50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...


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active, andesitic White Island volcano has not<br />

widely dispersed tephra, and the oldest primary<br />

deposit found is ~20 ka. Five pre-50 ka rhyolite<br />

eruptions from an unknown Taupo Volcanic Zone<br />

source provide evidence for explosive activity in a<br />

time interval poorly documented on-land. The cores<br />

demonstrate the patchy and uneven preservation of<br />

large magnitude tephra falls caused by local<br />

bioturbation and ponding in bathymetrically<br />

complex regions. Reworked tephra layers are<br />

common and often lack indicative lithological<br />

features. Such units could easily be misinterpreted<br />

as primary events without micro-beam geochemical<br />

analyses of glass shards.<br />

POSTER<br />



R. H. Sibson<br />

Dept. of Geology, University of Otago, P.O. Box<br />

56, Dunedin.<br />

(rick.sibson*stonebow.otago.ac.nz)<br />

Fluid flow in the Earth’s crust is influenced by<br />

anisotropic permeability as well as by hydraulic<br />

gradients in the crust. 2-D modelling of flow<br />

systems based on cross-sections drawn<br />

perpendicular to the strike of orogenic belts can be<br />

misleading when considering fluid redistribution<br />

during contractional orogenesis, because of the<br />

tendency to think of flow as restricted to the plane<br />

of the section. Topographically driven flow and<br />

flow in overpressured systems may both be affected<br />

by directional permeability parallel to strike.<br />

Bedding anisotropy and other forms of primary<br />

rock layering combine with stress/strain-controlled<br />

structural permeability, embracing systems of faults<br />

and fractures as well as fold closures, foliations,<br />

etc. In simple fold-thrust belts associated with<br />

accretionary prisms, collisional, and compressional<br />

inversion orogens, structural permeability is<br />

dominated by fold hinges and duplex structures,<br />

plus fault-fracture intersections aligned parallel to<br />

strike. In both active and ancient fold-belts,<br />

evidence exists for high levels of hydraulic<br />

communication extending along fold hingelines for<br />

kilometres to tens of kilometres along strike. Where<br />

convergence varies along contractional orogenic<br />

belts, fluid may thus be expelled laterally along this<br />

directional permeability from the regions of most<br />

intense shortening. The volume of fluid passing<br />

through a cross-strike section is then likely to be far<br />

greater than that inferred from considering fluid<br />

redistribution restricted to the plane of the section.<br />

Along the New Zealand plate boundary, 3-D<br />

structural permeability affecting fluid redistribution<br />

seems likely to be especially important within the<br />

dewatering accretionary prism of the Hikurangi<br />

Margin, and in areas of active compressional<br />

inversion (e.g. NW Nelson - Taranaki Basin).<br />

ORAL<br />


THE <strong>NEW</strong> ZEALAND PLATE BOUNDARY –<br />



R. H. Sibson<br />

Dept. of Geology, University of Otago, P.O. Box<br />

56, Dunedin.<br />

(rick.sibson*stonebow.otago.ac.nz)<br />

Crustal-scale fluid flow is a frontier area in Earth<br />

Science, critically relevant to exploration for, and<br />

future exploitation of, energy and mineral resources<br />

(oil, gas, geothermal power, hydrothermal mineral<br />

deposits). The New Zealand plate boundary<br />

(NZPB) is a geochemical factory where the<br />

interplay of tectonic and magmatic processes<br />

promotes fluid redistribution between the<br />

atmosphere, continental and oceanic rock<br />

assemblages, the ocean water mass, and the deep<br />

Earth. The diverse character of the boundary,<br />

comprising opposite-facing subduction zones along<br />

the Hikurangi and Fiordland Margins linked by an<br />

imperfect transform fault system, gives rise to an<br />

array of sites where aqueous and hydrocarbon<br />

fluids are being actively redistributed within the<br />

crust. These include:<br />

i. active hydrothermal circulation coupled to<br />

magmatism in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ)<br />

(and its northeastward continuation along the<br />

Lau-Havre Trough);<br />

ii. zones of sediment compaction and<br />

compressional ‘squeegee’ deformation with<br />

associated fluid loss along the Hikurangi and<br />

Fiordland subduction interfaces;<br />

iii. areas of ongoing compressional inversion<br />

iv.<br />

associated with hydrocarbon migration in the<br />

Taranaki Basin and in the northwestern and<br />

southern South Island; and<br />

topography-driven flow in the uplifted Southern<br />

Alps and other mountain ranges flanking the<br />

linking transform fault system, and around major<br />

volcanic edifices. Fluid redistribution is<br />

variously driven by topographic relief and<br />

precipitation, upwelling mantle and magmatic<br />

intrusion leading to convective circulation of<br />

hydrothermal fluids, compaction, deformation,<br />

and metamorphic dehydration of thick<br />

sedimentary sequences, and changes in the<br />

regional stress state. While flow in near-surface<br />

systems typically occurs under near-hydrostatic<br />

fluid pressure (the ‘normal state’), fluids at depth<br />

may be structurally compartmentalised and<br />

overpressured well above hydrostatic values.<br />

50 th <strong>Kaikoura</strong>05 -79- <strong>Kaikoura</strong> <strong>2005</strong>

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