50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...


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hydrovolcanic eruptions then took place to form the<br />

Mt Bradley Volcaniclastic Member, a low angle<br />

tuff ring formed by both ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ base<br />

surges. ‘Wet’ base surges occurred when there was<br />

excess water supplied at the vent, whereas ‘dry’<br />

base surges occurred when water was limited, or<br />

used in previous eruptions. Magma / water<br />

interaction was shallow, promoting rapid chilling<br />

and fragmentation. Eruption through a shallow<br />

standing body of water is supported by the presence<br />

of middle mud deposits, the majority of blocks over<br />

bombs, preservation of delicate cuspate edges on<br />

glass fragments, large U-shaped channels, and<br />

fluvial deposits and erosion surfaces between<br />

eruptive packages. Hawaiian style eruptive activity<br />

marked the cessation of phreatomagmatic activity,<br />

and formed a thin lava flow. This flow blocked<br />

drainage, allowing the development of a lake, and<br />

formed the upper mud deposits.<br />

A second phase of effusive and phreatomagmatic<br />

activity then occurred, producing the interfingering<br />

Packhorse Lava Member (new name) flows and<br />

Tablelands Volcaniclastic Member. Packhorse Lava<br />

Member flows overcame the topographic controlled<br />

upper sector collapse and flowed further to the<br />

southeast. On exiting the steep sided collapse flows<br />

fanned out, but were constrained to the east by the<br />

growing edifice of Akaroa Volcano. The succession<br />

was then capped by Mt Herbert and flank-fed<br />

Akaroa lava flows.<br />

POSTER<br />

EVOLUTION <strong>OF</strong> THE PALEO-PACIFIC<br />




M.R. Handler 1 , R.J. Wysoczanski 1 ,<br />

J.A. Gamble 2 ,V.C.Bennett 3 & J.H. Berg 4<br />

1 Institute for Research on Earth Evolution,<br />

JAMSTEC, Kanagawa 237-0061, Japan<br />

2 Dept of Geology, University College Cork,<br />

Ireland.<br />

3 RSES, Australian National University, Canberra<br />

0200, Australia.<br />

4 Geology & Environmental Geosciences, Northern<br />

Illinois University, USA.<br />

(monica*jamstec.go.jp)<br />

West Antarctica and eastern Australia formed part<br />

of the contiguous Paleo-Pacific Gondwana margin<br />

during Late Proterozoic to Mesozoic times. Key<br />

aspects of the regional evolution of this margin,<br />

including the nature and age of the component<br />

terranes, remain contentious due to the poor<br />

exposure of crustal sequences resulting from the<br />

extensive ice and sedimentary basin cover in West<br />

Antarctica and eastern Australia, respectively.<br />

Samples of the deep crust and lithospheric mantle<br />

are restricted to xenoliths incorporated in the<br />

Cenozoic lavas that have been emplaced along<br />

much of the length of this margin, and which can<br />

preserve unique age and process information that<br />

may be valuable in interpreting continent evolution.<br />

Earlier work in southeastern Australia in particular,<br />

has demonstrated the potential of the Re-Os<br />

isotopic system for constraining the timing of<br />

events recorded in the lithospheric mantle of the<br />

Paleo-Pacific Gondwana margin, with implications<br />

for continent structure and evolution (Handler and<br />

Bennett, 2001).<br />

We will present new Os and Nd isotopic data for<br />

lithospheric xenoliths from Marie Byrd Land and<br />

Victoria Land, Antarctica, together with previously<br />

published Re-Os data and model ages from along<br />

the PaleoPacific Gondwana margin in southeastern<br />

Australia and central Marie Byrd Land (McBride et<br />

al., 1996; Handler and Bennett, 2001; Handler et<br />

al., 2003), and discuss their implications for the<br />

development of the margin. The results suggest<br />

preservation of Proterozoic lithospheric mantle<br />

along the sampled length of the margin. Striking<br />

observations include: the similarity of the oldest<br />

PaleoProterozoic Os model ages found beneath the<br />

Delamerian Fold Belt of southeastern Australia and<br />

beneath West Antarctica; preservation of a ca. 500<br />

Ma age from central Marie Byrd Land; and the<br />

suggestion that a significant melting event may<br />

have affected the mantle beneath both southeast<br />

Australia and Marie Byrd Land ca. 900 – 1100 Ma.<br />

The timing of this speculated MesoProterozoic<br />

mantle event(s) coincides with the age of a<br />

significant peak in the U-Pb detrital zircon age<br />

spectra of the vast turbidite deposits of the Paleo-<br />

Pacific Gondwana margin (Wysoczanski and<br />

Allibone, 2004).<br />

Handler MR and Bennett VC (2001) Tectonics 20: 177-<br />

188.<br />

Handler MR, Wysoczanski RJ and Gamble JA (2003)<br />

Chemical Geology 196: 131-145.<br />

McBride JS, Lambert DD, Greig A and Nicholls IA<br />

(1996) Geology 24: 631-634.<br />

Wysoczanski RJ and Allibone, AH (2004) Journal of<br />

Geology 112: 401-416.<br />

ORAL<br />

50 th <strong>Kaikoura</strong>05 -33- <strong>Kaikoura</strong> <strong>2005</strong>

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