50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...


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R. George 1 ,S.Turner 1 ,R.Price 2 ,C.Cook 2 &B.<br />

Finney 3<br />

1 GEMOC Key Centre, Earth and Planetary<br />

Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney<br />

2 School of Science and Technology, University of<br />

Waikato, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton<br />

3 Department of Earth Sciences, University of<br />

Bristol, Queens Rd, Bristol, BS8 1RJ, UK<br />

(rgeorge*els.mq.edu.au)<br />

Parent-daughter isotope systems that decay on time<br />

scales appropriate to the rates of processes<br />

themselves have proved powerful tools in tracking<br />

the histories of many arc-related processes from<br />

fluid release during plate subduction to dynamic<br />

melting of the mantle wedge. However, the rates<br />

inferred for mantle processes can only be<br />

considered real if the effects of continental crustal<br />

interaction are demonstrably minimal. In order to<br />

try and deconvolve mantle and crustal processes in<br />

this context we consider two contrasting case<br />

studies.<br />

Ruapehu volcano, New Zealand: On an equiline<br />

diagram the Ruapehu samples form a subtle<br />

positive array that extends from Taupo rhyolites<br />

and is intermediate between them and Kermadec<br />

lavas. It is conceivable from this data that a simple<br />

model of mixing between mantle-derived melts and<br />

Taupo crustal melts may explain the Ruapehu<br />

disequilibria. However, other reservoirs may be<br />

involved. For example, the range of calculated<br />

disequilibria derived from elemental Th/U ratios in<br />

averaged metasedimentary xenoliths, Torlesse and<br />

Waipapa basement averages could also be involved.<br />

Thus an alternative, although speculative, model is<br />

that Ruapehu samples reflect melts sourced from<br />

the lower to middle crust (as sampled in the<br />

xenolith suite), mixed with those generated at<br />

shallower levels (represented by Taupo-like<br />

magmas). Irrespective of the exact details of likely<br />

components, the key aspect of these systematics is<br />

that for the first time, there is sufficient information<br />

available to show that an inclined array on the<br />

equiline diagram for a single volcanic suite is<br />

unequivocally the product of open system<br />

processes: mixing between mantle or lower to midcrustal<br />

melts and shallow upper crustal<br />

components.<br />

Okmok volcano, Aleutian arc: At face value, 238 U-<br />

230<br />

Th disequilibria in young volcanics from Okmok<br />

suggest time scales of 50 kyr or less for some<br />

combination of mantle-crustal processes to take<br />

place. Given good evidence in the arc as a whole<br />

for fluid transfer from the subducted plate to take<br />

less than 10 kyr to reach the arc volcano (George et<br />

al., 2003), this additional time could reasonably be<br />

supposed to relate to a crustal process. Extremely<br />

good negative correlations between Sr and O<br />

isotopes are consistent with crustal assimilation of<br />

low � 18 O, hydrothermally-altered wallrocks. While<br />

the correlation between these two parameters and<br />

( 230 Th/ 232 Th) appears to be less coherent, it is<br />

striking that these activity ratios broadly increase<br />

with increasing Sr isotope ratios and decreasing<br />

� 18 O. The assimilant could therefore be<br />

hydrothermally-altered arc crust of relatively recent<br />

age of less than 100 kyr.<br />

ORAL<br />

THE SURFACE IMAGE <strong>OF</strong> AN ACTIVELY<br />



MACKENZIE BASIN (SOUTH ISLAND, <strong>NEW</strong><br />

ZEALAND)<br />

F. C. Ghisetti<br />

Dept. of Geology, University of Otago, PO Box 56,<br />

Dunedin, New Zealand<br />

(francesca.ghisetti*stonebow.otago.ac.nz)<br />

A reappraisal of the geometry and structural<br />

evolution of the Ostler fault within the Mackenzie<br />

basin is under way. A new geological map of the<br />

fault zone (scale 1:50,000) is almost complete, and<br />

two seismic reflection lines across the fault will be<br />

acquired by A. Gorman in the early months of 2006<br />

(Otago University Research Grant). The Ostler fault<br />

is a 50 km long, N-S reverse fault, dipping 30º-50º<br />

W. Previous studies have documented the<br />

segmented nature of the fault, average rates of<br />

deformation �1 mm/yr, and the occurrence of two<br />

seismic events in the last 6 ka. According to<br />

Kleffmann and Stern (in preparation) the Ostler<br />

fault bounds the edge of a strong gravimetric<br />

gradient of residual Bouguer anomalies, with a<br />

minimum < -200 µN/kg west of the fault. This<br />

setting is interpreted in terms of a buried marine<br />

Tertiary basin, controlled by earlier normal faults.<br />

The deep geometry of the fault is largely<br />

unresolved, but stratigraphic and structural features<br />

revealed by surface mapping need to be considered<br />

in any interpretation.<br />

A >1000 m thick sequence of terrestrial mudstones,<br />

siltstones and gravels (Pliocene?-Pleistocene?) is<br />

exposed in the fault hanging wall only. Internal<br />

architecture reveals a growth geometry of beds<br />

tilted 30º-60º W, unconformably overlain by coarse<br />

gravels (120 ka?). Above, six orders of river<br />

terraces are preserved, with the three highest orders<br />

correlating to the 35, 22-17 and 14 ka moraines.<br />

Terrace distribution indicates shifting of faulttransverse<br />

drainages, relatable to episodic uplift of<br />

the upthrown block during progressive northward<br />

propagation of segment ruptures in the late<br />

50 th <strong>Kaikoura</strong>05 -29- <strong>Kaikoura</strong> <strong>2005</strong>

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