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50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...


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performed by the electron backscatter diffraction<br />

(EBSD) technique, using a Camscan SEM and<br />

Channel 5 indexing software.<br />

Most crystallographic fabrics in the mylonite zone<br />

are characteristic of a high ratio of simple to pure<br />

shear. The most obvious trend in the axis<br />

distributions is a transition from single Y-axis<br />

maxima and single girdles with marked rhomb slip<br />

peaks, to Type I and rare Type II crossed-girdle<br />

fabrics at a distance of approximately 400m from<br />

the Alpine fault. A transition from single maxima<br />

and single girdle to crossed girdle fabrics can occur<br />

due to a decrease in deformation temperature or a<br />

decrease in the rotational strain component of the<br />

deformation.<br />

CPO patterns in high strain mylonites are likely to<br />

record only the latest stages of deformation due to<br />

destruction of previous fabrics by recrystallisation;<br />

hence the fabric transition observed at 400m from<br />

the fault is unlikely to result only from a variation<br />

in the total finite strain. The transition can<br />

therefore most easily be explained by a variation in<br />

temperature during the last increment of ductile<br />

deformation. In this scenario the CPO fabrics are<br />

‘frozen in’ as the mylonites are exhumed through<br />

the brittle-plastic transition, which occurs at higher<br />

temperatures close to the Alpine fault due to the<br />

higher strain rate.<br />

Subsidiary observations from the dataset include:<br />

(a) foliation-parallel quartz veins in ultramylonites<br />

have fabrics that are not easily related to the<br />

kinematics of the mylonite zone. These veins may<br />

have formed late in the deformation history and<br />

retain a growth fabric; (b) the presence of feldspar<br />

as a second phase mineral weakens the CPO fabric<br />

more than the presence of mica; (c) the CPO fabrics<br />

are asymmetrically distributed about the foliation<br />

plane, indicating that a previously occurring<br />

preferred orientation is selectively strengthened by<br />

the mylonitic deformation; (d) a fabric indicative of<br />

dominantly pure shear is attained close to the<br />

mylonite-schist transition, indicating flattening<br />

strain does occur during the initial stages of<br />

mylonitisation; (e) there is no systematic change in<br />

pattern or fabric opening angle within the<br />

protomylonite zone, indicating that there is no<br />

simple variation in temperature towards the fault in<br />

this zone. This may reflect an inhomogeneous<br />

distribution of the strain rate within the<br />

protomylonites.<br />

ORAL<br />



QUEENSLAND AND <strong>NEW</strong> ZEALAND<br />

Andy Tulloch 1 Jahandar Ramezani 2 ,<br />

Andrew Allibone 3 &NickMortimer 1<br />

1 GNS Science, Private Bag 1930, Dunedin, New<br />

Zealand.<br />

2 Dept of Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences,<br />

MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.<br />

3 School of Earth Sciences, James Cook University,<br />

Townsville, Australia.<br />

(a.tulloch*gns.cri.nz)<br />

Mesozoic magmatism in NZ is dominated by the<br />

800+ km-long Median Batholith. The main phase<br />

of magmatism spans 170-100 Ma with no<br />

significant arc-parallel age variation, and can be<br />

subdivided into two margin parallel-belts (Tulloch<br />

& Kimbrough 2003; GSA Sp paper 374, 275-95). A<br />

130-100 Ma inboard belt is characterised by plutons<br />

with relatively high Na, Sr, Al and low Y (HiSY,<br />

for Sr/Y> 40; also known as adakitic or TTG-like);<br />

an older outboard belt has complementary LoSY<br />

chemistry. There is a rapid change from LoSY to<br />

HISY at ~130 Ma with HiSY magma flux rates ~<br />

5x greater than that of the preceeding LoSY belt.<br />

Several small bodies of A-type and peralkaline<br />

granite have ages of ~130 Ma. The HiSY magmas<br />

are likely derived from partial melting of basaltic<br />

continental lithosphere generated during preceeding<br />

LoSY arc magmatism. Shallowing subduction and<br />

pinching out of the mantle wedge may explain<br />

cessation of (LoSY) magmatism, and the inboard<br />

location of the HiSY plutons, but not the significant<br />

mantle heat input heat necessary for large scale<br />

crustal melting.<br />

Early Cretaceous magmatism in eastern Australia is<br />

dominated by the ~132-95 Ma Whitsunday<br />

Volcanic Province. The 900 km long province<br />

ranges from basalt to high-silica rhyolite although<br />

the latter dominate. The rhyolitic rocks and some<br />

granites commonly have elevated Zr, Y (and thus<br />

hints of A-type geochemistry), and ages

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