50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...


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Flow systems are influenced by structural<br />

permeability and modulated by stress cycling<br />

which accompanies intermittent rupturing on<br />

faults, with coupled changes in fault-fracture<br />

permeability.<br />

The NZPB thus provides a world-class natural<br />

laboratory where dynamic flow systems are<br />

accessible to investigation by geological,<br />

geochemical and geophysical techniques, both<br />

onshore and offshore, and by numerical modelling.<br />

Questions to be addressed for each of the tectonic<br />

domains include the fluid sources, the rates of flow,<br />

the degree of water–rock interaction along flow<br />

paths, the influence of structural permeability on<br />

fluid redistribution, and the total fluid budget. A<br />

Discussion Meeting and Workshop is proposed for<br />

late 2006, hosted by GNS Science at Avalon in<br />

Lower Hutt, to evaluate our present state of<br />

knowledge, define areas for future research, and<br />

devise research strategies to enhance understanding<br />

in this field of ever-increasing importance.<br />

ORAL<br />



Ian E M Smith<br />

Department of Geology, University of Auckland,<br />

PB92019, Auckland, New Zealand<br />

(ie.smith*auckland.ac.nz)<br />

A widely accepted paradigm is that continental<br />

crust is exclusively generated in continental<br />

subduction systems where large volume silicic<br />

magmas are produced by crustal anatexis.<br />

However, work in oceanic arcs suggests that this<br />

general conception is not valid. Although oceanic<br />

subduction systems mainly produce magma ranging<br />

from basaltic to basaltic andesite, silicic magmas<br />

can be locally abundant. For example, a feature of<br />

the Tonga-Kermadec oceanic arc is the abundance<br />

of silicic compositions typically associated with<br />

calderas comparable in scale to those of continental<br />

settings. In the thermal evolution of an oceanic arc<br />

system the processes of underplating, together with<br />

the continuous magmatic (and thermal) flux, can<br />

generate a crustal thickness in which dehydration<br />

melting of under plated arc material generates felsic<br />

magmas.<br />

Oceanic arcs evolve through the following four<br />

stages:<br />

1. Generation of subduction-related basaltic<br />

magmas initiates a volcanic system on oceanic<br />

crust. Under-plating magmas cool and<br />

crystallize and hydrothermal convection<br />

develops through the lower crust. At the top of<br />

the system relatively fractionated magmas<br />

begin to build a volcanic edifice.<br />

2. During arc infancy (0.5-1.0 my) heat is<br />

transferred by convection to the lower arc<br />

crust. Hydration of crust through reaction of<br />

pyroxene + olivine –bearing lithologies with<br />

hydrous fluids produces amphibole. Surficial<br />

eruption continues with eruption of basaltandesite<br />

magmas.<br />

3. A stage of arc adolescence (1-2 Ma)<br />

commences as the temperature of a significant<br />

volume of lower crust approaches the<br />

amphibole-saturated solidus at 850-950 o C.<br />

Dehydration melting fluxes the crust and melt<br />

volumes of a few km 3 to tens of km 3 are<br />

rapidly generated. A 20-30% melt fraction<br />

segregates from a granulitic residue and<br />

ascends to upper levels in the system.<br />

Triggering mechanisms include episodic<br />

transfer of extensional strain into the crust or a<br />

pulse of magma associated with a major<br />

recharge event. Felsic magmatic eruptive<br />

4.<br />

activity may be interspersed with continuing<br />

basaltic-andesitic activity.<br />

Arc maturity (>3 Ma) sees a continuation of<br />

basaltic to andesitic activity. The lower crust<br />

having undergone dehydration melting is now<br />

anhydrous granulite significantly below its<br />

solidus temperature and it acts as a thermal<br />

insulator preventing convection of<br />

hydrothermal fluids. Further anatexis can only<br />

occur if appropriate source materials remain to<br />

participate in the hydration-dehydration cycle.<br />

Work in andesitic volcanic systems shows that the<br />

composition of erupted magmas varies<br />

systematically with time a feature that is interpreted<br />

as increasing involvement of a crustal component<br />

as the isotherm rises in response to magmatic flux.<br />

By analogy with the proposed model for oceanic<br />

arcs rhyolitic magmatic systems in continental,<br />

subduction linked settings represent the end<br />

member state of this evolutionary spectrum of<br />

petrological processes where the crustal component<br />

has come to dominate.<br />

ORAL<br />





Victoria C. Smith 1 ,P.Shane 1 &I.A.Nairn 2<br />

1 Department of Geology, The University of<br />

Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland.<br />

2 45 Summit Road, Rotorua RD5.<br />

(v.smith*auckland.ac.nz)<br />

During the past 50 kyr, rhyolitic volcanism at OVC<br />

and TVC caldera centres has been more frequent<br />

50 th <strong>Kaikoura</strong>05 -80- <strong>Kaikoura</strong> <strong>2005</strong>

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