Zbornik2015-I Zbornik2015-I


especially floods on the telecommunications infrastructure and services. Interruption of telecommunication services is inevitable in all big natural disasters. Sophisticated telecommunications infrastructure is by its nature very vulnerable. On the other hand, it is critical in terms of maintaining communications in the affected place and necessary for the maintenance of minimum conditions for the functioning of society in emergency circumstances. With that in mind, it is clearly important to undertake activities aimed at raising the level of reliability of supply of telecommunications services in situations of natural disasters as well as shortening the time to establish the full functionality of the network. The paper will be using the experience from the world's the largest floods in the last 15 years and special attention will be given to the May floods in 2014 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. LITERATURA 1. S.H.M. Fakhruddin, “Emergency Communications for Disaster Management”, Asian Disaster Management News, a newsletter of and for the community of disaster risk management practitioners and development workers, January-April 2007 Vol. 13 No. 1 2. Alexis Kwasinski “Lessons from Field Damage Assessments about Communication Network Power Supply and Infrastructure Performance during Natural Disasters with a focus on Hurricane Sandy”, the University of Texas at Austin, Technical report February 2013. 3. Peter S. Anderson, Last-Mile Hazard Information Dissemination:Challenges and Opportunities for Sri Lanka”, Asian Disaster Management News, a newsletter of and for the community of disaster risk management practitioners and development workers, January- April 2007 Vol. 13 No. 1 4. N. Marcheti “Telecommunications in Disaster Areas”, River Publishers Series in Communications”, 2010. 5. A. Kwasinski, A. K.Tang, Telecommunications Performance in the M=9.0 off-shore East Coast of Japan Eartquake and Tsunami, March 11, 2011., Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Lessons Learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, March 1-4, 2012, Tokyo, Japan 6. Eun Ho Oh, Abhijeet Deshmukh, Makarand Hastak, “Disaster impact analysis based on interrelationship of critical infrastructure and associated industries, A winter flood disaster event”, International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment Vol. 1 No. 1, 2010 pp. 25-49 7. “A stronger, more resilient New York”, The report, The City of New York, 2013. 8. Impact Of Disasters In Southeast Asia on Malaysian Computer Networks. Rabab A. Abbas, Mohd Rosmadi Mokhtar, Rossilawati Sulaiman, Zulaiha Ali Othman And Abdullah Mohd Zin, Journal of Applied and Theoretical Information Technology ; Vol 37 No 2. 2012 - indexed SCOPUS 9. Alexis Kwasinski, Wayne W. Weaver, Philip T. Krein, Patrick L. Chapman, “Hurricane Katrina: Damage Assessment of Power Infrastructure For Distribution, Telecommunication, and Backup”, Technical Report CEME-TR-06-05, Grainger Center for Electric Machinery and Electromechanics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August 2006. 10. Anthony M. Townsend, Mitchell L. Moss, “TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE IN DISASTERS: Preparing Cities for Crisis Communications”, Center for Catastrophe Preparedness and Response & Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service New York University, Technical report, April 2005.

Miro Maksimovi 1 , Jadranka Maksimovi 2 MOGUNOST OSIGURANJA ŠUMA OD POŽARA U REPUBLICI SRPSKOJ U CILJU PREVENCIJE I SANIRANJA ŠTETA OD POŽARA Apstrakt: Jedna od osnovnih pretpostavki privrednog napretka i blagostanja jedne zemlje jeste održivo upravljanje i korišenje njenih prirodnih resursa, ukljuujui i šume. U Republici Srpskoj, sa šumovitošu od 51,7% ili 0,76 ha po jednom stanovniku, šume predstavljaju jedan od glavnih prirodnih resursa, koje su omoguile proizvodnju 2,09 miliona m 3 šumskih drvnih sortimenata u 2009. godini, ijim korišenjem drvna industrija je zaposlila veliki broj radnika i time znaajno doprinijela razvoju privrede u Republici Srpskoj. Znaajan rizik od elementarnih nepogoda u Republici Srpskoj predstavljaju šumski požari, koji se naroito javljaju u sušnom periodu u godini, kada su ljetne temperature vazduha veoma visoke, a nasuprot tome atmosferske padavine izuzetno male, ili ih uopšte nema. Jedno od rešenja za predupreenje šteta od požara je osiguranje šuma od požara. U zavisnosti od predmeta osiguranja i opasnosti koje mogu da prouzrokuju štetu, mogu se preduzimati razliite vrste preventivnih mjera, na razliitim nivoima, kao što su nivoi: osiguranika (vlasnik imovine), osiguravaa (društva za osiguranje) i na nivou države, odnosno entiteta i njegovih institucija. Odreivanje visine štete na šume od požara je izuzetno važan i suptilan postupak, koji zavisi od izvjesnog broja parametara, kao što su vrsta, obim i mjesto nastanka štete, pratee posljedice, kako po samu šumu tako i u odnosu na druge resurse i privredne oblasti. Cilj ovog rada je ukazivanje na mogunost predupreenja od strane vlasnika šuma (bilo fizikog ili pravnog lica kao osiguranika) velikih, a nekad i katastrofalnih rizika i šteta, izazvanih požarima na velikim površinama šuma, korišenjem preventive i osiguranjem šuma, u cilju smanjenja ekonomskih, a potom i ekoloških (dominantnih) šteta. Kljune rijei: šumski požari, osiguranje šuma, prevencija, saniranje šteta POSSIBILITY OF FOREST FIRE INSURANCE IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIAN TO PREVENT AND REPAIR THE DAMAGE FIRE Abstract One of the basic assumptions of economic progress and prosperity of a country is the sustainable management and use of its natural resources, including forests. In the Republic of Srpska, with a forest cover of 51,7% or 0,76 ha per capita, forests represent one of the main natural resources, which have enabled the production of 2.09 million m 3 of timber products in 2009, whose use of the timber industry is employ large numbers of workers and thus significantly contributed to the development of the economy in the Republic of Srpska. Significant risk of natural disasters in the Republic of Srpska represent forest fires, which occur especially in the dry season of the year, when summer air temperatures are very 1 Doc. dr Miro Maksimovi,šum., Evropski univerzitet Brko distrikta, e-mail: 2 Jadranka Maksimovi, dipl.ecc., Bobar osiguranje a.d. Bijeljina, e-mail:

especially floods on the telecommunications infrastructure and services. Interruption of<br />

telecommunication services is inevitable in all big natural disasters. Sophisticated telecommunications<br />

infrastructure is by its nature very vulnerable. On the other hand, it is critical in terms of maintaining<br />

communications in the affected place and necessary for the maintenance of minimum conditions for<br />

the functioning of society in emergency circumstances. With that in mind, it is clearly important to<br />

undertake activities aimed at raising the level of reliability of supply of telecommunications services<br />

in situations of natural disasters as well as shortening the time to establish the full functionality of the<br />

network. The paper will be using the experience from the world's the largest floods in the last 15 years<br />

and special attention will be given to the May floods in 2014 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.<br />


1. S.H.M. Fakhruddin, “Emergency Communications for Disaster Management”, Asian Disaster<br />

Management News, a newsletter of and for the community of disaster risk management<br />

practitioners and development workers, January-April 2007 Vol. 13 No. 1<br />

2. Alexis Kwasinski “Lessons from Field Damage Assessments about Communication Network<br />

Power Supply and Infrastructure Performance during Natural Disasters with a focus on<br />

Hurricane Sandy”, the University of Texas at Austin, Technical report February 2013.<br />

3. Peter S. Anderson, Last-Mile Hazard Information Dissemination:Challenges and<br />

Opportunities for Sri Lanka”, Asian Disaster Management News, a newsletter of and for the<br />

community of disaster risk management practitioners and development workers, January-<br />

April 2007 Vol. 13 No. 1<br />

4. N. Marcheti “Telecommunications in Disaster Areas”, River Publishers Series in<br />

Communications”, 2010.<br />

5. A. Kwasinski, A. K.Tang, Telecommunications Performance in the M=9.0 off-shore East<br />

Coast of Japan Eartquake and Tsunami, March 11, 2011., Proceedings of the International<br />

Symposium on Engineering Lessons Learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake,<br />

March 1-4, 2012, Tokyo, Japan<br />

6. Eun Ho Oh, Abhijeet Deshmukh, Makarand Hastak, “Disaster impact analysis based on interrelationship<br />

of critical infrastructure and associated industries, A winter flood disaster event”,<br />

International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment Vol. 1 No. 1, 2010 pp.<br />

25-49<br />

7. “A stronger, more resilient New York”, The report, The City of New York, 2013.<br />

8. Impact Of Disasters In Southeast Asia on Malaysian Computer Networks. Rabab A. Abbas,<br />

Mohd Rosmadi Mokhtar, Rossilawati Sulaiman, Zulaiha Ali Othman And Abdullah Mohd<br />

Zin, Journal of Applied and Theoretical Information Technology ; Vol 37 No 2. 2012 -<br />

indexed SCOPUS<br />

9. Alexis Kwasinski, Wayne W. Weaver, Philip T. Krein, Patrick L. Chapman, “Hurricane<br />

Katrina: Damage Assessment of Power Infrastructure For Distribution, Telecommunication,<br />

and Backup”, Technical Report CEME-TR-06-05, Grainger Center for Electric Machinery<br />

and Electromechanics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August 2006.<br />

10. Anthony M. Townsend, Mitchell L. Moss, “TELECOMMUNICATIONS<br />

INFRASTRUCTURE IN DISASTERS: Preparing Cities for Crisis Communications”, Center<br />

for Catastrophe Preparedness and Response & Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public<br />

Service New York University, Technical report, April 2005.

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