Genesis Lesson 5

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Acknowledgments<br />

Living Logos was the heart-work of Bro<br />

Dale Starks and Sis Josephine Starks,<br />

missionaries to Singapore in the early<br />

1980s. As the original authors of this<br />

devotionals, the Starks meant for<br />

these self-study materials to help new converts<br />

(and matured saints alike) get a hold of an<br />

understanding of God’s written Word. Since Sis<br />

Stark’s passing in 2013, the couple had graciously<br />

entrusted Tabernacle of Joy with its copyright.<br />

Therefore, with every print run, we would like to<br />

honour their life work and sacrifice in bringing the<br />

gospel to Singapore. This copy is an updated and<br />

revised version. Be blessed as you immerse yourself<br />

in the Word and allow God to transform you into<br />

the likeness of Jesus Christ.<br />


<strong>Lesson</strong><br />

Five<br />


<strong>Genesis</strong><br />



After Cain killed his brother Abel, we read of no sincere<br />

repentance - no desire on his part to choose the way of God.<br />

Instead, we read:<br />

And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord...<br />

— GEnEsis 4:16<br />

We can only take this to mean that Cain stopped all religious<br />

practices. That means that the children he raised were not<br />

taught to fear and love God. Through Cain’s bad example<br />

and through the children’s lack of religious training, the bad<br />

character of the father was passed on to his children. The<br />

offspring (descendants) of Cain came to be called “the sons<br />

and daughters of men.”<br />

Meanwhile, God gave Eve another son in the place of Abel,<br />

whom Cain had murdered. Seth grew up to be a God-fearing,<br />

obedient son. Seth produced such men as Enoch, who lived<br />

such a godly life that he was too good for this world. God took<br />

him unto Himself, not by death, but by translation. Enoch<br />

was one of two men (the other one was Elijah) who had never<br />

tasted death, but was lifted up from this world and received<br />

into heaven (<strong>Genesis</strong> 5:24, Hebrews 11:5).<br />

These two men are a type of the saints who will be present on<br />

earth when Jesus comes back for His church:<br />

Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the<br />

other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall<br />

be taken, and the other left<br />

— maTThEw 24:40, 41<br />

36<br />

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with<br />

the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the<br />

dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain

shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:<br />

and so shall we ever be we be with the Lord.<br />

— i ThEssalonians 4:16, 17<br />

Noah was also of the seed of Seth. Enoch was his great-grandfather. The<br />

Bible says of Noah that he was “...a just man and perfect in his generations,<br />

and... walked with God” (<strong>Genesis</strong> 6:9). This was in great contrast to those<br />

around him.<br />

As long as the descendants of Cain (the daughters of men) and the<br />

descendants of Seth (the sons of God) did not mix and mingle, the earth<br />

was not entirely polluted by sin. The God-fearing seed of Seth acted as<br />

“the salt of the earth” to preserve the earth from God’s judgements. But<br />

eventually, these two groups did begin to intermarry, and this resulted in the<br />

total corruption of the earth - except for Noah and his family.<br />

This was the spiritual and moral condition of the earth before God sent the<br />

great flood:<br />

1. The wickedness of man was great, and the imagination of the thoughts<br />

of his heart was only evil continually (<strong>Genesis</strong> 6:5).<br />

2. The earth was corrupt before God, and filled with violence (<strong>Genesis</strong><br />

6:11).<br />

3. The people were involved in excessive eating, drinking, marrying and<br />

divorcing (Matthew 24:37-38).<br />


Since Noah and his family were the only ones who still feared God and<br />

walked uprightly, God decided to send His judgement upon the earth and<br />

cleanse it from all ungodliness, corruption, and violence. The result would<br />

be a “new earth”. This was the purpose of the great flood.<br />

God spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of<br />

righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly<br />

— ii PETEr 2:5<br />

Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished<br />

— ii PETEr 3:6<br />

God’s plan was to replenish the earth with the seed of Noah.<br />

God never sends judgement without providing an opportunity for people<br />

to repent (turn from their sins and get right with God). Notice that Noah<br />


was called a preacher of righteousness. God warned Noah that He was going<br />

to destroy the world by a great flood. He told him to build an ark, and gave<br />

him the exact instructions for building it, including what size it was to be<br />

(<strong>Genesis</strong> 6:14-16). While Noah was building, he was also preaching to the<br />

people and warning them to turn from their sins, so that they could escape<br />

the coming flood.<br />


There are several spiritual types found in this historical event:<br />

1. The aRk is a Type of The chuRch of Jesus chRisT.<br />

2. The aRk had ThRee sToRies (levels). These sToRies RepResenT The<br />

gospel of Jesus chRisT and The RequiRemenTs foR obeying iT:<br />

The Gospel is:<br />

(I Corinthians 15:1-4)<br />

The death of Jesus Christ for<br />

our sins<br />

The burial of Jesus Christ<br />

The resurrection of Jesus<br />

Christ<br />

The Gospel Obeyed:<br />

(Acts 2:38)<br />

Repentance (dying out to sin)<br />

Water Baptism (We are buried with<br />

Christ, Romans 6:3-4)<br />

We are filled with the Holy Spirit which<br />

“resurrects” us to a new life.<br />

3. The flood was a Type of waTeR bapTism:<br />

... the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a<br />

preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. The like figure<br />

whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the<br />

filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the<br />

resurrection of Jesus Christ<br />

— i PETEr 3:20, 21<br />

Take note that the above verses teach that baptism is essential for salvation!<br />

4. Despite the size of the ark, there was only one door. This is because the<br />

ark was a type of the church (God’s spiritual body), and the church has<br />

only one door - one way to enter. Jesus said, “I am the door...” (John<br />

10:9).<br />



The word “gospel” comes from the Greek word “euaggelion” and literally<br />

means “a good message”, or “good news”. The good news is that God<br />

became man and came into the world in the person of Jesus Christ to die<br />

for our sins on the cross. He did not remain in the grave, but rose from the<br />

dead three days later to become the living head of the church. The Christian<br />

church is not founded upon the teachings of a good, but dead man. Our<br />

founder is alive and well. He is Jesus Christ, the true God! Jesus said in the<br />

book of Revelation:<br />

I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen;<br />

and have the keys of hell and of death<br />

— rEvElaTion 1:18<br />

Hell is a terrible place of torment that God originally prepared for the<br />

devil and his angels. However, after man’s fall in the Garden of Eden,<br />

hell became the eternal dwelling-place for all who die without a right<br />

relationship with God. Jesus tells us that He has the keys of hell and death.<br />

This means that He has authority over hell and death. Don’t you want to be<br />

friends with the One who has such authority?<br />


By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear,<br />

prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the<br />

world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith<br />

— hEbrEws 11:7<br />

According to <strong>Genesis</strong> 2:5-6, God had not yet caused it to rain upon the<br />

earth. The earth was watered by a mist that came from the ground. As<br />

far as we know, the first rain to fall was during the great flood. God told<br />

Noah that He would cause it to rain for forty days and forty nights (<strong>Genesis</strong><br />

7:4). He would destroy “all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under<br />

heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die” (<strong>Genesis</strong> 6:17).<br />

To believe that such a flood was possible took great faith. It required even<br />

greater faith for Noah to build the huge ark that he was instructed to make.<br />

This huge boat was said to have been about 600 feet long, 100 feet wide and<br />

60 feet high.<br />

The reason the ark was so large was because it had to carry some of<br />

every species of animals that were upon the face of the earth. Noah was<br />

commanded to bring into the ark seven pairs (male and female) of every<br />


40<br />

clean animal, and two (male and female) of every unclean animal. (The Jews<br />

considered certain animals unfit to eat and offer as sacrifices. These were<br />

called “unclean”).<br />

Most of the animals were for the purpose of replenishing the earth after the<br />

flood. The additional clean animals were for the offering of sacrifices and<br />

for food, after the flood was over. Only after the great flood did God permit<br />

the eating of animal flesh (<strong>Genesis</strong> 9:2-3).<br />

When the ark was finished, God said:<br />

Come thou and all thy house into the ark...<br />

— GEnEsis 7:1<br />

After Noah and his household entered into the ark, God shut the door.<br />

Then:<br />

...the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the<br />

windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and<br />

forty nights<br />

— GEnEsis 7:11-12<br />

Remember that the ark is a type of the church of Jesus Christ. Hundreds<br />

of years after the great flood, Jesus issued an invitation to all to come unto<br />

Him:<br />

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden (have heavy burdens - sin,<br />

sickness, sorrow), and I will give you rest<br />

— maTThEw 11:28<br />

Only if we have entered “the door” into the church of Jesus Christ will we<br />

be safe from the coming judgements of God upon this earth. God will once<br />

again shut the door, this time the door of salvation. His wrath will once<br />

again be poured out upon the face of the earth.<br />


The world today is very much like it was in the days of Noah. Most people<br />

are not that interested in serving God. They are caught up in “eating,<br />

drinking, and making merry”. They are more interested in pleasing<br />

themselves than they are in pleasing God. The divorce rate is increasing<br />

all over the world. Crimes of violence are on the rise. Immorality is on the<br />

rampage! The thoughts of men are continually on evil.

God will once again have to cleanse the earth--this time by fire (2 Peter<br />

3:6-12). When will all of this happen? Jesus gives us a clue:<br />

But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For<br />

as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying<br />

and giving in marriage (divorcing), until the day that Noe (Noah) entered into<br />

the ark; And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall<br />

also the coming of the Son of man be<br />

— maTThEw 24:37-39<br />

If you have not prepared yourself for the second coming of Jesus Christ,<br />

now is the time to do so! Now is the time to enter into the ark (the true<br />

church of Jesus Christ) and be safe from the coming judgements of God.<br />

The story of Noah and the ark is one of the most scientifically-proven stories<br />

in the Bible. A study of the different layers of the earth has revealed that a<br />

great flood did indeed take place thousands of years ago.<br />


From Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the world became<br />

repopulated. Noah, sometime after the great flood, began to practice<br />

agriculture, and planted a vineyard. One day he drank of the fruit of the<br />

vineyard in excess and became drunk. In his drunken state, he lay in his tent<br />

naked. Ham, his youngest son, did not show proper respect to his father.<br />

Instead of covering his father’s nakedness, it seems that he mocked him.<br />

The other two, however, walked backwards into the tent, and covered their<br />

father’s nakedness.<br />

When Noah woke up and knew what his youngest son had done, he<br />

pronounced a curse upon him, and a blessing upon his brothers. Ham<br />

would become a servile race: “...a servant of servants shall he be unto his<br />

brethren.” Shem’s descendants were to be blessed by God. From his seed,<br />

the promised Messiah (Jesus Christ) would come. Japheth was promised that<br />

God would enlarge him, and he would dwell in the tents of Shem. (<strong>Genesis</strong><br />

9:18-27)<br />

The descendants of Ham settled largely in Africa and Arabia. The<br />

descendants of Shem settled in Assyria, and the descendants of Japheth<br />

travelled towards Asia Minor and Europe.<br />



One of the definitions of the word “type” is: “a person, thing, or event that<br />

represents another, especially another which is to appear or happen later.”<br />

One of the definitions of the word “shadow” is: “a sign or indication of<br />

something to come.”<br />

Included in the definitions of the word “figure” are: an outline or shape of<br />

something; a likeness of a person or thing; an illustration, diagram, picture.<br />

Types, shadows, and figures are used to teach spiritual events or truths of<br />

greater importance than that event or thing itself.<br />

Peter, in teaching the importance of water baptism, used the flood as an<br />

example. He wrote that eight souls were saved by water, and this was a figure<br />

of the importance of water baptism in regards to our salvation: “The like<br />

figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us” (I Peter 3:21).<br />

Taking this event in history for a spiritual lesson, we can also see how the<br />

ark was a type of the church. They had to enter into it to be saved. We must<br />

enter into the church (not the physical building, but the spiritual body) to<br />

be saved. There was only one door in the ark, and it is the same with the<br />

church. Jesus is the door! The three stories, as we have seen, represent the<br />

three parts of the gospel — death, burial and resurrection.<br />

In coming lessons, we shall see how Joseph, Moses, and Joshua were all<br />

types of Jesus Christ. We shall study how the tabernacle with all of its<br />

furnishings, the sacrifices, and all that makes up the Old Testament Law<br />

that God gave to Moses are filled with spiritual truths, because the Law was<br />

“...a shadow of good things to come” (Hebrews 10:1).<br />

The Old Testament is not dull and boring when we realize that everything<br />

that happened during the 2500 years of history covered by this book is an<br />

example for us to learn by:<br />

Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for<br />

our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come<br />

— i CorinThians 10:11<br />



admonition —<br />

advice, counsel, warning<br />

translation —<br />

contrast —<br />

resurrection —<br />

replenishing —<br />

immorality —<br />

violence —<br />

here it means that act of being carried up to heaven<br />

without death<br />

a striking difference<br />

a rising from the dead, or coming back to life<br />

refilling<br />

behaviour that is not good or decent, such as sexual<br />

sins<br />

chaos, disorder, riot, brutality<br />


<strong>Genesis</strong><br />

<strong>Lesson</strong> Five Test<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

Did Cain repent after he killed his brother? _______________________<br />

Why did Cain’s children grow up to be wicked and godless people?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

What did the descendants of Cain come to be called?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

What two men went to heaven without tasting death?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

How did the Bible describe the character of Noah?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

What did the descendants of Seth come to be called?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

Why did the earth become totally corrupt?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

What was the spiritual and moral condition of the earth before the great<br />

flood?<br />

9-10<br />

What was Noah called and why?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />


11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

The ark is a type of __________________________________________.<br />

The ark had three ____________________________________ and one<br />

__________________________________.<br />

The gospel is: (Name three things.)<br />

_________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________<br />

We obey the gospel by: (Name three things.)<br />

_________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________<br />

The flood was a type of _______________________________________<br />

The word “gospel” means _____________________________________<br />

The good news is that: _______________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

How did Noah show his faith in God?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

How can the days of Noah be compared to our day?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

What was of special interest to you in this lesson?<br />


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Tel: 63344022 Email: contactus@tabjoy.org<br />

Website: www.tabjoy.org

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