Watershed Achievements Report




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Statewide <strong>Watershed</strong> <strong>Achievements</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2015<br />

placed in the sediments for a successful reduction of<br />

internal phosphorus loading.<br />

Level 2 Winter Maintenance Training – 2014<br />

Sponsor: Fortin Consulting, Inc.<br />

Funding: Section 319 (Grant) $129,176<br />

Purpose: Create a Level 2 winter maintenance training<br />

curriculum, conduct up to 24 Level 2 MPCA certification<br />

training courses and/or presentations; train up to<br />

400 senior maintenance professionals and certify the<br />

majority; produce specific and substantial organizational<br />

changes in maintenance practices as a result of training;<br />

and produce and distribute the use of education. We will<br />

evaluate success by the number of classes conducted,<br />

number of short presentations given in support of<br />

the long-term viability of the program, number of<br />

individuals trained, number of organizations trained,<br />

educational materials produced and distributed, number<br />

of individuals certified, estimated pollutant reductions,<br />

Winter Maintenance Assessment (WMA) reports/<br />

refinement and course evaluations.<br />

Linking Water Storage BMPs to <strong>Watershed</strong> Goals –<br />

2012<br />

Sponsor: Minnesota River Board<br />

Funding: Section 319 (Grant) $292,140<br />

Purpose: This project will develop, adjust, verify and test<br />

a water storage calculator that links new and existing<br />

individual projects to large-scale watershed goals,<br />

measuring the results in “cubic feet stored” or “volume<br />

and rate of storage” for structural and vegetative BMPs;<br />

establish and facilitate a Water Storage Learning Group;<br />

select and implement 5-10 water storage practices/<br />

projects; and reach out to technical service providers,<br />

certified crop advisors, SWCDs, and NRCS so this<br />

technology and thinking can be applied in everyday<br />

work.<br />

Performance of an Agricultural Drainage Tile Filter –<br />

2013<br />

Sponsor: U of M<br />

Funding: Section 319 (Grant) $256,465<br />

Purpose: This project will measure and evaluate the<br />

performance of an engineered enhancement to<br />

agricultural drainage tiles that will significantly decrease<br />

the release of phosphates to surface waters from<br />

agricultural runoff. The innovative filter design would be<br />

based on previously developed technology that enables<br />

increased phosphate removal by adsorption using iron, in<br />

the form of iron filings.<br />

Reducing Phosphorus Runoff From Livestock Farms –<br />

2012<br />

Sponsor: U of M<br />

Funding: Section 319 (Grant) $296,318<br />

Purpose: This project will determine phosphorus<br />

balances on farms in two regions of high dairy and<br />

beef density near nutrient impaired waters; select<br />

management strategies for bringing representative<br />

farms with a phosphorus surplus into balance or below;<br />

develop selected farm analyses into teaching case<br />

studies; and use case studies from the farm phosphorus<br />

balance analyses to assist livestock producers and their<br />

agricultural professionals in evaluating their operations<br />

and select strategies to prevent excessive build-up in soil<br />

test phosphorus and transport of phosphorus to waters,<br />

while maintaining or improving profitability.<br />

Turf and Winter Maintenance Training – 2013<br />

Sponsor: Fortin Consulting, Inc.<br />

Funding: Section 319 (Grant) $110,000<br />

Purpose: Three different voluntary certifications courses<br />

will be taught: Winter Maintenance of Roads, Winter<br />

Maintenance of Parking Lots/Sidewalks and Turfgrass<br />

Maintenance with Reduced Environmental Impacts.<br />

We anticipate a fourth course, MPCA Level II Winter<br />

Maintenance, will exist so we can offer it. We will conduct<br />

30-40 classes or shorter presentations at conferences<br />

or group meetings across the state. We will teach<br />

about 2,000 people and will reach many more through<br />

our training manuals and information on the MPCA<br />

website. This project is unique in that the audience is<br />

maintenance workers and it is a certification course. It will<br />

help organizations meet salt reduction goals expected<br />

to be established with the metro chloride plan. Based<br />

on results from previous classes, we expect changes<br />

in practices and substantial reductions in salt, sand,<br />

nutrients pesticide and water use from this project,<br />

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency www.pca.state.mn.us 44

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