50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...


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with 63.8%, and then [3] with 49.9%. The<br />

permeability of the Burrell Lapilli samples is<br />

generally up to 10 times higher at given porosities<br />

(e.g. 5.3x10 -11 m 2<br />

at �=75.1%) compared to<br />

literature data for dacitic and rhyolitic pumice<br />

compositions. In cores drilled on three mutually<br />

perpendicular directions, there was no correlation<br />

between porosity and permeability. However, in<br />

four specimens with �>60%, the highest<br />

permeability occurred with the oriented core of<br />

intermediate porosity value. This result suggests<br />

that vesicle structure is anisotropic in respect to<br />

flow path.<br />

Long cores cut into two were analysed for<br />

reproducibility and homogeneity. The data clearly<br />

show that the four pumice types are internally<br />

homogenous with minor within-category<br />

differences in �of 0.1 – 4.0%. However, single<br />

larger pumice clasts are heterogeneous and their<br />

bulk vesicularity can vary up to 19.9% (n=6).<br />

The bulk rock compositions of all pumice types is<br />

nearly identical, implying the difference among<br />

pumice types is solely based on physical properties.<br />

Vesicle textures reveal that type [1] pumices have<br />

thinner bubble walls and less microlites as well as<br />

heterogeneous bubble size distributions compared<br />

to type [2]. Vesicles in [2] are often deformed,<br />

presumably causing higher porosities and<br />

permeabilities due to the creation of additional<br />

apertures between neighbouring vesicles.<br />

The development of different coloured pumice<br />

types is the result of slightly differing physical<br />

magma properties, such as temperature and<br />

viscosity, resulting in changes in vesicle texture and<br />

glass composition. This is directly controlled by<br />

syn-eruptive decompression and fragmentation<br />

processes rather than the pre-eruptive magma<br />

evolution.<br />

Type [1] pumice represents the initial<br />

heterogeneous magma foam just prior to eruption<br />

followed by type [2] which was able to crystallise<br />

microlites due to sudden decompression and/or<br />

slower ascent rate. During magma ascent these two<br />

magma foams mingle in the conduit imperfectly<br />

due to viscosity variations, as observed in [4].<br />

Deformation in type [2] pumices is related to higher<br />

eruption temperature, and hence lower viscosity,<br />

than type [1] pumice.<br />

POSTER<br />


AND HYDE NATURE <strong>OF</strong> TARANAKI<br />


T.Platz 1 ,S.JCronin 1 ,R.B.Stewart 1 ,<br />

I. E. M. Smith 2 &S.F.Foley 3<br />

1 Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University,<br />

Palmerston North, New Zealand<br />

2 Department of Geological Sciences, University of<br />

Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand<br />

3 Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Mainz,<br />

Mainz, Germany<br />

(t.platz*massey.ac.nz)<br />

The volcanic activity at Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand<br />

is principally characterised by three end member<br />

type eruptions: [1] lava flow eruptions (effusive),<br />

[2] lava dome forming eruptions<br />

(effusive/explosive), and [3] sub-Plinian eruptions<br />

(explosive). The geological record of volcanic<br />

events at Mt. Taranaki is predominantly marked by<br />

type [1] and [2]; in the past 800 years<br />

predominantly by [2]. The transition from effusive<br />

to explosive eruption style within one eruptive<br />

event and within long term eruptive periods is still<br />

poorly known. To understand the different eruptive<br />

behaviour, petrographical and geochemical studies<br />

have been undertaken to approach this problem.<br />

The Taranaki andesite rocks can broadly be<br />

subdivided into three categories: virtually<br />

hornblende (hbl) free rocks [1], hbl containing<br />

rocks with different degrees of hbl alteration [2],<br />

and unaltered hbl containing rocks [3]. The<br />

presence or absence of hbl in volcanic rocks is<br />

crucial in terms of water contents of the magma,<br />

which strongly influences the eruptive style.<br />

Petrographical data, e.g. degree of alteration of hbl<br />

and groundmass glass textures, as well as<br />

geochemical data based on e.g. melt inclusions in<br />

clinopyroxene and hornblende, give rise to the<br />

conclusion that there are two end member magma<br />

compositions. We propose the existence of a dry<br />

and a wet andesitic magma. The terms dry and wet<br />

are used to illustrate whether the magma contains<br />

hbl (wet) or not (dry).<br />

We conclude that both magmas are derived from<br />

the same initial parental melt at the base of the<br />

continental crust which then evolves differently<br />

during ascent within the crust. The two magma<br />

compositions erupt either as lava flow (dry) or<br />

pumice fall (wet), representing the effusive and<br />

explosive end members as observed on the earth’s<br />

surface. Lava dome forming eruptions producing<br />

predominantly block-and-ash flow deposits<br />

represent hybrid magmas caused by<br />

mixing/mingling of dry and wet magma.<br />

ORAL<br />

50 th <strong>Kaikoura</strong>05 -69- <strong>Kaikoura</strong> <strong>2005</strong>

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