50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...

50thKaikoura05 -1- Kaikoura 2005 CHARACTERISATION OF NEW ...


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investigations in the 60’s and 70’s. The active<br />

central vents shows a combination of<br />

prheatomagmatic to magmatic explosive and<br />

effusive events that are seemingly strongly<br />

controlled by the hydrogeology and architecture of<br />

the island. Marum and Benbow are well-developed<br />

tuff cones with deep and complex craters, where pit<br />

crater formation as well as phreatomagmatic<br />

explosive eruption induced crater subsidence play a<br />

major role in their formation. Flank eruptions<br />

forming monogenetic fields commonly started with<br />

central eruptions such as in 1913, suggesting a<br />

strong coupling mechanism of central and flank<br />

eruptions. Magma rise in the centre of the island,<br />

followed by intense degassing and drainage of<br />

degassed magma along lateral dykes is inferred by<br />

us to be the major means by which the central 12km<br />

wide caldera slowly formed. This caldera<br />

formed over a long-term stable shallow magma<br />

storage system. Hence we suggest, that the theory<br />

of the “giant tuff cone” is not necessary to explain<br />

the volcaniclastic facies associations of Ambrym,<br />

and the formation of its caldera. This volcano<br />

should hence never be used as a comparative<br />

example for large-scale explosive<br />

phreatomagmatism – as has been done on several<br />

occasions since the mid 90’s. This conclusion also<br />

highlights that the volcanic hazard of Ambrym is<br />

rather dominated by the potential interaction of<br />

magma and water along the NW and SE rift edge<br />

and the style of eruptions in the central vent rather<br />

than potential major caldera forming events that<br />

may disrupt the island and impact upon the region.<br />

ORAL<br />





E. M. Crouch, H.E.G. Morgans, B.D. Field,<br />

C.M.Jones,J.I.Raine,C.P.Strong&<br />

G.J. Wilson<br />

GNS Science, PO Box 30368, Lower Hutt<br />

(e.crouch*gns.cri.nz)<br />

Detailed studies of early Paleogene South Pacific<br />

sedimentary records are limited, but are critical in<br />

providing proxy data for validating general<br />

circulation models and understanding natural<br />

processes that led to major perturbations in carbon<br />

cycling and global climate. Some of the most<br />

complete South Pacific early Paleogene records are<br />

from distal pelagic successions in the Clarence<br />

Valley, Marlborough, but corresponding wellexposed<br />

records from proximal settings are<br />

currently limited. The mid-Waipara River Section,<br />

North Canterbury, has a well-exposed and near<br />

continuous early Paleogene shelf succession,<br />

providing an opportunity to document biological<br />

and sedimentological response to climatic changes<br />

in a proximal setting during the Paleocene to<br />

Middle Eocene (~65–46 Ma).<br />

From the mid-Waipara River Section, a detailed<br />

suite of 265 samples has been collected from<br />

Paleocene, Paleocene/Eocene boundary, and Early<br />

to Middle Eocene successions of the Conway and<br />

Loburn Formations, Waipara Greensand and<br />

Ashley Mudstone. All samples are incorporated in a<br />

detailed tape and compass survey map, and the<br />

collections are documented in six lithologic<br />

columns that represent a geographic and<br />

stratigraphic progression from the westernmost<br />

(oldest) to the easternmost (youngest) location<br />

(Morgans et al., <strong>2005</strong>). Integrated studies of<br />

sedimentology, foraminifera, dinoflagellate cysts,<br />

calcareous nannofossils, spores/pollen, and carbon<br />

isotopes are being completed.<br />

Biostratigraphic results suggest the top of the<br />

Conway Formation youngs in an eastward direction<br />

from uppermost Cretaceous in the Waipara South<br />

Branch section to lower Paleocene in the mid-<br />

Waipara River section. A near-complete ~120 m<br />

thick Paleocene record is sampled, with diverse<br />

calcareous and organic-walled microfossil<br />

assemblages in the Early and early Late Paleocene.<br />

Calcareous faunas are absent throughout most of<br />

the Waipara Greensand (Late Paleocene) and age<br />

control is primarily from dinoflagellate cysts. Initial<br />

bulk organic � 13 C isotope results suggest the late<br />

Paleocene carbon isotope maximum (~59.5–56 Ma)<br />

is present in the upper Waipara Greensand<br />

(Stormont Member), along with a geochemical<br />

signature that is characteristic of the Waipawa<br />

(Black Shale) Formation. The Paleocene/Eocene<br />

boundary, or initial Eocene thermal maximum (~55<br />

Ma), is tentatively recognised in the uppermost<br />

Waipara Greensand, however further palynological<br />

and � 13 C isotope analyses are needed. While<br />

continuous in-situ earliest Eocene (Waipawan)<br />

sediments are not presently exposed, a detailed<br />

Early to Middle Eocene (Mangaorapan–<br />

Heretaungan) Ashley Mudstone record indicates<br />

most of the Early Eocene climatic optimum (~53–<br />

50 Ma) is represented.<br />

Morgans, H.E.G., Jones, C.M., Crouch, E.M., et al.,<br />

<strong>2005</strong>: Upper Cretaceous to Eocene stratigraphy and<br />

sample collections, mid-Waipara River Section, North<br />

Canterbury. Institute of Geological and Nuclear<br />

Sciences science report 2003/08. 101 p.<br />

ORAL<br />

50 th <strong>Kaikoura</strong>05 -22- <strong>Kaikoura</strong> <strong>2005</strong>

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