Housing home user guide

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Clothes Washing:<br />

A rotary clothes dryer is provided in your garden, or if you are in a flat, an over-bath<br />

dryer has been provided for energy efficient drying of clothes.<br />

h. Sustainable DIY<br />

Some DIY products contain chemicals which are hazardous to the environment and<br />

to your health so think carefully before you buy. Avoid solvent based paints,<br />

varnishes and glues. Water based are much better. When buying strong cleaning<br />

agents, avoid chlorine bleach.<br />

One further issue to be made aware of is Volatile Organic Compounds:<br />

Volatile Organic Compounds are materials which evaporate readily from commonly occurring sources<br />

such as vehicle exhausts, cleaning agents, furniture polish and fabric softeners. These also include<br />

solvents used in coatings, as well as thinners and brush cleaners.<br />

In the presence of sunlight, these VOCs can react with nitrogen oxides to create ground level ozone<br />

and photochemical smogs. These in turn can contribute to pollution of the atmosphere. The UK<br />

government and the coatings industry are committed to reducing VOC emissions under international<br />

conventions. Although the impact of household coatings on atmospheric pollution is very small (less<br />

than 2% of the total amount of VOCs emitted), manufacturers believe the amount of VOC s in<br />

decorative coatings should be reduced and consumers given the choice of using lower VOCcontaining<br />

products.<br />

Coatings suppliers have introduced a labelling system to inform you of the VOC content of each<br />

decorative coating product – a 5-band classification shows the VOC content as Minimal; Low;<br />

Medium; High or Very High<br />

In your garden; It is particularly important to avoid peat products. Peat is an<br />

internationally rare and declining habitat of high conservation importance, many<br />

species depend upon it. There are plenty of peat free alternatives. Avoid using weed<br />

killers and insect treatments that contain pesticides and toxic chemicals, especially<br />

around children and pregnant women.<br />

i. Sustainable transport<br />

Details of Cycle Storage<br />

Your <strong>home</strong> is provided with a securely fixed bicycle stand which is permanently fixed<br />

within the dedicated cycle storage facility provided for your new <strong>home</strong>.<br />

Each house is provided with a timber shed in which a Sheffield<br />

style cycle hoop is fixed to the rear of the shed, allowing for<br />

provision of 2no. cycles to be securely fixed to the stand.

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