robert spencer-did muhammad exist__ an inquiry into islams obscure origins-intercollegiate studies institute (2012) (1)

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34 Ibid., 63–64 (= Patrologia Greca 94, 765C–769B) (quoted in Hoyl<strong>an</strong>d, Seeing Islam, 486–87).<br />

35 Ibid., 64–67 (= Patrologia Greca 94, 769B–772D) (quoted in Hoyl<strong>an</strong>d, Seeing Islam, 487).<br />

36 Ibid., 61 (= Patrologia Greca 94, 765A–B) (quoted in Hoyl<strong>an</strong>d, Seeing Islam, 488–89).<br />

Chapter 2: Jesus, the Muhammad<br />

1 X represents the Arabic letter , a guttural kh sound.<br />

2 Quoted in Nevo <strong>an</strong>d Koren, Crossroads to Islam, 409.<br />

3 Contrast this with <strong>an</strong> inscription on a mosque in Medina, dating from the year 752 (quoted in Nevo <strong>an</strong>d Koren, Crossroads to Islam,<br />

421):<br />

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate! There is no God but Allah alone, He has no sarik [comp<strong>an</strong>ion in worship].<br />

Muhammad is the serv<strong>an</strong>t of Allah <strong>an</strong>d His messenger.<br />

He it is who sent His messenger with the Guid<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>an</strong>d the religion of Truth, to make it victorious over every other religion, even in the<br />

face of the musrikun's [polytheists'] dislike <strong>an</strong>d hatred!<br />

The Serv<strong>an</strong>t of God, Comm<strong>an</strong>der of the Faithful, has ordered to fear Allah <strong>an</strong>d to obey Him which is to act according to Allah's kitab<br />

[book] <strong>an</strong>d the sunnah [accepted practice] of the Prophet…<br />

4 Quoted in Nevo <strong>an</strong>d Koren, Crossroads to Islam, 411.<br />

5 Nevo <strong>an</strong>d Koren, Crossroads to Islam, 250.<br />

6 Clive Foss, Arab-Byz<strong>an</strong>tine Coins: An Introduction, with a Catalogue of the Dumbarton Oaks Collection (Washington, DC:<br />

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library <strong>an</strong>d Collection, 2008), 34.<br />

7 Ibid.<br />

8 A hadith narrated by Abu Huraira tells us: “Allah's Apostle said, ‘By Him in Whose H<strong>an</strong>ds my soul is, surely the son of Maryam (Mary)<br />

Iesa (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) <strong>an</strong>d will judge m<strong>an</strong>kind justly by the Law of the Qur'<strong>an</strong> (as a just ruler) <strong>an</strong>d<br />

will break the cross <strong>an</strong>d kill the pig <strong>an</strong>d abolish the Jizya (a tax taken from the non-Muslims, who are in the protection of the Muslim<br />

government). This Jizya tax will not be accepted by Iesa (Jesus). Then there will be abund<strong>an</strong>ce of money <strong>an</strong>d nobody will accept charitable<br />

gifts.’” Quoted in Muhammad Ibn Ismail al-Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari: The Tr<strong>an</strong>slation of the Me<strong>an</strong>ings, tr<strong>an</strong>s. Muhammad M. Kh<strong>an</strong><br />

(Riyadh: Darussalam, 1997), vol. 3, book 34, no. 2222.<br />

9 Ahmed ibn Naqib al-Misri, Reli<strong>an</strong>ce of the Traveller (‘Umdat as-Salik): A Classic M<strong>an</strong>ual of Islamic Sacred Law, tr<strong>an</strong>s. Nuh Ha<br />

Mim Keller (Beltsville, MD: Am<strong>an</strong>a Publications, 1999), 011.5(6).<br />

10 For more on this from a different perspective, see Donner, Muhammad <strong>an</strong>d the Believers.<br />

11 Volker Popp, “The Early History of Islam, Following Inscriptional <strong>an</strong>d Numismatic Testimony,” in Karl-Heinz Ohlig <strong>an</strong>d Gerd-R. Puin,<br />

eds., The Hidden Origins of Islam (Amherst, NY: Prometheus, 2010), 55.<br />

12 Popp, “The Early History of Islam,” 113.<br />

13 Ibid., 55, 56.<br />

14 Ibid., 55.<br />

15 Nevo <strong>an</strong>d Koren, Crossroads to Islam, 265–66. The tr<strong>an</strong>slation of the Qur'<strong>an</strong>ic texts here is that of Nevo <strong>an</strong>d Koren.<br />

16 Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad: A Tr<strong>an</strong>slation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah, tr<strong>an</strong>s. Alfred Guillaume (Oxford: Oxford<br />

University Press, 1955), 104; Ibn Warraq, Virgins? What Virgins? And Other Essays (Amherst, NY: Prometheus, 2010), 50.<br />

17 Alfred Guillaume, “The Version of the Gospels Used in Medina Circa 700 A.D.,” Al-Andalus 15 (1950): 289–96 (quoted in Ibn Warraq,<br />

Virgins?, 50).<br />

18 Foss, Arab-Byz<strong>an</strong>tine Coins, 34.<br />

19 Ibid., 47.<br />

20 See Donner, Muhammad <strong>an</strong>d the Believers.<br />

21 Popp, “The Early History of Islam,” 34–36.

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