVnI qUM, qW pVH ‘twf’ dw rwijsQwn[<br />

qUM hY rwTW dI sMqwn…………………………<br />

gPlq ivcoN jwg qUM Syrw, jwgrqI dw hoieAw svyrw[<br />

igAwn dI AYink lw ky vyK, ikj`Qy phuMc igAw jhwn[<br />

qUM hY rwTW dI sMqwn…………………………<br />

hoky rwjpUq quM BweI, bRwhmx jwqI hY ApnweI[<br />

rwjpUqI qUM sWB lY ivrsw, sWB lY ruldI Awn qy Swn[<br />

qUM hY rwTW dI sMqwn…………………………<br />

----------------------------------------------<br />

bwbw cMgw Bwtrw jI[ vloN ig: rwm rqn jI Kwlsw Alvr<br />

sMgq jI Awpxy nurwnI moqI bwbw cMgw jI dy mq`lk ivcwr krdy<br />

hW[bwbw jI dw jIvn kwl solvI sdI dy krIb dw hY[ nIl swgr<br />

dI sYr kridAw swnMU pqw lgdw hY ik bwbw cMgw jI nMU isK Drm<br />

dw iek aucw sQwn pRwpq sI[bwbw jI dw Sihr Awrogwpyt hY ieh<br />

jgHw Aj kl mdrws prWq iv`c hY[rwjy iSvnwB dy pws rihMidAw<br />

guru nwnwk jI ny pRwn sMglI acwrI sI[aus vkq bwbw jI dy nwl<br />

sYdo qy sIho do isK sn[guru Arjn dyv jI ny BweI BYVy jI nMU<br />

sMglwdIp Glky pRwn sMglI mMgweI sI[ BweI BYVw jI ny Awky<br />

AwpxI Xwqrw dw hwl disAw jo BweI bMno jI ny AwpxI gruU gRMQ<br />

swihb jI dI auqwry vwlI bIV iv`c auh swrw hwl ilK ilAw[jo<br />

A`j vI mjUd hY[iek BweI bMno dI bIV kwnpur BweI bMno dy<br />

gurduAwry iv`c vI A`j q`k peI hoeI hY[aus qoN pqw lgdw hY ik<br />

iSvnwB dw rwj sMgwdIp dy au`qr vl[ bwkI sPw13 qy P12<br />

bwbw cMgw BwtVw jI<br />

sPw 12 dw bwkI<br />

jwpw ptn dy nyVy sI[ieh bMdrgwh mwjUd hY ihMd dy d`Kx iv`c itkwxy<br />

sMglw dIp ApVn leI rwh iv`c pey auQy guris`KI qy guru dsy<br />

kirSimAW dy pRsMg aus vyly q`k mjUd sn[ijnHW dw ijkr hkIkq<br />

rwh mukwm iv`c hY[nvIn Koj leI ieh hkIjq rwh mukwm iv`c kwPI<br />

vwkPI hY, ies rcnw dw pwT ieh hY[hkIkq rwh mwkwm qy guru jI<br />

dw sMglw dIp jwxw, rwjw iSvnwB jI dw is`K hoxw sMgq dw EuQy<br />

hoxw, qy qIjI pIhVI q`k is`KI dw kwiem hoxw qy bhuq sMiKAw iv`c<br />

sMgq dw juVnw shI huMdw hY[<br />

pwT hkIkq rwh mukwm jog gRMQ dy sojn qoN pRwpq hoieAw hY[Esy qrW<br />

ieh BweI BYVy dI hI ilKq hY[ nwgw ptn ibdr iqjwvr sihr Qw,qW<br />

kw rwjw Awierwpq nwiek hY[ qhW vlYq rwm rwjw kI hY[qhW sy lok<br />

jhwj cVqy hYN iqMn idn qy iqMn pwr krkyjwpw ptn pwr kw bMdr hY[<br />

qhW jhwj jwey auqurdw hY[ so sMglw dIp hY 14 syN gwauN iv`c vsdw<br />

hY[qhW s`q rwjy Qy guru bwby ky bcn sy iek huAw[ iSvnwB rwjy kI<br />

sMqh sqw vid Sihr hY qKq qKq gwh,qhw Ab rwjw mwieAwdonI<br />

rwjy rwjw isMG kw bytw,rwjy iSvnwB kw poqw hY[qihM guru jI dI<br />

Drmswl hY[sMgq juVqI hY[kIrqn hoqw hY[ rsoeI lMgr myN svw bIs<br />

mx lUx hr roj lgqw hY[nykw ptn bIjw ngr qoN ioekqrI kos<br />

hY[Gr BwtiVAW ky bygw pur qy bIjw pur kos A`sI hY[AOrMg pyt<br />

hY[qhW sMgq cMgy BwtVy kI hY[ iqs kI igrd invwhI isK sMgq bhuq<br />

hY[Gr, Gr BwtiVAW dy kjlI bn kos A`sI hY[ iqirAw rwj hY qhW<br />

vI guru bwby kw dyhurw hY[ sMgq BwtiVAW kI juVqI hY[EQy guru isDW<br />

nwl goSt krky pUjw iKc lIqI hY sU[ qb isD guru bwby kw jor<br />

Ajmwieky pYrI Aw pey hn[ies QW kw nwm kjlI bx iqirAW rwj<br />

hY[qhW BI sMgq hY[[ieh lyK rwm rqn isMG jI Kwlsw jI ny sgMq<br />

smwcwr leI 1972 iv`c ilKky ByijAw sI[<br />

A`gy jw ky Kwlsw jI hor ilKdy hn, so pwTk s`jno bIs mn dI lUn<br />

bwry bhuq swry pwTk ihrwn hoxgy[ so lUx dw vyrvw ies pRkwr hY[<br />

mx dw vjn A`f A`f ielwikAw iv`c vKrw hY[ dysI mx vI do qrHW<br />

dw huMdw hY[p`kw mx cwlI syr qy k`cw mx 16 syr dw hY[ AlwaudIn dy<br />

rwj AMdr bwrW syr dw mx sI[eIrwnI mx iek syr qy ds CtWkW dw<br />

sunIdw hY[ijs nMU bRijMdI mx AwKdy hn[ qbryjI mx svw iqn syr dw<br />

hY[ PwrsI koS AMdr mx dy ArQ do r`ql ArQwq iek syr iliKAw<br />

hY[ igAWnI Bgvwn isMG jI mx dw ArQ FweI syr krdy hn pr<br />

muslmwn dw rwj rvXy hox krky mx dw Br eYQy syr hI hoxw hY[p13

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