50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...


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and voluminous than at any on Earth. The high<br />

frequency of episodes appears to reflect the thin<br />

crust, high heat flow, and active tectonic regime of<br />

the central North Island, New Zealand. The two<br />

contemporaneously active calderas, OVC and TVC,<br />

that have been active in the last 50 kyr display<br />

contrasting volcanic and magmatic histories.<br />

Following the last caldera-forming episode at ~50<br />

ka (Rotoiti) from OVC, intra-caldera episodes have<br />

tapped progressively more evolved (~71- 77 wt %<br />

SiO2), shallower (>400- 150 MPa), and cooler (940<br />

-730°C) magmas. Directly following the calderaforming<br />

episode, eruptions were rhyodacites and<br />

derived from deep, hot magmas, containing<br />

clinopyroxene. The most recent OVC eruption<br />

episodes (post-26.5 ka) were from shallow, cool<br />

magmas, and are dominated by hydrous mineral<br />

phases. In general, the frequency of episodes has<br />

decreased and volume of eruptions appear to have<br />

increased over time at OVC. At TVC, pre-26.5 ka<br />

eruption episodes were relatively infrequent, and<br />

were derived from shallow (~100 MPa), cool<br />

(~750 o C) magmas, containing hydrous mineral<br />

phases. After the caldera-forming 26.5 ka Oruanui<br />

episode at TVC, initial eruption episodes were<br />

dacitic, infrequent, and derived from small volume,<br />

hot (>900°C), and possibly deep (~400 MPa)<br />

magmas. At 12 ka TVC rhyolitic activity recommenced,<br />

episodes since have been more<br />

frequent, hotter (~790 -850°C) and it is likely that<br />

they progressively tapped deeper (~140 -300 MPa)<br />

magmas. Following caldera-formation, erupted<br />

magmas at both OVC and TVC were the least<br />

evolved, hottest (>900°C), and were likely from<br />

deep (~400 MPa) chambers. This suggests that<br />

these magmas rose rapidly after formation and<br />

exploited new conduits generated during the<br />

caldera collapse.<br />

POSTER<br />






V.C. Smith 1 ,I.A.Nairn 2 & P. Shane 1<br />

1 Department of Geology, The University of<br />

Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland.<br />

2 45 Summit Road, Rotorua RD5.<br />

(v.smith*auckland.ac.nz)<br />

Three of the four rhyolitic episodes (21.4 ka<br />

Okareka, 17.7 ka Rerewhakaaitu, 13.8 ka Waiohau,<br />

and ~AD1315 Kaharoa) from Tarawera in the last<br />

25 kyr have each tapped two or more rhyolite<br />

magmas. The relationships and properties of all<br />

these Tarawera rhyolites are being examined by<br />

ion-microprobe analyses (at University of<br />

Edinburgh) of the volatile contents and trace<br />

element compositions of quartz-hosted melt<br />

inclusions and their associated matrix glasses. The<br />

melt inclusions provide information on dissolved<br />

volatile concentrations, minimum pressures of<br />

crystallisation, and degassing processes in the preeruption<br />

magmas. The trace-element compositions<br />

of the inclusions and matrix melt can reveal magma<br />

variation and mixing processes. Very little was<br />

previously known about volatile abundances and<br />

trace elements in the melt phases of Okataina<br />

rhyolites.<br />

More than 70 melt inclusions (>20 µm) have been<br />

analysed in this study. Volatile contents vary<br />

significantly between and within the magmas; the<br />

wide ranges indicating that inclusions were trapped<br />

at different stages of degassing-induced<br />

crystallisation. H2O contents range from 0.7 to 5.4<br />

wt %, and CO2 concentrations between 30-660<br />

ppm. Most of the CO2 variation is seen between<br />

magmas, with typical variation within a magma<br />

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