January 2016

What Satan Doesn't Want you to Know... This month's issue discusses overcoming the enemy's deceptions to return you back to a life of defeat. For those who need victory in the New Year, or who feel like they are being kept back from success, this issue is for you! Interviews include: Ivy Adjivon (Ignited by the Holy Spirit), Frye Family Band, Elmer Towns (Three Searching Kings), Dan Cade (A.D.), Tim Schuster (Better Halves), and Dr. Wayde Goodall (Why do Great Men Fall?).

What Satan Doesn't Want you to Know...
This month's issue discusses overcoming the enemy's deceptions to return you back to a life of defeat. For those who need victory in the New Year, or who feel like they are being kept back from success, this issue is for you!

Interviews include: Ivy Adjivon (Ignited by the Holy Spirit), Frye Family Band, Elmer Towns (Three Searching Kings), Dan Cade (A.D.), Tim Schuster (Better Halves), and Dr. Wayde Goodall (Why do Great Men Fall?).


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<strong>January</strong> <strong>2016</strong><br />

Praying to the<br />

Saints<br />

What Does<br />

Scriputre Say?<br />

Satan’s Schemes<br />

God’s Plans<br />

Feeling<br />

Disconnected<br />

from God?<br />

There May be a<br />


Faith Filled Family<br />



THE TIME FOR CHANGE IS NOW.........................07<br />

Could you life be better? If you find yourself spinning<br />

your wheels in frustration after salvation, there may be<br />

a reason... and you’ll love the outcome!<br />

SINLESS AFTER SALVATION ...............................14<br />

This article discusses the myth that after we are saved,<br />

God doesn’t see the sin in our lives- that no matter<br />

what we do, we are covered by the blood of Jesus, so<br />

we are free to do what we want- or are we?<br />


Many people know God.. or know of Him. However,<br />

there is an importance and a blessing for obedience.<br />

Find out what you may be missing!<br />

GOD? YOU ARE MY GOD!....................................24<br />

There is only one God in existance, not many. Some<br />

people who are newly saved believe that there are<br />

other Gods that they can worship, or that God is part<br />

of a more universal scheme of thing. Learn why there<br />

is only ONE God.<br />

STAINED BY SIN.....................................................29<br />

After we are saved, we are not excluded from temptation<br />

or from the wiles of the enemy. The only difference is<br />

that we are now the victors in this situation, given the<br />

full auhority of Christ to live as overcomers.<br />


WAY!........................................................................37<br />

This article teaches how to avoid falling into sin, and<br />

the dangers of habitual sin. Learn how to break the<br />

bondages of sin and live a life full of victory.<br />

THERE IS A ROAD AFTER SALVATION................42<br />

Salvation doesn’t end with accepting Jesus, nor is<br />

is a happily ever after scenario. Our walk with God<br />

just begins at salvation, and the road ahead is more<br />

majestic than you ever thought possible- but only if<br />

you allow God to work in you.<br />


CONDEMNED.........................................................50<br />

Many people are deceived into believing that judgment<br />

is reserved for unbelievers. However, scripture has a<br />

different take on this subject. Discover the truth on the<br />

subject of judgment.


ARE HOLY...............................................................60<br />

This article discusses the debate between praying to<br />

the saints and praying directly to Jesus. Find out why<br />

and how two faiths clash on such an important topic.<br />

SIN NO MORE!........................................................64<br />

Satan deliudes us into believing that grace covers all<br />

sin- a half truth wrapped in a lie! Grace covers sin, but<br />

habitual sin has some dire consequences!<br />

SEPARATED BY SIN...............................................70<br />

Feeling disconnected from God? Can you no longer<br />

hear His voice? There may be a reason for that. Find<br />

out how to acheive victory in this area.<br />

SATAN’S SCHEMES, GOD’S PLANS.....................74<br />

Ever feel like you are in a constant battle regarding<br />

your future? God has plans for your life- big ones!<br />

However, so does Satan. Uncover his deceptions.<br />



STORY EVER TOLD...............................................10<br />

Interview with actor Dan Cade on the movie A.D.<br />


SOUL ON FIRE........................................................20<br />

Interview with Ivy Adjivon on her latest book.<br />

FRYE FAMILY BAND..............................................32<br />

Our music spotlight highlights an entire family that<br />

sings together. It discusses how they get along, and<br />

their passions as individuals.<br />


THREE SEARCHING KINGS..................................46<br />

Elmer Towns discusses the significant behind his latest<br />

book, Three Searching Kings. This book is definitely a<br />

thought-provoking must read!<br />


BETTER HALVES....................................................56<br />

Financial freedowm for couples is possible!<br />

WHY DO GREAT MEN FALL?.................................78<br />

Interview with Dr. Wayde Goodall<br />



Faith Filled Family



Michelle Danko<br />

mcdanko@eyeworship.org<br />


Vernita Simmons (Interviews)<br />

vsimmons@eyeworship.org<br />

Kathy Smith (Features)<br />

kathy.smith@eyeworship.org<br />

Lynn Dunn (Current Events)<br />

ldunn@eyeworship.org<br />

EDITOR<br />

Jill King<br />

jillking@eyeworship.org<br />

Matt Poe<br />

mattpoe@eyeworship.org<br />

SALES<br />

Mark M. Danko<br />

mmdanko@faithfilledfamily.com<br />

IMAGES:<br />


Stonme@Dollarphotoclub.com<br />


HalfPoint, Chromatika, Zurijeta, bereta, Creativa, Bartek78, Kozzi<br />

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Rodrigues @Dollarphotoclub.com<br />


For subscriptions or feedback, please visit our website at :<br />

www.faithfilledfamily.comIinfo@faithfilledfamily.com<br />

© Faith Filled Family Magazine, November Edition, Yumpu 2015<br />

All material is strictly copyright and all rights reserved. Reproduction<br />

in whole or in part without the written permission of Faith Filled<br />

Family is expressly forbidden.

Publisher’s Letter<br />


LIFE!<br />

So now you’ve accepted Jesus into your heart, but the<br />

journey doesn’t end there, it’s just the beginning.<br />

If you expect that life will be glorious from here on in, you<br />

are mistaken. We still have an enemy that will persecute<br />

and tempt you.<br />

The good news is that you now have authority to overcome<br />

the enemy and live a life of victory that you have never<br />

dreamed possible.<br />

In this issue, we give you the truth about life afer salvation<br />

and give you both the tools to live a life of victory, and<br />

debunk myths that may separate you from God.<br />

Make this New Year one of walking in victory beyond<br />

what you could have ever imagined! Live a life filled with<br />

passion and purpose making this year the best ever.<br />

Be Blessed!<br />

Michelle Danko<br />

Publisher<br />

Faith Filled Family Magazine

The Time For<br />

Change is...<br />

By Michelle C. Danko<br />

Congratulations! You are saved and are spending an eternity in Heaven! There is nothing more precious<br />

than giving your life to Christ. So, now what?<br />

After you accept Christ, your life will be transformed. After salvation, you should experience<br />

change if you are plugged into a church that is alive for Christ, read your Bible, and pray. Attending<br />

church will surround you with a support system of people who will build you up in the Word,<br />

encourage you, and disciple you. They will be an encouragement through times of trial. We need fellowship<br />

with other believers! Reading your Bible will nourish your soul and help you grow. Praying will<br />

help you develop a relationship with God. All of these things are designed to help you mature in your<br />

faith walk. However, there is an enemy who will try to get you back into his realm, and often he will tell<br />

new believers that they can do anything they want- all they have to do is ask for forgiveness- full well<br />

knowing that sin will separate them from Christ, and they will never walk in the fullness of Christ.

What you don’t know: Satan is a<br />

thief, liar, and destroyer. He will<br />

go through great lengths to pull<br />

a new believer away from Christ<br />

because it’s easy. New believers<br />

aren’t grounded in the Word<br />

yet, so they may not know how to<br />

fight back against the wiles of the<br />

enemy. Satan’s most common<br />

trick is to deceive believers into<br />

thinking that they can do anything<br />

they want after salvationtheir<br />

life doesn’t have to change,<br />

they don’t have to give anything<br />

up, or they don’t have to change.<br />

The grace message has been<br />

destroyed and perverted to suit<br />

this train of thought.<br />

The truth is that grace and the<br />

blood of Jesus wash away sin<br />

if you repent. The truth is that<br />

you have to mean it when you<br />

repent, and the word repent<br />

means that you intend not to<br />

sin again- there is remorse. A<br />

hardened heart after habitual sin<br />

causes us to mouth the words,<br />

but not be sorry anymore. Then,<br />

we are separated from God.<br />

Also, many new believers are<br />

tricked into believing that God<br />

is a loving God (which He is).<br />

So, as a loving God/Father, why<br />

would He punish His children? If<br />

He loves us, He won’t punish us.<br />

The believer cannot understand<br />

that even though God loves us,<br />

like a loving Father, He wants<br />

the best for His children. God<br />

doesn’t punish in anger, but out<br />

of a fatherly love and concern.<br />

His thoughts are, “Don’t sin,<br />

because if you sin, by your<br />

actions you are circumventing<br />

all of the good things that I want<br />

to give you because I love you.”<br />

For parents, it is the equivalent<br />

of seeing your child’s potentialwhat<br />

heights they could go if<br />

only they followed the same<br />

path. A good parent wouldn’t<br />

stand by and tolerate their<br />

children destroying themselves<br />

and their future. They would try<br />

to intervene because they love<br />

the child and want what is best<br />

for them. God is the same way-<br />

He knows what plans He has for<br />

you because He created you.<br />

He will not stand idly by and<br />

let you destroy yourself without<br />

saying something through the<br />

Holy Spirit. He will try to speak<br />

to you in a multitude of ways.<br />

However, God has given you a<br />

free will- the power to choose<br />

your path- and if you don’t yield,<br />

then He will give you over to your<br />

temptation.<br />

What you don’t know: Satan<br />

doesn’t want you to walk in the<br />

victory of Christ. Why does<br />

Satan care so much? If you<br />

knew what God’s plans for you<br />

were, if you knew how to walk<br />

in victory in all areas, and if you<br />

knew the quality of life you could<br />

have, you would never backslide<br />

into your old way of living. You<br />

would do damage to Satan’s<br />

kingdom because in your joy,<br />

you would tell others what God<br />

has done for you- with great<br />

enthusiasm. You would, at the<br />

very least, be stealing people<br />

out of the kingdom of darkness<br />

and bring them into the light of<br />

God. Their eyes will be open to<br />

the truth and they will no longer<br />

be deceived. Instead of being<br />

broken, defeated and in despair,<br />

they will be joyful, happy, and<br />

know what love truly is. In short,<br />

they will be victorious and whole.<br />

Now who wants that kind of life!?!<br />

Satan’s lies are meant to keep<br />

you where you are, and if you<br />

believe that you can do anything<br />

you want after salvation, you<br />

are being deceived. The result<br />

will be that you will never grow<br />

spiritually as an individual. If<br />

your character never changes,<br />

and you never grow, then you<br />

are ineffective in the Kingdom.<br />

God can’t promote bad habits/<br />

character, so that will hold you<br />

back from victory, and if you<br />

don’t read your Bible, you can’t<br />

fight back against Satan. You<br />

won’t know who God says you<br />

are, nor will you fully walk out the<br />

plans that God has for you. You<br />

are simply stalled out.<br />

You can choose to live life<br />

with your wheels spinning<br />

getting nowhere, or you can<br />

walk in victory over ever<br />

situation. Christians from the<br />

newly saved to fully devoted<br />

followers of Christ all experience<br />

persecution and temptations.<br />

It’s unavoidable. However, it’s<br />

what you do in these situations<br />

that determines the outcome.<br />

Your choice determines whether<br />

you advance ahead, or remain<br />

stuck. God will always give you<br />

chances to get out of the ditch,<br />

but it is up to us as to whether<br />

we will hold onto that “tow line to<br />

safety”.<br />

If you are spinning your wheels<br />

in frustration, God may just want<br />

you to learn something and grow.<br />

It may not be easy- as change<br />

often never is- but it is for your<br />

victory.<br />

God is always on our side<br />

cheering us on and helping us<br />

when we cry out. Our choices<br />

in life are up to us. We can<br />

stay just saved, and live a just<br />

saved life. However, the true<br />

fullness of joy comes when we<br />

live a life for Christ. God never

intended for His children to be<br />

Sunday Christians. Christianity<br />

is a lifestyle- it’s what you do<br />

everyday. So yes, you can’t<br />

lie to your spouse or your boss<br />

anymore, you can’t manipulate<br />

people to get what you want, you<br />

can’t cheat the government, you<br />

can’t speed in your vehicle….<br />

You can’t be like Satan and do<br />

what he does. However, you can<br />

live a life of significance. You<br />

can love your job, you can help<br />

others, you can have more than<br />

enough financially, you can be<br />

promoted, you can have God’s<br />

unmerited favor… You can be<br />

happy.<br />

The choice is yours, and the time<br />

for change is now.

Epic Serie<br />

Continues w<br />

Movies<br />

Greatest St<br />

Ever Tol<br />

By Kerry Nenn<br />

“A.D. The Bible Continues” takes viewers<br />

through the exciting and turbulent events following<br />

Christ’s crucifixion. Picking up where the<br />

hit series “The Bible” left off, the story depicts<br />

the era of Roman oppression and the struggle<br />

to control the Holy Land. Faith Filled Family’s<br />

interviews with actor, Dan Cade, and costume<br />

designer, Luciano Capozzi, provided an inside<br />

look at the filming and fashion of the series.<br />

Actor Dan Cade plays the role of Cassius, a<br />

Roman general under the order of Pilate. Cade<br />

shared insights into this unique experience,<br />

which he considers one of the best of his life.<br />

What was the biggest challenge about playing<br />

this character?<br />

Probably trying to be extremely terrified, but not<br />

showing this too much. Being really terrified of<br />

Pilate and what would happen if I betrayed him<br />

but make it downplayed. Trying to look brave as<br />

a soldier, but underneath I am extremely terrified<br />

I will be killed by Pilate.<br />

How did this compare to your previous<br />

work?<br />

Filming in Morocco in the Sahara was very different.<br />

The sets were very realistic of biblical<br />

times. It was very physical, with a lot of fight<br />

scenes and a lot of physical interaction with the<br />

other actors. Other roles I have played were<br />

less physical. We were in a very hot climate with<br />

biblical costumes, wearing sandals and walking<br />

around on stones, representing the time and<br />

place accurately. This made it more physical<br />

and more painful, but necessary for the character<br />

and very authentic.<br />

In what ways did you see God at work<br />

during this production?<br />

I remember one instance where<br />

everyone was on set and the clouds<br />

opened up and light was shining<br />

straight down on the set in those beautiful<br />

surroundings. We thought of this as<br />

a symbol that God was in the series.<br />

Just the way the whole production came<br />

together. The magnitude of it. There was so<br />

much passion from cast and crew, and unity.<br />

Everyone believed in the production and God,<br />

and it all came together. That’s how I saw God<br />

at work.<br />

What did you learn during the creation<br />

of this series?<br />

Through my own personal research<br />

as well as through the vision of the<br />

producer, director, and the script, I<br />

learned a lot about the time period.<br />

I learned a lot more about the actual<br />

story and the apostles. I learned how<br />

the Romans and the Jews confronted. I<br />

felt I was able to relive the biblical times –<br />

how they moved, ate, and went about daily<br />

life and how they would cope in those circumstances.

s<br />

ith<br />

ory<br />


Professionally, I learned how to develop skills as<br />

an actor – hitting my mark. I learned about showing<br />

subtext and always being truthful in the moment.<br />

To really be in character in biblical times with what<br />

it was like – to show that as an actor – it developed<br />

my performance and skills.<br />

A real test of me as an actor were the physical<br />

scenes. I had to react to physical violence and<br />

make it look truthful. I was under the pressure<br />

of a heavy costume, with all the padding as well,<br />

and needed to be able to control all that and make<br />

it look real. Something like that fine tunes your<br />

acting instrument.<br />

Anything else you think readers should know<br />

about “A.D. the Bible Continues”?<br />

This was one of the best experiences of my life,<br />

professionally and personally, to go and relive that<br />

biblical time. Not many people get to do that. I was<br />

on these fantastic biblical sets as a character and<br />

got to relive that. It was an amazing experience<br />

and journey to go through. It was magnificent. As<br />

an actor, for me, it was one of the peaks so far of<br />

my career. It is very high quality work and one of<br />

the best things I’ve ever done.<br />

I hope they do something very similar again and<br />

I can work with them again. These are very passionate<br />

people. What they did to create this show<br />

and everything involved in it - costumes, set, cast,<br />

crew, post-production – was all very impressive. I<br />

would very much love to work with them again.<br />

Where can we see you next?<br />

My experience with this series has given my career<br />

a great boost in the U.S. It was fantastic for me as<br />

an actor. My next project is currently airing on TNT.<br />

The series, “Legends,” from the producer of “24,”<br />

tells the story of a deep-cover agent whose undercover<br />

operations involve a full transformation into<br />

that character. I play the main character’s tech<br />

guy, Steve. “Legends” can be viewed on Monday<br />

nights at 9pm on TNT.<br />

Designer Luciano Capozzi’s costumes for the<br />

series were featured in a special exhibit presented<br />

by the Museum of the Bible in Santa Clarita, California.<br />

The exclusive Costume and Artifacts display<br />

showcased Capozzi’s work throughout the<br />

month of November. Capozzi offered Faith Filled<br />

Family Magazine an inside look at the inspiration<br />

for these exquisite works.<br />

What was involved in the research you completed<br />

for this project?<br />

Certainly the philological study about the costumes<br />

of the Temple of Jerusalem, the study of<br />

the various fabrics and embroidery typical of the<br />

Middle-Eastern area and also the very important<br />

work of synthesis that was necessary to emphasize<br />

the different ethnic groups in the history.<br />

But also the use of colors, that especially for some<br />

crowd scenes I wanted to modulate as a lyrical<br />

composition.<br />

Which costume design was the biggest challenge?<br />

Probably the costume of Mother Mary. Even though<br />

I used faithful known iconography, I didn’t want a<br />

trivial result, but rather a more pictorial image (with<br />

an important colors palette and almost sculptural<br />

volumes). The paintings of Antonello da Messina,<br />

and those of Mantegna were important sources of<br />

inspiration.<br />

What inspires your work?<br />

The details of a painting or a photograph, the<br />

details of a fabric, or of a color, are usually the first<br />

visual impulses that inspire my work. Obviously<br />

to talk with the director about my first sensations,<br />

helps me to understand the parameters where I<br />

can move and develop them.<br />

What would be your dream costume design<br />

project?<br />

It’s a really difficult question...I have many dreams<br />

.... I love to venture myself in epics, historical or<br />

fantasy movies. I’d like also to prepare again some<br />

Victorian costumes... but since I started my career<br />

my biggest desire was to create the costumes<br />

for a film based on a Tennessee Williams script,<br />

where the costumes are really a second skin for<br />

the characters, or a beautiful melodrama, like a<br />

Douglas Sirk movie, with flaming colors.<br />

How did your experience working on “A.D. The<br />

Bible Continues” compare to previous work?<br />

I have always worked for the international co-productions,<br />

but this was my first time in Morocco.<br />

Especially during these sad days it’s impossible

not to think how it was interesting, and also exciting<br />

(even if not always easy) to work with many<br />

people of different nationalities, religions and cultures.<br />

In this case any difference was a quality<br />

addition and also an enrichment for each of the<br />

crew.<br />

Produced by Light Workers Media, the 12-part<br />

series “A.D. The Bible Continues” aired on NBC<br />

and is currently available on Blu-ray and DVD.<br />

We would like to thank Dan Cade and Luciano<br />

Capozzi for taking the time to share their experiences<br />

working on this impactful series. More<br />

behind-the-scenes info is available at http://www.<br />

nbc.com/ad-the-bible-continues.<br />





Sinless<br />

Salvation<br />

By Kerry Nenn<br />

After<br />

“Therefore, my dear friends, as<br />

you have always obeyed--not<br />

only in my presence, but now<br />

much more in my absence--continue<br />

to work out your salvation<br />

with fear and trembling,” Philippians<br />

2:12<br />

Paul was writing these words<br />

to the church in Philippi. These<br />

were believers. They were<br />

apparently already saved, but<br />

Paul instructs them to continue<br />

to work out their salvation. You<br />

mean, it’s not a one-time thing?<br />

Aren’t we cleansed of all unrighteousness<br />

the moment we<br />

accept Christ and are forgiven<br />

of our sins? Aren’t we covered<br />

by his sacrifice once and for all?<br />

Yes, we certainly are. Forgiven.<br />

Saved. Heaven-bound. Our sins<br />

are now drowning in the sea of<br />

forgetfulness, as far from us as<br />

the east is from the west.<br />

Then what is Paul talking about?<br />

Sanctification. The truth is not<br />

that we will never sin again once<br />

we are saved. We are perfectly<br />

redeemed by a perfect Jesus.<br />

We are made perfectly holy<br />

before our Judge by Christ’s sacrifice<br />

for us. Perfectly forgiven –<br />

yes. Perfect? No.<br />

Through our belief in Christ as<br />

savior, we will no longer suffer<br />

the wrath we deserve for our<br />

sins. Unfortunately, though, this<br />

does not mean we will never sin<br />

again. This is far from the truth.

In Romans chapter 7, Paul writes<br />

about the internal battle between<br />

doing what he knows he should<br />

do and what his sinful nature<br />

wants to do. We are told in verse<br />

20 that “it is no longer I who do<br />

it, but it is sin living in me that<br />

does it.” Even though Paul knew<br />

Jesus personally, he admitted<br />

that he (as well as you and I) still<br />

sin. Even though we have been<br />

made right in God’s eyes, we still<br />

do wrong. We still have things to<br />

work on.<br />

Let’s be clear. We can do nothing<br />

to save ourselves. We can’t work<br />

really hard and eliminate our bad<br />

behaviors and become “sanctified<br />

enough.” It is only through<br />

Jesus that we can receive salvation.<br />

We are told in Ephesians<br />

2:8-9: “It is by grace you have<br />

been saved, through faith, and<br />

this not from yourselves, it is the<br />

gift of God, not by works, so that<br />

no one can boast.”<br />

What we’re talking about here<br />

is the process of growth after<br />

we have received salvation. We<br />

continue to work out our salvation<br />

as God continues the sanctification<br />

process in us.<br />

Most of Paul’s writings are to<br />

churches who had already<br />

accepted the gospel Paul had<br />

shared with them. They were<br />

already following Christ, but<br />

needed additional instruction.<br />

Clearly, they were still struggling<br />

with sin.<br />

Why else would believers in<br />

Ephesus (and by extension,<br />

we today) need to put on the<br />

full armor of God? We are in a<br />

constant battle. When we drop<br />

our shield of faith, the fiery<br />

darts of the enemy get through.<br />

We worry. We fear. We start to<br />

believe lies, and these lead us<br />

down paths to further sin. We<br />

drop our sword, the Word, and<br />

fail to learn God’s commands for<br />

how Christians should behave.<br />

We are told to put on this armor<br />

so we can stand and resist evil.<br />

Without a suit of armor, evil and<br />

sin can devour us.<br />

Instead, we pick up our shield of<br />

faith. We study God’s word. We<br />

ask him to search our hearts to<br />

reveal any offensive way in us<br />

so he can lead us in his ways.<br />

(Psalm 139:23-24) As we pray<br />

this type of prayer, the Holy Spirit<br />

reveals sin in our lives.<br />

Through this process, salvation<br />

not only takes away our sin in<br />

the form of forgiveness, it makes<br />

us more aware of our sin in the<br />

form of sanctification. As we<br />

draw near the Lord, we discover<br />

just how much we sin. We see<br />

what wretched souls we are, in<br />

desperate need of grace every

single day. As we seek to be<br />

more like Jesus, we realize more<br />

and more how much we aren’t<br />

like him. We pursue Christ, and<br />

the great Potter continues to<br />

shape us into the likeness of his<br />

son.<br />

Of course, we never get to that<br />

perfect shape. Not in this lifetime<br />

anyway. By God’s grace and<br />

Jesus’ sacrifice, we are seen<br />

and accepted as perfected in<br />

God’s sight, but in this imperfect<br />

life we continue to sin.<br />

Does this mean we are loved any<br />

less? No. Nothing can separate<br />

us from the love of God in Christ<br />

Jesus. (Romans 8:31) Take<br />

David for example. The man<br />

was far from sinless. Liar, adulterer,<br />

murderer. He is described<br />

as a man after God’s own heart.<br />

How? He loved the Lord, but his<br />

sanctification continued throughout<br />

his whole lifetime. The same<br />

is true for us.<br />

Why else would we be instructed<br />

to “grow in the grace and knowledge<br />

of our Lord and Savior<br />

Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18)?<br />

If we attain perfect knowledge<br />

and grace to never sin again<br />

the moment we are saved, we<br />

wouldn’t need to grow any more.<br />

Instead, Jesus asks us to “take<br />

up our cross daily” Luke 9:23.<br />

Following Jesus requires daily<br />

crucifying ourselves and our<br />

sinful tendencies to pursue him<br />

instead.<br />

Paul talks about this again in<br />

Romans 6. We are told in verses<br />

11-14, “do not let sin reign in your<br />

mortal body so that you obey its<br />

evil desires. Do not offer any part<br />

of yourself to sin as an instrument<br />

of wickedness, but rather<br />

offer yourselves to God as those<br />

who have been brought from<br />

death to life; and offer every part<br />

of yourself to him as an instrument<br />

of righteousness. For sin<br />

shall no longer be your master,<br />

because you are not under the<br />

law, but under grace.”<br />

This reveals that sin is still<br />

around after salvation. It suggests<br />

we have the option of<br />

offering parts of ourselves to sin<br />

and that we could obey its evil<br />

desires. Why else would we be<br />

told not to do so? The good news<br />

is that last part. Sin is not our<br />

master, because we are under<br />

grace. We can have victory over<br />

our sinful desires as God continues<br />

to sanctify us when we offer<br />

every part of ourselves to him.<br />

Jesus’ prayer for us also reveals<br />

our need for sanctification.<br />

Shortly before he was crucified,<br />

he prayed for the disciples and<br />

all future disciples. He asks the<br />

Father to “Sanctify them to live<br />

in accordance with the truth;<br />

your word is truth.” (John 17:17)<br />

In the preceding sentences,<br />

Jesus points out that he is praying<br />

for those who are not of this<br />

world, for those who are already<br />

believers. They are saved, but<br />

still need sanctification. We are<br />

saved, but still need sanctification.<br />

This happens through God’s<br />

word. As we seek to live daily in<br />

accordance to God’s word, we<br />

are sanctified.<br />

Those who are convinced we<br />

sin no more after salvation have<br />

swallowed a myth. It’s an appealing<br />

myth. Much less is required<br />

of us if we don’t need to continue<br />

to work out our salvation. We<br />

can simply drift on through life<br />

without a second thought about<br />

our actions, our motives, our<br />

pursuits, or our desires. That’s<br />

the myth. The truth is that God<br />

tells us these actions, motives,<br />

pursuits and desires are all to be<br />

for his glory.<br />

That means we have to be more<br />

intentional than simply drifting.<br />

As we focus our lives on Christ,<br />

intentionally following Him, God<br />

continues our sanctification. As<br />

we bring our sin to him and seek<br />

him daily, with fear and trembling<br />

before an awesome holy God,<br />

we are changed. We are made<br />

more like his son. We grow. We<br />

learn. We still sin, but as we<br />

behold him, we are being transformed.<br />

And we all, with unveiled face,<br />

beholding the glory of the Lord,<br />

are being transformed into the<br />

same image from one degree of<br />

glory to another. For this comes<br />

from the Lord who is the Spirit. 2<br />

Corinthians 3:18

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I Know You But...<br />

Why Should I Obey You?<br />

By Vernita Simmons<br />

Having a personal relationship<br />

with the Lord is essential<br />

in times such as these.<br />

Add to this, such a relationship<br />

is unlike any you’ll ever have.<br />

First of all, it’s must be an intimate<br />

relationship between you<br />

and the Lord. In a word….. It’s<br />

real. It’s authentic, because it’s<br />

from an undisputed origin……<br />

God. Obviously, there’s a bond<br />

so sacred, that you’ll let nothing<br />

separate you from Him. And of<br />

certainty, Jesus died for us to<br />

have a relationship with Him.<br />

Therefore, such a fellowship<br />

isn’t contingent on rules and regulations,<br />

policies or procedures.<br />

Certainly, God want you to stay<br />

close to His heart ~ to love Him<br />

so much that the very thought<br />

of sin would make your flesh<br />

cringe.<br />

Now, there are some who don’t<br />

feel this way at all. They have<br />

convinced themselves that to<br />

know God, obedience is not<br />

necessary. Undoubtedly, they do<br />

what is right in their own eyes<br />

and rationalize such actions. In<br />

those days there was no King<br />

in Israel. People did whatever<br />

they felt like doing. (Judges 17:6<br />

MSG). You see - When there<br />

is a lack of knowledge and no<br />

vision the people perish. They<br />

lack a sense of accountability<br />

because they disregard godly<br />

principles which are in place to<br />

lead and keep them onto the<br />

path of righteousness.<br />

When visibility is unclear, you<br />

are void of wisdom and thus,<br />

your decisions are not sound.<br />

This can result in you becoming<br />

reckless and careless. The governing<br />

laws means nothing to<br />

you. In essence, you really don’t<br />

know God for scripture states;<br />

If you really love Me, you will,<br />

keep and obey my commandments.<br />

(John 14:15). Furthermore,<br />

if you love God, you will<br />

do what He instructs you to do.<br />

But, when you are spiritual blind,<br />

there is no intimacy, there is no<br />

connection because the Lord<br />

Jesus Christ does not abode<br />

within you. The proof that we<br />

love Him is in our ability to keep<br />

His commandments.<br />

And His commandments are not<br />

grievous. (I John 5:3). The prin-

ciples of God will not bring you<br />

trouble. In other words, they’re<br />

not annoying. And God’s form<br />

of discipline is necessary but is<br />

not exasperating to a degree of<br />

being overbearing. However;<br />

people know right from wrong<br />

but yet feel it’s not an option to<br />

live in adherence to what God<br />

requires. This leads to the realization<br />

of their actions and we<br />

hear such statements; “I am a<br />

good person.”<br />

“God loves me just the way I<br />

am.”<br />

“Accept as just as I am!”<br />

Yes, God does love you,<br />

however; you have deluded<br />

yourself if you believe you<br />

can live any means you<br />

deem and yet know God.<br />

Precious – you don’t have a<br />

clue who Jesus is! Thus, the<br />

enemy has blinded you that<br />

you may not believe. And<br />

because you have chosen to<br />

go the wrong way, you disregard<br />

the warnings and signs of<br />

the truth. All you pay attention is<br />

to that which pleases your flesh.<br />

Among them the god of this<br />

world, Satan, has blinded the<br />

minds of the unbelieving to prevent<br />

them from seeing the illuminating<br />

light of the gospel of the<br />

glory of Christ, who the image of<br />

God. (II Corinthians 4:4). Your<br />

mind has been infiltrated with<br />

thoughts and images which are<br />

in direct violation of what is pure<br />

and righteous.<br />

Surely, to know to good and<br />

refuse to do so is sin. (James<br />

4:17). And you may be a good<br />

person but that doesn’t exempt<br />

you from obeying God. With<br />

such an attitude, it is clear you<br />

have strayed from God, just as<br />

Israel had when Isaiah declared<br />

to them; But we are all an unclean<br />

thing, and all our righteousness<br />

are as filthy rags; and we all do<br />

fade as a leaf; and our inquiries,<br />

like the wind, have taken<br />

us away. (Isa. 64:6). And any of<br />

your so-called “righteous acts”<br />

are in the eyes of are repulsive.<br />

And your attempt to compensate<br />

your good works for your willingness<br />

to obey the Lord is meaningless<br />

indeed. It leads down<br />

the road to indulging yourself in<br />

your own self-effort while making<br />

excuses for behavior which are<br />

erroneous. This carries you further<br />

from God. This heresy renders<br />

any such works unclean<br />

and unacceptable.<br />

One of the worst “state of<br />

mind”......you can be in is<br />

when you expect people to<br />

accept you as you are. The<br />

phrase; “Well……..Nobody’s<br />

perfect!”…… is outdated, outsourced<br />

and has been swept<br />

away with the wind. If there is<br />

some habit or behavior you need<br />

to change, I advise you to go to<br />

God and ask Him to help you in<br />

that area of your life and change.<br />

If you have a nasty attitude and<br />

proclaim; “accept me just as I<br />

am”—News alert! No one has to<br />

put up with you and your nasty<br />

attitude. If you are a chronic<br />

complainer and enjoy dwelling<br />

on the negative; you need<br />

help. For example: (If it rains<br />

and the sky is gray-you allow<br />

the rain to dictate how your day<br />

is going to be). Surely, I don’t<br />

allow the weather to dictate how<br />

I feel. The joy of the Lord is my<br />

strength. My joy is contagious;<br />

therefore, I say to you, get a life<br />

and follow me as I follow Christ.<br />

Undoubtedly, whenever Christians<br />

appear on the scene we<br />

should effect change.<br />

In the final analysis, it’s time<br />

you dump the excuses into the<br />

trash and stop using “I’m not<br />

perfect as a self-righteous<br />

excuse”. Jesus said to be<br />

perfect as I am perfect. You,<br />

therefore, will be perfect,<br />

growing into spiritual maturity<br />

both in mind and character,<br />

actively integrating godly<br />

values into your daily life, as<br />

your heavenly Father is perfect.<br />

(Matt. 5:48). He’s not<br />

speaking of sinless perfection.<br />

Jesus expects for us<br />

to become mature in him. We<br />

mature in stages and you need<br />

to reach the level where you<br />

grow up and become a mature<br />

person. The Lord expects you<br />

to be in compliance with values<br />

which reflect who your heavenly<br />

Father is. This involves submitting<br />

to the will of God daily. It’s<br />

not a pick and choose a principle<br />

that accommodates your lifestyle.<br />

This is about being sold<br />

out to Jesus and leaving that<br />

sinful lifestyle behind you. This,<br />

in my conclusion, to know God is<br />

to have an intimate relationship<br />

with Him. It is to emerge yourself<br />

in being all that is righteous,<br />

holy, gracious, merciful and<br />

loving. It’s a change of heart and<br />

attitude which brings God honor.

Books<br />

Ignited by the<br />

Holy Spirit<br />

Will Get Your<br />

Soul on Fire!<br />

By Micayla Greathouse<br />

Ignited by the Holy Spirit is an<br />

inspiring book that was published<br />

in March. Author, Ivy<br />

Adjivon, wrote this after a very<br />

critical, life changing moment. In<br />

this interview, Ivy sits down with<br />

FFFM and gives us an in-depth<br />

look at her story and the premise<br />

of the book, as well as the<br />

necessity of the Holy Spirit in the<br />

lives of believers.<br />

Tell us a little bit about yourself--what’s<br />

your story; how<br />

did you become a Christian?<br />

Actually my Christian life<br />

started from childhood because<br />

my entire family was Christian.<br />

My grandfather was a great<br />

minister in his day. I spent a lot<br />

of time with my grandparents<br />

and really learned about the<br />

Lord, experiencing God in such<br />

a special way. At the age of 12,<br />

I actually gave my life to the<br />

Lord and surrendered to Him.<br />

I’ve had an opportunity to have<br />

a great Christian life, and being<br />

one who likes to know things,<br />

I kept searching and searching<br />

and I have had some great revelations.<br />

Can you tell us a little bit<br />

about the book for people who<br />

haven’t read it yet?<br />

That experience was one that<br />

I was inspired to share. A few<br />

years ago, I had woken up early<br />

in the morning, about 5 o’clock in<br />

the morning, and I just wanted to<br />

say a few words of prayer to my<br />

Heavenly father. When I started<br />

praying, all of a sudden it felt like<br />

an electrically charged blanket

had engulfed my entire body. It<br />

was a wonderful sensation that<br />

kept moving up and down my<br />

body and I was just amazed at<br />

that. In the midst of this experience,<br />

I also became enlightened,<br />

“my eyes of understanding were<br />

opened”, and I could simply<br />

know, without having to rationalize.<br />

There was no fear, no anxiety,<br />

no pain, nothing disturbing;<br />

just an awareness of truth and<br />

comfort. It’s truly inexplicable.<br />

And so I had that experience<br />

and it was a wonderful morning.<br />

Shortly after that, I got ready for<br />

work, in my field of healthcare,<br />

and went to the building I would<br />

be working at that day. The work<br />

that was supposed to take me<br />

about 12 hours to complete, was<br />

finished in 6 hours. On that day, I<br />

in actuality realized that the Holy<br />

Spirit is a helper. And so I finished<br />

the work in half of the time<br />

because I was very happy; I was<br />

inspired, and I left work feeling<br />

that very way.<br />

Leaving that day, I got on a<br />

highway which had limited visibility,<br />

so my view was already<br />

obstructed. I had no idea that<br />

there was an express road that<br />

bisected that very highway, and<br />

before I knew it, I found myself<br />

right in the middle of the intersection.<br />

There was a car coming<br />

straight at me. I couldn’t speed<br />

past it, I couldn’t stop to avoid<br />

it, and I knew it was over. In<br />

Ignited by the Holy Spirit, I wrote<br />

about that experience because<br />

what happened next can only<br />

be described as astonishing and<br />

ever since then my life has never<br />

been the same. Yet it is not what<br />

happened in that encounter that<br />

was the most astounding part of<br />

the experience, but rather who I<br />

came to have a greater understanding<br />

of: the Holy Spirit. In<br />

Ignited I share about Him, and<br />

His tri-fold ministry. Indeed, that<br />

is the heart of the book.<br />

What a cool story. Was it right<br />

after that incident you decided<br />

to write about this, or when did<br />

the book idea come about?<br />

After that incident, I kept having<br />

different wonderful experiences<br />

with the Holy Spirit and the Holy<br />

Spirit spoke to me. He made it<br />

clear to me that these experiences<br />

should not be sporadic.<br />

They should be a daily occurrence<br />

for believers; however,<br />

a lot of people do not know the<br />

Holy Spirit. They don’t understand<br />

that He is the God at work<br />

in the present life. They don’t<br />

understand that we need to be<br />

open to the Holy Spirit; we need<br />

to get filled by the Holy Spirit and<br />

experience power from the Holy<br />

Spirit; such that we may speak<br />

with power, and authority,<br />

in order that we might<br />

touch lives and change<br />

lives. Most people do<br />

not understand that, so<br />

the Lord spoke to me to<br />

write the book and tell<br />

the story of my experience<br />

so that Christians<br />

will really get to know the<br />

Holy Spirit and fellowship<br />

with Him on a daily<br />

basis. That is how the<br />

idea of the book came.<br />

What do you think<br />

was one of the biggest<br />

challenges you faced<br />

in writing this book?<br />

When I was writing the<br />

book I think my biggest<br />

challenge was how to<br />

explain the experiences<br />

to people and help them<br />

understand that He is real, not a<br />

figment of our imagination. The<br />

Holy Spirit truly being a guide,<br />

being a helper, being a comforter,<br />

being a teacher--He’s<br />

real. When people are going<br />

through tough times, I wanted to<br />

share with them, that He is tangibly<br />

available. Trying to convey a<br />

reality of what that looks like was<br />

my biggest challenge.<br />

What was one of your favorite<br />

parts of writing this?<br />

My favorite part was the opportunity<br />

to give people insight about<br />

the operations of the Holy Spirit.<br />

The Holy Spirit is Jesus at the<br />

present. He is here to help us,<br />

and to guide us. When the Holy<br />

Spirit starts working with us, He<br />

helps to guide us into all truth.<br />

It’s so hard for people to lie to<br />

me because if they lie, I know.<br />

There are times I tell them the<br />

very truth they’re trying to conceal,<br />

because the Holy Spirit

eveals it.<br />

Your book came out earlier in<br />

March. Now that it’s been out,<br />

have you had any feedback<br />

from people who have read<br />

your book?<br />

A lot of people that have read the<br />

book, hold on to it wanting to be<br />

able to refer back to it again and<br />

again. There is a school that is<br />

teaching young children to read<br />

the book and pass it on to someone.<br />

They come back and say,<br />

“my mom is reading it. My dad is<br />

reading it. My aunt is reading it,”<br />

and they are passing it on to different<br />

people. What I keep hearing<br />

is “I didn’t know this aspect<br />

of the Holy Spirit.” The feedback<br />

I tend to get is that people don’t<br />

realize that salvation is the first<br />

step, and receiving the Holy<br />

Spirit is the second step. A lot of<br />

people only think about salvation<br />

and do not realize there is a<br />

second step. When Paul went to<br />

the disciples and actually asked<br />

the disciples if they had received<br />

in the Holy Spirit, they didn’t<br />

even know there was anything<br />

like that. That is true today - there<br />

are people that have believed in<br />

the Savior, but they are unaware<br />

that there is a next step where<br />

they need to be sealed with the<br />

Holy Spirit.<br />

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About how long did it take you<br />

to write the book?<br />

It was amazing, I think I got it<br />

done in about a week.<br />

To hear the rest of Ivy’s story and<br />

see how the Holy Spirit plays<br />

such a big part in our lives, be<br />

sure to check out her book.<br />

A special thanks to Ivy Adjivon<br />

for taking the time to speak with<br />


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God? You are My<br />

God!<br />

By Katie Hamilton<br />

The human brain is a<br />

crowded place. Think<br />

about it. At any given<br />

moment, you can be contemplating<br />

what you’re going to have<br />

for dinner, how cold it is outside,<br />

and that job performance review<br />

you’ve got coming up tomorrow.<br />

It’s like Grand Central Station in<br />

there. Sound familiar?<br />

God made our minds with the<br />

capability of handling thousands<br />

of thoughts, feelings, and ideas<br />

all at the same time. But, the<br />

problem is, we let our brains get<br />

so crowded with the “here and<br />

now” things of this world, that<br />

sometimes we don’t leave room<br />

for God. This is where the sin<br />

of creating a false god can easily<br />

creep in. When God slips down<br />

a few notches on our priority<br />

list, and we allow other things to<br />

become more important than He<br />

is, we are in danger of creating a<br />

false god.<br />

This very thing happened to the<br />

Israelites in Exodus 32. It can<br />

sometimes be hard for modern<br />

readers to relate to the Israelites<br />

of the Old Testament, but in<br />

reality, we share a lot in common<br />

with them. They made some<br />

huge mistakes, repeatedly turning<br />

their backs on God. But,<br />

through it all, He loved them, just<br />

as He loves us.<br />

Let’s set the stage. In the chapters<br />

leading up to Exodus 32,<br />

through God’s power, Moses<br />

led the Israelites out of slavery<br />

in Egypt and sent them on their<br />

journey to find the land God<br />

promised them. To rescue them<br />

from slavery, God performed<br />

numerous miracles. He sent<br />

plagues on the Egyptians to<br />

punish them for enslaving His<br />

people. The final and most terrifying<br />

plague was when He killed<br />

every firstborn son throughout<br />

the entire country.

God spared only His chosen<br />

people, the Israelites, from these<br />

terrible plagues. In Exodus<br />

11:6-7 (NIV), it says, “This is what<br />

the Lord says…‘There will be<br />

loud wailing throughout Egypt—<br />

worse than there has ever been<br />

or ever will be again. But among<br />

the Israelites, not a dog will bark<br />

at any person or animal.’ Then<br />

you will know that the Lord makes<br />

a distinction between Egypt and<br />

Israel.” It took such drastic measures<br />

to finally change the heart<br />

of the Egyptian Pharaoh. After<br />

his people had suffered through<br />

the plagues, Pharaoh eventually<br />

agreed to free the Israelites<br />

from slavery. Moses gathered<br />

the people, they collected their<br />

belongings, and they left.<br />

But, that’s not where the story<br />

ends. The stubborn Pharaoh<br />

refused to be defeated; he<br />

decided to pursue the Israelites<br />

and try to force them back into<br />

slavery. He and his men chased<br />

the Israelites all the way to the<br />

Red Sea, and there, the situation<br />

looked bleak. The Israelites<br />

were trapped. How would they<br />

get across the sea in time? In<br />

Exodus 14:10 (NIV), it says, “As<br />

Pharaoh approached, the Israelites<br />

looked up, and there were<br />

the Egyptians, marching after<br />

them. They were terrified and<br />

cried out to the Lord.” It seemed

imminent that he would catch<br />

them, and that they would again<br />

be in bondage.<br />

God had other plans. He<br />

instructed Moses to hold his staff<br />

out over the water. When he did,<br />

God literally parted the sea so<br />

that the His people could walk<br />

through it on dry land. Exodus<br />

14:21-22 (NIV) says, “Then<br />

Moses stretched out his hand<br />

over the sea, and all that night<br />

the Lord drove the sea back with<br />

a strong east wind and turned it<br />

into dry land. The waters were<br />

divided, and the Israelites went<br />

through on dry ground, with a<br />

wall of water on their right and<br />

on their left.” God performed a<br />

miracle to allow them to make it<br />

safely across. Then, when Pharaoh<br />

and his men tried to follow<br />

them, God closed the sea back<br />

up; the Egyptians were swept<br />

away. The Bible says, “The<br />

water flowed back and covered<br />

the chariots and the horsemen—<br />

the entire army of Pharaoh that<br />

had followed the Israelites into<br />

the sea. Not one of them survived”<br />

(Exodus 14:28 NIV).<br />

So, the Israelites had witnessed<br />

some pretty amazing demonstrations<br />

of God’s power. They<br />

had seen miracles on several<br />

occasions that God had performed<br />

specifically on their<br />

behalf. You would think they<br />

would have incredible faith and<br />

would be devoted to the God<br />

that clearly loved them so much.<br />

However, that was not really the<br />

case.<br />

The Israelites of the Old Testament<br />

were a very fickle people.<br />

They were constantly complaining<br />

and constantly unsatisfied.<br />

In the chapters immediately<br />

before our text, Exodus 32,<br />

Moses had been communing<br />

with God on Mount Sinai. God<br />

asked Moses to meet with Him<br />

there so that God could give him<br />

specific instructions on how to<br />

lead His people and how to build<br />

His temple.<br />

Meanwhile, the Israelites were<br />

left waiting for Moses to come<br />

back, and they got a little impatient.<br />

In Exodus 32:1 (NIV), it<br />

says, “When the people saw that<br />

Moses was so long in coming<br />

down from the mountain, they<br />

gathered around Aaron and said,<br />

‘Come, make us gods who will<br />

go before us. As for this fellow<br />

Moses who brought us up out of<br />

Egypt, we don’t know what has<br />

happened to him.’”<br />

They became tired of waiting on<br />

God, so they thought they’d take<br />

matters into their own hands.<br />

Their priorities shifted from<br />

focusing on God and what He<br />

was doing in their lives to focusing<br />

on their immediate selfish<br />

need for satisfaction. Instead<br />

of waiting for the true fulfillment<br />

God would bring them, they<br />

were willing to settle for a cheap<br />

imitation—a false god.<br />

The Israelites don’t really better<br />

their image in the verses that<br />

follow. Exodus 32:2-4 (NIV)<br />

says:<br />

“Aaron answered them, ‘Take off<br />

the gold earrings that your wives,<br />

your sons and your daughters<br />

are wearing, and bring them to<br />

me.’ So all the people took off<br />

their earrings and brought them<br />

to Aaron. He took what they<br />

handed him and made it into an<br />

idol cast in the shape of a calf,<br />

fashioning it with a tool. Then<br />

they said, ‘These are your gods,<br />

Israel, who brought you up out of<br />

Egypt.’”<br />

Can you imagine the pain that<br />

God must have felt when He saw<br />

this? There were His people,<br />

His children whom He loved and<br />

rescued, deliberately turning<br />

their backs on Him and worshipping<br />

an object for something He<br />

had done for them. They had literally<br />

seen the miracles He had<br />

worked on their behalf, yet they<br />

willingly chose to ignore Him in<br />

favor of a false god.<br />

This hurt God tremendously,<br />

but it also made Him furious.<br />

In verses nine and ten, He told<br />

Moses, “I have seen these<br />

people…and they are a stiffnecked<br />

people. Now leave me<br />

alone so that my anger may<br />

burn against them and that I may<br />

destroy them.” God doesn’t like<br />

it when His children put other<br />

things above Him and give those<br />

things the love and attention that<br />

He deserves.<br />

Now, it’s easy to look at the children<br />

of Israel in this story and<br />

think, “Wow, how ungrateful they<br />

were! I’d never do that to God.<br />

I’ll never bow down to anything<br />

other than Him.” But, be careful<br />

before passing your judgment on<br />

them. While you may never bow<br />

down to a golden calf, you may<br />

have fallen prey to worshipping<br />

the false gods of modern times.<br />

Think about where your mind<br />

tends to go when you are<br />

bored. Do your hands immediately<br />

wander to your phone, to<br />

check your email or social media<br />

accounts? Maybe your mind<br />

goes to that new vehicle you<br />

want or a new purse you saw at<br />

the store. You focus on the next

material item that you think will<br />

make you happy. Perhaps your<br />

thoughts fall into the habit of worrying<br />

about your job--the new<br />

project your boss asked you to<br />

do or the fact that you didn’t land<br />

a crucial deal for your company.<br />

Here’s a scary thought: when<br />

your mind is left to freely roam,<br />

does it tend to go to a person?<br />

Do your thoughts always seem<br />

to revolve around your spouse,<br />

your children, or your friends?<br />

Do you focus on what they need,<br />

what they want, and how you<br />

can best please them?<br />

The truth is, there is nothing<br />

inherently wrong<br />

with any of these<br />

things. There is<br />

nothing inherently<br />

wrong with enjoying<br />

technology, wanting<br />

nice things, being<br />

concerned with your<br />

job, or wanting to<br />

serve the people<br />

you love. The problem<br />

is when these<br />

things rise above<br />

God on our priority<br />

list. When we begin<br />

to make something<br />

or someone more<br />

important than God<br />

and give those<br />

things or people<br />

more love than we<br />

give Him, we have a<br />

serious issue on our<br />

hands. In fact, we<br />

have created a false<br />

god.<br />

In Exodus 20:2-4<br />

(NIV), God clearly<br />

states, “I am the<br />

Lord your God, who<br />

brought you out of<br />

Egypt, out of the<br />

land of slavery. You shall have<br />

no other gods before me. You<br />

shall not make for yourself an<br />

image in the form of anything…<br />

You shall not bow down to them<br />

or worship them; for I, the Lord<br />

your God, am a jealous God…”<br />

These two commandments are<br />

the first two statements God<br />

made when He gave Moses<br />

the Ten Commandments. He<br />

directly warns His people of the<br />

dangers of false gods. These<br />

commandments were not just for<br />

the Israelites; as God’s people,<br />

they are for us, too.<br />

Here are some ways you can<br />

fight against the temptation to<br />

worship a false god.<br />

First, pray. Ask God to open<br />

your eyes to possible false gods<br />

in your life. Be prepared for Him<br />

to answer, too. He might reveal<br />

some things to you that make<br />

you uncomfortable, but trust that<br />

He is only doing it because He<br />

wants what is best for you. He<br />

might show you that you are<br />

making something or someone<br />

into a false god, but you don’t<br />

want to have to sacrifice that<br />

thing or person. However, you<br />

have to remember that God<br />

wouldn’t ask you to give some-

thing up if it wasn’t what He knew<br />

was best for you.<br />

If He asks you to sacrifice something<br />

or someone in your life, it<br />

is because He knows that your<br />

focus needs to be shifted back<br />

to Him because you can’t make<br />

it without Him. As our Father, He<br />

knows how desperately we need<br />

Him, so He wants to remove distractions<br />

from our life so that we<br />

can be closer to Him. He’s not<br />

asking you to sacrifice this false<br />

god out of cruelty; He’s doing it<br />

because He knows in order for<br />

you to have a happy, healthy,<br />

successful life, your top priority<br />

must be Him.<br />

After God has shown you some<br />

of your false gods, pray again,<br />

but this time for forgiveness.<br />

Acknowledge your sin to God<br />

by confessing to Him that you<br />

know it is wrong to put anything<br />

or anyone on a higher level than<br />

Him. Then, ask Him to forgive<br />

you from this sin and to equip you<br />

with His strength and wisdom to<br />

fight against it in the future. He<br />

will help you defeat this issue,<br />

if only you allow Him to do so.<br />

You have to give Him back His<br />

rightful place as the main focus<br />

of your life. Once you do that,<br />

you will feel His Spirit with you<br />

again, giving you exactly what<br />

you need to fight the temptations<br />

and trials that come your way.<br />

After careful prayer and allowing<br />

God to resume His place<br />

as the center of your life, it may<br />

become necessary for you to<br />

purge. Again, while there is not<br />

anything wrong with things like<br />

relationships, technology, or<br />

material items, if these things<br />

become temptations for you to<br />

worship them as false gods, you<br />

should eliminate them from your<br />

life. You don’t need those triggers<br />

that cause you to fall back<br />

into sin.<br />

This is a very difficult process.<br />

When you become so used to<br />

something or someone, so much<br />

so that they are your entire life’s<br />

focus, to remove them from your<br />

life seems an impossible task.<br />

When they are finally gone, it’s as<br />

if a gaping, vacant hole is left in<br />

their places. But do not despair.<br />

God will fill that empty hole. He<br />

will honor your sacrifice because<br />

it is a direct expression of your<br />

faith in Him and of your desire to<br />

make Him top priority of your life.<br />

When you make such a sacrifice<br />

as a way to honor God, it does<br />

not go unnoticed by Him. He<br />

will fill the space left by whatever<br />

idol you removed with His glorious<br />

peace.<br />

Finally, in fighting the battle<br />

against worshipping false gods,<br />

you might consider partnering<br />

up. This means finding someone<br />

with whom you can share<br />

your struggles and who will hold<br />

you accountable when you’re<br />

tempted to put something or<br />

someone above God. Your partner<br />

can be a spouse, a trusted<br />

friend, or a mentor. Whomever<br />

you choose, be sure that the<br />

person is someone with whom<br />

you feel comfortable enough<br />

to share your temptations and<br />

who will give you sound, Biblical<br />

truths about how to fight this<br />

battle. It’s intimidating to think<br />

that someone else will be able to<br />

see you in all your vulnerabilities<br />

and weaknesses. But, if your<br />

partner is also closely following<br />

the Lord and seeking to do His<br />

will, he or she shouldn’t be judgmental<br />

towards you, because<br />

this is against what Jesus wants<br />

His people to do. If your partner<br />

is walking with Jesus, he or<br />

she should only seek to help you<br />

draw closer to the Lord.<br />

In today’s world of constant<br />

distractions, it is easy to slip<br />

into the sin of creating a false<br />

god. Sometimes, we may do it<br />

without even realizing it. However,<br />

what’s important is how<br />

we respond to our sin. If you,<br />

like the Israelites, find yourself<br />

becoming impatient, distracted,<br />

or frustrated with God, don’t<br />

follow their example. Don’t allow<br />

yourself to give anyone or anything<br />

the attention that only God<br />

deserves.<br />

Remember what He has done<br />

for you in the past and why He<br />

deserves your complete love<br />

and devotion. Then, pray for His<br />

wisdom and His forgiveness on<br />

this issue. After this, it may be<br />

necessary for you to purge some<br />

of the false idols out of your life<br />

and to partner up with someone<br />

who will help you remain<br />

accountable during this process.<br />

It’s always painful when we<br />

become aware of our sin and<br />

have to deal with it. But, when<br />

you begin to feel overwhelmed<br />

or discouraged as you try to<br />

make this change in your life,<br />

go back to the Father. Remember<br />

that He loves you more than<br />

you can ever imagine. The only<br />

reason He asks to be the main<br />

focus of your life is because He<br />

knows He is the only one who<br />

can protect and provide for you.<br />

When you consider His tremendous<br />

love for you, and act out of<br />

gratitude for that love, you’ve put<br />

Him back in His rightful spot as<br />

the one true God of your life.

Stained By Sin<br />

By Michelle C. Danko<br />

There are those who say that everyone sins- you can’t avoid it! This idea embraces the “do what<br />

you want to” attitude because it doesn’t matter anyway. It says that you can do what you want,<br />

but ask God for forgiveness, and your sin is washed away. This ideology has further gone on to<br />

distort the Word of God to justify a lifestyle when the lifestyle should change according to the Word of<br />

God. Grace covers sin, but not habitual sin. Habitual sin God will eventually give you over to because<br />

your heart is hard and non-repentant. Grace cannot cover a hardened heart, nor can grace remove<br />

the stains of sin.

Temptation is everywhere ranging<br />

from looking at ads with<br />

scantily clad, seductive models<br />

(because sex sells!) to eating<br />

too much pie before going to<br />

bed. There are those who say<br />

that you cannot overcome temptation<br />

and that you will sin, so<br />

why bother trying? However,<br />

this ideology does not take into<br />

consideration that part of the<br />

fruit of the spirit is self-control,<br />

long-suffering, and discipline.<br />

Self-control, long-suffering and<br />

discipline all work together in<br />

overcoming temptation and lead<br />

to victory. After awhile, Satan<br />

stops tempting you because<br />

God will remove the draw from<br />

your life. Some things that hold<br />

believers in bondage are easily<br />

broken, and some we have to<br />

work out on our own. However,<br />

God will not tempt us beyond<br />

what we can handle, and there<br />

is always an out.<br />

Self-control, when dealing with<br />

temptation, involves consciously<br />

not giving in to being tempted<br />

in the first place. It doesn’t feel<br />

good to our flesh, and our flesh<br />

rises up against it, but it can be<br />

overcome. Self-control says,<br />

“This is not good for me, it is<br />

against scripture, it displeases<br />

God, I need to get rid of it in my<br />

life, and I’m not going to give in.”<br />

Self-control acknowledges that<br />

even though the flesh wants to<br />

do something, that “thing” is not<br />

godly, and shouldn’t be done.<br />

When we successfully exercise<br />

self-control, we immediately feel<br />

good about ourselves because<br />

we know what we’ve done is for<br />

our own good. Falling into temptation<br />

always makes us feel bad,<br />

and that’s where Satan wants<br />

us- defeated. Satan will use<br />

condemnation and judgment to<br />

make us feel bad. This keeps us<br />

right where he wants us.<br />

Long-suffering (perseverance)<br />

knows that temptations done<br />

just come once but many times.<br />

Satan isn’t done with you after<br />

round one, and will try to tempt<br />

you again. Long-suffering coupled<br />

with self-control says that<br />

you will avoid temptation indefinitely<br />

because it is the right thing<br />

to do. It is a resolve not to sin…<br />

ever.<br />

Discipline helps the believer to<br />

take measures to avoid temptation.<br />

In the case of looking lustfully<br />

at someone, discipline tells<br />

you that someone who is scantily<br />

clad is up ahead, and you should<br />

not look. Avert your eyes away<br />

from the person and avoid sin. It<br />

is teaching your body to submit<br />

to God’s way even though the<br />

flesh (Satan’s way) may scream<br />

for you to take just one look.<br />

Discipline crucifies the flesh.<br />

The truth is yes, we are born<br />

with a sinful nature, but we have<br />

a choice as to whether or not<br />

we indulge in that sinful nature<br />

or not. Things of the flesh only<br />

satisfy for a moment and then<br />

you are left with the remnants of<br />

dissatisfaction. People describe<br />

themselves as feeling unclean,<br />

not pure and dirty after awhile.<br />

Some claim that they know<br />

they are sinning, but can’t overcome<br />

it. This is untrue and a<br />

weak statement. It is contrary<br />

to what God says about you,<br />

and how He designed you. He<br />

gave you a spirit of self-control,<br />

and He gave you a choice (free<br />

will). It is your decision to sin,<br />

and it is your decision not to discipline<br />

yourself. God doesn’t<br />

lie, but Satan sure does! Satan<br />

tells you that you simple cannot<br />

overcome the temptation of this<br />

sin- that you are in bondage to it.<br />

There is no scripture to support<br />

it, and it is this very sin that will<br />

separate you from God.<br />

How do you know if you are separated<br />

from God? Those who<br />

have ever had a God-encounter<br />

know what it is like to be in His<br />

presence and how it can change<br />

you on the inside. Sin changes<br />

you on the inside, too. You can<br />

tell when someone falls away<br />

because there is a hardness<br />

about them. They can no longer<br />

feel God’s presence- they feel<br />

disconnected. They can’t hear<br />

from Him, or feel His love. They<br />

are separated by sin.<br />

The good news is that you can<br />

repent and turn back to God.<br />

However, it does involve turning<br />

from sin as well. The rewards<br />

are well worth it, though, as<br />

anyone who has gone through it<br />

can attest. The victory is amazing,<br />

and the freedom is liberating.<br />

Not only are your prayers<br />

being answered, but you can<br />

hear from God, He can give you<br />

direction, and you are not walking<br />

in obedience. No more disconnection.<br />

There are those that use the<br />

phrase, “God cannot be in the<br />

presence of sin” to mean that<br />

since we sin anyway in some<br />

way, shape or form, God can’t be<br />

with us anyway, so why bother?”<br />

to justify their sin. Yes, God<br />

cannot be in the presence of sin,<br />

but His blood covers our sins,<br />

and when we repent, we are<br />

washed clean. God does not

keep a record of wrong-doing<br />

once we repent, so in His eyes,<br />

the sin never happened. We are<br />

clean. Therefore, He is not in<br />

the presence of sin.<br />

Sin does separate us from God<br />

and as a result of unrepentant<br />

sin, our hearts can become hard.<br />

Falling into temptation no longer<br />

bothers us due to a hardened<br />

heart, and this is why so many<br />

people can keep doing ungodly<br />

things and show no remorse.<br />

Even if you are saved, you will<br />

be far from God and never live<br />

out a life that He had meant for<br />

you. People say that if Christianity<br />

is just a bunch of rules and<br />

the “giving up of fun” then they<br />

want no part of it. Yet they fail<br />

to see why living a life in Christ<br />

is worthwhile. Living a life with<br />

Christ means that you don’t<br />

gratify the flesh, which some<br />

don’t see the point of, but it also<br />

means living a life filled with the<br />

love of Christ (which does satisfy),<br />

and a life, in short, of victory.<br />

People that follow Christ<br />

and live for Him live a life that<br />

most worldly people envy as<br />

they continue with their walk.<br />

The world cannot understand<br />

how such seemingly effortless<br />

favor can exist, nor how Christians<br />

can walk with such peace<br />

in the midst of trial.<br />

Personally, giving up a life in the<br />

flesh is a small sacrifice from<br />

what God has given me. The<br />

world has no peace in crisis.<br />

They know fear, condemnation,<br />

judgment, unrest, and a world<br />

that cannot meet their needs.<br />

Their thirst is never quenched.<br />

God meets the needs of those<br />

who believe in Him, but His<br />

request is that we are obedient,<br />

and sin no more.


Frye Family Band<br />

Written by Sharon S. Johnson<br />

Family time. How do you spend<br />

it? Maybe a night at the movies, a<br />

day at a football game, or maybe<br />

once in awhile just a good old<br />

day of hanging out in the living<br />

room chatting, snacking, playing<br />

and laughing.<br />

These days it may seem hard<br />

to carve out family time. With<br />

Suzy’s soccer practice, Davy’s<br />

dental appointment, Mom and<br />

Dad’s date night, and a flurry<br />

of other seemingly endless<br />

activities, it can become quite<br />

a creative challenge for family<br />

members to meet up at the<br />

same place at the same time<br />

with energy left to do more than<br />

just fall asleep.<br />

Well, today I have the opportunity<br />

to learn more about a family<br />

that spends its family time in a<br />

great way—as members of a<br />

band! I’m talking about Frye<br />

Family Band, and it’s my pleasure<br />

to get the scoop from Tom<br />

Frye (with some shared insight<br />

from daughter Maggie) about<br />

how the members of this family<br />

are “doing life together” in this<br />

special and powerful way.

What<br />

i s<br />

the best<br />

thing about<br />

being able to work<br />

together as a family of<br />

musicians? Are there any<br />

challenges, and if so, how do<br />

you overcome them?<br />

TOM: It’s honestly difficult to list<br />

all of the “best things.” But, probably<br />

at the top would be the fact<br />

that music is so personal and performing<br />

music together is a fairly<br />

intimate experience. So playing<br />

music with the people you love<br />

the most, I believe, provides a<br />

greater opportunity to connect<br />

with each other and with our listeners.<br />

The biggest challenge<br />

right now is working around all<br />

of our unique schedules. With<br />

two in college and one in high<br />

school, finding available dates to<br />

write,<br />

rehearse<br />

and perform is<br />

quite a task.<br />

Can you talk about the<br />

strengths that each family<br />

member brings to the group<br />

both in terms of musical ability<br />

and in terms of other personal<br />

characteristics and gifts.?<br />

TOM: It has been interesting to<br />

watch each of the kids strengths<br />

play out to compliment the music<br />

and ministry. We honestly did not<br />

set out to be a family band, and<br />

I didn’t choose their instruments<br />

for them. But as they grew, they<br />

found their place based on their<br />

interests and the band’s needs.<br />

MAGGIE: Dad is the driving<br />

force of the music and of the<br />

family. He is not only a diligent<br />

songwriter, but also a committed<br />

husband, father, team leader,<br />

and co-worker among the many<br />

other roles he fills. Dad is not<br />

only a member of the Frye Family<br />

Band, but also the team leader of<br />

the Worship team at Westchester<br />

United<br />

Methodist<br />

Church. Though<br />

he is a hard-worker,<br />

Dad is also always ready with<br />

comedic relief, and those who<br />

know him well are not surprised<br />

by his quick sense of humor<br />

and plethora of “dad jokes.” He<br />

enjoys reading (especially history),<br />

black coffee, and being<br />

outdoors.<br />

TOM: Kaylyn is a Junior at Trevecca<br />

Nazarene University in<br />

Nashville, Tennessee where she<br />

is studying Music Business. She<br />

has always been our administrative<br />

one, and assists with administration,<br />

booking, and also<br />

sings both lead and background<br />

vocals and plays upright bass,<br />

as well as bass and rhythm guitars.<br />

Though Kaylyn is a little<br />

more quiet, we realized when<br />

she left for college that we laugh<br />

more when she’s around. She<br />

can be unassuming, but quickwitted,<br />

and delivers one liners<br />

in a way that has been known to<br />

defuse obvious tension.<br />

Maggie is back with us after a<br />

year of studying songwriting at<br />

Hillsong College in Sydney, Australia.<br />

Maggie sings lead and

ackground vocals, and plays<br />

keys, hammer and lap dulcimer<br />

and ukulele. Over the years,<br />

many people have referred<br />

to her as “smiley.” Her genuine<br />

smile and love for people<br />

are very engaging, no matter<br />

whether she’s on stage or talking<br />

one on one with people following<br />

our concerts. Maggie is a<br />

gifted writer and I am excited for<br />

the new insights she will bring to<br />

our concerts and songs yet to be<br />

written.<br />

Jonathon is a high school senior<br />

and has a love for both music<br />

and sports. With his sisters in<br />

college, Jonathon has moved<br />

out from behind the drum kit to<br />

play bass guitar, keys, ukulele,<br />

and recorder, as well as sing<br />

background vocals. He has also<br />

been delving into songwriting<br />

himself. Jonathon also loves the<br />

tech side of things. He’s a huge<br />

help setting up and dialing in the<br />

system. Jonathon also loves<br />

clowning around and making<br />

people laugh. But, unlike his<br />

sister Kaylyn, he is anything but<br />

inconspicuous.<br />

We call my wife Lisa our cheerleader.<br />

As wife and mother, she<br />

has heard the same concert hundreds<br />

of times. But she’s almost<br />

always there with us to help load<br />

in, load out, help with the merchandise<br />

table, and take her turn<br />

driving the family van. Lisa is not<br />

one to be in the spotlight, but she<br />

does on occasion speak during<br />

our “Family to Family” events.<br />

Eric Reynolds is the only nonfamily<br />

member of the band. He<br />

sat in with us on occasion over<br />

the last few years, but with the<br />

girls in college, he has performed<br />

almost every concert with us<br />

over the last year and a half. Eric<br />

will continue touring with us now<br />

that Maggie is back, allowing the<br />

rest of us to mix it up a little more<br />

musically.<br />

What led you to start the<br />

band? Was there a specific<br />

set of life circumstances that<br />

pointed you and the family in<br />

that direction or was it started<br />

because everyone had an<br />

interest in serving the Lord<br />

through music and worship?<br />

TOM: People often ask how I/we<br />

got into music. My short answer<br />

is always “kicking and screaming.”<br />

I always loved music but,<br />

struggling with issues of fear<br />

and insecurity, I never imagined<br />

actually performing my music.<br />

However, after many and varied<br />

affirmations I reluctantly began<br />

to say “yes” when opportunities<br />

arose. We have always been a<br />

family that “does life together”<br />

so, as I had the opportunity to<br />

sing, the family would come<br />

along and the kids would regularly<br />

join me for a song or two.<br />

As each of the kids grew in their<br />

ability and interest and slots in<br />

the band became available, they<br />

were there to step in. So the<br />

band really wasn’t planned – at<br />

least by me.<br />

How long has the Frye Family<br />

Band been in existence? What<br />

were the ages of the children<br />

when you began?<br />

TOM: Kaylyn and Maggie first<br />

joined the band in early 2009.<br />

Kaylyn was fourteen and Maggie<br />

was thirteen. Jonathon joined<br />

the band the following year when<br />

he was thirteen.<br />

What role do you feel that<br />

music plays in helping your<br />

family as well as others face<br />

the challenges in life? Similarly,<br />

what role do you feel<br />

music has in helping families<br />

celebrate the goodness of<br />

life?<br />

MAGGIE: Music has always<br />

been something our family had<br />

in common. Whatever else filled<br />

our schedules, music was something<br />

consistent that brought us<br />

together. I think it is not just the<br />

music itself that has been good<br />

for our family, but the common<br />

ground: laughing together, challenging<br />

each other, working<br />

together. There are many families<br />

who have seemed encouraged<br />

by our family working and<br />

having fun together, but one<br />

family was always particularly<br />

special to us. We met them several<br />

years ago while singing at<br />

their church, and their story so<br />

touched us that they inspired<br />

the song “Sara Dances” from<br />

our Under Indiana Lights album.<br />

They have dealt with more sickness<br />

and physical hardship than<br />

most families can imagine, and<br />

they are a true example of overcoming<br />

challenges as a unit.<br />

The song, which focuses on the<br />

Hope of Christ rather than the<br />

trials of this world, is a reflection<br />

of their moving story. They have<br />

been an inspiration to us. It was<br />

encouraging to our family and to<br />

theirs to be able to share the joy<br />

of music, and it was overwhelming<br />

and humbling to play and<br />

record “Sara Dances” for them.<br />

What impact do you believe<br />

or see that your service to the<br />

Lord through the band has had<br />

on others who have a chance<br />

to experience the music? Are<br />

there any specific examples<br />

that come to mind?<br />

MAGGIE: Music is powerful. It<br />

was used to spread heresies<br />

throughout the early Church.

It often preceded armies as an<br />

intimidation tactic. The subject<br />

of music has spurred feuds and<br />

festivals, it has brought division<br />

and unity, it has been used to<br />

pierce and to soothe. Because<br />

it is so powerful, it immediately<br />

connects people. “Oh! You play<br />

music? What kind of music do<br />

you play?” is something we hear<br />

a lot. Anything that connects<br />

the world to the Church should<br />

connect the world to Christ, and<br />

this is our true hope, no matter<br />

what kind of music we are playing.<br />

The fact that we play as a<br />

family stands out to most people.<br />

Younger people are surprised<br />

that we can stand to be around<br />

each other long enough to play<br />

music together, while older<br />

people often express their desire<br />

to share a similar connection<br />

with their families. It is our desire<br />

to positively impact and inspire<br />

individuals, and particularly families,<br />

who will build churches that<br />

unite communities to change the<br />

world.<br />

I read that the title of your new<br />

EP, Reclamation, is based on<br />

the concept of spiritual identity<br />

theft--the enemy coming<br />

to steal, kill and destroy, as<br />

is referenced in John 10:10.<br />

Can you talk about how that<br />

shaped your creation of and<br />

selection of songs for the<br />

album?<br />

TOM: Songwriting, at least for<br />

us, is about processing our experiences<br />

or responding to those<br />

things God is teaching us. When<br />

I first became aware of just how<br />

irrational my fears were, I knew<br />

that the only way to overcome<br />

them was to look to scripture<br />

for truth. It became evident as<br />

I studied and memorized those<br />

scriptures, which speak to God’s<br />

love for and view of us, that my<br />

insecurities began to fade. This<br />

journey was the focus of much<br />

of the writing on the last two projects.<br />

The songs on Reclamation<br />

are more about responding to<br />

that truth—a truth that I not only<br />

seek to embrace, but instill in my<br />

wife and children.<br />

You mention past struggles<br />

with fear and insecurity, and it<br />

is great to learn that turning to<br />

scripture is what helped you<br />

to start to overcome in that<br />

area. How do you cope when<br />

fear and insecurity try to creep<br />

back into your life?<br />

TOM: It all comes down to who<br />

we believe. Are we going to<br />

embrace those voices – internal<br />

or external – which affirm our<br />

fears, or are we willing to accept<br />

the truth of how God views us?<br />

As, His child (1 John 3:1) who is<br />

greatly loved (Ephesians 2:3-5)<br />

and created for a purpose (Ephesians<br />

2:10). This comes very<br />

unnatural at first, as our fears<br />

can seem so real and the truth<br />

too good to be true. But, in the<br />

same way we need to trust God<br />

for salvation, we also need to<br />

look to Him to find our true identity.<br />

This is often a difficult process<br />

as it is all too easy to allow<br />

our fears, failings, or false perceptions<br />

to define us. Scripture<br />

tells us, “As a dog returns to its<br />

vomit, so fools repeat their folly.”<br />

(Proverbs 26:11 NIV) Our folly<br />

can come in many ways, from<br />

the various forms of addiction to<br />

the broad spectrum of harmful<br />

and habitual attitudes, including<br />

blinding pride, crippling fear, and<br />

everything in between.<br />

I often say, “There is comfort in<br />

the familiar even when the familiar<br />

is not comfortable.” In the<br />

familiar, we know how the game<br />

is played, even when the rules<br />

keep changing. This is why, I<br />

believe, even in the angst of the<br />

familiar we can so easily find<br />

ourselves settling. Long after we<br />

have broken free, the familiar<br />

can still hold a dangerous allure,<br />

which - in moments of extreme<br />

emotion - can exploit our vulnerabilities.<br />

In the same way the<br />

former Hebrew slaves reached<br />

a point in the wilderness where<br />

they actually longed for the diet<br />

of slavery (Exodus 16:3), so too<br />

can we come to a place where<br />

we begin to recall our days of<br />

slavery to sin with fondness.<br />

This is why it is important for us<br />

to renew our minds (Ephesians<br />

4) through memorizing scripture<br />

and never forget those times<br />

when God’s provision was particularly<br />

evident.<br />

Can you discuss more about<br />

the importance of family and<br />

why it is important for families<br />

to see themselves as “a ministry?”<br />

TOM: Though we are not all<br />

called into vocational ministry,<br />

we are all called to serve others.<br />

As believers, we are also called<br />

to “make disciples” (Matthew<br />

28:19), and I believe discipleship<br />

starts in our homes. Psalm 127:4<br />

tells us that “children are arrows<br />

in the hands of a warrior.” The<br />

implications of this truth are – at<br />

their core – a call to discipleship.<br />

A warrior’s arrows are meant<br />

to be sent into the heat of the<br />

battle and pierce the heart of<br />

the enemy. Before being sent<br />

however, the arrows must be<br />

prepared (discipled), to ensure<br />

they are able to fly straight and<br />

accomplish their purpose. Discipleship<br />

is – I believe – about<br />

doing life together; working,<br />

playing, serving, and worship-

ing together. When we do these<br />

things, discipleship is as much a<br />

byproduct as it is an intentional<br />

act of raising children of purpose.<br />

I believe it is in our homes<br />

– where our children not only<br />

see us at our best, but at our<br />

worst – that discipleship is best<br />

accomplished.<br />

***<br />

Wow! Those are special and<br />

powerful words on which to<br />

conclude my interview. Special<br />

because they have relevance<br />

to me personally for where I am<br />

in my own walk with the Lord.<br />

And powerful because the message<br />

about discipleship within<br />

the family is one that all families<br />

can potentially use as a model<br />

for structuring their time, their<br />

homes and their lives.<br />

Now, maybe you and your family<br />

don’t sing or play instruments,<br />

so forming a band is not likely<br />

in the cards for you. Your special<br />

family time may be the time<br />

spent around the dinner table<br />

discussing everyone’s day. Or<br />

it could be time spent doing<br />

something beyond your wildest<br />

dreams. But no matter. As your<br />

family explores ways to have fun<br />

together, support each other,<br />

and lift each other up, you’ll discover<br />

that bond, that activity, that<br />

niche, that special time spent<br />

with one another that enables<br />

you to survive and thrive as a<br />

family unit. You’ll be doing life.<br />

And like Frye Family Band, you’ll<br />

be doing it together!<br />




AMAZON<br />





AT:<br />


Walk, Run, or Move<br />

BUT<br />

Get Out of the<br />

Way!<br />

By Heather Bolinger<br />

“I have set before you life and<br />

death, blessings and curses.<br />

Now choose life, so that<br />

you and your children may<br />

live!”~Deuteronomy 30:19<br />

“Abba, I did it again… and this<br />

time, it’s harder for me to repent.<br />

Not because I don’t care; but<br />

because I do. How can I repent<br />

for something I strongly feel like<br />

I am going to keep doing? What<br />

kind of daughter would I be to<br />

blatantly take advantage of Your<br />

grace??... Abba, this is too much<br />

for me to handle… if You want<br />

me to move, I need You to make<br />

it happen… I need You to change<br />

my heart… I’m too weak… help<br />

me…”<br />

It’s the cry of a struggling heart;<br />

when you want to be faithful to<br />

God’s will, but the pull of temptation<br />

grabs hold and doesn’t want<br />

to let go. I wish I could say it<br />

came from someone else; or that<br />

it was something I had read in a<br />

book. But, to say that would be a<br />

lie. This was the cry of my very<br />

own heart when I found myself<br />

bound in sin beyond any level I<br />

had ever known before.<br />

What makes this even more<br />

shameful is that it wasn’t sin I<br />

experienced before receiving the<br />

saving grace of Christ. It wasn’t<br />

sin I became entangled with as<br />

a new Christian. No, this was<br />

sin that caught me by surprise;<br />

because I thought I was beyond<br />

falling into a pit such as this.<br />

I wasn’t far from God when it<br />

happened. I had felt the depth<br />

of His comfort, been blessed<br />

by His limitless provision and<br />

allowed His Holy Spirit to bring<br />

me to new levels. I was serving<br />

in my church, aware of my

calling and dedicating myself<br />

to Him for the glory of His kingdom.<br />

I had already experienced<br />

levels of attack I was sure would<br />

break me; and watched as He<br />

strengthened me through it and<br />

helped me obtain victory.Yet,<br />

there I was, immersed in behavior<br />

unbecoming of someone who<br />

calls themselves a follower of<br />

Christ. Pride truly does go before<br />

destruction; and arrogance<br />

before a fall (Proverbs 16:18).<br />

I have no excuse for my behavior.<br />

There is no “yeah, I know I<br />

sinned; but…” All I can say is I<br />

am glad I’m not alone. Paul, himself,<br />

spoke of his own struggle<br />

with sin (Romans 7); and I find<br />

encouragement in knowing that<br />

even those, who witnessed the<br />

miracles and sacrifice of Christ,<br />

battled against demons as well.<br />

Yet, it was those very struggles<br />

that God eventually used to<br />

help strengthen their witness to<br />

others.<br />

We don’t get very many descriptions<br />

of the sins of the apostles.<br />

Outside of their abandoning<br />

Christ, the betrayal of Judas,<br />

denial of Peter, Thomas’s doubt,<br />

James and John’s pride, Paul<br />

murdering Christians… ok -<br />

maybe there’s a few. But, there’s<br />

one scripture that is just detailed<br />

enough to grab our attention;<br />

yet vague enough to give us<br />

something greater than knowing<br />

the details - Paul’s “thorn in the<br />

flesh” (2 Corinthians12:7-10).<br />

People have wondered, for over<br />

2000 years, what that proverbial<br />

thorn was – that “messenger of<br />

Satan”.Was it a physical attack<br />

on his body? Was it an attack on<br />

his mind? Or was it a deep, personal<br />

battle with a certain kind of<br />

temptation?<br />

Yet, despite the fact that we<br />

have been robbed of that juicy<br />

detail, we cannot help but gravitate<br />

towards this scripture. Why?<br />

Because we can all identify with<br />

his plight. By not knowing what<br />

his specific “thorn” was, we have<br />

the chance to see beyond his<br />

problem and realize that we, too,<br />

have a thorn in our flesh. We<br />

can relate; and in relating to his<br />

struggle, we find comfort in his<br />

cry.<br />

“What a wretched man I am!<br />

Who will rescue me from this<br />

body that is subject to death?<br />

Thanks be to God, who delivers<br />

me through Jesus Christ our<br />

Lord!” ~ Romans 7: 24-25<br />

Amen to that! Thanks be to God;<br />

Who came down to rescue us<br />

from our own sin, through Christ.<br />

I cannot even begin to count how<br />

many times I have needed to be<br />

rescued. Forgiveness is a gift<br />

we could never earn – a grace<br />

that none of us deserve. Yet,<br />

because of God’s loving kindness<br />

and mercy, He freely offers<br />

it to anyone who is willing to ask.<br />

“If we confess our sins, he is<br />

faithful and just and will forgive<br />

us our sins and purify us from all<br />

unrighteousness.” ~1 John 1:9<br />

Forgive… purify… words that<br />

echo in the heart of any repentant<br />

sinner. Oh, to be cleansed<br />

of all unrighteousness! To be<br />

made as if I had never sinned!<br />

My spirit leaps within me when<br />

the reality of that level of grace is<br />

understood! It gives us peace. It<br />

gives us confidence. It helps us<br />

move forward and leave the past<br />

behind... as long as we remain in<br />

balance.<br />

“What shall we say, then? Shall<br />

we go on sinning so that grace<br />

may increase?By no means!”<br />

~Romans 6:1-2a<br />

It’s interesting to note that all-toofamiliar<br />

battle with staying in balance.<br />

The human tendency, to<br />

go from one extreme to another,<br />

is a weakness the enemy is<br />

more than willing to exploit. We<br />

are given the law and Pharisees<br />

emerge, adding one more rule<br />

after another; only to become<br />

pompous and boastful of their<br />

own goodness – at least in the<br />

eyes of other men. Then, Christ<br />

comes and we are given grace;<br />

only to have a new group emerge<br />

saying “Now that our sin brings<br />

on God’s grace, let’s sin a bunch<br />

so we can get a bunch of grace!”<br />

Oh, for the day when the scale<br />

of grace and self-control work in<br />

harmony. Yet, in a world bombarded<br />

by the enemy’s attacks<br />

from all sides, the implementation<br />

of that concept is few and<br />

far between. Thus, we must continue<br />

to strive for better understanding<br />

of them both; lest the<br />

enemy have his way, completely,<br />

and we become lost.<br />

Why is this so important – walking<br />

away from sin and temptation?<br />

If God’s grace covers all<br />

sin, then why does it matter if we<br />

sin; as long as we ask for forgiveness?<br />

The answer to that question<br />

depends on whether we are<br />

looking at ourselves or at others.<br />

“All these blessings will come on<br />

you and accompany you if you<br />

obey the LORD your God…”<br />

~Deuteronomy 28:1<br />

When we look at how sin affects<br />

us, individually, we must remember<br />

that we can only see once<br />

piece of the puzzle; while God

can see the entire picture. He<br />

wants the absolute best for our<br />

lives; so He covers us with His<br />

Grace - His umbrella of protection<br />

- and lets us know how we<br />

can stay there. Underneath that<br />

umbrella, we may still get hit with<br />

a little rain; but it’s not as cold<br />

and it’s easier to dry off once<br />

the storm passes. We can travel<br />

a greater distance, in less time,<br />

because we are not wasting that<br />

time shielding ourselves from<br />

something the umbrella can protect<br />

us from.<br />

However, whenever we sin, we<br />

are stepping out from underneath<br />

that umbrella and opening<br />

ourselves up to a shower<br />

of attacks from the enemy. It<br />

affects us more, the pain lasts<br />

longer and it slows down the<br />

progress we want to make in life.<br />

It separates us from God, makes<br />

it harder to hear His voice and<br />

makes us more vulnerable to<br />

future attacks. All of this, in turn,<br />

creates a chain of seed sowing<br />

that leads to a reaping we would<br />

much rather avoid.<br />

“Do not be deceived: God is not<br />

mocked, for whatever one sows,<br />

that will he also reap.” ~Galatians<br />

6:7<br />

It doesn’t matter what we call it<br />

or how we try to explain it away;<br />

if it goes against God’s word, it<br />

is sin. Nothing more and nothing<br />

less; and we need to stop saying<br />

“I know what the bible says,<br />

but…” There is no “but”; if He is<br />

telling us not to do something,<br />

it is for good reason. We either<br />

choose to listen or we don’t; and<br />

when making that decision, we<br />

must ask ourselves how much<br />

we trust in God’s love.<br />

Everything He asks us to do is to<br />

bless our lives, help others and<br />

protect us from that which would<br />

cause us harm. When we go<br />

against God, we are hurting ourselves;<br />

if not visibly, then spiritually.<br />

Not only that; but when we<br />

begin to look beyond ourselves,<br />

we begin to see how our sin<br />

affects others.<br />

“You are the light of the world…<br />

let your light shine before others,<br />

that they may see your good<br />

deeds and glorify your Father in<br />

heaven.” ~Matthew 5:14-16<br />

Why are we told that faith without<br />

works is dead (James 2:17)?<br />

Why does Paul say we will<br />

“know them by their fruits” (Matthew<br />

7:16) or that awe-inspiring<br />

miracles, unmatched wisdom,<br />

selfless sacrifice and boundless<br />

faith means nothing without<br />

love (1 Corinthians 13:1-3)? It’s<br />

because people are watching –<br />

and they are not moved by mere<br />

words.<br />

We are the light of the world; and<br />

those who are looking are drawn<br />

to those who profess Christ –<br />

Who is the Source of our Light.<br />

They want to know if we are real<br />

– or just another bunch of hypocrites.<br />

What does it matter if we<br />

talk about our faith in Christ’s<br />

love; but do not show it? Actions<br />

speak louder than words. What<br />

are your actions saying?<br />

And, this is the crux of the search<br />

for balance between Grace and<br />

self-control. Self-control says<br />

that when we claim Christ, we are<br />

stepping up to the plate and representing<br />

Him. It doesn’t matter<br />

if we don’t want to. It doesn’t<br />

matter if we would rather quietly<br />

live out our lives until God takes<br />

us on to His glorious salvation.<br />

The moment someone knows<br />

we are Christian; they want to<br />

know what that looks like. We<br />

are meant to be in the world, as<br />

a light; not of the world (1 John<br />

2:15-17&Romans 12:2), soiling<br />

Christ’s good name (Hebrews<br />

10:26-29).<br />

On the other hand, Grace says<br />

that this is not about condemnation<br />

- all have sinned (Romans<br />

3:23); and Grace reminds us that<br />

God is there to forgive. It tells<br />

us that He remembers we are<br />

dust (Psalm 103:14); and, therefore,<br />

He has compassion on all<br />

those who fear (reverence) Him<br />

(Psalm 103:13).<br />

This is where we find a seed<br />

that links grace with self-control;<br />

fear… reverence… respect. And<br />

that is a matter of the heart. It<br />

starts with understanding that<br />

God will not be mocked. I could<br />

not have participated in my sin,<br />

thinking “God is a forgiving God;<br />

so it’s ok. He’ll forgive me.” God<br />

IS a forgiving God; but whatever<br />

we sow, we will also reap. If we<br />

sow an arrogant attitude of “I can<br />

just give in to sin because God<br />

HAS to forgive me”; then we will<br />

be sorely disappointed when we<br />

see the havoc that attitude will<br />

reek on our lives.<br />

However, God has compassion<br />

on us because He knows we<br />

are bombarded nonstop, day<br />

and night, by attacks of doubt,<br />

greed, depression, perversion,<br />

lust, arrogance, fear, anxiety…<br />

The devil never sleeps; and he<br />

certainly never leaves us alone.<br />

He wants to wear us down -<br />

tire us out; all in the hope that,<br />

little by little, he can widen the<br />

gap between us and the One

Who loves us. But, because of<br />

God’s grace, we no longer have<br />

to remain in bondage to these<br />

attacks!<br />

“No temptation has overtaken<br />

you except what is common to<br />

mankind. And God is faithful;<br />

he will not let you be tempted<br />

beyond what you can bear. But<br />

when you are tempted, he will<br />

also provide a way out so that<br />

you can endure it.” ~ 1 Corinthians<br />

10:13<br />

A way out… What is this way out?<br />

I mean, obviously, it’s through<br />

Christ; but how do we put it into<br />

action? How do we escape from<br />

this cycle of sin; especially those<br />

sins that have shackled themselves<br />

to our lives with no sign<br />

of letting go? What are the steps<br />

that we need to take in order to<br />

truly repent – ask for forgiveness<br />

and turn our backs on that which<br />

has drawn us away from Christ?<br />

In my time, devoted to seeking<br />

God about these very questions,<br />

I found an answer in someone<br />

who lived long before Christ<br />

even walked the earth. Someone<br />

I would call a chief of sinners;<br />

but God called a man after<br />

His own heart. David.<br />

When we look at David’s life,<br />

we see someone God used<br />

in amazing ways to save his<br />

people - in battle, in leadership<br />

and by the line created to Jesus<br />

Christ. However, David did not<br />

just walk out his kingship in dignity<br />

and honor. He lied, cheated,<br />

stole and murdered (to name a<br />

few). He took another man’s wife<br />

and, to cover up his adulterous<br />

affair, he sent that man to the<br />

front lines of battle to be killed.<br />

This isn’t someone I would call<br />

a “man after God’s own heart”.<br />

That, however, is why I’m not<br />

God.<br />

You see, despite David’s massive<br />

failings, he did have a heart<br />

for God – a heart that chased<br />

after God’s heart. He may have<br />

sinned in several ways; but he<br />

wanted God’s approval so much<br />

that he hated even the thought<br />

of disappointing Him; which<br />

was eventually what led him to<br />

repentance. It is that very desire,<br />

to be close to God, which gave<br />

us the amazing prayers, praise<br />

and remorse that we find in the<br />

book of Psalms.<br />

One Psalm, in particular, I found<br />

to be very telling of David’s true<br />

heart – the heart that reached<br />

beyond the moments of temptation,<br />

sin and betrayal; and<br />

straight to truth and humility.<br />

That is Psalm 51 – a true prayer<br />

of repentance.<br />

“Have mercy upon me, O God…<br />

For I acknowledge my transgressions<br />

…<br />

Wash me, and I shall be whiter<br />

than snow…Hide Your face from<br />

my sins…<br />

Create in me a clean heart…<br />

renew a steadfast spirit within<br />

me…<br />

Restore to me the joy of Your<br />

salvation…Uphold me by Your<br />

generous Spirit.<br />

Then I will teach transgressors<br />

Your ways, And sinners shall be<br />

converted to You…<br />

Open my lips, and my mouth<br />

shall show forth Your praise.”<br />

If you read the entire Psalm, you<br />

can hear the sorrow in David’s<br />

cries for compassion. He is open<br />

and honest; bearing his very<br />

heart with no excuses. In this<br />

prayer, we see that God doesn’t<br />

desire sacrifices as much as a<br />

repentant heart. Sacrifices were<br />

meant to cover the sin; however,<br />

without remorse, the sacrifice<br />

meant nothing in the eyes of<br />

God. Yet, mercy and grace were<br />

found in heart-felt repentance.<br />

God desires truth; and, with<br />

truth, He gives us the grace of<br />

His wisdom. He opens our eyes<br />

to what we were missing before.<br />

Then, He gives us what He<br />

knows we cannot obtain on our<br />

own – victory. We come to Him<br />

in truth, acknowledge our sin<br />

and ask Him forgiveness; but,<br />

look at the depth of what this<br />

prayer reveals about the grace<br />

of our God. David doesn’t say<br />

“God, I have sinned, please forgive<br />

me and I will straighten up<br />

my act and do better.” You see,<br />

David understood something<br />

that many of us miss for a long<br />

time.<br />

Every good thing comes from<br />

God – and that includes change.<br />

David says “have mercy”, “I<br />

acknowledge my sin” and “forgive<br />

me”. Then, he asks God to<br />

do what he knows he can’t do<br />

on his own… “make me to know<br />

wisdom… wash me… create<br />

in me a clean heart… renew a<br />

steadfast (loyal) spirit in me…<br />

restore…”<br />

My friends, we were not meant<br />

to do this on our own. By ourselves,<br />

we are nothing more than<br />

creatures full of sin. God is the<br />

only sinless One. He is the only<br />

One with the ability to forgive,<br />

cleanse, change, renew and<br />

restore. So, if we want to truly<br />

repent, we must first agree with<br />

God that we have done wrong<br />

and admit we can’t change without<br />


In many of my journal entries,<br />

during that time when this persistent<br />

sin was ever-present at<br />

my door, I started by thinking<br />

“I can kick this! I love God so<br />

much; I know I can keep myself<br />

from falling into this sin.” Yet, for<br />

the next year and a half, I tried;<br />

only to fail time and time again.<br />

It wasn’t until I stopped saying “I<br />

can do this” and started saying<br />

“God, I CAN’T do this without<br />

You! Please, give me what I’m<br />

missing!” that I really started to<br />

see victory.<br />

I had to let go. I had to release<br />

my own expectations that “I<br />

should be able to control myself”<br />

and realize that self-control is a<br />

fruit of the Spirit, provided BY<br />

the Spirit; and without the Spirit,<br />

you will bear no fruit. Then, when<br />

freedom finally came, my loving<br />

Father proceeded to reward me<br />

for it!<br />

I took one small step towards<br />

Him; and then another, and<br />

another, and another. I heeded<br />

His direction and let Him work<br />

in me and through me more and<br />

more. But, He is the One Who<br />

gave me a new perspective,<br />

changed my heart and renewed<br />

a willing, persistent spirit in me.<br />

Then, He restored to me the joy I<br />

had lost, strengthened my walk,<br />

blessed my life and started using<br />

me to teach others. He placed<br />

HIS words in my mouth, opened<br />

my lips and began using me to<br />

encourage those who were still<br />

struggling.<br />

But first, just like David, I had<br />

to humble myself and realize<br />

that I couldn’t do this on my<br />

own. It was in those moments,<br />

of yielding my will (bit by bit) to<br />

His, that He blessed me with a<br />

deeper understanding of the war<br />

between control and submission.<br />

He showed me that I don’t<br />

even need to start with full surrender.<br />

He understands the pull<br />

of this world. It’s more like stepping<br />

out in faith as the man, who<br />

stood before Christ, did; when<br />

he said “Lord I believe! Help me<br />

in my unbelief!”<br />

God is not looking for perfect surrender,<br />

in order to help us overcome<br />

our battle with sin. All He<br />

desires is a heart willing to say<br />

LORD, I surrender! Help me in<br />

my resistance!<br />

About The Author<br />

Heather Bolinger is a devoted<br />

daughter of God; a wife, mother<br />

of 3, step-mother of 2, writer,<br />

bible teacher, public speaker<br />

and co-founder (with her wonderful<br />

husband) of Single Hope<br />

Ministries. Her passion, calling<br />

and focus are to be God’s vessel<br />

to minister to the broken hearted,<br />

provide direction to the lost and<br />

bring hope to the hopeless.<br />

You can connect with Heather<br />

on www.facebook.com/foreverchanged1Sam106

There is a Road...<br />

After Salvation<br />

By Gabrielle Elisco

I<br />

remember consoling a friend in<br />

high school who had recently<br />

lost a grandparent. A small<br />

group of girls sat around an<br />

array of desks in attempts to<br />

comfort her while offering the<br />

typical “ought-to-say” phrases<br />

when someone has lost a loved<br />

one. “She doesn’t feel pain anymore.”<br />

“He is in a better place<br />

now.” In response to such<br />

offers of relief, the hurting girl<br />

answered, “She went to church<br />

every single Sunday, I know<br />

she is in heaven.” Not another<br />

word was muttered among the<br />

group. I glanced at the other<br />

faces to see if any other expressions<br />

matched my own. Though<br />

I could not see my own face, I<br />

image I looked rather perplexed,<br />

perhaps even slightly disturbed.<br />

The faces looking back at me<br />

were quite indifferent, most nodding<br />

their heads in agreement<br />

with my friend’s response. Was<br />

this her way of bringing comfort<br />

to her own heart insisting that her<br />

loved one really was in a better<br />

place? Or did she truly believe in<br />

a God who would send His son<br />

to die a gruesome death just so<br />

we could attend church as our<br />

only effort to be accepted into<br />

His Kingdom?<br />

This teary-eyed teenager is one<br />

heart of many that believe good<br />

works are the entry requirement<br />

for Heaven. Of course,<br />

Christians believe that Jesus<br />

came, died, rose, ascended,<br />

and will return again one day.<br />

They believe His sacrifice on the<br />

cross was the payment for our<br />

transgressions. Though when<br />

it comes to entering heaven, a<br />

simple “good” moral standard of<br />

living will suffice for our Creator<br />

to extend His arms and welcome<br />

us into our eternal home. If this is<br />

true, why did Jesus come? Why<br />

was He born unto a virgin, tested<br />

by Satan, performed countless<br />

miracles, arrested, tried, found<br />

guilty, persecuted, pierced, and<br />

crucified? Why did this blameless<br />

Savior have to be subject to<br />

the treachery of hell to defeat the<br />

grave if all that is required of us<br />

is to throw some change in the<br />

offering at church or give help<br />

to a friend in need? How, then,<br />

do we obtain such salvation that<br />

dismisses us of eternal damnation?<br />

If Jesus descended from<br />

Heaven to die on rugged wood<br />

for you and I, just maybe this salvation<br />

derived from His work, not<br />

our own.<br />

Jesus wasted no words when<br />

speaking to the multitudes<br />

regarding salvation. In John<br />

3:16, Jesus states, “For this is<br />

how God Loved the world: He<br />

gave His one and only Son, so<br />

that everyone who believes in<br />

Him will not perish but have eternal<br />

life” (NLT). In another verse,<br />

“Jesus told him ‘I am the way,<br />

the truth, and the life. No one<br />

can come to the Father except<br />

through me” (John 14:6 NLT).<br />

Jesus did not give stipulations<br />

nor alternatives to the people<br />

regarding their salvation. There<br />

was no grey area, or sliding in by<br />

the skin of your teeth. The way is<br />

through Jesus, through His sacrifice.<br />

If Jesus is “the way,” how<br />

do we take that way? God retains

no hidden details, as every<br />

answer can be found in His love<br />

letter to His beloved children. He<br />

describes what taking the “Jesus<br />

way” means in Romans chapter<br />

ten. “If you openly declare that<br />

Jesus is Lord and believe in your<br />

heart that God raised Him from<br />

the dead, you will be saved. For<br />

it is by believing in your heart<br />

that you are made right with<br />

God, and it is by openly declaring<br />

your faith that you are saved”<br />

(Romans 10:9-10 NLT). Declaration.<br />

Belief. This is the way.<br />

Salvation is defined as declaring<br />

Jesus Christ is your Savior,<br />

your Lord and King, and equally<br />

believing such in your heart.<br />

There is no well-versed prayer<br />

or specific way in which to do<br />

this. The sinner on the cross<br />

next to Jesus said, “Jesus,<br />

remember me when you come<br />

Considering the righteousness<br />

Jesus gave us in exchange for<br />

our sin, how often do we still<br />

measure our works to scale our<br />

Christianity, or better yet our<br />

salvation? There is no attainable<br />

amount of works or good<br />

deeds you and I could complete<br />

into your kingdom” (Luke 23:42).<br />

And because our Savior is the<br />

very epitome of love, through his<br />

blood, sweat, and suffering, He<br />

offered compassion and empathy<br />

for this sinner and confirmed<br />

He would join Him in paradise.<br />

to even compare to one lashing<br />

He took when He scarified Himself<br />

for us. Though so often it is<br />

as though we are saying, “Lord,<br />

your sacrifice was not enough. I<br />

must do more.” In case you have<br />

yet to realize, you are a sinner,<br />

and you fall short of God’s glory

every day, just as I do. This<br />

comes as no surprise to our<br />

Lord. For Jesus Himself said,<br />

“…I have come to call not those<br />

who think they are righteous,<br />

but those who know they are<br />

sinners” (Mark 2:17 NLT). God<br />

already knew you would never<br />

measure up to the atonement<br />

only His Son could accomplish.<br />

That is why He sent Him. And<br />

it is only through Him that we<br />

are made righteous to enter into<br />

the gates of Heaven. It is only<br />

through his blood that we are<br />

able to as Ephesians 2:5 states,<br />

“…even though we were dead<br />

because of our sins, he gave us<br />

life when he raised Christ from<br />

the dead. …For he raised us<br />

from the dead along with Christ<br />

and seated us with him in the<br />

heavenly realms because we<br />

are united with Christ Jesus.”<br />

Was there a task list you graciously<br />

checked off before Jesus<br />

did this? Of course not. So why<br />

then, must people consider their<br />

own works are the conditional<br />

basis for their salvation? Faith<br />

in Christ is the sufficient righteousness<br />

needed to enter into<br />

the Kingdom of Heaven. Though<br />

it has been established, that<br />

salvation is achieved by faith,<br />

does this mean works are dead?<br />

According to James 2:17-26,<br />

“So you see, faith by itself isn’t<br />

enough. Unless it produces good<br />

deeds, it is dead and useless…<br />

How can you show me your faith<br />

if you don’t have good deeds?<br />

I will show you my faith by my<br />

good deeds…You say you have<br />

faith, for you believe that there<br />

is one God. Good for you! Even<br />

the demons believe this, and<br />

they tremble in terror…So you<br />

see, we are shown to be right<br />

with God by what we do, not by<br />

faith alone.”<br />

After paragraphs convincing that<br />

our own works are not subject to<br />

our salvation, we learn now that<br />

faith without works is useless.<br />

So, why is it that we are told only<br />

belief through Jesus will reward<br />

us with salvation when in fact<br />

our faith alone is dead without<br />

works? Once we have been<br />

accepted into the Kingdom of<br />

God, that is our home. This life,<br />

this earth, this body is no longer<br />

your home. Heaven is. “Above<br />

all, you must live as citizens of<br />

heaven, conducting yourselves<br />

in a manner worthy of the Good<br />

News about Christ” (Philippians<br />

1:27 NLT). And as citizens of<br />

Heaven, we are to make sure<br />

we have many neighbors in our<br />

eternal home. Once you have<br />

opened the door to your heart<br />

for Christ to enter, He infiltrates<br />

your mind, body, and spirit. For<br />

that very reason, you will produce<br />

works. You will continue to<br />

fall short and sin, that is inevitable,<br />

but you now have the everlasting<br />

grace of a mighty Savior<br />

who has already wiped your<br />

slate white as snow. Our good<br />

deeds are a result of who we are<br />

in Christ and Him dwelling within<br />

us, they are because we are<br />

saved, not in efforts to be saved.<br />

Finally, if we receive salvation<br />

through faith in Christ, can it<br />

ever be taken away from us? Sin<br />

is what always has and always<br />

will separate people from God.<br />

When Jesus conquered sin and<br />

its consequence of eternal death,<br />

He paved a bridge between<br />

God and His people. He is the<br />

Intercession that was needed to<br />

cancel the debt of sin once and<br />

for all. Because of Jesus, sin can<br />

no longer separate children from<br />

their Father. Of course, once you<br />

have become a new creation in<br />

Christ, you view sin differently.<br />

“Well then, since God’s grace<br />

has set us free from the law,<br />

does that mean we can go on<br />

sinning? Of course not! Don’t<br />

you realize that you become the<br />

slave of whatever you choose<br />

to obey? You can be a slave to<br />

sin, which leads to death, or you<br />

can choose to obey God, which<br />

leads to righteous living. Thank<br />

God! Once you were slave of<br />

sin, but now you who wholeheartedly<br />

obey this teaching we<br />

have given you. Now you are<br />

free from your slavery to sin and<br />

you have become slaves to righteous<br />

living.”<br />

(Romans 6:13 NLT)<br />

Once slaves of sin, now slaves<br />

of righteousness. What a sweet<br />

exchange. What then can separate<br />

us from God?<br />

“…And I am convinced that nothing<br />

can ever separate us from<br />

God’s love. Neither death nor<br />

life, neither angels nor demons,<br />

neither our fears for today nor<br />

our worries about tomorrow—<br />

not even the powers of hell can<br />

separate us from God’s love. No<br />

power in the sky above or in the<br />

earth below—indeed, nothing in<br />

all creation will ever be able to<br />

separate us from the love of God<br />

that is revealed in Christ Jesus<br />

our Lord.”<br />

(Romans 8:37-39 NLT)<br />

Nothing can separate you from<br />

the Father’s love. His Son is<br />

the only way, the only truth, and<br />

the only life. He is not only the<br />

way toward salvation, but He is<br />

redemptive salvation in and of<br />


Books<br />

Elmer Towns is the cofounder<br />

of Liberty University,<br />

the largest private,<br />

non-profit university in the world.<br />

Elmer is dedicated to serving the<br />

Lord and is a teacher that loves<br />

to teach. He has authored many<br />

books and his most recent one is<br />

Three Searching Kings.<br />

Please tell us a little about<br />

Three Searching Kings. How<br />

long did it take you to write it?<br />

I wrote this book in 2 periods of<br />

time. Several years ago I heard<br />

a sermon at Thomas Road Baptist<br />

Church where someone said<br />

that there were 100 Wisemen<br />

who came to Jerusalem because<br />

all of the city was upset over<br />

their appearance. I knew historical<br />

research differed so I did the<br />

research and began writing to<br />

prove that there were probably<br />

three kings that came to Jerusalem.<br />

Then most of the material<br />

in the last chapter the next<br />

place in the Towns auditorium at<br />

Liberty University where a visiting<br />

scholar from the Near East is<br />

lecturing on the myths and reality<br />

of the three Magi. That was<br />

done years ago.<br />

Two years ago I took a sabbatical<br />

and during that time I rewrote<br />

the book and brought it up to<br />

date.<br />

How did you come up with the<br />

title?<br />

For the longest time I called it<br />

Three Denied Kings and was<br />

searching for a title. One day<br />

over the phone I was talking to<br />

someone and I forgot the word<br />

denied and out came the new<br />

word searching and that was it.<br />

Is writing your career?<br />

No, I see myself as a teacher<br />

who loves to teach, but I do<br />

research to prepare myself to<br />

teach. Therefore when I do the<br />

research for a class, I love to take<br />

advantage for all my researching<br />

so I write it up into an article then<br />

a book. Sometimes several articles<br />

become a book. Researching<br />

and writing is an extension of<br />

my teaching career.<br />

How many pages are in the<br />

book and what age is it suitable<br />

for?<br />

The book has 191 pages, and it<br />

is suitable for teens and adults. I<br />

think teens today would be interested<br />

in observations about the<br />

study of the plants and stars.<br />

JElmer Towns Discusses His Latest Bo<br />

Also, they might be interested<br />

in faceted of historical research<br />

as well as cultural research. But<br />

then again many will be interested<br />

in the insight it brings to<br />

the story of the three Magi.<br />

Where can the book be purchased?<br />

It is for sale Barnes and Noble,<br />

Target, Walmart, LifeWay and<br />

Amazon.<br />

Do you have a website where<br />

others can keep up with your<br />

books or a Facebook page?<br />

By Lisa

ok, “Three Searching Kings” quez<br />

Stillwell<br />

My website is: elmer.towns.com<br />

Who designed the cover of<br />

your book?<br />

The cover was designed by the<br />

artist at Heritage Builders Publishing.<br />

What was the hardest part of<br />

writing your book?<br />

It was not a hard book to write. It<br />

flowed very easy. Once I established<br />

there were going to be<br />

three men who had a heritage<br />

and/or past lineage to be the<br />

kings of their country, all I had<br />

to do was to get the three men<br />

together and tell the story of how<br />

they learned more about the<br />

Baby King.<br />

Did you learn anything from<br />

writing your book? If so, what<br />

did you learn?<br />

Writing fiction is liberating<br />

and you feel free. When I am<br />

describing a church or pastor,<br />

I am locked into the historical<br />

situation. However, when I<br />

am describing people from history<br />

using my imagination, I can<br />

dress them according to the situation.<br />

I can move them according<br />

to the story, and I can arrive<br />

at conclusions that are predicted<br />

in the thesis of the book.<br />

I learned from this book that all<br />

of us are like the Magi or Kings.<br />

We are on a journey that is driven<br />

by our dream. We are searching<br />

for the ultimate in life which<br />

is the Lord Jesus Christ. Just as<br />

the Magi went searching for the<br />

Baby King, so we must dedicate<br />

our life to Jesus and spend our<br />

resources, physical strength and<br />

time searching for Him and worshipping<br />

Him.<br />

Lastly, what is your favorite<br />

line in the book and how has<br />

that been a guide to you?<br />

My favorite line is the last one<br />

in the book. The three searching<br />

kings dedicated the most<br />

precious thing in their life to the<br />

Baby and went on a thousand<br />

mile journey to worship the Baby.<br />

When they found the Baby King,<br />

they not only worship Him, the<br />

Baby King changed their life.<br />

Then the very last chapter of the<br />

book says, “They worshipped<br />

Him, and thereafter they served<br />

the King that they worshipped.

And in so doing, they thereafter<br />

attained kingly qualities, which is<br />

one reason they are called Three<br />

Searching Kings.” Page 187<br />

Thank you so much for letting<br />

Faith Filled Family interview you.<br />

We pray that the Lord will continue<br />

to bless your endeavors<br />

as you serve Him. Thank you<br />

for sharing your writing talent for<br />

others to enjoy!<br />

Please see the review on this<br />

book from the publisher and<br />

this was sent out to everyone<br />

on my email list of over 1600<br />



Three Searching Kings<br />

Written by Elmer Towns<br />

Published by Family<br />

Heritage Publishers<br />

Price: $16.95<br />

There has been much controversy<br />

about the three Wisemen<br />

who brought gifts of gold, frankincense,<br />

and myrrh to worship the<br />

baby Jesus. Were they kings?<br />

Were there three? What nation<br />

did they represent? How old was<br />

Jesus? And what happened to<br />

them when they returned home?<br />

Elmer Towns has based his<br />

novel, Three Searching Kings,<br />

on historical research and constructed<br />

answers surrounding<br />

the three Wisemen. According to<br />

church tradition, they were: Melchior<br />

from Persia, Belshazzar<br />

from Ethiopia, and Gasper from<br />

Europe. Each Wiseman represented<br />

the three sons of Noah.<br />

They are a picture of all nations<br />

coming to worship the baby born<br />

to rule the world.<br />

Technically, none of the three<br />

were kings, but each had mixed<br />

blood flowing in his veins and<br />

each could potentially be considered<br />

for the throne in his<br />

home country but circumstances<br />

blocked their path to the throne.<br />

However, each represented their<br />

country’s tradition of bringing<br />

gifts to a neighboring kingdom<br />

when a potential successor was<br />

born. Hence, potential kings<br />

brought gifts to the baby who<br />

was the potential King of all<br />

nations.<br />

But it’s not a simple re-telling<br />

of the Christmas story. Each<br />

of the three is realistically<br />

tempted to leave his search<br />

for the baby to return home to<br />

ascend the throne and realize<br />

his life-long dream of becoming<br />

king. The enticement represents<br />

the three-fold temptation<br />

of the lust of the flesh (pleasing<br />

the body), the lust of the eyes<br />

(getting money or stuff), and<br />

the pride of life (power). Just<br />

as each believer is tempted<br />

to satisfy their desires in life<br />

by these three desires, so the<br />

three kings faced decisions to<br />

turn away from their search for<br />

the baby King.<br />

So the reader identifying with<br />

each crisis will face the ultimate<br />

decision in life. “Will I worship<br />

the baby King of all kings, or<br />

will I spend my life satisfying my<br />

desires?”<br />

There is a Hebrew servant who<br />

serves the three potential kings.<br />

He’s placed there by God to help<br />

them learn things they couldn’t<br />

otherwise learn and do things<br />

they otherwise wouldn’t do. To<br />

tell you who he is will spoil the<br />

ending. But he does show up<br />

2,000 years later.<br />

A masterful blend of historical<br />

tradition, fiction, and Biblical<br />

truth.<br />

To purchase go to http://www.<br />

amazon.com/Three-Searching-Kings-Elmer-Towns/<br />

dp/1942603002. Pre-order purchase<br />

price is $16.95.<br />



AMAZON<br />

ITUNES<br />


Don’t Judge Me<br />

Judgement is for<br />

the Condemned<br />

By Charlaine Martin<br />

W<br />

hen I was a teenager I loved playing the board<br />

game with family and friends called “Monopoly”.<br />

I was reminded of this game when sorting<br />

through storage the other day when I found my<br />

Dad’s Monopoly game from the 1930s or 1940s.<br />

It was fun collecting properties while buying out<br />

other players in hopes of having a monopoly on<br />

the imaginary city. There were some interesting<br />

cards to be drawn, one of which was, “Go to Jail,<br />

go directly to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect<br />

$200.” No one wanted that card because, while sitting<br />

in jail for the required time, people could buy up<br />

the lucrative properties. But every once in a while,<br />

someone was lucky enough to draw the “Get Out<br />

of Jail Free” card. This card could be held until the<br />

unfortunate event came when one would have to<br />

go to jail. He or she could triumphantly pull the “Get<br />

Out of Jail Free” card, placing it in the middle, and<br />

continue gathering wealth. This card was a onetime<br />

use, though. Do we as Christians sometimes<br />

think that our salvation is an all-time “Get Out of<br />

Judgment Free” card? We do get a piece of Heavenly<br />

real estate as believers. Right? Do we even<br />

face judgment since Jesus paid for our sin and we<br />

accepted Him as our Savior? These questions are<br />

certainly food for thought. Although as Christians,<br />

Jesus’ shed blood on the cross is sufficient to pay<br />

for all of our sins for all time, it’s unreasonable to<br />

think we don’t face judgment at all.<br />

Judgment- What is it?<br />

We see in the Old Testament all sin has a consequence.<br />

Since the time of Adam and Eve, the<br />

penalty for sin was death. The first sacrifice for<br />

sin was made by God when He provided clothing<br />

from animal skins for Adam and Eve (Genesis

“Jesus’ shed blood<br />

on the cross is sufficient<br />

to pay for<br />

all of our sins for<br />

all time, it’s unreasonable<br />

to think<br />

we don’t face judgment<br />

at all.”<br />

2:21). This led to loss of fellowship with God, loss<br />

of Garden of Eden privileges for their own safety,<br />

enmity between the woman and the serpent, pain<br />

in childbearing, and hard labor (Genesis 2). People<br />

were required to atone for their sins as prescribed<br />

in the Law of Moses (Exodus 30:9-10), although<br />

they performed sacrifices before that time. There<br />

must have been an oral history given regarding<br />

sacrifice for sin before Moses wrote it down for<br />

Israel. Each sin anyone committed required a certain<br />

sacrifice. The penalty for sin was death and<br />

only blood sacrifice could atone for sin (Romans<br />

6:23).<br />

A major judgment on human beings was the worldwide<br />

flood when Noah built an Ark as God told him<br />

to do (Genesis 7). He took his family and two of<br />

every kind of animal, with 7 pair of those to be sacrificed<br />

later. Wickedness had become so rampant<br />

that God wiped out all wickedness known at that<br />

time (Genesis 6:5-7). The wide-spread sin grieved<br />

God, but He spared Noah and his family because<br />

of Noah’s faith.<br />

The angels were also judged, something not considered<br />

much when we think of judgment. Lucifer<br />

was an angel who served God in His court. However,<br />

Lucifer was very beautiful and proud. As a<br />

result of his pride, he and one-third of the angels<br />

who followed him were cast out of heaven (Isaiah<br />

14:11-13). He is considered the Prince of the Air<br />

and the Prince of this dark world (Ephesians 2:2,<br />

6:11-13). Lucifer was the serpent in the Garden of<br />

Eden. He and his followers will be judged again<br />

by God and cast into the Lake of Fire, which is<br />

the second death (Revelation 20:10). There is an<br />

interesting point with angels. Scripture does not<br />

say they have salvation offered to them as we do.<br />

They are curious about such things and long to<br />

look into this phenomenon we are privileged to<br />

experience (1 Peter 1:11-13). (Graham)<br />

When Israel sinned by following other gods, the<br />

Lord God warned them about impending judgment.<br />

They could have avoided it by repenting,<br />

that is, turning back to Him and leaving their idols<br />

behind; however, they did not. When the kingdom<br />

of Israel split under Rehoboam (1Kings 12:17) and<br />

Jeroboam (1 Kings 12:20), the ten tribes of Israel<br />

continued in spiral downward until they were taken<br />

captive first by Assyria in 722 BC (2 Kings 24:12-<br />

14). Judah, the remaining two tribes, were faithful<br />

for a while longer, but were taken captive around<br />

586 BC by Babylon at the time Assyria was also

conquered (2 Kings 25:1-3). (New Open Bible, I)<br />

God’s chosen people broke their covenant with<br />

God from their side of the agreement, but God<br />

offered a new covenant that would include not only<br />

the Jews, but the Gentiles (non-Jews) as well. He<br />

also told them a Messiah was coming through the<br />

prophets.<br />

At just the right time, God sent Jesus, fully God<br />

and fully man to pay the penalty for sin once for<br />

all (Romans 3:24-26). Those who accept this<br />

gift of salvation have eternal life in Him with God<br />

(John 3:14-16). New Jerusalem is described as<br />

that place where God’s people will dwell forever<br />

with Him. There will be no pain, no crying, and<br />

no evil will ever enter (Revelation 21:2, 20-27).<br />

Those who do not are judged guilty and cast into<br />

the Lake of Fire with Satan and his demons. This<br />

is the second death (Revelation 20:11-15).<br />

Christians, those who have spent a fair amount<br />

of time in Bible study, know at least some of the<br />

history and types of judgment and atonement.<br />

Unfortunately, the notion of judgment for believers<br />

is rarely discussed.<br />

Judgment- Who is it for?<br />

I remember sending my kids to their rooms when<br />

they misbehaved. I made sure each one understood<br />

what they did wrong, what they should do<br />

the next time, and sent them to think about it.<br />

The timer was set so I did not forget about them.<br />

Almost every time, while I was occupied taking<br />

care of some task, a little voice would quietly<br />

ask, “Mommy, can I come out now? I promise to<br />

behave.” Of course, they were allowed to come<br />

out when the timer rang. They were my children<br />

before they misbehaved, while they were in timeout,<br />

and after they came out. They would have still<br />

been my children even if they kept doing things<br />

they should not do. I would love them regardless,<br />

but seeing them continue in disobedience would<br />

grieve my heart terribly. Somehow, separation<br />

for a time was helpful. At other times it may have<br />

been losing a privilege that helped. Our heavenly<br />

Father who redeemed us through Christ still loves<br />

us when we sin, but it grieves His heart. He disciplines<br />

us when we sin because He loves us. What<br />

He desires of us is that our love for Him shows in<br />

our behavior. Jesus said, “Anyone who loves me<br />

will obey my teaching. My Father will love them,<br />

and we will come to them and make our home with<br />

them.” John 14:23 NIV<br />

Judgment is for all people of all time. With the first<br />

judgment for us as believers, Jesus paid it all. We<br />

will not be condemned as those who do not believe<br />

in Jesus as Savior. We are saved by grace. That’s<br />

the good news. The solemn news is that we are<br />

held accountable for what we do in Jesus’ Name.<br />

We wrestle with our old sin nature in this life. Paul<br />

refers to this in Romans 7:18-25. It is by the power<br />

of God we are rescued from our slavery to sin.<br />

The first judgment for believers is that of self-judgment.<br />

We are to examine ourselves with sober<br />

judgment (Romans 12:2-3). By assessing our<br />

thoughts, attitudes, and actions we may take every<br />

thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2<br />

Corinthians 10:4-5). We are also to offer ourselves<br />

as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God,<br />

which is our reasonable service (Romans 12:1-3).<br />

We serve a Holy God who wants loving obedience<br />

from His children. We must take up our cross daily<br />

to follow Christ. Every day we make a decision to<br />

follow Him or follow ourselves. We cannot do both.<br />

The second is judgment by others both Christian<br />

and non-Christian. What we do affects other<br />

people around us. What we say we believe and<br />

what we do must not conflict with each other. For<br />

other Christians, we either show them how to live<br />

godly lives or we lead them astray. For the non-<br />

Christian, we either show them Christ’s love that<br />

they might come to know Jesus as Savior and<br />

Lord or we discourage them from knowing Jesus.<br />

We either build the kingdom or prevent others from<br />

entering it.<br />

We also have a heavenly audience- the angels<br />

(1 Corinthians 4:9). Angels do not understand the<br />

grace we have and marvel at it. They long to look<br />

into this (1 Peter 1:12). That audience in the great<br />

cloud of witnesses is described in Hebrews 12:1.<br />

Those believers who have gone on before us are<br />

also cheering us on in this race called life. What we<br />

do is witnessed by God, the angels, and believers<br />

who have gone to be with the Lord already. We<br />

certainly would not want to be disqualified.<br />

Another part of the judgment is by authorities in the<br />

church. If a church member is committing grievous<br />

sin, refusing to repent, the leadership of the church<br />

may practice church discipline in accordance to<br />

Matthew 18:15-20. A Christian who is unsuccess-

ful seeking resolution with another Christian may<br />

also bring the individual to the attention of the<br />

pastor and elders and go through the due process<br />

to either ensure the cooperation of the individual<br />

or expel them from the fellowship of the church.<br />

This person would be treated as an unbeliever at<br />

this point. Of course, church discipline should be<br />

handled prayerfully and carefully, but firmly.<br />

When we die, all will stand before the Great White<br />

Throne. Those whose name is in the Book of<br />

Life are saved. Those who are not will perish in<br />

the Lake of Fire with Satan and His demons- the<br />

second death. They will be no more. We will go<br />

before Jesus Christ for rewards as if we were in<br />

an athletic competition going before the Judge of<br />

the Race rather than coming before a Judge in a<br />

Court of Law (1 Corinthians 9:24-25). The judgment<br />

Christ makes is a determining of how we’ve<br />

lived our lives for Him. What have we done with<br />

the talents He entrusted to us? According to 1 Corinthians<br />

3:10-15, our works will be tested by fire.<br />

Either they will burn away like chaff or they will<br />

withstand the test, deserving an eternal reward.<br />

Some will enter His presence as if escaping a<br />

fire with no reward, while others will have heavenly<br />

treasures to show for what they’ve done in<br />

His Name. Some believe there will be shame as<br />

our works are brought out before everyone present.<br />

Some Christians believe there will be shame,<br />

because either there is nothing for us, or not as<br />

much as we had hoped. We all still enter the Lord’s<br />

rest for eternity.<br />

Judgment- What should we expect?<br />

The sins we commit cause a downward spiral into<br />

one big mess. All sin boils down to idolatry of self.<br />

We set ourselves up as the standard setter and<br />

judge. When we continue to sin, we begin to feel<br />

the effects before we are willing to acknowledge<br />

them. Here is the trend:<br />

• We lose fellowship with God, not salvation. Our<br />

prayers either cease, God refuses to answer our<br />

prayers, or both.<br />

• Pride and self-righteousness set up in our hearts.<br />

We begin to ignore what the Bible says. It shows in<br />

our attitudes and behavior.<br />

• We lose fellowship with our brothers and sisters<br />

in Christ. We stop spending time with other Christians<br />

at church and other places. Sometimes,<br />

we fear of what they might say or we respond to<br />

something they have said.<br />

• Our relationships with others suffer. Irritability,<br />

anger, and unforgiveness move in.<br />

• Our health, work, finances, and other areas of life<br />

suffer. We lose blessings because we’ve lost fellowship<br />

with God, other Christians, and have alienated<br />

other people by our attitudes and behavior.<br />

God allows us to feel the natural consequences of<br />

our sin.<br />

• We grieve the Holy Spirit when we don’t confess<br />

our sin and ask forgiveness. Eventually, there may<br />

be a sin unto death.<br />

What do we do now?<br />

One of the issues Chuck Swindoll brings up in his<br />

book, “Grace Awakening” is many Christians tend<br />

toward either being grace killers or grace abusers.<br />

In other words, we are likely to gravitate toward<br />

being hypercritical of others- legalism, or “God<br />

is love” so we don’t want anyone to feel bad- liberalism.<br />

Learning a healthy balance is a fine line<br />

(Swindoll) Elise Morgan, in her book Naked Fruit,<br />

suggests that becoming more like Christ is a process.<br />

When we bear the fruit of love, joy, peace,<br />

patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,<br />

and self-control, although not always in a<br />

neat, tidy manner, we show Whose we are. God<br />

uses our personalities, through which we show this<br />

fruit. It’s about living right, not always being nice.<br />

Spiritual fruit is the evidence of spiritual growth<br />

(Morgan). For those who live according to the<br />

flesh, they show such things as sexual immorality,<br />

impurity, debauchery (i.e. excessive indulgence<br />

and sensual pleasures) idolatry witchcraft, hatred,<br />

discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions,<br />

factions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and<br />

so on will not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians<br />

5:19-25). We are like a tree, planted by streams<br />

of water, which yields fruit in season, whose leaf<br />

does not wither, and whatever we do will prosper<br />

(Psalm 1:3) We are blessed abundantly! This is<br />

the result of meditating on and living out the Word<br />

of God. It is vital to our walk with the Lord that<br />

we prayerfully examine ourselves with sober judgment<br />

allowing ourselves to be shaped and molded

more into the image of Christ by our Creator.<br />

Believers sin from time to time. Our old nature gets<br />

the better of us every once in a while. Most of the<br />

time, we repent by apologizing to God and those<br />

we offended, request forgiveness, and change our<br />

behavior accordingly. Remaining in sin is a huge<br />

problem. Once we realize we are struggling with a<br />

sin issue, these are the things we need to do to be<br />

back where we belong:<br />

1. Count the cost of following Christ (Luke 14:25-<br />

33). Think through what you need to give up to be<br />

a fully committed follower of Jesus Christ. Then<br />

begin the cleansing. Take your list and begin<br />

changing your life one thing at a time.<br />

2. Remember those who are watching you (Mark<br />

9:42). Nothing is more humbling as a parent than<br />

when we see or hear our children imitate us!<br />

People are watching us to see what following<br />

Christ really means. You may be the only person<br />

who shows them Jesus.<br />

3. Take the time to confess sin to someone safe.<br />

We are told, “Therefore confess your sins to each<br />

other and pray for each other so that you may be<br />

healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful<br />

and effective.” James 5:16 NIV. Find another<br />

believer who is wise and discrete with whom you<br />

can share this sin issue. Pray together for your<br />

release from this sin’s bondage and for your spiritual,<br />

physical, and emotional healing.<br />

4. Forgive and ask forgiveness (Matthew 6:14-15;<br />

Mark 11:25; Ephesians 4:32; 1 John 1:9). First,<br />

forgive others who have hurt you. Maybe your<br />

sin is related to past pain. Maybe people hurt you<br />

because you were struggling with sin, not understanding<br />

how to help you. Forgive yourself. We are<br />

all sinners saved by grace. Extend a bit of grace<br />

to others and yourself. Then ask forgiveness from<br />

those you have hurt as a result of your sin. Make<br />

restitution if necessary.<br />

5. Get help making these changes in your life<br />

(Galatians 6:1-2). Some sins are extremely difficult<br />

to let go of alone. You may need your pastor,<br />

a counselor, a doctor, or other professional to help<br />

you.<br />

6. Make a plan and follow it. Maybe you made<br />

a plan with a friend or your pastor. Get busy by<br />

prayerfully asking the Lord to lead you away from<br />

your sin issue and to do what is right.<br />

7. Get back to basics. Go to a healthy, thriving<br />

Bible-based church. Read your Bible again, pray<br />

again, spend time with other Christians again. Surround<br />

yourself with God’s presence, His people,<br />

and His Word again.<br />

Living the Christian life is not easy, but it’s worth<br />

living because Jesus gave us this new life. We may<br />

live in this world, but this world is not our Home.<br />

By the grace given to us through Jesus Christ, we<br />

have a heavenly home waiting for us. Yes, there is<br />

heavenly real estate waiting for us. Let us enter it’s<br />

gates rich with rewards from what we have done<br />

for God’s Kingdom. We want to hear, “Well done,<br />

good and faithful servant. Enter My rest.” May we<br />

cast many, many crowns at Jesus’ feet as a result<br />

of what we’ve done in His Name.<br />

Resources:<br />

Angels by Billy Graham. Copyright 1994 by Bill<br />

Graham. Word Publishing Dallas, TX.<br />

Grace Awakening by Chuck Swindoll. Copyright<br />

2003 by Charles R. Swindoll Inc. W Publishing<br />

Group Nashville, TN.<br />

Naked Fruit by Elisa Morgan. Copyright 2004 by<br />

Elisa Morgan. Fleming H. Revell Grand Rapids,<br />

MI.<br />

“Book Notes from The Judgments (Past, Present,<br />

and Future)” By J. Hampton Keathley, III Biblical<br />

Studies Press, www.bible.org 1997.<br />

“The Judgment of Believers” Bible study<br />

notes from Apt to Teach www.apttoteach.org/<br />

BibleInsights/1Corinthians/PDF/1Corinthians3-<br />

17thejudgementofbelievers.pdf<br />

Charlaine Martin is a freelance writer and personal<br />

trainer with Totally Fit 4 Life. She holds a Bachelor’s<br />

Degree in Management with an emphasis in<br />

Christian ministry and exercise science. She lives<br />

in the Thumb of Michigan with her husband. Charlaine<br />

has three great adult children who are married<br />

and five active grandchildren.

Finance<br />

Handling your own personal<br />

finances can sometimes<br />

be a nightmare.<br />

As a single guy with only few<br />

expenses, I still stress out when<br />

I sit down to balance my checkbook.<br />

Handling the finances for<br />

your house with your spouse can<br />

lead to even more headaches as<br />

you try to balance finances for<br />

an entire home with someone<br />

who cannot read what you are<br />

thinking.<br />

Money affects nearly every<br />

aspect of an individual’s life, and<br />

if the finances get messed up,<br />

then the household will be in a<br />

state of unrest.<br />

Better Halves not only addresses<br />

financial woes and teaches how<br />

to recover from them, but they<br />

also address other areas that<br />

often times get over-looked by<br />

most debt reduction programs.<br />

Tim Schuster of Better Halves<br />

explains how…<br />

So tell us about yourself.<br />

I grew up with parents who<br />

divorced when I was young. And<br />

then I watched both of my parents<br />

re-marry and divorce again.<br />

In fact, my dad divorced twice<br />

more. Watching your parents go<br />

through four divorces is difficult<br />

– and it raised many questions<br />

for me in my adulthood. My wife,<br />

Kelsey, and I have noticed in our<br />

relationship with each other and<br />

our finances that much more is<br />

happening than simply “how to<br />

do a budget.” Money, for us, is<br />

an invitation to reflect on what<br />

is important in life, the quality of<br />

our relationships, and how we<br />

want to be part of what God is<br />

doing in the world.<br />

What is Better Halves?<br />

Better Halves is a learning<br />

experience for couples and it<br />

starts with the crazy idea that<br />

money is primarily emotional.<br />

Before we do the practical stuff<br />

of budgeting we believe it’s<br />

beneficial to start there. And, of<br />

course, that money is emotional<br />

is not a “bad” thing. We can actually<br />

use it to our advantage. So<br />

we’ve created<br />

a workshop<br />

where we train<br />

pastors and<br />

counselors<br />

and pre-marital<br />

educators<br />

to lead groups<br />

of couples<br />

through a<br />

series of<br />

activities and<br />

exercises.<br />

And Better<br />

Halves is<br />

also delivered<br />

in a small<br />

group program<br />

for groups of<br />

3-7 couples in<br />

six sessions.<br />

one that matches a variety of<br />

learning styles. Also, guys like<br />

it! Guys are often known as the<br />

ones who don’t want to go to the<br />

marriage thing, so we knew we<br />

were on to something when the<br />

guys found the experience<br />

enjoyable!<br />

What was your involvement<br />

in getting Better Halves<br />

When we<br />

started Better<br />

Halves we<br />

didn’t want<br />

Introduces C<br />

to create just<br />

another dude<br />

on a DVD –<br />

and we didn’t<br />

want a long deck of PowerPoint started?<br />

slides. We realize that everyone I’ve had the opportunity to sit<br />

has a unique learning style. For with couples as they talk about<br />

adults, learning often means their finances. I’ve seen many<br />

absorbing a new piece of information<br />

and then having the space which they can discuss finances<br />

couples find new language by<br />

to reflect on their life experience – including the deeper meanings<br />

of money and our under-<br />

in light of this information. In this<br />

way, we’re able to pursue a very lying values that shape our<br />

holistic approach to finances – decisions. I’ve watched spouses

turn toward one another in new<br />

ways – ways that are absolutely<br />

profound. Then I was fortunate<br />

to play a role on the team that<br />

has taken those experiences<br />

and translated them into a curriculum<br />

we call Better Halves.<br />

It seems that Better Halves<br />

takes a very holistic approach<br />

to finances. Why do you think<br />

into new thinking. In our opinion,<br />

money is connected to almost<br />

every area of life – and because<br />

of that, there is an opportunity to<br />

use money as a way of personal<br />

development, spiritual formation,<br />

and marriage enrichment. If we<br />

are successful, we will show the<br />

world that money is not separate<br />

from life – it is the real stuff of<br />

life, and it includes relationships,<br />

There are really amazing people<br />

who have done great work helping<br />

people get out of the trap of<br />

consumer debt. We love hearing<br />

those stories of freedom. With<br />

the Better Halves program,<br />

we’re interested in this, too – but<br />

we’re also very, very interested<br />

in seeing the “underlying issues”<br />

as an opportunity to grow into<br />

a deeper awareness of what<br />

Tim Schuster<br />

ouples to Better Halves<br />

By Brandon Knight<br />

the emotional and spiritual<br />

aspects of our lives matter<br />

when it comes to finances?<br />

So much of the resources on<br />

finances out there are, in our<br />

opinion, overly practical. They<br />

go too quickly to debt reduction,<br />

budgeting, and saving. We don’t<br />

think our way into new behaviors<br />

as much as we behave our way<br />

our quest for wholeness, our<br />

desire for an integrated life, and<br />

how we participate in this world<br />

with our resources.<br />

Why do you think other<br />

resources just address the<br />

“here’s the steps to get out of<br />

debt” aspect rather than these<br />

underlying issues?<br />

is happening in our relationship<br />

with our finances and each<br />

other. Once you’ve had a taste<br />

of this, it’s hard to turn back. For<br />

instance, we ask people about<br />

their earliest memory of money<br />

– and the stories really help surface<br />

new insights that just can’t<br />

be ignored. It’s about creating<br />

a life of wholeness rather than

wealth.<br />

Obviously this program is<br />

for married couples, but is it<br />

geared more for newlyweds,<br />

couples who have been married<br />

for 10+ years, or any<br />

couple at any place in their<br />

marriage?<br />

We don’t recommend the Better<br />

Halves workshop or small<br />

group program as a first date!<br />

But any time after that … couples<br />

should consider it. We believe all<br />

couples deserve a place to dig<br />

into the deeper stuff of finances<br />

– and everyone deserves a<br />

community to wrestle with these<br />

topics. We partner with churches<br />

who see Better Halves as a<br />

tool for their pre-marriage seminars<br />

as well as churches who<br />

do marriage retreats and small<br />

groups.<br />

What is the Couple Checkup<br />

and why do couples have to<br />

take it before participating in<br />

Better Halves?<br />

We’re really fortunate to partner<br />

with PREPARE-ENRICH,<br />

a company with a shared mission<br />

of making people stronger.<br />

They have a “do it yourself”<br />

assessment called the Couple<br />

Checkup – and we’ve worked<br />

it out so that couples can take<br />

the Couple Checkup prior to<br />

attending the workshop or small<br />

group. It serves as a great primer<br />

to the experience.<br />

Are there any other ministries<br />

you are engaged in?<br />

In addition to my role at brightpeak<br />

and the Better Halves<br />

team, I’m the founder of thisis-<br />

MIDTOWN.org, a group that<br />

helps other groups that are leading<br />

initiatives to make the world<br />

a better place. It’s a really fun<br />

project to be part of.<br />

How can someone get enrolled<br />

in Better Halves?<br />

We have very big goals for this<br />

program. We can’t do it alone. We<br />

need hundreds – no, thousands!<br />

– of facilitators in churches and<br />

other communities across the<br />

country to get trained to facilitate<br />

the Better Halves experience<br />

in their context. A couple who is<br />

interested should either consider<br />

leading this themselves – or find<br />

a pastor or leader to get trained<br />

to lead it. Check out betterhalves.com.<br />

Thank you for your time! Any<br />

final comments?<br />

Thank you!<br />

Brandon Knight is a young gun,<br />

a martial artist, and a freelance<br />

writer. He resides in northwest<br />

Indiana and recently began<br />

seminary through Moody Theological<br />

Seminary. Brandon has a<br />

passion for preaching the Gospel<br />

and seeing it transform lives. He<br />

loves Jesus, comic books, and<br />

the Chicago Cubs.

When a pet owner dies or becomes disabled, what happens to their pets?<br />

According to the ASPCA, 8 to 12 million dogs and cats enter shelters nationwide every year and 5 to 9<br />

million are euthanized (60% of dogs and 70% of cats). Of the animals surrendered to shelters, 2% to 3% are<br />

relinquished due to the death or disability of their human caregivers.<br />

“Orphaned” pets do not adjust well to the experience in a shelter—they refuse to eat, they are despondent,<br />

and they are often labeled “unadoptable.” Sadly, many healthy, adoptable pets are euthanized simply<br />

because their pet owners did not plan for their continuous care.<br />

Pet owners should identify committed caregivers who can care for their pets, maintain written care<br />

instructions and set up a finance plan or set aside funds to cover the expenses for the continued care of<br />

their pets.<br />

For more information, to volunteer or to donate please visit www@2ndchance4pets.org.<br />

2nd Chance 4 Pets is a 501c3 all-volunteer nonprofit advocacy organization. Our team is working to reduce the number of pets<br />

euthanized due to the death or disability of the pet owner. For more information, please visit 2ndchance4pets.org. Our tax ID<br />

number is 13-4280812.<br />


Praying to Idols is O.k.<br />

As Long As They’re Holy<br />

By Michelle C. Danko<br />

The topic of praying to false<br />

gods and deities should be<br />

an obvious error, but is not<br />

always the case. The Catholic<br />

faith has been questioned for<br />

their praying to the saints by<br />

Evangelicals who feel that they<br />

are worshipping the dead. They<br />

claim that they are in no way<br />

worshipping or praying to the<br />

dead, but rather that the saints<br />

intercede on their behalf. Then<br />

we have Christians who are<br />

doing mash ups by taking bits<br />

from each religion and creating<br />

their own while deceiving themselves<br />

into believing that each<br />

religion holds a nugget of truth<br />

when in fact some do not point to<br />

God. Many have scripture that<br />

supports their belief, and they<br />

can articulate it with great validity.<br />

However, the bottom line is:<br />

What is the truth?<br />

Catholics are dismayed and<br />

somewhat hurt by the perception<br />

that they worship the saints<br />

when indeed this is a false perception.<br />

Catholics do not worship<br />

the saints, but rather pray<br />

for the saints to intercede on their<br />

behalf. Catholics believe that<br />

the people in Heaven are alive<br />

(Matthew 19:29, 25:46, 10:17-<br />

22, Mark 10:30, Luke 10:25-30,<br />

Luke 18:18-30, John 3:15-16),<br />

but not alive in the sense that any<br />

conjuring takes place. Regarding<br />

praying to the Virgin Mary,<br />

many Catholics believe that she<br />

was without sin as God could not<br />

inhabit a body where sin existed,<br />

and that as Jesus’ mother, she<br />

had a special place in Heaven.<br />

They ask her to pray to Jesus for<br />

them, but they do not worship<br />

her.<br />

Catholics pray to the Virgin Mary<br />

because they believe that she is<br />

alive, and interceding on behalf<br />

of the sinners, the unsaved, and<br />

on behalf of the sorrows of the<br />

world. When Catholics pray to<br />

God, they believe they are uttering<br />

a petition to God. When they<br />

pray to the Virgin Mary or to the<br />

saints, they believe that they are<br />

making an earnest request for

prayers to be answered. They<br />

believe that Mary was a devout<br />

prayer warrior, and that is why<br />

we see an emphasis on Mary.<br />

This belief stems from a scripture<br />

found in Luke 1:46-49 wherein<br />

Mary says, “My soul magnifies<br />

the Lord, and my spirit has<br />

rejoiced in God my Savior. For<br />

He has regarded the lowly state<br />

of his maidservant; For behold,<br />

henceforth all generations will<br />

call me blessed.” The interpretation<br />

is that Jesus is magnified by<br />

Mary’s soul, and since the soul is<br />

eternal, she enforces her eternal<br />

ministry by saying that all generations<br />

will call her blessed. They<br />

refer to Mary as “the blessed<br />

Virgin Mary” due to the scripture<br />

that says all generations will call<br />

her blessed.<br />

The challenge in theology begins<br />

here between Evangelicals and<br />

Catholics. The argument is quite<br />

intriguing, and their interpretation<br />

of scripture even more so.<br />

The scripture provided above,<br />

when you look at it in context,<br />

can be interpreted to mean that<br />

Mary is expressing her thanks to<br />

the Lord. She is visiting Elizabeth<br />

who is pregnant with John<br />

the Baptist, and Elizabeth calls<br />

her blessed among women to be<br />

carrying Jesus- which she is. All<br />

generations will call her blessed<br />

means that all generations will<br />

see God’s promise come to<br />

pass through her. By the birth<br />

and resurrection of Jesus, all<br />

generations will be blessed as<br />

a result of her obedience. So<br />

Mary is indeed blessed because<br />

she is carrying the messiah, but<br />

may or may not in reality be that<br />

exalted. We really don’t know.<br />

It’s left to interpretation.

The larger clash between the<br />

two faiths comes in praying to<br />

the saints. The Catholics see<br />

the saints as interceding and<br />

alive in Heaven. Some Evangelicals<br />

see this as worshipping<br />

the saints, and others see it as a<br />

scriptural error. From an Evangelical<br />

point, they see it as praying/talking<br />

to the dead- which<br />

the Bible expressly forbids.<br />

If we turn to the Bible, God finds<br />

communicating with the dead<br />

to be detestable. However, the<br />

references made to this include<br />

necromancers, soothsayers,<br />

etc which in today’s day and<br />

age would be the equivalent of<br />

mediums, sorcerers, fortune<br />

tellers, etc who contact the<br />

dead and who believe that the<br />

dead speak to them. There is a<br />

belief that once we die and our<br />

body ascends/descends (as the<br />

case may be), that communication<br />

with the living is no more.<br />

Angels have been recorded to<br />

communicate to the living, and<br />

they still do. However, they are<br />

not people. People are different<br />

in Heaven, and from what we do<br />

know, according to the Bible, do<br />

not communicate with the living.<br />

Only Satan uses this tactic of<br />

communication.<br />

In the Bible, we do not see<br />

anyone praying to the saints<br />

including Jesus. He always<br />

prayed directly to the Father.<br />

We know that God is omnipresent<br />

(everywhere) and is able<br />

to hear our prayers. Catholics<br />

have a different argument<br />

based on Revelation 5:8 which<br />

reads, “When He had taken the<br />

book, the four living creatures<br />

and the twenty-four elders fell<br />

down before the Lamb, each<br />

one holding a harp and golden<br />

bowls full of incense, which are<br />

the prayers of the saints” that<br />

the saints take our prayers to<br />

God. Evangelicals would say<br />

that the prayers of the saints<br />

refer to God’s children (us) and<br />

the twenty-four elders could be<br />

angels or anything else for that<br />

matter- not saints specifically.<br />

The Catholics believe that this<br />

scripture means that the saints<br />

hear our prayers. However, the<br />

scripture reads “elders”. We do<br />

not know whether they are one<br />

and the same.<br />

We do know, definitively, that<br />

the Bible refers to Jesus as our<br />

mediator/intercessor.<br />

“For there is one God and one<br />

mediator between God and men,<br />

the man Christ Jesus” 1 Timothy<br />

2:5<br />

“He is able to save forever those<br />

who draw near to God through<br />

him, because he always lives<br />

to make intercession for them”<br />

Hebrews 7:25<br />

“Who is he that condemns? It<br />

is Christ that died, rather, that<br />

is risen again, who is even at<br />

the right hand of God, who also<br />

makes intercession for us.”<br />

(Romans 8:34)<br />

“I am the way, the truth and the<br />

life; no one can come to the<br />

Father except through me” John<br />

14:6<br />

“I pray not for the world, but for<br />

them which you have given me;<br />

for they are yours.” (John 17:9)<br />

These verses all describe Jesus<br />

as our intercessor, and it is<br />

through Jesus that we receive<br />

our salvation. We know that<br />

Jesus hears our prayers and<br />

takes them to God. He mediates<br />

on our behalf. Our sins<br />

are covered by His blood, and<br />

through Him we are sanctified.<br />

Jesus, Himself, doesn’t answer<br />

the prayers, but God our Father<br />

(as part of the trinity) does. No<br />

where does it say that Jesus<br />

doesn’t hear our prayers, and<br />

the idea of yet another intercessor<br />

implies that our prayers are<br />

petitioned to God through Jesus<br />

with saints interceding between<br />

us and Jesus. So if we believe<br />

this theology, then there is an<br />

intercessor for an intercessor.<br />

Catholics equate their praying<br />

to the saints for intercession<br />

with Evangelicals asking others<br />

to intercede for them in prayer.<br />

Evangelicals take the scripture<br />

of “Again I say to you, that if two<br />

of you agree on earth about anything<br />

that they may ask, it shall<br />

be done for them by My Father<br />

who is in heaven. For where two<br />

or three have gathered together<br />

in My name, I am there in their<br />

midst.” Matthew 18:19-20 to<br />

illustrate the power of agreement-<br />

not intercession. Intercession<br />

in Evangelical circles<br />

is praying in the Spirit, or when<br />

we receive a word of knowledge.<br />

Then we are interceding<br />

on someone’s behalf, but it is<br />

usually in conjunction with not<br />

knowing what to pray for (use<br />

the gift of tongues), interceding<br />

on behalf of someone (again in<br />

tongues), or when receiving a<br />

word of knowledge and praying<br />

it out. Word of knowledge<br />

comes from the Lord, and all of<br />

the gifts of the spirit are outlined<br />

in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10.<br />

Despite the different interpretations<br />

in theology- which may or

may not be accurate- if you want<br />

a true depiction of how to pray, I<br />

would suggest looking to Jesus<br />

who was God’s son. Jesus<br />

always prayed to God. The<br />

Bible never mentions Him praying<br />

to any other figure or person<br />

for intercession. He never mentions<br />

for us to pray to anyone<br />

other than Him, and Jesus is to<br />

be our example of what to follow<br />

on earth.<br />

While it is easy to see both<br />

opinions on scripture, it is just<br />

as easy to refute them which<br />

causes a rift in theology. To the<br />

Evangelicals, Catholics worship<br />

images because they pray to<br />

them. Their interpretation is that<br />

you cannot communicate with<br />

those no longer are on earth,<br />

nor should you worship (pray)<br />

to images or use images in any<br />

way. Catholics, on the other<br />

hand, adamantly claim that they<br />

do not worship idols, but they do<br />

pray to the saints for intercession.<br />

Furthermore, many also<br />

pray to specific saints in certain<br />

areas of their lives for things<br />

such as healing, protection, etc.<br />

because God gave them specific<br />

talents and gifts here on earth. It<br />

is the equivalent of Evangelical<br />

ministers with a healing anointing<br />

praying over an individual.<br />

This issue is a heart issue<br />

because whether you are a Catholic<br />

or Evangelical you can get<br />

on the wrong side of this equation.<br />

If your belief is in the individual<br />

for healing (for example)<br />

then you are in error whether<br />

they are dead or alive. Only one<br />

person heals, and that is God.<br />

Your ultimate focus needs to be<br />

on Him, and anything that takes<br />

your focus off of Him is an idol.<br />

So what is the truth? Both seem<br />

plausible, and it’s easy to see<br />

both sides of the argument. It<br />

ultimately boils down to staying<br />

true to the Bible and the revelation<br />

that God gives you on the<br />

subject. If you are confused,<br />

then ask God to reveal the truth<br />

to you in your Spirit. Ask for<br />

scripture that proves God’s Word<br />

because His Word is always<br />

truth. Let God guide your heart<br />

into His truth and you will never<br />


Sin No More<br />

By Brenda Stapleton<br />

As Christians, we sometimes<br />

struggle each day<br />

with decisions we make.<br />

As you live for the Lord, and<br />

through the Lord, questions<br />

begin to arise by the very definition<br />

of “what is sin?” Even a<br />

Christian, committed to a life of<br />

study and prayer, will find themselves<br />

under the pressure of<br />

Satan, who tries to change their<br />

perception of what “is” and “is<br />

not” sin, and either way, it will<br />

not affect their spiritual life. A<br />

person can become confused,<br />

and while they struggle, Satan<br />

secretly plants a seed against<br />

the teachings of the Lord. These<br />

teachings become distorted and<br />

the people who come in contact<br />

with this person, are also affected<br />

by these insecurities and vulnerabilities<br />

when they begin to<br />

question sin in their own lives.<br />

It is these times, when people<br />

begin to commit sin, and they do

so without even knowing they<br />

do. These people struggle with<br />

sin, and with the result of sinning<br />

without intention. Most of<br />

all, a strong Christian becomes<br />

a weak link in the chain, and<br />

Satan has a foothold in the lives<br />

of those on each end.<br />

As a believer, to act in accordance<br />

with forgiveness and<br />

mercy, can feel somewhat nondeserving<br />

at times. I personally<br />

feel, I have no right to ask for<br />

forgiveness for a sin I have committed<br />

once before. Then again,<br />

do I ever have the “right” to forgiveness?<br />

I refuse to begrudge<br />

myself the kindness, I would<br />

insist to others, our loving and<br />

guiding Father would allow,<br />

when prayerfully requested. I<br />

ask the Lord of forgiveness,<br />

and in my heart, I am looking<br />

forward to the next day, with<br />

blessings, with a momentum of<br />

slow and steady, and seeing no<br />

opposition, my outlook to erase<br />

sin from my life, is strength filled<br />

and Satan free.<br />

There’s just one thing I find in

times such as this, and I find in others as well. I<br />

find sheer will and determination on my part. This<br />

is one of the first of Paul’s foundations. He wrote<br />

about it in the Book of Galatians. In Galatians 3:3<br />

~<br />

“Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of<br />

the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of<br />

the flesh?”<br />

Paul, too thought at the beginning he could do<br />

it on his own. His answer came that he needed<br />

Jesus Christ to change him, that his willpower<br />

wasn’t enough. He wrote about this by chastising<br />

the people there for trying to live the Christian life<br />

“by means of the flesh, or by the human life.” We<br />

are changed by God, by conviction. This conviction<br />

we find on ourselves. Maybe your sin is pornography?<br />

This is a growing habit in society, and<br />

most people find it less sinful as long as it is kept<br />

behind closed doors. However, does God not see<br />

us? That is where the guilt comes in. The most<br />

important factor in dealing with sin, if finding the<br />

reason for the sin in the first place. What drives<br />

you to sin? You know pornography is sinful, yet<br />

it still pulls at you. So, what is pulling, and what<br />

is pushing you? Satan? No, Satan may be presenting<br />

the package, because Satan knows this is<br />

your weakness, but you have the guilt. Ask yourself<br />

what is the driving force? Pray about it. God<br />

changes us, and with change, comes wisdom to<br />

grow.<br />

For some, people claim pornography is a stress<br />

reliever for other factors in their life. Therefore, it is<br />

up to you to choose those stress releases that are<br />

healthy. What are they? What do they look like?<br />

You are not the only person who has stress. Find<br />

others around you, who are present in your life.<br />

Take the time during prayer and verbalize your<br />

transgressions, and stand in judgment of yourself.<br />

If you need to see a minister, a preacher, or<br />

a priest, then do so. Have them listen to you, and<br />

ask them to be an accountability partner to help<br />

you as you conquer this dilemma. Ask others,<br />

what do they do for stress release, and ask them if<br />

they have ever had a sinful habit? You do not have<br />

to confess your sin to them, unless it is something<br />

you want to discuss. Confess your sin to God, and<br />

listen in prayer for guidance.<br />

Maybe you feel like talking to others would be too<br />

much for you. Is this something you want to work<br />

on in a positive and safe manner? There are many<br />

places you can go to for help. There are counselors<br />

you can go talk to, and there are some inpatient<br />

centers now, that are completely voluntary if you<br />

feel you might be a danger to yourself or another,<br />

because of so many stressors. You may decide to<br />

just “stop”. You may think you are that strong, but<br />

you don’t have to go through something like this,<br />

and sacrifice your health or another healthy part of<br />

your brain or body to do so. Paul thought he was<br />

strong enough, too. What I am saying is, you may<br />

be that strong, but by putting so much stress on<br />

yourself, you are adding stress what started out<br />

as stress release. Doesn’t sound really effective in<br />

the long term, so why put that pressure on yourself,<br />

when you do not have to.<br />

As a Christian follower of the Lord and Savior,<br />

the first thing I have forgotten is the strength to<br />

overcome Satan, and to erase sin from my life has<br />

nothing to do with me, and everything to do with<br />

HIM. Just as Paul pointed out in Romans 7:18-25<br />

“For I know that good itself does not dwell in me,<br />

that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to<br />

do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do<br />

not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not<br />

want to do—this I keep on doing. Now if I do what<br />

I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it<br />

is sin living in me that does it. So I find this law at<br />

work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there<br />

with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s<br />

law; but I see another law at work in me, waging<br />

war against the law of my mind and making me a<br />

prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What<br />

a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from<br />

this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to<br />

God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our<br />

Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to<br />

God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the<br />

law of sin”<br />

Therefore, helplessly I stand wrought and dismayed<br />

the next day, and praying once again, for<br />

grace, asking merciful Jesus, grant me forgiveness,<br />

for as you know, once again, I have sinned.<br />

Not because it was Satan who caused me to fall,<br />

but it was me who failed to reject the deceitful<br />

nature of pleasure offered. It is I, who has sinned

against the Lord, not Satan. It is I, who is to blame,<br />

not Satan. It is I, who because of my habitual sins,<br />

am here feeling ashamed and lost, and in great<br />

need of your mercy and grace. It is not something<br />

we should ever expect to receive. Are there times,<br />

that we do?<br />

I believe one purpose of seeking forgiveness when<br />

we sin, is to keep us mindful of the fact that we do<br />

not deserve this incredible gift we’ve been given.<br />

As with the Parable of the Pharisee’s being good,<br />

and the Tax Collector’s admission, and simply<br />

being merciful in Luke 18:9-14<br />

“To some who were confident of their own righteousness<br />

and looked down on everyone else,<br />

Jesus told this parable: “Two men went up to the<br />

temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a<br />

tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and<br />

prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other<br />

people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even<br />

like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give<br />

a tenth of all I get.’ “But the tax collector stood at<br />

a distance. He would not even look up to heaven,<br />

but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on<br />

me, a sinner.’ “I tell you that this man, rather than<br />

the other, went home justified before God. For all<br />

those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and<br />

those who humble themselves will be exalted.”<br />

Do we habitually sin, because we believe in HIM,<br />

or have we developed a false sense of security,<br />

because the Lord has time and time again, presented<br />

HIMSELF in our lives? Have we so often<br />

felt HIS presence near, and has it made us come<br />

to expect HIM to be there, or do we believe in HIM,<br />

and the word of the Bible? Maybe it is because we<br />

expect God to grant us all of those things we know<br />

HE will, as if by believing in the Lord, we have<br />

begun to take forgiveness for granted, and whenever<br />

we sin once again, we feel an overwhelming<br />

sense of “knowing it will be okay”, because HE is<br />

our Father. And as a Christian, as a child of the<br />

Father, as a believer of the Lord- we ask for forgiveness,<br />

and we know, we are forgiven. Why,<br />

because the Bible says it; because God tells us<br />

in the Bible; because as a Christian, we know that<br />

unintentional habitual sin is different from intentional<br />

habitual sin; because as a Christian, we<br />

know that sin in our lives, is getting less and less,<br />

because we believe in the Father and we believe<br />

in the word, in which HE has told us.<br />

There’s a difference between believing the word<br />

of the Lord, and believing in the word of the Lord.<br />

If you believe the word of the Lord, then going<br />

through the motions, so to speak, saying you want<br />

the Lord to forgive you of the sins you have committed,<br />

even though you have no want to cease<br />

commission of them, is believing the word. Believing<br />

in the word though, this is knowing with every<br />

fiber of your being, the reason behind the forgiveness.<br />

It is more than because you asked. It is more<br />

than recognition of the sin itself. It is knowing we<br />

do not deserve it. It is knowing the reason the Lord<br />

“will” forgive us, is because we believe who HE<br />

died for our sins, all of them. Every sin erased,<br />

and every person made whole and clean. You are<br />

just as sinful as the idolaters, coveters, adulterers,<br />

murderers, and so on. And until HE perfects us,<br />

we’ll always be that way, as in all this we should<br />

remember that the Lord already knows all the<br />

sins of our life and forgave them all at the cross.<br />

There’s nothing we can do that isn’t covered by<br />

His love, because of this, He is able to see us as<br />

we will become, not as we still are, as with 2 Corinthians<br />

5:17<br />

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation<br />

has come: The old has gone, the new is here!<br />

Believing in the word, is realizing no one is anymore<br />

of a sinner than another.”<br />

One thing to remember, is true believers are always<br />

threatened by Satan. People who read the Bible,<br />

and study the word, those are the ones Satan<br />

seeks to find fault in the truth, and as they will<br />

become insecure in the teachings of God. Satan<br />

infects teachers often. Teachers reach groups at<br />

a time, and this is where congregations fall. Spiritual<br />

knowledge is at the mercy of Satan the most,<br />

because it is the purest form of knowledge. The<br />

deeper the knowledge, the truer the self, the more<br />

spiritually sufficient we are? Yes, the more vulnerable<br />

we are to becoming infected by anything<br />

falsely wavering from the word, whether it is physically<br />

or behaviorally presented, Satan can really<br />

put on a show.<br />

Some people will ask, if you are a Christian, how<br />

do you know if Satan is working in your life? In<br />

John 1:5-10, Light and Darkness, Sin and Forgive-

ness<br />

“This is the message we have heard from him and<br />

declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness<br />

at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him<br />

and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live<br />

out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is<br />

in the light, we have fellowship with one another,<br />

and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from<br />

all [b] sin. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive<br />

ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess<br />

our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us<br />

our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If<br />

we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to<br />

be a liar and his word is not in us.”<br />

If you are a Christian, you will reach a point where<br />

you do not sin. Pardon the cliché of “practice makes<br />

perfect.” However, perfection in Christ, perfection<br />

in prayer, perfection in practicing the word through<br />

study and commitment, and yes, perfection will be<br />

achieved. As a Christian, John stressed the fact if<br />

you treat sin, with indifference, then your Christianity<br />

should be questioned. John did not believe<br />

you committed sin, more so than as a true Christian,<br />

you suffer sin, and Satan is a major player in<br />

the game of suffering.<br />

Satan cannot force us to sin. He can tease us, and<br />

make sin seem so tempting. Now, some people<br />

are still inclined to give Satan all the credit. How<br />

many times have you heard, “The devil made me<br />

do it?” What a response, in order to remove guilt,<br />

justify any actions, or a responsibility to the teachings<br />

of God - all of which may cause a person to<br />

endure much suffering. Scripture tells us to resist<br />

the devil and he will flee from us. Live your life with<br />

wisdom, live through the word, and allow yourself<br />

to be filled with the Spirit, and this will deter Satan.<br />

Satan’s purpose may be to enter our lives, and the<br />

lives of others by attacking the word of God, and<br />

his teachings, but Satan has a purpose, just like<br />

anyone else. Satan doesn’t want to pull us away<br />

from God to have Christianity fall as a whole. Neither<br />

is Satan’s purpose to inflict pain and suffering<br />

on our human bodies through disease, fatty<br />

burgers and ice cream, preservatives, sugars, and<br />

fats. Some people may see disease, and remind<br />

you of Job’s spiritual growth, or Paul’s thorn in the<br />

flesh. Yes, these trials of the body were in direct<br />

relation of Satan. That is not to say all are though.<br />

It is all too easy to say, “Well, I was trying to quit<br />

drinking, but the devil got the best of me.” Is this<br />

true? Maybe, but it is often just the blame gameblame<br />

the devil, rather than take accountability for<br />

ourselves. Rather than a personal examination of<br />

ourselves, our spirituality and a direct confession<br />

of our weakness, which takes more faith and integrity<br />

than any other process, it is so typical to blame.<br />

You will live through the suffering; although, there<br />

are times it will not be so easy. You must trust God<br />

to bring you through. There is something to so true<br />

in the book of 1 Corinthians, Chapter 10, Verse 13<br />

“There hath no temptation taken you but such as<br />

is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not<br />

suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able;<br />

but will with the temptation also make a way to<br />

escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”<br />

I am not suggesting; God will bring you through the<br />

trial unscathed. You will face trials in your life. You<br />

will be tempted. As many trials as you will face, it<br />

is up to you to overcome the trial itself. You can<br />

not turn away from it, or go around it. However,<br />

the suffering will come to a bearable end. Call to<br />

the Lord when in need. HE will be there. HE will<br />

hear your pleas, and you will live through the suffering.<br />

Those who feel God will assist them in the<br />

trial, also look to be miraculously healed in their<br />

time of need. These are not the ways of the Lord.<br />

Learn the spiritual lessons, grow in Christ, mature<br />

in fellowship, and trust the Lord as you undergo a<br />

transformation of a spiritual change. Luke 18:15-<br />

17<br />

“And they were bringing even their babies to Him<br />

so that He would touch them, but when the disciples<br />

saw it, they began rebuking them. But Jesus<br />

called for them, saying, “Permit the children to<br />

come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom<br />

of God belongs to such as these. “Truly I say<br />

to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of<br />

God like a child will not enter it at all.”<br />

Just as there is no one too young, there is no one<br />

too old to suffer unto the Lord. Come to the Lord,<br />

and you will be welcomed; come, as if you were a<br />

child, and receive your Father’s gift.

Separated By Sin<br />

Some Sin Even the Blood Cannot<br />

Cover<br />

By Julie B. Cosgrove<br />

Several decades ago, a self-help book popularized the phrase,<br />

“I’m okay, you’re okay.” It promoted tolerance and understanding<br />

to the extreme. We each had a “right” to be who we<br />

wanted, live the way we wanted and think the way we wanted. This<br />

sentiment has filtered into our society, tainting it with a “this is the<br />

way I am so accept me” attitude. It seems recently, the ripple effect<br />

has edged into the Christian community.<br />

One popular bumper sticker proclaims, “God isn’t finished with me<br />

yet.” Another states, “I’m not perfect but being perfected.” Facebook<br />

posts spout that Christians are sinners just like everyone else,<br />

only they have been forgiven. The church has been referred to as<br />

a hospital for those who know their souls are sick. There is truth<br />

in all of these statements, but there is also a hidden plea for overtolerance,<br />

not just amongst our fellow believers but by the world<br />

who views us as hypocritical because we don’t walk like we talk.<br />

Paul knew this problem. He mourned that he wanted to “do good”,<br />

but because of his human nature he still had a tendency to “do<br />

bad”. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want<br />

to do—this I keep on doing. Romans 7:19<br />

But, he didn’t stop there. He proclaims, Thanks be to God, who delivers<br />

me through Jesus Christ our Lord! (vs. 25) Paul told the Roman<br />

Christians everyone has sinned. No one can achieve the loftiness<br />

of the glory of God by anything they can do, say or pray without<br />

the intervention of the perfect sacrificial lamb, Jesus, to intercede<br />

for them. Scripture tells us Christ lived to die for us. Because of

our naturally sinful nature, due to<br />

the fall from grace by Adam and<br />

Eve, only a holy God in human<br />

form could be qualified to give<br />

Himself up as atonement for the<br />

rest of the world.<br />

Heretics in the early church mistook<br />

atonement to mean they<br />

could live a sinful life as long<br />

as they confessed their sins on<br />

their death bed. Sort of a haveour-sin-cake-and-eat-it-too<br />

philosophy.<br />

Paul tried to correct<br />

their understanding. However,<br />

today in the wake of the “I’m<br />

okay, you’re okay” movement,<br />

this falsehood has once again<br />

surfaced. Believers shrug their<br />

shoulders and reply, “I’m still<br />

tainted by being on earth. I’m<br />

going to sin. I can’t help it. That’s<br />

why I asked Jesus into my life.”<br />

They act as if Christ is their “get<br />

out of jail free” card in their back<br />

pocket. The Christian should<br />

be saying, “I’m not okay and

neither are you. But I am trying<br />

to change. That’s why I need a<br />

Savior. How about you?”<br />

By our very nature, all human<br />

beings fall short and sin. That<br />

doesn’t mean it is our blanket<br />

excuse to keep on doing so.<br />

Somewhere along the line, we<br />

are to strive to sin less, prompted<br />

by the Holy Spirit we have asked<br />

to dwell in us. Paul also tells the<br />

Roman Christians, Do not conform<br />

to the pattern of this world,<br />

but be transformed by the renewing<br />

of your mind. Then you will<br />

be able to test and approve what<br />

God’s will is—his good, pleasing<br />

and perfect will. Romans 12:2<br />

He explains in his second letter<br />

to the Corinthians, And we all,<br />

who with unveiled faces contemplate<br />

the Lord’s glory, are being<br />

transformed into his image with<br />

ever-increasing glory, which<br />

comes from the Lord, who is the<br />

Spirit. (3:18)<br />

Yes, Christ accepts us as we are,<br />

but He never said to stay that<br />

way. Often, during His ministry<br />

on earth, Jesus told the recipient<br />

of a miracle to “go and sin<br />

no more.” Granted, no one will<br />

obtain a pure sin-less nature as<br />

long as they walk on this planet,<br />

but should not we be striving<br />

towards that goal? To expect<br />

God to always wipe the slate<br />

clean and have it not affect our<br />

actions or thoughts is to teeter<br />

on a dangerous precipice.<br />

Why? We never know when<br />

Christ will return and the Bible<br />

clearly states we will be accountable<br />

for our actions at the end<br />

of the age. Ttue, if we receive<br />

Christ as our Savior, he covers<br />

our sin with His blood, so that<br />

God sees us veiled in Christ’s<br />

mercy. Christ stands between<br />

those have proclaimed Him to be<br />

Savior and God the Father. The<br />

Father “sees” us through the veil<br />

of forgiveness and allows us to<br />

enter into His presence draped<br />

in the mercy of Christ’s sacrifice.<br />

However, if we have not been<br />

a good witness, if we have not<br />

served others before we serve<br />

ourselves, if we have not studied<br />

Scripture and made the honest<br />

effort to live a godly life, we will<br />

have to answer as to why. For we<br />

must all appear before the judgment<br />

seat of Christ, so that each<br />

of us may receive what is due us<br />

for the things done while in the<br />

body, whether good or bad. 2<br />

Corinthians 5:10<br />

Let us remember that our God is<br />

a holy God. Even though He is<br />

long suffering and slow to anger,<br />

He cannot, by His very nature,<br />

be in the presence of sin. Sin<br />

separates us from God. It blocks<br />

us from having a full, loving and<br />

rich relationship we were meant<br />

to have with our Creator. When<br />

Jesus took on the sins of the<br />

world on the cross, God had to<br />

look the other way. How it must<br />

have broken His heart. Why<br />

would we not think the same<br />

occurs when we continue to sin?<br />

We break His heart in two ways<br />

when we do not repent of our<br />

sins and endeavor to live a more<br />

blameless life, walking in love<br />

as Christ loves us. First, we<br />

cheapen the purpose of Christ’s<br />

sacrifice if we consider it as a<br />

“king’s x” card to slap down each<br />

time we sin without any desire<br />

to improve. There is a difference<br />

between simply asking forgiveness<br />

and striving for true repentance.<br />

Secondly, if our sinning<br />

continues, we cannot receive<br />

the full benefit of His blessings.<br />

Guilt creeps in. Like a rebellious<br />

child, we avoid close contact.<br />

We don’t want Daddy to know<br />

what we did. We separate ourselves<br />

from Him. When we turn<br />

our backs on Him and try to hide<br />

our sin, just as Adam and Eve<br />

did, it grieves Him. Our Father<br />

God wants nothing more than to<br />

be in relationship with us.<br />

Once we accept the Holy Spirit<br />

into our lives, our sinful nature<br />

begins to decrease as the light<br />

of Christ shining through us<br />

increases. Or at least that is<br />

the way it is supposed to work.<br />

Not to say our works will save<br />

us, but out of gratitude for the<br />

fact we have a bridge to the<br />

Father through Christ’s suffering<br />

and death on the cross, should<br />

we not strive to become more<br />

Christ-like?<br />

Perhaps we would draw more<br />

people to Him if we stood out<br />

from the crowd a bit. Maybe<br />

more would notice a peace, a<br />

deep happiness and a purpose<br />

that envelopes us. They would<br />

look in puzzlement at us who<br />

do not need crutches such as<br />

drugs, alcohol, wild behavior<br />

or illicit sex to be content or fill<br />

the void in our lives. They would<br />

notice we are the first to forgive,<br />

to lend a hand, and to not hold<br />

a grudge. They would see us as<br />

honest, trustworthy and reliable.<br />

Maybe they’d wonder why negative<br />

grumblings do not come out<br />

of our mouths, but marvel at our<br />

positive attitude even during<br />

times of stress and tragedy.<br />

By glorifying our Lord through<br />

our attitudes, good works and<br />

love, they may just realize “I’m<br />

okay, you’re okay” is a falsehood<br />

and want what we proclaim<br />


Satan’s Schemes<br />

God’s Plans<br />

By Krissy Nelson<br />

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;<br />

I have come that they may have life, and have it to<br />

the full.” John 10:10<br />

Jesus warned us about Satan’s plan. And in<br />

doing so referred to him as “the thief”—rightfully<br />

so. The devil has a very specific agenda and<br />

it’s precisely what Jesus said it was: to steal, kill<br />

and destroy. He wants to steal your birthright from<br />

you—your inheritance as a beloved child of God.<br />

He wants to kill you physically, emotionally and<br />

spiritually. He wants to strip you down until you are<br />

utterly paralyzed and gripped by fear, lacking identity<br />

and purpose. He wants to destroy your destiny!<br />

And how does he do this? It’s simple, really:<br />

deception. It was his trick in the Garden with Adam<br />

and Eve when he deceived them into questioning<br />

what God had told them; and it’s his trick today.<br />

Satan wants to deceive you.<br />

“Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the<br />

wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to<br />

the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat<br />

from any tree in the garden’?” Genesis 3:1 NIV<br />

Though subtle, the devil’s deception in the Garden<br />

had huge ramifications, as we well know. But what<br />

we sometimes forget, or maybe don’t even realize,<br />

is that his tactics really haven’t changed much in<br />

the thousands of years since the Fall.<br />

In reality, there isn’t much the devil can do to the<br />

children of God except to lie. Though we forget<br />

this sometimes, the devil can’t physically touch<br />

us… but he can sure lie to us and convince us<br />

that he can. He can’t physically push us off the<br />

road marked out for us (Heb. 12:1), but he can<br />

sure lie to us and make us think he can. He gets<br />

us so gripped by fear that we stumble and fall over<br />

our own insecurity, confusion and doubt. When

the truth of the matter is that we are “more than<br />

conquerors in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8:37). And<br />

“No weapon formed against us can prosper! (Isa.<br />

54:17). The only ammo the stupid devil has is his<br />

lies and the only way he has authority over us is<br />

if we give it to him! Do you hear that? The devil<br />

doesn’t have any authority of his own so he wants<br />

to steal yours! He uses deception as a means to<br />

rob you of your power, your influence and your<br />

authority. All of which was purchased for you by<br />

the blood of Christ.<br />

Satan doesn’t want you to realize you have<br />

authority over him:<br />

We touched on authority already but I wanted to<br />

go a bit deeper with it. Part of our journey in Christ<br />

is the revelation of the authority we have as His<br />

sons and daughters. Romans 8:11 tells us that,<br />

“The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead

lives in us!” Think about that for<br />

a moment… that is some power!<br />

That means we carry the power<br />

over death inside of us as the<br />

temple of the Holy Ghost (1 Cor.<br />

6:19). We are very special creations<br />

in the Kingdom of God.<br />

We are the very image bearers<br />

of God Himself (Genesis 1:27).<br />

And when we are redeemed<br />

through the blood of Christ we<br />

are essentially given the keys to<br />

the kingdom. Anything we need,<br />

we simply ask… and we ask it<br />

in the Name of Jesus and God<br />

hears us and freely gives. (John<br />

16:23). Asking for things before<br />

God in the name of Jesus is a<br />

way of acknowledging and honoring<br />

the sacrifice Jesus paid on<br />

the cross when He became sin<br />

and bore the punishment for sin<br />

upon Himself in our place (2 Cor.<br />

5:21).<br />

Jesus’ Name is a trigger word to<br />

the ear of the Father. He tunes<br />

in to our heart in asking and He<br />

gives, in His time, the answer to<br />

our prayer.<br />

Then a beautiful cycle begins,<br />

everything the Father has, He<br />

freely gives and everything He<br />

gives to us we freely give back<br />

to Him. He gives us our destiny<br />

and purpose and we lay our destiny<br />

and purpose upon the altar<br />

and surrender our lives—mind,<br />

will and emotion—back to the<br />

Father. He gives, and we give<br />

back. We give back, and He<br />

gives more. It’s a powerful cycle.<br />

And it’s a powerful revelation for<br />

us to tap into. We honor Him with<br />

our entire life and begin to see<br />

more and more that that is precisely<br />

what He did for us upon<br />

the cross of Calvary. But what’s<br />

more is that Jesus did this for us<br />

while we were yet sinners (Rom.<br />

5:8)! When we, mankind, didn’t<br />

deserve it one bit God gave His<br />

all for us so that we could be<br />

saved from the power and grip<br />

sin had over the children of God<br />

once and for all.<br />

Satan wants you as his slave.<br />

For centuries the children of God<br />

were imprisoned to the grip of<br />

sin. They were shackled to the<br />

lies of the enemy. They were<br />

paralyzed and gripped by lies<br />

that they would never be good<br />

enough, that God didn’t really<br />

care about them. “Did God really<br />

say. . .” hung over the heads of<br />

the children of God for centuries.<br />

The ultimate temptation—to<br />

question the word of God and the<br />

reality of His promise and provision<br />

over their lives—haunted<br />

God’s people to the degree that<br />

they could never quite seem to<br />

overcome. Generation after generation<br />

would turn to God for a<br />

moment but ultimately turn away<br />

from Him over and over again.<br />

And why? Because they lacked<br />

the revelation of the power of<br />

God in their lives. They were<br />

bound by law and if they couldn’t<br />

dedicate their entire life to following<br />

every single letter of the law<br />

then they could never be clean<br />

and pure enough to enter into<br />

His presence.<br />

What a sad thing! I can’t imagine<br />

a life without the presence of<br />

God!!<br />

So Satan will use this even today<br />

to trick us into feeling like we are<br />

failing before God. “Look what<br />

you did… you blew it! There’s<br />

no going back… You’ll never be<br />

good enough… God can’t love<br />

you now… If you can’t be perfect<br />

why even try? You should<br />

just quit!” All lies spewed into<br />

the hearts and minds of people<br />

every second of every day. All<br />

rooted in this generational reality<br />

the people of God walked<br />

through for generations before<br />

Jesus.<br />

Thank God Jesus came and<br />

prepared a better way. That<br />

now through grace perfection is<br />

irrelevant! Through God’s amazing<br />

grace when we mess up we<br />

know that we have an intercessor<br />

sitting at the right hand of<br />

God who empathizes with us in<br />

our weakness! And through our<br />

weakness He is made strong in<br />

us!<br />

“For those who are led by the<br />

Spirit of God are the children<br />

of God. The Spirit you received<br />

does not make you slaves, so<br />

that you live in fear again; rather,<br />

the Spirit you received brought<br />

about your adoption to sonship.<br />

And by him we cry, ‘Abba,<br />

Father.’” Romans 8:14-16<br />

Satan doesn’t want you to see<br />

that a way was made for you.<br />

“Jesus said, ‘I am the way the<br />

truth and the life. No one comes<br />

to the Father but through me.’”<br />

John 14:6 NIV<br />

A way was made for us to<br />

come near to God and thus be<br />

empowered by His presence in<br />

our lives. Through the blood of<br />

Jesus we are made clean, we<br />

are restored to the original purpose<br />

of the children of God—to<br />

bear the image of God—and to<br />

shine (John 8:12)!<br />

“But now you have been united<br />

with Christ Jesus. Once you<br />

were far away from God, but now<br />

you have been brought near to

him through the blood of Christ.”<br />

Ephesians 2:13 NLT<br />

So all of this leads back up to the<br />

tricks and tactics of the enemy<br />

to “steal kill and destroy”. He<br />

doesn’t want us to know that<br />

you have a way to the Father!<br />

He wants you isolated and alone<br />

cowering in shame and guilt. He<br />

doesn’t want you to shine a light<br />

in the darkness because he is<br />

darkness. And he operates in<br />

darkness. When we walk into a<br />

room radiating the glory of God<br />

he has to flee! He can’t stand it!<br />

Satan doesn’t want you to<br />

know who you are.<br />

He doesn’t want you to understand<br />

that you are a child of<br />

God, you have power over all<br />

darkness, and you have the<br />

spirit of God living in you! He is<br />

terrified of you! Are you hearing<br />

this? As a child of God you make<br />

the devil scared! He wants to do<br />

everything he can to convince<br />

you that you are weak, that you<br />

have much to be afraid of, that<br />

your voice doesn’t matter and<br />

here’s a big one, he wants to<br />

convince you that the little things<br />

don’t really matter much to God!<br />

He doesn’t want you to know<br />

that when you offer a hug to<br />

that woman at the grocery store<br />

who looks burdened and overwhelmed<br />

that God sees that<br />

and smiles! He doesn’t want<br />

you to realize how important<br />

your joy is. Simple everyday joy<br />

through smiles and the peace<br />

that comes from God—the devil<br />

is terrified of it! He can’t understand<br />

it because it causes otherwise<br />

miserable people to be<br />

happy! The world can see joy,<br />

and its something they desperately<br />

want but have no clue how<br />

to obtain. Even the blind can see<br />

joy. When you are shining the<br />

light of Jesus you are illuminating<br />

and embodying joy to a dark<br />

and depressed world and they<br />

want it! The devil doesn’t want<br />

you to know how world changing<br />

your joy is!!<br />

“So all of us who have had that<br />

veil removed can see and reflect<br />

the glory of the Lord. And the<br />

Lord—who is the Spirit—makes<br />

us more and more like him as<br />

we are changed into his glorious<br />

image.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 NLT<br />

So today choose joy. Choose<br />

peace. Dive into scripture so you<br />

can get to know who God is in a<br />

deeper more intimate way—His<br />

nature, His heart, His voice—<br />

and spend time in His presence<br />

daily. John 15:4 says, “Remain<br />

in Me, as I also remain in you.<br />

As the branch cannot bear fruit<br />

by itself, unless it remains in the<br />

vine, neither can you, unless you<br />

remain in Me,” (MEV). Its through<br />

this process that the power living<br />

in side of us grows and when<br />

we resist the devil—his lies, his<br />

deceit—he not only backs off, he<br />

runs scared!

Why Great Men<br />

by Saviela Edwards Thorne<br />

Books<br />

“It seems we<br />

hear of so<br />

many more<br />

that have fallen<br />

because of the<br />

various social<br />

networking<br />

technologies,<br />

the media, and<br />

the quickness<br />

of how news<br />

can travel. ”

Fall<br />

In a society where there is a rise in<br />

immorality, Dr. Wayde Goodall, Dean,<br />

accomplished author, pastor, and mentor<br />

provides a comprehensive look into Why<br />

Great Men Fall. This book not only offers<br />

15 winning strategies to rise above it all<br />

but most importantly introduce us to the<br />

One who can keep you from falling. In<br />

my recent conversation with Dr. Goodall,<br />

he shines light on some very serious<br />

issues Great Men are facing today.<br />

In wake of the Ashley Madison scandal, highlighting your book<br />

could not come at a better time. What are your thoughts on<br />

the scandal and the effects it has had not only on society as<br />

a whole but on families as well?<br />

I am saddened about the whole Ashley Madison scandal as there<br />

will be tremendous, far-reaching negative consequences for so<br />

many. Involvement in this sort of activity could destroy families,<br />

careers, goals, dreams, reputations, and even a lifetime of achievement.<br />

This scandal reminds us, once again, of the incredible subtlety<br />

and determination of the enemy of our souls to heap temptation<br />

and ruin on people. Through social networking and the so-called<br />

“confidential” sites, people can participate in a seemingly endless<br />

amount of degrading and demonic activity . . . everything and anything<br />

the mind can imagine. The “Ashley Madison” scandal is just<br />

one example. There are likely many similar sites.<br />

Since the time of Adam and Eve, society as a whole has had a sin<br />

problem. In fact, we all have several things in common:<br />

(1) God deeply loves us (John 3:16),<br />

(2) Everyone is created in the image of God (Gen 1:26),<br />

(3) All of us are sinners (Rom 3:23, 1 Jn 1:8), and<br />

(4) Everyone needs forgiveness (1 John 1:9).<br />

Participating in sinful behavior of this sort always hurts families.<br />

Some marriages will end. Many children have been hurt and are<br />

being hurt by the lust and selfish behavior of one or both of their<br />

parents.<br />

On the bright side, some of these wayward spouses and family<br />

members will seek godly counsel and make the decision to seek His<br />

forgiveness and His miraculous ability to restore.

The Ashley Madison scandal<br />

has brought a lot of light<br />

on the unfaithfulness of men<br />

everywhere. Why would you<br />

say these well-known and<br />

established men turned to this<br />

online site to fulfill forbidden<br />

desires?<br />

The statistical information that<br />

we have indicates that more<br />

often a man will become involved<br />

in an adulterous relationship.<br />

What is not spoken of as often<br />

is that the gap between men and<br />

women has been rapidly closing<br />

over the last few years.<br />

In my chapter called Entitlement<br />

(I.e. I deserve this), I discuss the<br />

idea that many rationalize and<br />

decide that they can participate<br />

in certain wrong (sinful) behavior<br />

because of “who they are.” In<br />

their minds, their position, power,<br />

authority, influence, etc., gives<br />

them the “right” to do whatever<br />

they please. Many of these men<br />

are not accountable to anyone,<br />

and there is no one speaking<br />

into their lives and asking them<br />

the hard questions. Likely this<br />

was part of David’s thinking in 2<br />

Samuel 11, when he saw Bathsheba<br />

bathing from his rooftop<br />

and sent messengers to bring<br />

her to him.<br />

Men are, also, chemically wired<br />

differently. They have a much<br />

higher level of testosterone that<br />

promotes risk taking, achievement,<br />

and muscle and bone<br />

mass. God wired men to lead in<br />

healthy ways, to be godly examples,<br />

and to take risks to earn a<br />

living, and to protect their homes<br />

and families. Many use their<br />

talents and abilities and do the<br />

opposite. Some like a challenge<br />

and the rush of doing something<br />

wrong and/or risky. They can<br />

allow temptation to grow in their<br />

minds to the point where they act<br />

out and often become addicted<br />

to their sinful behavior. Men and<br />

women are created in the image<br />

of God and each has his or her<br />

own unique characteristics and<br />

gifts., but every good gift of God<br />

can be misused.<br />

It’s evident that we are currently<br />

facing a downfall of great men<br />

especially within the household<br />

of faith. What compelled you to<br />

write this book and what kind<br />

of feedback have you received<br />

from men who read your book?<br />

A missionary led me to Christ<br />

when I was 21 (in the Navy, stationed<br />

on Guam). One of the first<br />

pastors that I met (a few weeks<br />

after I became a Christian) left<br />

his wife and four children for<br />

his secretary and told his congregation<br />

that it was “the will of<br />

God.” Even as a new Christian<br />

I thought, how is this possible?<br />

This can’t be the will of God. This<br />

pastor is obviously deceived.<br />

Fast forward a few years and a<br />

large part of my career involved<br />

helping leaders and ministers<br />

in restoration through counseling<br />

and coaching. For over 30<br />

years, I’ve been asking the question<br />

why do men (and women)<br />

in leadership (or who seemingly<br />

have very successful lives)<br />

make the decisions to do things<br />

that can quickly ruin their lives,<br />

their families, and their careers?<br />

Why do they give up so much for<br />

so little? What causes a person<br />

to think he can have hidden sin,<br />

Godless behavior, or flirtations<br />

with something so dangerous –<br />

and that no one will discover his<br />

activity? These questions (along<br />

with many others) troubled me.<br />

As I began to research the<br />

uniqueness of men, how God<br />

created them, how they think<br />

and what motivates them – I<br />

also compared today’s statistical<br />

information with men and women<br />

in the Bible. I discovered that<br />

there are numerous examples in<br />

the Scripture of godly men who<br />

made tragic, sinful decisions.<br />

I also discovered that God<br />

restored them – if they sought<br />

his forgiveness and their hearts<br />

became hungry for Him.<br />

My hope has been that this book<br />

would not just serve as a warning<br />

to men who have strayed from a<br />

godly life but would be a book of<br />

hope and encouragement. Men<br />

can understand that within their<br />

uniqueness there are areas that<br />

need to be watched carefully . .<br />

. and that everyone is tempted.<br />

If we submit to temptation and<br />

sin, we can make the decision<br />

to seek God’s forgiveness and<br />

restoration. There is hope for<br />

anyone who turns from sin and<br />

returns to God.<br />

As I’ve spoken on the topics in<br />

Why Great Men Fall, I’ve seen<br />

many men become encouraged,<br />

as they receive knowledge that<br />

God not only will forgive and<br />

cleanse them, but he offers<br />

hope, restoration and victory. A<br />

tremendous sense of guilt and<br />

shame is lifted from these men<br />

as they give the weight of their<br />

sin to the Lord.<br />

It seems we hear of so many<br />

more that have fallen because<br />

of the various social networking<br />

technologies, the media, and<br />

the quickness of how news can<br />

travel. I also believe that the<br />

tempter knows that his time is<br />

short and he is targeting leaders<br />

like never before. This is not

to say that he doesn’t tempt all<br />

of us – he certainly does – however<br />

he also understands that if<br />

he can bring down a leader – he<br />

can impact masses of people<br />

with discouragement, confusion,<br />

and fear.<br />

In your book you described<br />

15 strategies to rise above the<br />

“great fall of men.” What would<br />

you consider to be the #1 reason<br />

great men fall?<br />

I believe that the #1 reason<br />

“Christian” men fall is that they<br />

have drifted from God and their<br />

hearts have become cold. At one<br />

time, they might have had a deep<br />

passion for the Lord and likely<br />

they had a strong devotional and<br />

prayer life. However, as they’ve<br />

become successful in life or<br />

“just too busy” – they’ve forgotten<br />

the One who gave them their<br />

success. Success can be our<br />

enemy if we permit our achievements<br />

to go to our head.<br />

This book is not just for leaders<br />

(“great” men), or for non-Christian<br />

men although both groups<br />

are prime targets for the devil.<br />

All of us could be caught in the<br />

sin trap. The Scripture informs<br />

us that before we become Christians<br />

we are part of the kingdom<br />

of darkness (Colossians 1:13).<br />

Without Christ people are slaves<br />

to sin (see Romans 6:17), however,<br />

when we become a Christ<br />

follower we become part of the<br />

Kingdom of God and we are<br />

“slaves of righteousness” – no<br />

longer bound to sin (Romans<br />

6:18).<br />

As a pastor, you stated in your<br />

book you have counseled<br />

many men and have seen firsthand<br />

how an affair can destroy<br />

a great man. In your sessions,<br />

what have you found to be the<br />

common denominator in men<br />

of God who have an affair?<br />

“Men of God – who have an<br />

affair” have permitted a temptation<br />

to turn into a behavior.<br />

David, a man after God’s heart<br />

(Acts 13:22) was tempted as<br />

he noticed his neighbor Bathsheba<br />

bathing. He could have<br />

walked away immediately – but<br />

he continued to look. He thought<br />

through how to commit adultery<br />

with her, made the plan, and did<br />

what he was temped to do. The<br />

result was tragic.<br />

Another example is the man of<br />

God – Joseph. Even though he<br />

had many reasons to become<br />

angry and bitter he chose to<br />

do the right thing. He had the<br />

opportunity to commit adultery<br />

with his boss’s wife, but he made<br />

the decision to run instead. He<br />

removed himself from temptation.<br />

He said, “How can I do<br />

this great wickedness and sin<br />

against God?” (Genesis 39:9).<br />

The most common denominator<br />

for men of God who have an affair<br />

is a heart that has drifted from its<br />

hunger, sense of passion, and<br />

daily devotion to Jesus. Their<br />

focus on the Lord, dependence<br />

on His Holy Spirit, and walk by<br />

faith has greatly weakened, and<br />

for certain, the enemy takes<br />

advantage of this condition.<br />

Flirting with words, looks, emotions,<br />

casual touching, hugs,<br />

and a “friendship” that gets out<br />

of control are often signals that<br />

men play around with. Every<br />

person needs to decide, for him<br />

or herself, that they will build<br />

boundaries around their lives.<br />

Many men cross over emotionally<br />

and begin to use words that<br />

can be called flirtation or worse.<br />

Of course, pornography only<br />

increases temptation and is no<br />

question a gateway to an affair.<br />

Can you describe and elaborate<br />

on compartmentalization<br />

and why this can be both a<br />

blessing and a curse?<br />

Everyone has the God given<br />

ability to compartmentalize. We<br />

can shift from a discussion on<br />

one topic to another topic that<br />

has nothing in common with<br />

the previous discussion. Doctors<br />

can examine one patient<br />

with symptoms of a disorder and<br />

can quickly transition to another<br />

patient that has an entirely different<br />

physical challenge. Counselors<br />

compartmentalize by talking<br />

to different patients about different<br />

issues. We can use this ability<br />

to multitask or to move from<br />

one responsibility to another<br />

– i.e., shifting from one “mental<br />

room” in our minds to another.<br />

It seems that we can also compartmentalize<br />

sin. I have known<br />

of pastors and leaders who have<br />

viewed pornography or were<br />

involved in sinful activity – that<br />

were seemingly able to mentally<br />

put that memory aside (for<br />

a time) and preach, pray, lead,<br />

and counsel. Although, we don’t<br />

“forget” our sinful behavior – we<br />

can move from bad to good activity<br />

by closing the “mental room”<br />

of our wrong behavior.<br />

In your book you mentioned a<br />

study conducted by Howard<br />

Hendricks who had studied<br />

237 men and how he found<br />

“not one of 237 had accountability<br />

relationships with other<br />

men.” How vital is accountability<br />

partners and how likely<br />

is it that an accountability part-

ner can dramatically decrease<br />

the chances of men having an<br />

affair?<br />

We need people of the same<br />

gender who can be trusted with<br />

confidentiality and can listen to<br />

us as we live our life of faith.<br />

Accountability is built around<br />

trust, honoring one another, the<br />

ability to keep a confidence,<br />

and the courage to permit our<br />

accountability partner/s to ask<br />

us the difficult questions.<br />

Questions like; how are you really<br />

doing? Have you done anything<br />

recently that you are ashamed<br />

of or have you sinned? Have<br />

you looked at pornography? Are<br />

you doing anything that you are<br />

trying to hide from your wife or<br />

that you would be embarrassed<br />

of if she or your children found<br />

out? How can I pray for you in<br />

areas where the enemy is tempting<br />

you?<br />

Asking these kinds of questions<br />

and having true accountability is<br />

very healthy. There is a unique<br />

power when two or more agree<br />

on anything. Jesus sent the disciples<br />

out two by two. Great ministry<br />

often happens when people<br />

join together in prayer with focus<br />

and determination to advance<br />

the Gospel together. Also, we<br />

can support, pray for, and protect<br />

each other when there is<br />

healthy accountability. Personally,<br />

I have several men who<br />

know me very well, and they can<br />

sense when I’m overtired, overcommitted,<br />

or have unhealthy<br />

stress. When they see issues in<br />

my life – they talk to me. Also,<br />

my wife is my greatest accountability<br />

partner and keeps an eye<br />

on me, and speaks into my life.<br />

In Chapter 6, The Sex Issue<br />

– A Magnet for Women, you<br />

discuss how studies are proving<br />

that Cybersex is one of the<br />

most common types of affair,<br />

mainly because most men see<br />

it, as “no one else is involved.”<br />

What is the current statistic of<br />

cybersex affairs and how can<br />

one protect himself or herself<br />

from falling prey to this addiction?<br />

The research estimates that at<br />

least one in every five adults is<br />

on-line, and more importantly,<br />

two out of every three teens are<br />

on-line. Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.,<br />

an expert on sexual addictions,<br />

estimates that between 3 and<br />

6 percent of adults are sexually<br />

addicted. Another finding estimates<br />

that 1 in 10 Internet users<br />

can be considered addicted to<br />

cybersex.<br />

With Cybersex, one can visit<br />

the triple X bookstore (of the<br />

80s) in the privacy of their own<br />

home, smartphone, office, or<br />

library. Contributing to this is<br />

every form of media communication<br />

that is sexual. This<br />

includes commercials, shows,<br />

movies, or even sporting events<br />

(cheer leaders, sexy commercials,<br />

etc.) where very frequently<br />

sexuality and sexual language is<br />

included. Televisions, movies,<br />

smartphones, blogs, blasts, and<br />

the Internet, are all part of the<br />

equation. Today a person can<br />

have a sense that he or she is<br />

anonymous (although nothing is<br />

hidden – even on the internet).<br />

Cybersex is accessible and<br />

affordable. People who don’t<br />

make a conscious decision NOT<br />

to view pornography or become<br />

involved in cybersex – will very<br />

likely find themselves trapped in<br />

this destructive lifestyle.<br />

There are protective firewalls<br />

that can be added on to our computers.<br />

Our personal passcodes<br />

can be shared with our spouse,<br />

business partner, or administrative<br />

assistant. Nothing should<br />

come to our computers that we<br />

are ashamed of. Our computers<br />

should be located in a public<br />

area in our homes or offices<br />

where most anyone can see the<br />

screen if they desired.<br />

I’m a writer and speaker. I’m on<br />

the Internet most every day. I<br />

have NEVER looked at cybersex<br />

sites or pornography on my (or<br />

any other) computer. I receive<br />

numerous emails with attempts<br />

to get me to respond in some<br />

way to an unknown sender, or to<br />

open a site that I am not familiar<br />

with. I delete all such attempts.<br />

Self-determination, with the<br />

Lord’s help, not to participate in<br />

these types of activity is a great<br />

deterrent.<br />

The point – we are not forced to<br />

read or look at this invasion of<br />

our privacy. We can say “NO!”<br />

by hitting delete, or we can walk<br />

out of a room where racy or<br />

raunchy material is presented<br />

on T.V., in a movie, or through a<br />

conversation or jokes.<br />

Integrity and honestly in a<br />

marriage has proven itself to<br />

keep a lot of men from cheating.<br />

What advice would you<br />

give a wife who suspects her<br />

husband is struggling from a<br />

pornographic addiction?<br />

Dr. Kimberly Young, a pioneer<br />

in Internet addiction research,<br />

informs us that additional signs<br />

may accompany a secret pornography<br />

habit or other online<br />

sexual activity. Our spouse’s<br />

demands for privacy (won’t

let you look at his computer or<br />

phone), we discover evidence<br />

of lying, his interest in sex has<br />

declined, and he doesn’t seem<br />

to desire growth in the marriage<br />

relationship.<br />

On our computers the history file<br />

gives information on the times<br />

and locations of Web involvement<br />

for the past few weeks. If<br />

the history file is empty – this<br />

could be a sign that our spouse<br />

has cleared the browser because<br />

he’s hiding something. There is<br />

also a cache file on PC’s and<br />

Mac computers where one can<br />

see downloaded photos and etc.<br />

When a wife suspects pornographic<br />

activity (or addiction) she<br />

should find a time when her husband<br />

is relaxed and a conversation<br />

is going and ask, “What are<br />

you doing while you are online?”<br />

If he seems upset or avoids the<br />

topic, you may want to review<br />

the history files on the browser.<br />

By clicking the “history” button<br />

(on the toolbar), you can see the<br />

history (If you have Microsoft’s<br />

Internet Explorer).<br />

Many men make irrational<br />

decisions in the moment of<br />

anger. What advice would you<br />

give a man who typically acts<br />

out of impulse and makes<br />

unwise decisions due to his<br />

uncontrollable anger?<br />

Everyone should be quick to<br />

listen, slow to speak and slow to<br />

become angry. (Jas. 1:19)<br />

I believe that Moses lost control<br />

of his anger because he was<br />

experiencing a great deal of<br />

stress. God recognized this and<br />

gave him instruction to speak to<br />

(not to hit) the rock that would<br />

overflow with water. In an angry<br />

way, Moses hit the rock thereby<br />

insulting the people he was<br />

leading. This decision cost him<br />

greatly.<br />

Negative feelings can be<br />

resolved or ventilated without<br />

“losing it” with someone who<br />

gets in our way, “in our face,”<br />

or insults us. We can decide<br />

in advance to think before we<br />

react. When I feel like responding<br />

in an inappropriate way, I<br />

tell myself, “Slow down. Calm<br />

down. Don’t respond now.” We<br />

can calmly tell the other person,<br />

“I’d like to discuss this another<br />

time” or “I’ll have to think about<br />

that.” Often, walking away from<br />

an aggressive person is the best<br />

response. It allows both of you<br />

time and space to calm down.<br />

We should then pray about<br />

what’s happening and ask God<br />

to give us wisdom. We can also<br />

get the advice of a friend who has<br />

wisdom about how to respond . .<br />

. or can advise us if a response<br />

is even necessary.<br />

We can take the energy out of<br />

resentment by praying for the<br />

other person (Matthew 5:44).<br />

Often when we pray for someone,<br />

we can see more clearly<br />

why he or she is so offensive or<br />

defensive. There are very good<br />

reasons why people do what<br />

they do.<br />

At times, we can go back to the<br />

person who has offended us with<br />

an attitude of “it’s no problem, no<br />

big deal” . . . we have forgiven<br />

them.<br />

I personally believe that respect<br />

and honor has a lot to do with<br />

a man’s desire NOT to cheat<br />

because he thinks about who<br />

will be affected by his decision.<br />

Do you believe a man’s love<br />

for his wife and family and<br />

especially God will keep him<br />

from cheating?<br />

I do. The greatest protection<br />

from the enemy’s temptations is<br />

our love and passion for Jesus<br />

Christ. “There is no temptation<br />

that has overtaken you that<br />

is not common to man. God is<br />

faithful, and he will not let you be<br />

tempted beyond your ability, but<br />

with the temptation he will also<br />

provide a way of escape, that<br />

you may be able to endure it” (1<br />

Corinthians 10:13).<br />

Secondly, our love for our wife<br />

and children is a tremendous<br />

protector. My wife and my adult<br />

children are my very best friends.<br />

My wife, Rosalyn, knows everything<br />

about me. I am transparent<br />

with her and if I’m struggling, I<br />

talk to her. She listens, advises,<br />

and prays for me. We have a<br />

healthy marriage and understand<br />

each other’s unique<br />

needs. Our grown children look<br />

up to us and, because of that, I<br />

have endeavored to think things<br />

through more carefully before<br />

making decisions. I would rather<br />

die than disappoint my Lord, my<br />

wife, or my children by sinning in<br />

this way.<br />

If you could say one thing to<br />

a man who is “stuck” in an<br />

adulterous relationship what<br />

would you say?<br />

To the Christian man I would try<br />

to develop a relationship of trust<br />

and find a way to reason with<br />

him about the deception he’s<br />

involved in. When I feel he’s<br />

listening to me, and trusts me,<br />

I would ask him to discontinue<br />

his relationship – in every way. I<br />

would also give him a plan about<br />

how to walk away from that

ehavior and return to a committed<br />

walk with God. It is also critical<br />

to pray for this man.<br />

“Come now, let us reason<br />

together, says the Lord: though<br />

your sins are like scarlet, they<br />

shall be as white as snow;<br />

though they are red like crimson,<br />

they shall become like wool.”<br />

~Isaiah 1:18<br />

What’s next for you? Will there<br />

be another edition or a part II<br />

to Why Great Men Fall?<br />

I continue to write books that I<br />

sense will help Christians and<br />

non-Christians alike. I frequently<br />

speak on the topics I write about.<br />

The principles I give in Why<br />

Great Men Fall are truths that<br />

endure from generation to generation.<br />

There is a real possibility<br />

that I will write a follow-up to<br />

Why Great Men Fall where I will<br />

continue the discussion about<br />

how to build fences at the top<br />

of the cliff, versus having a fleet<br />

of ambulances (or a Hearse) at<br />

the bottom of the cliff. I would<br />

also like to create study guides<br />

for leaders, men’s groups, and<br />

personal devotions.<br />

Please provide your final<br />

thoughts and desire for your<br />

book to accomplish.<br />

My goal is that men will understand<br />

that temptation is not<br />

unusual, because it happens<br />

to everyone. If they have succumbed<br />

to temptation, fallen,<br />

and sincerely repented, they can<br />

be forgiven – and restored. Also,<br />

every man needs to understand<br />

that he has feet of clay. Greater<br />

men than us have fallen to lust,<br />

and if it can happen to them, it<br />

can happen to us. The critical<br />

piece is that we need to be<br />

aware of the enemy’s schemes<br />

and keep our focus on the Lord.<br />

Building healthy boundaries in<br />

our lives is essential.<br />

“If the Lord delights in a man’s<br />

way, he makes his steps firm;<br />

though he stumble, he will not<br />

fall, for the Lord upholds him<br />

with his hand.”<br />

~ Psalm 37:23-24<br />

Purchase your copy of “Why<br />

Great Men Fall” by Dr. Wayde<br />

Goodall at http://www.nlpg.com/<br />

why-great-men-fall<br />

Click Here to<br />

Purchase at:<br />

Amazon<br />

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