50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...


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millennial scale dating of deep-water sediments,<br />

using a non-linear age interpolation method, and<br />

facies analysis, based on minimum paleodepth data.<br />

When applied in combination, the new<br />

biostratigraphic tools provide a robust temporal and<br />

paleoenvironmental framework that enables the<br />

temporal and spatial relationships of late Miocene<br />

depositional systems to be interrogated at a level of<br />

resolution similar to seismic. Although developed<br />

for late Miocene depositional systems in Taranaki<br />

Basin, the new biostratigraphic tools can be applied<br />

to late Miocene rocks in most New Zealand<br />

sedimentary basins, and the methodologies adapted<br />

for other stratigraphic intervals.<br />

ORAL<br />


MODEL FOR <strong>NEW</strong> ZEALAND<br />

G.D. Dellow 1 , M.J. McSaveney 1 ,M.W.Stirling 1<br />

& K.R. Berryman 1<br />

1 GNS Science, PO Box 30-368, Lower Hutt, New<br />

Zealand.<br />

(g.dellow*gns.cri.nz)<br />

A probabilistic landslide hazard model for New<br />

Zealand has been developed, by producing<br />

landslide-area magnitude/frequency curves.<br />

Calibrating the magnitude/ frequency curves using<br />

landslide catalogue data allows the absolute and<br />

relative frequency of landslide-areas of a stipulated<br />

magnitude or in a stipulated time interval to be<br />

determined for a selected terrain.<br />

Landslide-area data for New Zealand have been<br />

subdivided into landslide terrains based on geology,<br />

slope angle and landslide density. For each<br />

landslide terrain the landslide-area data (from an<br />

inventory of New Zealand landslides) is plotted as a<br />

magnitude/frequency curve in log/log space. The<br />

slope of the magnitude/frequency curve in log/log<br />

space approximates a straight line for the larger<br />

magnitude landslide-area data in each terrain. The<br />

slope of the magnitude/frequency curve varies for<br />

different terrains indicating that the landslide<br />

hazard varies across the different terrains. The<br />

slopes of the magnitude/frequency curves for the<br />

New Zealand landslide terrains range from 1.25 to<br />

2.94 and are similar to the range of values reported<br />

in the literature for landslide magnitude/frequency<br />

data (1.75-3.30).<br />

The magnitude/frequency curves are calibrated with<br />

respect to time using a nine-year catalogue of<br />

landslide occurrences in New Zealand. This allows<br />

the absolute landslide-area magnitude/frequency<br />

curve for each terrain to be determined. To directly<br />

compare the landslide magnitude/frequency curves<br />

in each of the terrains, we calculate the relative<br />

landslide magnitude/frequency curves by<br />

normalising terrain areas to a standard area unit of<br />

10,000 km 2 .<br />

Comparison of the relative landslide<br />

magnitude/frequency curves shows an order of<br />

magnitude difference in the rate at which landslides<br />

occur in the lowest and highest hazard terrains.<br />

The relative landslide magnitude/frequency curves<br />

determined for each terrain allow probabilistic<br />

landslide hazard maps for New Zealand to be<br />

generated. Probabilistic landslide hazard maps for<br />

New Zealand are used to show either the largest<br />

landslide that is expected to occur in a given terrain<br />

for a stipulated time interval (e.g. 100 or 475 years)<br />

or alternatively the return period for a stipulated<br />

landslide-area (e.g. 10,000 m 3 ; 100,000 m 3 or<br />

1,000,000 m 3 ).<br />

ORAL<br />


GEOCHEMISTRY <strong>OF</strong> THE 13.8 – 22.5 KA<br />


TONGARIRO VOLCANIC CENTRE, <strong>NEW</strong><br />


Louise R. Doyle 1 , Phil Shane 1 &IanNairn 2<br />

1 Department of Geology, University of Auckland<br />

2 45 Summit Road, Rotorua<br />

(l.fowler*auckland.ac.nz)<br />

This study focuses on the 13.8 – 22.5 ka Rotoaira<br />

eruptive sequence, the youngest of which is the<br />

Rotoaira Lapilli (13.8 ka). Three units make up the<br />

distal deposits of the Rotoaira eruptive sequence,<br />

Tongariro Volcanic Centre, and are bracketed by<br />

the rhyolitic 11.9 ka Waiohau and 22.5 ka Oruanui<br />

tephras. Rerewhakaaitu tephra (14.7 ka) lies<br />

between the youngest and the middle deposit of the<br />

Rotoaira sequence. All three units are separated by<br />

paleosols. Glass, mineral and whole rock<br />

geochemistry has been carried out on lapilli-sized<br />

pumices from the distal, medial and proximal<br />

deposits of the three units of the Rotoaira eruptive<br />

sequence. Each unit has a distinct geochemical<br />

composition. Glass data indicate many of the clasts<br />

are heterogeneous and each eruptive episode has a<br />

wide range in SiO2 (58-78 wt %) and K2O (1.6-4.0<br />

wt %) composition suggesting magma mingling.<br />

Disequilibrium features in thin sections are further<br />

evidence of magma mingling. Temporal variations<br />

in composition are apparent. The oldest deposit of<br />

the eruption sequence (PR1) is less evolved than<br />

the younger deposits (SiO2=62 wt %), the middle<br />

deposit (PR2) has SiO2=66 wt % and the final<br />

eruption deposit has bimodal chemistry of SiO2=64<br />

wt % and SiO2=71 wt %. Temporal variations are<br />

also evident within the youngest deposit of the<br />

eruption sequence (PR3). The oldest stratigraphic<br />

layer has SiO2=69 wt %, the middle layer has an<br />

increased SiO2 composition (SiO2=72 wt %) with a<br />

50 th <strong>Kaikoura</strong>05 -24- <strong>Kaikoura</strong> <strong>2005</strong>

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