Mar 1950 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Mar 1950 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Mar 1950 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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i« .<br />

jv <strong>Mar</strong>ch. 28,1S60<br />

m<br />

Hear* Talk<br />

,^, CUUm*. Hceital ,<br />

k3 ls'.'<br />

Brooki. mtdleel<br />

ytprktr at the Children*; Sea<br />

i **lBie, Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, wa» guts!<br />

Tuentay last week at a<br />

_ <strong>of</strong>. IBs Victory Circle <strong>of</strong> the<br />

It Wlrthodist Church<br />

ntftfng, with 23 members and<br />

• attending, followed a calen<br />

•I the homo.'<strong>of</strong> Mr?<br />

, M Wesley rd.<br />

Mils Brooks gave » brief hiitorv<br />

<strong>of</strong> th* Seashore Home, which Is s<br />

•1 far epnvilesetnt children<br />

Philadelphia and other eitiet<br />

Vi tint one w(n| <strong>of</strong> the oil<br />

_ j it now bvinf demolished tr<br />

s #*y for a new Btructure with<br />

j inadern faclUtiel. She also<br />

1 some oi the work done on ipe-<br />

— In the Institution<br />

•pecker was Mn. Philip<br />

•airman <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

idety lurgicil dresslnr,<<br />

unit, who demonstrated<br />

ulngs are made About<br />

..... ,..~.4f duriol the meeting,<br />

tfa, Maurlo- Candy entiTtjfneri<br />

; wIM accordion lelections. The after.<br />

MOB WU concluded with a ioeijl<br />

hour.<br />

College Choir<br />

at Baptist Church<br />

m King's College Choir <strong>of</strong> 33<br />

3 from New Cirtle, Delaware<br />

wfll •Ing during the morning war-<br />

(blp Mrylet <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Bap.<br />

Church, beginning at 11 a m.<br />

_ht choir Is now on iu sprinii<br />

tour through the eastern states un-<br />

der the direction <strong>of</strong> Cordon A<br />

Curtii. el The King's College mu^e<br />

ftcultj. Several wtll'known and<br />

MOM HGKd selections will be<br />

Offimd by the choir u it pays i',s<br />

•MMi] vfijl to the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Bap.<br />

tilt Church.<br />

Hey: Victor B. Beatfle. pastor, will<br />

preach another'in a series <strong>of</strong> ser.<br />

morn on revival, his subject; "The<br />

Road to Revival".<br />

m<br />

Wk,<br />

it.<br />

Send Easter Cards<br />

to Shut-ins, Plea<br />

The New Jersey Branch <strong>of</strong> thy<br />

Shut-in Society is issuing an appeal<br />

to the public to .wild Easier curds<br />

or small gifts in invalids and shut-<br />

ins on its inemberihip list:<br />

Names and addresses may be ub-<br />

tained from Mrs. Charlps CJ Dunn,<br />

superintrndent <strong>of</strong> the Shut-in So.<br />

eitay. 2981 Tuckohue rd,, Comdeli.<br />

Church Class Has<br />

'Sourdough' Party<br />

Retort Missionary<br />

TeUi <strong>of</strong> Alaika<br />

Miss Florence- Dalbtnv iwitertainud<br />

members Qf Uw Bert'an Class <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Baptist Church at e<br />

"SoufdouEh party" at her home. 412<br />

Central av.. Tuesday night last wpek.<br />

Miss Dalbow is home un furloug'i<br />

after airnoM live years as a mission-<br />

ary in Alaska. She answered many<br />

questions about her work thcrt- MMH<br />

told <strong>of</strong> seme ol licr exin-ncMirus ,n<br />

•Me frozen North<br />

Refreshments had a true Alaskan<br />

flavor, irrcludint; mnOsrtmrjit'r.* car.-<br />

tiled slicks (frozen Itslii inossherry<br />

jam and Alaskan tea. Her Bursts<br />

jnlered into the spirit nf the |iall%<br />

ind eniiiyi'd the sourflimah atinos-<br />

iherc. but were delighted wlu ! n ^!»iC !<br />

fid American ice creiiiu and cake<br />

iyiearcd<br />

The Bereans partially suppml HX<br />

niisioiiaries. <strong>of</strong> whom MISJ, Daiijow<br />

s one.<br />

The clii§.s president, Mrs. M;iry<br />

Turner, spoke briefly as to till' re.<br />

lations oi the niudeni IHTIIIly us!! ! ^<br />

,he lalest Dsjcholosieal approach as<br />

iornpared with a Christian iymily<br />

ising the Bible as Us HUlde<br />

Plans were completed for the an-<br />

ual party given for the Chnttwn-<br />

trie elass <strong>of</strong> tile Chelsea Bapliat<br />

Church. Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, to take place<br />

tonight in the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> church,<br />


Several sport dims U-ITC enjoyed<br />

by member* <strong>of</strong> tin- Bratlu-rhsud <strong>of</strong><br />

Si John's Lutheran Church, Thurs-<br />

day night last week, in the church.<br />

Movies also were planned for lilt!<br />

April and May meeting.<br />

Church Announcements<br />

. aad W«ley av,<br />

amjiKiftfbCHitered ud<br />

: MtaA|Mrr>Hlareal<br />

senses cannot inform us what is reil<br />

and whatsis delusive, but the revela-<br />

tions <strong>of</strong> Christian Science unlock the<br />

treasures <strong>of</strong> Truth." ip. 70 1<br />



10th gi. 2nd Central av,<br />

Ee», Frink F. Adltr, S.T.M., Pastor<br />

Mr and MB, Paul II. Weil, Ministry<br />

•f Mutie<br />

The Klfth Sunday In Lent—Passion<br />

Sunday—<br />

9;4S a. ill. — Church School ami<br />

Bible Classes, Nursery through<br />

Adult Deuartments, Vlsilnri, Wei.<br />

come: attendance cards given.<br />

11 a. m—The Service. The Sor-<br />

mon. "The Saint and Saints", An-<br />

ihetn, "Judge Me. 0 Ooil:', py_Ncitl-<br />

linger. thO'Clmncrl Clluir. Soloist,<br />

Jeannettc Darby Stokes, Epistli<br />

Hebrews »:11-1S. Gosiiel, John i:<br />

4«-5J.<br />

d<br />

6:30 p rn,—Junior Chnir reh«ir«ii<br />

7:45 p. m.=Lenien Servtee. Sul<br />

"The II • -<br />

r<br />

oly Commilninn"<br />

in.—LijfMlershi|i Trainin<br />

— Chance! Choir Re<br />

/, SCIENTIST<br />

' -Mi<br />

irvl<br />

ioct<br />

•_S:45 |)<br />

Cmirpe<br />

i:4S „.<br />

hearsal.<br />

Thundajr—<br />

P p. m—Meetina uf Ynunii Wn.<br />

men's Christian Service. Siieaki'r<br />

Mrs. Fred T. Woncls,<br />

Saluriiij —<br />

10 n. in. to 12 iniiin—Ctnillrmatliiii<br />

CliisfeS:<br />


11th it. and Central av.<br />

K. VaUEhKn, Rector<br />

lunflay gervlers—<br />

7:3| a. m.—Holy Coniniunlun.<br />

0I48 a. in.—church School,<br />

lla. m.^^Mornine Serviue,<br />

7:45 p. m.—Kvcnsong.<br />

Thursday!!—<br />

Holy Communion, D a. in.<br />

Holy bays—<br />

Holy Communion. 7:30 u. m,<br />


i3lh sk and Wesley iv.<br />

Rev, Bartholomew B, Dayl*<br />

•er. Joseph J. Brenrun<br />

Sunday Masses—8 and 10:1,1<br />

lonfesilons on Saturday — 4:30 to<br />

:S0 and 7;30 to J:30.<br />

First Friday Mass—7 a, m,<br />

ConfeHions oa Eve <strong>of</strong> First Frl-<br />

lay~7:3O to 8:30 p. m.<br />

Daily Mass — 7 a.m,; Saturdays<br />

:30 a m.<br />


nd at. •nd Allanlte »v.<br />

Sunday Mass—0:1a a, rn,<br />

Confesgions before Mass.<br />

Mass on Fint Friday—7:30 a<br />

Confessions before Maw<br />


th si. and West av,<br />

•tv, W, Benfy wil«nn. Tislor<br />

10:30 a, m.—Sundttj Sehnol<br />

uis* Pollard, superintendent,<br />

11:30 a. m— Service.<br />

T p. m,—Service,<br />

di<br />

T-,, «,,,_.».„»: ,W,,,,..,<br />

Mrj,|<br />

Wednesday-,<br />

7-30 p. ,m— Prayer Service.<br />

* * •<br />


Ifith at. and Wesley av.<br />

"The Church wtUi the tin* «<br />

JUy, vie^r «. nealtle, p*Sier<br />

m,, Villaao<br />

dwBlk<br />

i.a. m.. 6U oth<br />

Meeting.<br />


for Soli<br />

8:18 a. m— Prayer meelinit fnr nil<br />

Sunday School teachers and d/riccrs<br />

in tho iiastors study. '<br />

Schoql with'classes for'every 'mc'nv<br />

Her oi tm, rsmlly. Eusscll Sutfon<br />

fiijwrlfitendent. "<br />

11 a. (ti,—Worshin Servieo, Organ,<br />

hi. Richard Carroll, Spncisi munin<br />

m » h « f- v «l« eholf from The<br />

Klnfs College. Delaware, Messum<br />

by ftiit<strong>of</strong> Vfttor B, Beattie ,<br />

• 1:00 p. m,-.Teen.A«ers' ChristiBn<br />

Union for all youhg peoplo.<br />

S;« p. mvrAdult CHrlsiian Follow.<br />

* or it} 1 • «clulta. Speaker, Bov<br />

irn JEUenhower, Inm Palermii<br />

Josiah Harder was a practical business man<br />

-almost two centuries ago. So he built his<br />

mill down by the stream,<br />

Josiah's Mill would have been closer to his<br />

customers if he had built it along the turnpike,<br />

or at the main cross-roads,<br />

But Josiah built down by the stream . . .<br />

and the stream turned the wheel <strong>of</strong> his mill.<br />


That was the secret <strong>of</strong> Josiah's success.<br />

But it's really no secret For centuries our<br />

Churches have been teaching men to build their<br />

lives close to God, the Source ol All Power,<br />

The force <strong>of</strong> Christian truth, when it flows into<br />

our lives, crowns the honest industry <strong>of</strong> man<br />

with joy and success,"<br />

'ns,i ^«SlP»^^B§^^w^il^5i^RHBR^s<br />

^<br />

mmmm<br />

This Serim h Being Publhhtd Under the Sponsorship <strong>of</strong> the Following;<br />



801 Aabury Av. Phone 0300<br />


Best E»Ute . Insurance nf AH Kinds<br />

SOI Centra! Av, Phone 0026<br />


Blectflljal Conlraeior . lluipoliil Apnlianf ts<br />

752 West Ave, Phone 2248<br />


Realtor<br />

800 <strong>Ocean</strong> Av, Phone 0007<br />



800 Anbury Av, Phone 0130<br />


Printing , Sliiliiincry<br />

807 Aibury Av. Phone 1282<br />


Keiil Kktate « Insurance<br />

lSthSt,«nd'W«Ik Phone 0178<br />


Real fciUtc , Insuniice<br />

131S Aibury Av, Phone OOiO :<br />


Reglsitrrd Iluiliirr<br />

2124 Anbury Av, Phone ZBSO.R<br />


Rpal K'.l.itc<br />

4S01 Cenlral Av, Phone 0014<br />


• • llp.il !;.,!«!(• t Im.ril Suniljis<br />

219 Asbury Av, Phone 2193<br />


Paints , Supplies<br />

72l_A»bury Av, Phono 0489<br />


Realtor . iBsuror<br />

601 Eighth Si, Phone 1233<br />


Bealliir . Im.urnr<br />

601 Eighth St. Phone 1380<br />


(lualily Hiiica ISM<br />

328 AtlBiitic Ave. Phone 0147<br />

N, HICKMAN<br />

Sfifood<br />

1IS8 Aibury Av, Phone IS 15<br />


II IVAI.TKK OKI inn. Prop.<br />

653 Apbury Av, phone 1250<br />


E \ | ERV 'CE COMPANY<br />

210 Tenth St. phone 0423<br />

JOHNPELT0CO.1Inc.<br />

Cirncral Contractors<br />

1256 Aibury Av, phonc 0S8S<br />


717 Plymouth PI. Phone 8879<br />

C J, MOYER<br />

Bi-fltirred Builder<br />

Phone 2521<br />


g0<br />


801 Aibury Av. ph0M ,3^<br />


,„ « E ,V ER AGE COMPANY<br />

HIS S.mp,on Av, Phane 0122<br />


<strong>On</strong> the 'Walk at Moorlyn Terrace<br />


ilcNoln . IM> mouth<br />

9lh St. and Bay Av. Phone 16S2<br />



Wo « Av - •' 10th St., Phone 00S4<br />

VOSSAGENCY^BerthaM.VoH<br />

,fte ^ ""' E ^K - Iniuranee<br />

BOSNmthSt. Phone 0044<br />


a<strong>of</strong>^fUEL OIL COMPANY<br />

Z01 Asbury Av. phohe M13<br />


724A,buryAv. Phon. igSft<br />


•*28We,tA<br />

f.i>i«riJ<br />

Art Study Class<br />

Has 14 Students<br />

Still Room for More;<br />

to Move Outdoors<br />

The new «ft study class sponsored<br />

by the Women's Club <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

is now functioning successfully with<br />

14 studtnts enrolled, it WHS reported<br />

Ihii week by Mrs, Doris Tpylor, club<br />

art chairman.<br />

The ejiss is In session caeh Sat-<br />

d f 1 t 330 i h<br />

The ejiss is n<br />

urd*y from 1 tu p. m, in the<br />

piftah houic nt Holy Tflnlty I]<br />

copil Churqh, 1053 Central av,<br />

flnt meeting was <strong>Mar</strong>ch 4, an<br />

will bo contTnu»d until May 8,<br />

Itch iturfy pqflod operu with a .<br />

or 20 minute diteuulon by J, Rogtri<br />

Ulrieh. the instructor, <strong>of</strong> some phasd<br />

<strong>of</strong> art work. After that the sf ' "<br />

.'o to work on still life ..._,,<br />

heir own choice, with Mr. Ulncl<br />

circulating around the studin to nf<br />

far help and criticism <strong>of</strong> Ihei<br />

<strong>of</strong>Torts,<br />

• Later in the spring the rioss mn\<br />

movo ouleioors for pail uf eucl<br />

Mrs Taylor sliicl there still<br />

rnom for more students interestec<br />

111, the subject.<br />

Hardoek's Typewriter Co.<br />

Authorized Agent for<br />

Royal Typewriters<br />

Victor Adding Machines<br />

Used Machines _. $20 Up<br />

Strvitf <strong>On</strong> All Makes — 32 Years 1 Experience<br />

2818 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, N. J,<br />

Phone A, C. B.2610<br />

F, P. Ristine & Co.<br />

M i M n i: n s<br />

rhiladrlplilii Stock tuvhantf<br />

New York Sleek Exchange New York Curb<br />

123 South Broad Street, Philadelphia<br />

r«-nn>packrr 5.43OO<br />

Clinton D. Lowden<br />

Representative<br />


Rendering cflurteoua and prompt serylOB<br />

6re*Mng gaiety since 1888<br />



C. AniMlTT. Chalrlnnn <strong>of</strong> thB Iloiira<br />

HI.WOIII) V K1HKHAN, fri-nl.lunt<br />

U, U, JKitKMIAH, Vlff rriMl.liMU mill K •liifl'<br />


BoardwaUx National Bank Bldf,<br />

OCEAN crrv orncEs<br />

Natlunal Bank <strong>of</strong> OcMn <strong>City</strong> nid».<br />

fl.lNTUN 0. I'ntciw, Vlre -I'm-H.<br />

BTANLKV ¥. OANI'V. Ami. Trrun<br />

KDWIN rt, BTII-KB. TKln Officer<br />

M WATSON. AMI. Tlllu orflur<br />

WILDWO<strong>On</strong><br />

331S New lenty Ave,<br />


Hoiim No, a - Stanley Building<br />

A Way to Help You Pay<br />

Your Electric Light Bill<br />

If the Alluntit Ciiy I leeliir ( iinipiins iirnvidrs Miu «ilh clrrlriritv.<br />

let it alNn prni'ldc you with Ihrsmr In help n»v vour rlrrlrir Ii»lil blil,<br />

All.iMtn I ily HlfelHe C iiin|)»n\ eniiinuKI slnrk i« aniilahli' In till'<br />

marlipl at JUI.jCI prr (.hiirc i'reseiil dilidriirt i« JI.30 per uliui p, prr<br />

per yrir, payahlr Mr raeh January 15. April IS, July IS and Orinher II<br />

Ten -.harei (if this slnrk luiuld ciist iibnul >;!:,, anil currrnllv |la( tii<br />

a ir.it. rqual Iu $1,(10 a n,until<br />

Tufnly sharp., would rust aliiiui Jlliii and iiifrriilli |iii> t'.\ a Jear,<br />

CijUal In SS.tO a fflniiih.<br />

rorly shaifs uolllll eusl ahiiui SSiill ami I'III rrnllt pay (IS a irar,<br />

equal tn 14,00 a hinnfh.<br />

If yuu ale inteieslrd, til I ullt ihe million liclim aild mail it til ti'.. nr<br />

IflejlhiiHf iiui Nf« Jelsej Iteplf Miiiiiti* i 1 . Mr, l'i tei Mill, at .Miaul)<br />

3.IS IK,<br />

BOENNING & CO.<br />

tit'<br />

Mrllllirn I'lillmli-ltlhi" - lUilt inmrt<br />

SHI inrh i iirll I'-.ti-llillllli-<br />

1606 Walnut Street<br />

Philadelphia 3, Pa.<br />

Pleaw send Me a Brief nesfiipiion <strong>of</strong><br />

Atlantic Clly Eleelrie I'omliany Commnii Nlnek.<br />

Qw Pen Works for You!<br />


Your HOME ... on Our<br />

Direct Reduction Mortgage Plan.<br />


And Earn a Good R«t« <strong>of</strong> Interest<br />

Current Dividend Rate 3%<br />

rr,R<br />

ttere ta no rlKk Involved, Savlnss up In $5,0«0 Mre Irtstired by<br />

the rcaerai SiivJngs mi Luan Insufance Corpurallon<br />


Savings &nd Loan Association<br />

5ll-«lhSl»rt<br />

Phone 0012<br />

„<br />

Says Big Business<br />

Aids Little Firms<br />

puPont M»n Proves<br />

Point to Rotarians<br />

. "Amcrltans hu%'e the. IIIKI-JCI: 1 !<br />

hlaridurel <strong>of</strong> living in the wuiiljl to.<br />

day iM'ijiiuse thty huve he<strong>On</strong> treu to<br />

tluvilnjj liii;, iiiiluslry to [luiiti" it."<br />

Liiiiis p. Shliiihfiii, Cusltl'ii<br />

i uf thf<br />

iliiifjiT uf thf<br />

Dis isiiin, auitl last<br />

"P H<br />

i Ex^ci<br />

In 11 talk'on<br />

— „ — in Bottt>r Living 11 , m ,.<br />

IVitiiry inliMtlub mcM'Uny ;il tho Al-<br />

linilif <strong>City</strong> Cnuiitry Club, Ni)i-tn-<br />

(U s !d.<br />

_ A UiTKi' dL'k-yuliun fruni ihp<br />

Jti'iin Cily tiub uUeiulud. Hp5>yri<br />

i-'ml ssMI "iniikc up" luinurriiw muhl<br />

il Ji round Uiiflv mcvUug u[ p[ym-<br />

lulii Inn.<br />


" ! Wt ! liuvij 11 i t_* ihinys \KV want bu=<br />

uust! wi> liavc nn tufiusiruil sysiei-i<br />

ijit IN «rot»UT ihiiti any m ihn<br />

wciMd." Mr Hhnnnon dcclori'd. "The<br />

sinry <strong>of</strong> itifliistry \a ihi* slury uf nur<br />

itiiJidurd ul ilvi!!f4."<br />

i-*rfifna his iiNthrnt'r in \w\\s nuiin- \<br />

am Ihi? tiHifhtifjfi.s winch imalv >t j<br />

iii^^ihlij. hi? hdifl; ''Afiiunt'ii is<br />

India Peace-Loving, Abhors<br />

Reds, Says Rotary Speaker<br />

Dentist at U. <strong>of</strong> P, for Poat-Graduate Work,<br />

Tells <strong>of</strong> Progress Since Independence Came<br />

-, Continued from Page<br />

dia bchiti that when they rctun<br />

iniiii' they nan leach Ihuir iiCDply.<br />

"Eduyatinn," he said. "Is M«in« fu<br />

itridu, psid it sypti will hv tun<br />

pulwry."<br />

7ME8 I<br />

/ n f<br />

iiiiti iriMile. fruiildiii tu act<br />

i'hti wnrk tci|4('ih(-|- tn piDfiurc jiuocf^<br />

tul :riv\vi'H iintl ^ani n fuif prufit<br />

lip Un'ir rffni = (j*," hr KMil. • Thr<br />

I'.tiu iuiH|!i : !h!i!H ihi' in\cstnr, iu-<br />

•r;iii'h. mmuiiiCinrMt. iitid ^ihiif=<br />

p'"I I** prtiCJlMJtHM! Till- billVb iti'l'..''•'=<br />

iMirt 5 :- di, i -i ribul Hut."<br />


iit. hi- iUM'iui-i'iL "i?- u rvu_\<br />

S JM\ MI nur v,us uf lift- und 'I<br />

* iJir o n y iji fjihi'j^"<br />

"Wi' \\i\\r the- tiling \\ Inch t<br />

(ii,r liif;)! hiiiiifiiird id livii<br />

li'Mi in Ihi^ (niitiiry Ihiii iMiivri<br />

• -11 • | il i' llnnLJh j ill ft ilM/iu! lintfiUL'!:<br />

hi- t.Hil "This K triii* wriilih "<br />

Mr Hhiinni'M rKphNiii'-r! thiit il<br />

M- in,; must hnvi* htllc hiMiiip^<br />


A mujurity uf tho posit-uraduiit<br />

ludenU cun\v to the UnitCri Slatu.<br />

it 1 said, bul soiiiy aro slill sent 1<br />

England.<br />

"This U one ul the unly ways w<br />

can yet back the money thot Eii'j<br />

land usvt's us," he juiinted out.<br />

The "new" India has abolished tli<br />

.'trnitiuLis tahie systeiii, whicii for<br />

fjierly = willi the blessinHH <strong>of</strong> th<br />

British, hu jiuid—kept the Indiiii<br />

Ijuoplu in four different "a.if=tigh<br />

.'OifijjariineiH-s' <strong>of</strong> life, from whit" 1<br />

hey could never escape.<br />

The iK-w Indian eovgrnmenl, hi<br />

•niiiinuesi, is patterned niter m<br />

iihnr ^iMtnmciit in the wnrld= In<br />

•ti-ad. an atk-injH h«s been iiiacie tc<br />

._. ... ii..." _ ..I - _ . i _ i _ ... p 3: li<br />

yij 114 hi',<br />

iml >>. =<br />

|4<br />

f! nod tiiii! utif ewmint<br />

uitliiiti! tin. nllii-r.<br />

r>iiF ; *nnt C'i.jriiiifir.y i> nr.e<br />

iL hnsineh>.i^ iinri "Wtj<br />

!*l thij, hi^nesr isi-riniM 4 nn<br />

tTf: uhh'h<br />

KS ion<br />


•!'l;i. l)lll'..i:l i'i<br />

\ ! . h i j r l . l ni Mini,<br />

i n u, p 11 H . f i 1 h , r i\a<br />

h> II It ,ITVI-!<br />

liit'ii III.In-riiils" I<br />

tij.iii'i, it^ rii^tc<br />

lie ili-dnri'il<br />

II.-<br />

• I ' -<br />

Ai-tii.-<br />

-I Mli-I ir<br />

.'I lifii<br />

ll I.I'lMill I'l<br />

,,','"" likM-'lllv<br />

y BH |i(r<br />

IS-<br />

*l 111<br />

•lit ul<br />

i.ilwl<br />

i-r ili-i,'<br />

A - iin I I ! I ' - I I , I I . , . M . .r ! . , • « I ! . - .<br />

>• . I k r- tii' S|i.,l'.i" I.I |iui>llllii|. llhiv'i<br />

.•MC ul 111"' Illll.tt'M J ilii.-l it II,'<br />

I i I li>il n u t Ih.it Ihi!. Hi•« ii iili ,!;i'<br />

f i ' ^ 1 ! H'? ' !M T..l;i' 1'!' ,'llt,^ I i:i> -<br />

.!i,i % o t h r r i'fiiij.iinior p r u i l u t t ^ .<br />


"If thf^f ccininniiirs; uael^ IIHC! \n<br />

ink*' t h r hii^ii^ i j u l y t h r i H . th(.TM-<br />

i'ht,! lint rinr ni" tlirin w n u l i l h'-<br />

•'jii tn HHilHiliiLtlil V i h c ^ r itnni^ .,*'.<br />

• n- ,. tiw- I o.^t Wftulil h e t u n yii'.d '<br />

•. • '!i-i'l,-iri'il<br />

I'.'lytlU'lR' V Uf I'ltfl V.-. jtir-t iil.l- ,•!<br />

1 ( , i : ^ m < l * n f l l i m L ^ i n i l H l M . t r t U ! , " '<br />

•'. |A I" i.- - htl.-IMl».M-». V,llil-Il IJll Uli'<br />

.,MM- u . i v iii.il u h i c h ln:l|i Iu r;i...M<br />

.. . . .. tho good points nf all<br />

loiiilimwl ivith Inilia's own rcqulri<br />

Illt'lltS:<br />


IiKjiu hiiH ulfoL'toti ii fecirt ui L'iiii'<br />

lil',Jinigi? lU'twoyn SULluli/.od mudit'itir<br />

and the irotj oilterpriKC prui'lit'D t,<br />

mi'ilii'ltio, tho sprukcr said, Th<br />

slnlr Hiiimtiiln* uuvcrmiiunl llospilal<br />

unit clinii-K in which ilsi' pour reyrivf<br />

fxiicrl cmf. iVi'll tu njwriitlims. [rue<br />

fhiirMu<br />

Phyhic!iin«. lUntUtH. Hi'., iii't.' I'ni-<br />

pliiycd to work purl llliu' In ilii'm:<br />

f;.- Iiiiil nii-.K i,t n 'isi'd i-iilnry Tlii'y<br />

irt' Her tci (It'Miip tile ro.^l <strong>of</strong> thi'i<br />

Intu- tn their linviili' pr;it'lii^; Ui<br />

they ran t'hiirMt' ri'^uhir fu,jy<br />


' rinis ninny r,f nur iir<strong>of</strong>essiumjl<br />

pi-npip ;,ri' ?,rrs IIIM huiminii.y f«r'<br />

Hi'iill |i;iy" Hi Miirysi said "In ihr<br />

ll.i; intlllp. illjil ellllli!,. thl'.V llf-lp Ihmr<br />

whu t-niiiii'i n rT< i ii I td I'liiiu' tn thnir<br />

priv.'ile (ift'ifps '<br />

liihii ilmhlly hninllir linn: C":in(ii';i<br />

in iin-ii hII** nil* 1 nf thu muM uncMi'r'.t<br />

i-ivili/.iilitm.-. hi' Niild He rlerhir-rl<br />

Iiiiil the caste sysliMii was croutrd by<br />

LI h'U uhu Niiw iiii O|ipurlunlty fnr<br />

M'lf ^JIIM hy di\'i,!iim Ihr iM-'U'le iiiln<br />

fuur di^Uiiil i'liis^e--. Tllu en^te ^y?,'.<br />

ti'iii w;i> d.\ni^ out v.iien thi' British<br />

tuiik n\i'r Itidjii t^u tTiitiiries nj;n<br />

l:e in.«erte,l 'Pluy piiimptly rtmn'<br />

It<br />

"Now rii»n*l grt mr wriing." be<br />

h.islcnfd to add. "Till 1 BriUsii arf<br />

Kupd pfiiplf, Homr <strong>of</strong> my Ursi<br />

friends are British It's just llnl<br />

\vt' !ndlRn» didn't likr ihr|r pulify<br />

uf ^ityrrtim^hL in India. They did<br />

'A lot <strong>of</strong> eopd; but Ifip Imrm they<br />

did ovrrahadnwrd %\w coad."<br />

He «IPI Ihi' Bnlli,ll |uev,.|iieil India<br />

rum jtrnLressif y Acv \ih, ;r,* 11<br />

,i ili'ly t ln-iii Mn 1 . i,r M.di.itm.i<br />

, in! in I;II|;<br />

high In India, bemuse it "was tu lh<br />

ndvantiigt' (if the musters" to kec;:<br />

the people illilerute. They woul,<br />

ilul' permit iiidlmlriuiiziitimi. hrciius,<br />

thiit would IiiiVi' iniidt> Ihi.' iH'opI,<br />

seir-Hiiini'lcnl iiiul iiidi'piiidflit.<br />

"Sy uiir ra\s, uoiidji WITC- tJiki,n riul<br />

<strong>of</strong> the cuutitry, he eiintiiiiitri, "und<br />

when theji returned, manufacturutl,<br />

we paid eight tej 10 tinii'B art ona<br />

inal price."<br />


The new India hii.K- nciitly scilver<br />

Ihi' problem oi wlmt Ui ilo with Die<br />

muharajahs, or ruliiiK linnets, eai-h<br />

will- fabulalig lni,'ii!iii>K II[ LI JI to "'<br />

(HIU.OOO per year, untl willi the power<br />

nf life or death over the people in<br />

their principalities.<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> them — there formerly<br />

were about SOU—are now out <strong>of</strong><br />

jobs.<br />

'India was iifraid lliat these<br />

princes might cause irulile—und the<br />

British must have been disuiipnmted<br />

that they didn't,' said Or <strong>Mar</strong>vii.<br />

"But there was nil trnllole. The<br />

princely osliiles were amalijiimatefi<br />

and six prlncos were chosen the cim-<br />

siiiutinnal hoaiis nf the tie^' uniui's<br />

The oilier (irinees Itiaj' him- lelt<br />

iumc rpsentnieiit, hut a|i|liiri'ntlv uii<br />

wen? happy in make the Mt-Tiiice fur<br />

li-' lii'iiA <strong>of</strong> the inunlry."<br />


He said that now Inch,'! hu? unrkiH<br />

Hit ii decentralued jjiiYi'rnmi.nt fje^<br />

i"'Ke. foreiKii nfTliiiK and I ommoreo<br />

rf linder Hie enntrnl nf the ci'iii,.',!<br />

Insorninent. All (he rest is, vesti-d<br />

n the i'nnst ilutininil Ntiites<br />

French B 1,0% I'liiiirl nrriiiiEi'd fnr<br />

lie appearance <strong>of</strong> Dr. Murvn. but<br />

his absence, the d tnr »;,s in.<br />

mlufc'd by Knl.i'rt T. Hushes<br />

Piesldent Joseph Thli'se iinnciiric-fl<br />

hut Mr. I.nvi'lfHid " •<br />

Hand's Clerical<br />

Help, $18,655<br />

Congressman'*<br />

Costs Revealed<br />

Clerical and seerolarial help for a<br />

Congressman runs pretty high, ac-<br />

cording to n study bf the payroll <strong>of</strong><br />

CunKressman T. Millet Hiitid, <strong>of</strong> thi?<br />

second Nuw Jersey district, reported<br />

from Washington over the week end.<br />

It «huws thai the payroll for Jan.<br />

usey amounted to IT.B54 60, an an-<br />

nunl rate <strong>of</strong> $18,655 for "clerk hire",<br />

as it is desiKnated by law. The maxi-<br />

mum fio\ernment allowance for a<br />

House niember's secretarial stair is<br />

about 120,000,<br />

The coiiercssman from Cape Myy<br />

hat two assistants in his washinil.<br />

tun <strong>of</strong>fice and one representative n<br />

eaeh <strong>of</strong> tlie three counties he serves.<br />

Working in WashinBlon are Del<br />

Wkng<br />

phirie W Burni<br />

id 15851<br />

Washing<br />

e. <strong>of</strong> th<br />

a<br />

hat city, who<br />

Jy and<br />

was pajd Saan.lO for January, and<br />

Belie F, ipang, <strong>of</strong> Cape Mny. at<br />

Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ches, 1881)<br />

Friter— .<br />

4 p, m,—Junior "Y",<br />

S»turil»y—<br />

Ji •. m,—CjHxI^Ntwj Club,<br />


•obcrl 2. Wuchttr.<br />

SuniUy, M»rch S«~pm««lon 8und»j<br />

9:45 a, m.—Church Sehqal. Mr«<br />

Benjamin Biekman, guperintendeni<br />

Claties for all ages,<br />

come;<br />

perin<br />

Viiitoirs wel<br />

11 a. m.—Nujsery School,<br />

11 a m— The Sdrvlce, The ehoi<br />

will sina. "O Saviqur <strong>of</strong> the World'<br />

by Pears Sermph by the paitnr,<br />

•The Eternal Christ".<br />

«:30 p. rn,—Catechetical Clati,<br />

7:30 p. m—Luther League Meet<br />

Rep, Hand also has an Atlantic<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong>rice in charge <strong>of</strong> Harry L.<br />

Pairburn. at a monthly salary <strong>of</strong><br />

$223,30: a Cape May <strong>of</strong>rice in charge<br />

<strong>of</strong> F, Mervyn Kent, who received<br />

1144..IT: and a Bridjelon represent.<br />

itive. Ralph A. Brandt, at §101.06.<br />

The county representatives serio<br />

s liaison <strong>of</strong>ficers between the Con-<br />

:ressman and people in his dislrie 1 ,<br />

nd sometimes serve as press rela.<br />

ions onii-'ers.<br />

Church<br />

Announcements<br />

Continued from P«ef<br />

iti nl Ihe Imnw at Mrs LetilJ Breck-<br />

y. 2fl West av. "<br />

upsday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch M—<br />

7.,'it) ji HI —Berean Ciass meeUs in<br />

h'il Mi' I i,5'i>l'tiwi \,.|ll i •• IH- ,• ,.* ' '- r ! —P'M.d i L,a?5 M,V, i^ in<br />

luh'ficlow. r ' Hie',' nem,:;r?,fl lh ;;. >»•« ""ditonum for bandar<br />

Ictary Inlerniitmiiiir in IJc.lrnit." ,li I r 0 - 1 . 1 " 1 ." aIKl r( ' il(lln « ° r l»'ssi»"ar>-<br />

nt.<br />

iind that hi' sviil hi' ehiiinniin<br />

f the re?ulutii,ns i'njnindti'i' ;ii tiu<br />

iilritl fiiiilereiH-e in Atlantic Citv.<br />

il.ril !ti<br />

Jiluk CJ .JerrU'r lil'ic'lly r,ul linril<br />

IJIW fill" Ihr Kaster «i;a hunt ,m<br />

latufilny A11 r 11 B nil tlie bi'Hi h lit.'.<br />

1'ren IRth iiild iilth «t> . tu he pi,,,n-<br />

Ted iuintly hy the Rulury Club "ml.I<br />

He chiimlicr ul Commerce.<br />

Illli<br />

Ml I -1,1 ...<br />

IlilVi- 1"<br />

Ii.iri he IIM-II, it<br />

!,iw'ii\. l,i',.|:<br />

Do You Want<br />

U.S. Taxes Cut?<br />

nw. !<br />

ite<br />

hill.<br />

Irtst yrar." Tin jiaid. ,<br />

NMinri. whieli wss hnrinunecri hy<br />

DnPniit ufler'in years <strong>of</strong> rt'search<br />

inn: di'\elii|.iiieii| fnllnued ii riiiile<br />

1M Ihr publii- Miirl.ir ti'' tl.i.l talu '<br />

hv I'iiynll<br />

lfK%'Kl,(lH Ni;W MKTAI,<br />

M r Sl;iil.|:nil ili.phiyeil ii.lni' nf<br />

ll.i Mi"'l'J,l iiliiillUt^ Fi,\ elupi'U h v<br />

: 1 !.,, 111 . 1<br />

Mr M:ai<br />

i r.iVMH<br />

ifiii|,i.'tini:<br />

inii iiiiii Mi<br />

pMt! :ind 11<br />

j ><br />

Mh inch itlili-l 1 in h!'l : \ •<br />

. - i U . i u r H "' r * u ; \ ' f i i ! M L : i! M i t u l i h =<br />

'^Tlir c ! (imh!itr-il rmiilnvmriii nf<br />

Uif ravnii induslrv is wfll nvrr -i<br />

niil j tun jiriijilf. ^ h« liaiidlriJ u till-<br />

linn iHnjiiiis df LhU miin-inadp iibrt'<br />

,-s% thiit thev :;<br />

.,ii,,:ti.l i.r ,"'iil<br />

ul tln-M- I- Ill;<br />

1,'iH'd iniiii!<br />

h.ill :,f lii',i\?<br />

ni'\' j,riiihir! h,<br />

,•! I'iil<br />

injlldl<br />

priiiniK<br />

id ndirii<br />

fur in,,!'<br />

• Iliil'u':<br />

"The Friendly Bank"<br />

There Are<br />

Two Kinds<br />

Of Bills...<br />

. . . First, the<br />

kind you get<br />

for hard work , ,<br />

, . . Then, the<br />

kind you get on<br />

the firit <strong>of</strong> every<br />

month!<br />

.*<br />

\ 4ifm Wilh iili i,li.<br />

••I..1 p i>r.,11 1,1 mi.re limn siuion..<br />

nt in,in in nil<br />

II i|l|)i'linil v.ii', thill \: hi'tl 11 j.ili llri'li-<br />

ed In lie iinii". fin H^!'n'~Y \Ui^ hur<br />

rii'dlv ff\ iiT' Ly eNcculive nrrlrr, n<br />

rieiili'd i'% t'liiu-reii Wr iirc l;uv<br />

|,i.vi|ia iiir nil tlii'sc nii.'tiiki'..-<br />

flu .lulv 7. 1!H7. C,,i;u;-i'«s ;iiilh, f<br />

id"l. l.y '.'iiiiir.iinnii!. viih' Ihi' bunch<br />

II i nf thi' Bfi'MrsI ellnrl yrt I iM'l<br />

In iiliih ilii i'nW'i''nt. i'i'iUliilPM ;,1 ^,,v<br />

i'liiuu'i't i=i*,rt.Mi!i^ii''ii,n With the<br />

iipni'm;!! i'i Pri'Mflent F rrun:nn i.<br />

Wrdntlday. Mircli W—<br />

( IU p. m—Prayer meetinij and<br />

Hilile ftudy, Pastur Beattie con-<br />

tjnueh M -.erieN nf j*tudies_on "Th 1 ?<br />

Cl'un, in the Life nf the Believer '.<br />

Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 30—<br />

li 30 |). IV.-—Girls' eharlls rphoarsal<br />

under the direction <strong>of</strong> Mrs, Lois<br />

Likens<br />

Friday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 31—<br />

7 p m—Bible Cliib fiir all Imys<br />

iiiiil mrls in the lower iiudilnrluni.<br />

Kii nnel-btiiird Mrfries, (ihject iessnn?,,<br />

(•nntc?,!.H ( hnrus Kinj-irm. Hv\ard.N. ctu.<br />

leu by Hill iiiifl Jeyn L.iiine<br />

Saturday, April 1—<br />

PiiNlnr Victor B Heiittie wijl siieiik<br />

iH Y.uith Rally at riiinkford Youin<br />

Ci iUer. Pliiliidelphia.<br />

[ng<br />

Tufsday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 2g—<br />

3:30 p, m.—Junior Choir,<br />

6.30 p. rn. — Hpeciol dinner for<br />

members <strong>of</strong> Grace congregation, in<br />

the interest <strong>of</strong> Christian Hjiher Edu.<br />

cation Year, Speaker win be the<br />

Rev, William tj Moyer, Synodical<br />

director for CHEY. Colored illde»<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Philadelphia Bemlnary and<br />

Muhlenberg College will be shown<br />

Wednesday, Much M— .<br />

0'45 |i, in—Catechetical Class,<br />

5 p, m—Mid-week Lenten Service<br />

The pastor will speak on "The Crois<br />

-y-A Lesson in Saeriflce".<br />

(riday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch JI—<br />

Senior Choir rehearsal,<br />

* * *<br />


Btv. J, E, Rlchnrdj, Puisr<br />

you Cannot Be a Slra<strong>of</strong>cr Her<br />

10 a, m—Sunday fichool, Cliises<br />

for all ajes. Large men's Bible class<br />

meets in chapel room, Pastor Rich-<br />

ards is the teacher, Come and meet<br />

your friends,<br />

11 a. rn—MorninfLWorship. Ser-<br />

mon topic: "Will He Find Faith?", by<br />

the pastor.<br />

6:30 p. m—Youth Fellowship. In<br />

charge <strong>of</strong> Georse Johnson. Message<br />

by Rev Donald Bakely. <strong>of</strong> Camden<br />

7:30_p. m.—Evening Hour <strong>of</strong> Sonj<br />

ind Praise, Rev. Bakely will de-<br />

liver the sermon. He Is asioclate<br />

ptistor <strong>of</strong> the Centenary Tabernacle<br />

Church, Carnden. He is a young man<br />

full <strong>of</strong> the Spirit <strong>of</strong> Christ,<br />

Rev. Richards will speak Sunday<br />

evening in Centenary Tabernacle<br />

"fir*<br />

riBportattw an<br />

lk, we h/tvt a<br />

W rtT<br />

Church, Cunden. •<br />

Special notlw to<br />

eqwlu: Wf *"""<br />

•chool for »mi _<br />

11 a. m «ervjct. _,<br />

be wfll taken care i<br />

adults while you '<br />

main church. Nunery u 1<br />

annex<br />

If there are those who '.<br />

rntani <strong>of</strong> trnriBttt a<br />

too far to walk,<br />

service to <strong>of</strong>fer W«<br />

folk to worihlp wlfll in, .<br />

778, Sumers Point, by V p. mj I<br />

da>,<br />

ST. JOSEPH'S B. C.<br />

•ev. P.ul V, tanr,<br />

Masses on Sunday at 8, 8, 10<br />

11 a, m.<br />

Weekday Mass it 1 8. ft.<br />

Catechism Clan, Monday, 4 ;<br />

Novena Devotions, Thu '<br />

Lenten Devotlohs, SUtioru <strong>of</strong><br />

roii, rriday, 7 49 p rt,<br />

Newman Study Club Thunday,,!<br />

p. m.<br />

Come In and St<br />

the<br />

<strong>1950</strong> Studebaker<br />

-Ton Pick-Up<br />

with the Ajiut«bU$e«t I<br />

for Driving Coitafdrt j<br />

Mengel<br />

Studebaker<br />

112 Centr»I Awmm<br />

Phone<br />

Somers Point<br />

Churches<br />

In lurniiT PrpMtlunt Iln<br />

• lid.lKhi-l This C.ininr<br />

•ii"<br />

.,1<br />

111<br />

Li '-ttfin,; tu ciiirect theiie ills<br />

s i!i:i!tcrH .-triilil. 's\hi'll Vdii<br />

ipt i,i iiiiil %\iiii \iiiir ufivernm<br />

!! %-. ill liiiil :U M<br />

iiirlni: l,-'iiil !<br />

ii'liiiii ui.i'k, !l<br />

Feiicriil ei<br />

i-n-ilit iinii<br />

•\ I'iineh, r i!i'!-ilmy tu picture lii'<br />

iiln sepiii de I'i'rniii. eiti li i'miiiiin.<br />

nii diMen-nl tei'm> iiiiil ennditinns.<br />

pin, ii.it li the nrpiirtivient ,,r III-<br />

er:..r ,liid the riipiirt in-nt nf Aci'i-<br />

uliiire<br />

Tin' Al'l.iv _ Kr-tinccr.- iii-i| III"<br />

iieUniiiliiiu rjureiiii cu-l the 1: i s •<br />

lii* -n uh ihifiiiiiil mn i,f elTui't un<br />

ii'tiiree nf this unsteful ihiplii'-i-<br />

iii'l ilij. Huiitiy llui'M' Pniici't In<br />

lIiilitHiKi Vlit. i'kliniiili'fi ',, i'l'iit (H,.<br />

iiciii.lino Tin' .H'luiil ('"'I Kiis M:! -<br />

sill I I II in<br />

In New nrle.n . thi'l-c iin n Ft-rT-<br />

•I'ii 1 " jl. i>|ii1il lh i,|iel'iil('il M'iiiir.itr'v<br />

iy diirerfiit tirninhi's i.r thi' tnvern.<br />

iinl. Thru' ii.inl e.ipaiity II. 1 Kan<br />

lieiN. When Mineyeii. tliey hi,,I Ii<br />

I,.till u! !ll;i piltli'llt.!-<br />

Ii >yii uiint this \i;i,--li' iihd ill.<br />

-nieii'iu'v siitpi.ed wriie >iiur C

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