Watershed Achievements Report




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List of acronyms<br />

ARS Agricultural Research Services<br />

BASIN Basin Analysis of Sediment-laden Inflow<br />

BEC Blue Earth County<br />

BMP best management practice<br />

BOD biochemical oxygen demand<br />

BWSR Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources<br />

CCWMO Carver County Water Management Organization<br />

CFU colony forming unit<br />

CLFLWD Comfort Lake – Forest Lake <strong>Watershed</strong> District<br />

CRP Conservation Reserve Program<br />

CRWD Capitol Region <strong>Watershed</strong> District<br />

CWF Clean Water Fund<br />

CWP Clean Water Partnership<br />

DEM Digital Elevation Model<br />

DMRP Dissolved molybdate reactive phosphorus<br />

DNR Minnesota Department of Natural Resources<br />

DO dissolved oxygen<br />

EPA Environmental Protection Agency<br />

EQuIS Environmental Quality Information System<br />

FC Fecal Coliform<br />

FCI Fortin Consulting Inc.<br />

FTE full time equivalent<br />

FWMC Flow weighted mean concentration<br />

GBERBA Greater Blue Earth River Basin Alliance<br />

GFLOW Groundwater Flow<br />

GIS geological information systems<br />

GPS global positioning system<br />

HEI Houston Engineering, Inc.<br />

HCWP Hawk Creek <strong>Watershed</strong> Project<br />

HLWD Heron Lake <strong>Watershed</strong> District<br />

HSPF Hydrologic Simulation Program FORTRAN<br />

HUC hydrologic unit code<br />

IBI index of biological integrity<br />

ICT Interagency Coordination Team<br />

IHT Imminent Health Threat<br />

IPM integrated pest management<br />

IWAV Impaired water viewer<br />

IWI International Water Institute<br />

IWM Intensive <strong>Watershed</strong> Monitoring<br />

JPB Joint Powers Board<br />

JD2 Judicial Ditch 2<br />

KAP Knowledge, attitudes and practices study<br />

kg kilograms<br />

LARS Local Annual <strong>Report</strong>ing System<br />

lbs pounds<br />

lbs/yr pounds per year<br />

LGU Local Government Unit<br />

LiDAR Light Detection and Ranging<br />

MAWD Minnesota Association of <strong>Watershed</strong> Districts<br />

MCES Metropolitan Council Environmental Services<br />

MDA Minnesota Department of Agriculture<br />

mg/L milligrams/liter<br />

MMW Middle Minnesota <strong>Watershed</strong><br />

MNDOT Minnesota Department of Transportation<br />

MPCA Minnesota Pollution Control Agency<br />

MPN most probable number<br />

MS4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System<br />

N nitrogen<br />

NBMP.xlsm <strong>Watershed</strong> Nitrogen Reduction Planning Tool<br />

NBSR North Branch Sunrise River<br />

NCHF North Central Hardwood Forest ecoregion<br />

NCRWMO North Cannon River <strong>Watershed</strong> Management<br />

Organization<br />

NO3-N Nitrite, Nitrate<br />

NPS nonpoint source<br />

NRCS Natural Resource Conservation Service<br />

NTT Nutrient Tracking Tool<br />

P Phosphorus<br />

PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons<br />

PBMP.xlsm <strong>Watershed</strong> Phosphorus Reduction Planning tool<br />

PI Principal investigator<br />

PPDP Participatory Program Development Projects<br />

PPB parts per billion<br />

RCRCA Redwood-Cottonwood Rivers Control Area<br />

RRBC Red River Basin Commission<br />

RRW Rush River <strong>Watershed</strong><br />

SCWMC Shingle Creek <strong>Watershed</strong> Management Commission<br />

SAC State Advisory Committee<br />

SAM Scenario Application Manager<br />

SE SWCD JPB SE SWCD Technical Support Joint Power<br />

Board<br />

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency www.pca.state.mn.us 8

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