Zbornik2015-I Zbornik2015-I

15.12.2015 Views NIKOLI, struni savjetnik za inženjersku geologiju Jasminka NIKOLI, viši struni saradnik za hidrogeologiju Federalni zavod za geologiju, Sarajevo, BIH, ANTROPOGENI FAKTORI KAO OKIDAI POKRETANJA INŽENJERSKO GEOLOŠKIH PROCESA I PREVENTIVNE SANACIONE MJERE Rezime U proteklom periodu, usljed znaajnih klimatskih promjena, došlo je do neoekivano ekstremnih padavina, koje su prouzrokovale katastrofu nevienih razmjera u našoj zemlji i regionu. Poslije dugog preioda oborina, vodeni kolektori su se izlili i poplavili veliki broj objekata i putnih komunikacija. Poplave i velike kiše inicirale su i pokretanje velikog broja inženjersko geoloških procesa u vidu: klizišta, odrona, konsolidacije tla i teenja tla, što je dodatno otežalo evakuaciju stanovništa i ugrozilo živote i materijalna dobra. Znaajan broj navedenih procesa mogao se izbjei i umanjiti preventivnim mjerama sanacije i pravovremenom intervencijom nadležnih službi. Antropogeni faktor je imao jaku ulogu, kao okida u pokretanju klizišta, kao i uticaja na devastaciju veeg broja objekata i žrtava nego da se preventivno djelovalo i preduprijedile mogue posljedice ovakvih razmjera. U ovom radu bit e prikazani mnogobrojni propusti stanovništva, nadležnih institucija i inspekcijskih organa u gradnji objekata i infrastrukture na geološki i hidrogeološki nepodobnim zonama uz neadekvatna geomhanika i hidrogeološka ispitivanja tla prilikom gradnje objekata, a što je za posljedicu imalo devastaciju istih i ugrožavanje života ljudi. Zbog loše finansijske situacije i preduvjeta za gradnju objekata vrlo esto se pristupa gradnji istih na neuslovnim lokacijama: lokacijama sa velikim nagibom padine, geološki nestabilnog tla, lošeg temeljenja objekta, neadekvatnoj evakuaciji podzemnih i površinskih voda, nepostojanje sistema kanalizacije i vodosnabdjevanja, lošem dreniranju voda prilikom gradnje putnih komunikacija, lošoj gradnji obaloutvrda na vodotocima, kao i mnogih drugih ljudskih faktora koji su dodatno poveali štete od poplava i padavina. Selektivna sanacija kosina i padina koje daju naznake pomjeranja, adekvatni projekti dreniranja, planska gradnja objekata i infrastrukture, znaajno bi umanjila štete od padavina. Zakonske regulative u našoj zemlji su dosta dobre i napravljene sa ciljem zaštite ljudskih života i materijalnih dobara, ali je na terenu slika dosta drugaija i vrlo rijetko ispoštovana po zakonskim normama. Ureenje sistema gradnje, uspostavljanje sistema zona stabilnosti, preventivno djelovanje i saniranje, bi onemoguilo padavine velikog obima da naprave štetu kao predhodne godine. A prema dosadašnjim pokazateljima, klimatske promjene su nastupile i mogu se i u narednom periodu oekivati ekstremne padavine, pa bi trebalo urgentno djelovati na implementaciji predhodno navedenih aktivnosti. Kljune rijei: klizište, prevencija, inženjersko geološki procesi, antropogeni faktori.

THE ANTHROPOGENIC FACTOR LIKE TRIGGER OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY PROCESS AND PREVENTIVE RECOVERY PROCEDURE Abstract In the previous period, due to significant climate change, there has been an unexpected extreme rainfall, which caused a disaster of unprecedented proportions in our country and the region. After a long period rainfall, water collectors were poured and flooded a large number of facilities and road communications. Floods and heavy rain have initiated and run a large number of engineering and geological processes such as: landslides, landslides, soil consolidation and soil creep, which further aggravated the evacuation of the population and threatening the lives and material goods. A significant number of the mentioned process could be avoided and preventive measures to reduce remediation and timely intervention of the competent services. Anthropogenic factor had a strong role as a trigger to launch landslides, as well as the impact of the devastation of multiple objects and victims than to act preventively and forestall the possible consequences of such scale. This paper will be presented numerous failures of the population, the authorities and inspection bodies in the construction of facilities and infrastructure on the geological and hydrogeological unsuitable areas with inadequate geomechanical and hydrogeological testing of soil during the construction of facilities, which resulted in the devastation of the same and endangering people's lives. Due to the poor financial situation and the preconditions for the construction of very often approached in the same building uninhabitable locations: locations with steep inclines slopes, geologically unstable soil, poor foundation of the structure, inadequate evacuation of ground and surface water, the lack of a sewage system and water supply, poor drainage of water during construction of road communications, poor construction of coastal defense work on watercourses, as well as many other human factors that further increase the damage from flooding and rainfall. Selective rehabilitation of slopes and slopes that give indications of a sliding, adequate drainage projects, the planned construction of facilities and infrastructure, would significantly reduce damage from rainfall. Legislation in our country are quite good and made with the aim of protecting human life and property, but the picture on the ground is quite different and very rarely respected by the Legal norms. Regulation of construction, establishing a zone of stability, preventive action and rehabilitation, to prevent large scale precipitation to cause damage as the previous year. And according to present indicators, climate changes have occurred Key words: landslide, prevention, engineering geology process, anthropogenic factor.




Abstract<br />

In the previous period, due to significant climate change, there has been an unexpected<br />

extreme rainfall, which caused a disaster of unprecedented proportions in our country and the<br />

region. After a long period rainfall, water collectors were poured and flooded a large number<br />

of facilities and road communications. Floods and heavy rain have initiated and run a large<br />

number of engineering and geological processes such as: landslides, landslides, soil<br />

consolidation and soil creep, which further aggravated the evacuation of the population and<br />

threatening the lives and material goods.<br />

A significant number of the mentioned process could be avoided and preventive<br />

measures to reduce remediation and timely intervention of the competent services.<br />

Anthropogenic factor had a strong role as a trigger to launch landslides, as well as the impact<br />

of the devastation of multiple objects and victims than to act preventively and forestall the<br />

possible consequences of such scale. This paper will be presented numerous failures of the<br />

population, the authorities and inspection bodies in the construction of facilities and<br />

infrastructure on the geological and hydrogeological unsuitable areas with inadequate<br />

geomechanical and hydrogeological testing of soil during the construction of facilities, which<br />

resulted in the devastation of the same and endangering people's lives. Due to the poor<br />

financial situation and the preconditions for the construction of very often approached in the<br />

same building uninhabitable locations: locations with steep inclines slopes, geologically<br />

unstable soil, poor foundation of the structure, inadequate evacuation of ground and surface<br />

water, the lack of a sewage system and water supply, poor drainage of water during<br />

construction of road communications, poor construction of coastal defense work on<br />

watercourses, as well as many other human factors that further increase the damage from<br />

flooding and rainfall.<br />

Selective rehabilitation of slopes and slopes that give indications of a sliding, adequate<br />

drainage projects, the planned construction of facilities and infrastructure, would significantly<br />

reduce damage from rainfall. Legislation in our country are quite good and made with the aim<br />

of protecting human life and property, but the picture on the ground is quite different and very<br />

rarely respected by the Legal norms. Regulation of construction, establishing a zone of<br />

stability, preventive action and rehabilitation, to prevent large scale precipitation to cause<br />

damage as the previous year. And according to present indicators, climate changes have<br />

occurred<br />

Key words: landslide, prevention, engineering geology process, anthropogenic factor.

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