50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...


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The continental shelf of the Poverty Bay margin is<br />

characterised by very high sediment delivery by the<br />

muddy Waipaoa River, which is among the largest<br />

in New Zealand in terms of suspended sediment<br />

load. This situation reflects favourable geological,<br />

tectonic and climatic conditions as well as the<br />

effects of human settlement and land-use (Foster<br />

and Carter, 1997). The Waipaoa provides an<br />

opportunity to study how such high discharge<br />

systems interact with the marine environment. The<br />

main research objective is to determine the spatial<br />

distribution of modern sediment on the continental<br />

shelf of the Poverty Bay margin, and to understand<br />

how the pattern of various seafloor facies have been<br />

affected by the hydraulic regime (waves and<br />

currents), shelf morphology (including the Lachlan<br />

and Ariel anticlines), and sediment supply. This<br />

study has been carried out within the research<br />

objectives framework of the Margins Source to<br />

Sink (S2S) Initiative and this presentation<br />

represents an early stage progress report.<br />

The study relies on the integration of geophysical<br />

data collected on various research cruises, recently<br />

collected physical samples and existing<br />

environmental databases. A suite of sediment<br />

samples, representing the top 1cm of 87 box cores<br />

are analysed for grain size distributions. Contour<br />

mapping a number of sedimentary parameters,<br />

including % mud and mean grain size, constrains<br />

the position of various sedimentary facies across<br />

the shelf. Preliminary results suggest that<br />

terrigenous organic carbon-rich fluid muds<br />

predominate in mid-shelf basin depocentres and are<br />

likely to represent recent flood deposits. Samples<br />

from the landward limb of the Lachlan Anticline<br />

are typically sandy shell hash with associated<br />

pebbles. This situation reflects the seafloor outcrop<br />

of Neogene strata and potentially the winnowing<br />

action of ocean currents. Contour mapping of<br />

carbon/nitrogen ratios of the sediment will show the<br />

varying influences of marine and terrestrial carbon<br />

within the shelf sediments, and highlight sediment<br />

pathways and depocentres from river plumes.<br />

An acoustic facies classification scheme for the<br />

shelf is proposed, based on the type of seafloor<br />

surface seismic response<br />

(diffuse/distinct/hyperbolic), and the degree of<br />

seismic subsurface penetration, as shown in 3.5kHz<br />

and ‘chirp’ FM pulse (0.5-7.2kHz) seismic profiles.<br />

Gas-masking of the subsurface is prevalent across<br />

much of the mid-shelf basin. Significant influence<br />

of non-tidal currents may be represented by<br />

moating of sediments against the western limbs of<br />

the growing anticlines of the shelf break. Further<br />

mapping work will include seafloor textural<br />

mapping from a side-scan sonar and multibeam<br />

backscatter datasets. Wave and wind regime<br />

datasets and existing knowledge of ocean currents<br />

will be integrated with satellite imagery to develop<br />

a model to explain sedimentation in both normal<br />

and storm conditions, and the timing of muddy<br />

flood deposit resuspension events.<br />

POSTER<br />





Ruth H Wightman & Timothy A Little<br />

School of Earth Sciences, Victoria University of<br />

Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington<br />

(ruth.wightman*vuw.ac.nz)<br />

An array of near-vertical backshears in the central<br />

Southern Alps are interpreted to have formed<br />

sequentially in an escalator-like fashion and to play<br />

an important role in channelling the upward flow of<br />

metamorphic fluids through this active orogen. The<br />

1-2 km-wide array of backshears is exposed only in<br />

the central region of the Southern Alps around Fox<br />

and Franz Josef glaciers. There, fluid inclusion,<br />

stable isotope, and thermochronometric data<br />

indicate shear failure of a transiently embrittled<br />

lower crust down to depths of >20 km. In<br />

quartzofeldspathic schist, the shears initiated and<br />

accumulated slip brittlely (but probably steadily<br />

and aseismically) but ductilely in weaker, preexisting<br />

quartz veins that were subject to finite<br />

shear strains averaging 4.8 ± 0.8. Blunting of the<br />

brittle crack-tips into the coherently deformed<br />

quartz veins suggests that ductile flow was the ratecontrolling<br />

factor during backshear deformation.<br />

The backshears are systematically spaced (53 ± 4.7<br />

cm), with an average slip of 14.1 ± 1.2cmina<br />

direction pitching 36°SW and are dextral-oblique.<br />

Relative to plate motion, they accommodated an<br />

excess of margin-parallel dextral-slip. This<br />

situation implies some partitioning of oblique<br />

motion components between the Alpine Fault and<br />

its dextrally wrenched hanging-wall to the east. A<br />

corollary to this is that the Alpine Fault, despite its<br />

inferred thermally induced weakness, was not weak<br />

enough to accommodate perfectly plate motionparallel<br />

slip at the time when the shears were<br />

active.<br />

We infer that presence of fluid in the Pacific Plate<br />

crust was integral to the formation and<br />

accumulation of shear along these structures. Nearlithostatic<br />

fluid pressures were a chief agent that<br />

originally triggered deep embrittlement and shear<br />

failure at the lower crustal depths. After formation,<br />

hydrolytic weakening due to high water fugacity<br />

allowed deformation in the fluid-weakened quartz<br />

veins to accrue at high strain-rates but without<br />

sufficiently high differential stresses to cause their<br />

brittle failure. As the strength of these veins<br />

controlled that of the backshears terminating into<br />

them, this process may have significantly weakened<br />

50 th <strong>Kaikoura</strong>05 -97- <strong>Kaikoura</strong> <strong>2005</strong>

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