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73<br />

school enrollment and in the broad participation of<br />

low-caste individuals in the political process. Yet children<br />

are still likely to encounter the traditional order<br />

of caste, segregation, and untouchability in their own<br />

experiences, through the fables they learn and in<br />

the continued discrimination, insults, and atrocities<br />

against upwardly mobile members of low castes.<br />

10. A seminal work on the ability of cues to an identity<br />

stereotyped as intellectually inferior to impair cognitive<br />

performance is Steele and Aronson (1995). The<br />

argument in this chapter is that identity cues may<br />

affect preferences to expend effort, as well as the ability<br />

to perform, by triggering a sense of entitlement or<br />

a particular social role.<br />

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