Mar 1950 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Mar 1950 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Mar 1950 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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C^<br />

ttJm Churth nil<br />

n't observance <strong>of</strong><br />

on. <strong>Mar</strong>ch 5 to<br />

t and strength to<br />

for* Chrfct and Hli<br />

week all members<br />

pdedlcate themselves<br />

i pledged when Join-<br />

, at 8th at. and Centra!<br />

L at svch noon hour<br />

I 9. to Friday <strong>Mar</strong>ch<br />

Wadneaday evening<br />

: for Communion<br />

1 aervfce will<br />

> an uked to<br />

InattuCUDM on<br />

hour they (eject (or<br />

the church and tit ii<br />

a few rolnuta. think<br />

relationahip to Gud<br />

ft.<br />

nid to the altar, bou<br />

t (Cdadicate yourtelf to<br />

I.BW Service<br />

; the Communion, llirn<br />

i the church to inrvc<br />

I"« jrodr life.<br />

dayi <strong>of</strong> the Christian<br />

for tTielr significance<br />

L Christians bring to them<br />

^ to Christian<br />

fuUnen at life." myt •<br />

latttee^nt Ittued this week<br />

r In this Week<br />

will ttrengthen us as<br />

i and help to make this o<br />

1 In which to live.'<br />

Group To Meet<br />

* n'» Auxiliary <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Church will meet<br />

0 p. n. in the church<br />

q * program will be<br />

by Hn. George Fiichtrs<br />

U. Tbe Fhilathca Circle<br />

Mn R<strong>of</strong>er Nevim, will<br />

! MNNEB<br />

Association for the<br />

_l <strong>of</strong> Colored People has<br />

• public to a dinner today<br />

me <strong>of</strong> the Bev Samuel<br />

t>4B West av The home<br />

'x)al wal to be served be-<br />

ftjfrOPB-<br />

1 SCIENCE<br />

'SUNDAY<br />

__ Christian Science<br />

. which will be fnrn<br />

.New York Sun-<br />

GNIM to Meet<br />

A White Elephant auction salr will<br />

be a feature <strong>of</strong> the monthly inn-ting<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Sunshine Circle <strong>of</strong> the First<br />

Methodist Church, to take place<br />

Tuesday al 8 pm »t tlie home <strong>of</strong><br />

Mrs Edwrad J Voss M7 Central<br />

•\ Mrs Rn»c Slabnau and Miss<br />

Stella Abbott v. HI be co-hostessis<br />

Tile Goodwill Clnle <strong>of</strong> the Metho-<br />

dist Chunh will meet Ti-Mdnj M<br />

8 pm at the home <strong>of</strong> Mrs Hilda<br />

Burness BJ7 Park pi<br />

The Friendly Clrik- ol the Mi<br />

Irodisl Churth Will meet at 2 i.m<br />

Tuesday at the home <strong>of</strong> Mr* Hoy I<br />

Sharp 858 Brighton pi<br />

Pastor To Observe<br />

His Anniversary<br />

Wuchter Ordained<br />

Five Year* Ago<br />

bOMLIte POINT— Rri Hobirl Z<br />

Wuihter pastor <strong>of</strong> Grace I.uthcr.111<br />

Churi.li mil celebrate the fifth .in<br />

m\eruiry <strong>of</strong> his nrdinaUon and will<br />

to sirve Grace Church on Sundj\<br />

A graduate <strong>of</strong> Muhlenberg Collide<br />

..ul the I utheran Seminary in Phil<br />

adclnhia Pastor Wuthler .isuiiiird<br />

rhurgr <strong>of</strong> Grace Church imnwdialcli<br />

(iillouinu hit ordination in 1945<br />

During his ministry ir Somers<br />

Point 110 new members halt beeti<br />

n.ei\ed into the congregation He<br />

has been called upon to <strong>of</strong>ficiate al<br />

M baptisms 31 marriages and 3"<br />

funerals T»n Luther League group<br />

a Junioi (.hoir snd an Altar Guild<br />

Socletv haie been orgeniied Plans<br />

flre now underlay to organize ti<br />

croup for roung adults<br />

In the die years <strong>of</strong> his hilhittry<br />

Ihe mortuage on the parsonage has<br />

Been cleared anil a substinu.il re<br />

duction in the mortgage mdibtcd<br />

lies? nn the ihurih lias bun madi<br />

•Jn Sumiav February 16 a Sen. ice<br />

>f Dedication for 3 new licll snd<br />

over chum* deiliialed ir memorv<br />

if Lewu Diether was held<br />

Pjstiir Wuiht. r was anaiili-1 his<br />

dcirrpe <strong>of</strong> Master nf Sscred Tlie<br />

nl»E> Ir-l lear In Ihe (jra.lu.itc<br />

•schonl <strong>of</strong> the Lutheran Semiiwry in<br />

Philadelphia Hi ins alvo eleitnl<br />

ireMdent "f tbe New Ji isey tonler-<br />

•nri <strong>of</strong> the Ministemim nf 1'enn<br />

whsma and Adjaieiit Statrs ami is<br />

pretfnlh trrvini! mi thf \VJ\- and<br />

.1, nnt Committee I Whiltjk.i 1(^7 (..nlrjl HV<br />

Hrdnrsdiv M»rcli »—<br />

"2*30 i> m -Mnl\Mi hool Li b-Jin hjilu MI<br />

(.'enter <strong>of</strong> Cljliitwn Influence<br />

Aits 11 1 8 10 111 20 E)ih 4 2 r . t2<br />

las o' for .ill ites Spiiiai ullei<br />

nji fur MI&SIIIII*I<br />

10 4'> .1 m The Church ut Win<br />

hip Lmtm serintin Hi I li.it Hr<br />

HMth Nut Inhn t 1» Ihi thoir<br />

fhricU-d by ttlwjrd C G HIIK.HI<br />

sinK Lord 1 Bilini bv Ash<br />

\* orth ami How Long, Wilt Thou<br />

ForKct Me" bv PlluiKU Tin pul<br />

)ii florin ire plaied [o tht ^Ini \<br />

if God h> Mr& Aaron Stcphinbon<br />

n Hicred memory <strong>of</strong> hir nif-b.un<br />

rtnd daughtei Ida Supt rMhed nurs<br />

ery for the conveniente ol parents<br />

b45 p in— MeUuifi <strong>of</strong> (lie Inln<br />

mediate. Ciiristian Endeavor Suii'1%<br />

Sponsor Charles M Good<br />

7 40 ii in—EvinliiK Sin in ol<br />

Worship Seimon Neglect Not the<br />

ifl I Timotln 4 12 It Thi ihmr<br />

will 1WK Hem dn tus hv <strong>On</strong>miin<br />

nd 'My faith LrKik 1 " I 1 !" 1 to Ilii"<br />

bv Sihncrke'- FUmnsiim litl b> M>-<br />

hnwn Comi .mil i ilnt >iiur fa\-<br />

olid hvmti<br />

Mt>nda\ —<br />

a p m—Monthly imituiu <strong>of</strong> !hc<br />

_adtcs Auxiliary m thi Juinur<br />

-oom <strong>of</strong> the church<br />

B p m—Monthly mutinR nf tin<br />

board <strong>of</strong> trustees in the <strong>of</strong>lin <strong>of</strong><br />

Cilnton B Price<br />

WeslDCMtov—<br />

3 15 p m —MeetmR <strong>of</strong> the Junior<br />

Christian, Endeavor Socle!} Re\<br />

George Fischer superintendent Mrs<br />

Beuie Idcll Butler musual dircctur<br />

and Mrs Harry R Hawthorne plan-<br />

rt Mrs Catherine YInglmg and<br />

Mrs' J Raymond Stumian assnUnt<br />

rlntendenls<br />

Op m —Midweek Pr iM-r Mift-<br />

i^ snd Bible Stud> Cumi atiH<br />

fjng a friend Can you pray this<br />

waver?<br />

'Lord lay some toul upon my hiurt.<br />

And love that soul through me<br />

"And may I bravely do my part<br />

' f o **<br />

And ma<br />

"To wln<br />

i toul for Thee<br />

* » »<br />


Tit CkBreh »IUi Iht Chime,'<br />

i Fellow-<br />

Service. Con-<br />

Staging by<br />

9:30<br />

l<br />

•an* S-.<br />

a m—Chunh Sthiiol with<br />

for all eges Koy E Darby<br />

superintendent.<br />

;il M<br />

Hem —Morning Worship Com<br />

munlon and Reception <strong>of</strong> New Mim-<br />

beot- MsdlUUoci. "Thl« Is tha Day'<br />

-7. ,"OM So Loved the World" will be<br />

Victor|>Mh« by tha morning choir directed<br />

i. Charles KtThurston Vocal<br />

-1 ~rzr wU1 *•* "•" Brown<br />

^.iijpl iW t>. ni.~IiM«rinediale Fellow<br />

ff *&* HhVfci «•• /ua)k«««n Youth Fel<br />

•.'-n;'OT«**r'p '« "•« «•">«» »m«<br />

Mid HeArt Fund<br />

rd Wlihom. 14 Anbury<br />

1 jtudent at Rider College,<br />

ntoii. played » rulher ununual<br />

lost week In helplnd lo pro-<br />

the " eort Funfl drlvc ln<br />

Ai>t* city*<br />

Donning a coitumc <strong>of</strong> Coloniol<br />

^ ^ _ ,:nBnil JKH ilia* at Aflil<br />

Mr--<br />

appeared on the steps<br />

at the Trenton city Hull M Ye<br />

Olds Town Crier, ringing a loud<br />

bell to call attention to the fact<br />

that heart disease killed 750 peo-<br />

ple In Mercer County last year<br />

and tn uri(c donations tn the<br />

Heart Fund.<br />

The United Suites hus murly 701(0<br />

Icc-mnnulBcturiltK )ilunl«.<br />

during World War II.<br />

. ?<br />

SIAatOMEB<br />

Rendering courtecnu and prompt «rvk»<br />

creating safety HIM 1888<br />



ALBBRT O, ABBOTT, Chairman gl tha Mud<br />

ELWTXIU F. KIRKMAN, Mreiild,,iil<br />

C. 0. JbliyilMH, Vige I*p..Hiili.ht iiriij HurTetuTy<br />


BwirdmiJk National Bank Bid*.<br />


National Bulk <strong>of</strong> Oe«n <strong>City</strong> Bldf.<br />


iTANLBT T, tlANUV. A««l. Tr.ll.<br />

EDWIN R, STICKS, tills OfM<strong>of</strong>f<br />

FRANK H. WATUON, AMI. Tills lilfic,<br />


SIM New Jersey An,<br />

Boom No. I . Stanley BUIIdlBf<br />

Smokcstlckl art fiitntUI in an industrial »ge.<br />

Without thfm wt would be choked and blindfd by<br />

the fumes <strong>of</strong> our own factories. Our giant sticks<br />

lift the smoke where the breeze can blow it away.<br />

Have you sometirnts wished that someone would provide<br />

• kind <strong>of</strong> smokestack to lift the cloud that stifles our hopes<br />

and happiness?<br />

Someone did!<br />

Hit name was Jesuj. And His gift to humanity was some,<br />

thini which, in its ori|inal crude form, was no more beautiful<br />

than a smokestack. It wn a Cross!<br />

He died on that Cross. But by His Sacrifice He made it the<br />

instrument <strong>of</strong> man's freedom from the chad that man himself had made.<br />

Our Churches worship Him, and teach the meaning <strong>of</strong> His Cross<br />

. , , lifting the smoke <strong>of</strong> sin from our lives.<br />


Asks Vets To File<br />

NSLI Claims<br />

De Franco Calls for<br />

Prompt Action<br />

Veterans <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> who have<br />

nt)i yet filed uppliLytions for Natiorml<br />

Bi-rvicu Life Iii.surLmco Fund dlvl-<br />

dund paynidnt^ were urged thig week<br />

by JuNcph De Francq, commander<br />

uf V.F.W. Puit NQ, fi650, to do so<br />

at V=F,W. heatlquartijfi, or at tho<br />

''Abuut nnp^ei^hlh nf America^<br />

war vctvrfinfl (fntitlcd to ri'eelVe the<br />

NS1J dividi*ncbt have not, as yet, sp=<br />

jilipd for ifti'TiV* he pointed out He<br />

eitPd VA riMurf's revealing that ap-<br />

piyximtiU']y*2.0UO,000 uf the 16,000,-<br />

00Q il.lo per sharn<br />

per year, payable 10c each January IS, April IS, July 11 and Urlober it<br />

Ten shares <strong>of</strong> this stock would east "about Plot and funcnllv pay<br />

III ii year, equal to Jl 00 • month.<br />

Tuenty Nhares would cost about f 116 and currently pur f'ti a tFitr,<br />

equal lo SS.^itA munlh.<br />

Forty sharcK would casl absut $132 and currrnlly pay SI 1 * a inr.<br />

equal to 14.00 a montli.<br />

If you are Interested, UK out the rsupon below and mail it lo us, or<br />

telephoilr our New Jersey representative.<br />

Mr. J. J. Monroe, Philadelphia, PE B-1200<br />

BOENNING & CO.<br />

— KatablUliM IBM —<br />

Hrmbf n rhlUnlrl,,hl. . Italllmsn Hlwk Kirluiiin<br />

>>» Yerb Curb KsrhMnis (Amm°\*i*i<br />

1608 Wslnut Street Philadelphia 3, Pa.<br />

Please Send Me a Brief Description <strong>of</strong><br />

Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Electric Company Common Stark.<br />

Nina ., ...,,.,. ..,,.,,,<br />

Addreu ,,,,.,....., ,,...... ,.....,,,,.,<br />

o ,,..,,,,,,.,,,.,..<br />

Our Pen Works for You!<br />

It Will<br />

Give<br />

You<br />

a<br />

Loan<br />

To , , , BUILD . REPAIR or REMODEL<br />

Your HOME . . . ,on Our<br />

Direct Reduction Mortgage Plan,<br />

Inveat with U» »nd Receive Pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

en « Guaranteed Inveitmenl!<br />

Current Dividend Rate 3%<br />

There 1» no rink Involved. Saving* up to $5,000 are Insured by<br />

Ihc Federal Saving! ud Lean inMranet Corporation<br />


Savmp and Loan Asiociation<br />

811 . 8th Strtet Phone 0012<br />

Rites in Phila. For<br />

Mrs. Grunwald<br />

PhiluHilphii Tut fii<br />

ulmi I »nne i c welcome to come to<br />

thtse tla»«ii You wont be a<br />

for Mill can t be a stranger<br />

here<br />

Cape May Fishing<br />

Boat Skipper Dies<br />

,Ji.lin H. Buhnlci nf Cane M(iy. an*<br />

nf this diimly'K l'i'Ht known party<br />

ti.-lun^ liniii Kki|j|ii.is, iiii-il Saturday<br />

m lluhhi'iunrin Huspiiul. Pliiladel<br />

I ih hi Hi- wfiK m<br />

CiirtaPii Buliahi iipt'ralcd jhu fish<br />

ins biiat ".lackiu B 11" out "<strong>of</strong> Cape<br />

Miis fur liii jenii,.<br />

Fum-Mil ?ijr\ ices will l.a- Ctindueted<br />

Ii diiy iThurjiiliiv < ul lhi> Hollings-<br />

iujiirl (jiiiiuis. uiih ii.li.riTieni in Colti<br />

S|jriiiii Ci-nielery.<br />

Rites Today for<br />

Somers Pt, Woman<br />

SOMFRS POINT—Funeral services<br />

will tuke place this afternoon<br />

! Thursday i fur Mrs. <strong>Mar</strong>y Rennij.<br />

isen. H. who died Saiurdny at her<br />

home. 737 Shore I'd.<br />

She was born in Atlantic <strong>City</strong>,<br />

hut had resided mnsl ot her life in<br />

this ami<br />

H ii r v i V i n K are nne itnilglili'r.<br />

Iliaiiclie, <strong>of</strong> fioiners Point; three sis.<br />

UTs. Mrs Blanche MtCartiiey. <strong>of</strong><br />

Detniit: Mrs, Sarali KaufTmann,<br />

Phiiudrlphiii. and Mrs. Frances Han-<br />

cock, c'olonia, N, J.<br />

Services will be lield in the<br />

Adams Funeral Home, PleasBntvllle,<br />

wilh Interment in Pleasantville Cem-<br />

etery.<br />

Pupils Sing For<br />

School Managers<br />

Pupils <strong>of</strong> the gth to 8th grades <strong>of</strong><br />

Philip Baker elementary school,<br />

Wildwood Crest, represented Cape<br />

May County yesterday in singing as<br />

a choral {group al the national con-<br />

vention <strong>of</strong> the American Association<br />

<strong>of</strong> School Administrators, in Atlantic<br />

<strong>City</strong>.<br />

County Superintendent Willard B,<br />

Matthews said the Crest group was<br />

invited lo demonstrate the high<br />

quality <strong>of</strong> vocal music now being<br />

taught In grade schools. The chorus<br />

was directed by Mrs. Beatiied" Ma.<br />

ehotte. Baker school principal.<br />

Gene Snraien has played in more<br />

POA championships than any olher<br />

golfer—28 through 1848.<br />

Somers Point<br />

Churches<br />

ST. JOSEPH'S R. C.<br />

Hey. P*ul V. tarry, PuMr<br />

Masses on Sunday at 8. 0, Iff and<br />

11 a, m.<br />

Weekday Mass at 8 a, m,<br />

Friday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 3, First Friday, Masi<br />

at 7:30 a, m,<br />

Novehfl Devotions, Thursday, 7;4S<br />

p. in.<br />

Lenten Devotions, Stations <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Cross, Friday, 7:45 j), m.<br />

Catechism Class. Monday, 4 p. m,<br />


Rev Csrlton MiUwlMlb Pastor<br />

10 a. m.—Sunday School,<br />

11 ii m—Mnrning Worship. "The<br />

Life with a Purposo".<br />

8:30 p. m.—Young people's meet.<br />

7:3(1 m, — Evening Worihlp,<br />

"Petej breaches Juijinention by<br />

Faith".<br />

Wcdnjwdny—<br />

7:30 p. m.—Midweek service at the<br />

home <strong>of</strong> Mr, and Mn, Furrell, 807<br />

New York av,<br />

4 p, , m,—Choir rehearsal it the<br />

ehureh,<br />

F > (j<br />

4 p in—Junior Y, at the church<br />

lltnriUy—<br />

11 a m^-Qeod Newi Club at the<br />

urgh<br />

Mr and Mn <strong>Mar</strong>lyn. recently sta-<br />

tioned at Pomana Air Station, now<br />

"•Willie TOr» ttf; ft .,,.__,<br />

Robert Mullen WjUtln'i "An tv*-<br />

Qlnn Prayer". A repr»ertt«tlve ol<br />

Alcohollcn Anonymous will iw tn»<br />

speaker.<br />

TBMiSr, Ilint 7—<br />

1 p. m.—Friendly Circle Meeting.<br />

8 p. m.—Goodwill Circle meeting<br />

it the home <strong>of</strong> Mrs, Burneis, 897<br />

Park pi.<br />

I p, m—Sunshino Circle meeting<br />

at tne home <strong>of</strong> Mrs. J. Edward Vos^<br />

137 Central av, Miss Stella Abbott<br />

and Mrs, Rose Stabnau, co-hostessej<br />

i p, m.—Victory. Circle meeting at<br />

thu home <strong>of</strong> Mrs, Leonard Henry, 820<br />

Central av, ,<br />

tvednnday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch •—<br />

7:45 p. m.^Mid-week Service, We<br />

are studying the booklet, "Our Paith<br />

in Prayer".<br />

* * *<br />



Oe«n CHy, New Jeney<br />

Sunday Service—il a, m,. Village<br />

Theatre, ith st. and Boardwalk'.<br />

Sunday School—11 a, m,. 612 8th<br />

St. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting,<br />

I P. m,. 812 8th st.<br />

Reading Room, tit Bth st., Tues.<br />

days, Wednesdays, Saturdays, 1 1st<br />

p. m.<br />


SERMON<br />

"Man" is the subject for Sunday,<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch 5.<br />

Golden Text: "Know ye that the<br />

Lord he is Cod: il is he that hath<br />

made us. and not we ourselves; we<br />

are his people, and the sheep <strong>of</strong><br />

his pasture," tps. 100;3.i<br />

Sermon: Passages from the King<br />

James version <strong>of</strong> the Bible Include:<br />

"Verily, verily, I say unto thee,<br />

Except a man be born <strong>of</strong> water and<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Spirit, he cannot enter into<br />

the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God," (John 3:5.)<br />

Correlative passages from "Science<br />

und Health wilh Key to the Scrip-<br />

tures" by <strong>Mar</strong>y Baker Eddy include:<br />

"Mistaking his origin and nature,<br />

man believes himself to be combined<br />

matter and Spirit. . , . But divine<br />

Science reveals the eternal chain <strong>of</strong><br />

existence as uninterrupted and<br />

wholly spiritual; yet this can be<br />

Church<br />

Announcements<br />

Conilnord Iran Pure 13<br />

Youth'Fellowship will have charge<br />

pi ihis service. The Youth Choir,<br />

•aireeteq* by Paul H, Weil, will sing<br />

New KAISER<br />

If You're • Tough Trader<br />

Looking for a Real<br />

Bargain With or Without<br />

A Trade, Check Our<br />

Deal Before You<br />

Do Anything!<br />

Woodbine Motor Sales<br />


800 WublBftsB Av., Woodbine<br />

Open Eve*. 4 Ban. Phone 1.EZM<br />



912 Simpton Ave.<br />


Parts and AcceMorie»<br />

Serbs M and W<br />




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