Mar 1950 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Mar 1950 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Mar 1950 - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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ray Fund<br />

Officials<br />

Drucoll<br />

*t county o«Icals In New Jirsej<br />

to Governor priscoll<br />

to borrow highway funds<br />

the <strong>1950</strong>-51 state bu.lkct<br />

was Indicated by an id<br />

in tht February issue or<br />

k Official publication <strong>of</strong> the As o<br />

Of Chosen Fnehuldcrs ol<br />

Jeraey ! M Lear director rf Ihi<br />

: May County friM holders i% j<br />

i ef the Aisociaticn frt in this<br />

ding to A Paul Knit, efht r<br />

I ef the rfiagnztm- dnd a fri i<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Cuuntv nothing<br />

the strength <strong>of</strong> New Jtrs \<br />

than the continued diversion<br />

f highway funds<br />

harrrifui and short slghftd<br />

I practice hp diclarcd ii is<br />

He a malignant gruuth ¥,hich<br />

f''Wn only be cured bj n major oper<br />

t Iran a constitutional arnrndmi i I<br />

. dedicating all roads and iHklm iv<br />

exclusively for tht jjyrp< c<br />

tor Which they are ctillcctcri<br />

""He said the legislature bjik<br />

: $Bl promised that fe»s mllti<br />

,-(Krni highway users would be u id<br />

• for highuajx and Lrid^J<br />

County Leagues<br />

Oppose Shifting<br />

Emergency Relief<br />

Shifting <strong>of</strong> emgrfeaey relief fr«m<br />

the slate la the municipal level vmi<br />

opposed Friday right at o Joipt<br />

rtn-iting <strong>of</strong> th# Cape May ind At<br />

lanlic Counts Lt^gues sf Municipal<br />

iliefi at A\alun<br />

The proposal to ^hift rnht-f back<br />

d b G<br />

\u tnuniclpahtiM made<br />

cfnnr Driscoll<br />

The «ruup»» aUu \uttd in ak<br />

Stall. L**ugyt <strong>of</strong><br />

analyze iht<br />

elttrint tit*<br />

ml ju*ilii.<br />

810 p m—Young Peoples meet<br />

ing<br />

7 30p m—Evening Wonhlp Top<br />

Ic Paul WaJ Converted<br />

Choir rehesnal it the churrh<br />

Wednesday 4pm<br />

Mid Week Servicei at the home <strong>of</strong><br />

Mrs Ld»hley Atkimun jv Trans<br />

portytion viiU be provided from the<br />

thurch al i 10 p m<br />

Junior Y milling at thi Lhurih<br />

FtuUi 4 u m<br />

Goml Nmi Club it the ihunh<br />

Sjturdj} 11 i ii<br />

it c'ffrtt rnu H<br />

2 Hurt in Craih,<br />

1 Driver Arrested<br />


Fjulkn r plyn fir | „,,„,., z nuchler ST«. P»lor<br />

n tovirnmt it SlindM, Fcbrunn 46—The tir«l<br />

dav in LenU^<br />

q 4i a m^thurih Si hm i Mr<br />

Binuirin Hiilinim ui ni Ii n 1 i<br />

Ll,.., c for ill j|_i % 1 r<br />

m — ^<br />

ii\t.riit i<br />

I<br />

I I %<br />

"A quick totaling nf the mum if<br />

S3 diversion in the past 2G vrar ^hnun<br />

i'Uw amazing sum or SIBODOUOOO i.<br />

. which wa? added smilhrr H9 500 00U<br />

v te the pait fi eal year h* \*rtn<br />

**pllia our inodtrn roii ht^h« n<br />

I [Mrkwoy prtigram in the Gurdtn<br />

^ has been short ehdnj, d nt trl*<br />

r $W0 000000 in tun d.ti, I. Tin i<br />

fli <strong>of</strong> tht toUl ium c Hi— il il<br />

the highway ccrnmi loner 1<br />

pletely modernizt ihr ru »l \<br />

i <strong>of</strong> our state<br />

f asserted that i-nunH <strong>of</strong>lir ul<br />

f£re the statement cf tht Prt^<br />

at <strong>of</strong> the Senate that diuhinn<br />

• valid meant <strong>of</strong> tajloncinj, the<br />

•te budget Hi ti run il it instead<br />

' long ittp dnwn thi dLsa \<br />

toad <strong>of</strong> deficit fin*mfin£<br />

run thar<br />

itttk dffi<br />

\ Lmtr iprp irjur^<br />

Hu^ard Wjlluci<br />

Ormeli u J. i I<br />

rllir^t (I ildllriit<br />

I irP tl i *tt ilk nl i<br />

\V illic j | l i ti rir i<br />

i lifi irrM>MMtttillMMi<br />

_^^p«1^^^fc - —•-•— ^— — —- _ tw •«••• u|iun||| HI |fm 4<br />

Reducedjb/ucei-<br />

m. new <strong>1950</strong> Studebakers<br />


save you *86 to *141<br />

In Studebaker's success! Get the benefit <strong>of</strong> Studebaker's<br />

line peak producHon! Drive America's most distinctive<br />

car-th. fattest selling car in Studebaker history!<br />

iSt^iSJSSLfe^J!??- -!!.*!*.<br />

Howland Price More Than $13,000 Over<br />

Limit <strong>of</strong> <strong>City</strong>-Sute Funds Available<br />

'h Ihf Kin:,<br />

hfi'ii<br />

h>irut'liiiM<br />

i,!iri|,i(ltll<br />

iinc jciiy aritl<br />

hiklii-r Ihlit:<br />

il ffv,' llicjnlh:i<br />

iTuy lifpiiFtmiTii tit Kniniirnit; De< |<br />

| il |i,iiii|it llic i-(l Ihi' POsMhilily thI;J J<br />

i i-k ctf iUiVih^ t(( rt'iltitt- \Ur am<br />

l' llHilCriili In h,- ||i.n| ,n Ihf<br />

rill |j(iirl iiriijcil ill iiriirr lei<br />

thin ![ir limit i,l iumis fas iiil<br />

mm! tht- hitls svert' ri'iyrrt'd \u thi<br />

iniFMimvr Churlvs R Ertlmun, Jr. nl<br />

I hi 1 New JiTsey Dciiurtmcnl fur np-<br />

li)7ci.]i<br />

'thi-t<br />

icit ii<br />

thn !u\v<br />

Ji<br />

biiiilrr on<br />

iiiiiv and j.i.uv.oll «as,<br />

liiiu; anti Sun. ai SU-a<br />

i*, lirn, u hirhi liiti- in<br />

iiinhlrnctiun nt iin=<br />

Mciif[ir;,y nl<br />

B. Bi,v.ki:t<br />

^ at lilt* bicin<br />

ua^s nortlifmlrd fyf ihe<br />

fr [lost after FrtM'huldfr<br />

I > i'lbytJnM, "f BrfNley's<br />

splfrali mrmlifr uf Uie<br />

lu srtk <strong>of</strong>.<br />

IIF.NKY V. rl.OI'TIN(.<br />

fit r ilium He ix<br />

\Fdr .1* J frfrll(»U<br />

Mi ^ iiifj n hi»<br />

i> I 1 l«i'i<br />

f 11 i i K ^ i ,<br />

I i lii|> i- K<br />

in Ills 24tli<br />

harf<br />

IM4!, Sl.|lll).<br />

IHI nl tt'i-n- WITH TBH h> NuiMi Gl'i.'l't'g.<br />

ul Ni-u'iirk. iiml 1422 4B() hy (he At-<br />

Uintii' Ciniiity CiiiihtriiCliiin Cu., A*-<br />

laiilii- <strong>City</strong><br />

Thi' stall' iltti'llty liUprcd no en-<br />

iiliiniiliiin <strong>of</strong> why ihc liitlM I'Stiwtletl<br />

in a Tri'itliin atinoum>n.<br />

Muyiir Edwnrc!<br />

Tiitsiiay ihal itipi<br />

tn,; Li-en rtfi'ivctl<br />

Ihi,! it s;til! was too t'urly to di>-<br />

itTiiimr juM what course to folliiv.<br />

The most iiruhiitiln step, he In-<br />

iliiatfd. Huuld be lo 'sesie down 1<br />

ihe sprcineation* un ihi amount<br />

ut stone required, to bring the<br />

llowlund price don n (rum !344,5nt<br />

lu the JIHI.IHIU avallalile,<br />

"If •«• do ihil it probably would<br />

1 b,- tuktm <strong>of</strong>f the ht'j^ht <strong>of</strong> Iht- sea-<br />

wUI ul |)]iitt-s ^h^ru wuLih] bflhc<br />

least duni^i'f.' tht' niLiycr t-iiiti. Hi.<br />

t-^jilainnd that thin v ould tin li^,.<br />

hidlll til till- pfTl'l-tiViTH'SS 01 U.i-<br />

|JI f ii"(:t , lliiin rurluilint! Ihc nil- <strong>of</strong><br />

th.' ji-tty itflolf.<br />


Maynr Bowkcr suitl it had Loop<br />

ni'rs'ssury in K.jv^rai other Iji-ayh-<br />

inml iirujiHi.-, <strong>of</strong> rrcent years tu<br />

mnkt 1 minor rnoditk-atiuiis Ui<br />

v. Him tlu> ulliilli'd funds<br />

Mi'unwhik-, thi 1 i't,tniniM>iltini'rs<br />

2 \) in toiTiorruw i Friday i yre<br />

ti 11_ cI lu rt't-nis'f bids from boiui buy-<br />

crs on a tii'W issue <strong>of</strong> J21M.0OU ul city<br />

bmiilx tn tinanco Ihu north iitiint pro-<br />

Dies in South<br />

Business Man Here<br />

48 Ycers Had Lonf<br />

Been in 111 Health<br />

Walter H. Chaltji<br />

jui-irH'hS inlin iif;d<br />

ears diet! 1.1 Mil ii<br />

jHj?jiiliii in Miarn<br />

iiM Ocuiin Cii<br />

rusiiiirnl lur '<br />

in yi'stiTciay<br />

. Fla «n*'n- I<br />

ihi- winu-r<br />

.. no ui.s Tlj. hati bit'!;<br />

r ii iHHiihir ol yiiirt f Oietn (.ill alread> i.m Ixjast uf<br />

nniri tlnn 100 memberi e\en thouKh<br />

its major inembpr'.hlp campaltfn did<br />

rut II|JI ii until v.Mird*\ it u.is re<br />

luultdhv HniLt r Pinion lii^Lir*!<br />

Hi •• ml thi . n i in imik urt M i<br />

Im oli l\ In |>ir^i nil i (Toil <strong>of</strong> tin<br />

j b,iii 1 il dlititois dLiiin^ tbi pa^l<br />

li \ \*...|f lo indinti Ihur i.ind<br />

' l.iui in lln mil iitKinizitiim ",e\<br />

I , r il mi n In i tihuv.l "!' [or n»"»i<br />

| t ! Jiij) 1 i lu." nut .iiitl ^r\irjl<br />

mm, iiJiliilnn »lull on \ lulifn<br />

in Hi i (Ii<br />

Si i \ i( e ihib inembi rbliip (oinnut<br />

ti t v ln\i bf.n jppomtid to lit is<br />

Chjinlir K|)l. inlitne"; in then<br />

rf.prdii.1 ilul". Albiit G irnst n<br />

hi ids tht Knuni lommillii- Pronih<br />

b lauliiul Ibe R-ar<br />

f twii ct,n;|ju:iiiin<br />

Hi,a»uri-i' iiuriiciuriil by Mr Smith<br />

,IiM.Liiir>' It. If apjii;i'S in HUlarii-^ i.l<br />

iu.irili cliiss itimmisMun • jjovernoil<br />

I it ,.ji i.f 2 SKI to lOIMiO piipulalion.<br />

athl thi.h". frn II IHU in 1 (IW) r>''P l| i"-<br />

tun..<br />

SIIKHI AND 13.500<br />

fnii-s up i" 1'Jiinn piiiiiiliit.fin<br />

v.'ciilii be requlriii unfief Assernbly<br />

ti:S lu pay Ihf rmiyur a niil.im'.im ai,.<br />

r.luiI Hilary "f S4.IJi 1 O and fiifh com.<br />

,,: sMiineT MftUU<br />

Both bills contain lh* provision<br />

lhal the salaries mentioned ma><br />

he iner#is«d up to as much »s .ill<br />

[itr cent above these fl(Ure>i, which<br />

eouid brliif the salary <strong>of</strong> Hip<br />

mayor up 10 SB.UOtl and lh» com-<br />

mitsiiinfis up to I'.. 1 'SI)<br />

At present, the salary <strong>of</strong> (lie<br />

uijyur <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> is lixed by law<br />

at S3.75O Iind eauil <strong>of</strong> Hie uthiT mm.<br />

iiiifsioners is puiil S.'),(KW<br />


The Smith bill, supplementing the<br />

Revised HtaluleS ri'lalina to<br />

.iiiini-wiiin-mivfrnuft'lit. already ba<br />

Mother Held For<br />

Jury For Neglect<br />

<strong>of</strong> "Two Children<br />

l.oi'yl mid state authorilius P<br />

ill Fridyy to eurfeet a fonditiCiil in<br />

iihieli a ne^ru mother alli?Medly was<br />

lallinM lo provide proper i'urt> fur<br />

her two small children.<br />

The mother Mrs Sarn!)<br />

bu( kle Wtst JI neai 6th *il m r<br />

held without bail foi thp grand JUII<br />

and committ.d to ihi iount> jjil<br />

Jjd^e Hou-ird Warren Her tin<br />

ilnn iRtd I nil 2 it us mn |il n i<br />

i usiudi nl tl i Sl,iti Hmr1<br />

n tin-<br />

C'hilrlron's Gunrdiiuis<br />

I'olit-i' who visitfU<br />

said I he childr<br />

at id si|iialm"<br />

a tiro<br />

sene-.sonkt'd tun<br />

a space heattM<br />

ie woman's husband wa<br />

n i l months JIK" ;iftt*r a s<br />

f;itnify ultet'cotiimh<br />

Hit 1 CaritucK<br />

en were Irtl<br />

jud thiit (I<br />

enuft.' with<br />

on tin* tlo<br />

U.S. to Turn Back<br />

on Cape Canal<br />

Maintenance to' End<br />

After July, 1951<br />

U,<br />

this<br />

S. War Department engineers<br />

he operated his own express<br />

in that town before lie lam<br />

Dieilh <strong>City</strong> in 19UI He also was<br />

associaletl wall Ihe Adams Express<br />

Co., a railroad UaHgage service, here<br />

ami in Camilen and Philadelphia,<br />


He was a member <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

ffily Real Estate Board anil the First<br />

Methodist Church.<br />

Dulin)J his residence here Mr,<br />

Chatlin fur ii lime was niflht watch,<br />

man <strong>of</strong> Ihe old <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Title und<br />

Trust Co, He was honored some<br />

years later by being elected a direc-<br />

tor <strong>of</strong> the siime bank.<br />

Surviviiiii<br />

Lloyd, Walter R,<br />

Rush, all <strong>of</strong><br />

four<br />

Jr.,<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, and<br />

sons, Haiiev<br />

Maleqlm and<br />

link lisu.d a leport lirom-<br />

linff dibim tinuami <strong>of</strong> ft dei it<br />

mail lenante <strong>of</strong> tin C ipe Mil Countv<br />

Canal and it r drill briilfies ifti r Juh<br />

24 19S1 beuuse thel sn itnm<br />

lenonce after that dite iiould no*<br />

bi Justilled eionoinn ill><br />

The report fylloned a hearing<br />

conduct! d some time ago liy the<br />

"brpn" AfiTiy engmerr^ Tht» uporling <strong>of</strong>ll-<br />

F^st&ti CIMS recommended tint after the<br />

abo\e date the bi nlges would be<br />

maintained onl> in a closed position<br />

The engineers rnommendalloli IS<br />

not nnal<br />

Piole 1 )t9 should be Idrd with the<br />

Board <strong>of</strong> Fngineeis for Rucrs and<br />

Hubori Wanllington D C prior]<br />

lo April 1 <strong>1950</strong><br />

The repuit is not final Congress-1<br />

man T Mlllit Hand taid and I am ,<br />

ture that Cape Ma\ County and all<br />

<strong>of</strong> South Jersey aie tint prepared to<br />

accept this recommendation Wi<br />

ivill fight for lolitinued lederil man -<br />

lt_naticc<br />

I hope that local interests per-<br />

haps led by the Board <strong>of</strong> Freehold<br />

ers will file protests and I ii 111 be<br />

pleased to confer v, ith loiul <strong>of</strong>ficials<br />

on the fight<br />

•Herschel. <strong>of</strong> Miami, and a daughter,<br />

Mrs. Frank WlrJman, <strong>of</strong> Longport,<br />

There also are two sisters in Tucker-<br />

ton and qne in- Miami,<br />

Funeral services will be conducted<br />

Monday at 2 p, m. in the A^.I.<br />

Smith parlora by the Rev, A, Lynn<br />

Oongl<strong>of</strong>T. pastor <strong>of</strong> the Firsi Moth,<br />

odlst Church, There will be a view-<br />

ing from 1 to S p. m. Interment will<br />

be ifi Greenwood Cemetery. Tuck-<br />

erton,<br />

Th( body will be flown from<br />

Miami by air express.<br />

ssed Bi'Hiiid reudina 111 fill' As-<br />

srmbly and is hilieved to be as-<br />

sure'd <strong>of</strong> passage isbcii the iuisisln-<br />

lure reoyiivenes <strong>Mar</strong>cii 0.<br />

AccordinH lo Trenton reports, thp<br />

P»fe 3, Pleas*<br />

Auto License<br />

Renewal Begins<br />

Late Buy* May<br />

Stand in <strong>Line</strong><br />

The renewal season for New Jersey<br />

nioior vehicle registrations and rtriv<br />

er jicenses began yi'SterUay.<br />

Motor vehicle aKerieies in <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> and elsewhere throughout the<br />

slptr will be open B a. m to ti p, m<br />

Monday through Priday and from<br />

9 to 12 noon Saturday during the<br />

irqiith <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mar</strong>ch for the Issuance <strong>of</strong><br />

IBM lags and driver licenses. The<br />

new plates are burl with black num-<br />

ends, the reverse <strong>of</strong> the 1849 plates<br />

No registration will be renewed<br />

unless Ihe ear has passed second in-<br />

spection and the registration certlfi.<br />

cute properly stamped. Owners who<br />

have been issued duplicate certlti-<br />

cntes in place <strong>of</strong> those lost or stolen<br />

should have the certincate endorsed<br />

by the inspection station before at-<br />

tempting to renew.<br />

No motor vehicle can be operated<br />

on the public streets after midnight,<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch 31 without displaying ISSO<br />

lags However, plates purchased any<br />

time during <strong>Mar</strong>ch can be displayed<br />

on the vehicle immediately.<br />

Motor Vehicle Director Arthur W,<br />

Magee urges enr owners and drivers<br />

to appear (I the agencies early. He<br />

salo that those who wait until the<br />

11th hour may Iind Ihem&elves in.<br />

ponvenienced and delayed.<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> Gity motor vehicle <strong>of</strong>-<br />

fice is at 409 Asbury av.<br />

recent his-<br />

the benefit <strong>of</strong> the younger<br />

nore recent citizens tu show thai<br />

ririumsianceK, many <strong>of</strong> them beyond<br />

ihe control <strong>of</strong> the commissior-ers, are<br />

still hounding those who operate the<br />

'iirnicipal government.<br />


Major factors nf background he<br />

citefl sverir these:<br />

1 The illusionary "Utopia" <strong>of</strong><br />

thi- real estate boom in the enrly<br />

!II20'B which lured <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> into<br />

ifusny lung.term expenditures for im-<br />

jirui CMnenLs.<br />

2 The sudden bursting <strong>of</strong> the<br />

(.nibble.<br />

!i The disastrous lire <strong>of</strong> 1927<br />

v hich forced the con-struetion ef the<br />

ni-w hoardwalk. Music Pier and<br />

lit her projects.<br />

4. A second fire preceding the<br />

Lexers! clepression und bank closings<br />

,jf the early 193u's,<br />


fi The start <strong>of</strong> encroachment by<br />

the ,sea upiin resort bathing beaches<br />

ex-<br />

some 11 years ago, requiring<br />

pi-nsive counter.measures.<br />

6, The .seciind World War ant]<br />

its resultant inflation.<br />

7 The hurricane <strong>of</strong> 1944,<br />

Mr. RotMr'H comments were In<br />

line with these <strong>of</strong> ether (initials<br />

since lht war, to ihc effect Uut<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Is Ju»l new "cttchlni<br />

up" en some Icnf-deferred main-<br />

tenince, rrpalrs and new Imp-<br />

provenenUi thai bad been po«l-<br />

paned for ene reason or another<br />

in the patt.<br />

"Many <strong>of</strong> us thought the eariy<br />

Twenties was Utopia, with prospectp<br />

<strong>of</strong> the new bridges, developments<br />

like the Gardens and Riviera", he<br />

said In 1B2S and 1928 the bubble<br />

burst with a bang that evidently was<br />

heard as far south as Florida.<br />


In Ihe midst <strong>of</strong> our adjustment<br />

came the lire <strong>of</strong> 1927, As serious and<br />

cosily us this catastrophe wai, it did<br />

not dampen the enthusiasm <strong>of</strong> the<br />

zerig or their government body<br />

Paie 3, Please<br />

Red Cross Opens<br />

Double Campaign<br />

Sseki Funds and<br />

Blood Donor Pledges<br />

Solicitors for Ihe American Red<br />

Cross stalled ringing doorbells in<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Cily this week, in quest <strong>of</strong><br />

oulh ciish and pledges <strong>of</strong> blood do.<br />

nations<br />

The annual fund.raising drive<br />

High School Play to Oomn Tonight<br />

N. J. Legion Officers<br />

Invited to Sea Isle<br />

Officers <strong>of</strong> the Stale American<br />

Ltrion and lU Auxiliar> hn\e been<br />

invited tn attend a Legion rally<br />

Thursday evening <strong>Mar</strong>ch 16 at the<br />

home <strong>of</strong> Smith - Larnanna - Revclle<br />

Post No 340 on the Sea Isle <strong>City</strong><br />

boardwalk An elaborate program<br />

Is being planned Edward Nestor <strong>of</strong><br />

the Byron-Pennlngton-Croker Post,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Wildwood, will be master <strong>of</strong> cere-<br />

monies<br />

The Cape May County American i<br />

Legion Band will play under Ihc di-<br />

rection <strong>of</strong> Vincent Evangellsta He-<br />

f.eshmenta will be served Dancing<br />

will follow the meeting, with music<br />

by the Legion Band's orchertra<br />


<strong>Mar</strong>yland and Delaware mosquito<br />

axtermlnathin-<strong>of</strong>lleiali were at Court<br />

House Tuetdiy to Inspect new equip-<br />

ment owiMd by th* Ctpt May<br />

County Mosquito Commbalon<br />

Mlaa Wvahs HaiiA ul Robert H«mer. two membwa <strong>of</strong> the high<br />

•shoal Drtmntle Club, In • io«iie from Uie dab'* pradMUan <strong>of</strong> the<br />

three-act tanUky, "B*rk«lcy S4Dar«", to be arenntej Is UM pHbUe In<br />

the Ugli HhMl auditorium tonight (Thnnday) »nd tomarrow nliht,<br />

•Mluim al t-M p. m. The pUr la direct** by BUph D. MUVIM. ,m<br />

meuktr <strong>of</strong> the fMOlty.—(Photo by Dlek Ely.)<br />

which has a quota <strong>of</strong> IB.isO in Cape<br />

May County, and II 800 in <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong>, was supplemented by efforts to<br />

prepare fur Ihe second %'isil <strong>of</strong> the<br />

IH'ri Cros bluodmnbile to the resor<br />

i April JU<br />

A committee nf men was engaged<br />

solii'iiints business places and<br />

other institutions under the direc<br />

linn <strong>of</strong> Clinton B Priue, co-chairman<br />

with Howard S, Slainlon A group<br />

<strong>of</strong> women canvassers were making<br />

the traditional door.to.door drive<br />

under Ihf chairmanship <strong>of</strong> Mrs,<br />

Augustus 9, Ooetz.<br />


E."ch <strong>of</strong> the women solicitors, was<br />

given a supply uf pledge cards upon<br />

which local residents are asked to<br />

volunteer tu give a pint <strong>of</strong> blood to<br />

the bloodmobile next month. The<br />

cards are accompanird by an ad-<br />

dressed and stamped envelope in<br />

which their pledges can be sent to<br />

Dr. William Doebele, blood donor<br />

chairman.<br />

Dr. Doebele explained that the Red<br />

Cross is interested in obtaining as<br />

mimy pledges at this lime us pos<br />

Pace 1,<br />

Major league baseball today is so<br />

gentlemanly that it bears little re-<br />

semblance to the game as played 40<br />

years a go, according to Russell<br />

"Lena" Blaekburne. well known<br />

scout for the Philadelphia Athletics,<br />

He reminisced about the game in<br />

an entertaining talk to the <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> Kiwanis Club at Plymouth Inn<br />

jBsterday,<br />

Mr. Blaekburne predicted that the<br />

As will have a good team this sea.<br />

son, but said he wouldn't be so rash<br />

as to be confident <strong>of</strong> winning the<br />

.American League pennant.<br />

Iron Lung For<br />

New Hospital<br />

To Be Donated By<br />

Polio Chapter<br />

An iron Iun| will be donated to<br />

theCape May County Burdette Tem.<br />

lip. Memorial Hospital by the county<br />

chnpter <strong>of</strong> the InfanUIe Paralysis<br />

foundation, it was announced fol-<br />

lowing the annual meeting <strong>of</strong> the<br />

gl'Mip,<br />

Raymond Errickson, treasurer, re<br />

ported that the annual fund c*m<br />

poign is expected to reich $10 500.<br />

approxiiTiately the same as last year,<br />

wiiuri full reports are received.<br />

The following <strong>of</strong>fleeri were re.<br />

elected for <strong>1950</strong> at the meting in<br />

Court House!<br />

Chairman, French B, Loveland;<br />

vice chairmen, Mrs, Adele Mills, Wil-<br />

11am C, Hunt, Rev, Charles Hellmaii,<br />

Dr. <strong>Mar</strong>eia Smith; honorary chair,<br />

man, Dr <strong>Mar</strong>garet Mace; secretary,<br />

Mrs. Oeorge W. Kroiman; treasurer,<br />

Mr. Errickson,<br />

Rep, Hand Supports<br />

N, J. Medical Plan<br />

A la.point proposal for a national<br />

lealth and medical care program,<br />

suggested recently by the Medical<br />

Society <strong>of</strong> New Jersey, was reeom.<br />

mended for study by government<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficials and the general public thii<br />

week by Congressmsn T, Millet<br />

Hai.d, <strong>of</strong> New Jeriey's Second Con.<br />

greutonal District:<br />

He said the proposils <strong>of</strong> the Med.<br />

lea! Society present an afBrmBllve<br />

approach to the problem <strong>of</strong> an over-<br />

all medical care program and are not<br />

merely a barrier against administra-<br />

tion-backed proposals for .socialized<br />

medicine.<br />

Former Jean Voss<br />

Wins Inquirer Prize<br />

Mr§, Edmund P. Cordery, <strong>of</strong> Mer-<br />

chantvillc, former <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, resi-<br />

dent, wai awarded first prize Sun-<br />

dny by the Department <strong>of</strong> House-<br />

hold Problems in the Philadelphia<br />

Inquirer for submitting the but<br />

letter describing how to convert an<br />

old Iron bed Into an attractive youth<br />

bed Mrs. Cordery, tht fanner MUe<br />

Jean Voss, <strong>of</strong> the resort, was award-<br />

Cordery,<br />

<strong>of</strong> the i<br />

iflered uTe^btif<strong>of</strong>aBBuVlM ihfi<br />

ih far her solution,<br />

In the conteit.<br />

Cars Crash Near<br />

Here; 9 Injured<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Woman<br />

<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> Victims<br />

Nine occupants <strong>of</strong> two automobiles<br />

—including an <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> woman-<br />

wire injured early Sunday when Hie<br />

cirs crashed head.on at the *'Y"<br />

inlirsection <strong>of</strong> the Somers Point.<br />

Longport boulevard with the <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

Cily-Longpart toll bridge approach<br />

read.<br />

Six «f the injured were <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

County 'teen-age boys and girls who<br />

were on their way home shortly after<br />

midnifhl, after having spent the<br />

eninic at the skating rink in <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

ily. they told police. The other<br />

three persons were occupants <strong>of</strong> the<br />

other car,<br />


Police said the young people were<br />

riding in a machine driven by Daniel<br />

Toeker, 17, <strong>of</strong> Tuckerton, It, col.<br />

lided with the other car driven by<br />

Stanley C, Antrim, 47. <strong>of</strong> Pottstown<br />

Pa., who was driving toward <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong>,<br />

Police Chief Richard DePamphills.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Lonjport^said the evidence indU<br />

cflted that Tooker's car was on the<br />

wrong side <strong>of</strong> the road.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> those injured was Mrs,<br />

Anna Scheldt, 4S. <strong>of</strong> Asbury av,,<br />

near 4th st, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, a passenger<br />

n Anlrims car she suftered cuts<br />

and bruises <strong>of</strong> the head<br />


All nine persons were taken to<br />

Shore Memorial Hospital in ambu.<br />

lances that converged «n the scene<br />

from Ventnor, <strong>Mar</strong>gate, Northfield<br />

and Somers Point,<br />

Most seriously injured were Mist<br />

Anna Kane, 17, Tuckerton, with cuts<br />

<strong>of</strong> the head, face and legs; Joseph<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>shall, 18, Tuckerton, severe head<br />

injury; James Hand. 17, Tuclterton,<br />

lacerations ^f the head, hands and<br />

legs; Alice Burnham, IB, Manahawk-<br />

n, lacerations <strong>of</strong> (he head and face;<br />

Millie Miller, 17, Tuekerton, frac.<br />

tured ankle,<br />

Mrs, Anna Dankel, 48, <strong>of</strong> Potts-<br />

town, another occupant <strong>of</strong> the An-<br />

rim car, sufTered a broken right leg,<br />

Tooker surTered cuts <strong>of</strong> the face,<br />

hands and arms, while Antrim had<br />

similar injuries,<br />

HELD IN 11.000 BAIL<br />

Both drivers were required to<br />

post $1000 bail to hold them as ma*<br />

terlal witnesses while awaiting the<br />

outcome <strong>of</strong> injuries to all concerned.<br />

Chief DePamphilis said that<br />

Tooker had received his first driver's<br />

license only recently,<br />

Longp<strong>of</strong>t police remained at the<br />

ccident scene about an hour to<br />

regulate the flow <strong>of</strong> traffic around<br />

h* wrecked cars until they could be<br />

owed away.<br />

Find A<<br />

Scheduled<br />

Friday<br />

Taxpayers Grill<br />

Solons in Stormyv<br />

3-Hour Session<br />

An overflow crowd<br />

OceRn <strong>City</strong> citizenB foi,»|<br />

<strong>of</strong> information, Friday,!<br />

reasons why th« pto%<br />

tax rate promiaea to jui<br />

a record high <strong>of</strong> an<br />

mated 18.82 per f<br />

valuation this year,<br />

Enduring a three-hour<br />

for diicuuian <strong>of</strong> the n<br />

budget far IBM, they ilw<br />

first hi. nl some <strong>of</strong> the buk :<br />

why the three city commli<br />

diiigrce among thtmselvet<br />

lenlly.<br />

But oot sf lht welter •(<br />

they attained milker • Ba<br />

ci.ion so Uu badtet nar »ny la<br />

c.llon that it U likely U be<br />

m<br />

Speeds on Bay av.;<br />

I. Fined $60<br />

James Branca, <strong>of</strong> Mays Landing,<br />

was fined $1S and costs by Municipal<br />

Judge Howard Warren, Thursday,<br />

for speeding at 80 miles in hour on<br />

lay av, He wai trreittd latt week<br />

by Motor Vehicle Inspector C. W.<br />

Davis.<br />

Noubar Dadeurian, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

arrested by Patrolman Curtla Smith<br />

for speeding at 1b miles an Hour on<br />

the Somen Point boulevard, pleaded<br />

guilty and was fined (M and eoiti<br />

on Saturday,<br />

Aceardinf to Mayor Edwari<br />

Bowker and Commissioner<br />

Kotstr Jr., the approprtationi,<br />

ing $l,6tfi,7M, are the loweit<br />

to operate the city soundly,<br />

ail the services and faellli<br />

manded by the public and main<br />

the resort's phyilclal properties.<br />


The chief dissenter from that<br />

was Joseph Henry, spokesman<br />

the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Business Men'*<br />

iociation, who urged reduction<br />

number <strong>of</strong> appropriations and ww<br />

llist the high tax rate puts the<br />

sort at a competitive disad<br />

in bidding against other rtto<br />

new property investors and to<br />

Commissioner Augustui S.<br />

who told the crowd <strong>of</strong> more than<br />

that he was permitted no p»rt<br />

preparing the entire budget,^<br />

disagreed with tome features<br />

and particularly some <strong>of</strong> Mr.<br />

"nancial policies.<br />

He said later that between<br />

and 180,000 could be pared from<br />

budget "by sound operating<br />

if the three commissioners<br />

"sit down together and really<br />

job <strong>of</strong> economising",<br />


When it wai ail<br />

postponed Anal adoption<br />

budget untir tomorrow<br />

allow time for some<br />

nmendmenls ordered by<br />

Darby, commissiom-r <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Local<br />

A resolution introduced by<br />

Rneser to make these chsng««<br />

adopted before the meetlaf<br />

journed. The alterations do not<br />

feet the budget total or taxation<br />

quirfrhent.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e retail <strong>of</strong> the bearing Wwt<br />

pranlu by ttnyor Bvirkcr "<br />

the bolrd will five "MflMM<br />

•ideraUon" (a • pnpMtl hy<br />

South Oeean city "<br />

AMMlatlsn Uul part <strong>of</strong> Ike .<br />

c»piui improvement fnB4 haw<br />

marked far emerceocr r*kmll«<br />

secanfraitl bulkhud* In Hat "<br />

borhiwd.<br />

The mayor said that J<br />

would be given the Association<br />

in ( few days. - •_<br />

Nathan italler, legal nunatt,<br />

Ralph Taylor, president <strong>of</strong> the<br />

elation, urged that repain be :<br />

to the bulliheads thlj _<br />

temporary expedient to prevtnt (<br />

age by the sea to private and I<br />

property in several location*<br />

cause <strong>of</strong> the alre»dy-hlgh «ppp .<br />

tions, they Hid that a major rebu<br />

ing project should be deferred.<br />


Mr, Henry nionopollietl<br />

the hearing by questioning<br />

proprlationi <strong>of</strong> the public i<br />

publi^jjroperty departments !„<br />

Item, He never got to detaiu i,<br />

finsnce department befort th*I<br />

ing adjourned, " ''^M<br />

Henry was Critical <strong>of</strong> the *'"*<br />

in some casei because n»#'.,<br />

prir. tions were higher than 1<br />

In others he asked<br />

what happened to fund»'"_,<br />

attd in 1949 jnd not used<br />

purposes delimited, V»g<br />

In most caset he wai told I<br />

spent funds went toward th><br />

employe bonus or back into ttwj (<br />

surplui account.<br />


Commissioner Roeier, 1<br />

that most <strong>of</strong> this year'i ^<br />

taxation is unavoidable, slm<br />

part <strong>of</strong> it on the GoeU nnancjl<br />

partment administration In I»<br />

1949.<br />

In a statement prepared<br />

9s<br />

meeting. he traced<br />

Fan I,<br />

TIME and TH<br />

T onaiiort Bridav. add<br />

at«t Brl

•in-" 1<br />

Ice<br />

-Tte otter — . -, ,<br />

•ad vote hen an roottlr empJojcd<br />

by Ike tb or mrtre Wm*» or<br />

liven which ptnMbtt Hum ev«<br />

voicin* any owxwUon-<br />


**tt ¥s «reU stafcl^£3 at the<br />

comronwown mHtun that the pro-<br />

osKd USD budget «• ems«lve and<br />

unjust, feeemve becaise maftj. de-<br />

ptruntnti ipent lea in IMS lii^n<br />

Snted, and to every uatpiiM Uui<br />

avinj m liven ««ij The 1W<br />

budfet allocate even more which<br />

nraumaWy »ill aba have to be giv-<br />

en iwy Tiler* are olBer items Jh«l<br />

could be reduced ntber lhan boosi<br />

the bwl»ft Is the hijhat point<br />

sur festsfr<br />

-Ii b i»J«it kesaK « ir<br />

Bitter Commi$$ion BwweA w Evidence<br />

As Debate Rages on Record Budget<br />

I k 1 Iff<br />

o»« • SO-year period to ihow that<br />

the DeprartoB ol the early thirUei.<br />

the bH are ol 1W, beach eroilon<br />

•Urtln* IS years afe, and a leeend<br />

World War ill had a bearini on<br />

today, situation. He concluded by.<br />

•ayingi<br />

"I cannot help from referring to<br />


at aaowH «aa euros itAJTOABB mn<br />

b m OMMI <strong>City</strong> (10th Street):<br />

St. Wlwrf— *6:53<br />

It. Wb»rf— •SitO<br />

. HHMMJUM M BroM nnd IU<br />


^^^^^^^^^M^aH^^^^^^^^a^^^^^^^l^^l^a^^^^^a^^^^M<br />

TO •*« TOOB BOOM - A Bail-<br />

MM BRADLEY, i°c<br />



; 1380 S1M17 ASBURY AVE,<br />

SIM* each IIM far<br />

aaUilpaiifif a ttete<br />

u. na*i yaiyilMiifc »»,«•<br />

nc£ aa fncrwe la Itfal ana «••<br />

MBM In Iktlr Bnrei appcart<br />

reprchemlblt.<br />

"Hi«h tax are detrimental to the<br />

growth ol any eomniunity. curtail<br />

have • reipDHlbllity <strong>of</strong> keaplni<br />

yp Ike eity,"<br />

. „„„„, .P - - At another point. Mayor Bowk that the $39,000 not approved<br />

from it shiTJIri e:iher be >,A i.p f-"<br />

specific lien's nr lalii'n iia: cf ll'.i;<br />

btidpet and returnit) In surplus<br />

ti treby reducing the ta« rate by 28<br />

ci'r.u t!i ihis ittjir. ;iio '.e<br />

j Object* to Aide<br />

for health Officer<br />

Dr. Devine to Attend ^ D^me i. > di<br />

Osteopathic Conclave<br />

i i r<br />

Dr John E Devirn: ii amontf more<br />

than SUO physicians. »"«•""" *"'' I nli|K<br />

gu«u fxpected to .tlmd he «Ui<br />

dlreeWT jf th*<br />

aiiocUtlon: cbkinnan <strong>of</strong> It* bureau<br />

ir<strong>of</strong>enslonal development, and ii<br />

he conitltutlon and by-laws coin-<br />

guests expected .-<br />

anmiil state convention <strong>of</strong> (he N<br />

Jersey Asseciition <strong>of</strong> Oileopathie<br />

Americins had l.SOO.OO ielcphonei<br />

Physicians and BuriMns In Trenmn in<br />

Mr O.icU i<br />

tin- tulioivn-.i;<br />

••MaviT<br />

hcei:<br />

ri.Ml;.<br />

u-il i-i<br />

Boukir<br />

l Mr R,<br />

rcd fr>;"<br />

the Ifli<br />

. nai.i l!: hinlih<br />

Mr J<br />

s i (<br />

p p p<br />

ether repairs made this yenr<br />

buildings.<br />

YACHT (LIB All)<br />

n the<br />

Director Goeiz sided w ith Mr<br />

Huiiry in critirliiin an iiHri/iisiii ap-<br />

proprialion for teiiiiis and a MSnil<br />

: iteir to subsidize the Yacht Club's<br />

Gold Cup races, which he called<br />

"too much to hand to any une in.<br />

stitution for a single event".<br />

Scott 11, Adams, chairman <strong>of</strong> th»<br />

Trnnis Commission, rc^se to defur.H<br />

(he ilO.OOO tennis appropriation (It<br />

sniS the tennis "plant" was "under,<br />

mined and lorn down" by Mr Can't.<br />

anei that efforts are being made this<br />

year to improve the courts as. well<br />

as regain the resorts publicity brne-<br />

iits from a major tennis tnurniimriii<br />

in Julv, Tlie court repairs will cus<br />

about 14.000, he said,<br />

<strong>On</strong>t woman in the autllrnrr. cv-<br />

pltlnlnf that she »nJ her huHband<br />

iive on a small penslan. inquired<br />

H hither tun »rt likely to rl.e<br />

ni much next yeir'li this ye«r,<br />

"If they to." she utd, "we »ill<br />

jutl hue lo move kdmewhere<br />

flat".<br />

Mayor Banker rfplird iliai thn<br />

Laird u»s f«ed wilh "e»lr»oritl-<br />

nary expensM this ye»r" and thai<br />

un such Increue U probable Main,<br />

"We don't want ia*es hi|htr any<br />

nlJire thin you do," he said, "for<br />

H't p.v (hem. loo. But we do<br />

Two To Go To<br />

Kiwanis Conclave<br />

10,000 to Attend<br />

in Miami, May 7<br />

More than 10,000 persons iirc t"t.<br />

pelted to attend the 3S1I1 anr'tiai<br />

conw?n(ion <strong>of</strong> Kiwanis International<br />

in Miami, rii.. May 7 to 11, nffleors<br />

cif the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> club were ad.<br />

vised (his week<br />

The club will be represenlen at the<br />

biH conclave by its president. Alber'<br />

J Blum, and Past New- Jersey Dis.<br />

iriet Governor F. Edwin neiber<br />

They will make the (rip aboard a<br />

-Miteial train carrying the New Jer.<br />

sev deiepli<strong>of</strong>i to the south.<br />

Representatives will attend from |<br />

3 100 clubs and a jnoooo member.:<br />

ship in the United Slates. Canada. ]<br />

A'asita. Hawaii and the Yukon Ter.<br />

Tilery<br />

Many nationally known figures<br />

are stheduled lo speak, iiicludiiiB<br />

Stcr<strong>Mar</strong>y <strong>of</strong> DefelUc Louis Johnson.<br />

Otr.eral Carlos P. Romulo, president<br />

<strong>of</strong> the General Assembly <strong>of</strong> the<br />

United Nations, the Rev. <strong>Mar</strong>shal!<br />

E. Reed. Methodist bishop <strong>of</strong> (he De-<br />

troit area, and John Fisher, widely<br />

known Canadian radio commentator.<br />

y<br />

Micln I siitKi'.i ti.al he have 1<br />

f-ill fiiKl.^ir,. .'f Mr H..i!c-r'.. '-'(ii,-.<br />

,'' his work \? ir MH i; CMr-Hiti''" ! h;t'<br />

he musl Imvi- an a»sist.n:l "r th.i'<br />

me niiiyor nu^t make a pr^aii' H".<br />

ifMicatioi- and carrni he line:; li.i<br />

inforniiilKin by Mr Hacer<br />

'There have bei-n many fompliiiiH.<br />

cnnfernini! the relief situation, par-<br />

ticuiarly and certainly thr anprnpn-<br />

niii.li u"f SSSOO fnr other gxpersej<br />

in Ihi- health t'epartment Hue* r '••<br />

warrant an assistant \n Mr Huavr ''<br />

Public Card Party Tonight<br />

A puiilic curd |iiirtv sunns.,>rt^ n n*d<br />

CampbeU 1 ! Soup ^J:;t<br />

%<br />

Qdial Tomato Soup 3<br />

Ho 3<br />

ifiH<br />

No I'a<br />

{Qn<br />

NB Vh<br />

isfl<br />

B.o 10,<br />

cant<br />

N. V I<br />

ISe<br />

17c<br />

936<br />

2fe<br />

Sle<br />

zsa<br />

ttinl<br />

• Ni J<br />

* can*<br />

Ns 3<br />

230<br />

c a n<br />

1 0 1 , o ,<br />

l'<br />

ISO<br />

3le<br />

ISc<br />

Try Our Acme Guaranteed Meats Under Our<br />


Girard Smell, Lean ^|I7C<br />

SMOKED PICNICS lb ol<br />

T h > ( * p i t n i t i H I * t l u r t i h o n k .<br />

Acme Grads A Groinfed Steer Beef<br />

CHUCK ROAST -" • 43 C<br />

Tender Juicy Sirloin Steaks 7Sc<br />

Plate Beef "23c Liver Sausage '°53c<br />

iherf Ribs <strong>of</strong> B«el "" 33e Bacon £••?«-"','".• '" 4Si<br />

Corned •eef||;,"*," ',; 18c Large Bologna IB S3i<br />

KJn'rt ,129* jCele Slow '•«23e<br />

CHICKENS '•<br />

SMAltHAMS ""S"<br />

ihanliliii<br />

So*"(K.)'»39<br />

( Whol, or.<br />

Lenten<br />

Sea Feed<br />

Values<br />

MACKEREL Fancy<br />

lallan<br />

Large No, t Smelts<br />

Dressed Whiting ^ *•!;iitiMi4 ^!^<br />

U11 1 rii'W bijiirciiiilll. tnnii.il b(T:.n<br />

(11 Klinuiy ii.1 !.v,;.y ;il Ihi- .••..•••••<br />

U-.'iiitirul I.ml ....I'iri.l liciicij A'II<br />

v. hat is 11 Hh-hiiii- rc-J.i I v. ;M.i,,.- ;.<br />

"A^ Il.e n.iiv'.r -* r hcMii J ...H '' .<br />

brittle iil^itn^t iic.^i.i. v,..^ |,lvri ; M<br />

iiiii 1 atarli'il 11MT Iii .n uh in'i. A-<br />

mi !• t|.'i-ihi-i:tv. I. ji:!l.v |JJ • 'Jii '• v i<br />

sliirl.-il ;it thai •!•! • 1-,r 1 iilli'i Iii.i- ".••<br />

inr.^t \tiiii.iv ;hU f; nn- '.' MM t. ' 1 drr^'f ^ .. n ,1 ,1;' j :.:'. .,: '<br />

ft Si hue<br />

'TIHSF rpmrmlii I thai 11 Is Kt"i-<br />

praiiv iigri-fil thai jHllis. dii nut<br />

mak« bouelh ti uf div iiiirrlv & iiru-<br />

tei'tUi* meii.Nuri-= AH i* rule; lira, h<br />

at'crriilill udili'il l« tiiie Hitit' v. .1!<br />

trlHTulh I.(iv. in,dim un Kir<br />

• I ' , , ; | , i . ! i | , i . . . ,• • . i -<br />

I I nr,i,ul iii-l|, !|i:> ln.i I<br />

lU.li.r.l ! J. L, I I. hi .' ;,. ),,'<br />

u r y 7 .i. "•• Ail;.' :•••<br />

•This • ily (,!'.i i v,.i|,<br />

lilhi r cu;i«t;it i-i.n •.! :'.«<br />

inn their >s.;ir.' . ! •<br />

Hi.i illi'iifif' 111 '•'•'• !,u !); uii> ruii.fi iirr^ ill Wene's<br />

ihi;.tuh inr;JH efinijiiiK.fl in a jiruss<br />

llili.se iil.Ui'ii \l* ! :#\'.":- |iil Jjl'l < 111 thi^<br />

..IIM'M ('iijii Alii;. = Li'V. i-. li-rry pro-<br />

.Ui.i.y r.i.ihh ;n,i! ..i;4e iiMieiiiK hi.ve<br />

l.nyi 1 en hir yelii', .;. tm- jiri iiiirifl.iin<br />

ill *. i.i it'. . y ,|i|il I j i . | i i -<br />

.. ,.11 . ...,«i (.- •,I-II,I-I I J I I S I nil it I:.-<br />

1,1 -i •' !i.i i...'.i'-ii 11 i.. [ji hi A:iri<br />

•.',: |,. V • . 1..1,'',.'... - h i ii i i v iVi'i-<br />

Si iM-, «f si. t xl'osiii"<br />

•- .• ,:• • r 1-1 ••:" 1 itiM Vhl, :•<br />

1 . . , , i . . ' •...•• :• 1 1 "--:.ri ••-. a m i<br />

•;•..• 1.1 1. !. :.'. . : f '.•.; ••rf..j|<br />

bl/thiit » pro-<br />

included<br />

1 II<br />

, 1 .'.. I : . !;,-<br />

i I . . . ' i 1 : ' :--<br />

MJNS I K.irrs .Mil.-Ml<br />

I!i4i<br />

IIH kiii:I<br />

,i. I,; t!li-<br />

Red Cross Opens<br />

Double Campaign<br />

Continued from<br />

t h i i l .' i :•:• " !.••!- •<br />

i r pi ,<br />

i r<br />

1<br />

liM-IMil-il ,i t:ci" l i ;<br />

[i v.. 1 r tlH.I •!.,•( v. i .•: :\ '<br />

i.i.,,. i.r .,: '.i.i- K.i- 1 M. !).i--. :<br />

r i . l . n I w Midi iil:i..:- v. .:. Ill' '•!' •'.'.•<br />

N,.ili,le h. ; , i l i | , ; , i i ! e . -<br />

T i l l i K i n I h r liliiiiil i i r i i E n i m w i t h<br />

ihi fund lirivF »l»u tu* It"' (tlicl ]<br />

iif t>nipha^U!ntf lu Uirui iieiipli' (inr<br />

nf the f^iien^ivt' jjitiNfiiiiis nf Uit-<br />

Rrii < >«•* Hliiih mi-ill* iiiiblii 1<br />

«uii|iort. Dr, Km in li- iioiiilid tiui<br />

ihal II1I4 pnitirain, msikjiie liluinl<br />

.mill.ilili- frer in iili liii.piliil" fin<br />

u»p In iillv patii'iil «h '(•(!> il.<br />

i« a practical loc;ii ii|ip!ii!iliiiH <strong>of</strong> |<br />

tin- wn-k nf Itlt 1 ititiMiijiiiidiit i 1 .!. ;<br />

fiire aernrv. • <<br />

n - r M c e s III r n l h i l.lil-.. |i • • I'.-: '<br />

l.-.tiim nnd tyiiii-i; ti • l.l.-r.ii -.-n''! 1 :<br />

fis 111,. |illlilir. :1s well ... ij, ,1* ui.. I<br />

IIII111I11111 mi.I -iniii!!" 1 ;<br />

IIKIi € ROSS C1N AIR i<br />

Thi. He.l friK' fllA". li.f T. id. j<br />

npi-lli.d i,i?,l ween f..l|..v..- .. ii..-.- !<br />

i i s - r ?if t i n . c-:ni 11 i;iit.t; v i > . ' . ' i f i :<br />

t . ' i . i i r t 1 t i . i i - i n n . I •,!, ..• L - i • 1 • •'-<br />

l i i - i n i K l i t ' W . ' i i i . i - . ' . d : n 1 I i . ii 1.1 111.<br />

l i r i i i i d e i i f l I n . i i ' i l . H i I i . . . ( ' I " M ..'• ]<br />

C i i i i l i t y l i u i i r n i l - :..: . M I L . I - I . . I . V » )<br />

r : u l i t i s t i i l i i m ,<br />

D u r u m Ihe I T . .I.'I.-I-I l'.'"-i! " ,<br />

Fii.»niiiim-|- iiriii. .1 , 1 !•! t'.-|.(. M..> ,<br />

Uli.nt! I'ri.ul-iiin iind 'A ii.' il : •' ••'•' '• j<br />

h i m I ...is Y i . m i i : . H.-l 1 ..- !••• 1 ^ ] ' I<br />

' 1.1<br />

VVi<br />

-iiijlur ( ifi.rii reporifd lhai an<br />

,i|iiirii(!rlalinn imt brin inrinarkfd<br />

Ei.r Ih^ jiavin^ uf ihr KuuU I park.<br />

a\ MTthiEi 11UH undrr ruiiNtrue.<br />

lii.M in ( ;i|i>> Miiy Cvliillt, that<br />

|i..-.u-h fiiisiun fuiidii lu aid wn-<br />

..l.i.ri- i-uininiinllirs Hill hr Inriud.<br />

id in Ihti klute budiffl, Htitl that<br />

i.iie^siir> dri-dMirm ««rk i^ strung-<br />

Htliid<br />

jeft to<br />

itruetlon<br />

Ihli year.<br />

Party leaden and workers Irom all<br />

seetiong <strong>of</strong> the county paid hleh<br />

tribute to Preehplder Clouting, who<br />

withdrew aa a eandldme for <strong>of</strong>nee.<br />

and to Congreagmeri Hand for the<br />

uutstunditiii rBCprd hs has establlihed<br />

i us this dlslrkt's representative.<br />

(dbmmissioners'<br />

ray May Increase<br />

! Contlnned from Pif« 1<br />

lircpniial may run into iome opposi.<br />

lion in Ihe Senate.<br />

The sulary item was brought up at<br />

Fi : ilay'» budget hearing by Joseph<br />

. liir.ry. spokesman tor the OtMiE<br />

; ('ily business Meii^s Aasoeiation. who<br />

.(.uMionei! Mayor Edward B. Bowker<br />

;.:- to the reiison for un apprypria-<br />

•11.11 <strong>of</strong> Sta.UWI for salaries and<br />

•".lilies in his public affiilrs u'fllce,<br />

•i.i.|j.Lirea with an actual expenditure<br />

i,l i4MD m 1M4O.<br />

Muyiir Biiisker explained that most<br />

• i' Ihe intrease is due to the rnunicl.<br />

: ('ill juflijp i.nd his L-lerk hfing eov-<br />

1 IMI by this appropriation for the<br />

i;r-I time, plus the provision made<br />

li.r Hit- hiKfier salaries <strong>of</strong> these two<br />

i IT ji!uye>, this year and the fae'=<br />

ihL.t hi.s (iwti salary miMhl he in-<br />

1 ci-:.sid Inter<br />

MAY SOT BE 116,1)00<br />

Trie mayor said that the budget<br />

|i,ii viiles for a mayors salary <strong>of</strong> up<br />

,i-. SHOW, but he added that it may<br />

I hi- Ueiiiieti not to raise local pay un<br />

I in that figure. Il may b* set at<br />

I >i WKJ or JS.OOU, he said,<br />

(•(jinriiissioner Henry Hneser, Jr.,<br />

I icmmenled lhat the proposed stale<br />

; ii 1; (.iiitiuri would allow similar irl-<br />

liiciisFR in all uffeeted cities ihrouMh.<br />

rit New Jersey.<br />

'•All we have done is put suffit'lent<br />

i i.n-y in thii tjuduel to take care <strong>of</strong><br />

|. 11 .urii.njjency instead <strong>of</strong> ereat'nj<br />

i... .-fnergenty ialer." he said.<br />


Sularies <strong>of</strong> city cornrnissioneri<br />

I.;,vin't thanged in 30 years," he<br />

mm on. "Mayor Bowker certainly<br />

it,nuld be entitled to %iore money,<br />

liiif he ih Biving the (pity his full<br />

I1 in. urn! working long hours at the<br />

ijiih A crane operator can earn<br />

liiifiijg ii year today without having<br />

ii'iy resptinbibilities <strong>of</strong> the magnitude<br />

Ihiit ml,front your mayor and com-<br />

i(,.'sinners.<br />

"It you warn honest, capable KOV.<br />

from Upper Township, hnu<br />

t'imlii iiiulli'llrc :i p.i'.-'.il e I'I.'<br />

w i l i e r s a f e l y Mini i . l h e r • . nil .-<br />

In I h e Aini'l'ii ,in |•••• • l•!•• '•:•<br />

Ili-ii C'los-N ni...lnii'iii|--.<br />

I n M ' l ' k i n i ! :i i|Mi'l:i " I >!•<br />

lliriiiiMhiiiil tlie iiiiliiili. Ihi' Ili<br />

is asklna pnhliV nijip.-ri in<br />

Its Services ID Ihe illiliiil |..l<br />

vcteriiils. Its il i»;ii-:i r leliil<br />

il I] ti wiiie

1871<br />

es<br />

•**• Tfclt MM?-<br />

SoroptimisUHave<br />

Party and Auction<br />

„ SJ* Aid. Oub'i<br />

SchoUnhip Fund<br />

The Boropttalrt Club <strong>of</strong> Ocim<br />

_1§ had M enjoysblt WMhingten i<br />

IUrtM«y meetlBf «M White Be<br />

phut Auction at Plymouth Ini<br />

THunday night tart week.<br />

The auction was conducted by<br />

Mm Helen Stedem as aueUoneer and<br />

pronounced a ju«es» both<br />

n ' and ai entertsmmem<br />

& S CLEANERS<br />


^.aiHmyAVE. PHONE 27«<br />






HtHUtESTNYMAN "]^^_<br />

l»tttttt<<br />

imMittMittiiiittttttti<br />

Repaired<br />

Ref inished<br />

Kitchen Cabinet* sad<br />

boards made Is Order.<br />

Reproduction* :mffrntng rhurrh *m iVfS,<br />

• frtepuUi' itLhtifi, and nihfi (ihrutmii<br />

Mrs. Risley <strong>Mar</strong>ks<br />

81st Anniversary<br />

Mrs Sara Jiinu Hisley. B2S<br />

Central av., a long-time resident<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ocenn <strong>City</strong>, celebrated her<br />

filst birthday anniversary tiuietly<br />

ai lier hump yesterday She received<br />

many cards and gifts.<br />

Mrs. Hisley in still actively in.<br />

terested in airairs <strong>of</strong> the First<br />

Presbyterian Church and its<br />

women's organizations,<br />

>««»»*«»»••••»••»<br />

•#•4<br />

Have You Seen<br />


at<br />

Garrison jewelers<br />

Removal Sale<br />

92B Aihury Avenue<br />



Personal and Social Chit-Chat<br />


Mo, Mtrthii ttMwni, • m«nbw M<br />

the Free Public Library JUIT, lave a<br />

talk on book*, from ihe chifdreri'i<br />

Sorority Receive* Tuckahoo Dance<br />

2 Drives group to adult clauici, and concluded<br />

by lubmitting a Hit <strong>of</strong> new books Although we try to be client can*<br />

Gift <strong>of</strong> Afghan Date Is Changed<br />

[or iprinj reading.<br />

sclous, "Baby, Il'i Cold OuUlde"<br />

_ to<br />

II you ton saws for KiM Day, A gift <strong>of</strong> a large hand made af- A Western otyls dance iponiored<br />

Mrs. Oortrude Reichle was cois<br />

certainly the perfect theme song pi«>H Ulephonc kef any toy<br />

hosteit and Kn. Ann Cornwall, lit-<br />

Speak, April 13<br />

lately. Even if it hu been'good kftar 1 p. m, »4 her home. Her<br />

ghan from Mrs. Sara Hisley wai reby<br />

the Upper Township Parent,<br />

erature chiirman, tntrodueed the<br />

itribuiions to the Arnpriean Red ipeaker.<br />

weather for hibernatlni, we've mini telephone number U 15Z0-B. eeived by the Oimmi Chapter,<br />

teacher Anoclation 'has<br />

been<br />

nged Irom Friday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 10 to<br />

• • •<br />

aged to gather some newt, for you<br />

Omega Lambda Psi sorority, at a urdiy, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 11, In Porter'i Hall,<br />

id the Mesrt rund were «u.<br />

by the Women'i Club <strong>of</strong><br />

this week".<br />

meeting Tuesday night at the home ueltghoe<br />

ford. Pa., wai a lueat <strong>of</strong> Mri, <strong>Mar</strong>.<br />

3 Girls, 1 Boy Born<br />

V, meetini TTiufiday night<br />

* « ><br />

garet Walnright, Saturday<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mrs, Lynn Claghorn, JOS CentrBl ie change In date was made necersary<br />

by a previous commitment<br />

at the home <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Ralph to Resort Parents<br />

Friends <strong>of</strong> Mrs, Nathaplil C. Smith<br />

_r Park pi.<br />

will be glad to know thst ihe ii at Joan Collliion, a member <strong>of</strong> thiov.<br />

<strong>of</strong> the oreheftra engaged. Th« danet<br />

club also decided lo make a Three gifU and one boy were born home recuperating rapidly after a Junior clan <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> High The afghan made by Mri, Rifley, will benefit the K-T, A, milk and<br />

<strong>of</strong> old lold, lUver and to <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> farhlliei at Shore Me- minor operation at Shore Memorial School, vWled her parent!, Mr. andU<br />

a memorla to her Ute daughter, lunch (und,<br />

, ttonei lor t*» student rnorial Hoijital during the week Hoiplhl,<br />

tin, N. H. Collltion, at Waihlngtan, Mri, Harriet Bushay, who wa# a<br />

* * s*<br />

member <strong>of</strong> the chapter. It will be<br />

building fund at the Newthat<br />

ended Ttmsday<br />

* • •<br />

D. C,, over the week end.<br />


<strong>of</strong>fered to sorority membe It auc-<br />

College for Women, a State This city dominated the new ar- Members <strong>of</strong> the Ladlei' Auxiliary<br />

* * •<br />

tion, with proceeds going to trie wel.<br />


jtloti proiect.<br />

rival department <strong>of</strong> tho hospital, <strong>of</strong> the Shore Memorial Hospital held Roe Ann Leonard, alia a Junior fare fund.<br />

Mr and Mra. Edwin Jonet, <strong>of</strong><br />

„««*•!*• TO SPEAIt<br />

will, the heaviest representation a benBtU card party Wedneiday at <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> High School end her The chapter approved a donation Philadelphia, summer reiidenti at<br />

iiivitatiana were extended to mem><br />

among the 10-baby total for theafternoon,<br />

brother, Frank Leonard, a recent to the Heart Fund and made plans S4th st. and Asbury av., are recelv.<br />

week.<br />

"<strong>of</strong> the Research Club and Civic<br />

* • i<br />

graduate, entertained guests at a for a benefit card party late in Ap. ing congratulationi on the birth <strong>of</strong><br />

to ittend • club meeting nt the<br />

In the local list, the nut-was a Mr, and Mrs, George A, Harper barn dance Saturday evening. ril. The committee on arrange, their first child, a son, Robert Klrby<br />

girl born Thursday last/week to<br />

itiion April 13, when MIH <strong>Mar</strong>y<br />

cokbrated their J(lh wedding anni-<br />

• * *<br />

ments comprises Mrs, Ruth Ten- Jones, February 17, Mrs. Jones will<br />

Mr, and Mrs David Hill. 830 Haven<br />

ib will speak on "Lile With<br />

versary at a buffet supper party Sat- MIM <strong>Mar</strong>tha Morris entertained at stermacher, chairman; Miss Hazel be remembered at Barbara McCsl-<br />

av. Then on Friday there were two urday evening<br />

." Mr!. John Alton, second<br />

a canasta party Tuesday evening. Sevan, Mrs, Betty Christy Mrs, La-lion.<br />

more girls, one for Mr, and Mrs,<br />

lit vice president <strong>of</strong> the Ftderu- Joseph FiUgernld, 1282 Bay av., the Miss Kay Rachor. <strong>of</strong> Wesley av. Among the guests were Cornell Rue Yingling and Mrs. Claghorn,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Women's Clubs, will be aother<br />

for Mr, and Mri. Andrew entertained Miis Blanche Oe Deer, Pearl, Miss Virginia HoUaway. Mrs A report was given on the anni. Steam, formed from moisture in<br />

„,! at thit time.<br />

Barton, 210 7th St., The ftnal resort <strong>of</strong> Germantown, on Waihington'i Herbert Willu and Miss Helen Der- vcrsary dinner attended by 11 mem. the kernel, is what pops popcorn.<br />

"mm ma *<br />

CHEDDAR CHEESE "'l^isr 1 !2f 23c<br />

*<br />

APPLE JELLY mm 2','-<br />

HOT CROSS BUNS "*" "*"" ?h<br />

HU I 1 EH tma CMAHHT HIM IXC frfw.<br />

BUTTER KERNEL CORN t ' 7 -<br />


JELLY EGGS mmuun S* Me H<br />


-.- i<br />

italized Raiders Wallop<br />

te As Season Closes<br />

Entire Vanity, Including Captain Sf-lby, in<br />

Game, Plu» Two Jayvee'a; Final Store: 51-39<br />

By BOB HAI.I.KKAV |<br />

iy nighl by Irimmirij Mlh iii ' • • r The' <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Hijsh Hi'ic. '.<br />

t?fj> brought Uit'.r ito<br />

i<br />

-•<br />

* hoe), si is <br />

For Sale - A Real Buy<br />

Two Story House<br />

Hot Water He«t, 3 bedrooms, bsth. living room,<br />

dining room, kitchen, laundry,<br />

Unfurniihed<br />

Priced at <strong>On</strong>ly $7,000<br />

NO PIIOM l\l (IRM % I HI S<br />


ROBERT R. BENNETT, Associate<br />

14lh Street and West Avenue<br />

CAREY<br />

Real Estate • Insurance<br />

Boardwalk at 15th Street Phone 0178<br />

• FOR SALE •<br />

To Settle an Estate<br />


'5850<br />


See Us . . . to<br />

BUY • RENT<br />

SELL<br />



CHOICE<br />

HOME<br />

SITES<br />

DAVET<br />




<strong>Mar</strong>mora. N, J.<br />

Every Wednesday<br />

7:30 P. M.<br />

Kiictricai Applianeps<br />

Furnittri- • House wan-s<br />

t'hinawart- - Hardware<br />

TimU • Clothing • <strong>Line</strong>ns<br />

RUnkels. Floor Covirrlnir<br />

fry* . Candy • Etc,<br />

*SALE*<br />

2 BEDROOM<br />

Unfurnished<br />

Dwelling<br />

I Willi Automatic j<br />

i Oil Hut Water H.iat ;<br />

$6,000 !<br />

; i;i CASH j<br />

! Centrally Located |<br />

Beautiful Condition . ;j<br />

No Telephone Calls<br />

SCOTT j<br />


613 Eighth Street i<br />



All Used Car and Truck Prices Cut to the Bone<br />


Act Quickly For They Won't Last at These Prices<br />



Compare Our Stock Before You Buy - - - We Know You Will Savt' Money H«re<br />


228_'4b Dodge Sedan - -<br />

248—'42 Plymouth Sedan<br />

M4—'38 Willys Sedan<br />

S4§—'40 Plymouth G,C.<br />

MS—'40 Plymouth 4.Deor<br />

Ddfe4Deor . .<br />

I7_'41Bui£k 4.Door _„<br />

2ft_'39 Chrysler Sedan<br />

il_ ( 37 Chrysler Sed.n<br />

29—'37 Chevrolet Sedan<br />

28—'42 Dodge Sedan -<br />

29—*35 DeSoto Sedan . .<br />

31-_'37 Buick Sedan __<br />

38—'40 Plymouth C,C, -_<br />

44—'36 Dodge Sed.n.,/.<br />

49—'41 Plymouth Coupe<br />

66—'35 Dodge Sedan<br />

87—'37 Plymouth Sedan<br />

66—'39 Dodge Cowpe ,1<br />

71—'40 Plymouth Coach<br />

72—'38 Plymouth Sedan<br />

73—'40 Dodge Sedan _"..<br />

76—*40 Chrysler Sedan<br />

, 80—'38 Packard Convertible<br />

IBS<br />

75<br />

198<br />

195<br />

IBS<br />

498<br />

225<br />

125<br />

IBS<br />

295<br />

BS<br />

145<br />

39S<br />

128<br />

4B5.<br />

7S<br />

96<br />

39S<br />

250<br />

165<br />

490<br />

,., 4SS<br />

f^-'ii willy. 4.D00F v___._:: ass<br />

83—'40 Mercury Coupe . _ . , , 2B5<br />

M—'SSOIdtinobil. Sedan 79<br />

«— Plymouth Sedan .,„,. fS<br />

87—Ml Oldpmobile S.-dan<br />

88. '39 Buck Sedan ..<br />

89—"37 I'ord 2-Deor<br />

91 35 Lafayettf Coupe<br />

82..- '40 Oldsmobilv 4-Door<br />

94 - '39 Oldfmobili. 4-Door<br />

M—'42 Hudson 4Door<br />

269^.'46 International 1' j Ton<br />

Chassis and Cab<br />

7S0<br />

297—'42 Dqdge Chassis and Cab 286<br />


tfu-<br />



Estmi<br />

and Arctic Ave».<br />

320—'37 DtJdBP '.Ton Panel . 75<br />

391^'47 Ford^l p ; Ch, and Cab S95<br />

11— '45 International 'i.Ton<br />

Ptekup . ... , 695<br />

_1«—'36 Dodge I",-Ton Panel 95<br />

22—'40COE li,-Toii 195<br />

58_'3SDodBc Truck 9S<br />

68—'47Dpdgp •', Stake .._.. 995<br />

96.'41 Dodge Exp. .. . . 245<br />

Also<br />

1949Dodfe Club Coupe<br />

194S Dodge Sedan<br />

1949 Mercury Sedan<br />

1948 podge Sedan<br />

1948 Plymouth Sedan<br />

12 Month*' Guaranty<br />


Atlantis <strong>City</strong><br />

•••••••#••••••••••••••••<br />

Have You Seen<br />


at<br />

Garrison Jewelers<br />

Removal Sale<br />

928 Asbury Avenue<br />

tii'i s; I IIIIIW A H AH Hiiw<br />

I.VI:MMIS I vTii, iiiiii<br />

Joooooooooooooooooa<br />

KABLER'S<br />

Poultry Farm<br />




riimiF: Siiitirr', I'lilnl T:H<br />

Bargaintown, N, j,<br />

s Madp hi Derail I'iti<br />

Slimmer, t .-...-• "f •> i f,<br />

II.II.UUI f - 2 '' ''<br />

• Jayvees Snatch Victory in<br />

1 Fin.l Thrilling Minutes<br />



Ml- t : "r,i!lk T Hi<br />


( i .\iv\ni,\u in<br />

j > I rn\<br />

Mill. M 1 v. It-<br />

in Ji;ii !i-iii = r<br />

iiliti.'inil jinii l.llli-in<br />

NU T-»ny In mrmn|-> ..I tin.<br />

tUTs i)iMhil;i> M:in=h J. u 1).<br />

SALE and RENTAL<br />


For 30 years I have bean specializing in Renting,<br />

Sules <strong>of</strong> Lots and Property, also Fire Insurance in thii<br />

section between 15th and 59th Stretts,<br />

I hav« a large number <strong>of</strong> prospeftti juit waiting<br />

for the type locations and price property and lots<br />

to suit their requirement*,<br />

I have always been an independent Broker and<br />

have no way to get your listing unless made direct<br />

with this <strong>of</strong>fice, • .<br />

I respect your listing and will not circulate any<br />

unnecessary information unleii you so de»ire. We<br />

have a large clientele and are constantly telling Mid<br />

rentinf property, so I do need your listing,<br />

Edgar F. Berger<br />

Rial Estate and Insurance Broker<br />

PHONE 0078<br />

32nd.*iid ASIURY AVENUE<br />


m 8 n with 18 HW Smith,y p ^ ^ g Joj<br />

Smith Juniors Beat<br />

Resort Freshmen<br />

I" 1) '."I' 'I'l.i- S<br />

BUYING<br />


Aik These Questiom<br />

Before You Buy:<br />

Is the winds* airtight?<br />

Does it gilt our disirtd amount ol<br />

ventilation 7<br />

Da iniciti tlidt eauly, rtmowe<br />

foiily?<br />

K the windaw lotqueci lo pitvcnt<br />

boilh sheen or shine?<br />

Con I ihtase a window titdt tuils my<br />

bant and podetbook ?<br />

Tht Amswir rs All These Oveif/Mi Is<br />

HUNTER<br />



er Fr«s B'<br />

lOIIN I<br />

TROUT<br />

II. t!H> ml 111,,1.1. ,,<br />

n, Coll<br />

11I-," Willri ,li I'll. I ' l ••••:*••<br />






John V. Pontiere, Jr.<br />

60S Shore Rd., Sornefs Pt,<br />

Phone: S, P. §222<br />

G. l.'s<br />

$45.20<br />

Per Month<br />


HOME<br />

- <strong>On</strong>ly -<br />

$232.00 Cath<br />

Hrqiiilfd<br />

SCOTT<br />


613 • 8th Street<br />

3131 . Phones . 3132<br />

Birthday Dinner<br />

momherip duel hy January 1, 1850,<br />

Ai: iV» an! was ilia* hy the depart.<br />

(".'ii.inimili'r Sti'l'hins uxtcndi'iTEiist<br />

,. ,il,i, in ihf Aiisiiiiiiy He<br />

; ' : I l l lll di<br />

I or I«ps in<br />

iiiij 'lopi in Pr:r*'s, Call<br />

Murray Levins<br />

Sil.ip Iron - Metal -<br />

I'll I'l. .1 . Hit. ill." 'HI , \V<br />

lotsTiearedlnd Filled<br />



R. L. MONIHAN<br />

3141 Central Avenue<br />

j, W, MORRISON ' *' •'•'' '" ".),' W. MORRISON. JR.<br />

8th and Ocvftn Avi'nuc Phone 0160 ;<br />

m<br />

ITH A<br />

ri, m; ;<br />

LADY<br />

DIANA<br />

vm<br />

Matchi ng<br />

Wedding<br />

Rmg, SU<br />

Medium Size Self-Service <strong>Mar</strong>k et<br />

Ffliel - CASH DP<br />


Aifanth <strong>City</strong>'s Mgii Comhiciv Ji-wciFy S<br />

Ml I'lir<br />

'•HO<br />




BUY or RENT<br />

New Bungalow (Residential) $7A<br />

W V n t O l ' i ' i i l l ( ' i l > . ' ' I ' w i l I l i ' l l l i m l i i : - , I I . ;,',,| [.;, n, -.. |, ,i | . , , u | : , s ,<br />

12 Bedroom Guest Home and 2 Apartments. $0 K<br />

F u l l y i'lM'iiMii'd, C i i u In- h c a l i ' i l , A U n :; 1 ..•• 11-..• -ii<br />

Large Home in W, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

i ...<br />

-«iW wat,,iVtint, in<br />

s<br />

utl| lor<br />

t.Mvi- in<br />

Beautiful Cottage (Heated) Miiiii i; ,|,-; ., -T K - l " U<br />

Apartment House<br />

Kix 2-l.(..l,-n.,nl iipi<br />

Beautiful<br />

Rl'Rl<br />

.nis nil h, Vm,<br />

m H Home '""~~~<br />

; ;in.<br />

,500<br />

*25,000<br />

$4,950<br />

1 1 aou<br />

EDWARD<br />

'<br />

H<br />

' " '-y<br />

mi*<br />

Ave. .Make m<br />

C-6gib"s_NDATS<br />

et Adopted;<br />

Vote<br />

Appropriation- up<br />

Ytnr -<br />

Cmmrilmon Mink, Aflrll.ii<br />

,«! Johiisun viili-il 1 -;I" .nliiji.<br />

!nner Mill Curly<br />

" " "l l<br />

Tetal apuroprlatiuns uro iltUSB,<br />

cunipiired with $121 428 luit ytar.<br />

Total Jajiotlon for SoCil purpoies Is<br />

SB4,80nn, The district sclino] tnx<br />

t r i"..«M13 H3 aiMiiiiiil t'liiinly inslinii.tr<br />

IDRfll is (22 ISO, and ("runny Library<br />

;7(K). Sliitf Airi-riiiirl ntriir.l<br />

lifin nil S!i!)! I<br />

1 f till iii i'i'Mi i-.i] ; -irj:' t i<br />

. , •+-_<br />

In 19-in IlliS llglllT wu<br />

POINT — Tin- ijuiiii'<br />

li:.ry iii Vi.li.'.li'i'i Kni' f'i,:'ij*,.ii>'<br />

N'n I uJI ?|ii,n*iij ii Ijilhjlii.'I.i<br />

|ir,ll> Man Ii ai :il it c* IMi-w<br />

" "• 111--- hull Mi> Aiiiiii K-iil<br />

Mi K!..-,;i-i|, j:iv »:!;<br />

ivi' t iiiil >'. ,.j ;in:ii jli'fri I \-<br />

W-, Ai HI. v M.,.,-... ;,. ,i M,<br />

I r.'fi<br />

Hardock's Typewriter Co,<br />

Authorized Agent for<br />

Royal Typewriters<br />

Victor Adding Machines<br />

Used Machines ... _ $20 Up<br />

*4t>r* Sir Hn AN Maki'S = 33 Yi'iif;, 1 ilsiM-rii'lifr<br />

g Atlantic Avenue. Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, N, j.<br />

Phone A, C. 5.2610<br />

SAVE $ 75 to $ 175<br />


jo buyiiiR iiosF you can save frum ri '<br />

|7J to Sl'ii on tile pi'n e <strong>of</strong> a spim'i<br />

piano. Ciiuase from "Jike-nrw' 1 cieni-<br />

onslr.ilufs or floor inutjfls, in JKT-<br />

IMt culifllUfJIi, with IH'W yu.ir.iiitcil. llu<br />

Br\n >I.|» r<br />

Burkh.ii ill. II;,,,-,<br />

tkir\ Krj] I ^1:»lr<br />

(kvllr IIMI<br />

Clilr'i I am.IV rr<br />

ClirU ,-|i,iir. SiM<br />

ChrMi.i --, " l> •<br />

('ri;i*l;il ( OIK t rlt<br />

Cnllli,-.. •(•!•(-<br />

Cfilop.l.il ll,,li'l<br />

Cominiilv,^- ( In 1 '<br />

Cnnlni H -„„,. |<br />

t'liriiiiiin) IIIIUM<br />

Cnrr,:,i;n,( 1 tf<br />

(."flltatr I ii II<br />

CianM.,11, l.mdi<br />

Din's Sr;i r,>nd><br />

Hirli\. H(i\<br />

Kl.lii<br />

l>rf\c|<br />

— y *• s - '<br />

I Erltn Hull<br />

tihhith, Walirr<br />

I tit Board* alk—I<br />

, «', P.<br />

f Mlh jilrerl pier<br />

flinders, Thr<br />

H»nder» CiarjEf<br />

[r-nklin, Tin-<br />

Htni " l h " v l '"""" 1 1 J| :L __ I 54th Anniversary<br />

T»\v-it ComDRny Bows to Reque.t Mcdc Last<br />

'A'ctk by Mayor Chapman; Shuttk Also Prospect<br />

•-. M l i r . " M l T I ! i . . ' f I . . , 1 I N : '. . • : l i ' I l . i ' ' . ' A f. • '•' M i l A ! l ; . i . l n 1<br />

, . • , , • . . - „ • • ,- I ' . . " ' .• i M I - , r . - , : i . . l l i - v l . i . i -<br />

. '.:, i .,; M., ..i- l-'r.-l W - -<br />

'':•';.; •'•••'•|'\|;:r "Si,,::.:: Mayor Comes To<br />

; ; : Defense ot Mink<br />

• . •' ,'., i • • ii .- A'l.ii.I.i C/> Tnn -• j ^ , f m a . •<br />

,''. •••'.'. /, .'• "-'•"". - i "i'l'.i "' in- "I 1 ' A n s w s r s Critieism <strong>of</strong><br />

, ;, '..['•: ',',•"•'"•'.'.'• ''J 11 .',,!':''. '••:.'•'i PurchasinrT A g e n t<br />

in , I i<br />

I'. ', , ;;•••• "Lilt.' I .<br />

I'.i'n, M ^ H.II h, i ^hiiii<br />

I ' . F , . I'l ll I 111;!, I I H HI .<br />

P . i . S - n I i I n r<br />

l-i-li -i.ii M . i - m f<br />

I'll-IM I, V I • ' I :<br />

I M l . % :',!! I "III nl><br />

r i t i m i ' i t l i I n n<br />

p , i i , K , , i l i i - i »<br />

p.. ,i , ,| \ ,tn i ;,l,',i I l.ijini'i I I o<br />

l'ii•:.: II. I III'<br />

it.ih'irli IIMI -I<br />

Iii ,nl H . r , 1 M n i f iiiiii I ' i i l i i l I n<br />

l.'.-.'l \ \S 'I Ii<br />

I; . i i i - ( ! ii.<br />

Ihhi I itiit<br />

».m:iriii- 1 i.cltn<br />

Sllil'idl. <br />

>'n^^, HalU, I s , ,<br />

BilkfrS Tnsarq Mill,in<br />

Willds I'astrv Bho|l<br />

Wnrirn 1 * (!i(l ffllcl'i<br />

WJIkiiifciin. Jack ,1:<br />

Wlilsim's Kcsliillfanl<br />

\V?P r<strong>of</strong>k* Slinp<br />

U'Flkrr'ii DfllfalFMirii<br />

Ui'srnli, Tilt<br />

U,-l.-v Hi,lint Rnnni<br />

WPHIFV, Til"<br />

V.illiiiii-. Win: !<br />

\\ ilnnii KalrS Co,<br />

\\isli.im. I ilmunil<br />

WiiHirli'* Hrsulill Itciiulilli.ii,<br />

(lull<br />

Wvomliic. The<br />

Red Cross Drive<br />

Gets Under Way<br />

Kiwanis Club Hears<br />

Linwood Pastor<br />

.<br />

yilMKHS I'lIIM' - Jfi-i S|-i'|.;.;,i.<br />

'••'•• ,• i - i i . I MI" t".-i|-|-;:l M I ' I I I H 1<br />

,<br />

i M n r i I, ! , ] ' • ' . ' > i- :ii1'H i ? M ' 1 i h i ' • « •<br />

• . (•!••!. T u . . , i ; , \ I-.ILI-.I :>• •• i<br />

i ; . , i i I M - i i ' m llf,i!l-.i-rii.).-..i I d ' ,-I:..I<br />

' !•• ! ' : I M I - ! H i ' n i A h l i i ! : . ! ! )<br />

I H I . ' n i l . «,i .i I.i•• i i i ' i t > V i i i i r ^ * : n i i : i i ' > -<br />

Aili:';l Kmil Si' . lil.iliii'.ii; "f Ii i<br />

' •|,iii!.n,i|ii!i' iililil.i'i) iikkcfi .111' ui ,<br />

' pi.- *.;i.!\ i it:.;il I'l '.MWlU- h]i!.iii<br />

I M..l't'-I' Ii •.'. |.i'i-. tin' i.!n.iilii'iil'.|l|- in '<br />

- 1 ' ,il'l"-.-ir ,i U;i v.,-. ,.v Hi I:..<br />

! IM-.VN PI.AHTit I'.MlTV<br />

'i(iMl--.::s Pni'.T T i •• sn;v<br />

i | . : l .'.•• - I ! .•! '.•• I : , i i < i n - . . I M r .<br />

f , : . l i i > < -<br />

l , , i - i , - H . i : ! U : i H I . ' . I i - I , I d " '<br />

•»••»•««»«»lit»»•••••»••<br />

Have You Seen<br />


at<br />

Garrison Jewelers<br />

Removal Sale<br />

32S Asbury Avenue<br />

CiPhN IIUIIAV ft (ilTVIUMV<br />

CEEL'S<br />


llJi Simpson Aye. I'hune 1S7J<br />


Steak Sandwich<br />

on Italian Roll - 30c<br />




u A. M, la 11 r. M.<br />

mm, tiiikiiiA BtusuAe<br />

i M.MEKS Vnl\ I M<br />

Business<br />

Training<br />

f-uw . : I )i i *,[i....i tl,,. %' i'l k « i.fi •-•<br />

' i n - 1 K. i i - :. | ! . i . U i ' i M i l , A i ! u - «<br />

Western Dance<br />


'Tuckahae, N. J.<br />


i i>ri;u rnwv-iiii 1<br />

I 1 A i! II K A J.I'M I! I I'MI<br />

Square Danei s<br />

Polkas WelUes<br />

Accounting - Short Hand<br />

Typing - Bookkeeping<br />

Taxation<br />

Complete Commercial Courses<br />


Call At — Phone _ Write<br />

__ Atlantic <strong>City</strong><br />

Business College<br />

1S36 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Phone 4-6600<br />

Mtnil.fT ;>,CM JerM'S Assn, Srbunlt or nusiiiesi<br />

* «<br />

jj __-«_? __^ vituauii<br />

Simwb&fry<br />

! and Ireyer» fomeul Vqnillo l« Cream, lopped Wth wtlipp*. Z<br />

Ton Brey«*Di>ill(r olio hm ChBioioi. Fod8. lea Enam Taflb _<br />

•He oi phcii. Brtyn Ice Cieam Co., N. Wtldnood, N. J. Wildwo^ 2-3401 _<br />

lniiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiJiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiimniiiiiiiHiiimiiiiiimiliiHiij<br />













j We Deliver • • - Phone 1348<br />



| 10th Street and Asbury Avenue<br />

In iiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiii-iiiiHMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiNiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiyiiimiiiiiiiiiMimiiiiiiiiii<br />

<strong>1950</strong> MERCURY ALL WINNERS<br />



Four-doer Mercury Sport<br />

Sedan, gnfergd by the ies<br />

Ai ni'*- r

SIDE<br />

s, _ THE AT RE —<br />

Semen Point, N. J.<br />

—<br />

DA¥ - lATl'BDAV, <strong>Mar</strong>, 3-4<br />

R If Una I Mill M h UT ran<br />

IM HM «*•«• • MwM to Ml Ban <br />

SUNDAY - MONDAY, M«r, S<br />

Tel, 695<br />

nu/ADn<br />


BLAHW, IN in ACTON-<br />






TUESDAY OS'LV - Miiri-h 1<br />

FAMILY Bargain Night u.<br />


m Of<br />

The Human Heart!<br />

WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY. M»r. § • 9<br />


TAR<br />




MM M Bi ttSD > MWII II HUM HIM '/i<br />

~ JbfHI? from tte pif§j <strong>of</strong> Tfe Saturday lvmng Post!<br />

__ nymtt nenmi pnam<br />





\UiUivtNUUll.<br />

•MAY . SATl'KllAV <strong>Mar</strong>. 10-11<br />

Bab HOPE Rhonda FLEMING<br />


v NEW LOCATION -m<br />

We Are Now Settled in Our New Home<br />

Ever Conscious <strong>of</strong> Our Basic Aim to Provide<br />

the Greatest<br />


to our' customers, we look forward to your continued<br />

patronage and encouragement<br />

Seashore Upholstering Co.<br />

1217 Asbury Avenue<br />

\i<br />

PHONE 2237 _ DAY OR NIGHT<br />

IRCLE<br />


<strong>On</strong> the Traffic Circle, Somer. Point, N, J.<br />


SEAGRAMS 7<br />

Fifth* 4,04 Quarti 5.00<br />


fcfth* 4,04 . Quarts 8.00<br />


Fifth* 3.63 Quart* 4,49<br />


Fifths 3.60 Quarts 4.45<br />


Flfth«6.B2<br />

by the CMS, 6% Ducount<br />

COLD BEER !!<br />

8 SENTIAfEL-LEDGER ThundBjp. <strong>Mar</strong>ch 2,<strong>1950</strong><br />

GOP Candidates<br />

Are Endorsed<br />

Republican Man<br />

Approve Slita<br />

SOBERS I'OINT—At a mpctlr.i! <strong>of</strong><br />

lii, Mi-ii'.-; Hp|.iiUlitiiii Lfmsiit- Thins-<br />


l.>".' * .<br />

^•^»?. 'I*!<br />

C^<br />

ttJm Churth nil<br />

n't observance <strong>of</strong><br />

on. <strong>Mar</strong>ch 5 to<br />

t and strength to<br />

for* Chrfct and Hli<br />

week all members<br />

pdedlcate themselves<br />

i pledged when Join-<br />

, at 8th at. and Centra!<br />

L at svch noon hour<br />

I 9. to Friday <strong>Mar</strong>ch<br />

Wadneaday evening<br />

: for Communion<br />

1 aervfce will<br />

> an uked to<br />

InattuCUDM on<br />

hour they (eject (or<br />

the church and tit ii<br />

a few rolnuta. think<br />

relationahip to Gud<br />

ft.<br />

nid to the altar, bou<br />

t (Cdadicate yourtelf to<br />

I.BW Service<br />

; the Communion, llirn<br />

i the church to inrvc<br />

I"« jrodr life.<br />

dayi <strong>of</strong> the Christian<br />

for tTielr significance<br />

L Christians bring to them<br />

^ to Christian<br />

fuUnen at life." myt •<br />

latttee^nt Ittued this week<br />

r In this Week<br />

will ttrengthen us as<br />

i and help to make this o<br />

1 In which to live.'<br />

Group To Meet<br />

* n'» Auxiliary <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Church will meet<br />

0 p. n. in the church<br />

q * program will be<br />

by Hn. George Fiichtrs<br />

U. Tbe Fhilathca Circle<br />

Mn R<strong>of</strong>er Nevim, will<br />

! MNNEB<br />

Association for the<br />

_l <strong>of</strong> Colored People has<br />

• public to a dinner today<br />

me <strong>of</strong> the Bev Samuel<br />

t>4B West av The home<br />

'x)al wal to be served be-<br />

ftjfrOPB-<br />

1 SCIENCE<br />

'SUNDAY<br />

__ Christian Science<br />

. which will be fnrn<br />

.New York Sun-<br />

GNIM to Meet<br />

A White Elephant auction salr will<br />

be a feature <strong>of</strong> the monthly inn-ting<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Sunshine Circle <strong>of</strong> the First<br />

Methodist Church, to take place<br />

Tuesday al 8 pm »t tlie home <strong>of</strong><br />

Mrs Edwrad J Voss M7 Central<br />

•\ Mrs Rn»c Slabnau and Miss<br />

Stella Abbott v. HI be co-hostessis<br />

Tile Goodwill Clnle <strong>of</strong> the Metho-<br />

dist Chunh will meet Ti-Mdnj M<br />

8 pm at the home <strong>of</strong> Mrs Hilda<br />

Burness BJ7 Park pi<br />

The Friendly Clrik- ol the Mi<br />

Irodisl Churth Will meet at 2 i.m<br />

Tuesday at the home <strong>of</strong> Mr* Hoy I<br />

Sharp 858 Brighton pi<br />

Pastor To Observe<br />

His Anniversary<br />

Wuchter Ordained<br />

Five Year* Ago<br />

bOMLIte POINT— Rri Hobirl Z<br />

Wuihter pastor <strong>of</strong> Grace I.uthcr.111<br />

Churi.li mil celebrate the fifth .in<br />

m\eruiry <strong>of</strong> his nrdinaUon and will<br />

to sirve Grace Church on Sundj\<br />

A graduate <strong>of</strong> Muhlenberg Collide<br />

..ul the I utheran Seminary in Phil<br />

adclnhia Pastor Wuthler .isuiiiird<br />

rhurgr <strong>of</strong> Grace Church imnwdialcli<br />

(iillouinu hit ordination in 1945<br />

During his ministry ir Somers<br />

Point 110 new members halt beeti<br />

n.ei\ed into the congregation He<br />

has been called upon to <strong>of</strong>ficiate al<br />

M baptisms 31 marriages and 3"<br />

funerals T»n Luther League group<br />

a Junioi (.hoir snd an Altar Guild<br />

Socletv haie been orgeniied Plans<br />

flre now underlay to organize ti<br />

croup for roung adults<br />

In the die years <strong>of</strong> his hilhittry<br />

Ihe mortuage on the parsonage has<br />

Been cleared anil a substinu.il re<br />

duction in the mortgage mdibtcd<br />

lies? nn the ihurih lias bun madi<br />

•Jn Sumiav February 16 a Sen. ice<br />

>f Dedication for 3 new licll snd<br />

over chum* deiliialed ir memorv<br />

if Lewu Diether was held<br />

Pjstiir Wuiht. r was anaiili-1 his<br />

dcirrpe <strong>of</strong> Master nf Sscred Tlie<br />

nl»E> Ir-l lear In Ihe (jra.lu.itc<br />

•schonl <strong>of</strong> the Lutheran Semiiwry in<br />

Philadelphia Hi ins alvo eleitnl<br />

ireMdent "f tbe New Ji isey tonler-<br />

•nri <strong>of</strong> the Ministemim nf 1'enn<br />

whsma and Adjaieiit Statrs ami is<br />

pretfnlh trrvini! mi thf \VJ\- and<br />

.1, nnt Committee I Whiltjk.i 1(^7 (..nlrjl HV<br />

Hrdnrsdiv M»rcli »—<br />

"2*30 i> m -Mnl\Mi hool Li b-Jin hjilu MI<br />

(.'enter <strong>of</strong> Cljliitwn Influence<br />

Aits 11 1 8 10 111 20 E)ih 4 2 r . t2<br />

las o' for .ill ites Spiiiai ullei<br />

nji fur MI&SIIIII*I<br />

10 4'> .1 m The Church ut Win<br />

hip Lmtm serintin Hi I li.it Hr<br />

HMth Nut Inhn t 1» Ihi thoir<br />

fhricU-d by ttlwjrd C G HIIK.HI<br />

sinK Lord 1 Bilini bv Ash<br />

\* orth ami How Long, Wilt Thou<br />

ForKct Me" bv PlluiKU Tin pul<br />

)ii florin ire plaied [o tht ^Ini \<br />

if God h> Mr& Aaron Stcphinbon<br />

n Hicred memory <strong>of</strong> hir nif-b.un<br />

rtnd daughtei Ida Supt rMhed nurs<br />

ery for the conveniente ol parents<br />

b45 p in— MeUuifi <strong>of</strong> (lie Inln<br />

mediate. Ciiristian Endeavor Suii'1%<br />

Sponsor Charles M Good<br />

7 40 ii in—EvinliiK Sin in ol<br />

Worship Seimon Neglect Not the<br />

ifl I Timotln 4 12 It Thi ihmr<br />

will 1WK Hem dn tus hv <strong>On</strong>miin<br />

nd 'My faith LrKik 1 " I 1 !" 1 to Ilii"<br />

bv Sihncrke'- FUmnsiim litl b> M>-<br />

hnwn Comi .mil i ilnt >iiur fa\-<br />

olid hvmti<br />

Mt>nda\ —<br />

a p m—Monthly imituiu <strong>of</strong> !hc<br />

_adtcs Auxiliary m thi Juinur<br />

-oom <strong>of</strong> the church<br />

B p m—Monthly mutinR nf tin<br />

board <strong>of</strong> trustees in the <strong>of</strong>lin <strong>of</strong><br />

Cilnton B Price<br />

WeslDCMtov—<br />

3 15 p m —MeetmR <strong>of</strong> the Junior<br />

Christian, Endeavor Socle!} Re\<br />

George Fischer superintendent Mrs<br />

Beuie Idcll Butler musual dircctur<br />

and Mrs Harry R Hawthorne plan-<br />

rt Mrs Catherine YInglmg and<br />

Mrs' J Raymond Stumian assnUnt<br />

rlntendenls<br />

Op m —Midweek Pr iM-r Mift-<br />

i^ snd Bible Stud> Cumi atiH<br />

fjng a friend Can you pray this<br />

waver?<br />

'Lord lay some toul upon my hiurt.<br />

And love that soul through me<br />

"And may I bravely do my part<br />

' f o **<br />

And ma<br />

"To wln<br />

i toul for Thee<br />

* » »<br />


Tit CkBreh »IUi Iht Chime,'<br />

i Fellow-<br />

Service. Con-<br />

Staging by<br />

9:30<br />

l<br />

•an* S-.<br />

a m—Chunh Sthiiol with<br />

for all eges Koy E Darby<br />

superintendent.<br />

;il M<br />

Hem —Morning Worship Com<br />

munlon and Reception <strong>of</strong> New Mim-<br />

beot- MsdlUUoci. "Thl« Is tha Day'<br />

-7. ,"OM So Loved the World" will be<br />

Victor|>Mh« by tha morning choir directed<br />

i. Charles KtThurston Vocal<br />

-1 ~rzr wU1 *•* "•" Brown<br />

^.iijpl iW t>. ni.~IiM«rinediale Fellow<br />

ff *&* HhVfci «•• /ua)k«««n Youth Fel<br />

•.'-n;'OT«**r'p '« "•« «•">«» »m«<br />

Mid HeArt Fund<br />

rd Wlihom. 14 Anbury<br />

1 jtudent at Rider College,<br />

ntoii. played » rulher ununual<br />

lost week In helplnd lo pro-<br />

the " eort Funfl drlvc ln<br />

Ai>t* city*<br />

Donning a coitumc <strong>of</strong> Coloniol<br />

^ ^ _ ,:nBnil JKH ilia* at Aflil<br />

Mr--<br />

appeared on the steps<br />

at the Trenton city Hull M Ye<br />

Olds Town Crier, ringing a loud<br />

bell to call attention to the fact<br />

that heart disease killed 750 peo-<br />

ple In Mercer County last year<br />

and tn uri(c donations tn the<br />

Heart Fund.<br />

The United Suites hus murly 701(0<br />

Icc-mnnulBcturiltK )ilunl«.<br />

during World War II.<br />

. ?<br />

SIAatOMEB<br />

Rendering courtecnu and prompt «rvk»<br />

creating safety HIM 1888<br />



ALBBRT O, ABBOTT, Chairman gl tha Mud<br />

ELWTXIU F. KIRKMAN, Mreiild,,iil<br />

C. 0. JbliyilMH, Vige I*p..Hiili.ht iiriij HurTetuTy<br />


BwirdmiJk National Bank Bid*.<br />


National Bulk <strong>of</strong> Oe«n <strong>City</strong> Bldf.<br />


iTANLBT T, tlANUV. A««l. Tr.ll.<br />

EDWIN R, STICKS, tills OfM<strong>of</strong>f<br />

FRANK H. WATUON, AMI. Tills lilfic,<br />


SIM New Jersey An,<br />

Boom No. I . Stanley BUIIdlBf<br />

Smokcstlckl art fiitntUI in an industrial »ge.<br />

Without thfm wt would be choked and blindfd by<br />

the fumes <strong>of</strong> our own factories. Our giant sticks<br />

lift the smoke where the breeze can blow it away.<br />

Have you sometirnts wished that someone would provide<br />

• kind <strong>of</strong> smokestack to lift the cloud that stifles our hopes<br />

and happiness?<br />

Someone did!<br />

Hit name was Jesuj. And His gift to humanity was some,<br />

thini which, in its ori|inal crude form, was no more beautiful<br />

than a smokestack. It wn a Cross!<br />

He died on that Cross. But by His Sacrifice He made it the<br />

instrument <strong>of</strong> man's freedom from the chad that man himself had made.<br />

Our Churches worship Him, and teach the meaning <strong>of</strong> His Cross<br />

. , , lifting the smoke <strong>of</strong> sin from our lives.<br />


Asks Vets To File<br />

NSLI Claims<br />

De Franco Calls for<br />

Prompt Action<br />

Veterans <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> who have<br />

nt)i yet filed uppliLytions for Natiorml<br />

Bi-rvicu Life Iii.surLmco Fund dlvl-<br />

dund paynidnt^ were urged thig week<br />

by JuNcph De Francq, commander<br />

uf V.F.W. Puit NQ, fi650, to do so<br />

at V=F,W. heatlquartijfi, or at tho<br />

''Abuut nnp^ei^hlh nf America^<br />

war vctvrfinfl (fntitlcd to ri'eelVe the<br />

NS1J dividi*ncbt have not, as yet, sp=<br />

jilipd for ifti'TiV* he pointed out He<br />

eitPd VA riMurf's revealing that ap-<br />

piyximtiU']y*2.0UO,000 uf the 16,000,-<br />

00Q il.lo per sharn<br />

per year, payable 10c each January IS, April IS, July 11 and Urlober it<br />

Ten shares <strong>of</strong> this stock would east "about Plot and funcnllv pay<br />

III ii year, equal to Jl 00 • month.<br />

Tuenty Nhares would cost about f 116 and currently pur f'ti a tFitr,<br />

equal lo SS.^itA munlh.<br />

Forty sharcK would casl absut $132 and currrnlly pay SI 1 * a inr.<br />

equal to 14.00 a montli.<br />

If you are Interested, UK out the rsupon below and mail it lo us, or<br />

telephoilr our New Jersey representative.<br />

Mr. J. J. Monroe, Philadelphia, PE B-1200<br />

BOENNING & CO.<br />

— KatablUliM IBM —<br />

Hrmbf n rhlUnlrl,,hl. . Italllmsn Hlwk Kirluiiin<br />

>>» Yerb Curb KsrhMnis (Amm°\*i*i<br />

1608 Wslnut Street Philadelphia 3, Pa.<br />

Please Send Me a Brief Description <strong>of</strong><br />

Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Electric Company Common Stark.<br />

Nina ., ...,,.,. ..,,.,,,<br />

Addreu ,,,,.,....., ,,...... ,.....,,,,.,<br />

o ,,..,,,,,,.,,,.,..<br />

Our Pen Works for You!<br />

It Will<br />

Give<br />

You<br />

a<br />

Loan<br />

To , , , BUILD . REPAIR or REMODEL<br />

Your HOME . . . ,on Our<br />

Direct Reduction Mortgage Plan,<br />

Inveat with U» »nd Receive Pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

en « Guaranteed Inveitmenl!<br />

Current Dividend Rate 3%<br />

There 1» no rink Involved. Saving* up to $5,000 are Insured by<br />

Ihc Federal Saving! ud Lean inMranet Corporation<br />


Savmp and Loan Asiociation<br />

811 . 8th Strtet Phone 0012<br />

Rites in Phila. For<br />

Mrs. Grunwald<br />

PhiluHilphii Tut fii<br />

ulmi I »nne i c welcome to come to<br />

thtse tla»«ii You wont be a<br />

for Mill can t be a stranger<br />

here<br />

Cape May Fishing<br />

Boat Skipper Dies<br />

,Ji.lin H. Buhnlci nf Cane M(iy. an*<br />

nf this diimly'K l'i'Ht known party<br />

ti.-lun^ liniii Kki|j|ii.is, iiii-il Saturday<br />

m lluhhi'iunrin Huspiiul. Pliiladel<br />

I ih hi Hi- wfiK m<br />

CiirtaPii Buliahi iipt'ralcd jhu fish<br />

ins biiat ".lackiu B 11" out "<strong>of</strong> Cape<br />

Miis fur liii jenii,.<br />

Fum-Mil ?ijr\ ices will l.a- Ctindueted<br />

Ii diiy iThurjiiliiv < ul lhi> Hollings-<br />

iujiirl (jiiiiuis. uiih ii.li.riTieni in Colti<br />

S|jriiiii Ci-nielery.<br />

Rites Today for<br />

Somers Pt, Woman<br />

SOMFRS POINT—Funeral services<br />

will tuke place this afternoon<br />

! Thursday i fur Mrs. <strong>Mar</strong>y Rennij.<br />

isen. H. who died Saiurdny at her<br />

home. 737 Shore I'd.<br />

She was born in Atlantic <strong>City</strong>,<br />

hut had resided mnsl ot her life in<br />

this ami<br />

H ii r v i V i n K are nne itnilglili'r.<br />

Iliaiiclie, <strong>of</strong> fioiners Point; three sis.<br />

UTs. Mrs Blanche MtCartiiey. <strong>of</strong><br />

Detniit: Mrs, Sarali KaufTmann,<br />

Phiiudrlphiii. and Mrs. Frances Han-<br />

cock, c'olonia, N, J.<br />

Services will be lield in the<br />

Adams Funeral Home, PleasBntvllle,<br />

wilh Interment in Pleasantville Cem-<br />

etery.<br />

Pupils Sing For<br />

School Managers<br />

Pupils <strong>of</strong> the gth to 8th grades <strong>of</strong><br />

Philip Baker elementary school,<br />

Wildwood Crest, represented Cape<br />

May County yesterday in singing as<br />

a choral {group al the national con-<br />

vention <strong>of</strong> the American Association<br />

<strong>of</strong> School Administrators, in Atlantic<br />

<strong>City</strong>.<br />

County Superintendent Willard B,<br />

Matthews said the Crest group was<br />

invited lo demonstrate the high<br />

quality <strong>of</strong> vocal music now being<br />

taught In grade schools. The chorus<br />

was directed by Mrs. Beatiied" Ma.<br />

ehotte. Baker school principal.<br />

Gene Snraien has played in more<br />

POA championships than any olher<br />

golfer—28 through 1848.<br />

Somers Point<br />

Churches<br />

ST. JOSEPH'S R. C.<br />

Hey. P*ul V. tarry, PuMr<br />

Masses on Sunday at 8. 0, Iff and<br />

11 a, m.<br />

Weekday Mass at 8 a, m,<br />

Friday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 3, First Friday, Masi<br />

at 7:30 a, m,<br />

Novehfl Devotions, Thursday, 7;4S<br />

p. in.<br />

Lenten Devotions, Stations <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Cross, Friday, 7:45 j), m.<br />

Catechism Class. Monday, 4 p. m,<br />


Rev Csrlton MiUwlMlb Pastor<br />

10 a. m.—Sunday School,<br />

11 ii m—Mnrning Worship. "The<br />

Life with a Purposo".<br />

8:30 p. m.—Young people's meet.<br />

7:3(1 m, — Evening Worihlp,<br />

"Petej breaches Juijinention by<br />

Faith".<br />

Wcdnjwdny—<br />

7:30 p. m.—Midweek service at the<br />

home <strong>of</strong> Mr, and Mn, Furrell, 807<br />

New York av,<br />

4 p, , m,—Choir rehearsal it the<br />

ehureh,<br />

F > (j<br />

4 p in—Junior Y, at the church<br />

lltnriUy—<br />

11 a m^-Qeod Newi Club at the<br />

urgh<br />

Mr and Mn <strong>Mar</strong>lyn. recently sta-<br />

tioned at Pomana Air Station, now<br />

"•Willie TOr» ttf; ft .,,.__,<br />

Robert Mullen WjUtln'i "An tv*-<br />

Qlnn Prayer". A repr»ertt«tlve ol<br />

Alcohollcn Anonymous will iw tn»<br />

speaker.<br />

TBMiSr, Ilint 7—<br />

1 p. m.—Friendly Circle Meeting.<br />

8 p. m.—Goodwill Circle meeting<br />

it the home <strong>of</strong> Mrs, Burneis, 897<br />

Park pi.<br />

I p, m—Sunshino Circle meeting<br />

at tne home <strong>of</strong> Mrs. J. Edward Vos^<br />

137 Central av, Miss Stella Abbott<br />

and Mrs, Rose Stabnau, co-hostessej<br />

i p, m.—Victory. Circle meeting at<br />

thu home <strong>of</strong> Mrs, Leonard Henry, 820<br />

Central av, ,<br />

tvednnday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch •—<br />

7:45 p. m.^Mid-week Service, We<br />

are studying the booklet, "Our Paith<br />

in Prayer".<br />

* * *<br />



Oe«n CHy, New Jeney<br />

Sunday Service—il a, m,. Village<br />

Theatre, ith st. and Boardwalk'.<br />

Sunday School—11 a, m,. 612 8th<br />

St. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting,<br />

I P. m,. 812 8th st.<br />

Reading Room, tit Bth st., Tues.<br />

days, Wednesdays, Saturdays, 1 1st<br />

p. m.<br />


SERMON<br />

"Man" is the subject for Sunday,<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch 5.<br />

Golden Text: "Know ye that the<br />

Lord he is Cod: il is he that hath<br />

made us. and not we ourselves; we<br />

are his people, and the sheep <strong>of</strong><br />

his pasture," tps. 100;3.i<br />

Sermon: Passages from the King<br />

James version <strong>of</strong> the Bible Include:<br />

"Verily, verily, I say unto thee,<br />

Except a man be born <strong>of</strong> water and<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Spirit, he cannot enter into<br />

the kingdom <strong>of</strong> God," (John 3:5.)<br />

Correlative passages from "Science<br />

und Health wilh Key to the Scrip-<br />

tures" by <strong>Mar</strong>y Baker Eddy include:<br />

"Mistaking his origin and nature,<br />

man believes himself to be combined<br />

matter and Spirit. . , . But divine<br />

Science reveals the eternal chain <strong>of</strong><br />

existence as uninterrupted and<br />

wholly spiritual; yet this can be<br />

Church<br />

Announcements<br />

Conilnord Iran Pure 13<br />

Youth'Fellowship will have charge<br />

pi ihis service. The Youth Choir,<br />

•aireeteq* by Paul H, Weil, will sing<br />

New KAISER<br />

If You're • Tough Trader<br />

Looking for a Real<br />

Bargain With or Without<br />

A Trade, Check Our<br />

Deal Before You<br />

Do Anything!<br />

Woodbine Motor Sales<br />


800 WublBftsB Av., Woodbine<br />

Open Eve*. 4 Ban. Phone 1.EZM<br />



912 Simpton Ave.<br />


Parts and AcceMorie»<br />

Serbs M and W<br />




- I-<br />

• * * • » . * ami ,, pair , f<br />

fri-i- ilu-i.u. Im' IB<br />

ll.iliiiiiiii, h-il ;lu- llilp lull] 14<br />

Tin- I'lniili'i'liux has l«n mufe<br />

,-ui^^l-. si-heuided h,r Hi,- nimiry<br />

u ee-k I Kit h ni; t(-(- iiuiiii- (-niirt Tht V<br />

vdl ,'Mh-rl.,i,; !t;e Oarcli-.er N% Inm<br />

uf Atlai^i, Cnv tnni^ht, and the<br />

1 Wili'Ui.ml Kurly-Niiiel> IH-st Wt.i.<br />

: Hammonton Loses<br />

to Camden, 47-46<br />

j li.-iii -,..i. I lis!i SL-IIIIIII u II !-,|-<br />

i .,f ih,- I'.ipi -AII.-'IIIM- I.•-.•141I1- i-l am-<br />

pli,|:.'hl|:. MIITi-ie-l ii -IT--IH ,!,-(|,;il hv<br />

l.iiv i-l- C.oi-.ili-i- III t I Him u: il<br />

.-|..-v.-tnf\y hall Uiltni' Thlirsri.iv<br />

ih! i.,-1 Jn K ii 11,ir HillMMli.l'..<br />

i. I.i-. ,r IB .l.irl. Ihi.<br />

Veteran Dies <strong>of</strong><br />

Game Injuries<br />

Probe Is Begun<br />

in WUdwood<br />

An investisatfon was siartod by<br />

Wildwoori aujhoritics Msnclpv Into<br />

the death <strong>of</strong> Frank Watson, aj.year-<br />

old Army veteran, who was injured<br />

while ploying In, an Independent<br />

W Wat«u'il, eoniiT for the Wlkhvund lied with tl»' I'i<br />

Royals died Sunday al his ' home, ihe ill uiliiili'Ur<br />

iii W Roberls«liv'. shortly lifter he<br />

returned from Gape May, where his<br />

leimi played the Rockets<br />

Wildwaad p.illrr uld W.iLson<br />

wu Injured In the Kim. Ills<br />

auill, Mrs. VletorU Wlnj. with<br />

whem he resiiled, s»li that be-<br />

fore he died he told her he 11IU<br />

kicked unliitenlliinallv »• h i I c<br />

HhoDlinf for the basket, lir. Ben-<br />

JBniin Walien, who was enllfd In<br />

adnilnisler in Ihe mm, said he<br />

wit in lerrlfle pain,<br />

Fred A plai-entilie. ftilirh nl lln-<br />

Buckets, tuhl polieo there was lu<br />

di.Hurdi'r iiurinM tht- fiapne and thia'<br />

Wiitson hud playutl only Hie llrsl<br />

tliiarter<br />

Cnutlty Physician M S Culien. M,!- . ,<br />

it, wi nt; itii autopsy Tuestiav, nu-<br />

i-uoneeti that dealii uas at-t'idt-nt.ii<br />

due lu a ruptured bladder<br />

Wiiismi al.sn is survived 1-y iu?<br />

tranilmulhel'. Mrs. Dura Num.. ut<br />

Wildwnnd<br />

Legion >s A. A. U. Boxing Shout Clean<br />

$400 for BuUding Fa«d;MayRepea£<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s firs.: A A.U. Luxing | IJI-KIIII<br />

..how aaturdiiy nuihi ul Convention<br />

Hall was so successful that the<br />

American Lejuuil may sponsor " to-<br />

peat perfiirnliini-i' in April, it was<br />

reported by Hoheil Ourdoii, coin-<br />

miindur <strong>of</strong> Moriian.KiliHk Pwl<br />

He sliSi the l.i'Miun v/iit, v. eil sails.<br />

sii|ip"H<br />

Thi-re<br />

oppiini'iil liaekeil aqainrl ihe ropes<br />

the rest nf tile Why. winning ensllj<br />

CHAMP<br />

1,, the ,enii-wilidu|i. also lit live<br />

,,,1,1-,is Ralph Peterson, "Is" K!!(i ! .:=<br />

h.Nitint- .<br />

iiinu- i-uil<br />

ijllliSsMi-til<br />

I IK in<br />

' o< i'iSii<br />

! uf h"><br />

.•=! fiiuli!<br />

Al'U Ci'li'ii<br />

•ltpiu'll<br />

i 1 ' i S 1<br />

IT<br />

ni I'I-I<br />

,ii;^ v-<br />

! ;'r<br />

A.--<br />

j-iiliii<br />

jniith Jefsey chii) and the<br />

.,-! ,-h.m rini, in ihf i:iii-pi.iimi •;"*;»•<br />

,uli his-.t-il Kri-'l Dukea. ul Town Mall,<br />

„„,.„.,<br />

.,, ihi- pi-i-IiHuiiiiry<br />

i,,, in-miili'd hv<br />

,,r the 2«lli<br />

... pounds—Don Aiexander, 12th<br />

Piilite."oul|ioinlod Ben Brown, Town<br />

135 pounds—Charles Miller, 2ith<br />

puller, oiili'ioiiited Ike Cliuinp.u,,.<br />

30th Century.<br />

] JK iiounds—Tom Fadigan. Dunbar,<br />

tii.lpunited Joe Orltnn. 28lh Police.<br />

lit) pounds'—John Hines, 11th<br />

PnVii-c. outpointed William Thorn-<br />

inn. ralii'ml'o Boys' Club,<br />

Mavor Ktlward B. Bowkgr gree;^<br />

Ihe tTwWil duriuM iiltermission and<br />

h" ('npi' May County American Le.<br />

147.|i,,i,nd M'i.i|i-'li.iin Band played martial liira<br />

- -.-I 1. .1-1 i-f 111'- « » v<br />


It,-.- I<br />

, i .1... I'I.S,.!<br />

•, : :<br />

"I"" 11<br />

M'"" "<br />

|.,,hs:,,<br />

lief,<br />

i h.ii!<br />

Si AM IIXNIi<br />

il.<br />

Egg Harbor Trims<br />

Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Tech<br />

h'.uii Haii'ur l)i£ii i-un.juefed<br />

lanlit C m Ti-.'ll. -H In 411. in a !<br />

H|,.i ,-.n-u-»l ill till' Allaiiln-<br />

\\.u\i UVIII Murntav niuht<br />

The Wine m y 1'assers iiei I<br />

II- Il'ni:i lu -l.i.v w_hi-|l Iii "i '.i<br />

lli p Is .itiill.s-t Ti'th's In ii-<br />

Inin! '[D-ii-ii-r Thu 1,-ani'- I.,ul !<br />

,!,-- - l,,,k,-i' al l.i.iill iii h.-,lli<br />

r, , h talhi-.i in ihe luiillii In<br />

MI.I-.- KCL ilarhur h> f,i- p.,<br />

h.i! ii.lll.ln'l ilnsi- liie tiip<br />

A r<br />

Ai.<br />

A & P Heavy Buyer<br />

<strong>of</strong> N. J. Produce<br />

Artisans to Have<br />

Memorial Service<br />

,li-ri.ey u r u H i - l , . .i|:il sl:i| !-i 1<br />

panl SS.BSK ma lii.-l >ii,r ;-.|<br />

in.ilui.-e pii!eliii«iil li.r A A. I'<br />

...!(» Kiirl !i. Fr.'l.i I: lil.llkn-,<br />

ii tnr uf ihe .-'.mp-!n\ ^ ; ,<br />

.i.Miiy iltlilliile fiil'l tl"' ."-.I!<br />

iimleil nut thill A iV I' p (I-<br />

iini.iiililrcl in ,| STJ .,il'l'-: -.I<br />

ii,-i \ * U i - i i ' l i h ' l h . i l i . . - ! i . i "<br />

,! In eniiip.ihy ?iii!.-^ iii J^<br />

Real TILE<br />

Tor Itiithrtriifn, HllfhrnM, (*IBI»I<br />

PirpiihiiTH, Ninr* Front*<br />

l.f'T I. 1 - l>TI.»IITr OS<br />

Yoi it ii iiMK Sin? i f<br />

Albert Oldficld & Son<br />

ia07 Wesley Av, I'h, 2951<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Bowling Academy<br />

12th St. and Bay Ave,<br />

Academy Open:<br />

7 p.m. Is Midnight<br />

Saturday from 1 p.m.<br />

Lessons and Insiru, (lulu<br />

41U' Alinrnvrd — Opfn IlswUa|<br />


Phone 9074<br />

,*t,*****************<br />

Electricians<br />

Electricians<br />

ilii-<br />

.-i.t<br />

Paperhangers<br />

Paperhangers<br />


and PAINTING<br />

Fnlln.olf. Cb«Tlnllj Ohm<br />


IM Genual Awe., ph, ISOf.Jf<br />



Frank W. Young<br />


Phone. 0. C. 1825-R-l<br />


We Have Moved to Our New Address:<br />

1352 ASBURY AVE,<br />

Phone 1771<br />

St. I'h, 1315<br />

I'.il<br />

Wanted - Scrap<br />

H,.\ 1. ii i,^ 1,..^ Ciihiii-ii im,,' n:a,<br />

iM.M 11-,,. hail i.niiir u ith a ;,-, > n<br />

I li'elii tu.il !!!•)> 411 -I li. hl-lnr<br />

SCRAP IRON - iSIETAI.S . PAPER |,,,,, .•,„;,| uh,»\!,-<br />

riAGS • RUDDER<br />

For Best PrietH Call<br />



1048 Asbury Ave.<br />

PHONE 0443<br />


Fire Alarm<br />

Traffic Signals<br />

Communicationa<br />

N0RGE<br />


.11 lillllll/l.ll llhll.tR<br />

Burglar Alarmt<br />

Electric Wiring<br />

Power and Lighting<br />

House Wiring<br />

Coirmereial Lighting<br />

Flood Lighting<br />


I ,.„..,ul Hit .Mil.III I,.nl Kintrli-nl Kniinrcrin! Hrnltt<br />

fit »i-iir« Mi,in,,r,I Mtiiiiiling Ki(irrirlirrl<br />

1 \..,IF, l--.l,.,|rli.iiiii Hamtlrr ISIR*<br />

I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *<br />




80S Bay Avenue<br />

Eatlrnatna IMinne leaii'l<br />

************************ ! •.<br />

Pleasantville Scrap<br />

Iron and Metal Co,<br />

110 S. Mitli 81. Phone 233<br />

WHI (all For Orders<br />

»+*•••••••< •»••••••••»•<br />

4J..<br />

J.IM<br />

o<br />

Phone I.V.B-W Jobbing<br />

Stucco a Specialty<br />

C. M. McCLARY<br />

Pl.ASTKItKR and MASON<br />

lililllrnrri<br />

Avinii.' Ili-ciiii l l h , N, I<br />

Floor Sanding<br />


rh Oeeui Cliy IOID 1 E, nth it.<br />

Plastering - Stucco<br />

Patching Work<br />

IIFII with and S<strong>of</strong>=<br />

j IV. Ifeiiihsm l<br />


Builders' Hardware^<br />

Benjamin Moore & Co. Paints<br />

Larcoloid Auto Enamel - JCotall<br />

Wallpaper Paint with an Oil Base<br />

Special Prices to Carpenters and Painters<br />


852 Asbury Avenue Phone 0001<br />





Call 0948* - - The Friendly Yard<br />

lltk Street and Simpjon Avenue<br />

iPelto&Co.Jnc.<br />

Contrkcton ,<br />

;13S6 Atborj Ave. ;<br />



l C S I or s»|,iit<br />

• M HHJIIC fool. In.<br />

M r«n* i<br />

T<br />

neplan nv old<br />

TMOL wltk<br />

t b<br />


Ni WMI AW. nm 138.1<br />


PIERS and PILING<br />


i "Our Work 3pemk$ for Iteelf"<br />

1363.W or 2447-J •<br />

Painters Painters<br />




in Asburr Av,, Ocun T'lly. N, I,<br />

Phone 1S3S.R<br />


and PAINTING<br />

He Will Ua Any Finer for <strong>On</strong>o<br />

Boom or M<strong>of</strong>f<br />


Phont0321.W<br />

Free Eitimatei<br />

Wesley Interior<br />

Decorators<br />

33d Wetlcy Avenue<br />

************** >•«•*••<br />

R. C. PRICE<br />

PAINTING and<br />


1228 Aabufy Ajenne<br />

Phone 1857<br />


m- FLOOR SANDING -*<br />

Refiniihing — Waxing — Polishing<br />

iO26 ASBURY AVE. Phone I773J<br />

Irvin Johnson Jr. & Co.<br />

Phone 1S98 — Day or Night<br />

944 Asbury Avenue<br />


Hotels, Homes and Shops Wired for Power or Light<br />


•••••<br />

C, L BRECKLEY, Inc.<br />

House and Sign<br />


•••••<br />


Painting Contractor<br />

« w, ieih siriH photif ssa{.si<br />

"I.KT (iKolll.K lio |f'i<br />

• E. N. EGGLY •<br />





PHONE 1017<br />

How to Solve <strong>On</strong>e<br />

Building Problem<br />

CEMENT<br />


STONE<br />




1, fharp Washed Sand<br />

2. Proper Siie Clay • Free Stone<br />

3,, Wi'tr Added to a Carefully Weighed Mix<br />

The Answer<br />


Coastal Certified<br />



Phone <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />


and SUPPLY CO.<br />

4th and Haven Avenues<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

Laurence E. Stedem<br />

Electrical Contractor<br />

Wiring for Light and Power<br />

Repair and Maintenance Serviu<br />

1520 Asbury Avenue<br />

Phone 1575<br />


Rfcffijei-ator* - Ranges .<br />

752 West Avenue<br />

I...iS!l*.rJfv id »!««» 2i I9-J.2<br />

For anything<br />


CALL<br />

L.C. SMITH<br />

A, T. FORD<br />


Electrical Contractor<br />

640 Asbury Av. Ph. 0029<br />

jjS E. Pieraoii Ay., is, P,<br />


RADIO «asi*rL--<br />


- <strong>On</strong> All MikM _<br />


fi*<br />

In May<br />

To Continue<br />

Through July 4<br />

iry SqcrBtiiry John W.<br />

announeed todny that the<br />

\j S BiivinEP! Bonds cumpuign.<br />

in be "known '* thn Intlcpoiidt'nfc<br />

mive, will get under wny May IS<br />

i«d run throulh July 4. Tin 1 Liberty<br />

full is thi! cainpuijii symbol: and<br />

SLye For Your indepcnclcm-n". cm-<br />

hjliilng the traditiunol faith in<br />

yirift I* thg tamnaiEn slogan.<br />

Rayniunti Errickion. Cnpt' May<br />

County chBirman. said. "It is SIIIK-<br />

uUrVy appropfiaic that this MIIU-<br />

|on should be known as I hi 1 Indc-<br />

Mndence Drive betausi' the .«|]iiit nt<br />

Jersnnal indr|if'lldeiiL-e hns miiliviiti'cl<br />

J^r (Inaniriul as well UN our ijiilitiral<br />

UllnlimU MIU-L- our llilllolili i-iillll-M<br />

days".<br />

7h¥ .surs-eSH <strong>of</strong> the Bund prnii! ;im<br />

in New Jersey smre its irH-rpiinFi In<br />

1925. i ! 'l through Hie War Liuim, ;,hfi<br />

iincc is rei-ciiiii/r-ii liiriiutsiirnit the<br />

(ouniy K»ch yar- '-"v." ihe in-.<br />

(mninK "< ' h r ixncitiine proKnilii m<br />

|p4g ihe siile "i r K BfMKls h,m he,MI<br />

increa.-'»tt Miiisitiiiiiiillv The ISHfi<br />

"£" Bund ^ll' 1 In New .1,-i>,-> ,,t<br />

crease <strong>of</strong> ^"'i' 1 SIM milliun liw-r hi4H<br />

Cain- M--'V fniinly 111 r| i v i pf i I ii IN pur-<br />

chast'll S92H4H4 tilil 1I1J4 HWII nil m-<br />

(reaso "f ••!>« '-Mr Hu- i ic-iM.ii,<br />

Mr Friu-KMiii r.asi! Ih.-il I!I-III,I|.||<br />

plms IKT \ihe i-niTipaiifii iiii in Ihe<br />

inaltinfi nnd «iii !•""" I"' iiniiotil.i-i-d<br />

Cape May Votes<br />

to Issue Bonds<br />

0r(!iniili,c« prcpM'i.ni; fur Hi- >•-<br />

susiin- "I S88..WI m ('npi M.n i-.n<br />

bonds tti-re iiil'iliti'tl h> In, i-ily<br />

i ] I - t i' l=i=k<br />

Of tl.r i-'HH- *•:'.• I"" 1 I- I" ' I<br />

balanci S;CUDI1 I. Inr imfi h,.<br />

S14 piirltiru MH'tiTH<br />



<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> teams in the South<br />

Jersey beushoro League ran into foul<br />

weather Saturday niBlrit as lliuy all<br />

lost thtir miitches exeent tile Pol-<br />

mur Chcvvies, who had a postimne.<br />

merit.<br />

The Phillies Ciuiirs lost u 3.1 VIT-<br />

dirl to Siiieiielii. iif Vmi-liuld. un tin,<br />

PlLjlaiiil nll l ) f They got ihiiir<br />

loiiu piiiiil ij.y ii innrKin n[ one pin in<br />

the first Hinw »,)U d, Hidi The i-ini-<br />

test iviis h'iii'iti-.l liv i. 244 "I'i.mi-<br />

riillt-ri U>- Ai Bliiin whom. ..".vcM<br />

ti'liiKli! fitl'llsi'h Bin- mil riupli (I i.i<br />

a spin<br />

Thi' Kurt,- FIII-.I U.iim. |-i-|.ri'H>r.l-<br />

nu ihe (),-,,[Hi t:iiy BIIWIIIIU Aci,-<br />

'ii'n.y. hj^t thi'-i- p, MitK lu Alhi-ii^<br />

Bur, <strong>of</strong> Allaniic Cits, mi ihi' lUili<br />

itl Imu". friiiii, SiMi'niiiii iiiiriil ihi,<br />

(ii-iils wilh i, ipiu-klnm H4ii I,-,,,I,,<br />

Tin. IV-in Alliiiiln- v. i.iri.-n" lif'Al.<br />

Cllv 111\.;,.;*. I ||,,, |,,]-:,| h,,,in!.<br />

Imnlned neck end neck In thtir<br />

fight for the lead. Meng*ll took<br />

lour points from Ponllertu and Put-<br />

oleiioi did the same to the Iruuron.<br />

Thu kept them In the Npi, i and S<br />

spou, jepBrgted by a^tinile point.<br />


IN K, OF f. LEAGUE<br />

The St^rlems continued their vie.<br />

C, LeaBue<br />

Wi.ik<br />

ll'N'l<br />

,r a:!!<br />

.ml Hnlli<br />

i'lifl J i o w i i i ,1 i h ,<br />

I "<br />

si:iii,<br />

Tin<br />

,u! rnnir.?<br />

C,-i--l,-il.li i<br />

a it:iili-|i ;<br />

K;iy Kwnii, « lii'i<br />

y'B ['2 iM-l-i- mi-<br />

led<br />

lnry_ Htreik in the<br />

tinued<br />

K. <strong>of</strong><br />

at 12th bt. and held onta first plure<br />

with it shutout <strong>of</strong> the EwinK team.<br />

Siirninos blanked Van Siinls In stay<br />

in second plaee. while the PiIegKis<br />

ion fiuir from Moniriefs.<br />

KI'II! Mirajililn was liiflh man<br />

wilh a alii, fnlfiiwnrl *y Vinee San-<br />

with B13, Rulliviin 212. and<br />

200.<br />

3J4 AND tn SCOKKN "<br />

IN WOMKN'S I,KA(il'K<br />

iiiiu.sually ud st-ores vveie<br />

fi in the Wfimen'i'- Leauije at<br />

l ! h P j Kll h 224<br />

PlilVlill<br />

en eue<br />

v.here Pcij Kelly hit 224<br />

t ' l l ll 2 l<br />

Hi,M' t'iistiilcli lilpplrfl 220 til Isiifl<br />

II- pink Tliiifl hiiniirs [nr tIn-<br />

i-i k w-i-nl tn A Iliirliiiun antl M<br />

I'i'ti'I'MiM. silm I'iirh hail (I 189 unirie<br />

Thi- Yf'llfiH- lenm won over Green<br />

i ii-laiil the sulliiiirth Purple nnd<br />

iKer remained in a tii- for ser-<br />

thc.v NIKII won oyi'r Red alii!<br />

Says Supremacy<br />

In Air Essential<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly Way to Beat<br />

Russia, Meeting Told<br />

"To defeat HuSBia in the next war<br />

the United States must gain control<br />

<strong>of</strong> the air." Bri|adiQr General Bon.<br />

nor Pelleri, USA., Ret., declared 1<br />

Wednesday night last week at an<br />

Americanism program in the Middle<br />

Township Hiph School, Court House,,<br />

About 300 county eitljens alifnued inUTnaTwurkinHii ol the high<br />

the moetlnK. whirh was arraniied by ]n order to Bo alfinjs 'with the (jell-<br />

the Ameritan Legion Auxiliiiry. eral trend toward world peaee and<br />

Nine Auxiliary Ullils wore repre- I untierstandiim <strong>of</strong> other lountrles, we<br />

senled Mrs. Edward Hogan repru-1 wi » begin wilh the hpanish *.-<br />

' arv <strong>of</strong> iwi'tmenl. There Is iiy provision lor<br />

High School Aids World Peace;<br />

Spanish Classes Start Writing<br />

To Students in Foreign Lands<br />


Tills week will lntrodute the lirst<br />

n a hcrieg <strong>of</strong> articlOH deiiigiied to,<br />

,ei|uainl the general public with the<br />

l l rkings ol th hih hl<br />

in!<br />

Him- i\t-ly.<br />

senteil Ihe <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Auxiliary <strong>of</strong><br />

Mqrgan-Ranck Post<br />

Gen. Fellers, furmer member <strong>of</strong> |<br />

Iif. staff <strong>of</strong> Gen- Douglas MiirArlhur<br />

i the study <strong>of</strong> Husjiiati in OC US, or<br />

1 might tin well to diM'uss I Iiii t<br />

It seems that somethniK llesv hiis<br />

«,,m the Iron •Curtain Is not lo ""•'•l'!f n . U ; r '. ld ,.. ltl JliI,*|"nKer" l is 1 !t l 'SHIR l ,e't<br />

Americans from knowinH about Rus-| ^'f;^' 1 - u,'^ci" vmiLularie,. Hurt<br />

sia. hecause wo already k ii o w ; llthf,r ,,i,rU <strong>of</strong> llu, tfinjiu. : H now be-<br />

,.E-^;r .;^l^ I.Lit t , . \i ; - =, : \ 4 U . . I j O i - L I'. ,', • . . . • . i i _i<br />

hut to keep the Hiissiaii . ,.,,1,,,.^<br />

people froin knuw nil how jji.-ojii<br />

is new to many <strong>of</strong> the stud-<br />

ents, howcs-i.T all are in favor <strong>of</strong> the<br />

plan. The enthusiasm <strong>of</strong> the pupil"<br />

is running hii4il. and all are impa-<br />

lieitly wailinij for the actual eor-<br />

rctipondeiice to begin<br />

live in the outside svorld. I r<br />

priviili- In,"<br />

f. the Latins<br />

.Ii : |,,t(-<br />

l'<br />

:!J,t ' MIMCI) l.KACit'E<br />

.i. ; Ail<br />

The<br />

varied musiral i<br />

elltii! fciiliiii ,1 TO AilVANCE WOBI.I1 TIKS<br />

Oldsmobile Prices<br />

Cut $15 to $20<br />

Oklsiuohili- Divisiioti ill Liinsing,<br />

M.ihii'iin. has iiiinouiiweil new lower<br />

pnoe), on its three series rif curs for<br />

Pm-i.-s 'vr-re rciiui'cU $15 on all<br />

Series ""li" UktMnobilos with Iho<br />

1 our |.iii,il , Hl[, H|X |1|Uilllt, jlncj jjn eiit-h on all<br />

Series Hii" •and "TO" Old.'.mobiles,<br />

Electric Co.<br />

Cited For Safety<br />

Had Perfect Record<br />

From Mishaps in '49<br />

The Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Electric Com.<br />

jii'iiy Myin QftMee group rtfeiived a<br />

ritiilian yesterday [rora the South<br />

Jersey industrial Council for a per-<br />

feet safety record in the Csyncirs<br />

.stnle.wlde Act-icleni Prevention Pro*<br />

gram in 1940. '<br />

The £jrouj>, which includes the<br />

main «nd M«<br />

partmenU, comrntrotal,<br />

rural and ld«ntl»l *al«*<br />

completed a period ot 10<br />

rgN,T42 mm hour.) true* t,,<br />

disabling occupationrt Injury.<br />

An Industrial Council lurvajr. J<br />

South Jeney showed thatthlJ i<br />

not only Improved on III IBM fj<br />

record but had an accident<br />

less than half the national »v<br />

All but flve <strong>of</strong> 41 major<br />

reported bettering their msrki.<br />

^ , ;<br />

In 1MB, more than 11.000 V. B',<br />

citiieni matorcd through countriw<br />

<strong>of</strong> Europe.<br />

and a skit<br />

R*KI.H'N 2ln Mil.II<br />

is r'Kil>>\l"S si;s!>i(iN<br />

Klm.-r H.ikl. •. i>,,-i. .! :, Uln h.r<br />

h|:l- Mhule t.iini' I,MM,,: .:, Kr.i.i.v<br />

J Sl'l^ll. II- I., ili:m M-sMi.n „!<br />

iiiiiiiicr.uii ,:<br />

Ili-ht-rv<br />

l<br />

I Pi.'Vliiml<br />

. 1'yV hy .1<br />

t lini'r<br />

j r ;<br />

\'.i-.i-., s.ti-i .[,,, Jiui Hill Si<br />

,.",•.' iVis Hiiri-l.-n am<br />

M<br />

ii ri!ll<br />

,1 iinll<br />

nh LMn<br />

|<br />

i . i . r l ' . . l i i i - i ' C ' l . . .<br />

,,|-. I',,i, • (,, I,,!,,, ,<br />

11(11.1 s l-Xh<br />

IN i ID I.I..II,I>: IT \v<br />

! A . ,in-.. ',,| U, I,i ,| in, slir.,|--l'..ii'<br />

" . . l i l . ' t h l i ' l - I<br />

1<br />

, i - -.- i - i - k i l : I l i i - t " 11 ><br />

!,"-k ' I ,,i •! I,- I 1.1., -,, ,'.i .1 Jl.i l'|,<br />

IM :,' .,1-.. - i II H-i, 1',.11,-r ,.' ith Ji:!<br />

.- - ,i wn 1 . 1 i n li, i I-I . i I 1 - u . ; •:.]:• V<br />

II..* : :!l'!l V i l i . S . , | ,-n:.i -JIu ,1<br />

H -i I I, v 'Jn'l ;,• ,; Jii.'i ,il.,, ti.ll S l n i l l .<br />

l.,iil;i,;;,-i;>, LilIM wel'i- tin' tup tjime« I<br />

|,II mill ,r tin- MIXI'II Bowhni.<br />

l..-.^iii' uliili, HliiiMhi, Smith le<br />

I'll V lilln-ll -A-llh il mi.<br />

1',-ailics miivcd up to within nn<br />

|.,,inl ,,i Hi,' leaiJiii'-lendiim Lemni<br />

i, 11. i • v liu.k ,, -l.ll tli'tision injlil A|i-<br />

i.,-i> 'rlii- I,,-n:oji?. slri.ved on iiij<br />

••ill ii :i-l rli-i'is:iin over Cherrii's<br />

III,IHI*' iii-nppi-M In Ihini us Ihe 1 .<br />

•-• ••!-•• npiii'/eil liy fineapiiles. 3.1.<br />


AM i'iirh li-iiil IHII-II up hv IN' Oil<br />

II-,-IIII in Ihi, KJ.SU l.eaiiiii- lit 1211<br />

,1 pun! nil this wei-k us Ihe Oils re.<br />

r. ii.i-.l in first iilai-i- (li-spite ,i a-2<br />

•-l.ih-ii.ii,- -:,u;n,^l Tiri-S Ali-1<br />

1 ,-,,-,( IM ^,-r,in(l pliii-i- nfti-r ;i fl,--<br />

lr.il I,"' Tlllll-i 111 till' ntlllT ll'Mll-1:<br />

R.,". i-K-s. win' tlin-i- puirils friin-<br />

I'1111!.-.<br />

A 211 u.'iiiii- liv T riui'klcliiiin iiu.-iiri<br />

i.m- IIIITI hith iiidn uluill hiinul'.-i C<br />

Prilil/. ,ir with 1HH iii-il Sllllun<br />

\A\i HII ui-ii- Ihr ittiier leihhfit; ki-M-<br />

r -mil n.-n Kil I'lTtrayind the nijikinu <strong>of</strong> Ihi; oriBinnl<br />

American fla^ Iiy Betsy HoSh.<br />

tint her<br />

Uornlliy DFIV, Spin-,,-h<br />

Hei)lii,i-l-l,i-ii>ii-r Si>-<br />

!i:icl> Ci'luinr.i!.!, pulp ,1, •Thi' sin<br />

i'i|iii|i|iu'tl vi-ith tile Hnckct" ensine,<br />

Wlllilitwiiy Hydra.Malic Drive is<br />

.,i,,,,,h.,i ^luipment nn itll series <strong>of</strong><br />

i i -<br />

Something<br />

NEW!<br />

Attraclive<br />

Lightweight<br />

Economicii Waterpro<strong>of</strong><br />

Drip Pro<strong>of</strong><br />

THE NEW<br />

Pre-Cast<br />


Everything for the Mason<br />


Manufacturer <strong>of</strong> WaylUe Blocks *• Corurete Products<br />

S. E. Cor, East and WRlnut Vinoland<br />

Phone i Vineland 9-7285<br />

s()Mf:i(!< POINT A. ( .<br />

Ili.m H i IV li -.>:i« Hie l.i'i-l till', ir<br />

111, Hiillii-i'. I'.ili.l A C I.eBKili- ill<br />

| 12'ii .»! Winiii-r- ,'f nil- »ci k u rli<br />

I nil,i- llniv.li unil Oriiniii- whili<br />

'B!III- Hlm-k iiml Vi-llow ,in id,-r!<br />

i'l,, ,r |>"iiil?<br />


j K 'nii-pin, wilh ii ITtl si,is I,ith<br />

| •-.-,.t ir it- ih* C'iiiinU Si-iilers' I.e;ii;ui<br />

i;,l Pliivi.ii!,! fullnv-i-rl hv L niirr-<br />

'i-li -A nil l;>:i anil P Liiili-i-iu with<br />

l-,2 'I'upii/.. tin- leiiUui' Ii-iid- r. \\ii.<br />

|ii,,,t,n s-y Hupphir,' in thu wi-,-k '<br />

Studebaker Scores<br />

High Gas Mileage<br />

j A P'.'iii Hlu,M-l.;,ki-r • C'h.iinpi.'i'.<br />

I ,- ,-, II;I,-, try lu iln sun<br />

AmfiliK Ihtise atli'lidillK wi-ri'_ Mil. i-ii' hi-iil<br />

jur Penn Hood, (Jiiptiiiu .lames Bi-rk- Niitii'iis i<br />

alow- ami IH iilenlhi rs ol ihe newly= ? ' rt ^''.T,<br />

fdrnled ;i(Wth AAA IJiilUiliuii <strong>of</strong> the i.'^jj.^Vi"? t : "iV NATIONS'<br />

RA{ KliHOI NDN<br />

Tin- hU.nei.ij. HII- .iiiil> Kiu Iin<br />

Mrs O m in lli'i.ry "Tin-}- wi-ri' rah ', ruiiipleie life nl their chi-'i-i, ,-i.|,n-<br />

I.ii-M'iili-M with a Bill "Mrs Henry I try iincl are li-ai niiiK aiiuul ll» IIHIMI-<br />

,>iii iiiiiihle tu be |ireseiit IJIH'HIIM- uf arl riiilure iilul i'ustnnis They will<br />

illni'si |hi'M- ,i boiler iili'ii nl Iin KU\I,|-I,-<br />

Thiriy-nim- memhers ni Hie Auxil. ; mi-i.t iiilii liisi,,Iy nl IL)i-ii- inli.|iU-d<br />

,.,!> Miii-iiil.'ii Ihi- adair The fliniiiu ! lar..l. Tiieir li-lliTa will in- wriHii<br />

i..l,'li-« ui-i-i- iiiliil-rully ileroraletl m Imlli in Hpiilui.h ami Eli)ill.-.li I'.iiii.-<br />

nil ulnli- iiiiti blue. After thnr.i-r. an- lu-inii ioriMiiliileii to Hum<br />

iird pliiyiiiM M-as enjoyed j i r,iI C.AHI'-<br />

Misi dldfield on<br />

College Honor Roll<br />

Miis norothy <strong>Mar</strong>uiir.'t nldlirlil n<br />

.Irili-iil at Htaii* Tearin !^^ Cuniur<br />

r rre!iinM- has informed her piireMi?.<br />

Mr iiiiH Mrs Culm C nlfiiii-lil. lell<br />

Slii-ri- ni l.liiwiiii'l iha.l she has<br />

iren plai-i-ii nil Ilii' pfi-siiieiii'h hMii=j<br />

nr rnll fur ai-.-iHi'trm' iit.-iiH.-vi-iMr-ni<br />

ilunivs; the Hist ti'inesli-r ]<br />

A :-,li!(i*'lil HI 111?' nillMi' iii'jiali-i<br />

IH r.\ :-:h" riH-eui-H Inr niiiMt-a! kirk- !<br />

jiuiinil fnJin her i.-iihi-r. wlui i> !<br />

,,,i-ll = kniiwil in Oi-eail <strong>City</strong> ;ii*H "ii<br />

tii- nijiinlanii as a IIHI?II- ii-in-her Ik-<br />

.I,,! iMxiiiiisI nl' Kir»l Mi-Hi,i,list<br />

•hiinh fur II) yi-iirs and is nnw ore.<br />

u'.isl and i-hiiimiiisU-r uf hi Murk'."!<br />

:Tiiii-rii Pli-iis:inlville<br />

i)nriithy Miimriret. who niiei-iled<br />

:i'iilr:il ill Srhiicl.-wai ariiiinaleri<br />

nun Pleawnilvillc Hii;h Schiinl iinil<br />

uis a membiT <strong>of</strong> the Niiliuiiiil Ilm-ur<br />

4ufiie> Bi'f'ire leavum for f.i,llme<br />

he iva" oruanist <strong>of</strong> Holy Trinily<br />

Epinipal CTiurih. Oii'iin <strong>City</strong>.<br />

Stolen County<br />

Truck Is Found<br />

A iriii-k sti.W-H Knil,i.v !l"in il"-<br />

ipi- M a y t'liimiy F.yni H I I I foun.l<br />

•:ii;i]iini-'il ir. fiiimli-n Hin;d,i> Sliili'<br />

]'i,lii-i' ri-ponul<br />

A si-;,f,i! u .is si ill if pi i!.:ii--. lui-<br />

Ij,,,I! « I li- nil I!- ll,l Hill k.<br />

in, !i h.ni he, n |N rh, ii in ,, .-ln-il<br />

i.i-ac Ihe illiu."liiill*e h,* II-" u-M-er.<br />

Anlhony Desii'iu.<br />

Puliu- --iii.l ilw MiMici l.ii'l hi-iT<br />

jm-ii :ii'i'iiu-iii,,iiliitiiiii> ni I In- ,,!>,,.-<br />

1,10M- l.ill.m-luj Ins reli-iifi' lr,.ii: 11-• -<br />

iiuun .l.iii Jlisl hefnre fhri-ln,.,...<br />

Nolih Amrni-aii i-1'i'n jiriniu,<br />

in 1!MH was 4*i pel' ii'ill liil'M I' I<br />

26 Alley.<br />

6th and Boardwalk<br />

Fred S. Tarves 3rd<br />

• BUILDER •<br />

1 Bayview Place Phone 1127<br />

Announcing...<br />

The Reorganization <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Independent Ro<strong>of</strong>ing Co., Inc.<br />

and the Formation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Polly Supply Co,<br />


Located at 206 Sixth Street, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Owners Clarence Polly and Frank <strong>Mar</strong>Uco<br />

We're not affiliated with any ether per*on»<br />

or business <strong>of</strong>fice*.<br />

All mill, received at ibovf prrmlsts—rhonr O. C, fill —If H<br />

iiiKWer, mil Pl»as»nlvllle «i-W or gamers Point HOT<br />

Phone: Deem <strong>City</strong> 0163<br />


Plumbing - Heating<br />

Phone 1876<br />

805 North Strict<br />

••••••»•»»«>»»»•••<br />

..iii.i a<br />

NI.JP:<br />

308 nV.ii-, Air<br />

Hiliiiii.Miiiiifi.fiitiiM<br />

! tiffin.!<br />

JIM »>•!»» *»<br />

I WiHwd F, SteUer<br />

I Plumbing • Heating<br />

i jomitxi<br />

Irhone 03M Oet»n Cltr, N, I,<br />

1<br />

13<br />

Fred H, Manley<br />

Plumbing ' Heating<br />

1p<br />

Isr Ot! iinrniT ^.Irni and Arfv<br />

947 Asbury Ave,<br />

Telcphana HZ3<br />

Plumbing Heating<br />

Oil Burrteri<br />

WaiiamO.Townsend<br />

60S Altanllc Av, Ph, 0MI-J<br />


j, G. SLIMMER<br />

R*Itot«rc«<br />

Plumbing - Heating<br />

3J0S Simpson Av. rmn« 11M<br />

i rj<br />

JOBBINO —<br />


AND BON<br />

Plumbing — Heiilng<br />

OU Burner* phone MM<br />

M* A.hnrj A*fti# Of*«B CIIFi N, 3><br />

i imiii Mm* H<br />



Ywk Oil Bumert<br />

York BoUar Burner UBIU<br />

York<br />

Winter Air Conditioners<br />

' MO WKKT AKi<br />

M.-inc — Hn. rii,<br />


Joseph Broadley<br />

tUflaM*4<br />


. AND •<br />


— JOBBM th —<br />

iO8 W.iUy A¥. Th. 0729<br />

Charles Scheldt, Inc.<br />

388 Asbury Av. Ph. 2377<br />

Plumbing - Heatinf<br />

Johnson Oil Burners<br />

Commercial • InduiirUI<br />

RfBldrntlnl<br />

Oil Burnlnf Equlprsenl<br />



GetierBl Elteirle OH FurnaCM<br />

Tlmkcn SHrnl Automatic<br />

Oil Burneri<br />

Oeneral Bleciflo ApiilUne<br />

All.nllf Bellhinf Fuel Oil<br />

and KefoMfw<br />

iuij,, _ Li.lBllntii.il — Wrtlie<br />



ill Ailmry A*. Pllene 04IS<br />

IQSB ASBURY AVt.* ttMIMMtMtt»t<<br />

Fhonni<br />

M81<br />

>•••»>««»«•••••«<br />

Be Win<br />

Mpderniii<br />

wilh<br />

Win. D, Camburn<br />

Albert S. Camburn REGISTERED BUILDERS |<br />

Jobbing — Alteration. — Ro<strong>of</strong>ing<br />

1039 Weit Avenue<br />

See Too LBIS to<br />

Adi - • First Section<br />


111 Artaty Amit Own Otty, W. I.<br />

iiinroiwiiiinmiiiiffliiwmiiiwiiiiitjiiiiiiiiiiHOiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiii'<br />

liiiitiiiiiliiilHiMillllHItliiiliililiii"""""!""'*" '»'<br />


M<br />

We have eantinuauily cnjaycl<br />

lh« confidence ol lh# public hi.<br />

c»u»e <strong>of</strong> the htl ttui w« Item,<br />

lie every e»ilm»ie Co Ihe eom-<br />

plele B»ll»f»tllon al ihe cimUimer.<br />

This Is lirm RiMiilrillce lh»l sour<br />

job will be wrrled oal «KMUy<br />

M promliied. Thli Im fceen our<br />

UMwtrvIni polley durlni mwst<br />

yean <strong>of</strong> ••eeenful bullaen<br />

detllnfi In South Jeney.<br />

Frank Howard<br />

mKlilHTKBKO<br />


2124 Artury Aw,, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J. Phone 2693<br />








Builders Builders<br />

**********<br />

mtCHTTECT<br />

V. B. SMITH - Architect<br />

Boom (10, N-tUinml Bank <strong>of</strong><br />

Oicpn <strong>City</strong> Buildini<br />

Phone tlsi<br />

1421 Atlantic Av, Atl. <strong>City</strong><br />

Phone A. C. 4.1864<br />

************************<br />

Registered Builder<br />



42 Simpson Road<br />

PBone 1M4-W Mi PVUIs JIS-J<br />

POTTS' BROSr<br />

Builders<br />

609 <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue<br />

Phone O. C. 2971<br />

Phone !8fi3-M<br />

Daniel F. Connor<br />

Builder<br />

Jobbing<br />

m •»<br />

1919 Asburj Am<br />

Alterations<br />

Cameron Bros. Co. (<br />

Builders, Jobbers I<br />

and Ro<strong>of</strong>ers<br />

l'lionr 1X11! 5<br />

.;.]iiiiuiniiini lie iiirjiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiiuiiDiiing<br />

W. W, Graham |<br />

Contractor and Builder |<br />


HOMES<br />

Phone 000S.W<br />

820 • 7th Street<br />

innauiiiiiiiiiiMiiiuiiiiinnuiiriiiiiaiiiiiiiitiiiniiiiiiiiniiiO<br />

H. C. AMOS<br />

— RnlMerrd —<br />


4929 Central Avenue<br />

Phone 2109-W<br />

No Job Too Large<br />

No Job Too Small<br />

A. W. J. Williams & Son<br />




1707 Bay Avenue<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

Box tit, Allrndale Rd . <strong>Mar</strong>mora<br />



Registered Builder<br />

Robert Clayvillc<br />

ilOB Weil Avenue Phone 2111<br />

H. C. PONTIERE<br />


933 Weil Ave. Ph. 1808<br />

A. Gregory Ogden<br />


Boon, S. JHkiall llldj,<br />

WUdwoM, N. J.<br />

Fknw WUdmod i-tnt<br />

See Too Late to Clawify<br />

Adi - - - First Section<br />


and CO.<br />

Deiiancrs & Builders<br />

Modern Homes<br />

620 8th Street<br />

OUS •— Phonea — Oils .<br />

OOFINC<br />

NEED A<br />

"NEW ROQf<br />

or Just a Repair Job?<br />

In either case — call Independent. We've the «s»<br />

perience, the men, tht materials and the equipment<br />

to give you a perfect job on any ro<strong>of</strong>, WtVt been<br />

ru<strong>of</strong>en jor many yean and expect to b# for many<br />

m<strong>of</strong>t inai'i why an Independent guarantee means<br />

iom«.huig. Pick a reliable, financially sound firm<br />

to re-ro<strong>of</strong> for you,<br />




ROOFING CO.. Inc.<br />

206 Sixth Street — Phone <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> 0163<br />

If Nn AiitwfF. rail piFaMintrilie ija.w or Somers Poitil «?«7<br />

Free Gsllmaiea Furnished — F, H, A, Flnnnclnf Arrsafei<br />

SIDING<br />

Registered Builder<br />

Edmund C. Wisham<br />

24 Anbury Ave. Ph. 1237<br />

Roonnc<br />



Air Conditioning<br />

H. CRAIG<br />

Ph. 0916 9th & Haven<br />


TODAY<br />


li<br />

FHA Financing<br />

No Down Payment<br />

36 Month* to pay<br />

Waimrbury<br />

The Molt Modem<br />


SYSTEM<br />


.328 WIST AVINUI»««ti 1048 •OCtftN CITY<br />

• • • ( « . . ; • * • : • .<br />

:-"a/ti- i


I inn TUmnaUr molmliii »i Th« Rmtlwl'todnr BuMilIni,<br />

Ith «- >nd llavan av Oman I'll?, N. J,<br />


|5fr" nMUn <strong>of</strong> Till (HU CIlj Hmlim.1 U- r — KM. HU<br />

SJs'i HABQI.P UKK! AMUlBiil kiiil.ii . - . _<br />

ON FRICRI il.i9 t*r »««r I* m«H l» •'»-»i> ''.'"'•(;; Vi'l'"r'/uo' *<br />

tf MUaMatpIi'l lC*«r, [tr jrwir, H '•*. l"i"» »» «>*' i"-"" 1 ' " '""<br />

m . af Wululpi.<br />

iy M0gH9 CtaH Katt.r at IB. FMi lifflr- »I Mti-<br />

L'niiiir Act <strong>of</strong> llarih J, 1I,».<br />

Yesterdays<br />

In <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

ONE VEAR AfiO<br />

Hurley W. Ailiims lliri".'. ln> I'-al<br />

in II,,. nnjj us ii CIIHIIIIIIIC fi'i' II" 1<br />

j,t«.y r.'Mtr:.! I'oMrr ami 1-ii'lil<br />

," C.i 111'-! .ii' ii|ipi..i.'i'.|. v.i'li :!..;<br />

Coal-Black Nightmare<br />

I' r v<br />

: i ,,.,1 lil<br />

I.VM,;,! i '<br />

n.'.f<br />

.' !..y the results <strong>of</strong> o recent poll <strong>of</strong> small town and small<br />

city newspaper editors, j,, which The .Seiitiiu-U.eiijf..i-<br />

Mrticipated. The poll wan conducted by The American<br />

». «(monthly trade masrazim. published in the inier-<br />

•n <strong>of</strong> grass roots" m-wspuiiers- newspupew that n><br />

Beet the sentiments <strong>of</strong> people outside the iui'irc i-iiies<br />

out m the heart <strong>of</strong> America. . •<br />

Of the 500 "grass roots" editors polled, the maim--<br />

ity returned a risoundinj, "no!" u. Fair Deal policies.<br />

Moreover. 78 per cent <strong>of</strong> these country editors ..f<br />

Ame » fe8 «" that America is headed fur socialism !<br />

And 79 per cent demand a balanced budjrel, a<br />

reduction Of government costs or cuts in federal pay-<br />

rolls; and 85 per cent want the tax laws rewritten aiid<br />

Simplified.<br />

, Ninety per cent <strong>of</strong> them call for a mamr lediiciion<br />

ft tn«» number <strong>of</strong> federal umployeH, «4 per cent lor a<br />

Ruction Of farm subnidies. U2 per cent for « cut in<br />

^ s <strong>of</strong> all governmental departments, 54 per cent for<br />

deducing foreign aid, 63 per cent for cutting costs'<strong>of</strong><br />

ftderal Mcml services, 37 per cent for cutting federal<br />

honiing coBta, 37 per cent for cuttinK funds lor veterans.<br />

: '• and so on,<br />

: How about Mr. Truman's pet compulsory health<br />

Bn ^r" 0Clil l iWd nl « !il '"^ Kluhly-nine"*pnr cent<br />

^'^P l Ot f no! Antl 57 Pfr cent vote lor „„<br />

'P I th ' Ta "- Hurtle >' I"*, while 02 per cent fa,nr<br />

' ^ B , pep CBnt f0r M v M "ecurltv nxiuinsLm.<br />

W per cent for compulflory military traininir<br />

Thpge are just a few <strong>of</strong> the hijfh'litfhls."""<br />

Um ? C ° ° f Amerit ' a spfiikintr, Mr.<br />

., ', :,;,,'.,, -. 'II M . " K:.i<br />

'.',•. . , • ,i | , • . . , . ' ' ! I I<br />

I I \ I V I. \ II "• Mill<br />

• . I , : - . : - . . ' • '. ' i<br />

'!"' • It- R- . i- c ii. ••<br />

. . . . . . .. 1 i ^ • '<br />

[ ' ' • I ' I '. \ • '<br />

\<br />

County Press<br />

Opinion, Condemed<br />


ICapf M«5 SUr and Wave!<br />

PiThiiiis iim 1 <strong>of</strong> ihi' miwt will'"'" 1 '<br />

KHirii's tn (i|.|ii'(ir in the iifM-s (•"'•<br />

innns nf thi> Star anil Wa\o fur tr\ •<br />

eral year • i» In" vecki ai-t-nur.t<br />

nf lhf ir.lliiiliii-lii'n "f '•»' I? 5 " "'<br />

j :<br />

Ijiiifeii, viiryiiK «"li it I n..|i"'»<br />

I,! ;i i.ini--ti-r;t nil ridiii'.ii^ . F ' ! '-^<br />

Down <strong>Ocean</strong> CU^t Mmimry Lanm<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch Winds Dui't Row Than Below<br />

,': i.4ihi<br />

f:.;.!<br />

ii.-i|..i r.i<br />

1- I,-. '<br />

'i « tri-v..' t :i<br />

Classified Advertisements<br />

,,«BB1gliyi fdr IhnBR Eslurtina jshuuiil<br />


i!(l»"i !•••• or NiH IN, WBIiNKKlJAV<br />

Flima ViM »t lac 6 -<br />


h.. In ttiB aiflri.<br />

HBIi.iv, f,,r i.ul.ll<br />

III Ibi. Tuu 1,111B I<br />

«f Til,<br />

Hilsn Ha<br />

Ullf<br />

. . „! ,,|.| mi r.:i!.i-'. :• r<br />


F."<br />

F. ..-.<br />

'.V<br />

p.. f .• •-. M, ,i •-. c<br />

ll.:,l .i|ii,...i!i IR<br />

i ,.l ..Hi... ,,| 'i.i [-.<br />

Ill « ,!.!• Mi-, I - ...I<br />

Tha Rain Falleth NOT<br />

on St. Pete, They Say<br />

in VKKRs \C,(J<br />

F'. . .-., f; K . v )<br />

I.--. ..-r ','.. •• hi... i<br />

• . . . j . . . . . . , . - . . . , -<br />

:. • . ' •. • - 1 , , • i" -<br />

•,:,.n f I-I :••<br />

t • :.|,-. : ri -\<br />

..II,, i:,l i-. -<br />

c ,'.-.i.--- • :<br />

«,. I..i . '...i<br />

The Faulkner<br />

Proposals<br />

.. MI .!.; .|:;,|-.. l-.-i:i :,'>.<br />

! ..,.!,- I-,.!, |.|.,', .,-ii-l...<br />

,•:; i.: in S'.Mi- IF/<br />

...... .,. M .....,,..,: (<br />

sun TIN: Rrii 11<br />

I \\ iId« ulid l.f^ilrri<br />

• : , - . - H . • i ' ; - • • • •••<br />

N. .. V<br />

! l i -<br />

ftu^ruM^m yi .iM.-.^ •- -.^ _ .<br />

in in-1 Jrn.1 be, und Ih.' pjl.UliH.n-d baUicr ttl th, |rrt I* Iha «nd<br />

,,f ih-".»i."«l"s- Club IWiinB l-ifr There »»i so much bench »t<br />

" .. , • i..f lieriiiiii" ' uu ^ii*'^' taF li«uil lUhlng ai the<br />

''' *' u i,',,' khu« "hat (lulipriifil l» the lifeguard who >»<br />

l""»»»ed'l« b" nfrilitJ un mi- li.uhoulJ.Uiid._ ^ __^<br />

Oceixi <strong>City</strong> a ^ Carte<br />

How to Cure Bach Seat Driving<br />

. . • • ' ' ' ' r . ' . r . ' ',,,,• '.!,,,.. I- T : . - . ' . . I - I - . . I • ••» l> I: • H i m l a n t I ' l i l r , .<br />

. • r . : . t ; • • ! • •<br />

• t!.r T<br />

nut .li.l.i I'' 'I'I<br />

.I ., n'.j i•;. .. Vli- ti.'- :"i"-' i<br />

, • ' .:,,., II .,,i- 1 i- i' ' .n '->'<br />

, .. , ';!, i Ml M.,1 .ni. M •! I '•><br />

i:iii.iM,i',i.i r h.-n Ijecn ti-lhiii;<br />

•'li-llilii !(.,,r hii will, mill<br />

I .ill |ii in-i Ilill) lil till' Liil/il<br />

1,1.mi- llift.u;:li<br />

K,., ,; . .i : i. J,,f.n •--..,• .-." ti-i- " : > l.i.mi' liift'iii:li rlnriila w(u-n<br />

, ,, -,, n,,( ' , ,[-*.-' .i.it.'i! ''I ''.''. "Uii' i;;riilin'' A Hi- i' lhi' tunk<br />

Hi. 1 C.r<br />

III'.: ;i'i<br />

1 ) . ; i - . - i J --•.. ' I -- • " ..' •• '<br />

., ! i , . •• • . „ . . ! , i :-. . . I i | | . .: -'•<br />

I ..I I-. - l - l I. I<br />

f . . r j " '. ' . K i v. i..,- • •!.-•<br />

lir'l-.ll.i'.; ,II-,.I: .-. •:.,.:.' :.!..!<br />

- I - !• • ' i ' ' • • : • •'•• • • ' . - -<br />

,i,il II,,- -A!,I i 1 ai.il 'IrciVi' fill<br />

hi. i .iii.i- li. iiii n:li'rM'i-tifil-,<br />

i,...ill- :, li-lt Inn<br />

tl.ii: Mi;h s.ii'1 ' : h . ..<br />

l(.il|.|: IS.I-. il-.i, r II,,., i . .- ..! I'.<br />

• i ' I " ' I I . . I . - I - . I I , , | I . - . , ii,,. -..:<br />

II..- Hnliir, Cliin .ii,:,i ir;.- I.t ... ,<br />

!• I : If ,lii; ,!<br />

Mr, Vcliiiii Muni.! iii,.,I ,, j;: ,ii hi<br />

I'h.la.l,-l|ilii..'v...nun! l.,i- .,fl'.-'.'.,'.'.-<br />

•li-iillln-. th, |,,-,.. ,| I,,.,- I.,,.i.,..,<br />

Tllinllii-. I.,Ill c I |,II.|I-.H:I'-. ; i, ,: ,<br />

I'I-I-I<br />

i 4 Pat For the Poor Parent<br />

]'RH(.RI>>: OV IIO-.FITM. . • ."•!.!.! :I..,I.' in. if ,. •. !• -••"• •!..:•-•!• i.t lii.ir •! i.i,rn,(!s ^ httl.'<br />

,iu,,,. M.i-cuu,,i> limrsi ; i ',;;"i'-Z'," i .' l :*'-":Z ^, f -!-.V';.- 1 M'v % V!.l.v1'''"l!'7^! : 'i 1 t,;'.!:;!<br />

. ' . , . , r ; : . ^ . ' ' . , ' , ' ' . • ' „ . . ' , ' , " , ' • , ' . . • ; , , " ' , • ' , . ' , - „ . . ' • i i y I I . . - t . i - . ' - 1 " '.••' I - I ' - i t - • • ,• i ' ••; i . - i i . i ' . . j i i . , 1 1 , . - I ' s u i i n i i i - i i<br />

I : . .,..•.,!".,•" F i n .-,. -I ;,! '!.- i- I i i .-.-. I-i i " '<br />

1 ' « ; • • l i '<br />

: • -, i.i s ; . M S k i ! i i i ' I - ^ .<br />

!<br />

j, . j ; ,, ,.,.,1 ,,, ,,,„ n ,|,,. i,,,,. Mr FnOin, j nil ',.,1 ,,(,t i;,;,t Mi y,-,,i -- ;!tj,i u h.ri'r fiiinily Wiis nil<br />

. . j .,,.,!,. ,:.n,. ,,, j:.,.,. en,I.i,inii. ,L,.|.! h,|- Mi- .su-i, LI ll.i,! uh,, hii'iiiil Si!,-!,!> nt hl'I|j cill<br />

1^.,' M.UC. ti,,ir liii 1 i iinpli in"; ii "T 1.Hill "I' in- l.uMi.i...; .,'ul .inli: M ni ki- ii^i. ill Mi- iiv,n i.hlh|ri'ri'a<br />

•• •• • - l.iliiir .it 1-1 ni' ITi ii-.'ii- •. I :J : i • 'l'...i.,\ unh i-li.'i i-.ti-il i-iitn-i. pis ul child<br />

:ui ,,!i,,i; i,,N|l,.,i uilh 11 it- i I i;.' il ri,^! i.l I|%K.M lii- Hiinl<br />

iirui hiihih hi- M..-I |.i-,.j,i,. .-, i,h ri ciiHiMfli' ii;,i.ility<br />

. . , I I , - i - I Tl'-ii- •--.-II l.i'c I.. In- ;i supiTiMlin. !('• :il'-" iiliiifil In th,. l;i. 1 li.,,1 :, |.iir..|il in II..- i-hl ilnys T\g-<br />

"... ,,'.•'. '•',' v , ,,' i-i- " I " •".-',"-i-.i'v i 1 '' 1 ' 1 i-'it-'- ni-iii t,.,i:.Ti,,. -... ui-ki'fv llr '' c l •' yiiiiiHi'l.-r •.-.,.uhi i.,- ni. in- nun .,i .il i U. whi-r.'S* today<br />

' .',;, .,••'-',.,", "|',,,'.,l 'I',','-,',-.!, |.' i!i'i'-"i.',r ; 'l i:l ' ( T l"Tv"iii..'l. i.i'.i.! en i'liii-M- ii pan-ins ;in- .-•ii|i|....-.-il I.. In- r..|..'i--il'l'- I'T 1.1.Him: .li'liimv ll<br />

i :,;, ; l. • • " • " • " . , .-ini-i-li'M mi-.lu-a! iilnl MIIHII i.l .-liilf l.n'ii'tl 1 iiiiii 11.Mi'.;.-. nr k'-i-|.ii.i. linn iiiml hi' i, .ilmiit 21<br />

i... ,. ^..i., ,, -. .i. : ,i.. A I !t.i> nl iniil^t'. ilii.iillN ilinill'V 5<br />

iu, if<br />

:l.i Ni v. .l,r,iy T,,M,iii.-r, Af<br />

..In.i. i i U.I-- ,,..! i,..i.| iiii- > liir<br />

I..-.-I-1..:.III- r.uf |i:,....-.l .i i:i,ii!i-<br />

• , . , , . , . .p. , . ;''..• i..i.|.!::-.f !- i,"i ' " i ' l 1 l"l' '1'<br />

•ri i.i<br />

n| ,'iiii.i. \,.t i-i:!v inn-1 il In- Inn..<br />

l:.i' c- I,, In- ;i siipiTiMlin-<br />

tiiir^i- ii<br />

I: i A i<br />

1 1<br />

,1. |.,J<br />

tms :n<br />

yrR "<br />

Elanlii-<br />

m. K1<br />

i-1 \l.<br />

., .1 !,, .,i<br />


,:!.,:,. . , .-ini-i-li'M mi-.lu-al anil Miruii-al .-liilT i.ii'ii'ti I iinii i t.iu '.;.-. nr K'-I-|.II.I. linn until 11.• i, ,,liinn l\<br />

• v 'h... I ..'in' rill.- iiriii i,-',)J i.l tl-.- A i i L " "' ""'I" 1 '- MU'aiis nii.lH'V<br />

., i . . c ,..,...., i-ii-iii-..n •• ..ulii |.i-iiri! '' ''••'•!>::• I"''"' ii.i'iii-y II.iiii has bi-i-ii "hi.iic.tv liii- pliii-i-,! III,,I j i.i'ii l.ur.l.-r.- iiiiii |iri,li]i.ms uiiiiii par-<br />

,"[ ,--,., ' •• i., ,', u -,..",..-. ,r,l i.i ••" till i.ii'iv,..l Iri.in tin- .i.li.i lili.-l el' n; l.-i-iMil yi-.ii- '• l-.i i|..ii v.illi fir i|..i\- n.n Mi Fn»i,ii. ri.m;,rkt.il, hecaust-<br />

I v |,,,.,| i,;!',,-,.,:. n,i-»i. a.!- T' .1.'"-'; l"l Ihi-. i. i->iiri'llli-l> '.I'- v •'' " ri ' '" iin :i ' ; ' "' "l"'''ii'll/-'tl"« i • i (1111111 n li,.i|i- i.ililliitliiil llisti'illl<br />

In- .;;.:, ..I |...IM.- ruli- i- .-!- •' '.ri hut MI .in- II,,. n'i..-..ii- p.i ;i "' |h'- ">'i .'lipri-i.'.i'i-liii' ii'-i-ili".' Y.i Hit- a,i'iin-.i- lutliiT luilay hui<br />

! : .ii II i.u-h.-r i)i"|i",,i, !'il i.l . .ilu I ihiiitf thiil i.,i I.M in ' ]l1 ''; M "l"' ''' !I-I-- fluLil-.-n |.i.>-. .•).•.:: Inn: iiiiiiii hi,,nn iiii I-I-III rn inr<br />

•'• ••• i "•• •• iiiir iii'i-i. mn.li- Ht. !,-ntiiiii uf laxiv v.-liii-h «cri.<br />

Mr fri-lii,. i, t<br />

I |..,.'li"Viii--t- i;,.| tlii. Ki-Aiinis Dads all<br />

:! ' i.| ,I:!I:.I. i,i,i! |i.irl:,i,ii i'ifi . s..pp..M-,! In I.,,'. ,• hi.., i: n-Tiiuveil MS _- % I r ^>^>^ :l '"^ i> t I p., i-li..!.-iii t i;..| lhi. Ki-.,iinis nails all<br />

I . .-I. |..'ini|U.-il -.-, ith i,Vi-l'lil|l|,il:^ II'I.I ill- iilll-r ll-.,. ri-j-iilmh ni hn.illl- I'll"' 1 '! Up willl ll.rir i.v. M III .| n.l'l.il" I- iinii M-|i kiu-nlii I-. Tlll-ll hi-<br />

ii 1 - Ai il tin -mi- nl il,i- ii-iiilk'ipiil "ii"'- !••• typi'-al "I Iiii- In,'.' 1'hli tn w '"ii«i "I 1 willi this ili'lliilil'.t Iliiuii-lil<br />

.'•:l , i'i l.i- li-ll I,, Icuiil i lin.ii- s'hlih Uii- Trmiiiu; i.iliiiiiii;,lnilii,M "Oil.- llunt Mim-ty i un .In In lit-l|> nil j),n ••nl . is hi raisi' lhi'<br />

\ ! -.. i: iiiiin.i|,iili:j lii-i-niiuiiK ill.-- II,ink.-- liuhiii ll.t.-llii-t-i-.ii- ..nil f.'.isl- •'taniliifil nf public- mural. W'.- I-:II.'I Jusi |,.|| ,,,,r- diililri'ii that<br />

i'tii"! "ill- i-i-i' "1 li:i. fell inini, iiiii h:.,.- lallt-n 'hnll.-.ty i-. Ih.- I..-I pi.li,-)- 1 W,- MHI-I >-,. , ..iiiluil t.ur liyi's aiiri our<br />

,,.: hii-iil- ii. in, i,|,| inn,,—rt-#hr— -J4 -y..ll waul in l,r -ubim lo-yfl—!«- -.JJi'J l '!. v '!L :I1 '.'I'L I Ijljilliti' mil -i'i- Ii-. ii- ii Innm i-y.mi.l.. uf Unit<br />

F.I.---M T ll.il-i.i- -, i. i,I Mr .,1<br />

Ml- Chill I-- F »:,,,:,1 Ml,,,,,.. ,<br />

'•in-'' i'i I. i I...-, II,-. in," ,1 • .' .<br />

"•'.iilh. in ih.- .1.11, i--, i. |h | .;.,:<br />

liirm—rt—Hn— •—Jf -V..H ariiiil in l,r nMe- lo-M«—1«- --JJi'J l '!. v "'a! mil<br />

In' mm ii-i iiRiiin withoiil iiayniK thai<br />

; i x l f<br />

' m<br />

" an in-r i'l-iit. wrili' liu.t.iirii- I<br />

I.".. |.ll-<br />

Tlii- Mi-tliiitli-l t".. r: 11 • r i 111., il: ,<br />

•Ml II! Alliii.ln- 1'ilv v,:,i j,.,,.,! ,<br />

i".-.ilj- In ti:nisl.T tin' iii'i W.lh. ,,<br />

A Hi .Vii tii' ! I,,- I),,:,,, C'ltv ' 1(11, I<br />

I .1 ni"V.. lhi. Id-, Nui-in.ih \- S.II<br />

K o m m e n t by KIau d e r<br />

•••] = •- •• • i.-.-i i! H. Ni In<br />

'•r;!ui-lv ••!' 1.1 tin- uti/i-r;< in di-- Cur^rcfMiiar. Hand ^ml "LJ. S Si-n- ft* j t •<br />

"i- il fh.-s W.-H-.I i.i ;„!,,,,( I(I!,; ,,f ,i,.. ..l,• t U .,..!,, , =! _ , 'f\ti. J=l..,,. ,, .<br />

'""" « ro »P« *"« "•I'-<br />

«" Ih prwldimi ot<br />

sueh diverse<br />

yenir<br />

roy folks think that Prwidont Trumnn will<br />

but .that hfl will be defeated, acc-ordinjr to<br />

6y M reportcd '» lHHt<br />

g<br />

W, they COULD be wron^ on the wcond count.<br />

f were once before. Remember?<br />

Cfub to .in-<br />

',"': T S 7'"" v'' V ""' Ul11 ' |l|: '' • ,- Th "••" , "^ Ji ' " Wl ' '"*•* s "mciflltly IHm.Kht.nl. I'liK-k Sp"tS i.i. h,.r «,,.,, ii,,- " " " ' ^ THE PH0B..EM<br />

..., .lc-,11,,,.,1 "Vimllt; ,„;,,> ' In, ,,, 'nj, I, ""' 'T l '" ir ' 1 " ri1 '"»">•»' US that wnulrt .,i.v ' Till- Miiimi-iii nf pur,, wniil fiibiles<br />

Kini-. ijii.illii MiiiiiMh.. . kxiierl<br />

i.iil.Miii^ hiiiy liilfi! friiill ^niiiv w-hlly<br />

In lit hhiik. SAVK II 1 TO rill I'KR<br />

I'I:N'I (IV1-.H lilii CITY I'KirKS . , ,<br />

liin ijirirl li,,rh ihi' fin tiirj iiiii-hi iiimi<br />

i.l (Hi. illKAl, MANl'KAlTllIlIN'i;<br />

I'nltl 1 . IVIllil- iltnsi- i'lkl- ilAMMON-<br />

'I'li.S Dully !i in :i" St.'NlJAV V Hi Ii<br />

VAi'fi'M rLI=;ANHRs: I.CM iind _rfliuiU<br />

« ri = k I'f i'f Mi ninris! i itt i*ifi I'll!! fin s.<br />

"4' v% i-i'ks* m tin-- vfilf »i r»Lf NV<br />

•J'JIl<br />

If<br />

rii>tf!'<br />

I'i.AMH tin hull-. H'lfi iH-r IHI). II S<br />

l.iui!, -I \\ i.'iinni-cMirut av , Sunirrsi<br />

i'.iifii M<br />

I.AMi IK Hi-hiiiiiianl hi/e li-burni 1 !'. S<br />

i,v, II ii,iihirii1 uiik riiiiMe i'iist $,i r iiJ,<br />

III,,.,! i innnihs I17S. fi-hnle ilulnli**<br />

-I* i I Mliiini t;ihln %Yd:, li-ft eleetiii'<br />

II -li i mi HI m , ini fill riindilhin. $7S. la.<br />

Ii ,-li-i-irlr n-filisi-iiiliii TO. W Ii nil<br />

lulls «,! iiii-li li.iti.r i|i| Atlantir in<br />

3<br />

I'h.<br />

J He i<br />

•.Illl'<br />

,ni' I<br />

I<br />

h<br />

i-ii.l it<br />

i<br />

1 Hi'i'siuffPii<br />

Hlth fiml I<br />

m i_<br />

i.|.1<br />

!,fi ..! i inii. [iris i<br />

i'.ihi., Ilijiiltl<br />

• A^f.hM II<br />

1'ifltiinN.<br />


OCBAN FBONT-a h»rlroorn bungBlow.<br />

filly lurnlBhed, ail cloctric kluhen,<br />

inciu . . . . . .<br />

Fr<br />

i U11J IUI IliniltU, Qll LIliLLIIL ni«Vi'r!h<br />

•iudinK new llulpalnt nnut aiul<br />

'iKldtili-e. Cumiilel!.. with Vtniflliili<br />

...juris and diupfij. Fully sereeniiq.<br />

I'liretl lemoniihlt. t"«n Be<br />

Iritl<br />

II r Amw. 4931 C'enlrnl «¥,<br />

ilOB-W rveninw.<br />

nanetd<br />

phone<br />

OIIR Buniiiilow near 4Hlh st. Two<br />

hedr<strong>of</strong>im», all eleKlrlc kitchen. Fully<br />

furniihei), Venellln lilinfli Sllil drupe«<br />

Fully Mreened, l*ir Rgrigt. Pritetl<br />

reainnablr. Can be flni<br />

Amoi -i ii mil M<br />

Hiiiu<br />

ill.'I,<br />

. u uii .i|i/n<br />

Sl'l'lliill UII<br />

Kn-n.ifii H<br />

lili'-MI<br />

h.'al<br />

•Kl IMc -S M , M<br />

Nnw cil'i;S f'n<br />

H'! Aliifi! ir<br />

iii! fits iii'rk<br />

Apiii ! ni* ! His. W rrk<br />

First iii mi" tiff<br />

Mush- i»i*>r Tin*<br />

f<br />

I ,.-ii^i•;<br />

HT:ST S<br />

jih!!'!! nn.il<br />

i-ni 5 !-. In<br />

iiMi i• ! 11 fi><br />


v AI'.M:IMI-:\T<br />

_• , i iiiirn<br />

SKI") I'.IUS In<br />

Mensi .ii. • ^ *<br />

HSll-l . , l , - i . | i i<br />

liiifi M..-.,<br />

iiniii> f'lr.i ,<br />

'hnnr. .s, in, . -.<br />

till iinii j-iiii<br />

ill-* iiii i i •<br />

M.ili.r > ..i<br />

klli-ili n nlifi li.ill! Ve:iii><br />

1 i; Kiiil^. 1st ,iiiii Ai<br />

i.ill I'lll, Ask fin M.<br />

'SI Afi.ii'tiiH ili fil<br />

ih f<br />

Isvi,n ai I >-ii<br />

ir Ilis-Ii u<br />

H KM IV ATI.I'<br />

I lu.il! ir!,-.i'?, l,i<br />

it, ilrhnii<br />

I it,,-<br />

i >.-<br />

,ir, I in JUm<br />

II<br />

I i in..-I i<br />

Sit .nil<br />

Pfilht .'Hi,'<br />

AU.i<br />

ML' ri.<br />

: \><br />

fl\tK ll.lil<br />

, ,Mi!'iftt.-i! ii<br />

'.. ii'iil.tl 4<br />

1 I'<br />

i- in-.<br />

-•ii'i<br />

l.-h'-n<br />

.f .mil<br />

lln.ir<br />

h<br />

iii<br />

•!<br />

ivl<br />

h<br />

it<br />

If<br />


!EK KI'K'IV i<br />

ill in.,k..-". ,<br />

Bll, I'll,,,,,<br />

Ami,<br />

'At'K.M!!.<br />

. K'.'.fi I !..,!,<br />

Bf«»,in,.i,.,.<br />

Hh .-iii'l A.<br />

„ A" • I.<br />

Man;, 'ni,, ,<br />

l'AI,'.|p,li<br />

1 M*.<br />

' Ann<br />

' 1 il.,,,<br />

, j. [)<br />

,51- r-,,i<br />


• I I A". 1 I- Ilii 'NT IIIBI ll'".l' (11111.111<br />

I Un I,, I ,1:. t 11f h.ltll Illl Jl'<br />

ll, t-i'ii. ht ill!? i.ii.n, iliiitrlii. .<br />

l;......t in fri'iil |.,,!ili ,,Ii 'ii<br />

\-,i, . I'i.'.: i i ii'r.il .H i'<br />

li: A iill'HKS11 IH<br />

ii.ii'.ii?. in thi- iiei<br />

-n »"• liMhaiii 11 Rih , r.ixL iirlule svill fiiscusji the<br />

jnkiTi ins,!,i,i in tiiiimferring hns-<br />

pilai cjcnHtriii ticin In the Department<br />

<strong>of</strong> tlie Intcriur<br />

result in tremendoui cconoraltt In<br />

gnvernment, it is not Itnmuo* Iran<br />

criticiim. and I feel thit the •«§•,;,<br />

tioii reeornmending the virtual di*- •<br />

mantling <strong>of</strong> thi; VttefaM' Admin- •'<br />

iitration ihould be subjBeted tw eM* *<br />

sidt-rablc scrutiny." CongnMWn<br />

Hand fin id<br />

•While I believe thai the bulk ef<br />

the Hoover repoVt !• sound and<br />

should be idopted with lome modi-<br />

Itaation. I confeM that the recop-"<br />

mendation to dismember the present<br />

Velorans' Adminiitrttion rnllht do" 1<br />

far more harm than lood. It If<br />

doubtful If the propoied disintegra-<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> the VA could •eeomptiih »nf<br />

economies and there ii a strong poi»<br />

ilbiiitity thsl sueh action would<br />

Lfndo much <strong>of</strong> the good thit hit betil<br />

donf for veterans under the VA,"<br />


Shy in* away from the lamp port to<br />

which the bleary.eyed gent clung,<br />

the prim old lady said, "Young nun,<br />

are you drunk?"<br />

"Let us say, Madame." he inswepeil<br />

thickly, "that this is one <strong>of</strong> thoie<br />

unfnrtunate days when all my<br />

strength seems to be concentrated in<br />

my breath.' 1<br />

i! [ii.y riiiirci. But the<br />

f;v- niMiiliir?, nf thr armed forceij<br />

itin'rr.1 fruiii Ni'tt .Icrwy must |.iiy ! i.dir.llti'rt tc UMA hiitpilids all would<br />

limosl SI 1)0 ii yeiir tuition to iitn-nil h..\i> tc liin e all (if lhif.f> record*<br />

HE own Blute university 1 Wilhuul 11:>-|'I Imaiiine the confusinn in the<br />

nn^irlrriMM bonkf funcl. hiiuMlit; ;intl hiupiLiils<br />

(her necessities, thU liMure oiolie<br />

L'nil Hi<br />

l.ir N. .i^ii<br />

Kn-il VI.<br />

ll.-lll- I'll<br />

I'HKKK lie ill i, i "(I,itii- i'<br />

, ;I|I;H lilii-nt Nut C!*ir Wfi!<br />

B|.t»i...n Wh :in tin.-<br />

uhiii.' lli.ni.-r Phil-, el iU'iiliiiJ Will<br />

lhi irtrrai; I'i'l'ciT.L Iliisplliil iari I!<br />

Ilic rnlirin^ licdi!!' hi dnnn-e Hi<br />

Ameritiii, veteran from his<br />

is ii veliTan He iiiiulri ao lack tci<br />

:3einv, ii seriiii nuinbi r<br />

L. W. Betti, O,D,<br />

Optomeirilt<br />

null Atlantic Avenue<br />

Atlalllii (llj, ti, i. Dial 1-IS31<br />

Hiaui til AniniatDeai<br />

GO BY<br />


CAMDEN and<br />


DAILY:<br />

i.10 AM,, 100<br />

lirTwij 1.10 P.M.<br />

•uset leave for Sea lilt <strong>City</strong>, Avalan<br />

Stone Harber, WiliSwasd and Cape Ma;<br />

11.11 A.M., 7.J1 P.M.<br />

deniity ! ivies leave for ArionMc <strong>City</strong><br />

lOOt A.M., (.19 P.M.<br />

-.•||ii> Mil the FLiinishinH .-mil Ap-<br />

Wants Luxury Tax<br />

For <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Kdlicr Seiilllu-l-L..-il«rr--Ii: ieuiil'd<br />

i.i ruipinu the properly tiix, I sue-<br />

Ui.f.1 thiit ii is tiii! hush mitt iiiifl lluit<br />

n I'M rhiidiy mil kill fifejii <strong>City</strong><br />

1 H.iiild Miiawl that the eity enl-<br />

li-t-l a MII'I-I- ufTiTinti lit the Mum-<br />

PH'I, iind iiiy H Hixury tax, uhiih jhiihii,<br />

niiihl HHiiniei' % ili'iif luni?.!;. wiiiiiil lieip<br />

tn |wy. mill nut merease real ei-'tiit' 1<br />

li Kik us Illt'v are tiiii hllih alri'aiiy<br />


IIS lOceiiii rri<br />

iNiiti' — (irean <strong>City</strong> vnti-i><br />

Ilirnid Ihunilii- diiwii nil ii pin-<br />

piisual lo levy a luxury tax. a<br />

(I-H- VL-ai-.s iiM" ^Kditur. i<br />

plvinji 'if Hiuinnni.il!! Tliiiirl Mulntrn-<br />

.-in.'., iind iteji.iir Miilrnals nn ijiilMys<br />

I'iiiinii iiriii Miinii'lliiil Itiiiils in the<br />

iiiiiiiil i.f i'ii|H- Muy ;iiiil lijieneii an^i<br />

niiii in pulil'ie iii tin- iiffice <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Hii.ird riiiin fliiust' Building. i":ipe<br />

Mill i.iiiri iiiiiisi' Ni'u .trisev. nn<br />

TfMSI'AY MAtli"ll T 1!ISI<br />

,il 1 is! p M Hiiin-l;!: .1 'iinii<br />

iiiri.l<br />

i ii 1<br />

Plea in Behalf <strong>of</strong><br />

Rutgers Univereity<br />

Kditi.r Ri'iitmi-1 • Lcdcrr - Tlii<br />

v n-li's iKebrllal'.v 1«' ciipy nl Th<br />

Si-l.tlliel-LedBCT arrived thl» tiiiirn<br />

it I r.ntii-i'ii that, like many nil!''<br />

11<br />

\V ,ill."<br />

f hi,I , ,iTii!,!,-, iiiiii hnnii fin<br />

p,,,,I,,H!| W,,k |.,,,ii.|C-'i I"<br />

A K, piiii i ' .IIIMU Pin^itiei-r<br />

.m.i .ij.pniiiii IH till' Sliiii- HiKlmiiy<br />

iniiiiiiissli'iii'i li.ni' iH-i-n fili'it in lhf<br />

iif!,,i- i,i ill.' ^.lifl hniimirr at Uii' riiufi<br />

lliiiiS'. Hu.Utinu i up.. Mny rcmil<br />

licnisi- Ni-u Ji'is"! .in.i nf siilil SHi'i<br />

r,iniiii!-i?,i''iii-i 'it Ti i ii"'li<br />

v ,Iiiii lil:ii tii' !ns[,i,'ll''l !!>'<br />

lii.iipi-i-liio lilil.-ii-ii. ' ilui Inc hiihini'-.<br />

ii.ni..-. Miiiiiiis «ill lv fiiiniihi'cl iinh<br />

;, i,.i'\ nf thi. Hpi'c'lfii'iitiiin.'. ti> Ihr i-:n<br />

ymi'i-r nn pi.ii'i'i Il.illi'l' Bici?, nil*,! Ill'<br />

iiUiilr nn htiiniiiirct tiiiip.iiiiii fi-rm in ijii-<br />

niiiniii-r lifsinniiti'ci tlii'ieln ynii ri--<br />

i(iiin-il hy ihi. spi'i'ilii'iilinns. mu«l He<br />

lliiiiisfr! in si'.ili'il rnil'in|M's Iji'l. I i nj4 Ih"<br />

IMIili- Hini ililllli'Mi nl I tic hiihh-i iin'l<br />

iiHithi-ii "Hiil f"i' i-':n niHhinsi iinr! Aji-<br />

plMnt; I'.IMiiiilhnMK y;ii,,if M.iiiiii.n.tH.'i'<br />

iin'l Ki'iinii Mittriiiih:' iin thi' iitlisiiir.<br />

.iililii'.'.i'ti "i ihi' HiT.ii ri <strong>of</strong> chii«i-n l'r"f-<br />

jliil.|i-r.« cif I".ill'' May 1'i.unf. Ni» .fi-i<br />

st hr ai'i'iimii-in.i'fi li.'.<br />


KI.KI TION<br />


In i-unii.i ilihi niiii till' jiiiiiSiiins "I<br />

'litli. I", I'..-', mil Sl.ilul.'h. iinii Hi"<br />

Mm^iiclnii-HSs Mii'i si.r'lilfniinii, liu'rein<br />

Nii'I'iif: is hi'ilii Kiven ihiit unrii-<br />

liir i'i rniiinini Fli'Mlstiiii inn i.sin n'm<br />

!n i ilii-t nil pi.rsnns firiii! ttliisr lil<br />

n!il!fi!!i s'TiliC iii!,i i.fiiliii'lt in I'iTi'li<br />

nbsr-mer hni'**!H liiiit,! hi- permanently<br />

ii rjIN!I-I i ii ;t! leas! furly riiiis |,| Inr '•.<br />

the il«t>> ul the piimuri ni ueiicidl<br />

i'lii-tlon at ivliich thev ilnsire to tote.<br />

Hiic'fl fieisnfls as iiri- nut rilri-ijiiy IMM rfi.i.<br />

ni-nily rrgisti-reri ni,n rei^iBiei' ni<br />

ti/insfi'r with their Mynlc-ii'/il f'le'k nr<br />

iiiiii Ihe f'nunty Huiiid "f Mlri'tions al<br />

rai'i' Mai' fniii-l II.iusi liul iln- R.'K.<br />

ism Honks iiie i-lnsi-ii l'ir i I'Uisi Iiitlnn<br />

pyrpust's fui!> Hiiis p. eeeilint' each<br />

t'lei-i inii<br />

TJU'nSriAV Man-h !llh KIM<br />

IJIHI cliiy f,.r it'cimi-Hiliin<br />

hrfnre the primary KiecMhin<br />

Ml'Nll'ipAI, I'l.IiRKR OFFICE.<br />

fity Hall, npen diilly flora 0 no A. M<br />

unfll 1 00 I' M. Snluiitai. from !< 00<br />

A M until rj f)o u'flnpk Nonn<br />

NOTICE Is herehv jilven that Ih,<br />

District Biiiiiits <strong>of</strong> Biecilnn in unit fur<br />

Ihe niv nf Oc-enn nty. Crainly nf run<br />

Mai' State i»f New Jersey, iilll si! bi-=<br />

tn--f-n lhi' hiiur! nf seven ni Inrk in the<br />

r,\>lining .iHti ei|jh! fi-inik ill ihi- CVI--<br />

iin^ mi<br />

Tl'KSMAY- Api il 18111 I'<br />

fur Ihe purpose nf t-nnrini'tlnii .!<br />

PISiMAfiV KLKiTlfW<br />

fnr nil pnlllliiil imillni, fur the niinii.<br />

ni.tliin ni raniltrlateii for the fulinwing<br />

nlflci'S<br />

For a Member <strong>of</strong> the lluuse <strong>of</strong><br />

P.i'pn'senialivt-ii <strong>of</strong> the rntiect<br />

HI iitl-!'.<br />

Km Hvn Minihi'is nf the U-'iOii<br />

uf rhusi-n l-iei'hiiiiii is<br />

K.,, it I'l.iiini'r<br />

HIKJ tin the el'i-tion <strong>of</strong> ihe fullnwillK<br />

ilffli'lTS<br />

fni niii' r,.imty i'liiiiiiittti-eiii.ih<br />

uf earh piirli' In eni'h f:iii.<br />

lion riiNirii-i.<br />

tor one tViunty nt<br />

uiiniiin nf earh pai'ts in ei!''h<br />

Uli'eiiiin liislrii'l<br />

NuTlcT' Is further Knell thiit<br />

TIICHSliAY. rii'l'li-inl """'"•<br />

IJISI din fur reiiistiiitlun<br />

h!,fu(,i Ihr iH'neiiil MllH-iinn<br />

NliTICK is lufthe! uiien Ihi-t siid<br />

fiisii n-i rimcM!, uf Klii-iiuii mil sit he<br />

h<br />

For Into.motion or PuuiMe lati Ch.ng* If<br />

Scimfuii Call<br />


Nintti ItfGcf end Atlanfk Avcnyc<br />

PHONE 1296<br />

rullit Siwill 1M!IS1»IH»!H!<br />

SHORE<br />

CAB<br />

Phone<br />

0665<br />

OKMRCiiS MOHOAH Bri. IM»<br />

lib A Went A!i-¥«r i«r»i««<br />


24-Hour Service<br />

n-0114<br />


Ma iiufcgl — Ma leu _ Ha<br />

M, %h Iw KM Al<br />

I. • " m mi Hit •»<br />

Huld in tlmi CUT Wl<br />

Qelwrnsn, rtrrSr. Htthm firaf Dtvtm—<br />

or ; a a r hum, town dnnM<br />

LOCAL bprew & Co,<br />


<strong>of</strong> AU De»rlpU<<br />

Nick Trefa<br />

KIJ SimpMB AT.<br />

Qt.MilitiMi ,,ii,,,,,iili,,,,iiHi<br />

Fh. 11**<br />

General Hauling<br />

Top Soil for Sale<br />

Gravel • Dump Truck<br />


HI WMt Avo<br />



Phone O. C, 0605<br />

1 Eut 11th Street<br />

MOU, aad LDMi UUITANOB<br />

Moving and Storage<br />

Jarfc MHMilrrw<br />

Prompt . Efficient • CourteoOI<br />

Motor Freight<br />

Service<br />

Drmarir DiHnlnl W<br />

C'ilr E»mia Ca., lac.)<br />




John F. Holland, Inc.<br />


OeMn rilj'i Wth * W«ul A*a,<br />

Fka» 0. C. M37<br />

N Fnml it.<br />

lhnfirs^<br />

MA. 7-W4."., M*. t-lWi, MA, MM<br />

enn i H« vi<br />

IT<br />

G0- S'/<br />

,.| 11 fiffi rlll-i-k , r.\r Iiiii tf.j.!, niin li'il • twl,,,n Ihe ilriuiS ,if Mi!<br />

i..l . . . . . . . * jl;.. ..iit-^i.iit til.) i.T 1 .!. • "•• • - .<br />

Answers to<br />

TIST YOUR I. Q.<br />

i jii'ifeni i,| liii. iiiiiii'int iiiit t<br />

lliiiii s;ilcl rhi., h sh:iil nit! he Inurr ih.ni<br />

SJll.llnlljh illHl hi- ili'IiliMIll iii 111.- jllrfl'''<br />

iiiiii nil Ihi- hunt liiifiU'it iiltiiif. Tils'<br />

sl.ili'tMUl |iM.|iiis;il fiiilll is iilljiihi't t'i<br />

ih,. siiPlili'nl'.nt if i sl-t-.-if ir'iii ITS rnpii's<br />

nf uhii'ii liii! Iif finriNtii'it 'in i!|ipHii! =<br />

I!,,ii in the Hnylni'i'i Thi' Hiiarfi n'<br />

si'i ii s thi. 11 jhl In ri'l.'''! .'Ill i'i .ill<br />

' lii'N<br />

! I M ICAH liini'l'ii,"<br />

i r \ : \\ iirriMi. c •'• k<br />

I J-J-'l.-J' p! SI 1, Ili.<br />

iriiit nint: lit<br />

t<br />

l<br />

.. .. i hii-k in ih<br />

iin.'k in ihi' i'li-<br />

•i'l-KKIlAY N'lvi'lilhi-r 711). 1!i.'»<br />

inr ihi' iHiip.i?.!' nf rnnrti!i"in4 .1<br />

!!KNl-;itAI, Ki.KlTlllN<br />

In! Illl' .'ll-l'thin t'f III nrtl rtjl I f !. In fill<br />

tin. iiinu<br />

l'iir ll M.Mlili.<br />

i l t<br />

<strong>of</strong> llir- IliiUM- '.'<br />

ii. ni thi I •nun<br />

MIV ,11.H*I>,1 !>TAT>. IIIIMRT-<br />

jllisr Of rik il. sl.Ktiri.<br />

In i'lii-'Tci f i . i<br />

.^. ..* iuni' ul ihe lads there jiisinil <strong>of</strong> cleetricily aii a by-nrdtluei<br />

seen. ,, l,|,ie K|,,w, ,.r m,,ybe |as!y_ left over from flood etmfoi ^<br />

.their In-art mijjht i,,. jn lhn rjflht<br />

«i:ich emmo Samba ntst put t foot<br />

"''•— hiil MiineilmL.H they act like TVA and-' 11 16 < ' r i h m "'<br />

1. Two hunilred fifty milei.<br />

Thii altitude was reached by a, ,v,n,,,,,„.,.,( ,\la,ni:<br />

.i.iti<br />

two-stage rockot fired at White i jin.ii.. MJHI-II i<br />

Sands, N, M-, in 1949.<br />

2. They are about twice as high,<br />

iccnrding to the U, S, DepartmeBt<br />

<strong>of</strong> Labor,<br />

3. Vice President Thomai B<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>shall in 1817.<br />

4. Writ woman to iwim the<br />

Channel, this New York girl iet B! e-ifi I. sit-nniiiiii'iirr .-i.iiiiij. Ma«<br />

new speed record for theleit in J"',',,;!-; 1 ,^,,,,,],. ,.,„„,,„ ,„„ >CM<br />

1928, • tii.ni"in, iJii'an<strong>City</strong> Ft.i-niii'ri.<br />

5. The Dionne quintupley. . sa l ,?1*;* :t: ^J I lst^ 1 |^^lSf{ 1 *J,".r"-.'nnuri"*<br />

open to niaie ymi fenuile, i<br />

12 nijinlhji tesldenl iii fireiir<br />

Ti'leiihrine Opei-iiini, Hidiiiy,<br />

pi-r Hlinuni.<br />

blSiil-pf. IT.tiy,<br />

Ihr<br />

Apply lH'tuiilmnnl nf Cisil Nn<br />

Hiiiti' IIOUM'. 'Iri'iilim. Ni'« .li-iM.v<br />

Thi' siiliiii iiin.i!i< shu'-'n f.n<br />

SiMiliii- rirrk Htrniirtniplirr 1***1 is, !>»;<br />

tlii' Hlntl' npi-vli'l'. Thl' lilln uf 1BJ ill<br />

IHII iiiunlripnl WTIIIT «lil MIII fnim<br />

ihii! In iiip rttiill Sl'rsic-'' iinii I11ii> til'<br />

siiHii'whiit htnlirr "i iiiHoi<br />

Ojifii ti, ma!** ami li'nlfil? ritl?.i?ii?i. Yd<br />

t'ijiiicnl in f Jri'ii tl < lt> , Si<br />


the<br />

sSs ;pfrr!!: i^^?li iS»ST; ^IPH^ilii<br />

Clink,., Hkiff lili.irsr Wl<br />

il iiinicil niniiil InllV l'l|Ui|i|<br />

|i|ily \m ('eniinl in"<br />


iTILL Bl<br />

TB OJiT THi<br />

B riIt W SMOKE'w" J PIPE OUT Thl WINWW<br />


Ksiiite nf Cliirriiee H Setill. lieri'iiseii<br />

1',,I tttll Ml'lllllfi. I.I 111.- 15:1, I'll<br />

ii* I'hnsi-'i r'n-i-i,niiii" »<br />

i Fni' ii r.iliinnr.<br />

1'iillN uill tii' 'ijirn ;,' M'M'n i.'riiiik in<br />

, ihi' nininirij; iiti'i "III iM.'siii ..I I'IBMI<br />

i, i l.ii-k in tlii' rsi'mi.j;<br />

The eli'ilinn nflii-ns will M Hir!n4<br />

these hiitn* Milrj will i-rinftiiri .mili eli'r=<br />

I KIHST "ijliTli'll'T k ''iTrst «iuH<br />

Kilrtzi, llfll'IIK' 1 1st iinii All.mill'<br />

Aienue iiilsirlii Ncirlh Pninl lo<br />

I North sldr nf )iec;cinii strwti.<br />

'Sfi'nsn nisTRirr FI w.ini in-<br />

i fici. nf Chailcs Siheiiit Inc , ,'irrt,<br />

1 ANhiny AM'niie- inil.iril'1 Siillth<br />

j side nl Sci-iiiiii St,r(.m in Nfiith sicii'<br />

1 (if Kniirlh.Street I,<br />

Tumi) niKTuirT, Kirst wind s.-tmni<br />

hnusu. Illl iind Wesley Airnue.<br />

iliiBlriri Snulh siilr. nl Fniirlh<br />

Slieei.lo Knrlh sirli' ni jii-n-nlli<br />

ri iUlTIl' •DISTRICT, Fil.t W.irci Of<br />

fir,, ill I.lniliill Eiiu, .111 Klghlll<br />

Slrec'i ilHilrlt-i South slfie nf So-<br />

,inth Klreet. Iu Ntiilh Klcle "I KlBtllh<br />

Wreet)..<br />

KIRST DISTRICTf'Srennii Wall •<br />

N'elann Bnyd Teleiihlon. Wdtt Astiur}<br />

Moniis .(Dlsiitei Snulh side m<br />

Kiijhih siiei-t in North side oi<br />

Tenth Street _; .; . ...nii1-<br />

"t Hiiiit rliTPiisoit wiihin<br />

h iinra thr oiuhth rtajt <strong>of</strong> Kishni<br />

A I) inrKi m IIII 1 ?' »iiil lie fcirrvr<br />

hn'rmi nf inly uu,inn Hiiiilnst thp sui)<br />

.<br />

l l-'i'l.i unr%- H. A, 11<br />

. A,<br />

III I Ml' A Si nil<br />

i : i i<br />

U Lovi^hind,<br />

AMnrnry<br />

tlrrim Cll\. New Ji'i<br />

J 1!, 51 "I JS iV<br />

nf Twpntiplh Ktrrali.<br />

FllUtlTl! niBTRlfT, Sni'ciliii Wiiir!<br />

fjlrifo nf Miiiiim llnrtlfy. :«iri ,\s-<br />

IHIIT Afrnur ililiti'liri Mnuth sidn<br />

,,r Turntlpih sn-wi in Firiv-Ninth<br />

Si ri'i't i<br />

lhi il-i.i' ihilnils ITIII |iiilllnl pi in-,<br />

upplv In hnth l'i L iniiii> unil (.irrti-nil<br />

I ll I llnll llj\.,<br />


<strong>City</strong> 'Clerk.<br />

S4 3J<br />

35 Yfurs' E\p. — Work Ouufantted<br />

Tune Anywhere $8.00<br />


gas W. Vernon Av., Linuood, N. 1-<br />



For Safety, Utility and Buntf<br />


Phone O. C.<br />


inaehine They cut el«u«..<br />

iruv. twit". All !»«*<br />

qul«l»r acrvM*, BrlBgiSm<br />

J. A, CHAMPION<br />

54 W. ifith Street<br />

• Radio Repairing*<br />

N.BO. GndiuU<br />


1111 BAT AVR. Phone IMg<br />

aui<br />

Fireplace Wood<br />

1 Seasoned Oak<br />


|i« Wesi Av. We Dfllver<br />

FjiiimiimimmmiiiHiiiHiiiit'.-.iHiiHlHiiHiiiiiiiHiill<br />

Portrmlt ind Commerclu<br />

Photographers<br />

Dtveloplni uid PrlBliBf Service<br />


Ul AlbaiT An, Ph. MM<br />

SAVE TIME1<br />

nil Bulf Directory<br />





M. emu<br />

28 Vpafl,' Kx|wrl»CC In Ortajl Cl(>f<br />

1111 Bay Ave. Ph. 2523<br />

FUEL<br />

OIL<br />

Socony Vacuum Agency<br />

' 111 ABBOTtT AVK.<br />

; Pbone 1781<br />

V<br />

- '-njil •us

','>"* ',i-l~<br />

r ' "'JVJf<br />

elecWaai- thti<br />

f, fwrier <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

» <strong>of</strong> Dr and Mrs<br />

, 1» the author <strong>of</strong> a<br />

i textbook en el<br />

. published by Fnui-<br />

U York<br />

M»l«t»nt pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong><br />

: at Dulw UnJ-<br />

, It, C, and has bean<br />

to then iim 1939 Ht<br />

Tt§4 from <strong>On</strong>in <strong>City</strong><br />

Lin 1W3 and from Duke<br />

living hb Mi degree<br />

NW.Ml.lltM<br />

from the Unlvemlty <strong>of</strong> Michigan In<br />

1M6.<br />

HU new book, "Circuit* in Ilec<br />

trical Engineering 'VJ» described by<br />

the publishers as an answer to a<br />

ctimmon problem among teachers <strong>of</strong><br />

electric circuit! courses to cater<br />

•II basic principle! plus many spec hi I<br />

topics, within a limited time<br />

<strong>On</strong>e mean! <strong>of</strong> aiding both students<br />

and teachers in Ihi bouk is to unify<br />

the study <strong>of</strong> direct Lurrenl and alter-<br />

nating current instead <strong>of</strong> dividing<br />

them Into separate studim an Ira<br />

jlti<strong>of</strong>l has long decried<br />

Before joining the Duke fjtulll<br />

Mr Vail scent two years with the<br />

fjineral Electric Company in re-<br />

search work and served on the turn-<br />

pan} staff in charge <strong>of</strong> iu txhlbil Jt<br />

th» New York World s Fair During<br />

World War II in ndditlun lu hia<br />

regular teaching he served as ekt-<br />

Resort Telephone Worker <strong>Mar</strong>ks<br />

35th Yeari Awarded Gold Emblem<br />

vej,<br />

more*<br />

James H Harvey 1157<br />

av has Bien honored by the Ne*<br />

Jersey lell Telephone Company on<br />

passing the 35 year, mark In tele-<br />

phone service J If Carter division<br />

plrnt superintendent presented him<br />

a guid servni. emblem at a luncheon<br />

at the fiix Manor Hull I AilunljL<br />

;ili<br />

Mr Harvey enlertd telephone<br />

ervm m lSHai. i grmmd lund uith<br />

he Delaware jnd Allanln Tilt-<br />

phone St Telegraph Company in<br />

Dujliituwn PJ Subsequently hi<br />

•erved as climber lineman and<br />

Simpson jester moving from Doylestown to<br />

Brldgeton and <strong>Ocean</strong> Cll}<br />

ntal cunsulturil !•• the Duke Un<br />

erity Dilurlmint uf Chtmntri un<br />

jr research prujtctis<br />

'£!» N«t Door,<br />

"Itt'i 'phon» Grandma about your promotlonl'<br />

• JDK rUnk! It tikes m avenge <strong>of</strong> less<br />

An two minuta to rath Grandma<br />

with a Long Distance call-no muter<br />

wn« she KTM in the United SHIM,<br />

Then yon cm ft// her tour good news!<br />

Whtt's more, it mm surprisingly little<br />

» Tint bf long Disance!<br />

•nil MI LOwn M .111., MtMH «••<br />

•Mr MB fM, wnUayi tnt My Mm. I iinday,<br />

latluilH af Man! Tnt, km an HM nljhl end<br />

iMnJnv mill for • Hu'ti mlHuM iiaiiait-tA-<br />

•MM coll fwm Niwiik Mi<br />

,f .50 Qaniwt* Ml<br />

• LIB Miami 1.41<br />

i 1« WnMifHa,.,,, ,41<br />

hem ottm Niw Juiif palRM « (wit<br />


In li!7 when the New Jtrsey<br />

Company u.i» formed he scried<br />

\arluusly ds lineman installer and<br />

repairman muuni( again from <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

CiU tu AtlanlH Lilv Jnil Pica unt<br />

Mill In 1947 he" v,j\ upponitncl in<br />

*12i]ltit!un fureman in Uitan <strong>City</strong><br />

vlun he klill 'I'riHS in ttul tJpa-<br />

• ity<br />

A n^iiient <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> CilJ fnr 29<br />

\ciri Mr Harvev hkts to ^ptrid his<br />

kisure hours In gardtning AI L u<br />


with ih« company are two sons,<br />

III, un installer in Nurlhliultl;<br />

Hnbcrt. a Bludent I'liiineer in Oi't-an<br />

<strong>City</strong>, a (luliijhtcr. <strong>Mar</strong>yella Welivi'r,<br />

St'rvinjj as an upcrateir ill Linwood,<br />

und sun.in.law Charits Wi'uvcr, on<br />

MldertiiiM in Linwuoii,<br />

Hari-ey is a mvmber <strong>of</strong> the H 0.<br />

McCuily ChapliT. Telephone Pioneers<br />

uf Amerita.<br />

««>••«»*•«««•«»»»*«.«»<<br />

Have You Seen<br />


at<br />

Garrison Jewelers<br />

Removal Sale<br />

928 Asbury Avenue<br />



•••»••»••••••»•••••••••»<br />

Essay Wzes<br />

Offered Students<br />

* Wumtri to go<br />

to Washington<br />

Forty thuarand <strong>of</strong> the stole s pi'h<br />

In and pjruehial 11th und 12th<br />

Kr.irti sludmti, are entered In tht<br />

Nt\5, Jrnet f mploy thi Phy,itjlh<br />

llaiidiuiiiifd Cummillee*n m,ii .ind<br />

pusltr LI nlc U Stjtn Chainiun<br />

Hu^'ell I tldndge revejite! thi'<br />

* epk Tlif* t-onlests an part <strong>of</strong> the<br />

truups viar jround eflurt lu futu',<br />

Iht- puhh* ^ attention on Uie ddv i<br />

jl lilts uf fciving gainful enipluvmtnt<br />

lu liinilitJHPid workers Thi , tun<br />

\L L tln-rne is "Hire the hunditappui<br />

—it •* i,iiiid business<br />

In .iifttilicm to jin^e^ d^ardiil ti\<br />

lhi> 1b CummumU CuruniillEe^ ^al<br />

ujhlt Stale dml Nutinndl pri/t t StdtT<br />

ent Si r\ iLt<br />

nal<br />

May Improve<br />

Waterways<br />

CBfierd Recommends<br />

State Take Action<br />

Sunattir Anthony J Cillltrn an-<br />

ujiKHl this week thai he hu* pro-<br />

pusi-il til Ktutf nniriiil» the eurryinn<br />

mil uf ilSli.JOf) wiirth <strong>of</strong> impruvc-<br />

mi nil. in waterways in t(iu Witilwuotl<br />

nrna.<br />

The waterways <strong>of</strong> W I I (I w u n (1 .<br />

Nurtli VViltlwuod antl Wildwoori Crest<br />

were inspected last wwk Ijy PiHer<br />

J Cannon, chli'l uf tho Departmi-nl<br />

Niivigatioh,<br />

St-na!iiF Cyliero said he had con-<br />

lirri'd with Oovi-rniir DrisLull on thf<br />

jMttH, whith hi' suifi are nett'Nsary<br />

iu ionlinuaiic* 1 uf the eufmmMTiu!<br />

I .»tiiiiK industry. At firesent, hi. said<br />

fishing biials lire HIIITI unabli- to<br />

lc;>VM iir (-nttr Uieir berths hi-iuuse<br />

f sliullciW wutHr at low tide<br />

Liir^esl inipro\ement propusrti is<br />

the dfedtjliiis <strong>of</strong> OttiTis Harbor to<br />

thr entrarHH' uf Siinset i^ike, at u<br />

i-i.fl <strong>of</strong> $101,9011.<br />

Shaterian Attends<br />

Conclave <strong>of</strong> School<br />

Administrators<br />

and your Buick Dealer<br />

•VTOU read it on<br />

I the calendar—<br />

and you feel it in the<br />

•ir,<br />

. . Spring—and the out.<br />

doors calling—and that lively jubi-<br />

Uncc that comes with winter's<br />

pasting.<br />

And nowhere ii the spirit more in<br />

evidencethanatyourBuickdealers.<br />

*Rr it'a Spring Jubilee time with<br />

Buiok, Time to trot out and show<br />

<strong>of</strong>f til the gay Md brilliant beauties<br />

Ofbis <strong>1950</strong> line.<br />

ft^Ttaw for yon to-sample, in proper<br />

" JflitflB^, «U the hew life and br!I«<br />

liance ef Buick valve-in-head<br />

r ttralght-eight power—time for you<br />

to»**t the greatest cure for spring<br />

**" r known-the easy, effortless,<br />

stride <strong>of</strong> a Buick<br />

r yovr command.<br />

Tlnre are wonderful things for<br />

you to look into;<br />

A Riviera at Sedan prices. Two-<br />

door Scdanels, four-door Sedans in<br />

a wide range <strong>of</strong> power and prices.<br />

Convertibles. Estate Wagons, a<br />

Coupe—cars for iyery taste and<br />

practically any budget.<br />

There are even gay new spring<br />

colors to help you meet the season<br />

in proper garb. And <strong>of</strong> course, if<br />

you haven't yet done so, there's<br />

Dynaflow Drive* for you to meet<br />

and sample.<br />

T4s, you've a date-right now-<br />

to meet spring at your Buiok<br />

dealer's. A date not only to see<br />

pleasant things—but to hear pleas-<br />

ant news as well.<br />

For. Buiok prices are something to<br />

jubilate about too. They start juit<br />

above the lowest bracket—and<br />

they are accompanied by very<br />

ensy-to-tuke arrangementi as to<br />

the "deal."<br />

How about today_at latest tomor-<br />

row-lor keeping your date with<br />

your Buiok dealer?<br />

*8iQ:luli' ii<br />

W Hill Ni'wurk<br />

ibildi-r uf thu<br />

Parker, A\-<br />

Jill,ml. iiFid Julin I<br />

I.mini.ill M-rvii'i-.<br />


Inial i<br />

T!c la assisl in<br />

any way pnssiblp the deepening ol<br />

tin- tliiiiini 1 ] <strong>of</strong> Em Harbor inlet in<br />

tin interest <strong>of</strong> boat operators,<br />

Chris Mnntugna. commrrcisl flsh.<br />

irman, told tlip Cimrpbrr thut fishing<br />

vi'ispls have heim having consider,<br />

ahli' (iifneiilty passing in and out ol<br />

the inlet, due tn shallow water,<br />


ChamborHnvestigating comniit-<br />

lee has contacted boating interests<br />

on Abspcon Island in an effort In<br />

rk'ti-rrnirie what action may be ne-<br />

iwary to deepen the channel.<br />

The ocean <strong>City</strong> eqmmissioneri<br />

tonk i-ogniianee <strong>of</strong> the'inlet'condi-<br />

tion n month ago when Mayer Ed-<br />

ward B, Bowker said ho had ap-<br />

neali'd to Congressinan T. Millet<br />

Hand In inlercede.<br />


Chamber director! also adopted a<br />

resolution commending Congress-<br />

man Hand for his efforts to brins<br />

ahoiit quick restoration <strong>of</strong> full rail.<br />

• road service to South Jersey,<br />

The Chamber went on record fa-<br />

vuring Governor Drlicoll's alioea.<br />

tion <strong>of</strong> fundi lor B new hospital in<br />

Boulli Jeney, staling 4hal this will<br />

be recognition <strong>of</strong> the advantages <strong>of</strong>.<br />

fered by tills area to such Institu.<br />

tinns.<br />

Teacher Injured<br />

in 54th st. Crash<br />

A woman motorist was injured<br />

about B:30 a. m. Tuesday when the<br />

cur she was driving went out <strong>of</strong> con-<br />

trol and craiihca Into (in electric<br />

pole on Central av.. at 54th st.<br />

The driver, Emma C. <strong>Mar</strong>shall. 20.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Asbury av. near 55th st.. a school<br />

teacher, sustained contuwons <strong>of</strong> th"<br />

face and lost a front tooth.<br />

Police reported that the impact<br />

<strong>of</strong> the car snapped <strong>of</strong>f the wooden<br />

Pole about three feet above ground<br />

level. Part <strong>of</strong> the city fire alarm<br />

wiring jyetem and other electrical<br />

•et vloe In the neighborhood was put<br />

out <strong>of</strong> operation temporarily.<br />

Damage to the ear. pole and wir-<br />

ing wai estimated at $300.<br />

i > .<br />

1 '* '<br />


Dr. Max Oron, *Ute clinician, will<br />

conduct a clinic for chest examina-<br />

tion In th« County Haaltb Cfenttr.<br />

Court ROUM, n«xt Thursdajr. from<br />

M0» m. to II «.Tn.<br />

Sparks Ignite it in Pfeezing Gale]<br />

4-Block Area Bunts; Fireman in Danger<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> entered an <strong>of</strong>ficial pro<br />

M with thi- Pennsylvania.Reading<br />

Seashore <strong>Line</strong>s this week as an<br />

utermiith nf u series <strong>of</strong> brush Rres<br />

',.1'ich Ihreutenei] homes, lied up tin<br />

;i|)pariitu,s fur lung periods, ati'l<br />

i:nust-d one Kremlin to iihiiijst lus,-<br />

his hie.<br />

The |,ri4i-.l win made Ihrnuri'<br />

Hurry Biiliciiik, Kiiierii! manager ,i<br />

the hiiliiiinl. hy Cily Solicitor Jiihn<br />

K. BiiK'A>-ll win, uitiil i,l tin- n'i|ucM<br />

ol Kire Chili Hubi-rl I, Nmith<br />


Mr, Baljiiick prnmiM.-d to invest].<br />

Myii' the cause <strong>of</strong> the Sireh. wnien<br />

Chief Hffiiih blamed un Iiicumolive i<br />

st'iiltennH hfiiirks or cinders in thr<br />

inlL-nintiiOk' liill weeds uliinK ill-.<br />

riMhl «f way<br />

The wiirst <strong>of</strong> the brush fires nc-<br />

curreil I'urly Tiiursda.v night, re-<br />

quiring iilmii>,t the enine personnel<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ihe lire (!i.|)iirtment with the<br />

jiieres <strong>of</strong> iippiiraliis to liet it under<br />

control in Uie urea between S4th<br />

mid 2liih sts . Iliiveri lo Asliury av.<br />

This hiiii ui'fn preceded by iin=<br />

iillu-r liirHi' Iii!• tlie previous nisi'!<br />

in Ihe VH-U..IV nl !8lh St.. iln-l still<br />

South End Bus<br />

Meet Called<br />

Public Invited to<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall Session<br />

iinmhrr the previous Sunday mnrn-<br />

inM bL'tween 4Bth und 50lh sis. All<br />

three blazes, Chief Smith said, orifi-<br />

inuti'd near the ruilroaii right ii!<br />

way,<br />


Thursday night's bluiie burnt-,I<br />

IIVL'I most <strong>of</strong> u four square block<br />

area us the Hames. funned by a 30,<br />

mili'.un.imur westerly isale, made i<br />

(li'llrull tn control, the lire tieiiari.<br />

mi-ni went nri the job at d:OB p,m<br />

;intl tiiiln'l have .things uniier COIN<br />

irul until aLoul H:1A |j, in. Some fin--<br />

men remained on tile seene mure<br />

thiin un hour after that to make sufi-<br />

ihire was no new flare-up.<br />

Three homes along Asbury av<br />

U,ITI siTiiiusly threatened fur<br />

lime. ReciijJnizinK this danger, ti<br />

i'iriinen tiad four pumping engines<br />

in iifieration and used 900 fei'l 0<br />

hose tn keep the Humes from IKn i 1 •<br />

the houses.<br />


Captain Ferdinand Taccarinu. or<br />

{he fity hall station, hud the bur<br />

experience uf breukir<br />

•owing<br />

thrijujjh the frozen surfute <strong>of</strong> u<br />

Tho Ailiiniii- <strong>City</strong>' Transportation<br />

CiinilJiihy today invited the tjceun<br />

<strong>City</strong> liuijhi and interested urgsniiKi-<br />

lii.ns lo hi'lp it shajie a more satis-<br />

liii'tiiry sihedule <strong>of</strong> local bus service.<br />

A company linnouncement on pase<br />

s ol this issue invites the public io<br />

a iiieetina in the commission chani.<br />

tier. i'ijy_lmll. next Thursday iiljjli^-<br />

I\liiii'h 111, irsr uisci^ssion <strong>of</strong> trans-<br />

liurtatiun problems.<br />

Declarinri that '-you can help us<br />

to sihedule our service to more ef-<br />

fectively serve you", the company'<br />

piirtii'ulurly invited participation in<br />

the meeting by city <strong>of</strong>ficials, tl.e<br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce, service clubs,<br />

churches, school orijaniiatlons and<br />

ps interested in the sub.<br />

led.<br />

Through tills meeting, a company<br />

spokesman said, it is hoped to ob<br />

lain a measure <strong>of</strong> Hie volume <strong>of</strong> pa.<br />

tronage that could be expected if<br />

winter service were more frequent<br />

The company also will (jive local<br />

patrons a Metalled picture <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong><br />

its sjpornlimi problems here,<br />

Pirsoiis in smith and central <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> who define to attend will be<br />

,)ri viiled free bus rides lo Ihe meet-<br />

iii)i. The bus will leave from SBlh<br />

st. ut 7:15 p. m.. uninn directly to<br />

oily hull<br />

Two Women <strong>City</strong><br />

Employes Resign<br />

Resignations <strong>of</strong> two women em-<br />

(iliiyes <strong>of</strong> city hall <strong>of</strong>fices were ac-<br />

cepted by the commissioners at their<br />

irei ting Friday,<br />

Those who resigned were Mrs.<br />

Shirley Fidler. aridresiing machine<br />

npiirator in the lax department, and<br />

Mrs Antoinette Hunter, secretary in<br />

the department <strong>of</strong> public relations.<br />

Mrs, Fidler's resignation was ef.<br />

feciive immediately while that <strong>of</strong><br />

Mrs. Hunter takes efTecl April 1.<br />

Mrs, Fidier previously had been<br />

turned down by the governing body<br />

on two requests for leave <strong>of</strong> ab-<br />

Ends 36 Years as<br />

B.-L. Secretary<br />

Chariei R. StUwell T<br />

to Remain on Board p<br />

Charlca H. Stilwell. who has been<br />

secretary <strong>of</strong> the Seaahore Building<br />

and Loan Aisoelation since its In-<br />

enption 36 years ago, stepped down<br />

from that post Tuesday at the an.<br />

nual reorganiiation meeting <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

directors.<br />

He .was elected lecretary emeritus<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Association, in recognition<br />

<strong>of</strong> his long and faithful service. Ht<br />

also will continue his active inter.<br />

eM as a member <strong>of</strong> the board.<br />

Roland Steelman, formerly assist-<br />

ant secretary, was elected secre-<br />

tary<br />

Other <strong>of</strong>ficers, all re-elected, arei<br />

Dr. Berschel Pettit, preiident: Dr.<br />

William jO, Abbott, vice president;<br />

rllnlon B Price treasurer and Ro-<br />

bert K Bell solicitor<br />

The directors nnnounLed that the<br />

Afsociation <strong>of</strong>fice will be moved from<br />

the second floor <strong>of</strong> The Notional<br />

Bank <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> building to the<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Mr Sfrclman at 411 8th st<br />

»ump hole on the meiiduw tu-ar We.,'<br />

P«ife 2, Pl«se<br />

Police Car in<br />

Second Crash<br />

At Same Comer<br />

Drivers <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Cily jitilii-i-<br />

radio patrol cars will ht- ii htlh'<br />

bit "turn shy" from now on<br />

when they upjirouch the inter,<br />

si'itloii <strong>of</strong> itth st. und West us.'<br />

i'hey got the impression Bill-<br />

urday that this particular coiner<br />

is a jms,<br />

A police cor was taken out <strong>of</strong><br />

jit-rvii-i- temporarily when it was<br />

budly damaged in a collision<br />

with a postufficc truck shortly<br />

after norm.. The same cur, with<br />

a different driver, was damaBeil<br />

al the same intersection only<br />

eight months previously!<br />

Piilrolinun Carl S Smith, 75<br />

W. 17th st,. was driving ihe pu-<br />

lice cur, while the mail truck<br />

was operated by Raylleld Lyles.<br />

BIT West av.<br />

Smith wus on an assignmenl<br />

and was goinjf west on Blh st<br />

with his siren blowing. Lyles,<br />

proceeding north on West av..<br />

didn't see the city car in time<br />

The mail truck also was dam-<br />

aged so that it could not be<br />

driven.<br />

To Return Body ol<br />

Long-Lost SoMier<br />

Grovej Wy Missing<br />

for Five Years<br />

Private funeral services will be<br />

conducted here Monday for Stafl<br />

Sergeant John R, Groves. Jr , son oi<br />

Mrs. Edith Groves, 80S Central av.<br />

The government's return <strong>of</strong> his<br />

body has ended a period <strong>of</strong> anxiety<br />

<strong>of</strong> five years for the soldier's fum.<br />

ily. He was reported missing in ac-<br />

lion on Octoher 13, 1944, after a<br />

bombing mission over Vienna, Aug.<br />

tria. but it wasn't until four months<br />

ago thaf <strong>of</strong>licial word <strong>of</strong> his death<br />

was released.<br />

Prior to being returned to the<br />

United Stales, the Air Force gun-<br />

ner's body had been interred in<br />

France, where formal identification<br />

was made.<br />

Sgt. Groves was a student at Rut.<br />

gers University before he entered<br />

the service. He was S4,<br />

Besidet his mother he Is survived<br />

by a sister, Mrs. Jane Snow, <strong>of</strong> Pal-<br />

myra, fajmerly <strong>of</strong> this city,<br />

Slees will be at the conveni.<br />

f the family and will be eon.<br />

at the Smith Funeral Home<br />

jy the Rev. A. L. Qongl<strong>of</strong>f, pastor<br />

<strong>of</strong> the First Methodist Church, Re<br />

interment will be in Pleasantvllle<br />

Cemetery.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Approves<br />

jetty Contract<br />

A resolution recommending tlii<br />

award <strong>of</strong> a contract to Jesse A. How.<br />

land and Son. <strong>of</strong> Sea Bright, for<br />

construction <strong>of</strong> the new Seaview rd.<br />

jelly and seawall, was adopted by n<br />

2-1 vote <strong>of</strong> the city commisslonerp;,<br />

Prlday, with Comisaioner A, S. Ooets<br />

declining to vote.<br />

The recommendation was forward,<br />

ed to Charles R, ardman, Jr., Bom-<br />

missiqner <strong>of</strong> the State Department<br />

<strong>of</strong> Conservation and Economic De-<br />

velopment.<br />

Mayor Edward B. Bowker pointed<br />

out that the unit price <strong>of</strong> $6.13 per<br />

ton nf stone in place was 23 cents<br />

below the price paid for the Sea-<br />

spray rd. jetty.<br />

'<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, We Love You'- -<br />

Copy <strong>of</strong> That Song Sought Here<br />

Docs anyone in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> still<br />

have a copy <strong>of</strong> the words for an<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> song published more<br />

than 20 years ago?><br />

Oreste Veiiella, the man who<br />

wrote the munic for the »ong. Would<br />

like, to obt«ln the Iyrlci because he<br />

lias lost the only two coplei he had.<br />

The song, entitled "<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>,<br />

We Love You", originated H>me-<br />

where In the period from 1M6 to<br />

1929 when Mr. Vell« w»i con.<br />

ducting his concert b«nd on the old<br />

Miule Pier here<br />

The S*ntinel-L«dger ipoiuorcd •<br />

contett, <strong>of</strong>ferln* *H> lit fold to the<br />

writer <strong>of</strong> the best lyrics for an<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> song. (That's when we<br />

•till were on the gold standard.!<br />

Because he liked the winning lyrlca,<br />

Mr. Vcssella set them to music and<br />

published the song at 35 cents per<br />

copy.<br />

Although more than 3,000 copies<br />

were printed and sold, he kept only<br />

two for his own use, and during<br />

the intervening 20 yean he has lost<br />

thus.<br />

Anyone who hai the long or a<br />

copy <strong>of</strong> the lyric* U aiked by the<br />

Mnettro to notify him at th* Betch<br />

Hotel 120 S. South Carolina »v.,<br />

Atlantic <strong>City</strong>.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Joins ,<br />

Demand for<br />

New Highway<br />

Would Connect<br />

Resorts With New<br />

Deepwater Bridge<br />

A (lemonii fur o freeway connict.<br />

ir)H this seashore urea with ihe new<br />

Delaware Memnriid Bridjje ut Deep-<br />

water WHK voiteil Friduj' night hv<br />

15U re[jre?.enti!ti\es <strong>of</strong> commiinitieN ir<br />

Hiiuth Jersey, meetiilM UI BridKeton<br />

rhi> Oi-r-un <strong>City</strong> Churnlier uf Ci.m-<br />

Tue und tuy government were<br />

rejiresenletl at tin. meeting in the<br />

CumberhiFid Hnlel ballroom. It vvas<br />

LirrunMed under uuspicet; <strong>of</strong> the At-<br />

lurtic <strong>City</strong> Chamber <strong>of</strong> Ciiinmir('e|<br />

lo nhiiiin sentiment it) the five euun<br />

ties reifurdinK thi' fuiir.liine high<br />


A tf-ntnlive roule announced by<br />

!hi- Stiiie IJijJhuiiy Di'iiurlment hi<br />

Jaruury would brini! the freeway tn<br />

the seiLshiire lit a point somewhere<br />

in Atlantic County, with branches<br />

lo Atlantic <strong>City</strong> arid <strong>Ocean</strong> Cily.<br />

HepresenliiiK the <strong>Ocean</strong> Citv<br />

Chyrnber were Pii'sitli'nt Everett L<br />

Cnpe. Hermuii K. Kunble. John F,<br />

Troui and Arthur G Watkins. Muyor<br />

Ktlward H. Bowktr ri-presented th,j<br />

ity isiivernmenl and Assemljlymuii<br />

N'athunicl C Smith anil Freehiikler<br />

L.iwnnce M Lear represented Cape<br />

M,iy Coiinly Homers Poin! was rep-<br />

resented by Mayor Fred W Ctiiip-<br />

Miiyor Bowker tnld the nieelinM<br />

ti,- wiis hi'urtily ill iiivi^r <strong>of</strong> Miiii il<br />

rOLite i.?ili'iin|4 the i-nii-tiii iireii.<br />


<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>," he said, "is the only<br />

miijor resort in New jersey thai<br />

's r.i.it have a direct piived hi,;ii-<br />

y 1,-ailing to it. Suih ii hiMhwiiv<br />

wiiillil Kn'Ully belielit Oceun Cily<br />

und iill^ <strong>of</strong> Rijiilh ,Ier«,i!y "<br />

Mr Cnpi. di'ilari'd that "It is uljiiiit<br />

inn- thin Oiean <strong>City</strong> was considered<br />

n ii plan lor a direct highway, due<br />

io the fact that our resort is so sit.<br />

uiited geogriijihiciilly ttlisl every roaM<br />

Building Breaks Feb. Rec<<br />

IliT county."<br />

A three.Inail^ comniilli-e was ap-<br />

pointed from Cape May County lo<br />

attend the next session «ilh thosr<br />

from olher cciunties to gel into the<br />

detiiils <strong>of</strong> where the road should lie<br />

A; President Cope's request, Herman<br />

K, Kimljle, a director uf the local<br />

Chamber, was appuinlet! a member<br />

<strong>of</strong> this commit!!'!'<br />

Assemblyman Smith and Free,<br />

holder Lear alsn spoke brielly in til-<br />

vor ol the South jersey hiijinviiy.<br />

County engineer,^ <strong>of</strong> the live.<br />

Face 1, Pleue<br />

New <strong>City</strong> Bonds<br />

Sold At 2 Pet.<br />

Camdan Trust Co.<br />

Submits Low Bid<br />

A new issue <strong>of</strong> $264,000 <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

lily beachfront iinprovement unnd-i<br />

,v!(» stild at an interest rate <strong>of</strong> I<br />

)e.- cent. Friday, when Ihe city cum.<br />

nissioners received hids froiii in-<br />

verlment 'llrms.<br />

The successful purchaser was the<br />

'amden Trust Co., which in iidriitio:i<br />

to the low interest rale paid il prcm.<br />

ium <strong>of</strong> $4!7.9B for the issue.<br />

Two other companies, H, ,r Van<br />

(en and Co, and Boland, Hnfrui<br />

and Co., also <strong>of</strong>fered 2 per cent in-<br />

eresl rales, but did not olfer quit' 1<br />

as much premium. Van Iligen ami<br />

was willing to pay S4197U and<br />

Boland. Safrin Co. ilB4.<br />

Other bidders were Butcher. Sher-<br />

red and Co., 32 per cent interest<br />

and $287 76 premium;. Slroiid an,!<br />

Co.. 2.15 per cent interest and iinttfi<br />

premium;' Woodcock, Hess and Co,<br />

2,10 per cent interest and 1184.11<br />

mlum; J, WUSparia-andJiln j,2r<br />

per cent interest and 730 20 |irim.<br />

urn.<br />

The sale look place during an'ad-<br />

journed meeting <strong>of</strong> the city com-<br />

mission. The issue is In finance<br />

1180,000 <strong>of</strong> the cost <strong>of</strong> the new north<br />

pninl Jetty-seaA-all project and $104.-<br />

000 to pay <strong>of</strong>f tlie rocently-compleleri<br />

Seaspray rd. jetty.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> to Offer Itself as 'Preferred Stock*<br />

FOR YOUR <strong>1950</strong> SUMMER HOME IT ? S<br />



Ilcaiiiiful, Clian. PrnlerteiJ neachm.,, Wide Spurious Boardwalk ,,, Free Concerts<br />

wilh Sur Soloi«lH...Evrrv Amu,inif ill...W.iinli-rfiil Fulling, Gulfing, Ti-nni«, Homing I<br />

A Fine S, le,ti,.n <strong>of</strong> Cniiogea anil AparlmenlB For Summer S«»n Rental are Now<br />

Available—al Prices DFtignrd lo Mi-el Every Family Budfel.<br />




L<br />

July 4<br />

740 A.bury Avenue<br />

Quality Meats<br />

Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>eh 9, 19S0<br />

ehs'Tnin !OP tne flrevsorla »hilc<br />

Out Iwobeda headi the celebration<br />

Phone 2185<br />

Fresh Killed Poultry<br />



Seek More State<br />

Erosion Funds<br />

Goetz Recommends<br />

2 New Police Cars,<br />

Ft Honing ijnpll II oi tin Lllrii 1<br />

Fndm Publu isjkn DiriLlct An<br />

Section<br />

Plum ilu were dUeuBed for the<br />

fAsioeiitlDn to plan 15 rubbish tans<br />

kets on bathini benches in Ihi neigh<br />

liorhood to help the publit, keep tht<br />

beat-hes ekan<br />

Danger to Great<br />

Industry it Cited<br />

E, nil r fl I" M» I I '<br />

Tht directnn appraicd ' m turn<br />

flooring the a| pointment at st-\erdl<br />

_,, Oaj Octaji <strong>City</strong> y h«\e its members ss «peeml deDUties In Da<br />

("community it Fth Fourth <strong>of</strong> July cele trjl tht beach and residential nti^h<br />

' © tor the third straight yea- borhoudi<br />

1<br />

tponfonhip <strong>of</strong> ih« Central<br />

• <strong>City</strong> Civic Allocation the<br />

Cucperalitn <strong>of</strong> the nl» i inilii<br />

„ « dliwtora uuwunerd Urn<br />

sionn- will be suujht I r tit 11<br />

t following • meeting In Phils<br />

t^u proposals<br />

Attending the Lu&rd uttltit, uri<br />

Prciidenl Rithdnl Partn IM \u<br />

r In oth*r years tlie eScbratior<br />

lltUMle event! during the<br />

Prmdint L«-»ii HJU Snritn\<br />

) nil afternoon followed by<br />

Earl N<strong>of</strong>th Gus Sw ibutli Hdri id<br />

j display en the belch at<br />

William Jjik Rjan Etl Cillun<br />

MjM Blew v.M appointed Hjrr> Ccrkni JiiJ Duki Hindkr<br />

l l,ii lu S Gm.1 i eimmiiiil el 11 •!<br />

'<br />

pni r aiH ^incih itiDi It btim 1<br />

n id mil* n t* ii ! ' ' i "<br />

, 1 , 1 , I ikl I IH II" I" HI I<br />

|| 111 I ill C l| I I HI<br />

Ii lu nun, Jl I ilnl I ill 1 il-ili<br />

i \n r prnti ii I iniinll 11<br />

M mii\ t r m rt luliii In li|,l ! ir<br />

s til m 19W 31<br />

Ll I<br />

ritint ihu II i ili IJI I ii , i<br />

I<br />

il 'IIF \ i itu n in In in tli i l i<br />

l| I<br />

im nli 1 | li i 1 il" "i II '<br />

i up S lillMlilll I r In i<br />

I H<br />

i It li<br />

I I<br />

U inn .<br />

1- I' II<br />

1<br />

ii it i \ II '<br />

l l M * I i I I* H<br />

I ItllMll tlltl H I 1 I Brush Fire Perils<br />

n nil 1 I II 1 ill<br />

. ii it r I si II I 11<br />

i it I<br />


SIMSATIONAL NEW <strong>1950</strong><br />

•nly<br />

$2-50<br />

CaplfUly InMM<br />

Special TV Buys<br />

.DO M" Screen<br />

i£T""" '74.9S<br />

0LA '49.95<br />

'69.95<br />

> AM<br />

'119,95<br />

Vl n 1-<br />

79 Boy Scouts Are<br />

Registered in Resort<br />

PI (III til 111 IIKIIKM<br />

Fr i! k II V<br />

\ I ur* i i i<br />

t i I I i i l i Mi<br />

Ir ili II M*<br />

Hill i I in 1<br />

1<br />

I<br />

mira<br />

Television!<br />

,,..w Men Mich lue! Now,,.Admlnl Maffii' Mirror ide.<br />

vbion wlih big W*" plelure |Hl)e,,,for wril mirfrr $21)0!<br />

Sensational new rMlurn...»ngincprail io ouiperfgftii any .el,<br />

•nywliire, anjr lime. No wonder Admiral !i ilrii i,, iflcvj»i,m,<br />

ReroluUomrr new, clwnil^.superpoitered fur drprmlablc<br />

perrormanea even in ouiljJnf "frinic" «reo, «|,fre oilier , m<br />

fill. Euy •• • radio lo lune, Exclusire Holo-Scnp^ rnilcnna,<br />

Aeaal)' built-in umtnna ihii'i direciioiwl, Noihing else iu buy,<br />

BnuH, tumpici cabinei »•!•!• iienirliei nml iiuini,' Qiiamiiiei<br />

Iiniled,,.Keihfirindeompir« wjihoul * "<br />


<strong>City</strong> Hardware Co.<br />

IY AVE. Phone 21S8<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Homes<br />

i tmHim 1 fii in I<br />

I l]{l ^ Mil I I I<br />

ll n i*<br />

l mi I ll i I i h n<br />

1 ii i I 1 M<br />

kniM ki il ut 1 I i '<br />

mi ul I Hi ml < I<br />

ll | I I. i<br />

lint nnl Im<br />

mil I 111, h i n Ilu li til<br />

f til u mill 1 l I 1 I i/ II H<br />

ll 11 ll Dili I) 1 II I ll I ih i I r<br />

, I ll ir ILI in i I , 1 I | |i if 1<br />

ll i I i 1, I I r Ih ll, mi i<br />

I | I ll II ft hiiiiih I I il<br />

I in II I n i I i n<br />

I it<br />

i i III i<br />

I I I ll<br />

1 1 •<br />

, Red Cross Film Toi;i;;lil<br />

Thompson "Bill"<br />



30S Eighth St.<br />

MOTHERS I—<br />

Biy j Child 1<br />


r.i..<br />

I*<br />

^,, ^^^ L—,m_^ _ "" ""<br />

!l|i"H M,:in „, „,. _","".i~i"l~i'.~n.~* :<br />

•nil i::io 10 H.nn<br />

"""' I" 'I] AulHiiiilmnil !<br />

KVI'.H I<br />

|-AAMI\*KII I<br />

Dr, Harry H, Lake |<br />

lllllf; STRAltJIIT ti. I.<br />

Mortgage Loans<br />

at 4%<br />

I IF-t ,,<br />

li'in «if I<br />

• '•<br />

Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple<br />

Halves Bartlett Pears ':;'.,' 17c<br />

|ii.;iii.il in Oi-i'iiii (lily ssunn u n n , yi'iiri | _ _ _ _ ,<br />

l l i<br />

• '•.!. ! . . . i i . . . . . r V , M , 1 ,' ! i<br />

1<br />

' " ' 1 T i l l l . i V n r i . ' l 7 . , • , , J l l V , :> •. I < • . . , .<br />

k\ • > . ! • . r I . , , , i u , , ,, M r '/.,,•.,• ,., . | l : 1 1 1 1<br />

"•"• ••'••' " ' I - I . ' I I - I - I . I<br />

WXU^TZ^;'".'Vi ";;":,:;:;r! Woodbine Colony y<br />

1<br />

W'\ ! . , : • • : , ! • i . . . 1. i n - . 1 . 1 , . . , . , i . i , , , t ' I - , , , k - l ^ ' i i ' I --• J •• ' l . i . s i - i l i i . . , : . - I F , •<br />

1<br />

1<br />

j L 1 I i . ' . i i !..• i . ' i i . i : ; , i , , , , , " l 1 1 1 I " ' '•' < • • • ' < ' - < ' ( > • " i ' ' " ;•'•" ••<br />

No Temblor! Just<br />

Exchange Minstrels<br />

Rehearsals Starting<br />

Petitions Filed<br />

For Rep, Hand<br />

HI<br />

Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>cft 9, ti<br />

will huve I covered dlih rm<br />

7 id p m Friday 111 the ehaf<br />

>-, 1 ul rufjm A hf-ries gf travel i<br />

V ill IJI- *,huWli<br />

Ti'i. sliiikiins t: ul the high scIiooH<br />

,,l l V. V 1111 111V '.fVi -i.il l I •••.. .11 11 ( I<br />

(<br />

M .<br />

I<br />

I I<br />

I M<br />

I<br />

|,.|,|,l. l '<br />

A<br />

A<br />

Jfilill<br />

Jf<br />

Ililll<br />

I<br />

;,!!,, In,, -i,' t,,r ni,,,,,,i,.. inM urn! thiiM* wuvy l<br />

Mi- Kui In- slur! in Ui!.H,\,ll,- ,;.<br />

; i I,.,, v,' I,,,,,,. C,,|,,i.y i,,i ,iKiii|j|i tlurirm tin<br />

Ijr-, :.III.. M.I,.| v. n I«• I > kii.,v. i, ... ' I),,!-. - I-,-, ,,!,<br />

,,.,,,i M.,|. •; ,,, f.,|,, ' M-.y<br />

William Z«ne Cams<br />

t.,1- 1,1-w 1,1-hr ,,l ( h e i i i ' i - n ' I- M.,- (',-ui I<br />

,I ,1 > Mm:.<br />

llll' UK- i-i.liilill-lillirii'S l',r I H,in.i. , , , i. I!•r.i'i, ..I A l i i , .1 K 1)1<br />

Hert in 1900<br />

u ' h h ! 1,-^ ,,n I!.,. ~i !-,.,• I, 11,- i i , .,<br />

.in ii.i- II,.mi .'..Hi H,-i, H.Ti ,. /•, ,,<br />

l,i,i<br />

Wii:<br />

/ | |jnrt>-,fr<br />

" ' ' M I , i',ti> 'In.I! I..M-" li,r iilii.n<br />

>••••'!• il.i-il S.il ih,, i,l h,. IH.II. Old Documents<br />

'I "Ifi.i I, .•..•:. 'a,<br />

!vlr /..A I ,• i.,M,r !,, U, ',,;fl ('li<br />

.,,.1 lUliii v.i'ii hi- l.iri'h' r Ui<br />

' •• ..II /..'I.- !, |.!,,,ii-,,,irl •jn Shown Kiwanis<br />

' I ' I . ' ',r •. ,:),, i;,t, Eualuiili'M I II l,u<br />

:,i<br />

Cull-<br />

I P II, (li|. I'uiil'l, 'Jriill Of till' hill)',,,<br />

Di.-.lri, [ ,,f N.'y, J,<br />

Si,,11 i i.u'.'. l/i II,i' v. III|/[JI.I( ili II<br />

tiMK f^^'til^lN-. >.ii:i!l',l h> j<br />

..• . I li,rin 4<br />

,,(! |,rirtH ,,f li.c district,<br />

A- ,i, i/M-Mi/ii.-, i'-uis, ilif- r.rodyc-.<br />

ul Ailuntit. Curnb*jrlai,U<br />

,,j. ,,,,i !,;,!, , 1 , ^kii' ijF,i.i ifuJSii:;;!<br />

, li.jlij'.'.l'iJ !i) Mil- ijld li,,:l- for Cori^ri'^siF.iifi Hiiiid.<br />

TI,M pf-1,1 icjfih ioniiiiliv ,ii-si^nyU?'.i<br />

!,,*ii )• Siull, <strong>of</strong> Aliiintu; C,lj; us<br />

ii .ii'ii|,;,!i4ii inanaMt-r li lie j<br />

ir, Mr Har.iif. throt jireviuu' ;<br />

i ;it-l.i-li.i<br />

if t*r'-':.i-r<br />

Lew Lehr Well<br />

Known In Resort<br />

{•iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiininiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii<br />

j <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

j <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

! BONDS<br />

J Bought . Sold and<br />

I Quoted<br />

3<br />

j Arthur L. Batten<br />

1 846 Brighton Place<br />

Iliriin I il J, \, I,<br />

| Woodcock, Heis<br />

| & Co., Inc.<br />

1<br />

| m N, l!r 1 SI , I'llilB, «, Pn.<br />

1<br />

3<br />

I MpniiM'r^ I'lillii^liitlin, Nlo*-N F,ifh<br />

| Phone O. C. 18SS.M<br />

I 1 Kveninfl and WtrkFodi<br />

A r n . . i . t i i - i n • , . , ! * . 1 . i l l i . r - ;<br />

, L S I , - I l l l l • • ! . , • f l i t ] 1 .1 1 « | .<br />

I I.t II. ' I . . ! • . . • • | , , | , i - - • . „ !<br />

! , . . • • , r I n - •. . , , . - . < i t , - , n j i ' . i i .<br />

i J •, I, I. U Mil : i ' •• : ; •,,., i :<br />

n:, r i.'.il 111 V,,,,.„!,. I m<br />

,| I 1,1! ,,; i:,. If. , : ( • ; , , .<br />

'"AII'',' 1 ,'- 1 t , ''/!;,, ,',"•;•':;' ,,.,. ,„.:-, Wene Year Late on<br />

",,, ;:','•',!,' ,'';';,'';!,";.;„'';,"' .?.. "• .' Ferry, Says Driscoll<br />

|| k:.i.,., |.<br />

I lililiiiU'il fmill 1'UBI' 1<br />

Police and Chamber<br />

Plan Crackdown<br />

( i.iil.mi,-,! rriim Fagn<br />

( • . . ! I.i,, 1-.<br />

•;,, i,. , , l - . . ;<br />

'.-i ii ! ; , • i . i i . , .<br />

r - -,<br />

i.1... i..<br />

lu dour an' ,ia,,ih*.r pf.,l*l,.ni t*i.,l<br />

iii-tij^ I,, Itr Ul'iilt liith 1,1 iialiiiiitf<br />

!<br />

'<br />

:<br />

l I,iif lukin ,)., LIT. ,1 I;,. »,,ii1 ' !<br />

111! rt- ilitli- hi'l'H ^,-lf-iill ,4!^*-^ r.=<br />

(i-!,(ii iii lihiili hum*. iiiiniT-. |i.ii,j<br />

^ut,^liiiilh,l dull n jiiiinuriU lu m,,h<br />

vuli.-iioi ^ ,!iiii linuil i !,aU l.i tin ,-L, 1<br />

,.|, ilirin iiiiii ;i,l|,-.l n, l.tu^iii; t, * ^ ^ = * p J^<br />

."M.|,.l 11,,,n I,, ill, II,,. 11 ili k ill,., f C '<br />

•Mil \. »'£

E.J<br />

Ft* 1 1'.<br />

, J v<br />

•f<br />

'.*r?. -^.p<br />

Sttfe<br />

)AR C«<strong>of</strong>eredce<br />

Sarah SUlltreH Chatter<br />

n <strong>of</strong> tho American Revolu<br />

Ubn, win be rtprwented Thursday<br />

UM atate meeting, ii<br />



PHONE 2746<br />






NYftUN<br />


PHONE (in<br />

>•»«••< *****<br />

- Kitchen Cabinet* and<br />

pboarda nt« to Order.<br />

Reproduction* <strong>of</strong><br />

i Dutch Antique Furniture<br />

' Wttte Ca far a Frti MbnaM<br />

Earl<br />

North's<br />

Wood Shop<br />

IMk IL. Opp.<br />

R. E- ItaUn<br />

Phone iSM<br />


SCHOOL o/<br />


0478 or 2241<br />

r Koor<br />

i CUTS and CORLS - • See<br />

"s Beauty Shop I *<br />




Permanent Waves<br />

— AM, BEAUTY AIDS —<br />

184 Arfwry Avenue Phone 1141<br />

> CLOa«D MONDAY ^ N M ^ ^ ^<br />

SALON<br />

STYLIN0<br />

Witt<br />

841 TO.<br />



! BEAthT 8KRVICE<br />


' AVENUE<br />

served by the daytime branch <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Women! Auxiliary <strong>of</strong> Holy Trinity<br />

liscqiia! Church on Tuesday from<br />

to f p. m.. in the parish house<br />

05S Central av.<br />

Mrs, Florence Jeffriei was ap.<br />

jointed chairman <strong>of</strong> the committee<br />

in arrangements, when the Auxlli<br />

ry met TuesdBy rngrninf.<br />


THING<br />

THAT<br />

EVER<br />

HIT<br />

TOWN<br />

ATOMIC<br />


30<<br />


618 ASBURY AVE.<br />

Phone<br />

1871<br />

auuniminimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMi.iiiiiiiii<br />

Joseph Driscoll Parjells<br />

Musical Instruction<br />

Organ. Piano and Voice<br />


AKtMll fnr ClIICKERINlj,.<br />

Krnnleh und .r"h""Kinihnll.<br />

Wlnlw « fn.. . Munriti Munrilr.<br />

Hiunmontl SQLOVOX<br />

Liberal Terms Available<br />

Phone; Atl. <strong>City</strong> 2.0940<br />

iiilii<br />



[(Formerly Grahams Barber Shop)<br />

I NOW AT<br />


1827 Asbury Ave,<br />

Personal and Social Chit-Chat<br />


addition "to <strong>of</strong>flcim aid mefilbeii.<br />

Mil be tow Joan Smith, hlih Khool<br />

atudant rteontly letactad M the<br />

Chapter'. Good ClUwn Award win<br />

tier<br />

Since we're not try-In* to rwii com<br />

Presiding over the conference will petition with the<br />

be Mm Palmer M Way <strong>of</strong> North<br />

Wlldwood. state regent. Mrs. Way.<br />

•ho will retire from the state oillce<br />

and frtdar next week. <strong>Mar</strong>ch 1« and thin year, is a candidate for the<br />

IT. «t rjU artflual SlaU «ni*re»« <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>llce <strong>of</strong> curator general on the na<br />

the lMw J*f*e> ioolety In the Aa- tional ticket'<strong>of</strong> Mrs. Edwin S. Lam<br />

nfafr chamber <strong>of</strong> the State Hoiue. men. <strong>of</strong> Texas, who is running for<br />

president general.<br />


'An** who will attend from here<br />

WlJl fa* dctentUMd at the regular General conference business will<br />

monthly maaUna <strong>of</strong> the Chapter Sat- be transacted on Thursday, while<br />

lmtoy afternoon at the home <strong>of</strong> Mi Friday will be given over to report<br />

Irvlftf 1. Mountt. Ill* O«an a and voting on new <strong>of</strong>ficers. Mrs<br />

U^§ Loia llanallton will be gues: Ralph W, Greenlaw, <strong>of</strong> West EnRle-<br />

ifrMfcrf at tBtf mmting<br />

wood, is the candidate (or regent.<br />

Eighty-live Good Citizenship Pilgrims<br />

will attend the conference<br />

Mrs. Way will present each <strong>of</strong> them<br />

with pins and certificates and will<br />

ntroduce the State PllKiim who will<br />

receive a *1UO U S. Savlnss Bond.<br />

The girls will meet Governor Driscoll<br />

in his <strong>of</strong>llce and will be ellteralned<br />

by the Society at luncheon<br />

after which they will visit historic<br />

spots at the state capital.<br />

To Serve Supper<br />

An pysttr and fish supper will be<br />

rylntf<br />

Weather Bureau U yon have new* for Mia D»y.<br />

we've promsied to refrain from men- pleue telephone tier »ny dor<br />

tioning the climatic conditions •( tl.j lifter 4 p. m.. ot her herae. Her<br />

beginning <strong>of</strong> our column this week lele^ene number I* 1SM-IL<br />

Among local residents who have<br />

returned from vacationing in Florida Hospital Mrs. FealrhelUr Is the<br />

are Mr. and Mrs William Bishop. djuKhter <strong>of</strong> Mr and Mrs George<br />

* * * Flurer <strong>of</strong> Scotih Hall<br />

Mr and Mrs J Thornley Hughe":<br />

• • *<br />

740 Wesley av., returned Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hanna<br />

after a months incatlon in Florida<br />

Whl<br />

r nths tlon<br />

will at'end the celebration, <strong>of</strong> th,<br />

While n Fld Florida Mr and Mrs 50th w dding anniversary today ol<br />

Hughei MSited Ihen ion, Berwjn Mrs H nna's parents. Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Hushes at 5it Petersburg Mr and D H 1 ittle, <strong>of</strong> Westmont. N. J.<br />

Mrs Hughes H h all." traveled ld nlone hthe<br />

* • *<br />

rut IOJII Mopping Bt West Palm Mr and Mrs Robert Entrekin jnc<br />

Bnodi and Mnimi Inridentally they son. .„.. Robert Jr u,ere week-end<br />

rtpurlid that utather lundilmm<br />

tfiii'sl^ <strong>of</strong> Mi and Mrs Joseph Werb<br />

wen Idtal<br />

• • •<br />

Miss Anne Simpson entertained at<br />

Mr jnd Mrs Joseph Werh 1341 a part> alter the successful perform-<br />

Simpson B^ enlultflined Bt an open ance <strong>of</strong> the play "Berkeley Suare<br />

house Saturday evening Amonjl the at O(.ean Clt> High School Among<br />

l!ue:>t£ were Mr and Mrs Louis the guests »elf Mr ond Mrs Ralph<br />

Tjiinrmo Mr and Mri Robert D D Jar\ is Miss <strong>Mar</strong>ion Mensch Mis<br />

H.inna Mr anil Mrs Edward<br />

Oinham Mr and Mrs Ryon Wieien<br />

Ihul Mi nnd Mr* F I, Abbott Mr<br />

nnd Mrs Henri Hjrlman Mr And<br />

Mrs Hohirl lacoln Mr and Mrs<br />

Wultfr Hughes Mi and Ml* Carl<br />

lluiRvt and Mr ind Mis Robert<br />

EntiLkin, uf Vmiland^<br />

Mrs Robert MeCormiclt entertamud<br />

at her regular bridge, Friday.<br />

Mr ind Mrs. John Feairhollar. o£<br />

Mi Airy, have announeed the birth<br />

af a daughter at Abington Memorial<br />

1<br />

Pauline Fink Mr and Mri Forren'<br />

Cimper Mr and Mrs Rupert Wlckes<br />

Mrs Herbert Wllks and Miss Helen<br />

Dtrrltk<br />

* * *<br />

Although this business o( bouquet<br />

throwing tan become rather mo<br />

notorious Me cant lefrain from<br />

thanking a "fellow columnist for<br />

that terrine build-up list week<br />

Muchas gracieas, senor.<br />

Look for us next week when we'll<br />

have some more news to report to<br />

you about the people <strong>of</strong> our (own<br />


tti<br />

raoiti MM<br />


' j£i33!'\^ ll l<br />

13M<br />

Sl»opp«<br />

rmo'im<br />

WAVES<br />

Presbyterians<br />

Hear Readings<br />

Mrs J R Butler gave a series<br />

readinjjs frnm the poems composed<br />

by her daughter as the entertainmint<br />

feature <strong>of</strong> a meeting <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Women's Auxiliary <strong>of</strong> the Firs<br />

Presbyterian Church, Monday nigh<br />

In the church parlor.<br />

Mrs. Butler represented the Calvin<br />

Circle. Refreshments were served<br />

by members <strong>of</strong> the philalhea Circle<br />

During the business meeting the<br />

group unproved its annual contribu<br />

tion to the American Red Cross, ant<br />

leaders <strong>of</strong> various Circles reporlec<br />

on iheir activities.<br />

Announcement was made that th"<br />

Bethany Circle will meet Mirch 16<br />

at the home <strong>of</strong> Mrs. J. Weir, 1214<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> av., at 12:30 p. m., for a eov-<br />

ered dish luncheon. rireeedinB its<br />

business session. The Calvin Clrclo<br />

will meet <strong>Mar</strong>ch 17 at the jiome <strong>of</strong><br />

Mrs. O, F, Rilenbauch, 824 Plaja pi<br />

Mrs. Olenn Miller, president<br />

opened the session with a Scripture<br />

rending and the Lord's Prayer,<br />

The Auxiliarv will again meet<br />

April 3 at B p. m.<br />

Baby, Aged 2, Has<br />

Birthday Party<br />

Lawrence Michael Allegretto. Jr..<br />

son <strong>of</strong> Mr, and Mrs. L, M, Allegretto,<br />

943 Palen av,. celebrated his second<br />

birthday anniversary recently with<br />

a party attended by a group <strong>of</strong> 17<br />

little friends at his home.<br />

Lawrence received many jilts<br />

Refreshments were served and<br />

games were played.<br />

The honored guest is a grandson<br />

<strong>of</strong> the laic Charles B. Slctier, resort<br />

contractor. His father is assistant<br />

manager <strong>of</strong> the A. and P. super,<br />

market.<br />

* * *<br />

Drama Night Postponed<br />

The Women s Research Club announced<br />

yesterday that the date uf<br />

its annual Drama Night meeting ha••»»••••<br />

Socony Vacuum Agency'<br />

•U ASBUBT AVR,<br />

^ r *<br />

fanner<br />

want to h*<br />

in A* Mfn<br />

which wm da bufhtMt<br />

W« toy to •an tint it<br />

in, hj dolag A* fe^<br />

iagtkmgii<br />

1. Qivlag IU<br />

tommi food<br />

•nJ feed urnc* •(<br />

t<br />

f. Dtaliag<br />

•ad (urly with on<br />

suitomna, our »upyliara,<br />

and our com-<br />

yatitora,<br />

t, Fursiahiiif good<br />

j'sba and good opfaradto<br />

tka<br />

Jocil eituenf who<br />

work for ua,<br />

4i Cooper.tiajin<br />

Worthy ewie «cti»i-<br />

Ara ws good citiiem in<br />

your town? If not, wi<br />

would caniider it a faver<br />

H you would 1st ua know.<br />

Pleaie wrjt«i<br />

IlMiatr Iilallaii DatlttaMI,<br />

AftP Food Store*<br />

4W Lexington A verm*<br />

NtwYorklf.N.Y,<br />

IITAUH<br />

M<br />





ORANGE JUICE fto<br />



Oxford Park<br />

Mill Of emu suyi<br />

GRASS<br />

I-S3c<br />

'Super-RtgHf Closm Trim<br />


POUND 89*<br />

ROAST OF BCCF >2ZS? '85c<br />

RIB END PORK ROAST m M 45c<br />


SLICED BACON — g 27c<br />


FRESH OYSTERS OT 41c m 45c<br />


•/««• Parkmr<br />

UMOM MIllNMl<br />

ATFLI<br />


SHIMT<br />

IACH 49*<br />

ILUIIII1T Met 51C<br />

Buns ' 25 4<br />

mu MOB umv MOTI<br />

m PMHMIIV<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>vel Bread<br />

BUTTERrjmmn m<br />

CHEDDAR CHEESE 7° 45c -ST65c<br />

CHED-O-BIT *"'^f^*» w 23c<br />

TUNA FISH JFBS&gm. *£ 37c<br />

IONA CUT BEETS 2 ^ 23c<br />

MOTHER'S OATS 2 « 29c<br />

PIE CRUST MIX ""«" 2 » 35c<br />



APRICOT NECTAR mz 3 ^20e<br />

PEAS & CARROTS m I ^ 35c<br />

BIB ORANGE JUICE ^ 10 95c<br />


SEASIDE LIMA BEANS 2 ^ 25c<br />

NIBLCTSCORN 2 2r 29c<br />



8th STREET<br />

a ran *»<br />

tr 4ic<br />

^ 23c

• Thursday. <strong>Mar</strong>ch K I960 Somera Point<br />

Legion Minstrels<br />

NOTICE<br />

to Open Tonight<br />

I SOMERS J'OIMT ihi. Min ti<br />

1<br />

<strong>of</strong> a three bedroom beachfront<br />

Show which mil lie i mi Mid '<br />

i iKht und triil iv nifeht " II" l'i«<br />

ii\ Suhuil nudilnriuin It Cljr<br />

Eluinn Pu,t Ami nun Li-amn J><br />

!li. Luilus AimiJidr* pruiriMs i<br />

li bigthr .ind belter Ihnn lj« Ji-ui<br />

U « under lilt LliriLlion or V/dUj i<br />

Vnlli P.irku Multi.nl .mil Fmm<br />

Binl li *ill I»L" i !>'• n""><br />

it ji 15 ntlulk<br />

TW» Pwperty Ii LiMed Exclusively with<br />

} nti null dll<br />

>bert L. Monihan<br />

I Central Av«.<br />

0999<br />


1 P.irkrr Mulfuril W I<br />

I1.11T1 \uiri Nurinui H ml nil ,n i<br />

SHiiniu. Wir Ii. i li t I' '•'• "<br />

Mt w us a ir lei II < uti r<br />

Udtmr will It- fji'^iUt' L\ i<br />

V rfcarel Jiihn i n w and Mr« Wlllitm Monci-W, Nff Turner, BBilly<br />

K«ppl«r. Wade Mon •tudy, th« fubject<br />

Thomai Oliver, Mrs Arthur Tnll crlef Geoi AllMi l Allen All Shephard Shhrd p<br />

M <strong>Mar</strong>garet CCppeiM<br />

ond Mr« Cln<br />

,non Mr« DorU Batten. Mrs Sher Ihoinus terpole, Jsmti Kelinr<br />

nuii Winaluw Mr ond Mrs Herman Waller Clark. Jewel Crnddock, C d k St Stan-<br />

Mf,ki>rs. Mrs Niirmun Howlnnd ley Turner and Richard Denncy.<br />

ClidiU-i M«-rih.int Mis I'nrker Mill<br />

who utU'IKied were MrH 6tli «rnrli' mnlliers will<br />

rnd Mi und Mis Fionk Clumber Ktnnelh Turner. Mrs. EdWin Kellal l(.'fr(<br />

If. lam Mr iiiid Mis- J b<br />

Amiriv. Siiii S MMiss<br />

Duns Irltsili Cniililni k Mi<br />

Mi anil Mis Ki i in lh I unit.i Ar-iyiiluil Muwll<br />

tl L' 1 "I !'•"<br />

ink tin i i Lil* jml " i'" rili" i<br />

fr. rl Plia^lil\ ill i» 'I ''<br />

•hi iinki,im<br />

Ml Hill II Ni 11 Hi I1HV Mull •<br />

ji II ttill iril I iriur Ml III, i li •<br />

MimUr ni Mn- • I"" i i" "<br />

l sliirt*"nti<br />


n Mrs A Shtlih AT I>INNKK TO CARD I<br />

I i thin riivtll mil Mr C linn Ml Sit v Juhn Summers Jiisrph u isk SOMrRS I'lHNT -Mi<br />

ll.rdie 11 Iiriifn I m<br />

Cub Scouts to Have<br />

Cake Sale Next Week<br />

SCJMl-HS I1JIM -Al J Puck miM-1iru<br />

lur lln I'ub Sii mils Ihurstiij<br />

I N • MI t II" Yk S l i<br />

J.III .<br />

ul th<br />

N ' v Yiirk j \<br />

A intinlMis wire dtitpjttd<br />

Umiiy mi] Jjiku Mju-m<br />

I 1 ,rli 1 1 ui, i' i r idiuli-ii I<br />

II, Hi 1 s.1.11<br />

I in 4111I1 JII<br />

Si 1 ul 1 b 1 mil<br />

VI 1 ! r ,- 11 jil. li r 1 ul-i Jlf<br />

M ,1 I IN<br />

I f i r i %l ir t 1 III £ 'ill hV 1. 1<br />

lt HI I \| III t. Jl I hi 1 111" 1<br />

II , , p it , 1 I 1111 I uliu Iul.J U m<br />

[ ( ( 1! iii HI Frill yiscl Bubblt 1<br />

.1 il Lt Ri v Brubi run!<br />

P.-T. A. to Meet Monday<br />

SDMFRS POINT—Thf next [Wi<br />

mi ul "the Sumern Poinl Pun ill- „<br />

n<br />

tuther As'.iji-ijli<strong>of</strong>i will ukt* "'"'<br />

Munduy dl a I<br />

1 , , ,, 1, 1 I111I. I . Al' Kinntlh<br />

1 } p m in tin<br />

lunum Hi 0.1* vh u\ Si iioui<br />

Phi 1 pmgrdm vill ht a t urneiilufi Exchange Club is<br />

Told Need <strong>of</strong> Blood<br />

Hifn Lioi ul Uiirii I i mrrt<br />

, .,1. i v i r.ilir.iiid L Willi.'"<br />

M 1!, ,bili tu ll.c txihaii i ' lull<br />

Mm Hjt I lEl t 11 I'ltlli. will<br />

Fn.'li IJI. ul i " " rifiiM rj * 1<br />

lj : unl\ jb.mt Him " I<br />

i"<br />

Lul Ih. ulhn , iinlu. I l<br />

IIIJ m.n l.i'l iii.liliinl<br />

HuilUInk lulu fur<br />

%~'tU smlih JiXl<br />

1 .<br />

"'•<br />

lil<br />

iiilniil il I"<br />

. ill H<br />

U moving permanently to Florida,<br />


SALE NECESSARY - $12,000<br />

SAUI and RENTAL<br />


Far M y««r» I have been tpeeialmtig in Renting,<br />

•<strong>of</strong> Loti wvl Properiy, alae Fire Insurance in this<br />

mw 15th ud 59th Streett,<br />

1 hw«w • lwf« number <strong>of</strong> pretpeeta juii waiting<br />

tb« type location* ud price property and let*<br />

yilllt their r«juirenvent».<br />

1 hwM alwajPS been an independent Broker and<br />

*6 way to I«t your luting unlets made direct<br />

you# lialinf and will net circulate any<br />

inform»tion unleis you to desirp. We<br />

it# l»rfC clientele and are constantly selling and<br />

t pMperty, M I do need yeur lilting.<br />

ar F. Berger<br />

Rttd Eatate and Insurance Broker<br />

32nd and ASBURY AVENUE<br />


Special Announcement<br />

<strong>On</strong> or Before<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch 20th<br />






With a Full <strong>Line</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />


We Will Have a Urge Display <strong>of</strong><br />


And Suggest You<br />

O R D E R E A R L Y<br />





YOOK NEW JERSEY RAILROADS belitve that New Jersey<br />

shook) have the finest possible transportation<br />

tetvioe.<br />

To that end, die twelve railroads serving this state<br />

have .pent millions <strong>of</strong> dollars since war's end for new<br />

freight cui, new motive power, mechanization <strong>of</strong><br />

freight stations, lift trucks, tractor-drawn trailers, and<br />

•pedal pallets and containers for package freight.<br />

To integrate fteir servieei, your New Jersey rail-<br />

foadt now own or operate almost 1000 trucks. Con-<br />

sidered at a single unk, ftese represent New Jersey's<br />

htgett truck fleet<br />

The*e truck, are pledged to an abiding obedience<br />

<strong>of</strong> the weight law. that should protest New Jersey<br />

highway*. They make no illegal use <strong>of</strong> public high-<br />

ways for private pr<strong>of</strong>it through overloading.<br />

These trocki are used for short hauls for which<br />

they provide the most economical, fattest iervica,<br />

They cany merchandise to the rails for long hauls.<br />

^^*i oM, ••yet, hai devised a method <strong>of</strong> tranipertitteii<br />

half as efficient, as economicil as the railrOiid for the<br />

long haul.<br />

These same trucks now pick up goods-brought eco-<br />

nomically by rail from distant points, and deliver them<br />

promptly to your door.<br />

Your New Jersey railroads <strong>of</strong>fer services that fully<br />

meet the demands <strong>of</strong> modern business. Moreover, ai<br />

common carrieri, they accept even business that is un-<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>itable to them, thus giving service to shippers that<br />

they cannot be certain <strong>of</strong> letting elsewhere.<br />

Your New Jersey railroads are giving you, today, *<br />

a preview <strong>of</strong> the kind <strong>of</strong> transportation system tha<br />

United States must" ultimately have-a system in<br />

which each agency performs that function for which<br />

it is best suited, and in which no agency is a burden to<br />

the taxpayer, or pr<strong>of</strong>its from public subsidies.<br />

You, therefore, owe it to yourself to investigate the<br />

integrated services <strong>of</strong>fered today by New Jersey rail-<br />

roads, Theirlreight traffic representitives stand ready<br />

to help you at any time, any hour. :<br />


r ^m ill I<br />

* i 1 h !t i v i li ,!•*(• \at il i<br />

innirif. ndilUm<br />

\<br />

]!ilfe Sf-nllnt i I<br />

- M V ('Iwriciutri IMS<br />

ti i it running iiriill iu<br />

i=Hh si J'hunM l5t*H=K:<br />

^\I r = N mill<br />

i tjuhijiitii', rl<br />

pin* t ihi i liiiin<br />

i ^li i EH htdn<br />

i n

' "» Si 1<br />

SfeNtlNEL-LEDnF.R Thursday, Mnrrh f>, lft.<br />

j-^ndenen Electric<br />

Concern Moves<br />

'-•William S, Anderson, r, m l I-II-I -<br />

Irfeal iMjnli'aitiir. I." niii 1 . r^iiiiilir-iii 1 .!<br />

ni?w quiirltni at IHi>U Ai-iLiui *<br />

;i\ ! Hi.> ni!iV!Hi last Svm'k frniTJ thr<br />

11I1I lifi-iitjiiii :il 4ili fit- utui Ashury hv<br />


_ THEATRE —<br />

Semeri Point, N. j.<br />

Tel. 695<br />

FRF. • SAT,,<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>, 10 - 11<br />

WE'VE<br />


"The Great<br />

Lover "<br />

uilh F.HONH*<br />

KMISCi<br />

_<br />


HastyHea<br />


TLEKDAV ONI.V - MAM I! 14 —<br />


- Till It 1>\} MARCH I.-, . Hi —<br />



ACROSS<br />


priienirt b> WARNER BROS. —"«"——»•<br />


AI.SU<br />

» Nin MVIKII »«vuj including<br />

Highhfhli From 110 Film Hill<br />

m KSHI • MM sunn • numi; o»r • rant OWIS • uci Huif. iron mot • PUMPS UNCWW<br />

fUMIl (Ut[ aid Hi, <strong>On</strong>tatm MBIT lAMOUlil KMUH «•( MJIIIJ Vlf U • lOUHO iiri ANTONIO<br />

mini ram .-, -i ..;!, ....<br />

i t . , , i . i i. ..<br />


Si u I mi nl<br />



. I \ HUM in<br />

•|<br />

'it il '. '..I.:<br />

LIQLWRjmRE<br />

No Suiiday Kales<br />

Wcrtdays H A.M. to 10 r.<br />


m- CLOSED SUNDAYS *w<br />

MON. . TUES., <strong>Mar</strong>. 13 14<br />

flic intimate inside Story <strong>of</strong> New York's Cafe Society!<br />


WED. .THURS., <strong>Mar</strong>. 18.16<br />


* KIRK v LAUREN k^DMIS<br />



Exchange Club<br />

Minstrel Show<br />

FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 17th IStli<br />


• Light Comedy<br />

• Laughable Minstrel Antics<br />

• Lovable Lyrics and Songs<br />



ijoung man "f 1 horn<br />



Reserved Seats 25c Extra<br />


COMING - FRI. . SAT., <strong>Mar</strong>, 17.18<br />

I SAMUEL GOLDWYN p,,.,,,,,<br />



supHiii.<br />

il Ill's) I'MUNIM J'Hllli'i. ]<br />

r> i,.lbj S!*HK HOlitON •!),mil. I «KO i'l.iuifi. InfT<br />




Bth St, and Aibury Ave, phone 1839<br />



The Finest Quality <strong>of</strong> the Beit Drugi<br />

Are Always Used<br />

>\. A. SKI.VAliN, I'll,|, |{<br />

{nmf ln alltI ' w,.,,<br />

29C NOXZEMA Special<br />

49-<br />

Sp«i.l. 2 I., Sl.00<br />

Natural Gas<br />

Coming Soon<br />

fn N. J. Late Thig<br />

Year or Early 1951<br />

lli-liii i v ,if T !iiitiir;i! MiiN i n liiiist<br />

niirl'. "I Ni'V. J I T S I - } ' lull' I h i s y i - n r<br />

or ciVl> in IN' 1 ' "••'[• li'i-wil-l Tliiu-.--<br />

,i uv iiS nl 1111>' ' . | . n k ! " . m e i ! iirul 1 hi'<br />

jj,; : l|,r,.l' I'liiili' I M i l i l y C I I M I M I I S M I I I I -<br />

(fS<br />

'[•)!,. , ..I., i-iiMI'. V. i, : fiiiil Mill I liii I ..;i.<br />

,,-IH I,. - j | > lilllilv iiilli|iuiiii^ I nl is,..<br />

dtiHlili'lliill I ' I ' I * ' " I ' •'• 'I' M l ' l.i'i-i-.' -<br />

{nrilv M.l-.il' I " - ' I • - • I I ~ ("I ' H I . . n i n .<br />

mn^u^t'r;, r;-!r ,^: Girl Winner Of<br />

•"IIIIT 111 |||,- finl Ihiil (ill,, j S ,'S,|,|i-<br />

•' l<br />

'<br />

( 1 •>i'»i il w i l l i-iisl IIIIIK!<br />

I I . I I I I I - .iln.iil Slfi |.ii- I , , , .<br />

i m ' l l Ii, Hi,, riilt 11 I.i I<br />

I<br />

fr->,<br />

fr<br />

(01 III I*ASS (1^ II (IVOMV<br />

Oratory Contest<br />

Sidney Morris Is<br />

Chosen By Legion<br />

.li'i'i-y Ciiiiiiil Piiwir mill i.iniiiJ M i w Snliii'j- M u n i s , Oi-run C'il<br />

• iiij.iitiy ii • ui |||,,sr w l m i i hiiM'jUii'.li Si'liiml Ki'i.iiir, was i-husi'ii Ft<br />

i'i lilii'il In tii|i lln |,i|,,. l,n,. II, (•,,„,. l,lu> ,iii;lii ui lln. .M'iifc.ry ihi,iii|,ii.(, nf<br />

III I,a,,1 ri,iii,i v i,, i,,.,,,,, ()„, (, u s in'ili,, Ml,,,,,! ^ till i shf w u n u iiiiitiiil<br />

kl-' ; "r • '' V '""' ''''"•'' | l i l "' "I'('iiiiii' ^'"i'Mircii hy Miirjiaii.Hani'k Pnsi,<br />

Fire Destroys<br />

Wildwood Cottage<br />

Aitii'iii<br />

i hii.iriiiry IN Ilir l.'Hli iiiimiul<br />

" • ' '•' " ' • " . | i<br />

11 iili Hiliiinl ( J I I , ! U I I « I 1 Ciiiili'M<br />

! Mi*. Mm II. win, -ri'i-fiwil u Safi<br />

i ! S Hill n.y.y Dniiil for hi-r \u lurv<br />

• 'I! -li'l.M 'i I,I Hi., (li-,.,ii, C i l y 1.I. K,I.II<br />

ii.iii iiiii-iii di--- I-i. ! ii. 'I.i- Till,!- M i l v ('iiuiiiv I'lniii-<br />

uti.,1-.- ,IIII| r i a n - . liii i u i , l i " - r liiiiii'irriiw I ' K I ' I I I U V I<br />

Wil....•......, iiiil . ! i, Kl.t .1. ll,,- M,ii,lli..Ti.t..l.'|.i|. lii'-l.<br />

I.i.i-i" l.'"i,'' 1.1 li 'I i..,i,,:,<br />

b'|V ,.1 !,.,li In Hr,li<br />


I . I l l , ' I I . , 1 1 1 , 1 - .<br />

iii-iir,.'.! aii<br />

lii.r iii.,I<br />

Rotarians Hear Famous Voices Out <strong>of</strong><br />

Recent Fateful 13 Years <strong>of</strong> Struggle<br />

A (jliiih Uiiil MTi'liiliiliM lilili, A i i ? i - l i ^ liii' i l i i p |.Xii!iiili.ii Ililii i|ill!li-il<br />

liiiii! iiiiiii'iliiiiiiii'l' w i l h ii riiliciili.ii' '••M.IAI'I-: I N 0 1 K T I M K "<br />

IMilsliirllr il Iii,111 Iliillll-ll A l l u l l H i l - j '|' h,. n.<br />

ii'r. w i n , II ri w yi'iirt. iiun ' i t "111 i , „ , . . , ' ' , ' - ' " i i .<br />

lii-liiili'il i<br />

riiiiinlii'jiiiili,<br />

I) c i m i i c r I h i ' v . i i r l . l W H S u r n ' " I lJ111.,lllK i , . , , , , ,,, ,lla |,,,,,l,|,, , , , , „ i n , .<br />

lilthl<br />

(Illit-r.s v.i,u.| u! i.i Hi" 11'hiji,<br />

III, I'HIIIIII,. -I uiiil. liii I'/i-i-lni'.l.<br />

iilii Siiilt-tt'M li-ni. .'.;i.~ iftlli.t!<br />

U l l n - r i ui i.-.1:,UK v. . 1 1 . I(iilii,ril<br />

Hiihiii (,!',,., S i - n i n r . 'riii.inii.. Tli'iriii'<br />

.Illll Ml»H .lull!! l.il,II, hull;, jiiliml -<br />

II !!:!• IN|-II SI-|1..III<br />

Kin li i.l II, i.|i, iviii. 1111 li ,i ii I iii i!i.,<br />

In.,-! ii iiri-jiiiri.i! i.iiitiiiii u r Hi in 12<br />

i liil.ni, ,,l H "i;, Vi"mihiil.'|.-' A l l<br />

ii -i ii'.-.iii!.-, i...ir.. nil ,.mil,, j.hii-,' ,,i<br />

";,- I ' I . , i,il Sl;i!i 1 '> • I it hi n , n n i - i l ' v ] , !<br />

i I , M !!.M,i h!<br />

WISNKK HI (.11 Mil .III K<br />

• I ' H i - V, .1.1.IT i.l II., , H , l,.ili,-<br />

l-ii.l.' l,,|, li, ill, ,1111V. Infill V- ill III<br />

i i Ii til I'll nn til tiili. ri'l'llil.Ul<br />

-.ill I..illi,I,ill 1,1, ill, I'll .ll culitl.-.t.o ill •<br />

' . i i . i i i : li v tt.i- A i h i r i i i i i i l^.i'iui:<br />

Il.l- ll.il II,(,il 1.1., 11 illl. ...Ill,111],-ll I,,I<br />

A | . i , l I', Tl,i- w. ii,f.t-r '.'.ill i i-i e n , '<br />

ilir- . i I.!- lii'^t i m , , . in .i F-, ill. III I<br />

'.I '.fi.i'. Iliiil (li i ;,ri C,i v l,ii- 1,1-iii<br />

j Ii I . I ••• •• 11* • 11 in ii... I M I . l '<br />

; W i III.I Mi.iv i.iil.t I.', II,) ii Hrhi.i.i<br />

j I ' I I I I I ui..I (ifi.ri'.i- W Mi'.i.'f v. l.i,<br />

\ i uhrii iiiiiliili t! 'I,!- I.i-iiiiili JH,. i Inl ii<br />

' -..,,)...,,i- h.ji I.IKI ,i,i|.r," ! li. > u H •-•<br />

I i n p l i . H |,|l -it;n<br />

urr.<br />

'.hi. iinl> i,:,'.,,.'. II.,,i i i<br />

ihi' IJ.,1,1' !,.,i. 1- ,,, ,,.. .<br />

liil VOl ltl>il MHI R"<br />

11,-II- -.-.. ill.I . 1,1.'<br />

• H U i l l V . It Ml III V AMI I l^ll"<br />

I • ! ^ 1'li<br />


Registers<br />

Radiators<br />

Radiant Panels<br />

Baseboard<br />

COAL<br />

Warm Air<br />

Hot Water<br />

Steam<br />

Air Conditioninf»<br />

GAS • OIL<br />

When You Are in the <strong>Mar</strong>ket for a Real Heating System • • - See<br />




605 Atlantic Avenue Tel, 0328<br />

i<br />

. • ! : .<br />

..( 'i.i<br />

il' ( ,<br />

l<<br />

•vl'HI.IN' ( -M.l> I (lit I 111 H M.I<br />

i i.in.i. "..'• I'.nii-p, i' r<br />

I'll,;- f.r-il l.il''<br />

-.,-.- !'.,. K.,,,' . . . . . . |, ,. ,. -,.-..,: :.. . • "<br />

A l . . : ' I . . . - • , ' ' ' - ! . . , . ' . . . . r ' l . , , r . I . . ' P I .<br />

1<br />

: , i ! • • ! ' • : . ' • ' • ' • ! i • '<br />

I. I.i v , I i-.i-.-. H.l,.., .,; ,,' 'i S ' , . , , 1 - -.-•.•<br />

l.i.irii.'i .'.I!.I' lii , , . | i . | , H , I h i l l i r J i i N l i l l K i i n s r t ill — liri ll<br />

f'i. .iiiii.t iii.u , . i l l ,,!..! .',i,,... i . . Ilii' H*- piitil ii j i i i P u n i' .it<br />

1 ...l,,l.<br />

Hi- H . i , li-tlll-l.,-,1 In till' n u l l i t y<br />

j.,!i ^ t l i ' l f hi' hi!- hi.!'!* i.iiillllii'.i<br />

• ,!,,• h i . iilli-M i n llii'.in t ' l t v il..liM|i:i-l;:- II.IM I I ' | - I . . - . I 1.' I . M I I . I -<br />

| , , I | , , I . i l u i v.,..li. illi" Mi' i n : - -I'lil Hii-i'l l'> ii'iil-'i n-il Hi.ul TI-.<br />

li'.'.i-il I'll' iiiith,,riUi'. 'ill,I. I " ii.il, -, lilln. Hill. ,tin' iiii- h.I liHil.il:.' I.iiiii<br />

iii-. ,'iitt.ii'i! tlirt-i' (iii'.ili t ' i i y liitMii..- ; [i-iin: S.i liH in $.i.i tin r..]i!-t:!,.| M,!i =<br />

i n i n - vM'X'illl! II! kl-.iri'll iif llliilli'V I..,.',, k i ' i ' i - n r '.'i'i<br />

li. i'.i,li ,'ii.i- lit' J i l i iriiiliii-iii',! nil ' . . . .<br />

i-. M h u i i l sli'illllii; iiliythltiK " ~ " * " " ' ""<br />

In i!tiutlii-r i-ii.i- ii: (.'..iilily (,'i.ul-l. ' I..'ii.|.i'iiiiiiri•« ii.«nli'<br />

S'lii'll liiiiiiii'lul. ul (.'iiliri lli'U.H- 11.' M-Mi.i-1'ir.'iliVi- i-niilii<br />

,.:,.,il,.,l i,i,ii. m i l t n I * " rli.-H'Mi- "I I'l'i'.i -'•""•' i-.'kiU'i- l.iliiiiiii'<br />

ui i.i-<br />

nil-Mil.I<br />

The Family Next Peer.,.<br />

"Why, Frtd I'd LOVI to go I"<br />

• Ever think <strong>of</strong> «!! the good thin|s in<br />

life yiiu'tl mis';, if it weren't for [he tele-<br />

phone' An.i when you add the conve-<br />

niiTK'f it provides,,. the liraetnd effort<br />

it saves , . . t()|eiher with the protectiori<br />

it affufds,. . modern telephone lervice U<br />

HTilv an oufsunji'iji value!<br />


WHAT'S THAT NUMlllf Th. pMM<br />

•Impliil way I* hot* MtptoM numb«n Mi<br />

ol tour.., iPtmugh y»ur Ttl^hon. SMM|r,<br />

ht mw numbm « numtan »si ^1 ami,<br />

y.y will niid IntwiMMii'i h«lfI IhM fM tM<br />

|ol Ibim down IH lulvn «f»HIH«l<br />


i/Mw/tfW'/mfff<br />

JOIV£ffmC£-jy£l0!<br />

Intlrfauw /7i Jf«. Mali,- I>/M.. M HJUHJ prlr*. nan, Oplionol M nJl («,/.*.l« mgMl,<br />


JV'oio. 4. foil f an buy lln; ai timi eltir <strong>of</strong> the Iiipli. rHiimiliiiMi, the rxirn i^rrving eiN <strong>of</strong> MM WlilrU<br />

wiyoldnciii/uii'/iriWJ'haiikilothFenihiiiilaMii 1 git ay 1 Hyiira.Matio I)r|y(»--ni« huvr price! Now<br />

reception snil overwlirliiiing jio|iii!aritT 61 llin all ihe flowing lirmitr <strong>of</strong> Fiiluraniir Myliiij, the<br />

flushing new Fiiluniiiiir "HH," UidHtnoliile now ruttliiimi'il cni<strong>of</strong>iirl <strong>of</strong> Oldiinuhile'i **.\ir-liorne<br />

<strong>of</strong>fen this lowMt.prirril "R<strong>of</strong>ket" Engine car riih" ii Voiirt—<strong>of</strong> a Imivrprite! Thii i* truly the<br />

it in tvm lower prirc! Now yaw can thrill ts the value lieadlihR <strong>of</strong> the vtar! Hut don't lukr our<br />

"Rocket" Engine'i imootfaniirging rMponae— word, take the wheel! Make • date wilh the<br />

at a lower price! Now you can iajoy the iuper. brilliant new "88"-7at four Olditn'ohile deiler'i!<br />



Palmer Chevrolet and Oldsmobile<br />

1117-1129 ASBURY AVENUE<br />


Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 9, 1960<br />

iKans<br />

r Td Hear Bishop<br />

To Speak Sundty<br />

. m Broadcast<br />

Catholic Daughters<br />

to Have Retreat<br />

The ninth annual retfeat <strong>of</strong> the<br />

N J SUli" tuurl Catholic Daughters<br />

ui AijuTiGd w ill be held at Georgian<br />

Cuurt Cullege Lakewoori N J trum<br />

April H tu 17<br />

ttc\ Jowph F X Hdrnuuii SJ<br />

<strong>of</strong> Furdham Unuernlj mil t)C ti<br />

rilrejt directnr Father Hamsun is<br />

pro/e^or uf ethii*'. pssiliologj an 1<br />

teliihun in thi hi hnnl uf Cummerc I<br />

Fyidhani Limif^iu<br />

See Holy Week<br />

Paintings<br />

Lutherans Shown<br />

Colored Slides<br />

i 1 II<br />


B ^ The Rt Rc% Henr> Knux Shcrrill<br />

*£< Presiding Bishop <strong>of</strong> thi E|)i«a|inl<br />

' Church will oddro* ihi iuiu,n i<br />

*t tton ol Holy Tnniii Church llih M<br />

and Central av at the 11 mi.«k<br />

Service ol Morning Prsjir cm hi n<br />

i *ffee Presiding Bishop s address *\il!<br />

tcrne lo the local cnnijfiiiiiliMn tn<br />

t*a\O over staUun WBAB Allan!,,<br />

Oty, at exactly 11 jn a m H I<br />

climax ol the <strong>On</strong>e World in Clirm<br />

npalgn In the Epi-.iup.il Lhunl<br />

' campaign aimed .1! inciri^itit<br />

i scope at the rhurch * wurk in<br />

al Edutdtiun Mi's in is<br />

i and Suiial Ser\ n c i ihi<br />

lorward step fnr tin*, Cim<br />

rmirtlon «lnce the camii-ralmii nf [IIL<br />

first BilhsH far the UHIULI SI,,I,-<br />

In 1TM<br />

MUBLI1 OIV1Nf III niii'ir* tJriurlmiiil In iiiir<br />

111 i Ii I Ihi chliilru 11 jl'n n<br />

luidrcl In -ill itirwldi uriilui<br />

.ml I , fun 1 Till ink prujic-t<br />

Eii.iu.1 i i Huh tt,.k il i mil<br />

nuliiji i ill in ni Iu Mil li m<br />

M Fir I Mini I mil -.pi ik n II<br />

1, r in, i il it<br />

Hi III him I I t n ir\ u il tdljli<br />

< ,,r i1. 1 it thi HI P lint k Hii<br />

H, I, I u.rc Mi' Ruth riii ur<br />

n ii hi i mil Mr fililh Ern I<br />

Plan Men s Diy Program<br />

1 hi ii u Ml In i Mm , DJ\ pni<br />

ui un it St 1 in,' \M f riiurih<br />

i i u II i\i I I i il builri i% It<br />

' I<br />

Flit- | r .| i |i ik, i ill I i tin<br />

' i l H i I II Hi III II r ^lilliili B i | i<br />

1 I t l i u r i l %il,iiihi L i U H i m i l<br />

i I. ni| i ,i U lljc C , i | i l I i "<br />

In Tin . n II i i! i n I tli<br />

I in It<br />

il ci | li i<br />

financial for it tmnkp* i<br />

complete changemrr in mull UHH ui<br />

AellsiQUS Education fur ddult anil<br />

children an extensinn af Ihi Mis<br />

•ianary work ol Ihi Anglican Cum<br />

mynion mtu new untouched del.!<br />

gpd a renewal <strong>of</strong> E^dngelit*] Anpul<br />

fa the milliuns <strong>of</strong> unchurched anil<br />

gddlexs Americans<br />


In Holy Triniti rhurrh lhirc ill<br />

be no apeeisl appial fur funds bi<br />

Mi II u r. i i ii i if III.<br />

, f tin i in h in iiiipiui,<br />

i u .1 Idikc un rid i in t n<br />

i liuclt>ii lj-,1 Mil nuke H<br />

HHlln'r Ihi' t,ini|i,ii^n ull mi m<br />

in i uf Ihi' n.insh In ,l rcnr« ril itr.<br />

inrTiTlu ihi i HI i ul ilu M.i'ii r in<br />

iiuiiir tin 1 iiik anil jn\ful MH<br />

HI in Thi Mti furrt't E<br />

V I tl inriitui nf hi nurrh Hnh<br />

Ti mu Lhurih hrt n thi ji^ist feu<br />

si ir^ mnii ih ii ilnuhii I in member<br />

.liip mil tfipliri ii yum fur tin<br />

,u(i url uf thi CJI ii r,il ( hurt h Pru<br />

*,i un tun innri inipnrtint than ihrft<br />

1 ln_ n jHrikml iti, clp\ntiniijl<br />

Uii Tin Lml iui irn iimri pcnul<br />

in lhurih in ink drfi' I' wi.ll a<br />

Stm l,ii Ih in iuf biluri<br />

Church Announcements<br />



OfCin lllr Nrn Jtrwi<br />

Sun"<br />

J 30 l in<br />

lu<br />

ril<br />

Jame* in un >l ti<br />

Nov. vi h i\< i<br />

spirit nl Un i ii I iji i it<br />

V b l d l Iv Ilf (filli 1 h l l \ M 111^ 111<br />

thf. thniL I hill nr, (in 1\ i if i i i<br />

<strong>of</strong> G<strong>of</strong>l I Tiir Li I in 1 i\,<br />

pa^sJLts fium ^iiitii iil IIiiIH<br />

with Ktj In the SUM I in I i M r<br />

BdKir Eddv un link<br />

SuUMHnt i is ITi i* \v hn h I i i<br />

and inuipibh if ill i nl in die i<br />

, Which outhl tn In ul I in i t<br />

u«—the ernni. i li intuit indiKin<br />

thfi mut.ibk ind niurt il l Ihi n<br />

erring nninul 'I)1L mil iiiiinorl il 1<br />

Sptrti is tin onl\ ul Mm Ihi u<br />

MSIblt and indiMsibli iiilimli (. i'<br />

(pp 4B8 Z-S 13-i i<br />

* • •<br />

8T JOHNS l\ Wl.HH \1<br />


19lh sL and « tiilral ut<br />

Mr and Mm r>ul II Well MlnUlit<br />

,. ol Mule<br />

The TUrd SundAV In I cnl — Out<br />

(•reat Hour or Sharing—<br />

8 45 i m ( hinih Si I, I<br />

Blblt Chssil \uisir\ thluiiLl<br />

Adult Ui |iiUiiii!it Vi il i ui i<br />

comr Htlciidjnci tin! fjM i<br />

11 .1 m — nil. Vmri flu •( i<br />

Won Aftir Ihe V, ir Is fjier Al<br />

them by the Ch^nn I Clmir Sf loi i<br />

Jcannetti. Dirlij Stokr hpislli<br />

EphetLini 519 Ci pfl LultL II<br />

M-28<br />

Tn«i4ay—<br />

8pm —L.iiii«6 Anl bin II tv mi t(<br />

.-, m—Tuniur f hnir ri_ln_ n i!<br />

14& p m— Ijenlen Strvicr Sir<br />

tiwn Tlii. Lord . Trj>i nil ( in II \i il I i i<br />

x '" 1 i I ik i Mi _i I i<br />

\ ii it! U, IH ,<br />

•" I 'I B I II ( I , tl m l |<br />

i M ii I ,n [, I ,n f i i<br />

i l l n i i I li ,r 1<br />

I- ti i<br />

1> I" I" in 11 n A_, , f In, i<br />

• II I i ill i ui ., pi | |,<br />

'• l u i A lull f I n inn I( 1<br />

p li i i 1 nil<br />

|f l I I' Sp II 1 i ,n , |, t,,<br />

r >.iii vilii tl i Mi lull l mi. ON<br />

I"' ti m nl I,M , ii, B,<br />

T 1 i '11 ii £ iil | ]H\ \ inn .<br />

u i i il iii IIIIIIII i v i iii oi i> mull<br />

p\iin,('i-.i If r tin H I iili Vwil<br />

th , i ,,.<br />

Mnndai Man li 1 !—<br />

1 !() |) n _ l-n,,r p, rIr, 1,,,<br />

1,1 nip in ilut jl dm linmi el Mr-<br />

I ( i Bmk i 8 Hi t ii<br />

ru.MljN Mirrh H_<br />

7 I) p in — bi ir I) iji<br />

ii i IM II i- n irtn ,. [ r ih, 1<br />

Cn HI tl p |, ,„ ,i M, s ]<br />

Uillmu \\t tuili il ji<br />

Mtdnesdav—<br />

i »> | m -Midi ik II „, f,|<br />

n>ir lirni L ml Rililr |utJj ltd<br />

In PJ t r Viitur D Bi illli<br />

ThuriiUi <strong>Mar</strong>rh 16—<br />

IH )llp ,,,_r,,rl, Churn nliut ,|<br />

l"l I Mi I ik ii<br />

I rld.il <strong>Mar</strong>ch 17—<br />

' P ni—Bihlf C lul fir ill In<br />

ind t.rls m ,h, |,)Jlr .njn^mn,<br />

Irnllillni, n inm I o UHII\\ I<br />

I'mriis sm.in; lo,,|, [ ltt |r(J t ( t<br />

Lid hy flrll ,lllri Jfl,n [ I|I|L<br />

* * *<br />


7tli >L and He«ler av<br />

1 he (•D'.pel ( entered and<br />

MlMlfjnarj Wndrd t liurrli<br />

,'. Till* Pativr I<br />

» is n in —Prayer moiling <strong>of</strong> Hit<br />

Lords Dav Schoul tcaihirt and <strong>of</strong>llJ<br />

cer« in the iholr room<br />

»30 a m-The Church at Study<br />

ONE GREAT HOUR <strong>of</strong> SHARING<br />

• '-il<br />

}<br />

These ire Asp ol many ud serious world problems, which<br />

America cannot ignore, Cold war, strikes, revolution, conflict us<br />

the phrases that make today's headlines.<br />

Numerous are the theories advanced for solving these problems.<br />

Statesmen, eoonomiits, and diplomats have Wed and failed to<br />

achieve their goal <strong>of</strong> world peace.<br />

But there is another force at work that promises greater success,<br />

This is the power <strong>of</strong> love, fellowship, and understanding — and it<br />

takes its banner under the name <strong>of</strong> Christianity,<br />

<strong>On</strong> Sunday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 12, Christians the nation over will gatneF<br />

together to pool their wealth, talents, and faith in ONE OftEAT<br />

HOUR OF SHABING, <strong>On</strong>ly through such united efforts as ttus<br />

can the world come to know the peace that it desires.<br />

Come to Church this Sunday morning and share with ethers the<br />

peace and security that you know will come from Christian living<br />

and Christian Wth. ^<br />

m<br />

Luk.<br />

«mi<br />

Ii<br />

8<br />

II<br />

ai<br />

is.il<br />

IB<br />

2B.34<br />

4M<br />

monsorshTp<strong>of</strong> the Following;<br />


UMlricil tonlrarior . HoiBBinl AnplUiiri.,<br />

7S2 WM| Ave. phone 224S<br />


800 <strong>Ocean</strong> Av, Phonc 0007<br />



800 A«bury Av. phone 0130<br />


PrlDiing . Stollonery<br />

807 Aibury Ay, Phone I2S2<br />


Seal Kiiale , Iniuianri;<br />

15'th'StiBd'W.lfc Phone 0178<br />


•««l tsiale > Inturanrf<br />

131S Aibury Av, Phone 0060<br />



801 Ajbury Av, Phone 0300<br />


Seal Kilaie . Insurance <strong>of</strong> All Kinfl,<br />

801 Central Av. Phone 0026<br />

EDWARD ||. MILLS<br />

lil.l I Sljl, , I,, II, ,,!,,•<br />

219 Asbury Av. Phono 2193<br />


721 Asbury Av. Phone 0499<br />


Kfnltnr . Iniurnr<br />

601 Eighth St. Phone 1233<br />

WALTER A, D1TTR1CH, Inc.<br />

Rra'llnr' • InMinii<br />

601 EiBhth St, Phone 1360<br />


Qujlity Siiltn linn<br />

326 Atlantic Ave, Phone 0147<br />

N. HICKMAN<br />

1155 Aabury Av, Phone ISIS<br />


Rrsikierea liuiiiirr<br />

21M Aibury Av, Phone 2SS0.K<br />


Bf»| tilule<br />

4801 Central Av, Phunc 0pl4<br />


(ifiiinil tt.nti.n-tor*<br />

1258 Aibury Av, Phone 0988<br />


717 Plymouth Pj. Phone 8879<br />

C, j, MOYER<br />

RfSUlprpil nujldrr<br />

Phone 2S21<br />



801 Asbury Av. Phnn6 ,300<br />



IllSSimpaon Av. Phone 0122<br />


II. wA,,T«aliRIJBBi Pritpi<br />

6S3 A»bury Av. phonQ ,aB0<br />


!r.CE WMPANV<br />



West Av. at 10th St. Phone 0054<br />

VOSS AGENCY-Berrtia M. Voai<br />

Hpal rNUte — Insurant r><br />

SOS Ninth St. Phone 0044<br />



201 Aibury Av. phoM 0413<br />


INC'.<br />

724 Aibury Av, phono 12fiO<br />


Ma *"""« • Jerttd Air Meat<br />

32S Weit Av. Phone iO4i<br />


<strong>On</strong> Ihe 'Walk at Moorlvr. T«.«<br />


hS<br />

1682<br />

Revised <strong>City</strong> Government<br />

Man Up to Legislature<br />

5-Man Commission Form Not Efficienti Saya<br />

Commission; Concessions Made to Criticisms<br />

A revised pfoyrnm tar munkJitHl<br />

gnveninientai r<strong>of</strong>grm, which miikt's<br />

p^^^inn^ tp many uritiefHrng <strong>of</strong> \\w<br />

plan Iflst ytwir. wan<br />

DKstnl<br />

GllVL'rijrrll-lll.<br />

,„. _„......._. . ,._.,...,....... \l\v j.h(irp imiiith" „. .,<br />

nied to Gov*?rni»r DnKOifll find < CftmimtiMiin iniiiiiiiiinpd<br />

1 • • - - Into iiiKi week hy Miiuil ihitt city ctmntilKsiu<br />

Uli Mllfllfip*!l<br />

Ml i'i'ilit'isnt, tin?<br />

orfiiinni<br />

Hardock's Typewriter Co.<br />

Authorized Agent-for<br />

Royal Typewriters<br />

Victor Adding Machines<br />

Used Machines ____ $20 Up<br />

Service <strong>On</strong> All Make* — M Yrarit 1 Expvripnre<br />

2815 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, N,<br />

Phone A. C. 5-2610<br />

d Of eftlcknl govcrnmtTital ad<br />

miniitfation",<br />


Condemning five-m«n eemmlsgloni<br />

In ftfl municipalities <strong>of</strong> tho itst^, thi<br />

C'orntrillion said that this form sf<br />

piV<strong>of</strong>iimrni i,q Mibjci'l lo "fiulitiriii<br />

fL log-riilliny and htiit^<br />

ibili"<br />

tfivd<br />

Tju 1<br />

<strong>of</strong> thi?; iurin <strong>of</strong> city goy^<br />

iJU'iii and rf s furninenclf?d public<br />

Tifidi) iii[if!I nuinU'UHttilif's no<br />

-r iiiun lflSS tu tit'toimiiu? whrihcl<br />

vuturs wJNhiul uhnrlt'r cumin ih<br />

HCl lyt tu jm'jinrc n^w furrtis <strong>of</strong><br />

niFiiNirutinn iil !jhi> i*f ihi? typu;.<br />

l<br />


Thu nt?u jiru^rujn ruUuhH tilt* nrij= r *<br />

i iwt I ijrip|ju?iiilh for miiyui-Luuncil<br />

ct uiit'iUniynri^ur iiinl hhiiil) iTiiinuji-<br />

|sillily iyiij^jil ji 1 ftiiM = Thu ifSiucu*<br />

tivi*.N wiiuld in 5 char^efl with i!f!niiii =<br />

s s= whilt* L-uiinL-ils<br />

Opposes Gut In<br />

State Library<br />

Resort Librarian<br />

Asks Legislature Aid<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Free Public Li-<br />

brary this week ask#d Assemblv-<br />

miin Nathaniel C^ Smith and the<br />

Irgislnuvc uiijtrupriatiDns rommitted<br />

In prt'vent lhn proiJOBed^reductisn <strong>of</strong><br />

the budget for the Stgie Library ai<br />

TrtMilrjii, as rccummended^ by QGV-<br />

t'ninr DriSttiH.<br />

Mi.Nh Ili'Ien M Dcnipsf'y, ileiing<br />

tihruritiii. m n letU*r t« the leuisla*<br />

lor?*, said ilwil ri-iluciiig thp fscilitius<br />

nf Hu 1 Stale Lihrary would indirectly<br />

uflici the survives <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

ib<br />

'Our |ifoblem in tills rz-<br />

i t e(Ti?c=<br />

F. P. Ristine & Co.<br />

M i: M n n is s<br />

I'lJiiidrliiliia Stink Korhanec<br />

Ntw York Si<strong>of</strong>k Kxihaujsc Nrw Viirk Curb<br />

123 South Broad Street, Philadelphia<br />

l'rnn>parkrr 5!:)00<br />

Clinton D, Lowden<br />

Hailsd as Reversal <strong>of</strong><br />

Centralized Govt, Trend<br />

ttji' mum<br />

was hiuluff<br />

Th<br />

lt"-t<br />

.-In<br />

ml' >.tcr,t u!th the Mule<br />


H«ndprinB courteous rind prompt service<br />

creating sifi'ty since 1BB8<br />



A I . K K I I T I' A l U l ' i T T . • -!•-• I r m .-• ii i.f H I I . I H.i. ril<br />

K l . W i i n i i K l i l U K M I S . I ' l l . I i . n<br />

! • i; ! : i n : \ i h n . S i - . \-> * .i- \ * .i ; -. ;. i.,t y<br />


Boardwalk National Bank Bldf,<br />

nt'CDssitiiir n larji'i? and varied col'<br />

lection uf h;mk£. Our total bunk Cfih<br />

im-tipn nuinbtM'H It).JIB. qr one ond<br />

it qtiiirtur bonks pur capita for tin 1<br />

it-must pfiiniliition ti^uri 1 and one and<br />

ihrt'i:? ciuarlt:r?, less than thi* mini-<br />

, mum frHMimiiiiMidfci by the Amuricon<br />

tin,'.- ui-i'k hy Ihe New JufMcy Tax-( [,i|,n,ry Assuciation.<br />

(.i;r!.^, A?;s,yt'iutmh nz "a rtjversa) j "O,ir muninpyi budget appropria=<br />

\<br />

i lU'-tlnrfi. friim 'M U> 20 einployu^<br />

' d it.r,<br />

: nun rnluvt* IJii- bonk hudwi fibntjt 30<br />

- — — =—=^^-= ,,. r_ r^iit frmn s:n ono to $25.fM)n. as<br />

Episcopal Rector to ^^ ^irti^lZ?tiZ tSL'i<br />

- :Preach at Cathedral -" mK "^"" »?-""!!_<br />

1! ,:,•! t ,!!";I.,,f'^f,v %h^im \ Burn Grass or Debris<br />

i ,„,;,.i,,r HI „ M.-yin.i Li-ii-1Now, Is Plea Voiced<br />

By Fire Warden<br />

C';spn M;ty CnLiiuy fiirniris iiful<br />

Driin yf|f(iiiiM> urrr uri\rt\ Ihi- upuk i" burii<br />

nil I ^rilH^ niui drhrij< riu\\ : . s^iulo it i*<br />

' ;iS,,lHli)ly M,l,.<br />

i Mrmviirflim<br />

Hi- iiiiripii this llifiilinnlliiM "Tit<br />

Liivi >i!l iihirin in r;iM' ni H fnrrst<br />

11 ri• li'll ihi- fipi-rntitr. 1 Wiiitt In rr-1<br />

iiurl ii inri'M lin' The n|ii'ratni Nvil 1 j<br />

|.i,nnfr! MMI u'itii a fiirr^l firi'<br />

riTY<br />

Nitinnal Dank <strong>of</strong> Ore.:!!) <strong>City</strong> Bldf.<br />

i l.f.Ti IN II I'lJH I.. Vii. P'riii,<br />

S T A M . K * V ' i r . I ' V . A-ii Tr,.:i«<br />

Fli.iSK M As Ti<br />

wii.nwoon<br />

3.115 New Jehtfy Ave—<br />


u<br />

Kiinm No. J - Slanlrv Illiildiiie<br />

A Way to Help You Pay<br />

Your Electric Light Bill<br />

If I h r . M l i i n l i r I l l l H I H I I I I iilllp.lii'. p i i l l i t u n m l h r l i r l i i r i l i<br />

Iti u H I M I iiKiviilf x i i i u i l l i ii i m h i ln'l|i liiij i i l i " i l n l i i i - I I B I I I lull<br />

l l h i n t l r t i n I !i< tr ii ( i i m | i , n i i ruiiii'iuii - I m k i« .n-.ilhiMi' In Ilu<br />

m.ukil .ii ..limn s:l |i sh.itr. lliiMlrilii i^ H Ml |M<br />

! s | s •'<br />

prf i r . i r iMtalili 1 iii' i i i li l.iiiiiiin I i, %|iril 1^. .'uli Ij m i l I l i i n l i e r II<br />

l i n \ h a r i - s ill I l u - M i n k >> ..Milt n n i all.ill! v.'UI. iliil i l l i l i ' l i l H |i.l,i S I !<br />

II* J v r a f r M l I H I '<br />

fqllal tu SB SI! :i IniiHlh<br />

I iirlv > . I M | - F S Hiilllll m * l JlH'Hl sl'ii ."•'I " H "<br />

fi|ii..l I n H O D A m i i l i i h<br />

It M . I I , n r i n l i r i . M i i l . iili ."il llii' . UIIMIIII lii-luii .mil "'.i'l " "-• '"'<br />

l f l r | i l i i i i i f o u r S r « . I f i - M - i i i ' i i i - i - T i H u l m 1 .<br />

\11 . ,1 I, Mlilll ••(•. IMlihlllillilli.i . I'l •' *'• Wiir 'ii Illl' Oci , !'<br />

C,n Ci.mi-iilii'M 11..11<br />

I I II m - Nil<br />

Miumrr.. ul_n<br />

i-l'v Si-li...il li.i" -1'1'P-<br />

m l : I.I H i . l l l l-llll-<br />

I! i, MI .-The SUAIII' Th. i .i.'ir<br />

•... ;ll ,,i -.i..|-. Ciiiliireti ul j<br />

1-irlif • i<br />

h : « i .• . r . i ' . - . ! i ' - : i . . ' . ( ' ; „ > .<br />

r : I I I ,. , i . i . ' i • , i- i , . . 1 . ". !-•• ••'<br />

ll,,,,ll,<br />

M. • '<br />

Somers Point<br />

Churches<br />

IIKTHANV MKTIIf>l>lsr<br />

Ri'v. jfwf I Rliltards. Minislfi<br />

Mmi-li I::—<br />

. !'•! , . l l .'<br />

II.un I I":'<br />

• t i c •:'<br />

I ^^H^ Comport "$!•••"<br />

i Fepular iiis ''iighti"<br />

Spacisui "Tsui"<br />

Come in and Set Ihe Wondsr-<br />

ful If 10 Msdiri-<br />

A Doiin To Cheoia fremi<br />

Hans P. Voss<br />

"The Friendly Bank'<br />

s ;<br />

J |1 ,i I-:- J l i i i J i : tti,i .,;,,, StT-<br />

,•:,,! |.,|.ic- tji.il I'l,.iin..d l.ifr '<br />

! I':)" P M.-Y'.u!li KeMOM,I:.,.<br />

•, ill p iii- Kirliil^ hi*f\l Sui :i't:- 'il- Ni<br />

, i MI K : i i ' . i u i i 1 C l i i . r , i: N i<br />


Sales - Service<br />

Complete<br />

Body • Fender<br />

and<br />

Paint Shop<br />

Bishop Motor Sales<br />

12lh St. and Asbury Av,<br />

Phone 1888<br />

Everyone Needs<br />

Insurance<br />


Consult Vnur «« llisiii.i'-.i-f Asi'lH-<br />

N,,« fin Adrijiliile t'niifiliiill<br />



lull ill i.ur hunk anil Ulk m " Hn<br />

'llrlaiK "I Hie li,ml npeUed. Its •<br />

slrh-lh iMiiiliili-nlii»l. iirumpl, and ahine<br />

*il, riieiitlly (.cniie.<br />

v lioou ri.tri. ii» m<br />

A ijrjoi) i'l.Ari, -l<br />

The National Bank<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

MFMBill<br />

itlriKAI. IlfNKRVK SYSTRM<br />

iLDtnAL i.trpsrr iN.si;BASt;K<br />

Banking Hours<br />

9 «. .n; until 2 p.m.- Saturday i 9 * ,m. until 12 noon<br />

at, KisKi'ilN IE, c.<br />

Hfv. I'aui V. Harry. Piisliir<br />

M i . » . c . . .'!- S l i n i i i i J iit li. II 1 " - i<br />

; l<br />

201 Asbury Ave, Ph. 0413 n „ m<br />

' Wn-kiNn Mii.-i, lit n ., ni<br />

Aviherited Deafer • t";• n•*• I• i-1•-- fi,,,,, Mi.»ii; 1 v >"<br />

,il liu' i'huri-h<br />

BiNiRAL^iLiCTBiC , U ~'^Z> N,.^,;,, »^,,^,n><br />

REFRIGERATORS j''''*£" ,„ _|.,.,,„.,.. u,.,,,!,,,,,.. sin<br />

l l M l l h U l 1 1 1 . ' ( " l l l , »<br />

Our Pen Works for You!<br />

BORROW<br />

MONEY<br />

HERE<br />

We will give you a loan to BUY^ BUILD <strong>of</strong><br />

RENOVATE your home on a REDUCTION PLAN<br />


Invest with U* and Receive Pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

on a Guiirantoerl Inveitmenl!<br />

Current Dividend Rate 3%<br />

. Mil 4.NMM<br />

Tlicru iii ii'i 'tinlt mviilved, SavinRa up lu *ri.HliO- arc [nKUrcd bj<br />

the Federal Savirigs and Luan Jniurancc Q<br />

OCEAN CITY ^<br />

Savings and Loan Association<br />

Bil » 8ih Striil PhontOOlZ<br />

Church<br />

Announcements<br />

PaBe III, I'lfiise<br />

f iiiiiiiuil-ll fiiuil I'iUr I''<br />

,,-; . H,l> Sri m'l l.i-.'.iil' Cl'Ml' ;<br />

I iili I/,-III.,I. .n'.'i l.i-...!i-l-.-l-ili" Ai-!.><br />

1,11. Jll 17.111: I fur l; 1 JT-'^II ri|..'-<br />

,;, < 1 |,,,-.., , I.'!' ,,11 ill,.-:<br />

||i V, a ii —Tin- C'i.iir.ii al Wi'l'-<br />

.h.|i I.ei'i.'ii M-riiniM. • N" oili'-i-<br />

\'i,nii' Aiiinlis M.Mf, A,I, -I \2 Till-<br />

;r (iirci li-il by K.iM.ircl- (•' (i.<br />

Hi'Kiin. M ill -111ii "Thi' l.nril h Out<br />

dinlii.lt ', by KrMiii-i-'-Slii-kli'k, •-.,,<br />

I'l-iiliii ,-nlu by Kli'iiiliir PiiM-hflll S.if-<br />

•ilU'iai i'lTenni; fur n-lii'f in KimMn'<br />

1,(1 Anil Ihriiuuli blue rr,\i'lu|ns<br />

Hit |iul|iil I1II«ITH lire pliiri-ii In Illp<br />

:lnry ul Cl.i.l by I.111111. .1 Tjiu-iirin<br />

il nf hi. I'llliiT Hup<br />

rsi?ii'ii l!iir?i!'y lur till' i'i'lH.'i.iriu-,<br />

.1 luirritlH-<br />

ii-if) )' in — Mil! Illli uf Illl lllUT-<br />

iit'iiiiili- rhri^liiiii Kliili-inui Stui.'H<br />

HpiiiiMir: flmrirs M Gnml. All<br />

7:111 p In. — K%i-i:iliH Ki ri In- ul<br />

.Vi r.»lll|i Si i'Hiull. '-Till' Writing ul<br />

in- Wiiii". Diiiiii-i r.aiiJH The I'hi-u<br />

A in Mini, -ir With AII Vnur Hi-ni'i.-.';<br />

ruin Mi-iiili-lwi'hr-. 1 .- ' h:111JI11'", iii'ii<br />

-,li IU< H,i\iimr, I'll"! Me" In<br />

ii-hili-i-ker llyii'ii.ira l»'l by Mr<br />

li Mini t'i.tliL- iiiiti H-lyi-^ >uur f.i =<br />

.nn-d hvn.n,<br />

2 p. ',,. -M-'i.lhlv I'.-i-i-li'iS '.I' ltii<br />


NO tlME<br />

LIKE THE<br />

PRESENT/<br />

I, ".""...In Ifl'.TINKI.KR'H MCK-i<br />

| liltriM.1T sKByifK snlui jnur|<br />

i Irarini,' i.1iriiihing nf diimitlinji i.fl<br />

Irlnilirt In iiilr indhlduHllirll m»>Ji<br />

i rhlni-it, la-l y§ ripiain «ur iifryirr |<br />

&-Delivery]<br />

! Laundry and Dry |<br />

1 Cleaning Service |<br />



IMtll PiBKINIr fPACl<br />

Wiif »»i.4H0th IT. MHONi 0014<br />

ll IllilllllllillllllllllllllllUifl<br />

New KAISER<br />

If You're a Toufh Trader<br />

Looking for a Real<br />

Bargain With or Without<br />

A Trade, Check Our<br />

Deal Before You<br />

Do Anything!<br />

Woodbine Motor Salas<br />

K.MNfili . I li l/.l II<br />

Hild W.lsl.iUEtiiii Al,, iVniidlillie<br />

Open KVBK, & Nun, Phoni! i-iaiiii<br />

ChruUan Endtavw Society. M»<br />

G.orge Fischer, supirintervdenl Mri<br />

Raymond J, Shumin snd Mrs Miur-<br />

iee Yinfling, isililint superinten-<br />

dents, Mrs, Bessie Well Butler,<br />

niusical direetor, and Mrs Hurry P<br />

Hawthorne, pmiiiit.<br />

7:30 p, m—Midweek prajcr meet-<br />

ing and Bible study.<br />

• • •<br />


"Thi Church with Uu LhlDM"<br />

•Ul st, and C'fl.tr.l av,<br />

R», A, Lynn Uanflsir, Minister<br />

Sunday. Much !£*-<br />

6;3O a m.~Churt!i Sehpol with<br />

classes for all ajji'g, Huy E, Darby,<br />

auiierihtendetit,<br />

II a m—<strong>Mar</strong>nins Worship, Bap.<br />

tism uf Children. Sermon. 'Bearing<br />

<strong>On</strong>e Another's Burdens", The morn.<br />

ing_choir, directed by Mrs, Charles<br />

K. Thurslon. will sing, 'Jesus Refuge<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Weary ". Vocal soloist, Oscar<br />

Hatkney, Jr., will sing, "Into the<br />

Woods My Mister Went", by George<br />

B, Nevin-<br />

6 30 p in. — Intermediate Fellow,<br />

shin, in the Junior room. Youth Fel.<br />

luwship in the^ church <strong>of</strong>fice.<br />

7:4S p, ni—Evening Service. Ser-<br />

mon, 'Substitute for Ood", Music by<br />

the Youlh Choir, directed by Paul<br />

Weil.<br />

Tuesday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 14—<br />

12:30 p m - W.S.CS<br />

WE CAN<br />

AuroMOfi/i£<br />


Terms lo Vnur Cfimrnh-nrf When<br />

You Have Your Car Bepairtd,<br />

Complete <strong>Line</strong> <strong>of</strong> Oi-nfral Motors<br />


Have You Had Your Car<br />


PALMER<br />

CHEVROLET and<br />

OLDSMQRH F „<br />


— luliilillnllrd llll'J —<br />

I 1117 - 1129 Aibury Avenue<br />

| Phones: 023S . 0236<br />

1:00 A, M, to SiOO P. M.<br />


9th and SIMPSON<br />

Luncheon, Mm, AC, J<br />

NotHy ClrcK prwldentt by {<br />

WcdoMHUy. MuA II— ,<br />

7 45pm —Mid-week Setvk*. f<br />

are studying the boolcltt, "Our F<br />

in Prayer"<br />

TABERNACLE Until<br />

8th st. mat W«l n.<br />

Rev. W IlPliry Wllua. . _ _ ,.<br />

10 30 a m —Bunday School. Mr*, -3<br />

Louiss Pollard, superintendent,<br />

11 30 a m —Service,<br />

7 p, m—Servlco,<br />

730 p, m.—Prayer Servic*.<br />


USED CAM<br />

For<br />

Jlood, Clean<br />

Transportation<br />

Mengcl<br />

Studebaker<br />

112 Central Av«nu«<br />

Phone 1443<br />



North & Wesley Av.<br />


NUMBER<br />

2308<br />

Your Car Deserve*<br />

the Best Servl<br />

Care - • - And that*<br />

what you get at • • -<br />

ANDREA'S<br />

"AA"<br />

AA" AUTO . From<br />

M AAA"<br />


to<br />

Bottom<br />

and Repairs <strong>of</strong> All Kinds<br />


WALKER'S<br />


Phone<br />

Oi'Piin Cily !>0iS<br />

JHll STREET «nil SHOM KOAD<br />




912 Simpson Ave,<br />


Parti and Accessories<br />

g«rie§ 40 and M<br />



F14 '31 Thro '46 Can<br />

Few Vn<strong>of</strong> null<br />

Olil M<strong>of</strong>flr ijiitaMBtiiHi<br />

in.inii i i.miir.ri, a CIATCK<br />

Brakes Rclined<br />

Clutches Replaced<br />

Motor OrtrhauImB<br />

Carhuwtor and Ignitioii<br />

Rebuilt Front End<br />

Are fires Wearing<br />

Unevenly?<br />

Km* Action, Overhauling ul<br />

Wheel Allenment<br />


_ A HJfiW BATTIW?<br />

T1MI o* itlBiSf<br />


IN iTOCKI<br />


Wallace Bros. Buick<br />

9lh St. and Simpson Ave,<br />

Phone 9042<br />


THE NEW<br />

PACKARD!!<br />


1159 Asbury Ave,, cor, 12th St, Phone 1888<br />

iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiililiililliiMliillililNllii<br />

Cadillac<br />

Pontiac<br />

Phane 060B<br />

WM. T. POWELL<br />


1168 Asbury Avenue<br />

mi, tiiiiiitiiiiitiMiifiHiMiiii!,inilinHiHli<br />

Q<br />

ONE . - -<br />

Just one accident can<br />

ruin you financially.<br />

^^ Let us protect you<br />

insurance ... we represent only companiei having<br />

an A-l Plus (Excellent) rating.<br />

Bites in (Jape May County »Bd Vicinllf<br />

Honey Lloyd Chattin<br />

1315 A.bury Avenue Phone 0060<br />

Save Tires, Time and Miles<br />

ape May County Bridge Commlsdoii<br />


AUTO e_,' .I<br />

BRIDGE 0Tickets'!<br />

Single rwe, 2B« 100 Ticket*, llft.50<br />

lie Short Route lo AtUntk Gty<br />

• ,?*• '•' - [ *<br />

V i<br />

t r r<br />



SawiTB<br />

•lilUiU,<br />


fit %ht <strong>On</strong>U Kit) HMInal Irfaw — H H*l<br />

U»M IV AMfikviHB. editor<br />

ltABOL.II I.KB, AiBtallllK »ll«i<br />

> •»,«• Mr tm* i>r •>»« i» Ot*m cur<br />

•< tut *f yi-l*Ml.Dl Mw. (H.r Mt.<br />

p Bl l« III r!« no •<br />

tut *f yi<br />

Blnr, p«r<br />

. (H.r Mt. |1 OH .1-month..<br />

^mn^BRJtM 0 ***<br />

THURSDAY - MARCH 9 - 1'tfiO<br />

< Clouting Will Be Muted<br />

t(, lanky Henry Y. Cloutinjj — the man whoso<br />

countenance ha« always <strong>of</strong>fered an interest-<br />

in expression—is Ruing to step down from his<br />

Up on the Board <strong>of</strong> Chosen Freeholders<br />

jit don't envy the successor <strong>of</strong> thi« <strong>of</strong>ficer who hai<br />

loathe Board longer than any other <strong>of</strong> its pie.sent<br />

mn. He'll find it hard to fill Henry's shoes<br />

t. Clouting has heen county director <strong>of</strong> chanties<br />

since the memory <strong>of</strong> man runneth not to thi-<br />

(jr.- He has been * hard-workinff member <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Welfare Board ever since it was established.<br />

i OOUqty almshouBe has been under hi.i direction,<br />

I taken an intense interest and pride, not only<br />

tlon, but in the welfare and happiness <strong>of</strong> eiuh<br />

»bly nobody but Henry himself will ever know<br />

,»ny families in diatrass he has helped, not only<br />

j»lly but by hit) personal intereKt in their w< If.ui-<br />

Henry Clouting will be missed<br />

Yesterdays<br />

In <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />


Aaembljman N. C, Smith on.<br />

nouneed introduction <strong>of</strong> tt bill spon-<br />

sored by leaihore countiM to post,<br />

pone for six monihf the effective<br />

date <strong>of</strong> the hotel Ore safety law,<br />

• * • , ,<br />

Irvln Johnson, chief <strong>of</strong> the Urn<br />

department for 11 yean,, announced<br />

his Intention to retire on April 1<br />

lifter 30 yean' lorvlce,<br />

Most radio receivers in the city<br />

were "blacked out" by static for 21<br />

hours. untiUon Electric Co. trouble<br />

shooter found the cause <strong>of</strong> the dis-<br />

tiirbance in n defective transformer<br />

at 10th st,<br />

* * *<br />

Munleipal Judge Howard Warren<br />

posted a .schedule <strong>of</strong> standard fines<br />

for o variety <strong>of</strong> motor vehicle ami<br />

other <strong>of</strong>fenses in his court,<br />

• * *<br />

The variety show "LBIT It Off 1 ' was<br />

ready to open at the hitch st'hnnl, in<br />

the wake <strong>of</strong> the iinniiul KxchnnHe<br />

Ciuh minstrels<br />

riVF YEARS Ar.o<br />

Pulue hild IB ihililnn rmjiii<br />

fit m thrtt- tit Mirt jtar*- ijf »it< i<br />

(unnttttnn v, nh tht inti-ring J<br />

Imitinj! <strong>of</strong> tttu bii.irdu.ilk prnptrtH<br />

tumult and the shouting have died, but the<br />

about high taxes will go on a» usual.<br />

YOVR Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce<br />

;/tW membership eampiiign <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s new<br />

j^n^-ireeded Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce is now under<br />

J«)in now and have a voice in this important organ-<br />

i relatively few business and pr<strong>of</strong>essional men,<br />

»f a fair erogji-sertion ot the community, or-<br />

"It, but they want YOU to step in and help to<br />

tito activities. They want your suggiBtions, you^<br />

r,Hnwi and your willingness to work with them f<br />

rarfjvancement <strong>of</strong> the city,<br />

?rif» YOUR Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce!<br />

Cuntractx totjilini; $240,520 wirp<br />

given condltiopiil approval by the<br />

rommissiuniTs for ifbuiliilnij bourc!.<br />

walk ramps, repairinir biilkhiads.<br />

BravelinM streets and huihiinx ncsy<br />

stone jetties • » •<br />

The OPA nrnniinenil a lijht(?nin(!<br />

<strong>of</strong> reifulatififts for the replacement<br />

ill lost food ration books, rcqulrinij<br />

a longer waitinji period.<br />

Girls dffcBted buys in a ' 1 Batt!r> uf<br />

the Sexes" quiz program staled at<br />

the hii!h si'huol by the junicir tlass.<br />

Pfe Juhti P. Fries. Jr.. received two<br />

citations fur outstanding service with<br />

the/7th Armcired Division atfainst<br />

ibf Naiis,<br />

Oman <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s Memory Lane<br />

Soulliwurd Ho 1 oould hiivf b«n the chant ef these Mnp<br />

uorkmrn »v lhf> irr.lfd iiiothfr rlfrlrlc polf on the ««n Hide<br />

uH lr.l .v Vboul 51.1 st. The time -,»s -h.rtly before l«»<br />

l,,e »,,uslun VW-. Hie InsUll.U.n >•' »"^ "• rl.r P-«" l« the<br />

»l,l "looMrvllIf >r«llev ' line thJl i.n l» IlKlh ,1. for ni«i.y y,.rK.<br />

ll.r r»lls for Khlrh h»d ulr^dv beer. Uld. \»U h»l the troll,v<br />

«r.,l tu llie suiitl. fnd uf the I-U»d rlflit Ihrouth the Hud dunes,<br />

even before tlirre »as mi iiulomubllf roadway. <strong>On</strong>e or two or<br />

l...isf i-lon.-, l..n,r,. Ih.ii vlrtuallv If. thr „lldfrnev,. ure Mill<br />

Home Rule for Hometown<br />

Explanation <strong>of</strong> Changes Proposed by Faulknpr<br />

<strong>City</strong> Govprnrrn-nt Plan<br />

County Press <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> a la Carte<br />

Opinion, Condensed<br />

,Higher pay for the commissioners probably is juati<br />

t Then they'd be able to afford tho.se boxing (flnve<br />

y've needed all these months.<br />

<strong>City</strong>** '30-Year War'<br />

'tm't there a 30-year war somewhere back there<br />

Commissioner Henry Rower, Jr., thinks that<br />


King A, Porter. Ffitiretl rantraitor<br />

and former lie plant operator, died<br />

at i2<br />

« * •<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> i, :h's basketball<br />

championship aspiratiorji we re<br />

rudely dumped when PennsKrove<br />

eliminated the resiirters from the<br />

South Jersey tournament, 40 lo 19.<br />

* * *<br />

Frank Sannirio, Charles Selby and<br />

Winnie Myers emeried as city table<br />

tennii champions in their respective<br />

divisions, in a tournament with 3i<br />

contestants staged at Convention<br />

Hall.<br />

•i/tj&eiMl <strong>City</strong> has had a 80-year war <strong>of</strong> its own and that<br />

1,'Jrptita reason for the record-breaking tax rate <strong>of</strong> 1060,<br />

1." He contends that set-backs suffered by the com-<br />

' during the past 30 yearshave had a cumulative<br />

He cites the real estate boom, the big fin <strong>of</strong><br />

,,, .% erosion, Worid War II, erosion, the hurricane and<br />

1 ;«mrUnued erosion as the roots <strong>of</strong> our fiscal woes.<br />

t^ Ty *'l coat a frightful amount <strong>of</strong> money. A large<br />

'•""••' t<strong>of</strong>jhe coat was financed with b6nds. The principal<br />

it d i d ff if r t f t<br />

Sears, Roebuck and Co. adver.<br />

tiled in The Sentinel.Ledger a sale<br />

<strong>of</strong> iS.foot electric refrigerators for<br />

$89 95.<br />

* * i<br />

The city commissioners condemned<br />

and ordered the demolition <strong>of</strong> a<br />

cluster <strong>of</strong> ,U small wooden shacks,<br />

known as Cramer's Village, because<br />

they did not comply with building<br />

or health codes.<br />

iptcteat drained <strong>of</strong>f a painful pioportlon <strong>of</strong> pur tax so VIARS ADO<br />

"jet*, leaving an insu"fB<strong>of</strong>ent amount for main. Mrs. r Leroy Howe ^as eie<br />

mi. So maintenance suffered. No progressive<br />

dan Ion; afford to permit maintenance to be<br />

So now we must catch up or lose out in the<br />

,__ jtt, rmee.<br />

"it probably alio is true that the public, imbued<br />

ipk prodigal spending policy <strong>of</strong> Washington, is<br />

tttflng more nervices for which, <strong>of</strong> course, the<br />

! must pay.<br />

tile Red Cross is playing it smart this year, if<br />

can't nick your pocketbook for cash they'll settle<br />

your veins for a pint <strong>of</strong> blood.<br />

W*r* Wm Poor Gueuers?<br />

j\\. <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s voters, a couple <strong>of</strong> years or so ago,<br />

tMrfttjd down a referendum that proposed the levying<br />

111* "service tax*'—-a name that sounded a little sweeter<br />

I "Juxury tax" but that meant the same thing.<br />

Thte tax would have been paid by all <strong>of</strong> u», but<br />

icjpally it would have been paid by the summer<br />

who enjoy an unusually large amount <strong>of</strong> free<br />

-here.<br />

voters apparently feared that the tax, once<br />

&d, would be with ua always. Perhaps they<br />

correct. But in view <strong>of</strong> the super-duper tax on<br />

estate called for toy the <strong>1950</strong> budget, it might be<br />

^hey didn't guess right.<br />

j Hnt was ele<br />

president <strong>of</strong> tht Parent-Teacher<br />

sociation to sucreed Mrs T J Qlrev<br />

ttho rtsifned bemuse <strong>of</strong> ill hialttl<br />

• i #<br />

,,Har\ey Murcy 917 B3> a\ suf<br />

fered 3 frietured leg and other m<br />

juries when he fell three stones i* a<br />

scaffold broke while he \*a= paint<br />

in£ an apartment rmuse<br />

• • #<br />

Four test piling 45 feet long virrp<br />

sunk at the site <strong>of</strong> the new rmmiLipal<br />

trajh and garbage ineinei-ater in<br />

preparation for lUrting found itmn<br />

work<br />

• * a<br />

Resort physicians pledged their en.<br />

operation to the Chamber <strong>of</strong> Com-<br />

meree in an effort to establish 0<br />

sanitarium hire to help provide a<br />

ILar-arnunil pairoll and visitor<br />

Larry Imbesi scored 12 points to<br />

lead the Post<strong>of</strong>ike quintet to a 10<br />

20 victory over the Pire Department<br />

in the pla)ntt series for the "cinnil<br />

half <strong>of</strong> the Industrial L<br />

Editor's Note— This, is Ihf tirM<br />

ii! y MTii-H :>( sis iiriitlt^ !>ri-<br />

pnri'i! by tin- New .tiu^r.v Cum-<br />

mission f.ri Mu/iiciiiiii UiAi-ri,.<br />

mrnt uiiil dislribiiliMl thrmiMH<br />

tycjlitK,^ uf Ihi 1 Nt'W JiTNt-y<br />

Prf'^i Assucmtiun H* dLSLU^s j,ub-<br />

tidy thu pfit|4rii!fi uf munif!rj;ii<br />

Kuvornrm-nt U1ipru\ emeni i,'r.v<br />

l.iTuri' the Stall' Li't^liiluri'<br />

Ntv Ji'Mpy rnuiiii iptilitii-i, ii.ulri<br />

M-ctiri' "the £rv;iU'>,l pij^ii- ul lyrui<br />

ii'll-iiijviTnimTll i-unsisti-ni wllh II.i-<br />

Ci.hstituliun nf thi' Mtiilt " under i,rn.<br />

liOSiilH finw bi'liiH- the mile It-::',.<br />

idtUre,<br />

Hfi-iimmendrfi b y t h o S t a t i><br />

iFauIknpri Ciiirnr.imiun fin Mur.iri-<br />

(,al fiiniirniiliiH after mcirc tirnr.<br />

Uii yi-arf; i : Mufiy and iunyuii.ihun<br />

Ihi- bill!, IA-I0, A.II. A-12i 1., n-<br />

Viitnp and irn>diTm/i.< IIK-III ^nM-rn,<br />

mi-nt hiivr> been introdurt'cl ni iin<br />

St.:jte Li^isliitur*' by AhM'iHhK<br />

Siifhki'r Percy A Miller. Jr.<br />


The legisliitioh IIITITS thi' Mill<br />

BUH municipalities thri'e new B<br />

efn !'"•»• "' ''-•<br />

[nlincil-ITinnaKcr. miiyor-cimiii'il and<br />

ii form designed usini-ially fur small<br />

munifi|ialitlus. Numerous variuiinf.<br />

<strong>of</strong> these thrvii basic forms nhv tin<br />

zens a brood chime as tu the (ii'tail,<br />

<strong>of</strong> their municipal oris.imziitiiiii and<br />

administration<br />

Any municipaliiy ndnplinn nr». nf<br />

'modern Inim« is immi-diiiiily<br />

nted "hcimi' rultV puwers it never<br />

jnyed Ijefare Tin- mimiiipaiiK<br />

would have full iH.wer ti, urfitviU'<br />

ond regulate its IntiTnul aflairs. and<br />

to estahiisli, alter onri abolish <strong>of</strong>fiivs.<br />

puM'lions iind emplMynH'iils ami ii,<br />

di'ltllo lunptlun.1, liuwiTs ami flulli'x<br />

there<strong>of</strong> iind IIs tli.ir u-rill, II-IIUIT<br />

and eornpensation , , . exercise pow-<br />

ers <strong>of</strong> condemnation, uiirrnwinis an.I<br />

taxation in the manner ph.vidi-d bv<br />

Rener.il law."<br />

C'lTlKBNS I>Ft;Inl!<br />

TII iirinpl (me (it the i-.i'W fin-ins<br />

nf Incal t;uvi.rnmi-iil, the rniniiin.<br />

sion has [irovidefl vnti-m nilli in-ii<br />

methods: ill Kletliun ul a i-hi,rti-i<br />

inmiiiisMiiii which may ri'i-iimiiifhil<br />

line nf the varintnins <strong>of</strong> the tlin-f<br />

prupnsi'd furniji tii lie put nn rufi.r.<br />

l-nriilm ur I2i by plaeliiR one <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

forms on referundiim b| jietlliuii In<br />

eilhcr caso the voters themselves<br />

finally decide if nne <strong>of</strong> the m.\v<br />

inrms is tu be adopted.<br />

If voters i-hoose a cliartor cum-<br />

missinn, herc-s what the CummiBSinn<br />

can do: (1) recommend for ado|)ti.in<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the three new forms <strong>of</strong> local<br />

Movernment; or 121 recummend thai<br />

the municipality's ttoviTIiiiiK |,0,|v<br />

pelilinn the I.ejiinlatine fur<br />

! ,.f a spei,<br />

Mllm-lld tbat<br />

i rrm; in u<br />

hiirliT, »r i.'I<br />

unn .,! i',\ en<br />

irt<br />

|H'A |,|:,,,|,lk prrmmrd lj<br />

iii A In slrci,nthi-n the lm-<br />

ir.i i:f ami make it inure <<br />

a! 'iM'ftieii'f.t<br />

1 OllMiSSION IlKtlllKH<br />

In<br />

riot<br />

IMr fivr.meinb!<br />

the c=:Ii<br />

With {leterrn,ninM<br />

the j/m errunei<br />

lity iimhl h<br />

to ilii- i<br />

ii!fi tf.uUi<br />

(he<br />

ireritlhiTU-i<br />

si\e nr kH<br />

nr v. lii-<br />

re tu-un<br />

ii 1 ha<br />

i-i<br />

ui<br />

The chari<br />

ulil jaihhr<br />

utthe luruiii<br />

li5<br />

hea<br />

The Nut Bowl ^£^"L15i<br />

Our Florida vacationist* are now strapfrling back<br />

Ji>« the national American Legion.<br />

. iff for the contest, each student was<br />

M".to a lot <strong>of</strong> Americanigm. This was the pur-<br />

|>fe' TOaW is DOthinr much more militantly "TTien Wedneiday'i cloie enough,<br />

n than the American Legion. And the teflon "T i f«"h Mp "(m «*, *A' nl - " Ain *<br />

to Iwil bwt to wmbat the iniidJoM Innuence no trains hen m smnf ^<br />

Ltamg on the minds <strong>of</strong> young people.<br />


He was a difnoult customer. <strong>On</strong>e<br />

<strong>of</strong> the two partners In the cloihinK<br />

store had ihown him every suit in<br />

Slock but one, helping him into each<br />

one and pointini out the virtues <strong>of</strong><br />

each garment. With tach suit, he<br />

would turn the man around and<br />

around in front <strong>of</strong> the mirror,<br />

' Finally he despaired <strong>of</strong><br />

eultomer anythlni. Just then<br />

partner Itepped up and showed the<br />

customer the remaining suit. He<br />

bought it immediately.<br />

"You see, Sam," said the success,<br />

ful partner later, "what good sales,<br />

manship It takes to sell a tough<br />

customer like that. You nottced 1<br />

sold him on the first try?"<br />

"Sure," Mid the other, 'hut who<br />

got him diiiy""<br />

* « •<br />


Breathless from running, the sales,<br />

man asked the small town station<br />

agent, "Quick, what time is it?"<br />

The agtni answered, "Hound about<br />

WedneMtav, I guess,"<br />

"No, no," gasped the salesman,<br />

"what hour? 1 have to catch a<br />

trsln!<br />

rinjjs anil j-iiunmr<br />

t must provide 'tht<br />

'U-.it iiiwsibli- inlurniiitlnn and di«-<br />

^M(j!i re^pi'iiiny the [uirjinses and<br />

iilii'iw (if its wink " It must n-<br />

it its ilndin^s and reennimenila.<br />

In the fiti?ehs uf the mur<br />

" v w" 1 "' IIIMHI';'fl<br />

KIVIIIK widest imssiblu puliln-i'y<br />

io Us report<br />

Thus tin 1 Ii-Miiiliiliun QfTeis modern<br />

lulnis nf Incal sovirnment with ruin.<br />

iriniBi mteitii'iMiie by the legislature<br />

The tieeisiun \VMiiltl In" left lu !he<br />

MUM'S Hii'ni. rule wtmlfl be an<br />

:u!uabiy.<br />

Forum and Agin' 'Em<br />

From <strong>On</strong>e Resort Hotel<br />

Proprietor to Another<br />

EdiK.ru Noli.—Aliss Surah E.<br />

Mayberry, )irii|irl(-l»r <strong>of</strong> an<br />

Uiean <strong>City</strong> hotel, ollered some<br />

iiiMstruetlu. criticism for <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> in n letter published ill this<br />

tleiiartmeiil two weeks ago. In<br />

it she ejqiresscd the bupe thai<br />

tin- new Chanil.iT (if Commerce '<br />

wcilllii iiriiinote eivle liPltcrmtMit,<br />

Aniilhi.r hotel |iro|irietor. Kv-<br />

ii'i'lt 1, Ci.|ie. rin>siilen( nf ihe<br />

Chaiiilur, has wntti.n thi- In!,<br />

h-ttlhii lelter to hi-r, and ha«<br />

(!i\i-n Tin- SHiliiii-|.|,1.|li!i-r a<br />

ii.py nf ii i<br />

'•Di-iir Miss Mayberry:<br />

'it is with a great deal nf iiloas.<br />

lire I have read yniir words 1,1 en-<br />

i nuraxement to the • newly.formed<br />

ChsmbiT lit Commerce <strong>of</strong> Oucnn<br />

C:ly in last week's issue <strong>of</strong> The<br />

Neiilinel.Ledger.<br />

"It is (jratifying to know that our<br />

HibManlial residents (mil business<br />

pccinle realize the need uf a Cham,<br />

her nf C'olnlileree and the |iro"re»<br />

Fair II, flfilse<br />



(< ape May County (iitelte)<br />

Having read, anil written, news <strong>of</strong><br />

•hi [jrojelied Cape May.L+wwi ferry<br />

t',r innfe than iti years, (irit! havmM<br />

li.iiiid Irum the old Oazi-lte tiles<br />

th;4 the propiisal ^as discussed as<br />

ii.rili as 50 years iieu, |)erba|)Si we<br />

h.ay be esruMMl if. eiirrentiy. we<br />

hiiM. fuund it dinicult to (jet up a<br />

luil head uf steam over the sunpes-<br />

linn that ihe lerry service mlisht b,.<br />

layriched a* a link in a New jersey-<br />

li* UiWure ir.ter-.latt- highway system.<br />

But we are aboul to change our<br />

tf.iiikir.i!. It could be thiil Ci.n<br />

j.i : e^!niial,aspirant Flmer Wt-iu- has<br />

M,ii;e insuie infurmaiinn tii eyuie<br />

! un In lit-lifvi- that the ferry pin,<br />

tret will be consummated If it were<br />

a mere hiihh!e in his eyes we are<br />

ii ihned to think lie woulfi hau 1<br />

hesitated tu u«e it ai his Mrs! step.<br />

pitiH Mone in the campaign which<br />

will ciintiiuie until nest November<br />

^^hen he will o(i[iost' Congressman<br />

T. Millet Hand lor ii seal in the<br />

HniiSe uf iii-piesentatives.<br />

rriirn a purely political_vifwjiulnl,<br />

luiwever. if Mr! Wehe contemplated<br />

nu votes ihroujih his advent into<br />

the terry picture, he may have<br />

blundered. There slill are farmers<br />

in Cape May and Atlantic counties,<br />

and possibly some in Cumberland,<br />

who don't like the ferry idea at all.<br />

Hereabouts, .there are farmers who<br />

lonH have held thai the furry svoiikl<br />

injure them by glutting our markets<br />

with i-arlier and cheaper produce<br />

fi'i.lil Delaware, <strong>Mar</strong>yland and other<br />

Males Ht-condly. the Vinelaiui man's<br />

siiMiji'Stii.n that it might be fuund<br />

fi-asibln lu operate the ferry only sis<br />

months <strong>of</strong> the year will not be |ion-<br />

uh,r with those in this section who<br />

are enlhusiaMicallv arivucalirm the<br />

priijecl.<br />


nVildwBud Lfaierl<br />

Tile other week the Cpunty Prose-<br />

cliu.r accimpanieil by State.atid lo.<br />

•'ill police <strong>of</strong> inn County eornrnun.<br />

ibis raided two places and arrested<br />

iwu inch on charKes <strong>of</strong> cundurlinii<br />

liainblinjj activities The authorities<br />

Slnteti that evidence <strong>of</strong> (jamylinii ac.<br />

tivilies in numbers antl illegal horsi-<br />

race beltini; was found with both thi-<br />

arrested men.<br />

Il is to he hoped that the Prnsn.<br />

culiir and the other law enrorcinjj<br />

assents will continue their efforts<br />

The resorts <strong>of</strong> Cape May County<br />

cannot afford lo become the kind <strong>of</strong><br />

Places they will become it gombliir"<br />

activities are permitted to exist iir^<br />

miilested.<br />

'Who Do They Think They Are!'<br />

A shell time anil as everyijoily kinrivs. « i!ri)ii|) <strong>of</strong> fjennn Cilys<br />

well known business and pr<strong>of</strong>esi-iunal men «ot ti.tsethi-r unit oraan.<br />

IIH! a new Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce.<br />

The curbstone comment that lias followed that achievement has<br />

been typical <strong>of</strong> comment that !(,,,.« with ailytbiiiM that anybody or<br />

ITnup starts in Ibis nimmunitj<br />

A friend uf ours sidled up to us. lie louked over his shouldir,<br />

then askeii suspiciously in low tones, out nf the corlien<strong>of</strong> his mouth;<br />

"Hey. what dyu think <strong>of</strong> this Chamber <strong>of</strong> Cominerce?'<br />

(You'd huve ihduBhi that he was taikiut! abullt somebotly down<br />

in Ihc r.exl block who was suspciii-d <strong>of</strong> beinij a commie I<br />

'1 think it's a line thina for <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>." we replied "It should<br />

have bteri oriunized a lunii time ugn,"<br />

'Yeah, yeah! That's just what I w;,« Ilunkifiii: " b- replied hastily.<br />

Bill he slill looked doiihlfiil.<br />

"Aw. the Ciiamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce ,s just a fronl fur the Repub.<br />

lu:,n machine," M.id another "Look at the nameu uf Ihi' itirectnr, "<br />

"Have YOU looked at them' 1 ' v,e uske.l<br />

'Sure'<br />

"Will unre when has'Frcnch I.uveland been a nepllblicali""<br />

"r'n-ncli Lovi—hey. it- he a ttireclor""<br />

'•Diiili'l you lead Ihe 1-,-t in The Rentinel-U-di'fr' 1 "<br />

"I thnuaht I did . . Well. Ill be ilfirni'il' '<br />

Arid another curbstone cnmphiiner:<br />

'•Win. du those isuys think Ih.-y uri-" Win,I ri;-ht hiive niEY to<br />

organi/e a Cbynibt-r uf L'uuimerct'.'"<br />

"Perhaps they aot bred waiting for you and the rest <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

that n Chamher <strong>of</strong> CommercF<br />

~t*tty<br />

is neeried?"<br />

"Yeah. 1 Riiess so."<br />

"Well, somebody had to start it. That's all the nrisanijers have<br />

done. Personally, we think that they're a pretty able and represent,<br />

alive (jroup u^citizens. Bui ii'you think that others can do a better<br />

job. join the Chamber and vole 'hem out <strong>of</strong> ufticc when their terms<br />

expire. Don't just beef about it "<br />

And so it jjoeS: There's nolhiilK new about this altitude. <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> people seem In like to "heel ": just as the boys in the Arttiv<br />

liked to gripe. It's the most popular winter inclnnr and outdoor<br />

sporl. heri.abuiits.<br />

But in this casi.. we do hcipe that the beefers will confine their<br />

Kripes and suspicions to the gin rummy Kami's in (be back rooms.<br />

Tlus^ Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commeree is important lor every person in<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, The amount <strong>of</strong> benelH that each will derive from it<br />

will depend upon how unanimously the community (jets into the<br />

Chamber. It will depend upon how many men—and women—will<br />

join the Chamber, roll up (heir sleeves and work eonscientiouslv<br />

on its committees.<br />

Reunion in Havana<br />

Before Art Watkins leit town to serve as assistant cruise director<br />

cm the Holland.American liner Veenclam. on a southern trip he<br />

leiitalively ananaeri for an "Oiean <strong>City</strong> Heiiniiin Dinner' in Havana<br />

The steamship hue HHHIRM ii a lireat idea and told Art he i-oulcl<br />

Mo the limit. He did. He arranged a large table— (lowers- .decora.<br />

lions, even iiholtiiiraphers. Bui An was the only one present<br />

All or <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s southern sisilois a! the- time had coiiHict.<br />

mi; dates and couldn't make it<br />

Looking Ahead<br />

L<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s Fatal Weakness: We<br />

Just Can't Seem to Get Together<br />

"That's not the way in handle it,'<br />

snid The Gen,tleman from Philadel-<br />

phia when we (old him some<br />

Texas Goes Independent<br />


Fruldtnt Btrdlti Collcft. Btutf, ArktMM<br />

; A CHANfiE! A jiroup <strong>of</strong> Tesas farmers have made some refreshing and en-<br />

and W»v>) couraging news. At a liiianclal sacriflce to themselves, they have<br />

ill rf r nn M --. srnl a healthy slice <strong>of</strong> fuderal t'overnmeni cash back to Wnshlngtr.n<br />

Wualilta throughout wllh ° nole '" " le V S Treasury which" said, in eiteel, "lltrcNi y»ur<br />

lulMlilie!, throughout „,„„,,,_ By strujjHnj » m i t hlfdfr ,„„ pinehlnt m t pfnBitn, we<br />

ran |et by without It,"<br />

<strong>Newspaper</strong>s and farm journals sent up hoiwihs; nnd ev<br />

Solurday Evening Post wrote glowing editorial praise. Tt<br />

solicited return <strong>of</strong> federal funds to the U S. Treasury esn<br />

nii.kes nmuts r,i ^ .;,- i •'<br />

ciations. Has any one <strong>of</strong> them n civic<br />

policy? They listen tn talks nn Tiuw<br />

•"" AHtn sa >"' n B they intended to jet rid<br />

° <strong>of</strong> their Oeenn <strong>City</strong> real estate on<br />

neeount <strong>of</strong> the record. hreoklns<br />

budget. "Tl)nt kind <strong>of</strong> petulant<br />

prallle shows just what is weiiken-<br />

ing your thonccs <strong>of</strong> tVer (iiakiiiij<br />

your city what it oiiuM lu be. and<br />

that is the model for all Jersey's<br />

shore resorts.<br />

"Your fstiil weakness," lie went cm,<br />

"is that you can't jet together

Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 0, 1980 Spring's Coming! Baseball Practice Is Begun By<br />

Coach Clark; T. J. Carey to Coach Track; 45 Ready<br />

. » . '^fl TuM^lr stave<br />

udereWin First Round<br />

So, Jersey Tournament<br />

Emerge From Close-Scoring But Not Too Hard<br />

Game With Fighting Weoditewn, 38 to 31<br />

Iy Bob Halleran v<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Basketball Raiders came away vit,-<br />

»w,ouu from their first round <strong>of</strong> the South JITSI'.V tir.mp 1<br />

Ptoaniament in Camden Saturday. They walked over<br />

I'Woodfltown to an easy 88-31 victory. The game wusn I<br />

ll^naeh different from the majority <strong>of</strong> (fames'this seuson,<br />

^•fawept "there wa§ more tt stake.<br />

""•(• It WU the 18th game the Careymen have playi'ii un*<br />

aeason and it brought their record tu IB \s\w. three<br />

fosses. They have a count <strong>of</strong><br />

: 8S wins out <strong>of</strong> 38 starts in<br />

w, iwe yean.<br />

•Tie itarllnit quintet (or the Red-<br />

__„ csmprued Jtrnte. Selby. Bed<br />

: row, luckholti and Powell. In ihe<br />

«#»«d half. Ibberson, Sam and Joe<br />

Jennings and Grille saw seme at-<br />

. ttott. None <strong>of</strong> the seven Junmr<br />

Varsity members who went on the<br />

" Wp lol into Ihe game, as it was en.<br />

were the iln.wst they hot! ucn: «in--'i-<br />

the bejjinmni! iif liu- Kiimf Tl'.i'.v<br />

liH'tted but [our pninls In kwl Ih. 1<br />

eouni This spurt «» *li.>ri-liu-i!<br />

however. iiiiii'Uit' CflH-vmi-i; M'Uli 1 •'•<br />

Liaefc to their ysuiii ivmpi-.si.ri-<br />

The yarn? '^n^ slowed tie', 1 !! ^rt-M<br />

l.v whin tl.i- lot-ills had ih,- IIHII I'm 1<br />

*.«;.. W".^....-- -; ;>- '^ !£><br />

£. * ,ri. ,;„'„„„„,.,•, U:rilllth lhl. ,:,;,<br />

In Ui-t iiii-if r.iinil- .-I: !!:i Imll<br />

Twii-i' II; Ihi' rtniil I U M mii-.iilr.- !!•<br />

WiiisdM'S^ii liiiski-tf'tTj. ui'rr L:;\.-<br />

Ihi- ball iiut.iif.ii.iuiiiis iillor li.<br />

Heilnn-n hail lirnki-n lliniutl-. lur<br />

trv ill tin- hii.-krl Bi-tl-. titiii-!-- I''-<br />


The Careymen had a 10-poinl W'aH<br />

it ihe end <strong>of</strong> the half, but (he<br />

'JTooditown buketeers outpomteri<br />

them in both <strong>of</strong> the last two pcnmH Ir. .,<br />

-|o cut the lead three puints, and al- hl. w l|i(,lr r|)llnl.1<br />

low tht Redmen only seven point* ,,,,.,.„- „.,.,,, hilvk<br />

u their margin ef victory<br />

The Jump at center went tu ilu-<br />

tool boys and the game was tin Nr<br />

one leered immediately, but when<br />

thi Raiders againr got the ball, Tom<br />

Selby, team captain, dropped a set<br />

from juat ouuldf the foul circle tc,<br />

give the Raiders the lead. 2-0 Wend,.<br />

' town leored a< soon as it Baineci po,.<br />

union <strong>of</strong> the ball, and tied it mi ut<br />

two-sll At this point the Carey-<br />

mtn scored several times in succes.<br />

lion, and the Wqodstown boys<br />

eeuldn't let back up to Iiie level <strong>of</strong><br />

Bur taiketeers. Thus, at the end or<br />

eight minutes <strong>of</strong> play, the Red Raid.<br />

trs lad, 13-6-<br />

COMB-BAIK TRV fAii.S<br />

In the second quarter, the KUIH<br />

lellowed the pattern established u<br />

the elqiing minutes uf the first quiir<br />

ter, that <strong>of</strong> a fast, <strong>of</strong>t-suciririB. spec,.<br />

laculsr game. The Woodstown iiilin- ,<br />

let M deiperately tryinii to SIBKI- U<br />

come-back, but with no apparent<br />

•iiceeM The Careymen were detu<br />

'. nltely the superior ball L-luli. their<br />

pouing, floorwork and their »i-t "f<br />

fenie and defense all showed iiie<br />

ipeetalBFi which was the betti'l<br />

tram. Again, in the getcmri quarter.<br />

the locals nutseored the Blue.and.<br />

OfSnie from Woodstown, this time<br />

not quite so heavily, but still it built<br />

Ball Squad Put<br />

Through Sprints<br />

bme, April 4,<br />

itill Open<br />


.'ilLn.r A I'lurlf iiii.-i-li.<br />

185(1. hlnl III, |i|'iisi'ei-ti<br />

1 lur tlu'ir tii>t si'.is<br />

Muntlny ilfleniiiiin. .lilt!<br />

pact- uliuli is ii> i-nrn<br />

ihriHi^haut the prLUMKi 1 s.-asfin<br />

Plenty <strong>of</strong> ruiiuliiH ihrijuinii. l);iltiii<br />

Silver Lining<br />

49 Tracksters<br />

League Titlists<br />

League Champs<br />

Note Out <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Juniors, 16 to 13<br />

The lour Cape- Allantir Vincent on Drexel<br />

ihe<br />

|%tll,.1. ,, ,„<br />

l<br />

;jMt-pm,.fifi I<br />

Hltfhfi^r .'<br />

M<br />

Wild wood Nosed<br />

Out <strong>of</strong> Tourney<br />

Losei First Round<br />

to Gloucester<br />

Also Did Well in<br />

State'Meets, Relays<br />


' iraik tr<br />

l l . i k o H I S ilr >'•'• "<br />

r ! |<br />


194J.bO iharaploiui oi th# Cane.<br />

Allniitic League. The .core was ii,<br />

13<br />

The periods were fight mlnutci<br />

I,,,,,; us in the rcKulur vflraity eames<br />

i, ,' HI' re were only two periods per<br />

,..,.',,,. ini,l Ihe losers' eonsnluticin<br />

^,i,u, was iiiily one period.<br />

C hiii U-s Vim-enl. 817 :ird si , Ocriin<br />

i*.lv has mm » plilff «n lilt 1 varsity<br />

iVrrtllii-.i! ti'iiui ut Dresnl JnBtitulu <strong>of</strong><br />

Vi'|.,-i-ni'is ii siiphiiiiiore hiudyitii;<br />

li.nii.-iil i-niilili'i-riiii; ill the Institute.<br />

.,",.,! ,, a ini-mhiT uf (he Alpliii Pi<br />

i" •miiici-i riiiii'i iiily Hi' wns e;rad-<br />

lln- Oci'iin <strong>City</strong> High<br />

************<br />

The boys H he uent out for tlpt<br />

lirsl SFUIBII found Ihpffuflvts MOM-<br />

d.rlnr «li*th#r they hud toUrn<br />

inle the wronf ffoup, Sureli tills<br />

royidnl b» |hr trark leam: Kveri-<br />

Imdv had basfball (lover, Ijyl what<br />

inuid aerount for all the<br />

they were fuvering on Ihr run?<br />

II «»*, is they found out, Ihr fast-<br />

enl, surpsl way lo teythlfn up soil<br />

miiseles. iind develop speed.<br />


TlH-ri<br />

M-ll'IllI<br />

l> l:ul<br />

I/.T 1!<br />

I...1U-II.<br />

I]-i-> w<br />

'I:.- l!i(<br />

Iwij- ili't biM !• i'i oi.<br />

ii, ciftfininu' anything<br />

ill In' ll.i' ftariiii<br />

;i.'t hi! 1 ,'.<br />

l.i-ir liis<br />

SkM.<br />

•!'.ii:ipu'<br />

=1 ] T A!<br />

Mii\. lit<br />

!rK v fliii<br />

Tli:s »<br />

Ii i fi-sut<br />

«"= \ t - r : ! : ' ' [ •=* > '. i .: :i • r ' •'•<<br />

1 (iHir ji.niH-i<br />

V,,V,,Vir v. ... l-i i-..-<br />

:: M,I.-. :i ..-.i.-k-.- ;.v V.I--<br />

,ii.- » llli Ill:-- In ! ili'l'i<br />

i-.i.-nir. i:;i!"i- ,,LII r-i I<br />

,:,.|.r,.n' Hi.- |..MHi:..r<br />

,f:ir> ii-;li- ,-ni-i.iiM ••* ,<br />

: and .jtr:t r n-turr.! ^<br />

n.iMi Unf<br />

Tills H(<br />

The b<br />

Tuf-^dav<br />

Tnpsdav<br />

Filday.'<br />

Turaday<br />

iy<br />

'IIF.Dt'l.K<br />

a.setiiill ^rhr-dijie fiilhi\ts<br />

, April 1—(JIH.II.<br />

, April II=<strong>On</strong>fn,<br />

A|lrii 11—Opfn.<br />

, April IS—rinu,a ill v<br />

ihomf!<br />

!"'riiia^,<br />

T ii r»*da \<br />

April il—Cape M;n niv<br />

l - -'<br />

nr.<br />

i < i<br />

nil.<br />

L.tir<br />

Vi-i -<br />

il-u^<br />

ill,<br />

I il \ 1<br />

, April !J—II a ni nl ll ll 10 li<br />

liiomri<br />

t-'ridav. April ^{^I 1 1 r a s .1 ii 1 iill.<br />

Legion to Sponsor Second<br />

Boxing Show on April 22<br />

lauu> I.<br />

Tuesday, MJI 1—litidilli- Tiiun»hip<br />

Ihrirnr),<br />

Iriday. May li—!l|,en,<br />

lijfsda>, Ma^ !!=Ojil'M.<br />

IridHj. May 12—Middle limiisiiip<br />

Wii<br />

p to 10 PUMII.«.<br />

nut liiiili Kiiini-I ili-rt-niln-t<br />

Uniup I haskribiil! chanipinn in<br />

Htjiith Jt-iM-v ^iis knnikt-d out i-r<br />

the ili.-lrii'l title iiiurnhlnrft in<br />

aimii'i-Ii-r Iliuh ill a ilrst ruuivl<br />

Uiimi- al C'liniili'ii i'nineniiiili H;ill<br />

Saiurday<br />

nrily in the first jn-nnd, u-ii!^ up 1-<br />

;i 2'}=lr1 hiiiflime t-dyi- iinii t-1 rfnilx =<br />

mi; tin- tliivs \iurk |.v ..ui|'-'ii*,i'ii^<br />

the seashore crew IS in 7 in Ihi<br />

Iniirlli !|ii,liter Tin- lin.il .inri- iva-<br />

j Pitman Beats Egg Harbor<br />

Pllmill! tllKli Si-hii"! - I i •: I-.-<br />

q<br />

thu Raiders' lead<br />

23.12. The Redniijn wcrt* hiivhm i-<br />

hgrd-luck streak thrnushiiul the •(•.•-<br />

end period, most <strong>of</strong> their shots faM-<br />

Ing <strong>of</strong>f the rim. nr droppini! shnri<br />

Thii period, Tom Selby nnri Bill Rr,!,<br />

row were keepinii the CureynUi:<br />

from buekllne wilh their snirma<br />

They were the only Haider* u ho<br />

weren't Infeited with "Gremlins" ot<br />

something equally vexins Bftwuii,<br />

them, they accounted for ail in Hammonton Wins<br />

points in that period. Q Pamborton<br />

BAIDKRS OUTSCORSD P,,,,!,,,-!..,, liiuh ",h"r,« , ..,•»,•, :<br />

1 After the hilf intermission, the- tu Hiiniinoiiiuirs iir.ucrfiil .<br />

\ lin.il >iimin.iri cif Ihr first<br />

li,i«. iiiehniing reieijits from<br />

•ini'ihniFiili, simwi.,| th.ll Die<br />

i.iii.' huildiny fliiiil. A pi'-tiit<br />

ii,ili irpiilt -.lioriiv ,ill!-r it<br />

,1,111, ,h,,Wi-|I ii link ,ivi-r SIH<br />

ituiiiitd ih.it tin- p!!-.! is in.it<br />

tiihlii squall- flaiiir .!! i iinx.-i<br />

inn II ill on M.inh '•"<br />

Hill N Ol KSiH\ 1 M \ I H i<br />

I iii-siJa v^ >l.i> li.^l .ipi-<br />

Ii idji, Mm l!i— lliirii,<br />

luiMiai, ,u.i> ;:; — 1s<br />

liiilai,M.i% •h-^M.nnnH<br />

H i r ii<br />

57 Regattas Win<br />

Official Sanction<br />

<strong>of</strong> Power Boat Assn.<br />

^Ty , t t enoug y<br />

.Inspired enough to outscore iln- Hed<br />

Raiders by two poinlji. elulii in nv<br />

but not enough to cet ihcmsrhii.<br />

back Into the bail game Thu Rei<br />

•men iUH led JB.jl at the sun<br />

Right if ter the piny re«!imi>d ir<br />

,lhe fourth quarter, the Woodsiowi.<br />

boys lot hot, Ai that time they<br />

iincl pulled Ihe Eame out uf Hie llr,<br />

4n In i!H<br />

Haininohliii! winner ..f iiie Cipe<br />

Ailaniie I.i-iimie ernwn .,,i? e!;jiiy<br />

Inj: only a ioiir.i.t.ini in.ir^ir ,,<br />

s.tU'ly umlijj jr-in ihe sinsiiiL* |ienn, :<br />

hu 1 jiiit .i| iiie prt-sstire in ouisfoii<br />

Pemiiei'ton Iti li> H in rhi- ilnai i-innza<br />

Plastering<br />




lllf Bay An. Phone IH?<br />

F. P. EWING<br />

PLASTER ING and<br />

STUCCO<br />

PUlo und OrnuncnUI<br />

•til Bw AT, OCMI ciir I<br />

Francis R. MacKain. Sr,<br />

Brick Mason Contraetor<br />

401 • 4th Street<br />

Phone 2573W<br />

Pilm;,i; :<br />

.u.d I....I<br />

i . , . , | ill M i l<br />

e. la. kills<br />

in<br />

V. 1!<br />

Tl'i- Iliir-liii<br />

Wvir l,,rm<br />

-,vi,i-k i.|<br />

[ . m i , k i n W I I . - I I t . - M . n i i i h • , . . i i - i - i : ! „<br />

I i i l i ' . L i i i i i i i i n l i i l h i ' i i I H i l l i h i . i i i p i - i .<br />

pMllllf<br />

••••••••«»•««*•»••••»•»«<br />

We llnv# Started BuyinE<br />

LARPBOAIM) Aeain!<br />

Wanted • Scrap<br />


RA«H - Rl I1IIIU j<br />

For Bfsl Prlrea lull<br />

Pleasantville Scrap<br />

Iron and Metal Co,<br />

110 S. Main H. I'hnne IT<br />

Will tail For Orders<br />

************************<br />

Paperhangers<br />


and PAINTING<br />

KHftmiilPp Cht^rfilllj ilU-en<br />


J14 <strong>On</strong>tfal Afe., Ph, 1M7.JT<br />

»pid II— Hull »pirii<br />

illii.il Ih mi ><br />

-.iluliln \|irll —Bldiili n Itilji<br />

I Hi i(tfii tiinl<br />

llidiii-sllin, April Hi—Mlilnlli- (ill<br />

Tri-h iliiiiili iliiimei.<br />

»,i(iirdiii. April 11—reiiii K r i a i .<br />

riiursdji. Mil I—Allan t ii' I 1 il i<br />

illiinli liiiiiiii.<br />

<br />

host If) !'»• <strong>On</strong>.pni H.ii..i|. H..ilii-N II.<br />

in Eii--t'-I II I^ .'K'i' 5 ' j -i- fi<br />

'The CS-.. 1 i-s ri-l.in.ic! I.I.II.I- Mi-i.iliiv<br />

[mm iJi.-ir in.iil i ' 'PII. ...: IM<br />

Saturday r,in'.' ''i-l". 1 " I ••'•••'l '•••<br />

ihoOhii-lii's •'"• '' ii".,Ui-hi-i,,i.-r I- II<br />

Jial Kill iciitiiii- !•-,•> t'i- -MI- lli«k,y<br />

BIRKiti.V men x< oitllt<br />

IN (iil i.iAiii i:, MIINIIAV<br />

. l i n k H i r i r l v ,,| Hi,, 'i hull,;,i<br />

Mullll.,.!<br />

nii-,1 I,,,<br />

i-hl<br />

H. '.,M.i.. ih,.<br />

,1 1,11,, 1<br />

1 '.'N ,,i ,1 I!: 1 ! i.II ,, i,in 'I,i<br />

li. tin- II.i-i, ,1,1 . ,.,, i). ,<br />

li.il V ., I I ! , I ,|. ,,.-|, ,, -<br />

( nl i- -h, Si ,,.| I,,I.-<br />

IM i-i i V - ;'iu W. h |i.|.|,<br />

i. i :>,i • .1..1.1 ,.i, -i,, h.i ••<br />

id 1 • •- ..I.,p.., 'ju-i<br />

('IIAM-: %S[I III liSOS TO! 1<br />

sl.-VMIDKK IIACII: si (IHI.HS<br />

I! .- • C l i 1 . , ' . • ; 1 1 I , . ! . I I . .<br />

- I • I . - I . , „ .., K l . . ' ; , - . • - • • .-.I<br />

g<br />

11 inn. in v.i- Ai-<br />

AuUiLjI-iuin<br />

(',-<br />

' i un,<br />

itujf<br />

Alter Sat" r. iii v ir.»-<br />

u. •-' lh(.-.-''-"'<br />

hty ( '-i' v -' lh<br />

v. ill c,,ii.-<br />

>-• I'"' 'l,.-<br />

Y " H - "<br />

;<br />

I'.ni.i-'. -,i :M i-i'.i.'.-imi ..,<br />

i In ki-i: , •) •JWi-r.t--,!'.'-!<br />

Bill S,i.,.|. • ., :,,! i .<br />

- : .- : I.- : 11 '.4 ;i- - . . i - , . I.<br />

; M I I I , - ' . . i i,i,,ihi<br />

i -. Hi-;, .M. i i i ' ,,i -I<br />

I'P ,.•:.!, ..-„' M..v M.,i<br />

M,.:. , I . -..ill I, .-. •<br />

I r i . ; - , C i i . i h - . ' . , i , i : i , , i ,<br />

I . , . , i , : l i . i . l . \ . - r i(;,- «:.i-<br />

,,-.•)!„:: ,,-•„ .,l.i, ,,r M: j,,N<br />

ui'<br />

I ,Mi- i!i-.i!nif,i e<br />

tiiiiiti ,, a ni ni-ia ,.M- iiiii<br />

. i n , i.ini inii-.t i.i-<br />

I. - V, * (I. f ^iMliNNMili I<br />

,,r v (-• w I 1 ,,-,i Ni,<br />

.• L« 1 1 i • I•. M i l . V . 1 - 1 - K<br />

I- ,11 I I , H i l l . I . , I I . . -<br />

h , l<br />

: i i i L ' i l - l i l - - , . ' . , ,<br />

• 1 . 1 , 1 , 1 v l , . . ! . ! . I - - . -<br />

• , , | , | , i i i - , l . , i , ,, l m i i . , 1 , , , 1 . . . '<br />

1- JI .-,, .,VI, ,.. II,.. I. -,. !<br />

I,.- l.i.ll 'I-,! i.,,i<br />

I IK I -.XT I -.Ml<br />

,,1, ,ili , i<br />

Raps Proposed Tramsf er <strong>of</strong><br />

Vet Hospital Construction<br />

Gordon Cites during Errors in Estimates<br />

Made by Federal Department <strong>of</strong> Interior<br />

, <strong>Mar</strong>c \ 19S0<br />

c.iiiii,in,,ur n, ,11, i<br />

i .. I • II.-- I I - . . . M - I - ( ' ( •<br />

I".,11 |,. li.il.-h i ,i-l, i.in<br />

,i,,l In,, l,i,n I,. II,.- lii--<br />

-,1-1,1 I.| ll.i.'lull' 111 till'.<br />

I. . . n . l 1,1 1 .,i ' n i l - i.l l,i<br />

,-l I ' M - A , , .-i i, ,,. |,.-i-ii,!.<br />

• 1 , 1 -<br />

M I,,<br />

I . ,,!<br />

I, ii,..I,}; ! l . , i r 1,1 .:t ( j, nl jil.illiy uriil i.fli<br />

IA>.K l-'DKrfi INIIKTMKNT<br />

Alltn.iif.Ii Ki' 1 IIII'IVIT Coinmiw<br />

• •:. In mil, nvi-r Ihi. VA I<br />

i.ii-Ii in In,PI tu II,>• rJpjJiirliiM-<br />

liiiiiiiii ll,i- l*,,inini?,.'-ii,fi<br />

I i*-},,,!t ii-t-lr'-.i-iin-U ihyl d<br />

ii,1 ji,r IU u[,|i(,rri,l ipiubil<br />

ii«I iii pi<br />

il rommpnlFii (in thf mulicnl u. -<br />

livitiwi uf lli*> Vi-h-rnnit' Adnilni-<br />

slraliun ;.nrl irifl'lrc.l thai VA HIM<br />

liitnlK enul friim (SU.IKHI III<br />

$51,(i(Ki l..ii as .-iiniijurtij Ailh<br />

ill, ' iMI lif SIU.WHI |.pi lipil<br />

..S|iitills Tlii' ll.iiiSil<br />

•• li II, i'l' III III I'S-<br />

, 111!, VA Mils.<br />

,"^ ii ill*- ( UNI ii!<br />

111,1 .,11. l"i.ll,l-<br />

i-reulif.il hull, i.r<br />

..flllTS iillil I.f<br />

,1 tiiilltl.'s ,lf -ill<br />

ny |,rivi,1i- IIIHIHUII.S<br />

I he iM«tn <strong>of</strong> their extran, then th*<br />

VA Hoapltul pvr i*.l coat Is opt<br />

p p<br />

out <strong>of</strong> lint' mill ilu-<br />

u |,li\.itt.<br />

,,r • bed In<br />

Would Stiffen Eye<br />

Tests for Drivers<br />

Hii-h.-r hUiPuliirilK in ByMlMhl l f<br />

for iiiiiiiiiii.liil.. ilriverN and school<br />

i l.ililri.ii nrc iciiimmiiiiried by the<br />

Ni w .li-oij Opliililelric AsaiHlitldn<br />

ii, riii,ni>( iiini with till' 24th linilunl<br />

SiiSi Yinir Vis un Wii'k, whii'h<br />

ti-bvliii'liuri. ul<br />

iiri' (.-rmlittHi with in*<br />

ih.. gluss window.<br />

''['<br />

IrlMI-IRIII, fill M NIIAHK<br />

MIXI.II II Alii t, IIONMKS<br />

Fri'i Dip, Firm did Al lil.if'i S'llTH-'IKII BV 111 HI I its<br />

l . i . i i i i l , , l h i i . P H . K I . i . p . i , I •, f i . r I I . I - ' . , - s , , | - . ,,,,,,.,,, ,...,,:,,,. , , , ,<br />

'•'• M . ' i - i i l i , , w i i M i . I . i - ; i s ; i H ' " . I ] j f , , i r : \ s l , i 1 , 1 1 1 - ,,,- 1 •, .<br />

i ' l . : ' . ! . , 1 ,- ,-- t l . i . v I ' i i i - h I , i t i ; : . m . 1 , 1 , 1 1 1 . 1 1 , - J - I •, i n . |..-. . . . i | '...<br />

L ' H K i . , 1 , , : - , i I,;,n ii y i i l H I M i , ' i l v | V A I H ' I . C ::.'-.,.;•! • ! • P- -.<br />

il> i-liiiiuti' tin-<br />

I ,. r.i (up, .tin. tu,I,<br />

til, |,i,|.i- li ,,l ilt: fi"-|.ull fin the<br />

I,, ,-,HI,hi i,i i,l Ilii' liil.-riur. it<br />

, i,.,!i:.'i H,iii 't't- iJi-iiurlFii.-Pil wuii<br />

;• illy ,,l il,Ui(i'i|,iliti' i-Vulllillli.PI Uinl<br />

,1 11,1- t'lilufi.iii'.BiK 'i'tiuiHiiMiii Prii-<br />

ji-, I HI y,l,ii'li i\:-. f^iiinuti- wiiK<br />

44-1 IIUI (Kill J.MI i,c;Ilii,i ,1'ii't WHS<br />

* I;11 B'HJ Ijlrtl it cstiri!iit.-(i 4B,.'iWl.lilJ0O<br />

,,- 11.(- 11,-1 uf tlii- HunKry Hursp<br />

I'lMii-.i 1,, Mi,i,tunii, v,ii!i:h actually<br />

id't ttii- IiiS|,;iy.-ni ^9H.5(KJ.fJOI/.<br />


'li.i-<br />

if,.* y.h(il... st whir-n<br />

',11.11<br />

I c.i k<br />

U,i- (iu t, l,l(', I I '1.1 „ V j , I 1 •<br />

l '<br />

An C..nnr..-> ....<br />

I,.' ,-., , , T, 1 ..- i i . p . M - r - i , | , ::;,•. H i -<br />

I l ' , , . ! , , ! i : , ,'. r h 1MSI | i - l l u . , , - i l l , v F'l.-lli,<br />

! fill hi,-: -.1,11- )T!i i.Ml Niii.i ', Bii.p.ih-<br />

; ,',1 V ,U, ITT Hli.P., -. I-'ur.<br />

si.,iv.' V.-.IJ. riiiiiii'i'-im will, a 1HH<br />

(1.1 mill ILiltiTii'i wiin f,! 1111.. 111 s<br />

UM-I Thli.-i illlil Tiri's. wllll.' (l;n<br />

Plumbing Plumbing<br />

ruiNT S c. i.FAnrr<br />

In llii' SMIIUTI HI,ml A C I.CMRui'<br />

UMh lHU iiiiii V: Hiuiw v^ii^ i iipi'-.i'i-.ui!<br />

w itl: \lii<br />

Mini- v.'i.PI tln> (inly sliiitiiiil <strong>of</strong> Hit-<br />

» n k Hill'.Hint; Hl.ick (iri-i-ii, lic-il<br />

.i'l, 1 111',,v. M .ill I....I; H-l ili'i-l- ii.Ms<br />

C'oi'NTV SKATERS<br />

T..|.iiz rc-liiiiii'il 111., Ic'iiil ill tin'<br />

Cuinily SIMIITS LI-:II!IIM :.l Pliiyl.-inrl<br />

l.v iii'fi'.iliIlK Aliii'lliysl. M-U »iii-<br />

liiiiiiii siiiyi'd line |niilit ln-liiii.l Wild :i<br />

.-iiinil.ir \iitiirv iiv.-i' .link-<br />


fiami'w ni' liM hy n, Hi.ticry nmi<br />

ilii Jiy K UriclijchiiiiM' tii|i|)i'J ihf<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Jets<br />

Trim Northfield<br />

Thi' fin :,!. Ci-y .1, ••- .' - '<br />

iii-i.-ii.ii in,<br />

•(, r I-ii. •;.<br />

!.1T.' M.,1,.1.<br />

i:n.-- KMMI<br />

i-i.ip.'' " !<br />

- -<br />

:<br />

...i.'ril, ,:..!<br />

tl.-!,; .-...•<br />

|,.-',,"l :i,.-<br />

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•I-:..I 'll...<br />

': :I t ! f in.<br />

".,. II..--..: I'li •<br />

ll. I . , ] ' " , ! - ! ! i,l ihi<br />

t.r ;,,:r.,ii,V<br />

ii.i VA H ,1 ,'.<br />

.,:.,! , . ,,:. -i<br />

„•• v.,-.. ,,.,ii[ili-''ii<br />

I!- .-• • ,.!.-, i . j . i j . r '<br />

. I i,.- i l i - h : , [ f ri,* r:t i<br />

V T.i ,1 • ; . ; , . : . t i - . ' . ,,<br />

|.i 1 ;,-!• • ^ , r ; . ! ; , , r i ..1<br />

'. . I . I I . - , : t . 1.1-.'. I...-<br />


I p. n, to 11 p tri.<br />


2:M pi m. to S p. m.<br />

6th and Boardwalk<br />

Fred S. Tarves 3rd<br />


1 Buyview Place Phone 1127<br />

Announcing..,<br />

The Reorganization <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Independent Ro<strong>of</strong>ing Co., Inc.<br />

and the Formation <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Poley Supply Co.<br />


Located at 206 Sixth Street, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Owner*—Clafenee Poley and Al Gardiner<br />

We're not affiliated with any ether person*<br />

or business <strong>of</strong>fices,<br />

All t-alU rtrrlYilblF at above preml-rs — Phone O, C, 0163 — If no<br />

am«fr, rail Pli>aHanlvl|(p 4',H W<br />

Mione: <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> 0163<br />

si'i.i-inif Iii' in II.,' Mi'.'- I.-'ii I<br />

l.i'ilMli,. ill I'iiilliih, 1 .1 H.iilJ I.ml.I .1<br />

Sil il u|> 111 tin' Ihri'i'-lNilnr 11• • | -ii I I<br />

Illi'lit with t u n Wtty Llhi'i-iti'i:, v.n;<br />

;i liiiul.-'liiii,' ii'i'iii rMpi-r C i h - i,<br />

hi.lii fir't iiiiiri'.<br />

GGI<br />

PILEGGI ;<br />

Plumbing * HeatingJ<br />

Phone 1876<br />

508 North Street<br />

Mm<br />

m WHIO IM<br />

Willard F. StetMr |<br />

Plumbing - Heating I<br />


0M3 <strong>Ocean</strong> Cltj, N. i.l<br />

Fred H. Manlcy<br />

Plumbing • Heating<br />

alic flu ll~lln«<br />

Kqolpnamt<br />

Ul Ml BtHiH 8.1^ M Unto<br />

947 Aibupy Ave.<br />

Tetepbone ma<br />

HiHiitiMHIiiiiHiilliMlittiiiMMitiii.iiiiiliiiilllllilig<br />



AND BON (<br />

Pltunbln» - HMMM I<br />

MBvnM Phone 0029 |<br />

*»«.. OHM CHT. N. J._|<br />


PLtlMBimi _ HKATINO<br />

York Oil Bumert<br />

York BoUer Burner Units<br />

York<br />

Air Contfitionert<br />


n< 111! — RH. Ph, L-SM-n-l<br />


Joseph Broadley<br />

BwtaMnd<br />


• 4KB •<br />


- JOBBINO —<br />

•08We«lerAT. Ph. 0729<br />

Plumbing Heating<br />

Oil Burners<br />

William O.Townsend<br />

80S Allaiitlr AVP, Phon* 033S<br />


J, G. SUMMER<br />

Plumbing - Heating<br />

SJ03 Simp-ion Ay. Phone 2711<br />

Charles Scheldt, Inc.<br />

358 Anbury Av. Ph, 2377<br />

Plumbing • Heating<br />

Johnson Oil Burners<br />

al • Industrl*!<br />

RcildenUU<br />

Oil Buralnf Equipment ,<br />



Omrr.l Electric Oil Furnscffi<br />

TiBkcn Silent Auiomitlc<br />

Oil Burner*<br />

General SIMMs AppUsnui<br />

AUantlc B^flnlnf Fuel Oil<br />

•ltd Keroiene<br />

Mln _ Inilallallan — Mnin<br />



iJl Aibory A*. Wham M» .<br />

See Too Late to CUwify<br />

Adi . • Pint Section<br />

OMI <strong>City</strong> Mlt-ff — Tnokuhw 71-B-* JOBBINO<br />




l t V U i<br />

knmn<br />

IT'B TIME TO<br />



THE TMEA/a/<br />

Phones:<br />

(111<br />

Be 1fi»<br />

Modrrnlm<br />

with<br />

>•••••••<br />

Wai, D. Camburn<br />

I Albert S. Camburn REGISTERED SUILDERS<br />

Jobbing — Alterations — Ro<strong>of</strong>ing<br />

1039 We.! Avenue<br />


We have contlnnmisly enjoyed<br />

the confldenre <strong>of</strong> Ihe public be-<br />

uu» <strong>of</strong> the l«ct th»t we IUm-<br />

IH eveTy tstlmnte to Iht rom-<br />

plete Hljaheliaii ot the edstomrr,<br />

Thii !• firm lURrtnee ihkl your<br />

job will be curried out exactly<br />

an proml.ed. This hu been our<br />

•uwcrvliir policy dorint Winy<br />

<strong>of</strong> ineeaMful bnplBCM<br />

In South Jersey.<br />

Frank Howard<br />



2124 A*bury AT., QUU <strong>City</strong>. N. J. Phone 2693<br />








Builders Builders<br />

tHWMIMMIIHIItli'<br />


V. B, SMITH . Architect<br />

Basn 410, National Bank <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> BuildlBf<br />

Phoni ilS4<br />

1421 Atlantic Av. Atl, <strong>City</strong><br />

Phone A. C. 4-1864<br />

************************<br />

Registered Builder<br />



12 Simpson Bold<br />

Phone IM'W Km,; KfUl.<br />

POTTS' BROS.<br />

i<br />

Builders<br />

609 <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue<br />

Phone O, C. 2971<br />

""i<br />

Phonei863.M<br />

Daniel F. Connor<br />

Builder<br />

Res.i ISIS Asbury Ave,<br />

Jobbing Alterations<br />

Cameron Bros, Co,<br />

Builders, Jobbers<br />

and Ro<strong>of</strong>ers<br />

31 Huym.ni> PI. Plum. OO7t<br />

MiliiiM.<br />

W, W, Graham<br />

Contractor and Builder<br />

KeEtitf t

"Mm-<br />

:MMt&M<br />

flpf<br />

'.!••*•'fe 1 ).--:."!'-^.. Life<br />

fRiRJlToLenJ<br />

Anartments<br />

WBB<br />

, _nrt> Hlfta<br />

OjlBby. Ev-<br />

._ __Jfwrt MbHon<br />

_J irBit, Mn. Mn<br />

Derate Camp, MM. Pal<br />

s. JutBitg Shanebrook<br />

feidmnn)*, Mrs, Borta<br />

~ Gibson and Mrs<br />

Approve. $178,000<br />

For Witfwood Project<br />

Hie Federal Homing Admlnlrtni<br />

tion tin approved • mortgage loan<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1176.000 for the eonstruetion <strong>of</strong><br />

(lit Park View Apartmentl at Wild-<br />

wood, on the site <strong>of</strong> the old Aretfc<br />

Barbtr.<br />

<strong>On</strong> another evening before her de-<br />

MH, Slmoni was entertained<br />

Claire Miller, jucerjlior <strong>of</strong><br />

and Mlsl Betty Williams<br />

tefdutekD, at dinner in<br />


Chatterbox<br />

Bill and Central Ave. Phone 0717<br />

"Where Good Friends<br />

Meet to Eat"<br />


Breakfast • Luncheon • Dinner<br />

Dcltdma Snaclu<br />

Powatei* Stnrice . ht<br />

Fill DELIVERY<br />

, o<br />

school.<br />

W H Bright.<br />

hdled h<br />

H Brg<br />

which handled<br />

h FHA<br />

. Inc really firm<br />

the negotiations mid<br />

l d th lt<br />


900 Shor« Ro«4<br />

Hotel • Bar<br />

Somen Point<br />

Restaurant<br />

Darts<br />

I AH Tar —<br />

Twkej Flatten Mid<br />

Sandwiche*<br />

Ojnter Stew — Clam Stew<br />

Fried Oytten<br />

Soapp«r Soup<br />

Fried Jumbo Shrimp<br />

S f d — Steaks<br />

'S POINT<br />

HOTEL<br />

AT THE BRIDGE — ROUTE 9 - 4<br />

'JftW E<br />

Richt<br />

Enjoyment wi'h the<br />

- . Vi.it<br />

PeopI*<br />



Delicious Sandwiches<br />

Cocktails As You Like Them<br />

Out-Jam BMMMU , . ,<br />

Singing Your Favorite Songs<br />

N^w Policy . New Management<br />

the PHA approval removed the list<br />

barrier to eonitruetion <strong>of</strong> the hom-<br />

ing project.<br />

The apartment development will<br />

comprise 28 dwelling units <strong>of</strong> two<br />

bedrooms each, arranged in a court<br />

type plan. Total cost is estimaled at<br />

$350,0u0. Similar apartments ire<br />

now under construction at WUdwood<br />

Crest,<br />

CEIST MASONS, O.l.S,<br />


An <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> |3,000 from Ihe MB-<br />

sonic Temple Association for the<br />

purchase <strong>of</strong> city-owned lots was ae.<br />

canted by the Wildwood Crest com.<br />

missleneri last week.<br />

The Association plans to erect a<br />

$50.01X1 headquarters for meetings <strong>of</strong><br />

the Masonic and Eastern Star lodges,<br />

which now have their headquarters<br />

in the Pine av. fire houje. Construc-<br />

tion will be completed Ihii year.<br />

The proposal to the borough com-<br />

mission ate requires relocation <strong>of</strong><br />

municipal tennis courts and pavilions<br />

ui the expense <strong>of</strong> the Masonic Asso-<br />

elation.<br />

Stars Beat Chiefs;<br />

Hall Scores 31<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Stars, paced bj<br />

Buizy Hall's 31 points, racked up a<br />

84.81 basketball vletopy over thi'<br />

Somers Point Chiefs on the Point<br />

court. Monday night.<br />

The Stars did their damage in<br />

the first and third quarters Th»<br />

Chiefs were on the rebound and<br />

outpointed the resort team by 12<br />

points in the fourth, but they eeuldn t<br />

quite catch up,<br />

Jim Isard led the Chiefs with 21<br />

markers.<br />

Teachers' Salaries Too<br />

Low, 1$ Majority Opinion<br />


Tilt New JerMy Pall<br />

Princeton—A majority <strong>of</strong> the New Jeftey public today iH%) 4s <strong>of</strong><br />

the opinion that salaries paid to school teachers throughout the state an<br />

too low. <strong>On</strong>ly one in a hundred believes that teachers' salaries are too<br />

high^ This was the finding when New Jersey Poll staff reporters ask,ed the<br />

ollowing question <strong>of</strong> 1,000 men and women in all walks <strong>of</strong> life living In<br />

18 <strong>of</strong> the state's Jl counties and in some 44 different<br />

New Jersey communities.<br />

•Would you «*y thai s<strong>Mar</strong>le* p*id Is «ehool taMhtn<br />

In New Jersey M the present Uue, 1B gctuml, in too<br />

low, too hlfh, or itbgul rif/MT"<br />

Tt» hlih , 1%<br />

Too low 54<br />

Abotii right %t<br />

No opinion 81<br />

Two more interesting sidelights emerge from to-<br />

day's survey. <strong>On</strong>e It that more people in the 80 to M<br />

year old bracket—the group from which the bulk <strong>of</strong><br />

today's school children come—say that salaries paid to<br />

New Jersey school teachers are too low than do those<br />

— in other age groups. Three out <strong>of</strong> every five <strong>of</strong> the<br />

10 to 44 year olds (82 per cent) believe that teaehers' salaries are too low.<br />

Jl . >» ynn<br />

jo - la year,<br />

45 yean Md over.<br />

h I h th<br />

Too<br />

hlfh<br />

I 1 *<br />

Too<br />

low<br />

SI<br />

sis<br />

«<br />

About<br />

rlfhl<br />

80<br />

IT<br />

No<br />

opinion<br />

II<br />

20<br />

19<br />

Urg«« RMtoration<br />

OfRailService<br />

Rep. Hand OJU For<br />

Immediate Action<br />

Immediate njstontlon <strong>of</strong> full r»j<br />

service to South Jersey was eajlec<br />

for Mond»y by Congressman T. Mil<br />

let Hand, in telegrnrns to Gen. J<br />

Monroe Johnson, chairman <strong>of</strong> thi<br />

Interstate Commerce Commission<br />

und Harry Babcock, general mariagel<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Pennsylvania - Reading Sea<br />

shore <strong>Line</strong>s.<br />

South Jersey people have suf<br />

fered for several months as a resul<br />

<strong>of</strong> the coal strike, and have born,<br />

the inconvenience patiently," he said<br />

"Now that the winter is over, thi<br />

strike is also over after having beei<br />

hndly mishandled throughout, Whit,<br />

it will undoubtedly be repeated nex<br />

winter, we must try now lo reeovqi<br />

he pieces at promptly as possibli<br />

>nd to have our rail service re<br />

[tored."<br />

He said the curtailment <strong>of</strong> rai<br />

crviee in this area was costly to<br />

workers laid <strong>of</strong>f through no fault oi<br />

ihcir own, as well as soriouslj<br />

.hreateniiiii convention business in<br />

Atlantic <strong>City</strong>.<br />


*- *l,00<br />

t to i P. M.<br />


18 Noon to 1 P. M.<br />



t ,V M. lo It Noon<br />


INN<br />

Plymouth Place and<br />

Atlantic Ave,<br />

LOUISA I. COKSON, Prop.<br />

BOB iCBFE<br />

Take Advantage <strong>of</strong> Our<br />

TOP QUALITY «. In tti* olflrn <strong>of</strong> Th«<br />

r NOT L.ATBR THAN NOON, TUBBDAT. lor publlnllon ml<br />

Pi«* ft MUCH. WBIJNIIBDAT, In t)i. Too-l.ato lul<br />

I *1N «r •>••.<br />

Basis <strong>of</strong>_ most modern radio<br />

ciivlng sets, Including televiilon, _<br />

a uircuit invented by Mijor Edwin<br />

H, Armstrong, known u the<br />

hetrodyne.<br />

n "" cXASBirnm AD RATES<br />

rku Tta>«, *9 Wortta or I**<br />

(1c p*r word exceeding ZS words)<br />

,'«» both inward and back • tHAfflC-rlAHOY<br />

SKI, bit email Itnjf* fur ii. partinf and eoreghg, thort<br />

lurnlni nrfiui • hrM-WIM IMK tfeiW b.tw,,n fka «>,« •<br />

IWf IWCK nn, InmtUnn ipr/nfii,!, SQ/.l,«ld. rim., law-<br />

ftmmn lint, iHfihad/Ing Hrem-tobm . DrUAHOW BHVf<br />

an all «O4B«MsriM, optional at .xb-o nil an SOW<br />

m i|fi,i. WIDE AiMr W MOOIa with Itdf b,fl,tw.<br />

M«M fMf BUICM tftatar In a<br />

WALLACE BROTHERS «« Mm BViCm millbmlU<br />


*<br />

mJM.<br />

J^p^^^ffit^^^^^<br />


iU CLBANBR Salesman. Un".<br />

opportunity lur right man. An.<br />

1 Arctic av.. Atlantic <strong>City</strong> N J<br />

to 12 Noon. 3,33<br />

Palmer's Frigidaire Sales-Service<br />

Open KtrHlngH ilpd Nundaj'fe It.v Appointment<br />

1117-1129 Anbury Avenue Phones: 0235 -0236 :<br />

Wril"<br />

WANTH) E»p« ien. e.l<br />

Grrwer Musi have tHi<br />

1004 Benllnrl LrdErr T-1<br />

CARPENTERS W ontrd C)nl» 1«1 tl.iw<br />

"iin n«(l »PPl* r,iinBi I Sih«Bl.<br />

h 2-m V<br />

«jC"OW»"<br />

PPl*<br />

Phon<br />

FOR SALE<br />

EAL has the<br />

N <strong>of</strong> NEW<br />

PPEM . . ,<br />

. . SPORTS,<br />

anywhere. lilts 1 i» 12 for<br />

i Wtimcn . . Miisei . . . Children . . .<br />

j Every gurment <strong>of</strong> pure wail fabrics<br />

'. . Fine quality Iliilnsi . , . Exp "<br />

tiilloilnK. Every cstor Irnni snow wii _<br />

lo let block, SAVE lip TO m PER<br />


liuv (llreit from the lucinry aaiesipflrn<br />


((ml'. While Iliiiso Pike, HAMMON-<br />

TliN, Duliv U to U SUNDAY a to II,<br />

" ' " •'" " 3-30<br />

VACUUM CLEANERS. l«w Iind rebuilt<br />

[mm llB.iil u[i. I'ny only SI3S a<br />

wt'Ck. Free drmonKttation. Patton''?.<br />

fii! U'IVKK In I he i'eur ai m West nv.<br />

Phime 2ail, • If<br />



for Kli'dles. t T nrs«'tk>Ues fintl bros-<br />

HlerrH In fit I'UM >' flKuif. lleu 2(i7i!<br />



Ciimpiele <strong>Line</strong> <strong>of</strong> Cnnulnp<br />



mrr.wr BODY** KENPKR WORK<br />

Open EveninBS Hnit Suniiiiys<br />

By Anlnilnimenl<br />

I ASBUR* AV: I'h, IH.15 -<br />

EDW, (] KURTH CO.<br />

roril * Mereury Aulhurliied Drnli'i-<br />

Kiyiione Beivlre AllanlLc Dwiler<br />

nimdyear Tlrrs • Used Cups<br />

i Accident lU'imlcs<br />

Atlinllr Ave. heiween 1st « Ninth Sts<br />

Phono (!, C IMitxl or 2.T.I0<br />

LWINTKR SPKCIAI, ! • Font, I'lwsi.j<br />

(ft, Plymouth. Men-ui-J- recannlllonod<br />

fBoto lrHtallcd. Lowest Bt Ices, Terms<br />

It« lull your pui-se. Save heiT We<br />

mnanlee In do It lowrr, Kil«v 11<br />

Kurtz Ford - Mim'ury rlcnlcr. Is' imM<br />

isntie «v.. <strong>Ocean</strong> cliy, I'hiinc u. i:,<br />

0. Free tnwlng. It<br />


DO YOU KNOW Ihc pcnslnh VHIUV »!<br />

your Life InsuranceV IN hi' Kliia to<br />

till you<br />

ROY DARBV, Field Asslsinnl<br />

Eguliablc Life Assurunre ioeicty<br />

IM Cenlral av. Phone UOM<br />

I'KRSONAL - nrltlB yiiyr Ford back<br />

hitme! We know j,iur Ford beat nild<br />

as*-- sinruri'Iy Interested In Its low^osl<br />

ours'iiilon, ^hi'ther the job Is large or<br />

Krhall. UrtnK your Ford hack home'<br />

Edwnrd fi. Kuril, vnur Ford Deiler,<br />

1st anil Atlanlh 1 nv.. Oi'ean <strong>City</strong> if<br />


BltEATllINi;: Sell odd helps cnugrl.<br />

ItitJ KpiiKrns and whm'Xtn^ within *i\<br />

hours In iilnicisl every rase NO HELP<br />

— NO C'HARnE. For free demonslril^<br />

Him R F Hi'nsH, JW3 Pacific av,. At-<br />

lantic Illy N. .1, Phone 4-5505. if<br />

MIITIIKR'S IIKLPEft- Dont lot rain;<br />

hd hl t d S<br />

In [hi'<br />

I I P f t Dont lot rain<br />

hluois pet you down Sta<br />

1](i [iii jnd iise! FftM<br />

y i p you don St<br />

liik »1](i [iiis ijniid iisec! Frfit<br />

jilro nrycr Palmor FrlEldali A l<br />

anwiii, II17-j 120 Ashury av, Ph<br />

FOR SALE<br />

MHLVll.l.K FLOOR CUVKRiNn CO.,<br />

T w Miiin st rhuno 5aa. Miiiviiio,<br />

N 1 l.inuiouni and Venetian Blinds,<br />

i l l d i<br />

ospoilLv inslnllrd. if<br />


Artillnu miifhlncs, rush peKistcis. W.<br />

.nr.innX.l^^r.,,?1!!X, rt t 1 ::iwA««. -.««•- M<br />

I'LAMS loi Siilc 11.25 per 1U0, R, S.<br />

Lewis- 8 w Cunneciieut iv,, Sol lers<br />

Point, S-8<br />

INLAID IINOLtUM B 95 a jard<br />

Installed Covei your floors with<br />

beautiful Nairn Slnane or Pubcn Inlaid<br />

•)«'! riiunn MB 55 1^12 inum WT 20<br />

9»12 room W5 40 ruhbn lllc Asphalt<br />

flip rsah nr lime payments Fatlon s<br />

*S2 weeks In tht VLdi yl 52 V\est y\<br />

Phone 2211. IT<br />

5.P1ECE Walnut bodrooni sol. Rood<br />

cnndiUnn, aliii spring and mattress.<br />

$40.. (135 Ashury in 1 -. 2nd floor, 3-9<br />

CRDSLEV sholvaddi- Hj-frlfieralnr. 1IIS0<br />

model. »'-, en [I. J250 oa«h, Hrand<br />

no« never used. C'unlusi jiii/o. Phono<br />

iXMW "W<br />

BATfllNI'"ITK. 1! rrlhs. 1 irili mul-<br />

ITCSS I'ulli'f inhlo, ilivlric plnio All<br />

voi-y ii'iisfiniilile, phemo 2620. -M\i<br />

RCA Crmihlnuiliin Ti'lovlslnn-Riidiu and<br />

I'hiincinriiph Like now, OrlBiniil<br />

pi ifo ¥5!iri unc nnly. Special SV.ir,<br />

Sclmll Kln'lrlc. 71" Ashury in. :W<br />

fjndl) rsetl U^ishinK Mncliines, good<br />

running ronrilt irin. Mitylag, $22 50;<br />

Quality electric ninKO. :iS=inchos wide.<br />

Ilko nru. SlSft: unud UNCd flecti'io re<br />

fiiMOrHtur tiudo Ins. %\ft and up: Eas<br />

hot plaio :UiurmM. $. r i[ hunKsilnw type<br />

Hut riinye §12^) I, II Ciinlon s Sfins.<br />

il'jN Asliuri HI I'lKinc IM7 3-0<br />


WANTfi.n Twn smntl eiooliii^ rcfriK=<br />

etalisrs 2 gus iiinaos In t'onri eon-<br />

dltlnn iiakei III) Allanllc HI. ,VJ<br />

snUH s j ois avallahlo. \<br />

fni and "dfliMM. licneial Type<br />

milii F.vhuhti'. Ill" Atlaiillc ai.<br />

Atliirilic <strong>City</strong>. I'llnno 4 0868. If<br />

SKI: Till-: Ni« Intel niitliiniil IliirM-iilc"<br />

lip[rli:i'iiitiii'. Hig 7.1 nl«|, in (ml;. 1<br />

Biiiii •iri ih. iiii?en riidd ciipiicii?<br />

Fiie >em wiiirimiy Puy \\% Ucar<br />

!/J W ph 2211 If<br />

a flity. INln, 5 weeks I<br />

id !/J Wrut iiv. phono 2211<br />

WAY1JTK nl.OCKH All si/as ti.r ini.<br />

medUiie deliiory, F.flwmd ('ninpht^l,<br />

" E- Cnrnir K-Irl iind Wiilnut, Vlne-<br />

iiintl N j. I'hunc »-Tim, If<br />

MNdf.KCM<br />

Slniine, tiu<br />

liifli 1 pili riient<br />

Hie year HI 5y uCsi ai<br />

H finlfl Mi'iil. pahi'ii.<br />

^'l in !l\12, CiiHh iir<br />

Piltlnn's. 52 weeks In<br />

Phnne 2211. if<br />

(ins liiinaos Nmv avnll-<br />

jii/is 2iS in, iipt. sl/o.<br />

alfilO '<br />

IVINCRiiKT<br />

Jiljje In Ih , p<br />

MX fli), 'w In, niediiirii arlfi.lO; 'IS<br />

lar^t- Mi^e. SH!i tut. All fulLv tnsulateit<br />

with atilnmMje n\on c(intiul, Urn.<br />

Klllntt iiin Asbiny nv. If<br />

Sf:E NYMAN I"i- liliiss. Auto KIIIBK<br />

installed, ^la#ii l:ih!e and desk inps<br />

mlirnrs, liniit ylass, u imlmv i^lasN n><br />

plaoed ami gliiA-d, &M! Ashuiy av.<br />

Phone 0182. If<br />

VENETIAN lil.lNIW Nn* Mm Cim<br />

jiiv lit'iilit iful i-usii'm=ni;!i!e Ktex;iiuni<br />

Veneliiin Hilntls insi.-ilted In .vrjiir ilfimt-<br />

fur IIK invi iis SI 2"i ,i wci'k, Chiilce ill<br />

II slui I'IIIUIS :ij liiiii- vi'litr*. r.-itlmvs.<br />

\ weeks in Ihe >t*,ir ill :i2 S<br />

phiino 2211. If<br />

OYHTV.ns cliinis<br />

Uiiy nv, phono<br />

i;iih»,<br />

nn:«4-,l,<br />

1211<br />

if<br />


Pruolfii aiiM Miinilnt. Fruiu Sinn><br />

Pay iih lilljo its 51 2^i i! »eek, PiitiMns.<br />

52'ueeks in i ho U'iir id 52 SS fsi m<br />

Phcine 2211 H<br />

BO1I.KR Hill 111 r uriil ennipielo wlih<br />

all cnntinls fni nil fliinii Takos<br />

euro <strong>of</strong> (MMi sq ft "i rMflHJ 1 |f*n.- L'sod<br />

two soiiSMns. Full pilic. SISil. Fur In<br />

fnimalion. call U>ll.'l- If<br />


Yale Keya - 20c<br />

2 for 35.:<br />

lulck Survlci. L'r.vls lliuilwiii'F<br />

235 Anbury A\eni,e.<br />

MVi made. Complete locksmith serv-<br />

ice. Automobile lucks a specialty<br />

Wilier E. Allen. 105 Cent i ill toe.<br />

Phone liii.w, li<br />

IAVE HUEL Reside jinn h..me with<br />

whlti* uolrrpinnf usbisloK NIH<br />

aeihnd gives thmnuKh Insul.itinn As<br />

plull rnnlini Skilled merhnnlrs Frn<br />

btlmate INDEFFNDLNr RIJUHNC.<br />

ro At, m\ih si I'h.im- oifi.i if<br />

KEFRir.tRATUR aulnmatl. I1.11111<br />

Inundiles ni.jiois ,ind uanhm<br />

Bsehlnes sirUrrd and icpaiird b,iuih<br />

Jersey Appllanee beivitt ( " I inttnud<br />

N J Phnne Somors I'filnl h.TS II<br />

USED CARH bnUBhl and ,«.'d, Rr-hullt<br />

Wni'ratnrs. starters, fun! I imps and<br />

•slur eylindei's. Mntnis merhnulHl<br />

l Mo lt rj<br />

••te HTnttir gales,<br />

mm Point and «<br />

lone gomerg Poln<br />

ts e<br />

Enslist,<br />

IPIS Point and Mais Lafin<br />

t Slilb If<br />

MATTREB8E8 RENOVATKD , . t New<br />

bos springs nr rmitlieSBCS built. Wr<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mil <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Beddlnc ('o.. «<br />

Hiven av. Telephone <strong>Ocean</strong> Lily 23 -<br />

Of I81S.R.12. tf<br />

PAINTED WAlIi washed i Insed nnd<br />

dlei Dl l Si'ml-<br />

l<br />

dried, l)rlpli-i« nietlintl.<br />

nKhanlcal proceailng. Also wt<br />

WK. steam only. Wullmaitei',<br />

Point 3I«.<br />

Somerf<br />


BKE IU.-HT/. for I'cil vflilo In uio'l rarfi<br />

All m.koi, rroin Hi« In IIDOi ForiU,<br />

Ohavrolnli l'lymoulhr iTgnvurtlblu.<br />

Tudor tlodiini IOUIWK I'lfkups t-ordur<br />

btfldnn Dump Triukft Alt modtl*<br />

Turrni to .ult your |.url>e tdw . SI!.Sill i<br />

liiaher. w«l Cenlral in ;!•!! I<br />

Hand Proposes<br />

Retirement Plan<br />

Lays Groundwork for<br />

National Syrtem<br />

A reaolu'llon eailing for a Congres.<br />

sional study <strong>of</strong> a national retirement<br />

system has been Introduced In the<br />

'jinuso <strong>of</strong> Representatives by Con-<br />

'gressman T. Millet Hand, <strong>of</strong> New<br />

Jersey's Second District.<br />

The resolution is designed to an-<br />

thoriBe the Ways and Means Com-<br />

mittee or a subcommittee to conduct<br />

a "full and eurmiiete investlggtion<br />

and study to determine the desir-<br />

ability and feasibility <strong>of</strong> instituting<br />

a national retirement system, with<br />

particular reference to the extent <strong>of</strong><br />

the need for such a system, its prob-<br />

ablr cost and the methods by which<br />

the necessary revenues might be ob-<br />

tained".<br />



CunKressmaii Huml puinlcil out<br />

that with liresciii pici'pnu'al elTorts<br />

to ijstablisii penniijiis far S'nrious<br />

cliiffii'S <strong>of</strong> iildustriiil wiirkers such as<br />

>Uv\ wiirkers, trial miners and others<br />

ri'|>rescnti>d iiy iiimirful blocs anil<br />

unifins. there is need for yver-all<br />

study cjf lht> priiljlein tu determine<br />

the general need<br />

"I am nnl presuntiy iitivqcutinM<br />

iilunket federal pcnsiiuiis fur every,<br />

imi' who reaches a certain age re-<br />

rdless nf |HiriHin«l ('/Torts or earn.<br />

is. but with larue seijmenls <strong>of</strong> our<br />

national population currently wurk-<br />

irig for industry-wide retirement<br />

systems," he said, "I feel it is high<br />

timu that the CnngresK found out<br />

thniuijh a thuruiljjll investigotion ex-<br />

urtiy whiH the over-all need for<br />

such sy!,u-rns is and how bust lu np-<br />

prorch the problem so that we do<br />

nut utmlinut' to go at this matter<br />

pietemual but instead approach it<br />

si ilh irilcjjrated facts and figures,<br />


Ail <strong>of</strong> us will pay for these pen-<br />

HIS through higher prices, and yel<br />


»II:ST IIP liUI. SKHVU'K<br />

fOTTAfiK In 'inrdens wlili :l Iwilfminis.<br />

ilfi'ly furnisheil illeil iiiiih ei.nn<br />

iiiiuy iiii'-n rireiiiiiii' |ii|iiiiri, hi'iii,<br />

iue' Sill.nni. ll.inci IJl Iliilti'r-<br />

id :i-il><br />

HAKKIIY HI J Ashuij ui. Sinrc ami<br />

hiikery vi ilh ii'.i'iw. Ksiahiishirl us<br />

linM'i-y ninny iipin l;»tellinl iiniinr-<br />

liiliilj fm fiinil liiikir MfKv. fi Kliitz<br />

IhAtiiinli!^ nv. ()c^e;in ril>, ANk fni<br />

Mr. liliiihie If<br />

(IM HKhHIKIM IKITKI, nrlfl Hisiiiun.nl<br />

I'iimjiU'felv eciliiiiiieii. M[ infiiiiii.i<br />

linn ill iifdiT. Nn irlf'iilifiiV mii»<br />

Hlilker. HII^ renirii! in :t<br />

I'd'IT.MiK 1 »!•! niliicl. H heir<br />

hiilli seii.ml fiiiiii : 2 hi-itnii mi Ihh.l<br />

fliuii. I:\lrii I.HIHIH.V and tnllel. flmi<br />

fiiiiii r«i.e;ii liuiillic. Vleinily 1st *<br />

Asbuii ( nnifiirtiibly ILlrnlNhed. M><br />

sumniei htimi'. Rev. J. IllMM"ns, ("yn-<br />

Mil l'il. •'*•«<br />

TIIHK f'T K'-tll Yeiirly liiisls. lleitteil.<br />

Apliii \m Aslnirv av/ 1'hnne LJliMi<br />


Till-: WfSSlNffMIN'i. IWI f.'i-nli-nl in<br />

Open iill veai. Knurm fni ihe uhnl,<br />

flimllv. Mis. is, ii. (ililffniil. J'h.ili<br />

ltlf-j, , If<br />

i.'li!mplp<br />

tint*<br />

all y<br />

MAM<br />

j.ik. b<br />

iii, si?<br />

i oh ill!<br />

iSHUliflil,<br />

li. SMS,<br />

rtvino<br />

Hhim. ,".<br />

i:\i-nn<br />

nth<br />

v hi<br />

Pi<br />

ma<br />

I<br />

NliW III'KN Colonial Kolei, jiml <strong>of</strong>f<br />

tile Bnardnalli. Ccnlraily loeiiled,<br />

nih and Aianllc av, Ronms iind smiil!<br />

yjiiirtmenis weekly m nionihiy, Phnni<br />

liiiliMS ann smuil ApartMienls. week.<br />

m;,nih or season. Fiiht .tunic nff<br />

hninilH-iilk by the Musli' I'li'i. J he<br />

Ck-Cfiluiln-. mt*m Mmiilyn Terr. If<br />

LnllCK flflOMS KOR BKNT. SpHi'lmis<br />

i-iinifni l.ihte weihilphtPd and healed<br />

« ill) kiiehen (iiilveiiirnre. In Sentinel<br />

Leilter bullrllni; suluihie f"|- meeilne<br />

plare fni any orEiint/alinn fur siimfe<br />

hi;4hf nr fiirseveial ni^his a niiinth.<br />

Rales ieiiifnmihie. i f<br />


AI'AHTMKNT *Si;< Aiihuiy av., 2nd<br />

flimr 56ri M) niiinlh linfil! rilsheil. Iliii<br />

staler 'heal 3 heilriiiinls. MvinH rnohl.<br />

ftlnlni: IIIOIII. kllehen anil bnlh, Veai'l}<br />

itase. Kfhv.iid (T Knit/, 1st and Al-<br />

limili- in. Oeeiin (Niy, Ask fiir Mr.<br />

nuri.ni>, ' if<br />

Sijfi U .lliVtVr kfl-<br />

II. B (Ml. fl (Viiil<br />

SMiiilime rmllff | (|).f;AN (.'nufgT. first (IIMII 1 'iiiiM.'Imenl,<br />

Twit heiiiTMirns. Hie hiiih. nil deelrir<br />

KIX riihle Kniil lilhsiin Hefi'lljeiiiliir<br />

with (iiTOr shelf S1JVI: iHiiirimeiil<br />

«ll!e a K eieelile liillBr. S.s|iecrt unit.<br />

ISO. Ail In eveiiient ennilltiiin. HI*.<br />

Ashury nv.. sitie etliinnee, '*-;!<br />

mX-IIOLK Slalnless Steel Nteam T;ible.<br />

illJS! Vi en. f( deeii fipficr. SiI; Vd<br />

fil ft anil 14 ni. fl KiiHl'liiii 1 ', ''nlh<br />

for SIM Vwnun Hull, 110 Atlantic in<br />

en ft Westlnilliiiiis<br />

ed In on an M en fl<br />

Cl<br />

.indi iiin.<br />

d In<br />

nnlenTi<br />

a.it, .<br />

l n.<br />

This «as ti.iil-<br />

frei-Ker. 1, 1!<br />

hltfhrn.<br />

UiJissei!<br />

Heiited.<br />

Amo<br />

irns ilie hiih. nil<br />

liilnE nifiin, flininn miiin.<br />

in fnsnl linirh on neean.<br />

§]?#& I'M summer season. I!<br />

in.11 Teniriil uv. Phone<br />

l if<br />

n11<br />

jioii-W evenlnns.<br />

TIIRKE imims nnd hath iipnrtnii'llt in<br />

Sonieis point MiuiincKS euuple pie-<br />

fi'tri'M '21 I* ninveliind av., homers<br />

I'uint." " • S-»<br />

FOllIl neilniiim iiiiiiliment, lillh St.,<br />

iuly in'' don! liiireh: S-hedrooin<br />

niuirtnictii (iin'ilens, flr»( flour, ilOOO:<br />

;t,hedioiini apartment, brand hew, ,'shd<br />

Nt Slrinf): 2 hedroiim ueennfroni sijiart-<br />

nieiil. J13I10. AOiily <strong>On</strong>ley's, WW As-<br />

h omi 1 W 1<br />

... »). Apniy limey's mm AN-<br />

Suns. !VIH AKIMIIV FII. I'tiiini-1 liuiv uv. lihiine nmi. or 12 Wnilnn id<br />

' •i-ri' ifhiinf aai?I. M<br />

Please... Cash in Advance<br />

Positively no Classified Ad will be published until paid for.<br />

To Insure your ad appearing on this page, cash must be. In<br />

this <strong>of</strong>fice not lotcr than Tuesday noon. Ad will not be Bet In<br />

type until payment is mnde.<br />

Ads for the Too-Latc-to-Classify department, 25c extra, and must<br />

be paid for not Liter than Wednesday noon.<br />

Rciuon: Cost <strong>of</strong> bookkeeping for Classified Ad charge account*<br />

i« out <strong>of</strong> proportion to the revenue received.<br />

35 Words or Less — 80c<br />

TliRFK - FAMILY A|i:n Ini.'nt. ihre<br />

lleihiiiinis Isl iirlil anil li'iiii 'il'ii II<br />

hiii hediiwims Jriii yiiiiit'e \ i-i ^ qiiii<br />

imiime, $ll.tlHi, ili.ikci-. SIU I lilt I 111<br />

in -:*-• 1<br />

r+tNTRAI.I.V iiti'il nil 1 iii-liic n-h..il-<br />

rnifm flues! iiiiiise vvilh J-i-;ir jiiii.iMe<br />

Kurnished and In eviellini ••nniilllnn<br />

S'riee nf $l,l.r^io wiiFiiints inspee'lnn<br />

Hair AKene>. 737 U'l^ley iiv. ;^;i<br />

lilh STRKKT Siiiinn niii in n Ir<br />

Lmeii ¥• in flii'Mni liiii si li,,i!^i' «ilh<br />

tin eMiii lbi'dlin'ni effieieniv iip;ni<br />

men! KIM rishe(! I" 1 lie^'e'l iillit in<br />

suliilCii. U.ii;* If.l i 1', II' KiiliiUe<br />

Priee anil lii-liiils in utriie. li.irr<br />

ABCnei TM7 V,esie> in :Ki<br />

lilh STHKliT .rll..n. Alli;i,'IU,' ^i-<br />

hi'il in lmn_.il.'« in h'""I '-<br />

Kurnlshi'il iinri IHli'i'ii Hi ST.'WK _Tnv»<br />

.'•MPifix *••)•«) ll:iir Aii-ni'y. T<br />

il.H<br />

vi Kl.l 151 M.1" a-i,imiii hiiiiii. «im .in<br />

eM',1 l-lu'il 111 .iii.irlni.nl ner 2<br />

i-iir Kiiiiiti- KiirliMlfd iiml file lilin'k<br />

frnni hem li irlii- i.f ?i:i.rif«i Milni'fl IM<br />

ieii«i,n.ili[e nlli'r, Him AU'ilii. 7:11<br />

Wesiej iiv. .'I- 1 '<br />

HOMKIiH I'OINT a.lieiiri'.ini Imnisil<br />

hi* finisheil lillle, fill hfill I'lliti<br />

lulled 5(^,'i ( "> (inleis isiH) Astilii % iii<br />

lihnne 07KI ill Vj NSilllim |.l., lilinlif<br />

SOMI'MIS POINT llli Haul's ili Ne«<br />

Tiipe CIMI iii-nie eiisl.'ill liiiill. .liisl<br />

eiiniliieleil I i|ifn fm inspeiiinn ilally.<br />

phone cirfan Cliy y-;il ,V,i<br />

Ifillli WKISII'V .1.«nu<br />

ii<br />

;in<br />

mieenint ] M.<br />

fd I'nn'lliiiin<br />

lliisi. MAiiih<br />

.-'i-iv lili'lnil<br />

'. hiihs<br />

ii:ir;ii.'i' Kuriii'hed<br />

Anv IHI.1,1 r in I'urtls<br />

n ii-WS l.fi<br />

Klf KHr'tiriiMin riillii'ji' ni'iir IIIVII'II,<br />

••••nli'iil. KMTIII'HI i'finil'rf>r, Ininii'd.<br />

iilll' pnSs4i'SHinH. I'i **'"

S 'J H .,<br />

'-. '/'<br />

r school In<br />

presented<br />

election.<br />

itau_nrnldent,.announc«d this week<br />

Yateri Uit month approved an<br />

IfcAOO rXfecndlture for purchase n(<br />

luml tor the building. The band<br />

blue referendum will Wke place<br />

after plans have been approved h?<br />

•Ute <strong>of</strong>ficials.<br />


All VarkJrjM ud SitM<br />

|§—fem Our Specialty —<br />

r- - uuct *orm OWN TREES AT ONE OT<br />



Zion Rood at B«rf nintown Lake<br />

I from Oc**n <strong>City</strong> Phone Someri Point 2360<br />

ic *<br />

e Better Buy—<br />


PRICE<br />


OB<br />

0 Section Uoors<br />

See Your<br />


Alto Offered U m New SIM<br />


VTO" ifO»iil3/l Thiefc<br />

Thr«« Section. High<br />

Better-BUt Door Co.<br />


Heart Fund Here<br />

Totals $559.24<br />

Late Donations<br />

Still to Come<br />

Detail <strong>City</strong> residents contributed<br />

ISS8J4 to she New Jeney Heart<br />

Asaotlalloii in the annual camnoiin<br />

far, funds which rinsed Mnreti 1,<br />

This was oniiuiiiii'rd Friday by<br />

Commissioner Henry Hoeser, Jr., III-<br />

i'ul ihairmiin <strong>of</strong> tlm drive, follow-<br />

ing a tabulation 'if receipts from nil<br />

«iurt*s.<br />


Mr RiwHiT expressed his apprecia-<br />

t'oli Ui members <strong>of</strong> the Women a Re.<br />

uuylli-an Club, Mrs. Myrtle Richards.<br />

Polite Chief Robert J. Luekt-y., Fran-<br />

els E Bailey aliiJ other organiiations<br />

and individual* assistinic in the work<br />

Throughout New Jersey, euntrlhu.<br />

lions to" the Heart Cuinpuign wore<br />

rt-pcilted to hove been mure gen-<br />

vtuus than last year, but mil up in<br />

thn iMt.WKJ state.wide goal.<br />


The Heart Association reported<br />

that a two weeks' "ijieanup period"<br />

was started late lost week tu brinN<br />

in flnal Lontributiuiis, spewiul sifts<br />

and late donations to the red plastic<br />

heart banks in public pIuci'S.<br />

Contributors also were advised by<br />

the Association that postmusters will<br />

uqtilinue in receive loniributions by<br />

nikil und forward them to the MiuU-<br />

hinciiiuarters at Newark.<br />

Pierpont Chairman<br />

<strong>of</strong> Welfare Board<br />

Robert O. Pierpont, <strong>of</strong> Wildwacii!<br />

Crest, has been elected chairman <strong>of</strong><br />

the County Welfare Board for Old<br />

Age Assistance, to replace Edward<br />

L. Juhtistone, <strong>of</strong> Woodbine, who re-<br />

siined.<br />

Paul Sr.yder. Cape Muy. and Free-<br />

holder Walter H. Treen. Wildwood,<br />

wyru indueled as new mtmhi-rs. Mr<br />

Pierpont has been 0 bnard mitTil.ir<br />

foul years.<br />


Mn. Vera Patton. 620 Wesley aw,<br />

recently visited her brother and sis-<br />

ter-in-law in Washington, D, C,<br />

While there she attended a Repub-<br />

lican rally and supper attended liy<br />

12,000 persons from all states, at<br />

the Arena.<br />

Assume* Duties as<br />

Hospital Chief<br />

KAYNKR ,!, KLINl:<br />

Hnyner J. Kli-ill. fiirmerly rif Bui.<br />

tinuire. n;*N ju*t iissumi-fl ins lititirh<br />

as inimirnsiniliir ijf the Ciipi 1 M;iy<br />

CMUMIV BurdHte Tomlm Mt-niii ria I<br />

fi(i;.|.ilii! (it Cuurl liiiiisi-. Hi' ini><br />

SIIIIT 1WU ill Bullmi'itf. Kniniisi-I<br />

P,i . Cihi'itiNUli, uiiii I'lilshuii'h<br />

Bowker in County<br />

GOP Vacancy Group<br />

_M;iVhr F-iiv.-orfl B Bowko<br />

Ott;in <strong>City</strong>, wus lint* r.f thrt'C-<br />

itfj\niih\vti this SM.n'k tij U t-urnr<br />

on vnviim-u-H m itev i nyniy JI<br />

litijn urmniiuinm. H\a\v Coi<br />

thNmar. Irving Fitch minuumu'<br />

Olhurs nn iht 1 Piimmstipe itn'<br />

or Suinui'l F: EU.iridfip. (*| Cu\tv<br />

iiiiti ftirriitT Mavur Gvvriif- A<br />

tiinh. uf N'(Fr!h WiM&unH,<br />

State to Aid in Paving<br />

An adtlitiumil nllotmerit nf SB \U{\<br />

in stale. 1 UiO funds f«f Stnrt' HiirUnr<br />

to pyvo 92ntl si. unei Sunset Hrivc<br />

\\ r*$ uyijituwd FruUiy Uy liiMhwiiy<br />

Cnmmisfionrr SponiiT Miller, Jr.<br />

A rii-v/ jt.'<br />

pin rufnhiru<br />

fy liimfriMjk Is sctjt<br />

Bank and Borough Squabble Over<br />

Possession <strong>of</strong> Site for Building<br />

A stiff coni^l between the Stone<br />

Harbor boraugh count] I and tht-<br />

Fir^i National Bank uah shypinw up<br />

this week over whit-h nrMufii/uiiun<br />

would bt giviin the rinhi to u^e a<br />

building site at the northeast cornt-r<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mth Mt, and 2nd av,<br />

Th# bonk purchased the lots in 1927<br />

for the purpose fVi-ntuully uf Lining<br />

them as th*?_ site uf n new bank<br />

building. In December, bank <strong>of</strong>ficers<br />

asked council td rescind an <strong>of</strong>rii-<br />

nance which would authorize con-<br />

demnation <strong>of</strong> the land by the city.<br />

Mayor James E, McCaughey sent a<br />

letter to taxpayers this week urging<br />

them to attend the nest couneij<br />

meeting and object to passage <strong>of</strong> a<br />

new ordinance which wuuiri rescind<br />

the condemnatinii mp&fture. adopti-d<br />

Mayor Mi-C'iii;uhfV ,-ii'r! !..• iijii;<br />

thf hnriAiUh In iiK|uirr. tr.t- lunil I<br />

tondi-n.iiiitmn ,11 [hid 11 i.i-w h.,<br />

uuuh hull m;,y !«, hmlt i.n Ihi-<br />

nunyd by Ihe niumrtpiilily.<br />

The ordiniimu lei rihi-mil ciindi'f<br />

fuiliyn \-trtnL'i-i[,nxs wus intruitsici-tt<br />

(hu Fubruury miu'fnfl uf iMjuiu<br />

wl:en Hurry L, HU-H, pri'SHit'!!!<br />

tho bank. SiiiM tho inKtittilnni,:iiri'iu<br />

had virtually cumph'tcd pilniH inr i<br />

A SlnrH' Ilarhnr husmpss ninn sn<br />

lie had tiiifried many rujskitMim ut<br />

fftund rnnst <strong>of</strong> thum huldirm t!<br />

opinion tlint ttu 1 hi!H>iif4h h.i<br />

would hi- just y* KHtHntcMnry in >MV<br />

era! UIIHT' loi-iHInns<br />


Open Doily 9:1WA. M.<br />

Opsn Friday and Saturday Ev#i 'Til 9 P. M.<br />

Telephone 1532<br />

Save wear<br />

You lay* up to 15% In gat wttfi Ford AgfomoHc<br />

Oyerdrive'. <strong>On</strong>ly rwd In its field <strong>of</strong>fers you<br />

Ml m<strong>of</strong>uyjavlng feature. And only Ford bring!<br />

you a V-l engine (new huihed to a wMipsrl (or<br />

kyndmdi !«u M M mo " i U "<br />

hrd AutoowHc <strong>On</strong>rdrhri* cut, yew tngtM<br />

lanJuMsm 30%. Th<strong>of</strong> nwam your engine can<br />

baf olong at 35 i^ph. wh*n your Ford li ddng<br />

SOI And Ihol B M IM WMT M yew engln*,<br />

ten www on you.<br />

t • -.1<br />

1*1-<br />

'W *•* rcrd'l<br />

rff "«•«*•<br />

13<br />

"TIST DRIVE"<br />

THI «1O FORD<br />


h will opmn your »y$l<br />

acony<br />

suits<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

Rilm<br />

Beach<br />

¥<br />

Wouldn't you know that tlie firit Palm Beach check would be an event? It is! Heri is<br />

tlie fine luok <strong>of</strong> a British import. eaplured in AmeriM'a fevered mnunif fabric,<br />

s<strong>of</strong>ter, peaehskin-imoqth Palm Beach ,,, the wool-riyon thil'i to cool<br />

and wrinkle-free. So perfectly fitting loo ,,, I thank Sacony master tailors for that fit!)<br />

.,. you'll wear it from spring's start to autumn's end - with dark or bright<br />

white accents. And pair it with solid color Palm<br />

Beach suite. Mines' and petite itaes. As seen<br />

in Harper's Buiar and Today's Woman,<br />

T^SS^t^ THI Om Wmtm SglTS «" PAW «iACH<br />

/<br />

NEW<br />


JUST<br />


G.KURTZ CO.<br />

Oman <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

45 Gauge<br />

30 Denier<br />

GOTHAM<br />

Walking<br />

Sheers<br />

If Perfect<br />

would be<br />

1.45<br />

washabh<br />

packable<br />

3.95<br />

Never *<br />

^> for .moother<br />

Printed and Published in Americctt Greatest Family Retort<br />


69th YEAR—No. 48 Telephone 0304 or 0805 OCEAN CITY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, <strong>1950</strong> BtotliMI L*)«.r BulldlDi, Ilk It, |M Ra«M H,<br />

Unit <strong>of</strong> National Guard<br />

To Be Formed Tuesday<br />

Battery Would<br />

Mean $15,000<br />

Annual Payroll<br />

Interested Men<br />

Invited to Meet<br />

at <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

An <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> unit <strong>of</strong> thi 1<br />

New JiTsuy National Guurd<br />

with opi'iiiiiHH fur 124 men<br />

will lie organized In Oct!un<br />

I'ity in the near futui't', it<br />

wns announced yesttnlay,<br />

M;iiur Punn Hcjud. ymmniimti<br />

<strong>of</strong>tttw uf (he SMth Ami Aircraft C in<br />

Baiiiihun. with heudquartyrH<br />

Wiklwood. advised Mayor Eiiwi<br />

H Buwkt-r that thi' lijryl unii wtj<br />

Li- purl tif that in Miini/iitiuii and<br />

jsrudut'i' Iin ynnunl inemm' Iu<br />

MKhTINCj TL'ESDAV AT 4:30<br />

fiiian Ci 1 v mi-n intt>ri>.atc(l in juhi-<br />

inu i iri ' fnviti'd tu iitti'rui ,:i rni-r'-<br />

inj^ Tiii'juiuy a', 4 liO pj. m ,• in tito<br />

t'lMtniMftsKjiH'rh' ehyinLi-r. city hnl!<br />

whi-n ijliiris for uetisuliim at Uu< U*><br />

cyl batu-ry will bt- tiihtjUNM«-(i<br />

Majiir GIMKTUI Donald W. Me<br />

OiAian. c'uminanili-r'uf llu- ftotli Arm.<br />

yrt-d bivi^um ui tilt' NIH^ Jcr?!'.<br />

Mammiil Guard, * i"H\nv\vd to b<br />

pri^i'MI fyr thin mt-tHiiiH tutu'th'*<br />

uiih Miijur Hood and Either iiirui'ij<br />


Hf-atUiuartt'rs oi tfit 1 batlt_*rv iipr<br />

rriav iiv at thi' { : ,iy=iiy, nrd CufAtri-<br />

tmi" Hall.<br />

,M,i>iir Buvvkpr plnii,^ to stnti li'--<br />

ii'f^ tjf invtlatioil tii thi* HH'HinH J; » !<br />

thr r^Kurfs vt'tcTUn urManixatiun^<br />

tefvit't 1 tlub.s and iitliur MraLifis -if<br />

rituii v,hu may tor inturuNUd.<br />

The SOBlli AAA Battiilliill in llu-<br />

CLiuniy was erKiinizi'd at WildwcHK^<br />

Mitral niynths ntio and i^ niiw wt ! 1<br />

i-HlybliilHjd with headquarttTi; nl<br />

ihf County Airpnrt.<br />

Pfeffer Files<br />

for Freeholder<br />

Seeks Clouting's<br />

Place, Against Young<br />

Permanent Auto Licenses By<br />

Mail Considered By State<br />

Would Save Half Million a Year, Assemblyman<br />

Asserts, Introducing Bill; In 20 Stales Now<br />


Amos L, Pfeffer, Jr., <strong>of</strong> Polermo.<br />

Bled nominating petitions Thufiday<br />

loit week as an indrpenclent Repub.<br />

lican candidate for the oifice <strong>of</strong> [ret 1 '<br />

holder, to be vacated at the end <strong>of</strong><br />

this year by freeholder Henry Y,<br />

Clouting, <strong>of</strong> Beeiley'i Point,<br />

In the primarj' election,he will o|»<br />

pose M, Spencer Young, <strong>of</strong> Beesley s<br />

Point, who wns endorsed by the<br />

County Republican Organisation two<br />

weeki ago upon reeonimendatien <strong>of</strong><br />

Mr, Clouting, who is rollrinl,<br />


Mr. Pfeffer, building and painting<br />

contractor, formerly resided in <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> for 26 years but has made hit<br />

home for the past three yean at<br />

Carolyn Park, a Palermo low cost<br />

home development for war veterani,,<br />

A former <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> policeman, he<br />

iervfcd in the <strong>Mar</strong>ine Corps for<br />

three years during World War II,<br />

"It will be exceedingly dlfflculi to<br />

find a man to equal Mr. Cloutlng's<br />

long and devoted publle rtrvice,'<br />

Mr. Pfeffor laid, "All I have to <strong>of</strong>ler<br />

ii a ilncere deiire to be <strong>of</strong> service<br />

to my neighbor, with honor, loyalty<br />

and human understanding my policy<br />

to all men,"<br />


He announced the following point*<br />

<strong>of</strong> policy:<br />

"1 My nomination on the He<br />

creatt new interest and promote<br />

publican ballot for freeholder could<br />

harmony within the party<br />

"2 A taxpayer my»tlf. I am<br />

Itrongly opposed to further Increase<br />

In taxes I would strive to lower<br />

present levies by practical economy<br />


"3 I would favor any plan that<br />

would hasten the end <strong>of</strong> the six toll<br />

bridges In our resort county.<br />

"4, t am oppo«ed to public-spon-<br />

sored project* employing non-resi-<br />

dent labor while local men walk the<br />

street (Ref: Memorial Hospital and<br />

Road cut <strong>of</strong>f at Cape May Court<br />

House.)<br />

"8. I favor equal job opportun-<br />

ities for all, regardless <strong>of</strong> race, creed<br />

or political affiliation."<br />


tlr. Frank a. Hitter. SST 7tb tt,<br />

win fly from PhllndeUihla. Saturday,<br />

•I. whir, b* Plam<br />

two<br />

Lady Santa Deluged With<br />

Contributions for Needy<br />

Food and Clothing for Men, Women and Babies<br />

Pour in, Some <strong>of</strong> it Even From Philadelphia<br />

Waterway<br />

Move Now' Up<br />

To State<br />

U, S, Ready When<br />

N, J, Meets Terms,<br />

Hand Asserti<br />

The m st rntni_ lawdrd ftdi riili?<br />

tiun uf Nt w Jtr t\ N inldnd \»itir<br />

w-d> "-nught an a si ite \A itJi im<br />

prtj%i-iiiHiit lc.r nidn\ jcyr^ is up in<br />

\hm idti tit Nt \K Ji rstv Cangrt^=<br />

nun I" MiiJfl Hind uf Nt^ Ji<br />

Mrs Gertrude Pri-slon, upon<br />

.... hum The St'i:Uni'l-I.MlRiT many<br />

jears iiisu Ijusliiivpii ihe title<br />

Ocelli! <strong>City</strong>'N "Ijitly Salllu Claus."<br />

wlis li'plini! roiisiiltrably tllizcfl<br />

iirui yxcrwht'inufi this wtt-k.<br />

Ijiit week, Ihls nuwspiiper<br />

liuljlishi'il or, this MiiKc one <strong>of</strong><br />

! IT IJt'riothc uiipcals fur help—<br />

help lur the needy, for whom<br />

BIII- tias ',ulurilarily uurked nitfi-<br />

mit L'linipcnsuliijr. for ycurs unti<br />

yciiTN<br />

Nustjr within I'h*' Suntitu'N<br />

LudM»- ! f s rnt'irioiy lias LHH* uf her<br />

lij,|jp.ul.s ^niu. uniH-cdt'd by tht 1<br />

Her rwiui.it this time<br />

modi-si, ah usual, if Mimt. was<br />

fiut<br />

Hh>' wiiil shu iieeili'ii two<br />

hiiinki !•- fur iwfi itHi'il men. one<br />

mlin's uvtTt'uat. (inf woman's<br />

liri'ss. Ijuliy eluthin!!, unti a sew.<br />

ii.t iiiachinp . .<br />

WKI.l,: . Shp wasn't pre-<br />

imft.fi fur thi. dt'iuMP thai si't in<br />

;. few hours after Tlie Spnlinel-<br />

1,1'IIHIT w oir thu pri/ss lust<br />

Thursday. By y u'tlock thai<br />

pJKhl she hail more than every-<br />

thing she hud asked for<br />

But by Mtintlay morn ing, the<br />

list read like this!<br />

II metis oviTi'uillH 'anil four<br />

nuiri" promisedi.<br />

Five pairs <strong>of</strong> men's shoes.<br />

if) men's nhirts.<br />

Four suits <strong>of</strong> men's underwear,<br />

20 ties.<br />

F»jat_fiairs <strong>of</strong> trauseiii^—^_<br />

Six nien's sweaters.<br />

Two men's suits.<br />

Three blankets<br />

Four fur coats.<br />

Five women's coats.<br />

Seven pairs <strong>of</strong> women's shoes,<br />

15 dresses '(and one more<br />

promisedi.<br />

Four women's hats.<br />

Three shirtwoists.<br />

Five women's sweaters.<br />

Four boxes <strong>of</strong> ftiod. Including<br />

rolls, jellies, canned ftiod, even<br />

I'iinily,<br />

And in the "baby department":<br />

127 baby iarments.<br />

10 pairs <strong>of</strong> children's over-<br />

alls.<br />

And, oh, yen, she tven rtetlvtd<br />

the »»in| machine «he hjld<br />

aKkrd for<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the donations came<br />

h-om Atlantic <strong>City</strong>. Others frum<br />

Philadelphia.<br />

"People drove down Sunday<br />

with thi-ir eontriiiutions." she<br />

said. "They tuld me they hatl<br />

i.een the ap()eai in The Senlinel-<br />

Ltdger, that they, knew that I<br />

rever usk for things unl. they<br />

an;, needed, and thai they knew<br />

thi' cause was worthy,<br />

'"I eKpeciaily want to thiink<br />

Kilmers Point people. Amiinii<br />

their contributions were two<br />

buses <strong>of</strong> acceptable items."<br />

Lady Santa Claus said thai<br />

she can make good use <strong>of</strong> every,<br />

thing among her needy families.<br />

Through her years <strong>of</strong> experience<br />

she has carefully classified them<br />

and knows the ones that are de=<br />

serving and in real need.<br />

A year or two Ilgo she tried<br />

to "retire" from her self-uppoint-<br />

ed task, because <strong>of</strong> ill health,<br />

but she only partially succeed*<br />

^ed. N&w- she JM'ciiij, tu%e back Tn<br />

stride, almost as busy as ever<br />

with hef unselfish undertaking<br />

F.t,—The list <strong>of</strong> current can.<br />

trlbullaiu probably Isn't ram-<br />

pleU, Bhe had u tin that<br />

mare would arrive during the<br />

present week.<br />

I Hmjjhd'i/i d tin ^t* k<br />

| C hyrli"i B Middlclim<br />

thi irland<br />

Wlltiv<br />

Mtu<br />

ri-tyr\<br />

i (immilti-L<br />

•i Lhdmh! r<br />

Lummtrt i?<br />

Mr fl^nrl<br />

in 111 q uir %<br />

I num.<br />

tin ^lai<br />

furi^ -i<br />

tllart? ]<br />

New Jersey automobile owneii<br />

vault! purchase their iicenie plalei<br />

jy mail from the state capital a'<br />

Trenton, instead (if through local<br />

idfiicy <strong>of</strong>fices, under legislation in-<br />

trodueod this week by Assemblyman<br />

Frank Thompion, Jr.. Mercer Demo.<br />

crft.<br />

He said the state could save al-<br />

noKt half a million dollars annually<br />

JV having auto plates and driving<br />

Icensfs mailed from a central agency<br />

jy the Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Motor Ve.<br />

ilcles,<br />


At the iimc time. Oovernor Al.<br />

'red E, Driscoll told a news confei.<br />

Bnce he is considering the advisabii.<br />

ily <strong>of</strong> changing over to a system <strong>of</strong><br />

permanent license plates on New<br />

Jersey .vehicles, provided n suitable<br />

material can be found. This would<br />

effect an even greater saving in the<br />

•eglstratlon procedure, he said.<br />

Under permanent registration car<br />

jwners would retaln'their tags ar.d<br />

merely change a small tab with the<br />

South-Central BIM<br />

Hearing Tonight<br />

Residents and organiiatlon! Inter-<br />

eited In improving local bus strv-<br />

ice are reminded <strong>of</strong> the public<br />

meeting to take place tonight<br />

(Thursday) at 8 o'clock in the com-<br />

missioners' chamber, city hall.<br />

The itmeting has been arranged by<br />

the Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Transportation<br />

Company Jo obtain the public's ideas<br />

about schedules, routes and fre-<br />

queney <strong>of</strong> service to south and cen-<br />

tral sections <strong>of</strong> the city.<br />

A free bus for those wishing to<br />

attend will leave from S»th it, at<br />

7:1S p, m, and go direct to city hall,<br />

returning immediately after the<br />

meeting.<br />

Complete* College Course<br />

Adam Tomllnion, ion <strong>of</strong> Mr, and<br />

Mrs, A. O. Tomllnion, «S Asbury<br />

av,, has completed his work at Ur.<br />

sinus College and will receive tht<br />

degree <strong>of</strong> Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Arts at the<br />

annual commencement June 5 nl<br />

Collegevllle, the college announced<br />

this week. He majored In busincsi<br />

adminUtration,<br />

new year on it.<br />

Thompson said the direct. mail<br />

program, already operating in 20<br />

-Ntalei, would "give some considera-<br />

tion to motorists" by saving them<br />

| hours <strong>of</strong> lost time standing in line<br />

at agencies to renew licenses at th','<br />

time every year.<br />

He said a change in Ihe system<br />

WBS recommended by a Princeton i<br />

University survey group in 1932<br />

when the stale issued 858.491 sets nl<br />

licenje plates. It is more imperative<br />

now with about 1,200,000 vehicles<br />

registered, he asserted.<br />

The central distribution system,<br />

Thompson estimated, woulu iave the<br />

state close to $200,000 the flrst year<br />

and up to $400,000 in later years.<br />

Auto License<br />

Sales Sag Here<br />

Ledig Warn* <strong>of</strong><br />

Late Traffic Jem'<br />

Isguanee ef new auto Ueenie<br />

plytot and driving lieemei in <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> had rtaciied the SO per eent<br />

mark yesterdiyHt-wsi -ropoma=W<br />

Julei R. Ledig, gtatg liceniing agent<br />

He warned that with half the<br />

normal volume stlt! to be handleti,<br />

mstarlite ihquld make every elTori<br />

to viait tht pmcf at 409 Aihury av,<br />

as soon as poiiible to ivold coii-<br />

geitlon and Ipng waiting during the<br />

final week <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mar</strong>eh.<br />

-We were doing a lively business<br />

up to about <strong>Mar</strong>ch 10/* Mr. Ledig<br />

isid. **but during the past few days<br />

It has slowed down. Apparently a<br />

1st <strong>of</strong> people have been too busy<br />

with their income tax to worr><br />

about their license plates,"<br />

About half the usual number 3f<br />

plates had been ijsuid, ineludlh^<br />

tha hundreds that were reserved<br />

and paid for in advance <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mar</strong>ch I,<br />

This means a rush to issue the other<br />

half Jn the remaining 13 business<br />

dayi <strong>of</strong> the month, he pointed out<br />

Ineidentally, all tags in the ZW<br />

series have now been issued, but<br />

many motorists who reieryed platui<br />

In that group still have not called at<br />

the <strong>of</strong>fice for them, They are ready<br />

new*<br />

h tu r v d in n pl\ [<br />

frum Midd!**ton dhoul<br />

f tin jjrnj UHHU ituin^f<br />

t ! jui intlji lifjn<br />

tOSniTICjN ISEXLl ^ABI E'<br />

It hd ah ti'th sftnied la rft* 1 fn<br />

i Kt y-jhli }ti \ fr tt Ihdt th -,<br />

^r» it and inipiiFtani link in nur ft 1<br />

* r i I ^uteriJS \stim £ hijuhi nu<br />

hj\ L bttn jointd tu tht ffdt.ral %\<br />

U tn and irnjsn vtd und inaint.nnM:'<br />

I \ th* 1 fi di rdl gti\ ( rnmt nt d^ jq<br />

flnup dlmti'-t t\tf\\ her* i \ federal gGVfrnffl^iil<br />

Thf trulli is and I uant iu #mph>i<br />

*,iie this Lhat the projeel ha*i been<br />

approt?d by Uie federal go\ern<br />

men! for upward sf in vfars The<br />

federal fa\ernm?nt stands billing<br />

%a acquire this mlfisinf link fn If*<br />

The heart <strong>of</strong> the problem I-<br />

tliit ihe appro\ al <strong>of</strong> Ihe projeei<br />

Has baned on ttie requJfemeiiiH <strong>of</strong><br />

inrai copperatien<br />

Thi L * rcquirem* nt hi rontinutf'<br />

iFL Ihal ^iL\i TyF4r4-y n ih- tfi~TH7"<br />

U tit r»il fi(j\ i nimtnt all nghl liili-<br />

iFj" inlt-Ft^l it hds ufquired tti land<br />

pnscments. riHhts-gf-Wiiy and strut-<br />

tuic§, nthor than bridjifs, for various<br />

canali; tliat it provide guitable di?^<br />

poial art*a§ far drcdgtMi materials;<br />

that ioeal interests prnvidn, main-<br />

tain and operate suitable bridges<br />

over tho waterway; that the stal-*<br />

dgrmti? iiaviHation aides, and tliat *t<br />

save the ft-deral governtnent frer<br />

from fiamafie resiilting from the<br />

work <strong>of</strong> improvement,<br />


''Many meetings and eonfareneus<br />

on thii Kubjoet have demonstrated<br />

to my iatisfaction, at least, that thort s<br />

is no problVm <strong>of</strong> grent difTlcuHy in-<br />

vulvud in these rgquir*'ments fu)<br />

lucal eooperiition exfuiU iht 1 prn-<br />

Fsfe I* Fltsie<br />

Contracts Let For New Sii<br />

Two Well-Known <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Men Die;<br />

Bevill, Whitaker Long Resident Here<br />

Bank Director<br />

is Heart Victim<br />

Funt ruV ! r\ nt mn<br />

niiifclir Jimi<br />

funduitu<br />

B Bull<br />

i iiui Itatitr unti liu uu in in ut<br />

the- rt nrt for 12 \t ai<br />

Mr Biiill ho n 73 tliwj S j<br />

unu> mil mug it Sh n Mimiiiu<br />

Hn-pitdl ks lh,in llirei la i jfti i<br />

hi Mitl lii i i jjmitut] li,r iitdlimit<br />

Red Cross Drive<br />

is Lagging Here<br />

Quota <strong>On</strong>ly Half<br />

Raised Thus Far<br />

Although the allotted time for th^<br />

American Red Cross Iun ^ drive ;s<br />

halt gone 1 , the loeal golieitation had<br />

yielded lesi than 50 per cent <strong>of</strong> thu<br />

OcGan <strong>City</strong> il.BOO quota up to Tues-<br />

day Ihii week. It was reported,<br />

Clinton B, price, co-chairman ami<br />

campaign Ireajurer, announced total<br />

?ee!pts <strong>of</strong> T $811 fit that time.<br />

However, he refused to take ,i<br />

pesaimiiti£ view <strong>of</strong> the eventual sut-<br />

cess <strong>of</strong> the drive, pointing out thai<br />

inclement weather has seriously<br />

hamuered the efforts <strong>of</strong> Htd Cross<br />

solicitors to date, "<br />


Local results were better, per.<br />

.those—tor—Cape<br />


n c < \ r r( ht art dttjrk Hi huini<br />

ht r* y, i dt ur Wt nit y a\<br />

lit lit v C.i iirgi Ft i ht r pjMnr<br />

! tlu Fust Pri biknan Churc i<br />

intlutlitl 'irnii' jt thi A '<br />

n Ih hiniul Hum! Munu i> it 1<br />

p in In! mn r t \% i c in Tut t'a\ it<br />

hi Arti^li , Cimtti-rv \funtj,uint r<br />

Cuunu Pi _^_^^_<br />

Aide <strong>of</strong> Dr. Lake, Optometrist,<br />

To Retire After 38 Years on Job<br />

A business association extending<br />

ovrr a 38-year period will be termi-<br />

nated Saturday for Dr Harry H<br />

Lake, optometrist, and his assistant.<br />

Mies Daisy Morey.<br />

MUs Morey. whose home Is at 91,<br />

Bay av. has decided to retire from<br />

her work in the optical repair de-<br />

partment <strong>of</strong> the Lake store at 837<br />

Asbury av<br />

"My eyes can't take the close wor't<br />

any more," she explained thlf week<br />

•Tm going to'keep house for my<br />

two brothers"<br />

MIM Morey, who is well known<br />

to thousand* <strong>of</strong> year-around and<br />

uner rwidanti, flrst want to work<br />

Dr. Lak* In 1BU *nd hu bean<br />

ttfht band" «v*r fincc, except<br />

hi* r<br />

lor •<br />

band war *b> Mr<br />

C, <strong>of</strong> C. Asks<br />

Deeper Inlet<br />

Channel on Bur<br />

Called Dangerous<br />

The seriously shoal condition <strong>of</strong> the<br />

(!lj Harbor Inlet between OceaT<br />

<strong>City</strong> ami Longport wns called to<br />

Ihu attention <strong>of</strong> tRe U. S Army<br />

rps <strong>of</strong> Engineers rriday by ii<br />

nmittei- <strong>of</strong> (he Chamber <strong>of</strong> Com.<br />

merce <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>\<br />

At [he same time. Chief Bnntswnm<br />

Clifton Bahr, <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong> Cii,<br />

Const Quiiril station, disclosed tlui;<br />

monthly rounding:; taken by him and<br />

the crew show, that the depth ui<br />

water over the sand bar <strong>of</strong>Tshsrt,'<br />

as heon cut almost in half during<br />

Ihe past year.<br />

.Commercial and pleasure boat:<br />

must cross the bar while traveling<br />

between Ihe bay and the open ieo<br />

Chief Bahr uid the last aavnd.<br />

ine» taken showed a normal watrr<br />

depth <strong>of</strong> onij- 7 to I feet on the<br />

bar, while on one day iut week,'<br />

H'ilh a "blow out tide" caused hv<br />

the struns nsrthweit wind, the<br />

depth Ms only S!>2 fett between<br />

the B and C buoys.<br />

Faze 6, pleaae<br />

Buvili formerly wa§ eastern statiia<br />

^a!es nianii^er for the American To<br />

! hat! a Company and &&H assytiflied<br />

th ihdi firm for 21 jeara Fu"<br />

m< r* thyii 20 years prior to his<br />

dHdth he ^d*- d >ialfesmaii here tut<br />

C K Reid and Campany, ^holtsai<br />

it fit- distributors Just before<br />

V\ i rid Wjr II ht- fllsn wai a^^oci-<br />

LiiH v lih thi Hult? Bunt Works tl<br />

fiudn Cns<br />

Prior ta making hii refiidenre hfr»*<br />

in 191B hi^ home uds in German<br />

Ui * n Pd Howe\i*r h»* dhd hi§ uifo<br />

El fdl« th Sttinnr Bevill had re=<br />

idt d in d numbt r uf uther cities in<br />

cunnt-Ltjun with hi E American Tu-<br />

baci n C o pu^itiun<br />


Mr Bt-\ill was a dircctur <strong>of</strong> The<br />

N dion.il Bank uf Oican Cit\ a/id<br />

hjd btt n in charge <strong>of</strong> rentals anci<br />

rn unit fidncn <strong>of</strong> the bank building<br />

imi it \\d^> purthti t td bj the inst !<br />

tuliun *i% vtdr-< ago H« had been<br />

ich\e in iht bank ^ afTpir^ from tht<br />

lime it v^a^ fuunded in Ma\ 1834<br />

Hnf <strong>of</strong> the charter members <strong>of</strong><br />

l*u Ottjn Cily Rotary Club when t<br />

a 1 ufym?i d in 1926 he served a<br />

its third prt-mrit nt fc>r the R>egl<br />

^tdr 19ig 29 dnd a^ a directur feu<br />

* ^ v r -\\ % I^T C Hi** Hotar> activity<br />

mluHi 1 animating the idea <strong>of</strong> ?<br />

•t ul brant h t>( HUXIP H iurmonici<br />

! .ififJ fur bn$* ,ind girls Ht served<br />

! c thairmm fur |ht- **pnn*nring LIU'J<br />

fr i tht duration uf ihi bynd<br />

m inli re ted in Chamber<br />

e afTdirs during the boor i<br />

p It*20s and ^as electe 1<br />

f ihf nrgyrn^ation m 1930<br />

ufttcdirij, thi Ijit J FrtU M^nnc<br />

Ht htadid th( Chambtr until 1915<br />

Jurin^ ^ [ Hrnnl ^ ht n it iAa c be^ft<br />

h\ n afi\ Hiffitulli* iniluilinij Ih.<br />

I« f ri L mn<br />

Mr Bt\ill fur tht pjvi ^is jf^rs<br />

=Ma<br />

Pair 3, Pie:<br />

Storekeeper in<br />

Resort 50 Years<br />

Hiram H. Whitgker. genial froeerjr<br />

sttirekeeper at 3348 Aibury av, and<br />

one <strong>of</strong> ihe early residents <strong>of</strong> tie<br />

Central <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> lection, died<br />

Mor-day at Shore Memorial Hospitkl<br />

He uai 88.<br />

Mr WhlUker, best known a*<br />

cif C ufTmip<br />

d is f t<br />

I rt idtni<br />

Two CoaL ,^<br />

to Erect Firit<br />

Four<br />


Fftp 1 to hundreds <strong>of</strong> raldente <strong>of</strong><br />

hi* neighborhood, would " b*vi-<br />

celebrated hi* 67th weddlnff mnl-<br />

\trsarv with his ulfe, Lar^ ntxV<br />

July 3<br />

Before rnaking his home in Octan<br />

Citv 51) years aE«. he operated |en-<br />

i rul stores in Fairton, his birthplace<br />

and in Philadelphia, He left that<br />

business ts tnlist In the Csait Guard<br />

Orchids Again to Be Given<br />

Boardwalk Parade<br />

Kgg Hunt to be Added Attraction, But ThereTl<br />

Be no Concert, Business Men's Assn. Decides<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> will observe Eagte?<br />

Sunday, April 9, with gpeelal events<br />

jgQin this year. It was innsuneed<br />

yo^lefday.<br />

The day'i activities'will open with<br />

the tradltloni! sunrise service Of the<br />

Protestant ehurt'hes and will infludu<br />

n*\ Easter egg hunt for children anjf<br />

;i bi.mrdwalk promenndei which will<br />

vjnable Milady tu display her new<br />

=;prinM ©utflt,<br />

Arrangt?mente are being mode by<br />

^^IIMAhhi II •' = = --1-<br />

May County si a whole. The count y<br />

with a quota <strong>of</strong> I8,8BO, reiiorted re<br />

ceipli <strong>of</strong> $2,400.3! on Monday, only<br />

about 35 per cent <strong>of</strong> the goal, Last<br />

year at the sarne time in the can,-<br />

paign the county had S3 per cent<br />

<strong>of</strong> the quota in hand.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> nUIl hag a lonj way<br />

to go to equal Iftst year's eolleeUon.<br />

which toUIcA cloae to 12.700, or<br />

Rboul 11,100 In txecH <strong>of</strong> ihe quota.<br />

The belt collection reported in tnc<br />

county up to Monday was at Wild,<br />

wood, with a total <strong>of</strong> $1,028 received<br />

on its quota <strong>of</strong> $2,000, Tlie countv<br />

flgure <strong>of</strong> 12,400 did not include an."<br />

reported funds from Lower Towii-<br />

ihip or Well Cape May,<br />

Fire Damages<br />

Slimmer Home<br />

The summer home <strong>of</strong> Dr, L, Ma.<br />

ihadre, a PhlladelphiBn, at 23S8 As-<br />

bury av., wai damaged by fire whien<br />

broke out in the heater room Sun-<br />

day morning.<br />

<strong>City</strong> BrejTien, directed by Deputy<br />

Chief William Meenan, extinguished<br />

thr (Ire. which via* bellmcd to lu\o<br />

started from spontaneous rombuv<br />

tlon in materials stored in the room<br />

The building wai unottupied and<br />

was being remodeled<br />

The firemen who remained nr<br />

hour, confined damage to the heotcr<br />

room Loss was estimated at $3"S0<br />


Amusements—page 8<br />

Churches — page 10, (Somers<br />

Point churches, page 11.)<br />

Classified Ads. page 17: Too'<br />

Late to Classify, page 6<br />

Editorial—page 12.<br />

High School News—page 15.<br />

New Jeney Poll—page 9<br />

Obituary—pap 3.<br />

Stata Horn* News—page 13.<br />

Social, pOTonal—page* 4 and S.<br />

Sports—page* 6, 14 and 19.<br />

Art Galleries<br />

judgment Voided<br />

Robbery Verdict<br />

h Set Aside<br />

A SB.O.M judgment against Samuel<br />

and Harold Zaconlek, operators n[<br />

the Half Mnnn Art- nutlrfine m<br />

Looking for a<br />

Job? Consult<br />

The Chamber<br />

Local residents ieeking sum.<br />

mer employment were invited<br />

this week to list their names at<br />

the temporary <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce in the<br />

National Bank building.<br />

The Chamber announced that<br />

it already has received many re.<br />

quests for employment from out.<br />

<strong>of</strong>-town people seeking seasonal<br />

jobs, but that it would like to,<br />

have a listing <strong>of</strong> local residents<br />

so they could be given first<br />

priority on any positions that<br />

may be available.<br />

Employers who msy have sea-<br />

sonal job openings also were in-<br />

vited to list them.<br />

Boardwalk, was set aside rriday by<br />

Superior Court Justice Frank T<br />

Lloyd. Jr.<br />

The verdict against the auctioneers<br />

ivan returned late in January in a<br />

civil suit brought by Louis Wallon.<br />

a Philadelphia wholesale jeweler,<br />

for merchandise' he lost when tlie<br />

art gallery safe was blown open art!<br />

robbed in July, 1847, Total loss in<br />

he robbery was estimated at $205,.<br />

000,<br />

Justice Lloyd set aside the judg.<br />

ment beeayffl'qif-mi-wrflEjinJUB-re-<br />

quest to charge the jury, which al<br />

legedly was made by Irving Jacobs,<br />

attorney for the plalntiflf.<br />

The case had been appealed by<br />

former Justice Joseph B, Perskii!<br />

and Commissioner Augustus S. Ooets,<br />

associate counsels for the defendants.<br />

Under the new ruling, the suit<br />

will have to be re-tried, probablv<br />

in May,<br />


Chamber may be obtained by<br />

writing to the <strong>of</strong>fice or Postomce<br />

Box 388,<br />

The organization plans to'be<br />

lupresented tonight at the hear.<br />

Ing ill city hall regarding bus<br />

Irnnsportatlon, Harold P. Pow.<br />

I'll is chairman <strong>of</strong> the commit,<br />

tec, with James Simms and<br />

French B, Loveland as other<br />

members.<br />

George Smith, <strong>of</strong><br />

Hanif Inn, Dies<br />

Oeorga Smith, awner and op-<br />

erator <strong>of</strong> Uir II»nJf Inn and res-<br />

taurant, 111 Wedey •>¥., died<br />

suddenly <strong>of</strong> m heart attack at I<br />

p, m, ynterdaf In Hollywood.<br />

FU.. where he had tone with<br />

Mrs, Smith abont 10 dayi mo.<br />

Word <strong>of</strong> hta «e»ui Wat receiv.<br />

ed IM* nifht bj hk daafhter,<br />

Gloria, whs had been in charge<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ike hotel,<br />

Mr, Smith, a former member<br />

<strong>of</strong> the PcmayiTMi* IM* »••<br />

llu, pvnhaMd Ranlf Inn nboot<br />

eifhl yean Ht, •• had b«m<br />

III about a yew afo and »f«ln<br />

latlfail, bat ainwrenUf ma in<br />

[sad health when Ac eaaplt<br />

left tor Florida by car,<br />

r»cne<br />

r<br />

tt iaaiiittr, OWSBM, ufl • aan,<br />

on Atlantic av,<br />

A building permit »is Issued Men.<br />

day for a new guest house and fesi.<br />

dsnee to be constructed at 72i At-<br />

lantic av,, Just north <strong>of</strong> 8th st.<br />

The owner <strong>of</strong> the property is<br />

Charles R, Gilfert and the general<br />

contractor is George Schwrb.<br />

The 2W4 story structure will con.<br />

tain 15 rooms and 14 baths, with *<br />

three-car garage at the rear. The<br />

main building, with a 32-foot lounge<br />

across the front, will be 34 feet<br />

wide and 67 feet deep. ,<br />

There will be five bedrooms on<br />

the first floor and eight on thu<br />

second floor.<br />

the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Buitnets Men's Ai<br />

Exchange, Klwanii, Rotary and So-<br />

raptiinisu, and the city department<br />

<strong>of</strong> public relations, E. Forrest<br />

Nyman Is general chilrmsn,<br />


The April 8 program will have no<br />

concert or entertainment becaus;<br />

th* Association, which orglnated the<br />

observance, found that It was not<br />

well enough patronized to justif 1<br />

the expense. This is because most<br />

Easter visitors prefer to be on the<br />

boardwalk rather than in t theatre<br />

or the Music Pier auditorium,<br />

Mr, Nyman said the egg hunt for<br />

children will be conducted by the<br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce,<br />


Tentative plans call for the award-<br />

Ing <strong>of</strong> 50 orchid? to women on the<br />

boardwalk and boutonnleres to their<br />

escorts. There will be 20 or more<br />

priies for children.<br />

The sunrise service is scheduled<br />

for 6:30 a, in in the solarium <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Music Pier, under auspices <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Ministerial Association, The Re\,<br />

Prank P, Adler will preside and the<br />

Rev, A. Lynn Gongl<strong>of</strong>f will preacn<br />

the Easter sermon.<br />

The churches also are preparing<br />

for a community Good Friday serv.<br />

ice in the First Freibyterian Churcn<br />

on April 7, between noon and 3 p. m.<br />


_ ._ __Men's Association Is<br />

urging that all commereliTestiibliih.<br />

ments in the resort close during thi<br />

period <strong>of</strong> this service so that pro-<br />

prietors and employes alilte may<br />

take part in the religious observ<br />

anee.<br />

Selection <strong>of</strong> the orchid winners<br />

on the boardwalk, Easter Sunday,<br />

will be made by a committee <strong>of</strong><br />

Judges who will start viewing the<br />

strollers some time after 1 p. m.<br />

The area for judging will be between<br />

fith and 10th sts.<br />

Final arrangements for the secular<br />

portion <strong>of</strong> the observance will bo<br />

made at a combined committee meet.<br />

ing next Tuesday night.<br />

g-thB_- ^TJM-Jiuiness<br />

Upper Twp. to Plan<br />

Spring Clean-up<br />

The Civic League <strong>of</strong> Upper Town-<br />

ship will meet tonight (Thursday)<br />

at the <strong>Mar</strong>mora nrehall to discuss<br />

plans for the second annual Spring<br />

Clean.Up Week.<br />

The. League Is preparing to desig<br />

nate the last week <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mar</strong>ch fpr a<br />

clean-up campaign to rid vacant lots,<br />

roads and residential property <strong>of</strong><br />

trash and other unsightly bbih<br />

Scheduled to ba<br />

Conipwtod <strong>of</strong> i<br />

Contract! for cor<br />

<strong>of</strong> the flrst four 1<br />

tht new Sindia Aj<br />

development on<br />

side <strong>of</strong> Wesley «*, at ]<br />

ware awarded tha<br />

the Sindia Corpc— u<br />

The buildlnf «ni<br />

between the local ct<br />

<strong>of</strong> John E. and Howarf<br />

Fred S Tarva, 3rd.<br />

were so close that the i<br />

them each half <strong>of</strong> tha<br />

also will help ap«d<br />

the project<br />


Vaughan M«thl», Atl<br />

•rrhitect whs prepared |<br />

newSlndis and will ni<br />

struction. uid the four<br />

an scheduled for<br />

June IS. ,,'j,"<br />

Each <strong>of</strong> the four<br />

contain two apartment<br />

npsrtments will be <strong>of</strong> four<br />

and two bathi each, with f"~*<br />

porch and terrace tpsce.<br />

The new structures wfll (<br />

Wesley av, from 18th mi. i<br />

setting back SB fett franr 1<br />

and being separated by MJ<br />

two building! on ttae eornw ' ,<br />

<strong>of</strong> modem rtyle with flat ro<strong>of</strong>; *<br />

the other two wlU be colonial <<br />

em archlteeturf with a<br />

STUCCO ExnwoB<br />

AU building! IB the new<br />

ment will be <strong>of</strong> stucco eMi<br />

cinoer block, and they<br />

corporate many advanced f<br />

design used auccemfully<br />

the qiost exclusive<br />

^nt T FlnHilB<br />

The building!<br />

in pain with a terrace<br />

lawn and garden (pace<br />

them A private street «<br />

behind them tor service<br />

street parking.<br />

Although only the»e low<br />

ings will he ready for Hie —<br />

son. the Sindia plans a —<br />

including three more so<br />

and four buildingi<br />

boardwalk.<br />

Point May Hal<br />

Junior High<br />

Would Mem<br />

Revenue LoM<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> High School<br />

lose 24 pupils and appro*<br />

fS.FOQ in annual tuition rev<br />

the Somers Point Hoard <strong>of</strong> B<br />

carries out a proposed plan i<br />

lish a junior high school Jtt<br />

mainland community, it wat<br />

cated this week. .<br />

That the Point board i«<br />

ing the feasibility <strong>of</strong> a junior ;<br />

school was dUcloaed by Jamej<br />

Monaghan, president<br />


He said that the board hat<br />

he State Department <strong>of</strong> B

1 •:> *$#$<br />

i -i<br />

i"i<br />

ile<br />

France<br />

to war<br />

• ) *<br />

„_! ta the<br />

I ot n«w» talen<br />

•Is<br />

__ _ •<br />

_j boolu onlj<br />

• it Ihe mo<br />

Ii noi<br />

711<br />

(Hinh Mn K<br />

' Hethering<br />

all <strong>of</strong><br />

IMt<br />

tua<br />

M<br />

$100<br />

County School Boards<br />

to Have Dinner<br />

The County Aj*ocl»tlon <strong>of</strong> Board*<br />

al Education will lavs Its m<br />

nual dinner netting April 13 It ma<br />

announced this *«k<br />

It will be in the McthodW Social<br />

Johnson Nominated<br />

New Commander<br />

Nomination <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers featured D<br />

meeting <strong>of</strong> Ferguson F<strong>of</strong>llo Poi<br />

Hall at Court House with Sr Ethel \eterans <strong>of</strong> Foreign Wan Monday<br />

Alpenfeb <strong>of</strong> Hew York University night it the post home with «0 mtrr<br />

n principal spmker Dr Alpenfels "«» •Wending<br />

ii a well known anthropologut Those nominated for thi <strong>1950</strong> 11<br />

whme lecture Prom Adim to . 5jjj"jo{ r *Miox'vi"nnniiun5er<br />

Robert C French junior lee con<br />

marder Joseph b Smith chaplH n<br />

William Moser judge ad ital<br />

Bruce MacMurrsj Urgeon Dr Erl<br />

Mdrd B Tysnn trusUe Rr Hint<br />

>ears Fran is Miller delegates to<br />

the County Council Michael Dnttllo<br />

Robert French «nd Roberl Wool<br />

leglslnme <strong>of</strong>Bier Earl Shau<br />

ELECT ON MUU 27<br />

The election is scheduled for !h<br />

next meeting <strong>Mar</strong> h 27 Normna<br />

lions will remain open until then<br />

The post appointed Ted Clymer a<br />

its chairman to assist tht Americar<br />

Leglun and othtr groups in arrai<br />

nu a Memorial Day ubservdn e<br />


The ^auth Committed rep rtei<br />

that the junior basketball league f<br />

buys &ould *»nd this uek ard th<br />

plans are being made for a dinner<br />

f i the bays at the post homi, Ba c<br />

ball activity will be started<br />

A chorus <strong>of</strong> pupils from Oefe<br />

<strong>City</strong> High School Kill sing<br />

Want Ferry in<br />

Highway System<br />

County Group Hands<br />

Request to Drocoll<br />

A formal request for the proposed<br />

Caps May L*eftes ferry IQ be in<br />

eorperstfd in ihe state highway sy<br />

t#m Mvaa prsfented to Gmernor Al<br />

fred E DriscQlI Tuesday by a ^roug<br />

<strong>of</strong> 60 Cape May County represent<br />

Anthenj J Cafiero « ha<br />

ltd the group <strong>of</strong> clt> and iuni\<br />

<strong>of</strong>ficials and civic leaders said Ih^t<br />

such a step by the itatt would fa<br />

militate financial arrangements f u<br />

:hm ferry<br />

The senator said afterward th* ;ni'i j-rni.in'lv tpy ;i n'yiMurcMl<br />

Pl:;irin;iiis! frnin d r u i : . nl tin- liyl.t -t i-uti-iii-;.- nncl IJiirity<br />

iih liriij ; ' !nr :•!! ,u<br />

Freedy Drug Store, he,<br />

\VM. II. HART, Dtfi-liir in I'n.irsiiai<br />

701 Asbury Avenue<br />

1 ^ Frcth. linn<br />

Irlct enjiinccr. The problt'ilis<br />

Thompson 'Bill"<br />



308 Eighth It, • Rear<br />

MOTHERS!—<br />


SPEARI si<br />


ATLANTIC em<br />

?»• >• •<br />

FOR ONLY<br />

'iiiiiiiitf<br />

.., and it's a BIG<br />

7,% co. ft. Rtfrigmrvtor<br />

Own BiJO (, m, _ s,3« „ m<br />

•nd lim lo iiiH<br />

Qt^iF HgSfi hj ^ppqiatiiiRil<br />

KVK9<br />

KiTl'KI) BV<br />

Dr. Harry H, Lake<br />

Voyr OPTUIIKTIIIliT for f. V.iirn<br />


• • • l»04 I-hon, 0401<br />

••••*< >•••<<br />

VES, 7,g euMe feet_ao%<br />

* more ntHjtentor th«n •<br />

Hi*"! F/iMfuff width freowng<br />

compurtmenl-a iuiury Ad-<br />

vancod DMign featurn—you<br />

only from PhJIco at this ama«.<br />

tog low price. See it now!<br />

(/r>ury TRAYS<br />

Of, UM fcf qOTCTod<br />

•out<br />

VecHabta Bjaper.<br />

latch • Rigid, Car.<br />

fiUwnProtf Steel Shelve, t<br />

PhUm Super Pamr Hyuiem,<br />

6-TTmr Pntmtion Plan<br />

f ELECTRIC<br />


<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

t .llinLIt uhi-n- i|i(= ir<br />

irr fuiiiii» imiiiy « iih Hi,.. Hi,iii-<br />

I tin! rxpt'ii^i 1 hivnh-rH in ririH-idiir*<br />

--I know frwni pi'jieated convi'rj.a-<br />

linii« «ill! (iovrriiiir llrhrnll llwi<br />

lip is rnimrnscly inlrrrslnl in (hr<br />

prnpoNal. hui I want to tliskr H<br />

pirfPclly elmr rlflit no» llml<br />

nolliine wlmifv.r rail he further<br />

dimp until the siaip miikr» un HN<br />

niiiid lo what cstpiil ii ran en for-<br />

«ard iiitii Us nbligaiiqii In provide<br />

tiu'sp bridgr!!.<br />

'It iihll ttlli-il tin- sUiU- riilli'llldi'.<br />

ll;:il il ,-iiii nici'l thOM. ri-f|uiriMin-ij|»<br />

II Hill Mi.l Iw tnllli'iilt In i-li-iii- ii<br />

til* Mtliiltlnli irnni Hi;;, piu' --<br />

lit wit! thiil C.iiyv.iiiiiin .limi,..<br />

Aiii'liihi-W.« n| tl,,, Thinl Dihtri,-!<br />

«i!l jiiii: him in ilmiiij. i'\(,i II li i vi, ,<br />

M • it r I i \ i i ( I<br />

I ,..1,1 ., . , , , , , , , ,<br />

i I ilil i , i I | , ,, ,<br />

I n II i I'I, , , i,, ,<br />

I 1 il I 1 iv ,, , , i , 1U, I<br />

" ' '" " " I ! S ,N , I<br />

IM ' " N ' ^ ' r , t l , ,,, ,,<br />

n lit nil<br />

I i simplify<br />

r I lif k \J K fFtn 1t*r<br />

ll t ill iJt(.lMd by d IS Q<br />

iln, r^erun<br />

Mh L\ irimi ould b<br />

I f d Uie late didgrtJ^t 1<br />

M il) Prk The Ii t l<br />

\ ul 1 i I i 1 in | innfc th(.<br />

tr<br />

I t<br />

9m_n L.WL, D<br />

if- x ti ul nd -iiru<br />

iu nd \surk vtiek r &u\a<br />

I in n It nu^ aUu jppht^ tf.<br />

it-n jiid imnurs SuindnrUs uf<br />

uful huur" art- m-i by the StaLr<br />

m I Jfji.irtiniTit %sn ret urn mend J-<br />

N ,S. J lie<br />

|Navy Enlistments<br />

Ara Unlimited Now<br />

Pn \llinticdi> Ka\y RetrmtiFig<br />

riihin chief gun<br />

uit_k that there<br />

\ lt y[U ], s f,,P ^(lling mi n<br />

id SUilm Nd\ V<br />

il mil thdt ihi* rn-fnt lift-<br />

qiintus LII enli^tnicnt^<br />

l<br />

Saint \ A<br />

Campus <strong>Newspaper</strong> Gives Hackney Prodigal Son<br />

High Rating at Pennsylvania U, |p-i " «, fL.,-,-1,<br />

Juhn Hytkn y farmer <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> graduation in Junif He Dnt**rr J riilll €*L V^llUI i^ll<br />

High School valedictorian gnd an<br />

uf Mr *ind Mrs O<br />


jj i y i~ frb#r <strong>of</strong> th#*<br />

Hoimt sn H«_ll Bt*iird <strong>of</strong> GQ^efnur<br />

Y airman oi tht S^ nt Con mills?<br />

nd a member <strong>of</strong> th* 1 Sphms Senior<br />

la if-ty<br />

Ar accounting tudenl at th<br />

^ harton b r( ol <strong>of</strong> Busing an i<br />

Fmsr Hiitkrej is *s heduln i fur<br />

freshmdn m 1946 lit<br />

erwng in the Army almo I thr c<br />

y ar^<br />

Strides his varied campus atti\<br />

il e urd rrrfintdining hi^h M.huLiit<br />

tardng ht^ Y*kh fuund time lo L m<br />

y p IB mm Hun^h ^hich h un will<br />

be in orporattd n to t^ ^ Fit tmin<br />

Md%k and Wife Sprirg t-ow<br />


He "s no big ^iRpuH pulil Lf f\j<br />

lar Quaker alMett* diid > t Ih<br />

hlirr nd entrant c 25 jear tld ha<br />

i ni- o rrt_ny Ihings j t II j<br />

P n vlv&nm that ^e h uld rait<br />

r uf the big^t^i headline v hen i!<br />

tu t-H time ta hand out tht four<br />

v^t d awards on iit-\ Daj a<br />

i rj rg to ihe Ptnn^>hani n<br />

Although thf report man recenlh<br />

Sttppyd dovin fron thuirrmnLhip al<br />

Iht Undcrgrad Club hardhng Ma H<br />

and W g prfductiur^ ht i cuntiru<br />

to ass I ifi n ad^ i urj aua i ><br />

until jfraduafiLn<br />

EVAP. MILK Farmdal.<br />

Quolily<br />

"•"<br />

00<br />

Try Qur Acme Guaranteed Meats Under Our<br />


Famous Loncoster Brand<br />

TURKEYS 5'' b 49<br />

5'' b<br />

Lsn&sitgf Irsrtd Turkfyi era yeuRg, ttndsf end bfosd b<br />

Lean Ground Beef<br />

Brisket Corned Beef "•"l^^. 1 "'<br />

43c<br />

Plata Inf «H«<br />

lata nf H«<br />

Short Rlbl <strong>of</strong> BMf "Sic<br />

Corned<br />

•M* Leaf<br />

Broonsweiger<br />

L<br />

Cole Slew<br />

Large Bologna " 53c<br />

- - - " lu »23£<br />

Cut |pom Cornted Liltls Pork.r,<br />

lib Ind Um (up fa 11', Ib.)<br />

PORK LOINS»43': ^ 4 ?<br />

relln'i 1XL or ftgar'i grade A Sliced Bocon * 45c<br />

Lenten<br />

Sam Peed<br />

Vafues<br />


Large No, 1 Smelt*<br />

Flih Fillcti »** s<br />

Fancy Large Shrimp<br />

Deviled Crabs<br />

Frying<br />

X5c<br />

ib 69c<br />

^^ 19c<br />

• n the Hm<br />

I Hi fiuint<br />

it L il Ih*<br />

1 s 1 1 it i i \ Ii»r %uun^ men lu srlei-t<br />

ir 1 fullun thi tiades <strong>of</strong> their ehuit-t<br />

1 th Nm A isiiDft tim* 1 ago \hr<br />

\ w \ \ 1 prrmjtted tu enlist on 1 /<br />

1 nill nufnbtr uf mm cath month<br />

^uth t,EinHitiitn& h^ iiddt-d may re<br />

L ui jinlirm without notice<br />

! CIO Hot and Cold<br />

; on Driscoll Bills<br />

I The Ntw Ji'rspy Hlnlt. CIO thli<br />

wi i k imtunincytl support <strong>of</strong> s|^ ad<br />

• ministrutiiiii bills and opposition to<br />

llwii others.<br />

| Ii, Iitti-rs tu all membtrs <strong>of</strong> the<br />

, KtjiUi -,L*p|ji!ilHtufe, wtvirh J is-sliIW<br />

; td in t on Governor priicoll's pro<br />

ijriim Munday. Carl Holilerman, Stale<br />

| CIO president, criticized the Bdmln-<br />

1 isiriiiiiins piiblic utility awUstrike<br />

n 2711 W Girard a\<br />

She v.as 77<br />

Mrs Sauter also ^s^ interested in<br />

rdrttr research work at the Ldink-<br />

enau Hu^jjital and ^a^ a tntmbe<br />

nf the Womtn % Auxiliary <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Philadelphia Turners athletic club<br />

Surviving art* a daughter MF*<br />

Ravmond T Mnock and a son A<br />

Letter ^agti?r a jp^,#l*^r<br />

Funeral ^irvices are scheduled foi<br />

2n m tfidav tThui^dayi *ith burial<br />

in WestmirMtr Ctmeteiv<br />

Rain are declared to cause an an<br />

nuftl dartiiifie Of around 12,000,000,<br />

mm in this country, <strong>of</strong> which about<br />

naif Is the fuud supplies they eat<br />

fit<br />

than 500 U.<br />

iy scheduled a<br />

SHARP CHEESE - 69c<br />

Hoiu.ol Cy,a, Wall AE,d<br />

Sharp Cheese "6St<br />

Sards Romano<br />

le 79t<br />

Berden's Chateau Jlbl 85c<br />

BabyGouda •'•'-"45c<br />

Gold-N-Rich" 1 *" '•§»«<br />

Zingg Oruyera •"•"4*«<br />

C C h ^ ^"IS<br />

Csltage Chetse Vlli" !,V I4f<br />

Chaai* Food S-oi Dkg 13c<br />

GlendaleClnb 2 ' 75c<br />

falacfed Fresh Fruits A Vegetables<br />

ORANGES 8 65 C<br />

3 !H asi<br />

Y*l!ew <strong>On</strong>lflni'"*3"'! 4f<br />


*anc¥ wlpeill<br />

Miglyai IIM<br />

Bononoi*"''"" 1 "<br />

Calif.<br />

Andy lay<br />

iarg*<br />

hunih<br />

"•ate<br />

"lit<br />

25'<br />

If. Naw<br />

QttdStat<br />

KIMMa fMM<br />

@ PIE CRUST<br />

MIX<br />

L— Hot Cross Buns<br />

Par* PraiM Jale* .<br />

POUNDCAKE*- - 35<br />

• A T H b l W lt<br />

Children to See<br />

-<strong>Mar</strong>co Polo*<br />

Stage Play Coming<br />

Here Next Month<br />

The . ill bf<br />

Hiram W. Whitaker<br />

CoDtloud from Fui 1<br />

and served here at both the 4th st<br />

antl 38th st. slatldns, ai well as a- , ,<br />

t_n>altinf _hh hnrnr II* -j»jpj<br />

untraI ov<br />

flu -<br />



037 A.bury Av. Phone 0188<br />

Ji»Ph K. Vtawr, Prop.<br />


Mr. Whltiker was aUached to thi<br />

Corion'i Inltt station in 1901 when<br />

the ihip Sindia was wrocked here<br />

He asiigted in the rescue <strong>of</strong> th^<br />

crew.<br />

Because his wile didn't like his<br />

being iway [fom home so much, they<br />

§§tabliihtd their Agbury av. stoic<br />

about 35 yeari ago and had jointly<br />

Operated it ever since. Mr. Whitaker<br />

still was in the store daily uniil hi<br />

fata' illness began a few weeks ago<br />


He was a member <strong>of</strong> the First<br />

MethodUt Church. The Rev, A Lynn<br />

Oongl<strong>of</strong>f. pastor, HMII conduct funeral<br />

services at t p. m. today (Thursday<br />

It,the Smith Funeral Homo Inter<br />

ment will be in the Old Stone<br />

Church Cemetery. Cedorville, Cum-<br />

berland County.<br />

He is survived by hij wife; a<br />

dauihter, Mrs. Sdward Campbell, <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Mar</strong>mort; three grandchildren, Cliri<br />

ton Campbell, Mrs. Howard Land<br />

and Mrs, Edward Westeolt, all <strong>of</strong><br />

Central <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>! and six great<br />

grandchildren.<br />

James B, Bevill<br />

Continued (rsm pM« 1<br />

County Mosquito Extermination<br />

Commission, by appointment <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Board ef Freeholders.<br />

His . fraternal activities formerly<br />

Included membership in the Knights<br />

<strong>of</strong> Pythias and the Benevolent Pro<br />

teetlve Order <strong>of</strong> llks.<br />

Betides his wifs, he ll survive^<br />

by a jister. Mri. Leroy Knox. <strong>of</strong><br />

West Philadelphia, and two nieeei.<br />

Mri, Clarence Murray, Philadelphia<br />

ind Mrs, Henry Mugler, Harrirturi<br />

Directors <strong>of</strong> the bank and other<br />

close anoeiates were pallbearers at<br />

the funeral. They were Blwood F.<br />

Klrkman, Dr. John B. Townsend,<br />

Charles K. Thuritdn, Harold D. Pow.<br />

ell. Dr. J. Thornley Hughes and<br />

William Blevln, - — — — — —<br />

HIS WIM<br />

"I malee my living by my witi,"<br />

"Well, half a living is better thiin<br />

none."<br />

A Cluiifiad Ad Will Rent 111<br />

. . .Right in Style *<br />

. . .Right in Fit<br />

. . , Right in Quality<br />


and JAYSON<br />

SHIRTS<br />

Faitela • White.<br />

l »Bd3.fS<br />

OUtf, brl.ht pwUl .h»d«<br />

will pal » ipurkie (a jvat<br />

•prlnr ootili . . . (Innlnf<br />

whlun, too. Newest collar<br />

•tylet Mid coll*. .<br />

Nmw Spring TIES<br />

1.00-1.50-2.00<br />

They're in . . . fraib Mi<br />

•pirkiinf new, latUed<br />

or bold pitUimi. pec Uieri»v<br />

Til<br />

MAI>K SDR NOW!<br />


f« -4f AS»UBTf AVENUE -<br />

play <strong>Mar</strong>co Polo<br />

stjfcid in the Otian Citj Hith<br />

School auditorium next month I >\<br />

th*> enjoyment Qf fclimertari schon 1<br />

thildren it w.as *mn«urici-il ^tstcr<br />

d«*v b\ County Srhnol Supennttr<br />

tier I Willard B Mallhews<br />

This production with An exptri<br />

t'need pr<strong>of</strong>esaiotial^ ca^t w ill be prt<br />

stnled by th* 1 Clart Trte Major<br />

Children s Theatre<br />

The same group in January pr. 1 -<br />

nli*d Cinderella fur an l<br />

tif jbnut 1 400 pupils <strong>of</strong> grades 1 lo 4<br />

; n trv* North wildwood Junior Hij,n<br />

School.<br />


Last Thursday about 1.200 children<br />

from Orades 5 to J in the lowe:<br />

rmonce <strong>of</strong> "Hip<br />

the North WilUwood school<br />

Salome Gaynor Theatre.<br />

Plans such as these have been<br />

sponsored for more than 10 yeais<br />

bv the county schools so that all<br />

children could have an opportuniiv<br />

8t least once during the term to wit-<br />

ness a real stage play by pr<strong>of</strong>es-<br />

sional actors and actresses,<br />


"In this way," Mr. Matthewi saiS,<br />

'the boys and girls not only have<br />

the thrill <strong>of</strong> soeiriB real people on<br />

the stage, but they are given a<br />

chance to practice good manners in<br />

the theatre. Anyone who has a',<br />

tended one <strong>of</strong> these plays will agree<br />

that the audience behaViour IJ bet-<br />

ter than that exhibited by many an<br />

adult audience.<br />

"Between acts, the children io*<br />

<strong>of</strong>f steam' by community singing nt<br />

l d i thir h school '<br />

by<br />

songs learned in their home schools<br />

100,000 Naturalized<br />

by State-Local Work<br />

Over 100.000 aliens have beeri prp.<br />

pared for New Jersey Citizenship In<br />

classes jointly financed by the State<br />

and local communities, Franklin<br />

Nixon, Master <strong>of</strong> the New Jersey<br />

Stote Orange, reported this week.<br />

He urged that the 1850 Legislatiiiv<br />

provide adequate funds for con-<br />

tinued state support <strong>of</strong> cltlienshi|)<br />

education.<br />

To be Seen Sunday<br />

at Holy Tnmty<br />

In Ri-tf ing ttith ihf Lenten Me<br />

ag <strong>of</strong> rLfp^tence the iilm j*nd a.f<br />

m n**tte at th*- S&T\ ic* 1 <strong>of</strong> Illustrated<br />

t\en Lr n at Hol> ifin tv Lhuixh<br />

unday at 45 p m \feill t#II on a<br />

nort- the trry at The Proiigjl<br />

San Thi well btl \wd p^r^blf lend<br />

it elf naturally tu dramatic \er^iui<br />

ttUing a it dot-** the a^e old lury tf<br />

ie^rt-ddtmn ^nd reh ibilitation<br />

tniuugh nd nm ig love<br />

Thi i% the fifth in a series <strong>of</strong><br />

prrfcrain devottd tj tf"e use Lf mov<br />

ic a. an aid in presenting the<br />

fundsy. the rtory will te th«t W<br />

Bartlnwui, The Blind Bagfar »f<br />

Jerusalem<br />

Other events at Hply "trinity<br />

Church next week will Include a<br />

luncheon on Tuesday, at 12:30 p, m,<br />

given by the day branch <strong>of</strong> the<br />

women's Auxiliary^ at which th*<br />

program will include on instructive<br />

Hluitntcd lecture.<br />

Safety Patrol Propowsd<br />

Establishment <strong>of</strong> a student lafety<br />

patrol foi Middle Township schooU<br />

has been proposed by F. Doug-<br />

lass Btidfl, Eupervicing principal,<br />

Phone 1M4<br />

Dr, Roger G, URota<br />

Optometrist<br />

844 CentnJ Ave.<br />

OCEAN enr, N. J,<br />

-Olill HBBM—<br />

L>«lly 1:10 lo t;|t<br />

No HSUPB on w«.\ ud Bun.<br />

Mori. «n.l rrl, Eva, bj AppL<br />

b*<br />

•crftu th.<br />

Although<br />

change* hli Ipolft '<br />

does.<br />

MttMMtfW<br />

Priiitfi<br />

COMMEI<br />

STATK<br />

Lewis L<br />

Garrison Jewelers<br />



Expert Wateh and<br />

Jewelry Repairing<br />

Modernizing<br />



925 A«bury Av«nue<br />

Phone 2278<br />

Old Colot<br />

Modern<br />


_ For -, .. , ,<br />


rou?/t(ee m<br />




HEAR YE!<br />



Sommer Crest Variety Center Leads Again in the Reduction<br />

<strong>of</strong> Prices on Fine Quality Candies s<br />

Delicious Decorated Cocoanut Cream Eggs<br />

59c ^H (Names Put on Free)<br />

FREE - With Each S9c Egg<br />

All reedy u> live u u id«U<br />

romplrlr nest <strong>of</strong> straw, Jelly BfW and Ycllaw M»rihiii«IIow Chick.<br />

GIFT. Beady Is set in any kukct!<br />

PLEASE Th ' B ' s "* c M n " "'" lnd 4 n >iity «•' ' or 75c - (<br />

^£zJr * forluaate purchusr <strong>of</strong> our Buterlsla, thit yeiir, *e we p*uln( the wvlsf<br />

NOTEi on to you!<br />


IRISH SWEET POTATOES. ... _._„_ 69c Ib.<br />

LARdE CANDY SNAKES ._—___.„.._._._ 39e Me<br />


737 Asbury Avenue Open Evenings<br />


Exchange Club<br />

Minstrel Show<br />

FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 17th - 18th<br />


Light Comedy<br />

Laughable Minstrel Antics<br />

Lovable Lyrics and Songs<br />





Reserved Seats 25c Extra<br />

See Ward's Pastry Shop, 734 AsbHry Avenue<br />

>$L ,.«<br />

,-J . •<br />

j i

7<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch lfi, <strong>1950</strong><br />

; t<br />

to Have<br />

Conference<br />

: ColBng»wood<br />

, Stile*, <strong>of</strong> Merchanrvlllc<br />

•nt;. <strong>of</strong> Uw N«w Jmn<br />

:- ol P»renti and Teachers.<br />

1 plant for the annual<br />

_rinef <strong>of</strong> iht seven<br />

coustta. to Mk* plan In<br />

food High School today<br />

;*«fc»,,,h^jll-day<br />

«1 to 111 Parenl-Tcficher<br />

I thi MCtJon si the stale,<br />

m Welch Oron, prevail<br />

r_l . :•, will delivm<br />

B ddltm* <strong>of</strong> the conference<br />

Us theme, "Citiiens-<br />

developing from Ifeh'<br />

be pre«nted by the<br />

1 - count;<br />

John<br />

. tor<br />

.._.k. <strong>of</strong> the<br />

._ College, will<br />

Jm experience it Worth-<br />

, uaivmfty'i summer work-<br />

__* parent-teacher leadership<br />

. itMe »..T, A, chuirmtn wll!<br />

I MNeunti <strong>of</strong> their work.<br />

CoUlniiwood High School<br />


r and Mn, A. Paul Oliver, 4is<br />

' ' i night<br />

Young's Engagement<br />

to Baltimore Girl<br />

Ii Announced<br />

icnt hat been made io<br />

A., el the engagement<br />

Ann B. Griffith, <strong>of</strong> that city.<br />

Thomaa Younl, Jr., ion<br />

John T, Yoiinjfc ol Octal<br />

John<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mrs. John T, YoiiM,<br />

<strong>City</strong>, and the late Mr, Yejfig<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

an<br />

1 Mrs<br />

Mr, Young, a gradunte <strong>of</strong> the Um-<br />

venity <strong>of</strong> Pennsylvania, formerly<br />

wit a iununer reildent QI <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> for many yean. Miss Orlflim,.<br />

a niece <strong>of</strong> the late State Senator<br />

the late S<br />

and Mn. Humphrey<br />

<strong>of</strong> Howard County, Md., us a grad-<br />

t f th Uion<br />

ate D.<br />

uate <strong>of</strong> Ihe Union Memorial<br />

pital wheel ol nuning,<br />

. a .<br />

Sorority Plans<br />

for Fashion Show<br />

Wolfe.<br />

oup <strong>of</strong> memberi <strong>of</strong> Nu Chap-<br />

la sorority, will visit<br />

A pou<br />

ter. Beta<br />

New York<br />

it was announce<br />

MBrehj4. 25 and 28.<br />

., . .cod Tutiday night<br />

wh»n Ihe group met at the home <strong>of</strong><br />

Mn. Irvin Johnson, Jr. Hotel reier.<br />

yationi were received at the meet.<br />

Final arrarn<strong>of</strong>nenti also were<br />

Social - Personal - Clubs - Lodges<br />

D. A. R. Hears<br />

Talk on Nylons<br />

County Agent<br />

Addresses Chapter<br />

Miss Loii O, Hamilton, county<br />

home demonstrsiien agent, was<br />

guest speaker Saturday afternoon at<br />

the monthly meeting <strong>of</strong> the Sarah<br />

Stillwell Chapter, Daughters <strong>of</strong> the<br />

American Revolution, at the home<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mn. Irving Mounts, Ills <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

av. The chapter had as its special<br />

guest Miss Joan Smith, the Quod<br />

Citizenship Oirl tor 1980, who was<br />

presented svtth a corsage <strong>of</strong> gar-<br />

denias. Miss Smith will accompany<br />

a DA H. delegation tn the antiu.il<br />

State Society conference m Trenton<br />

today and tomorrow.<br />


Miss Hamilton discussed tuflun,<br />

dividing _ her proBram into three<br />

parts First she tujd ho« nylon<br />

made for a' (aihion show and card j was made in the duponl plant am<br />

' ^- - ' 'its many uses; next she displayt-d ?<br />

number <strong>of</strong> pieces <strong>of</strong> material made<br />

and hew each<br />

1 Church. Va,<br />

endurance <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

trap remarkable He could<br />

i run 4S miles at a time.<br />

party to be given by combined<br />

seashore chapters <strong>of</strong> the sorority<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch 23 at the Senator Hotel, At-<br />

lantic <strong>City</strong>. Mrs lisle Elwell, chair-<br />

man, announced thit a Una) card<br />

party comrnittee mcetinj will be to-<br />

morrow night at the home <strong>of</strong> Mis.<<br />

Orace Braun, in Egg Harbor,<br />

Report* were given by Mrs John-<br />

son on a plaitie party given recently<br />

and Mrs, Frank Schuler reported on<br />

S Mrs. fted Todd was a guest, Mri<br />

gehulcr received the hottoss pack-<br />

age<br />

About half <strong>of</strong> American popcorn<br />

sales are in theatre lobbies.<br />

•urniture Repaired<br />

Ref inished<br />

Ear!<br />

North's<br />

Wood Shop<br />

1Mb St.. Opp.<br />

E. ft, SUtioo<br />

Phone 2938<br />

er Writ* Vm for • Free Esllm.tf '*—*tn_ r __ --<br />

t>tjtttOMft>»»»#»»»«»««t«t«»f ************<br />

Valance* • Kitchen Cabinet* and<br />

Corner Cupboard* nude to Order.<br />

!„ Reproduction* <strong>of</strong><br />

r IVnoa. Dutch Antique Furniture<br />

, ,,<br />


SCHOOL <strong>of</strong><br />

DANCE and DRAMA<br />

507 . 9th Str <strong>of</strong> the county<br />

ITSTDoebele outlined reasons why<br />

TdicBl prafeBsion in so strangly<br />

the lovernrnenfa universal<br />

nre t>ro8 r » m - -<br />

po HOOVER PLAN<br />

ttn Joseph Msrtineili, president<br />

j Uit AllBiitle County Auxiliary<br />

In (poke briefly, urging the local<br />

at to support the American Legisti<br />

h IU Kht agBlnst loma features ol<br />

S Hoover C<strong>of</strong>nrnisslon report for<br />

i in the Veterans' Admin-<br />

° <strong>Mar</strong>ian Davies, <strong>of</strong> Wildwooti,<br />

president, conducted the ses?<br />


At a regular meeting <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

Of/ Auxiliary the previous pveuinij,<br />

Iht women gavt • forewell gift<br />

ihower to Mn, Anna H»mm«tt and<br />

Mri. Miudt Hammett, who ire mov-<br />

ing their reitdence to Orvilla, Pi.<br />

Mrs Maude Hammett li a psit presi-<br />

dent <strong>of</strong> the Auxiliary and its secre.<br />

tary for three yean.<br />

At this meeting Or, Doebele also<br />

spoke In support <strong>of</strong> the blood donor<br />

priiMriun <strong>of</strong> the American Red Cross,<br />

Several Auxiliary members pledged<br />

donations when the bloodmoblle<br />

visits Oeeiin <strong>City</strong> April 20,<br />

Refreshments were served.<br />

To Hear Hotel Man<br />

Back From Europe<br />

The Pen Wiinen nf Alla/itie <strong>City</strong><br />

are exUmdini, an invitation to th"<br />

civic clubs to hour Albert W Slender<br />

<strong>of</strong> Trenton and Newark, president nt<br />

the New Jersey State Hotel Associa:<br />

tion on Monday. <strong>Mar</strong>ch 27, at iiv.j<br />

p, m., at The ClaridHe Hotel<br />

Mr, Stender will speak on "Present<br />

Views <strong>of</strong> Europe's Economic Be-<br />

velnpment". He will follow his talk<br />

with a showing <strong>of</strong> colored motion<br />

pictures which lie took <strong>of</strong> Holland,<br />

Germany. Swijierland. France, Lux-<br />

embourg and Belgium. Mr. Stenci.if<br />

spent the pnst slimmer in Europe.<br />

He has returnefl with definite ideas<br />

as to the Eurnpiian eeniiomic situa-<br />

liun.<br />

12'/; in. BROADVIEW S(reen<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly I llRtpli Confffiff<br />

Tufn i*i en=i£l?£t Mfl*<br />

tifn—thal't silt<br />

Tsrgtf TyRJng<br />

PjCiUfS and iSund |RQp<br />

jfite psiifiDn timylrans-<br />

eyily with a iinglf<br />

Hliii-k Tulii-. i:-i-ini!<br />

Mo Fsdf . _ . Ho FlltVtr<br />

AufsmgliE Gsift end<br />

tiesdy<br />



(Kormcrly Grahams Barber shopl [<br />

NOW AT I<br />


827 Asbury Ave.li 949 Asbury Avenue<br />

Htre's a television screen ^<br />

enough for ihe whole family<br />

(and friends as well) to enjoy.<br />

And it's priced for (he family<br />

budgei, tool It's cornpleie with<br />

all the many features thit ire<br />

miking MoioroU THE teievi,<br />

lion "buy" <strong>of</strong> the ye»r. Many<br />

"expensive set" feaiurei . , ,<br />

PLUS itunning cibinet <strong>of</strong> be«u.<br />

fiful limed oik or mahogany.<br />

See it, hear it, todiy!<br />

•>•»»»«« »•»»*! >«•«««» ••••<<br />


ITlR<br />

GLASS<br />






snt'itV AVKMl'K '<br />

>*******tt<br />

frliii II 219=<br />

Greenwood Cowan Co.<br />

Phone 2598<br />


All Varieties and Sizes<br />

—- Yews Our Specialty —<br />




Zion Read at Bargaintown Lake<br />

6 Milei from <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Phone Somepi Point 2380<br />

Cousins Are Born<br />

<strong>On</strong>e Week Apart<br />

21 Births in 13<br />

Days at Hospital<br />

During the first 13 dayi at <strong>Mar</strong>ch<br />

there were 81 births at Shore Me.<br />

morial .Hospital, Somera Polnf, the<br />

hoipital re|)orted.<br />

An unusual feature was the fait<br />

that two sisters-in-law had babiej<br />

nt the hospital snly a week apari,<br />

A boy was bora <strong>Mar</strong>ch 1 la Mr, an'd<br />

Mrs, Fred Tarves. 3rd, <strong>of</strong> 1, Bay view<br />

pl. <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, and a girl arrived<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch 8 for Mr. and Mri. Donald<br />

Tarves, <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mar</strong>mora.<br />


Other new arrivals for <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

were B girl <strong>Mar</strong>ch 3 fop Mr. ancl<br />

Mrs Raymond Boaarth, 9 Simpion<br />

rd ; a boy the same day for Mr." and<br />

Mrs, John Costcllp. lisa Weil av..<br />

and a boy <strong>Mar</strong>ch 12 for Mr. and Mrs<br />

Karl Graham, 831 Palen av<br />

Other births up to Monday In.<br />

eluded:<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch 1. a boy to Mr. and Mrs<br />

Jdlin Sweeten, Caije May; <strong>Mar</strong>ch 2. a<br />

Kirl tn Mr. and Mrs. Cnarles Oreer,<br />

FlefiKiintville; h boy to Mr. and Mrs,'<br />

Mrs Julius Reid. Pleasantville; ;.<br />

Ijfiy tn Mr. and Mrs. Delaware Hand.<br />

Abseenn, n boy to Mr. and Mrs. Wil-<br />

liam Cassidy. Petersburg: a girl In<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Belcher. Bng-<br />

listi Creek; <strong>Mar</strong>ch 4. a boy to Mr.<br />

and Mrs Thomas Sayer. West Car)*<br />

May: <strong>Mar</strong>ch S. a Kirl to Mr. and<br />

Mrs William II. Rocap, Court House<br />


Miireh 8. a girl to Mr. and Mrs<br />

Francis Briinca. Cardiff;_a boy to<br />

Mr and Mrs. Edward Reed. Bar-<br />

Kiiiiitowii; <strong>Mar</strong>ch 8. a girl to Mr,<br />

and Mrs. Howard Sears, Mays Land-<br />

niK; <strong>Mar</strong>ch in, a Birl to Mr. and<br />

Mr« John O'Keefe. Northfleld.<br />

Mnrch II, ii liny tn Mrs. Betty Rice.<br />

Nurihlield; <strong>Mar</strong>ch 13. a girl to Mr<br />

.•mil Mrs Jack C Isiirci, Linwood; »<br />

hoy to Mrs Rachel Evans. Pleusani<br />

ville; II Hirl tci Mr. und Mrs. Alvah<br />

Ciffnrd. Mays Landinij.<br />

• • •<br />

Card Party Planned<br />

bv Gamma Chapter<br />

Two special events were planneti<br />

by ihe Gamma Chapter. dmeg, r i<br />

Lambda Psi sorority, meeting Tues-<br />

• lay tush! al the home <strong>of</strong> Mrs<br />

Diiiotliy Sharnitt. Linwnod.<br />

II wn.y decided to have H White<br />

f) Kli'iihiint Siik' <strong>Mar</strong>ch 28 at llie home<br />

A nf Mrs Emily Peterson, BIB Pelhain<br />

1 i p' • and a ^prinir pubjie card party<br />

\ mi April 25 at the Anieriean Legion<br />

^.fin:-; on ihe Music Pier,<br />

A ciiiitribiiticin to the Red Cross<br />

w;i* iipproved. Scrap books and<br />

f nrds were turned in. to be delivered<br />

in llii. Betty Bacharach Home, The<br />

liu?.ie:.,s packai^e was awarded to<br />

Mr* norothv Lee.<br />

Wiitprrni'lons jiavu nnt bvvw &ug-<br />

gQjilccI as a inoHllh nf mrutiiiji uuf<br />

eurront wator shnrtiijjrN. bul in Ct-n-<br />

tryl Afrita svlieiu wiiiurinuloriH nriMi-<br />

iiiiU-ci, tht'y serve M a ^durto yi<br />

wntif durint; dry periods.<br />



by ANDMEW and CLAIRE<br />





ASBURY AVBNUE Phone 1394<br />

HELEN'S<br />

• -<br />

au<br />

lit, «t Cwtml Aw, . Phone MSB<br />

Helen Girt,. Pr.p,<br />


m— ««•« t<br />

Phil's Beauty Shoppe<br />

1161 Wart Ave. Phone 1966<br />



NEW<br />

I CURLS--<br />

Beauty Shop<br />

PIMM till<br />


THING<br />

THAT<br />

EVER<br />

HIT<br />

TOWN<br />

ATOMIC<br />


30c<br />


616 AS1URY AVE.<br />

dames were played and |ir<br />

awijrded the winners Ire CIT<br />

and cake limi other refrcsliinenth<br />

Attcndinit were: <strong>Mar</strong>ilyn Booth<br />

.limmy Bujlnck. Betsy iind Bnbby<br />

Lee. Melodee Morrison, Carolyn und<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>tha Thayer, Charlotte and Ann.<br />

' .and .loan Klein.<br />

Resort Summer<br />

Couple Engaged<br />

ML and Mrs- Norman W Geare,<br />

nf The Cambridge. Qcrmantnwr<br />

have annnunced the engaqenienl nf<br />

their diiiifihter. Mips <strong>Mar</strong>y Julia<br />

Geare. to Charles Peter Graham<br />

son nf Mr and Mrs. Alan II. Graham,<br />

(if East Granite.<br />

Miss Oeare was Kraduated from<br />

Ciermantijwn Frielids Schnol and The<br />

Charles Morris Price School. Mr.<br />

Cii'uhum, a Kiuduate nf Coiauie Uni-<br />

versiiy. served with the Air Force<br />

pi', Ihe Snulli Paeiflc for three years,<br />

Hiilli families arc Oeean <strong>City</strong> sum-<br />

mer rcsidcnls.<br />

Hospital Auxiliary<br />

Gets Baby Bootees<br />

A number <strong>of</strong> articles nf haby<br />

bonlees and sbeks inudp by members<br />

were turned in for sale nt the ciir-<br />

ili r cunljoard. (it the meothiB <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Wimieiis Auxiliary <strong>of</strong> Shore Me.<br />

mnrial Hos|iilal. Tuesday.<br />

The Auxiliary revised its by-law's<br />

and decided to change its regular<br />

ineclines to the third Tuesday<br />

mouth, instead <strong>of</strong> the second j<br />

ini! day will eontiiiue on the fir;<br />

Wednesday each month<br />

A card liiirty followed the meet<br />

me, willi four tiibles in play. Priid,<br />

\vere awarded.<br />

NEW <strong>1950</strong> fllEROIRY<br />

now priced to reach more owners than ever!<br />

How to Solve<br />

<strong>On</strong>e Building Problem<br />

See Page 14<br />

CEEL'S<br />


Hit llnpHB Art, phgu 1S7I<br />


Steak Sandwich<br />

on Italian Roll . 30c<br />




« A, SI, I, I) p, 31,<br />



$ S Save $ $<br />



Immediate Delivery<br />


, Reception Gmranteed _ 24 NtSnthi to Pay<br />

Aerl»ii Expertly intUliel - M-IIoyf Rtpa|r servlee<br />

GroverD. Brown<br />

Shore Road, <strong>Mar</strong>mora, N, J. Phon# O. C. 28M.R.1<br />

Day or Night<br />

New low price makesmEROIRYa'better than ever'buy today!<br />

Tf you're one nf the muny people who've<br />

J. wanted the hig new 1930 Mercury ... and<br />

big savings, loo...<br />

—hm'a how ymi am gel hnth!<br />

A new low. starting price for Mercury now<br />

can save you um hundred dollar*!<br />

And it's only one <strong>of</strong> tht many mm. aibm<br />

you git with the better than ttmr new Mercury!<br />

You<br />

1-eltor<br />

m(Wwa,IFc!<br />

^<br />

Ho K.,0,, in toduy. Hour nur new |Ow<br />

bettor<br />

price.<br />

n<br />

COME IN<br />


Edw, G. Kurtz Co.<br />


'Old Man 9 Hickman<br />

IS BACK<br />

ON THE JOB<br />

With a Full <strong>Line</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />


To Take Out<br />


Daily: 10 a, m. to 7 p, m. • Sunday! 4 p. m, to 7 p. m,<br />


Deviled Crab _,_,4Se#a,<br />

Deviled Clam ... 20c ei.<br />

Shrimp Salad ..-$1.75 1b.<br />

Fried Scallops _.,_S0c lb.<br />

Fried Shrimp _$1.2SIb.<br />

Fried Filet Fluke,<br />

25c, 35c, 80c per order<br />

Clam Chowder 55c qt.<br />

F, F, Potatoes.,..40eqt,<br />

Fried Oyster _.$1.00do».<br />

Lobiter Salad...$1.78 lb.<br />

Crab Salad $1.75 lb.<br />

Cole Slaw „„ 35c lb,<br />

Pepper Hash .....30c lb.<br />

Potato Sal«d _____38clb.<br />


NKA KOOD PI.ATTKR (nnliiiiiii; Uevilrd C rub, Krird Hcilions,<br />

Fried Ojfilers. Fried Nhrlmp, n«vilfd C'lurn, fish . $\M<br />

Also Cole Hiaw, Tomald, Lrtturv. Tartar SiiUfC Pickip, FriitiPli Frits<br />

HOT PI.ATTKRS Cjoiilains choice <strong>of</strong>—I>«'Med tfab, Scallops,<br />

Nhrimli, Fish, «lam<br />

Mc<br />

Also Coin »lu«, Lettuce, Tomato, Tartar Naucf, Fickle, French Fries<br />

or roUto Salad<br />


CHOHK Ul': Lubticr SiUd. tr»b Salad, Hhrirn(i Salad, Shrimp<br />

CocKuil , ' •••• ! '* u<br />

l.clture, Tomalii, talc Nlliw, rickic, PnUio Salad<br />

Out <strong>of</strong> Our FISH DEPARTMENT<br />

Uve and Broiled Lobster - Lobster Tails - Crab Meat<br />

All Kinds, <strong>of</strong> Fresh Sea Sood in Season<br />

, Fifty-Four Yeari in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Bucknell President<br />

To Be Bells'Guest<br />

Dr, md Mn, Horaee Hlldreth, <strong>of</strong><br />

Lewliburi, Pa,, will be weak.qnd<br />

lueuli at thi home <strong>of</strong> Mr. and Mm,<br />

Robert K. Bell, 86 B, Surf rd.<br />

Dr. Hlldreth ii preildent <strong>of</strong> Buck,<br />

nell Univtriity and will bo here in<br />

partlelpate In a Bucknell Alumni<br />

Association dinner-party on Friday<br />

evenine ot the Flanders Hotel, At-<br />

UT, and Mri. Bell and Dr. and<br />

Mrs, Hlldreth will atlond the affair<br />

Mr. Bell, well known reiort ottorncy<br />

is one <strong>of</strong> the trustees <strong>of</strong> the uni-<br />

versity *<br />

the inaugurDiion <strong>of</strong> Dr. Hildreth<br />

as Bucknell president ii scheduled<br />

for April IB at Le^wisburg,<br />

P.-T. A, in Check<br />

on Comic Books<br />

Suggests Parents<br />

Read 1116111 First<br />

The New Jersey Congress <strong>of</strong> Par-<br />

ents and Tenchers, through Its A<br />

lion Committee, this week iiracd<br />

tilihter control by parents over 111 •<br />

cfimie books their children read,<br />

and recommended that local Parent<br />

Teacher groups Sl,j Up |(l,,a| eommil<br />

tees to survey Ihe comic book supply<br />

situation.<br />

The Ciinifress announced the<br />

<strong>of</strong> a campaign to educate parents to<br />

know what comic-s elnldren are<br />

reading by having parents rend them<br />

llrst.<br />

"There are many Koiid comic, books<br />

available." said the Conaret,s. ' Hi.ri<br />

children need nut be without them<br />

But parents should find the temic<br />

book all right before they permit<br />

[he child to read it "<br />

The Action Committee <strong>of</strong>fered<br />

P =T. A. cooperation to AttnrriOy<br />

Oenera] Theodore 11. Parson. 1 , in Ili-<br />

rumpaign iiEulust obn;eiie iiteniiiire<br />

in the stale.<br />

Central Pupils<br />

to Give Operetta<br />

Pupils <strong>of</strong> llii/4th, Dili ami Bill<br />

Kindes <strong>of</strong> the Central as school will<br />

stage ii'i operetta. 'The Lau^hinM<br />

Star <strong>of</strong> Knni". as a public perfnrm =<br />

anee m the .school auditorium Wed*<br />

iliJSday and Thursday iiiBhts next<br />

week Ciirlam time will bj BIS<br />

p. ni.<br />

Directed hy Mrs l.ois Likens, the<br />

musical show will lie pn'semeit iii<br />

Indian cos'iimes prepared by molhers<br />

uf tile children.<br />

Leadmi; roles will be taken Iiv<br />

Vincent Rvanijelisla. <strong>Mar</strong>ia AdaiiiH.<br />

Oordnn l.lnflblnm. Ori.ce Ann Mo,.re.<br />

James JelTricH, James Giildy iind<br />

Jerry Pint!<br />

Central <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

By KNTKI.I.r: M, HHil.Ht<br />

Word has been I'eceisid this We. '{<br />

thill Allen MacViiimh, <strong>of</strong> Philaiii•,-<br />

pi-la died suddenly iiiiri win. burn .1<br />

mi Monday. Mr Mai Vauuli hii,l<br />

In en riimini; to Centra! Ofciiil Clly<br />

for many years and owned the |i|'n,i-<br />

eriy at naia Ahiiury n\. ie! (Jet<br />

busy, neiMhbiiis, and send vour<br />

earns: lie will appreciate them<br />

Belford Lawless, <strong>of</strong> Millvillo. \ '.«-<br />

lied his father and mother. X'i.VJ<br />

llnme Mill!?<br />

Spaghetti Sauce Efys Pt,<br />

Willi I'lirli W W<br />

"I'lill I,in« Iliilliin (.fiuirii."<br />

• (••iiit> Mililr illiliiiil •»iui!«<br />


Ph. 135i lOJB almllNon Avr.<br />

Hi. Imilf Yfilmi TniftlNK Mnilim<br />

Phone 1515 - 1516<br />

115S Aibury Avenue<br />

jl<br />

Wes<br />

fath<br />

nn Sunday,<br />

Mr and Mrs Jnsi-ph Anunell. n'<br />

Mllivillo. and Mr. anil Mrs Ci.nl tr<br />

Irisiin nf Vineland, iiuru (lei'all<br />

lily visitors oil Sunday<br />

Two niulorisls WI.IT i-iu-fl ?;i i-a. ><br />

II Miinli'iniil Cilirl Mils "iik I".<br />

inlnlini; llii- stop ..treel nnilP..i.i '<br />

They wine lifted Iiv piilieo us Kei - -<br />

letb K. BaKzard. 2K. nf 1UR W.'t'n .'<br />

inn BV, Kiiniers Pnint. and Ad.iln I.<br />

'nmlmsiin. 27. nf Asbury av, near<br />

111 st . <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>.<br />

BUYING<br />


Why ten NUNTIR Gm<br />

You jlbn Saiiifaition than<br />

A*y Other Storm Winimt<br />

IKAUSI HIM fMna W1.J.W.<br />

VMHlMlM h A., Doll.d »M«I<br />

Iwllf ukmd i.inn<br />

Mt, SaUHd FMik<br />

liiUf Hpfnnl Elaii md SHIM Win<br />

(Mil d Mlili 1. f» r«* HMM ni<br />

Thuriday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 18, I960<br />


<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Girl Cmwm^l Queen<br />

Of Penn Inter-Fraymity Ball<br />

An <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> girl, Mi«» Betty<br />

Carl Bell, daughter <strong>of</strong> Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Robert K. Bell, SB E, Surf<br />

Id,, presided Fridhy nlMht over<br />

the annual Inter-Frolernity Ball<br />

at ihe University <strong>of</strong> Ponnsyl.<br />

Vania.<br />

Miss Bell was chosen queerA<strong>of</strong><br />

the ball, which is one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

mujor social events <strong>of</strong> the Uni-<br />

versity year.<br />

A mernber uf the Junior class,<br />

she was one <strong>of</strong> five finalists m<br />

the competition, for the honor.<br />

The selection was made by a<br />

vote <strong>of</strong> the student body She<br />

was the first co-ed la be elected<br />

in five years.<br />

Miss Bell was crowned queen<br />

at midnight by Miss America,<br />

MIKS Bebe Shopp. who was es-<br />

corted to the ball by John B,<br />

"Jack" Kelly. Jr , internation-<br />

ally known seulling champion<br />

and former <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> lifeguard.<br />

Besides the regal honors ue.<br />

corded her. site was presented<br />

with ii silver sii^ar and cream<br />

The resoil t;irl entered the<br />

University In Septamher iftef<br />

traniferfini from Steveni Col-<br />

loge. Mksouri, where ihe com-<br />

pleted her studies in June,<br />

Pocahontas to<br />

Have Square Dance<br />

Plans lnr a square tianci on April<br />

14 were made by NMmia Council.,<br />

Degree <strong>of</strong> Pocah,jntah Friday maiil<br />

Mrs. Emily Turni r wiis appuintci;<br />

ycQerai cnaiiTi.iin <strong>of</strong> the !\cp;l<br />

Grocery !J,I;C.O w.is an en'ertaifi =<br />

llii; feature i.| tiie r\ri.;i u Helresh.<br />

inenls weie wrul ill Uiiil) dceoraled<br />

tables Mrs Arelda Lloyd rceeivcii j<br />

the iittenoanee pri^e iihd Mrs. ,M |<br />

Jptl'ries 11,e nU'rc hardise ckib<br />

Tile nest mcelmy vill feiiUire r\<br />

F,{ Patrick piiftv wi!i: Mrs Ciirrie<br />

l)n-.iin. Mis. <strong>Mar</strong>y Hiaii. Mis <strong>Mar</strong>v<br />

Tn«lli.ei:tl. Mlf Mai! fil'Mlili and<br />

Mrs Bessie O.iskill in charge<br />

Bergen re-enliits<br />

in U, S. Air Force j<br />

T But Jolin J Beri'cii. flccan<br />

Cily. son <strong>of</strong> Mr. fJeoFHc ,f Beruen. '<br />

asiiih N ISIh si. Ph:lii.|el|ihiii, has<br />

j'ist rt=ciilisled for iin indefinite per-<br />

IIH.I in II,!• United HtHlt.:. Air Force. ;<br />

lil Germany !<br />

f } rior to his entry into the sprvu-e |<br />

in Mav 'D42 SKI BerKio was em-<br />

,loved l\ Ibe Public Horvico Inter- I<br />

.l.iie Tri iispoitati"!] CN riwiration, ,<br />

")!.!,,!! C'it>' He served on Ciuani ill |<br />

ih.- Mi,n,iunii Islands clyrlim the las,: i<br />

II.- is prosenlly assltili'd as Her-;<br />

i;i'iinl Minor <strong>of</strong> i'.e .'ililh Fighler-<br />

Hoir.her Winu ;iii mti-crit! ui,(t "\ ]<br />

ihi iii! Air Division {?«( Bereena :<br />

-,vHi- aid i%u! chilfiren are iiccom-j<br />

p-ihyint4 him in the coinmiiiid I<br />

1941 Chevrolet Sedan<br />

Good CondlMeD Bl«y Ternii<br />

IMS Chevrolet 4-Door<br />

Like new, FleelmuMr. Bf»utl-<br />

ful bl.ck finish, A r«l bmrsiln<br />

1947 Plymouth<br />

Special DeLuxe<br />

H..dli. and Htikr, Grfen flnlih,<br />

Prlcfd W sell.<br />

1941 Plymouth Z-Door<br />

Vrry rlrin. Must be sten to lie<br />

appreciated.<br />

1949 Chrysler Windsor<br />

4Door<br />

'liniil arliml miles Tan ran Save<br />

IRiili on Ihls ear.<br />

All I nrs liirrn Hriilpn (.uiiriiiii.f<br />

EDW. G. KURTZ<br />

I IIMI'ASV<br />

Al TMOIU/I 11 Klinil Mid<br />

Milt) I IIV HI Ml H<br />

lit * Atlantic, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

OjN.fi K\4.niiiif!4 lUiil *!l!i!la?<br />

Call O. C, M00<br />

K & S CLEANERS<br />


3210 ASBURY AVE, PHONE 2746<br />


5'4' or under?<br />

All-Occasion Suit<br />

...designed with ^ou in mind!<br />

nmoHTK n PAT<br />

H U NT 11<br />



far In*-BMnnMratlan. «»ll<br />

JOHN E, Md HOWAttlJ<br />

TROUT<br />

Beilitend Bollilrr.<br />

IBS) Artyry Aw, Ph. 1100 or tigs<br />

Thli wsndirful Wonled Shien<br />

beauty by Rsndeilt PeHtt followi<br />

your coniouri follhfully and ii<br />

pallemud lo fit exactly si you'vs<br />

oiwoyi wanttdl The psSnled Shawl<br />

collar, draped pltati al ihoulder<br />

and ilraight ikirl oil do thtlr part<br />

In rnoklna yau loaii illmmsr, Irimmer<br />

and better tulMd than aver b«(or..<br />

In a rainbow array <strong>of</strong> Sprinj<br />

eelBfij Petit* IIIM IMS,<br />

OP, 11 yau prifsf, in Orty ar Tan<br />

M«R'I Wear<br />


• Store <strong>of</strong> Style •<br />

WOODBINE, N, J.<br />

•.,5 ff «<br />

''4<br />

3 Ways to Save<br />

Money on Coifee<br />

Customers'<br />

Corner<br />

- hrt you compUtel)'<br />

MllttTied wlUi the meal dc-<br />

partmeiit In your A&P<br />

•tore?<br />

,We hope to, ha'ause<br />

we make every effort io<br />

|ive you s<br />

Top quality rnfeln B!<br />

low priiid, liaiUeil by<br />

our guarantee <strong>of</strong> "Sat'<br />

iefartion guarnntred or<br />

your money ciiecrlully<br />

refunded,' 1 *<br />

Prompt, efficient ami<br />

courteous service.<br />

Full weight on nccu-<br />

rale tcalel thai aru easy<br />

for you Io read.<br />

If we •hould ever fail<br />

you on any <strong>of</strong> these<br />

counti) please let ui know.<br />

Pleafe write!<br />

Cuilomtr RtlBtienl Dtpartnunt,<br />

ASP Food Stores<br />

420 Lexington Avenue<br />

New York 17, N. Y,<br />

•><br />

Whether you Jikt mUd, mfdjum or<br />

rtrong c<strong>of</strong>fM, there 1 ! • riea, foll-flm-<br />

TOrfd, thrifty A4P C<strong>of</strong>fee for you.<br />

And, PENNY FOR PENNY , . ,<br />




U.S. No.1 Yellow<br />

ONIONS 3'<br />

•LUCK VMBitlNI<br />

ISUNB I<br />









ONION SETS •SUM 1 3 m<br />

SEED POTATOES lll f!«!" <<br />

SEED POTATO ES k 0;^.;;,.-, f ,; j i r :;<br />

i STIINSUM<br />

JOIID<br />


MM1I<br />

Me<br />

~a, H-lt<br />

45t »l|. 111<br />

Top Quality—Grad« "A" N.w York Drtilfd<br />

Stewing i« •» * ibt,i<br />

CHICKENS lb If*<br />

BIADY FOR TNI PAN—1 te 4V, lt».<br />

Dressed & Drawn<br />

STEWCRS ib. 13 C<br />

BentlBis Rolled—Crosscut <strong>of</strong><br />


MISHER<br />

!b.<br />


SHORT RIBS <strong>of</strong> BEEF<br />

BREAST <strong>of</strong> LAMB<br />



lb<br />

FO1<br />


33c<br />

35c<br />

19c<br />


ii-sfyene U talking gbeut *fld injeying this ntw i<br />

foad delicacy ... total tdlortd lirgt iE» fresh jKrinp<br />

Iram Flsrids wflfefi* •<br />

IB<br />



3 ^<br />


BUTTER ,jmmm "urn* »•<br />

TOMATO SOUP > m MW<br />



CUT GREEN BEANS lc ""<br />

71c<br />

3<br />

25c<br />

69c<br />

2<br />

m ism<br />

s<br />

27c<br />

25c<br />

3N<br />

21c<br />

isflf<br />

• ri I W ITAItC WeiTH l.lb, 14S4«. l-n> SUCK<br />


CLEANSER "'w ^ mw ^m w Z*£S<br />



KEEBLER WHS 'X35c<br />

GOLDEN CORN mmm * "* IB 3 'a<br />

PINEAPPLE JUICE VU•& 2 r;: 69c<br />


FLOUR •"-Sisaaf" K34c<br />

IONA PORK & BEANS 3 'U 1 25c<br />

8th STREET ^ WEST AVE.<br />


wmtm MAIHKE niH.itt nauax, OCBAH OWT, m, t.<br />

•'-? w

-1.<br />

'•i i-v.<br />

ZjkJs<br />

ThuNdftF. <strong>Mar</strong>ch 18,<br />

~rv -•* .i^•• *"<br />

if', Ni-'A JtTM•>• v, ij] in- lii! : i=iii=i.[ 'i<br />

its l u r i i - s lii ft-p«- '"iii. ; K I J | J U V . ' . • ; ' •<br />

WUi 1 t M l l i - r f ' T i O<br />

A 1 1.rui Wi.r ii -.M.IIid bi-<br />

How to Solve<br />

<strong>On</strong>e Building Problem<br />

See Paie 14<br />

ti. iii.liiili' Hi'-<br />

%$:>£^JF^^^ ~ :r~n<br />

-i^r'r: ,.,-^;' ; .;;;'i> ; '--::" S ''-- u1 -'- Mortgage Money j<br />

,„ llu- hiill, !..• .....u lrr.1 ns.r lin, [ •••••.; MM l » - - ^ ' . . , , , ' :,, i.Mu,,., ..b^lod lu a yritr in- | | J '.'" ' ^ r . % f "u.ui l fiuJ,.: ,1 ,! • ! A L L K I N D S *<br />

'i-.v Ci>-'\- r i . . A C M L ;T-:,.U^ e l s e :•!='•. ,i im-JiM ., M !•>(.?! inisti-i- tfin = :': ' " ! • .'/;• .___, \ '-," ..' ',*•. . I* .• ,• /-• > .,. . • !• * o ^ e r t ^ , - ^ ^ A . . , - , H i i f l ;<br />

r C, <strong>of</strong> C, Asks<br />

Deeper Inlet<br />

935 Oct-an Avenue<br />


KABLER'S<br />

Poultry Farm,<br />




I'iiiiiir; Homers 1'uliii 734<br />

Bargaintown, N,<br />

1 DMii<br />

In (Itcan Lily<br />

I • :.., i ^ i - i n i .-fl li.f ;,.•,.! I.<br />

i •', i,.', C:u:-.li! I'liliiiit'i M"l.i.ifl.<br />

! "...I.,. ti"v -..„.! ..-..•!. !..••,!, • i d<br />

I • ,:,• L-fii.p- !;'• t t-..U- -iii' •!><br />

.*.,*-#: #,•#-«-# .<br />

i:sT/IHi.isifl;ii mis<br />


atfa «nd Pagan Avenue Phone 0160<br />

fon.inufd from Pagp 1 .,.,n •<br />

I *• (j I't!, ci fhr th.inm! u:iv hi= !,;;,.••.<br />

• •:. 1L! ,1-ui 14 li-t'l unly ii >.•;.• , j ,,,,.,-<br />

!.•;• h... I I'IT trmiuiillv «l.i.:il.NL ., .. ' ir..<br />

'In<br />

H.<br />

IS<br />


T«t, we intuM ill our work la be Ihf be*!. Madr pntciljle<br />

by the m»ny yttn af rxpfrltnce.<br />



Awnings Custom Made • Repaired - Hung<br />

Boat Work - Cushions - Curtains<br />

Phone 1606 for Prompt, Courteous Service<br />

Chic's Canvas Products, inc.<br />

123 Eighth Street, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />


SALE and RENTAL<br />


For 30 years I have been specializing in Renting,<br />

Sale* <strong>of</strong> Lett and Property, also Fire Insurance in this<br />

•action between 18th and 59th Streeti.<br />

I have a large number <strong>of</strong> prospects just waiting<br />

lor the type locations and price property and lots<br />

to suit their requirements,<br />

I have always been an independent Broker and<br />

have no way to get your lilting unless made direct<br />

with thii <strong>of</strong>fice,<br />

I respect your listing and will not circulate any<br />

ynne«Miary information unless you M desire. We<br />

have a large clientele and are constantly jelling and<br />

! nntuig property, so I do need your listing,<br />

Edgar F. Berger<br />

Real Estate and Insurance Broker<br />

mi-m 32nd and ASBURY AVENUE<br />


CAREY<br />

Real Estate • Insurance<br />

'Boardwalk at 15 th Street Phone 0178<br />

• FOR SALE •<br />



i IlvlBf room with flrtpluc, dining room S bedrnoms,<br />

III* Ms, modern kltclwn, den, cxlr* lavatory and stall<br />

-*•—•». ,OU h.l water Sml, tin deek, i.ear nni», Un.<br />

Thii proptrly Ii In cxcellEnt cqndliisn,<br />

»8,500<br />

lift . . .to<br />

BUY • RENT<br />

SELL<br />

kCH FRONT<br />

SITES<br />

M..r.i.,y V.<br />

i-|.,lll l;an<br />

i,,.l,ibh- r., ir l.,..ki U..:<br />

11 : , . ' V ;<br />

' " . ; . M ' , , " " : 'i.,' /..'•••,'i l i'.'-';,'r,~ A " ' \ !•• •^•'•••i -\<br />

Ciiii^ Mi'n 11 lirlu ti;;]^ ii'.f! : •• '' ' "<br />

fi-ill Ii.l- 83 piiir.lB A-.,, ii;..! .I,,,-: 1 . A;.l, »-_,.-1 I 1 I. "... .n. .' i,.:li < iu..-<br />

Gi-ri'iv nii-kiii in i,;wi In li^p.. = i !i...u,' .m.^ ( u-i, t ^ J . N ,ii ..i.ii, .,[;<br />

iiiily Buzz Hiiil nml Bill Hi-ilp: • IM"I .IIMI MI-HI Kiiin:,h,il in. ni.l.n<br />

niuinii luitliifM fur 11:0 S|,nrk« wii] "<br />

ia liiiiipf ,-mii r,,ii,iu(,] hy no!. Hi, 1 ,..:: l L'; i|! \.l!'.!'j .• 1 .'",':!.'!' !: '. 1 ' 1 ^ h i n * * h i<br />

i '1 i'l T. Mil'<br />

'I ^iiU'l l.'i.t M..i'l<br />

L'iri'f M.'.l'r't'.' .^.. i<br />

V, H j.'HKNi"ll<br />

F 'hf if.,- ^.n! t<br />

i Vi'Mr.i'!<br />

• ii'.: t l\U-i.<br />

1 :n tr> ti<br />

L Tr<br />

•i- i<br />

. M<br />

:.|'t<br />

i 1 - ! T<br />

t lit<br />

-iirlji<br />

;,I : ij;i'<br />

, ; • : ; i .<br />

Kurtz Bowlers Set<br />

Two New Records<br />

in S. J. Leaf ue<br />

Tli 1 Kurt/ Fi.rii hnu-litfL' ti-iini u f S.M-1<br />

flci-iu: I'll) c,i;ibll»i;i-.l IM ni'v. : *.i<br />

iii.i-li:i:i rifunh I. r Ihi Sumh<br />

Sh L<br />

11! |.M ASl.lMi<br />

IL 1 « ..11.-11 i-i j.li, n.<br />

"• 1.<br />

11;.•P.-II-<br />

• ••ii A I ; , I !<br />

li"l|i...in I I.i U S liiiilt--<br />

MI' '.*>• 1! ( II.irr, ii<br />

T-Ii<br />

.Jilsuj SMphuri' Luliuui; Mlilurtliiv ; ,. • .. :- • -<br />

InijJhl ii« i! win: :i 3-fviel(.ry u\i-r " ^ l h l 1 r-,-,, ,,,.„,,., s «;,nii,l Midi-<br />

Till' mil 2II4B<br />

fu. :i nisv t h H u ^ i i m p hi^h. i,iiinii ' nwin> fi i.-nii!. ih .1<br />

-ni mi- Miih lii'iiuiifur rii.ui-iB .III.I<br />

1>, ;.!;... !". i-.li^ imil S I _N j t >. iii llMiti.<br />

iiliil.' in Sli,.ii- M*-ni.iiiii! II..SPH..!<br />

inj/ ni\ i . 1 . ni Mini ..s<br />

Mrs \\illi;im l,.i.vt..n<br />


i-fnil.iil S.ili.ifiirii I)i iiiUiiM iHfini<br />

i'( nil iiu'iliiiii.l iiiiil i.u: f.uhi=r il<br />

•In-il Mill' M 1 : I!1W<br />

> iifi,| l!il>H i2 . . . .<br />

I.ii'i'jj In uui lu'iiil* ,! mrmui v is krii!<br />

or .. iiiiilii.nil nml fiiihi'i i , h.i". .j<br />

.1(1.1 sli.'ilj lll'lvr tin HIM.<br />

^:iin\ niiSs'-.i tH<br />

1...U .ini) t"In[tli-i'n<br />

Kiiiiik Siiniiinii piH'i'il ihf Kurt/i-'l'.«<br />

nllfn-lf wiih n »|)iirk!,m: liijj niiyri'- • — —<br />

eati' mi iiiiiiii'» iii 2iT-i»2.U4:i. ih,-; ••'•y-fc. i-iuni<br />

liisl mil' iihiii uivinu h i m «inu!i' Ui<br />

i - i i i n . I U ^iiliiiHiii- lii h.l iiii; nii ni-.r><br />

.,( uui iii'iini-ii s u n iinii iinilhi-r iihi<br />

ilii-il M.-in-h I), h u e .<br />

S.i ,,in- Kiiiiiu ilH' siii-ni hi'iiilrii-lii'ii<br />

•••: •• • >* .-. ^:.i ClIIII (Ilii,,. (I,,, iiiili. IIIBI i-iin ll'll<br />

T'l II Mill,. L? 1 • > Asluiii iii, IMiiiii. i ()! ill,- ,i!i,-I Ihili is In,i Hi- in sili-nii'<br />

if F.ii llii' i,iu- iu- Invcil sii wi-il<br />

"" • 'iiys ..I Hiii-hii' s u l i i-iinii' ii-'i u s<br />

:-.. Ii iiiiil Siinihu<br />

BlU'll nilli Ihf liili-. Hiili. iir|,._<br />

?!Hr«.i K.inini ||. Mi[|s ai;i Aslmry<br />

1rmi. K.in.ini ||.<br />

.. Oi-i.iin ('ill N J<br />






JohnV, Pontiere, jr.<br />

60S Shore Rd., Soraers Pt.<br />

Phonei S. P. S222<br />

••••»«»>•«•••<<br />

DAVE'S<br />




<strong>Mar</strong>mora, N. J,<br />

Every Wednesday<br />

TiSOP.M.<br />

Electrical Appliances<br />

FurnituM . Houiewarei<br />

Chinaw.re • Hardware<br />

Tool. . Clothing . UHIDI<br />

Blanket. . Floor Coverings<br />

Toy* . Candy . Ete.<br />

SAl.l: Nnria' rrfi IBIMUIIH'. B tu ft<br />

*w.s; I-hiri'iiri' iiil sjiiii't' huiiii'i §5<br />

i"-iili'fi' illnliiti nxini sulii'. 5;i3. %m<br />

TWO Ui'iliiinni. nil >i;iir iiiinijiilinv Iiiis<br />

ii. fitinislii'il. I,i,ru,i |,,i ?i|<br />

i. jKilii Anhiiry ;,v'.'" Piiuni' II<br />

.T-10<br />

SALE<br />

2 BEDROOM<br />

Unfurnished<br />

Dwelling<br />

With Automatic<br />

Oil Hot Water Heat<br />

$6,000<br />

% CASH<br />

Centrally Located<br />

Beautiful Condition<br />

No Telephone Calls<br />

SCOTT<br />


613 Eighth Street<br />

B<br />

w*. SOMERS POINT<br />



PARTY<br />

Friday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 17th<br />

• GREEN BEER •<br />



Lovely Virginia Maddonna<br />



G. I.'S<br />

$45,20<br />

Per Month<br />


HOME<br />

. <strong>On</strong>ly .<br />

$232.00 Cash<br />

Required<br />

SCOTT<br />


613 . 8th Street<br />

3131 . Phonss - 3132<br />

ii|"i<br />

I... .'<br />

i<br />

., i<br />

>.<br />

l.i<br />

I'*<br />

Ci.x<br />

I'lr!<br />

mat<br />

!'•••• v.<br />

a lit <<br />

iii.ly<br />

J.<br />

• SALE •<br />


' ;.•!•: '. i : . r , !.,.. •-! I - . . : I - I | - I :<br />

iii' 1 i 1. ''•!> I-! Ii: p l l i h l ' , L'i<br />

k ' 111 i i i l l . 1 'i- '••',, Ii- I. 1.<br />

! -i'i 'Ii (1. > . i i . - ' . \ ,iiii . a l - i i<br />

i ^1 i hiiii — ! .ii ^i- i Hi; i, MI ..ii.ii i i r i<br />

ii i.ililidi > i • iilli<br />

iiiiici P IIIIII ^ I n n :,, ill •iiim* .Hill "-.it<br />

f.ikl.i^t I iii.in In lii;- i ,'i iii .w illi h<br />

ill;. 1 n n : ! iii^ln d<br />

$13,750<br />

• SALE<br />


' L J - ! , i " i J 1 1 < < r 1 1 i i . i l . i i T i . | , i \<br />

•ly i'ipii|i|n-il i 1. rii kiu-lii )<br />

i- u a - i h i ' iiiiil Imilt-iii i',-ii<br />

1M : , ' i! l i " : i ! . i ! H u ! : . ! ' - i l . a -;i-<br />

l i i a t i c I ' l i i l i i ' I I., v i i' : .i •• i<br />

I " I'lin. l"'l". : n h I- i r u M<br />

s5500<br />

'ii'il. ii'ilil'iirii'il<br />

it. Iniu'. ciiulcr<br />

'•'!• |..i liii x (io.<br />

Miirkyanl piitiij.<br />

ill. £:ir.'M' llriiii'r<br />

i iiiiMh-rii kiu hi'n.<br />

M iVt.,.,.-.alw.<br />

l'i' !"• i "II ".'.ii''<br />

Captain Stretch<br />

i Back From Far East;<br />

Enters Hospital<br />

iS-56 ii- ii»' fv;"; 1 .."" 1 '": 1<br />

Tin- I'VI'I-.IUB'S iiriitnii'i iiai ii riir-<br />

rii'uhiiii siiiMy tin- Mil'lcrt 1 :>••: 11 •<br />

urithnii'ln- DiiilK-l f l m h n m . sinit.r-<br />

Win tl:. I Uill'll.li'lit i.f H'hu.,1,. Mrs M C'il.<br />

• "I l.'i |i,'i'. , iH'lli iiilci Mrs C t'hmiel led 1 in-<br />

"! iinj,tii\i'= dixii'.j.ifin A i[iM'siii.ii prl'icid ffiU<br />

I'l-M'i!. i'llii :i I'I llii H U B siliiwii<br />

•'ii'il l.iii'l I", v. iiB iiMiiniii-.ri-tl t lint Ihcri' siill<br />

ill'ill Ii• 1= M ; ill' i! hiii'li K'iiiriilinil nict'illik<br />

i rtHii^flav iu-xt wi'i'k. b r m n n i n y iit<br />

i H I fi |i in ill Ihi' liiillicMH' Mli'tic'i'<br />

;0MEKS l 1 f)lNi' Tl'" Alinr ami , rui.n • Iiriuis :iv. si'linnl M'I.S<br />

arj- fi'., :• H "I Si ,1,.,,-,.h-, H (' li.nmiiii liiiilfii'V M-liiHij iiurM' will<br />

hrch ».il H I M . - " I .. 'l.-.-i ri .-..I.: ' iinsnif<br />

nyM.ii- 1 - '.'I "i I i' ii' ii- iii-I M..-.. f;r:i.-i- l.ii'.iliiiii 1 , t in .1 M i - lji:«i' ' 'I In- m l h ;'.i';iiii- inn'.hi'i'f n-r\i-d<br />

Tg^'li i' i> -l.'s'.-^ ri-t i« '.^hn ii-l: !y<br />

POIN'T—Captiiiii Hubert<br />

Hlrt'lrh. IIKA, hns returned to ill<br />

l'i lii'tl Kliiits iritni the Fur East and<br />

is new ;t piilunl lit Waltor Reuri<br />

Mti.'pliitl. Wiishinijiun. D.C.. for treyU<br />

nit 111 fIMri ;l spiiiiil opcryliiin<br />

CiipUun SireH'ii was ser\'ing a?<br />

p..Mill niiipt'ctrir <strong>of</strong> Fur Etts' Air<br />

FiTi i'.... cn\'er]n^ Japan. Guam at. !<br />

Miii.iiB. anti wys on an inspection<br />

iri). to Gu.Ltiii siiien he was afflicted<br />

will: H t't'L'tirft'netj uf a back injury<br />

r.-ft'ived In Iceland during tile war.<br />

(if \* iis c.ntined to Tokytj General<br />

linspiHtl itir trt'atinent before bemrf<br />

Miswii i.,at_k tu thtj Hutted.<br />

COLEMAN E. HARRE Landscape Gardener<br />

Lawns Maintained . Spring Bedding Plants<br />




Phone S844<br />

Kiwanis Club Sees<br />

Telephone Co. Film<br />

'HOMBns POINT ~ .1 Edward<br />

Ji.hiisoti, <strong>of</strong> Miiunt Holly, a repre-<br />

?.rnlativr nf t In t New jersey Boll<br />

Tt'lephtme Company, showed the Ki.<br />

wiillix Club at Ihe Ooif Club Tues.<br />

fliiv evennig a nitilioii picture, en-<br />

tiiiid ncht'iirsa! '. having in do wiih<br />

til..- cnhii.iaiiys Monday night radi3<br />

I'resiMt.nt Russell Hay announcetl<br />

Ihiii ni'^t week's meeting will b'j<br />

With lilt' Alisf.rnn Club, in Somers<br />

pi>in\ Ht'\ Alwnnti Smith, nf Hi,l><br />

Triniiy Luliirrati Church. Wiltlwoiid<br />

will l,f thr- speaker<br />

Eiiii Seaman asked for volunteer"<br />

tor il;e blnyri bank.<br />

Il ts t stiiiiHit.ri thai the popula.<br />

linn ot India i« increasina at thr<br />

rale <strong>of</strong> about .1.000,0011 a year.<br />

Cabin Colony<br />

Threat Averted<br />

Liberalizing Building<br />

Code b Turned Down<br />

BOMERS POINT—An ordinance to<br />

amend the loninf law wai defe«te'i<br />

and •nother measgre propoilnf In<br />

riberaliM the building code was de-<br />

ferred until <strong>Mar</strong>eh 24, at the city<br />

council rn«tini Friday nl«Ht,<br />

The prdinance deleBted by a 4-3<br />

vote would have pefmltled cabiiM<br />

and motel* in certain bu»ineH »ej-<br />

tlons <strong>of</strong> Ihe city. Councilmen Adi-<br />

jizzi. Johnion, Mink and Smith vote')<br />

It down, while Councilmen Benner,<br />

Carty ind Hyde were favorable l'i<br />

adoption.<br />

A letter from the <strong>of</strong>ficial board* <strong>of</strong><br />

Bethany Methodlit and Oraet Lulh-<br />

enn churches objected to the build,<br />

ini <strong>of</strong> any more cabins in the city,<br />

ly the same 4-3 vote the eouncfi<br />

held over for further consideration<br />

an ordinance litUni some restriction,!<br />

•9 to the site and cubic foot eon.<br />

tents <strong>of</strong> new buildings. The sam:<br />

voting line-up prevailed.<br />

The enuncll majority expressed<br />

the fear that frequent "tinfcerinH<br />

with the innina and building law,<br />

would eventually destroy their pro.<br />

tective value and endanger orderly<br />

city development<br />

Masonic Club Hears<br />

Address on<br />

Religious Unity<br />

HOMERS POINT —Letm Lewkfi-<br />

wit'g chairman <strong>of</strong> entertainmeni<br />

ctimmittee <strong>of</strong> M Karai Club <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mar</strong>-<br />

gale, addressed the Masonic Club<br />

Monday evening a\ Mac's Restauranl<br />

on "Ulilly <strong>of</strong> All Heliiilsns".<br />

The speaker was introduced hy<br />

Benjamin Weintrolh, director <strong>of</strong> the<br />

National League <strong>of</strong> Masfinic Clubs <strong>of</strong><br />

New Jersey<br />

OuesW included Paul Bower, ex.<br />

eciitlvc director <strong>of</strong> the National<br />

Leatjue: George Baker, first deputy<br />

Pieaident <strong>of</strong> tlic Nnw Jersey Stai.j<br />

League; Frederick Kaniing. third na-<br />

tional vice president <strong>of</strong> Masonic<br />

Clubs and third depuly vice presi-<br />

dent <strong>of</strong> the Now Jersey League,<br />

The next meeting. April 10, will<br />

Be a suna and ciauBhtera night.<br />

Somers Point Girl<br />

Rutgers Disc Jockey<br />

Miss Pat Ryan, riiiimiiti'f <strong>of</strong> Mr<br />

and Mrs Genrgp_ Ryan, Jr. <strong>of</strong> IB<br />

E Meyran av . Boniers Pmnt. is a<br />

cfisr jockey at WRSU. campus ratlin<br />

station at RutEcrs, Iht State Uni-<br />

The' New Jersey CnlleUe fur Wn-<br />

iner- Sophomore is also nn Iht' pro-<br />

flut'tioii slad. in addition to Ijeiuj4 nn<br />

I lit. AthletH' Assticiidinii Bnard mill<br />

PsychninMy Cluii.<br />

Miss Ryan wii. maduatiHi frmn<br />

OreaH <strong>City</strong> Ilmh Sihool. w liere she<br />

u'ork'vd 1)11 ihe schniil paiier itiid w,i',<br />

(1 niemher nf the Hlee Club<br />

House on Fire As Family <strong>of</strong>11<br />

Watches TVs Then Lights Go Out<br />

6OMER8 POINT—Most <strong>of</strong> the 11<br />

i-hildfen <strong>of</strong> Mr. and Mrs. Thomas<br />

Sullivan were gathered in their<br />

living room at 748 1st it. watching<br />

a television show Friday night.<br />

Suddenly the lights went out, and<br />

the Suliivans. looking out a window,<br />

noticed an autiimobiie stopped on<br />

the Vtrt'et outside<br />

invt'SligalinK tn delt-imine why lh,?<br />

lights went t.ut. tint' ti! Hie couple ,<br />

tlauglilers went u;istairs in wake Mr.<br />

Huliivaii. wild was asitep in a bet.U<br />

room * They soon lyutid thai thj<br />

attlt-. or third Hour, wa:; filied with<br />

smukf.<br />

The car outside wan that <strong>of</strong> Edgar<br />

Ctmijver, who had slopped when he<br />

saw the smoke in the air. hut<br />

couldn't determine exactly where it<br />

oriArftated. Conover. Chief <strong>of</strong> Fire<br />

Company. No. 2. turned in the alarm.<br />

By the time both Semen Point<br />

lire' companies arrived the smoke<br />

was billowing put <strong>of</strong> the Sullivan<br />

atflc in iuch clouds that much <strong>of</strong><br />

central Someri Point wM thick wlttl<br />

Directed by Chief <strong>Mar</strong>k Laahley,<br />

the firement fought the flre 48 min-<br />

ulis before htey bruutht it under<br />

control, and they remained on the<br />

jut) more than an hour.<br />

(Jhit'i Lashley said the lire started<br />

in the nltic, but the en use was un-<br />

determined. The attic was gutted,<br />

but the firemen were able to pre.<br />

vent flames eatinir through the ro<strong>of</strong>.<br />

Some damage was done by water on<br />

the lower floors, but the family was<br />

able to remain in the house.<br />

The loss was estimated at more<br />

than IZ.IKiO. Mr. Sullivan operates<br />

a taxi service in the Point, The<br />

hiiine recently had been redecorated.<br />

Sea slugs are eutmhl by hand<br />

speared for market.<br />

Legion Minstrels<br />

Score Great Hit<br />

SOMERS POINT—The si'Cund an-<br />

nual rnirisiri'l show Kivcn i-'.v the<br />

AmeriL'an Li-awn Clark.Eliasun Pn«l<br />

nnd Ladies' Auxiliary tcorud Ji IJ1I4<br />

hit at the twu iierfurniiinci'S. Tiiiiis-<br />

diiy and Fridiiy evuniii^fi. last V.I:MK<br />

in Ilif Dywis av. iiudiiunum<br />

Tlii' four end men. Bill Vulh. Nur-<br />

Hiiin Riiwiand. Slienmin Winsluw- uiui<br />

Piirker Muifgrd. ki'pt lhn nuditMirv<br />

iauchiriB iinil apiiluudmi; with jcilivs<br />

'^kitj, and song.H.<br />

Vielii and Rowland, liiessi.d in nlii-<br />

fiisliinnrd ijaihine sun?', liri'si'lili'd c<br />

hilarious_skit. whili^ 111*- t hfjrus s;*11^<br />

'<strong>On</strong> the Boardwalk in AtluntiL <strong>City</strong>' 1<br />

Winsltw sanK "Swii't Oi'firlilij<br />

Brown", MulfnrH inhdr a hit WIIII,<br />

rrm - mi imaginary girl with "Fiv-'<br />

Feet Two. With Eves nf Bliii' and<br />

Rowland was lively with "Tnotsl'j<br />

Wootsie"<br />

llelcn Ncill. nnnilif Mivllurk Ut-H ;<br />

Wlilnrri Turner were aivi-it nvatiiili<br />

fnr ihr.ir wilns • ;<br />

Clem StrVDnv, inlerlni'uKir, K"l n ;<br />

tnii iiiilld. I<br />

Miss Mnrjiarr! Jnliiison, nf tin- I<br />

Miiriiiill't johnsi.n Srhmil <strong>of</strong> rjuliri!<br />

Htid Dramii, CJcian <strong>City</strong>, iiilriiflui i«i !<br />

her dpnc€?rs, Joan Payne wl:u dif^ ,i |<br />

Iiil) numht-r: Sis Canmzara. iiiTii.<br />

hntif, and Emily Wi'stcntt. tiif riiiiii-u i<br />

nUirr iirTfnrnH'i'h inrluHrd a srs= i<br />

let nf iHM-nrdirmists uniiri- tiiu ihrt";'t<br />

iiiin fif Prnf Hnhntorf Riisvi'<br />

Tin' show w»f unHfr Hip diri'itinn<br />

cf Williiiii! Victh and Parker Mill- j<br />

fiirri Rmmii Riiusrti was piani"! |<br />

Jiillii Huiiilner^ was Cf._iiniiiui nf<br />

dm-nTUtions. [<br />

! Baptists to See<br />

; Mission Work Slides<br />

• HOMERS POINT—Instead' <strong>of</strong> the<br />

loini- sciieduled for Sunday evening<br />

al iht' First Baptist Church, as in-<br />

liniir.ieri on tiiday's church page. Rev.<br />

Hnmer Stiinley Mnriian. president nf<br />

ine Christidil Missltin to Ciiurchless<br />

Coiilmiinlties will be a guest Sun-<br />

i\a\ I'M'tiilia and will show colored<br />

' .lilies tif the work being done by<br />

liir mission. He will have charge <strong>of</strong><br />

tlr- entire service.<br />

The mission works in communities<br />

>tlit-rt> there are nn churches, and<br />

iiruaiiiies churches.<br />

HOBBY < 1,11 NEWS<br />

SOMERS POINT - The Hubby<br />

rlub tif ihe Ladies Auxiliary <strong>of</strong><br />

Rohi-rts.Jnhiison Post, VF.W.. met<br />

at t!;e home <strong>of</strong> Mrs. <strong>Mar</strong>tha Arehi-<br />

tsald. nn W PiiTStin av , Wednesday,<br />

last week, and enjoyed lunch, fol-<br />

lo»cfl by an afternoon <strong>of</strong> sewinji.<br />

Tin- rmitt meeting is scheduled for<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch 22. at the home <strong>of</strong> Mrs.<br />

Di'Mr, Glhhs av.<br />

How to Solve<br />

<strong>On</strong>e Building Problem<br />

See 14<br />

The List Is Growing,.,<br />

Is YOUR Name<br />

<strong>On</strong>ce Each Year, The Sentinel-Ledger Issues an Edition<br />

That Goes to Every Property Owner and to Thousands<br />

<strong>of</strong> Prospective All-Year Residents and Summer Visitors<br />

Spring Edition Copy Has Been<br />

Received From the Following;<br />

Alili.ilK llnli i,<br />

All illls, IlllU.lKl<br />

Albllmss. Hit<br />

Al III Viiin Sltt'P<br />

Allrn. Willtt I<br />

Ah i Ii Mi,Hi<br />

Ami,, , >!;iil.rl<br />

Antlrra\ ,\ll;uil» Mat<br />

AlltlrriiS lljirtln'SHini;<br />

Anna >Iae, TIH-<br />

Asbinv tlranrrs<br />

Atlaitllt Illy I lit Hit ( •><br />

AlUnlir (Iiv H:tct- ('"III"<br />

II A I HtfrietrMloii !-'""<br />

lUltrll. I.enH I<br />

Beut'i-. KIIK;II I<br />

Brrli'-r l.iinil't'r<br />

Rrrksliirr. Ihr<br />

Btrls Itni'li Srrvicr<br />

Rills I!"11 Utilise<br />

Bisfai up. HI>IPI<br />

Rhi. mil l.tidKe<br />

Biil>\ AmiM-o Stal- Av""-<br />

(i-rnili Ileuulv Shop]"<br />

( h.iHui lljuri I l"Mi<br />

(lirlsrj rilli- »"tl (luiiiMiil<br />

i:iili s Crnivn Prntlurls<br />

Chrh<br />

('hrlx Sprrtir Sraftjod '<br />

I in islmn ^.t n-nft<br />

tUirt-N Itr.iulv Sln>l><br />

tlavvillr. llnbnl<br />

CtMAlal Ctiriif'rrU<br />

•'ollln^, .1. P. ( ti-<br />

tollins, Thr<br />

Colonial, llnlrl<br />

CommulvrH' Club<br />

t'tinltMi'^ Sons. I.- H<br />

ran<br />

Cornman,<br />

niHirt'H Xll'M "<br />

Bepuly, KduHrd<br />

DtHflla.riymbuUi, Hlciiin<br />

Oibb, lurry<br />

DIHiiriioii, Ollviir<br />

Diiit DillMlaweii<br />

OlOrlnii Caff<br />

Botrr 1 !! Hardware<br />

Dnrlii, Thr<br />

0»rwy, Win,<br />

»»y|l«» CJiiidv<br />

Drentl Arms<br />

.••II. «, Cilibirl<br />

I-if.<br />

I Uiia's l>riifiilfi.sf ii anil Sluwe's<br />

S, i|,,i,|| lljrktl<br />

I'tlilv, K. S,<br />

I ,l,i, 11,11<br />

I -lil,;i,h Wiiltrr<br />

KID Bti.irdwalk—Kashiiilis<br />

Kautl. t. I 1 ,<br />

.'.nih Ntrrei ripr<br />

I itikhelner, ( lii».<br />

Kljniirm. TUP<br />

I hnders ISiiraiie<br />

I t..mr, l.fluise M<br />

I-ranklln. Thf<br />

Freda ll.nln-r fihuii<br />

Ireoihs iirms »<br />

Krrinai. The<br />

I nn lierk<br />

fiirden IJruj<br />

(•ilsklll.JM', I .<br />

fSfiirllsii, Thf<br />


8 SENTINEL-LEDGER Tlmrsdi.y. MniTh 10, 1OSO<br />


SOMERi POINT-TlH' WiimerVi i K^iVv'^Tf 1ft "p"" SV^'I<br />

Republicon League will i-iilcrluin ;i> ] ]Ju "•i,lu,ui:1i" i.'v V 'M.MI<br />

o putalie card pnrly ThurMlay ,s. ' y..-.. '.vi = .!.•••< .n ! : i"i.L'i<br />

nmy, next *fik ul thr V*v YMIK *~'~ - ^ ^ - -- ;<br />

» ftrr'hall, Want la Hill? 1 u i ( I<br />

Prieei Reasonable<br />

Eitimates Free<br />





111? A.bury Avenue Phcne 2237<br />


— THEATRE —<br />

Somers Point, N. J.<br />

F R I D A Y . s A T I RJ1AY, M A R C H H i * —<br />



AI<br />

EW<br />

• • • maws'<br />

Sl'NDAV - .HONIIAV Muni, !'i JU<br />

Tel. 695<br />

" «W • MM Silfffi. n m m<br />

Will '• "-<br />


DMAS NflCHQl<br />

Tin All-tin* Comfdy Kayo from WARNER BROS,'<br />




Tl'ESDAV, Mjnh Jl<br />



•--"-T—<br />

urn BI i it \n RI riiiii.i: \M<br />


-milll per<br />

ALSO<br />


HOM<br />

ilililll _<br />

i T<br />

Duncan Ranaldo • Leo Cimllo<br />

as Cisco IS Pancho<br />

FRIDAY . SATIBDAV, <strong>Mar</strong>rh U • 23<br />

zTmmk scon<br />


IRCLE<br />


<strong>On</strong> I the Traffic Circle, Seiners Son Point N, J.I<br />

so LrxlMV TAX is si<br />



Pints 2,54 , Fifths 4,04<br />


Pints 2.55 Fifthi 4.04<br />


Pinto 2.31 Fiftlu 3.87<br />


PinU 2.50 Fifths 3.9S<br />

Available by the Caie, S% Discount<br />

ICE COLD BEER !!<br />


*Sands <strong>of</strong> Iwo f<br />

Here on Monday<br />

Romantic Drnma •<br />

for Week End •<br />

Id :. '• K- ,'.' K,<br />

•>*.'.,, :•-.'." ,!,..,.• It,<br />

•SHAFTO'S.<br />


1249 Aibury Avenue<br />

sow opts f:\mv II w<br />


iiii.ti<br />

( ht t^t' Oliirl* I in Hi.t<br />

llri f ".uidii h li<br />

Illiilliil ll'i.. I I'll<br />

Imliiiilu.ll HIT! I'if<br />

""'FULL COURSE<br />


I'rlmi- Kills ill Hi-i-r, Turkci.<br />

Biikid Hum ur<br />

Half ^uufhrrn I pied ( hirki'n<br />

Mmlii<br />

*!!;MII timrit'i iif llul lurt<br />

Tiir^iliis —<br />

^nihi ii-h<br />

( hiimti'd Mlnulr slcik<br />

u iih i 1 h'd Oiiiium<br />

iiiiiiiml.il, .<br />

- (1.1 Kill-Hi .Hid Mfiil II.1I<br />

ur I ilrl gf I luimdrr<br />

llllVi'<br />

Tarawa nnd iwn .tirn.i. i.,iil siar!»<br />

(mm a <strong>Mar</strong>mt' IrninitiU iiini|> in NV.<br />

/.•iillimi in 1 B4,f<br />

Bi.-iiii'.i lhiiu-;inil« df iii'hirs. lh('<br />

Mnnhl (i.r l>i- iiu'luclmj: me Iliri-e<br />

. . I I - . i i . r > ' f I h i ' f i M > I ' : i ' l ' , , , - - l : , i - i l : :<br />

M S l l<br />

lVrdm»dat mill Thur.iim<br />

l,,r. , I H,,, : ,., . ' • ... l.i-l-<br />

•H.i, kl.IT : [ , [ r * l : l . :, >ll-l|<br />

. „,: I.,.I..;I,! r,> V . I U ' M I I Mi.yi, ;,<br />

. ;.,,. i t fi,.ri!..:. Mi.iji;:,'." In,<br />

t \ : . r K K. •:..• .-; n U i ••- ."'. V . v .<br />

!. •.11:. r-<br />

, !,.• • I,,i .', :ry.:.e !•• - I . ; M - .1<br />

Kiwanians Warned<br />

<strong>of</strong> School Increase<br />

I • K<br />

Resort Coast Guard<br />

Officers Promoted<br />

Summer Resident's<br />

Ankles Broken in Fall<br />

illHt ci- (InHi' I.i yi<br />

r Ijniuifl imlil .'.<br />

i! ,.! ,li.|ll!«l,ii|<br />

OPENINC Thursday. Man h 30<br />

johnstone's<br />

tf\>y\<<br />

8i8 Asbur<br />


EASTER<br />



Through Our<br />

'• • Delicious<br />

Creamy<br />

Fresh Butter<br />

EASTER<br />

\^;..U ll.i" ! (M liilur (till v. l.i-l I," v-U\ I "<br />

|,|,.,ll-. i.f ll.i' Si.V.lil-'i", I',,II I--.- '. „ I..I li.l !!•• .i-i.l.'I'i .•L..'.,li|!,.<br />

,li li,.Ij il. ll.i.. :, I".;. .',.-! p,I. Ali'l'.i li |.,i'l,il,t I.mi u 1 .'<br />

'Ii,M N,.\h ,!•-»-..•:. I',.II l> ., Wii-kl. I,, ..j.t rr.ii, H,,. I,.,;, ••--.• I hi'U 1-<br />

,,';, i T ' . ' ••••. i . . i i ' ,i M I K ••• r ' , , ' . ' . , , . l i , \ i . K i M i n ,<br />

f I-I I'M l . . ' . i . . . ' ( ' . I . I . I' : ... V. .t, ',...,11'! iV. ,ii.,.-, . ,<br />

lfe\ ; \\\i L->><br />

<br />

-u--<br />

0<br />

k if<br />

^hen you Shop Aggressive's Store and<br />

Factory you Shop the World.''<br />

Wherever smnrt women gather • whether on r-ifth<br />

Avsriue or the Champs Elysee , . . Aqgressive's<br />

"ompiii ,ind children's clothes lire the choice <strong>of</strong><br />

the better dressed . , . , the npirnmn <strong>of</strong> Bleqanee<br />

for less than elsewhere , .<br />

ONLY<br />

$798<br />

DOWN<br />

for a new I'ISII PiiiUnl IUKIII<br />

•MS-HI'. Yi-p.i«i'ii(Ji l r (:l»h Si'iliili.<br />

(While siil,u,ill litrt jiininu.il,,il<br />

extra toil.)<br />

PrttB includsf: l-'urv-ii.ui-ari ifirui;-<br />

lion KignalN, iluiifit dock .ind<br />

cigarutftf lighiur, lUHumiitii-.trunk<br />

and coiiric-S)' \\£\m, feniut shitlih<br />

, , . nnd inahj- oilier extras.<br />

Alh?r,itioni .ire (-"REIi.<br />

w * COATCO..INC.<br />

Hammonlon, N. J.<br />

III.,,, .in,I lii.l.iil Store LfKnlfil .1)<br />

WASiilNGrUN bTRiET . Phnnp 9O(i<br />


rii'fiire you buy uuy new car-com-<br />

ji.iri! the ilown piiymvnt (anil what<br />

Beach Peddling<br />

Ban Again Voted<br />

it ini'ludi'Si wiih the fiiCts uiul fig-<br />

urt's you sm in this P,uk,iril ml!<br />

You'll li.inl ihiit Packard ownurshlp<br />

is just an e,ny vxtni step over the<br />

lij-htiyluiili "Inwur-priccil" cafs.<br />

Then take n 1910 Packard out on<br />

thi- foBii-any roiul! Find out first<br />

hand how much more car you ran<br />

gut tor such a little mo.re inpney!<br />

Hart's dli.inctlve beauty . . , hacked<br />

by tun hmiy Ions at roadweight.<br />

I inn. Hn- .Sliili- SrhUfr lf> ii 14 In *J<br />

11 ,<br />

'.'M-i-r- _•*'••<br />

The New Jersey Poll<br />

N. J, Closely Divided As to<br />

Legalized Mercy Killings<br />

I ' I'l<br />

d Vtir tiiiTt-v killinjj<br />

.W.-v. J i l l , I-,,,I<br />

|,iitl.-lr ..I ,!- «.,••••<br />

iii.ri. u l i , I I I: •••<br />

fli,.ili-i bill M i l -<br />

| ( , ' n ' I V H " !•'••-<br />

,,, ' 1<br />

| ,, I '• . I,<br />

llllllll M-lllllll<br />

killing SI II<br />

Sit u|tliiii)ii I -I<br />

•|'I-.I. S.ll.!,.r .;.-•• IL N . ' W I<br />

• I n n - iliil Mi' 1 Cii...l I*-:< Ji; 1.1 i-.<br />

C,,l i:, , l.iill l.ir,,. lil'.in.lli-ii<br />

,|,I ,-,.,'. iii i il> l.-li i-l II-.• III'-<br />

County Deeds State<br />

Right <strong>of</strong> Way<br />

P . i l l i n n - i.l |,r'i|.i-llv hi-.il- "<br />

, ,.I,I.;;. ! iri-i li. In' ii-i-il .i- jMi-l<br />

' r h i . i m i r - h i i . . . M ' . ' I i i i r i f . i i V m i<br />

, r i , . v:. M I n " , iii l i ' i l - . r ' , . n i | i i . ; , . , i ;<br />

ur H-...I.I1I<<br />

Hani Ig Sell? THP a Ciasilflpil<br />

ill<br />

Here's spectacular perfermoncB<br />

(with amazing thrift) from a pre-<br />

cisionhiiilt striiight-uight enjiine.<br />

Here's amaijng durability thnt p;ivs<br />

<strong>of</strong>f in lastingly low upkeep costs. Of<br />

all thu Piickanis built, In the last<br />

50 years, over We nrestil! in iff vice! 1<br />

THI <strong>1950</strong><br />


Com* In-lry i(! P«tli»rd Ullfamotit Drive! Aypilflbl. now, ol »Juttd ««tra MM, «" |« meisU el th. if 10 Partari Hn..<br />


12th Street and Aibury Aw,, Oe«m <strong>City</strong>, N, J.<br />

I<br />

Fights Rodia's<br />

Plea For Pardon<br />

Prosecutor Opposes<br />

Freeing Slayer<br />

inli-ii, i,iii-iil :,•••. 1.1--, '.*-*• ;,'..-• ,.. H,,''i,, 1,1,'. > N,-I II •-• til a lU i<br />

'"''"'''' . . i. • -...i-.- ,. ii It, i.' i- |,,,I.' •• MI. Ai.r.f. - 1,1,- "• '<br />

-.io-..'i,r,- mi:<br />

!*.,, E.i,l,,l i,. , A i ii.,, H-<br />

Special Announcement<br />

<strong>On</strong> or Before<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch 20th<br />





Nixi' 111 Mill I'HMINT I , | HHI hiliil \T<br />

With a Full <strong>Line</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />


We Will Have a Large Display <strong>of</strong><br />


And Suggest You<br />

O R D E R E A R L Y<br />

ni'l v t vl<br />




DOLLAR!<br />

NI obody enjoys paying taxes. Can't<br />

blame folks for thinking that pay<br />

envelopes would stretch further if tax<br />

collectors took a prolonged holiday.<br />

Yet, while griping about taxes is a<br />

time-honored American custom, most<br />

good citisens don't actually begrudge<br />

their contribution to the cost <strong>of</strong><br />

government—if their money is spent<br />

wisely and not too freely,<br />

Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Electric Company<br />

is in the iame boat, Reddy Kilowatt,<br />

your electric servant:, pays taxes, too.<br />

And Reddy Kilowatt did a bit <strong>of</strong><br />

•quirming when he shelled out<br />


share <strong>of</strong> taxes for 1949. That's art<br />

11.6% increase over the previous year.<br />

It figures to 20Ht out <strong>of</strong> every dollar<br />

you paid us for electric service in 1949.<br />

Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch IB, iflRO<br />


fur a riuiiibi'r nf older insuram-e A new ihatnpoe shade ^<br />

murdprs<br />

baliys hair washing more fun. If.i<br />

The liif ssnlfnic was imuospd mod hi h helps keep the uap sut <strong>of</strong> lo*<br />

ihe laic J t Palm*r l M WWay.<br />

Rriiiiy !r, nyw ti'd<br />

s<br />

luridler'g eyes and mouth. Th* »h»d»<br />

is avoilublt in clear pink, blue, ftU .<br />

Wml lo S#U? U»» « L'liulflHI<br />

Inn or green.<br />

Teen-agers usually ipeak thea minds, so<br />

enthusiaitic O,K,'i come qirickly when they<br />

drink Homo "A". Naturally delicious, thi*<br />

fine milk li even richer in flavor because<br />

homogenizing distributes the cream<br />

through every drop.<br />

Extra-nourishing, too, for Abbotts Homo<br />

"A" ii enriched with Sunshine Vitamin D<br />

to aid Nature In building strong bones and<br />

sound teeth for them.<br />


You can depend en Iff Purity<br />

because we pay our farmmn a<br />

Bonus for their ertro cleanly mtt.<br />

, TkiFlrjlLoborato<br />

and Southern N(H> Jfrlfjr<br />


llHDTTi PAIRHS, In. Phll.d.lphl., C..J..,<br />

Naturally, the |3,000»000 taxei<br />

we pay, make YOUR taxes less. The<br />

money we pay into local, county and<br />

state treasuries helps support schools,,<br />

social welfare, police and fire depart-<br />

ments, county agricultural agents and<br />

other worthwhile civic projects fat<br />

the folks in the more than 300 com-<br />

munities we serve.<br />

Yes. every citizen benefits from<br />

the local, county, state and federal<br />

taxes that Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Electric pays.<br />

And in spite <strong>of</strong> high taxes, Reddy<br />

Kilowatt serves you so efficiently<br />

and so economically that today you<br />

get twice as much electricity for your<br />

dollar as 20 years ago.<br />


VJ<br />

"I<br />

• #•&" ?»•

v*'<br />

_irdwall<br />

11 a. m.. •«<br />

NKSJ oBW<br />

Worker* 1<br />

Group<br />

won Meet;<br />

jClrele «f th«<br />

II wwnen preKnt answered<br />

III with a Scripture vene. bewltb<br />

the letter E. Devoin<br />

in charge <strong>of</strong> Mrs A.<br />

, and the meeting was cont<br />

hy Mist <strong>Mar</strong>y Murphy, presl-<br />

ict meeting will be on April<br />

mth Inn.<br />

Baptised<br />

i following infants and children<br />

Used by The Rev. A Lynn<br />

. at the Fint Methodist<br />

. Sunday morning-<br />

1 Pratt Dimon. son <strong>of</strong> Mr.<br />

Bruce P. Dimon, Barbara<br />

" Ann and Edward<br />

[e. children <strong>of</strong> Mr.<br />

Mvwn; ^nn.<br />

>rn<br />

jn wu ad-<br />

Ing at the<br />

I. 13><br />

after 29. 1MI,<br />

JM. Mcniel u<br />

Ruth Anne Fault<br />

MEET<br />

•tegwhood <strong>of</strong> SL John*<br />

nan Church, will meet tonight<br />

*3aV> W Ihe church MotTo*<br />

is <strong>of</strong> sports subjects will be<br />

i tgr Carl shaw<br />

— 7 ajn.; Saturdays,<br />

M: Mudn tJAuupfcL<br />

Mltul AUaaUa a*.<br />

- •• mm nil a.m.<br />

730 a. m.<br />

Sign"<br />

—frTBawa It<br />

1:15 a. m.—Prayer meeting tor all<br />

Sunday School teachers and <strong>of</strong>ficer*<br />

In the pastor s study<br />

«:« a. m. — Sunday School with<br />

friendly eland for every member <strong>of</strong><br />

S«r- the family. Ruuell Sutton, iuper-<br />

Intendent<br />

tl • m -''Worship Service Organftkt Richard Carroll Vocal noloU'.<br />

Bby Mr*. Lois Likens. Menage by Pastor<br />

Victor B Beattie<br />

630 p m.—Teen-Agera<br />

Ser-<br />

1 Christian<br />

Union Jot all young people<br />

' MS p m—Adult ChrUtUin Fellowship<br />

for all adults SpeaKer Frank<br />

Herb, Central av. School teacher<br />

730 p m—Gospel Service Con-<br />

Motional tong service Singing by<br />

Ke\Oirl*' Chorus Special musical<br />

mttnbers. Messa Message by Pastor Victor<br />

pwSy" |kanh<br />

P »fr Fellowship<br />

Mrs Leon<br />

-<strong>On</strong>r<br />

for Sdn-<br />

ever." (Isa<br />

School Board<br />

J Mr*. Dorolhv<br />

Bay av<br />

kanktt-r<br />

p m—Mid-week service <strong>of</strong><br />

prayer, praise and Bible study led<br />

DJTftwtttr Beattle He will present<br />

the third In a series <strong>of</strong> Bible studies<br />

on *The Cross in the Life <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Believer*.<br />

Ttmnflay. Manh i»—<br />

6 30 p m •—Cms' Chorus rehcsnal<br />

tad by Mn Likens.<br />

7 JO p. m. — The Bercan Sunday<br />

' »1 claaa will entertain the<br />

toccntric Class <strong>of</strong> Chelsea Ban-<br />

Church. Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, in the<br />

r auditorium<br />

man* M—<br />

7 p m.—Bible Club for all bojs<br />

and girh In the lower auditorium<br />

Bible stories, object lessons chorus<br />

singing, etc. led by Bill end Jean<br />

Lathe<br />

8at.rdar, Harth M—<br />

Pantor Beanie will speak st Ynutl<<br />

for Christ rally. <strong>Mar</strong>cui Hook Bap<br />

tlit Church. <strong>Mar</strong>cus Hook, Pa<br />

* • *<br />


7ia »t mM Wesley av.'<br />

Tste Gwfltl»49ratcrcd Mid<br />

UtmHtuJffMhideA Chiron<br />

l*r. Oi«H« riseker, Th.D. raator<br />

9:13 a. «TL—Prayer meeting <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Sunday Sdhool teachers and <strong>of</strong>ficer?<br />

In the onorf room<br />

9M »: sn.—The Church at Study<br />

TMt<br />

51-*, Heb 12 1-2<br />

Cfcusei "for all ages<br />

I.,,><br />

% . . .<br />

u<br />


M» ta<br />

„<br />

CORSON<br />


•Mtor<br />


I- . •<br />

• V /,<br />


Phono 0130<br />

mm BARRETT<br />

.Printing . Siatlonenr<br />

•07 A*bury Av.<br />


WlhSt.ad'Walfc<br />


Meal Estate • Insurance<br />

1315 Acbury Av. Phone 0060<br />



01 Avbmy Av. (•!»«,, 0300<br />

1X1} »' '" ", ' J • •<br />


Some folki think that tht first day o! reaping<br />

begins the harvest.<br />

Bttt the farmer knowi that the real beginning<br />

el the harvest it the first day <strong>of</strong> plowing, Furrowi<br />

come before fields <strong>of</strong> golden grain. Without the<br />

labors <strong>of</strong> Sprfaig there can be no •heaves In the Fall,<br />

The Greatest Teacher taught that. He said<br />

Hii Truth was like seed ... some <strong>of</strong> it might fall<br />

on poor ground and die ,., but when it was sown<br />

in rich, well-plowed soil it would bring a fruitful<br />

harvest.<br />

Every Sunday our Churches plow deep furrows<br />

in the good soil <strong>of</strong> humanity , . , so that<br />

God's Truth cm take root and grow ... so that<br />

the world may realize its long-cherished hope,<br />

a harvest <strong>of</strong> peace and goodwill,<br />

But remember, the harvest begins with the<br />

plowing. Worship God in Church next Sunday I<br />

f.<br />

MM<br />

Tim Seriea h Being PuMuhmd Und erthe Sponsorship <strong>of</strong> the Followi trig:<br />


Beal Istata<br />

4801 Central Av, Phone 0014<br />


Real Eitale - Insuruce<br />

219 A«bury Av. Phone 2193<br />


PalnU - eappllci<br />

721 Aabury Av, Phone 0499<br />


Realtor • Iaursr<br />

Ml Eighth St. Phone 1233<br />


Bcaltor . Inmrsr<br />

S01 Eighth St Phone 1360<br />


Quality BUM* ISM<br />

326 Atlantic Ave. Phone 0147<br />


Scafwa<br />

1155 Aabury Av. Phone ISIS<br />


EegMere* BnlMer<br />

2124 Aabury Av. Phone 2550-R<br />

^S^^l^^^^^^^^^W<br />

-j-aaL-.i— ..J-J-^J<br />


enth St. Phon, 0423<br />

JOHN PELTOCO,, he<br />

12S6 A.bury Av. Ph^g 0988<br />


717 Plymouth PI, PhBBe8879<br />

G J. MOYER<br />

BeilateRd Balidcr<br />

Phoae 2S21<br />

Phoa, 1300<br />

OCEAN CtTY<br />


HIS Stmpion Av. Ph<br />

°CEAN CITY<br />

, i<br />

*f»«,i<br />


DtSolo . FlynMlh<br />

9th St. ud Bay Av. Phone 1182<br />



W«t AV, at 10th St. PhotM 00S4<br />

VOSSAGENCY-iaHl»M.Vois<br />

VO g<br />

ftSt. Phone 0044<br />

0 HEATING<br />

^ OB ' COMPANY<br />

Av. Ph«w04I3<br />

v - Pbati* 1260<br />


1 W "* ** Phon. 100<br />


Keaw ieiid Me • Brief Degeriptien <strong>of</strong><br />

AUantig Oily Eieelrie Cgmpitny Common Stoek,<br />

AMreis<br />

I<br />

Everyone Needs<br />

Insurance<br />

"The Friendly Bank"<br />


Conault Your Own Insurance Agent<br />

Now for Adequate I'roltrllon.<br />



Call at our bank and Ulk over Ihe<br />

. detail! ef the loan netded. it't •<br />

atrl«Uy oonDienllal. pr.mpl, ami above<br />

all. friendly service.<br />



The National Bank<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

MEMBER<br />



Rotary Club Has<br />

'Bank Night'<br />

<strong>On</strong>e Banker Speaks,<br />

Another It Inducted<br />

i»>,fetef. and •* 'rA)^tetoi*il^<br />

sai larvt T —T" " ^ ^ ^ ;<br />

ajraa today ai<br />

Iruuranca company repwxutanvt;<br />

were* JO year* ago. i. Tb»pei w at<br />

were inducted by Put rtwldent Edrural<br />

" Tjiia exieniic txtenflon la about com<br />

[.Electrified<br />

Is Christianity's<br />

added. Future programs<br />

Rcaaldant J<strong>of</strong>fph Talese lead ex-<br />

Will 'b« loiitend "th«"uaa'oi"ele~c<br />

trtctt from a letter written by Ro-<br />

trtcily by those who are not utiliztarlan<br />

C Vr Pitt, who U convales- Motive Power<br />

ing It fully.<br />

cing In Florida from • recent heott<br />

Within 20<br />

Mr. Whuhed said he assists farm-<br />

attack. Mr, Pitt thanked the club<br />

era with such proiecta as dairy and<br />

for. a "get well" card, signed by all<br />

Tfffl nptd Jsod i*m«rksbl«<br />

x<br />

tyrn nw cent ol th«M(aniw ppultry home ventilation, mow cur It was "Bank Night" for the Ro- ut tho r(lembers<br />

growth <strong>of</strong> early Chruttlanlty li<br />

irea served by the Atlantic [fig <strong>of</strong> hay, automatic chicken feed-<br />

jirlc ea s Co. now y hjye Atantic<br />

tary Club at Plymouth Inn, Friday Ouests were Introduc^d<br />

by Georgs •utnthed up In th« brUt, eonc«o-<br />

irlc<br />

elcctri" iff, dairy gutter cleaning, electric<br />

iht Co. rl'M now hjye elcctri"<br />

evening<br />

W Lambert<br />

trttoJ lUtement lo Actl 10:20,<br />

.it bed soil ttcrilhcera and clcctrk-<br />

d light fervlce.'M O. Whltradiant floor brooding <strong>of</strong> chicks. A large part <strong>of</strong> the "top brass" 0<br />

"Mightily Brew the word <strong>of</strong> the<br />

The National Bunk <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Lord, and prevailed."<br />

an addrend to the Court<br />

was present<br />

wanla Club.<br />

Want to BwapY Try a Claulfle*<br />

Electric Co. at There-li the secret <strong>of</strong> tbt mo-<br />

Lemuel 11 Hires, cashier and astlva<br />

power ol early Christianity,<br />

sistant vice president wa« one ol<br />

and for that matter <strong>of</strong> Christian-<br />

two now Rotary members who were<br />

inducted<br />

All-Time High ity avei since, wherever and when-<br />


ever It hai displayed phenomenal<br />

Hardock's Typewriter Co. The sneaker wa» Charles Munich . Revenue, Earnings effectiveness and growth.<br />

the banlcs BHistaht vice preiident Set New Record<br />

Them aarly Christians were re-<br />

Authorised Agent for<br />

Bruce p. Dimon, executive viee<br />

sponsive to the word <strong>of</strong> God. A<br />

preiident ind a director, wai i Revenue and earnings <strong>of</strong> the At- Psalmist, many pearl earlier, had<br />

Royal Typewriters<br />

guest.<br />

lantic <strong>City</strong> Electric Co. were at a:;<br />

Other memberi <strong>of</strong> the bank's <strong>of</strong> all-time high for 1MB, the first year<br />

written, "Tfcf word have I hid In<br />

Victor Adding Machines<br />

neial family, who attended ai res. during which the firm operated at mine btltt. that 1 might not tin<br />

ular memberi <strong>of</strong> the club, were AT an independent company, according against Thee.* For thtie devout<br />

Uwd Muchine. „,_.. $20 Up<br />

trod W, Powell, the bank's president, to the fflrd annual report to stock, Chrlitlaiu, deeply responsive tu<br />

and George W. Oraec, assistant holders, Issued Friday In handsome<br />

Service OB All Hakes — Si Tear,' Bipcrlsiicc cashier,<br />

booklet lorm.<br />

thetr Scriptures, the word ol Uod<br />

TELLS OF INTKIl-t I.UB FLAN Bayard L, England, president, sni I had become incarnated in the word<br />

2315 Atlantic Avenu«. Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, N, J,<br />

that not only did sales ton all prev Of I living Christ, whom some <strong>of</strong><br />

Mr, Munich, past district governor ious record! but the port-war con then had known, with whom they<br />

Phw» A. C, 5-2610<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Exchange club, briefly out- itructiqn program "progressed fay<br />

lined the joint Interclub commitloe<br />

bad walked and talked, and with<br />

orably".<br />

which ho has proposed and whicn There were BJ77 now customers whom they had sat on a mountalr<br />

Is now being organised. The com. added to company lines during tho slope, as Me revealed the eo«<br />

rnitiee, comprliing reprtsentatives year, he saldT with service belnr newg <strong>of</strong> the Gospel and the mya-<br />

<strong>of</strong> the women's ioroptimlst Club, connected for the ISO.OOOth user.<br />

the Kiwanls, RoUry and Exchanie<br />

ttrlei <strong>of</strong> the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Uod,<br />

Revenue tor the year was $10,292,<br />

F, P. Ristine & Co, Clubs, will coordinate the various 000, or 8,6 per cent above 1948 and The word ef the Lord was loi<br />

community activities undertaken by 18.4 per cent above 1138,<br />

them a word <strong>of</strong> enlightenment<br />

the individual clubi, so that each Mr. England said that two large ID Paul's conversion "there fell<br />

can count upon assistance Irom the croups <strong>of</strong> customers were added dur.<br />

Fkllaielpllla Slock ExchanEe<br />

other three.<br />

from Us eyef as it had been<br />

h% fi4^-3J0O through merger will<br />

Hew York Stock. Biehange New York Cnrb<br />

The committee, he said, will also the South Jersey Power and Light scales." and a typical experience<br />

work In conjunction with tho newCo.<br />

and 800 by purchase <strong>of</strong> an elec. <strong>of</strong> those who came In contact with<br />

Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce,<br />

trie distribution system from the Jesus, and listened reiponslvely<br />

123 South Broad Street, Philadelphia<br />


duPont Co,<br />

to Mil words, was, "We never saw<br />

Pennypuker 5-4300<br />

Ho paid warm tribute to the Bo- He estimated the company's 18J0<br />

rtiptimist Club, compoied <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> construct program will cost S4,. It on thlj fashion" (<strong>Mar</strong>k 2 12) n<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s business and protessionst! BOP.OOO, Including an addition to gen- wns a word <strong>of</strong> enlightenment.<br />

eating capacity.<br />

The word <strong>of</strong> the Lord was for<br />

\ Clinton D. Lowden<br />

r<br />

"They arc trying to do a Hood<br />

them a word <strong>of</strong> life—a word ol<br />

) Bcpreientative<br />

|iieco <strong>of</strong> work," he said. "They are<br />

Dew Ufa, Paul described tht ex-<br />

it-, tensely interested in the commun. <strong>Mar</strong>mora's New perience In crisp words ,ot fact,<br />

ily. and are trying to serve it in<br />

every way they can." Tank Truck Helps "If any man be t& Chriit, he is a<br />

"It has been said." he continued,<br />

net; creature; old things art<br />

'tliat the Exchange Club U dolns a Save Burning House passed away; behold, ail thing!<br />

TITLE INSURANCE Urea! deal, that it is the 'spark plug' The new 1250-gallon tank truck art become new" (II Corinthians<br />

nuan <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, But so much more recently acquired by the <strong>Mar</strong>mora<br />

Rendering courteous and prompt<br />

can be aceqmijlished by the four Volunteer Tire CompsnyiWM an im. Sill), And Uie effect <strong>of</strong> thai ex-<br />

; safety since INI<br />

clubs combined.<br />

nortant factor last week in prevent, pFMslOB "In Christ," was el much<br />

WOULD FIND JOBS FOR YOUTH ing complete destruction <strong>of</strong> the home •I to ny to whatever place one<br />

What can they do?_ Well, for one <strong>of</strong> Harry Oarron on Route B0 near lived. Chriit was their environ-<br />

thing, youth work! There isn't ton Tuckahoe,<br />


much for youth to look forward to The Tuckahoe fire company callei!<br />

ment, their atmosphere, the plots<br />

in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, There aren't manv upon <strong>Mar</strong>mora for assistance, and where they lived.<br />

opportunities in business, Industry the latter company took out Its now Hal it not always been so when<br />


and the pr<strong>of</strong>essions. If the four ank truck for the first time. With men and women have taken theli<br />

clubs can guide and counsel young the nearest stream for a water sup.<br />

ALUBHT c ABBOTT, Oh.ilfmnn <strong>of</strong> ths Dsird<br />

people, it may be possible to find ply about a mile away, the eapaeity<br />

Master seriously, and have reail]<br />

BLWOOD r, KIRKUAN, PreildtBt<br />

openings for them,<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Mar</strong>mora truck was ereditert lived tnt Chrisrtian We that the)<br />

(J. a JKHKMIAll. VIM K.oi.|J.iit ..id Buiroli.ry<br />

with bringing the tire under control, have pr<strong>of</strong>essed? Vital Christlonltj<br />

"<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Is growing. There Belleptain firemen also aided in the<br />


is no question that It will fo for><br />

If the world's supreme Deed, But,<br />

buttle.<br />

N.tkMBl Bank Bldjr.<br />

ward, onee we have ihe new hlf h-<br />

alasl much ef our pr<strong>of</strong>essed Chris*<br />

The ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the homo was totally<br />

»•¥• that are now belni aiMtMwd, destroyed anH some damage was tlanity !• only conventional and<br />


and possibly the ferry to Dela. done on the second floor,<br />

formal, untouched by the true<br />

National Bank <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Bldf,<br />

ware. There h niBch for all <strong>of</strong> us<br />

Wlrit <strong>of</strong> Christ,<br />

CLINTON B, PH10B, ViM-Prol,<br />

to do.<br />

•TANI.BT ¥, OANriT, AMI. Tr«M<br />

• nWIN R HTlI.Ert. Tills Offlcm<br />

"I appreciate being a member T.V. Set Wanted for<br />

FBANit U. WATSON, AMI. Till. Offlwr<br />

<strong>of</strong> this rommnnlty. It Is a splendid<br />

place In which lo live and Cape May Firemen<br />

WILDWOOD omois<br />

work."<br />

Ho added that "communism can't<br />

A eommumtt Sliding Scale For<br />

paiEn is in progress at Cape May to<br />

Slli New Jersey Ave.<br />

:L<br />

neak into a community that pre. rsise a fund to purchase a television<br />

eiits a united front, in which Its<br />


set for firemen on. duty at the city<br />

organizations combine their <strong>of</strong>Torts"<br />

Teachers Is Plan<br />

fire house<br />

Boon No. I . Stanley Bulidlnr CITES UBOWTH OF EXCHANGE Director <strong>of</strong> Public Safety Sol The New Jersey Education ASM-<br />

He pointed out that service clubs Needles, who touched <strong>of</strong>f the ideu, eUiiion, representing aBout 27.000<br />

•play a mighty part" in a eominun said it is hoped that the television teichers, has recorQiiiendefl to the<br />

ity's life. Citing the rapid growth set will encourage more volunteer legislature a sliding scale <strong>of</strong> mini-<br />

( Excliange Cluta, ho said that in fireman to treqiient the fire house<br />

Wi there wore only 14 clubs in arid he readily available when calls mum starling salaries for teachers,<br />

New Jersey, Today there are gl- are received.<br />

(rum 12.200 to $4,2(X) a year, delending<br />

upon training and<br />

A Way to Help You Pay<br />

;nce,<br />

Thf<br />

1914 <strong>1950</strong><br />

Your Electric light Bill<br />

— The _<br />

H the Atlantic Cily Klfcirlr Conipaliy provides you with elrrtriclly,<br />

iSl It also provldt j'ou with inrame lo help pay ysor rlfdrle llfhl-bill.<br />

AtlanUe CJHy Kleclric (..mpjny rammiiii slock is avkiUtilc In the<br />

•arket at K1.S0 per (thare, Preiieiit dividend In I1J0 per »h»rp, |itr Seashore Building<br />

|tl ye«r, payable JOt each January 11, April IB, julj- In and October IS-<br />

Ten shares <strong>of</strong> this sloek would cost aboul *J10, and ••urrenUy pay 112<br />

a )fi»r, equal lo 11.00 a moillh.<br />

Twenty shares wuuld cost alioul IliJO and currently pay *«l a year, and Loan Association<br />

tqual lo |2,M » monUi,<br />

I'drly shares would cost aboul PHSO and cuircnUy Pay III a sear,<br />

OFFICE:<br />

equal lo M.00 a month.<br />

411 Eighth Street Phone 0250<br />

If you are intepf«l»d, nil nut ihe rnupim brtow and mail it In u», or<br />

Mephone AUaiilir <strong>City</strong> ISSls. A«k for Mr. reterson. _<br />

» 73rd SERIES NOW OPEN<br />

BOENNING & CO.<br />

$1.00 per Share per Month — Starting February<br />

Urnibrn I-Mlaitriiihl* - Itiiliimi.w Slin-k. I'.ii'<br />

I960 Matures at $200. Current Maturity 144<br />

Srv Vorfc t'orb KirhMfp (Anwlnlfl<br />

Months,<br />

1806 Walnut Str##t _ _ _ _ _ PhiUd«lph» 3, Pi*-<br />

1 $50,000 Fire<br />

Amuaetnent Place,<br />

4 Stares Damaged<br />

A general alarm fire al Wildwood<br />

caused an estUnated »60,0OO damage<br />

Thursday night last week to the<br />

KentULky Derby atnuiement parloi<br />

and four stores at Oak. av. and the<br />

tmgrdwoljc<br />

Companies from North Wildwood<br />

add Wttdwood Crest assisted thf<br />

Wildwood liremen in lMitUing the<br />

flunieo In frigid weather whicn<br />

touted the boardwalk and hose lines<br />

v ith ILC LighU OB the boardwalk<br />

were turned on to aid the lire fightera.<br />

Scene S <strong>of</strong> the blaie wat only 200<br />

feell<br />

from the "Public Service bin<br />

terminal, l which hich was showered s h d wltn lt<br />

sparks. The Are also threatened the<br />

Starlight Ballroom, opposite thf<br />

amusement center.<br />

Forbes Trlplttt, a wa4ehrnan, at<br />

the Casino Arcade, saw smoln and<br />

fiamei in the Kentu«ky Derby while<br />

nuking his rounds shortly bafore<br />

midnight. He fought the fire with<br />

emergency extinguishers before thf<br />

Hre companies arrived.<br />

Stores •damaged included a salt<br />

water taffy establishment, another<br />

in a restaurant at the rear, and two<br />

in the Arcade. The building is<br />

owned by Sabaitian Rumagosa.<br />

Somers Point<br />

Churches<br />


Robert Z. Wukier, i.T.M,, Paalar<br />

Sunday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch if—The Fourth gu.<br />

day In lent—<br />

9:4ft i. m—Church Sehool. Mn.<br />

Benjamin Blckman, superintendejit.<br />

Classes for all ages, ViiitoM wrtcome,<br />

II a, m—Nursery School for con.<br />

venlence <strong>of</strong> nirents.<br />

11 a, m—The Service. The Senior<br />

Choir will sng, sing, "Holy Holy Art rt rt Thou, Thou", T by y<br />

Handel, Sermon by the pastor,<br />

Twelve Left Over",<br />

8:30 p. m—Catechetical Class,<br />

7:30 n. m— Luther League,<br />

Tuesday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch II—<br />

3:30 p, m — Junior Choir,<br />

Wednesday, <strong>Mar</strong>eli It—<br />

8:45 p. m, — Citeohetieal Class,<br />

8 p, m,—Mid-week I^nten Service.<br />

9 p, m—Senior Choir rehearsal,<br />

Thursday. M*roh «!—<br />

p. m—Orianlzational meeting<br />

Borneo is BOO miles long and 700<br />

miles wide.<br />

jili'n was ndvnnrei! iis an ...<br />

tcrnalive In the bill already lielorc<br />

the lawmakfrs lo lift the minimum<br />

|jay from $2.10(1 to $2.MM.<br />

The Te tttjiicllCfS<br />

ciintcildcd tllat tilt<br />

Hut minimum (Ides not rarry an<br />

rewiirii fur cxpeiicn or training;,"<br />

the Association said.<br />

Under its |ir"imiset] schedule annual<br />

im-iiiiHes <strong>of</strong> iltK) wnultl be<br />

grailiid Uiii'hers, sturting at the lintloin,<br />

S2,2tm Hiitil thr.v reaclieci 14.00(1<br />

here wuiiiil be two additional iiu'ri—<br />

iitnts tot- tirtise with rnaster's dp-<br />

:rees Ui reach the lup, 14.200, Tdc<br />

«|i liKtiri! would be the bemnnmn<br />

alary ol liny esiicTiuncecl teaclwr<br />

ith 20 yi'iirs in the pr<strong>of</strong>ession und<br />

muster 1 •av.J.1.<br />

10 ••<br />

It a. m'—Ifomloa Wl<br />

rourth PUjue", by the t<br />

«ry lor th« babkf to<br />

rnarrlcd eoupl<br />

worship toMtt<br />

7-30 ». m. — Iv*iruj Wondilp.<br />

• Powp", by \fm PMter.<br />

•30 p. m—Midweek prayer and<br />

study hour. Brlnf your Bibls.<br />

ST. josirirt K. o.<br />

•*». rul V. Batry, raaUr<br />

Maases on Sunday at 8, S. 10 and<br />

"weefclay M«s at<br />

Neurnan Btui<br />

p, m., 1Q Chur<br />

Novona Dev< lUant, , 7:4S<br />

p, m.<br />

Lenten Devotloni. SUtlon* <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Cross. rrlrJay,t7i45 p, m,<br />

vmtv BArnsT<br />

**v Ctrltu MuiaaM, IIMtor<br />

10 a. ra.—Sundaj fcheol.<br />

lla. m.—Morning Sd Worship. fchl Topic.<br />

"Touch Not",<br />

1:30 p. m—Youmi Ptoplt'cmeet-<br />


Sales - Service<br />

Body - Fender<br />

and<br />

Paint Shop<br />


Bishop Motor Saies<br />

igLh St. and Aibury Av.<br />

Phone 1888<br />

New KAISER<br />

If You're a Tough Trader<br />

Looking for a Real "AAA""—<br />

Bargain With or Without<br />

A Trade, Cheek Our<br />

Deal Before You<br />

Do Anything!<br />

!! eleiiree in related tollese<br />

r university stutiiiis.<br />

WoodUne Motor Sdea<br />

The AsBiii-iatitiii nuteil that "a KAISER . FRAZKR<br />

i'iie iiumbcr <strong>of</strong> teat'lii.'is already iirr 800 WnhingtM Av., Wa«db!ne<br />

iHOivinij irny as larHe or better.thi'.n Open Eves, £ iyn. Phone 1-W81<br />

hu stale proponed. The slate-wicie<br />

chuclulu. it said, would help New<br />

vrsvy "meet I'ompetitifin" fruni<br />

her* slates for good teaiihoi's.<br />

ss<br />


Available Under the Sinking Fund or the Direct<br />

Reduction Plan,<br />


Mora and More People<br />

At Your Fingertips,,<br />


VOII» now •"<br />

We Will Lend You Money to Buildl Buy<br />

or Repair Your Home on a Direct<br />

Reduction Mortgage Plan<br />

Invert with U. and Receive Pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />

on a Guaranteed Inve»tment!<br />

Current Dividend Ra


W mi<br />

m KM**<br />

•t The (hntlnd-lxlnr<br />

. Oonlj Oily. N J<br />

ft<br />


I «l» OcHi aty SMitlnM I*.l»pf — E"l l"l<br />

In <strong>Ocean</strong> Cfty<br />


The American Legian'annniinccd<br />

lilfins to present a Citizenship Awsrtl<br />

if, Tuny Taccarinn. retired chief en.<br />

Will It Hold Up?<br />

MM' tr walMl<br />

.BlT<br />

MM' tr walMlpM Ri¥<br />

Bl Mr y«t, MM, , IW »•«. •»•»•: "I* nwntM.<br />

i H*»it« M tt« Pml orftM « mm riff, N»W j»rnr,<br />

11I4M Act nf tur«(t 1, lilt.<br />

THURSDAY - MARCH IB - 105Q.<br />

jitm*, Governor Driscoll!<br />

'governor Driscoll ii leorninrn. thing or two.<br />

it he should by now.<br />

Em Imtancei That the people, in general, believe<br />

- 1 —nmy in government— except when it affects their<br />

At<br />

_i# Governor hoi found that out since he sub-<br />

,.._^ his economy budfet for <strong>1950</strong>. It was a beouti-<br />

l,budfett a balanced budget. It was hailed from<br />

• i to California, from Seattle to Miami, aa an<br />

pie-setter, a rebuke to the prgdiKality "f thn<br />

Tlii> 1B.M Community Association<br />

named a committee to confer with<br />

ilty <strong>of</strong>llcialJ in on iittcmg to spud<br />

up the reconstruction <strong>of</strong> the board-<br />

walk so il w.iuld be open hy sum-<br />

rriiT<br />

w * *<br />

Mrs. Faustina Casperlna was in-<br />

jlirt-a when the laxiciib in wliii-h<br />

«h'c was o passenger was hlrui k hy<br />

a train ftl luth si<br />

The Woman's Club staged n well,<br />

title nded fashion show with pr<strong>of</strong>es.<br />

signal entertainment in thi- hifh<br />

school auditorium,<br />

Thi' Rev. B. B: Doyle moved into<br />

the new rectory uf St. Aujiusiine's<br />

R C. Church at 1308 <strong>Ocean</strong> av from<br />

the if.nK-i.stiibluihf.d rectury al IB 1 )<br />

„.. „.„ folks at Rutjrers found that it would nvr.<br />

appropriation, when the Uovtsrnor proposed ^ - " ^<br />

AOO<br />

well beyumi<br />

tht State Museum to Have expenses and, yes,<br />

rfe down here in South Jersey found that state o>d<br />

• our bunch eroiion ftfht was to be curtailed drastic<br />

, you could have heard the tumultous protests from<br />

j to Jericho and back.<br />

So maybe Mr. DriscoH's tiff he, sea worthy budget is<br />

if to come unbalanced.,. After all, erosion menaces<br />

j <strong>of</strong> the itate'g most gigantic and lucrative industries<br />

—vacations: one that produces heavily in taxes.<br />

W« heartily endorse any reduction in appropria-<br />

i the Governor proposed for North Jersey, but he'd<br />

better not tinker with our erosion! . . . See what we<br />

If you do, you have a pretty elenr picture <strong>of</strong> reasons<br />

i, *hy federal spending goes up and up and up. It goes<br />

up because the people, while crying for economy, still<br />

{• demand more and more federal money for their various<br />

j dbtricta. They bully Congress with lobbies, letters,<br />

i telegrams.<br />

". . As one contemporary remarked the other day, the<br />

American people have become afflicted with a spending<br />

mania. Some day, sooner or later, we'll land upsi' 1 -<br />

,, down in • financial snow bank, me a ski jumper w<br />

J raises. . N<br />

War on the Fly-by-Nights<br />

*' Than art bright prospects that <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> may<br />

not be afflicted this summer with posts that have always<br />

- *• been perennial—the salesmen and solicitors for phony<br />

Wires, from Worthless lawn fertilizer to equally worth-<br />

Jes*, advertising; gchemes that benefit none but-the—, i<br />

promoter.<br />

The Police Department and the new Chamber <strong>of</strong><br />

Commerce propose to join forces and ride herd on these<br />

fly-by-night gyps<br />

The method <strong>of</strong> operation hasn't as yet been de-<br />

elded. There are plenty <strong>of</strong> successful plans to select<br />

from, The idea ii splendid.<br />

The Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce has a<br />

Better Business Bureau that has saved that resort's<br />

business people hundreds <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> dollars. Some-<br />

thing similar has been desperately needed here for<br />

m»ny decades.<br />

STHfW<br />

iliiiity, ihp local Hut Cru«s tun i<br />

drive coinmittee mnlinufil its H.<br />

lurl« toward a KI.UI (if $8,500. Chan.<br />

man Holier! K Bell iinnnunfetl<br />

Commander John W. <strong>Mar</strong>ts, <strong>of</strong> th"<br />

resort, was appointed hy ihe Navy<br />

m Ordnance Oflicer at the Brh<br />

Naval District at New Orleans, La<br />

The Hev William L. McKeevef<br />

assistant reclur <strong>of</strong> St. Augustine',<br />

R, C. Church, was assigned to a nn,<br />

post at the Cathedral <strong>of</strong> the Im.<br />

maculate Conception, Camden. afici<br />

five years in the resort,<br />

* , *<br />

The Kiwanis and Rotary cluhk<br />

svere cooperating in a collection ot<br />

clothing tor relief nf tl%ilianh JI<br />

countries.<br />

County Press<br />

Opinion, Condensed<br />

Down <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s Memory Lane '<br />

Home Rule for Hometown<br />

Opportunity For New Jersey's Cbmmunitiei <strong>of</strong><br />

12,000 Population or Less<br />

S.WS Ot RAN f ITV<br />

itviidwuoil<br />

We Imvi.<br />

NTv.MiNDRn<br />

Ifudrrl<br />

fur i) lonil time felt Inn!<br />

!„,. 1,1,1 Ihi'lii eml ol l-'lipi'<br />

It |u|>. IciiU<br />

wi.rir bi'iha<br />

ffiiihl- il I<br />

1 • Iv lui\r<br />

• . ifl..[ V. t\<br />

I...-! Fi .ill<br />

;. r. t * . .,,.1<br />

• i 1 . :•!!• .t<br />

i ' , , r. •_• '.'. ,.i<br />

• .. u'j ^'. t '-<br />

\. ,' !,•- In.ill ;i in<br />

..• i.l LIM.I/i,!<br />

i; i .' hil'i-<br />

iht'i'liiiM ui<br />

live Sulllh<br />

Hlitl^etoM<br />

II* 111 lli»-<br />

<strong>of</strong> KetlinB<br />

liwav friiin<br />

liter tn Hie<br />

a, iliis iii-<br />

lhe Churn.<br />

li-u nf (h<br />

i.r Otrii'l<br />

c :,['Ui,iMi.<br />

l.-l.' ill III"<br />

iiy t'lilinlv<br />

hi -i i.-l I<br />

' • : " % ^ ><br />

Hi liiiiiii-<br />

i,ii! • liiteil.<br />

Vi.'l'-.lh.'ri'e<br />

ul it.!- ti.i =<br />

• " We hi,ic<br />

.i II.,- |,.vi<br />

i.li Wllll i!<br />

mil IIl.it .«<br />

'- ,; raili.-n<br />

The Board <strong>of</strong> Education sold a cnl-<br />

lectlont<strong>of</strong> old schpul desks, defaced<br />

and batterrd. to a denier fur 33<br />

cents sash.<br />

Af.Q<br />

plans io tiuild a<br />

Iiartment store to ri'iilace two i,]d<br />

tram* 1 buildiniiR he occupied, which<br />

were beinK ra«ed.<br />

Bondholders <strong>of</strong> the Atlantic Shores<br />

llotpital, Somers I'uint. iirulectert<br />

ihpir holdiniis -hy purchasing the<br />

property at an auction sale to satisfj<br />

a ifurl decree, for iin.fKK).<br />

iKditor-i Niite — Tin> it th<br />

«< (.iiriti m (hi 1 turn-lit n-nes "<br />

Hi firtiticfc ijrepiirril hy the ,NV.i<br />

jersey C-!.iir:mis^,iir, nri .Muniti<br />

|,iil dovcrnment and Uitiriliutii<br />

UirOLi^h jaciiitics <strong>of</strong> the Nf.<br />

Jersey Press ASMitliHiun In ili.'<br />

cuss pulilicly (In- iironram i.i<br />

rnunici|ial ijiiVernmi-ht iT.|irme<br />

mt.nt nos*.- bilt.n- !hi- HIMt<br />

New Jersi-y'i •'smaliir" maun- .<br />

laliiie^. thuM. iMih saijiiii |,ii|,iiia.<br />

linn nr U-SN. HiiVe ij.-efi i^iM-n ^prt-i.il<br />

-|,|l,iMll t"<br />

!!•., r ui<br />

Tl.iy 11,ul,!<br />

I h III<br />

' r - . - . e i . l v | i i - r £ . i t ..|<br />

f, fer.,1<br />

Fibruary'a Building Record<br />

We broke another building rtcord last month!<br />

It was the best February in resort history, better<br />

"than the previous best—February 27 years ago.<br />

The reason? Well, continuing prosperity, <strong>of</strong><br />

course. Also continuing and growing faith in <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong>.<br />

But partly It probably was due to the abnormally<br />

mild weather that prevailed, giving builders many more<br />

working dayi than usual. This may take some <strong>of</strong> the<br />

pressure <strong>of</strong>f the late spring monthH, when property<br />

owners all want repair and remodeling work done nt<br />

ones.<br />

It GOBM Round and Round<br />

Bui service to the south end <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> is tin-<br />

Mttafsctoty because there aren't enoupfh people down<br />

there to warrant good service.<br />

There aren't enough people down there because<br />

bus service is so poor.<br />

That's how the ariumenta have gone for many<br />

years. Always a vicious circle<br />

Well, because there have been so many com-<br />

plaints, the bus operator—the Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Transporta-<br />

tion Co.—has called a public meeting for tonight at city<br />

>' lgsil, for the purpoie <strong>of</strong> talking things over.<br />

Unfortunately, a majority o£ people affected by<br />

• South End bus service will not hi present, for they don't<br />

I Jtetdde here la winter. However, company representa-<br />

. . tlvea and those who do attend can each tell their<br />

' troubles, and possibly some solution will emerge. Late<br />

in the spring or early summer, there may be a follow-<br />

up meeting.<br />

< , <strong>On</strong>e suggestion that has been made several timee<br />

- to ttrt the company serve the South End with vehiclea<br />

a- MPfiM* 1 titan the usual bus—vehicles like the Pacific av,<br />

| ! jltneyB in Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, Presumably they wouldn't be<br />

w - 'Jo expensive to operate.<br />

Local nrrhory enthusiasts wrr.i<br />

pri-pared In play host in the first<br />

South Jersey indoor tournament a;<br />

Convention Hall, under the chair-<br />

manshii) uf Bertram M, Darby.<br />

• « *<br />

Norman Reed, Atlantic <strong>City</strong> radin<br />

pnnouncer, tajked to the resort and<br />

Plcasantvillt* Rotary clubs oh "Slips<br />

That Pass in !he Mike".<br />

Sixteen alleged stop street viola-<br />

tors were arrested in one day as Ihc<br />

police starlet! waging war on whole-<br />

sale non-observance <strong>of</strong> the safely<br />

regulation.<br />

!0 YEARS AOO - 1 '<br />

Preliminary construction work on<br />

the Hanscom Hotel. Bth st. near the<br />

beach, was started by Contractor n<br />

A. McClelland, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, and<br />

was to he completed by June IS<br />

• • •<br />

Publicity Director Hay B, Dean<br />

announced that Vice President<br />

Charles Curtis had agreed to be<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s honored picst a! the<br />

July 4 celebration,<br />

• # *<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> nepubliean Club<br />

unanimously endnrsed Dwlght W<br />

Morrow for U. S. Senator and alsn<br />

backed the city commission candl.<br />

dacies <strong>of</strong> Heubeii W. Edwards and<br />

John E. Trout,<br />

• • •<br />

The city's net taxable valuation<br />

for 1(30 was listed at 139.015,223, an<br />

increase <strong>of</strong> $1,484,522 in one year,<br />

• • •<br />

Business men, attending a Cham-<br />

bei <strong>of</strong> Commerce discussion nf the<br />

lubject, favored adoption <strong>of</strong> a mer-<br />

cantilt lax to protect local enter,<br />

prise against transient competition<br />

from outside.<br />

nlli.niion in ieMi^ialinn [,<br />

strengthen iillii iniiderni/u loi-u! n.v-<br />

i.rnmi'nt in the slnie Tfti- U;aifl.i-<br />

tiun lAshembly Bills A-IO, A-II i.r.n<br />

suhniilled by the State • F;iuikm-i-•<br />

L'uminissiiiii cm Municipal nmni;-<br />

nicni afler two years, ul finely<br />

Ninety pier ccnl, or !ill4. <strong>of</strong> the MM<br />

i)u[iulalion or les? They won il<br />

qiuiiiry for, lull nut he Imiitc-il I.,<br />

liu HfTinli tiHinicifiiility jiliiii, whit h<br />

etimhint.?; tin' lit'Hl in jirc-scnt hui =<br />

i.uijh and iuwi.!ihi|i iiiiins uiih iii..,:.<br />

ein standards uf ndmmiMlnihnn<br />


Here's what Ihr "Small Munirl|i..l-<br />

ity Pliiii" iiriisides fur' A Miivm ,-i,<br />

chief adniiniNiiiilive uflin.r. w. lu, .^<br />

a miimbiT <strong>of</strong> jhe culilHil A c,mi..<br />

cil <strong>of</strong> 3, fi or 1 members. \*.hichr\i i<br />

is desired Incaljy, C'uiinciliili.ii ciri u<br />

eu at larKe fur three.year u-rm to<br />

. represent ihe nHinicipaliiy iis a<br />

whole at .ccicilic.il liieeliiliis AH<br />

nther municliial iiftlcials a|ipointei !<br />

!.iy the maynr.<br />

As ill the two uthcr plaim pro.<br />

posed iiy lhe (Jonimi«sioii—Mnyni 1 -<br />

council and council.manaiier (ilnrij. —<br />

Hide chnice <strong>of</strong> operatinj! itptiiiln is<br />

Eiven citizens dHMrinH the ' Kifiall<br />

Muncipnlity Plan".<br />

For inslancii, citizens could choose<br />

to elect their mayor and couni-ilmrn<br />

at non-partisan elections on the ««-•<br />

ond Tuesday in May or at partisan<br />

eloctions in NoviMiiber, They coul I<br />

also chooiie to have their mayor<br />

elected by council.<br />

Voters could also choose tn have<br />

their councilmen serve regular<br />

Hires.year terms or have them serve<br />

overlapping terms. These nnd nthir<br />

choices as ID operating deluil an.<br />

let! lo the voters to decide.<br />


Under the prniinsed legislation,<br />

the rituens <strong>of</strong> a niiinicipnliiy con;,!<br />

Forum and Agin' 'Em<br />

NciTii'i-: 'I'n<br />

"1 in- il..ii;i lull'<br />

Mill,,-:-; ,.( Ih,.<br />

liSli.'ii V.llii rS<br />

rilNTK<br />

Y< - y> h:,\ i- ],,f :i it,r;r tin,i- fell.<br />

!•.( ' 11.i |,|.|,|,!r I.I lifi-i.n t'.ij tiaii-<br />

;: ..I kI i: :I,,i.l!i icrui- (n !!:•• pruL-<br />

li i • 1.1 ;.• y i.llnT ijiirt i.i i'ii|.e<br />

\l: ; Ci.•,!.:;, i-v,i-|.i il.i-u nil i. l,:,i li<br />

I \S\l. RFPIlR'l' A I IIAII.KNCI<br />

nape Ms\ HUir and Wnipi<br />

I v.i- seii.iiisi'.endi'd v, il hi! niv, ii I ni<br />

,. .-r,,i ii ;i,n|i.i.:,!•.( i. i.l the ('iip.i. May<br />

:', .],';, C,,i..il i-.r.ci ilk l,nii|,e.- iilli-r<br />

, .:•. LH lliril ciime .,« a .hnek in<br />

i'. II. M;.;- Ci.,,r.'y l.i-l ii'H-k 11 ,,<br />

i " , •-.{ '.. ,l!.l!! : !>li,i .!.'• Ih*- h,J:ll- Ul<br />

•-.•• ••• :'II.,.. f- ri-l.ur' Ihiil Ii.iik,., Un<br />

r, , ,,!',:in-r./i.ilii.n mi Hie unmiicl Uinl<br />

. i ' irmiii IT:yil.Hf,:i!H r v.nulil m.i<br />

i :iii<br />

W , . r , - u ! . i l l l l i l i T - t r i n i l t h e f e i l . ' r u l<br />

r . ^ . • n : i i i . n l \ ill-, in- I.i ili.l uiil i r o n !<br />

•In October. W'. hawp| lhe<br />

ijoarilBiilk tith w*y ffoin «in *'• 4n4 HW ' pt lnlani *" r " r •*<br />

Wrslpy'iv. on"tht north irlihtl sldf <strong>of</strong> »lh si. ^ ^ ^<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> a ^ Carte<br />

Spring Edition's Rolling!<br />

;„.( ?«lii-V.>-r I') Sprinu Edition pmrrastlnatini! adverj.sr-rs:<br />

(i. .'• li«lii.|.iBi' siitiun <strong>of</strong> Hie Kditioii lias ulri-iiily Ijern printed<br />

Ai-,,!h,r ..ill |... tu pre.s ih.s ilflerni.on, !.iHi>:.. on An ..iKhl.pui-,.<br />

...iti.,r. will hi- prinlcii i vir.v m-i'li end Irom l.i.-.v until Un' Imlilna.<br />

''''''•*/."*'"/•"••' 'i'i'i iili'i- A|.r.i i!fi c r-liii i' ".".Mil awi'V l 1 ""' 1 W" 1 ' i | n v<br />

|,,,.prr «,ll, vuiiVa.i ,i,py if yi.ii |.l:m I') »•• •,,'!' Bi.,.';ili-e il'. b i e r I!.!'!; ynn ttiirik, anil ll.e iivii.liibli- r,|iai •<br />

r r.,|uilly riinniiif uiil<br />

Ci.pv lur i.r.v fiivin M-iiiun inii',1 l,i iii (IIIJ iillin- id ictiM 1\vi<br />

,,,,-, >rs U f n r e Itil- fecliOlI (iuei. !i, |iri-ss<br />

T h e i-ililii.n this yii,r v.-.ll fin: P. lHlllill e..|.n — i!.l«« m o r e Ihnii<br />

i i,v S|inr,t! Rililion in |iii>t years'<br />

" Ii will t.e a. lariii. in. la-t yi-iirV-po-Mbly lari'er A n d it Will<br />

hi lilleii v,ilri i.i-ws ami LfaiiTifiil. bri.nci i.-w ini-tiin.- id fJcenii C'ilv<br />

:.I.,I ,i- varied iiiliVilii-i aw! alirfn lim.-<br />

'I'liir i« Ihe lif.1 iiiriirli-il.t t.i t nl l(,e el.lire viii il, Oi,..|,ri C l h<br />

llurry. l.iiriy rmrry:<br />

Reserve Free Copies Now<br />

Ti.i- Sir.rir.h Kiiitii.n. a- iiiuri re.«iirl pi-i.|.le know, ii free-<br />

Wi-ap|,fd i-upiifc. r.-aciy Inr muiiint'.. will Id 1 available wilhnut c-harjii-<br />

!,, all v, ho will premise In niliil them mil ul tuwn In persons they<br />

II,ink Die Fditiun mifhl iiiii-ri-st in Oci'iin (.'iiy ai,d il-. ilesinibility<br />

:,. :. iiitatiop; a-:d hi.mi- cummunily<br />

AH you need do n aildrew eai h wrapper, add pnMaiji. and mail<br />

Tin- pi.slufie will lie " ii-nli per tupy if the Kdilinn is the same si/f<br />

ii. li.'t year—iniire if il ;> larger. We'll let yuu know !hilt inter.<br />

Almost alwiiys in (he past, the Ui innnd lor the Edition has i>«.<br />

ei-eiieii the "uM,i> N" w "'i'l Ociiin Cily is laitier, thai proiiably<br />

•.vdl rui.t.riue li, tiHruc liii- year, ilespili. Ihe Inrgc-r printinK-<br />

Tii insure ntemn;' ii^ iiiiii.y wrapp.d ci.pn> i^ yuii need, th'-<br />

|.ruder.! Ih.na to no H In reserve them now Either drop in at Til.'<br />

Ki-riliri!-l-I.i-tlMiT nlliee ur wiiie or li'iepbone. Tell u* your name<br />

iiiHl llii- ruinilier ul copies you wiinl reserveil They'll he set oside<br />

Inr yuu<br />

You will he expeili'd In call lor them at The Renlini'1-l.ciliiiT<br />

ulliei" un Thurndiiy April ail Ynur ri'serviiliiin will lioid une Heelt<br />

tlii-l.iillel' 11 \l.il iliin'l call wdliill ilia! 11 rn •- >. 111 r i I.J.II > n ill |;.i<br />

In i.llier*<br />

Miike ynur reBervaliuiis nnw,<br />

i iiiisiil'-ii-ii l,,i jil<br />

l,-lli-,j inn'iii. nl ir<br />

i.r I...a! i in ri-lll<br />

u;t>s i.il.-.irii,-.<br />

l.ecltr.-i- ni.i-ni-i, I<br />

iii-11!,,- I III.in I,, I<br />

S|. ;i,-i.- 'II..V (mis<br />

In-,- hy il,,- (im il<br />

Co. Chamber Man Rap«<br />

Copi; and Sentint-I-Ledger<br />

Kdilur Ronlmii.I.i-iliii-r- I ne. ci.---<br />

tui-heil l.y a r... riil in-l ion uir th,'<br />

lirirl uf Fvctvil I, rnr«-. iiri.sidi-ni ,i<br />

tin. recenliy lurnii-d (Siean Cilv<br />

riiambcr i.f Coil-ii.ei.e,<br />

1 reler. <strong>of</strong> course, to ins vnieeil<br />

diHiplirmal nf the flpiiuiiHineiit ol<br />

(lupwiiod Mullen, llrsl Uce iiresidi'it<br />

uf the Capi. Miiy rmiiily Chamin-r<br />

ut C'ummcrcc. as Hit. n |.ri.-i-Mtiiti\i-<br />

fur Cape May I'muity mi ilu- Fum<br />

Coiiuly Prujeci to iibiain n iii.^<br />

hiKhuiiy irnm neepWiiter in Sninei.'<br />

Point<br />

Kor twu years 1 liave been a mem-<br />

ber <strong>of</strong> Hie Capi- May C'l.lilily Cham.<br />

!i,-r <strong>of</strong> Comnii'i-i-t..<br />

Iji riiilBi. oi my willintiness lo \vuri'<br />

li'l the i-nlire ciiunly. 1 I.mini nij,<br />

ii'il on lhe Ciiliiily Chamber's Kxei-ii<br />

liM Cummillc.e. a year ami, and air<br />

i lijihty prniid in have been so hun.<br />

f-reil<br />

III the two years tiint I liavn a:,<br />

(ended Cuunly Chamber Iiieeiint!s. I<br />

have seen nnjy thlei. or four Oeenii<br />

Cily husiliessnien mil In two nr 1 Hi ,-,•<br />

Nuw. I would like any pei<br />

ra»e li, IMpnBe<br />

ui in<br />

ii'i leru.-nl I.. ...'i.n.iini/.', inn m lhe<br />

I.in ..I ireincii.i..ii..' leiiefiil eX|iernli-<br />

luii- ^ilh !it!!i. nr ii,i ,-xi-iist-. tbe<br />

h> ihii piiipu-eil ai-ii.-n i. n(..riii.ili!t-<br />

Cc-rlaii:ly lhe i:ifi;i 1 i. nei-deii ns<br />

in: iii l..,i;iy ;is il i.ii i u;is. ;ind cer-<br />

a. it i-M-r liiis<br />

V'llli ledi-rali/aliun uf the enlirr<br />

N t u J*-rsi-y iiilanii w a l e r w n y iip.<br />

j i(-,niiiua leahli ,,ttt-i- iiiany year,,<br />

i! Hi.uiil he ii ihsimcliy liiii'hward<br />

1' \e il «i- permilleil lhe feill-lii!<br />

; ,iu-niMi,-nl I.i \\ ittiiii-.iu- its m a m -<br />

li-r.i.in-,. nf Ilie [.aii.il mid il, ilriiw.<br />

liMilLi!-- iit tills time<br />

I I.OI TINC! A ClIAMriON Or<br />

Till: i.ITTI.K mi.I.OW<br />

(CaiiH May Cuuiity (iazrtLrl<br />

f-'ew [illlniiis iinilnunciniJ their pro.<br />

jecli-il ritiii-iiii'iH from public lif.,<br />

inn iiuiist ii wider circle <strong>of</strong> friend-,<br />

than lleiiry Y. Cloulmi!. who Id il<br />

he known ins! Week that he « ill iirit<br />

Si-i-k anulhci- lerin on Ihe Hoard <br />

small county lawmakers also rntty<br />

Lalk against passing adminiKtrafion<br />

liillj. booslirii unemployment con',<br />

nerisalion and temporary disabllitv<br />

benefits, stirfenlnii <strong>of</strong> adminislrativc<br />

(rocedures and sjieedinK up |ir<strong>of</strong>r«'-<br />

ins <strong>of</strong> claims.<br />

Tlie iruckers' lobby Is taking a'!-<br />

vantuMe <strong>of</strong> the situation by askiny<br />

the Diivernor and the leKishilivc<br />

|eu(!ers to hold back uction on ihe<br />

Meiiurter hill calling for increases in<br />

n j'lstratioh fees and asle weigh?<br />

limitations on the big trucks and<br />

Iraiier-trucks operated over slate<br />

hisliways.<br />


Henale O|)|ii)sitirin is expected on<br />

ihi Freeman education bill iih^.m-i^<br />

last week hy the AsKembly. The fjii:<br />

iTe.Mes lhe State Department <strong>of</strong> Kd-<br />

unliun as the 14th principul depart-<br />

mi nt und gives the mate .Board i,<br />

Hiluiation the power 10 appoint the<br />

«t|ite commissioner <strong>of</strong> education<br />

Si-nuti- meinijers wunt the appuinl-<br />

in:; piiwer to reinain with the KHV.<br />

iriiiir. 'I'liey alsii want to retain the<br />

nUil tii ciinllrin or rejiit such an<br />

a|ipi,iii1ineiil.<br />

The sioveriiur UIMI may frriruimli"<br />

Heniite o|i|ji.hitiiin 'ill st.iine nf hi 1 .<br />

t.^i I'litise iiiii.oiiitineids The . re-<br />

a|ipi.liitiniiil ol Mrs Hoi'tehse F.<br />

Kissler N.'V.iirk lawyer, lo the State<br />

HiiL,nl nf Public Utility Commission,<br />

ers. was liehl u|i last v,eek. ostensibly<br />

beci.iise Miniirity I.eailer Koberl B.<br />

Miyner, Warren iiueslioned whether<br />

Mrs Kessler. iirst wdinan In be li|i-<br />

luiinteil in the PUC. is a ' relii" DiJi'-<br />

ui/ial Heliiililiciin memlsers uf III,-<br />

bi i ate iuijjj iarv cnniiiiitlee Keemi .1<br />

IIAI w. illitiK to strinii aintifj with I<br />

Miyner. whij is the miilunty mt-tii* I<br />

ber <strong>of</strong> thai coniinitlee The linsi tHI |<br />

prnj^ri.ni appears to ije heading in' »<br />

sliiriiiV v.i-atlier. like it did la*! year,<br />



tiuvellior liriscoll and Ins legisin-<br />

tKe leaders won u partial viclury<br />

lust week when the Assembly passed<br />

lh,^ Freeman education bill.<br />

The bill, fatint! opposition in the<br />

Senate. wniiltJ urKuniJe the State lie.<br />

pirtmirit <strong>of</strong> F.ducation as one <strong>of</strong> Ilie<br />

"14 principal Mute departments, tf"'.v<br />

the power <strong>of</strong> uppoinlilll! the slat" I<br />

Enr nihsiuner <strong>of</strong> education to II-j.<br />

Stiitf Board nf Education for a live, j<br />

year term and permit Commissioror<br />

John H Bosshart to remain as hi-ini<br />

uf the ediication department. Pa—I<br />

saisi <strong>of</strong> the bill by the Senaie would<br />

ciimplele the governor's program ,'nr<br />

reuraaniaiiinn <strong>of</strong> state goverinneiil J<br />

inti. 14 principal departments '<br />

Assemblywiiman Grace M Freem;!n<br />

iR Etuielti. won the praise <strong>of</strong> ev.1<br />

I er Democratic eolleaiiues in lii"<br />

lluuse for the manner in which sle<br />

steered lhe bill through the lower<br />

blanch <strong>of</strong> the Legislature.<br />

JOY. Atsrn ti4> FILES<br />


llistbry was made reeently in<br />

the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Secretary nf State<br />

Lloyd B <strong>Mar</strong>sh when lhe peti.<br />

ThuMday, MMeh ifl, 1980 aENTlNEL-LEtM3t» IS<br />

Answers to<br />

TEST YOUR I, Q.<br />

1, The ilie numbtr <strong>of</strong> • hit<br />

• determined by iddlni the length<br />

ind width ol the erown, in Indies,<br />

ind dividing the remit by two.<br />

2, A scone If a thin cake baked<br />

on a griddle.<br />

3, No; iltbough for Several<br />

months each winter ice forces<br />

navigation to halt.<br />

4, It's i new nation carved out<br />

<strong>of</strong> the long east-coast area <strong>of</strong><br />

French Indo-Chlna.<br />

5, Darnel Carter Beard.<br />

tlon <strong>of</strong> a two-and-onf-half-ytrar-<br />

old Jersey <strong>City</strong> boy wa« filed is<br />

u Democrntic candidate for Con.<br />

gress in the Thirteenth district.<br />

The petition was filed by h«<br />

father, Jumes F. Murray, Jr., OS<br />

n protest against a petition Hied<br />

by James Murray, jr., another<br />

candidate from the lame city,<br />

James P, charged the other<br />

Murray is not 25 years old, as<br />

required by a Federal law, and<br />

ttwrpfure cannot legally run tor<br />

Ihut (iBlw. <strong>Mar</strong>sh ruled that<br />

Hiiii-i* thf Murray boy is not a<br />

legal voter he cannot tie a tan.<br />

diiliite for unj. iiuliiical iitrire,<br />



Senator Anthony J. Callero (R,<br />

Ciiijc Mayi is the smullesl member<br />

uf the Senate hut one <strong>of</strong> the hardest<br />

wiirkers in the Legislature. He oli.q<br />

travels the liinfjesl disrunce to anil<br />

frtjir. Nurtli Wildv/iiod to Trenton,<br />

As n'member (if a stole commissiijn<br />

iii,yiri(i the habitual sex <strong>of</strong>renrii-r<br />

Mr. Calleru has sponsored bills In<br />

umenii slate laws to focus nttelitioli<br />

in more ilunijerijus sex otfi'nders arul<br />

lilsi, In (leriiiit prfrsons believili;!<br />

thi-mselvef tu be sen deiioles tu sul).<br />

mil voluntarily to exarninutions hi<br />

Ijsyt'hiiitrisls itrirl iihysiuians at the.<br />

Stall DiiiuiMislii' Center, Menl.i<br />

Purk<br />

[lie Ciirie May Cuunly senator aNn<br />

tr>iti(J lo run*, iiii-e the jjuvernor<br />

lili-mbers iif lhe Leuislaliife uliil sta!,-<br />

it'tiiiU thai a hlute ui.propriiition<br />

ihmilil he uiioi-uled to linurii-e tii"<br />

•i litlriiilinn <strong>of</strong> u hus(iital or inslilu.<br />

linn when, IIITMIIIS I'lmrKi'd with M-V<br />

i rimes i-oulil be >tudird and treati-I<br />

wilhnut cosl iristeiiil uf IjeinB slap|j" I<br />

nto sliile (leual inKliliilions whiTi"<br />

they wnilil reieive little (ir no ireu'..<br />

im nl or i-(insiiierylion<br />



Khumetiil UVITI ruwilinx <strong>of</strong> many<br />

the state's menial und welfare in-<br />

• litutihll'!. some <strong>of</strong> them nretrali',<br />

klmiilii be liirijelj- el.minateil lute<br />

ru st yei.r<br />

Under the dirrctinn <strong>of</strong> Sanfurrl<br />

Hhli-t. alale I'nmmissluner <strong>of</strong> ins'j.<br />

uilioin and aiji-ncies. the (lovernoi's<br />

biiiidirif!. program is already under.<br />

•,v;.y A bill a|j|jrupriiilina $25,000.(1011<br />

for new and rehaUilitation and fir*-,<br />

yroytlng t>f pri.senl institutions ij,<br />

going through thf [,t>Kislaulre, The<br />

money is jirovided through vo;cr<br />

a-ipruval uf lhe bund issue at till<br />

November general eletlion.<br />

F.rrU projects to Be underlakfn<br />

will^be nrepronf.ng <strong>of</strong> slalp hospitals<br />

ill Trenton and Oreystone Park aiifl<br />

lhe Skillman Village for Epileptic-.<br />

These urujfi'ls will cosl an estimattiit<br />

SS 000.000." An addllioral ill.OPO.OW<br />

lii"i been tentatively uilocaled fur<br />

tgr.Ktructien <strong>of</strong> u new menial hos-<br />

pital near Camden.<br />



<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> the leaders in the Slicri".--<br />

ful campaign thai prevented pro-<br />

posed closing <strong>of</strong> lhe Slate Museu.n<br />

in Trentun was Mrs; Waller E. EdKe.<br />

wifi uf the former iwn.lime gov-<br />

einor.<br />

A leader in educational and cul-<br />

tural activities in lhe stale. Mi*,.<br />

Eiliji' has fur many years served as<br />

ii member <strong>of</strong> the advisory council <strong>of</strong><br />

the museum. The joint legislative<br />

appropriations committee heatied by<br />

Senator Harold A Hannold, aiou.<br />

tester County, has promised services<br />

<strong>of</strong> the muneum will run be curtailed:<br />

JERSEY ROl'NDt'P:<br />

Members <strong>of</strong> the Legislature vote'l<br />

lo hold sessions on Mondays atiH<br />

Thursilays to clear the calendar <strong>of</strong><br />

January, , , , Mercer County losr-i<br />

<strong>of</strong> Freeholder* have idopMi) a price<br />

scale for boardiiii prUoners wnnten<br />

by <strong>of</strong>flclsls <strong>of</strong> other italei for crim-<br />

inal <strong>of</strong>fenses. , . . New Jersey col-<br />

iected $ in taxes on alco-<br />

holic beveraies during January, , .<br />

A (tw anultd by III* LcililMnrc<br />

livini nuhar* muntoig»iltluinibi-r

Thuwduy, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 16, i960<br />

it.<br />

; • ' *<br />

Candidates Turn Out<br />

IT First Track Practice<br />

Coach T. J. Carey Thinks Squid Ha* Good Chance<br />

to Chalk Up an Excellent S-iason This Year<br />

Iy Bob Hallerftn<br />

The track squad reported Wednesday fur its first<br />

tice <strong>of</strong> the season. The 45 candidates were (wintered<br />

their individual events, and the training [it'ognim k'ot<br />

iler way*<br />

Track is different from other ftspmts thi-ouphin.it the<br />

i. In most sports, the members <strong>of</strong> a team work col.<br />

;ively to achieve victory. In track and Held events, tin*<br />

rt t The few mem ' "<br />

.. true.<br />

<strong>of</strong> tht team, who enter<br />

.BUS events, are tht> en-<br />

i team, for the duration <strong>of</strong><br />

event, Then, when the<br />

i'Mxt ivent goes on, a new wet<br />

" ::jm athletei represent the<br />

ig ihii Into consideration, n<br />

lo §ee (hit the -team can bi'<br />

as each coiiti'stnnl wants i»<br />

it. Each hai to do his best o:<br />

team, at i whole, doesn't stand<br />

inee. Coach T. J Curey. head<br />

.. <strong>of</strong> Ihe track squad, thinks thai<br />

year s ttani slsnSi a good chanM<br />

ivlng in excellent icajon<br />

jjy <strong>of</strong> the Irack aspirants an<br />

merely to develop their sntmi.<br />

iunnce, sense <strong>of</strong> balance ihou!<br />

-drive, and other bonedls ol<br />

itant running, for football nrM<br />

The boys who are the stand-<br />

at the time are those who mam'<br />

id showing last year Some new<br />

I will naturally be uncovm.l<br />

_ more time has been »|*nt in<br />

' the projpective trark and field<br />

"t itafwa<br />

iccordin<br />

Ely<br />

R<br />

\en tu tht bu%<br />

u Iclli'l'iiu'ii In<br />

Morruw, Jt>r<br />

.- ill'SI uuuk<br />

iii l,iM >i'ai : ,<br />

iw Hinii.i<br />

Ely,<br />

RuiJsholtz<br />



The Junior HIKII iiiuk icim IIIHIH-<br />

iiiun <strong>of</strong> last >*.iir ;ini! Ihi' Hiii |ii'i'v =<br />

iLius iri Cape May Coiitity M,i- hi<br />

it* slri'iiijtli thruuiih aratiualioi; Jini<br />

thj present £rtiu|i dnrsii I ki'tk ^tEM• i• -.<br />

pnuugli tu repi-iit tliiMr jirL'SiiiU* iU't-u<br />

Otii fan never It'll about thu'-i' kin<br />

however. Ihiy may i-ali-li Mir ,• lit!<br />

rtally ogtdu ihi'mselves this seiism'<br />

Tax Defeated For<br />

T.V., Radio, Movie<br />

Rights to Matches<br />

A proposed HI per li'Sit t,is u:<br />

fiEhU tn tiuMna .iiriii uregthm<br />

matches was Ui'lcmi'ii in the A...<br />

si-iiibly by a yT.iJj mli' Muiiilny<br />

liitrodueeil In Ai-si'inliU miiii Fi'iinK<br />

Clark To Have J.V. Baseball Team<br />

60 Candidates Raiders Bow Out <strong>of</strong> Basketball Tourney<br />

Out For Practice As GloucesterJaKes Tight Game, 32-29<br />

Coach S»y« Hell _ . . .. . ,. f\oud to Minut at when they oiiriu 1 .!, In"'• Hie Uanii 1 .<br />

S»ys<br />

Thin Their Ranka<br />

As hi tin' liaM'biiii U^iiiH'iid.<br />

Nlnu/lil like In fevyf?e iiiy ,-lntuiiiL-i<br />

ii! lust \K r*.'k that there uuuhi iii<br />

LH' a jumur Ydi'hib<br />

Cuiiih Wilbur A Clink net .< r<br />

riiisun uliv ar.> lm> »!ii. w,inl« I<br />

play ijaM.'liali. and I* able Ui du :-y<br />

.hituldn 1 ium' thi' rhiii'if Bi't.iuh.<br />

uf iin.* |ihiin?uphy. he li,*?- m;u;.<br />

teiilalive :irriiiieeint'[iis inr .! JiO<br />

Vi t- iiiiiau Sl.uiy nf thi- ri'uuliir "i><br />

pn!:i(ii> aruurifl ht*r!' don't h,ivi' .Uni<br />

ior ViirsitlMS. liiii Clinch Clark i> tn<br />

iim in try in limi c-iinutili Kiiim'* 'i<br />

tni. Her ami les? esperifiiLHci bu> - ''<br />

HUT nllt |nr li,l«l'l),ill<br />


<strong>On</strong> MuiiiUn U\v I ,i.-iOiiii! ,i.jii!,ii i<br />

nad ilu-ir lirM in .1 ..rrui. ni -kui<br />

liai'IiU'. reiiularii' i hidu !i n f'<br />

r.i.nv iifii •"•««., fin..- .,->»inn» .,M<br />

„ , , .. ,, ,.,..'ii'iiu tu Minut at when they opi<br />

Tile Uii'iili <strong>City</strong> BiiakitUiiii liaideii [hl |( ,,n;c.n,,U(. M1 iiii? secmid half<br />

llli'iliM'lM's Cut I'f Ihe Soulii|' Hi'drOM -Selhy and Jernee euiii'<br />

iiiiied then I'lTiirls lo nel It) liiilien<br />


This li'lt ihe itiikiers<br />

ttii U> !iM-<br />

(Oinint Iht R»iilm early 4-J Iran.<br />

Again iii thf rlosing mlnulrs. the<br />

I irrymtn lifd Ihe wurf at a!i-3!l,<br />

Uilh ihfee miiiuirs »nd ^5 seeunds<br />

lo jilav. Wait Bufkholii went out<br />

«n fivf prrsnnal fouU, Less than A<br />

minute liter, Audi Jrriifp did the<br />

aiiiii. ThuH, with the f»me at its<br />

uKliCc-.i point. i«u <strong>of</strong> Hie Hrdmeii's<br />

hist dpfensivt- men were out yf the<br />

tamp A tou! rind i Held goal in<br />

the; last minute <strong>of</strong> play siun Ihe<br />

hall game fur (UoueeslFr,<br />

T i i C i ' . i . t j . i - i l i - i i U i . 1,1.1 I . I T I n , i ! • «<br />

:,• .,,• i . i i ' H i h n p l n l i ' l:-i- l-.ill. ill lit-<br />

. m e i - i H i r l .iii'l - • • • • ! - . • . :<br />

1 1 1<br />

i-tr<br />

M i l l ! ( • ! i l l<br />

!,iir(! Tin-<br />

" u.iMi I ni'<br />

(hi! Jtli-lni.l<br />

Hll- lm>.- H<br />

n jilays. hn<br />

W.lll [ihikimil,<br />

i,r til..ili-i-li-<br />

Nil<br />

n-pCiili<br />

i ri'U.tin<br />

ihii! Mil<br />

Hn' lii.li They riiillflM s. fur tin-<br />

ini.in..ni ti-1 slimed<br />


The Hi-il-iiliil-Wlilli- (li-li'i'.T ».i.-<br />

-yih liiiil ill., i.-atlm^ ii-iiin wii^<br />

w.itihinjJ IIM h.;iel dwindle aw:i>-<br />

uhlln IlL'h'l.'N.' Ui SL-nre ami jirnnliee<br />

nii'ii- 1'lit' UlMUersier ftirwyrd^ iii,n<br />

tlu'il i-i-i'lri- "ere nil lull Imys ijiii<br />

Hi HaiiUis- lurr {•nmiiiji iiway wiih<br />

:> iniijnniv ni itir ri'liiniiHl.. Alsn<br />

In,. BIIII'-.'IMH-C'II'III «•:!* seliinin uhli-<br />

I.- iMirk tin- hull in tiir lay-li|i slint.<br />

it! n lh!>, intipieii with ihiMr NIM'MI±;r.<br />

iMahiiiiy in reirii'vo tin' fi fim-iii<br />

n-.^i-v ...H^ ti.ppiiM> brinyuii; \\w Iw.'<br />

h .,<br />

Ciiiryiiii'n wen 1 held puwi'i<br />

id u ilh Nile M'cund tn Mn tlii:<br />

.„,. ...is p.isu'd down tile riiui'l i"<br />

i ,1 rie« nt iniiK i«iM.rs iiiiii dcn|i|ieil<br />

i, hj Hie renti'i wim hail been wail-<br />

m.."unciiurdt'il. under Ihe tump.<br />

i'hu. ihe Ran!er> were beaten liy<br />

i ii'iim ih.il i-hnuld liavi— had Hi-<br />

li Ihi. kiiirl nl ball the!<br />

I piiiyinn^ aiven Ilieiii<br />

ilili wniiiil hase liilieii<br />

Iliesr Mipi'iiyi- .-kill<br />

Termites Have<br />

Swimming Meet<br />

Annu«! Event EMM<br />

Ribbons for Winnere<br />

BIIVK <strong>of</strong> the 4th. 5th und Bill KraiieM<br />

,,f" Central By. sehool whl|.l«'il U'-'<br />

iliKli "school l"«)l '"til Iniiill fclras-<br />

day atl.Miiimn last «.'i|k «>• II J .<br />

cimipeterl m the Jii-niiiil Hihhnli U.i.i<br />

."•j,;,lii|il.mshi|i suiiiiniiiiilinei.1 nl l),t<br />

•Termiti' LeaMiie<br />

Kli4iily-live Uiys touK l-i.l'l in ";<br />

i-HU't uliii'li was in ,1-lmiKi- "I A111<br />

i t Ti ••-• iiif T 'Iiitin Ciircy. u^-Htet' 1 ''<br />

! • I •"•'"" J Miiii illi's Bill Ji'(Trii ! h-, Hi!//<br />

Niiriiiini'Fiinr. all' liiiiii si-hi'ul >'•'-'-•<br />

ili'iits<br />


'I'hd.c wild plari'd Ml tin 1 I"' 1 ""'<br />

!• i-iil- [Tiem'ii Nhl'i'iif liriAidit! iv<br />

lli,. mui-.i.-il'lil ii'iii'Mini ilr|...rl-<br />

lIH'Ilt<br />

Ciiiii h Care} iiiiiiuiiiii'i'il ^1<br />

fur Ihe made M'hiinl<br />

a7 6fh irafcrmw eri#«»rr<br />

Tim DeBaufre; S. George Wlckeij 4.<br />

Dick Yinlling: S. Dove>iersoni dl<br />

IBIice 48 It,<br />

lotcr-ClM 110 ¥*rd B«l»y •<br />

I—5th tirade learn iTom Adams,<br />

D,v"id Thurstbn. Dick Yingling, Bar-<br />

£, Stiilh; 2-Bth grade team (frank<br />

p! unV James' Hannah, Wayne<br />

Tniimpsun. Harry Klnui; lime 3 mm.<br />

8 see, _ ^ _ _ _ .<br />

Postmaeter Job Open<br />

Tlii' If- S Civil Serviee C.immis.<br />

,,nn h.is se> n cliwiiiB tlale uf <strong>Mar</strong>ch<br />

•'i-rtur a, piiiiiitiiills lor (ill examlili..<br />

-,];„ i,, iin the nosiliiiii "f fourth<br />

-j.,"J, imsiiiiifrter lit Ooshen, Capu<br />

M,V Cniiiilv, The exaininiitlun fur<br />

il,r" ill'-UTS" job will be at Court<br />

I nil', i-<br />

. ,i'h "l,ii|,|<br />

Hiirhank expcrimenlcd<br />

ni! M*KIIUHI like riirn.<br />

Siihirilay<br />

h i<br />

hi' \t'iii<br />

,,\- wdl t.m.<br />

'mil I', il. '<br />

.itii.fs phi<br />

fl- l-;l|tlllll<br />

hatile. I"<br />

I'iv<br />

hi<br />

. l.iii.ii :-•'•<br />

It,,,,III. (ill<br />

\i,'ri ehai'ii' Inr .ilhi'i'. i" i'|i" ""-<<br />

.'.'. IT.iinwin iiiiiililii'.iti"! 1 li^ 1 '<br />

UI-MIII,- i.f Hie ,-.i:liii.-il ini-i-1 '-•-••'"•<br />

:ill Vdiil iriTiliir<br />

Hie I<br />

Wiih I..<br />

N..<br />

i by fj j j u f K.<br />

Passaie Ihe lull would fi- rUirk h.ls<br />

ictcr li pay . 10 per i-i-nl - ,<br />

Sh. r«.... . . _.<br />

MUM'!' jirninnter? m pyy ,i 10 per iiiiE<br />

iiinic ni >r,(i=. hut iheri- iin ,'H'<br />

|hii[.i'.- Tin' lir.l iesi uiiiii' -i-<br />

|,.iy. start Iin' baseball feu-l 1 i'l.<br />

• (UL ill a In?! iiiil'. but jiiM b t M<br />

I li'l 'lie .'I',!.)! ..lari liisiiijli .ini-l •<br />

.•ulil. iiiliy duajiivini'le M.•,,!!,!<br />

VIH. hill PI' ! Ml'H all IMKll i' H't-<br />

1 lldiicviT thi' Mniilii-hi i.i.ll |ihi<br />

tuck iheir rntbUNiiiM.' i;M. .t .<br />

leiiii'i'i pbi.i' Hiiii u,:iit iiii'iii tH<br />

l|... ,ni\ i-ut i.t i.i'ili'i ii,.'j.-<br />


Thu. Hii'urdiO H,i-ibi,i! Mi'<br />

inr ,|•I.,|!I 1<br />

(ill OS OIlfNNJ;<br />

\r ilir MM'i.ii iiu.i<br />

iliiiiier I.-.in. Vil.- i.IT<br />

bn>. pl.i'.i-.l .. Jniili<br />

bill A'ril lilt \ iinl I<br />

I Irr. II.I<br />

IllMi-<br />

,h-li-i.-l\i<br />

i,.!' ki-<br />

I CS1.<br />

Ui<br />

if iv.Mule." iii I..' 11 - * -<br />

ml Ihi' I-I.mil. lull 1<br />

Hiii'kl.ull/ paid tin<br />

Weiaiu<br />

lie in<br />

il in r<br />

bi ruti up Mii'h i<br />

rduiiirilv Hid A<br />

liJin!<br />

IH'II,<br />

li.<br />

I'iiiil then.<br />

i.iM ^riireit'?<br />

ni.e lielii L<br />

I .i'h :.-r<br />

\ • i i " . :<br />

:; F|-.-,l I I...M k.- I<br />

Ti . I . n : : i - . " " I . M . I i I " ' •<br />

1 II.A.- Hi : .'• I - 'I' 1 " '•<br />

!.,,-..,• H i i . : : I *-i.-.ri.<br />

(i, ,,,,,. Wuki lui.-i<br />

• :yiie in ll-i<br />

kni<br />

him<br />

111 J<br />

I...I,'<br />

ih.il<br />

lit,-<br />

11.i,<br />

< 111<br />

n in'<br />

StO|l<br />

^m<br />

„ to Uielr events:<br />

iroid Jump—Ely, Pfander |<br />

lilh Jumti—M. Smith. BuikholU<br />

'licul—Morrow, Kevaes. New.<br />

in ri'Vi'iiiie ffeiin ^uk' nl brua<br />

und ieieeastiuy ri<br />

.lime as they dn in: theirinrwf<br />

reeuipis it inn WHS. k'fl b><br />

,,,<br />

^he'itaitBris <strong>of</strong> 49 «ere a*'"*''"" »«» teleeastiuij nuht. ihi-<br />

i-hediiliil 11<br />

li<br />

lir-<br />

velin—Jefnee, Morrow,<br />

PJernee, Morrow<br />

M<br />

•ijsvtlin—Jei<br />

Shot Put-,<br />

-Pole Viult<br />

PMIIO. ColTey<br />

w<br />

nee, Morrow<br />

Monericr, Ford. J<br />

J. Jenninjis<br />

wi,iin. J. Jenninp, Miraiililn<br />

«4»-Ely. Miraglllo. Careu. Seibi,<br />

mini Friiiik Tin<br />

ii hu syid it iiiiuld<br />

Pime;i ininiplraliui: piedue i<br />

atiun<br />

Men<br />

ilillf the 1<br />

... El<br />

A—U, Smith, BuckhnllJ, Rfiihle<br />

« 100—M, Smilh. Buekhnlu. Reichle<br />

Inch team last year, won Uu-<br />

Al L l h<br />

Tlie Inch team a<br />

Capr-Atluntic League cliinpnp<br />

«na with thai honor, the individual<br />

swards <strong>of</strong> tiny Silver truelt shuei.<br />

The shoes have red and while<br />

"O.C'i on the side. These iiwali.l.'<br />

didn't arrive last year, but tin y will<br />

To Sell Bondi for Well<br />

The Cape May i'liy i/nmirn^ui ;<br />

ii ill receiie bids Miiiulay nn liie<br />

pureiiiisi' ni S3iUi00 in iiater hniidH<br />

tn'uniini-e the (inllini; nl ii IUA Miil<br />

anil other iinpniseim'iii^ in expiiiiii<br />

eapiiLity nf thi' uiumup.ii iiaier M?.<br />

iem The bunds mil in- pHid nil<br />

frnni liiiler ik'i.aiiniet': rei'i ipt?<br />

pl'rk-U|i nuilits nf «iini.i..f<br />

;iiile. i.nil ',i ill Sill' tin- I'Miieh IM1. lil>l<br />

iippnriuliity ti. .fi- iiii', i.i. iiH.i.lhiil<br />

inaierial will |ier!"ii" j11 ,.n ai'liiiil<br />

u.iMH' Till, lypi- 1.1' pr.iiMiei- will li.<br />

.•.Mitif-iied ihrnutiiiuu! iiii. M.ii'.iir. i<br />

litlltAi'. Ihe en.ii'ir* liirii .,f n.! h;.i<br />

inij i.eparale iji11111:14 prHe'ni'". lii'l.i<br />

IIU prai'lires. allii i/aii'Mum |.\iri-i.i".<br />

bji nf runibinin^ :ill Hi,' iniilinn.':<br />

ni iiii' i^nne iit niiie<br />

Tiiim Cnplain Ji.hr. Ii.ui'i'.i.ii hi,,<br />

.'..1 vet appeared ut the ht-iil !uit<br />

thii 1. Elue In a f," i injuri .^ii?i;.i!i .1<br />

111 tin' him! t.iuri :nmT.t " b,(fkeHiiill<br />

1,11111' «illi liliii,.-i',ii r<br />

TO Ri:i>l'C'K Nl MBKRS<br />

Florida's Tiny Deer Are Facing<br />

Extinction, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Man Finds<br />

V I H III lit II I! illlMI<br />

C'IIMI-I<br />

m iiiieri---: I" i<br />

ii,ii:ier« i- ,1 ii'imr<br />

Mi.11111 Fl.i ny liiii<br />

I pHll.tn.t<br />

..I Kl..<br />

... V 1<br />

'.•li! "I<br />

H Al.,<br />

i.. P.iili.i<br />

iii Tin-<br />

•!:,• Vill.i<br />

i Shni (<br />

i ,,. ih<br />

.i»•»•»•»«»•»•••••«<br />

Floor Sanding<br />


w FLOOR SANDING -~<br />

Rf-finitbing _ Waxing — Pelithing<br />

1026 ASBURY AVE, Phone 1773-j<br />

Plastering<br />




HIS Bar An. Phon*<br />

F, F. EWltTQ<br />

PLASTER ING and<br />

STUCCO<br />

WJUD mat Om.tuMital<br />

Bur AT, OHU Clljr MM<br />

Francis R. MacRain. Sr.<br />

Brick Mason Contractor<br />

408 - 4th Street<br />

Phont 2S73W<br />

•i tin<br />

i i<br />

************************ 1<br />

Hr Have Nliirlrd rii.vlnt<br />

< ARDBOARI) Acilin:<br />

Wanted - Scrap<br />

IKON - MKTAI.S - I'AI'KIt<br />

RA(iS - ItlHBKR<br />

For First Prices Call<br />

Pleasantville Scrap<br />

Iron and Metal Co,<br />

J10 M. Main SI. Phone 233<br />

Will Call lor Orders<br />

*********** «••*•*•<<br />

I'll,,...- I.-..-.B-W Jobbing<br />

Stucco a Specialty<br />

C, M, McCLARY<br />

I'l, WrlKriH iuid MASON<br />

-.l An- i:in i in , N. ,1 1<br />


Ph, Omn CHs- 3010 1 K. Illh Nt,<br />

Plastering - Stucco<br />

Patching Work<br />


Builders' Hardware<br />

Benjamin Moore & Co. Paints<br />

Larcoloid Auto Enamel - Kotall<br />

Wallpaper Paint with an Oil Base<br />

Special Prices to Carpenters and Painters<br />


SS2 Asbury Ayejiue Phone 0001<br />

jiliiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiig<br />

•= §<br />

? An Announcement I<br />

I Effective February 20, <strong>1950</strong> j<br />

The Swift Construction Company §<br />

= Became Affiliated with I<br />

= The Coastal Concrete & Supply Company |<br />

5 These two companies will be operated under |<br />

; the managument <strong>of</strong> A, C. (Ike) Baggs, A, J (Tony) I<br />

g Capcia will be in charge <strong>of</strong> the Transmix Plant and |<br />

= W. M. (Bill) Caniizaro will be in charge <strong>of</strong> Land I<br />

5 Clearing, Excavation, Gravel Fill and Top Soil work, |<br />

Unifying the operation <strong>of</strong> these two companies<br />

I will give Builders, General and Sub Contractors a<br />

| more complete service.<br />

| We will be happy to diicusi these services with §<br />

| you and would appreciate an opportunity to submit I<br />

j bids on your jobs, large or small, |<br />

?'" I 3 1 " 1 ! 1 . 1 t»EiiliiiiiiiiiiE3i i iiiiiiiiiniiit iimniiiinmiiiiiiiiiiMiiii iiiiiniiuiiiiiiiin nil<br />

'• ,'!, , I j u i i l'!.,-i I •!• •<br />

i.'.',," i hi • ri.iii.i in:' ^:i •<br />

'Hi l a r d Ireiklile<br />

Mi :-r;..!i 1 Him- I'IITC<br />

r;,,-.- Mi M m i,> ;i -I.-. Ch.<br />

%:,,)• ll.-n li'i ' I nun I!' ".'<br />

•-,•;-. Lr.,,i. i ri'i.il.-* KM,i.l<br />

D . , M i-p. • 11 - •. .i :i Tui- li'B.r ,i<br />

( , ' , • , - , : ( H I . ' • ' • • - •'' -' f ' ' - - ^<br />

' l i ' '' ' ! Pi ' I I,.<br />

I liitn =\\,lier li.<br />

l.i: ,...:. ! I-I' H<br />

, . : ; 11- • ' M. -M.-i<br />

."„,I..:-: ". li'-l- W.,1, -<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Bowling Academy<br />

12th St. and Bay Ave.<br />

Academy Opens<br />

7 p.m. to Midnight<br />

Saturday from 1 p.m.<br />

Ijmini and Inslrufllons<br />

Alll' A|.|imv«! — <strong>On</strong>»n riowlllll<br />


Phone 9074<br />

Electricians<br />

Electricians<br />


We Have Moved to Our New Address:<br />

1352 ASBURY AVE. Phone 177!<br />

lidRGE<br />

Ifsldrncr; 12 1 li.l hi, Vfr !M!5<br />


Fire Alarm<br />

Traffic Signals<br />

Communicationi<br />


1 fpn^iil! iriM >!..,.*. >i.nl l.,^lFi,iil I i.E.ii' ...in,! ^rrii,.*<br />

iii ^..i.r^ MiitMiiril ^igniilliie t i,.,-rii'M..* s i<br />

urn ....<br />

Burglar Alarms<br />

Electric Wiring<br />

Power and Lighting<br />

House Wiring<br />

Cott>mercial Lighting<br />

Flood Lighting<br />

^<br />

Irvin Jolmson Jr. & Co,<br />

Phone 1398 — Day or Night<br />

944 Asbury Avenue<br />


Hotels, Homes and Shops Wired for Power or Light<br />






Call 0948 -.-The Friendly Yard<br />

llth Street and Simpson Avenue<br />

•—MtttttlMtMMt<br />

iPelto&Co.,Inc.<br />

General CoatrKton<br />

1266 A»bury Ave. ;<br />

Phone 0988 ;<br />

SEPTIC SERVICf*«nd<br />


Hrpl.,T yr rf.J Cnntwl «T «*|.lV<br />

Tank n-iih a npw Mrptip Punl, Is*<br />

proirrt I,, si rnn' •inrrlnirii.<br />

THf» An "FirTI'RRII'T"<br />


Wre W»M AT, Fhom MM<br />


PIERS and PILING<br />


Work Speak* for ItMir*<br />

PleaMotvilU 1363-W or 2447-J<br />

Painters Painters<br />




4H Aibury A».. Orcan <strong>City</strong>. N.J-<br />

Phone 1938-R<br />

*******************<br />

B. C. PRICE<br />

: PAINTING and<br />

\ : DECORATING<br />

1228 Asbury Avenue<br />

Phone 1857<br />


and PAINTING<br />

We Will <strong>On</strong> Any Plarr for ilnp<br />

Rqnm fir Mf.rf<br />


Phone 032l.W<br />

Free Estimate*<br />

Wesley Interior<br />

Decorators<br />

338 Wesley Avenue<br />

***********<br />

KM, IHIIN<br />

****< ••*•<br />

C. L.BRECKLEY. IncJ<br />

House and Sign<br />


llrnilv Hiiril 1'nii,I-<br />

***************$****4<br />

GEORGE 0. I ODER<br />

Painting Contractor<br />

« W, i«lh street PhonB 2SH-M<br />

"I.KT I.I |i|[l.l, (11) II"<br />

* E. N. EGGLY •*.<br />





* PHONE<br />

How to Solve <strong>On</strong>e<br />

Building Problem<br />


CEMENT<br />

SAND + WATER<br />

STONE<br />




1. Sharp Washed Sand<br />

2. Proper She Clay . Free Stone<br />

Water Added to a Carefully Weighed Mix<br />

The Answer<br />


Coastal Certified<br />

3,<br />


Laurence E, Stedem<br />

- RECiiiiTERiiU _<br />

Electrical Contractor<br />

Wirini for Light and Power<br />

Repair and Maintenance Servic*<br />

1520 Asbury Avenue Phone 1573<br />

, S. CORSON • Ilectricai Con<br />


Refrigmtor. .. Rang(,g . Water Heaters<br />


7S2 West Avenue<br />

! 211i.J-2<br />

For anything<br />


CALL<br />

... L.C. SMITH<br />

Phone <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> 0011<br />


and SUPPLY CO,<br />

4lh and Haven Avenue*<br />

Ocew, <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

-<br />

A. T.PORD<br />

Electrical Contractor<br />

, filQAsburyAT. Ph. 0029<br />

115 B; Pkraon<br />


RADIO ,„,<br />


- <strong>On</strong> All Makei _<br />


Electrical Contractor<br />

7.01 ASBURY AVE. ^<br />

iz Home Laundry -—<br />

School Paper<br />

fins, 4th Year<br />

a Third Place<br />

at Columbia Meet<br />

By BOB I1AI I.I H,\N<br />

g-hooi'i<br />

i'lii<br />

Billows, fkiiiii <strong>City</strong> IliKh<br />

WUII<br />

rri'dKnltiun uwunl nl iff-.<br />

Culumijla Hihuliislii' I'ri",.,<br />

,,.iun tunJiTCntt. in Ijiw Yutk<br />

last wffk TIIP four uwiiiu.<br />

j^it bt-cri thrci' third plan's. ;,rnl<br />

"wst'yafV uwpfd was.flrn iilm ••<br />

3"ll SisupMuintmcnt tu HIM Ti,ii,i<br />

• —'-• Such rfcoiinitiun, hiiy,=<br />

dilEil<br />

°sif i* no iirtlinurj- iiiiiiliT Tl.<br />

iil srntis a (.aniplp i'u|,y c,f its<br />

ti i f i<br />

works m iidviiiivii uf tin. timi- nf Hie<br />

Ill'tlllll l!i|i h is jlKli'f-d nil i| (>,„),.<br />

Miiiiilivi- imsis wiili KiMiihir ni'w--..<br />

(Jiiljcrii I nun (,i her Kihniils nf our<br />

^./i . iiriii iiilucl (Hci.idinuiy<br />

Tin- rutiiiiJi in-,, first, M-i'unil. Iliirrl<br />

lllicl lOlllth nr i.iii i.1 nil Tlii'l-I' ill •<br />

i vi-nil in 1-,'n-ii I-IH-S. 1,1,1 still lFiM<br />

l-i-l l-l-i-ni- iilih ii lr,-,i |,ii|i.n, 11 m TI<br />

nil i,MT II.!• II:,III.|I i.l il In |,liii v in.<br />

Hi 1 -' I' 1 ll.l.l- ^ii.i !,, MM ,1 ..Mull<br />

'IlilW iiiiil ..'if (,i,|,.T , ,! nil , | • ,,|.,<br />

ill<br />

Hiistrssits nt • prfvlnin meetlnf<br />

Wire Plivjlia_piltrli;TI jind^Ajrm^^Ini!<br />

pi'ICnrlrt, Tin> inMllnit wan nt<br />

PhylliM 1 hiltrii' urciund WosliliiKlorrs<br />

Hirtlnluy ami Hit- iHi'mtiprs gBVP il<br />

lilny ••niillHd •SiiiiHuin.K und OcniTiil<br />

WushiMjJiiin". 'I'liM roMi iornprUpd<br />

i)i,!(iri.:i llai'knry, Dick Ely, <strong>Mar</strong>y.<br />

iiiiiii. Hiilili'ii, Hyy MiHi'nry, Bni)<br />

Ciinw und Bciij HiiliiTUh Mr, (ihii<br />

Mi^ lliiiulfi A NiintiTinn wrii.<br />

Hut iMty rrii'niiji*rs<br />

jiiri-, ;ihd i'mhif.fm:<br />

ord-<br />

i, ri<br />

F-r-i I,-.<br />

Uri.|,l<br />

.|;,<br />

••• i i . ' • •:'•- ' I I . . . . . i i i . i ; ' • " •<br />

> < • > ' • ' " . . : » • • • | . . , | . - i ! • 1 1 , , , i : • ' . • ' • ' • '<br />

• I' . i i ' ' : i l l I I I . l i . ! i I : , l i \ i - U i ' i , , ) i ' • ' ' •<br />

> ' < • ' , i ' , , , , . I , , , • . ; „ , • „ :;. •; " • I . . ! - I<br />

H i ' ' I , . ' , I , . , , . , . , , . , , , , 1 „ , . , . . ;._!« - 1 _<br />

,' '.li'.: , ' • .•.'•'•''' " : " " ' '• • J . M<br />

j<br />

iic- HriiUlcv. Iiml Ihi-y will<br />


T!.i- Si i .i.i.- f|,i,r Mii'iiii; . 1:.J K i.f<br />

II i- Ifl.'iu Ciir.'ivi-I. Ihi- liit!li Si'lliiul<br />

V* ;,r liiii.k 411" liH:i!=ir.H i OiMlih-tiur<br />

I.II :li. .r iifuji'ul Must uf HIM ma-<br />

bni, si'nl tu tin" publish<br />

! hld j ti<br />

(I Uu ri-!<br />

l,i- riiiify li.i- tii^tf it<br />

ii..- 1 Lii ky fiur.-liii^i't Ly<br />

ffyfod<br />

lit- Si'i,,.*r- [,liinr,i-t!<br />

!.,r If ux yi-urs<br />

j<br />

y<br />

A iii hi' iniinv ITlorM pjitiirt<br />

• -...-ill In- nl sMiuili'r BriHij.k<br />

Hi . iii.ii iiii i.f'tin- iisiJiii -m<br />

' i.ii 11.1' (flih! 5ti'|j« T<br />

, ! ' ! ' i . i i . i l f<br />

• ' . • • 11 v ,•<br />

i: ', .ilniil I'mliii. I ...ill.-. ..nil tin i- tu-<br />

iiii.iT v, lih t'his^ iiMiii-r^ ut.it i\u>*<br />

. m i i i i . , v. ill ii|j|.i'iir ur. II.i- finii',-<br />

i ' .. ..iii f.ir Kali i hiv<br />

IJ* '^1,!,' 11,!' 1 -:!' uriil IMjiiiy (,!h(T lirj.<br />

[.!ii'.i'H;i I '•/ Mil- Hl-niiilJ "il,a mil ill)<br />

Iin' |,rni' Tn fi.i ililiiti- tin- stililirit^'<br />

i ,li ,.•,-,. ,,r II,,, f'i.ljH ,1, t|,|. ,;,!,.<br />

i i ii' i> |;:,v:il/!i. ii, irift,illini.|.l,<br />

'Miiui'liiiiil lin. 'i In,i.l yi-iir Miiliy<br />

..M i ...i] I'.! (iiiiii iir,i "iu.rkinii'<br />

'ffii- f;ii *- iiiiii HHuri -• '.liuw that thr<br />

liiHKl.iy<br />

, ! . •, -<br />

y<br />

v. hill it '.Mil hPll fur.<br />

iiS<br />

(;;, .i<br />

: ' 'Ihnt'ii ahv thDiit rubid Npniorsi<br />

^ •- milii ijiid^ ^i fticitial! ifumf^, ih^t'H<br />

' ! »hi Hi' Iripfl lo fpi peitple Uj buy<br />

.'...... VIIIUH llrkpta tu Ihe nlav. "Brrk-,<br />

Mitinv Pius UAstr ,,lf, »»<br />

..I '.',, tiiivF i-riMii^rd In yth*,f munFj-mak-<br />

- h,ik ,if,r,i,i]f.i'|.il tliat I-I.IIM-<br />

'• . -,\ M^!,*;,.. fur Mitfi f. ;,ro UE,iimi' =<br />

, , All iiH.lii'i.iiU fiiuf.ii 141111 Jiiii-it<br />

-,-.,'] \< . r i. ; ;.fl ,,; Philjui'liiiiij uf.il<br />

ti, --> is f tit! irr,n.iii!,i!i'iy ti, Liii'<br />

jM.iiit..' {'i-r;,, Ri-i ru,t T r ^ i r, 1 r. j-<br />

IJi („•' Pii 11.- IiUii.ii H C<br />

! •..F!t. r.-.il.i.t: in thf jriii ;,ii-<br />

ji, ii,: \'i AHiif.tii' CiTy ii;;.> i'i,f,tiiil<br />

:„.1. ,i. l.iT^i.fi liiili fili'Siliiy in th.'<br />

*,,.>> fii'i niiiii.t. iiffli'c Pi, t ilfliii'<br />

h.i.liiiiij; Hiiii!:,' und IlliiuiiN, iiv^ ,<br />

1 t • -II ii ii Hi |i. ?, |, Ii; Tlii- lilllCl-<br />

Millvilii' i,« liiiiTi friim K ii m. ti<br />



git* w<strong>of</strong>i* tin* Hutstpiiding markN<br />

Vis wry OVIT thr L-yhtuItii u^ain in an<br />

ulUOiM*Qn <strong>City</strong> cunti^t in thi* South '<br />

.:*'. Hyturduy riitjii .J/I<br />

f ' y.^'J, 1 ,, "h' .,," ' i,ll,r.<br />

,,, f,,,,r<br />

Salvation Army Ha«<br />

70th Anniversary<br />

'I'he Salvation Army on Friday ob,<br />

sprvi'd the 70ih annivprsiry <strong>of</strong> il«<br />

lijuiiiliiiH in the United Stall's ufi<br />

MliH'h 10, 18811.<br />

A KiniiiM I'tidnrscmMnt (if Ihe<br />

Army'?; vvui'k fijr nien, wiimen yriii<br />

i hiiiiri'ii whii IIMMil jihysit-al onil<br />

M.iritual uiii v,uy si-rit Jjy Prl'Sita t<br />

TriiiiiiiM to M Ciil, A Kdjiiir Arkutt,<br />

illviMiiiiiil LiiniliianilMr far Stiuthifn<br />

Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch lC<br />

Ne« Jefity, Ssuthettttrn Wnnij 1-<br />

viinlo and Delaware,<br />

Work <strong>of</strong> the Salvation Army wn«<br />

skirted by CnmmiMionrr deor^o<br />

Sfult Rniiton. Bit'ompaniod by sever,<br />

bonnclpd tassies, whu landed in Ne«<br />

Yurk <strong>City</strong> friiiii F.ntilund,<br />

Students in Washington<br />

Mi.nih*,rh nf tiit. Hi-niur Ciii^s nf<br />

Middle Towrmhtp<br />

Tnureday lost \veak<br />

marh tour la WeBhlngton. U. t,<br />

from which they returned Saturttoy<br />

night<br />

Seventy studenti made tht trip,<br />

v iric« Ad win IH<br />

tin- bi,ariJy.alk<br />

l"'.ii|,l.- ;.r.- IH-II Inr!<br />

M IJufhy ii'il thi 1 wiriiiiTH with ii thin! iilriiti. ^<br />

'with IHI Miiiui't ivti.r»i,ii w.av liiEii K H s 0 i, K Anri:<br />

tiir HIM liiHci, v. ill, :i 1!)!| (iuii.i. iiii'i .. .. , ,. n . . .<br />

Him I Kelly v.:i« runni r.lip v.ilh-IB'i ,, l r ''"' i'""' * ' ' i /'•<br />

'I'l.M Hhiilies r„.,„•* ,,.l,,,« Cily. ISiiv.lint; A.iMini.y iilli-y. (.;,•<br />

s, rijlliIIK nil iin<br />

•:. Jliulki'd up u i(.| I<br />

I I , . illil l,;ill<br />

um],h uwr Sli.r.M Ilaibiir. Ly the '" '' I'' 11 ' 1 "<br />

tuilil Mill luiiril ul a4Ul tu M04. fill h;nl hiMii lihilii « l,y Hiiii<br />

Tin' Kilmer C'licwitv. it-cl by I.i-: bi.ii.i* u|, 1 u II.i- lii..,i v.i-ek In.<br />

Nurljurv vkill, i. fiwa tripjlf ur.il TM i!i.i|,|ieil fuur '.'.lull' li.i. fin IJI.V<br />

sifiljle. luiiKlil tu a 2.2 sliiliTiuil.- . v- w.I-i.i,<br />

Cither ki-^lrr- it, !hi- ii|,|jer hrni-i;. .. Mfi ITiri ,'.i'ii' ii ;,.!,'.'. ..(.i-r if. 'hi<br />

el ii,i -I'lileii Hill l!.ji k i.t-v v. ith 2lr, s.,i,i"i.r.. fun.: A (' l,e;,i..i. •'. ". r. i<br />

Kv.iiii! C'nr'i.i. »i'i 'I' JiiM.viir, Ulili i^''i '1 aili>><br />

a,,!,""'" ' *"• " !<br />

' •'•"" " • - • ' • ' • - ,,..-,;r"ii|',.. •',!•..;,. BiV,'<br />

>lii>v I.;,!,.'.1,1; ft ':.;i .r,,.ii li; fil'<br />

r'^rmv'.'-ii''••.'i-"i':\'u'!i li B 1 -'ily"a^ ll t''.'.V ,'Ml|)<br />

To Have Card Party<br />

'I i,i- Ann-nriin L.'Miuii Aiisiliai.<br />

^h'"t:^%^;i l nV"B15""T ir nf'i l ' l!'.; 55;! iii|iii, at .1 lili;<br />

Plumbing<br />


Plumbing • Heating<br />

I Phone 1876<br />

505 North 8tr«t<br />

**********************<br />

Fred 5, Tarves 3rd<br />

• BUILDER •<br />

1 Bayview Place Phone 1127<br />

om«! ttpi<br />

M I f w i w I n . K M W H I H A i r<br />

WUUrd F. Stetief<br />

Plumbing - Heating<br />

0383 Oeeu <strong>City</strong>, N, J.<br />

l.|!!!U!,t|!l|!|l iiiiil ll.iiHi.j<br />

Fred H. Manley<br />

Plumbing • Hmating<br />

OH<br />

on<br />

947 Asbury Ave,<br />

T.iephroe «M<br />



AND. ION<br />

OU i<br />

- Dutlnf<br />

Pbon« MZ9<br />

WiWp Ara,, OCHB riu. N. J..<br />


*. HKATINO<br />

York OU Bumera<br />

Yorii BoUer Burner Unite<br />

Y«k<br />

Winter Air Conditioner!<br />

_ V» WRHT AVKNl'R<br />

Pk, Uli _ RM, rfc. iM4.B.I<br />


Joseph Broadley<br />


• AND<br />


- IOBBINO -<br />

•W Wcalajr Av, Ph. 072S<br />

Plumbing Heating<br />

Oil Burners<br />

William 0. Townsend<br />

60S Atlantic Avf, Phonp 03JB<br />


j, G. SUMMER<br />

Plumbing - Heating<br />

h III!<br />

3301 Simpson Av. Phone III!<br />

Charles Scheldt, Inc.<br />

358 Asbury Av, Ph, 2377<br />

Plumbing - Heating<br />

Johnson Oil Burners<br />

Commercial • Industrial<br />

RettdeniUl<br />

Oil Burnlni Equlpmcnl<br />

TO<br />











839 ASBURY AVENUE PHONE 0298<br />

Builders Builders<br />



General Electric Oil Formen<br />

Tlmkm Silent AulomaUe<br />

Oil Burner*<br />

General Electric Appliance!<br />

Atlantic Beliiiinf Fuel Oil<br />

and Kermene<br />

twin — Imlijiliiliiin — S»niM<br />



201 Aibury Av. Phone 0411<br />

See Too Late to Clanifj<br />

Ads > - Firlt Section<br />

W<br />

OMM Citr HH-W- TB«llah»« ?1-M J0B1WO<br />




EMm§m ******<br />

A..... Olri „, ,,<br />

*»*********•*•*****<<br />

rboneai<br />

•HI<br />

•in<br />

Be WiM<br />

Modrrnlii<br />

with<br />

Wm, D. Camburn<br />

Albert S, Camburn REGISTERED BUILDERS<br />

Jabbing — Alteration! — Ro<strong>of</strong>ing<br />

1039 Weft Avenue<br />

••«•••«*«•»••••••»•*•*•»»»••••••»•••••••»*«»«»•<br />

iHiiiiiiiiBaiiiHiitiraaiiiiifiHmBiininiiMaiiyiini liiliiiililnaKiiiiiiiiutliiiiiiiii^<br />

111 1 !'!!! 111 !!!!! 11 '!' 111 !""'''''! 1 " 1 '' 111 " 111 " 1 "-" 11 -"-- 1 ' 1 111 ' 111 """"" 1111 "' 11 '' 1 *' 1 ' 11111 *'"'" 1 "" 11111 ' 111 '<br />


We have eanUnneualy eajarei<br />

toe esnfideoce <strong>of</strong> the public be-<br />

eaaie <strong>of</strong> the fail that we lien-<br />

lie every eitlmate to the com-<br />

plete utjafaetlsn ol IBe ctutotan-.<br />

This ii lirm auBranre that your<br />

Job will be earrled out exactly<br />

•»-promlMd. Thii h»» been our<br />

oiuwervlm policy during m«ny<br />

years <strong>of</strong> inMcHfal bBilneai<br />

leailnfi In Bella Jersey,<br />

Frank Howard<br />

•toiitnis<br />


1124 Aabury Av., <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N, J. Phone 2693<br />

**********************<br />


V, B. SMITH . Architect<br />

Room 410, National Bank <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> CH? Buitdini<br />

Phone UU<br />

1421 Atlantic Av. Atl. <strong>City</strong><br />

Phone A. C. 4-1864<br />

************************<br />

Registered Builder<br />



42 Simpson Bond<br />

Phone 1M4.W In.! P'VUI* 0"-J<br />

POTTS' BROS,<br />

Bciistored<br />

Builders<br />

609 <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue<br />

Phone O. C, 2971<br />

a •<br />

Phone 18G3-M<br />

Daniel F, Connor<br />

Builder<br />

Res,; 1919 Aibury Ave.<br />

Jobbing Alterations<br />

( Cameron Bros. Co, (<br />

( Builders, Jobbers ]<br />

I and Ro<strong>of</strong>ers |<br />

X 37 naydiiilfi PI. Fhqli? W7t |<br />

$iiMiiiiiiinaiiiiniiimuiiNiiiiiiiioiiiiiuiiiiii)iiiiiiiiiiii[wiii.:.<br />

W.W.Graham<br />

Contractor and Builder<br />


HOMES<br />

Phone 0009-W<br />

820 - 7th Street<br />

iniiiiiiimjniiiiiiiiiiommiiiiiito<br />

|H, C. AMOS<br />


4929 Central Avenue<br />

Phone 2109-W<br />

No Job Too Large<br />

No Job too Small<br />

A, W, J, Williams & Son<br />



* LIII A TIO N 8<br />

1707 Bay Avenue<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

Box 48, AUendabj Rd, <strong>Mar</strong>mor.<br />



Registered Builder<br />

Robert Clayvillc<br />

1209 Wed Avence Phone fill<br />



933 Wait Ave, Ph, 18081<br />

See Toe Late to Cl«»»ify<br />

Ad» • - - Firtt Section<br />

A. Gregory Ogden<br />


. % MCIIHB Bid,,<br />

WUdwrnrf, H, 1.<br />

nan WUdwted ><br />


and CO,<br />

Designers & Builders<br />

OF<br />

Modem Homes<br />

620 8th Street<br />

BUS — Phonei —0135<br />


/NEW ROOFS<br />

or Just a Repair Job?<br />

In either case — call Independent, We've the •!»<br />

perienee, tht men, the materials and the equipment<br />

to give you a perfect job on any ro<strong>of</strong>. We've been<br />

ro<strong>of</strong>en for many yeari and expect to be for many<br />

more. Thafi why an Independent guarantee mean*<br />

e<strong>of</strong>fi^hbtg. Pick a reliable, financially sound fin<br />

to re-ro<strong>of</strong> for you,<br />




ROOFING CO.. Inc.<br />

208 Sixth Street — Phone Oeean <strong>City</strong> 0183<br />

If No Answer, Call Plvaunlvlllr 431-W<br />

Free EsiimaiH Furnished — F. n.A. Flnanelnf Arrange*<br />

|t!l!t|IIIIM!!!!!!!l|l!i!l|i!Ml<br />

ROOFII1C<br />

SIDING<br />

Registered Builder<br />

Edmund C. Wisham<br />

24A»buryAvc. Ph. 1237<br />

fltllillt iil<br />

Roorinc<br />



",, 1 :,^" A,rConditi<strong>On</strong>iri4<br />

H. CRAIG<br />

Ph. 0916 9th & Haven<br />


TODAV<br />

AND mvmv DAW<br />

'IF IN#VS9OR HOMt THt\<br />


FHA Financing<br />

No Down Payment<br />

36 Months to Pay<br />

•<br />

Watmrbury<br />

The Moit Modem<br />


SYSTEM<br />


1?QOf ING • $WffFTM€TAL WORU«<br />

6<br />


til<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch W.JM0<br />

Attack<br />

m It Would Boost<br />

l Home Co*t<br />

Seller<br />

nHwifUon <strong>of</strong> Beat Estate<br />

, wfioittacked the mtuure,<br />

snvy tide tor iht law.<br />

t publto'i MpenM" and<br />

t the Button lad their<br />

1 tnif organizttloiit will<br />

ttfiuHIy.<br />

wss iupBsrted in hii<br />

" «rf.' oi<br />

m <strong>City</strong>, put WAWto pmldtn!<br />

<strong>of</strong> its tawytrt' b<br />

v..^v.. who warned that enact<br />

nwnt ol A-301 would "ptaMiM<br />

public and would end the '<br />

• " --". Htlto MelwrMe',<br />

I Ii the Him old attempt<br />

, tb«<br />

•td.<br />

"H A-SOl betoniei liw, brekiij<br />

will be unable to draw leases, con-<br />

. tncti ind other 91111011 igreeinenti<br />

incidental to their business »:. II-<br />

TW* service now rendered<br />

Ml itht hrge by<br />

ctMts TW* service now rendered<br />

|o liw puMle without charge by<br />

broken wfll become • costly ptrt ol<br />

borne purchase or rent If people<br />

an placed at the mercy <strong>of</strong> tho<br />

among<br />

State Legion Chiefs<br />

at Sea Isle Rally<br />

Commander H»rry_V. Oroomc,<br />

lion rail tonight at the home „<br />

Smu-Lamanna-Tlevelle Post, Sea Isle<br />

cm A number <strong>of</strong> pther state ind ,.„-<br />

lional <strong>of</strong>ficei* <strong>of</strong> the organization will<br />

be on the program..<br />

All Cape Bay County veteran;,<br />

whether or not they are Legion<br />

members, haw been invited lo at.<br />

im pnignni will Include u drill<br />

by the uniformed honor guard a."<br />

the Wlldwood post and music by the<br />

Cape May f ounty American Legion<br />

Knd<br />

lay f<br />

Sef- hmentj and dancing<br />

vSKlty P Stevens, executive virc<br />

pnitdtnt <strong>of</strong> the itate association<br />

pointed out that many other linei a,,<br />

Mflu broken would be hit by the<br />

bill. He lilted title companies.<br />

wiU conclude the fcilivities<br />

Playhouse Formed<br />

9y Woodbine Youth<br />

•rcen.ageri <strong>of</strong> Woodbine and virln.<br />

ity have organised the Woodbine<br />

playhouse, an amateur tlit-airicul<br />

group to itudy and put intu use all<br />

ihasei <strong>of</strong> theatrltal work<br />

The boys and girls are under the<br />

direction <strong>of</strong> Mrs, Benjamin Bniwii,<br />

lein, an actress, director and staBe<br />

manager formerly associated wilii<br />

the Philadelphia New Theatre<br />

Weekly meetings are held<br />

Craftsmanship in stained KHI»S<br />

reached its highest level amuRR<br />

European monks in the 14th mU<br />

ISth centuries<br />

Remains Intact<br />

State Museum Abo<br />

Escapes Cut<br />

Services now provided by the<br />

Stale Museum and the stales Librarj<br />

will be continued without curtail-<br />

ment in 1951-51. the Leiiilalive Ap.<br />

propriations Committee announeet,<br />

it f renter, last week. *<br />

Weird Id that effect was received<br />

Monday by the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Tret'<br />

Public Library trnm Mrs Anita t,<br />

Mutzjer chairman <strong>of</strong> the adviser?<br />

council <strong>of</strong> the New Jersey Depart,<br />

men! <strong>of</strong> Education. |<br />

The local library and many others<br />

throughout the state had protested ]<br />

an economy slash <strong>of</strong> funds in Hie<br />

proponed budget for the coming<br />

ruciil year, which svuuld have re-<br />

tiuced State Library services to city<br />

libraries and completely cloied thy<br />

State Museum.<br />

The committee rcporti'd that as 3<br />

result <strong>of</strong> widi'spread protests H hau<br />

decided to shift funds from other,<br />

dt piirtments. ;<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> library utilizesj<br />

.-lati. library facilities to obtain |<br />

Aiuks for borrowers which arc not ;<br />

;arricd iii stock huru.<br />

Red Crow Campa4*n ?«» »io« « r »»«»-•<br />


jaeTlme. « Word* or Leu . ....... Me<br />

"^ He pei word exeeeding 2S wordi)<br />

' (Toq.Late.tii.Clas,ify Ads. 2fic Extra)<br />

Running 8 Times, with ja Words or Lcsl WOO<br />

Ad* Requiring Box Numeeri, J6c More<br />

AH Claiiified Advertiiinf Ca«h<br />

,,By m^iiii.1 I", imi IB re|ir,iN(inll«lvs or i.rnuiclit (o iifflro i^rnonnlly.<br />

BUiT UK AnCHMI'ANmii UY tjAHII OK ITA11M to cover WI. <strong>On</strong>pr<br />

^.gtati over i'htini •• couili.iy iinrt iivi.iiii!rlro to ramiHP, Rgmil.<br />

^ , niu»t l'« I" Befors navarllniinrqi i. »1 In lyiw. rt<br />

' Classified Display Advertising ,,., |l,iO Per Inch<br />

IHi<br />

In<br />

Chatterbox<br />

9th and Central Ave, Phone 0717<br />

"Where Good Friends<br />

Meet to Eat"<br />


Breakfast • Luncheon • Dinner<br />

Delicious Snacks .<br />

Fountain Service{ - Ice Cream<br />

I Hi I: 1>I I IVhliV<br />


. ..il i.iiin<br />

Phil: WIT<br />

rr.ii Ni-w<br />

Him iiy i,"<br />

;h. i-.'.lli-i<br />

i> \nr<br />

lan These (lei'ci'nliiE<br />

the 1 nforiin-ti croup<br />

The result!, <strong>of</strong> the KiurleiKh Die*- ily mt'mbi'i> were aBiiinsl thf Brill<br />

iiir.jn Colluiic IJi'll i'f metrO|ifilita:i iii.n I<br />

New .It'rsry t'tiiiinuinilies t.>n jhe fu.l= niiiy I<br />

:riiiu fnirl tlii' Braniiar<br />

I ' l i i ^ l i m i t ' l l i i ' i l » » z J * * i i ' ' ' t i -<br />

. iirt'iriilfd Fridiiy to rn'S-<br />

JiTiicy St nainis. iT|ire«. -<br />

iii'.ri Ii. Sft:n'tiiry Bl.tii-<br />

''iiKiiuttt'i' <strong>of</strong> studL-iils froi i<br />

crc r<br />

t. ri-.<br />

Tin' pull was i-anii'il out by bay<br />

in, fiii-h stiiiifii! pull the adull mini<br />

btih u! In? hiiii!l.v, an addiiiiinal uv,<br />

r.,t nihci.. iif his !;fii;i£' liininiunit i<br />

ami himself<br />

The dim,! ulrikinfr fart was that<br />

Ihrtt! quartcrii <strong>of</strong> thr cltlzeiu ap-<br />

prnaehrd had neither heard ,,f nor<br />

rpad ahout Jhe Hrannan Plan, a<br />

vital issue affcrtlnc food cost!, and<br />

taxes which is due lo come befgrr<br />

(he I onsrew shortly, Thf sludeni<br />

£rnyp, in their vntihE, rta4 had<br />

Hie hrnrnt <strong>of</strong> a student-led di».<br />

(HSHioii <strong>of</strong> thp fafts involved.<br />

h h<br />

jOri'OJiK I ABM POLICV<br />

Rt'^iirdnij4 the jiresi'iu u.n<br />

all thri'i' uroulis liolleri wr<br />

UIH'illllMKly ll|l|KJM'd t'l till'<br />

iiiiiii: <strong>of</strong> the jiVt'St'iii Hit.ihnii<br />

Here UKiiiii n<br />

i I r . :::<br />

<strong>of</strong> Utr:ii<br />

U<br />

! thai<br />

-ult» n.i<br />

i-ili/en<br />

fts involved.<br />

-iile Thut thf<br />

iii ;<br />

H<br />

itnui iir:if niy<br />

-MlHM ' Dc<br />

I'l'iiM-.l to ihe:i'."<br />

,i.\>, iliat ii. |.i'i' ft-<br />

l r.iriii- anil 31 per<br />

rj: \\\AI i"n<br />


lou'vc seen it happen with the<br />

' ftmily down the iireot, the friends<br />

•cross town, the folks you went to<br />

school with.<br />

They started oul, as moil folks do,<br />

with a gar <strong>of</strong> modest sizo-and still<br />

more modest price.<br />

Maybe they moved themselves up<br />

a bit, step by §(ep, to the top-<br />

bracket models in that particular<br />

price range,<br />

ihen they discovered something.<br />

It doesn't cost much more-.Nome-<br />

times no more-Co rually blossom<br />

out in a Buick.<br />

It's not such a long stretoh to take<br />

command <strong>of</strong> a ireat-hearted valve<br />

in-head straight-eight-to move<br />

Into the room and restfulness and<br />

f rout Ki r re Gtf *TM vnui<br />

sluady taint <strong>of</strong> 11 Buick-lo dmik<br />

youfself in styliua ihul's toduy's<br />

height <strong>of</strong> highway iushlons.<br />

You can know Hie gOO(j, salisfyiiiji<br />

l«e! <strong>of</strong> a Biiick wlieulii] your iuiiid<br />

-you can have the J5giiilgniji,h <strong>of</strong><br />

s<strong>of</strong>l coil springs on all (bur wliculs<br />

-you can revel in ihe haiidiiiuss <strong>of</strong><br />

ears that are big in mom mid bis<br />

in repute, ye! (ruffit.sizijd u»d easy<br />

to park and put away,<br />

Maybe-«ho knows till you in-<br />

quire?-you can munu( ilii- mat'w<br />

silkine!,s <strong>of</strong> Dymifliiw Drive' m a|)<br />

its lySO purfytimn-nf u ccrluimy<br />

you'll find ihu miidel that's IHJH i0<br />

your heart's desire ttinong the<br />

many ehoiees Uuitk gives you lor<br />

1 ^5U<br />

find oui ihu d(illiir>,.and'i-i?iHb slury<br />

ol Huiwk-it evun includes somo<br />

very happy figures on (fas ceonomy<br />

-from your emit Buick deulerj-<br />

See linn now. will you-and help<br />

yourself to sumc real fun this<br />

season!<br />



„ Ibf,, tfig<br />

in luff,<br />

fhtball »ol.,.,•».(,„,/<br />

I,,, hp ,o,i>,81 iNtw f u i<br />

l,) . NlW-niWlN<br />

WIBf.<br />

mi'<br />

So why not make t|tib y,,ur yt,llr<br />

to hlossom out in a Buick, a?, sci<br />

many have before your Why nol<br />

*Slt»4ird ,, Rtl.lliM.ISTrK. «((.,«/ j, „,„<br />

I<br />

) t , t l ,<br />

lindtii, "doM, babbit" imlllghii<br />

ANou vtstmitr, ,(„,.„„ ,mi „,-,„ Mh ,„,<br />

»o-d sid iot* • TtMfltHANBY Sill, I,,,<br />

o.«, all l,nsn IB, ,„,„ wrt|Bg s_d ,„„,/„,_<br />

than (u,n,ns roAus . IXTSAV/IOl HJfl<br />

cradKd tii-««B II,, ,,lel • %an t m H uot lfam<br />

all-oil ipn'nginB, Ssf,l,.»id,. rinu. l»-.p,,,,u,,<br />

lirei, ridt.ttndfirg t<strong>of</strong>Huj luhi • WIBf ARRAY<br />

61MOMU will, ledf by fisher.<br />

Better6M gu/cM"<br />

earn your BUICK dealer tar a demonstration - Right NmwU<br />



n better automobiles are built BUICK will build them -<br />

N, J, Motorists<br />

Penalized By U,S.<br />

Pay $39,600,000<br />

in'Excise Taxes<br />

hi<br />

.\irn.i!rl> SSD.Kim.fHMi .irmrnnu: u<br />

ni"f]irri!r..!ry t,=:,i h^ii-U nlinh'= iv.<br />

u In?! A K Bui/hnr 1 tuuf niiti! "<br />

Ni>-.v JrfM-v CimlvnV.iV nf A A A<br />

.k.ino|)il(. Cluhh<br />

T h i - r 1;iM'.- ".M-rt iMipl'M-'i It.H k IP<br />

i'2 j'iir !!•!• ;mMn;ii.iM il iUii"[:u?.r 1'!<br />

.l.n-i'ii-i: ihp huilki-l = .' = Mr Riiiil-i-<br />

\l \0 in*<br />

\|i*Tth Wl-il liiiVp f lLlHlt"il Ihr i'Hi|i =<br />

-Mly nf Hfc ;\nd \\x-<br />

•'i'flfnil Us iya rrst niu^! hiviViiy i^l'ii, 'Hi'' wli.i/lii<br />

hi.il! i, ill uini'iM i M i> r.l^i<br />

Nil 1 IIAK1.I-: KM. II.... r|i,|i,M|isilii<br />

I 11,, il H }•' iliiw. :':,2:i 1 '.Mi f if- in Ai<br />

1 i.'Hlir i ii. N I I'hMiir ! :..vir, II I KK.IA INAIOIt Kltrl I<br />

[<br />

inlhln ill<br />

N'l 111:1.1 1<br />

M K SKAI. I'llAT il/.• :ili «.».•!<br />

,(i.llii,,ri li|,t' nru h'iii tiuli.k snli;<br />

ii II ?r>ri<br />

$ I<br />

I-I I:-'.\.M I. S<br />

.Imii.<br />

P Kifflunnliir ii<br />

kiic'tM.ii liiliit.si iinfl il<br />

• l.i'il. I'l.mjili'li' iiii'l<br />

I :• Tlli fviilrili<br />

.-(-111<br />

FOR<br />

• , . , . . - , .<br />

:<br />

, : , ; . " ' - ' " • .<br />

,' : "' ' " ; ! ' r l ' , • ' . ' . ' l .<br />

•••J. : .',",.-..-'. ViV •""I'-I,..<br />

SALE<br />

• 1 . • • . , • • •<br />

Hi- \-> ^ 1 - ^<br />

n.ih!<<br />

iii! h !<br />

v.<br />

I','.<br />

• ' l l<br />

•iV «-AHM|-:r; Klrnllimi! ullllr wilh<br />

I M , , n ; i H i n Ii i m ill i'l I I f ' 1 i ' " r i . t i i i i , i i<br />

ii , , i i ... . ,. 11.i11u. I... l u . r i l.i-tiiiitirri<br />

I ':1=; ^.[i|.^,.ii .iv :i.li><br />


UCEAN KBtJNT -y lifdiiiiim hunis.iliiw<br />

'fully furnished all ciccli'lr kltrhiin.<br />

im-ludinH new lloipolnl PUIIKI' .inn<br />

Krlfijrinlie, ("nllllilclc with Vi'niillun<br />

biinils iind riiniics. F'ullv scrc'i'ni'fl.<br />

Prk'L'd ri'SsnniiliU'. riin tic nniim'i'ii.<br />

H (' Amnii. •1!I31 fonlr/il (iv, I'hcint;<br />

yif)O.\V vvcnlnijii. If<br />

Buntlaiiiw nrar 4Hlh st TWII<br />

bPili'iiims, iill ck-rlrlc KlU'hi-n. hull*<br />

rurnlMlu'ri. Vi'ni'liiin .hllitilB nml tlr»|ius<br />

Fully Si-l LM'tli'ii. \rl\i eariiM*'. I*i li.'Ct!<br />

irusr.niilil!' ('.'in hv nnnnceil. II *'.<br />

Anins 43.11 rt.iilr.il y\. phnnp ^1O?!=\S-<br />

f'vtninKS If<br />

("(ITTAfiK in (iui-ilfnk ullh :i hpdrmims.<br />

nlcciy furiilshcU, illi'il hiilh ('ilia<br />

hisiitfiri Mpt'n fin>pil;H|.. pipi'fl fin hi'iii<br />

" Slii.TOJ. HuBl'l. iyi Hulll'i-<br />

' it-IC<br />

scii nl,<br />

10(18 WKS1.EV. :UBiiiiy cnlliiiii', nniiijt<br />

fiiTJin fi iii'ili.timis ^i^ hiilhs<br />

Siii'i'ni'ti Imifh. MIIIM^I' KurniHhi'f!<br />

uniHtliin Any hritKi 1 ! in C-yrils<br />

4<br />

(Uiuil cuniHtliin Any hritK<br />

A Hirst, MAdlsi.n 4-2J22<br />

t-G<br />

NKW I'Al'l: I'MIl I'tlTTAUK -I muni"<br />

iliill ill!' li'illi [iUlH BiHiiii'li riiMUl I'M<br />

...i,.,,] fliiiir nil liui until lirill Kli'll-<br />

hlfi fi Vn\ Mill ;imi AiNmlir ;i\ :ilii<br />

i-fiRNKIl Hunaiil<br />

h<br />

SI Iiiiii tin llinh.il<br />

Hih nhii Ailnniii<br />

ivilh iiiini Illli'iii<br />

vnliiiil (111 In-ill.<br />

Kli-'liiiril II K.i>.<br />

:i II.<br />

Y K A K A K ' U N I i :i In,In iMiii i.ii I ii u.<br />

IJii'liiiiil' II. 1'M\. Kill lin.l Ailiiiiiii<br />

AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1 Thureday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 16, 1050 SENT1NEL.LEDGER<br />

iiKN iu:|t'i'K i-.,r l.'iti iislyy In ttsrtii fiitfs.<br />

All in.Lht.* n.ii!! SIr.11 to ii.iS5 Ferdrf.<br />

('hi,.iyi»La. iMymtjutTiit. ijonvarllfaliin,<br />

TMHQF ^dlHIiti. nauf.i'H, Plt:kui>ii, Fordsr<br />

Hti.jttns. Ijutiip TfU.'kn. iill inddfilfl,<br />

TuriiiH tti MUii yauT [lurNe, Gtiw. y.<br />

kufU. Ford and Sfeh'UFy Biilei and<br />

Htirvl.-e. INI and Atiuiulr Avn., f»t-#itri<br />

u'lly. i'lionu UiiUli, AHk for J«j, LMirlnii<br />

or Andy It<br />

l;SK!) rARS<br />

I'.HT chtvi-iilw Ht'iliin Di'iivi'iy<br />

HilM C|ii'ii'iil(>l At'lii Si'illlll<br />

IH/iii Nnsli i'uii|ii'<br />

Almi u fiiiti splnMitin i,( nlhiT usi'il liiii,<br />

' P A I. M K K H<br />

1II7.II2H ASlilllS- Ai-c. I'll. ftd.O • mm<br />

i^ i fi<br />


CJl-fltT yuU! nvw rhris^'i isf! nupiiisnJ<br />

mi.itu!" U'IW fnim MHlnc.'S riik'N Scrvin*<br />

Hint JirPi Snnii-i s Piiiiit MJIVS Lund! 114<br />

Hii I'hunn Bttrtiors I'^inl HBin ^16<br />

S'I'KKI. ijlAI'<br />

(•iliuiiliiil, I<br />

ii.nililiiin Rci<br />

n<br />

All the English Housewife Wanted for Christmas<br />

Was a Package <strong>of</strong> Dried Eggs for a Holiday Cake<br />

All the hard.pressed housewife<br />

in England wanted for Christmas<br />

was u ijuckajie <strong>of</strong> driutl emis<br />

v. ii Ii wiilth to make u Christmas<br />

cuke<br />

A tlipiiiiiK from nn Enjclish<br />

fiuin'r. lirouKlH to The Sentinel-<br />

Ij'disi'r Ijy William C. Raymir,<br />

1424 Wist BV,, reveals a mlttmn.<br />

iniiH humorous plaint to thai<br />

I'lfeci. voiced by Ki>y Hawke on<br />

behalf uf wyniL'h.<br />

"Til (iUulify fur a packri <strong>of</strong><br />

tlrlitl vim in Britain today."<br />

she wroit'. "oiii.' musl be either<br />

an u-3t|>c?etaiit innther or a child<br />

l t<br />

• IJ, i > (\ uis.'i'". full><br />

I fitur si'iis.iils K.iiitl<br />

?:ii h ^ !"ih"lmii ! *''Mii'y l ! uniler'six, Obviously w" rant<br />

i.nHi- MA<br />

• l - l . - l i<br />

iiii<br />

il TliilAliii Mil<br />

:. h |i In Hi l<br />

I , . . i ' . . n i l i i i i ' i i<br />

Kiiniu.il Hiii He.<br />


W A N T k l i ] ' « n s f i r i n < l i f t i ,,-• f i r<br />

' i<br />

,M<br />

nh\t>. ;<<br />

(uilir-li.<br />

cjiih'k :<br />

Or*',l!i ,<br />

Cfifi<br />

">rt nii<br />

-iMf<br />

luti<br />

j tii-itt'i<br />

iihii K;<br />

?!(.Ni<br />

WANT1I1 — SlB»«r HowiBI Hlrhinai<br />

lr,.,,,ll..« Kh.cirlo. miy rsliiiltlOB<br />

Ciuih Ul> 10 1100, f'llOBB A'liBlIC <strong>City</strong>,<br />

'^-lf,10 uiy lime, er WF1U Spi flilS,<br />


I iiiil. in llienry all for, tht<br />

pt'rUiiit i!Hitht?i = 8 aiiri viiiniH<br />

* I fiiilflrpii jJfttmB iliis I'Xtra nuur-<br />

;M lilimrnl<br />

- , ••Bui ii piiilit one wiiiilfl hki;<br />

! In tiiiikr iiK yra, t'fully HS |io^il3li-'<br />

— I ii Hm! wink- mpci'ianl inrjllit'ii<br />

li I nii'l yiuiiiu rhildrt'ii iiu fill jli<br />

il , Hit- >riii iiriniiKi iiH it wtTv'.<br />

rini^lm;!.. tLinitb but miff J<br />

ycji<br />

i'ii. Hiilpn t 'lii:- iiiil I'ln<br />

V, I Ll, ..-vhitiiiit- liMin<br />

i-1 1 |<br />

IHIM'I Hill<br />

f t> i .in 'ii t<br />

i,M!;l. I.I<br />

.ili'i<br />

i.i M IH M'.ii. ii rn.,\ . 11.111,|., ,i ii I m-M .II<br />

iilM liMiiKr i.ii iir. !'•• i1i.*fi ^' Iii iir '<br />

lirili,iMiiis ii hiiiin :. .in.inn i 1 l,li •<br />

ilirlis .ijiii ilinlnu n> lililn iin.l | -^^<br />

ifiili' Aii|.ii.M'I in, 'iiM.i.ri '.'I' S r^MMI,<br />

hii\ ,,1 S'JIi.'mii V lln II..\ Him Sriili- li|i~ .il<br />

Ml'i,l,|.||rij II ' \I1.',, '.<br />

1-i'llNRH I I IT flUn ^.rilh S*. i if in in^'<br />

SMMI-IS I'Milli 'Null-- 1 S'll.-A.ilt .mill ^—.—^.<br />

Mill! 1(1 lir.l... n.il.ir I'lH.lli- I I''' I' II I I ' I \ K I<br />

in ;WIM :nii |<br />

LOST<br />

i, 1,111, U , l l l I ' h i ! '<br />

.ni.I u n i i . i ii "ii ' i n<br />

I,- [I:.IL' " I J-' > i'i-rl H '<br />

I•;-T .i IIMIII V ri.nii-<br />

•Could «( not be sparrd one<br />

piFkri, jUkt onr, just once, u t,<br />

Lhp uLLFriv undesprS'ing ordinary<br />

Says Pictures Big<br />

Aid In Teaching<br />

Shaterian Cites<br />

Valut <strong>of</strong> Movici<br />

MlHiKHN<br />

.'..H:m.'<br />

Hi.iish'<br />

- , I'ri'<br />

•i 1 ,-.iii .i' r i i " " ' ''I' 1 ' -I- - I''. 11;<br />

See Too Late to Classify |si<br />

Ads - • • First Spction<br />

join Our Jam Sessions<br />

Smiling Your Favoiiu 1 Songs<br />

New Policy • New Management<br />

Ai-...<br />

WANTED<br />


in. , !<br />

1 ,,,<br />

Alianlii An<br />

!<br />

. nn.in 1 l;l S<br />

III sill..ki-,l.i.<br />

Ullrl-<br />

II.: >.:, j .I.H.I uiii-h.-ii liiiini "ii'i I v i ,j:r, -, .. ,<br />

.• •:•. Ah.iii .nil. li» in i -,'i-ll'-i-r I • ' '•' . ,. ,<br />

..!;,,!,:.,h M;:, A>,iiiir^ ,n heir ''ii ; ; t ^,' . u<br />

1 '' MASY \1 AHIIKR u..n.||.<br />

lili.ili Sl,r. Jillr > fill "hi<br />

.. 1 ! •<br />

1 I . ii<br />

• liii<br />

.n'.l'l.'l'.'<br />

•ii.in in<br />

FOR<br />

,ii in.in<br />

.-.I ,;•'.<br />

. " ; ; . • ' .<br />

,: M i. h.n<br />

nililii; '-'.I;<br />

RENT<br />

.'.it in Hi<br />

(Ilii<br />

"f,i<br />

• ! ' ' *<br />

1"<br />

.•II<br />

ri -lit<br />

IHlfl ||-||<br />

mh II<br />

|!\ki:HV hil<br />

I ;ik, I . V ;Hl<br />

h.-il.i-i> iiliilii<br />

' f '<br />

lil\ KHSIFIKIi lis<br />

li\ lh,. ..nk Ili<br />

I!'.-li.i 1 il li 1'i'S<br />

Ipfli Ln.i li!^<br />

I" I.. Il Si.'<br />

i ; ' i | . f i l i n i i<br />

BflR ,; CPFE<br />

School Aid Study<br />

Board Is Approved<br />

Thr Nc'Pi.ii,' ihM Wi'rtni'srliiy nun<br />

t.iiiJily ii|iiirn\ p.! I. tiiii U} fe.'t Li,).<br />

hi' qlipftifili nl uiifillluiiill tliili- i.ld<br />

Ri'iiafiir David Vlin Alslii.'- .Ir<br />

if BcrHrn, KiimiMir <strong>of</strong> HIM in.'ii.,iii(.<br />

-airi thn pruprucil lO-mcmbiT linflv<br />

liiijfl hn ' t'oi.Ntai.tiy .HtUfiyiiif? iii<br />

!l-im|i.iriiiii! i.f'ibli'iii <strong>of</strong> iljilc ii:'i<br />

i M'ht.tih " II.. siiid dliTu nii» "II.I<br />

oi.tiiuiity i.f <strong>of</strong>fiirl" in iiiifl jlufi<br />

ni;r iii.i.,hiin!ircrlth jitiwi.fi prr<br />

f-ri- nf jiafnihifiii v,,., f.,ui:,i t-fTi",',<br />

vr HAH in>t iirftif-' rr.f,?quiioe5 v. i.ci:<br />

iriiymi fvniii y plai:.'<br />



We Serve <strong>On</strong>ly<br />


Qliiliiliiiiiiiiti<br />


H>'ri. wit kiddine ulii-ri H#* say I<br />

iliBi nn H4sh in iiMi Urgi. rip imi 1<br />

n«ll Kir u». Our l.auddromal mi. !<br />

fhini^ti savp yim limi' sieiiry and i<br />

!,!,,,f. TF> TINKI.KR'h l.AINDHII I<br />

Pich-Up & Delivery]<br />

Laundry and Dry \<br />

Cleaning Service (<br />



AtiPLi PAP.K'NC- SPiil<br />

•*Vi. ji-IOHi.'.T. FhCKt JO!<br />

ilUiUliliiiiiililliii,<br />


Draught Beer 10c<br />

Pabsi - Nihlit, - Kiiungfi<br />


Bottled Beer 3Qc<br />

fi\ni - Sphlil* . 1,1/(1,, (i»i,<br />


Rye ' 35c<br />


Scotch 55c<br />


Canadian Club or V0 50c<br />

Yak- Keys - 2i)c Kaili<br />

2 for 33'-<br />

fluid, a,,.i.-i, l i - . n ll.ii. In. 11 f I'..<br />

BJi ,\,l"i-j A n IU.M. II<br />

XKVS in,,. iiipl. i,. |M. l,j,iiii(li v i i<br />


ll<br />

Mis<br />

I N . ; i ' j ; i 'in i.ii .ii<br />

IS. 1.1 111!. I"' Hii- lill-nl.<br />

Ii Hiiin.iiil I'M,,II.<br />

MAM'B. »17 I'lMiinii h pi<br />

is op.'n nil fill fitMi.H. ^ hif,,,.<br />

ifl |<br />

ri ill >•.• I'll<br />

SAVK 1 i<br />

win'.<br />

hili<br />

skilh .| inn ll.i<br />

|i|.-p|.;Mii:vi<br />

p l|<br />

\ I I \ Y (IIT.N C.il.illiiil ili'i.'l. Mil,<br />

ill,. tiilililUilik f I 111 rilllv I'll'<br />

• 111 .mil Al.iiiilf ,n Fi.i.iiili, nil.I i<br />

• fi.ii nil,.mi, ii.H'kl'. "i iiiiiiiihb, I<br />

ffl.VI. '<br />

Kii'tMs an.i Hiii.'ili A(i;i* iiiii-'ni-,, %<br />

nii.nih MI »I..-I»I.H. tii»t .i.iini<br />

hMliilniilk 111 Ihi' Muslf- I'li'i<br />

i i,'!'.-iii;ih ,' N^M H12 MuniiM! Ti'i '<br />

fj.ilili'. iff if iM 4 I ilii KKN I Nl'.i.<br />

I'.iMlfinllllill'. iii'll liKlllt'l .ili'l ll' 1<br />

\\ lih ' ilrhi'ii i linM'ilirh,'*' Iii N'll<br />

l.i.iyi'l liiillillliK Hllii.ililf im In.-<br />

I,, ii-iril niy<br />

ij<br />

I'li-.n.'<br />

.il-l<br />

DSKIi I'AKS liiillKh! iiinl<br />

iii'ili ..I'.-', >liinri> 111.-1 l-lii-l',-<br />

milsii-i .".i,n,|,.,. Sli.i.in ,1 .ill<br />

'•rail: M , .«,.,ii.. KiiiS.ii.1 1<br />

^mr.., I-,,,,,, ,lllrl •,;.,%,, i,,,,,ij.-| J<br />

Plmii,. ,,i,;,!i.|,, I'"ml S"i|ii<br />

You Will Like Our Entertainment<br />


at the<br />

Piano and Orgario<br />

(Every Nl|ht Except MoBdiy)<br />

Everyone tjm a Good Time<br />

in our<br />

Clean, Friendly Almosphi<br />

M,!- \ n \ ' . \ l I I I , " C'luh Ml dli iitlilir*.^ u\\<br />

Vi.-u,il Kiiui-jiii'iii '=<br />

]|( ..iinl Unit lists' I H I U ' [iruvi.ll \\M\\<br />

tl.r.riiuli i!n= ijki= iif !"istt\ n m piilurc^<br />

hliM .ii!|is jiiisi ^iiiti-,". ttiilriruh hiirr<br />

jn |ii-r li-l.t inert lif.ci n.-mi-rnbiM' M<br />

]K r ii-nl Mn.p' iiKtiti it.<br />


He Alc<strong>of</strong>col — No Acid — No Mtaf<br />

f.lii.illv I'lli-itm- 11,r iiiliilli' : fH jitlrt Ullef ud (ood ttmlim mm<br />

Mr Hluii.riMii Mild Ihiil VHIIMU* IK IIBSIU VICfORt pINTMENf. Se-<br />

mi':,n« iii MMIiil ciJUL-iili-.il mi' ""I H ^ * J M U 5F1>V > # WUffiK<br />

I I I i , , . -.-• -i i,.. I.,.F I,MI i •" !»•*'"Bu. Oet V1CTOB1<br />

siiliMilinr, I,, a Muni IM-Ii r, 'lit p.njB, %im t n r\m Aid .od II<br />

•Ma la ui a ur piM rf IB*<br />

lliul lliPJ 1 will IK'III U M'J'Jil<br />

di) ii brttrr job<br />

in man I,., Kiiiti. tin' i'. s fiiiiu-<br />

ill Kiliii'i.iiiin rt'iiiirti'd Hint only 4SK<br />

i 1 . p v i f. K iilrtur.' liiyf hints v.rir II:<br />

tlti in <br />

Mr<br />

, till' t<br />

i r "M,,v,,i l)'« '<br />

i r NS iTI V<br />

,,, i.i „ 1, i ..*'<br />


I iM I ,,, | Mill-:]-: llriitiiiilil I'..!!,.".' ••'<br />

L"i.| Hi,.,i : !l li ] rl !". 1 '"'.,KI|, :V 'l'i'1,|"Tiii'h' < ti r «'<br />

K'.VM 1 "vflum;." ii|,i Ii.-isiiiir MI . |,..»-<br />

ilii,' r.i. •'••'•'<br />

M.-i: ,iii:iil ». ..in.l II .i|,.,ri!n,'<br />

(in- \ !i'lilil> : Alliintii- fr I i': ili'lli.,<br />

iliii K! li. Mil Mfi .liilli' Uil i"<br />

[,,ii,in il.is Sl-i' SVilli' IS..^ PC"<br />

Ilili'l (,r.|Ui 1<br />

H'AM i:Ii i.,<br />

|.iin'iii,,.n.'llrlii';.l clc-ii -<br />

i' ni Jft li'iM In |i.'i-mil )'iip>.Hi;r , I<br />

llt WI |IIT rt'lil ni III.' ln.nl ll'iillii-<br />

l'iiiit r,IIMI,a tin- ili'iiv<br />

Mil II • 10 I.Ml IT 1 llfill Kllli<br />

li,! M,> ,.' v. .iiii r I; i h.linn >, M<br />

1 • I,, Mij. ili.tuiii.'flt .W Ii<br />

S' i'i I, A II I'lfiH<br />


24-Hour Service<br />

Prompt - Efficient • Coarteosa<br />

Motor Freight<br />

Service<br />

p<br />

O,r«n <strong>City</strong> ExprHig t't>!( IK.)<br />




John F. Holland, Inc.<br />


OlHis IU>: lOlh £ Wad Ala,<br />

1'hiiBf o, r, 30.H<br />

Phil*.—« N. Fnal SI.<br />

PtaanHi<br />

MA, 1IUI, MA, 1-1M«, M4.<br />

WHiRt cwniHHVB<br />

IT<br />

I'..I \<br />

M.ii-i<br />

i.i s.:.iii|ii i.ii' ,1 iii<br />

, -A ,111.1 1,11 v, I' |,.,|<br />

I ,<br />

ANH ,\1.I, KINI1H ill RKPAiKS<br />



400 Weil Avenue<br />

•i I<br />

48 in Airmhouse<br />

.h.'l'i iliiil \i,y,i.' | j ^<br />


-M'Ait'i MI:N I' HI.i A.LIP •<br />

lillll,• Sli'l ',0 IliMfi'ii Illlii'l Ili<br />

it.iir. lir;ii ]i lii'ilI 'Kirm 1*^1<br />

illliiii^ ii.i.Iil iuirtliii Hllil ii'l'<br />

li'.in' Klt'J.ii'l '! Kill'/ !>'<br />

.inl j| Ol i<br />

V I'RllN I (il"i ll.<br />

lipflinnnih. iiln hiil<br />

il Ir, lilr .. !.!i!|!<br />

i in fr*ini jrnii<br />

l. SI^WV) Im s.iinim<br />

fs ' '<br />

]•> (I n Hf'iionm Hn.ninl'Mii '«'"h -•' :<br />

iulv ^ t ,M I;»»ni |»i,i'h =I . li.-jnium<br />

i|>,iri?iii-nf- ' « f 'i rinn^. Ml>J !!' ^ iHfsi :-,'-,--<br />

I phnnr ua 1 ** •"•• : ' 1<br />

f HAV.INd'6 filTTINfl Iff »I<br />

MUCH WE MI. HAW,' I<br />

THiNri ILL 1TABT<br />


till inns! <strong>of</strong> the strikes pciiplc<br />

arc hnu linfl uhaut will be ciUed<br />

t.y the umpires,<br />

• . • •<br />

Tin; director <strong>of</strong> the United<br />

SlMis Mint doesn't luok with<br />

fuvor oil the proyosed 2%. or<br />

i tilhiT words,<br />

Ilu- Hunt wants Ilu elningd In il*<br />

dlarlM,<br />

a a a<br />

A LhitaHi) wcridiiis frnturcd a<br />

i/iike-iirth thut Ihu weildins party<br />

wiilkwl throufjh. Think <strong>of</strong> ull the<br />

dough wiapprd up in that ona,<br />

• a a<br />

(Jiicl.''tiHhi'la liyma tlin Biiniluss<br />

,|lill,itc5uu blue lllfflil-' dChlliijijlj!<br />

them, JB thai, iniiybe, in honor<br />

(if llic iujipiiytr whu [cols that<br />

•way bqcausu ol Uiu $1(10,000 lie<br />

liuJd fur tttm?<br />

I AIM: MAV I III NT* SI ItltlM.-VI t.<br />

I ill III<br />

I'ltllll \ I I 1IH|NIII><br />

in, in,- ,"iiii|i:iiiiii UF \\i(H:,,i,| a<br />

ll.l. rllrl .nhilllllMiMll.- • JiU rinlit?,<br />

,11.1 i,'i|'i,'M,.il lilt' ;iiil ill ihi' ("null til<br />

•),.' ii^rnil^,^ li is .1! fir, i'l! nn ilii?.<br />

"'uhili n:iy ni <strong>Mar</strong>.'h. A. I) tilS' ihni<br />

.'i [..isi.fi!, inti'MNti'ti in. ihr hiiitif.<br />

1-ii.ii'i' oi '-mill Nirhnlii!. s Krisicr di- 1<br />

,'r.iNffi Hjijit ,ii h.'tfiri' Itlf i = ..iii i ill thr<br />

I'.riii-fi*nisi' in r.ijit' Miiy C'lijii iiiiusw.<br />

MM ilir I.Miih diij <strong>of</strong> Mii> nrsi. lit t.n<br />

M!-!,i,.i, in thr f,.i rfiM.in in :,hn« ci'itif<br />

\. hy sit liHii'h <strong>of</strong> tht' lmid?,, it'iirtiitfiis.<br />

iirn'tSilHRinnt!, and rra! c-Miiip fif tilt<br />

s.iiii1 Niihi,litJi H. Kiistri dOii'iisiii.<br />

hh.iiiii! nnt hp suit! if* ulil hi- suffii'lrni<br />

in Ii.iy his .iri.t*, ni ihr ifNldiir thprt*,<br />

nf ..:. thf i-iis.* Ifliiy rrquirr; iiiiii Iliii'<br />

|iil» nriifr siBnt'rl h> I lif> SliirnBalp<br />

.>ll.-|l| Iif iiilliiiiiiliilfly MrTflilipr M-l .iip<br />

,.i fiilrt. fif lilP nin^i IlUhtil' pliti'i'Si iP<br />

ilir tN.iinI> ..f i'ilpf Miiy fni- Ms Ui'.-kii<br />

Muf^fsNiii'h uiili iir fiytiNshrii ill it'iis*<br />

Mini' I'.irh urrk fiii tht silHil iillit in<br />

•Ihi' Hi'pliiii'|,l,r.iyi',. .iiif' "f thi' iii'wi,,<br />

•|i.-i[ii'lli "t llll»' Hilift'<br />


.furtlii-.<br />

;UH"it.iii Miiftir' * .'" .'<br />


KstMii, nf fiitirni'.. H Hfiiii nriTiisfi.<br />

I'liisii;!!!! .in ih|, .llifiiinirii* .if Iliiuu<br />

, ii.'il Hiii iiii4iiii, nf Mir fiiyil!:. m i'ilpr<br />

M,i.v. miirtp nn iIn- ciiihth rtay nf Mi.<br />

ri!!ir>' A !>. ifinO. (in ihr .'..iiitiiiiinl uf<br />

Uir Hiihs.'rihrl . tlir .Ui'riit'is nf ,s;i,.1<br />

ilr.niisi'fi, hnlicr is Nt'i rll,* ^Kril in Ihr<br />

rirtiiinrs itf siiid dri'riisrfl fn ..vhiiiit in<br />

thr Siihsriibri' imtiri nilfii nr Jirfirnni,<br />

tlnn Ihnir rliiifii:, ;intt fti-niiifiil?! jiG'ilnst<br />

Ihr rst.-.fr uj Siiiti tlrrrnsrfl uiihiti NJ\<br />

niniilh*, fI nni i hn richfh H..V nf Ki'hi >|,<br />

,'ii\' ,VP 1H!V1 »v tlirs Mill Iir fnrrA'i<br />

h:ii'tfi) ..f^iiiii 1 ,it,tun ;i5;itnsj iht 1 siih-<br />

kiiihrf '<br />

liiiiri! iiUiiiary H, A. I> liijn<br />

HIM > If A Srliil. ,<br />

Kst'i'utrl?..<br />

I.-I'i'ilrii H !,!i\fiii!i(t, liscj.,<br />

Allnriii'!',<br />

fji-i'iiii illy Now jtisuy<br />

al Sk<br />

Phone 2889<br />

O ana * J<br />



1241 Bay Ave.<br />



3S I'Mrf Exp, — Work Gn>r«nt«cd<br />

Tune Anywhere $5.00<br />


522 W, Vcrnnn Av,, Unwind, N, 1.<br />



For gsfety, Utility ui B»uty<br />


• Radio Repairing*<br />

N.K.L omiMt<br />


1115 BAT AVE. Phone IMI<br />

Q M j u i i ^ •iiiMiiMMiiilMIMtilHlMltj<br />

Fireplace Wood<br />

I Seasoned Oak<br />


[<br />

! 840 Wrst Av, -<br />

1<br />

We Deliver<br />

Fertnlt ani Commerclml<br />

Photographers<br />

DeveloplBi mat Prlntlnf iirviea<br />


•U Alkarr ATI, n. MM<br />


Have ynur «»w« flls* fcy<br />

•nachine. They out clauitiv<br />

iruer, better. All imi, .<br />

quicker Hrvlos. BrlBC Uni 4<br />

**- *<br />

4<br />


54 W. 16th Strut<br />





M. C. MILLE<br />

p CltSf<br />

1111 lay Ave. Ph. 2523<br />


*)»*)»»*••••<<br />

FUEL<br />

OIL<br />

Socony Vacuum Agencr<br />

m ASBVST im<br />

I Phone 1751<br />


• •>••<br />

r, &FaKti 16,<br />

Enter<br />

iy Contest<br />

To Compete for<br />

V. F. W. Pmti<br />

Sewing Machines<br />

Stolen From School<br />

T*q seninK machines and n<br />

sum yf muhey v.ere stolen by<br />

trjfves -*fia rei-eruly witcrcd<br />

WJb l h!<br />

C.SJ<br />

last eight QWMI<br />

— «iudenti ar* prff<br />

ill entries In Uie ]S.-.J-,<br />

j Contest jponMiw t v<br />

wy <strong>of</strong> the Vetermj a<br />

"T It #«i fepoMeo jtrsw<br />

lptl George W »!•>»•<br />

"With the essay S^L.^I<br />

With Honor, for An>,»r«» :*<br />

4 is under Suit—***. -<br />

__laty <strong>of</strong> Ferguw>-F..,j.>.<br />

eh will awnni s Bi V s fe<br />

•id to Uie.Wififl#r<br />

EiS)'l to be (ubnutwc - _K<br />

ION worti or lee r?.r» •*<br />

juidfed on a basu cf ..».in<br />

Unction, iB<br />

rii i<br />

r,i* U. locyl UT\d<br />

• iri- ,Pi....-;,i.'-<br />

'.vii !»•.:<br />

TTT* .,-<br />

6.C.H.S. Giri 2nd<br />

In Oratory Meet<br />

Cape May Girl Wim<br />

Co, Legion Contest<br />

Mis* Dorothy Br.rUi-h, a studc..'<br />

a'. Cat* May Hush School, vian thy<br />

CahP Muv Cwj!.!y uriilnriwal eanlr..:<br />

a' !(:.' Miriilie Tir,iri.hi|j HivH Siheo:<br />

I'. .r«i'ui- riisl la-l nt-i-H<br />

i Huiil<br />

Kr.-.; M<br />

i ,;, .1. diiieH'i.t diiectiiiiis<br />

Kl..|-I"i i'.ii' ul re-ilt-il by<br />

I', i,,.|- »l,il.- ii.ilk"., i.h.i-.r- a<br />

-,,v ,, Si,,'.:'.. I'-- l-,|. .i<br />

In Wild Chase for<br />

Car Theft Suspect<br />

Police Fire Six j " - _..—- .--<br />

Shots in Pursuit Tabloid Reviews<br />

A !>n,:al>lf,l..i, n:» >„.!„,:.-, - -,' <strong>of</strong> NeW Books Ot<br />

nM'ei: ll i\'- ll w".»'u,'A!' 1 [ l ;.','i l ,r.- M'.'- ''.:' Public Library<br />

ilK'l.-<br />

i,nilrr ihf «piri(«l<br />

.if John Paul Junrs.<br />

ni'Ul lifdiiii-<br />

rOM FOHTKMS-Brii<br />

Oim.l<br />

Ill-IIIIN"<br />

\lr.tY<br />

: ).«-Jil.— ide Carr.liim"-.<br />

iLiirirl "f Uulu llnrs.'<br />

;"m.l Hlii'di- l.luncliT<br />

Crf.-n,., the L-nlnn>-ls<br />

a sriimintiiy litili' 1 "'--"<br />

ll.r. iKllll! tl'.nr.thly ITU|I<br />

iillt '• i.nil ljnr^-lj!in"«<br />

( TIOV<br />

iniiv OF niF.<br />

V'i' '"""<br />

Uncton,<br />

patriotic<br />

Wlnnen<br />

N<br />

BIerprea-.vf<br />

l<br />

County Awards Road<br />

Oil-Gravel Contract<br />

riotic implni.iur,<br />

Wlnnen <strong>of</strong> local con-js-i '.?,? . \ m i.l. Mi >l 1 vi f i i K in<br />

"•Uf fti!,ri|l,it!g . i|U!|i!,l.'n! Hut ill.<br />

l»«l li, ,Ufl viiiii . liiii tn.fii<br />

1.(11 l« Hi I IK1MI II I SHUN \<br />

ill tftsi.<br />

For N.G. Unit<br />

Is Promised<br />

Assurance Given<br />

Officers That<br />

Resort Wants It<br />

Opt-n Daily y;15 A, M. OPF.N FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS'TIL 9 - Telephone 1S3Z<br />

' - . ! • • : :<br />




eiSWlSTAVi. PHONi 04S0<br />

I Cape to Use Billboards<br />

short<br />

cut<br />

ape, //is is<br />

the I ear/<br />

A<br />

il. yrcat many penple havt- Iwun >in.|S that —<br />

if fhfir |iij-k keupH pace with their iln-ani-. —they're<br />

gnitig to own a Cadiilat one <strong>of</strong> the^ yuars.<br />

If yiu are amimg them—and we hope ymi art;—<br />

this may lie the year. l.i«;tA'n ....<br />

, , . Cadillac hai built a great new car, for IWJ,<br />

that is just as practical tu iiwn as iilmritr any ear<br />

you would consider buying.<br />

It is the new "Sixty-<strong>On</strong>e"—and it is priced<br />

lawn- than the highest-priced models <strong>of</strong> a number<br />

nf other cars you would never think <strong>of</strong> as in the<br />

same class with Cadillac,<br />

I'lirthermnre, this ntw Cadillac will give gasoline<br />

mileaae which ncrnally appr,.:u-he< that <strong>of</strong> rhe<br />

l'iwe-f.priced popular car-.<br />

^ e«—In.ni ihntiinilpoint ol"practicality— ynii'vi?<br />

lo^f nhoiir jour la^t iujjii-.il rt-:i-.o-i r.n Majrinij any<br />

loiijji-r t,i l,uy ,, (, a.lilLic.<br />

And, oh, thi- thmys that «ny you i.tvihl fo l,uy<br />

fine- right here ,rid timv I<br />

I'hi-e's I'ailillaeU irruM^fihlu knury-ifs ,|e-<br />

liyhtful pfilormnmt-it, world,wide prc-tiye-<br />

and its unheln-valile endiirance and length ./life.<br />

I ritly vou'd find every iiu.f.irinj; tNpvrience enriched<br />

and enlivened it you owned tin-, iiuis?nitice;,t cur.<br />

Better emu- in Mday-aiul' find out whether<br />

this is the year! We'd h, delighted to >,e ynu.'<br />

w Mi r;.<br />

16.<br />

I..|I|IFI<br />

11 i ^<br />

A Suit to Wear<br />

for Seasons to<br />

Come.<br />

An All.Rayon<br />

Impeccably<br />

Tailoced<br />

Man.type Suit,<br />

Fashioned by<br />

KirkUnd Hall<br />

In Dark Green<br />

Teiaphone 0304 or 0305<br />

69th YEAR—NO, 40<br />

Shaterian<br />

Resigns As<br />

School Supt.<br />

Nurse, Teacher<br />

Also to Leave;<br />

New Man Hired<br />

Siip'-rinlcnili-iit liiirulii A. Hi.iiii r<br />

iin<br />

•li<br />

Weeh-EnJ<br />

Offim *<br />

1th it. ml H«T.D IT.<br />

Friday<br />

Unued Mill, followed by<br />

day iilftal or 8>t*r<br />

.'Iii ui.ii.i anil hai<br />

M,.ii- rii.'l i,,ll., iii<br />

Hi iii,1 |iii, ,:•• nl 1<br />

1 ti'.il nur.iiM'il<br />

.- -. Al tin. -an,n<br />

,..i.i.Vyi,n.ii'i.i-i-d ii<br />

I'RH-llS II 1<br />

'.liil.-i- V. h.i<br />

Lady Santa Says D. A. V, Chapter<br />

Bounty All Goes j Instituted Here<br />

To Deserving j<br />

A li.t<br />

ihi-<br />

;ni Tluii'.-<br />

i-.iii i-.iin<br />

"ft.;!;. 1 :<br />

Iii", i i prc iih'tt<br />

l ii tin<br />

vl ttl<br />

Welcome<br />

To Ow <strong>City</strong>!<br />

Extra Beauty<br />

Extra Strength!<br />

Extra Wear! ,<br />

Arc you • sew member <strong>of</strong><br />

flrein Clty'n «tf«dlly ironlni<br />

colon? <strong>of</strong> per mknent, inr-<br />

•round rcildentt? Or ds you<br />

know annul temebudy who IsT<br />

Let'i bear from yon.<br />

Two Pliilndi-lphia fniniUci<br />

tinvn just moved to Ocrnn <strong>City</strong><br />

li' mnko their iwrmniirnt horiic<br />

at UI0 Bay av,<br />

They aiu Mr, iinil Mr» Harry<br />

.Tims and Mrs. Jans' pan-tils. Mr.<br />

. ami Mis. John Strut!), Mr,<br />

iind Mrs, Jons itujphtly pur-<br />

rluisoil thp grocery store nt thai<br />

atlilrpsa and have built an aparl-<br />

niPllt aliovp It, whrrp lioth<br />

i-ouplf's will residr. They plan<br />

tu operate thp Ntorp the year<br />

nrounrt io servn I Me Bayous<br />

ni'ighbarhood.<br />

Mr: jnns formerly was In the<br />

window shade ami Mind busi-<br />

ness in Philadplphin, HP and<br />

iiis wife have been afquainti'il<br />

with Ocoan <strong>City</strong>, as summer<br />

residents for a number <strong>of</strong> years.<br />

Mrs, Jnhi is a sister <strong>of</strong> Mrs,<br />

John A.* Brawn. 408 26th st,<br />

Mr, StruthBrs is retired, hav-<br />

ing been associated for many<br />

years with the Phllco Corp, In<br />

Fhilndtlphla,<br />

• • •<br />

Miss Jeannie Lee AKord, <strong>of</strong><br />

Flint. Mich,, in i pitst <strong>of</strong> Mr,<br />

nnd Kn, B, Norman Stull, 70S<br />

Sth it.<br />

MIM Alford, who •ttinded<br />

Stephens College at Columbia,<br />

Mo. Intend, to reside in <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> permanently.<br />

'If ' i: Il 1. i, i'|,|t «:i:.|.<br />

1.1 :, ri..-,.d Mn-.i- \V..rki-r--<br />

Ilfl (he liiel "il (1.ml. the Hnrk-<br />

iir.l inmpiiiny itn TiiPMlay redueed<br />

the (iili'i (if medium nil front 11 '<br />

r, ills in 111.K eenls, «ith No, a u!l<br />

il.i.lipini! fnmi II rents to ID J<br />

1 ills, Nlmilat aellon UIIN taken<br />

>e^.terililv tiy Ihins V. Vitss. loeal<br />

Allnnlir illslrilinMi<br />

S|iukesilien l..r th.' Mcislinre Oil<br />

C*f>. iinil iitlier riiiiilcrs s,iid th.-i;<br />

ll'i-y had reeeivi-.l 1," iiiilice i'f a new<br />

prii-e ri'iluctii.n up I'.. Tin-"ilay, \»:\<br />

Ihi-y added Ihal -lisiliilly when i.ne<br />

i.mpiiMy cuts pi iii"! Ihc iililirs fi'l-<br />

low<br />

Fuel .ill Mas ri'diiied in .Tammrj'<br />

iiy thriT. - ti iiili.-: nl ii ectil. Ilie Hi'".<br />

,,hnri' Oil I'.', pnihli'd i'ill<br />

<strong>City</strong> to Open its<br />

Ad Campaif n Sunday<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>'s ii|ii'iiinK l>arra! only northern<br />

pi.int on the <strong>Mar</strong>ch schedulr..<br />

Purpose nf the early season nilve'-.<br />

tiainK is to invite eaiily iiuitiiries fr.r<br />

Kiiminer cotinKi' and npnrltiieiit uc-<br />

New Fire Truck<br />

Due in a Month<br />

The city (Ire department's new<br />

$31000 aerial ladder truck is ex-<br />

pected to be delivered In/sbniit a<br />

month. Chief Robert L, Smith, dls-<br />

closed this week.<br />

Delivery hai been promiled by a<br />

marufaeturer's representttlve for<br />

"the latter part <strong>of</strong> April", he laid.<br />

Arrival <strong>of</strong> fi\e new apparatu* will<br />

be approximately two yean from<br />

the timf the order was placed, De-<br />

livery orllnally had been promiied<br />

for December. 1S49, jut the factory<br />

Wii unabl* to tneii thta tch«dulfl.<br />

uf descrvini! Meiiple 111<br />

•iiliiy, li'iniitirarily 111<br />

n».i'il because uf iiiicnililui niehi<br />

IIF illness, fire in iiHiL'h li.'tler<br />

i iivuijisUmei.'S; liuiay tietause nf<br />

Ihe inerwhelinini; isi'nerusity nl<br />

flic <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> public and sum.<br />

nier residents.<br />

Tw.i weeks af!,i. The Si'iitini'l-<br />

Kefijicr published aji aj.t|n'ul<br />

fr.nti Oiean Cilj's 1 tidy Saiilii<br />

riims--Mis Ci.'llrtith' Presiun-,<br />

State Commanders<br />

Install Officers<br />

fi-w<br />

^^l's<br />

yt'aF-s<br />

|i.'npli'<br />

sUnci'<br />

The<br />

nrtiiif<br />

on has for iil<br />

in Uilinltliiiii<br />

Ami<br />

XuiTy lh:in Hlfl v.iir s'l'teraiis. t!'''<br />

ii h i'V and tiuests were present Tiii'-<br />

,iii.- nitiht hist li'vek at croninfiies 1-<br />

iiilii-;*lly msiiinli' 111.' ni-iv rpl Sl:iil<br />

.icy r T.ninsi'iid Cliiiplivr N.i Iii<br />

: n.-Lthli'd AnirrH'.in S'.'leruns, :r.i<br />

! Ihc Wiiincn'r. Auxiliary<br />

I The mi'dinu. at Hhii-ll IIFTU-ITB I- 1<br />

i hiiih Kriiiips wi-ri' eilii ially in»uilic,i<br />

ti.uk pliii-c in 111!' hi'iid,|iiarit'!« n'<br />

• Feiaus.in-f'iiiiliii Posi. V F W<br />


- l,eader« .,f tin 1 i-hapler were swn""<br />

I m Iiy .Uihn J. Mulliii. uf Atlanta<br />

1 <strong>City</strong>. New Jersi-y ncpariiiirhi cini ,<br />

• i!,[, in Lreuk HI'H (ill Hie file*-<br />

• |f)-t'i-i 1 luri' T!u- repnrl slloy.ed<br />

|v ^ (.as-.-^M.-rs tyrricd here IIIT-<br />

;' -Hi- Sir:! 15 iliivs nf <strong>Mar</strong>ch, (il<br />

-.-1'i.ycrs iljr.rli! all <strong>of</strong> Februaiy<br />

; HU j.L.ssi'r,^fr^ dur MM January.<br />

ToUl fijtlKB <strong>of</strong> loral opfralion<br />

last year, b&M-d on Iht Heel «v-<br />

erigf. were sn.sOSBZ, the rw«rt<br />

j,liuwf(l. while UiUI revenue Wi<br />

S12,7fl",S3.<br />

Aiilcl.<br />

i.i.d K«i<br />

i,l llii pi<br />

nil m<br />

mid. liny i.'ll put "i<br />

. p.,-in,in ul n-iuli'l."<br />

I'I'S !, (' ill .-liilc<br />


Selioi.I Sup.-rinti-nili-lil llilf.i A<br />

Sli.il.-.nim and W.lliani S AiiMersi.il<br />

Organizations Unite for<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Best Easter Parade<br />

judfes <strong>of</strong> Bast Dressed on Boardwalk to Ride in<br />

C-.r; Orchid for Women; Easter Eggs for Children<br />

he awarded in ihe boardwalk<br />

Th.<br />

Kii-l.-r Sin<br />

iTln-i-M'IMir.u 111.' (•l.amb.'i' nf I'ciir- | (),-eiin C'HV hisli<br />

iiiiiis liiiiiil'-<br />

in ilii.ke the<br />

ai-iiin the ii.<br />

ha',L<br />

til.<br />

• Mia- W . Pill p r . ' i -<br />

nii'i'i'i<br />

tin- prnjei-t<br />

I'li.li Allii-M .1 Hluir. pri-.-iiH-i.t. a<br />

l..|li!ed Inr Kiv.nniv ill .: ("ni«niai-i!i<br />

A. Hubert Gurdun |-C|IIVM-IHI..1 HI<br />

A.-ii'l.iiir: 1,,-u., 11<br />

M.ij.n- I|....d tnlil tin- (Jriiiip '<br />

,:i11 •. 111 2ii pi'i>,iii. ;hal "1! «.ll l.ii-<br />

!i,i:« li. [,1.1 Ihi- lillii a. n.'-i-'"<br />

(ieiieril Meliimiin reffr.ed In<br />

siirli ii baUer> as "acllliiH* a ligtd |<br />

industry" mlileh »III brinf in a '<br />

piiMi'll <strong>of</strong> shout fI',.mi" alinuiillv<br />

while 111 the same lime itlvillE yal-<br />

unhlr training and ili«el|iline io t<br />

result young men. 1<br />

III- s,ii,l lh,. .it.' l.iil.U fi.r lili-i: '<br />

-.iilh nn iiri'% iiiiis military -rTiii-c'<br />

are IT ID HTi KspeniMit-e lliriiiiiihniil |<br />

in the Nauonal Giiiird uf ilium! 'lr'<br />

pi>|- I'.-nt World War II veteran?.'"<br />

'SMi is i^as<br />

ni-.tir.u Tucsiiiiy muhi ;il (he utluc<br />

• I K H Frem-h, with Fni'rcst N.>i"Bi-<br />

i,--iilinL; iis (Iinirniiii; <strong>of</strong> Ihc fir..I<br />

liriimenade tielwi-en I and 3 p, m,<br />

The jut:iMini4 area will be from tifh<br />

t i.lljlh sts<br />

Mr Munich. Mr Townsend ard<br />

jci.eph Henry, <strong>of</strong> the Businesi Mi'is<br />

AswHiation is ere appointed to tol».<br />

ih.iiyt' f'S ihe prmTH'nade. Mr<br />

f'.cirh ,i I-- mimed piibiicity chalr-<br />

•• ni-r.-.i'i<br />

A----...-,,-,ti.<br />

Xiiler II.., !<br />

Mi<br />

••!. Min.-l.-r<br />

j ii, •: FriiMH ¥<br />

ll 1 ', ii l,\ Mr<br />

; K,-.I.I..I.- i'l •!, ! y ,\l<br />

!..i ,1 Will,.Hi, U T,,v.<br />

.-'i.li.l!.' fill!, ill',I t'lli<br />

|,-.-r. .-. l.i f'liiii!.'- M<br />

lary Club hy Fi',',1 H<br />

Sins<br />

Mr<br />

liuiiiliiiii- c! HIM i-,-MI!illil<br />

I,, s.'ii-rt si ii'iii-n li' n v e l i<br />

nut<br />

Hi.<br />

V. S,.ni..l<br />

,1. tl-.i. V.x.<br />

, lie R-i-<br />

..ilriitl'. Jr<br />

Five ihiiiisand ciiTiilars arivfrtis,<br />

: ii,i- I-M-I',I-> i'f 'he day will tie<br />

I > l,-;il estate ufilces.<br />

huini'S and ihe city pub-<br />

bureiiii.<br />


Sunday ni'tiviiies .illi siart with<br />

ie sunrise jrtirsicc at the Music Pier<br />

I i,ii l«. mm.<br />

I;, li'i.iliiii<br />


RH'IIARilS IIKAIifi JI'lJOF-i<br />

Hu-hal-i^ Uii- upp.iir.n-i' |,<br />

l t;::til y<br />

I niilB- ['Ti if'.iV<br />

1 ,,rcl;i,i, I<br />

m . under allspices <strong>of</strong> th.<br />

ihurches The churches<br />

• chediili'd ii union Gwnri<br />

ru« The Ciiiimber ,.(<br />

P*f* 1,<br />

.Tiisi fur instil nil'- A Kl-niip nf<br />

u'linU'ii haii a public eai'il parly<br />

ill ilie hniiie nf Mrs A. RiiiiToni<br />

1424 CVntrnl av II Ili'lliil S,f-ll.<br />


Him tin'TC'iiKs<br />

Mrs, I'resion «aid ye«lpriliiy<br />

thai she lias lent seyeral paii'i<br />

<strong>of</strong> eruiehc^.<br />

she would like lo have Ihe<br />

burrnu'rm reiurii lliem If they<br />

iio longer m>L-d them, M she ha«<br />

oiher peoiile who can use lliem.<br />

y<br />

Ma<br />

l<br />

iirtk<br />

•\\lik-ll was tucilrd iivtr In Mre<br />

Pn-sltm. Kin' promptly siii'iit il<br />

m buy fuoil Inr her nw-ily Thi-<br />

pnrty" was spunson-d iiy Mrs A<br />

T. ,'Mi-Farland, Mrs. Clillii>ri<br />

Midenl, Mrs,- fiayiiionii Sliii.<br />

man and Mrs. Gi-BrKi! Strulii,<br />

A Linwoiid man brought liver<br />

50 (jallons <strong>of</strong> korasune,<br />

' An Atlantic <strong>City</strong> wmnnn (In-<br />

naliHl i!S.<br />

Various cluirclii's and organl-<br />

zaiioiiB i-iinti iliiili'd iniiney, whii-h<br />

IH'l|ied to pay for hospital car.',<br />

mendeil shoes, fnod, etc,<br />

•Meantimii, „ i r e m e n d n u s<br />

pmoiint <strong>of</strong> t-lnthiiiB (m men. «»<br />

nii.n, childrfn and babies was<br />

ppntribiiteri. Snmp nf It was<br />

brniiiiht liuwii from Philatlrl-<br />

nhia<br />

• t •<br />

Mrs Prpston said yesterday<br />

that she temporarily hos every-<br />

thing she ndeds for her people<br />

and "expressed her graliliide to<br />

nil- (Oiitrihulors.<br />

She emphasized that In the<br />

list <strong>of</strong> her needy there are tin<br />

"dead beats", She, has had<br />

many years' experience in this<br />

work, and she knows who is<br />

deserving and who isn't,<br />

"The peopk who have bpne«-<br />

fitted from these contribution.'!<br />

nre people who are ill. or who<br />

need temporary assistance to<br />

tide them over periods <strong>of</strong> unem.<br />

ployment," she anid, "Every,<br />

thing that the generous public<br />

his contributed hai been given<br />

to people who actoally' art in<br />

need," , ,<br />

Mri, Riehard Southard, <strong>of</strong> Mine,<br />

tola; visited her mother, Mrs, Laura<br />

Allen, ever tht wert «nd. and ft-<br />

tended the Met!<br />

it wee!<br />

thodist Church School<br />

Worieeri' dinner meeting on' Mon-<br />

day evening..<br />

•I' ll.c 15 A.V Tiii. Aus :l<br />

rs were sworn in hy Mr;:<br />

Brady, nf Newark, slii'i<br />

.•iiiimandcr. and n^ialleil by Mrs<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>jnrie K.'Cd. .if Atlaniic Cily. slat.<br />

11 insurer<br />

iloth uf Ihc stiite enmmimder- ad.<br />

ihcspeci ihi' ^r.sliii on iiic purp!ises<br />

nf Ibc I) A V aiKl its rcs|)nnsibiliti.'-<br />

l.iiiard ilii.se injured ttlnle sciviu"<br />

ill Ihc armed foi'i'es in bulb war-<br />


nnlccrs iiislalled fur the .-hapli"-<br />

'.ii-rc<br />

scriliir vice rriliimatidcr, Ravni'iml<br />

M. lli'liry: jiiliiiir vice enmlnanilfr,<br />

M.-iJ A. Piiili Oliver; adjutant. R:i' -<br />

(11.111,1 Price; ireasiirei: Malciii Rn>-<br />

eiibcrt; eliapiiiin, Lutiis 1 Kiiernci-;<br />

scri;ei(lit-al.arins. Waller Williams<br />

Tiiiisc inslalleil a,, (illicers- ,,r Ihe<br />

Aiiyiliiiry were:<br />

Ciiminandcr. Mrs Dnrniliv Oliver,<br />

si-niiir vite ciiinniandcr. Mrs Pih-<br />

iil'i.h Hiisenbcl'i!; juniur vitc ciim-<br />

111! mlor. Mrs. Clara Selvaiin; ehap-<br />

lam. Mi's:. Alice Williams: treasurer<br />

(in I slate cunimilteewiiuiim. Mi'J<br />

jealKMte Villn; nliCNiate, Mrs. Alcl'ii<br />

Mclleiiry; adjutant. Mrs tiiibi<br />

KocriU'i-; seri;eant-a|.arms, Mrs !"I-i.<br />

M KvnnBclisla; liisluritm. Miss Els','<br />

Rvnimelista; cnmlticiress, Mrs Win-<br />

frcd Olfti'ield,<br />

p<br />

Ij'ilr.nil<br />

j 1 iJt hi-yi<br />

inys I hi<br />

Ai.i.ni S" per I'l'iii i.'<br />

|,ers"i'ni'l m i ' uiiiirr 21. lie Mild.<br />


While tin- unit wiiulii hiive n<br />

ni'iiiiiii i'iimpl.'int-nt d 1-4 uHii'.'r-<br />

and ircli. pri-'i'l'.l limit-, nil ni'tt I'er-<br />

suniH'l prnbably wuulil nii'iiii (ill 1111-<br />

Page J, Please<br />

Work is Begun<br />

on Master Jetty<br />

Project to Rinf<br />

Island Tip in Stone<br />

The rumble el stnre-l.idi'il truck..-,<br />

iilrcady a tamihiir -uiind in O,'ciiii<br />

Cily. wiis resumed ill IN wi-i-k :\~<br />

riiu-iniillnn iviis -tarlci 1 in Hie new<br />

S33M1U0 jelly and breidiwalcr pi'"-<br />

ject al Ilie iiiirih pnint uf llic lieaih<br />

Till' lii'sl limd (if quarry "lulu 1 ar<br />

rived by rail pit Frnluy. arrl pr.'-<br />

liniinary ui.rk w;is bemin ihat tliiy<br />

Children to Find 'Treasure' in<br />

Beach Sand on Easter Saturday<br />

hy<br />

ln«-<br />

A Ibiwltmcl anil S.m. th<br />

dder pn Ihe stiile.iiid i-nnlrai 1 ',<br />

Edward H Huwki'i- iiniiminrcil<br />


Scene <strong>of</strong> nperalinns is he'.wcrn<br />

ScaciilT and Seliertst rds.. fril'il<br />

•where the 1(170.foot jctly will ex-<br />

nd into the inlet in iihmil<br />

'pie t'hamber nf Ci.m'nerci- ni - , the iiiiluw insj Mmulay. April<br />

IMIIIH-I-II Ibis week that thi' pupi.iar I ORUJINATIiiJ BV JKRNEE<br />

F.islt-i- KKM IHini icr all ihiliii'eii ul<br />

iin i-iiif.miihity will be staui'i! iii I :i'<br />

p in Kaiurilay, April B, mi ihe lii-iie.",<br />

10<br />

Four Round Trips<br />

Daily Scheduled<br />

(or Near Future<br />

Franchise Route<br />

May Be Changed to .<br />

Include Wert av.<br />

Improved local bus serv.<br />

I ice to ciilltrttl and south Bee*<br />

tioris (if <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, with<br />


V<br />

r<br />

felr,<br />

m<br />

28,<strong>1950</strong><br />

Cty<br />

HectricCo.<br />

Stock<br />

A45 Bright PUe.<br />

». *.<br />

Woodcock, Has<br />

ft CO., he<br />

m •> • • • • * M, AIM. •. rh<br />

^MM, Ml Ex ft.<br />

O. C. 1SSS-M<br />

Red Cross Quota<br />

Is 75 Pet. Raised<br />

Effort. Interuified<br />

u Drive Nean End<br />

did not takt a •count <strong>of</strong> |200 <strong>of</strong> tiie<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> eoiltetlon and iums add-<br />

ed by other diitfieU Monday and<br />

Tutsttay-<br />

10MB DltnUCTl LAC.OINO<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the districts were^ lag.<br />

gin§ badly, tuch il Middle Town-<br />

ship with $9fl reported on a I6nn<br />

quota and Cape.-, May with 1344<br />

Police Sergeant<br />

to go on Pension<br />

Bate* to End 23<br />

Years in Department<br />

Almost 23 years (if service In tl:f<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> fund camijaisn<br />

Occiin Ciiy pal ice department wii<br />

committee <strong>of</strong> Ihe American Rid<br />

Grots had achieved 7( per cent oi<br />

itt IBM quota this fteck and wot<br />

intensifying efforts to conclude ihc<br />

annual dolicititlon by the end <strong>of</strong><br />

next week<br />

1<br />

,. ^. ^lu.uiw be icrniinated for JSiTKcliiii lllraiii<br />

'local 1 solicitation, said he isas coirs | \\ nines on April 1. wlii-n he wil 1<br />

fident that the $1,800 quilts here rrlirc on pension brtaUBC ui iliswiil<br />

be exceeded when fin*il r*M;ihihiy<br />

porti are submitted iifttl week j chief liiibiMi .! Lji'ki-y JHUI.-UI-.---,- '<br />

F " l l h ! t l l h l ' sr'W"' 1 against a 11.000 seal.<br />

j and various mcr<br />

Mr. prict!, who is cu-ihairniai'<br />

listed by ii-sull<br />

with Howard. S, Staintun in tin<br />

TO BE* Bl'Kll'<br />

h<br />

••Tri'iiMii'i'"<br />

sard, and 1<br />

^e^rgh;iiL4<br />

'' retiirim-i-.t «i..-<br />

r £ * • i<br />

A spuiilii SI'LI<br />

fur nnalk'r tut.-<br />

2I>\I. st ami Hi<br />

Called For ^f^l/^r' FV^ v ;, Tennis<br />

£l•"'<br />

Children to Find 'Treasure' in<br />

Beach Sand ^n Easier Saturday<br />

was reporttd by Clinton B Price<br />

treasurer<br />


At the same time, Cape My<br />

County as a whole had by early tnu><br />

week contributed approximately US<br />

per cent <strong>of</strong> its S8.BJ0 quota. J. - Bids (In two public imprti\eii-.iMV -jEt ButCf wii> jiri,iii.,li-,l ,.i il ,r<br />

rrn««."V«r.T^i<br />

-<br />

cording to reports from the 12<br />

branches submitted to Mrs HestiTJ<br />

Sttvcns executive secretary <strong>of</strong> llu'<br />

County Chapter<br />

n r'^."J .S?.-"r,.n*'lhl ..«, . i,*'ll'tir?'<br />

b.y the cliv<br />

1<br />

cun'.mi!.,«ii'i]er» w: A p r<br />

m t<br />

'"'<br />

11. it «a« clei-idi"! Friday IBKCSAN i s 1938<br />

The public Murks »ill irvhiili 1 !'•- Hi 1 lir«t n i i i i c ! |,,.l.ii -.".rk l;,-i-•<br />

puiTi lii bulkhiaris u" ihi- liiiyfrulil ,it ,ii- « !i'ir,|.ur;irv i.iiifnini.u. 'I' I'.'<br />

lJlh 14th iind IBHl pl» ;ir.d tin- !••• si.iv.ini'r nf IBl'li ;.!. I i-iv.,ii'i' .<br />

iiurtaciliB iii I'itht ui lilt inumi iiui! !•• rm.ii.i i.i ii'iiniiiT i.f :hi hiiv,' . ••<br />

lenni, court. .'•'!!• 1 1H2V<br />

A Li-iitmci .ii... .. -«iu?i:i I..,- •->-.. 'H'- r - ''r :ii-<br />

sihiiol ajic" Cirnriul Mi-liiniaii f .ut,,.i- ,..' ':,- 1, i. r-Si n hi i:!.ii<br />

sjid "ii jiiveh tlieni triiijiinij iniil (' , M : I I i, , ; ii'.ii.;!y ..,,!- I.IL;.,'<br />

will in-l|i insure thiii the "ne^l « J! ./, i, -., . .n.| .;,i .iii ,n,',"^ i.f *,. m<br />

Uilii't riimf. . ]r 'i, i^ ..' n r , |ii(iii-.j.<br />

"I ;uii ciiiu inceil thjt lllf ill;f iil " " '_ _J_ '_' ' '<br />

mison «p arc iiyi al w;n tndis is .. ..<br />

he, 3yse fit! ihc !ii>t limr AIC have ,. ! ' . " . '<br />

ciMinlri. In Ihe u|iiniw-*LY<br />

est.i, Unli S-f^tumpUit »iih hiutriii.<br />

; rtadv ID «f.ir Hv mjt.tf,,.„«, m nB>ni.,i,ii..|.l f«f "•-«"••• ""«' S" 1 " 1 " 1<br />


740 Aebury Avenue Phone 2185<br />

Quality Meats<br />

Fresh Killed Poultry<br />



<strong>On</strong>e <strong>of</strong> your most important Il insurance / papers<br />

hangs on your pharmacists wall!<br />

j HIE KIXT TtMB you visit your phirnucy,, ukc a gooJ look at this<br />

! certificire that lun^s nn the wall . . ,<br />

This is your Start's way <strong>of</strong> aisuring you tlijt the rc|iifcrtj pliar-<br />

rnacist is not only pr<strong>of</strong>tssionjlly traintJ, but that he hassutLCssfulIy<br />

complttd a State Board cxaminjiign, jnj ,s ,juMifuJ Lj l.iw to serve<br />

• you with his knuvvk-Jyc anJ tethniijl skill.<br />

I Your lii.iniijList knows thousands oi diluTt-nt drufls— their<br />

dosage, usage and pro^rtiej. He has the sueiUiiiL ahility anJ cquip-<br />

HiAfilNC AID<br />

I mtnt to conipnunJ them into the nididnts your dektor prisinlies.<br />

Like your douur, ht kweps abreast nf the latest medk,,j develop-<br />

ments, and the constant improvtilitnts n, pharmaieut;t.il proJuctl<br />

and practices.<br />

His pr<strong>of</strong>ess ion a! training is rc(lc,:ted, ton. in the wide variety <strong>of</strong><br />

j »p!:ciali2ed merdiandise he unies in his store. Fur here you'll HnJ<br />

j the baby needs, the nkkroom supplies, and all the other items that<br />

make up your everyday health requirements. His store today is truly<br />

I ceiitcr <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional strvite in his community ,<br />

Harry H, Lake FREEDY DRUG STORE Inc.<br />

837 Asbury Ave,<br />

701 ASBURY AVE,<br />

WJI. M. II AIL I 11,11 l,,r in<br />





'Chocolate Rabbit* - Hem - Roosters and<br />

Foil Specjo/h'es-<br />


• BC Sure to Place Your Orders Early •<br />

FOR OUR<br />

^ HOME MADEEASTPP rnr^e<br />

• C0C0ANUT CREAM tUUb<br />


NAMES PUT ON FREE . •• • "AllNC<br />

h inc is i OR imp v\.MI'l.-|;<br />


For Churehe,; Sunday School<br />



# F R U T n d N U T<br />

' "<br />


.SEASON<br />

WhUma<br />

Jst Variety Center<br />


and Operated by American Slant Company<br />

card!<br />


Natural flavors stay in, vitamini<br />

»nj minL-rals, ton, when foods art<br />

cooked "\:•jtgrlcsd" in this sturdf<br />

cast aluminum ijucc pan. Sa*«,'i<br />

time, work, fuul, Lifefime wwarJ<br />

Yeu nlso save money on<br />

• 9'^-IN. FRYINO PAN<br />


• 3.QT. SAUCE PAN<br />

• 4 ] /4-QT. DUTCH OVIN-<br />

SAUCt PAN<br />

and ether icokwora Ittms<br />

Try Our Acme Ouarantaed Memts Under Our<br />



Fresh-Killed STEWING (4 to 6 lbs)<br />

S 39<br />

LsnisifAr Irani! sr Iwiff'i Premium<br />

Whole cr<br />

Ihmik Hill SMALL LEAN HAMS 55'<br />

Cooked Ham 2 " "$1.?9 Frashly Ground Beef "4Se<br />

Gonoine Beef Liver "J3( Smoked Beef Le<strong>of</strong> " 29e<br />

Shert Ribs Beef " " " "35* Corned Beef f " '"USt<br />

Sliced Beef Bologno " S3c Cheese !'; " ' • 19c<br />

1 1 1 1<br />

" " %'" \7i DeviledCrobi ""19«<br />

PORK LOWS "i 43' T c47«<br />


lorge Boston<br />


» 19c<br />

No, 1 Large Smelts<br />

Whiting c "i;;:5S: i " (<br />

Smoked Bloaters<br />

Fancy Lobster Tails<br />

38 C<br />

n> ISC<br />

35c<br />

ides! FsnEy Califernig ftft<br />

Fruit Cocktail N :,p32e<br />

Pineopple Chunks 2 l . 1 ,,.' 1 ,'37e<br />

Plneopple Juice """ 2 •",'•„:,' 69c<br />

Ideal Apple Seuce 7",\,"l7t<br />

Ideal Apple Butter 3 " "' " Iff<br />

Sliced poath?',' '• 3 ".'.' 39c<br />

Ideol Fruit Coikioi! 2",^2Ii<br />

Sll«ed Pie Apples 2 " ' 33s<br />

Fontyiiueberriei ""^"aSc<br />

Bed Toj choi««<br />

Selected Fresh Fruits & VegBfahhsl<br />

Selected Andy Boy California<br />

BROCCOLI -<br />

Bananas B " u " ' " ' • • ' "15c Lemons '<br />

Celery Cabbngo "'lit, Yoi.is*""'"" '•"'"3 '"-25e<br />

Sweat Juicy Temple<br />


Farmcrest Fig Bars<br />

Glen Cove Clam Chowder<br />

Saltesea Clam Chowder<br />

Farmdale Lima Beans J:;:Z-.<br />

Hurlock Ripe Tomatoes<br />

Farmdale Tender Peas<br />

Qdmi Sauer Kraut £&,<br />

Tender Stringless Beans ^<<br />

gtdSt Macaroni SI1U°;,,,H<br />

omato Soup<br />

Buy-Save 30c<br />

••autiful. Colorful, Durable<br />


and 3 No. 1 cam<br />


FOR S9<br />

1<br />

" "MSi<br />

lb I2 c<br />

It-mag 2IC<br />

1 10 . o,<br />

* fin.*<br />

3IC<br />

4 Ni J<br />

as«t<br />

m No V i<br />

• No 2<br />

Tops in Movor<br />

21C<br />

150<br />

23c<br />

zqc<br />

rase<br />

fl Hand far I»ry Tails<br />

tfJCP Brand<br />

Ssuih Amerifan<br />

70'<br />

Wia-Citit f»Kie J, 67c<br />

""_""-!"-"'""""^ 7Se<br />

'psilMltir »ilh iovii,i oi Vomym Potk.d<br />

• CoBd'l.<br />

Mm<br />


10,000 CASH<br />

IMrf Malik autiM* •>! wr'<br />

» 39«<br />



Rulers At Odds<br />

<strong>On</strong> Salary Bill<br />

Table Resolution<br />

Urging Amendment<br />

r»«i!;:L..,a.,,:r<br />

in India More<br />

Happy Than Ours<br />

Will<br />

f.'ontlnnrd from Pit<br />

"1 tut the iflin iiiiit it v.i<br />

iil! HliiMifiur und li-iMiiit', J is;,'<br />

(i liy Cum.<br />

rr,y I J>ii% t-<br />

A. >.,..,„ H " ri^'t, TVV,,I l-"'»l mil thi.1 J'.iu lav, .,,s»(i,'<br />

. , . . , . , i. i inr yinii- liiina IUTI 1 - u u i II.II<br />

,', ' , "'',•,,"•''. " p * T- " \ S"" 1 I"'!''""!''"!! t»ull(ll«- ill iii'ivi ,<br />

1 ii .i 'i . !I-.-,.''I -i-r- " ' "'' ''''''• "' '" ''"•' " ""'' '• | ""'" 1 - v<br />

W I I i ii iiii si) SAI'.AKV hill<br />

I ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' '., " .' I,,11 1,1.1,,It 1 ,,!<br />

M. c...<br />

I 1 1,", i I I * I" M \',]l \'|«l|tV<br />

1 HIM Ml M<br />

. i II,,,!.- It,,I -<br />

i i.i i' n.i<br />

I I'..<br />

I\I.I ' ii I 1 Kl \ I Vi Mil .(• •<br />

; i l h . 1 1 1 1 \\ • 1 iii:ii I i l l ! > ! \ V ( l H<br />

1-ii<br />

| Vt.M Hi. !i 1 1 il'jV; . v i H ' I h l T V I . . I ! !<br />

•iiinini! i,r ||'i'l' "<br />

I I ) i M i l l > ; • If. II.!• H i ( n i l ! i l l '<br />

iii. l..i^ hi-, n in j ,• jifiil.iiiily i.ii<br />

M l . l l l i . l t! i- 1 !,,!,'li S l : , ! ! ^ !! i.i ,<br />

\ l i u l ' l v [l.iih I!,li»I Alllt't'll'lll.,<<br />

! -:,.•',].!•( f.i<br />

h ,i-,,.I t.,,ri<br />

il ill I h l l l i . l , 1 1 1 - t l . i l , 1,1, •••<br />

" Y . . : , i , . : , \ l i . n . k l i . i i t i , . i r i i . , i .<br />

I :..;•• y i i " n v ,. l,!,i l i i i i i : I n -<br />

. ; , . i i i ' i . i l l r u . i ' •.I• i l i , , l , : i i I I I .<br />

l i . i i i .i •• : . i . i ,••. H I .I.', I.,- l i i i i i i i i i-<br />

i i l i l , I I I i' i ! l . i i h i II.!• ; • 11 • i r<br />

'i i n i l , . i l l ..,|,,. ,.,.,. u i . i l i ; i " l li'.'<br />

S - 1 .<br />

i i'., in I,<br />

"!(,' I 1 ,,!<br />

v Ml .i ' '!.I:I<br />

I•...,. i, .1 ..I i"..<br />

I...I H-. ! ••<br />

A In: ,. 1.<br />

..',,i, -1-1;,,.'I<br />

j iiU'iniii<br />

nrk'-.i I.I,'<br />

-Florida Youth. 17 f<br />

Held for Robbery<br />

Looted Summer<br />

Home, Police Say<br />

.) Crilv |i,lii:i M j i i d i y i:|(,i ;i<br />

: ii! n n iikii.li iiiul i-iili-i'li.u i,i,,-<br />

YmtsMa Gets 3 ___<br />

Copies <strong>of</strong> Hut<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Song<br />

Thunday, Mfti-cii 2S, 1980<br />

Mr, nncl Mrs. Frank C, MnltheWi,<br />

B rd. hayu relufnctl home<br />

,ean Wily O<strong>On</strong>g ,, l u, r .; twtl,,i,<strong>On</strong>th l sojiiurn j in Fl Fltir-<br />

>i=,.H,. Vi^^tiiii whii rri'iMltly iiNi ;.11f 1 i,th,.|' piiris ui ihi' south.<br />

i-|.|,..|ili.,l fi,i ii i n n ? iif I lie w i n i U<br />

(il Ilii- m n i i , "ficiiin (Jily I Irf.vi'<br />

Yi,u" liml n n (riiillilii llivillC hi!'<br />

•• i^h jii'itiiti'i!.. hi. i-iifiiirii'Fi tliiK<br />

iiiiLi-ny uui.m-,1 i .! w-yi'i.r-.,l(l y,.ui! 'i' 1 ' 1 ' •••'»•>! '', iK l-uljl^ln-'I in<br />

o , l u iiJli-liHy lili'M.,-,'1. ii.il.lililliii ' , l!«li iili'l M l V,-,,i-|li, tin-II I'!,!!-<br />

><br />

" ' " " ' ' " - '' ' ' ) ) „ . , . , V 1 | , ( , (I.,. | | , , . . | P<br />

in i uf.i'il ' > i- iili i^ I'll

P'^x<br />

s.1 • •'<br />

f'aiii<br />

Personal and Social Chit-Chat<br />

1 A&1 PlayforP.-T.A. Hello again<br />

in<br />

recuperating from a<br />

School Movie*<br />

Church Group Hu Lunch Also are Shown<br />

Mr*. Oorothy Himllton md In<br />

WoGlford wgn ho»tcu« Tuesday A culnrful md «L11 portrayed<br />

afternoon at • luncheon f hen in the play Sleeping Beauty »as presented<br />

by pupils <strong>of</strong> tht 51h gradt<br />

p»l cWcb by Ihe Womeni AIDE!!' §J the. t»ntertslnment hlfhlight g!<br />

the mnnthly meeting <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

ft* Rev Fomrt E Vaufihan. ret Clt> Parent Teflfher Asseeiillon<br />

tor. exhibited rellgJouj films aln Welnesdg} afternoon last week in<br />

tin l h<br />

the Central ai »rhcol The pbt<br />

Has arranged and dlretted by Mis<br />

OPIRATIOM Ceraldllm Fasti r<br />

- <strong>of</strong> Mn Laur» Garrison 42 W lOt'i Miss Kathenne Ogclrn siinther<br />

; ind » voclU mil •t underwent «n operation in tn» member nf lhe faculn jl»f> enter<br />

Surf HWpltal Sen We <strong>City</strong> and s mined hi shnumg film slides nn<br />

, rial* waid- convilejclni at her hume Iu?al!h and Safety fur rhildriti in<br />

the Home and School Girm Cm<br />

tn 1 and Blcjtlt Sjfitj<br />


fc During the busirts* session Mn<br />

Errmd Warren president ippomlc I<br />

mminatmg cummittee nmprisin<br />

Mr* Elizabeth sprat! Mrs Chr<br />

tine Wnimth 1 Mrs Iiarette Hi 1<br />

d Md*,*> \ ir^jniH ^strange<br />

Nininatmi Jnd t li el n will uk<br />

pi ne n Mj%<br />

Th* prisitliit al,o -innrjm.nl Hint<br />


th. hi«tm r^hi 1 ital 4 iiiitio<br />

T NYMAN<br />

I'UONL BUS" fur rncmt mis hdi IHIH L m| Hi I<br />

nd turntH ur li 11 i tain C<br />

'rr^H a'* pirt uf n i * 1 nit nun<br />

ne li n Mil i C Icln Jul iki.<br />

ntet n£<br />

TO SEE til M STRIP<br />

\\\ n imber it 11 i r f i 1<br />

* Lrr II * itrd 1 tit I d i [ ui tl pro<br />

em i nr\t rfiii^di* Mjrth 30 °ji<br />

S II p n II Ihi hifch ehncil dud<br />

irriun tc \ t i tl 111 , tnri Tm<br />

Lhildim tor miu. The ( 1 n<br />

ir I ill int tli i llhl r u 111 Hie I I>U I<br />

1 th p iblu il li N rtl I tl I IlKi I<br />

f 1 rv, and n ift 11 leqL-ite tn 3ML<br />

inj. tf tduirfl 1 in NLU It r 11.<br />

Il i •, FIJ lrlii If il t! 1 Jli n<br />

rn m IN Hrean P rlu ur. I 1 i<br />

turnt-tl u\ir It Hi- wflfir* fu ul<br />

Plin rt hi 11 1 TH Ii f r tin<br />

P T A t ha\i I tl irtl annuil<br />

Cn riU F 11 mi li 1 1 Al ril tn<br />

limn thi> n-mral liinrf Diln<br />

1 By DOEOTHY DAT<br />

What ..... with winter ^——<strong>of</strong>ficially<br />

having been dtelind ovir<br />

uur Eum hit bought, and the<br />

Easter festivities just SVSF the h<strong>of</strong>i<br />

ion wo can at lut feel a UUlt more<br />

like spring the«# days And IO<br />

along with the sdvdht <strong>of</strong> grten up<br />

time here 15 somo <strong>of</strong> the newi we ve<br />

gathered fsr jou<br />

Stilt incationing at Fort Laudcrrtali<br />

ria Brc Mr and Mrs Frank<br />

Bradley who are plaryling to r#<br />

lurn ly Oteon Citj around April 1<br />

Among those iho hii\e rreenlly<br />

remertd from Ihe sick k l list MMr<br />

h<br />

1 he c<br />

*<br />

Henr> HartrndH who was confintd<br />

f week v. ilh a virus infection at<br />

Ihi- homi* nf her partnts Mr and<br />

Mi3 Htnvard btrong <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia<br />

• • *<br />

Dnk Knnbli daughter o[ Mr and<br />

Mrs Hirman Kimble has al« ic<br />

tenllv recc\ered from an iltack nf<br />

pntumunia and is presently ipentl<br />

ng tht spring vacation from ht<br />

htui,iL it Bildwin Sthoul nt hn<br />

I jrtnl^ I nine<br />

O II if Ii<br />

this \sitk in<br />

li di Mr Mr Getirge Ludlam<br />

./ cm Hi n uho vi Hid their !jUin-<br />

V. F. W. Women<br />

Elect Officers<br />

Mr Dt n Fnrgu^tm w i ilictfd<br />

\ rc± 1« il if Ihr W mi-n Auxiliar><br />

Mf t rl i^ nithi at ^** P ( ^ home<br />

Shi uc r 1 Mrv K J% Dr^rf H<br />

inhir nff ir ihm*r<br />

t li ridM Mr EJUn I hn^nn<br />

Mr MiUu Smith pn 1 prt irimt<br />

\ s design lid li ict ts t lulling<br />

ffutr fthrn thp ru \ a rim riatratmn<br />

it duett 1 in April Thiiu nn rr<br />

17 an<br />

family <strong>of</strong> Elkihs F§rk visitrd thei<br />

summer rtfiidencc at 32 Surf rd on<br />

5-iturdd¥<br />

Mr it 1 % Kid e AU<br />

MI >, Bi s Pi<br />

rth Bav Miami Bt-ath Fla<br />

hiln u Florida Mr and<br />

md Miss Filmcr tn<br />

Ha\ina Cuba<br />

Mr* I i i I" Vn rh rnti rtaint 1<br />

tf htr -lub it A t,ird j »<br />

ii c^das<br />

Mr mtl Mr rirl Bjri.it u (r<br />

their d iUiftn Lurj Dnn M\ra<br />

Inn and Mn-h,n-I wtn ^uc t r Women Democrats<br />

Have Supper<br />

Fifteen members st the Weinen'.<br />

Roosevelt Democratic Club hid an<br />

enjoyable covered dish supper Mom<br />

day night at the horns <strong>of</strong> Mrs, Edith<br />

Townsend, (4S8 Prospect pi. Caid<br />

playini followed the meal, with<br />

prizes awarded to high scorers.<br />

The cfljb decided to sponsor<br />

card Barty late in April at the honw<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mrs, Ann Robinson, 503 9th st<br />

CEEL'S<br />


1111 linpaw Are. Hwu 1S1I<br />


StMk Sandwich<br />

on Italian Roll . 30c<br />




» A H to n r si.<br />


Submarine<br />

Sandwiches<br />

Small 25c Large 45c<br />

• at •<br />


618 Asbury Avenue<br />

Phone 1871<br />

f<br />

Hie w.rtk end uf Mr^ Ellen Zan "8«V9ry Subs Thai Siiisfs"<br />

if At naj uhs <strong>Mar</strong>yland<br />

mtttitmiMitintttii<br />





MMM<br />

& S CLEANERS<br />


ASBURY AVE, PHONE 2746<br />


Ml<br />

Repaired<br />

-tRefuuihed<br />

- Kitchen Cabinot. and<br />

Cupboard* mads to Order,<br />

Reproduction, <strong>of</strong><br />

Dotclt Antique Furniture<br />

m IMIa V» far • Free Krtiiwto<br />

Earl<br />

North's<br />

Wood Shop<br />

IMk St. Opp.<br />

R. B. Italian<br />

Phone 2838<br />


SCHOOL o/<br />

DANCE and DRAMA<br />


• S»fe Street Phones 0478 or 2241<br />

JOHiSOM'S<br />





by ANDREW and CLAIRE<br />


PHONE mn<br />


HELEN'S<br />


«t CWrtT Ave. * Phone 0935<br />

PWf s Beauty Shoppe<br />

HWWeitAve, Phent 1966<br />



-fr ./.<br />

ncunri d<br />

Tl 1 atti-ii hn p 1 irir \M on<br />

ly Miss Fr*ttr 'ilh UT ule<br />

< * <<br />

Babies Are Born to<br />

Five Resort Families<br />

Babies were burn t;i fivn OCDHII<br />

<strong>City</strong> families at Shore Memorial<br />

riuriiif; the week that ended<br />

miiiorily in lhe hnsijilM iuir^e\v.<br />

<strong>of</strong> tonsilmer i'ductatirm for<br />

with five <strong>of</strong> ihe 11 liiiMhs recorded<br />

Dairies Inr, She will discus the<br />

for the ueri"ri.<br />

dairy industry and show films.<br />

Local arrivals were <strong>Mar</strong>ch 14.<br />

There will bo dgor prizes, nnd<br />

a girl to Mr and Mrs Clyde Vincent<br />

ice cream will be served, A silver<br />

1329 West av.: <strong>Mar</strong>ch IS. alloy In<br />

<strong>of</strong>fering will ho taken.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James Dixnn. OH<br />

The Civic Club anountps that the<br />

North ft! <strong>Mar</strong>eh IB. a hoy In Mr.<br />

mpotinH \Y-- opt*n to everyone and<br />

ind Mrs. Niehula Palermo, 7S(i As-<br />

that invilHtioni are eKppclBlly ex =<br />

bury hv=: <strong>Mar</strong>ch 19. ;i girl to Mr. and<br />

tuiidi'd to club wamuii.<br />

Mrs Juhii B Smith. 41fl West av.:<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch 20. a boy in Mr. anil Mrs. Research Club to<br />

Edwin Merryrnsn. 1025 Asbury av.<br />

Other births werr: <strong>Mar</strong>ch 15. a Have 'Drama Night'<br />

girl to Mr. and Mrs. Lvri Barter,<br />

Somers I'liint: <strong>Mar</strong>rh 17. ii buy tn The Women'* Hrseaffii Chib will<br />

-Mr. nniUMrt—H.-rlu-rt King.. Wi||,<br />

. . . 10 A, M. til (i P. M.<br />

Ti-.I.KPIfONKS:<br />

WO<strong>On</strong>rilNE 1-817'J<br />

VM)(H)ItlSt 1-1177<br />


Slallon WMtl>, 1340 on Vnur IMal<br />

Wondav Thrnujh Friday, 11:0(1-11:19 A, ,M.<br />

"The Siory Brhlnd Ihp Slorv", uilh <strong>Mar</strong>vrn Millet<br />

State Jefty Fund<br />

May be Increased<br />

Legislative Group<br />

Asks for $300,000<br />

The Joint Legislative Appropriations<br />

Committee Tueiday gave tentntive<br />

approval to including In the<br />

1050-51 slute ljudgct a $300,000 appropriatien<br />

for eoniOruetlon <strong>of</strong> ntw<br />

jettlei to combat bMeh erotlon.<br />

Oovernor Drlieoll originally had<br />

fecommerided fundg ohly for main,<br />

tenanee <strong>of</strong> existing jettlei and ten.<br />

'Old Man' Hickman<br />

IS BACK<br />

ON THE JOB<br />

With a Full <strong>Line</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />


To Take Out<br />


Daily: 10 a. m. to 7 p.m. - Sundayi 4 p. m. to 7 p, m,<br />


Deviled Crab 46c es. Clam Chowder ..SScqt.<br />

Deviled Clam ^=20ce«. F. F. Pat.toa,-<br />

-MMirtrirf^-»i.TOii. Bgjas&^'iSft:<br />

Fried Scallops =« = =90cIb. Cnh Saiaj _ = ==$l,7Slb.<br />

Fried Shrimp , = _$1.2Slb, Cole Slaw -,^_ = =3Belb,<br />

Fried Filet fluke, Pepper Hash . . _ ^30c 1b,<br />

25c, 3Sc, SOc per order Potato Salad _,.._38c lb.<br />


BKA FOOD PLATTER (:onl»liiB: D«*»i!d Crab, Fritd Srallops.<br />

t M<br />

Frii-d Oyste", Fried Shrimp, Deviled Clun, Fish *<br />

Ai«o Cole Sl«w, Tom»io, Leiluee, T.rUr sauce. Pickle, French Fries<br />

HOT, PLATTKBS Contain! Cholee ol-Bevlled Crib, 8o»IWp»,<br />

Shrimii, Fish, Clim .,'... . •. • • • *"<br />

AIM C«!e Sliw, Lelluce. Tam.tp, TurUr Siiuef. PleWe, French Friei<br />

. or Palais Salad<br />


CHOICE OF; Lebster S»l«fl. Crab S.iad. Shrimp S»l»d, Shrimp ^<br />

CackUil • ,....-.- •••_• _••_ —<br />

Leituce, Tomato, Cole Slaw, Plekle, Potalo Salad<br />

Out <strong>of</strong> Our FISH DEPARTMENT<br />

Live and Broiled Lobater - Lobster Taiii - Crab Meat<br />

AH Kinds <strong>of</strong> Frerfi Sea Sood in Season<br />

1155 Anbury Avenue<br />

Fifty-Four Year* ui Oeew <strong>City</strong><br />

Phon« 1515 1516<br />

Resort, Two Houn<br />

Cape May Court Home emu,<br />

laled <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> whan it went<br />

dry for more than two hours<br />

Saturday when the Neptunux<br />

M?ater Company made^ water<br />

conntetloriB for the new Burdette<br />

Tomlln Memorial Hospital.<br />

It was neeeiaary to shut <strong>of</strong>f<br />

water «erviee for the entire<br />

community while the hospital<br />

was connected to the main sup.<br />

ply line.<br />

Club Speaker<br />

Defends Parents<br />

Not Always to Blame<br />

for Youth Misdeeds<br />

Cape May Sells<br />

Bonds at 2,9 Pet.<br />

Tlie Cape May city cnmrnissinn<br />

Thuriday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 28, if 80<br />

Pocahontas Has<br />

St. Patrick Party<br />

Two Skits Presented;<br />

Square Dance Planned<br />

A varied program <strong>of</strong> theatrical en.<br />

tertainmeiit featured a St, Patrick's<br />

party given Friday night at a meet,<br />

ing <strong>of</strong> Nalona Council, Degree o'<br />

PocahentHB.<br />

Two_ skits were presented. <strong>On</strong>e<br />

was "The Blind Men , wilh Mrs. Mue<br />

The remilfirly stheduletl muetniK<br />

Monday awarded a aontract to B(-<br />

if ihe city commission which would<br />

land and Saftrin Co., New York, for<br />

[iill on Good Friday, April 7, was<br />

the purchase <strong>of</strong> (35,000 <strong>of</strong> wilier<br />

:honi;eii tn II day earlier, April R.<br />

plant bonds<br />

ay motion <strong>of</strong> ihe board al Fridaj'r<br />

The llrm <strong>of</strong>fered MI interest rate session. The change WHS made m<br />

<strong>of</strong> 20 per cent and paid a bonus nf deferem'e tn the religious holiday.<br />

Mffi.<br />

proceeds <strong>of</strong> the bonds will l»'<br />

used lo drill a new well and muks<br />

other improvements In expand ca.<br />

pacity <strong>of</strong> the municipal water plant<br />


Albert Cliff,, son nf A. J Chr,'.<br />

J4 W |7ili st,, has been elected' vice<br />

president <strong>of</strong> lhe Siama Chi fraternity<br />

at GetlysburH Collide, Chi!<br />

is a member <strong>of</strong> the Junior class.<br />

See Too Late to Classify<br />

Adi • • - First Section<br />

Huis P. Voss<br />

201 A*bury Av«, Ph, 0413<br />

Auiborlmd Dtalar<br />



To Mett <strong>On</strong>e Day Early<br />

D. <strong>of</strong> A. Celebrates<br />

Its 54th Anniversary<br />

The <strong>Ocean</strong> GUy Counell No, in,<br />

Daughters <strong>of</strong> America, celebrated lu<br />

S4th anniverigrv with a gala dinner<br />

meeting in The Sentinel.Ledger<br />

building Tuiidsy night last week.<br />

The dinner y?at followed by a<br />

meeting, and irhpromptu entertBinmeni<br />

and rernarta.<br />

yacht Club Sponsor*<br />

Phila. Fashion Show<br />

*A card party and fashion show,<br />

wiills.<br />

Grubb, Mrs, Louise Roienberger under auspices <strong>of</strong> the Women's Com-<br />

Mrs. Florence Taylor and Miss Bosemittee <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Yacht<br />

The amount provided ii still small<br />

marie Vote In the leading roles. Club, will take place tomorrow at<br />

by contrast with a report submitU"!<br />

"The Consultation" was presented the Strawbridgi! and Clothier de.<br />

tho saint day by lhe State Beach<br />

by Mrs. Emily ^Turner, Mrs <strong>Mar</strong>y paiitm»nt store, Philadelphia, It will<br />

Erosion Commission, which esti.<br />

Dean and Mrs, Peg Courtney. be the initial social event °' lhe<br />

mated the cost <strong>of</strong> eisentlilty needed<br />

An Irish mlnitrolette, with tbn seison,<br />

coast protection work at i27,nf,0G0<br />

cast in costume, entertained with<br />

• * ^ •<br />

The Commission also recommend-<br />

songs and stories Taking part wore<br />

Mrs, AreldB Lloyd. Mrs Florence<br />


ed that lhe stale assume 70. Instead "Let's give the parents <strong>of</strong> our Taylor, Mrs Lillian Tallman, Mrs FIFTH BIBTHPAY PARTY<br />

uf 60 per cent, <strong>of</strong> the cost <strong>of</strong> anil- community and <strong>of</strong> all America a Frances Mathls, Mrs. Edith Towr.- Billy Ponllere, son <strong>of</strong> Mr. and Mrs<br />

ernsitiii work.<br />

break ' Kenneth M, Frlsbee, prinsenrl, Mrs. Minnie Blum, Mrs, Car- H. C. Pontiere, 1939 Wesley av,, cele.<br />

The committee, while including cipal <strong>of</strong> the Linwood public schools, mela Ooldy and Miss Voss. brated his fifth birthday anniversary<br />

the new erosion funds, eliminated urged in a talk to the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Refreshments were served in awith<br />

a party Sunday afternoon. Re.<br />

from the proposed budget a $600,000 Exchange Club, Monday nilht at dining room decorated with sham- freshments and games were enjoyed<br />

item for liberaliiation <strong>of</strong> teacher Plymouth Inn. '- rocks, clay pipes and snakes, with The chjldren also congratulated<br />

pensions This proposal by the gov- "parents have been kicked green and white paper.<br />

Skipper. Billy's dog. who was one<br />

ernor had boeri flatly rejected In around ton much," he contended, "If During a business meeting, plans<br />

year old.<br />

the Senate Republican majority<br />

children do go wrong. Pop hangs were discussed for a square dance<br />

Guests were Bonnie Cornwell<br />

his head and lakes the blame from<br />

rnurus<br />

to be sponsored by the Council April Ronnie Moyer. Leno£e Townsend,<br />

others. Some parents do deserve the 14, under the leadership <strong>of</strong> Mrs Jimmy Camburri and Billy Pontiere,<br />

Previously the committee had re- criticism they get, but they belong Emily Turner. Mrs, Freda Bonham<br />

sirred more than $100,000 which to the irresponsible fringe <strong>of</strong> so. received the attendance prize and A railroad Diesel locomotive en-<br />

Governor Driscnll cut from stst,; ciely. Too • <strong>of</strong>ten juvenile delin- Mrs, Elizabeth Voorhees the mer. cine has about twice as much com<br />

muMMim nnd library accounts and quency is described as the fault <strong>of</strong> ehsndisc club.<br />

linssion as that in the average au<br />

nilcied i#s-crnl other minor items tn parents, instead <strong>of</strong> 'same parents',<br />

tomobile engine.<br />

Tomorrow nighl's meeting vll<br />

finM thp current proposed budget SUFFER LOSS OF RESPECT feature a public card party.<br />

iliil In iiljout $180,000 over the gov. "Parents are not the only ones<br />

eriior's orlalnal figures.<br />

who read magBjines and newspapers<br />

or listen to the radio. The younger<br />

generation does this, too, and from DAR Hits World<br />

Would Name 6ridge these media absorb the idea that<br />

parents don't know much <strong>of</strong> any-<br />

for George Redding thing. There has been a subsequent Government Plan<br />

A jninl resolution proposing In loss <strong>of</strong> respect for parenthood."<br />

ilcBiuniitc the slate highway bridge He said that society needs to help Says it Would<br />

nn Route S-49 across Grassy Sound parents ryther than heap criticism<br />

Channel in Lower Township as '•The upon them indiscriminately. Endanger America<br />

Oet>ri!i- A. HeddinK Bridge" was in- Things that society might do an:<br />

truflured in the legislature last Wed- Rive parents more moral support pnd Strong opposition to world gov.<br />

•ie.Hfluy by Scnulnr Anthony j, fa- respect: strengthen agencies that eminent was expressed by the Nev<br />

supplement the home, particularly Jersey Society <strong>of</strong> the Daughters <strong>of</strong><br />

The rrscilutiiin would authorise the churches and schools; expand serv- the American Revolution at the an-<br />

iih.ciim »f a tiiblet nn the bridge in ices to youth by letting them help nual convention in Trenluii, Thurs-<br />

nrirne it i?i honor nf the former mure actively in community affairs; day and Friday,<br />

senator HIH! mayor <strong>of</strong> North Wild, strengthen the economic system, and The Society passed a resolution<br />

wdod<br />

try tn provide a higher standard <strong>of</strong> condemning lhe New Jersey leglsli-<br />

morels, he said.<br />

lure for passing a 1B49 resolution<br />


favoring world government. Mem-<br />

Dies <strong>of</strong> Heart Attack<br />

bers were urged to petition ine<br />

Cieitner Simmon, 42. <strong>of</strong> Wildwnori New members inducted into the lawmakers to rescind the ineature,<br />

Crest, died Tuesday after he wasclub<br />

by Charles Munich, immediate CALLS IT DANGEBOl'S<br />

strii-keii with II hrarl attack while past district governor, were Claude<br />

wnrliinM with an Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Elec- McCliiry. plasterer, and John Green- I' staled that world government<br />

trie Cn line crew nn the Shore rrt, wood,'local merchant.<br />

wiiuld be dangerous because "the<br />

iit t'uurl House Fellow workers ap. Anntiuneciinent was mnde uf a<br />

cil.zens <strong>of</strong> the United States woull<br />

be hopek'Sily outvoted in a wor'd<br />

lilieil resuscilntion methods without Ladies' NiHht meeting <strong>of</strong> the club federal government by the horde o'<br />

avail,<br />

to liike place Saturday, April i. at almost two billion Asiatics. African<br />

the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>-Stimers point Golf ant] Eastern Europeans",<br />

Wood fnr enfflns is said In providi'<br />

Club<br />

The state stand was similar to one<br />

Guests <strong>of</strong> the club at dinner v/vrv<br />

.Hi' <strong>of</strong> the heaviest drains nn Chine*<br />

already adopted liy till- National So-<br />

fu ndgfnonfs I<br />

Miss Ruth Nt'Vius, Miss Eleanor ciety <strong>of</strong> the DAR.<br />

Pasehall, Mrs, Bupert Wicks, Mrs.<br />

your R Q x c<br />


Herbert Brawnier. Mr;-., nk'hard<br />

pharniqci%f 15<br />

Sweig/irt. Mrs. RiiH Lnper, Mrs. The organization also asked the<br />

.jiimes Becntte and Ted Clymer. all legislature to pass laws that would<br />

U^ing the skill o<br />

AL-EN YARN SHOP <strong>of</strong> whnm helped make last week's stop the "dangerous depletion <strong>of</strong> iw<br />

^g*? gairipH rnreu<br />

minstrel show a success, and John urai resources and destruction ot<br />

Ml Say Ajenoe -Tiwler.- — - -<br />

he vahmhje wild life <strong>of</strong> New; Jer.<br />

3r^ nf study and «<br />

""" ' Phone ISM<br />

Hey "<br />

?» hp carefully to<br />


'Announced as the Society's choice<br />

State Police Probe or the honorary title <strong>of</strong> State Pil-<br />

the i n g r e d i t? •<br />

PURCHASERS <strong>of</strong> YARN<br />

grim was <strong>Mar</strong>garet E. Zinek. a pupil<br />

Thefts From Schoolf al Mnorentown High School, Bhe<br />

WLS one <strong>of</strong> 6p girls who'attended the<br />

Slate Police arc continuing an in- conference Friday as guests <strong>of</strong> local<br />

vurtigatinn nf a series uf thefts from chapters.<br />

schools _m the county.<br />

Mrs Ralph W. Oreenlaw, <strong>of</strong> West<br />

The Palermo school was entered Enijlewood. was elected the new<br />

and a fiuantity <strong>of</strong> supplies taken, ami reisenl <strong>of</strong> the slrite organisation, sue-<br />

gasoline was stolen from the <strong>Mar</strong>ceodinE Mrs. Palmer M. Way, <strong>of</strong><br />

mora school bus. These thefts were Wllriood, who was named honorary<br />

111 ubfiut the same lime that two sew- i<br />

Your Rcxail phormge<br />

ing machines were taken from the<br />

Woodbine school and its bus gasoline<br />

Is o good man to kne<br />

lank was emptied.<br />


Get acquainted with h<br />

Polk-e hnlieve thai all nf the rim- Mr anri Mrs Hurry Sldchnllom<br />

lieries were by the saiur person or had as llicir dinner gueMs Moliflsv<br />

evpnhm Mr find Mrs. O Hipkins<br />

and Mr. and Mrs, William Sldeboi-<br />

.mi. The evening was spent playing<br />

canasta<br />

41<br />

'Your Doctor Knows'<br />


Rexall Pharmacy<br />

9th St. and Asbury Ave.<br />

Phone 1§39<br />


No Lower Prices Anywhere<br />


$ $ Save $ s<br />



Immediate Delivery<br />


Reception Guaranteed _'24 Months to Pay<br />

Aerials Expertly Installed _ 21 Hour Repair Service<br />

Grover D. Brown<br />

Shore Road, <strong>Mar</strong>mora, N. J. Phone O, C. JS96-R.1<br />

Day or Night<br />

>«»««»•»«••«»«»«»«»*»»«*••••••»«»«»«*»••••••••»•<br />

JM| Complete<br />

f Landscaping |<br />

Service<br />

We Will Plant a New Lawn and Furnish<br />

Shrubbery From Our Own Nursmry<br />

Good Grade Top Soil Used<br />

Mushroom Soil<br />

Call Us Today and Let Ut Give You in Estimate for<br />

Completely Landscaping Your Properly<br />


Zion Road at Bargaintowri Lake<br />

6 Miles from <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Phone Sotners Point 2360<br />

! 'f=--c, ; i ]>:-; •• .<br />

AHOTHmtAtP $*t]<br />


Customers'<br />

Corner<br />

What do you think <strong>of</strong><br />

our ^<br />

We take great print la<br />

plan these department*<br />

M that aU dairy product*<br />

are as MmbUd at one convenient<br />

spot.<br />

Do we J » r r y the<br />

Tarietiea you prefer?<br />

Are iheM producli<br />

cut In ihe sber yen<br />

molt frequently use?<br />

Are they packaged<br />

lhe way you Uke themf<br />

If you have any rag.<br />

geMiont that will help us<br />

improve our dairy departments<br />

and serve you<br />

better, pleaie lei u» know.<br />

Please write I<br />

lirtiatr nilttltii Btpt,<br />

AftP Food Sterei<br />

420 Lexington Avenuf<br />

New York 17, N.Y.<br />





JUKI<br />

% '— 29*<br />

V DiL MONTI <br />



2^45'<br />

<strong>of</strong>t MONTI<br />


PEAS<br />

2 a 39'<br />

N «T IN<br />

tT 33c<br />

^ 24c<br />

V 33c<br />

PRIME RIBS <strong>of</strong> Biff<br />

SU«R.R!«rff WNCH CUTS<br />




5LICED BACON wt *" u<br />


43c<br />

••c<br />


<strong>Mar</strong>t h • Uiittn (nat #m wkol. f.mily l»<br />

(tfri t» •niey, luy • pBund at two thil •••!•<br />

«nd .nd lurpriM HM (tmily with • Midout<br />

riiriinp dlih.<br />

Ll, 69'<br />


1 35c<br />









SUP POTATOES^ 1 "<br />

FICMI0A<br />

UM "t KB<br />

3 4«V artf. M<br />

17c<br />


NOW — Ounii Bill* £«MI«II.<br />

I l,» Valmia Ortn^l^Wpli!<br />

, km<br />

B-OI<br />

19<br />

•ntialt Ii no* (null. »•>• «• EACH CAN MAKES<br />

1 iftr<br />

-!>.ar * •"<br />

BUTTED 3jf#tfmfiB 1Mb £Bjfe ta ^-M 71 f*<br />

BUTTER FAMCTCIliMlir »iid WWG Hnf, » «W<br />


TOMATO SOUP"*"* 81<br />





3 ID ^1 Z 25c<br />

14-OI<br />

CAN<br />

43c<br />

39c<br />

25c<br />

21c<br />


GOLDEN CORN «HS*'PU 4'iS<br />

SPAM, TREET or PRIM ^<br />

DAILY DOG FOOD •?»& « ^, 4ic<br />

HOT CROSS BUNS ,m «^ 25c<br />

DRIED PEA BEANS B ttc ^ 25c<br />

8th STREET »•<br />


. I<br />

i 5<br />


Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 23, 1050 Board Approves<br />

Work In Schools<br />

Supply Bid* to Bs<br />

Opened in April<br />

The Boari! <strong>of</strong> Eiiui-utiun Tuesday<br />

h h i l h f bid<br />

KsTABi.isHHI HI*<br />


Stb and <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue Phone 0160<br />

niMht iiuthyrizt'd iitht-rtuini? fur bid<br />

In "In- r,> • • ' •" ' "<br />

iliil sir<br />

r. A|iril IS fur si'i,-<br />

Inr Im-<br />

iiur.i-.v -ihr<br />

Kimble in Group to<br />

Work for Highway<br />

A three.member commiltw. was<br />

appoinlvd this week from Cape Ma/<br />

County to assist in plans for tun.<br />

slrui'tlun tif ll ni'« hish sriiwd high.<br />

w;,y fonma-li<br />

wilti thi ! ni'iii<br />

Mii|iuiirjd M<br />

C<br />

Mprnuriiii<br />

|iri'siclfi,t<br />

nf Ihf Ciiiif Ma* Cciiiiily CMumtii:<br />

Muv<br />

i.n • !n I<br />

Police Alerted Against Obscene<br />

Shows or Reading Matter Here<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> police have been in- Uml ulti-mpls surli a .how will Be<br />

...i 1 i . . 1... .-Jznl^Hi iii _iis..i...i;*^ii.i I ai !• .K I,, ^. fpaiiitllv "<br />

strii^iud tn hv visitant in prt'Vi'nlini; ' dut far Iroulili*<br />

sufl. Public Sufi'iy Dii-fi'tur AL-<br />

slus K GIII-IZ MI id Ulis wi-fh. i<br />

nutilii-c! i-uiinly iiulhurilie^ f+1.i*<br />

Somers Point<br />

Im-iii 1,1,4,-,. will niuiicrai,, fnllv «,l,i. C r m lt.<br />

Hi,- .•IIIIIJUIIJJII hy Alien,.'v fii-ni M.I "3QQUIS<br />

ih id,, Pi.c-.-is i*, ,,,:,, Donation Envelopes<br />

rnty<br />

1111: C.ty<br />

> p,- r- ,.i,!,Uiif ,,ii ,,l ,r ,,w.. r ', , f.i,<br />

1,1,: IKi! II,,, |iiil,i-c v, ill k. •• '.I.I ,,<br />

ir,1 ! U.,\ h. .<br />

M . . | . , 1 - (',, ••!•.<br />

,.- , ,,ili-i 1:1 ,<br />

8<br />

Summer Rentals<br />


Two-Bedroom Apartment • $500<br />

Will furnisthed in miiriit'. t'lertnt: ri'lYi^rriiiiii-.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e block from Ifith St. ln-iu h.<br />

I n c l u d i n g 1 - e s r g u r u s ! . T u .li - . r ; . . .'•• ••:,.: :.,.-!..,-. , ' h<br />

Two-Bedroom Bungalow - $650<br />

Open, with largo pnrch. jruml ln'ds. i-l.-iirii-<br />

refrigirator, in A-l runilitiun th!••.u}j-fimit. Nth<br />

St. section,<br />

i<br />

Three-Bedroom and Maid's Room<br />

Cottage • $1400<br />

We)! conditioned uml furnishc'l. ric:ii' Iilth Si,<br />

btach, Bartt^e.<br />

uf (•uii.miTi'i-.<br />

Kiimiifl f Klilri.dK". (il t'aiJi<br />

, MI I ||i-rin:iii K Knnhli, i. .lire<br />

.Mi- (Ici-uii C'lly riiuml.i-r uf<br />

I-.WII' !.. \|.iw. I'.IMI mi ll.i- f..mmi--| Uin-iMur Ci'lii fcaitl Im .li.c-s 11..I ii..","",,,.",, V>.<br />

Il iil.K.i 'ciri-tii-cl S11111 rinln;ili-lll I li-'t- j Uiii.k tfii-rc r- nny 'il)Mi M- in»• 1 .• 111 r.- i, ,,,",'„,',„,,.<br />

irn.i' II.i" •..I'I.MIIT vinii'.i.,!. Mr ' ' ' " " '"<br />

.: '.••!: v .ilk- -r |l,..'|.,,hl:i lll.r<br />

-,, , 1 1 '•'••' |<br />

• **«^^*^^ ^?«p# B.VKKHK ( . ,,,M rct'i'i'tK |- 1<br />

1,1 , ,,,; .• y , | . H U t U . P i , I , i - i , : , , i ' • ''.',",. '''<br />

W i * h i i i i * h p a r d i h a t i h r u j i F r a . t . , 1 1 * , , :••: ' • ' - - , , : , [ , , , i ;<br />

^ u f i h U • . h t i ^ w i r r H i r y i n g li< *'•'!!'. \ r : > •• H i , , M '!,., ,<br />

a Doer Hits ! '>"ni( ii IIII««RH cu>." ii* .«nu. '"'.,•,, ' ' ' •<br />

p I . jj ' . j j "Wi- tlu noi inlPiid 1 to prrmii -.ui'M , i; ' _<br />

1 role; in Hospital Iblilg, lirrr. pillier, and am ifruun *-, f><br />

11, r M , v. , * "' Cancer Campaign<br />

,t •!'• i. "•/.-,'-V.,',"',•.'.I 1 ,.'-,. I'liViiVi'-ICole to Talk to Chairmen Named<br />

..I,: M," Al.,<br />

i Police Captain<br />

In Car Accident<br />

List Your Property<br />

For SALE or RENT<br />

With This Office<br />

Property Listed with Us Alway. Receives<br />

Prompt. Courteous Attention<br />


4600 Anbury Avenue<br />

UK \si li »i I Hf i<br />

Phone 0784<br />

I'hmiv MI3<br />

mm il«n»l on • l*ft tun it<br />

•hen M kad OrovtUnd av.<br />

H»rry Arlan, 20, <strong>of</strong> nHitntvUlf,<br />

woi f nod |5 and cosU for spetdlng<br />

on Ihort rd. Both chargei were<br />

jriBde by Officer Charles Oriy<br />

Mrs, Whitaker at<br />

Dauf hter's Home<br />

.Mi I r;, Wi..!..k.T i •••<br />

II.r... . H > P, |, i W< :•.., r<br />

','•:.;'.,•. *,Z.Xr v..,'^ 1 :;!;:,'';: Historical Society<br />

I'UP.T-V..-.. .<br />

... %],,>. I.:,. ,:,<br />

, .,! K'.j-I.-'. (H<br />

M ; . y (•..,„ u I I , . - . , . , , , . . ' :', : ." : ,, •.<br />

fi.M-,1..,!.,.;,! s i j , . . i i ,•..,,-. ••••;•• ' •'•<br />

r . n . , , t , , , , , n , . , u . i , ' ('.,,.• M , , . . . i v , . , , : . , ( " . I k - S ' . i - h h i - W I'. !.<br />

'I'-.i • .'!.. • -,<br />

' . . . . U P t -... .-.I; :,i 1 1 j i . t l i ' . i i M r - " -' ; :<br />

''' ' •"'"'"'<br />

,- ,-i-K !., ' r , , . ' h , , - ! i n . , 1 M ; W r , , l , , K , r . A , , , . | I : . I 1; ',. •<br />

l>l..li,iii-l'|.ini. "Wll.T." In'.' n.-iijilV li,,!, (i .„'"' .'"i'-.|!" '' '".'<br />

•:,. ii- In- .,i.i' M i - Wn,:,.k,.f ! • • „ . , • ' ' . ' , " ' V<br />

1,. K,,.i'iii '.hi-:. :,, (1, I-:,I- C i v .-.f.'-i •:•••' .1 1..<br />

A n n - -. !\ u t 11. II,,- Ci,:,ii (iu.-r, '- ,f.., T 1 1 , . 1 . r i . , , ^ : L , f:i, , , , r n i , i l M u i , i n i<br />

- ' - u i n - r b l ( i H r i , ^1 H - : - . M ^<br />

O i - i - , , ' , 1 ' , ' J K , ' - . . i i ! , , i C ' i i " i i i r i " . - s t i - r . i . . ' ;-i i - . . i i ' . . , - ; A i . • • I . ' . I I . J - " ::,•:" \.iil..-',.i } ' , • • • • ! . . i . i . , M - i. | . i | , I.,.-, - . i<br />

I ; t l . r Hi--. H r H K Hi,-,ii',-r C ' . i . i . - 1 •' 1 ;• - . . . ; • . ; . ' i . r v 1,.,-,.- > , i , i - i , I r ,.t T i f M l i i i<br />

ii.\.,, N V . l , , r i i ; i - r i , i , f l , . r<br />

!F;rM Pri.sl,yi,T,i,,. (•Ii..r.l<br />

llriirl IHIH '.. 1M4 :,>.! rr.,,ri- I<br />

[li-riiir t.'nurih i.-l I "<br />


ui!t" T i', l |"| l ,'i'/'"r"' 1 i - **;"', V 1 "' 1 ' 1 ' "' ' ''""'«'•''"•• ''V'. "^<br />

i^ij.i-«; m in ,;;,',.;•,• y;,j-r; ,•„','.r";,', r j ;•,';);". !: |";;|;<br />

A (iahslfieil Ad Will Heul 11: , \V',',"|.'i.., :*,'.,"",in.' v!u. ''l"'" : ' " r " ^i<br />

i-f.' !ii-UiiU'd<br />

ark" will he<br />

\ i I, H.<br />

Mortgage Money<br />



93i <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue<br />

Jl! '••" . .' I..mil> li.-..t..||. lllh .1 ; »A1.K Vlulhlinu I..,i«<br />

M , H H n i tiiinj,:,,l*.u ,,11,1 i,,,,f , , , i , . , y , . I H K h S i *1 i,»i i i , \ \ ,<br />

!i,,,u-.j w ^ ' s ; i.,,,1111111; hi,11^,, jiiii j ! STTsi S i ' , h h i j ^ t i , ,<br />






John V, Pontiere, Jr.<br />

60S Shore Rd., Someri Pt.<br />

Phone i S. P. 8222<br />

• SALE<br />

3.5tory 3-Fami!y Apartment House<br />

1,,, i, .,,,,11111.1 i in... :s<br />

$20,000<br />

3-Story 4-Family Apartment House<br />

1 ,,ih I- !•• Fluor<br />

A|...lll'i. i'l<br />

$18,500<br />


ROBERT R. BENNETT, Aasoeiate<br />

14th Street and Weal Ave. Phone 2949<br />




Slag, Composition and<br />

• Sheet Metal Work •<br />


SPECIAL!<br />

. r —-—<br />

The Week in Somers Point<br />

'— MM. Alexander W. Sabum, Reporter —<br />

Thank<br />

55 Pints <strong>of</strong> Blood<br />

Are Donated<br />

Bloodmobile Makes<br />

Visit Here<br />

FOR ONE<br />

WEEK<br />

ONLY!<br />

EVERY <strong>1950</strong> MODEL<br />


in our Stock MUST GO!<br />

i { •; J-J : ^ ^j f.<br />

•Hi<br />

SAi.i-: >)•.„••• iii-ai<br />

milliM.j.il m,.l!,'[«<br />

^ , . 1 (ll Kill-: , ..1 .,(,,, j liisi.li, ,in,| ,,ut p i ! , , - *,1 . ,<br />

... ..il; I.i,, 1 r n t i i i n i . l i . . , ! S l i v h l i ;j>, ii.i-.in '.I<br />

*SALE*<br />

2 BEDROOM<br />

Unfurnished<br />

Dwelling<br />

With Automatic<br />

Oil Hot Water Heat<br />

$6,000<br />

y% CASH<br />

Centrally Located<br />

Beautiful Condition<br />

No Telephone Calls<br />

SCOTT<br />


613 Eighth Street<br />

t HALK Slfi^.-r Miirhiiii- ,.1,,-MI,.<br />

..iiiliiM.ii I'hi.ni.<br />

"I'll II Ami'il B.iraiit' (liii.rs V\i<br />

Hi'li !u,, Us,-,} |,,yntl [i.iiili ,-,,|.<br />

12' ,IPi!nii[i-i i rr liilli; if.l-<br />

\ !," r -';.fi| :l"k,,?';;'iv i i"; ; ; ii |'^;;';;'' : ''i;4<br />

SAI.K |;.v,,|l, i.l uliHiilLyniU ii.r.l,,,-.,<br />

[ buj- Muili.in masi.illy n.iim- in Uiir-<br />

ili-n si-.'ll.,n .' II.-III-I.MIII, li.,;!-! |,,,,i,l,,,<br />

i i* hTiT^<br />

Kliisstiiin. Mr. KMIIIIIS..!! NII sh.,,,'<br />

',•:!..•... s """"» ! '" m l I'll'""- S-mt-is<br />

! Mi-irim :i\<br />

'<br />

s.M.t: Fi,i,i SI..H..II w,,t,,n " imi"<br />

n.-i'.U ,,,mr- r.'|iiiii< miT, ,,i- hi-si<br />

nn.-i ^ Iliili-liins. :(;U I Lri! I .1! :|i J3<br />

Ninli'l-: Miii.-i . K.-sl.lui'Jni \'• K<br />

'llninii 111. kit.fii.,1 nii'iii'S rim, 1 ]!<br />

[*."";*• J *""«»•• liiilli hi,,,., uril<br />

'^li'-'t Nl,'. 1 Ei,,iiii, Hiiiin,,-,! s^.liiii<br />

•»! MMKR (.(ITTAiiK i him ,nl<br />

tuiMisli.-,) Pii,,, SHWiH,,<br />

S I H K I r i|<br />

. «K li,-i-,,ri A....NU,.<br />

I h Da,I,,,,,, mi, Ki|., ,rafvw<br />

- - ^~- - -- = - - , - . ; , , _ L -i||lli;»llM ti\ .<br />

. lirilrr.iims. lisint ,.„„„, ,!,„]„,<br />

r.nirn kltrlii-n .irnl li-ith i ,,1 IIIV 11,<br />

1 in liniii I'rii'i- ;-J i-mi «i,,,|,A I'M<br />

"••••" "'• .-vj-i<br />

"I-: WISH in ih.-ink 11,<br />

M « l t k<br />

1...^ «ii,. i.,.,k;<br />

, . "- : : • •- ' - • . ? • ' ! - • 1 1 1 ! " | M + V ^ U I ^ M K<br />

Mi «hii,,k.-, I,, si,,,,, M,-,,,,,,-,;,.<br />

,, Ml<br />

in in,, i-iii A,,,,,,<br />

IHI f rs ,,i,,l ,|] , , i , „<br />

«i"ns nl sviiiimliu ,,.,•,..„!,! ; ,,„•" ',;,<br />

nvi.nl In.,,.,,!,.,],,.*,,! !<br />

Ml. Ill,.1,11 V, llll.il.., ;,„,, f-.llll|il<br />

I WISH<br />

1111. Hi! llll-lliU ;,,|,|<br />

I « IMII I,. IIK.nk nil- iii.-.ni lilrmk I.,,-<br />

iivuiii'ialint ,,( n ij. ii,,,,,;!,,,.,.^ '(,,,„,,<br />

Mr, ,\ ,| Km.il, 1<br />

"II Mil<br />

RrdlliPil — (11,1100<br />


Perfect ronditiuii, Nmv hi.(lr.Hims ri i-nmnl.-h. h-iili, -,,( ,<br />

h,.t wnlor. Hectric k.tch.n. din..,, wli lllh S:';;<br />

^hedro,,,,, npfirlmrnt on lirst fit,,,,-. H,.al,-ri pf(1|«,J" " dl<br />


<strong>Ocean</strong> block. Two bedrooms, living room dininp rnnm fi-i<br />

and bath in each apartment. Fully furiShed ' '"<br />

Sl Pi<br />

Sale Prire —<br />


Choice neighborhood, Coltaiie contains ,) liedmmw - I,-,tp,.-<br />

living room, dining room and kitehei, TvL porZ, „;«. S i<br />

ramplete (Wenn view. Automolie warm air heat, N,Sy **\<br />

Reduced — 118,000<br />


Commercial eorrier avaiiable, Blocks <strong>of</strong> ground ooen for H*<br />

vclppment, Exwll.nl seleetlon for the new hom" P owrS<br />


Cholct lelection o( eottnfes, buninlowi and annrtments.<br />

LIST NOW . -. . BUY . SELL . RENT<br />


RC.Fr«Oh E. R. French D.A.Sw,B<br />



CAREY<br />

Real Estate • Insurance<br />

Boardwalk at 15th Street Phone 0178<br />

• FOR SALE it<br />



All Roads Lead to<br />


219 Asbury Ave,, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />


Three-Bedroom Home Jo r\(\(\<br />

Nrw'h. 1 'l'.'7 1 \ Wil1 ' lir V |llmi1 ' kitr-hf-ii. U-i-.u' r-,i'^',.'. '(V.ni.TT^iii.n<br />

Apartment House , "" *^u? r\7T^<br />

*16»500<br />

See Us . , .to<br />

BUY • RENT<br />

SELL<br />



SITES<br />

Beautiful Modern Home .<br />

I.i»"itcfl in Som.-iv Point ••(Vnp. 1 l,,f -?,-- , ,<br />

Three-Bedroom Home ,<br />

_.,__.,._ _ ____ r '' ui '"wliHi. Residential siTtinn.'<br />

Beautiful Farm Home<br />

"uutfil. 4 bMlrunniH. •>. til,, i,,l11r,.,- ,16j5<br />

i J i"nty ,„• ..uUjiiilillntfs'" .M".M'I n"n, H" y lll ' ur () w«n ^itv-<br />

cxffllent condition. ' "' nil-nl hn »*-- Kycrythlnff""in<br />

Guest<br />

v-<br />

in<br />

EDWARD HmS<br />




Stfjcco Tr»> t<br />

Open Daily 11 a,m. Until 5 p.m.<br />

STOECO<br />

TRACT<br />

Howurtl S. Stuinlun Mrs. <strong>Mar</strong>y<br />

Ewing T. Curaon<br />

800 <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue<br />

Phone 0007<br />

Sinawiks Hosts to<br />

Pleasantville Club<br />

HOMKRH POINT — The Siiiliwik<br />

rlulinf 5nnu:T-S PulEH ^d>. iluhti 5 s,K tii<br />

the PIl'UMintvillr 1 Sllmuik Clnh at .1<br />

Ulni'iicuii mueiini; at Wisenw's on<br />

Thursday. The tabli's wori> clMnrii.<br />

led with St. Pillrlck's Day rnlnrs<br />

iiiirt each women rcrcived 0 liny per-<br />

f!.n4iliiei f d cnnmge<br />

Mrs Frptl W Chapman, prpsidriit<br />

i.f llic SnliHTF Ptlillt Cluli |)l(.!ilfllii.<br />

niifl with Mrs Anlhim.v C'tirid. |)fl'.»i-<br />

fiinl (if lhi 1 Plf'iiwinlvilli 1 rlu!) t'iliP<br />

.:! di-lnilt'd at-cnunt nf tiii? year's ai-<br />

tn, iiies.<br />

Mrs Wiilinm Hsln]ilas preheiiled lit llic Bt Pallleks<br />

P.iriy tiionsureij by the Wonien s<br />

Soiiety <strong>of</strong> Christian Serviet <strong>of</strong> Both.<br />

liy MiliiodiHI Chiirrh Tiiesday eve-<br />

in'iB. In the church annex,<br />

Harry Mealey was llic annoLiilter<br />

nd Mrn. Rouer William* (JIIVC h<br />

irifitiiliiin. Mrs John M, Steelinari<br />

»:iHB a sulo ami il duet with Bu.:l<br />

I ; nilieid: ii |iiano Miln was played by<br />

MR. Earl Heamau, and solos were<br />

- - ii ii (i by Beatnue JtilllliiCitl and Shir-<br />

Li Mi/Coy,<br />

Tile rninmillee ineUlded Mrs J.<br />

M Hleelman. Mil-. Oeorne Morris,<br />

:\)i» Fhiyd Vnrlu-o. Mrs Arlliiir<br />

SUH'IniHn* imd Mr* Charles FAum:<br />

There were aljout SO in hllyndalici;<br />


V<br />

r<br />

.*.<br />


RAY<br />

T l T . » l l \ V . M j i h :•- I W I M I! M M . M S M i l<br />


<strong>On</strong>faHWu/ly<br />



l ! i : \ 1 I !: I<br />

THE STORY Of A KID ... A CITY ,<br />


WC KID from (0ttM><br />

,, T "GEORGE 15INT • LYNN IARI "'•• ' . .<br />

.'n IU5IY I1MBIVI * *»<br />

•»» V / rsaiulir-j Bill vrt-".,". B',!3B[!a.H4N5 /<br />

C "J»" \" " W CKENIERG . OiRiriiia • i-i.l iUVJU ,«<br />

•n'l-.i-'' 8 .., L' A REPUBLIC PICTURE<br />

K M I I I A V • - I I I K i l l ! ' . M n II \ | i i i l I<br />


Coming to Village Theatre on Fnday So. Jersey Coaches<br />

Plan Organization' Donald Clark on<br />

Inter-Frat Council<br />

LlarK bahl^ at<br />

=r— Village. Friday<br />

JLK<br />

Y. ;r<br />

-A...<br />

M ay : -er.i're M<br />

Ai.-.. M • Lj<br />

(((MINI. *<br />

> I! ii ! i in K mi.ii i'insi i i i I IIM -. . s Nhi n<br />

I ITV" - I. \->r -II'II . U i « i -mi . iiiscisi, iiMLk<br />

"IIOI.IIIW I N V , "IMll Illl \ . \ ] \ I \ I S M I I M M I I<br />

I.KillTMMi"<br />


506-508 Ninlh Street<br />


Phone Us 1078<br />



With Mcfl Modern Equipiiii-iil ,md SUill.'d Worki-i-<br />

IRCLE<br />


<strong>On</strong> the Traffic Circle, Somera Point, N, J,|<br />

Ml II \l 111 f IV |\ .dill KH si<br />


Pints 2.S4 Fifths 4,04<br />

GIBSON 8<br />

Pints 2.SS Fifths 4,04<br />


Pints 2.31 Fifthi 3,67<br />


Pinti 2.50 Fifths 3.B6<br />

Available by the Case, S,, Discount<br />

ICE COLD BEER !!<br />

V^ ft<br />

W „ !,;,.„ ,,:• ;, ! L<br />

1 h • ' I , i ;, i - • < ! • ' • • ] • ..••'. ' i - , , - . . . .<br />

1 . 11 •; • h . • I,<br />

Jbhnstbne's-<br />

.8 >fl Asbufv A<br />

IV<br />

DAN'S<br />

SF A F O O I)<br />

i.'ii.n i i iin\! i in -\ \<br />

OLi-'.AN SHAD<br />

I Ki-.-MM MAC Ki'.KI.I.<br />

( i) [) 1-! .i 11<br />

I I.')!..: MM N<br />

< I .\MS<br />

Phone 8589 •»•<br />

/ / • ^ / -<br />

SHAFTO'S<br />


1249 Asbury Avenue<br />

S H V V ( H i s I t I I f * I' l ><br />

C ii:f SPKCIAlfi • 80c<br />

'.'•.',',' 1 i i 1 - ' >'•'•••<br />

i •: •<br />

r<br />

i<br />

Ii. . ! -- j Mil ' '• <<br />

1 i<br />


ii ' -- . , M ..... 1 .. il 1 !H- k. ••<br />

" • • • • ;<br />

• ..,•-,.! r. '.. ! • '•<br />

, |V • . ! 11. . 1<br />

, : . , , ! II H I . .••<br />

II •<br />

c. • ,i I-;. . i . ! II• • • !v .<br />

v . - . , , , ' - . -<br />

^-. • i ,'•1- I ll I'- : 11 i<br />

1 ! ( . - . . .<br />

WI V. i.MI TO I X I K N U<br />

EASTER<br />

C R E ET I N (1 S<br />

Id Yf. 1 \ND VOi R~<br />

I hrmi:;h f)nr<br />

'•••"»• «"'•-• B<br />

KASTKR J<<br />

E CHS N*<br />

I'iNI-Af'l'l i-. - ( iil'RKY j C n ( 0 A N l l<br />

N l ! HflN WON<br />

noi.i.ow (loons<br />

;".!".(,S - HABBiTS • CHK'KKNS<br />

lv,|i(.rii-il iiii.i<br />

KPiii t.AHi.Y<br />

II 'Ml \\ .<br />

u Mvi-.ltii-s . i n i l ( , i n H i . ' »<br />

\ O i \ H O I T O N K N O W S<br />

CT' '; SELVAGN'S<br />


'»!!> L t i,J \slJllM A\-. Phone IKJ U<br />



Id I in M Quality <strong>of</strong> th** BVH{ Dru^<br />

Ait* A1 w a y a U sn d<br />

\ \ i v !•• i. M ( M is xi,\ II<br />

H.M.I VV.W.t-. SAI.K<br />

1)1 M !'I ODOR \N I ,<br />

I M.lll, 1 1 . . .1, I ,. , J | 1 i ,<br />

I in • , ' , f i 11, ,i<br />

Dbodnran<br />

Bath So.-.js -<br />

;; I".!! H.;.tl I.. To,<br />

i I<br />

[.{ Pri'lfi-tiiin<br />

u<br />

t": 03<br />

!<br />


i=> '<br />

TONI<br />

HOME PERM,<br />

I UK J<br />

•Jldill Kii ,<br />

I i 1<br />

f..r,,,..,,,.. 2- fnr 38'<br />

,, 60 c ld 1,00<br />


fiNT INT BflC<br />

ill,in iin II....m ^J j<br />

Hand Lotion<br />

I. Impi,i[;iMl -| in, Hi.iili<br />

-_ I iiiillM. . i,i;r^ it l t m ) | | M<br />

|Mi|lill,!i tii.lliiK.<br />

Rpvion • Ardi'ii<br />

Old Spice . Jcige<br />

Well-known oppelhs slimgianl<br />

and tonic for simple<br />


KINCJ'H MEN _ NIIL'i.TON'S Ol.n NPICK _ y,\RI<br />

Nilk or Inititiduiil IMCII-H<br />


«F linliirr-(hi. FDllnwim '<br />

CIIANKI. . • AnllKji , flullARKV -MAX p u<br />

ilHllil KAMMS »nj c'liTVS<br />

AM. FAiR TKAI>F. PltlC'ES —NO LOWER I'ltin<br />

uiiHi «p*iiUuj» 8 a.m. in ii p.m. -i Hun, III !!.,„, ig l p.m. — (H0 ii<br />


:'/<br />

M()\<br />

Cl.ARK GABLE<br />


WYnmeeiTY<br />


i-;•, .. ,' '.-, • ' HII '> I ' '<br />

I,'..'!-'<br />

Aji, . liliJIillllt'lliinil"' 1 '!"'!!! lllLlilMllii'liiniM'l -111<br />

iiii.ii inK i i<br />

Court House Girl Better Bus Service Assured for South<br />

^i.iiViimi.u Killed In Crash And Central Sections, at Hearing<br />

r.f r..r;n-.fTi f r. ^Vf V*<br />

I •• A h . I I . . , , i . A u h . i i i,l, ! r<br />

,'i , II :,!!.< . !:,(i I l . \ I,,, I<br />

Hospital Fund Drive-<br />

Now TolaU $39,500<br />

11, Null),. • • .1) ,..U<br />

! "The Better Buy-i<br />


ir''rr»<br />

ANci Offfrrnl I* n New- Si/c<br />

^ TWO-CAR DOOH<br />

1'»•()" y 7'(J" x 1 'A H" Thick<br />

'I hr.-.- S.Ttii.liR IIIL'II<br />

p K i c: i:<br />


noors ><br />

<br />

The Better-Bilt Door Co.<br />

EGG HARBOR CITY, N. j.<br />

Car Skids in Snow; ! „„„,.,,, ,,:l. , _ . . ~ . .<br />

Second Girl Hurl T h i n -il;r. , .\!:i!. h ',':; 1 '.'.*|H SENTINEL-LEDGER. 9<br />

,'Hitl Limit on<br />

ru< !5-h.p.<br />

1 iigmr upiiimul mi /'»!• /.//w' muJrls ill rsiru emi.<br />

I wo ( (m.'itiari'.<br />

Honored (or<br />

S«*rvi I I 1 ' 1 '<br />

\ll (.(illl|l LI IMlll 1 - Will u'UMIKi \ till fnMll<br />

tlio In.iiilv lit lloilv hv 1'ivliiT to Ihc L-nmlVirl iif<br />

Kiui XLIIOII friirn IIIL lhilllnr, pi i fm in IIKL"<br />

nl ils lliril'lv \';ilvein I li-;nl l"ni:inc lo llu- IAIKI<br />

(Msi'.<strong>of</strong> i-'oiilnil iliiii ciiiiu's wiili your liuiiix* <strong>of</strong><br />

I IK liin.st in iiiloiii ilii. dl M mil iril IIIISL<br />

III.IL N (lit. t ir lli ii i Y n^.^ \nii k ilutL ifti-r<br />

k it in L <strong>of</strong> hiL-hir piiLnl (. lr^ il Ilit lovi 1 -) prni.1<br />

uml with Mirprisinj;ly low cosl <strong>of</strong> opL'i.ition und<br />

upkocp ... so conic in imUiy!<br />


1117 . 1129 Aibury Avenue<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J,<br />

II! \ I I I I f s I l i M t<br />

s t if 1 nl i jMM.I<br />

THE NEXT<br />



th.iiigi you w INIJ to make m your present<br />

listing in the ttlipliune dirtitury .should<br />

In- giuii to us ttuw, to insure its being<br />

ii,t Unit il in (he ntw issue.<br />

1.ISTINC, OF NAMES <strong>of</strong> individual mem.<br />

lurN fjf yuur biisiness <strong>of</strong>j»ani/ation or<br />

household in flu- ni w book should also bo<br />

urruhntil for now. The charge for this<br />

si r\iie is ll<br />


Pagi.s) also iliists soon. Make sure your<br />

udMnistmcm is in this sefiion which tells<br />

thousands "Vi hire to buy" goods Of<br />

.«.( r.ius iht-y mid.<br />

{Jult ccM (MA MtOUugU<br />


insurance DOLLARS help these cattle get to market<br />

Thp dollars, you put into Insurance do you a double service. They give you and<br />

youi family the utmost in spcuiify; and fhey serve the Industry that ierves. you.<br />

The same Equitublt dollar that is assuring your financial protection goes to<br />

work .every day for American industry. The cattle a rancher shipped last night, the<br />

gmin a farmer,consigned to market this morning—were speeded on their way by<br />

Equitab'e dollars. Your Society's loans to railroadi bought freight Cars, improved<br />

right <strong>of</strong> way, and made the purchase <strong>of</strong> new passenger equipment possible.<br />

Yes, your,Equitable dollar really gets things done. It's building new industrial<br />

plants, providing the capita! for the research that develops new and better<br />

pioducts and aiding home and farm owners with Equitable mortgages.<br />

The capital cooperatively pooled In Equitable Is available for a multitude <strong>of</strong><br />

uses—in amounts large or small, for corporations or individuals.<br />

In flvery phase <strong>of</strong> American economy your Equitable dollar goes to work,<br />

giving you and your family a more satisfying, more secure way <strong>of</strong> life.<br />




Rep Mien ted By:<br />

ROY E. DARBY, Field Assistant and ROY E, DARBY, Jr., Representative<br />

604 Central Avemie Phone 0049<br />

\ 4<br />

sit<br />

I J<br />

! I<br />

i<br />

i' -•f

i« .<br />

jv <strong>Mar</strong>ch. 28,1S60<br />

m<br />

Hear* Talk<br />

,^, CUUm*. Hceital ,<br />

k3 ls'.'<br />

Brooki. mtdleel<br />

ytprktr at the Children*; Sea<br />

i **lBie, Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, wa» guts!<br />

Tuentay last week at a<br />

_ <strong>of</strong>. IBs Victory Circle <strong>of</strong> the<br />

It Wlrthodist Church<br />

ntftfng, with 23 members and<br />

• attending, followed a calen<br />

•I the homo.'<strong>of</strong> Mr?<br />

, M Wesley rd.<br />

Mils Brooks gave » brief hiitorv<br />

<strong>of</strong> th* Seashore Home, which Is s<br />

•1 far epnvilesetnt children<br />

Philadelphia and other eitiet<br />

Vi tint one w(n| <strong>of</strong> the oil<br />

_ j it now bvinf demolished tr<br />

s #*y for a new Btructure with<br />

j inadern faclUtiel. She also<br />

1 some oi the work done on ipe-<br />

— In the Institution<br />

•pecker was Mn. Philip<br />

•airman <strong>of</strong> the American<br />

idety lurgicil dresslnr,<<br />

unit, who demonstrated<br />

ulngs are made About<br />

..... ,..~.4f duriol the meeting,<br />

tfa, Maurlo- Candy entiTtjfneri<br />

; wIM accordion lelections. The after.<br />

MOB WU concluded with a ioeijl<br />

hour.<br />

College Choir<br />

at Baptist Church<br />

m King's College Choir <strong>of</strong> 33<br />

3 from New Cirtle, Delaware<br />

wfll •Ing during the morning war-<br />

(blp Mrylet <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Bap.<br />

Church, beginning at 11 a m.<br />

_ht choir Is now on iu sprinii<br />

tour through the eastern states un-<br />

der the direction <strong>of</strong> Cordon A<br />

Curtii. el The King's College mu^e<br />

ftcultj. Several wtll'known and<br />

MOM HGKd selections will be<br />

Offimd by the choir u it pays i',s<br />

•MMi] vfijl to the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Bap.<br />

tilt Church.<br />

Hey: Victor B. Beatfle. pastor, will<br />

preach another'in a series <strong>of</strong> ser.<br />

morn on revival, his subject; "The<br />

Road to Revival".<br />

m<br />

Wk,<br />

it.<br />

Send Easter Cards<br />

to Shut-ins, Plea<br />

The New Jersey Branch <strong>of</strong> thy<br />

Shut-in Society is issuing an appeal<br />

to the public to .wild Easier curds<br />

or small gifts in invalids and shut-<br />

ins on its inemberihip list:<br />

Names and addresses may be ub-<br />

tained from Mrs. Charlps CJ Dunn,<br />

superintrndent <strong>of</strong> the Shut-in So.<br />

eitay. 2981 Tuckohue rd,, Comdeli.<br />

Church Class Has<br />

'Sourdough' Party<br />

Retort Missionary<br />

TeUi <strong>of</strong> Alaika<br />

Miss Florence- Dalbtnv iwitertainud<br />

members Qf Uw Bert'an Class <strong>of</strong> the<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Baptist Church at e<br />

"SoufdouEh party" at her home. 412<br />

Central av.. Tuesday night last wpek.<br />

Miss Dalbow is home un furloug'i<br />

after airnoM live years as a mission-<br />

ary in Alaska. She answered many<br />

questions about her work thcrt- MMH<br />

told <strong>of</strong> seme ol licr exin-ncMirus ,n<br />

•Me frozen North<br />

Refreshments had a true Alaskan<br />

flavor, irrcludint; mnOsrtmrjit'r.* car.-<br />

tiled slicks (frozen Itslii inossherry<br />

jam and Alaskan tea. Her Bursts<br />

jnlered into the spirit nf the |iall%<br />

ind eniiiyi'd the sourflimah atinos-<br />

iherc. but were delighted wlu ! n ^!»iC !<br />

fid American ice creiiiu and cake<br />

iyiearcd<br />

The Bereans partially suppml HX<br />

niisioiiaries. <strong>of</strong> whom MISJ, Daiijow<br />

s one.<br />

The clii§.s president, Mrs. M;iry<br />

Turner, spoke briefly as to till' re.<br />

lations oi the niudeni IHTIIIly us!! ! ^<br />

,he lalest Dsjcholosieal approach as<br />

iornpared with a Christian iymily<br />

ising the Bible as Us HUlde<br />

Plans were completed for the an-<br />

ual party given for the Chnttwn-<br />

trie elass <strong>of</strong> tile Chelsea Bapliat<br />

Church. Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, to take place<br />

tonight in the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> church,<br />


Several sport dims U-ITC enjoyed<br />

by member* <strong>of</strong> tin- Bratlu-rhsud <strong>of</strong><br />

Si John's Lutheran Church, Thurs-<br />

day night last week, in the church.<br />

Movies also were planned for lilt!<br />

April and May meeting.<br />

Church Announcements<br />

. aad W«ley av,<br />

amjiKiftfbCHitered ud<br />

: MtaA|Mrr>Hlareal<br />

senses cannot inform us what is reil<br />

and whatsis delusive, but the revela-<br />

tions <strong>of</strong> Christian Science unlock the<br />

treasures <strong>of</strong> Truth." ip. 70 1<br />



10th gi. 2nd Central av,<br />

Ee», Frink F. Adltr, S.T.M., Pastor<br />

Mr and MB, Paul II. Weil, Ministry<br />

•f Mutie<br />

The Klfth Sunday In Lent—Passion<br />

Sunday—<br />

9;4S a. ill. — Church School ami<br />

Bible Classes, Nursery through<br />

Adult Deuartments, Vlsilnri, Wei.<br />

come: attendance cards given.<br />

11 a. m—The Service. The Sor-<br />

mon. "The Saint and Saints", An-<br />

ihetn, "Judge Me. 0 Ooil:', py_Ncitl-<br />

linger. thO'Clmncrl Clluir. Soloist,<br />

Jeannettc Darby Stokes, Epistli<br />

Hebrews »:11-1S. Gosiiel, John i:<br />

4«-5J.<br />

d<br />

6:30 p rn,—Junior Chnir reh«ir«ii<br />

7:45 p. m.=Lenien Servtee. Sul<br />

"The II • -<br />

r<br />

oly Commilninn"<br />

in.—LijfMlershi|i Trainin<br />

— Chance! Choir Re<br />

/, SCIENTIST<br />

' -Mi<br />

irvl<br />

ioct<br />

•_S:45 |)<br />

Cmirpe<br />

i:4S „.<br />

hearsal.<br />

Thundajr—<br />

P p. m—Meetina uf Ynunii Wn.<br />

men's Christian Service. Siieaki'r<br />

Mrs. Fred T. Woncls,<br />

Saluriiij —<br />

10 n. in. to 12 iniiin—Ctnillrmatliiii<br />

CliisfeS:<br />


11th it. and Central av.<br />

K. VaUEhKn, Rector<br />

lunflay gervlers—<br />

7:3| a. m.—Holy Coniniunlun.<br />

0I48 a. in.—church School,<br />

lla. m.^^Mornine Serviue,<br />

7:45 p. m.—Kvcnsong.<br />

Thursday!!—<br />

Holy Communion, D a. in.<br />

Holy bays—<br />

Holy Communion. 7:30 u. m,<br />


i3lh sk and Wesley iv.<br />

Rev, Bartholomew B, Dayl*<br />

•er. Joseph J. Brenrun<br />

Sunday Masses—8 and 10:1,1<br />

lonfesilons on Saturday — 4:30 to<br />

:S0 and 7;30 to J:30.<br />

First Friday Mass—7 a, m,<br />

ConfeHions oa Eve <strong>of</strong> First Frl-<br />

lay~7:3O to 8:30 p. m.<br />

Daily Mass — 7 a.m,; Saturdays<br />

:30 a m.<br />


nd at. •nd Allanlte »v.<br />

Sunday Mass—0:1a a, rn,<br />

Confesgions before Mass.<br />

Mass on Fint Friday—7:30 a<br />

Confessions before Maw<br />


th si. and West av,<br />

•tv, W, Benfy wil«nn. Tislor<br />

10:30 a, m.—Sundttj Sehnol<br />

uis* Pollard, superintendent,<br />

11:30 a. m— Service.<br />

T p. m,—Service,<br />

di<br />

T-,, «,,,_.».„»: ,W,,,,..,<br />

Mrj,|<br />

Wednesday-,<br />

7-30 p. ,m— Prayer Service.<br />

* * •<br />


Ifith at. and Wesley av.<br />

"The Church wtUi the tin* «<br />

JUy, vie^r «. nealtle, p*Sier<br />

m,, Villaao<br />

dwBlk<br />

i.a. m.. 6U oth<br />

Meeting.<br />


for Soli<br />

8:18 a. m— Prayer meelinit fnr nil<br />

Sunday School teachers and d/riccrs<br />

in tho iiastors study. '<br />

Schoql with'classes for'every 'mc'nv<br />

Her oi tm, rsmlly. Eusscll Sutfon<br />

fiijwrlfitendent. "<br />

11 a. (ti,—Worshin Servieo, Organ,<br />

hi. Richard Carroll, Spncisi munin<br />

m » h « f- v «l« eholf from The<br />

Klnfs College. Delaware, Messum<br />

by ftiit<strong>of</strong> Vfttor B, Beattie ,<br />

• 1:00 p. m,-.Teen.A«ers' ChristiBn<br />

Union for all youhg peoplo.<br />

S;« p. mvrAdult CHrlsiian Follow.<br />

* or it} 1 • «clulta. Speaker, Bov<br />

irn JEUenhower, Inm Palermii<br />

Josiah Harder was a practical business man<br />

-almost two centuries ago. So he built his<br />

mill down by the stream,<br />

Josiah's Mill would have been closer to his<br />

customers if he had built it along the turnpike,<br />

or at the main cross-roads,<br />

But Josiah built down by the stream . . .<br />

and the stream turned the wheel <strong>of</strong> his mill.<br />


That was the secret <strong>of</strong> Josiah's success.<br />

But it's really no secret For centuries our<br />

Churches have been teaching men to build their<br />

lives close to God, the Source ol All Power,<br />

The force <strong>of</strong> Christian truth, when it flows into<br />

our lives, crowns the honest industry <strong>of</strong> man<br />

with joy and success,"<br />

'ns,i ^«SlP»^^B§^^w^il^5i^RHBR^s<br />

^<br />

mmmm<br />

This Serim h Being Publhhtd Under the Sponsorship <strong>of</strong> the Following;<br />



801 Aabury Av. Phone 0300<br />


Best E»Ute . Insurance nf AH Kinds<br />

SOI Centra! Av, Phone 0026<br />


Blectflljal Conlraeior . lluipoliil Apnlianf ts<br />

752 West Ave, Phone 2248<br />


Realtor<br />

800 <strong>Ocean</strong> Av, Phone 0007<br />



800 Anbury Av, Phone 0130<br />


Printing , Sliiliiincry<br />

807 Aibury Av. Phone 1282<br />


Keiil Kktate « Insurance<br />

lSthSt,«nd'W«Ik Phone 0178<br />


Real fciUtc , Insuniice<br />

131S Aibury Av, Phone OOiO :<br />


Reglsitrrd Iluiliirr<br />

2124 Anbury Av, Phone ZBSO.R<br />


Rpal K'.l.itc<br />

4S01 Cenlral Av, Phone 0014<br />


• • llp.il !;.,!«!(• t Im.ril Suniljis<br />

219 Asbury Av, Phone 2193<br />


Paints , Supplies<br />

72l_A»bury Av, Phono 0489<br />


Realtor . iBsuror<br />

601 Eighth Si, Phone 1233<br />


Bealliir . Im.urnr<br />

601 Eighth St. Phone 1380<br />


(lualily Hiiica ISM<br />

328 AtlBiitic Ave. Phone 0147<br />

N, HICKMAN<br />

Sfifood<br />

1IS8 Aibury Av, Phone IS 15<br />


II IVAI.TKK OKI inn. Prop.<br />

653 Apbury Av, phone 1250<br />


E \ | ERV 'CE COMPANY<br />

210 Tenth St. phone 0423<br />

JOHNPELT0CO.1Inc.<br />

Cirncral Contractors<br />

1256 Aibury Av, phonc 0S8S<br />


717 Plymouth PI. Phone 8879<br />

C J, MOYER<br />

Bi-fltirred Builder<br />

Phone 2521<br />


g0<br />


801 Aibury Av. ph0M ,3^<br />


,„ « E ,V ER AGE COMPANY<br />

HIS S.mp,on Av, Phane 0122<br />


<strong>On</strong> the 'Walk at Moorlyn Terrace<br />


ilcNoln . IM> mouth<br />

9lh St. and Bay Av. Phone 16S2<br />



Wo « Av - •' 10th St., Phone 00S4<br />

VOSSAGENCY^BerthaM.VoH<br />

,fte ^ ""' E ^K - Iniuranee<br />

BOSNmthSt. Phone 0044<br />


a<strong>of</strong>^fUEL OIL COMPANY<br />

Z01 Asbury Av. phohe M13<br />


724A,buryAv. Phon. igSft<br />


•*28We,tA<br />

f.i>i«riJ<br />

Art Study Class<br />

Has 14 Students<br />

Still Room for More;<br />

to Move Outdoors<br />

The new «ft study class sponsored<br />

by the Women's Club <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

is now functioning successfully with<br />

14 studtnts enrolled, it WHS reported<br />

Ihii week by Mrs, Doris Tpylor, club<br />

art chairman.<br />

The ejiss is In session caeh Sat-<br />

d f 1 t 330 i h<br />

The ejiss is n<br />

urd*y from 1 tu p. m, in the<br />

piftah houic nt Holy Tflnlty I]<br />

copil Churqh, 1053 Central av,<br />

flnt meeting was <strong>Mar</strong>ch 4, an<br />

will bo contTnu»d until May 8,<br />

Itch iturfy pqflod operu with a .<br />

or 20 minute diteuulon by J, Rogtri<br />

Ulrieh. the instructor, <strong>of</strong> some phasd<br />

<strong>of</strong> art work. After that the sf ' "<br />

.'o to work on still life ..._,,<br />

heir own choice, with Mr. Ulncl<br />

circulating around the studin to nf<br />

far help and criticism <strong>of</strong> Ihei<br />

<strong>of</strong>Torts,<br />

• Later in the spring the rioss mn\<br />

movo ouleioors for pail uf eucl<br />

Mrs Taylor sliicl there still<br />

rnom for more students interestec<br />

111, the subject.<br />

Hardoek's Typewriter Co.<br />

Authorized Agent for<br />

Royal Typewriters<br />

Victor Adding Machines<br />

Used Machines _. $20 Up<br />

Strvitf <strong>On</strong> All Makes — 32 Years 1 Experience<br />

2818 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic <strong>City</strong>, N. J,<br />

Phone A, C. B.2610<br />

F, P. Ristine & Co.<br />

M i M n i: n s<br />

rhiladrlplilii Stock tuvhantf<br />

New York Sleek Exchange New York Curb<br />

123 South Broad Street, Philadelphia<br />

r«-nn>packrr 5.43OO<br />

Clinton D. Lowden<br />

Representative<br />


Rendering cflurteoua and prompt serylOB<br />

6re*Mng gaiety since 1888<br />



C. AniMlTT. Chalrlnnn <strong>of</strong> thB Iloiira<br />

HI.WOIII) V K1HKHAN, fri-nl.lunt<br />

U, U, JKitKMIAH, Vlff rriMl.liMU mill K •liifl'<br />


BoardwaUx National Bank Bldf,<br />

OCEAN crrv orncEs<br />

Natlunal Bank <strong>of</strong> OcMn <strong>City</strong> nid».<br />

fl.lNTUN 0. I'ntciw, Vlre -I'm-H.<br />

BTANLKV ¥. OANI'V. Ami. Trrun<br />

KDWIN rt, BTII-KB. TKln Officer<br />

M WATSON. AMI. Tlllu orflur<br />

WILDWO<strong>On</strong><br />

331S New lenty Ave,<br />


Hoiim No, a - Stanley Building<br />

A Way to Help You Pay<br />

Your Electric Light Bill<br />

If the Alluntit Ciiy I leeliir ( iinipiins iirnvidrs Miu «ilh clrrlriritv.<br />

let it alNn prni'ldc you with Ihrsmr In help n»v vour rlrrlrir Ii»lil blil,<br />

All.iMtn I ily HlfelHe C iiin|)»n\ eniiinuKI slnrk i« aniilahli' In till'<br />

marlipl at JUI.jCI prr (.hiirc i'reseiil dilidriirt i« JI.30 per uliui p, prr<br />

per yrir, payahlr Mr raeh January 15. April IS, July IS and Orinher II<br />

Ten -.harei (if this slnrk luiuld ciist iibnul >;!:,, anil currrnllv |la( tii<br />

a ir.it. rqual Iu $1,(10 a n,until<br />

Tufnly sharp., would rust aliiiui Jlliii and iiifrriilli |iii> t'.\ a Jear,<br />

CijUal In SS.tO a fflniiih.<br />

rorly shaifs uolllll eusl ahiiui SSiill ami I'III rrnllt pay (IS a irar,<br />

equal tn 14,00 a hinnfh.<br />

If yuu ale inteieslrd, til I ullt ihe million liclim aild mail it til ti'.. nr<br />

IflejlhiiHf iiui Nf« Jelsej Iteplf Miiiiiti* i 1 . Mr, l'i tei Mill, at .Miaul)<br />

3.IS IK,<br />

BOENNING & CO.<br />

tit'<br />

Mrllllirn I'lillmli-ltlhi" - lUilt inmrt<br />

SHI inrh i iirll I'-.ti-llillllli-<br />

1606 Walnut Street<br />

Philadelphia 3, Pa.<br />

Pleaw send Me a Brief nesfiipiion <strong>of</strong><br />

Atlantic Clly Eleelrie I'omliany Commnii Nlnek.<br />

Qw Pen Works for You!<br />


Your HOME ... on Our<br />

Direct Reduction Mortgage Plan.<br />


And Earn a Good R«t« <strong>of</strong> Interest<br />

Current Dividend Rate 3%<br />

rr,R<br />

ttere ta no rlKk Involved, Savlnss up In $5,0«0 Mre Irtstired by<br />

the rcaerai SiivJngs mi Luan Insufance Corpurallon<br />


Savings &nd Loan Association<br />

5ll-«lhSl»rt<br />

Phone 0012<br />

„<br />

Says Big Business<br />

Aids Little Firms<br />

puPont M»n Proves<br />

Point to Rotarians<br />

. "Amcrltans hu%'e the. IIIKI-JCI: 1 !<br />

hlaridurel <strong>of</strong> living in the wuiiljl to.<br />

day iM'ijiiuse thty huve he<strong>On</strong> treu to<br />

tluvilnjj liii;, iiiiluslry to [luiiti" it."<br />

Liiiiis p. Shliiihfiii, Cusltl'ii<br />

i uf thf<br />

iliiifjiT uf thf<br />

Dis isiiin, auitl last<br />

"P H<br />

i Ex^ci<br />

In 11 talk'on<br />

— „ — in Bottt>r Living 11 , m ,.<br />

IVitiiry inliMtlub mcM'Uny ;il tho Al-<br />

linilif <strong>City</strong> Cnuiitry Club, Ni)i-tn-<br />

(U s !d.<br />

_ A UiTKi' dL'k-yuliun fruni ihp<br />

Jti'iin Cily tiub uUeiulud. Hp5>yri<br />

i-'ml ssMI "iniikc up" luinurriiw muhl<br />

il Ji round Uiiflv mcvUug u[ p[ym-<br />

lulii Inn.<br />


" ! Wt ! liuvij 11 i t_* ihinys \KV want bu=<br />

uust! wi> liavc nn tufiusiruil sysiei-i<br />

ijit IN «rot»UT ihiiti any m ihn<br />

wciMd." Mr Hhnnnon dcclori'd. "The<br />

sinry <strong>of</strong> itifliistry \a ihi* slury uf nur<br />

itiiJidurd ul ilvi!!f4."<br />

i-*rfifna his iiNthrnt'r in \w\\s nuiin- \<br />

am Ihi? tiHifhtifjfi.s winch imalv >t j<br />

iii^^ihlij. hi? hdifl; ''Afiiunt'ii is<br />

India Peace-Loving, Abhors<br />

Reds, Says Rotary Speaker<br />

Dentist at U. <strong>of</strong> P, for Poat-Graduate Work,<br />

Tells <strong>of</strong> Progress Since Independence Came<br />

-, Continued from Page<br />

dia bchiti that when they rctun<br />

iniiii' they nan leach Ihuir iiCDply.<br />

"Eduyatinn," he said. "Is M«in« fu<br />

itridu, psid it sypti will hv tun<br />

pulwry."<br />

7ME8 I<br />

/ n f<br />

iiiiti iriMile. fruiildiii tu act<br />

i'hti wnrk tci|4('ih(-|- tn piDfiurc jiuocf^<br />

tul :riv\vi'H iintl ^ani n fuif prufit<br />

lip Un'ir rffni = (j*," hr KMil. • Thr<br />

I'.tiu iuiH|!i : !h!i!H ihi' in\cstnr, iu-<br />

•r;iii'h. mmuiiiCinrMt. iitid ^ihiif=<br />

p'"I I** prtiCJlMJtHM! Till- billVb iti'l'..''•'=<br />

iMirt 5 :- di, i -i ribul Hut."<br />


iit. hi- iUM'iui-i'iL "i?- u rvu_\<br />

S JM\ MI nur v,us uf lift- und 'I<br />

* iJir o n y iji fjihi'j^"<br />

"Wi' \\i\\r the- tiling \\ Inch t<br />

(ii,r liif;)! hiiiiifiiird id livii<br />

li'Mi in Ihi^ (niitiiry Ihiii iMiivri<br />

• -11 • | il i' llnnLJh j ill ft ilM/iu! lintfiUL'!:<br />

hi- t.Hil "This K triii* wriilih "<br />

Mr Hhiinni'M rKphNiii'-r! thiit il<br />

M- in,; must hnvi* htllc hiMiiip^<br />


A mujurity uf tho posit-uraduiit<br />

ludenU cun\v to the UnitCri Slatu.<br />

it 1 said, bul soiiiy aro slill sent 1<br />

England.<br />

"This U one ul the unly ways w<br />

can yet back the money thot Eii'j<br />

land usvt's us," he juiinted out.<br />

The "new" India has abolished tli<br />

.'trnitiuLis tahie systeiii, whicii for<br />

fjierly = willi the blessinHH <strong>of</strong> th<br />

British, hu jiuid—kept the Indiiii<br />

Ijuoplu in four different "a.if=tigh<br />

.'OifijjariineiH-s' <strong>of</strong> life, from whit" 1<br />

hey could never escape.<br />

The iK-w Indian eovgrnmenl, hi<br />

•niiiinuesi, is patterned niter m<br />

iihnr ^iMtnmciit in the wnrld= In<br />

•ti-ad. an atk-injH h«s been iiiacie tc<br />

._. ... ii..." _ ..I - _ . i _ i _ ... p 3: li<br />

yij 114 hi',<br />

iml >>. =<br />

|4<br />

f! nod tiiii! utif ewmint<br />

uitliiiti! tin. nllii-r.<br />

r>iiF ; *nnt C'i.jriiiifir.y i> nr.e<br />

iL hnsineh>.i^ iinri "Wtj<br />

!*l thij, hi^nesr isi-riniM 4 nn<br />

tTf: uhh'h<br />

KS ion<br />


•!'l;i. l)lll'..i:l i'i<br />

\ ! . h i j r l . l ni Mini,<br />

i n u, p 11 H . f i 1 h , r i\a<br />

h> II It ,ITVI-!<br />

liit'ii III.In-riiils" I<br />

tij.iii'i, it^ rii^tc<br />

lie ili-dnri'il<br />

II.-<br />

• I ' -<br />

Ai-tii.-<br />

-I Mli-I ir<br />

.'I lifii<br />

ll I.I'lMill I'l<br />

,,','"" likM-'lllv<br />

y BH |i(r<br />

IS-<br />

*l 111<br />

•lit ul<br />

i.ilwl<br />

i-r ili-i,'<br />

A - iin I I ! I ' - I I , I I . , . M . .r ! . , • « I ! . - .<br />

>• . I k r- tii' S|i.,l'.i" I.I |iui>llllii|. llhiv'i<br />

.•MC ul 111"' Illll.tt'M J ilii.-l it II,'<br />

I i I li>il n u t Ih.it Ihi!. Hi•« ii iili ,!;i'<br />

f i ' ^ 1 ! H'? ' !M T..l;i' 1'!' ,'llt,^ I i:i> -<br />

.!i,i % o t h r r i'fiiij.iinior p r u i l u t t ^ .<br />


"If thf^f ccininniiirs; uael^ IIHC! \n<br />

ink*' t h r hii^ii^ i j u l y t h r i H . th(.TM-<br />

i'ht,! lint rinr ni" tlirin w n u l i l h'-<br />

•'jii tn HHilHiliiLtlil V i h c ^ r itnni^ .,*'.<br />

• n- ,. tiw- I o.^t Wftulil h e t u n yii'.d '<br />

•. • '!i-i'l,-iri'il<br />

I'.'lytlU'lR' V Uf I'ltfl V.-. jtir-t iil.l- ,•!<br />

1 ( , i : ^ m < l * n f l l i m L ^ i n i l H l M . t r t U ! , " '<br />

•'. |A I" i.- - htl.-IMl».M-». V,llil-Il IJll Uli'<br />

.,MM- u . i v iii.il u h i c h ln:l|i Iu r;i...M<br />

.. . . .. tho good points nf all<br />

loiiilimwl ivith Inilia's own rcqulri<br />

Illt'lltS:<br />


IiKjiu hiiH ulfoL'toti ii fecirt ui L'iiii'<br />

lil',Jinigi? lU'twoyn SULluli/.od mudit'itir<br />

and the irotj oilterpriKC prui'lit'D t,<br />

mi'ilii'ltio, tho sprukcr said, Th<br />

slnlr Hiiimtiiln* uuvcrmiiunl llospilal<br />

unit clinii-K in which ilsi' pour reyrivf<br />

fxiicrl cmf. iVi'll tu njwriitlims. [rue<br />

fhiirMu<br />

Phyhic!iin«. lUntUtH. Hi'., iii't.' I'ni-<br />

pliiycd to work purl llliu' In ilii'm:<br />

f;.- Iiiiil nii-.K i,t n 'isi'd i-iilnry Tlii'y<br />

irt' Her tci (It'Miip tile ro.^l <strong>of</strong> thi'i<br />

Intu- tn their linviili' pr;it'lii^; Ui<br />

they ran t'hiirMt' ri'^uhir fu,jy<br />


' rinis ninny r,f nur iir<strong>of</strong>essiumjl<br />

pi-npip ;,ri' ?,rrs IIIM huiminii.y f«r'<br />

Hi'iill |i;iy" Hi Miirysi said "In ihr<br />

ll.i; intlllp. illjil ellllli!,. thl'.V llf-lp Ihmr<br />

whu t-niiiii'i n rT< i ii I td I'liiiu' tn thnir<br />

priv.'ile (ift'ifps '<br />

liihii ilmhlly hninllir linn: C":in(ii';i<br />

in iin-ii hII** nil* 1 nf thu muM uncMi'r'.t<br />

i-ivili/.iilitm.-. hi' Niild He rlerhir-rl<br />

Iiiiil the caste sysliMii was croutrd by<br />

LI h'U uhu Niiw iiii O|ipurlunlty fnr<br />

M'lf ^JIIM hy di\'i,!iim Ihr iM-'U'le iiiln<br />

fuur di^Uiiil i'liis^e--. Tllu en^te ^y?,'.<br />

ti'iii w;i> d.\ni^ out v.iien thi' British<br />

tuiik n\i'r Itidjii t^u tTiitiiries nj;n<br />

l:e in.«erte,l 'Pluy piiimptly rtmn'<br />

It<br />

"Now rii»n*l grt mr wriing." be<br />

h.islcnfd to add. "Till 1 BriUsii arf<br />

Kupd pfiiplf, Homr <strong>of</strong> my Ursi<br />

friends are British It's just llnl<br />

\vt' !ndlRn» didn't likr ihr|r pulify<br />

uf ^ityrrtim^hL in India. They did<br />

'A lot <strong>of</strong> eopd; but Ifip Imrm they<br />

did ovrrahadnwrd %\w coad."<br />

He «IPI Ihi' Bnlli,ll |uev,.|iieil India<br />

rum jtrnLressif y Acv \ih, ;r,* 11<br />

,i ili'ly t ln-iii Mn 1 . i,r M.di.itm.i<br />

, in! in I;II|;<br />

high In India, bemuse it "was tu lh<br />

ndvantiigt' (if the musters" to kec;:<br />

the people illilerute. They woul,<br />

ilul' permit iiidlmlriuiiziitimi. hrciius,<br />

thiit would IiiiVi' iniidt> Ihi.' iH'opI,<br />

seir-Hiiini'lcnl iiiul iiidi'piiidflit.<br />

"Sy uiir ra\s, uoiidji WITC- tJiki,n riul<br />

<strong>of</strong> the cuutitry, he eiintiiiiitri, "und<br />

when theji returned, manufacturutl,<br />

we paid eight tej 10 tinii'B art ona<br />

inal price."<br />


The new India hii.K- nciitly scilver<br />

Ihi' problem oi wlmt Ui ilo with Die<br />

muharajahs, or ruliiiK linnets, eai-h<br />

will- fabulalig lni,'ii!iii>K II[ LI JI to "'<br />

(HIU.OOO per year, untl willi the power<br />

nf life or death over the people in<br />

their principalities.<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> them — there formerly<br />

were about SOU—are now out <strong>of</strong><br />

jobs.<br />

'India was iifraid lliat these<br />

princes might cause irulile—und the<br />

British must have been disuiipnmted<br />

that they didn't,' said Or <strong>Mar</strong>vii.<br />

"But there was nil trnllole. The<br />

princely osliiles were amalijiimatefi<br />

and six prlncos were chosen the cim-<br />

siiiutinnal hoaiis nf the tie^' uniui's<br />

The oilier (irinees Itiaj' him- lelt<br />

iumc rpsentnieiit, hut a|i|liiri'ntlv uii<br />

wen? happy in make the Mt-Tiiice fur<br />

li-' lii'iiA <strong>of</strong> the inunlry."<br />


He said that now Inch,'! hu? unrkiH<br />

Hit ii decentralued jjiiYi'rnmi.nt fje^<br />

i"'Ke. foreiKii nfTliiiK and I ommoreo<br />

rf linder Hie enntrnl nf the ci'iii,.',!<br />

Insorninent. All (he rest is, vesti-d<br />

n the i'nnst ilutininil Ntiites<br />

French B 1,0% I'liiiirl nrriiiiEi'd fnr<br />

lie appearance <strong>of</strong> Dr. Murvn. but<br />

his absence, the d tnr »;,s in.<br />

mlufc'd by Knl.i'rt T. Hushes<br />

Piesldent Joseph Thli'se iinnciiric-fl<br />

hut Mr. I.nvi'lfHid " •<br />

Hand's Clerical<br />

Help, $18,655<br />

Congressman'*<br />

Costs Revealed<br />

Clerical and seerolarial help for a<br />

Congressman runs pretty high, ac-<br />

cording to n study bf the payroll <strong>of</strong><br />

CunKressman T. Millet Hiitid, <strong>of</strong> thi?<br />

second Nuw Jersey district, reported<br />

from Washington over the week end.<br />

It «huws thai the payroll for Jan.<br />

usey amounted to IT.B54 60, an an-<br />

nunl rate <strong>of</strong> $18,655 for "clerk hire",<br />

as it is desiKnated by law. The maxi-<br />

mum fio\ernment allowance for a<br />

House niember's secretarial stair is<br />

about 120,000,<br />

The coiiercssman from Cape Myy<br />

hat two assistants in his washinil.<br />

tun <strong>of</strong>fice and one representative n<br />

eaeh <strong>of</strong> tlie three counties he serves.<br />

Working in WashinBlon are Del<br />

Wkng<br />

phirie W Burni<br />

id 15851<br />

Washing<br />

e. <strong>of</strong> th<br />

a<br />

hat city, who<br />

Jy and<br />

was pajd Saan.lO for January, and<br />

Belie F, ipang, <strong>of</strong> Cape Mny. at<br />

Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ches, 1881)<br />

Friter— .<br />

4 p, m,—Junior "Y",<br />

S»turil»y—<br />

Ji •. m,—CjHxI^Ntwj Club,<br />


•obcrl 2. Wuchttr.<br />

SuniUy, M»rch S«~pm««lon 8und»j<br />

9:45 a, m.—Church Sehqal. Mr«<br />

Benjamin Biekman, guperintendeni<br />

Claties for all ages,<br />

come;<br />

perin<br />

Viiitoirs wel<br />

11 a. m.—Nujsery School,<br />

11 a m— The Sdrvlce, The ehoi<br />

will sina. "O Saviqur <strong>of</strong> the World'<br />

by Pears Sermph by the paitnr,<br />

•The Eternal Christ".<br />

«:30 p. rn,—Catechetical Clati,<br />

7:30 p. m—Luther League Meet<br />

Rep, Hand also has an Atlantic<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong>rice in charge <strong>of</strong> Harry L.<br />

Pairburn. at a monthly salary <strong>of</strong><br />

$223,30: a Cape May <strong>of</strong>rice in charge<br />

<strong>of</strong> F, Mervyn Kent, who received<br />

1144..IT: and a Bridjelon represent.<br />

itive. Ralph A. Brandt, at §101.06.<br />

The county representatives serio<br />

s liaison <strong>of</strong>ficers between the Con-<br />

:ressman and people in his dislrie 1 ,<br />

nd sometimes serve as press rela.<br />

ions onii-'ers.<br />

Church<br />

Announcements<br />

Continued from P«ef<br />

iti nl Ihe Imnw at Mrs LetilJ Breck-<br />

y. 2fl West av. "<br />

upsday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch M—<br />

7.,'it) ji HI —Berean Ciass meeUs in<br />

h'il Mi' I i,5'i>l'tiwi \,.|ll i •• IH- ,• ,.* ' '- r ! —P'M.d i L,a?5 M,V, i^ in<br />

luh'ficlow. r ' Hie',' nem,:;r?,fl lh ;;. >»•« ""ditonum for bandar<br />

Ictary Inlerniitmiiiir in IJc.lrnit." ,li I r 0 - 1 . 1 " 1 ." aIKl r( ' il(lln « ° r l»'ssi»"ar>-<br />

nt.<br />

iind that hi' sviil hi' ehiiinniin<br />

f the re?ulutii,ns i'njnindti'i' ;ii tiu<br />

iilritl fiiiilereiH-e in Atlantic Citv.<br />

il.ril !ti<br />

Jiluk CJ .JerrU'r lil'ic'lly r,ul linril<br />

IJIW fill" Ihr Kaster «i;a hunt ,m<br />

latufilny A11 r 11 B nil tlie bi'Hi h lit.'.<br />

1'ren IRth iiild iilth «t> . tu he pi,,,n-<br />

Ted iuintly hy the Rulury Club "ml.I<br />

He chiimlicr ul Commerce.<br />

Illli<br />

Ml I -1,1 ...<br />

IlilVi- 1"<br />

Ii.iri he IIM-II, it<br />

!,iw'ii\. l,i',.|:<br />

Do You Want<br />

U.S. Taxes Cut?<br />

nw. !<br />

ite<br />

hill.<br />

Irtst yrar." Tin jiaid. ,<br />

NMinri. whieli wss hnrinunecri hy<br />

DnPniit ufler'in years <strong>of</strong> rt'search<br />

inn: di'\elii|.iiieii| fnllnued ii riiiile<br />

1M Ihr publii- Miirl.ir ti'' tl.i.l talu '<br />

hv I'iiynll<br />

lfK%'Kl,(lH Ni;W MKTAI,<br />

M r Sl;iil.|:nil ili.phiyeil ii.lni' nf<br />

ll.i Mi"'l'J,l iiliiillUt^ Fi,\ elupi'U h v<br />

: 1 !.,, 111 . 1<br />

Mr M:ai<br />

i r.iVMH<br />

ifiii|,i.'tini:<br />

inii iiiiii Mi<br />

pMt! :ind 11<br />

j ><br />

Mh inch itlili-l 1 in h!'l : \ •<br />

. - i U . i u r H "' r * u ; \ ' f i i ! M L : i! M i t u l i h =<br />

'^Tlir c ! (imh!itr-il rmiilnvmriii nf<br />

Uif ravnii induslrv is wfll nvrr -i<br />

niil j tun jiriijilf. ^ h« liaiidlriJ u till-<br />

linn iHnjiiiis df LhU miin-inadp iibrt'<br />

,-s% thiit thev :;<br />

.,ii,,:ti.l i.r ,"'iil<br />

ul tln-M- I- Ill;<br />

1,'iH'd iniiii!<br />

h.ill :,f lii',i\?<br />

ni'\' j,riiihir! h,<br />

,•! I'iil<br />

injlldl<br />

priiiniK<br />

id ndirii<br />

fur in,,!'<br />

• Iliil'u':<br />

"The Friendly Bank"<br />

There Are<br />

Two Kinds<br />

Of Bills...<br />

. . . First, the<br />

kind you get<br />

for hard work , ,<br />

, . . Then, the<br />

kind you get on<br />

the firit <strong>of</strong> every<br />

month!<br />

.*<br />

\ 4ifm Wilh iili i,li.<br />

••I..1 p i>r.,11 1,1 mi.re limn siuion..<br />

nt in,in in nil<br />

II i|l|)i'linil v.ii', thill \: hi'tl 11 j.ili llri'li-<br />

ed In lie iinii". fin H^!'n'~Y \Ui^ hur<br />

rii'dlv ff\ iiT' Ly eNcculive nrrlrr, n<br />

rieiili'd i'% t'liiu-reii Wr iirc l;uv<br />

|,i.vi|ia iiir nil tlii'sc nii.'tiiki'..-<br />

flu .lulv 7. 1!H7. C,,i;u;-i'«s ;iiilh, f<br />

id"l. l.y '.'iiiiir.iinnii!. viih' Ihi' bunch<br />

II i nf thi' Bfi'MrsI ellnrl yrt I iM'l<br />

In iiliih ilii i'nW'i''nt. i'i'iUliilPM ;,1 ^,,v<br />

i'liiuu'i't i=i*,rt.Mi!i^ii''ii,n With the<br />

iipni'm;!! i'i Pri'Mflent F rrun:nn i.<br />

Wrdntlday. Mircli W—<br />

( IU p. m—Prayer meetinij and<br />

Hilile ftudy, Pastur Beattie con-<br />

tjnueh M -.erieN nf j*tudies_on "Th 1 ?<br />

Cl'un, in the Life nf the Believer '.<br />

Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 30—<br />

li 30 |). IV.-—Girls' eharlls rphoarsal<br />

under the direction <strong>of</strong> Mrs, Lois<br />

Likens<br />

Friday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 31—<br />

7 p m—Bible Cliib fiir all Imys<br />

iiiiil mrls in the lower iiudilnrluni.<br />

Kii nnel-btiiird Mrfries, (ihject iessnn?,,<br />

(•nntc?,!.H ( hnrus Kinj-irm. Hv\ard.N. ctu.<br />

leu by Hill iiiifl Jeyn L.iiine<br />

Saturday, April 1—<br />

PiiNlnr Victor B Heiittie wijl siieiik<br />

iH Y.uith Rally at riiinkford Youin<br />

Ci iUer. Pliiliidelphia.<br />

[ng<br />

Tufsday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 2g—<br />

3:30 p, m.—Junior Choir,<br />

6.30 p. rn. — Hpeciol dinner for<br />

members <strong>of</strong> Grace congregation, in<br />

the interest <strong>of</strong> Christian Hjiher Edu.<br />

cation Year, Speaker win be the<br />

Rev, William tj Moyer, Synodical<br />

director for CHEY. Colored illde»<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Philadelphia Bemlnary and<br />

Muhlenberg College will be shown<br />

Wednesday, Much M— .<br />

0'45 |i, in—Catechetical Class,<br />

5 p, m—Mid-week Lenten Service<br />

The pastor will speak on "The Crois<br />

-y-A Lesson in Saeriflce".<br />

(riday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch JI—<br />

Senior Choir rehearsal,<br />

* * *<br />


Btv. J, E, Rlchnrdj, Puisr<br />

you Cannot Be a Slra<strong>of</strong>cr Her<br />

10 a, m—Sunday fichool, Cliises<br />

for all ajes. Large men's Bible class<br />

meets in chapel room, Pastor Rich-<br />

ards is the teacher, Come and meet<br />

your friends,<br />

11 a. rn—MorninfLWorship. Ser-<br />

mon topic: "Will He Find Faith?", by<br />

the pastor.<br />

6:30 p. m—Youth Fellowship. In<br />

charge <strong>of</strong> Georse Johnson. Message<br />

by Rev Donald Bakely. <strong>of</strong> Camden<br />

7:30_p. m.—Evening Hour <strong>of</strong> Sonj<br />

ind Praise, Rev. Bakely will de-<br />

liver the sermon. He Is asioclate<br />

ptistor <strong>of</strong> the Centenary Tabernacle<br />

Church, Carnden. He is a young man<br />

full <strong>of</strong> the Spirit <strong>of</strong> Christ,<br />

Rev. Richards will speak Sunday<br />

evening in Centenary Tabernacle<br />

"fir*<br />

riBportattw an<br />

lk, we h/tvt a<br />

W rtT<br />

Church, Cunden. •<br />

Special notlw to<br />

eqwlu: Wf *"""<br />

•chool for »mi _<br />

11 a. m «ervjct. _,<br />

be wfll taken care i<br />

adults while you '<br />

main church. Nunery u 1<br />

annex<br />

If there are those who '.<br />

rntani <strong>of</strong> trnriBttt a<br />

too far to walk,<br />

service to <strong>of</strong>fer W«<br />

folk to worihlp wlfll in, .<br />

778, Sumers Point, by V p. mj I<br />

da>,<br />

ST. JOSEPH'S B. C.<br />

•ev. P.ul V, tanr,<br />

Masses on Sunday at 8, 8, 10<br />

11 a, m.<br />

Weekday Mass it 1 8. ft.<br />

Catechism Clan, Monday, 4 ;<br />

Novena Devotions, Thu '<br />

Lenten Devotlohs, SUtioru <strong>of</strong><br />

roii, rriday, 7 49 p rt,<br />

Newman Study Club Thunday,,!<br />

p. m.<br />

Come In and St<br />

the<br />

<strong>1950</strong> Studebaker<br />

-Ton Pick-Up<br />

with the Ajiut«bU$e«t I<br />

for Driving Coitafdrt j<br />

Mengel<br />

Studebaker<br />

112 Centr»I Awmm<br />

Phone<br />

Somers Point<br />

Churches<br />

In lurniiT PrpMtlunt Iln<br />

• lid.lKhi-l This C.ininr<br />

•ii"<br />

.,1<br />

111<br />

Li '-ttfin,; tu ciiirect theiie ills<br />

s i!i:i!tcrH .-triilil. 's\hi'll Vdii<br />

ipt i,i iiiiil %\iiii \iiiir ufivernm<br />

!! %-. ill liiiil :U M<br />

iiirlni: l,-'iiil !<br />

ii'liiiii ui.i'k, !l<br />

Feiicriil ei<br />

i-n-ilit iinii<br />

•\ I'iineh, r i!i'!-ilmy tu picture lii'<br />

iiln sepiii de I'i'rniii. eiti li i'miiiiin.<br />

nii diMen-nl tei'm> iiiiil ennditinns.<br />

pin, ii.it li the nrpiirtivient ,,r III-<br />

er:..r ,liid the riipiirt in-nt nf Aci'i-<br />

uliiire<br />

Tin' Al'l.iv _ Kr-tinccr.- iii-i| III"<br />

iieUniiiliiiu rjureiiii cu-l the 1: i s •<br />

lii* -n uh ihifiiiiiil mn i,f elTui't un<br />

ii'tiiree nf this unsteful ihiplii'-i-<br />

iii'l ilij. Huiitiy llui'M' Pniici't In<br />

lIiilitHiKi Vlit. i'kliniiili'fi ',, i'l'iit (H,.<br />

iiciii.lino Tin' .H'luiil ('"'I Kiis M:! -<br />

sill I I II in<br />

In New nrle.n . thi'l-c iin n Ft-rT-<br />

•I'ii 1 " jl. i>|ii1il lh i,|iel'iil('il M'iiiir.itr'v<br />

iy diirerfiit tirninhi's i.r thi' tnvern.<br />

iinl. Thru' ii.inl e.ipaiity II. 1 Kan<br />

lieiN. When Mineyeii. tliey hi,,I Ii<br />

I,.till u! !ll;i piltli'llt.!-<br />

Ii >yii uiint this \i;i,--li' iihd ill.<br />

-nieii'iu'v siitpi.ed wriie >iiur C

pnF<br />

w :<br />

SENTINEL-LEDGER Yesterdays Will It Do the Trick, Sam?<br />

» it MMtUUM •*.. Own Oily, N, J,<br />

,-„,, . f •.-•• - •:'"" M *«•<br />

r *: 'xmm CITY^<br />


OLft Leu. AMIMMI «d«M<br />

i attunl m.n.i.r ••#<br />

, Trie.<br />

m<br />

I the. Census Taker Arrives<br />

,„ oome time, on or after April h a federal eonsufl<br />

k#* will rim your doorbell, and will ask you a lot ol<br />

•Mont aMut yourself and family. (Every 10 years.<br />

j know, Uncle Sam counts the noses <strong>of</strong> hi« nieeM and<br />

^ HtM riie may be a total strnngnr, or one <strong>of</strong> ynur<br />

lhb<br />

aelghboM - , *<br />

The usual routine questions will be asked four out<br />

perrons. But the fifth will be required to supply<br />

ioMi information. He'll have to Kive the census<br />

confidential and detailed information as to hw<br />

m and its nource or sources.<br />

If you're one <strong>of</strong> the "nfth" you probably will rebel<br />

iit mentally, about this disclosure <strong>of</strong> your personal<br />

iliji—and we wouldn't blame you if you did. Hut<br />

u'd better tell all, because ifyou don't you'll be in<br />

t water 'with Uncle Sam, Thin infurmation is re-<br />

•d -by law.<br />

Personally, we think it's a case <strong>of</strong> unwarranted<br />

ernmenta) snooping, but jrailinjr at the census taker,<br />

i dtdn't enact the law, will be just a waste <strong>of</strong> breath.<br />

( excufle for thU prying, which will be repugnant to<br />

* Americans, a to give the Department <strong>of</strong> Commerce<br />

^ t <strong>of</strong> information for statistical purposes which'the<br />

government thinks will be <strong>of</strong> value to business,<br />

i The information you give will be strictly eonfulen.<br />

, rr=<br />

qucsls for fiifiils a! n piililir hcrir-<br />

iiij; in be held in Ni'Vi-mhcr luim<br />

Ijeliire the iiveiall ur i-iiiiyiiliiiiili«l<br />

builMi'l wouki ciinie up fur apiirt.VMl<br />

hy tjuiiiic 1 (In eontrast, ntniiicip^il =<br />

illes now hold hearings, bii! iiol<br />

uiiiil the budget is just f>iidy for<br />

linai sdoptiun aiid whril, us iiisitiiy-<br />

ers GfUil enmpiain, "it's too laie to<br />

da anything aboul it*'.<br />

Thus under Hie new iiinynr-( iuin =<br />

cii plan, i/iim-ns ^vnul.! havi- i*n np=<br />

portunity to eonnider various de=<br />

liarlriient .Hpefidinii plans whiir Iii, y<br />

arc beihu furinulateii<br />


After the mayor has asffcmbli'd th.*<br />

departineniiil rtiiueMs mtn a MUMII'<br />

cunsiilidati.d tjudMet, council nyiy ie-<br />

ihice any iii'ins by a ^iinple in.ljoriiv<br />

vote. If council wnutft In inrri-j.M<br />

tile biidaet, it must du so by a l\ui=<br />

tbiriis uih- <strong>of</strong> IIB iinMiiiieitilup.<br />

I'mier Ilic i .1 ii ii I'liunril i» I'lHiini'i'l<br />

i.i w;iicli ihe I'Spcnditiircp uf linul-i<br />

tii.M'ly IMiiH uniihl hi' di.iir th] T i.Ui;M<br />

:i t-i.mpii-nHiT nr sinnliir iitlU-i-r. who<br />

wiiuld hi- iiuici-.i-i'iier,! i.f I hi' iiKiyni-,<br />

nllke<br />

Annllu-r liilihliahl 111 tin- plan is<br />

(111' ap[)iiii:tim>nl nl il hllsmess i! '•<br />

niinisiriiitil- Auitin^ nUu-i- duties. In-<br />

Uiiiiid be rriiuirrii In uju'ial!' ';i<br />

cinlriili/.ed purchar-iim system, and<br />

hi- rt.hpunhiiib' !nr :!.,' dt^cliipHH'rt<br />

nnd cidiniui^iNiiiiin .1 it vniinil |.i-r.<br />

wini: ciioifi: i on<br />

As in ihe tither plans, wide rbn.-'c<br />

I., (jivi'n i niscii-. rtcBiring thi' mayor-<br />

iniiiicil ishin Tur example, the<br />

iiii'.vur and couiii-iliiii'ii call be elcc-<br />

ted at noii.partisan elections on the<br />

second Tuesday in May nr at pint,<br />

isiiii elei-linns in Noveniher. v^liich.<br />

ever method tie Int-iil \niers pref'-r<br />

Viilers culiid elm. .-i' In hnvi/ a. 7 fi!<br />

D i i.iiiiiilmen.<br />

In any I'lisi'. niiilcr Ihe C'liniiiiln.<br />

Binn'ri jirounim. i-lmn-i. uf plan and<br />

Ilii-n cbiiii-i' nf injiny lipi'ratini? fie=<br />

l.-nl-. Inr ilial pliiii i.s li'lt tu Ihe peo-<br />

|ili. wiii, will inTieii! iiiiwi — thf i-i'i-<br />

/Cfip in New .leisey's Miiiini-ipalilies.<br />

Ohio <strong>Newspaper</strong>s Place <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

In <strong>Ocean</strong> County, Says Morgan Hand<br />

cean <strong>City</strong><br />

t f O<br />

unit for <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> is shnping<br />

f disbursed m %hu community,<br />

""'* liauw <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> an important<br />

, <strong>of</strong> course, <strong>of</strong> flrit importance.<br />

yf 5 **- —il—'7 •"»««n secondary, will be another<br />

ptja enhancing the resort's current prosperity,<br />

wai<br />

—"-•» «-** «*^WA^I«I.IUJI tjcuter W-ith<br />

<strong>of</strong>fering ice iikating,<br />

The two convention delegates,<br />

strangers to each other, had been<br />

doubled up in the sam» hotel room.<br />

As they were dressing for the<br />

formal dinner, one asked the other,<br />

'•Say, con you moke up a dress lie?<br />

My wife alwoys does mine, hut she<br />

isn't along this trip."<br />

"Sure can," Ihe other replied, 'Lie<br />

down flat on the bed," he added,<br />

nnd then procBedfd to do a beautiful<br />

j«b on the tie.<br />

"Thai's swell," said his room mate<br />

"Bui tell me, why did I have to<br />

lie down on the bod so you could<br />

fix my tic?"<br />

"Well, you see," replied the oblig.<br />

ing one, "I'm ati undertaker and<br />

Hint's the only wny I can do it,"<br />


Pasitnger on the 6 p m. New<br />

York. to. Boson train which re.<br />

miined slilionBry in Ofahd Centra!<br />

nftir Ihe icheduiod time <strong>of</strong> dcBorture<br />

the other evening, were enlightenM,<br />

if not encouraged, when a loud,<br />

speaker voice boomed at 6:10, "This<br />

train {•delayed because we have no<br />

engine,"—The New Yorker,<br />

furl to identify the resort wlHl Cape<br />

May County in (ii-der til avimi inn =<br />

fusion with <strong>Ocean</strong> County iarther<br />

taine, O., formerly <strong>of</strong> tftis clly.<br />

He sent aloni4 a dipping from the<br />

lrcvi'1 paBe <strong>of</strong> tlie Cleveland Plain<br />

Dcalvr headlined "JITM-)- Sea Re-<br />

siirls ttiOpi'li Kiirly FHIIIIWIIIK Mid<br />

Wil li'l".<br />

The article in several places li^og<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> and <strong>Ocean</strong> County inter-<br />

ehaiiBeably, apparently in the iiiis-<br />

taken notion that (hey ore (me and<br />

Ihe same, or that <strong>Ocean</strong> Ciiy is in<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> County.<br />

Mr, Hand pointed oil! Hint fre-<br />

(|uemiy. while in other parts <strong>of</strong> Ihe<br />

enlinlry. be has mel people wild<br />

think this resort is in Ocenn Cminly.<br />

"The snorter we hunk up our ntl-<br />

vertihiiilJ and selves lo what we be.<br />

Iniiu in as a eminty. the k f reait'r<br />

I'laiity di Ci n;;ra|ihiral localinn we<br />

will have lur (he imtemiid visltiir,"<br />

he said, -Alter all, Cnpe May Ciiun-<br />

tv refer.",. ... will hi' loumi in all<br />

linjnr hbraii-s. Tliele is nnlhiiif; In<br />

I..- inlia-n.'il nf iii.iiiii iis fMiuidihi;<br />

(Nile .,1 liifij 'inr its record in live<br />

wars.<br />

' I SHU • t Mini (lie illy 'Iliek in'<br />

w.lh ib, .- -:.i.-v fiM.l iiulil that 'slnek<br />

SerieH A (erii(icii(e nut <strong>of</strong> eireuiii.<br />

linn until C'ape Mny C'MIIIIIV IS III.<br />

serled in it "<br />

l"i ..I i If-i'i.M'l-ririii I.!<br />

IVl.il n.'il.l II.- ...!r.«li.ii-r ,.' .'<br />

I , , k, -f- Ol II.I- I! l.r.lile I.i'l I-'-' •'•<br />

I:.',,,!- '.f l l "<br />

fV[':,,!.lv t h e i'-.'i>i.r ,-ii 'I I-I.II-M '•••<br />

,,| 'I,,, '.ill- i-i. ...,! (-..r.-im-r Hi'ti-<br />

r |.,|.. i;|-.rli-r|-i,..: II. li.r.-t rli.i'<br />

;.- (..tin;' i Jihd"i;il'--. l'»r \Ui- !• I; di-|.rivc-.l i,f nil lhi' lli >•.<br />

liiimN Ul' (is AinerirnMS IHUT >n I'M.::<br />

cninyi'd<br />

Wi- h;i\-i' ht-art! A^si-tnhivin. n<br />

STIIII di-iuuilii-f tin. teiiili'iiiy II.-.I.IPI<br />

f''di'r;ili/;i!inn anil .-(-ill raii.'ill inn ui<br />

puwel- Wl- iiiui- lli-ard Illlll M« li<br />

nivnrahly pE Hie \ahie ami ni-i-i-,.<br />

NUy uf Nufi--MiiariiiiiK local seK-m,\ .<br />

i-riiirent Tlli» bill i.f his is ih-nml"ly<br />

fii'I ill ki'i'iitnu with hi> Wiircis.<br />

It may not be too late for Ae=<br />

S!Miihlyiii;m Hmith tii reiMiiy his cn.-^<br />

IJIUUIIIT Aiiil hi' will priibiibly I,.-<br />

"hill to make tilt' attempt if a N.ilf=<br />

llcli-nl liiiliillel- <strong>of</strong> peiiple di'mai'd<br />

I hill he d" so. If hi- ilupMi't ii.i 'u.<br />

.iffiiiii ttilli a Mnutht liu-ir pn.i-iaini<br />

1.1- liIii'BiiiliCi- Iii lhi. iv,.|lare i,l Ih,'<br />

jiffi|ili- w li.'iii hi' i,., iJnj.pii-,1',1 h, n-j,.<br />

ri-Pi-nl<br />


iranr May star and Warn<br />

A lariie number nl f'api- May-<br />

roiinty <strong>of</strong>llcials conferriHl nn Tue;.<br />

day with Governor Drisenl! ami<br />

other hiph slate iilnciiils ri'Ialive in<br />

the multiple needs and desires nl<br />

this area. The occasion was flu' sef-=<br />

find anniuil cftnferi'tice arranged iiii-<br />

locai ri'presenlntives with the Go*,<br />

errnr hy State Senatur A. J"Cafli-ro.<br />

The first conference last spring rit' il<br />

\ , , .I,I- i.i,,i.iti"l " V L I I I'-i'-r li'..-,-. v. l.ii. yr.ii'ii i-ninir |i,<br />

,.-.. -'-I'..-ll.iI.L f.ki- ll.i.'<br />

Si. II.I v n.it il II. ll.i' 'N.i-r- n.i.in Thi- i,i;ly |.liu i' il wiuilil lit in<br />

.!,.• ,,,,-,,., i n ; i , ; , " ',:,; I ii.i.I . . ' I ' - ll.i- 'Iui,I ^ " liirW ( h e y ci.H I<br />

'.-, hi '. I M J (I- "',!.} li' M-r 11 ',<br />

V, if,:,l ' • i,r. ri,"in ,s ri-:.il:.- M i . ' - ' i ii.;;!<br />

Vi-: ,i, ,, v,{A i! i- M-ii.i.ii i.ili- iirir,|.iir-i-d A,II, tin- ::araj;i><br />

T..ki- iii-« li.r II.-li'i.ri- Hui:> ri-i-iili.rly li,iU,v- iiiit m u t e in t h e<br />

i.".,'.i-h..lii v. lii-li- t h " | - a l t i - r i.f lil'.li- !'-i-t i j i i . ' i ' l l . i - n . I'i v . i - a r r a p i t i l j :<br />

!• i n . li..-) t n . i i - H i e l . l , m ri-.i.!i. d i r . i n K r n u i i , ..r.n c l c l l A t t i - r i i<br />

I iii.i- tlii-j h i - i - i ' i n e ,1 I'll I M I - i - i n l b i . f 'I'hi-ii lhi-N n - n i i i v f t l t i p K l a j ^ .<br />

A l l i - r ' ! ; i y u u i l n i - t h i ' , I u.-i-luli'i-.r-. Ifit-y [ . n - i r . • d . I I , e ! i a r a j ; i .<br />

Tiirii-.-. itii-'n i . m " II, , v i - i « i-.i. 1 Yin. r t i - u r hi.i •>. -,'. h e n y u u ' r i -<br />

,"i.,l.;- '•• l.i-i"i ...i",i-!l.ir:!' l.Ki- t.'.iil'<br />

T K , - ' , 'i-.rrr- •,';,. -h.- i a-• '-! :l-,i- i - l i i ' r n - l i i i i . r r n r . n i c h i r k It<br />

i-r'.iii li.ij ,.l.i: !,.ii:i..i:> li'l "i'i- liiiy il jusl i 'III'! li|i iillrl riiei'<br />

i IM', uiii.!j it. ii^'-luh i- - I ;n: I.!H;I- t», iiii i r,U<br />

W;i f it inn.v.i' i.id' N " II v .-HI inli. ,-i IH-I'I KI.ITI i|i"i'l W h y '<br />

W , - . i n ill! l,,.\,.|- .;!!,•','<br />

Ve.-iri iii-ii tin- f.-iliuly Iiiiil .1 i-.u'.:iry Tlie r.m.ily un-il nul lhc<br />

i ..!••• .till I.il.i-i ii|. ,|.in-i- II, Ih,' ,li,i,- imini .<br />

II ,i p e r i l . n i i ' i i l . l li:.'hl In.' « : i i llilii H i m i-iiiiM-. . m i l l.-iki- m v i ' n l u i - y<br />

—vi li-;,i ih.il uiiiiUI in- ii I ii i. ..-1 iiii|iiissihlr—the iti-n. u n i i h l inciuili'<br />

;i li.ii! lull i.l dii\ui l u r I'lihisvs ill h a s b e e n tht'le M r y e a r s ! .<br />

lie :il«. ivi.ulil liiui lu-i, n r l l i r i - e ( i i m p s . i Th.' k i i i i d y ilid sin-,<br />

li-i-il u i y-ivinid iiMii i i w i i y (., ;i \ u . i i i i i n u h o w a s i i i l l . n i i i i j * a n t i q u e s I<br />

IiHlnili'i.1 in ilii' i-liitti-r iiii- a hit ni iiii-|.iiUi.i! I.. ...I,. i V i m ni'vi-r<br />

l-.iii'W w h e n Kimeliiiily inis-.hl V. .in! In n-ail ihi-lii .<br />

Hili-iMi; :IH- u n r lhi' liimily jiati iiiiii'iilly M.i-ni in fiir v i c t o r y<br />

lu,iii.-tin,;; T h e y laiM-il- iiiu! riii;iiecl--all s u r t s i.l ^uifl<br />

T i n - v . , i r c r . I f i l T h i ' liiii-ili-n u i l i c i l a n d s i i n i ' i l H u t t h e M a s i i ' i<br />

Mil ^—ili'/i-n- MI Ih.-in--i-.-iiiinn. T h i ' i e iii'n- sn in;iny n l t h e m , i-<br />

«ii-- lii-ii-wiii-j- In l.iiild ,i imv/iii;,!,,- iii-inihil Uii- c i r a s i - w i i l k Ai'.l<br />

Ilii-le lln.y »il<br />

W e l l VI HI l-i-vi-i lil-.'i-.v u h : i l W i t h ihi' tSii.«,:ii;., -illil 'ill<br />

ttl'i'i: > nil il' UI.IIIJ: III ni'i-ii '.-111<br />

T h e ii.iriiuii. wlm-li i-. M I | . | . I . M - I I In lie I n . m ' : iliimaiii, B h e l t e r i<br />

Mit-li mill!, iiiiil i-niH ;is ii liilriin:; [ i - m - i — l i n e nl l h o M . d i n i j u s e s t h i!<br />

n i v , t r . i i - h e r l airii--,.- t h ' - !..|, i,i a f \ . i r v i i i s (., p r . - M - i - i h u h ' t i , t | ( t l e r «<br />

ll'Hi: l.llllilL! ill.HI] j<br />

Well, Ihe iiiddlers an' pi-i'lty bin buys and uirls now But ynu<br />

Mi-MT kiiiiii m ii l.unilj v.lii-11 .KTi.ll:. I In.ldlcr u,ll iMini; aiiinj:<br />

A n d ,-n ii li'ii-s-an.l lhi,,. ii'i-iili-r.t.-illy. is an ailual case hi-iorv<br />

i'f ;IM Ni-tii;i! Oi-i-iiii C'ii> l.iiuily<br />

' * Suv. th,. man nl Ilii- hnutc "I jiisl wiM, ih:,l I ,.,,,,ii| be all alnno<br />

he,,- inr ,„»• «,-eli I M,,-.- u,,,il,l ,.,., , ,,| „, ,, ],„ ,,f f; U l f f_,, n d r | |<br />

I"-! Ilil' Miivvi!-: U,,iiM fii-s.-j |,.i,.., u '•„<br />

, Y ', :i1 '", W " " nl " 1 " 1 lh ''i -"-luii'al.-d iii'di. j.H-li in the BiiraR.'<br />

;i;.|1"nl kl " li ""•• V "'"•'' ' "" lllir •' "•'• '^l' 1 ' i' k " ibelMi-eHnee<br />

iSt.-llT '"••• '"" k ""' ;l '"' •"'"•'•i"- h ' ••>""" '"•v.-r-"<br />

Hi,!':; lik,- II,-.<br />

Looking<br />

Our Biggest Problem<br />


(he 'S^Ti^y^^Z'^!^ Kim"'"1", ""• " 3 '*<br />

A True Story --Not a Parable<br />

mol ' ot '>"*<br />

This is not a parable but a true<br />

story.<br />

A certain' man, who had been in<br />

the hospital, went down from Phil-<br />

adelphin, where he had gone to re-<br />

cover his strength, to <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>,<br />

where he went for a walk while<br />

still weak, and he came lo a plate<br />

where his foot hurt him, and he ;at<br />

en the curb to take «fT his shoe.<br />

And by ehance there came a cer-<br />

tain merchant that way in his car:<br />

and when he saw him he waved his<br />

hLnri and passed by.<br />

And likewise a lady drove past in<br />

her car, and smiled very pleasantly.<br />

But a certain man, whose skin<br />

was darker than his, as he drove Ms<br />

truck, came where he was: and,<br />

when he, saw him, he stopped,<br />

And he called out, "Do you need<br />

any help, Mr. KInuder?"<br />

And he answered, "Ifo, thank you,<br />

Leatherbury, Iff, jus! a pebble In<br />

my shoe."<br />

And when ho was alone again he<br />

asked himself Ihe tild question: "And<br />

who is my neighbor?"<br />

By tlie way. can you remember<br />

the Dr Sander case? II reminds me<br />

very much <strong>of</strong> that classical ease<br />

siEainsi the man that was atleHed<br />

to have borrowed a frying-pan and<br />

returned it with the bottom burned<br />

out.<br />

In opening the defense, his counsel<br />

is reported to have said: "We shall<br />

prove three things; first that the pan<br />

had not been damaied when my<br />

client returned ill SQcond. that the<br />

hole was in it when he got it: and<br />

third, that he never borrowed it at<br />

all,"<br />


1827 Central av.<br />

The idi'il <strong>of</strong> bnnMinR tnttclher <strong>of</strong>ti. "Ilv wlien and as ii is pruduceil.<br />

cials whn are all concerned with Behind the eonnomit security uf every man i.v i<br />

pn,fflotinE the general welfare <strong>of</strong> an Kruu P- lsl ''e somebody's iir.ifliu-tivp'.-iforV -"-- i<br />

important segment <strong>of</strong> New Jersey it """"•Hotlys eonscrved wealth. Tlie i-overi <br />

one lor which Senator Caliero should "'"•' m;m »lial it takes irum ifflli or •„ i^ i V - ' ,'<br />

I).; loudly commended. Certainly Am|1 an kind nl cuverninem doesn'r pr * ,- iti :<br />

there is nothing like an Intellineiit • • l'dute uc.-illh.<br />

exchange <strong>of</strong> ideas and opinions to "ECt'MTV AT A Pmcr,<br />

enorl brouKht abniit by ,|,tw ,.„„. «f course, Britain In 1 V" y A gl "" ""• ""P<br />

ereriees eim achieve far mnre ihiii, executive, school teacher i,*" 1 ' *r* worke<br />

hll-or-niss appeals frun. Ideal an,l "blaill politically.^^ ^".""R 1 " »« *» •'ilhl<br />

" y A gl "" ""• ""P^ These ar.s<br />

* worker, middle man.<br />

ilhlT country and<br />

M»y t'ounly C.uzellr) ^.**<br />

It is unrierstandable it some Cane<br />

May County interests oppose" the<br />

State Highway Department's plan<br />

to route a high-speed highway from<br />

Fife II, Fleise<br />

TEST YOUR "l.O.<br />

,. palliative <strong>of</strong> the pp<br />

. unhurried In find n<br />

the goal <strong>of</strong> ecunomi<br />

kind. But how?<br />

America's historic<br />

Because <strong>of</strong> thai freedom we* m<br />


alo,,;;^- i mUsi Sft ahou ' cnlmly and<br />

,,,-ity whH-"''' T " l " V does not<br />

ttiilch his itep he is liable to wind<br />

tin in the While House as the first<br />

Longhoin Prc> <strong>of</strong> this noble USA<br />

Texas hjs always been out In the<br />

cold as presidents EO but with the<br />

nation in a mood and watering ol<br />

the mouth for a chaiiLc to vote for<br />

*ome guy wilh vertebrae, thot grand<br />

and wide country at Ihe Lone Slur<br />

may not have too long lo wmt<br />

How-come, says Henry Well, I<br />

says, the paper tells about a "hen-<br />

party that called on Speaker Ray.<br />

bum. clamoring for Federal dmero<br />

fnr *HiiMkllmi> .. * . .<br />

is Old Texan Short<br />

here. gals. I have Uiirht -( hool I<br />

did not lobby for more money I was<br />

not down in the mouth—-oiry for<br />

mjself, I was not held back And<br />

on top <strong>of</strong> that, he soys, once you<br />

itarl handing out VS A coin or the<br />

realm, helttr skelter, as aid to edu-<br />

cation, you get federal control sure<br />

os shontin' and same is bad medi-<br />

cine<br />

Brethren nnd sisters vertebrae Is<br />

what Speaker Sam has—vertebrae is<br />

not yet completely extinct or a<br />

museum piece—anyway not In Tex-<br />

as.<br />

iur education — were beating the<br />

drum for bigger and bigger salaries<br />

for the teachers nn'* « hg 11 the<br />

S e are If'"h" 1 " 1 En « 1 'i " dangerous . V.,I,- II, ,,, 'I,,, ' ' ,,| h •><br />

•\-: i ". ' I ! ' '.il, -i .-<br />

' I,,-,', I ill' |!ll, [.I .,1<br />

(Mil I 11 llUNi I llilii<br />

N. j. Legion Chief<br />

Raps Hoover Plan<br />

200 Attend County<br />

Rally at Sea Isle<br />

Till- |ili.p.i.ill i.f the Iliiuvi-r C'nlll.<br />

ini.,:i,|. I,, i,..-,,' ,|( l v,,| nn, Veii-iiiili,'<br />

A'lll. :l.l-.(| l,| |i,|, ;,,,,| si'IllllT 1 If, hfil-<br />

i'i" ; 1,1 nut;!, Iii,. ..,.|,;,ruli- iii;i-iii-ii-<br />

n> I-} ll.il is'•v''ii > |-l,l'i'| l |'le. "i'llVi','•'•'-<br />

I ji.i'l t i l , l i . I i,| [ h | . A l i i i - r i l - i l i l lAJfili,,.<br />

'"• ; !•«» iii.ii.i-,. j c;l|,i. Mi.i<br />

"" !,> l.i'c.n.ii H.ilh :il Hi-ii •<br />

I 1 ...<br />

Slililli-I.Iil<br />

-Mil Aiii.<br />

«..-ek iii<br />

i'<br />

I.<br />

"I ul<br />

..(.I<br />

I," .I'l<br />

'! i- !.,<br />

i i. ". 11 i<br />

• ill- i. ,i<br />

. i i<br />

."Hi.I -|ili-.n! Hi,,-,. ,.p I),,. VA. lu<br />

•••'•' "I S.I,-I, M'. IIM ill-.<br />

' - . H i ! V . " , , I . I I'i- li, l h i - llf'-l U l t i ' l -<br />

'-• .-I i.i'i'liel Mi,- i '•.'I'll, in,i- tin<br />

••t-.-r ..-• .1 .'.hid,, iih-l -.M.illil li-v,<br />

."i.i-l l|i.,I, ii.i i.-,..i- i-llii i, ii, ><br />

M - ' H II,..!, 1M1II i.-l.-li,,!', mill A l i \<br />

- ' I I II,,'I,.1.1.1- M | | i | ; i i , . , l H i , . H i l l l i ,<br />

' II I 1 ; . . ! i ' , i s i i , t y t ' l i i i i i i i n i i i t i ' i<br />

It' II 1'i<br />

'.I-l "I<br />

Frigidaire<br />

Home Appliances<br />

AT<br />

PALMER'S<br />

Chevrolet and Oldsmobilc<br />

1 l:l(.Ill \IKI M'll I \M I |<br />

1117-1129 Asbury AVP, {<br />

Phonts 0235 . 0236 |<br />

.' I-l, I'.. I<br />

C .:,,,.!, i fi.iil'-.-<br />

Goes to School<br />

on 78th Birthday<br />

v: i • c ll ,• I '.v.i •-.-.<br />

l( 'ii.il Mm.In,t:ti'l: i-l<br />

1 ill imrtu.i.nt AimlijE<br />

' -ill.-i ,i 11,.-,I In,. Am i|..<br />

i nil,..I i.i ii,,. iii.n.II,.i- ,r-<br />

•-."! k- ,' i!li .ilbl-l' ul'J;,in,/i|.<br />

'in !.*'',! .n,!,! i,| 1!.- , in |'.<br />

S kii! .ill i nunn A.,%-<br />

Third Annual Minstrels By<br />

Exchange Club Best Yet<br />

Fast-Moving Production Pokes Fun at Resort's<br />

Big Wige; Tickles Large Audiences Two Nights<br />

Wiliiiii tin- ihi'i'i' yenrs iif its e;<br />

c.Mii' its iniiihMjf ^if! Ciei 5 iin C i t y t j y -<br />

ii'iUil n\it\ lli-^1 II ii t lull IIS hlMh J-t'ih*'' 1<br />

'iinijiii'rii^'Mif nt hiui U 1 -. inurM uf -J<br />

fiiii^t" fur tin- fiulilu-<br />

' i I hi* in j.:H<br />

iiiii iiifiijtnt.lv lil!, i<br />

' in iuilii'!, , i liiil Hi (leeiili'illy mi<br />

iiiiiili.it biilliiri;; suits, w.-re ,l.,se|<br />

li..jiii'r llilii H.i.4 I.hii-hy' .li '<br />

T h e y iiiiriiili-il ni'lis iiliially mil i.v,<br />

il : .il..,. 'I'hi ii i-.iiiii- Kil-,ji,iil K h i ,<br />

li.ii l).n-l,\ i.nd l,;in> "Kl,.,!iiii<br />

A n , , M - . t l i i<br />

Faulkner Bills<br />

Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 23, i960 SENTINEDtJPCffij<br />

Ki ilny u m l Hul in tiny niijlil-.: ;ir,il Hi<br />

i illl'l.l!-;.' ""I Iiil'ir full II.i.liiS<br />

. m tli m i l l Ihi- ! ' . " ! Hit- F,\I-I,;II-:".I-<br />

|1 « , i , !,..|l,-i ' |,,it in,I l.ii'.uiT I<br />

.. I i! -,-. I,- 'ill,,! iii= 1,'l.t - i.iifil.i.-l<br />

I " il lii.iM-il. ',., II tin- s.|,i-i-il "f<br />

l'!if.-.iii,iiiil iiiii-ii-.il r-iiiiii'ifv iliii'ii.<br />

..I nl ihi In-,. Anil it i-liil.-'i I •<br />


lliiii-i-iiT, tin- |,r,,i(.(-ti'ii link i-i •<br />

H i i - i - i ! i h i - s i i . i i ' l u r n i n k i 1 a n d H i e<br />

li.i',- H i i t i l i - -I t i i i i k s i i i y i-t r l i i i i i l v i.^<br />

I.if In-lli-r t h u n in. l i n k ill iill M n l —<br />

" l i i i ' i - t n i h i i h l i - i l i i i n M i i ' i ' : i . ! . - r n i i ' i i u i -<br />

iiii.~. (,« i',i- - i - i - j ! l» tin- IJII-I llliil II<br />

hili|,ii;iy iitiiilil hi- eiili'li-il lit I).'.-!<br />

v, i'l.'i-. i i r i - i ' i i M i i n i l n i i M U i r n n i e f r i i i n<br />

Uii' Smith iiml tin- Wi.M Wl-.ui 11,1<br />

I'niiiity iii'i-fljH iit leiiNt us niiieh. if lint<br />

iin.re, is ii mnilcl'ii 4.!iille liiiilnii.y<br />

jirni-iilintr ,i direr! link bi'JwIMm Ihe<br />

i'liihiiii'llihiii :ii-i-.-i iiml cull nl.v |.. i i r. I -<br />

II lhi' |iru|,nscil hiuh-ipi'i'il hmti.<br />

iiliy iiiiini'!-!.'ii i'. ill! Mil' liii'Miuki- ill<br />

).nli:i<br />

v ,,1,-r, i!<br />

ii.'.liMHi' II. i El h nl Deep.<br />

i<br />

iiiil il v.-mii.l<br />

In- iiir llliil'e iii'lielli iill In Suulll ,li'i •<br />

l'eii'1'l i i l i - . H<br />

To Regulate Auction Ma-ts<br />

T h e Mhlille TiiSih«hi|i C'liiililulli" 1<br />

• ].| epiiriiui in rniicl a n • irdiiiiiii'<br />

ii ri'iitlliile iiiieiii.n iiiiiiketK n n l<br />

ii illipii'-:!' ii Syfili i l i i - M M ' I f i ' I1[M"1<br />

iuii »in-li ihiirliel<br />

T i n ' i n e i i - ' u r i - w . i i i l i l n i i p l y I " ii'if-<br />

l<br />

Answers to<br />

TEST YOUR |._Q,<br />

1. About 1,000,000 nonfarm<br />

luiuBitiii units were started ill the<br />

U. H, ill 'DM,<br />

a. Party (jiving,<br />

:i. Muiiy tesla are being mads<br />

by weather experts on "seeding"<br />

L-luuds lo muUo ruin, but the U, S.<br />

Weather Bureau docs not concede<br />

thiit niiikini aillfleial rainfnl! is<br />

liruetieable nt present,<br />

4. "Harviy," by Mory Chnse,<br />

fi'iitures q M!ant-»iw, but unseen,<br />

lilhlilt.<br />

0, Taking a general<br />

(Amwtr. oo MM II)<br />

The Family Next Door...<br />

'Millar, I'm really proud ef that I"<br />

t .. .and with BOod fetson!Thatemblimihowi<br />

'I he's a lafe driver—that for 22 yeart he hM<br />

tss driven a telephone car without in iccident.<br />

And by accident we mean even a scraped finder, if he<br />

was in any way responsible.<br />

During i9!•<br />

nil iiiimifiiialilici. i. sa«(J niri L2Tfi. ::•<br />

c-.in-.|.:ir>-il mill K W 141 tin" f,.r ii,«'<br />

yc'iir. fill HU'reiise (it $l?3.liiiO.<br />

Fmni 1S4-1. i:p til ruiii. mimit'ipM<br />

I." h-i'ls hiiii ihi re:]., .I :ir, ..U-IILI' ul<br />

^: l n linn iiiiii ;i > ,..ii-<br />

fi.ininiJf ii 'i;.-i Diiihv's hn-iili,liH'r<br />

th;i i | i ;<br />

u ij] miTi-iiye : i^rTiiMf i"-<br />

ll SIS HUH 1)1111 Clip-<br />

l !<br />

ii-ii^e •.iii.-i- ]!Mr> 1<br />

I..1 illl|ili.i.'l!-l-i-|<br />

•I' i-iil 11! iiiiiiiiiiii ii"i!i b u t ii'iii'.<br />

Resort Student on<br />

College Deans List<br />

Thrui.iih iii-iiil.'inic m-lii.-vi'iiii-i i<br />

hii ihij ihi' lii-.l . , U ;<br />

iriiiil.i*. . . U.f ^.'nt.'iiiini; lilriiiil il, |<br />

I ...„. I,, I.III l» I A I ( m i M l i l<br />

I'l I IIIII M. A III A1IM. Inr a n.M |<br />

urn. Hi- liuv •• a riiiMjil. I.- iliii-k, nf j<br />

\V ilh.iMi* MihlMliiii.- Oil Hnrii.'F'.-<br />

illlll ih, nil ..Ill' iii.lMll.i"." u,irk , I<br />

i4!!iiF;ini*-.'itiu firMiiijit UNit .-ilii.'iil ;<br />




iliWiSTME. PHONI 0410<br />

•i ^ i£r _ jf^"_;.',. ~i4.*,;..! w« .ijfc.<br />

JVj ni urn's in she kin Inn, dreaming up a meal. Grandma 1 ! In die<br />

lauiiilri, luisy »asiiing cluthes. Uad plup In hii razor, and whiski<strong>of</strong>f<br />

his whiskers. Lights shine, ihe radio playi merrily, and Siser skims the<br />

tJeaner ai rois the bedroom fug.<br />

This is a house with dnarns <strong>of</strong> servants-dependable, willing<br />

eUcrri^nitmnis- ready day and nighi lo make work easier and Nfc<br />

more iiimfiiriahie. Tliis is living the modern way-[lie elenric w«y!<br />

Yet hiin liitle It t lists! Grandma can spin the dirt from iii heaping<br />

luhs i.f «a«,h-for only a pennyl A few more pennies get Mother<br />

ihriiiiijh her meal and 1 ailirr through his beard, too, Si«er can ckan<br />

rhal rii({ and five others like 11 litfore her ceni's worth <strong>of</strong> electricity<br />

If im-il nip, '<br />

D.illar talurs fur pinny pfUrs-ihat'i ihe story behind every<br />

tleciric kuitth in luur hume. Tliai's our song <strong>of</strong> servleel<br />


COMPAW<br />


Warm Air Heat • Spouting and Gutter<br />

|^.r OUR OWN SHOP =^gfl<br />


605 ATLANTIC AVE, Tel, 0328<br />

NEW "ROCKEl-98" IS LOWER-<br />



<strong>On</strong>ly Old.mobll. h» Ih* HRtckll" ant WMri-<br />

•way HrdHNMmitl Try lhi, tNtlNni mm<br />

"(Mwtf i»fkiiM"May in a If M OMtnwWM<br />

A O.n.ral MMan ValM<br />

Pi in, M nJuttd prw mw<br />

RUNNINO MAtl OF THf "98" Meet the IIIMI flainoroui ear on the rouil<br />

—Olil«itinliile'B magnificent iteio "Roekel"<br />

Kngine "98!" Thrfll to ill nmu siimrui<br />

—llin Riilendiii flow <strong>of</strong> every Fiitunimn-<br />

line! Tlirill to it» iu|»rb luxury--the<br />

tlilnred perfection <strong>of</strong> dazzling new in-<br />

teriors! And tini! viaibilily—more visibility<br />

than ever liefore in feaiurnl in the Iieaiitifii!<br />

nmv Body by Fisher. This it the /OHVJ/- the<br />

mditf—the tmartat Oldimohile ever Iiiiilt!<br />

There are plenty <strong>of</strong> thrills in the brilliant<br />

reflrmnne <strong>of</strong> OldsDiobile'i famed "RockM"<br />

Kneine in the sparkling new Fuluramie<br />

"98!" Now thin great power jilant in<br />

Mnoother than ever with OUsmolnlr'n new<br />

an loin u tic trtnimiigioii—Whirlaway<br />

Hydra-Matic Driff, 1 ! Thin in the prrfeft<br />

motoring team—the "Rocket's" spirited<br />

power delivered with the incredible ease and '<br />

smoothness <strong>of</strong> Whirlawav Hvilra-Matir!<br />

You'll enjoy the tuperinr handling erne and<br />

maneuverability <strong>of</strong> this beautiful new<br />

Oldimobile! <strong>On</strong>es you're behind the wheel,<br />

you'll thrill to the «nioothe«t—the ruieat-<br />

to.drive—the- mo»t re«poiuive c«r you've<br />

ever known! You've got to tir it to betieT«<br />

it,! See your nearMt AdimoUle

":-.(' :—st*'<br />

Tracksters to Go to Camden<br />

Indoor Meet on Saturday<br />

' 900 Expected to Compels From High S.chooU<br />

Throughout State; Means Tough Compjtitio:!<br />

By Bob HaHeran<br />

T h f l i m k l i - i i i i i ? > | i i M i i T I I I I I - . I I ; I > . i - i i I - V . . L '••'-'<br />

getting in cimir miuh.i<br />

t r a c k a m i t'ii'hi S I . J I M M I i i j i i i i - >••><br />

the fact ihai ilu 1 inu k u-iini Is:<br />

pre-seasiiii tniiniiiK' mul llwil Iii<br />

it for almost twu wi-i'kr<br />

Thi> Ciimili'H In'.' i M'--'"<br />

first si'hctiuUy i!>i;I'-?i s.,f ::,<br />

tciiiTS This inuri i. f!i'i,i'h !-..i<br />

the Ocyiin Cltvilc." !i' -i .i: !•••<br />

not only is it iiiv Ms' •' •' 1<br />

but eempetiiHm i* ;.-: k>-> • .,during<br />

the si'an'1-.. il n.'i >. • :•-•<br />


The Rt!!H>M;n:i? u^i,i!H p i l<br />

nbnul 9(«1 schin.lf rnii'- N. ' ,li<br />

iand=<br />

Final drrjM.m- ••- :•<br />

has'enM bi't-M Mi;hi.' '•<br />

are listi-d tt-n^iti\th<br />

I'll r.ilnllll-.l.<br />

Resort to Fcce<br />

Heavy Entry List<br />

in Perm Relays<br />

Rabbit Census Is<br />

Begun in New Jersey<br />

Bad Weather Jinxes BaseballPractice<br />

Km...' ..IL<br />

Schaffer, Billiard<br />

Trick Shot Star,<br />

to Perform Here<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>bles Tournament<br />

Scheduled for May 27<br />

Mile, Juini'j, 8m;ih<br />

SO viird du.h- Micki-v<br />

BtlckllolU. •!"•• I'liin'i'<br />

Ford: Shol.pul Aiuly<br />

Morrow aiiti Fnii:k<br />

biek Ely. Tom Si'll.v<br />

holtz. Aiimlc. Mn-ii<br />

W;.!T BI.I-I<br />

i!.' M 1 I.. 'BOWLING<br />

Smith Hiiii Sfiii-in.iii Fi.i<br />

Wall Biickhult? M.i-k.<br />

II \l I \\|1 »|IMI \ »l 1<br />

Denaii gnd Nnriiiiir. Fi<br />

»II II |{^| ^ i I M.I i I I Mi<br />

Want la SfII? tin Classified<br />

Paperhangers<br />


and PAINTING<br />

MinulM rhrrifgllr (ilirg<br />


IM CtMni An., Pb, IW1-)<br />



1048 Aabury Ave.<br />

niONF. 0443<br />

Floor Sanding<br />

Paperhangers<br />


Frank W, Young<br />


Phone 0. C, 1825 R=l<br />



SOS Bay Avenue<br />

KsllniBlm Phniw ISC* _<br />

•< t M • » »•••»»•••••»•»»•«<br />


— FLOOR<br />

SANDING -m<br />

Refinishing — Waxing — Polishing<br />

1026 ASBURY AVE. Phone 1773-J<br />




HIS Bar Ave, Phone 181?<br />

T. V. EWING<br />

PLASTCRING uid<br />

STUCCO<br />

Plain and <strong>On</strong>uiiienial<br />

1141 Bmr Ar, Ik t'ilf IMn<br />

Plastering<br />

Francis It. MncRnln, Sr.<br />

Uiirk AliiMin t'ontraclor<br />

408 j^ 4ih Strfl-t<br />

Phiiiic 257;i-W<br />

%\. l:<br />





Call 0948 • -.The Friendly Yard<br />

llth Street and Simpson Avenue<br />

JohnPelto&Co.Jnc.<br />

General Contractors<br />

1256 A»bury Ave.<br />

Phone 0988 ;<br />

»•••»»•»*««»«»«•••»*.<br />

••••••••••*+••••*•*•••»•<br />

We ll.ilf Nt.iriiil lint III;<br />

r,\iiiiii!)Ami Aciiiii:<br />

Wanted • Scrap<br />

Mini><br />

H \ N C U K : , I'll:: h i i-IN. - „ .Ii !•:.,> t l u m p<br />

I'niMir. I2fi<br />



Streamlined INSTRUCTION<br />

Friday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 31st 8:15 p.m.<br />

Billy's Billiard Parlor<br />

CKMKNT<br />

Hli .VTKl-ll"! .>i,d [JAY AVLNUF.<br />

How to Solve <strong>On</strong>e<br />

Building Problem<br />

SAND • WATKK<br />

STONE .<br />


YOUK nun \mi KNOWS<br />



-,.1. Sh;.rp Washed Sand<br />

2. Prop,.,- Si/.i- Clay.Fr,.,. Stone<br />

3.<br />

The Answer<br />

iKn- Add.d lo n Carefully Wnighnd Mix<br />


Coasiat Certified<br />

T X<br />


Phonu <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> QQI J<br />


and SUPPLY CO.<br />

4th and Haven Avenues<br />

<strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

B<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

Bowling Academy<br />

12th St. and Bay Ave.<br />

IlilMl I " IM.. ^ ."' •' '<br />

Airidiriiy Opi-n:<br />

7 p.m. to Midnight<br />

Saturday from 1 p.m.<br />

i i »,.in. .mil In.II II. n.in-<br />

iill »|,|,r,,i,-,i - CI|»M, H,,,.MliI<br />

HI ^1 M 4 % I lns> 41 i i rl I it<br />

Phone 9074<br />

jiiissutl wilhoul ,<br />

in modern style<br />

with genuine CLAY T!ll|<br />

,n, •...,;! viiilu'n a kli'iin, briuht, rhnij<br />

,i [...•• 11 i ihc iiwruus culms til' ucn<br />

... ;, i in ii It- IH lnr-,1 for kiichens i<br />

, :,,. ,: u-vnis hcji. n M.iinpro<strong>of</strong>, I<br />

.,, ..K. 'L-,1 !•* iriniiiiucil il.impnc«. Cc*<br />

• • i ,i ,.i. .in,! dcpi.-Hi en MIIIIS nd<br />

k no H,i\ing,<br />

iishiiii;.<br />

d kj<br />

«hv ,lil.iv hjiiiij; Hie hnghl moda<br />

K, . -.. :i .i.-'u* nhi.ivs w.inii.'d' Call I<br />

i,.,'., \U- «i'l I-I.I.IIv i;nc vim an el<br />

••i ,n ,-1 ,; t -1,1111 ri Ji il.n > lie on your wal<br />

bU<br />

Albert Oldfleld&Si<br />

1207 Wesley Av, Ph.<br />

Electricians<br />

Electricians<br />


VVi H.m Miivicl til Our New Addri'ss;<br />

1352 ASBURY AVK. Phone 1771<br />

Hi .nil in r i; I ii.i M I'll •: 3^<br />

Fire<br />

Traffic Signals<br />

CurnrnuniCBtitins<br />

WRGE<br />


M i M i i l M / i II i n i i i il<br />

Burglar Alarmi<br />

Electric Wiring<br />

Power and Lighting^<br />

House Wiring<br />

Corrmereial Lifhtin|<br />

Flood LiRhtinf<br />


Irvin Johnson Jr, & Co.<br />

I'liiitit' lo!H — Day nr Nijihl<br />

944 Asbury Avenue<br />


Hotels, Hiinu-s ;tnri Simps Wiri'il for I'mut or Light<br />


Laurence E. Stedem<br />

- iti:s,i-1 i:iti it ...<br />

Electrical Contractor<br />

Wiring for Light and Power<br />

Repair and Maintenance Service<br />

1520 Asbury Avenue<br />

Phone 1575 s<br />

EDW. S. CORSON • EiectrM Contrwto]<br />



752 Wast Avenue<br />

'<br />

'.!'".'!.;.,.?,;.'. HrsidencH: 2119-J_2<br />

5 !<br />

I iir anything<br />

CALL<br />

L. C. SMITH<br />

A. T. FORD<br />

liiiiilsniiKI)<br />

Electrical Contracti<br />

(>!» AHliuryAv. Ph. 002<br />

115 K. PirrH«n•••••••••••••••••<<br />

Phonri; Be Wise<br />

OISI Mudrrnlic<br />

met<br />

wllli<br />

Wm, D, Camburn<br />

Albert S. Camburn REGISTERED BUILDERS<br />

Jobbing _ Alteration* __ Ro<strong>of</strong>ing<br />

1039 Wait Avenue .<br />

••••••••••••••••••»«»»»•••••»»«»•»••••••••»••••<br />

We have ronllnuously enjsyrd<br />

ihr eonfldenfe <strong>of</strong> the publlo be.<br />

r»u«f <strong>of</strong> the fut that we itemlie,<br />

every fslimate to the complete<br />

satisfaction <strong>of</strong> the cuiitamer.<br />

This jit firm ininiHe that your<br />

job will be carried out rxmrily<br />

•• promlsi-d. Thin hat been our<br />

ufuiwervinr policy durinf niny<br />

yean <strong>of</strong> •uccenfui- buslnrss<br />

deallniii In South JeNey,<br />

Frank Howard<br />

BMilTEMD<br />


Aibury Ay., Qemmn CltYi Ni T 1<br />

94-Foot Width for<br />

4 1 . Mllss, Planntd<br />





ASPHALT Till: — HUlillElt TH.E<br />


939 ASBURY AVENUE PHONE 0298<br />

Builders Builders<br />

»»»••••»•••••••••••••••<br />


V. B. SMITH - Architect<br />

finum 410. National Bank uf<br />

(ier»n Illy Iluiidint<br />

l-lione JtUit<br />

1421 Atlanlic Av. All. <strong>City</strong><br />

Phone A. C, 4.1864<br />

Regigt^red liuildtr<br />



43 gimpsnn Kii.id<br />

Phorif mill IV Km., p'Vlllt 5I1-J<br />

I Cameron Bros, Co, |<br />

j Builders, Jobbers \<br />

i and Ro<strong>of</strong>ers I<br />

: Til II.,,,,,,,,.. |.|. I-IIUIIP OUT:! I<br />

OliilllilllillUlillilllillllllllMlllilillllUlllllllllUillllllllllilllMII^,<br />

W. W, Graham<br />

Contractor .and Builder<br />


HOMES<br />

Phone 0Q09.W<br />

820 .'7th Strest<br />

initlii MiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimioniiiiiiimniiMiimilnO,<br />

H, C, AMOS<br />


4929 Central Avenue<br />

Phont) 2109.W<br />

No Job Too Large<br />

No Job Too Small<br />

Sea Tee Ute to Cl.i.ify<br />

Adi • - - Firit Section<br />

POTTS' BROS.<br />

JR*flsl««d<br />

Buildera<br />

609 <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue<br />

Phone O. C. 2971<br />

! Phone 18G3-M<br />

Daniel F, Connor<br />

Builder<br />

lll-kl.ll-IT.I<br />

Reg,: 1919 Asbury Are,<br />

Jobbing Alteraliona<br />

A; W, J. Williams & Son<br />




1707 Hay Avenue<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. j,<br />

Boi 10, All. ndalf Rd,, Kbrmora<br />



Registered Builder<br />

Robert Ciayville<br />

tin West Avenue Phone 2179<br />

H. C, PONTIERE<br />


933 West Ave, Ph. 1808<br />

A, Gregory Ogden<br />


•asm 5, (uklOB Bid,,<br />

WUlwesd, H. J.<br />

Phone WUdMM I-C1N<br />


and CO.<br />

Designers & Builders<br />

OF<br />

Modem Homes<br />

620 8th Street<br />

HIGHS<br />

Seniors to go<br />

to Washington<br />

John Ibbcrson to<br />

b§ Valedictoriiin<br />

Hi Illlll I H I I I I i W<br />

KiliS 1KI1I KilIN Hi III<br />

M IlltOI.-«; s \l I.Illl KlHI %S<br />

,,;,,:,• [iniHipi,! ni.iirMo W, Mejct<br />

:, iliiM.I ilu. HI|I Hi'sen m.'inbers <strong>of</strong><br />

••,. Hi i,mi- i-lu--."- -tin- !up 10 per.cerit.<br />

|,,i ihi- iii in,,i tiiiii. in iiiiinj'<br />

.•-...I :. l.iiv liiis llilllliiliCCl Sji liulclil<br />

il.. 1,1 I: ,1m,I li.illl ihc illlllllion lif<br />

•..,!• -it., i,in.HI Ihii. yi-ur hi' Is John<br />

li...ii-..i; Ii. 11117 Hie liiiiiiir wi;nl til<br />

Ii i ; i I !)i M.,| i I'liiil- li; ihai, ijii'ls<br />

i • •!.. i r ih, I,I|I liiiiiiir, sliidtflits<br />

i,,. i, !,,!.• tl..,l ii, i.MI. cnulil f|Liiiu<br />

i. n . :,i,, j v, hi !• :, hny huil bi'i 1 *!<br />

1 . ii.,,1 .i i .I.,I.I. win,, fruiii swniKl<br />

••. 'I I 'I. .I..H ,. Al.li liiUWI, Killlllll.<br />

.,,1 ,,i III,i, Kn>i-iiljrri'y. Ijijiiisi'<br />

.i• v Ail:. Mill- riili-iiriii. Joiin<br />

M.,|.'-' ii,.ii lii,.« Dick Kly, Pnlsy<br />

.'.|... i ,i ..• •! I>• .1'itt--. llurkm-y<br />

I'.' ' • •, • :ii i l l y iiiis (Kit <strong>On</strong>l* F<br />

hi, r ,,. ,t .,,!,.,,,s iiiit in all<br />

i, i III |,|..i , j . "4li Ilii-ri. were no<br />

i , •. .' ,, II [i. 47 nl,l> ! wii, in ! 4fl<br />

I , i. ... i. 'v ,. III : 4!i llii.rw WHS<br />

i (i...,i i. Siuik iiiicl liiis yi"ir.<br />

Il I J - I k Kly<br />

'I'!.<br />

h h nn-<br />

i,,,... u.hii lire sunt,i<br />

,,,n,.-!-.l The Hill<br />

thul i<br />

. nf a<br />

.i iin. Anipiiian<br />

:,h!,ui uni 1 in IU<br />

ii mill Hilly ff-<br />

-.l hki- pi<br />

American Legion Honors First<br />

Commander With Life Membership<br />

. . . I • •- , f , , , r I,<br />

• .- I " , 1 i ' \ i - V I T<br />

Vi. ; ; • f „!<br />

•II v.nh ciirlnons<br />

. • • • ? ; . A m ir i 'iitk.ns<br />

" . ' ' ' ! ; i * - * • : * ;<br />

] ' , • > • - • • f ) \ i ! ,,*<br />

< » ' : . . ; - • « • , / . . !<br />

f. .<br />

l,y<br />

' i, r<br />

P',- i<br />

',i- iircit-ntoliiin<br />

!,ii- v.us humur-<br />

Ariiiiir M, DP-<br />

irimiiiiies were<br />

Ci.,niinnndi-.r A<br />

nil, .riljuicd 10 the<br />

;'V-;:;.;" 1 .s1;::; 1 J<br />

: 'lru i|,i-l'. Uii Rudy<br />

',,'.;, i. ... K.i -i y»!il i'ii liu' uudienei?<br />

!<br />

•.'.• ' : : , • ; , : . , , ! r iiinnry<br />

and magic.<br />

: ,,i'"i, ;'J,','.' 'J(, ;fri!' Uir.c.p to be cen.<br />

; ,i 1. ., i,.\ II:, I a! Ciinvcnliun<br />

ii.iii 'r,n.-i!;,v iiM r.i.xt week.<br />

OOFINC<br />

NEED A<br />

TVEW ROOf<br />

or Just a Repair Job?<br />

In either ease — call Independent. We've thi ei-<br />

perience. the men. the materials and the equipment<br />

to give you a perfeet job on any ro<strong>of</strong>. We've been<br />

ro<strong>of</strong>ers for many years and expect to be for many<br />

more That's why an Independent guarantiie meant<br />

•om^hing. Pick a reliable, financially iound firni<br />

to re-ro<strong>of</strong> for you.<br />




ROOFING CO.. Inc.<br />

206 Sixth Street ... Phon

, M.rch<br />

SfUra to Jerusalem" the<br />

i th# Life <strong>of</strong> St Paul<br />

thown at H0I7 Trin-<br />

Evufsnf" service<br />

p m This Is pn<br />

tl schedule<br />

;nd lor the<br />

_ Iks Cathedral It<br />

The Mm, "Blind Bet-<br />

«»**, first scheduled for<br />

she'srfi later<br />

is particularly inter-<br />

It rivers • lea-weU-<br />

tai the life <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ens <strong>of</strong> Interest to II 4?<br />

_i Ordinarily the «?-<br />

will overlook this im*<br />

cpiisde because it is not<br />

i In trie account in the book<br />

i <strong>of</strong> the Apostles but mutt<br />

_kknlv dug out <strong>of</strong> infer<br />

I remark* made in the v«--<br />

• Here the Rev James<br />

producer <strong>of</strong> Cathedra'<br />

done the hard work for<br />

aun -e are able to follow the<br />

I MM7 <strong>of</strong> Bt Paul in conieeutlve output<br />

lie Rev Forrest Viufhan. Heetur<br />

Hoi} Trinity Church hopei that<br />

i acriaui iiudenta <strong>of</strong> Gods Holy<br />

ord will avail thopiscHes el tins<br />

opportunity<br />

The folio*ing notice <strong>of</strong> servi<br />

was received too late to sUBsti!ul>;<br />

for the reiular nonce that appeals<br />

on the church gl|e U>(1,1>:<br />


lllh It, ant C-nlr«l »\<br />

Rev Forreit I >aufkan Rtctor<br />

Passion Solidly—<br />

7 SO a m—Hob Communiipii<br />

B« I m—Church School<br />

11 a m—Momini Prmqr and Sir-<br />

mon, _<br />

7 4S p m— Illuslralrd Evcnsansi"<br />

Movie Ths Return In Jerusalem<br />

jermonette Courage<br />

7 30 a m—Holy Communion,<br />

Tnndny<br />

7 a m =Hol} Cnmmunmn.<br />

Welnndaj—<br />

ISO a m—Hob Cnmmuniiiil<br />

thbrmUy—<br />

Ps m—Holy Communion.<br />

Frifey anl S.lurd.j —<br />

7M a m— Holy Lommumun<br />

Kadio manufacturer, report that<br />

televi-ion reunir* eunsutule 85 pi 1<br />

Blind Veteran Donates Blood<br />

Mailed Licenses<br />

Cites Saving in<br />

time and Money<br />

Three lusty chucrs!" says Key<br />

The<br />

stohij Autom<br />

l b<br />

ty chu<br />

obile C uers 5<br />

Club to the pro-<br />

hi t<br />

on<br />

nt <strong>of</strong> the ilullar Milumi nf thi'ir<br />

— TBS —<br />

Chatterbox<br />

9th and Central Ave. Phone 0717<br />

"Where Good Friends<br />

Meet to Eat"<br />


Breakfast • Luncheon • Dinner<br />

Dtliciout Snack*<br />

Fountain Service - let Cream ,<br />

rare DELIVERY<br />

nosai to abandon ilie archaic systen,<br />

<strong>of</strong> 'distributing New Jersey license<br />

tags through Nl agrncivs instead,'!<br />

mailing them lriiin one eenlriil oHiti-<br />

•We are hearliij 111 lavor uf the<br />

proposal by Asscmliiyman Frank<br />

Thompson, Jr. ti.jcrap the agein-H'i.<br />

and <strong>of</strong> GnviTnor Priscull« improve,<br />

men! on the idea by ri'dimnieniimu<br />

th- 5 isisuiiiiee i.if liiTimmtjnt !ireh*i<br />

plates with til'.lv smiill lab. n-mi-H<br />

linmiiilly to militate tin- yc;,r.<br />

That sitiiten'.er.t wits rniuie tin?, u e •!'<br />

Ijy James A Mrirrow, miiiiiieer u:<br />

Ihi' Siiulh Ji'i'M'v Dnij.mll nl Ihi<br />

Club<br />

The Ccilinil ininlmB s\sH-ni I1I1<br />

1,,-,-n ill citcit in I'l'lliMlvam,! 1"' .<br />

nn,nv years It i? simple, iiiiuk iii:., ,<br />

i-nuii-H Thi! miitorisi Minplv m.^. |<br />

the application sent in nun ihruui:' j<br />

ihe mull* nlllscji his i-hi'i-k iii.il »n-- |<br />

„, a feu (!n>s hr ncwif»li:» iiiiiti--.<br />

Then- i> ni, lium line 1.1 i'"""i'i><br />

wMtiMB at iiKi-IH'y riuuf- H" Ir.'M" |<br />

tempers, ii" fuss jiul hi.ll.er ;i- MM<br />

•!„.,<br />

n;nl|..l ii<br />

1JI"»" !! I 'I •::•----•- " " .<br />

plenty i4 mi'-.- ami III.- )' ,.i..r..'. ae<br />

his tiiss. wiiii.'ut .leliiy li» ••-'•'• "I "•'" • '•<br />

,,,.« iti'i' I'"' 'In- I'.iv.re •"• I'.''<br />

•1,1 fHil l.f ,' |-..|M..l,,,|.r.l l-.ll'l l!<br />

Mill i» calh'il 11 -.-i-iiv<br />

A Ciiissirlpd Ad Will Bent It;<br />

am WORK<br />

IS<br />


•km, we ifluutot nil ont work to be the beft. Malt possible<br />

by Ike many r«n <strong>of</strong> experience,<br />



Awnings Custom Made - Repaired - Hung<br />

^' feoat Work - Cushions - Curtains<br />

Phone IMS for Prompt, Courteous Service<br />

Chic's Canvas Products, inc.<br />

123 Eighth Street, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />


Thankful for the Red Cross blood plasma vthich helped save hit life<br />

on Okinawa, this former <strong>Mar</strong>ine Corps platoon sergeant sifns up for his<br />

tenth blood donation even though he Is permanently blind as a result or<br />

the wound.<br />

The New Jersey Poll<br />

Public Disapproves <strong>of</strong><br />

Potato-Buying Program<br />

Social Security<br />

Benefits Climb<br />

Reflects Growing<br />

Unemployment<br />

The pre'M'iii irefid <strong>of</strong> iinemjili'y-<br />

imnl y, liii.]. has clapsllied Allan! I'<br />

<strong>City</strong> as n •disll'css iireii him ui'i'ii<br />

reijeetutl in the incri'iiseil nuniuer ,H<br />

workers who have applied ler PUCUI<br />

Sfeurily heliftils in recent tnorilm<br />

An iiK-Itase ill more than i'i per cetii<br />

HUT the same peinid last ye,ir ail-<br />

sh'HSli in tll' ! number nl iipplnani.<br />

t,ir Tetireiiielit heiielHs, iicciirdini; In<br />

Kilijene J FitrMiumnns, iiiaiiiiuer 1 1<br />

lilt.- Allniitii- Clly Social HeciirlH<br />

Field Olllce. 204 P'I.SI Office Liuildiiin<br />

•Sini'e retii'l'ineiil bciieliis are pa,,-,<br />

aiilc to wirkcrs wlni ;in- ""YliV<br />

itppllciiiits m a y be iiped ,IP ail nine :<br />

In liie cmployimuii Mtuiiii.ni 111 Ibi-<br />

area." M r FII/MIIHHIII:,« .-."ii'i IN.-<br />

» n k Mi' |U'iiili-il '•'II 'I';)' ni'i lii : :<br />

nver (j, F i u l i " in.' ii!i;ihh- hl.'.r<br />

u,,rk are iisu.ilU 1 In lirj-1 I.- ni.i.i-.-<br />

applieatiuii fi.r |m> mi-lil.-.<br />


V.lllll- ITI-i-l.l ll'i'llll" II.'VI' -ll..«".<br />

:i iiiarkeii II:ITI-.IM' in I'll niliiil , I- "1<br />

j ii|i|ilii-:iiil« Mr I-'i!/..,n n.'.i.f -.,<br />

I ii-,.rv 1 Iinil I' 1 p.-1-..i..- ,nc I..Him ":.'<br />

' „ • ' . t h i - i r hi.Jii-111.. I.i-. ;.u.-i- l l . e v .i'l<br />

I . . . , l i i i . i ' . s t i n y ; i r t , r i . i l . - . i 1.1 ; l ; i - . i -<br />

" r i u - . . - I ' l - i ' . i - l i l f i . i ' - ; . , i > , . L i e 1 . 1<br />

i J ' n i . l i - i n p l i i v i d . h.- P ' i l r l i ' , 1 '.ill<br />

II, .-imli-il tli.il I - M - I . 11111'iu 1! .. '• n i t , . ' .<br />

11,1 , ,-i» I., ri -iil'i' I-. w . ' i ' l i l.-i'i i.<br />

I-,<br />

;<br />

. e i i l j - i . r e p . - i > , i l . l i - . l u r i n g l l . i i ' - r .<br />

1...! 11. 'Ai.il li 111' IP u l ' . i ' M l l ' l i . y e i l<br />

IT'S S(1T 1 1IARITY<br />

H i i - . | . | . . - i , - i / i i i II-,,! ;.!"• v . ' l k i :•<br />

. • . r tifi A i n i> i 1 ( v i r 1 > it-.-, ii iii :<br />


Fan.au, Full Conn TURKEY DINNER<br />


900 Shore Road<br />

Hotel • Bar<br />

Samara Point<br />

Restaurant<br />

Television<br />

Shuffleboard<br />

Darts<br />

— Oprn All Year —<br />

At 7:00 A, M.<br />

inlliiriiiK<br />

Turkey Platters and<br />

Sandwiches<br />

Oyster Stew ^- Clam Stew<br />

Fried Oyiters<br />

Snapper Soup<br />

Fried Jumbo Shrimp<br />

Seafood — Steafci<br />


lJilrt'tiif. Ihe Ne« ,ler?.r> Pull<br />

1'lir.i-eli.l'. -Tliitf'Ki-ili-l-.-il ^"M-l<br />

1,01 ISA T. ('ORSON. Pi op.<br />

,!,•!•>,-j pin.<br />

In ]!HH<br />

l |.i'|i'il.ir th<br />

lli.jiultlieaii'.<br />

lii'moeraiN<br />

Indi'iii'iidrnU<br />

•'..V.l'ii.ui.i; pl-ii-<br />

'•I ,,l ^ " \ "iri'i' t 1 i'l ,. .,,,1 1,<br />

li. ihai yi-;ir l:i:-: ,,r<br />

[ ill;..i.« i.r hvi!.hi IP ,,.<br />

•I pniilll'l-v UlTi- L.<br />

".11 t l ! I l i p . " I , .,<br />

.hii'h f i 1 u Ii I 1 i |.<br />

:i.|-l- illiil: K iMll-<br />

Apiirtn r i* pit! live iini<br />

l th<br />

Aui'iL-<br />

pri.|i.<br />

th .eti.r. thai leil hi'iri- j ''»'<br />

in-.. Charles ¥ l!|-,ir..| —<br />

Ihe I -I.I 11 lli.it bi-.il- I<br />

"1 .:•' i<br />

i' 1,1<br />

liluilil ;,!:> U ' H . i<br />

riir li'.s criiin.'Mi<br />

111.. Ill<br />

In Iinil . r .<br />

,1 . .. 1111 • •, • I<br />

.III.I i ' n i . L i l '<br />

1 i-1-..i t. I-. r;,l<br />

.,, .i:f.!t,' iil!l i*|ihl =<br />

iiili i:l Uli^ t ti H *• r liilii' ill IHiUtii prill 1<br />

Million tiioKrsnr 1 Wiuilii \nii Hi'v<br />

lhal in Briirriil > nil iippiiivr ill<br />

ili^iji|ii(i\ r ni Kir jjlii^ianiV<br />

,1 II.-M<br />

•,! i.|..<br />

1. u i i k p<br />

pn-M r.l.i- I:.I-<br />

-is I',.II i-y.<br />

•il hi ih,-<br />

nii-e Sinn ,<br />

.V-<br />

Foreip Stamps<br />

Are Wanted<br />

Seashor? Home<br />


Wissow's<br />

234 Shore Road<br />

Sornera Pomt. N, J.<br />

Re-opening Friday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 31<br />

Delicious Full-Course<br />

DINNERS $ l- 40up<br />

i U I R rci rlll\ i<br />

(!;irn I i ill.! i ^ JOil<br />

rnim I! Niiiiii<br />

I'XICMKS \M» R \<br />

huil-n^ Mum 1:00 I 1 ,<br />

i'iiliH Hl.'l<br />

^<br />

Everytliin^ ijifi^ can do<br />

^ vou can do better (<br />

N I W TWIST - II,, i.i ,t,i,<br />

I 1 II Iill I I ll I I IN |,|ll | l|<br />

pi IM£ pni' I'-bitl I flu , , [ tl' tie<br />

m u l t r i li_ht»i ILIII m l I he<br />

•Sl.-in.h r " L ilk i nl i 1 r,i<br />

.il tin In, 1 t,l tin. » i jinl<br />

d r n II Ihliiuuli n m i l I J I I dt<br />

Iiu thii.il<br />



AT THE BRIDGE -, ROUTE 9 • 4<br />

For a Real Evening <strong>of</strong> Enjoyment wi»r. the<br />

Right People . . . Visit<br />



Delicious Sandwiches<br />

Cocktails As You Like Them<br />

join Our Jam Sessions . . .<br />

Singing Your Favotite Songs<br />

New Policy • /Veto Management<br />

For Quick Results... Try a Classified Ad<br />

.Pi<br />

Y K<br />

i, II II n<br />

Switch to Packard Ultramatie Drive-the^i and<br />

fully-oufom<strong>of</strong>ic drive that combines<br />

I - The super smoothniss <strong>of</strong> tercjut-eenverftr acceleration with<br />

i. — The gosolint.savinfl •ffieitney, ond mere poiitive responilveneii, <strong>of</strong> solid<br />

direct drive at all cruising speeds.<br />

• il<br />

.V.<br />

i\.<br />

V,-<br />

, • • :<br />

!•;<br />

:'r<br />

! :]<br />

' , ' I<br />

r M,<br />

hi'i-ii<br />

l"l':il<br />

'1,1.<br />

WITI-<br />

Tirll.<br />

Mli-<br />

-. F,<br />

i-ki-r.<br />

Mr..-.<br />

.1 Qihiin<br />

Mn.<br />

THIIK<br />

1 Fi<br />

Piinl<br />

Mrs<br />

IIMIC<br />

- I'iiul K<br />

-,t!i-r<br />

-. 11<br />

>i'A-i<br />

Mrs-<br />

ir', -y<br />

rd (,:'.<br />

All Alii - ki, ,,,-;,l.ikll; IS ,M! 11 ii I I 1 iitlff<br />

;li!i'. Ihiil HI! fi;tiri." pell tail hr<br />

i"l llir'Hiuh ii r.aplrjri riiia<br />

No clutching, rio giar-ihiftin|,<br />

Mr. And nothing new Is ieernl Just<br />

tif it-forget HI<br />

its gfll-waifinf ill^ptlg* st trim-<br />

blf ipwdj, becauMym crblM in solid<br />

clirM drive. Ne "riiMg «n0ht wnsa-<br />

Iterf 1 —ne over-heating.<br />

M* #yky dowrMhrfh, whkh might<br />

cth»* s Md an ilippiry pavamtm,<br />

THE <strong>1950</strong>PACKARD WITH<br />

R ,gMF*Mff log. lirttaht change<br />

w Forword Is Rvriria, io reek me<br />

or jnud, And nmn poiitivs<br />

Available new, at reduced extra cost, on aU <strong>1950</strong> modelsl"<br />

Corns in-we want you to drive it!<br />


ia£Stittt«ndA»biiry Ave., <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J,<br />

BflR / CBFE<br />

*-#<br />

y&timM]Ba<br />

Every Week More and More People Are Oiscouet-mg<br />

We Sell the BEST at FAIR PRICES<br />


Draught Beer 10c<br />

rail,,! . Sfhlil*<br />

PREMIUM ,<br />

Bottled Beer 30c<br />

- i;Udttif,f,<br />

fabM . Nr<br />


Rye 35c<br />


Scotch 55c<br />

wlih L'hiNtr<br />


Canadian Club or VO 50c<br />

willl<br />

You Will Like Our Entertainment<br />


Piano and Organe<br />

You Are Sure <strong>of</strong> A Good Time<br />

in Our Friendly Atmosphere<br />

This Page Beams With Opportunities For Everyone - Read It - Use It<br />

Classified Advertisements .<br />

iilviirtiBemiiiiui for lhi« coiunini nh.nihi i.,, i,, ,(,„ „,,,,,, <strong>of</strong> Tin<br />

nmrinni-l*' 1 "" 1 " NtlT LATER THAN NI n IN, TI'KHIiAY. tnr i,ul,il,,,ll,,ii oil<br />

K. UiiiMlHuii !'««. or NOUN. WBIINEHI1AV, 111 II,. Tuu ].,,lu io^JImuiify<br />

SoiIBB, FkO"* ««• »' °' D6 - - -<br />

CLASSirran AD RATES<br />

<strong>On</strong>i Time, K Wordj or Leii soe<br />

lie per word exeeedlng 21 words)<br />

(Ton.Latc-tn.cUihKify Ails, the Kxlrnl<br />

Ad Running 5 Tirnts, with 88 Woriis or Less ,..,, 12,00<br />

Adi RfQUiring Box Numbors. 25c More<br />

All Classified Advertiiing Cash<br />

(.„,,» m-llMl I"., *'«•» « ri.|iici!ioiiliitlv|. or lifnuirl.l in irfrii'n pprnnniillr,<br />

yljVT HB AcnOMFANlBL) IIV ILAHII I Hi xTAMl>M In I-QI-IT riiol iMny<br />

r,,-,|.i."l ever BBoim •• rauHfus' linrt egnri'iili-nra in cuMsitmr, Itemu-<br />

t : at;? iiHiat R 5 ' n 6«fef» silvorilBemsnt ii nnt in tyjnjT<br />

ClaiSifled Dliplay Advertising .... $1.20 Per Inch<br />


VACl'l M il-l'^ NI ' : '' Wjihisniin in<br />

-l UK i'^' 1' Aii-tu .n ^ Ati.inflr i |i> ~s .1<br />

| A. ST"_liMj! N ^ ^ -W<br />

JTvn-*n~ />"'" I,iii" i'-.it"! I'i-iiiiii<br />

i-lii l i ' i M t n ' i i M i l s ! i l i ^ i ' M ' l U . f i l l<br />

{!,','" i'.V"i'n''l .Ml.iiitii' ii> ii'T.in i • 1 ><br />

J^iJTT.Sr-i T i';ns s^AN'ri'.ii I'.'ii iii-i<br />

HI'' 1 ''** S"w IHIh si. ' il<br />


I.AIUKs Tin- IliKAi, liii, tin• o i ' K A N H I ' I M ' a iicil<br />

I i.AHiii:s'l l<br />

.ilii.ll " IMII..II<br />


liyliiiiiiiy'" ni'u I i.,i iniint nin^r iin.l<br />

hllnils nllil iliii|,"» Fully iriiiiii ,i<br />

I'liri-'i n lih.iii.ihl'' ( . i n I'l' fill.ill'itl<br />

II i • ,Mh,,^ ;-,.u r , !ii!,il iii I'hi.ii'<br />

.'lll'i'A .-i• nun— . 'I<br />

FOUND<br />

ilrll.i Al 1 I" l'"nl "I rti-nl irn-l LWIKI-I<br />

huihliiiu I liui -, Mrtu-li Hi (ssi n=<br />

i-r i-.ili MI Stiiiiii,.|-l.,-,lL-,.i',.IM,T .'1 J'l<br />

i i i h S i K n i i m ; . i [ i i . i in-,,. i > H i ^1 I n n<br />

In ill',,, i n * ,.il . i, , 11 I,- K i l i l i , i! 1= 'ill'.<br />

I I I I I I I S I U - , 1 V ' m ' .in h l i n i U iinil ili.il'i -<br />

i ' l i l l i •.,-,,-, ii- "1 1 . , I I t . i n - , I ' l " i il<br />

i . i i k . i n . i l i l i i . i n I n l i n . i M i ' l I I 1<br />

A s I ' l l ! i , n l l a ! ,11 I'll..in. -M .'.<br />

l-Mllllltt. M<br />

LOST<br />


ii HT=,<br />

i JiuPi<br />

Mt'J'th-<br />

\ I<br />

FOR SALE<br />

See Historic New, Jersey First,<br />

High School Settlors Are Advised<br />

Hush KL-hfiijI seniors all over Now; where Hamilton was killed in a duel<br />

Iji-rM'y will inon be planning lhrir|with Aaron Burr; Saho, near New-<br />

1 irijilii'iiiniil Sciiiur Class trips, iiiid I ark, where the first steam engine<br />

H wh- this<br />

• ChnrlfS H. Kid<br />

VISIT nl It l'(il!SK'l' l"l-:l'AliTM|.A'l'<br />

I ll l l<br />

I..Mh I.IMil.l-.l M --j •.:, .i i,i .1<br />

•"''','!,,,, ''wl \:"''£\'v} ..','„',',." s'V'j'<br />

I.' III •--:• -,i. i h i l l . , i t u t - A s i ' i u i ' I i " " i I I I - i' i' •'<br />

ii;ili. \ ! , K H I . L Y l ^ l c i ,''ill;tj, !.,,'ji^<br />

« « i t - l |M,,.-ii 'BI'.IKI ~ l-'i.i ri_i-.l.._M<br />

A IIIIM M.Vh'-..ii iijJ'SJ<br />

I.IKik' MN.IM, n li.lli i'lii<br />

All iimif- Iftn Hi'i'i I'. II"!'- h'-inlM<br />

'l AM.iliMr Av<br />

-•i-r\iitini! (iild Etniiiiinit' ncvuluj). Ujylhtr i<br />

I mi'iil ihiit lhi-y tunhldc'r sceitig New-lowt'il<br />

: Ji-rsi-y lirst,<br />

Ijy Ciiin. | manufactured in America was built,<br />

i. Jr.. <strong>of</strong> ] and the great variety <strong>of</strong> oil, chem-<br />

m Cuii- iis), electrical, air craft, sleul and<br />

ndusti'it's which have fol-<br />

!..,- KM'Hl'!><br />

si'-"--- ' " I' 1 "v-'> !'•;..'•• III-...|.III.I.:.-,, VI „ . ,<br />

E'.i N>l"ll uiiilmni^ inns!-?, l,i-;iu!ii-l,,n- = ^^^= - ^ ^ -<br />

• iti'l u i,I,.- " '<br />

11;|.; \\ |.;l'.<br />

i!, II;. M<br />

.II iii :.j u<br />

I - I . . " M ; • Iii I I S Ull'i ' I n<br />

I %!. ! I ' ! A \ i • i !.:•- . .1 \i i '. I,, MI<br />

• ii.-. \ i . - . i i . i i i I n , :. i i , . , ' , l !•' -... . ll'-iiikiuarturs at Rocky I<br />

Hill. Pliii-ki-iiiin, wliere Wa^hiim.<br />

Inr, i Army marched iiflrr Ihe Bultli-<br />

M] PriMt'i'lnn iiri11 where- an Aiiiericali ,<br />

:',,,- Hi,-. ,,\t'r tiie uiinu iii a British j<br />

ui,HIT- Hi.mciMlle iinil the Walllice;<br />

11'iir.i' AI.II'I- WiisliiMatiiii had his I<br />

in ;!,i'|ii,irtt-rs \Uiih- tile Army was!<br />

.'r,|.;iiii|ii"l lit Midrilehruiik. the neiir. ]<br />

• iiv 'li'l Dutch PirsiimiKe where till" I<br />

'.-in ii'ii- nl Rutiiei's Univi'i'sily wai. j<br />

'ir.^t (..riiicil iiil'! where, it is siiid. the \<br />

P • Tn-aty with Gernian.v enriiili; !<br />

W.:i-lil Will- I «i> MKIied by President 1<br />

Iliirdmv: jii'hi-y Hiillow and Wash-;<br />

Ilei.di|iiiiiiel'S fit Morrislown. j<br />

Niitiiiniil Hislorieiil Park: '<br />

Iii iinil the First Presbyter- i<br />

ii'eh w hiise iiiilriol pastor [<br />

iiiir.ni; ihe Ki-Miluliiiliary Bailie <strong>of</strong> j<br />

spi ,i u'U-t'l ti.i'i' nil Wiitts hyiumils ,<br />

II,r >.• r.ririinu i!!i(l -aid .'-Put Wiitts m.,<br />

',, 'iiil h,i>-. put Wiitls into 'em " *<br />

Siii.ihir II!|K in iiiiiiiy other sections<br />

,ii tin- Siiiii- idMi riuiid be iiliiiiiieii<br />

Ai.iiih,-!' t,,,ir. u.tli New Jersey<br />

,i -hi iri,- ,,-. i\> theme liiiiiht in-<br />

. in.ir Piiii I -1,11 nl till- Fillls rt| the<br />

. P.-ai.- •.'•here Alexiinili-i- Iliiiniltiih<br />

• nijui i/.-'i liie "Si.i-ii-ty f'.r Useful<br />

M:, I' 111,- i I -1111. • 1 -, ;i;.fl liie U'Mlli' in ills<br />

..| Ni.ill. .II-I-J. i ni'iii'l.i Wi-i-hawhi-n<br />

Excise Tax Up<br />

to Motorists<br />

p<br />

SH-nlt spills and Ihe New Jersey<br />

Suitu Parks and Fort-sts<br />

Briiihurcs UM-Mui in planning suph<br />

tri|)S arc availubk- without charRO<br />

fi-fini the New Jersey Council. S20<br />

K Stall- si Tri'iilon 7. N. J These<br />

ii-liin<br />

ir,"li<br />

i'Si<br />

GO BY<br />


TO<br />

CAMDEN and<br />


6.10 A.M., 1,00 P.M., 8 45 A.M.,<br />

!,4! P.M., Sundoyi only 1.10 F.M,<br />

Buui leave for Sea Ilie <strong>City</strong>, Avolon<br />

Stone Harber, Wildwood and Cape Mr.<br />

11,11 A.M., 7.11 P.M.<br />

BUSH leave far ArianNc <strong>City</strong><br />

10.0D AM., 6.29 P.M.<br />

For Inlsrmotign or Fallible LOTS Chanfi h<br />

Sch.dulc Call<br />


Ninth ificcf end Afisnfie Avenya<br />

PHONE 1295<br />

inrtlT<br />

74.}<br />

Must Figfit for<br />

Its Removal<br />

* • '<br />

L I I I 'K : -.i : i •: ^ " '<br />

|n. , II. in MI.I. i I -II; si ..•..!<br />

Ri'|,.i|.-. I'.iii.lHit lll.nl-.l. li in • illii '<br />

u'll M . is !'., .i.s..n,i|.;, I I,"in- !"•"-.-1<br />

I'AiN ' :•.,!, .ii,il ' Mtl'i M i l ! I:.<br />

ni..". ....;' i; ' ' _<br />

KM-I liii '•-.' ••'• ... 'I' .•' .h > . i-<br />

Vi"i'->..i %~ l"i-;:,'"in Si i \ i. i' A!! i'il'. i I. i,. • [<br />

A. i-I'll 111 Ufi'.ili ^ 1<br />

Aii.iiii i. A n I.. lv,.i ii I ,i .^ %,' Hi :-' - ;<br />

I \ M -.<br />

hi- r< i ''Kin' UL'\--<br />

KtyMnnr lui,- f<br />

«* f 11 • = P i.iMT ^!MU<br />

iniir^ in lavnr<br />

-nj: "|):th]ic ;< "l;<br />

r l.:u!'l}- « ill<br />

Heavy Truck License<br />

Fees May Be Boostpd<br />

I :,„• i" |.< -i tiii.i-i' 1.1 im,tin-<br />

i!..|l i.» Ililllfilli'll I...V 1 111<br />

tlnrt\ millinn rlnlliirs<br />

• •••I u; Fedi't-iil excise ti<br />

i'V rilii'iit (iiie-ihinl<br />

ti,<br />

l\ I N I I K H l ' l - : i ' l . \ l . - ' K M ' . I I'll' > • • , , . '<br />

n i i ' t i , » m " l ! l " i . H • [ . . . v i i ' . - i ' I ' l i i ' i - . f i - i n . , ,<br />

In s u i t >,.!,, ['IMS,- H n - i- iii'i i' S^ - ' '•. ',<br />

c i i i i i . i n i i i . I " M.i ii l i . i M - r I'.il-' i i<br />

K i n 1<br />

/ K ' . i i l M i l . m % il.'.ili-i N i n i I ''<br />

Alliini,,- ,n ,in i.'in. I'iiiini' il I" ', ,,<br />

S;lfi n.i- luuini:. ' ' I' , *' ''<br />


lin \n\- K N I I H in,- |,I-I,«i.MI i..II,,• .•' i ' : ','<br />

HUM- I.Ill- lllMli.lll.'l I II ill i\ I'l<br />

tl'll >'.||<br />

Iii iv l i A l i l l V Kit hi A,k'..i ini<br />

Iiinii.ilili' I.ih Aiaiii.iliei- S ';<br />

Uli I ( r.li.II i. ri,,,i,, in<br />


Vale Kfy.s - 20t tju'<br />

2 for iii.<br />

yuirli bi'iii.g, L'-\is ll.ii'hi'ii 1<br />

mil Anlpini ,\i,'nii>',<br />


;i i - l i;h ''• \\- A<br />

. in . 11.1. i IN,i<br />

KKVii miiili'. i'.i<br />

K Alli'li Tlli<br />

llil 1 AS . .<br />

rS'K IIKI,' Hi' Kil<br />

|<br />

|<br />

i.il Air ],.,III, .il<br />

1 '<br />

IF 1<br />

, li,,mr 't nil I<br />

•sli.-i N ' « I in I'l<br />

ini-lli.nl ulirs ihiiiiiuuii iiniil.iiiiiii A,<br />

tmiiii.-iii- iMi|.:i'KNiii-;\'i Hi»'I'lN'<br />

.|.i..in i.iil-.,. ' ' " ' i ' h i i . n i l u . i l l . I . i ' i h i M<br />

I;l:Hl|i;|.:i!,s-riiH. imtuni.-ili,' In<br />

lliiit'iii 1,'^ in,,tin, iill,j H'i^llin-i<br />

liiiii'iiini -, *• , u | ,,iw| u'jNih,,] ,,,'iin<br />

J l ' I ' M - J A M i l l ' , I I I ' ' , ' H ' - ' M " ' I > l . I - ' " " !<br />

N, ,1. I'li'i!!!' H'-lMiMs i'Milll li ^ ' ,<br />

tSKi) ['Alts hiu.Bhi mill .vil,l ]?''l"iii'<br />

^nni'iiiiiii, s ' r d i i ' i s hji'i iii'Mi', ill!<br />

niBMiT M i i i n r i i ' n Mill,in, i.ii'iiiiiiii'i<br />

I. iiilU M.il.ir ,S:i||.s, I j i u l h l , ' '•.•!•<br />

m m i ' i , I',,ini iinii j | , l l k |.i,niliiu lii'-'i<br />

I'hiiiif s . i n i n , piiinl Br>Hi. ii<br />

MATTRWriKs liKNiiVAII:!) , >••«<br />

Inn «|iilnus HI m.'illi-c-'ici hiiiII. Hi II,,<br />

ui Kill i),.,,;,,, lilj Ui-ilillni: '" • ( ii"'<br />

Ujii-n rn 1 i.|i.i,hiini. di'i-iin'Cll\ S-'nt<br />

urlBI*K'|J ' II<br />

,,'<br />

I i ,|- Sin.-In<br />

,.ii.l IIIIII<br />

,I.|I "lluil.lni-.- —LI ! ,'•|""J"] l 1 ll> !'' "I'".,';,,,. |,, .• MI,,,,<br />

!.| , : , i i . M i . . 1 1 V |..-' j i'I-ii••• I I 1 .} . . i . : . i i i i i ' . i l i . . ' l I " , « I M , : l i -<br />

, ',, V . -|. • ,, ilii-hi ". I " . •-••• m l I'li-.l.l. 'I ill.iiill'<br />

•,-,-; i Ii.il i , n i , , n . ;.>.' . ![<br />

iu su.Tno (Mionnii m »|ii-.<br />

i I'y thr mil inn H niiitiii--<br />

51 ir.ll.<br />

't jHiii..<br />

I SHORE<br />

| CAB<br />

j mht<br />

Phone<br />

0665<br />

Slh 1- WHI AII-Tur<br />


Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 88, i960;<br />

include: "Sugiefted Motor<br />

list <strong>of</strong> iconic and historic<br />

and "Visit New Jersey'i State r > !,' I n II iiili, ri t h i , - ] ^<br />

I r , i : •-.<br />

; ,'| I- 1)1 llnLiilcl II (hi-rlinlil. ,.'f<br />

Tullf I'lillrnc Ml'iili'iil ISi-li'iul, li'lii<br />

Iln' Aim nriiii Ciiiii 1 *'!' S"i!rlv> ,-,n><br />

. r:., .„,,...- r in.!, 7'i,,.<br />

WHO1 enn i H« vi<br />

IT Dsm t<br />

,II-.--.,.II,I 1.1 in<br />

-. I...-' ^- J~"<br />


ON fl.OTHINfi<br />


400 West Avenue<br />


At'AH'l MI-INT u !;t .\slnni ..-. .'" 1<br />

In.,-1 iri.'-iii' i n . . m h 1111!iJ>• • 11--11 I II..'<br />

Mil 1,111• 111 ii .ni.l I..uli "-. •, '•<br />

I'AlNTHlj UAI.I.H uiiiihrd iiitsri iiml.<br />

niird tJriiili'ss melhinl, Sf.ifli-<br />

ni(.i'himii-iii in i.i-i sisiiiy Als,i v.,!l!^,'i,=il'<br />

Ing HleinnimK. Y, ylliiiiistci, rtnitiiM -<br />

I'rilnl. ;nn. " , II<br />

KKkf IN I'LtiMK TfSIU'll wllii fleism<br />

( Iiy iill sum Ihiiiuish Tlie Krnilii.'l-<br />

•JiiKrr, .yi.no [HI yekr. "<br />

Please ,.. Cash in Advance<br />

Positively no CluShifiod Ad wiil he publiahed until pnid fnr.<br />

To insuro your yd appciiima on . this page, cosh must be in<br />

this ottice nol Idler than Tuesday noon. Ad will hot be set In<br />

type unlil payhient is made.<br />

Ail, for the Tiiii-I.ute-lo-CliisMfy (lerinrtnieiit, 25c oxtrii, unil niust<br />

lie. liiud Tor not liiier lli.-m Wednestljiy iiooi|.<br />

Beasiin' Cosl nf bnokkeciilng for ClaKaificd Ad tliarBo accoiuit*<br />

ii oul <strong>of</strong> proportion to the revenue received,,<br />

2,5 Words or Leis — 50e<br />

l u<br />

i, ,^r I:HU.I,.1 i; K<br />

* I<br />

,i I-..W I- I I ' I N I . n: -i "<br />

• I .,,, he.I. ...|:'P nil. ii.<br />

A ,1 ,l..i V<br />

( , • , - ; • ; , . I " • . ' ! ' . - - I . -<br />

1<br />

- . ' . , • i ' •<br />

' i 1<br />

iV'i WKSI.KV AVK Til" li.-.l "<br />

i-i'- iln.I In.i.i. !>«•... A,I'll:'- Siii'-<br />

jili'i' 'mil S, IHih j,l Phil t I"; I' i - L . i<br />

I Viii'iiVn'iahi-il. a hi-ili-i"! i- - ii 1 -1" :<br />

mum, iliniliii i ii liiii-lii-n .1'"^ '• ••'•<br />

i iiiil'ie'Wit il.'iui.'"T.Ts'ri-nli.ii m. I'll""'<br />

I lli.ii.u, ' . • :<br />

-V- 3<br />


WW AND TMl _<br />

~" ALL WT fWILLf<br />

«. ..,.JHK, M VWW *Bi<br />



TRUCK 10<br />

iBtVICi "<br />

1UT, MB, TILLEB, wi err MCHE<br />

I N O T ! ! * T i l L I M I T f H P I H I O I ^<br />

' : 1 - : . * . i . t f i - > i i W A U V Y R ( i i . i i i i n H ' = < h !<br />

, ,'< I M - l i .<br />

I ' s i i s i h i l l l I n f ll«= i i J . J i J i l i f l i t , , f I f • ! ! 1 . J<br />

Kil- = lv Hi KiWf uf thr t'i.nni.\ uf I'.-utf<br />

\},\\ iiiii ih- i.n ihi ! (Mn ti-mUi ii;i\ .«r<br />

M;i ih A |i |'t;,u. . ill I Mi'' i-i trn [i/,i nif .i'!<br />

. ri!•Hiliii?. ^*l ^;ml fif.-riiNfii h* * > MliMt In<br />

' ihi> MIIIJ.I-1 iiifi iimliM ti.iih Mr ;irriimii-<br />

• I inn 1 hi Y| r I'liiirn". ,inM ijrniiui*U iiy;iifl^l<br />

! t4ii- t->\;iU-> .if Mini iti-i-f.iM-ii Uiiitili SIS<br />

• iiir,hi hs h tin' 1 I hi- !hh HM>n!h M:i> nf<br />

MflH-ll A M ITii il> Thi'> Will hr f..F<br />

("«'•! !"i.i i i i-ij nl ;ifi> jiil injl :i^;jiiiM liii<br />

I %:\ i t--,i i |tti~r<br />

imiiM ri.ip-ii i; A !> roi<br />

.1. iv nil ni vi I f\<br />

]A<br />

: f "t i<br />

FAMILY : AT WORK-Tho Jap.<br />

uncse fdiiiily <strong>of</strong> Nobel Prize-*<br />

umnnifl physicitit, Ur,. HiriekL<br />

YuK.iu.1, likOR to worfc iogellier<br />

in their New York upmlmcnt. In<br />

the foreground is Ihe Coluiiibm<br />

University pi<strong>of</strong>esHsr*M -wife, BU»<br />

nil, who MiiBwnrg lettcr.t ai goni<br />

Tak;i-akl and Huruinl do their<br />

boniuwork. Thy phyiicjgt li at<br />

t.Wh M\Y . IOV. fh;ii<br />

fMl prrsMnf, intriPsted in the lands.<br />

H'nrni-pntii, htMfdiiamrftfs »nd f?ii}<br />

fsiui** f*f HiiiH Nlrholu H. Foster, de-<br />

t'fjisnd iiitjiPiir hpfori* the Cnurt. tit thp<br />

I'liult-hiiiisp in f'iipp May C'nufi- Hnusi*.<br />

nn Shf* ii'-nih tiny nf %U\y next* at Urn<br />

nytm-'k in Ihr fftrrnnitn= in shnw viium<br />

why sn rnurh vt the Inndi;, lenefflcnis.<br />

hri-'pfiiUimfiiifH and real rslHtr nf the<br />

siild -NirhnliiN £, KhsiPr. dptp^^^d-<br />

Khmild nut hr* Ktild sm will he sufricient<br />

in [lyy his drhis, nr fhr residue iher^<br />

fiT, "us the t-HSp iriiiy requife; Hnd ibi-i<br />

ihis nfdei, slynnd W (hr HuiTn^utn,<br />

^hiili he •Imrnrdiiilnly" hrri'iiflnr spt up<br />

ni th^ii'p rtf ihr mm\- tiuliik 1 jihnrs In<br />

ihe riiunty stf i*;\\w fAnx fnr Nix u-r,»i;s<br />

sii^r-DNsivt'^v. iinri he liUMisht'd Hi leas]<br />

nnrr vm.'h ur?fc fnr the samp llm?- in<br />

'Viw Heiitifiel-LedMrr, iin-o nf the nows-<br />

nnpers tif (His NiMH*, . f -<br />


Phone 21<br />

FOR I<br />

dnd J<br />



1241 Bay Ave.<br />



i IS Years 1 Exp, — Work Guirulccl<br />

I Tune Anywhere $5.00<br />


! 522 W. Veroan Av., Mnwood. N. J,<br />



For Safety. UtlUtr and Bwnty<br />


Phone O. C.<br />


Have your mil fll«4 »r<br />

machine They cut cleaner, .<br />

truer, better. All MM<br />

qulskar anlMi BrtOBthem 4<br />

TA, CHAMPION 4<br />

54 W. 16th Street<br />

• Radio Repairing*<br />

N.B.L OrmdBkU<br />


1115 BAT AVE. Phone Utt<br />

Fireplace Wood<br />

i Seasoned Oak<br />

i MORRIS SIE<br />

We Deliver<br />

i 8M Weal Av,<br />

Portrait ud Cotomerijl«l<br />

Photographers<br />

Ocveloplnf and Prliillni Servlt*<br />


111 Aibur At<br />


AWNIN GS<br />



M. C. MILLE<br />

il Vr.r.- Ki(Hsrie.ce Io OKU <strong>City</strong><br />

1111 Buy An, Ph. 2823<br />


FUEL<br />

OIL<br />

Socony V«cuum<br />

111 ASBDKT<br />


M 21, in'ii<br />

More Older Vets<br />

<strong>On</strong> Pension Rolls<br />

World Wir I Mfn<br />

Gain by Law Changy<br />

Intrr3 iiii iiiii'il • Ciiiii-i-r —Iill<br />

, 'I.,. ' 'IfiM'li.i ni illl ill I : , I - 21! lilllt •<br />

I Am,-ri.'.ill- l-i'ii' iivilii will d i e<br />

, ,„ i n ,,,• Will-. ;hi. in .an. ...1 ln-lp "I<br />

,-v,.i i-.i i- n 'll.'.i ' "I l i " - ' - l'i'"|ili'<br />

Roeser RecieratinB<br />

at 'Shangria'<br />

' • • C ,„, ;.-,,,.|.Hl'l,l\V Hm'.-I'l-<br />

.it '.si'iih<br />

i . fI'M,i u<br />

i'L:i<br />

"In <<br />

lu'r^iiim<br />

PMii'tly<br />

-.it<br />

. 1,-av,<br />

.-.nil ii.<br />

,-,! ndvnl Hufulci A<br />

ShaliTiiiii. Hiiiitsi I» i-mphnsi/i' tliot<br />

tlli'iii i,^ I'll iTinliiuj.'Hon . ii|juii ihi'<br />

.«1utii>rl!.« tn lake till' vnillrni-li lint! j Main<br />

li'iiiiun liirii in!!i,ifui iriM lii'ii iii- iifi '>! nilic<br />

I'li.iiiii'rutur lur Itli- I7lli Ili-ii'iiiiiiil l i i l i i i y<br />

C i - i n u s Hi. v. ill i-iiriy m i uniiiii! I-I-I.M'IJ 1<br />

C'lTiMiv ui Fiiiiiiliiliiii liirii! nl; l U m - h llii-.r |Mi<br />

f.i' '.ill! w i ' i i i . , ; , , ' . , [ . r.iillii'^ iii;f! rii.Ii' '.'.(irk v,<br />

ll.liil'ir.iitinr. i i h i i u t i-iirti i l i l l l M i l i u i l 111 l . l n m - 1 . .<br />

ilii- In,IIM-IIIIIII H e v, ill l.iivi' Hiiihiiii. IIIIIIJI 11,<br />

in -I'll iii.il iii- •.-. ,11 i,..k ntili ll;i- i n itii".<br />

l|. II', i i i , I,' V. I..I i: ii|.|.l-ii|- l,i. it,I- lii'lHlll I<br />

If I h p v i ^ i l f i r i - l i i l m s i n lip a ! { , . ! . - !<br />

rii.ki-<br />

•r il..-,<br />

..t'ai-ii by AH,ITI<br />

- . 11 -11-1 • i .,i!,!-r-<br />

|.;ii I.- i,i<br />

,... i i|,in,i, i.: iin-<br />

C:ty |,,,li.-i- :,,,-<br />

.1.1,11 til,- I>'I.•<br />

hi)-, ll i.i ,-l.l,.ll«<br />

...li-,i ii,i f'tr,. (..<br />

•I- .!. il.il-. I..-..--<br />

-.'.a' :ii,iiuiini'i-il Mniiiliiy lii All/iTt<br />

Pi-ri-i-!lii Iji.tpii'l Sdpi-rviMir fin<br />

- I'lnti.ii Sliiii.. Buri'iiii uf Ihi-<br />

i.'.i. Miiii- ll.iin lljiill pi.|>un?<br />

iil iiMplii'iii.iiii til,' i'*.|i.li> l-iijjir=<br />

VI) >!(|HK I hVHI-s TAKK<br />

M.I llhll. »i,»VS HI-.RRKI I,A<br />

i,l ilii. ..liuim-riiiiir* wii.<br />

v.i.ik i,i,n,.r ihi- ilii'Mrli'iri<br />

-. ii.i.MI r, i.i,,.|i nf y, hum<br />

Ir; iuUiii.i,!, ti, train,<br />

n'hi-rnli.r-" tin- i-n-wli-uiN<br />

"•Iji.iiMhlt- lur iiliuul 2(1<br />

,*.r\ |.i. ihi.ir y,iilk it; Ihi-<br />

Treasure to<br />

Rain From<br />

Sky, April 8<br />

Balloons to Bear<br />

Prizes After<br />

Easter Egg Hunt<br />

i IV<br />

,|,ii-<br />

How New Quarters <strong>of</strong> Home Savings and Loan Association Will Appear".;!.<br />

Arrhitft'tS ilrii« ing <strong>of</strong><br />

i un^trurUui! uiji bf ui<br />

uiiful nr« h nil ding ul Huh ^i. and<br />

Ttit' A^suiMaHui! U i^jMtiid in IM-< up%<br />

fi and c indfr hlufk<br />

uf s a\ tu tit- m f ujjii d by ihc Hunif savins ^ and I.uan<br />

liiiiiUinfi in Juni* Ihr t--\tpri«r ^ill 1*^ f'a* ! i*H uith natural<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Man Resort Pharmacists Plan 2nd Youth is Held<br />

Dies in Accident Around-the-Clock Service in Home Robbery<br />

To Havs Police Guard When Filling<br />

Found Wearing Jtolen<br />

Emergency Prescriptions at Night<br />

Nickerson Killed<br />

at Car Hits Pole Apparel, Police Say<br />

Ailhiir Niik,. ;i:i. iif i:l:n H;i<br />

Hi.iulnv ;1111• i<br />

'ill |,i,;,ni!!H<br />

ill,I I,.ilii,r..<br />

.1- v. ill j<br />

.U'-l;iini.il fiiiiii'i'<br />

whi'M Shi- iiuiiilniitiili' in- 'Ttl' i-.ii. ; 11;;;:: 1 ;";-"<br />

,,i I ll,<br />

1A<br />

M;,y<br />

ll,<br />

Til,<br />

thill tin ri'i-cird iv<br />

•wli.i ai'i'i'iit thi'tli<br />

kept nf<br />

"'t'liiiiily l>liiiriii:ii'iMilii-.il AKW<br />

Thi- county gryy|i, nirPtiiig '<br />

M'l- l day iiUlu al Slum* Harbin<br />

(.iiiiii. ,1'- Nif k t. I - ,,i; -. iiiniEiiii -j pgrh cammunily lu ttiakp ^yrp llial<br />

I iht' (ill t'siiiiHHi ^ilh shiii-li j jifr%unswliu iippii Kiipriai rtfu^s in<br />

•thi-r riiiilively inii...r iniuii."- ; lh i.lf<br />

H i t \ n l i - i ' l ' i r . I n , ] . M i i i i i M i l -<br />

M I , | . I I I . I I :• li!!,.,i i.i.il .!.•! i\ , r i •! ll<br />

| . « . u l i i l . . . | . l i ; i l i i . . i r | . l I . j . k l . n l l i i .<br />


l ) r l . n i ' i . u i i : i , n i f , - , - i i ii t i n - i - i m<br />

i i l ' i ^ i i . . l ^ i h i i i l . i i . ; / , , , ! il.iii . l U ' h c<br />

i i i i i - 1 h i - ^ i i . i i . r i . . ' i r i i t . i . i . , 1 1 . ^ , ji,,<br />

;i i; m i l Ilii. ..i.li.M'iii'-.. i.l i ; i ! ! . l ; u<br />

I n i i i ' ., |.i!-!.i-i ij-t,, i. i l ; , , ' i . n i v<br />

VV.ll Il>.M!Ml!i. ,!|ii,i<br />

I 111<br />

Trcasiiri 1 will come from the sky<br />

is v.ill ns liu burled in the land<br />

•liirihK IIIH Eiiilpr Eig Hunt Satur.<br />

I,iv (ilii.|riii!in. m-xt week—April 8—<br />

hi. CliumluT <strong>of</strong> Commeree an.<br />

.iiiioii'til tins week.<br />

Si-iiciiiiKl Air Liiii's. ot Hie resort<br />

ri.nrt. iiliiti Iti tiiiiperutH with the<br />

ii.r ivi'iil by (listriljuting bsl.<br />

[rum thi- ulr over the hurt<br />

Iji-lww-n 20th and Bill stl,,<br />

iiljiml 2 |j in Rnifir hulloens wll!<br />

l.f.vi' |jn/i- sliin attm-hed. They will<br />

i-rititlc ihi. llntlff to li gift frnm the<br />

AMIII-I-."',!'. Kli-tlril- Co<br />


ni.rrisiiii .Ji'wfjcrs are providing<br />

.Lilt* iii tunjunt'tiun with the open-<br />

I.L ill liii'ir IH'A uiiiarlprs, and othor<br />

iMl't- I.IIVM liiii'ii iirumiaed by the<br />

t'l.iiitfi-ljiix DinniK Room, Selva|n'1<br />

Pl.iirinacy. the Lincoln Hotel and<br />

i,lhi-r busiii^jis people<br />

1 The Allnntic <strong>City</strong> Transportatlnh<br />

r'iitTi|..iiny hriH tifTcrpd to opente a<br />

isi,i.f.iiji riu.H frnm the center <strong>of</strong> the<br />

my to the Kiwie <strong>of</strong> the treBiurii<br />

iliunt. Thn lime and place <strong>of</strong> df.<br />

li.'irlure will be anhouncptl before<br />

'Ihe evivnl tykpg place<br />

1 BF.fllN FILLING BAHS<br />

I The vast amuunl <strong>of</strong> work invnlvnd<br />

I it: lillir.ps inousands <strong>of</strong> molilturp-<br />

I prtfif biijiiK with candy nnd priiet<br />

j.finn will UP started on an al-<br />

s .'Tiljly line biisls. The bags will bs<br />

burifii separately over a two-bloek<br />

! urea nf heath Much less time will<br />

In' required (or the younger gen.<br />

' i.rQtion to fincl and dig 'em up than<br />

iChaniijiT tif Commerce eomrnittee<br />

j workers will need to biiry them,<br />

| Thr lift,ml hunt la nheduled for<br />

; liJO p. in. followlnl a ihort motor-<br />

1 fadf^ led by a remleft! esp. The<br />

| pxploaian or an aerliil bomb will<br />

1 sirnal the ilsri al the rmet to<br />

l.ml the burled treasure<br />

i Any other merchants desiring to<br />

oniilp prizes to the children may<br />

II sn by notifying the Chamber ot<br />

C'rimmerci' befnre next Thursday.<br />

A ^i'i ..,;.) \iii;lh \\;r- i-hiil'mMi h\ :<br />

"1. I'illi fll> jiiilll'l' thiH WiH'l-. V,!ih<br />

,;iri i-ipiif.Lt; in iiil' ritiihiT^- nt ilii.<br />

liiiiii:,! i.• .nil. i,i Ariiiiir 11 Kin^li'y<br />

;iP B-iy ,iv<br />

Ruhiri K Si-iiiih. ,!r, 18 whnsc! priaos will be picked up at the<br />

ii.iiiily ....us ;, Miiiiniiir hiitni' hfre -it 1 donor's place <strong>of</strong> business.<br />

win PlvniMiiih pi. iv a« lii-ld wiiiiiiut j<br />

i.inl ii.i iii-iiMii Ml ihi' uriitiil iiiry on<br />

;i rhjiui- ..1 i.iii^liirv al tl>|. Kir.Fli'y , Jewelry Store<br />

in New Quarters<br />

nl<br />

I • .'• -<br />

liiill ihi'<br />

Railroad Moves<br />

To Check Fires<br />

Also to Oil Roadbed<br />

<strong>On</strong>e Month Earlier<br />

Itir 1 h<br />


111,'<br />

V- ill iH-..l.-1-t iliiiuUi-I. iiBil.'M I'-<br />

IMIrulm.-'ll Williiiiii l..'1'iU iinl ,|,,,,,,|,,,B !,, ,.,,,,.,,,,.i>i'i iM.tiii-'"-..<br />

Chiirli's C.iln-ii. i'I Pli':i..iii:l\i|li' Ii.i-!,i,.<br />

hi-.-- find liim HIICII llii-y n-;n ln-il: ^vhii-i-. M.IJ;<br />

llii' si't'ili' lln-y tuiiiiil Nii-Kri-snii nil-' |i,i|[ii||,<br />

l.|f!^i'UH!Ji illjiHlt ii ijliui'ii'!' li! ii bl<br />

frnm liu' i-ar. nnd KiMini'dy iiim.lt. .... .<br />

ii,,.iiiiur TI,..iniii-hin,.«i..^fi"""*^^^^"^ 1 !^,,";" .;,l',;;',i 1 .,';.',l' J<br />

"riif. nilk'i'is saiil tin- i'iir lii'liihiii'tli" 11111 '' 1 " "' • li "' 11 i-i'iiini;iii:l> i<br />

I,, Ihll lli-idi-r. ni 2HI IIHII>I»-I--'IIMI.-I- ! rlln si' «"" n "'"" ilH 1 i"--; v<br />

av AtlimlicC.lv Iif h;.d i i.|.i.rl.-fl ', P'lfl'lH'ills I" i'i,..|ifi,iili- in If..<br />

.,.„,„,, -rill stolen fruni HI fluiil nl Ins hnini'; f •"» . t;i"i \Sill,:i'n II .<br />

ililllHiT iif, r[ ik , ri, ( I, Mi H|,..,lr. ill 111., ili'iiil; (in puilii<br />

"111' !,<br />

I'I ><br />

.,,:: i..,- i;,.i|,- I),- I.,,<br />

Illil.ll.II' IIAN'l.KK<br />

-W,. ri'jli.-,- .li-n i<br />

the n.ni<br />

i-; p..i!,<br />

llum U:<br />

/.l-lll.<br />

Willl Il-<br />

ll, h.,vi<br />

Garrison Moves to<br />

Bank Building<br />


v,, Sim • •*'I Priri J u hit nin.'.<br />

li.ui.i .;iiii ihiu ii liiiiiiiiily<br />

. ; (.iifi'l rr;i,irli.d misHin I<br />

Kiii.?,Li'y liuiiif \siis foun^!<br />

ir, I: ..! !li,' Plyini.uih. |1 Tho Ourriscm ji-welers moved thii<br />

"'" •"•.V !'/' LI|i , H 1 I> 1 "-" v,,.t'k in a new location at MB As-<br />

i-i-.i li /.I'hiii-r. 1. nl Pfit'n- yury av. in The National Bank <strong>of</strong><br />

.-.-i, iiii.ii.irt IMI- hi'. - Ot'ean <strong>City</strong> building.<br />

Tin. ,«iuri' lias bt-eii eomplplelj- re-<br />

:ii i iiiu.lv uii.' i'liiiriit. ' iiiudpled iiMd redecorated to aceem*<br />

i',.l.in'i-y iiiti.r In- \MI» luuiiil miidate A. W {larrison's growirii<br />

!!i.ji..!h »i,III li iiii/ki't still- liiinnpiii. in sales and repairs <strong>of</strong> all<br />

Kii<br />

II'MI'-<br />

hiflt.r iiiirkiru ii iih.<br />

itrriiiy<br />

Sli'p.« In ri 11»-<br />

i-iiiniitivf spiii<br />

in Oi'i'.'in Cily me iii'inii laki'il by<br />

II,.. Pi'lil-sylviiriia-Ri'ililiiiK Si'iishnr.' I »'KI» IN HOSPITAL<br />

I.ini'ii, licculdiiiij Hi Harry Babi'iii-k, j Both vicliiiis vvnl'i' Silken 1<br />

in- ir.ri-lini: ,II..' |.<br />

ihi' iiii'iil ;i;iihiir l<br />

.iit this \<br />

work<br />

tt'iuli-i<br />

: pi.li n<br />

i ll a<br />

I 111''' A I l l ' l M l i l « l i , . iH'l'Mllll'f M-l-1,11<br />

m'tltT.-il mnii.iiitT iAiliintii' <strong>City</strong> llusplliil. » IliTu Nii-k- i|| s,i it-i- ii.irniiil clnm rl.'l'i- ini«ii<br />

Thi' riiilriKiil illsn phins to ml its ' i-rstin siu'ciiiiibi'it in inleniiil nuurir!. luinrp. inn»t lii>l iMiiiil-.linii'.ili- w<br />

riiiiil bed ii nint'tli I'lirliur ihiili iisiiii 1. ' iind lihock ribylit \2:'dh p in. his iih>>iriiiii Th<br />

|,l ,<br />

II iliii' iniiiht 1<br />

,]' ii-.«;,-;iil i,l ill,<br />

ind ii. :l real<br />

nM!iiH.|" uI ii 1'hiirivi<br />

lends <strong>of</strong> watches, flocks, jewelry,<br />

di.'imonds and silverware. The new<br />

quiirters will make possible a more<br />

ilUirsiNed seloclion <strong>of</strong> quality mer-<br />

iliiintlisiv the owner said<br />

I Tlif rlni'k ri'pair department on<br />

I the seennd (lucir will be under the<br />

| i 1'iiu* ' i xperl isupi'rs iiM<strong>On</strong> <strong>of</strong> a itlan who<br />

i WORK STOI.FN SHIRT, CLAIM I «'«» glnck furiMnun for a number <strong>of</strong><br />

Ktiiilh K;I« liiki.n u-lii i-|i«tndv 1'v<br />

ii v limiic- Al I llii t<br />

tiiili- Hiniih u;i^ Mt'ili'ri.il hy JiiflMe<br />

llMWiif.j w'.irti'i. IM li.nsi' luivii iit-H<br />

Hii> •'..!(; ii -^iH11-r iiiitil IHK pare'Ui<br />

I i-i in i;,-ii in.in Fli.iHln 11 wns ufti.r<br />

i.i. li.fl Him Price tumid the iilhi"'<br />

-?iil,Mi iifiiih'^ ir ,hi- Siniih Minimi r<br />

Iliii!<br />

til scltli" dust.<br />

Mr Habcuck has given these<br />

Kenni'ily. a briiiiii'i' <strong>of</strong> ill.' Inn.-! thc-r>- u- ,i real I'nu-rui-r.i-v i<br />

'cenn Cily imlici-nian. Danit'l Ki : n-1 spi'i-uil |i-I'llii'aln.ii v. ill wrii<br />

liiiincet, io Assemblyman Natilutlk-I neiiy. was tri-iili'd ill Ihi 1 hnspiliil Mrl|jlinn fur il<br />

Mmilh. who had i-nuferred with | .mil iilluwi'il U) roliirn in hi* 1.111110 -pi,,. ,,;iiui!i m- suiiiom-.f ii- h-<br />

railroad mi'ii abniit thi' dust and llri,s Chris-<br />

lina l/iilie base susfiested that people<br />

who kneii' Mer diirintj tin" nian>-<br />

years Hhctifjile was corresponibng<br />

sccretniy <strong>of</strong> the Hostess House fur<br />

Conviik'iicent Girls, send her cyrtU<br />

lit- letters for Easter.<br />

They should he mailed in time to<br />

rj-nch iier just bnfore Easter, For<br />

more tliitn a year, Miss Lulle has<br />

been all invnjid in Cedars Hospital<br />

in' Beach til.. So,, Ouliporl, Plor.<br />

dia. Ouifiiort is ijear St, flctersburiJ<br />

Until she became too 111 to carry<br />

on, Miss Lulie spent almost a uar-<br />

ter <strong>of</strong> a century working for thij<br />

Hostess Hotise. She was one <strong>of</strong> the 1<br />

leaders in the work <strong>of</strong> raising the<br />

money that liquidated a heavy mort-<br />

gage on the building and put the<br />

Hostess House on its feet.<br />

A diminutive, spunky person, the<br />

dprted here, there and everywhere<br />

around town — "suggesting" to 'thii<br />

balterlei that the House could use<br />

y g<br />

(.lunate; 'sujgesliiig" tliul people<br />

scinic canned good*, that the Housi<br />

needed furniture. iJlurnbiiig repairs,<br />

efi'. tier quest fur diiuiited help wu?<br />

si'ldqni tmresviirded:<br />

Pei'hiips nobody will ever'know<br />

how many hundreds--or thousands<br />

—r( big city, penniless workinM girls<br />

she personally befriended when they<br />

becume ill, She always managed tj<br />

squeeze them in at the Hostess<br />

House for a period <strong>of</strong> seashore eon •<br />

Mileseeiice. .whether they could af.<br />

lord to pay anj'thiiig or not.<br />

The Hostess Haute, a strictly nqn«<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>it orginljation directed by a<br />

group <strong>of</strong> svomen, was Miss Lulle's<br />

pride and joy, her life work.<br />

Now the is a crippled invalid in<br />

Florida, unable to leave her bed<br />

And ihe will greatly appreciate<br />

heiring from <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> people, A<br />

hospital it a lonely place, especially<br />

when you're far- away frem old<br />

friends and old sceneej.<br />

t'li! roadway. Mr. Lear said!<br />

A surface dfainage impro%'ernent<br />

prujpcl alonjj Bay av. was carrlei<br />

out by county contract several<br />

niontliN ago, in preparation for the<br />

paving<br />

TIME and TIDE<br />

Campnird on the BMwh Frwii<br />

I-oiittH.rl llil.lgo. .(1,1 II mln.i «th<br />

PtrMl Bridge, O'l'l K mln.i BWiUfl<br />

Point DrklK,. n.lil 1 hr. !0 mln.: HIM<br />

Slrmt llllgD add 1 hr II nlB<br />

t<br />

*—ASO<br />

C<br />

DrklK,. nlil 1 hr. !0<br />

llrl.lgD. add 1 hr. II<br />

• Pll M<br />

dd h. II nlB,<br />

• Pull Moon p nrlgM<br />

i>r Daptrtnint at r<br />

bHc iiiti<br />

r-f<br />


1 •?"-,, —<br />


Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 30, <strong>1950</strong><br />

icr Visitors<br />

In Florida<br />

Enjoy Reunion at<br />

Daytona Beach<br />

r ». and MM. C. H. HanicH. S722<br />

;, CMltrel av., have returned to the<br />

yrwort from JBaytona Booth. Flo<br />

BH from Daytona Beaih. Flo,<br />

P<br />

" TO they have been sn]nurniu;;<br />

m NovenibEr I th southern<br />

h<br />

been sn]nurniu;;<br />

In the southern<br />

. y nuyEIDHvfj in tuv *>..-»>,,v,..<br />

? eltf they were <strong>Ocean</strong> av. neighbors<br />

p'olllr. Mid Mrs Chester Hopkins,<br />

rtoal summer residents at 2M3 As.<br />

• •¥., who also were wintering<br />

drove to Key West md other BUMS<br />

<strong>of</strong> interest, calling on Mr and Mrs<br />

Frank Dows. <strong>of</strong> !4th ft, and Central<br />

IV . in Del Ray, and Mr and Mr.<br />

James Shelles-, 2Slh st. and Central<br />

av. in Orlando, ^<br />

Samuel O Hopkins, also a sum.<br />

rrwr resident tit 24th st and CiMllnil<br />

nv who had hren ttiyrin)! hi Cal-<br />

ifornia and other western states<br />

dun the winter, arrived at Day.<br />

tnna Beu.'h iati' in February til iit-<br />

tend ,i farewell lum-hi-jii for tin'<br />

Rehbiirn?. M In) were leaviiit; lor<br />

Ihi-ir Oak Lam" home<br />

Mr< AIDr-ri Omir und lii-r lin.tli-<br />

i,r Lri' RiMiiii-rl. H8 W Allantii-<br />

bivil iiHtt'ri Mr iiiiti Mrs Hiipklns<br />

wink- i'li r.iutc to Furl I.aliciertiiik'<br />

?m<br />





PHONE 1380 818-817 ASBURY AVE.<br />

Quota is Set for<br />

TBoncTOrive<br />

Thrift Preserves<br />

Freedom, Public Told<br />

Eimi'i 11. B.il.sl, Stair Having<br />

Bonds Commuter Lhiiilmliri. «n-<br />

iiounrnd ihis wt'i'k iliiit Ni'iv Jer-<br />

sey's -K 11 HlllHl »illr» nbjli'llvo fur<br />

the Iiid.'ii.'iHl.-ntc Drive i* S23.H7.V<br />

(UK! The nulimiiil uual ilis. Insi-ii IJN<br />

TrPa i iir> Scnitafy SiiyikT I* Sn.i'i<br />

nnlliuii<br />

Mr Huiisl s.ud tliiit ll'i' -|i' i11U<br />

liinipaijiii, %vhith mil I'III-M Mi'% I-''.,<br />

.in.l r.in iliiuiiiiii July 4. mil li'i- i<br />

tun' tli,-' l.:heriy Bell a- 1 it. «>ii'bi"'<br />

,sii,i H.i^c ii,r >,uir ii.tif-iiiui.-'i<br />

Bui I'nilf-il Sliili-i, Sums- Bum<br />

;i, it, .lut.iM (J'II.I.IS li.r .ill V'<br />

.FiT-t-y iiiiii.li.'- .ii'l 'i -in .. ,| .,!.:<br />

uili !,.• .iiiiniiiit',! Uitrr<br />

SAVING ilKI.PS All.<br />

Proclamation<br />

WIIEHKAK, llu- Hn-i-iilent nf Ihi- I<br />

nf Ihi' Stale tit Nr« ji'l'M'V. ll.lii- I'l<br />

CANCEri CONTROL MONTH: .'"it<br />

WHKIiF.AS iiu'tlii-al..uitll«i IIn'- • •<br />

, | , . i , . | o | i i - i i i u - i T i i ' i i l f l b i - »,i',i'i! i.% . . n i<br />

V ' W H K H K A K . I h i - n i l . ' •'. i-- '•••<br />

Hi-iifUii.-. "11 I h i ' i • i • 11111111.. i 11 t • i'i M - - r . l i .<br />

n l " l l l t i i llilll.l.'i! % . i l l l l i l i ' r i ' '" -I ' I ' - " I<br />

l i i r l l u i . n - . i - j i . L . i-.liii . I ' I . - I , •,!'! •''"• ! '<br />

WllKRKAS. !,, il,,<br />

ri'ii.iiiliU- "lir i-ll.irls iii<br />

THKHKFiiHK I 1-<br />

l':">. N .1 hi-rrl-% in,<br />

ili'it SlMi-<br />

-l..ni'-'ii il;<br />

m ,.'..-w.-.i<br />

.II..K".-•• ..<br />

mil ul AI' i<br />

i II,- . II..<br />

r..|a. Mil<br />

Schools in Safety<br />

Poster Contest<br />

Moat in County<br />

Are Participating<br />

M...I , i C.,|.. M,i,% Ci.<br />

.,r!ii.ip,,iii:i: ,<br />

.,1,1. |...«l.|-<br />

-..I hi Hi. Ni'<br />

. , iy,u.<br />

,.i i ,,| i i n . • - » , • ; ' ' : . •••<br />

I H Is.• • ... t M.......<br />

( r i INTH. 'I. Mi 'N I"!<br />

Triii-hcl<br />

.! In.-.ll llllll- |<br />

.h.l.i: l..n;il;:in ,,l SI,III.' I I H I - j<br />

l-.i|... M ri I'liiiiiiv |iil siilrlll. j<br />

,,,,-, -i - i. ,., k I'.ipi' M.i% |<br />

I, , ..in, . .' ,11 I..- iiiilUi-il ill III.'<br />

• I .. 11,• v Ciliilill iii II I II<br />

.:, ,.-. Ti, ii..i...% Apr.I ill<br />

A,...,-i.it<br />

„(<br />

;,ll,,li, I'.ii- !<br />

, Tli.' IK'S' !<br />

iif aih ti.iil.. '<br />

"ir , . .'i.niini! v u ill !,.- I<br />

,,., , ......!i ...iiipi'lilli'li i<br />

, . .11 - •, ,'i.Inr i'. ,11 I.,- I<br />

-.,-,- .," ,11,1- ,.' ill'- ..I."<br />

. .-,,, i.h,,r, ..I 111.- N.'i'<br />

|.r<br />

Bnli!,! "ill.-. I lliil.k nil ..I -...> Il i.li/<br />

111,- ln-1.1-1:1- pi .ii%li.ii irulilBI-1% I"<br />

a i i i l hi"l|i. ..II "I II —ir.i- I'"!<br />

• r.nr.iM- i.r.il llu n.ilior' S.n.ii;, .<br />

i\\ AHii h Hi >\VK! Ii V.<br />

Cff*<br />



U«ve <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> (10th Street) i<br />

To Mapktt St. Wharf— »SiS3 •.m._W«ekd«y»<br />

To <strong>Mar</strong>ket St. Wharf— N 3:43 p.m.—Weekdayi<br />

To <strong>Mar</strong>ket St. Wharf— *Si20 p.m._Sun,, <strong>On</strong>ly<br />

•UhMiis m innldnnrirlil fur llronj Mini ! *tt .n:> iiihs :.rl£! full I" |.<br />

lits ff'-'". -n\ .' t lri.i! i all 1 I<br />

HI-I'II .n dnllar.- Hiii IUL: I,<br />

|<br />

ufil ;^ ei-L.i\Lin:ie MrrnLnh Anil i'-. i<br />

thr u.iiiH tnriay in 1 neiil iill ll.i'I<br />

Cancer Is Like Criminal<br />

Group in Human Society<br />

UVM Like Paraiite, Taking its Living From<br />

Law-abiding; Kills Host That Nurtured It<br />

Bt Thr Medical Mivii'li "' ' " .' ;<br />

Sru ,li-l'*l'i ' ' ;'..,,' .,' . ; :', ^ -. ..<br />

I%I%.- Self.,i ' Api :i i I',,,., .-r l'"i ' i '<br />

1 : ''- :i '• . - - - •- ..- • • ,-•'•• ' ••<br />

I fllllll I<br />

.- 1 -l.ll.:<br />

I-,,I ..I ,: .i.iill..<br />

,•1 *V iriii.<br />

740 Anbury Avenue<br />

Phoe 2185<br />

Quality MeaU<br />

Fresh Killed<br />



Freedy's Drug Store<br />

is honored to present<br />

t f i - n t l h un.I sla.Mi-.a | i , , « i r ihiii :-. ; . . M I - I I ! ><br />

iilii'a.i i,' ,i> U u i i m p . .'I , ! M , i , i n u [.-in .i.,i: >r '.,::-. , : , ! - , i<br />

n> ni: ll.i' iilliiliiiv lii'fi'iih,-^ ! I ui' \' '' , ] (, , ^ , 1 , . |,i-[.,, ; | 1 , :<br />

T l l f t l l - T H O I . S T K K S K R U K I K W I n i i [ l ;i , ,|,1, ,1 l,kr ,11.<br />

• T h e slnjliiii fur o u r i-umpiiiilli I " | m i i n « « " ' '<br />

h c i n ui^S'lv d i n M ' ! ! -H4UI' I n r M , u r , T i n i.i-L.i' > IC .i ' -- 1,<br />

inik-poiiflriH-j' Bii> r n i t r d Hhi!,-? j nriLihiil,- ,i: ,i -^••••-M \<br />

|HTs"ntil w a y B y ri'aiilur . i . v i ' - ; . uii.,i|,« ,.| . < l u .ui- I,.II<br />

flMIM'.L'lill M-l-.llil. 1 - I'.r y i ' i . l n l i ii.:,M i.i , ,i::; : „ Inn-.i ..'.I..-I<br />

>i.lir 1,111.ib 1:1.1 .M-,1% In iU'.-uli.iil.. 'I : ..I!;.;-. : , : K . : i .1 •• ,-<br />

ihi- it-niiiy >i.,i n r t d ;,• 1,,-iU-i- M u i r . ..Mi.-i- ': , \ -,i::4.' " U<br />

Thompson "Bill<br />



305 Eighth St. - Rear<br />

? MOTHERS!—f<br />

i Bar ¥w I hildrrni win<br />


y REASONS Wm<br />


Great Nev<br />

ir iiuiiriiii tj TIIIIIUKI: il.riii V I • 1;..! .<br />

In] (i lii :.,ivi- HIM- i.:iln>i',.'il i rli-riTi...- '",','.',',''<br />

Ihini!.*<br />

fi.<br />

iiui- ! "',<br />

*)<br />

a great new<br />

Important moment in pprfiiitier)'. The [ireniiere<br />

prcwnliilioii <strong>of</strong> a grcul, new |icrrunio froiii France—<br />

by Lrnllieric, Jong f.minus fur brilliant fragrance<br />

crealion?. You'll lo*e Re|iai;lcc. It's no willy, m<br />

expansive anil it l.isis KO liciuilifully. An utterly new t<br />

and Hiuving fr.ipr.mic cxpcricnio (hat inokci<br />

iniiginalioii twinkle. In de luxe |ircs(.'ntaliuii!i<br />

also in purii-tize flaconi.<br />

Mo*., $8.50 1 o*., S1SM 2 oi., $25,00<br />

1 dram Replica, $2,50 2 dram Replica, $1.50<br />

flu In<br />


701 ASBURY AVE.<br />

WM. II IIAIIT, iiucliir In rh..,nur><br />

PHONE 0901<br />

« c I , y e l . y<br />

.4is liiyH hi'hiN I,, liuiiil up n:ir (ii,,r,ii :<br />

ili!is,fii^ .is i.l'H 41-. our ..rnlinniu- !<br />

"M<strong>of</strong>f Amprlfiins arf saving<br />

mflre than \%t rvrr savpd hpfnrr.<br />

Individual liquid sdrinc* air<br />

about J'^Oii liillinn, or ahnut four<br />

Hull! uhal «p had bfrorp ilif<br />

«sr Individual Atn'rlran. h.ilil<br />

our S«S',. liilli.i.i uiirili <strong>of</strong> Na%.<br />

ings Bonds todiiv 4ind muff than<br />

SM - bllltan <strong>of</strong> 11 In Scrips "¥*<br />

Biitids. Dur Bond savings ha\r in-<br />

ornsfil in f\ppss lit ssij hillliiii<br />

since lhC uai-'s fnd,"<br />

Thi- Nan,mill Ut'nci'.u.h:,- SHIPIV<br />

?,i>fc im Aiii*k;ni ^.'al?.k!n I? ^,, pli=|<br />

,ihl.. it iiiii hr |i4tsfcr,l ilil-niidi il niip-<br />

kin rinu<br />

How to Solve<br />

<strong>On</strong>e Building Problem<br />

See Page 14<br />

Don't Forget<br />



Delicious Home • Made EASTER EGGS<br />

\ \MI -. PI I iis I in I<br />



Get Your<br />

SUITS<br />



SKIRTS<br />



BAGS and<br />


at<br />

Malcoms<br />

S3S Atbury Ave.<br />

Phone 2742<br />


Live Baby Chicks<br />

We Will Give You a LIVE BABY CHICK FREE with<br />

each $1.50 Purchase or More <strong>of</strong> Easter Merchandise<br />


For Our Delicious Home Made<br />

Cocoanut Cream Easter Eggs 59c to 5 4.95<br />

BnuUfyllJr Dtrorilcd _ N AMDS PUT ON FMEK — I Ijhl HlteN<br />

ft Also FRUIT and NUT • • - and BON-BON EGGS<br />

with «eh Herortlfd K«—i compli-lr nril <strong>of</strong> straw. Jelly KHH and Vclloti <strong>Mar</strong>Jimall.,w<br />

All rudv In «lvr m in Me*l UirT! Itaadj. in set In »iiv baskti:<br />

Look Your Best<br />

for the<br />

Easter Parade<br />



ASBURY<br />


923 Asbury Avenue<br />

j Phone 2681<br />

'3.<br />

. viiiitiiiiiiiiniiiMiiiiiiiuiiin<br />

Selection<br />

f Stanley<br />

tmm Juno*<br />

Volland<br />

Reaienably Priced<br />

• Norcross<br />

ier Crest Variety Center<br />



At'antic <strong>City</strong><br />

Electric Co,<br />

Common Stock<br />

Arthur L Batten<br />

845 Brighton Place<br />

Oimin c.ilj, .v, ,1.<br />

kepretciibllvi<br />

Woodcock, Hesi<br />

& Co., Inc.<br />

in «. Hrniirt w., i-iiiiR, ». rk,<br />

MfMilirr. I'lillii. Hnlln. Hl.Xk null.<br />

Phone O. C. 1858-M<br />

and WaeklBti<br />

WE HAVE<br />

MOVED<br />

To Our New Location<br />

805 Asbury Avenue<br />

f hi The N«ti(iiia! Hank <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Building )<br />

Grand Opening Tonight -7 P.M.<br />

We invite you lei iiime in and browse around iii<br />

our Firsl CUas .lowrlry Stoic.. Stocked with fine<br />

IjiaiiHiiids. Wniches. Clocks and Silver.<br />


Localill\s clock foreman for a<br />

nuniljir uf yo.ira,<br />


Wrtiihif, will lie repaired by a jiHntleinan who is<br />

H Kindualc <strong>of</strong> f!,,; New jersey School <strong>of</strong> Wntch-<br />


To the Persons Who Guess Wheti the Clock<br />

In Our Window Will Stop<br />


' ' u 'i < "I"' il rt.i!rBl,lpi' ..till A,k lor iin litilfv niiiili,<br />

Miijlif ifr*M i.n<br />


« ill* Sli. unit S5.Vr«r I<br />

• llmki-ni' mill RuIMm'<br />

( .H,|.rnil|..n NnlifllHl<br />

i.ir IJcIMilnl Informiitliiii Call<br />



mm fnrifir * . . Ui»l »«"l<br />

AiliMllif «'((*, Si, J.<br />

• ' • • • '<br />

THE<br />

BLUE<br />

FINEST<br />

SHOES<br />

FRENDS<br />

OF<br />

i<br />

LINE OF<br />

IN TOWN<br />

SHOES<br />


How to Solve<br />

<strong>On</strong>e Building Problem<br />

See Page 14<br />

; "That'i Ser--i«t Cai----, •' •- fr : r" *ted police,<br />

. . . He always brings in hii man:"<br />

Judge Orders Parents to<br />

Send Children to School<br />

Private Teaching by Mother Denying Two <strong>of</strong><br />

Necessary Association With Others, Court Stys<br />

Mr :!••( Mr- J..I.;- M (I Hr:i. r, I)<br />

I,;.-, i- I.I-.-I, i-ni.-i-i-i l,i C'i.-ir.:v ,!i:,;;i i V'.i<br />

l li. I-I >- T . - M r i.i.'.iin i. i I.I; i in-11- i i . ; - ! ......<br />

• Ill ! ID II,, S u . l l l i 1J. i .-..! -• IM...1- ,- T .<br />

II,• ;,!<br />

; Tl... rliiliir*.,- -.'- l i e "- iil'ir;.-<br />

I nr. u r i i - II., i , , i i n ' . : - - . , i , , s , .,,;- |),., „ , , -,,-,! l;|,;,,,-.,<br />

Ii .' '.' i l..'i.il><br />

Phuiif IS44<br />

Dr. Roger G. LoRosa<br />

Optometrist<br />

844 Central Ave.<br />

UCKAN CITY, N. J.<br />

i r j - . i , l l v l.f .(<br />

|<br />

'I ,.' ih ' i :„. in,ii i_,\,T ,.t l.i.n,..<br />

i<br />

irlilujll h.i. I rcli i- i-il in M<br />

11 .,1 ,! M' rl . K 1,1 i,iih<br />

, Mniiiii.i! Hi.i- thr> v, .<br />

M<br />

The Suit That Goes Everywhere<br />

Looks Well Everywhere!<br />

SUITS<br />

$17-98<br />

Gabiirdinp<br />

Cheeks • Pastels<br />

AH<br />

STUBBS'<br />

Dress Shoppe<br />

717-719 Asbury Av. 4<br />

Open Fri, and Sat, Eve.<br />

i , i ' t ! , , i ' ' . i l : . : i | i | i i - i l l.\ h . i k i.f , •<br />

. i l u l l ' , ' . ... . 1 ! . . . i h . T . f, l . l n - i ....'-.. ,<br />

•i-i.. ' I I I ' . L ' . . i n i...I I , , ! ! , I.i, j r . , • • • ..[<br />

.,, ; . n n i l 1 l l . : i l i i . ; m y r l i i m u . - t I n n •<br />

i ' I d n !. hi'-l l i i i i K h l 211 v i - n r - . m i ,<br />

• • I ' I . I I - . I I T .iliil -.liclli-l- l . i i \ . - II .-::•<br />

111,-1• i- '• I h i - i n r i - i l u i i i i h i ' i i i i ' i l . " I ' - 1<br />

i:.,i i n t i n - i - ^ n y d i i v L i u . ili'.i l.ilii ,.r<br />

I n - T i n - i - i i l i l i ' fi.i-k n l r r i - i - i i ' - -<br />

.•1..II..M M i l l , i . t l n - i " i - l i i l t l r i M i I I . - I I ' L '<br />

,i, I - , I . , I i n M u r k iiiiil K i l . ' i - i i . l i - i i t -<br />

,::. 1 " t h i ' I ' . i l M ' l i l M i ' i : illLIt I I H ' V i i r '<br />

i ... i . - i i n i n II i - i h i i i i l i, n i - i j i i i i . i h i '<br />

',. I iiiii | , i ' . i \ n l i ' i l i n l l i c iiiil.li,-<br />

., h , , . . ) . i n M i . , i h i l - i i iii-.il t i l l h i-l-.i'l.- '<br />

$1,100 Quota Set<br />

for Cancer Drive<br />

t'ontlnqfd frpm Pajf 1<br />

Ilii- Tiiiuliii 1 l.»|jit:il r..r Ihi- i-i.r.i-i-r<br />

,'IIMII 111 ill,-. J-J liiiil i» ;!|,|i|-!i|ii'i;,1i.i'<br />

!,, 1, ;,.! lii.. ihiTLiiiy rui,in ;ini! ;ilnii,>1<br />

^:HIMII i:- rnriTinrk.-t! fur i-.nii|.in*>h1<br />

I..I' II..- iil.miuwlii- h.'ulli.l:<br />

:,, ii.-i-iiiiMihil,- ii M,Mb!,' fiinii .iiirini;<br />

t-i.i-i.iil ,M-iir.«. iiiii! if Hi.- IBSfi .Irn.-<br />

u i]i !M- KiinS.-n'iu IIIIHLN liir i'MiiUmii-<br />

. nii-nt i.f ii ItHTapy rliliir n! thf hu«--<br />

il.iirii. III.' rhiiirniiil; '-iii!.!<br />

! rij-."-sinu*. nri' h. IM^.: riirni.,-.hi.ii ii,<br />

;i niiiiiiu'r nf ti!r,-t-r |i,-,tn-tii... h\ III;I:--<br />

i.i Ih,. niiinc iii't!iiMiiMliun 'I'I-I-<br />

III,-I|.1IT ill MI i> I'iil'i-liiikiiit: ii ri-v<br />

ii.iilitin I/Him-.' ritrii un t-iir.i'i.i' i.,!-.<br />

lii.l. I., l.i- inii.lt' iiwiiliibi.'. ni..i-i! '.Mil:<br />

fuiir uthi-r- iili-iMily nwm-il. f.n ,"l...v--<br />

im: li.'l.ii'i- ii'iy iirij.ini/iiliiiM ir- " i-<br />

i-iiimly<br />

Summer Resident<br />

Speaks at Meet <strong>of</strong><br />

Vocational Guidance<br />

Willinni ,T HmnHlnH ;in fi,i',,:-<br />

rily Minim, r ri'.-iiilt'i:! liir 2li yi-.ir-<br />

.ill.'l .liri'l'i.ir nf Inll'llFIVf C"• ,il.• 11 iI • "<br />

C'.nirH.-'. Vi W ISlh ki . il.lilr,-^,'.'<br />

tin. Niiliiiiiiil Tii.-illiriiiiil (iiilii.iii'i-<br />

llii.l.liin Hull. Alliiiilii-Cily. Ills silt -<br />

ii-i-1. ' HIKIIHWS Kilipliiynii-iit Ti'«|.<br />

llm". lillOI'l'd JJlllfi itJll «US)i.'«lM,l!, Illl'<br />

uiililiini-i' i-iiiiiisclliil'S nil litili/lr,'!<br />

tiirrt-ti! H':-tinM prm cfiiirt.H<br />

Tins V,II« Hit' nut Nali..M.i| fun.<br />

\ fill II ill nf Ihi" iiKMiriiiti'.il".<br />

Mr Iliiiiillinii |. ilii.ii nf Pi-il-i".<br />

rhiliiiifljiiii.]. nur! rxi'iiiiKi' H^ri'.<br />

lury .if Si-hi'ii] AiTii'iliiiiliiin |.i-<br />

'.In.'kry Iliiw flu vim II1JI1141 Sil- il<br />

liiilH: 111 MI m;iry uiiinrt ^"' i<br />

Will. slih. it's like ills I \i]i!»|i."-<br />

in ti.' iii,r^*.'> frit: [tiMi^ ;ifi- ii-.i, sin-<br />

li-t lilt' lil I li-. iiml lii.rsc* wiiiit ins,.<br />

im' inu.lt' Intii j^hii' "<br />

I I...,..,lml ad, rinllj iirp Ihp J<br />

(timniunin iradiiig jiu^l." ht i said. \<br />

Us , fjilint bflHpfn Ihr Hill"! we i<br />

run flfid ihr fnilrr rron su lliin ^<br />

..I tilt- IIIHII, iUi petiiili'. Uhll Ihfir ' ^<br />

T' • i i n ..: .: ',•.'. II. • . :,;>• I,.-'- ' J<br />

:'.',"'::.v".: 1 •..•.•- M ;;;'::,J":,;:; J ;-'i<br />

,;''"'' •'••••••.'•'.'• l l •.'<br />

: " 1 T' 1 '; 1 , ; , r ".' ; ; v ' " ' ( i f<br />

«..Ii.|'. ii.J M.i.l h.-.-.i ill miMiiMili. ! i<br />

I<br />

i.viHVTiiisti AI>VI-:RTISKII J<br />

|,r,,.in,i: ki,,iv,l, ll,i- V,,,rl(l B i d , li.- j X<br />

..mi I li.il 'jip'i.c I it-iilU i"\i-rylhiiiit 11,.' *<br />

•k Houndstooth Checks<br />

• Solid Color.<br />

• Smart Plaidi<br />

\ iryhinu I<br />

tl.tillV IN IlLlI !..!!-<br />

IM I..it" hi. l...i'(in'ii. i.wi.rc ..I il".<br />

•1'h.. , t u b h m l ii« IIH Kiit-^1 Piiul 1.<br />

Aiki-n. nl Alliiiili.- C'lly. In-lit.-1111111-<br />

Lj..M-1-ii..r ..r D m - m i l 1. «ii,i pn-B.-i t-<br />

,'J ;i ri-iMli.-iili- Ir.iin Kiv.iirns lnii-r-<br />

iiiitii.li..I l.,r h i . H I h (' Miilllii-ws. m i -<br />

tm-.li.nV liinl |ii-. sill.-ill<br />

('..I (.' S S u . i k i - ii:i-ii,l.i-r ii[ llu<br />

S',ii,.'I- I'nin! , liih, ,iiii,in,i . ,1 lli.il<br />

Kriink li Iliirt. I.'I'II.IT In-ult-niiMt-<br />

Mm,'N!"|- -..:i, ili-rhiil Ui-tl y,'-ti'lH:i> i<br />

In,in Kli.ii.- Mi-inni'iiil ll,, m !, ! II,,II<br />

J 9 liincli<br />

\ # Hiilmtiii<br />


.•Hid .IAVSON<br />

limiiln<br />

IE«-HHI<br />

0 Tiill<br />

• Pink<br />

• dii-y<br />

• Hlur<br />

6 Uhll.-<br />

NFU K.nlfr Sty Irs:<br />


55c to 1,00<br />

C'ularfuf »r S'ral Drsirni<br />

The ,<br />



637A»buryAv. Phone 0186<br />

K. Twe, Prop.<br />


new low price JTM<br />


ffi|i<strong>of</strong>frtd for A1RFOAM,*59<br />


Whin wi loccibtr. talk ftuiirnt and hundlriga<br />

•re fuirintHd Isr 29 tun ifiinil dilKil in nitiriil<br />

AIRFOAM ii super-cushioning — if nivir sagt<br />

or hollows, never needs turning. In millions <strong>of</strong><br />

tiny air cells buoy you in restful comfort, It'i"<br />

non-allergic, dustjfii, Cool sleeping, odorteji.<br />

HtJpi prtvtnt body «hei and itniDS,<br />

fflMni lODY-UNt SUPPOiTI<br />

Independent spring action <strong>of</strong> the Red-<strong>Line</strong> found*.<br />

lion rests body in its natural position. Keeps back<br />

ttraight. Supports every part <strong>of</strong> body in healthful<br />

manner doctors recommend.<br />

• TM Tht Goodyor Tirf ft Rubbtr Compitiy<br />

« TM The Englindf r Comptnr, Inc. • '<br />

•$&*<br />

l<br />

,,,,,,,i ,, i.i, „«.: i<br />

Til UIIIT HUU<br />

;,rn.-il ..ut |j,\ ^<br />

Nmarlly Hlyl«d AH Woel<br />

SPORT<br />

COATS<br />

Extra Value at<br />

and<br />

, 1 .,1 I..- HUM- J<br />

r \<br />


"I,<br />


• 1<br />

I<br />

SJ 1 * I 1* •<br />

¥svtr •,*• •<br />

SKNTlNEIvLEDGER Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 80, <strong>1950</strong><br />

I Bom to Former iB th# Une "<br />

rie Wilkinson<br />

ter 0 - Hulli . LInifrif - Arcrunriri<br />

All Barcivt Hljht-it Qugiii} t'leinlna A llif Be 1 ,! PrrrMim I'rrviin<br />

*" Skirts Laundered<br />

Pressing While You Wait<br />

m<br />

Special 3'Hour Service<br />

We Operate Our Own Plant<br />

K «nrf S CLEANERS<br />

Phon« 2746 3210 ASBURY AVE. ^<br />

W# Strive to Do the Impossible — Please Everybody^<br />






HtllinitttMIMMMHiiMMHUHW<br />

j Furniture Repaired<br />

and Refinished<br />

VaUneei . Kitchen Cabinets and<br />

Corner Cupboard* made to Order.<br />

. Reproductions <strong>of</strong><br />

i Penna. Dutch Antique Furniture<br />

rhoBC n Wrlle I's for a free Estlm.te<br />

MtMtiM»o<<br />

HID A»lli KV .ASiM K '<br />

IMIliSK 0l«i!<br />

Earl<br />

North's<br />

Wood Shop<br />



by ANDREW and CLAIRE<br />


CLOSED<br />


NKll JII1MI.IU<br />


inniiuDiiniiiiiiiiBiniiiiiiiiiDiminiiini<br />

HELEN'S<br />

Saauty<br />

H,ir Timing Fidsh C,.. {<br />

8th St. at Central Ave, . Phone 0936 V'... \<br />

Helen Glsh, Prop, »" " .-' N<br />

•CLOSED MONPAYSmra IIUQlllililuiiii \ /<br />

.„ . . . rij»i#iio, (lalirr — ( nr,,,r|ln fillliiij,<br />

>£M O »*•••»• CLOMP MONO A >«••»••«<br />

For Your NEW LOOK<br />

la CUTS and CURLS • - See<br />

Connie's Beauty Shop<br />

MM A.bar,<br />

-•. Ni'riu.ir KniMiii T!".-iri>d!,\ i::.:h; , v<br />

l,i..! -.ii'i-k ,'i tin- limn. "I Mi.- Kiii!.- I .. ••<br />

r%i: Wilks (Oil Brmhlul. | 1 ' p i •<br />

"TI..' '•ti-aii''!-. w:i.« I'.'' '•••"'•.• « ! -i ; . ' .i'<br />

|, junl DraiVi_ Nithl |in-i;r.i i!l 'i" I r " * . i:.','"*,!"S]'r '..'•'. T'^flr 'N!|UM U.I'I. : I"IV<br />

• t *:•'.' l'i .•!•!>• .-••> ••«••' •' '• • s \ ) ;,,-., M r . II I) l.ilMc M r -<br />

. v n<br />

. • • • • . . • • • • • • : .i > • • ' • • • ' i ,. M . „ , M , I-,, , , . , , . S i i . u n ,,, .<br />

k : : : . , ' I ! ' .. A '• • • > . - • • M . i i i - . i l i '<br />

v- i'<br />

M I-<br />

I • • Ii:<br />

I'... 1<br />

•!.^ir// 1 i^-.^;. 1 :-^.,;:',-;' County D.A.R. to<br />

l.'n :Mr. -\V I.. r Honor Mrs. Way<br />

: : :.,'::,• S,'<br />

f ; ' i ., - i ! ;.. M - ., .- M i -<br />

| M . l . - I . f . l l I 1 !. 1,'iii i l . " . . M ,:• :<br />

i - . . i :•. M r „• •! M i - I - . . : i, Ii. .<br />

!<br />

Frigidaire<br />

Home Appliances<br />

AT<br />

PALMER'S!<br />

i,,<br />

I V.-<br />

Chevrolet and Oldimobjl<br />

I 1111,11) \IKI AITI.HM I-.s }<br />

1117.1129 Aibury A e. J<br />

Phone* 0235 - 0236<br />

t<br />

»•»••••••#••••••••«•••••<br />

Dieterle's<br />

Garden Spot<br />

; :7th St. & West Ave.<br />

: :Phane 2724 We Deliver<br />

We Have a Beautiful<br />

Asaortment, <strong>of</strong><br />


', 'Grown Especially for U<br />

• LILIES<br />

: • TULIPS<br />




• AZALEAS<br />


A Wide Selection<br />

Artiitieally Arranged<br />


and NOVELTIES<br />

Reasonably Priced<br />

Remember Your Dear<br />

<strong>On</strong>es with Flowers<br />

We Wire Floweri<br />

Anywhere in the World;<br />

'.C :• \,<br />

Ml" If., 1 i- I'll<br />

\ u !. .'. ..• M i -<br />

ll v ; " c ; •'•. :<br />

Beta Sterna Plans<br />

Spring Card Party<br />

_ Miss Clark Hnnnr, 60 Attend Legbn<br />

,, i', Sister on Birthctav Au> iliary's Party<br />

Baby Shower for<br />

;Mrs! Earl Shaw<br />

M I • •<br />

'-•' • '. 1<br />

I, • . ' I .•<br />

Sunday School to<br />

Sponsor Recital<br />

Ufa<br />

'n.. l-'.r<br />

. l l l . T i ! 1<br />

''.I.,!'<br />

II.<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ilyn HughM Honn;<<br />

First Presbyterian<br />

Church<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N, J.<br />

'!" '""ii:; I i- I l.li.<br />

RECITA L<br />

IhursdHy R\ = t*iiinp,<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch 30 . 8:30 P. M<br />

IMKIIIN i in i 1 .,.,,,<br />

ill-i I'll II |' U!,| i | ,<br />

(' II II i, ii \ \i<br />

i ' i . l . d i i I,,,,,, i ,<br />

"•• ' .ii/.in.ii.i i',„.,,..<br />

Mintzer's<br />

• ^IIIIIII.II,,,<br />

"' Hi'." I I ii-i i • il ii I II i<br />

li.ii ii<br />

11 ( i Ill' i II.-i|. il, in,,,,<br />

'" ' '""I'' > C.iiiii II, (.Liiin,,.,<br />

111 "iMI|.lii Mi,.,,. I, ,,,<br />

" ' ••'•••"•Ii- K.'.l,l,<br />

" Will •> liii. « „ , , • s,.,,.,<br />

s - • • " • H " i " •«. -.l.-ll,<br />

•> • I" I II.I.IMIIM , l h, |11(,<br />

-"'..I 'l'ii..|l,.,w',,<br />

'il i ! HIM, I lili i III<br />

IN II I! ill 111 VII I lioii; | | %|,<br />

Hi. S III Si, \i)[ i n I, ( 1,<br />

u III •' . i , UH; I;| *||M| s 1 »<br />

(•• I Mi I ill Rt II i'UHlili^<br />

iiiMn..;il..U.h fnlfff\ilf»y 1)11. Ki., jiil<br />

V111 \lt| C OltillAi I V<br />

IWITIill 1(1 M i l N|,<br />


Phone 2346<br />



In C'ni'iHiiiiil Irpiiii, . , , H|<br />

25c - 50c - $1,00 $1,50<br />

Also Fruit and Nut Eggs<br />

50c and $1.00<br />

946.048 BOARDWALK<br />

4Ut Year<br />

Play Staged For<br />

Women's Club<br />

'Sardinei' Proves<br />

Sida-Splitter<br />

A hiliiwiK I'liiy. 'Siirriiiiri" w.i.><br />

^i iyi.,1 hv ih. .tr,,in,i d. piiriniiiii .•!<br />

mi- Wniiii'i.'- f'hil|».'l (l.-|.,,ii ('Hil..!.l<br />

Thiii'a.l.i> null f..l' I'UII. iT11• i-1-<br />

i(''ilh 1 '.\"ir.ii... -Jnlll t'.iiii .il .n<br />

r11ri• -1..i i.\ M i - Kli'.ni"!' IIHi-..i.<br />

1!,- il..\ . .-I iMtliili.i Mr- Anin'<br />

i '..i! i, 1! .Mr. I- ih.-l A.l.n.r- • Mi<br />

il..r..'l,i I'.ll:' Mis Hi'lU 'I...ill-<br />

„ I .1 .,n.i Ml Ni s ill- l'r,.|.,'i-l|. -<br />

I M , , . ii: ,'!i:,,f "I Mr- cdTini'l.'<br />

111-:., - Mr- l.i'i . 1 . 'I 1 ,.'.'. II..,.|I.| ,,.;.|<br />

Ml. 11. I.. i'.,ii,.r<br />

1 ISIIIM. \ II I Al.l I III M I<br />

•!•' •• : •• ' . ( . , . i ,:.!• . 1 I ' , ' - I " ,!!<br />

: •. ... '..:•...:, . : M i • i .• . . " . . I - M r<br />

• . , . r , . I.-. ...|-> I . , . - 1 ' I n . ; : N , "<br />

V . : K M : " I W ..-, I... i :• i i . i l . - . . ..<br />

1<br />

: - . , i • . M l - i . i ! ... • : • •••'<br />

. , M .. N . • - . - ' . . . . . . ! ... . . . •• .-<br />

I I i i — * I I I K I i i l N n - i I I I I I I ( i<br />

U, S, Pharmacists Coni'.nc<br />

CEEL'S<br />


1I3B liimr.siin Avf. riiime \ya<br />


Steak Sandwich<br />

on Italian Roll . 30c<br />


ii % VI Ii, II I 1 . M.<br />

Mil- I I < I I It MIcI I SI I In<br />

Submarine<br />

Sandwiches<br />

Small 2Si Largg 45c<br />


616 Asbury Avcnuo<br />

Phono 187]<br />

H i ••III.-, |||.,( •,,i<br />

i fibre li )<br />

as I Clisf fibre is ifMWi out from tig<br />

, b,iu.<br />


DRAB? DULL?<br />

Are First Grey Hairs Slowing?<br />

Try Our Sensational Ntw<br />

"MISS CLAIR0L"<br />

Call Today fur I ii'ittmrnl<br />


Sfh Slrrt-t and (Viiiral Ave,<br />

H i l l s (,1-H<br />

Phone 093S<br />


5th Street and Wesley Avenue<br />

I i,iii \ i A '- \ I i Ml. 11<br />

i i l s M i;<br />

] I'.l In !• Ill, I' II<br />

Phoni' OSfiO<br />

SF.RVINC<br />

A Special Full Course<br />


EVi-;. April 1 • I'ALM SUNDAY. April 2<br />

S 1.35<br />

• \s\i \\ His si i;<br />

i si,,HI I-I K r. >i.<br />

i I, Fltror Prop,<br />

nillllMllllli'liilMllilliNIIINIIIilnillliillllini'llll'lllliliiyilllllllllilillilllllllllillllllllllllllllNIHIIINNlU<br />



J; | OYSTERS,- CLAMS |<br />


j Cooked Seafoods to Take Out |<br />



I ' '" ' -IN" I 111 M II I I.IMI ni MIII.S 1<br />

| I'i ITI !! II \-ll I'm .in siLMl I<br />


1 WeDdiver - • - PhontJ348 §<br />

i CHRIS SPENCE •<br />


j 10th Street and Afibury A/enue I<br />

MI We ^^ Y ° U atld Y ° UrS<br />

rxM 4 Most Happy Easter R<br />

^ Wi»,dOw Th, Cifl for Not <strong>On</strong>lv Now BU'.TN.-?.-' """"• EiKh ' h Slr< " C ' ' ^<br />


C Toil<br />

U and<br />

PaU-lU". wilh t-aih box <strong>of</strong> f<br />

• C A N D Y *<br />

U l h > K b<br />

r " : W( H • OKELTINi, CARDS • "<br />

V " " ? " " • ' "•"• ^"-•• 11-., , . i ( • „<br />

I ' i . i l i i i U . t . 1 1 . I . . . . I i , | . , . . . i . . . i . __ .<br />

"I I lu if hm,!,,.,, 1..I,,<br />

M'l f I \l. M 59<br />

^•1 iiililc liiiii.il I i Mini—I nn "| ui,,.. ( ..i,i<br />

liJimliriri, \ ,ii,r li,,,.. „ '<br />

M'MI.U. V. Q9<br />

; J ^ ''K,,,"r"!!,,,,";ii;',"V^"'""" •'<br />

t/b sPK(iu"'Vi'"""" •"'"'•*"''g9'<br />

• ......_ I<br />

" '•" '""' '••-ll.l Kil i. nit I : ,P,,,V v.^ 7<br />

-'«- . 1.33 .^<br />

."'!'!'"' "!'. l(ni -* "' '•-t!»tfr Cin.-1'tinr; C«iriji.<br />

•i 1 ,'!!!,',. l ,"'' 1 . 1 ' 1 :' .'""! < "NlhilllllOII. Hair l""<br />

M ""fi,::,,:,,;;;:':; 1! ; h v •" i ;" si ^- *<br />

^ >pr,,,,;'1, •'• 11 -*' ! - 1 I _ - . -• - 'i Itlll^i-^' '<br />

% Q Q<br />

!T IIH. ^.fS<br />

-. 4q. ,lf::•"••"•'"••••• 39' %<br />

••••»»<br />

I-IUCIS<br />

HUGHES'<br />

>.!'( i<br />

II,, s,.u<br />

"i si.,;,)<br />

97<br />

' •" ' ;.-;,• '.m"",':T '':" k '" 1 - Vain, ^g, -aU ••<br />


Eighth Sirect and Wesley Avenue<br />

We Call For and DfelivM Pr<br />

NUiv liLOHts ;<br />

ana M.i,a|le, UOCTOHs IN<br />

D t pfc ^<br />

ABTIIlm Ir<br />

f<br />

•••• WJ<br />

T<br />

public Card4rty<br />

by Sorority <strong>of</strong> 25th<br />

If You Need a<br />

SUI S AllIi^TV <strong>of</strong> t L I H.0WKRN<br />









ROOFER . J<br />







Will Find Him in the<br />

inel-Ledger's<br />

ling Directory<br />

Wunder <strong>Mar</strong>ries<br />

Music pier to benefit Iht wtlflrt<br />

fund.<br />

It allo war decided to have n<br />

plans for a public rd party on white elephant party April 11 at<br />

ApnUS were m«do' ilhc Gamma the home <strong>of</strong> MM. Eila Bevan, 830<br />

Fsi soror- Wesley sv.<br />

iKht at the<br />

home <strong>of</strong> Mrs j liurion, 819 Pnllou'ing the huslncis meelijig tin'<br />

will be ingroup<br />

played canasta, and refresh.<br />

AnicrifiiM LnKiiiireiiiiis on tin' mi'iits were served.<br />

Phcne 2935 * EsUblishtd 1934<br />

Oft«; National Bank Building<br />

FRED S. TARVES, Jr.<br />




: B37 Asbury Avenue<br />




Swifts Brook lit-Id Cftc<br />

Butt«r ...._.. Ib, °^<br />

IN ill HIT hits<br />

Swiflg Premium QR C<br />

« Sirloin Steaks Ib.<br />

Burks Rib Ends QQc<br />

Pork ......... ib, OV<br />

Morrelli<br />

Pride Bacon, Ib. 49 s<br />

I I 1,1, i,INK 01<br />

Frozen Fooe . Groceries - Fresh Vegetables<br />




LLOYD'S<br />


937 Asbury .venue Phone 0277 • ••••• IUVHI<br />


Corsages<br />

• & • •<br />

Orchids ' Kn»iPH ' ciardfiiiai - Kti 1 Philadelphia Girl<br />

Rite. Solemnized<br />

at Bride'i Home<br />

Thi>, marria|c <strong>of</strong> Miu Thelitia<br />

Waldron, <strong>of</strong> Philadeliihia, and Joseph<br />

Wunder. 7 W. loih B|., <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>,<br />

WHS soIcHinijpd Friday at the homo<br />

(il tin- bndi'. 103.1 S. B^th si.<br />

The t'cjupU* will hov: nit o|if"i<br />

liuiise fur Ilipir friends Saturdaj<br />

,<br />


l,ii>, HydraniiFa, A/.aii'a, Buses, KU-.<br />

1<br />

i'Vi'iiiiMj at ihuir hume here.<br />

Given in marriage by her father,<br />

Jtihn Wuldroii, thp bride was allendecl<br />

by her sister. Mrs, Arthur<br />

Christy, OK matron <strong>of</strong> honor. Hn*nrd<br />

Wunder, brother <strong>of</strong> the bride,<br />

groom, was best man ,<br />

Tin' bride wore an aquamarine<br />

liicf street''length dress with corsage<br />

nf yellow talisman roses Her aU<br />

lemtant i-hnse niult iafTiMu. with a<br />

fursiiKf cif ri'ri roses.<br />

A ri'i't'iilion folluwed al Hie bride's<br />

lioinp<br />

Thosij iiiieritlinE won. Mrs Anna<br />

Wuntlpr. Howard Wunder. John Waiiliois,<br />

Mr. jincl Mrs Arthur Chrisly<br />

and iliildn-ii, Betty Ann and Nancy<br />

Gail, nnd Ml. and Mrs Matthew<br />

IUTIIIU.<br />

* * •<br />

Medical Society<br />

Auxiliary Names<br />

j Conclave Delegates<br />

Di'li'Kiiti-s 111 tin- annual sliili' iun-<br />

IviMilKir. (if thi- Wuii,r.irf Auxiliary<br />

nl tht- Mi'diral Hni-H-iv nf New Jersi'i<br />

were t'leded by Hie Cape May<br />

An<br />

10 years, with an analysis <strong>of</strong> theiiil{|il<br />

al the puhl hunii- Hi' sui-<br />

need for more adequate financing cfpiis JOM'iib Dur'nniiu<br />

<strong>of</strong> educratiur. threufiniiut the stute.<br />

The ni vv oSTU'i'rs will, I.,,' ftiririalIv<br />

D. Norman Blull willl bo Ihe nar.<br />

fator.<br />

instalk'd at y [lubhf riH<br />

Parents from iielKhborind communities<br />

alsu hdv*? b^en invited to<br />

attend<br />

# i *<br />

Tell* Soroptimists<br />

<strong>of</strong> Communism Peril<br />

Dr. R. S. Sn,vd«r. Prfsbyterian<br />

t'lergyman from Charlotlt. N C . wn;;<br />

truest sprnker 'fhursclay night last<br />

week at a mectniK "f the Siiroiiumisi<br />

Club <strong>of</strong> Ottan <strong>City</strong>, al Plvmoulll<br />

Inn. His uildri'sii on the world<br />

threat <strong>of</strong> Cnniir.uni^m uah similar lu<br />

thai given 1»iL" Kiwanij, Clulj and reported<br />

plsruherc in tins iksue<br />

The Korijijtimist niet'Ung was fallowed<br />

by ii card party rondurtpd by<br />

llH' Ways and Means Cnmmitiee_ in<br />

benefit "ihe si'holarshiri fund Refrtsbini'iils<br />

were serveil.<br />

Baby Shower Honors<br />

Somers Pt. Woman<br />

Mrs. Mildred Mjiirr. nf S(,mi>rf.<br />

Poinl. wdh yut'jjt uf hiintir 'riit'hdnv<br />

myht at a baby hliuvvcr Mivi-n al lln<br />

home <strong>of</strong> Mrs. Phyllis Bnlion. Sin<br />

Asliury as-.<br />

Iniyre, Mrs. <strong>Mar</strong>Ki< Wniiiriiid. Mi-,<br />

ilazt'l nisuii, Mr,-. Jnrry .Sniarney<br />

Mrs Alvira Miiiiiis. and Mi?.s Doroihv<br />

HnsUrr ScnfliniJ ^lily but unable- in<br />

attend were Mr?. Belly Jile> ami<br />

Mrs <strong>Mar</strong>y Puidyku.<br />

nt's cuinijulfiory hc-iilHi Steel Pier to<br />

insurii?H:e jirupcisal<br />

Re-open for Eaiter<br />


Steel Pier, the worlfl-fniiicil Al-<br />


lantir <strong>City</strong> aiiHiscincnl iT-mrc which<br />

The third birthday anniven.arv nf extend!, half-a-mili. mil in na. will<br />

Charlotlu Townsend, dautihter" <strong>of</strong> re-upeii for a spfeuil biilulay sliow<br />

Mr find Mrs William D, Townspnri over ihe Easter week end, April 8-3,<br />

Ti'.i P,nnaclo rd . wiih ceirhrati'd Tnidltiiinally Ih'^ b\u aiTiusPimMit<br />

Kuiuiay iificrnrton with a party at pier hiis brur unshuitpi-rd fur thu<br />

I111 In,nip fur ii Ijroup nf playmates ' limr stasiiiililly ill tills piirtic<br />

Tlic ihililrcii injoyod rpfreshmenis ,.,.:>, holiday lime fi>r itver Su yror*.<br />

d a tples isi<strong>of</strong>i pru|irain<br />

It lias always played n IcaiJiiii; purl<br />

AttiMiding were Carolyn nr.il ill the biu resort proMrHin whuil an.<br />

Mjirthn Thaypr Jniin and Fredd ••• nually briilKS thousands <strong>of</strong> visitors<br />

! i ! ?mT4 ;,! 8 T!<br />

p, In.. April II. It was ancuui.i ell<br />

others elected were Ser.h'r st bnim ! in!' ;ib',L!t :>!! b,.^ vu.i<br />

i'layi'd in tin- V F W Jiininr B,r,k,.!. |<br />

ball Ij'iici,,' duriiit the MTI.'.I.I I' 1<br />

uuii reiHirlt'il Ihiil bnsi.|iiiil , ..n j,c<br />

lujil lesr ilu- bnys 'A ill MM.H I... .i.iri,., 1<br />

Church to Have<br />

Palm Sunday Rite<br />

A Pdlm Sunday program will be<br />

eonduclcrt at 3 p m. Sunday in tlie<br />

Tabt'rnacle Baptist Church, Blh si<br />

and Wost av , undi->r ausjiices nf the<br />

Pasifirs Aid Hiiriuly<br />

Themi' (if tbt! suvicc will he<br />

'Gods Message lu .. Ihe ,Se v e n<br />

Chiiiclii*,' tu "lie CUM icd nut with<br />

special ihiisle. inturprctaliiMis iiiiU<br />

g"uei,l siHiikfia The Re'. W N<br />

Wilsun I.-, |j.Hstijr <strong>of</strong> thf t'hureh<br />

Sea Ids Building Booms<br />

Tuenty-tliree buildir.iJ |,,' mi's<br />

VUe is^urrl Hi Kea Islu C::> ii J.i!.-<br />

1..1IV ;!l;d Ki'bruary IIUtU'jn;e 1^ fnr<br />

1 1 -,t bullditiiis Ir.MjeL'lur Vir.i'tnl I,<br />

l...iiiiir:i'..'i reiiorted Tuinl i-'ist il<br />

I.e'A' Inilldinn fur tin- lv. 1, il.i.: Us<br />

«.!>.- J58.4S0<br />

Ni.w fictfi-Kt.Titj. uli Ihe M,.,i"ke!<br />

keep Liiisi, lustrciup They si ill inir,<br />

ui- ui the ihshpifli striuikUrS^ iir.-:<br />

II - M,,,lr<br />

Spaghetti Sauce CAi:Pt,<br />

null 1'nrk »"<br />

'Full 1 ,.,. li.lliilll l.ni.rir<br />

IlliiilP Myilr iillililll «1HI>1I<br />


Ph. i.iaij 1028 Simpson<br />

\li* l^^iif \ flillH TFHliillg ^1 it ii PS '<br />

ftir A\\ *<br />

JiiM'ph Wi-rb was acliiiilli'd :,, ., ,<br />

IH'W rnumlTPi- uf ilii,. ijost ><br />


SciilliU'l I filcci, S3 per ypar, by mail. I<br />

ffl is a —<br />

UNKLi HANK S£Z<br />

y g thou ds isito<br />

Ihr liiilirrlu'iilk f<br />

Cilv<br />

Alln<br />

1 in 1 I (H II 1 1 in '(<br />

tti'.iri!.- A HnniKl. .Ir . pn-nlcnl 1,1<br />

NOW<br />

OPEN<br />

Stri'l Piw. prcdii'ts 11 1>IJ: M- 1 i l l<br />

Ihr |)it>i- and thr IIMMI Tht- pro<br />

i in ipappi-d diirini: lite Aintei<br />

MHMitlis will l)im^ tlir worlds hmiii'st<br />

n nd hradlinrt's st;i(;i<br />

Daily Except Thursday<br />

ieafood Restaurant<br />

Varied Menu<br />

Steak Platters<br />

L CAN PUf A aoOD DOS<br />


MtNT AND Hi, WIU. IND<br />


NO<br />


rt DO6S<br />

..creen r.ul <<br />

THI leli-viMi.n sl;ii',-.. up to anil in<br />

finding liitp Sfptt'inber Plan* ill 1<br />

in.' iiiulri v,ay to rp.open thp thi'atr<br />

1 SKr! Plrr ^hu'h housed st(ij.:t' an 1<br />

inu^if ^1 pi i\ (hiring II 1 1 t t it n<br />

fo. the (irst tnnp<br />

A nuarter.million dtilliir impr',\<br />

rnent and re-dpnn atnij; |nl> nn tin<br />

pier will keep 11 up to tl'e pristine<br />

standard uhtdi has mi,dp it a v\orl<br />

di- atlriirlum f,,r t,>un.st> for (In/.<br />

1 11 if vi-iirs<br />

.liniiiw Dorti'v and Ins fainiin.s<br />

band will lie the Iirj.I (,l thp |ijirndi (.mnJ<br />

<strong>of</strong> stills to apptiir at Steel I'HT ibis<br />

si 1 1 Porsev i:. tn he the K-iMi'i<br />

hiilidny iiltrai-lion. 1,11 Apui,! H ;md !)<br />

Mth the Five Dp M:ire,, Sislei<br />

•iinijini,' stars <strong>of</strong> the H'red Alli-i<br />

Show, and .luliiiny DOWILS. head<br />

linniK Ihp stii^p j.h,,^ In :idihlj< 1<br />

tin re will bp lilm.v uiid ollipr f, 1<br />

v l l l i i l<br />


\ / 'Alrh'od'gh he ii<br />

/ \ fundomerit<strong>of</strong>hy<br />

' o chernisl, your<br />

Renoll pharmacist play, an<br />

important role in promoting<br />

the gerieral health and<br />

«lfors <strong>of</strong> the cammunity.<br />

>Iiti;;(- f-ni-T rnn^ts JUIG<br />

' mritrfnlors mm'l iil:-jr.f<br />

pin lif-<strong>On</strong>Mik tfi tip*- liin< run<br />

t.. I Oil- TA(< Altl.Mt I'll<br />

It ii o role for which he is<br />

'particularly well fitted . . ,<br />

a role which he is happy to<br />

assume both ai a eltiien<br />

end os • pr<strong>of</strong>essional man.<br />

Your Rexai/ pharmacist<br />

is a good man fe know.<br />

Gef acquainted with him.<br />

A HkAIINt.. »lurt Minn<br />

m<br />

I C < - ( I ; tlM- f U K f H, |( 'Your Doctor Knows"<br />

(fcomnirnded by Uynran H!n#<br />

DEEP SEA »i nn<br />

PLATTER #1.«)U<br />

11(1 I l.iuiidiT. Drvllcd (nl)<br />

levlled Clam, t ray Salad, Kriet<br />

lysler, Colt SliH', Srallups<br />

lulirnnr I'ol.iiorv. I.rtlure ani<br />

iinutii, KDIIN, Butter £ Caffe loi<br />

$1,30<br />

9th St. Off Boardwalk<br />

IT Sunri'<br />

Pleasantville Man<br />

Joins Hitchner<br />

tin- nih<br />

.Icilni J. Taylor, formerly i.f Phas<br />

iliitsille. lias btH'onio associated wit.i<br />

thi; real estiile <strong>of</strong>llee <strong>of</strong> WIMMI'I d K<br />

HilchiH'r, I3lh si. and Pleasure ay<br />

here<br />

Mr Tavliir has eslablishpi!<br />

home here at as W 17th si lie for-<br />

nu'rly was iii the yaiiise busiiici. s in<br />

Plcasantiilie. ,<br />

Some species <strong>of</strong> cp-riifpr evergreen<br />

trees have needles which iasi lor<br />

Sis or seven yrars<br />

^iMiiimiiiiiiiMMiiiiimiiiiiiiiMiiiiiMMMiiiiiiiiiiillmiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiillliililiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii<br />


We Have Just the Thing to Make<br />


A Personal Success<br />


Has the Most Beautiful Linm <strong>of</strong><br />

SUITS<br />






1 visit OL;& saw SHOWROOM AT Tiifi JRANKLIN KAITORV<br />

s * . '<br />

Weekdays<br />

B SunUuy-.<br />

I<br />

Famous<br />

* STORE <strong>of</strong> STYLE<br />

WOODBINE. N. j,<br />

HOURS:<br />

- . 10 A, M, in 1 p, M.<br />

. . 10 AM. lu 6 P.M.<br />

Lady<br />


HOODBINt I-2I7whi'rp<br />

R.OYAJ<br />


SHOE STORE 1<br />

945 ASBURY AVE.<br />

"Mmmm .. • Bacon & Egg*<br />

for Breakfast!"<br />


CORNER<br />

To be goorf, food mutt b«<br />

Irmih.<br />

For even thi baft <strong>of</strong> food<br />

. losti flavor and qualify wifh<br />

Hire art the steps wt~fqTi~<br />

to Insure the freiNniss <strong>of</strong><br />

A&P foods:<br />

We buy only the frtihest<br />

feed direct from farm or<br />

foetory. Wi buy only for<br />

current needs.<br />

W«ihip ft quickly to itore<br />

or warehouse. We keep it<br />

under proper temperature<br />

and humidity conditions.<br />

We price it low to tell<br />

quickly.<br />

We guarantee everything<br />

yeu buy ef Air* to he fre?h<br />

end flavorful. Please tell us<br />

if It isn't.<br />

Please write:<br />


DIPT,,<br />

AJrP feed Stares,<br />

420 Lexinf ten Avenue,<br />

New York 17, N. If.<br />

UP TO J', POUNDI<br />

Pork Roasts<br />


Chuck Roast<br />

Sirloin Steak<br />

DHSiiB.BjiWN.: . ._<br />

iTfWINB CHlCKfMS—3 TO<br />



Porterhouse Steak "«"-••«..<br />

Crosscut <strong>of</strong> Beef<br />

Sausage Meat<br />

Him O!<br />

Baked Loaf PiCKli 1 PIMiNTO<br />

Fresh Sliced Steak Cod<br />

Fresh Fillet <strong>of</strong> Flounder<br />

Lowest t'r<br />

Season for Aiparagui!<br />


Asparagus<br />

California Broccoli<br />

Iceberg Lettuce<br />

HIGH q<br />



Fresh Eggs<br />

wnoMiii IAIGI ••OWN 1 wmn<br />

Fresh Eggs<br />

Sliced Bacon<br />

CLOH.TilMMie<br />

•ONIiisl<br />

•OLLIO<br />

iwlFT'i. FELIN'J<br />

SB Blli?'!<br />

ttiei<br />

California Lemons im<br />

UISI<br />

Florida Oranges i7i nn<br />

New Green Cabbage<br />

Sunsweet Prunes Ui 21c<br />

I-*, WHITKIIR O Ills,<br />

Seed Potatoes<br />

bun.h<br />

( nrlit. liair<br />

( liiiipiiua. Wi-lb i<br />

.ID liii, i ,. iiriu liiili<br />



Butter<br />

08 PIMIN1O<br />

1 MWi'mtifin Imw 67c<br />

Ched-o-bit Cheese Food<br />

Hot Cross Buns '£%,<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>vel Bread SJIJ?'" SM I*;! 1 Me<br />

Del<br />

WHITi 0t UOlBiN<br />

STTL1 Ot WH0LI I<br />

neinz Beans WITH POSH > TOM4TB UMI<br />

Sliced Pickled Beets MaM( " '<br />

Banquet Cooked Chicken H,<br />

Grated Tuna Fish f"JW °'<br />

Cold Stream Pink Salmon<br />

Maine Sardines %Siiffimt I<br />

Del Monte Sugar Peas<br />

Easter Chocolates m<br />

* Small Easter Eggs "I! 1<br />

In '.. Ib<br />

MINT!<br />

J Cocoanut Eggs»^,.o :,.;" 29c<br />

*Cocoanut Eggs -I '^ 25c<br />

"Sic<br />

"85c<br />

% 43c<br />

13c<br />

25c<br />

"SIC<br />

17c<br />

Sc<br />

25c<br />

lie<br />

Fruit Cocktail" MSNi<br />

Niblcts Golden Corp r,;,;;; 2<br />

Evaporated Milk m 4<br />

Sliced Pineapple mmt>m '<br />

Salad Dressing /«, t' 25c<br />

Pineapple Juice B 33c<br />

21c<br />

45c<br />

33c<br />

39c<br />

%Sff% ir 2<br />

Paas Easter Egg Colors '' lie<br />

Paas Decorating Kit<br />

•IN BUT 101(1!<br />

ISM<br />

uni<br />

I<br />

15c<br />

33c<br />

35c<br />

25c<br />

23c<br />

89c<br />

55c<br />

49c<br />

45c<br />

biucioys wOBTHMom AISOBTSD IAIKI<br />

Jelly Eggs u 23c ::43c<br />

PllPiCf FOt iASli* DSCOI«TIONI<br />

ii Sur> ID its Our Beautiful Sslactisn «l<br />

Fios Qu«i;ty laiiif Canditi<br />

8th STREET »nd WEST AVE.<br />


_IITEH MAiUaiT « SM . Mil BTBEKT. 00B4H OttT. OTTT"<br />

^<br />

- '

„ » • •<br />

WAmpm<br />

Thijrg(tayrJtfarch 30, I960<br />

m Som«* Point 1<br />

iiil<br />

^ MH. Alunnder W. Sabum, Reporter —<br />

Postponed<br />

Prtwfor<br />

<strong>of</strong> Bay<br />

^ POINT — <strong>City</strong> council<br />

r nifbt pottponed final action<br />

Dd tlnw on •a amendment tu<br />

n^-j ordinance, which wouM<br />

. MUjjtructlon <strong>of</strong> cabins and<br />

within city limits along the<br />

i Landing road.<br />

Saw peMponenient followed<br />

<strong>of</strong> a totter Is council from<br />

huFch, ebjecting to<br />

modification <strong>of</strong> pres-<br />

Chsflei Smith, Bornt<br />

Charles Mink and Chnr],-<br />

voted for the po§tponement.<br />

Councilman Raymond Hyde<br />

from voting.<br />

»•£• BAT DMDGINf]<br />

approved unanlmouily to flx th,!<br />

salaries and termi <strong>of</strong> rSce <strong>of</strong> cur-<br />

todians and janitors at city hall. The<br />

salary <strong>of</strong> the custodian -'as ie! ui<br />

11,400 a year, and ihu janltiir il.SCii<br />

with BU iippiilntmijrits (u be fur a<br />

one-year term.<br />

Four tracts uf eity-fiwni'd kiml<br />

were sold at public bUldlnij. and<br />

council BUlhiiriiwri advertising seven<br />

other parcels uf iuilii lo IJP Kui.l<br />

April IS<br />


Cuuncii ulsu jiiissecl nn 1'irM n-uil- ; l^ r<br />

inj another unlinunci' fnr lire !,afi'ty Mri<br />

requiring quarterly inspiMt'tiiiiiH in Mains<br />

Pocahontasto<br />

Install Officers<br />

Ceremony to Tike<br />

Place April 21<br />

SOMERS POINT — Plans were<br />

made to install <strong>of</strong>ficers when SilviK<br />

Moon Council, Degree <strong>of</strong> Pociihonun<br />

met in Ihe Lesion Hall, Linwooii<br />

Fritiyy evening. The tints was sel<br />

for April 21 A covered dish sunptT<br />

will folhiw the meeting.<br />

Mrs Elisabeth Hi'im was select"'<br />

keciMir uf records she will he n-<br />

stalled with the utht-F ufTuw?, w!;.<br />

have LtM'n elecleil<br />

Mis Esther Huiiffiliuchcr. Semen<br />

int. wiiS Mi'lvtmnd hs u now im-ni-<br />

I .ii urn McC'arr. Mr». Effiinii<br />

siic 1 Mrs. <strong>Mar</strong>tha Miirgpn wen<br />

requiring quarterly iispueUMh l<br />

be made by the iiro chief in public nppomtfd an<br />

d h l h """ ~"<br />

p<br />

buildinp und filhor places when-<br />

hasariis may exist. The measure<br />

provides fur proper sloroBe uf vs.<br />

plosives and other flammnble ma-<br />

tenais. and reMulales imdalhiliun u!<br />

(ire uieapei.<br />

Mrs. Fred Smartlijy was (jriiritPii<br />

permission to establish a fefrt^h-<br />

main iturid at Ihij athletic flelii.<br />

'rile Shade Tree Commission, in ii<br />

uffi<br />

They will limn will! the (li-sl<br />

t-urH and trusttu'S bi-furu the nf<br />

mtu'ting. Friday. April T Mrs. j<br />

sephlne Bird ynd her rummilteu w<br />

Ki-rvt?, refreshments at this mt'ijlir<br />

The trustees weft? asked til 4<br />

range for a larger ant! more SLTLI<br />

iiibiilet Hi hull! lodge bi-!nnginp<br />

Anhuuneenierii wiis maiie thai !<br />

installation team <strong>of</strong> Silier Mi,<br />

to inbt.Liiliii(f nesv ol<br />

- en* <strong>of</strong> thi' various councils in thiif<br />

to press for action hy : trees in some iiarts <strong>of</strong> the city, and tjjstritt Mrs Et!a Boiijjhlv is den-<br />

state in ttredgtnl the bay ;o , suSKesltti Ihe removal <strong>of</strong> dead IfefS , uly a n d M r s prnjly lli.irinan. li.i.iij<br />

"- more adequate witer depth | in from <strong>of</strong> Grace Lutheran church - • •<br />

committee was appointed,' ni: reevnt report to Council, cummenni'il, r,<br />

.n <strong>of</strong> Freeholder Arthur! the Bell Telephone Co. for irimminj<br />

* q p<br />

the city-own«l pier and bath-<br />

MCh._ Tht cominmee includes<br />

" nl Mink. Adellui and<br />

A comrnunicatlon was received Their s<br />

from Mrs. H. T Ei-khurtli askinii for |,,wg;<br />

placing <strong>of</strong> a street nome sjgn on<br />

! Braiidock Drive It was referred<br />

ordinance was introduced and to the highway committee<br />

April<br />

Ld<br />

-' I<br />

Money to Lend<br />

• G, I. Loans @, 4%<br />

• F.H.A. Loans @ . A% %<br />

• Private Fundi - I'"! 1 -i\. Kiirnishi'il. !<br />

7990 I<br />


ROBERT R. BENNETT, Asi^u<br />

14th Street and West Ave, | Phone 2949<br />

rbor' Ai<br />

Great<br />

Name* <strong>of</strong> 1<br />

Weterwiyi<br />

I<br />

TM n»ni« s "' th'W Mil Jencv<br />

wi»i were <strong>of</strong>fl||y fe,n,<br />

as Orciit Bug Iftor Bay,<br />

tst tm Hafbur Inlo^ld Oreat<br />

(Harbor River by thilfographic<br />

JHCB Divisiiiri ,<strong>of</strong> Hie lipartmciii<br />

"interior. CongresHmi f, Millc,<br />

OOD FOD<br />

GOOD SER<br />

SOMF.RS<br />

invili-ii In i'<br />

i.f iitlicri' i<br />

VFW ;,!i.i<br />

j ii! tin. I in<br />


POINT- Til,-<br />

Irilti h ii.if,! :l<br />

! Ri,l.i-rt--.,li.'.!<br />

i...iln-> Ai:\ih;<br />

hi.il ..! Vi.lu-<br />

2 ..r W N,<br />

S.ll.K r-fiiiatii- iriili.ri.il) Sltnl'»in ai<br />

•J ririiFtinnis IHIIIK mum. iljninu<br />

lipi kli'-hen iirii! h;i!h I.,,I .'ilKIfii,<br />

fun Mntini-i-, I'l iii> $.'"Ml Kiii-li-n rdf<br />

ill<br />

All<br />

uv.<br />

.K<br />

Ii.<br />

H<br />

Ml<br />

iKh<br />

vau-v IK<br />

nd<br />

P'olnl<br />

. Ml r<br />

S|,,irl<br />

MVr,<br />

••i.-n<br />

. ..I<br />

li. Sf<br />

A'Jh<br />

fn.m<br />

KKNT Rf-siau. imi, eijuiiip,!-,! i.r mi<br />

i'(|ul|i|ied i-iirni'r <strong>of</strong> 'Hh uml I'li-usnfi-<br />

n i:,,,,t! l.iiiilii.n on Eriiiin hli--h,A,,><br />

Wnti- Hm IKiri Si-nilni'l-lJ-ilfi'i v«<br />

fiAl.K Ifniiiri riilfiiL'ri. miuMmrnts *<br />

oumlng hnust- ilih si L*-funi!l><br />

SI.IJW). isiB «i. srauu. laih »i m .<br />

till' ilurlU-n SH-liiin linilUi i I-,III1IBC«<br />

J15 3OO ar mvu sir<br />

-iiM'i I'utiui!!- SI 1 cio, a.fam<br />

n* Si^lIHi ,S-Funi ui^illilenl<br />

HUNT ami flour ul,urtniem .1 lull<br />

ri,i,ftis, 5S7r, fur seu^i.n CNitut',*<br />

SliKlii 4=Lieii!'!>ijm ureiinfruni Auj;. &<br />

Selii. Wii 'i-iieilfoum iinortmrni. Ben-<br />

sun. SSXi Km llsllnii fui luflu. Sin-<br />

siin or stilt! itnv striiun unit [jrici-<br />

In* SJS'J UN MvrPhi-i-si-n M 1.11 h «l<br />

WAI.KHMAN l.onilHI in I in ul uri-u UF<br />

UlliiKe iu enMiiKe tn nyl t^mir iu^i^<br />

ness, on rumniiNsiun ij«>^ "ilh nnl!un:,l<br />

'link,-is. Wi Hi. WnCs Ml I i,nil WiH<br />

| VIumi>• ui, HiitshiirMh 1'u •'):»<br />

WASl'KU Hmitii f.unrh^iineliM ,,'<br />

li;iirit,hri*pr hlunji Henl hiii^I he<br />

feiisuniihi,'; Kteiiarl ^T*l K i'lim hi<br />

i^hih! 44 Hi! MMi<br />

SAI.K RNuminK liiiusi,. nm Astim<br />

ai. Two i-nniiilcii' iiuiiilments. , hei<br />

niums. ,1 t.;.!ns. fui nisheil. hn! I'iiii<br />

heat ggt'ii^e. 2IU, iuindis yi ,Vin<br />

liimL ui Hlfi iK-eyn iii.. Hunda,ss. i<br />

j NI/Mt'K Muli-i •« Ri-siiniiiirii SK! 'nil<br />

| si. re-open.,! "•"'•>• ^ • " " ':;.„<br />

till M) Tin.Is ill iluiilins. ('...I J:»<br />

Ath.fiSii- iii . Api H 'j * ;i •^ l<br />

^Ai.K w&i Hiiinouih running toniii<br />

lliin Bfi.iKJ. 622 Wesley i.1 A,!V:<br />

SAI.H M-ii^ Axniinstt-i I ut- ^iii i'iil!<br />

11J1 or 121TW urin i li, m. mi.<br />

HALK 0 fl Hill fefi !l4eiiii,-t! mi-i.l<br />

Hufidui. .162 Asiiuri i,i. Phtine ia>T>°:\\<br />

Mrs AI:I;I. Ki.l'-v ..' Alh.i-t . c •-.<br />

...Sllli ii Ml- I, >...... KLI l: H ".' •<br />


(iPIllSci I ARI) I'AHTV<br />

SCIMKHH I'dlN'T Ti ,<br />

i-ii'i linn ..I Un Nhi-i-.' A,.<br />

,.f Shi.r.- .M.-iiii,r.;.l ll-..|..'.i! -.-<br />

New ViHkHi . TUI-'I:.,!-"i\.-V •<br />

Mr- Ri-rtri.ili- W.,.-.i ;.i i .'.I.-'<br />

Mortgage Money ?i<br />

ALL KINDS ii<br />

ROUSHER ||<br />

93S <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue {!<br />

List Your Pro^rty<br />

For SALE or IfNT<br />

With This Offce<br />

Properly Lijted with Us Alwaysfcceives<br />

Prompt, Courleoui Attentiij<br />


4100 Asbury Avenue Phone 0?M<br />

HKASCII ,«»rne•!•:; I! Walloll I'larr, i»n. 2113<br />

RKNT Twu iipailfflpnis. > eiir uruuni]<br />

eyi'h hyiP 2 bpdr.ioms. tjiith. HUH;<br />

room, dininii ruiim Kitrhen Hey! ii<br />

hut. water fiirniKhpii HlrHrti i*M ix'<br />

ill. Hhones 1 ,fiJ6 ul oinS-W. .T<br />

HALE Iileiil home (liiiUens Hi-.tiun<br />

Nice cfirner lurotlun, l.lvlni! ii)f<br />

dinliiH rnom, klirhpn. 1 bwliuimiii.<br />

bLiths partly fiirnistieil ull heat. !=ry<br />

BurnKii. UMl uf iiindllliin. Klnani'i-n<br />

Piirp Sin.jili. Slrrli-b. iaa (mn yi<br />

I'honi'B I.TJO in iimi-w<br />

FARM'-- I,,icnied un Style IliKhwin<br />

81'-,, iieres. some tiUiihle, resi In ivoutl<br />

land yhd nieiidnw t.ri,,ini lunisp ui)<br />

J tiediuiiltM. W.SX).<br />

SIIOHK ROAD. <strong>Mar</strong>mora. Ranch-lip<br />

hiimi'. 2 Imjruoim byth 11viriM louni<br />

dlhinM niom kiU.hen KyrnlBtieii u<br />

hrol. Ijii l«i>,lin. Con hii finymvil<br />

H CfSO<br />

hrol. Ijii l<br />

FHio CfSOU. S T R K I f l i<br />

!5H fh-f.-in \,enu»<br />

UANIKI) llu<br />

Burst himst-:<br />

SAI.K DIHIIIII- li.'li. Jf, 2 IHIIII<br />

mis liht' ui'M. to, 2 llliiltn's<br />

In in lirilA 5.HI :ifi!i ITIII si<br />

1511-R<br />

HIM K m<br />

|,I>1 I'll<br />

Mil Mu|.li I ht-f us i mur \Mn<br />

pomliin imn mnlrfil JL.» r > t<br />

!'•».•* I 'I'll l"li tmn JIKI III i<br />

l>i nililii I. i,(l iiimlltli n tin Illmi<br />

oi.ni -,ull*- niiinoKum Mil ill Ar<br />

lit, UI . Jnil f! t<br />

HALK Ffigidu[rp DHPTI I-'? f**^**. ii.s<br />

S'WU. KMJ! SlpU. 'I'ap itMi SlU. -i-l*'--<br />

RiN*d Null*', ptrhTi rtindHinn. %25. lawr<br />

mow* s r iarjff m rnmplPii* 'unjiiv !u-d<br />

$fi: hm-fiiu SS J : i*d(i i hahN Cull Fi I<br />

day: j] fJfFiifl us. i-.U<br />

HALK Ki'fifin.ft* S« : !>ppt'r, %\H (h<br />

bfii. $10; Miikfripuri. buriiiifKlv.<br />

urn! chair 57 T*), ^ufft*? ial*^,<br />

ftshiinK !=iii iifitt friiiii IJ'SK. |hi P<br />

NOI HK TO LIMIT 4 HK1>ITO|£^<br />

Ksliiit' fif i*'hiirh=N K Hchlt-y l<br />

feuft'ri "_<br />

Hu! : Niuini It* ihe fudKnitmt uf jRVl<br />

KiTrii. stumitait' a! 1he Cdunii<br />

i'xiw Muy. tniuiv an the iwcniyMMKh<br />

iiity uf Miirli A.JJ IHrsi>, nil Jhi' t^i<br />

pliiinl <strong>of</strong> ihi 1 subscribe!s !hi> KxtfrUii<br />

if said iit'cfUJitifi. ntiiliv is hi-ioby ai<br />

fu Iht* riudifnis uf sflid rfi-c-«yHfd<br />

exhibit In I ht' subsii Ihfis undpr Oii<br />

r iftti niiltl.Hl thrll riaitIK iind <<br />

niitruls iife-alnsl Mi.- (strife <strong>of</strong> ^iid <<br />

* iteil uilhin si\ nii.iitll.i 11 Mm l<br />

tucnl> vinltlh (Li> ol Mmvli A I) l't<br />






John V. Pontiere, jr.<br />

60S Short Rd., Somers Pt,<br />

Phone: S, P, 8222<br />

Iht ill<br />

i^-..ITiSt ,,n Pi-. 1 VFW.'III-I<br />

I Wetiri.u.ii ,;; il:,. ); t i m,, ,j jjr-"<br />

Frniicrs n,u;er. nr, Olbhs ai wl-i-p<br />

lyiUhiMin \i,ts .fli.eii. I,i]iii-,i i.(i i,v<br />

an afleri'iii.r nf spivini; The iirlii'lri<br />

i'eniL' riiatii' by tin- i in!) \i-:'.i lie<br />

Mild a: a ba/iiar ciurirj; ine siili -<br />

Thi- i ra: iiuij i".,.-ii^ -.,.]!! 1.,- ,,[•<br />

Ai ni IL' ii: ii:e I.II:I-|. ,..' Mr. J.iMH-.<br />

G Si-ull r.ibh« av<br />

iilRl, SI'OI'TS TO<br />


SOMERS POINT - G,,i s.-f-.l<br />

•I'lu.ip N 1 ,. Jli !i;ec-tin(! a: tile Ni v<br />

Yi-rk ,n S. luml Miindiiy evrr.ir,<br />

•t-iiirir |.|,i; . h-r i,n Easter |i,iriy rest<br />

iiei-k<br />

Spring Edition Advertising Copy<br />

IS CLOSE<br />


Teacher <strong>of</strong> Piano<br />

iruiluil^l,! Z.rkurr ll»hn Ihlhi l'«<br />

nK(.l>NKHn Mittr<br />

Burkhardt Hani A Nnn<br />

Bulrk—Uallace Rrm<br />

t amburn, Albert S,<br />

I mmdrn Irnn Work,<br />

(ampbcii, Eduard<br />

I amptx-ll C'a., Edwgrd<br />

C'*pe Mly I aunty<br />

Carey Real Estalt<br />

Castle Inn<br />

(mini Orean <strong>City</strong> A»'n,<br />

t'errull Beauty Shoppr<br />

Chatlerbiix<br />

Chitlln, llanrv Llnyd<br />

c helsea Title and Ciuaranty Co.<br />

t'hie's Canvas Produrti<br />

ChrU<br />

C'hrU Kpenee Reafodd<br />

< hrlstlin Scirnrr<br />

• liy nf <strong>Ocean</strong> city<br />

(iJlre's Beauty Shop<br />

Ciayvilie, Robert<br />

1 o«.sUI Concrete<br />

CalllrM. ,1. P. Co.<br />

CalMhs. The<br />

(Olanlal, llalel<br />

-eommulmr' club<br />

1'onlen'i sons, I,, II.<br />

t'Ohliie's Beauty ^hop<br />

C'orroran llousr<br />

( ornman Kd<br />

(nllip Inn<br />

Craif, II,<br />

Cranston's C'andy<br />

Dana PaAlpj Hllnp<br />

Dan's £ea Food§<br />

Darby, Roy<br />

DavU Hardware<br />

Delliri's <strong>Mar</strong>ket<br />

Deputy, KdHMrd<br />


( t<br />

•ft SENTINEULEDGER Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch M, If) SO ; 'Nancy Goes to Rio' to Reopen Strand<br />


— THEATRE —<br />

Somers Point, N. J,<br />

FRIDAY . SATL'RDAV, <strong>Mar</strong>. 31 - April I<br />



TL'F.SIIAV, April 4<br />

WIDNF.SDAY . Tlll'RSDAV, April 5-(i<br />

\ GREGORY<br />

Tel. 695<br />

PECK to<br />


ilOLHl.l: liATIHK l'ROfift4M<br />


— 4I.RO —<br />

•* A MiTHLISS<br />

SAVED<br />

BinAV . SATURDAY. April !«<br />

'PfBton FKTB Mifl STUART Wiam BISHOP<br />



"NAKED CITY"<br />



Barbara STANWYCK - James MASON<br />

Van HEFLIN . Av« GARDNER in<br />


No Sunday Mai<br />

W**kd»yii f A.M. to U PJVI.I<br />

Phone<br />

0394<br />


Open Sunday from 12 Noon<br />

Prices Reasonable<br />

Estimates Free<br />





1217 A.bury Avenue Phone 2237<br />

IRCLE<br />


<strong>On</strong> the Traffic Circle, Somers Point, N. J.l<br />

SO Ll'XI'HV T*» IS HUM I in ntlXT<br />


Pint, 2.54 Fifths 4.04<br />

GIBSON 8<br />

PinU 2.5S Fifths 4.04<br />


Pinto 2.31 Fifths 3.67<br />


PinU 2.50 Fifth. 3.95<br />

Available by the CAM, 6% Discount<br />

ICE GOLD BEER !!<br />

( j r n i i i i i M i l u i i i l j I F , l i u I ' - ,i h . i l - M m . n i i h i l<br />

M i n i . I m m " S j l i i i I . . M " , I n l i i u ". M I . > l . i n . , l . i l i<br />

i i l i i i l i u i l l r i ' i i i i t - i ! H i . M i , i i i i i i h i . i n l , . i h i . ; i , i i<br />

l i m n - i h i u i i c h • . j i i i M i j i i n , . I ' . i i i . I I .. M . I i . . . . ><br />

I i i i i . I E u l l i ' i i M i : . i i i l i i I L i i i i - i i H n . i i i > . . , i i I ; . .<br />

Strand Theatre<br />

to Open Friday<br />

'Nancy Goei to Reo'<br />

First 'Attraction<br />

I ridai .'ml Salunhn<br />

"12 o'Clock High" at Seaside, Sunday<br />

->lt Biihrrl Irthur Is i \ |il.i iniiii; In (..hii.l l.n i.n r. i k ju I li<br />

i.Hill .1 \*j,* III' ^LiMwd a« i\ Jill! II. M i hiilli ,111-^ In H .^Mj<br />

,ii|.|Hi,.il li. \illiui ,,nH ui ihl M1|,,| ,,,„, iint.i i.i,,<br />

Pi-ill lap m4lr i,i.ir lit ll,r d.n in In In ... i I, luinuill, I,,Mm,<br />

I I.N -. 1> ulluik lluli »lu,l, ni|| I,, ,| .h , , ,,|, ||i, iii, iiiuln<br />

> V<br />

ST»F!<br />


EASTER<br />



riirciUKh Our<br />

Dt'Iicious<br />

Creamy<br />

•' h l i " • 1 I v i i p l :'i. , V<br />

K w i - i i f i n l l i l h h i v . i i i i i :ii-l<br />

C - . . U . . ., i . l _ ! ! , . , . i, , • . , . , , . . ,,,,, i, 1 . „ .<br />

S n y i l . - r - ; , i ; t i n . S i , - , M I. l , ; , \ i<br />

Hl H i - r l i i . i A Ah . h u h > l - ' rli . p k 'I. k I h<br />

..... r >: 4 H I iii t I ii J.fi I l i , . , i s ,<br />

p l.-i,siii .'•-,•••- ai-ii v..iiii i.i in..'<br />

C i i M . n l . - K ' . i i i ' . W . i i , . , , , , l i U i i . - h i , v i . 1<br />

v ifii L'Ml (ll-l .^I.-.l-f ill. I I' 11 I-IIIII 1<br />

A l.li.s.i I ' I . M I I T 2i.il -.I.III! llrj ill.!<br />

B.. :,lrii'i- K,-,li,i ( i . r . i t i , ,i,i, x , ,•<br />

; ; " ! Jli ! II lh l l - A I<br />

(.>,,-.! ' . w . r . 1 1' ! . i . , t A i l i ! , . . i l l<br />

v.-,,. .l..ini l)ii'Jii-> hi .i,.iil<br />

d.i't Ai. in..<br />

Kii.'<br />

Tli. h.ivfi M.icri-ifiptnn 1 Si'.'l v.-nril<br />

(ii«i Mm-) CJiifi,I.«J Flniily liiill<br />

Gorgon and Young<br />

Russia, Controlling <strong>On</strong>e-Third <strong>of</strong> Earth,<br />

History's Greatest Menace, Kiwanis Told<br />

; C iihUiHitMl from \\A%e I ''Y\w f'i .J-IIM MM i» U \V\M- HI-< I U' i;ii ' j<br />

FfitfiiM- ^jii'fKiiM-!] h> ,i i;:l'iiii, ,,<br />

ttiiii-jii-iiilt-ril Nr» .1..;-••! N.-V .<br />

I lit* >;*>] Ui f i* U uprr ,ifnl h% 'h<br />

Pi In.'Hh.h Iti"-i=ii.>-h Ni-: i !, >• --1 i<br />

nf Ii .itfif-if H'j>, if H = f v<br />

Driscoll's Jobless<br />

Pay Boost Halved<br />

A hill ihijri*;isi?te HfuMnpIf»vru r<br />

limpi^MwliliiM linfl it JNiihj! i! v hcnr!i<br />

New Play Center<br />

For Court House<br />

1 I11.111U1 Hi.' v I111 li 1 1 1 II u' .f<br />

l|i. M l\ (\ 111 I IlmlM tii/ii ti<br />

ItiMiliMlU I I. 1 t |\ 111^ 11 1 I I 1 ,<br />

I 1. Illl.t ll I. till 1<br />

W 111 Iii li , 11 t 1' I, il nn in 111 I<br />

nil ' 1 Ki H u l l . Ill I).ill ill 1. 11 ll i i l l i<br />

lllllil 111. Ill III Mil II. Il I nil S<br />

M.i 111 • ! I. ni I I I M |il.m 1 ill 1, 1 1<br />

f. t . 1 ti in it. 1 u n h 111 t 1 h ili 111<br />

[111<br />

M i I I I . M I \ H i m . h i \ 1 li 1.liu '<br />

I . lll..\ I MU I t In I1111KI mil 1 i|iit|<br />

In. Ill I.I V. Illi fuilils til In I li-, fl 1<br />

ml || mi. t.ili nl 'IIII '. mil ml 1 t<br />

1111 I hi uuiiiul h it III . 11 It 1 i<br />

1 the |)iil |ii!-.i' lA Cll 11I1 I Diini<br />

More Water Holes<br />

n Lower Township<br />

Wiiler holes \vlll soon he du^ in<br />

.nu't'l' .Timnship to iirovide n. v\<br />

IIIII.i i.l Mij)|il> fi.l Miliiiitui In i<br />

ylilei in liir.il ,111^ Fiit hfil.U i<br />

:)stnan M, Cnrs

•a 1 r<br />

r. Percy £raw<br />

t Servi ces<br />

•turday<br />

for<br />

; MtnJ»t«rlal Awd<br />

t community<br />

«*W«l Pro-<br />

»(e (or<br />

froinlj(it)DIt lo<br />

r tervtoe <strong>of</strong> mtdlon<br />

tBe 1 sever<br />

_J from the Crow<br />

fi the Fint Prei-<br />

„_ Tfie local cltfgjf<br />

in the meditation!<br />

Oorii neighboring<br />

r.at«*rTO.<br />

Bjo» brought by<br />

7, pastor<br />

SMClal<br />

.J tfit te-<br />

: In other<br />

to attend<br />

ated with Tot<br />

ftttanal, will be<br />

m B)ifter Sunrise<br />

aw open to the<br />

the service* will be<br />

next *«k'i issue <strong>of</strong><br />

I.Ledfer.<br />

i d£ Connrmatlon will be<br />

• nan Sunday at II s.m<br />

.ice In St. John* Evangel-<br />

•nn Church Thts folJBW-<br />

[ptoplo who c<strong>of</strong>tipleied the<br />

1 • hntiiictlon will<br />

* i Graham, Ida<br />

. . berger, Jamet<br />

Mutter and Harfy<br />

The Rev., Frank<br />

be distributed to the<br />

after Uw service in<br />

Jon « ttUt tSt Palm<br />

. J the Water wis greeted<br />

; branched a* Re entered<br />

i htrt<br />

r'a, icnnan for Sunday<br />

Must Be About My<br />

1 v- 1 ' -.•.-' «- -.<br />

to Open<br />

on Pier<br />

For It<br />

the 6pHns season Is us follows:<br />

April B—Dr. Sidney Carrel), worldti*Tefcr,<br />

missionary *Kecutive. as-<br />

--'-'-' with Ybulh far Chrtat In-<br />

"TKe African Prince'<br />

ouUUnding missionary<br />

_JI picture <strong>of</strong> 1H». will<br />

iolini<br />

life *hown<br />

Apt pfll IS ~ Rev Albert Lament.<br />

- utor <strong>of</strong> the N«rm<br />

Church, Nar-<br />

_jl program<br />

Htuwtirpaiy well-<br />

Lehlgh av Baptlsi<br />

Itlphia, plus "Lchigh<br />

av. Male fluartet*<br />

April t9~-Bev Kenneth Mesteller<br />

pootuar youth speaker and pastor o(<br />

Haddon Heights Baptist Chun.li<br />

Mufical program<br />

May ft—Christian Youth Cinema<br />

with <strong>Mar</strong>ry G Bristow executive di<br />

re-t<strong>of</strong>, presents t«o Sinptural<br />

Sound-Motion Picturci 'Kindled<br />

Afljime". and "I Am the Way Plus<br />

musical program<br />

May 13—Rev Don Robertson recently<br />

returned evnntullst-mlssionom<br />

Japan with latest reports<br />

plus Rev Richard Robftison and his<br />

'•Joytime Radio Music Staff from<br />

Atlantic <strong>City</strong><br />

May 20—George Sweeting, popular<br />

young gospel chalk-nrtist from PJBsalc.<br />

N J<br />

May 27—W Douglas Hoc wldelvacclairned<br />

preacher and )!ospclmaglclan<br />

from Montrose Pa formci<br />

president <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia School <strong>of</strong><br />

June 8—Rev John Ballbai.h pa^<br />

tor ol immanucl Baptist Chnnh<br />

Wilmington. Delaware, plus The<br />

King's Trumpeters' heard arid seen<br />

every Sunday night from roast tn<br />

coast on Television<br />

June 10 — Dr Percy Crawford<br />

president <strong>of</strong> Tlie King's College di<br />

rector <strong>of</strong> "Youth on the <strong>Mar</strong>ch'<br />

Television program, plus his "Television<br />

Male Quartet"<br />

These rallies are interdenominational<br />

In emphasis and are open to<br />

the general public with no admisslun<br />

charge<br />

From April 8 through May 27 the<br />

rallies will be conducted In the solarium<br />

on the Mn'lc Pier with the<br />

two closing ralllia June 3 imd in<br />

n the main auditorium <strong>of</strong> the pier<br />

Resort Women At<br />

W.S.C.S. Meet<br />

5 From Here Attend<br />

Asbury Park Confab<br />

Mm Orvyl ShrilicR. <strong>of</strong> Salem was<br />

elected president <strong>of</strong> the Women s<br />

Society <strong>of</strong> Christian Ser\ Ire for the<br />

New Jersey Methodist Conlcreiiic<br />

at the annual contention <strong>of</strong> the Sn<br />

ilety tn Asbury Park Thursday last<br />

wiek<br />

AMong tie 2000 women dcleu,itei<br />

attfUdlnc vcre flvi from the First<br />

KeflNKIIst Church <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> Cit\<br />

fhey were Mrs Leon Sharp president<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Ideal Societ\ Mi s FdnH<br />

jantng Mrs Somers Young Mrs<br />

Carrie H<strong>of</strong>fman and Mrs Tillic<br />

Wells.<br />

Mr* Shalick and oilier <strong>of</strong>ficer";<br />

were Installed by tin Ri *• Dr Irj<br />

I Pimm; superintendent nf tin<br />

Trenton district<br />

Mrs Fred Pierce Coiwn wjf, nf<br />

the resident bishop <strong>of</strong> the PlnUdrl<br />

phia area told the delegates <strong>of</strong> ex<br />

pciences and obsenatlon*. on their<br />

recent to 000 mile trip through six<br />

South American countries<br />

. Circlet to Meet<br />

_ ie Sunshine Clrelf <strong>of</strong> the First<br />

Methodist Church will muel Tuesday<br />

at 6 p m at the home nf Mrs<br />

S 1 REL Barclay, .12 W 18th st Mrs<br />

Hrold Curtis and Mrs Ilany H<br />

Hurry will he co-hostesses<br />

A picture guessing contest will follow<br />

the business session Lach morn<br />

ber has been asked tu brinu plcturer<br />

Of lierself In infancy or as far bjck<br />

as possible<br />

The Friendly Circle <strong>of</strong> the Mclhlist<br />

Church will meet Tuesday dt<br />

p, m at'the home or Mrs Charles<br />

Read 1019 Weslej av<br />

The Goodwill Circle <strong>of</strong> the Methodist<br />

Church will inert Tuesilay al<br />

* p m at the home <strong>of</strong> Mis Evelyn<br />

Munich 632 BatttrsCJ rd<br />

The Victory Circle will ha\c its<br />

regular meeting Tuesday at H p in<br />

at the home <strong>of</strong> Mrs T E Hu'T<br />

Castle Inn 5th st and Weslry a\<br />

Announcements<br />

nflcle. Dayton, Ohio, will speak and<br />

«hpw the colored motion picture<br />

"The African Prince".<br />

• • •<br />


meeting for 74h at. and Wesley av.<br />

y Mffl oS(jHf The Gospel-Centered and<br />

with<br />

MI»lon»ry-MI»ie4 Church<br />

^ _. <strong>of</strong> Ifie<br />

R«V tJeVrft Fischer. Th.D.. Pulor<br />

ittdn, (uperinteh-<br />

8:1S a jH—Prayer mecHnc <strong>of</strong> Inc<br />

Sunday School teachers ana <strong>of</strong>ficers<br />

in the choir room.<br />

Rich B:30 a. m—'Hie Church ut Study<br />

Sur.day School Lei "Tile Early<br />

Chlutth<br />

Irane»<br />

Ifi World" I Peter<br />

411 s 7 8-17 Special <strong>of</strong>temif<br />

fbr r miiamns SiiMWHs Classes for mi all ages<br />

;'Chrlttt«n<br />

:aj>-<br />

10,45 a m — Palm SSunday<br />

Tin-<br />

Church at Worship Organ Prelude<br />

"Our Father, Who in Heaven Art"<br />

by Johann Sebastian Bach Reception<br />

<strong>of</strong> new members Communion<br />

meditation, "Be <strong>of</strong> good cheer, I<br />

h«ve overcome the world" John<br />

le-33, petabratlon <strong>of</strong> the Lord's<br />

Supfter, Special <strong>of</strong>fering for the<br />

nieoy The choir, directed By Edward<br />

C O Hogan. will sing. "Bene<br />

dictus", by Charles F Gounod Con<br />

* kf. D erothy B Oliver<br />

I. ttltle <strong>On</strong> In Majesti* 1 "<br />

" by tJregdr Bidgtwd. ny<br />

-,ed choir*. The pulpit<br />

ire placed to the glory <strong>of</strong><br />

iptilrt ahd Mrs Lummls E<br />

—-—i— -»• "acred memory <strong>of</strong> their<br />

if<br />

Ft- '<br />

m.—Meeting <strong>of</strong> the WestlUowsftip.<br />

Sponsor Charles<br />

p. m—Evening Service <strong>of</strong>t<br />

"- Lenten sermon "The I<br />

.—ss«'- Luke 23 30-43 The<br />

r Will *ln». "I Sought the Lord<br />

""" »•. Keep ifc<br />


« « ' ^ • ll,MW ,f All Kind,<br />

«>» Central AT. Phone 0826<br />


* 1 c r' rMkir • ***'«»*«<br />

Ave. phoBi 224S<br />


Be.ltor<br />

800 Oce»n Av. phone 0007<br />


Ann 800 ^WC COMPANY<br />

ph 0130<br />


PrlnWn* , sutloncry<br />

807 Aibury Av. Phone 1282<br />


RMI EIU4< . nunrMwi<br />

15U.St.,nd'W«(k Pfcone 0178<br />


1315 Afbury Av. Phoo« 0060<br />

SEA<br />

'ALMS<br />

Thtri were hundreds <strong>of</strong> treis along the Bethany Road, But<br />

no one noticed them. People were'hastening over those last few<br />

miles, bound for Jerusalem to celebrate the feast.<br />

Then the King passed by I A gentle Galilean with kind<br />

•orrowful eyet— riding to His coronation,<br />

People cheered and shouted Hosanna. Some laid their cloaks<br />

on the dusty roadway. And then, someone discovered the trees<br />

, , , beautiful palms that had stood unnoticed. Their graceful<br />

branches became the carpet <strong>of</strong> the King!<br />

And when men sought a name for that triumphal Sunday, they<br />

named it for the palms. It is a day tor discovering the spiritual<br />

beauty God has planted along the road <strong>of</strong> life—a day to worship<br />

Our King.<br />

I .J<br />

J >, I. •<br />

•Mi*..,<br />

•JmUj " V 1<br />

TMs Series Is Being Published Under thi Sponsorship <strong>of</strong> the Following:<br />


Beti Esute<br />

4801 Central Av, Phone 0014<br />


tte»| Kstato Clused .Siina.ys<br />

219 Aibury Av. Phone 2183<br />


FalHls . Supplica<br />

721 Aibury Av. Phono 0489<br />


Bealtor - Innuror<br />

601 Eifhth St. Phone 1233<br />

WALTER Ai DITTRICH, lac.<br />

•Miter . Iniaror<br />

601 Eighth St. Phone 1380<br />


QMIIly Sinti, UN<br />

338 Atlantic Ave, Phono 0i47<br />

N. HICKMAN<br />

Seafood<br />

IISS Aibury Av. Phono IBlg<br />


Btfiilered Builder<br />

2124 Aibury Av. Phone 2S5O-R<br />

W A. f t OCEAN CITY<br />


210 Tenth St. Phone 0423<br />


General Contractors<br />

1256 Aibury Av. PhOB# 0SSS<br />


717 Plymouth PI. Phono 8879<br />

C.J.MOYER<br />

ReglKerel Builder<br />

Phone 2S21<br />


801 . OF OCEAN CITY<br />

801 A»bury Av. Phon,<br />



S SiupiM Av. Phono 0122<br />

Eighth St.<br />


MWALtBEOBUBB,|.,,p,<br />

883 *«fcw«T Av, PhoB, 1280<br />

Keel<br />

w lurk «urli KicliHiiitj. (Am iiilfi<br />

16M Walnut Street<br />

Philsdelphij 3, Pm,<br />

§ 73rd SERIES NOW OPEN<br />

Send Ml a III Irl I>csc I iiitlon af<br />

Atlmllc t'ily Eleclrle Company < iiminon Slock.<br />

$1.00 per Share per Month — Starting February<br />

1980 Matures at $200, Current Maturity 144<br />

Months.<br />

Address<br />


5,29% for 1949.<br />


Available Under the Sinking Fund or the Direct<br />

Reduction Plan,<br />


V munion wM bl'n<br />

member* will 1M<br />

neS^^^'<br />

Com* In<br />

i:TJL. fulmt<br />

Mr. M«^fn. PMl H. WeUJ Sttntttry<br />

P.lmarum — The filxUi 8und»T la 1956<br />

Lent—<br />

»;4S a. m, — Church School ani<br />

Bible Cliftes. Nursery througn<br />

Adult Departments. Visitors wli.<br />

come; attendance cards given, Chrta. with UM<br />

lion Growth Series used,<br />

II a, m—The Service, Bite « for<br />

Confirmation will be observed, ~<br />

sermoi}, "I Mutt Be About<br />

Fslhers Businetl", The aril<br />

PACKARD Studel<br />

Sales - Service 112 Central<br />

„ Complete<br />

Body - Fender GENERAL<br />

and<br />

Paint Shop<br />

Bishop Motor Sale! BU<br />

12th St. and A*bury Av.<br />

Phone 1888<br />



912 Smuixat Ave.<br />

nHjiid Shuman. ns^EHnt sujicrintiMidrnts;<br />

Mrs. BUHK{C_ Idell Butlur<br />

musical director, and Mrs, Harry n.<br />

Hawthorne, pianist,<br />

8:30 p. m— Family Niuht,<br />

8 p, m.—A SiJecial Gonyrugational<br />

meeting. Election <strong>of</strong> a new elder<br />

and any other business that may be<br />

properly presented.<br />

Holy Thursday—<br />

7:4(1 p, in. — EvrninK Soivieu o f<br />

WSCS, food Salt<br />

Miirket,<br />

Wprship, CommLinioii Meditation,<br />

lYe arc bought with a price", I.<br />

Corinthians 8:20, Celebration <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Lorrt's Supper. Special oHerlni! for<br />

the needy.<br />

<strong>On</strong>ad Friday—<br />

12 to 3 p rn—Thri'c Hiiur Uniiiii<br />

Guild Friday Service, <strong>of</strong> "The Soveif<br />

Last Worils From the CMIUS". in tin'<br />

1 at Thurslon's and Repairs <strong>of</strong> AU Kind*<br />


FIRST Cllt'RCll OP<br />


<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, New Jersey<br />

Sunday Service—II a, m,. Village<br />

TlLeatre. Jth st, and Boardwalk.<br />

Sunday School—11 a. m,, 612 8th<br />

st.<br />

Wednesday Testimonial Meetinii,<br />

fl p. m,. mt 8th si.<br />

Head tag Boom, Big 8th St., Tunsdays,<br />

Thursday, Saturdays, 1 to 0<br />

p. in,<br />


SERMON<br />

"Unreality" is the subject for Sun.<br />

tlav, April i.<br />

Golden Text: "Surely pod will not<br />

hear vanity, neither will the AU<br />

11<br />

WALKER'S<br />


Phone<br />

Mln SYMlf Ml SHOlUl KOAD<br />

Oeeut <strong>City</strong> Mil<br />

MAKMOkA<br />

I "The Friendly Bank"<br />



1, Determine your trade In allowance and/or cash<br />

payment.<br />

3. See us abiml our economical Auto Loan nan<br />

lo Anaaca the balance,<br />

3. Consult your own Insmanec ajent for complete<br />

auto protection,<br />

1. The whole transaction U fast, tomeultnt and<br />

! peraenal.<br />

The National Bank<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

, MBKIES ~<br />



11 ^.<br />

BORROW<br />

MONEY<br />

HERE<br />

We will give you a loan to BUY, BUILD or<br />

RENOVATE your homo on a REDUCTION PLAN<br />



More and More People Are Taking Advantage <strong>of</strong> Our<br />

Current Dividend Rate 3%<br />

in unm<br />

There if no risk involved, Suvingi up to •S.OOO are Insured by<br />

the Federal Saving) and Loan Insurance Cotporatlon<br />


Savings and Loan Association<br />

511-8«h Street<br />

*"<br />

^ '/v' '•'•*4R '?' „ t*^'. 'as, ti'&S<br />

'i ^1.<br />

HUM Mil<br />

Wallace Bite, ttatf<br />

9th gt. wtf<br />

Phut*<br />


THE NEW<br />

PACKARD!!<br />


Aft, ma, 12th St Pbon«<br />

ifliifMHliliitiUliHiiii<br />

Pbant MM<br />

WM, T« POWELL<br />

Cadillac<br />

Pontiac<br />

SALES ana- BWMVtCK<br />

1158<br />

"»>.„,„,„„,„„„„„„„„„„„„„,„„„„„„,„„„<br />

ONE - - -<br />

Juat one accident<br />

ruin yoM finanoiall^<br />

Ml «• protect y«a<br />

iMurance ... we represent only compani* "<br />

an A-l Plus (ExceUent) rating.<br />

Liwttt BUM In Cap* Msy Cfeutr ant Vldalaf<br />

Haney Lloyd Chattin<br />

1311 AstMnv AMMM nJi,iri<br />

Save Tirmt, Time and MU*9<br />

Gape M* ConJitr BrU|t V |<br />


AUTO<br />

BRIDGE<br />


• o«e ** this editorial is not to side with<br />

bill in the minds <strong>of</strong> taxpayers—and the Wildwood<br />

aper<br />

H the taxpayers don't like the idea <strong>of</strong> the com.<br />

Btttaioners raising their own salaries in this, <strong>of</strong> all years,<br />

tfley can petition for a referendum. The petition would<br />

: JWlUire the signatures <strong>of</strong> 18 per cent <strong>of</strong> the registered<br />

•**->» who cast ballots at the last general election<br />

It should be understood, however, that at this writ-<br />

• f 5. co 5? mi8f » one ra actually have not increased their<br />

i, salaries. They simply have provided the money, in case<br />

>'tney decide to enact an ordinance providing for the<br />

salary boost.<br />

"Better late than never" would seem to be the trite<br />

'' i J J a PP r0Driate comment about the firemen's new<br />

•Pr truck, expected soon after two year's wait. R§.<br />

JpHKw us <strong>of</strong> the time somebody promised us immediate<br />

SelfVery on a new awning.<br />

£».mlf«r Bus Service Assured<br />

~ie Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Transportation Company die.<br />

.-» ,<br />

a public spirited attitude in voluntarily calling<br />

P tor » meeting with dissatisfied patrons <strong>of</strong> its <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

•ivww service. •<br />

The meeting paid dividends, first in the definite<br />

ay£ TOI 'l e °\ improved service- second, in a better under-<br />

(landing all around.<br />

.,..'• . Ou t <strong>of</strong> it emerged the possibility that buses can be<br />

pV-BH 9 *° pay here - T h on »as E. Whitehead, general<br />

f- diuager <strong>of</strong> the company, indicated that if the company<br />

*"• " break even on a year-around basis it wi r l be<br />

He learned that many prospective rldere are no<br />

1 longer bus-minded, simply because the winter bus sehed.<br />

•—•--, been unsatisfactory and not dependable, With<br />

: and well-known schedule, it is believed that<br />

» people can be won back to the buses.<br />

Now that the riders and the company understand<br />

"other, it may be possible to-work out n plan <strong>of</strong><br />

~ "' ' service Adequate service, permanently<br />

, would be a valuable contribution to the<br />

development <strong>of</strong> South and Central <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>.<br />

It's a good thing they rtarted work promptly on<br />

i new north point jetty while there still WUH a north<br />

'; to hook it to-<br />

<strong>City</strong>'s Loss<br />

When Harold A. Shaterian was elected city super-<br />

i- 1; <strong>of</strong> schools two years ago, he wag practically<br />

in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>.<br />

e he took <strong>of</strong>fice he has won a large circle <strong>of</strong><br />

.^.Wenda and admirers by ha unfailing enthusiasm,<br />

fm active participation in community affairs, and by<br />

u 't<strong>of</strong>netic personality. He has been especially dili-<br />

L during recent months in voicing a warning to the<br />

Mhat the schools, during tht next few years, ara<br />

f to be confronted with a virtual tidal wave <strong>of</strong> war<br />

come <strong>of</strong> school age, and that careful planning<br />

"•s* ia essential. If adequate facilities are to be<br />

'them.<br />

many resort people who know Mr, Shaterian<br />

d with a shock and deep regret last week<br />

I resigned, effective at the end <strong>of</strong> the present<br />

_r from the local scene will mean another<br />

to the resort, such aa it experienced when<br />

r, Frank P. Bogle, moved to a larger field<br />

State Commissioner Waiter R<br />

Darby reported that <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> hod<br />

tint <strong>of</strong> the best fax collection record*<br />

in the state, with JS 76 per cent nf<br />

the levy received during 1S4I,<br />

* * •<br />

Captain and Mrs. Charles B.<br />

Wright, Ilth st, nnd the bayfront.<br />

celebrated their SOlh wedding anni"<br />

vtrsary.<br />

Joe Avis nnd <strong>Mar</strong>gie Oliver were<br />

crowned kinf and queen <strong>of</strong> the high<br />

school in the sixth annual E Fiurlbus<br />

Due contest sponsored by The Bil-<br />

Holy Trinity Church opened a<br />

camrjaign for funds to build a new<br />

parish house and recreation hall.<br />


The committee in charge <strong>of</strong> thr<br />

city honor roll reported that at least<br />

37B <strong>of</strong> the TOO service men listed on<br />

tht rrll were curri-ntH o\£T r n<br />

* * *<br />

Mrs Howard MjcPhersan <strong>of</strong> th-><br />

resnrt Tiled pttitmns a a Di mn<br />

rratji candidate for A e Pmbl> in th<br />

June 12 prim^ir^<br />

• • *<br />

Tutal receipt" in the Hi r 1 Cro ,<br />

fund driif u-ere S9 3t3—$2 1161 rnnre<br />

than the 17 300 quota<br />

a * *<br />

Thr t-hureni*; and othtr organiza<br />

tinns \ i-ri- cnoperjlmg in tht tart<br />

ut a campaiEn fnr the Unittd Va<br />

tinnal Cluthing Cnllirtion to jirl<br />

avtnt a*5 civilian uar suffe n r c<br />

Member" <strong>of</strong> the Phllathia CIa«"-<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Baptist Churi_h gave a sur-<br />

prise parlv to hunnr Mrs Elizabeth<br />

Sharp on htr 00th hirthdoy anm-<br />

v ersar\<br />

10 YEARS AGO<br />

Thirteen Qtcan CiH Kminnr'<br />

becited the restirt b> attenriing Ntu<br />

Terse* Dav «ith the Nesi \rrl<br />

Citv Kiwani^ Club awarding an *it<br />

tendance prize <strong>of</strong> J wetk Lnd \ac i-<br />

tion Jt thp Flanders<br />

* * *<br />

Local girygt men a ked thL t-itv<br />

to Lake some attum tn tan lartli/e<br />

prices Lharptd for jutomobili pjrk<br />

ing<br />

A new tlnss to tt^Lh bovs *>nd fcirl"<br />

how tci build and fly kiti »r<br />

Ettrttd at the Recreation Ci ntef b\<br />

Director Larnr Rickert<br />

Thomaq McCatTrey Pitt^Lurgh<br />

realty broker confi rrpd with cilv<br />

<strong>of</strong>flcials y e to th*» pu>> ibillties nf<br />

•tagmg a Pittsburgh Day crkbn<br />

tion during the summer<br />

• • •<br />

Dr John H Whilicir FInjd C<br />

Sirrims Williom Cimeron Edward<br />

G Kurtz and Qth* r lnralitie*> were<br />

catching skarfs <strong>of</strong> irapicyl run<br />

aboard Captain Vic T)Fi€» : h:n h „<br />

cryispf m tho Gulf Strtam pbnut<br />

§§ mileq <strong>of</strong>fshore<br />

20 YEARS AGO<br />

Rithard Arlcn and Miry Brian<br />

were co-starred In'Burning Up an<br />

auto rocine "IRS St the Mnnrlvn<br />

Theatre<br />

* c *<br />

The high school equipped |K min<br />

uol training hhop wilh mxtal wiir 1<br />

ing equipment for the first lime<br />

Costing ilZOO the unit was nnr n*<br />

the hrit in a Class B suhnol in lhe<br />

state<br />

• • •<br />

The Literary Digest ndvisrd The<br />

Sentintl-Ledger thnl a local poll tnr<br />

senlimrnl on fiderat Prohibitiun nf<br />

alrohol imhrait<br />

mi nddtitiM J-y thr \<br />

(Fiulkncr* Cuitimi i u<br />

fnl gincrniii iit ifii r t\<br />

r i t ii<br />

i tin<br />

i I in<br />

.1 mud<br />

1 in ilu<br />

rtm<br />

I f i<br />

Mmuc<br />

u<br />

Tin<br />

( i In<br />

juni il im<br />

irnns uut m inv p<br />

Nt\k Jir p\ j n tnt in in<br />

i JML ciT tlifi i fn ^ f-rni<br />

Cipil finsi inmi nt | n pu i U<br />

at hi r l\%o art tht pi in f i<br />

municipjlitii anrt thr TTIIM r<br />

pljn Unltr Hit Cnmnu an<br />

Erirp ihrin rT pi HI % ml ] h<br />

cniirrlv tu tin ^ It r if*)!<br />

n u hi h<br />

t h in n<br />

n i pi in<br />

nf mum<br />

Tht<br />

HIDE c imn t; i.i\r\<br />

A c in utht r pi in*; wni<br />

ijstrjtmk flttaiK m fciv<br />

cjL iring thu iiiiiniii mimc<br />

Fir in tinn uii/rn ftiulcf t<br />

i i tint i] <strong>of</strong> 'h " i r I nit mh. r<br />

Liti/i m i II I ci i! i the ! t ti h i\ i<br />

11 1 IH lluit n ( Utli I il I irj. ! Ih It I<br />

ciuitii IIHK n t-U i tt H t itprtMtit thi<br />

muriiLip Hits ij a uhiih dt t jLiiu il<br />

miilinM Or utizii] i ulil i hmut<br />

unit r unulmin ri pr* ml<br />

ind < tin r i lit i« d ii lit*<br />

i^i imili r thi LiiiTiini it n ^<br />

n thin i f 111'" iiiH thin<br />

t r [I IJII i left In Hi till<br />

/fnt uf llu muni ipiiits<br />

("mi nf tin thin ill in ti uld I e<br />

pi ltd rn tin I ill it fur rt fi it nrium<br />

Iu i «ai ill b\ n tntnmt HE! iti ri<br />

n i ihirttr c mnii ^itni ^hith<br />

i ul I fir 1 hi t hi Ittl I 4 tin in nph<br />

I I [Ji I % I i I it mn<br />

tu hj\<br />

\ inl<br />

Ir ill<br />

limfii<br />

chtiui<br />

m ill<br />

in il<br />

l> r<br />

It 11<br />

MI MI ir^i e.n\ FRNMFNT<br />

RFPOKT %\ Ml 4BIF<br />

A», additional *ier\ice is reart<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

Hir<br />

purt<br />

idrH<br />

nf ilif<br />

mmarlFs <strong>of</strong><br />

*i^rnnd Rf*<br />

the Statr<br />

m4\ he ^<br />

Pt opi F FI ECT cm snr<br />

Lncij r iln L nun il in in ii<br />

thi peapleTrfect-the-cooBrtf-&nim-ri— UJtBlllce or The<br />

i,lib], hi Ilii | .lu\ f ,i •ip.r.timi _°r ad<br />

oi iht muniLiji ilin iu in (i li<br />

njn i dn I rii lining |s ur (I i 1<br />

min Ir liw J flu i I I! 1 |ir >pr<br />

iti luii I in I i it pin il li U r Ilu<br />

ra ,ii _ -if llici fun I tluiiii h I i\<br />

rtuin<br />

CTum il w3iild f h it p tin<br />

pal mumper ( n llu I l i<br />

iLiitiu mil ndimni Intm<br />

The irnn !„, r i oulri thi n h<br />

fir Tn in lihnitu linn Hi<br />

rimmiil liv i mij nt\ \ i fi<br />

ril<br />

ipal f.o\ ernqifiil<br />

was pri=%rntpd tu<br />

alllrf \ our rup\<br />

d h% pallinf at<br />

u hs pfef«*r to use the<br />

irail ma> SPCUFP ropips b> writ-<br />

ing The NfB TPFSP\ C ontmi^<br />

*uan nn Munfripal fmiernniFni<br />

4 F*np \dminklrallon buildinf<br />

Pi inreton Nfu Ippf*e\<br />

munm<br />

i fit i<br />

ulrl I t<br />

Tht miihicipjl imn j^cr mh i^ |n<br />

ar'mini'der the miihi ip 'I ^pention<br />

lit ippmiil thi. hnrl c tif nil d p(rt<br />

mints HL IVILUII^ T!1 1J%\ In<br />

siiinmnj hi i u=pon-jhlt for th<br />

rui nih|? uf the? muniLipiht^ bu^i<br />

ni<br />

fini'ri m Ciipe Moy Court House, nor<br />

shiiiild it bn. Rin Grande is |jroW-<br />

iny iind so are iithi'r purls uf Middle<br />

Township which are near the wean<br />

or boy. The same appiie» to similar<br />

ureas in Dennis, Uppor and Lower<br />

iuw nship. 6 .<br />

The inland sections <strong>of</strong> Capp May<br />

Crninty rire i sprrk'ntinR a rebirth.<br />

In viivv uf Ihi- attractions which an<br />

•ina stiih as 1 his holds, the iftiracli 1<br />

i- tli it it Ji In I h i r I« n Irn n i<br />


Kipr Ma> fctar and HiVFl<br />

Hf rt m irtic li ipj (arinc in<br />

ih< ar n i VVd\i ha\i rhrtsnitliH<br />

IM iurmilinr Jnri atuvitK^ if GLV<br />

I rr i r Dri itli Comuillw i r Lcn]<br />

H 1th Atlmini c traticn ff which<br />

,,,uirA I Cdhini .if v rlh Wi'cl<br />

u / 1 i a memlif r<br />

Tie itti itns rf thi i jmmitffi<br />

hili ri t ruri-h IM il «ill ulli<br />

i u h hati jn imr n rtunt hi annj, c n<br />

IUI i immunity in Ihi iiu fc r<br />

i it i) f it ilptil i ratitn? ^,ill 11 rnp i<br />

[ i ir f rin impri lie! =r! up t(i fjru<br />

t * intf ifp^uard tht piihlu hfilfn<br />

nf ,11 f Nt Jn-1%<br />

^t [iri cut lh( ailfnini c tration if<br />

[ ul Iir hnlth thrru^hout thf titr<br />

i rathi r T mudilk Ldrtfi'r iifii<br />

h \n ( ninpantiM lv eHburiti h'alth<br />

t,i m ii* ind oITi r T niiiltitiuli if<br />

pill ]u hi ilth c i r\ icr ^m ill rrm<br />

tiiuintii^ nf ti n ln\t iinH i ncimmil<br />

I ilth | niEriin<br />

Ui iit r the pri in! \ tun c ii h<br />

tfimiriiniK rnu t ln\i j hi-inl nf<br />

h iHh «huh i n pi urr untn iletlr<br />

mrl Ih. mi nf l,,i ll riKllblmr<br />

pri r i?it ic3nriimd in I iiiinhi r mi<br />

pii tun to jninni v hu i iimi *. in 11 M<br />

1 ii 1 u ith tnt-in<br />

PSililn In ilth i nut i miller uhuh<br />

ihnuhi hi liLiilid in -\ ungrdphii i'<br />

ur impuHtiiin lia i Thi re iri ur<br />

Imn minimum in liril-i uhuh ill<br />

iniiiiniinilii rt irilli uf izi<br />

hnulil li IM tn *- ft unnl the hi ilth<br />

ii! Ih | ulili,<br />

Tin ind nlhfr impfirt ml p lnin><br />

rinrdmp pnlili In ilth in IUIIL<br />

r irinui iti ri h> thi ct mmittep ind<br />

in hnip t icsmn i difimtf >a in \ idi<br />

pnl IIL ludllh pnlic^ dilii pnipiam<br />

i ill he cMiKirl fur thi 1 cm nt<br />

nf nil ri Mdent 1 , nf Niu fir n<br />

if ant car ha§ • new set <strong>of</strong> plates, brother,<br />

^Thomo in it before midnight tomorrow.<br />

tsaAe up. This was expected,<br />

(f jtdnei^t a flve-day-a-week<br />

>iot tn efrly surplus, indicat-<br />

f to, hwmholiets, it you can t<br />

Rtfke a lot <strong>of</strong> money<br />

If I chose to break intn.the WhI'f<br />

House—as boss-man there—I would<br />

get myself a platform with just one<br />

plonk, "private ownership", and tour<br />

the land. The voters m-ed n re-<br />

fresher course. Everybody, at heart<br />

is for private ownership—so I sta.t<br />

o(T with no argument. Everybody<br />

figures it is proper and okay to own<br />

his own house . and lot—bis own<br />

overcoat—a chicken house full <strong>of</strong>;<br />

chickens—a meat market—n clgar<br />

factory, or what have you.<br />

So everybody being In thii mood<br />

»nd favoring private ownership, the<br />

next itep Is, what ii toclaljjm. Un-<br />

dM tocialiim » Big Govt. does the<br />

owning—not you. The difference U<br />

thai simple.<br />

In 1933, the paper tejt, the OovL<br />

owned il electric stations. Then<br />

came TVA, the tax-dodging Gnvt<br />

fumididdles—and today we have B2J<br />

federally owned or financed planK<br />

in operation, being now built or pro.<br />

posed. And with these 625 mostly<br />

tax exempt Govt. outfits breathini;<br />

on the backs <strong>of</strong> your necks, no crys-<br />

tal ball is needed to sec who may be<br />

the next owner <strong>of</strong> your henhouse<br />

full <strong>of</strong> chickehs. If you now have<br />

such a henhouse. Anything that Ckn<br />

happen to such a complex thing at<br />

a kilowatt factory, can easy enough<br />

—easy ag pie—happen to a henhouse<br />

full <strong>of</strong> chickens.<br />

<strong>On</strong>e plank In my platform—"priv-<br />

ate ownerthlp"—that would make It<br />

a cinch, and how.<br />

Yours with the low down,<br />

JO SKRHA.<br />


IWihlHooi! li-.idftl<br />

Derpwylir j nn Hit* Diliwiri<br />

ihout h ilfw i\ httwrrn Pi nn pru\ t<br />

mil Ptnn E \iIh Acru^ thi DPH<br />

itut it tint J imf Hurt* I nn\ in<br />

tuiir t <strong>of</strong> construction a Mt-morial<br />

Brnlpt Tu lint hritltt (hi rt i tn<br />

I i huilt a mnrii rn tnl] U| * rhighwnN<br />

frnm thp rurlhLrn |i irt <strong>of</strong> NV\K JI r<br />

t \<br />

Bi tin p thi upt f hiphu-i^ utiulil<br />

luii nml nf ihi uiilhern uii I il<br />

nrei <strong>of</strong> Nt w li r c t \ nut in Lht irhi<br />

Cinirnor nn*,inll In l^rcptl Hint<br />

thirr ^ht ultl he i frttw^^ built from<br />

Hei im-ili r to thp thnre puint» in<br />

South It r i v<br />

Tht Cipp Mjy Tnuntv Gnjtttp<br />

fpiiti inrrtrtlv ^uegt^t that n fret<br />

wn frnm Philadi Ipliii to Cape May<br />

Ciinnh wnuld lip far mure \dhiahk<br />

In Capp Mi) Cuunti linn jn Ej t<br />

Wr t fretwaj conntPtinp Ihp "bur<br />

mi with Hie super highway t#rmi<br />

nu^ at Deepualer<br />

The route nrlginilh propo'it!<br />

i oiilrt haip its Fa>,tern terminuf it<br />

Sumer Point That would mean 1<br />

pj\ment nf toll o\cr the Bte^lpi-<br />

Pmnt Bridge for traffic bound fur<br />

fnpt Maj Counts Thots not *,,<br />

gnod<br />

Our -uggestion is that the freewov<br />

should be from Deepttater to Mill-<br />

ulle Tuckahoe mijht have to be<br />

bv pa p ?ed_to eliminate a fpw sharp<br />

turn." From there n hij,hwa%s<br />

ruuld be built direilly In rjch or<br />

the major report*;<br />

Why Eds, Skip Town<br />

The C.aidcn Club will study<br />

"The Comervatlon <strong>of</strong> N»live<br />

Pftnta,"—Tennrisrt paper<br />

Editor Sentinel-Ledjer—Much <strong>of</strong><br />

the iiieeess ef "<strong>On</strong>e Qreat Hour <strong>of</strong><br />

Sharing" was due to the extraordi.<br />

nary caoperation given by the press<br />

Let me thank you for the part you<br />

had in fflaklni} this united relief ap-<br />

peal such an outstanding event<br />

If any <strong>of</strong> your readers missed the<br />

opportunity to give, the local<br />

church treasuries are still open, if<br />

one has no church connection he may<br />

send his fift directly to Church<br />

World Service, 214 East 21st st<br />

New Y6rk 10, New York<br />


National Director,<br />

<strong>On</strong>e Great Hour <strong>of</strong> Sharlns<br />

, New York <strong>City</strong>.<br />

I TEST YOUR I.Q,<br />

1. Where will Alaska rank y,<br />

size and popuittten U granted<br />

iiltehood,<br />

2. Hew did Ha Inch measure-<br />

ment originate,<br />

1. What !• the tallest building<br />

in th* v. a. Mittid* <strong>of</strong> WtiMfoS<br />

<strong>City</strong><br />

Down <strong>Ocean</strong> CUfr Memory Lane<br />

The hUrrl«ne af >5.pt«!f.»r, 19«. i. b«l r^ember.d by m«t<br />

Oc,»n Tin r«idtnls Put the resort h.s survivtd many 2 ¥lcloy«<br />

, .k i-m na*t- Wltorw Ihl* scene or de«tructian<br />

{.iprrn in the more dim past " IEDtM<br />

t fal* in 1903. ThH house, or wttai 1** l«*ft <strong>of</strong> II,<br />

't!l on"ui'« Dncbfront «l 57th M before il tapplfa inlo lhe • «<br />

ll«»v «rb af lhe«f earls ritliem Inillciles thai il «a«. pri-lty cold.<br />

(u0<br />

simitar «r«l.»rr »». muitlpli.d nwnv limn, In •-<br />

U«<br />

thtn ll.fr, «fre *<br />

more Im-w-<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> a ia Carte<br />

Oops! Art Wasn't by Art<br />

Ir il III irt lit vnik ill nil Ih! r x i l m i thil annual mm-<br />

tnl rtii i- ituil Inltir mill nt nth i m Ait. W itknm llu<br />

,r, hi l,r .1, u r n , llu I in • i il • 'I " I ' "• " ' " in ii I i ni *<br />

II Miiq IJKL lht- ^iiid th inkn to i mu mutor installed a ypTP<br />

TLO Ard it zinR ili nfe hjpinl in 11 ITI I t Ijrmtl ni u tiro<br />

It i u\ ripiinti 1 LSiril w ir i^n but thi rtpiint jub his<br />

b klm ! i m mil<br />

Tin rrm hi pjil fir il murt thin 10 ii ir TRO campan il «i(p<br />

tin prin r i IliO m i It-1 lirint. i hurl I I. lu hi i\t<br />

IMnt tn .lu 1 " Triilt in hi iinhlul ol.l hiintl «hile it "Hill hp^<br />

i traili in i ilui nr ri | nnt il run it up tu 1(111 0(111 mill and Ilk<br />

i ihdnii thil Iht \ i ri • hinf- triilt in \ duo %\ ill bi tifT it hj Tilling<br />

luin *, t n niw i ir<br />

Tint, tlipirlmin! v ill lit thil tr i nli rl un n(u Imn tint mi| lit<br />

In l|i kiilid tiur fru ml I i \ i i ili , i i \ di il i jilt i p i<br />

Looking Ahead<br />

The Leopard's 'Free Lunch'<br />


Priildtal HirdiBf Colleje, Htircj. Arkaiuu<br />

Clmi upon a tune tlun lntri in thi juni,lc- <strong>of</strong> northern India n<br />

handsome Jount Imranl UP rajmrt the dtnw \ irgin forest? care-<br />

tiii jnd hdp|i> «,ith i imi fur Imng and uith that IIAL <strong>of</strong> freedom<br />

a Inch is mtcn e in all mtmbtis uf the ammjl kingdom including<br />

man Whin ht ha.l kjrn.d to protrct him-tlf aRmnst the elements<br />

—food"'' one rejl problem<br />

Early in life the liopard karned lo forajji fur his breakfast and<br />

'upper H, I. iirnirt t,,u that appo wne hunair didn t come easily<br />

This always requirert ,,ln,icdl mrtion ond the me <strong>of</strong> his jungle-<br />

brt,l intcll.ecnt-t He lurncd m fait that -atKfjinn all his »ant«<br />

sumcumi « ,s M difficult but this hnonIodM only made the<br />

>ounfi cat work tllti harder,<br />


rough the grcnt forest, like a character in the<br />

jur leopard grew to young adulthood, sleek, lithu<br />

jwy. a iiawcrful and bWiutiful creature <strong>of</strong> 175 pounds <strong>On</strong>e<br />

but snot^d ri ^!t" nB h W P " y lhr ^ u « h a vi| ie-huna stretch <strong>of</strong> forest, the<br />

m«,i ii f R l a tan >a>'«nB scent on the down wind—raw<br />

totves^ 8 " 1 l °° hmm m hc swun « al0 «« *he s«m trail<br />

At the edae <strong>of</strong> a clparins the leopard came upon the meat, it<br />

The Ion a" 8 ' U:mp " nl ' °I W "* !? bo takim - ThB<br />


T p BS<br />

makeihebest if<br />

He took a f<br />

mate ' a beautl * ul<br />

Dlreetor Jullan J<br />

Powerful Instinct,<br />

mate<br />


panother free<br />

attacked the .econd<br />

strangely drowsy<br />

osleep<br />

15<br />

*. What tire the calendar Urnlta<br />

within which Barter Sundaj may<br />

8. How much doe* • callon at<br />

w»t«r wafcbT<br />

I ? i", Jilws on a ' our Pouna<br />

n,.T» d £fl > e ear "'- e leopard<br />

Zf J ^^ ••»"•««!. he became<br />

red down a runway ond collapsed,<br />

rega.ned hi. aense,. Within<br />

(Amrcn tm •«•* M)<br />

pg^<br />

conn* tt» ,«,<br />

P«* protect him, Mo^ro^fJ<br />

. „ "We didn't want tokUl^taT-<br />

•y i only w.nted to A hIm '<br />

worklnf perfeeUy."<br />

e mor * than etpected.<br />

"?*** «* «P»« «h«l»<br />

We thought tverythimj<br />

i^^^^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^aBBBBBBaB^iHBaBBBB^afc^HiiaaBBBBM^BM^Baaaaaaaa^^HaB^^^^iMwaaaaaaaaaBaBBBBBi^SBjMiBBaaaBBH^ j^BaaaaaaaMBjfcBlH*jiaaaBMaa^i^iB^BaaB^aBBBaBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBB^i^^^^iBBaaBBBBBBBBB^^^^^^^^iB^^^iBBB^^^^^^^^^i^iBBBBB^^^^B^Bj^HBBBBBBB<br />


FRIDAY, MARCH 31 4 p.m.<br />

The New Modern<br />

.^ -y<br />


At the Circle — Sdmers Point, N. J,<br />

"Our Aim 1$ to Serve and Please You<br />

Around the Clock"<br />


Refrigeration by<br />

Ace Machine Company<br />

Willinm 1 rl.llpt.l<br />


Phone 1497 Pleaianlville, N. j.<br />

Lumber and Building Materials<br />

J. P. Collins Co.<br />

Sea Ule <strong>City</strong> Phones 34418 or 3S034<br />

Diner Manufactured By<br />

Jerry O'Mahony, Inc.<br />

Elizabeth, New Jersey<br />

"In Our <strong>Line</strong> We Lead the World"<br />

Gravel Fill by<br />

Hie Swift Construction Co.<br />

4lh and Haven Ave., <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> • Phone 0011<br />

Compliments <strong>of</strong><br />

Gertrude *nd Frank Hart<br />

Ro<strong>of</strong>ing and Sheet Metal Work by<br />

Sampson and Hamada<br />

328 Weil Avenue Phone i O. C, 1041<br />

Plastering and Stucco Work by<br />

George W. Johnson<br />

121 W, Connecticut Ave-, Seiners Point, N, J.<br />

Excavating and Concrete Work by<br />

John Castaldi and Co., he.<br />

97 Weil ith St., <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Phone 0779<br />

Waylite Blocks by<br />

Edward Campbell Co.<br />

VineUnd, N. J. Phone: Vineland S-7285<br />

Tile Floors and Venetian Blinds by<br />

Chic's Canvas Products, Inc.<br />

Sentinel-Ledger Bldf, Phone; O, C. 1606<br />

Neon and Sign by<br />

Riley Neon<br />

901-03 N. Main,St., PUaMntville • Ph. 2322<br />

Electrical Work by<br />

A. T. Ford<br />

649 Atbuiy Av«iu# Ocwn <strong>City</strong><br />

Plumbing and Heating by<br />

Rudolph Fehrle<br />

4th and Ma»a. Ave, Semen Point - Ph. SP 755<br />

STEIN'S — Restaurant Equipment<br />

OUR 52nd YL/VR<br />

Evcryihiiii From Chlnawire lo • Complete Iiut«ll(U«ii<br />


Vtta Exeluilvely In the Point Dinar<br />

2222 Atlantic Ave. AtUntiq <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

H\<br />

_fmM : ,<br />

jx, -••

li I<br />

JENTINEL.LEDGER Thursday, Mauh 30, 195U<br />

Weather Puts Brakes on<br />

shall, Track Practice<br />

Basrbull Squad Hard Hit by Enfo'ted Lay <strong>of</strong>fs,<br />

* Interclsss Track Meet bchtHu'cd fui Saturday<br />

By Bob Hnlleran<br />

B a d wi lit In i h.i~ lui II ii.n! i L cm \i ii i i in i i \><br />

K e n t in hijrh M.hi."l -I" " S- -I ll ' ' " l u l u i i i l i<br />

Irst in n Innjf tinn tin • l«l m i ill I > "' il 'I « ' » i'"<br />

fsliant tdiulitlrftc liii ii u k ii ill II 'I' M i i i "<br />

for both team., h.nl a R mi w i k i in i • ln.il ,i \i\< n i I<br />

Ifld generalh LiU up »lm< thu I<br />

$feek<br />

Tte ban Lull II I i c I<br />

rj|illv hnr.l hi! [V. I 1 '. I<br />

(Brm: that fur mn u 1 I<br />

H» boVB nuke 11 • \ 1 I<br />

due In forced hi II<br />

^Un FridHi tfn \ (<br />

^pal prittit-L > t 1 i<br />

" Is end Inl t Ir I<br />

for Iht ill c 1 h r |<br />

f<br />

usual jtthiiii.<br />

wing pidtt (t<br />

" <strong>On</strong> Ssturrin<br />

*lnd nfr Un [.,•, II<br />

jttre able lun • 1 1<br />

ttrough in ill r l i<br />

Wsrk Th. drill ii<br />

t&ual but thi i L<br />

VT^ninfi ilurc l» limit S in i i<br />

worths uf ihi i i * I<br />

the team tnf! mr I I<br />

plain anrl r i | ! ^<br />

|cr\ing i in i i i tl I<br />

|HA1 HOOUBIHI -.Ml HUM<br />

This s,lunii \| i I<br />

Mil urL ' r 1 II<br />

game Thi U r I H (<br />

noup uf fill i i<br />

lilt, edgt in i \j in i<br />

tn trim Ihi be i il I i ! I<br />

BFS put up it uf t li<br />

It ii m t kr<br />

Sterling lin. u] I!<br />

ever prUi il h If<br />

CraniK or TJ I<br />

mpl mill I I «i I<br />

Cucid^ c i i u t i (<br />

cane es<br />

1NI-IELD IN 11(11 111<br />

Tin- inlli I I 1<br />

RUCU Rl I U I I<br />

llblv Will i ri I I<br />

Wilier ,r I-in<br />

initial I 1 1 1<br />

I I'jlm Bt I H i Mr I I 11 v<br />

. ill II u in ^ d 1 I i l l<br />

riiutip aa;<br />

••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />

Stucco<br />

C. M.<br />

\* «ilhi<br />

lolbi ,<br />

Sprrirt!t><br />

tCLAI"<br />

Paintinff<br />

C. D, FRASER<br />

Tutkrthoii, N ,!.<br />

Phor.o Tuckeh'io 35-P.<br />

Octan <strong>City</strong> 0410<br />


Builders' Hardware<br />

Benjamin Moore & Co.<br />

Larcoloid Auto Enamel • Kotail<br />

Wallpaper Paint with an Oil BaBc<br />

Special Prices to Carpenters and Painters<br />


852 Asbury Avenue Phone 0001<br />

Painters<br />




ill Anbury At., Oee»n Clly. N, J<br />

Phone 1938-R<br />


and PAINTING<br />

We Will <strong>On</strong> Any I'hif t fnf <strong>On</strong>e<br />

Rftom or SInrp<br />

)\V,\ll.ABi,li U'KKKKNDK<br />

Phone 0321-W<br />

Fr«e Estimates<br />

Wesley Interior<br />

Decorators<br />

336 Wesley Avenue<br />

U.«a?.,._4., h.: '<br />

Painters<br />

••••••••••••••••••••••••<br />

: n. c. PRICE ";<br />

PAINTING and I<br />


1228 Asbury Avenue<br />

Phone IfiST #<br />

************************<br />

C iTBRECRlEY, Inc.<br />

House and Sign |<br />


***+*+*4************.**l<br />

•-"""•<br />


Painlinf Contractor<br />

48 W, 11111, Str»ri hlliinn 2S0a-M<br />

"i.KT (.KIIHI.I; I,,,<br />

d^£- ,-•'' : 'i'U_t-••:-* V- ''/•" ' ..<br />

I I I I II<br />

kin U ill<br />

i n i I<br />

i<br />

iS l<br />

Legion Opens Jr.<br />

Baseball Drive<br />

PosU Asked to<br />

Sponsor Teams<br />

• i n<br />

I 1 in<br />

1 il II<br />

1 I<br />

1 1<br />

i II in M i i i i n ti% i "<br />

Wildwood Plans<br />

Hobby Show<br />

Pctket BilKard'ii Great Showman<br />


!.. i I li.ini|iii,h*« - lh;li Kim 11. s<br />

-.r :.ll h i i l i K i. i i i -1 t I . I I . |.,i<br />

M . i - t \ i n ; n l i , i h li ,!.'.• i i , 1 M , ( i . - i , , . A j<br />

l - i i . n l . • l i i i i i i l l n ' r l M i i i i i i n | ,<br />

' I ! " - i - , l > ' I W . i v ( ' I ' l l , hii i n n<br />

I I H ' l l i l l i T S i l i i c . 1 , 1 , .. ,, I n l ,,| . , , 1 , 1 .<br />

il • !•• I . ( ! | ' , , , i , | , , , l , - , i i M i , ,, i ) , , , .<br />

(i.ll.i ii S<br />

II h" .i<br />

\)r I '<br />

i('i'.i'.i'i'> •|'.'! i '<br />

• I . , i . i A •. :, [• . r . , , ' . ' - l l i ,<br />

1<br />

' i '••'• . I . . I . I . I . .. .<br />

i r a l . H ' I '•'" 1 ( 1<br />

' " I " ' ' " " ' -•• '•• i I •'' ' ••• ! •<br />

H i , y. l i i i i I I ( ' . i l l i i f l i i C . i i . i i l l i . i l l , . , • • • i n • . i . •,.!•<br />

i n t ' , , : l . i - i I , i i i . i l l i . ' i i n [ H I i . - I . : ' I i • .-.. i ' ' . • . . • ,<br />

ruiiljniiril finLn V^-ii- il<br />

••• • . I '• • • . 1 I I . •<br />

« > ; . f : " " . v •!"•'•• i i - !'•" H I ;:•.• : • • ; •;; ;• ' ' • " _• • ; ; . v<br />

S l T t ' . « " f ; . - . : . . h ; . r ! . . I . . . ! n . i i i K , , . „ „ , , . . I I ) . -i i '. •'.' r "<br />

.(,.>;!(. liil' il I'll- "ll •• I" -• l.iil.ki- 1 | . . .<br />

ty.l,.':-! '•• •>' l.i-: J•• Ji I K ul ( I I . I I i: \ II<br />

iifi ,- i. . h |<br />

" f,..,:,, .,, l .:.;iy i.i.'. fu I-. i ::l ' .,i : •'<br />

10 L..i.'.l>'. ''I' •!»'!• '-'I' '-••»•-• .•,..•• ' ,'<br />

31)11 '., •!'•'' l.r.n.i I:. -iniiiii :i |.. . I,,<br />

26 Alleys<br />

6th and Boardwalk<br />

- r<br />

(!l! \ M . i « I S « K i l l S I I<br />

I V I'll I S I l l \ I I \ i , | |<br />

m Sdr I I'll- I >. IIII. II I, \ \l|<br />

IS I II \ II M.I I I'l \V<br />

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *<br />

New CAMPBELL<br />

DATE<br />

BLOCK<br />

Date Your<br />




Manufacturer <strong>of</strong> Waylite Blocks * Concrete Product* ','•<br />

5. E. Cor. East and Walnut Vineland<br />

Phone i Vineland 9-7285<br />

Plumbing Plumbing<br />

***********************<br />


Plumbing - Heatingi<br />

Phone 1878<br />

505 North Strtet<br />

*********************<br />

MM!," ..MM, , ,,....„...,....„<br />

m Hr.lt/ Ave. IH WMIW Atf.l<br />

Willard F. Stetser |<br />

Plumbing • Heating |<br />


rbnt 0383 <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. N. J.I<br />

i „, , „ « {f]<br />

Fred H, Manley<br />

Plumbing • Heating<br />

Anl..mull,. r,aii Hmtliif<br />

Ii|i!Jin!fhf<br />

7 DM ItiFner Hulr. *n<br />

947 Aibury Ave, J<br />

Ttlcphone |tZ3 I<br />



AND SON I<br />

numbtng — Ileatln* (<br />

OU Burners Phone Ooai |<br />

AM,, Otmn CUw, N. J.I<br />



York Oil Burners<br />

York Boiler Burner Units<br />

«-• York<br />

Winter Air CondiHonen<br />

,. MO WKST AVKNl'K<br />

Joseph Broadlcy<br />


AND<br />


- JOBBING —<br />

*. Ph. 0729<br />

Plumbing Heating<br />

Oil Buniira<br />

William 0, Townsend<br />

005 Allnnllf Avp, i'hjilir 03211<br />


J. G, SLIMMER<br />

Plumbing - Heating<br />

330n Himpaun Av. i'hiinr 2Tlt<br />

Charles Scheldt, Inc.<br />

3S8 Asbury Av. Ph. 2377<br />

Plumbing • Heating<br />

Johnson Oil Burners<br />

Commrrrliil • Indunlrlil<br />

ItcHldrniial<br />

OH Durninf Equipment<br />

PLUM$ING<br />


nrnrrai Klfflrlc Oil furnaces<br />

Timkrll Sllrnt Alilom.ilif<br />

Oil Burnrrs<br />

nenrril Klfctfle Appliancri<br />

Ailantlr Ki-fli.ing Fuel Oil<br />

and KefoNffi*<br />

HHlp^ — l!|*!il!lilfi n<br />

iii'.n. Cily<br />

• tij^ii.r ul<br />

! • '• I , . ' .,! : , i<br />

Hluli'ii; W Ci.li-. ,|<br />

'(',i''c'''Mii>' ['""I'I'I'I'V<br />

'•'! I I - 1 !' f i i i i i l l l i . i l - , W i l l<br />

: ' ••-• .V'V |...!,;"•<br />

: ' 'In .1 • .mill) ..l.il ri .<br />

.1- Mi-'...-, fi.-.p-.i-. a' .,<br />

1<br />

! , i , - _ • ] . . i , , . ' ' , • •.;••• n ;,: -<br />

, I .i i in 1.,'r V,: ''s.',. .','••,<br />

I ' •• .. . - , . . . i i I . , r / • « , , , ! , , !<br />

i . i : I-,-.. . • .-.;.• r . - , . | , . , - i i - , i<br />

Answers to<br />

1. Ureoiusi ill area, last in pop.<br />

uiatlen,<br />

2. Il wni oilglii.illy deslgnsted<br />

ia (he ihH'kiitss ai o man's thumb.<br />

Oratory to be<br />

Annual Activity<br />

County Lsgion Findn<br />

Interest in it High<br />

' • • -• I !<br />

i l " . l l r C i . i I".,11<br />

li,<br />

j<br />

r i • i. I..' . • f " l i > • •!• r im II,I An.i-r.i<br />

, , •.!,,, '....•. , I,., i, : C,.|.,- .\I;,> C...I-.1<br />

M, M...'<br />

\li -\ P<br />

IlilKVM Kill I,-i SFAKKI.IVC<br />

•. •" IIIIU.I-(i\\ir scorn;<br />

H"i. I'<br />

8. The Terminal Tower in ' Vnn<br />

. U.<br />

,•(,! |;.j(i<br />

4, MaiPh 22 lo April 28. inrlu- ..-I II.II,<br />

i 8 33 poiinrls.<br />

:.:.,iili I<br />

i.i i'i i<br />

,.,'..' l.li- I<br />

i -I:,:<br />

' I ' . •. i<br />

.1. I , ><br />

AH., •'.,'<br />

i i:,., .<br />

I l u r I..: '<br />

nl.-i: I,, I,.<br />

- • -i.i- ul II .<br />

111 II IT'.I |* \ I I l.iiii<br />

IS UllMI S «. I Ilil III 1 Cape May Girl Third<br />

in Oratory Contest<br />

- MI \v|| |[,|| I -..I 11(11 I I<br />

',1 I), .|',.!i,'. H,.•!,:,. I-<br />

,•, ' I '• '••'. ' I . 1 . 1 . •. i , l . •'.: .•<br />

J .,' V . i • I..' •• S : . i i , i ,<br />

.•. • ••• ".'• I ' - i l ' 1 M . i y ''•• I I -<br />

!,.!,-• I, ,i i V M . , A 'i , r . , :,<br />

1" U ' i j r , - r ,,!' i t , , . r . ' L , , . i : i i ,<br />

( . . I . - l l " - ' I I . I I ' I K I I I . I I I . ill' I ' l l . . > :<br />

, - ; i . i ! , i . ! ,,i M i - A ! i , , , i , .<br />

S , I 1 , , , - , ! I , |,| , -, I , ! .,.. A l ! , , I !<br />

i<br />

Protests Diversion<br />

<strong>of</strong> Gas-Auto Tax<br />

Fred S. Tarves 3rd<br />

• BUILDER •<br />

C. • .<br />

•• .I.I ,•<br />

! .-.'<br />

..u I.., :<br />

1 Bayview Place Phone 1127<br />



mePLACING IT<br />


*••»««»•«•«•«»»»»••••••««•••«»•«»»«««••»»««••••<br />

I'tionm:<br />

0811<br />

•701<br />

la Win<br />

Maderniie<br />

Wm, D, Camburn<br />

Albert S. Camburn REGISTERED BUILDERS'<br />

Jobbing —. Alteration* — Ro<strong>of</strong>ing<br />

1030 Wilt Avenue<br />

.»«•»•»•«»••••••»*•*••*»••»•••»••»»•»••»»«»•»•«<br />

•ii BiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiuBimiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiimiDiiiiii MI im<br />

tilitlllti • *!Ht,<br />


iiiiliii iii!,),,M,iilii,iiii,,li,,,,,Miiij,,M,i,i,,,,M,i,j,M ii,,,,,,i,iii , ,<br />

. We hive sdnlinusuily enjoyed<br />

the confidence uf the pobllf bectuu<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ihe fact thai we item,<br />

lie every eitimite la the fomplete<br />

satisfaction <strong>of</strong> the customer.<br />

This In firm Miurance that your<br />

Job will be carried out exactly<br />

M Promised, This bu been our<br />

nnswcrvlni policy durlnr many<br />

ynra <strong>of</strong> snteewful buslnrsj<br />

dealings In Sonlh Jersey.<br />

Frank Howard<br />



2124 A.bury Av., Oce.n <strong>City</strong>, N, J. Phone 2693<br />

W^sfl<br />

Cost Decreases<br />

Old Age Benefits<br />

Down 32.9 Per Cent<br />

in Past 10 Years<br />

ill i.llilT llMhlJ<br />

!• I ...1. lii.il I,.,'<br />

, r '..,. 11!.! - A ;•<br />

.! i r, .• i<br />

1 .i f.U S,,i<br />

•i . • W. ik<br />

( - :• -J'-i I'.<br />

• t,. C 'y '- ,<br />

Pension Proposed for<br />

Advisory Masters<br />

•fflsions Commiiieo. Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 30, 1050<br />

The measure would limit SUM __ "" -<br />

sdftnsi to formiir AdvUfjfy<br />

liiiyi... ri.|!i'ln'fl 55<br />

i *i.'rv!.fj i,! huf;t ih<br />

ifitii.n i,I ihi. ni.w<br />

jiriiir SN<br />

I will' liiivc liul IjfM'll f'lilltllilli ' i , ,<br />

;i[i|'i.iiiti-il HI i.ny i.lh,.,- Mill,. ,.f- I A '''"'"""I "•'"•>•<br />

Scot Scotches<br />

Bonus With Tax<br />

lit ii Si 1<br />

l,?li (imfUiiiH iiiri r ssli'. (I.Tiiii.fi<br />

"• •— •— I" H U M tiiv I,,iIJIii ili- M-I rcliirv ;i<br />

"'"•I ""' i-l"iiiil(', I" I'VM'IIIIMI in! h".--iui in llif I T n-|i> .il luxii-<br />

Mi'- lri-almi',,1 ,,f li,(,. ri-iih,. i« , in,n. F,,r ii.., r i i|,,. Si-ul hi,,I<br />


, Lighted<br />

Medicine Cabinets<br />

<strong>On</strong>ly<br />

$19.75 Each<br />

$18.75 in Lots <strong>of</strong> 3<br />

Orangeburg<br />

Pipe<br />

4" Dia.<br />

Plain - - 31c l.f.<br />

Perforated 22c Lf,<br />

\ K, ,11, c.iiiii i ii,,c r,,,..<br />







939 ASBURY AVENUE PHONE 0298<br />

Builders Builders<br />

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *<br />


V. B, SMITH . Architect<br />

Room 410, National Bank <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Building<br />

ri.one %tU<br />

1421 Atlantic Av. Atl. <strong>City</strong><br />

Phone A, C. 4.1864<br />

************************<br />

Registered Builder<br />



42 Simpson Rud<br />

oiie 1BM-W BM,i F'THIe 517.J<br />

Cameron Bros, Co. (<br />

Builders, Jobbers j<br />

and Ro<strong>of</strong>ers 1<br />

« Raj <strong>of</strong>u» rl, riiuiu, on?' I<br />

.MllllllllllllUllllllllllllQlllllilllllllJIIIIIIIIIIIKlllllllillllilJIiiii.;.<br />

W, W. Graham j<br />

Contractor and Builder<br />


HOMES<br />

Phone 0009-W<br />

820 • Tth Street<br />

minim ipiiiiiiimiiaiu 11011111111111101111111111111$<br />

H. C, AMOS<br />


4829 Central Avenue .<br />

Phone 2109-W<br />

No Job Too Large<br />

No Job Too Small<br />

See Too Ute lo CU»»ify<br />

Ad» -- . First Section<br />


given the secretary 10 pound*<br />

y.H 4i Christmas bonus.<br />

This year, hnwuver. he hflnri-<br />

*.ii Hii. riiyn unly B0 jiennies.<br />

"Tin'i-1'. my mun," Huid the<br />

Miiiniifiii'turfi'. "is yuur 10 poundi<br />

-- lixs, liix!"<br />

Want is Swap',- ttf m CUHUI*<<br />


[I wiii'ii. ulLimiinf. h, |jtjiIcl \niir iir\i hiimf. this year, take<br />

ddiithliiijF ul MI., rjiilllii* ..I ,1 )• ( (l|,f,|\s CO, W'«'ve been<br />

uiiikiii); 4s iiii ii.iiiij, imv liuililrn ,iiiii ii.ii.', H|IU do Iheir own<br />

i i.inliuiliuii liiiiN fm iiijiii i n n Viiu'll lind u*i .unions lo<br />


May we help you finance Spring Repairs and<br />

I Alterations? Call us today for Free Estimates,<br />

J. P. COLLINS CO.<br />

South Seavine, N. J.<br />

Sea Isle <strong>City</strong> 3-6034 Sea hie Chy 3-44IS<br />

POTTS' BROS.<br />

Builders<br />

609 <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue<br />

Phone O, C. 2971<br />

Phone 1883-M<br />

Daniel F. Connor<br />

Builder<br />

Rta.: 1919 Asbury Ave.<br />

jobbing Alterations<br />

A. W. J. Wlliiama & Son<br />

Bfelnirlril<br />



A L T E R A T I O N S<br />

1707 Bay Avenue<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J.<br />

Boi 46. AUciidalt) Rd, <strong>Mar</strong>mora<br />



Registered Builder<br />

Robert Clayville<br />

1109 West Avenue Phone 2379<br />

H. C. PONTIEREl<br />


933 West Ave. Ph, 18081<br />

A. Gregory Ogden<br />


Boom 5. JMkMB Blif,<br />

WHdwwd, .N. I,<br />

Run WUdmnd t-ITN<br />


and CO.<br />

Designers & Builders<br />

or<br />

Modem Homes<br />

620 8th Street<br />

B1H — Phon« _ 0135<br />

O O FI N C<br />

NEED A<br />

"NEW ROOf<br />

or Just a Repair Job?<br />

In either cum — call Independent. We've the «•<br />

perience, the men. the materials and the equipmeiit<br />

to give you a perfect job on any ro<strong>of</strong>. We've been<br />

ro<strong>of</strong>efi for many yeara and expect to be for many<br />

more Thai's why an Independent guarantee means<br />

Homt.hing. Pick a reliable, financially sound firo<br />

to re-ro<strong>of</strong> for you,<br />




ROOFING CO.. Inc.<br />

206 Sixth Street — Phone <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> 0163<br />

If Nn Answer. ( all Hli-asiinlvlllp 43S.W<br />

Trft Eslirnaien FuriiKhed — r, II, A, Financing Atrtagat<br />


SIDING<br />

Registered Builder<br />

Edmund C, Wisham<br />

24A«bFyAve, Ph. 123?<br />

QMiiiliiMMiiMiiliiiHilltiiiiltlMM'-iliMiiiiiriiMilllMiij<br />

ROOFIhC<br />



'^1" HEATING<br />

H. CRAIG<br />

Ph. 0916 9th ft Haven<br />


TODAY<br />


f WITH OUR ©OOD<br />

i s. PUUMBIN© FHA Financing<br />

No Down Payment<br />

36 Months to Pay<br />

Waterbury<br />

The Mast Modem<br />


SYSTEM<br />

•V*<br />

"• , ' >*r.<br />

.1 'ft T " K

P<br />

^J^igiMBeS<br />

-V<br />

in<br />

tarfreew&y<br />

Milgnatbd •• • bee-<br />

qf * parkway, accord-<br />

' A J Caflera<br />

l*«J»UUon will be<br />

the rotd tu<br />

', pointing gut that • puk<<br />

ild prohibit tit UM b)<br />

tmm and similar vehicles<br />

way would prohibit it! uta by<br />

trucki. biues and similar vehicle!.<br />

Hpwevtr. it »tlll will b* kept free<br />

<strong>of</strong> bat dos itsndi and other objec<br />

tionablc tFructntfi<br />

Work is progreiiing on the Initia<br />

pluuo <strong>of</strong> the road in thin county, by<br />

pining Court HOUM, while • turves<br />

hai been itarted on the fieed lik<br />


HOTEL<br />

$ AT THE BRIDGE _ ROUTE 9 • 4<br />

-r«P « RMI Evening el Enjoyment wi»h the<br />

Mfiit People - . - Viiit<br />



Delicious Sandwiches<br />

Cocktails As You Like Them<br />

i Our Jam SMMOBI<br />

Singing Your Favorite Songs |<br />

N*w Policy • New Management<br />


Faulkner Bill<br />

Utility Anti-Strike<br />

Measure Abo Paases<br />

The Drisen 11 administration scored<br />

i importMfit vietery it Trenton<br />

Msnday when the Assembly brushid<br />

aiide itrong oppogltien end passed<br />

thf Fsulknsr program for revising<br />

municipal govemniefU. together with<br />

p new biH la prevent itrifces in pub-<br />

"e utilitis.<br />

The eontreversipl Faulkner pro-<br />

_."Hm was passed by a 35-21 vo|g<br />

after a Mfieerted drive had been<br />

msde te bring it to the floor from<br />

committee, A 33-23 tally pasied the<br />

arti-strike measure, ai two GOP<br />

members bolted the party ranks to '<br />

oin the Democrats in opposing it |<br />

Both pieces <strong>of</strong> legislation repre-<br />

enled two <strong>of</strong> the most controversial<br />

if the governor's retommendatione<br />

The municipal reform program<br />

mtvidei H options based upon three<br />

eeommended forms <strong>of</strong> local goy^<br />

frnmpnt to be chosen by voters in<br />

jgch municipality if they decide a<br />

huige in their form is desirable<br />

K clsuttf compelling such a refer-<br />

•ndum by 1959 was stricken out last<br />

veek to assure enough votes lor<br />

ipproval. The measures still fuce<br />

h«rd flKht in the Senate.<br />

The Senate already had ;ippruved<br />

permanent extender at the utility<br />

'iti-strike law, which expires in-<br />

morrow. It permits the tjnyernnf to<br />

^mpel arbitration nf a utility labor<br />

ispute after seizing facilities thread<br />

•ed with interruption <strong>of</strong> tserviets<br />

Purchased iron and steel LMjnsumn-<br />

on in the LL S. totaled 21.250.000<br />

ress tons in 1949, 27 per cent k-ss<br />

inn in 1948,<br />

The State House 1$ My Beit<br />


To Clip Wings<br />

Of Bond Brokers<br />

State to Avert More<br />

Big Pr<strong>of</strong>its Scandal*<br />

The bond broker big pr<strong>of</strong>its hutiey-<br />

' thi?<br />



The way has finally been paved<br />

for the construetion <strong>of</strong> a new state<br />

mental hospital and the rehabilitiu<br />

tion and enlargement <strong>of</strong> other wel-<br />

fare ana mrntul institutions^ The<br />

Senate lnsl svenk apurnyed the Lil-<br />

U-IJ bill allocating $3^,000.000 to the<br />

.Htate Board nf Cuntrnl <strong>of</strong> jbi&titu*<br />

linns itnd AKunties Hnd 5 lulu Trt>iiS=<br />

uit'T Waller T. <strong>Mar</strong>geUs,_Jr=, tu caver<br />

the cohl <strong>of</strong> the work. Thy amount,<br />

in tin 1 form <strong>of</strong> a bond issue, wps ap-<br />

proved by rpfi'rvndum in the Nt><br />

ember general election<br />

Under provisions ui the bill, |1L-<br />

000,QUO is prnvified for construction<br />

uf the new mcnHil hospital in South<br />

•Jersey, probhbly near Ciiniflen. An<br />

additional $3.otfO,WKt i* set up fnr<br />

firt'iirnoHnji muJ new t'onsiructlnn fit<br />

SkillniHii Villnyo for Epilcplk/N and<br />

SI,150,000 for new construction at<br />

Other<br />


Registers<br />

Radiators<br />

Radiant Panels<br />

Baseboard<br />

COAL<br />

Warm Air<br />

Hot Water<br />

Steam<br />

Air Conditioning<br />

GAS • OIL<br />

When You Are in the <strong>Mar</strong>ket for a Real Heating System<br />




Atlantic Avenue Tel. 0328<br />

Sec<br />

¥05<br />

moon is on its way out. so far as<br />

State <strong>of</strong> Ntw Jersey is rgncernetl.<br />

State Treasurer Waiter T, <strong>Mar</strong>gettii,<br />

Jr., who has earned the title <strong>of</strong><br />

watchdog <strong>of</strong> the state Ireatiury, U<br />

going to make eortain that nn inure<br />

Kind seanrials ever oepur nvur in-<br />

, r cstments <strong>of</strong> itntt- funds<br />

A bill is expected tn he introduced<br />

in tht* Senate this week railing for<br />

the creation uf an lUnientber stale<br />

advisory council on inv^stnu'Mts, __.._. _ .<br />

This group when organized will sub' I tlu 1 Dnrdentnwn Reformatory<br />

m:t to <strong>Mar</strong>pett-H the names uf three -nmounts are allocated for improve-<br />

men for possible uppointnieni OK the fiipni* to other ptatt 1 institutions,<br />

director <strong>of</strong> u new state division <strong>of</strong> j Much <strong>of</strong> the uork has already<br />

investments and fieeinities. The n.p- passed the- hluoprmi stage, nnd ron'=<br />

poinirnent nf the financial u&pert si^urtlnn has hern .started on Mmiu<br />

would be made by <strong>Mar</strong>ge tU. <strong>of</strong> the smaller buildings.<br />

Governor Drisenll would appoint! Overcrowding <strong>of</strong> instiiutiuiis and! f!i ». v<br />

-•*- Fri gfuwing wajtinji lists <strong>of</strong> potential pii= r " Aiil -<br />

tirrits have been a source <strong>of</strong> per-<br />

Koniil worry to Htatc Institutions<br />

Ciimmisslnnur SiiiiforLJ Bates.<br />

High School News<br />

April Fool Dance<br />

Saturday Night<br />

To Be Sponsored<br />

by Junior Class<br />

By BOB liALLERAN<br />

Thy Junior Hyys nf Qcpan Cil.v<br />

Hiph wijl sponsor an Auril Fi'ol<br />

tUlMLT Oh Siitlirriiiy.<br />

It is tu be a Hillbilly Staa D;HKT<br />

ruid the Juniors hyvt? entitled it the<br />

"F"uU Rush In" Diiiieo. H is due<br />

tu start at 8;30 p. m, and continue<br />

until midnight.<br />

Thirg will by prUt-'s for thr lut^ky,<br />

\iu-\veu for all. Tlifiu will be 1 snniu<br />

•quari 1 dmieinM. iuui nil me iMvitcc!<br />

a upppar in ovcrallK mid plaid, m<br />

ill Uiist kUltf shirts.<br />

The fmit'lion will utkc phitt 1 in<br />

Ihi 5 hi^h ^L-liin'il iivm. li stntu-<br />

jiri'niifee <strong>of</strong> bpmu ioivii, uf (un V'iuT<br />

iti'-thiiii^ yourself nnd ihc Juiiuti^ '•<br />

favor by nMvmiina<br />

Ifoductlon thin certain Public KM-<br />

mics have known<br />

Sam Grothwell appcured in the<br />

auditorium to lecture on the "O-<br />

man' UEing \anous illuitffltians to<br />

show the work done hi finger-print-<br />

ing xLientillc i rime dotPction unil<br />

tminlnK nf FBI iigcnls Ht? e«<br />

plained him Ihe. FBI multcs »m<br />

on irinic jnel sgbutagr reutinn<br />

Viinous incidents <strong>of</strong> the past war<br />

and also in the never-ending war<br />

HKSinst crime.<br />

Now (he student body knows ex-<br />

mlly why "Crime Does Nut Paj".<br />

Try * 50f Clasiifici) Ad.<br />

- r<br />

Easo Al»oCut» '<br />

Heating Oil Price<br />

A price reduction <strong>of</strong> four-tenths<br />

<strong>of</strong> e cent pet gallon In haunhold<br />

heating oil »JS announced Friday by<br />

ihe, E»so Standard Oil Company, for<br />

thii area<br />

1 he company said the new price<br />

cu! would reflect a ssvlnj in the oil<br />

bill <strong>of</strong> the avarage householder <strong>of</strong><br />

nbout $15 by comparison with lait<br />

iison.<br />

Several olhor local companies an.<br />

iiouneed aiinllar reduction! earlier In<br />

the week.<br />

HurtinFaUl<br />

Improving<br />

HIM Pauline Clundlcr 18, <strong>of</strong><br />

*B Ksuii, who wii iertouils- in.<br />

In in Becidml on tha iton#<br />

boulevard list week, wu,<br />

to be Improving ytfterday I<br />

ef th<br />

MIH Chindltr. • Junior in Mlddl,<br />

Townihip High School, miy be re<br />

leased from The hospiUI this wcel<br />

_ __. mumbors <strong>of</strong> iiw ^ouncih THL<br />

uther ftiui" uould tjC' jiujiii j cj by truj>=<br />

itM s ijf KID four principMl puri^nji)<br />

fund.H uf tluj NUitcv Tru> nt-^ (hrt-u\] hojirfu]<br />

he cini obtain cnnltrmatlim <strong>of</strong> his<br />

secretary. Commander Ransiord 1<br />

Ahbott. as the new stalu hiyhuiiy<br />

eoniiTiissioner: The Movi-mor has<br />

Ilivun up any hope that he can ob-<br />

tain Senate confirmation uf Suiiv<br />

iner Spiiiier Mil-<br />

ipniillniciit ij. !i|w<br />

Stiinli'.v llerhfil<br />

n !<br />

[ lhi Asscinhly Deniocrats sat ii<br />

chamber waiiitiM fiii<br />

i start. Nnw llir -a<br />

als lire hiilriini! Iheir<br />

•ssliins Oiie se«»iiin<br />

mnrc thai! Mfi hntir<br />

t^;iN dehiyed<br />

A hili' the Demiienits were ^dowi; tii<br />

he hole hohling n cfliiciis.<br />

Fur years the Oemnrrals had little<br />

msincss tn linlf! a eniicaS: N'u'v mcire<br />

t ura! anil laiyer m number. Uie<br />

Dvm.iiCTiiV? i\fi s<br />

Hun. inrhifhiij; bills<br />

Hhl<br />

l by tl<br />


IS 35 VKAKS OLD '<br />

WiUiiiut fiiiifiirn iinr! hlimni;<br />

j S<br />

i U y<br />

; ler, Jr Abbott's H<br />

j posed by Senator^'<br />

I MonnuHith CfHinly,<br />

dent <strong>of</strong> Red Bank,<br />

; eotinty=<br />

the<br />

Ads (>et<br />

q<br />

:ir nf itK<br />

(Her liuit<br />

i<br />

; liiiietly niiscrviiw the 35th ; Hi'<br />

S|):iii-<br />

i<br />

n HENRY J, 1AHQR, ABC Nff<br />

•S3;' \^hi'.^*jx'<br />

Vow Budget, too, says<br />


rMnr<br />

)imu t\n\u <strong>of</strong> sviw<br />

(jiiMuli ilijs fniijnj jilljs fnr t<br />

;iMfl? <strong>of</strong> nirn. udtriri! Eirui vi'U<br />

Tin' (liS'i^inn j>U|H'ii[^tun(hMit.<br />

MMI J. Klclrliiao Im^ ^IxcMi 32<br />

fil rvvvici? tn Ui(* c!i% JHhin<br />

tn^Hrr (tf invi. Kldnd^t 1 ii* rt-fii<br />

In m;iny stntu nfllriiil^ iniil i>m}><br />

UM Ihr ijii^kliotH' rif Jhp H[\i>iiiti<br />

h,i, lUviiluti ii hit tif In, iiilku<br />

- time in tin- ili'vi'lniiini'nl i<br />

- tl:o - phy^iriilly = hiirif'ua<br />

n^urmmt. Hi 1 i.^ uiiu nf th^ h<br />

i^i-unrknif: iiru! nict^t UM?i'[i]sh<br />

vvin iiiTicMuU in the sUik-<br />


r'>!^tn firtmrrN * if jhn M«Uy ton vetoing good this timc-and<br />

vnqp away in a Finballing new Buick,<br />

with all its room and comfort and<br />

standout styling?<br />

You know there's no better buy you<br />

em make—and no wider choice than<br />

you're going to find among Buiek's<br />

array <strong>of</strong> beauties for ipSO<br />

You know there's no livelier action —<br />

no smoother ride — no roomier com-<br />

j. fort for too money than you'll find<br />

fright here,<br />

jfl,nd if you don't know it —<br />

we'd like to repeat this;<br />

If you can afford a new cir,<br />

you can afford a <strong>1950</strong> Buick,<br />

The SPECIAL'S pricei start just<br />

• above the lowest bracket. You<br />

'can choose between thrifty<br />

standard-finish models — and<br />

de luxe versions a bit richer in trim<br />

and ouciidc finish,<br />

You can have a Coupe, two-door or<br />

four-dogr models-sleek-lined jetbucks<br />

or tourbacks with roomy luggage com.<br />

partmeijis,<br />

You tan dress them up, if you like, with<br />

a lung list <strong>of</strong> added equipment—includ-<br />

ing <strong>1950</strong> Dynaflow Drive* for instance<br />

—or hold the lilt down to the essentials<br />

everyone wants,<br />

And your budget is goinjj to find<br />

continuing reason to be content that<br />

you blossomed out in a Buiek,<br />

For in the.hands <strong>of</strong> owners, the SPECIAL<br />

is proving thrifty to run ai well as<br />

thrifty to buy-and what mure could<br />

you ask?<br />

Which ii ggeses-why not see your<br />

Buick dealer now and ask him the<br />

exact details and prices, tfade-ini,<br />

delivery arid terms?<br />

p<br />

Ihink pl y<br />

v. - N;itinnril DprnriiTHtit-<br />

in;in Wiihiifn .! Bnyli^ niiiy \isit<br />

Jt>i>r\- in thr ii<br />

mi i iriirt in hen! lln' b<br />

I'MI'v ifHilor^ n\t*r t hi' I.HMir nf<br />

Hinuei.m , . Thr Kchmarv iniiii<br />

nvitagp rrlnll |ir!pp <strong>of</strong> S3 inipiirtaiil<br />

ffind il?niN ivas 0.14 ppp eeni IOWFT<br />

thHri timi »f MiNl JuiiliilFV and 2.M<br />

per eriit bst«» that <strong>of</strong> Frhryary<br />

ISId Ihp Hlatp IlpparLmpiil <strong>of</strong> l,ab«p<br />

iiir! Industry has fppnrlpd. . Thr<br />

Api'Hiiili: Ilivixiiiii nf tiu> Suite Bii.<br />

ni-riiir rouri hn« rnipri wlri-mi'ii<br />

Mid nther |H'i>iin^ uhu phu'w \;iiu =<br />

•iblcs ill riillriind Miiliim iiii'kcis are<br />

re^pnn^ihle fnr In^e*. tlKif tlii' nsin-<br />

OVI nf till' llicki'I'B riillniil hi- held re-<br />

jpoMsilile Slatf Mniiir Vphiilr<br />

riipppiiip Arthiir W, Magre warns<br />

mii(dfiNl?i that aliy mnlnr yrlilflp<br />

drivpn on puhlir ^ttTplN afU'f ttild =<br />

liljhl Mnnli Si thai dnps not (IKplav<br />

Illflli plalfs \iiil he in vliilalioli nf<br />

thp law. . . . The Riule Tnrii|iik(> Aii-<br />

Ihnrily liiis iiw.irdefl i'ini(r:ict.s tntal-<br />

s Hiiire tli:m $l(j.(l(l(i.lillO (or pre.<br />

liniiiiiify wnrk mi the priipnsed new<br />

1 IH-riiilo lull lurniiike ucriiBs the<br />

liuckbuiu' nf tin' slatg.<br />

iil'il «<br />

eilil.e<br />

nf<br />

Oppose Federal<br />

Abandonment <strong>of</strong><br />

Cape May Canal<br />

Oiipusiliciii in the |in.j!i,,.eil di»inii.<br />

imuaiiee nf ledirid n|iei at,mi n| ihe<br />

Cnpe MIIV Ciniiitv eaiiiil i\as vnieed<br />

hy the Wihlwniid LVn, Ijuriiliah<br />

i:(iiiiilli,sL(iil hut week<br />

III ii letter In lhi> freehnl.iei,. |h,<br />

IjoriiuBll iiiid tiiiit iMrleral uiilidriiwal<br />

frnm npeniliiiii nf Ihe eiihnl wnulrl<br />

lie ii nerioui, »elhnck tu prnufeKS <strong>of</strong><br />

the eotinly. The rullill is purl <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Ihree-nnle wiilorniiy eoiineeliiii; Del-<br />

wart Bay and Cape Miiy Iliirhor<br />

roiiiiiy Cminsei Hnberl K Bull<br />

alii he pliiiis (u eoHfer with Hep T<br />

Millet Hiiiiri to determine u cniirie<br />

aetiiin tu try lo nvtrrule the<br />

reenniniundilliiin <strong>of</strong> iho Army En-<br />

(jilieers who sliid thiil irarilo ill the<br />

Kiiiiil does not justify the. expendi-<br />

ture lo iipuriitti ii;<br />

Christn.as I.-lnnil in the Paeifie,<br />

wa^ so iiiiineri heeiiuse the esplurer.<br />

Jiimes Ctiok^ clisenvftcil it on Chrlsi.<br />

maH Day. 1777,<br />

l.iiu- I-.<br />

CnM.-.l Hti.li's Ciiinlnl «ii- wv ...<br />

t;..' .; !:•( r;i ry. ;'(d wiii'i Ihi v ^.:.<br />

ll'iri-. Ihe iilini.nl L:inii| picuire nil'<br />

l,iki n<br />

'rhc I.inCiiln Mei'iuriai ci.mivh'tif<br />

she .ilteriit.'.H's schedule nn-l snnr<br />

[he Oci'iin Tltyiti's Were bilik ill lln<br />

I'u'e! cnioyini4 a jjnufl niral After<br />

ihilifer, (hey fliviiiei! inln t\*u yii.ups<br />

nil. 1 i:nin^ in the p/aiifiiial Airiiorl<br />

the ulher tii ^arioiis slinws <strong>of</strong> ^eri.<br />

crnjiy doinji (lie town.<br />

<strong>On</strong> Tuesday inornine. following' •'<br />

heiiity breakfast. 00 ralhrr bed.<br />

i-ac.ulcd Heniurs unee iiiore j-t.i!'!!"!<br />

tl-cir round iif ealis Tlie liriire . L=<br />

iccii\ : e the heiuiid niurinnt- vr.^ ih*<br />

I'niii'ri Sliites Kiiprcnic Cnurt Aliei<br />

tlli^ Ihe h.i'iil s];:ht.?-i-.'rs ^su ^e\'<br />

eral uf Ihe fureii'ii iiiihiissii',. ;nv<br />

([••elded in e;ill il riinuMh Tl'i v re-<br />

tliini'd lu Hie linu-t, |i;ii ki'rl Iheii<br />

hii'iii. and leli afler Imit-h<br />

(In th*' way iL!i! <strong>of</strong> tuun. lllev<br />

'.lupj.ed a' 'lin KiarriKCiin M'-naHery<br />

1.cii\ii:^ ihrre they yisiled An-<br />

fiiipnlis. Mil' vl.'ilid. aiiif the NaysJ<br />

Arademy, The Se.i'un h.i.l tiine tn<br />

\ \r\< ihr- urnuiii's hefiii*' fiaxini; in<br />

hiiiinl llu- buses f',r tin- lii«i ica nf<br />

their tt'iii hnine J<br />

A stislt 'A;I> Iriidc fui' stppit:Mj' siiiiii-<br />

-A here hejwern Aheideei.. M;n\iaiii]<br />

ai.ri the Pefinsvilie ferry<br />

SirilFSTS HKAii F.B.I. MAN<br />

The !iii;h sehf'u] was inlrndueed<br />

In llu- F.H.I, nn Wednesday hist<br />

week,<br />

ii Wit* a nun h mure pleasant in-<br />


900 Shore Road • Somei-s Point<br />

Hotel • Bar • Restaurant<br />

Television<br />

Shuffleboard<br />

Darts<br />

— Open All Year —<br />

At liOfJ A. M.<br />

rnliihiK<br />

Turkey Platters and<br />

Sandwiches<br />

Oyster Stew — CUni Stew<br />

Fried Oysteri<br />

Snapper Soup<br />

Fried Jumbo Shrimp<br />

Seafood — Steaks<br />


Wissow's<br />

234 Shore Road Someri Point, N. J,<br />

Re opening Friday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 31<br />

Delicious Full-Course .<br />

DINNERS^ 40 *<br />


Oiicn Fridays and s.iliinlavs frum 4:00 P. M.<br />

Sundays frnm 1! Niion I'honp; Somrfii Pnint 313<br />

win nr phBn9 iriyer let Cftim Co.. W. Wlldwwd, N. j. Wildwwd 2 3401<br />

In t •tti>JM>#«»«>i*^HMt,tttM>>t>j^^-~t——<br />

t Complete<br />

Landscaping<br />

Service<br />

'e Will Plant a New Lawn and Furnish<br />

Shrubbery From Our Own Nursery<br />

Good Grade Top Soil Used<br />

Mushroom Soil<br />

Call U» Today and Ut Ui G!v# You an Estimate for<br />

Completely Landscaping Your Property<br />


Road at Bargaintown Lake<br />

S Miles from <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Phone Someri Point 2360 f<br />

BflR (//, CPFE<br />

iiinimiiiaminiiiniMni<br />

"The Better Buy*-<br />


PRICE<br />


on<br />

O Oection Uoors<br />

Se# Your<br />


Also Offered II a New Siie<br />


I4»O" x 7'0" JI I 3/8" Thick<br />

Three Section* High<br />

The Better-Bilt Door Co<br />


•<br />

Drinking Affects<br />

All Differently<br />

Often Problem<br />

For PaychUtrut<br />

•y Th» Nedlul Society •! K, /.<br />

Our American bar bill is iome-<br />

wheri iround 17,000,000,000 i year<br />

Thli Includes the taxes but not the<br />

tips. The old laying that one man's<br />

meat is another 1 ! poison was never<br />

truer <strong>of</strong> anyUrfj thin <strong>of</strong> alcohol.<br />

The effects •ftjcohol differ from one<br />

another, The problem <strong>of</strong> alcoholism,<br />

too, la confused and complicated by<br />

questions <strong>of</strong> eepnomiet, politics, so-<br />

eisi behavior, morality, dietetics—<br />

and sex.<br />

Among Imbibers, the normal in-<br />

dividual—if there is any such—takes<br />

alcohol more or lesi In moderation<br />

to heighton a feeling <strong>of</strong> festivity or<br />

;o gain momentary relaxation from<br />

,he straiiii and stresses <strong>of</strong> everydiy<br />

liv[ng.<br />

The Immoderate, solitary drinker<br />

abuses his body and personality and<br />

discredits alcohol generally through<br />

his frantiu search for escape from<br />

ensions and problems.<br />

Observers <strong>of</strong> the alcohol addict us-<br />

ually enn detect symptoms <strong>of</strong> emo-<br />

iiona! initabillty and evidences <strong>of</strong><br />

mmalurlty and irresponsibility be-<br />

fond the average. Many students <strong>of</strong><br />

he subject insist that chronic al-<br />

oholism Is a manifestation <strong>of</strong> some<br />

ore or less pr<strong>of</strong>ound psychoneurosis.<br />

The psychlatriits and doctors gen-<br />

rally concede that corrective meat-<br />

res should aim at the underlying<br />

rive in the personality—the basic<br />

auses—and these measures should,<br />

possible, begin before, not after,<br />

le habit has becumi deeply en<br />

i-nched<br />

The problem uf alcoholism, heing<br />

usiciilly involved with the person-<br />

lit> <strong>of</strong> the patient comes within<br />

e province <strong>of</strong> the psychiatrist the<br />

ini^ler and the social worker<br />

In recent years alcoholics v*ho<br />

have masjtrnd their affliction=wh<br />

have dried up —have banded to-<br />

Kether under the hame Alcoholics<br />

Anonvmnus and through their un-<br />

derstanding nf the personal prob-<br />

lem as well ai through their per<br />

*5ongl examples have done wonders<br />

for many alcoholics for whom all<br />

other aid had failed<br />

Treatment fur the ahnholic cjlls<br />

fnr diagnostic and rehabilitation<br />

sen. ires help frnm religious and<br />

sncial gmups, and the aid ol law<br />

enforcement and legislation<br />

For a great many people an ounce<br />

nf prevention is witFth far more than<br />

n firhna fnr a Fifth"<br />

NEW CONTACT LENSES—Dr. William Fcinbloom, <strong>of</strong> New York<br />

<strong>City</strong>, Is about to place a contact lens weighing little more than a<br />

postage stamp over the right eye <strong>of</strong> Adrienno Goldstone in a<br />

demonstration at Northern Illinois College o( Optometry in Cni-<br />

eago, PliiUe and unbreakable, the now lens Is based on a newly<br />

discovered principle <strong>of</strong> successfully moving the control area onto<br />

the cornea, instead <strong>of</strong> the white <strong>of</strong> the eye. This, says Dr. Fein-<br />

bloom, eliminates discomfort.<br />

LOCKED UP BY "RADAR"—Natnlie Robertson, Los Angeles,<br />

Calif., shows how the "radar" calling-card house lock works.<br />

Resident comes home, slips card Into slot ond the door opens. Any-<br />

body else's card would set <strong>of</strong>t a burglar alarm. Card, much like a<br />

"charge-a-plulc," has concealed graphite patterns which Ot like<br />

patterns in the slot.<br />


stooped head, Dacchn, London<br />

Zoo's 12-mcmth-old tiger, paces<br />

his new quarters in the lion<br />

house. Seemingly unhappy about<br />

the change in living quarters,<br />

Rnccha needs to become ac-<br />

quainted with his neighbors. He<br />

formerly lived alone.<br />

Chiropodists to Have<br />

Science Conclave<br />

in Atlantic <strong>City</strong><br />

Tlie firs! annual Rrijioti 3 Chin<br />

pfidy Societies <strong>of</strong> New Ji-mry." I'enn<br />

vylvaniii and Delaware, will lie lie!<br />

cm AlJril 21. 22 end 23 ul the A<br />

ijassafior liulel. Atlantic <strong>City</strong><br />

A cnniprchonsive Scientilii pi<br />

Bram, fealurinK authoritative let'lur<br />

ei> in ehiropffdy and inodicine frur<br />

Ihr mid-wesl. the south, thp east an<br />

fri iri Cuiindu, is esjiected In altraf<br />

a •rieorri iitlDndance from 26 state<br />

and the provlnc <strong>of</strong> <strong>On</strong>tarin an.<br />

Quebec. Complete details <strong>of</strong> th<br />

mtilie nroBram will be announce!<br />

within two weeks.<br />

A spectacular display uf 7S techni<br />

cal exhibits, the larHesi in the his<br />

t<strong>of</strong>j <strong>of</strong> chiropiciy eunyenlions, wil<br />

present the laicst and mod iit><br />

prnved types nf chinipuriiciil insti-u<br />

menls. aiiparalus and supplies<br />

Dr. W. Thomas AdrirriK: <strong>of</strong> Oceat<br />

<strong>City</strong>, is district publicity chairman<br />

U S<br />

kw««,ir(mr,exlr Inr^est ronoivuir<br />

in New Jersey cn^erinM 2310 acres<br />

md containing 29 billion gallons<br />

when full, II serves 75(1000 per-<br />

-.uns in 21) rnuFiicipulilios,<br />

For a place to dim<br />

That's really fine,..<br />


Everything from a quick<br />

sandwich to a sumptuous<br />

banquet can be found under<br />

"Rtstauraiits"ih the Yellow<br />

Pages <strong>of</strong> your Telephone<br />

Directory,<br />

WHIN<br />

you knew the name<br />

but not the addreii. , .<br />

you know the product<br />

but not who sells If,,,<br />

you'vi forgotten the nems<br />

or how It's tpidid .. ,<br />





V.<br />

Kk<br />


Bulftn Univer«4ty. tht<br />

SUl« Uninntty af Ntw JtrMjr<br />

A good lawn li one <strong>of</strong> the chip<br />

assets <strong>of</strong> a property. To have<br />

d lawn requires careful prepara<br />

tior. <strong>of</strong> the soil when the lawn<br />

made and regular maintenance after<br />

ward Late iummer and early fa<br />

l^s the besl season - to establish<br />

luv n Maintenance operations star<br />

early In the spring<br />

Many persons apply lime ever<br />

year Tills Is not a gnud practic<br />

and msy cause harm to the lawn<br />

Ordinarily liming every 2. to 4 yean<br />

will he <strong>of</strong>ten enough It may bi<br />

wise lo have the suil tested fo<br />

acidity and apply lime as Indicate<br />

bj the test<br />

Fertihiation is <strong>of</strong>ten neglLttrd I<br />

has befen found that an annual ap<br />

plication <strong>of</strong> the complete garden<br />

fertilizer nuch as 5 10-S nr 4-18-<br />

Will help the lawn a great dea<br />

This Is lippllfd at the rate <strong>of</strong> abou<br />

2 pounds to lOO square feet II i<br />

well to reptdt this in thr late sum<br />

mer<br />

Early application <strong>of</strong> the fertilize!<br />

i, rfdiisabU It ran be put cm now<br />

Tin use <strong>of</strong> H complete fertilizer al<br />

this early season means that as Eoon<br />

as the grass starts to grow there<br />

will he available to It at once nltro-<br />

£i>i that makes for vigorous growth<br />

If Kuod grasses tan liavt this bnokt<br />

eirly In the wuon they tnnd to<br />

spread and fill up the lawn Oftei<br />

weeds can be crowded out<br />

If tin-re are hare spots maybe<br />

they will be dr> tnmigh so they can<br />

be raked and rcseeded This can<br />

br liunr dfter the fertilizer is ap<br />

phed<br />

Earliness is the keynote in spring<br />

arc <strong>of</strong> the lawn<br />

3 Women Injured<br />

in Head-on Crash<br />

Three Kcimen HITP injured in ,i<br />

hi .id nn collision at Wildwuod Cre t<br />

Saturday<br />

PoUce wild a car driven bv Mn<br />

Ehannr OrtliilT nf B r I d g 1.1 o n<br />

rained mtu another tar linirn In<br />

f thi Nt y.<br />

v\ Stdte Ernplu\mrnl ^erviti<br />

476 dfifilic^nU in juhs during Ffh<br />

ruiii \ dcturding tn bupi-nnlt-iidtn*<br />

Russell J Eldndge Of thew 7^<br />

sx vrc mi fjrms Malr plar^mmi^<br />

numbered 2574 f cmdlc 4827 \ F)<br />

i-ran^ 1075 and physically handi-<br />

Th< Inul rcprrst nts d drop <strong>of</strong> 272<br />

Tri m Jtinuar> due primarily to v<br />

shorter munth<br />

COLEMAN E, HARRE Lancfacipe i<br />

JL*ymt Mshtalmdl - Spring<br />




P<br />

*<br />


s $ Save S s<br />



immediate Delivery<br />


Reception Guaranteed _ 24 Month* to Pay<br />

Aeriali Expertly Installed — 2« Haar BeMlr<br />

li<br />

Grover D. Brown<br />

Shore Road, <strong>Mar</strong>mora, N. J. Phone O. C 289S-R-1<br />

Day or Night<br />

WARNER<br />



Hoi sintt "Snow Whiti" a pktvn Ilka ttiif ... I<br />

It tin SMM with nil WoH Mmy'i wliordrr!<br />


APRIL lit S n<br />

Want lo Swap? Try a CU»l(lcd<br />


ARE^IERE<br />




To Take Out<br />


Dailyi 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. - Sunday i 4 p. m. to 7 p. m,<br />


Deviled Crab ...48cea. Clam Chowder .... ,S5c qt.<br />

Deviled Clam .__.20c ea, F. F. Potatoes... ,40c qt.<br />

Shrimp Salad ..-_$1.75 lb. Fried Oy.ter $1.00doz.<br />

Fried Srallor.. on, ik • Lower Salad ^..$1,75 lb,<br />

tried Scallop, .. SOc lb, Crab Sft, d $h7B ,b<br />

Frl'd I^T¥l V $la5lbl CoI « Slaw - — ^36* ib.<br />

Fried Filet Fluke* Pepper Hath . „_30c lb.<br />

2Se, 3Bc, SOc per order Potato Salad ,..,.3Sc lb.<br />


SEA FOOII PI.ATTKR (iintains: Drvilrd frab, Fried Srallops.<br />

frlr* Oyslepn, Fried Shrimp. Deviled Clun, Fish il.jO<br />

AINO Cole Slaw. Tomato, i.ttiiife, Tsftar Sauce, Pirklc, French Fries<br />

HOT PLATTERS Cnnliiln: Chnlre <strong>of</strong>—rievlled Cr»b, Semllnpi,<br />

Shrlinp, Fish, Clam , ' (jjc<br />

Al»p Colt SIII«', Lettuce, Tom.ilfi. TarUf Nauce, Pirhle, French Fries<br />

or Potato Halad<br />


CHOICE OF; Lobster Salad, Crab Naiad, Shrimp Salad, Shrimp<br />

CotkUll ,. .; ,... Mo<br />

Leliure, Tomato, Cole slaw. Pickle, Potato salad<br />

Out <strong>of</strong> Our FISH DEPARTMENT<br />

Live and Broiled Lobster - Lobster Tails - Crab Meat<br />

All Kinds <strong>of</strong> Fresh Sea Sood in Season<br />

Fifty-Four Years in <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

1155 Asbury Avenue Phone 1515 -1516

Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch 80, li50<br />

Resort<br />

it Dies<br />

W«iUr<br />

_. M Taylor former<br />

_ „-_ Mildenf more than 15<br />

L Ind the widow <strong>of</strong> J Dougldt<br />

} «, died Monday jt her<br />

*"1 Edliwood «v Lumuud<br />

_ U<br />

,- Taylor was a, iliter <strong>of</strong> Wuli<br />

t Allen, Oeesrl <strong>City</strong> locksmith<br />

, Allen, Oe«rt <strong>City</strong><br />

All«n <strong>of</strong> Leeitours and Mr<br />

~* r Hun««» o( Miflvlllf Sin-<br />

<strong>of</strong> Oa utility<br />

Funenl service! will take place<br />

this afternoon (Thursdayi at the<br />

Cunningham parlors Pleasmitviili<br />

w ih Interment in Laurut Memon '<br />

Park<br />

Rudolph P Hommel<br />

Mrs Winifiid Hommil 937 Cm<br />

Ir 1 a\ is uniting fntnri** f-ir siv<br />

tral djys in Bi.lhU.heni Pi<br />

rkr hunband Rudolph P Hummi I<br />

vth i ^ai iniurtd in j irjfTU JLII<br />

dent nfnr Duunifii.1 *n h m<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch 14 dud M-iri.li 18 m thi<br />

Cl rali-r t uunt Ho pi il Hi i i<br />

buried V^u fne rta\ la I i k il<br />

Niesk* Mill Cim tin H thi hi i<br />

Pi He *J b<br />

Mr Hnnmil v i bi rn in Mini li<br />

GirnnnV F r a<br />

H dm! Mr* ft mn In ' 1 a Kn<br />

_ hnfc Chin i lire hi B H ' I I 1<br />

lurvived by five children rn rthf rlMirlir II in Mi • rc<br />

rb Allen lbs <strong>Mar</strong>]orie Ru nf Dnk u in Po<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ily Taylor and Wu' i<br />

'lor. »H <strong>of</strong> Linwood anil Strlt-lft n »ith i li m ii i t i lul<br />

NmUarrn <strong>of</strong> Northfield , ihmiln t i il I 1 un IK<br />

_ _ her husband formerly re 711 diet! *t In Uihlu.i 1 I in •><br />

>#rf when he *u 1 repair uidj%<br />

©r Ihe <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> Division <strong>of</strong> I Ht *ml hi f ) i ' r i<br />

* mile <strong>City</strong> Electric Co The,, 11 rjti J j n i III i i, I • i> • i 11<br />

to Fleuantville and even i ort fur tin MII »U I n II<br />

to linwood after he uas fi mi Hi u t ' t i I<br />

" to Hie mainland dnuiun «tn m Ph I uh i i i<br />

OUR WORK<br />

IS<br />


M, W« (unntcc sll our wart to be the best. Mud* niiMsllile<br />

by the Biny years uf uptrlenee.<br />



' Awnings Custom Made - Repaired - Hung<br />

Boat Work • Cushions - Curtains<br />

Pbone ISM for Prompt, Courteous Service<br />

Chic's Canvas Products, inc.<br />

123 Eighth Street, <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />


Mrs. Mecky, Here<br />

12 Years, Dies<br />

Churka Mecky's<br />

Widow Was 92<br />

Mi-, Kathnrmi MtLkv y resident<br />

i i O i t d n L i y f u r 1 J l e i r . , j t H i<br />

W t n k \ j % c l m l t j f h *- 1 i v i f<br />

- t l u i l i - M i i n i r u l I l u t j u d<br />

Ii M<br />

i U l!i<br />

k n i t , h t I l i<br />

kv<br />

qtuacm<br />

IALMMT<br />

fegaor<br />

TO MAIL<br />

TNE liTTIBS<br />

y, pseev r ><br />

WANT yOU TO #<br />


LETTEPfr<br />

COMPL * Ml N0 ABOUT<br />

i ^ SO ABftBNT-<br />

. ABOUT THtM 1<br />

Family Life Today<br />

k-rm li|nin I J i i it<br />

I r I I il B !M I in v 1 ril \ il<br />

\ tb I tun R C t h ri fi lull<br />

•ill i n III K Si | il ] i C<br />

II 11 11 li 'i h i<br />

Summer Resident<br />

From Phila Dies<br />

M M I I % C t II I i<br />

llll k V, t I 1 II il. 1<br />

1 r h I i 1| I i I Ih i<br />

i i i I h I i Ii 1<br />

^> II II r i i ii f<br />

i ii c i i P nl MI<br />

I I i t I n<br />

t I I t<br />

M i r i I I I m i H i i r<br />

I t r I I i r r i I i l n I i i n n<br />

I il i II Gr I , I I I in<br />

. I II \ ri I I.I ., I A mil.,I<br />

in 11K,t lily<br />

fii--uli.» hiT hml.ii>..I<br />

iv.i'i l.v ii Ijt- i'l.p firn-<br />

fly i,.,,i Him- -WIT,. Mrs Kmmi,<br />

S."i'iih Mr» PHIM Xi.HLsli- null Mr-<br />

KMhvr S ! '<br />

i-i mm i'',iiiiiu'ii'il<br />

Mi.niiiiy ill il<br />

!>,r.* ii HiiriNiiiiNiiJ hv ihr Ht-\<br />

K.iH.ry lli.ririii.il |iii'..|i,r c,r r:<br />

M.'Ihi'i.- 1 ..! ChurrM • Iii,,-,j,i •*.-.<br />

Former Co, Jail<br />

I TurnkeyB|ies at 60<br />

Legion-Hoover<br />

Scrap Defined<br />

Difference Matter<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mathematics<br />

Tin In 11 11 ill ii l»l« '• ih<br />

A i in in I n i I 11 II "<br />

C in 1 )l i ' I "I I l' " " l l '<br />

II i n i 1 n , i h i I I I<br />

, i h i l I n i l l i i n l<br />

nml i f 1 ii in H il l "><br />

i ,i i U rn \ ( i II li ill<br />

ii I i I il i in "S.<br />

H ,i nl I nl II I Ti Ih i I 1 |i<br />

,i i v il I I in i I i<br />

,|,i ml I I il in I I I I<br />

I, M. n . I ' ' ' '<br />

,H,| || ^II i n I II ii I<br />

u .„., ,i r I 1 , 1 1 ,<br />

t ir i ii 1 n II<br />

in in u n II i nil I' ' ' '<br />

i I i t i i i I i * I I I I<br />

I , in 1 , i i 1 i<br />

il in II n<br />

1 I , i<br />

fn the<br />

„ multiplication ond division<br />

1 1 1 U . . ' •!. uniy and to<br />

f.<br />

Of hindiinj Attend* Conference<br />

at Juniata College<br />

Raymond MiHenry Jr ,12 Ocea<br />

I t a y m o n u n n i w » , j •*• < • ! * u t e a n<br />

iv attended the third In • «rles<br />

,,f lartir conference* held at Jun<br />

uilu CulkKt HuntinMton Pa <strong>Mar</strong>ch<br />

Di-pirtment ihsirmen and faculty<br />

....,-. *. r,, ,i ag consultants at<br />

The More You TeU - The Quicker You Sell Use Classified<br />

ihlllh<br />

I,,<br />

rim !(ilL nf »(, i t mi t u n f i r i n t |, whith was on liter<br />

, , I,,, ,1 I iluri uml the jrls Conferences on<br />

ru in 1 ikimi<br />

mfc nil sludit*, and si.itm.eij were held<br />

I ti ir ' r i x t,'" l ,,, , ,,IIHIIUSI> Flu. conferences are de<br />

IJ,M! •" timing ^ jf.ni il In hi in tolli Ke minded jn r<br />

ill li i ll "" "*"'.. ,| ,n n| Inri turitr tip|inrtunitie>i<br />

I i Mu mm "i<br />

I I" 'I il' 1<br />

h<br />

IN I AKE<br />

'" ,„',' 'i'h'i' "i"n I i'| '"rir^i'il Mia in Central Amei<br />

',,",,In i lh II i* rum ' I I I 111 i UH fnihwitef lake m<br />

I , .4.. c i 1 t \ 1 ,r. . . 1 , | I h l i f f l f l l f l l l l t , F T 1 £<br />

% 11<br />

'i hi<br />

r 1 n<br />

l l l l<br />

,i n<br />

Hi, t ilil Hut mnlaiin man eatini,<br />

iijrk Ii ^ '^ tut orr from thi<br />

piiifu Dn in by Idvd from vukan<br />

, I ii nil i ill iini ill II I ll ,1, I, Ml<br />

ti<br />

I I<br />

Ih<br />

i | n 1 |<br />

I in lin , ] [ I i I Hut<br />

til n i i ul I ii | in il II<br />

III II I Ihi n pit ii 1 I uk h<br />

l | I | M > n I | i l l i l i i , I I , I i l I<br />

l i i l I I , ,, I 1 , 1 - 1 1 h i i<br />

I I I n 1 l i S l i i h l h<br />

I i l i I i | H i I I M<br />

I lllll<br />

^><br />

on Sroci'i) Tract Lagoon<br />

Open"Uaily rTa-mTTOtirTpTm.<br />

STOECO<br />

TRACT<br />

Howard S. Stointon " Mri, <strong>Mar</strong>y Oehisehlager<br />

Ewing T. Corson<br />



at no<br />

Cost<br />

800 <strong>Ocean</strong> Avenue<br />

Phone 0007<br />

Ipint<br />


4-RX CLEANER<br />

•d* liwpiirdNM •! 1 tmt<br />

(m MM) <strong>of</strong> ny (f H«»<br />


ATLAS<br />


rtoom<br />

MUtAMEL<br />

4-*vAM<br />

Mnu<br />

MTAnr<br />

Montgomery's<br />


721 Aibury Ave Ph. 0499<br />


U.L 111 ni I'I l l l l h I I "I " l i t<br />

( l i i h i ' i l l I I m i l H i 1<br />

I I I h i m I l l l l l 1 t l i I I I l i n q<br />

U u r n I r I i i l l I n i I " r i n 11<br />

d i n n i t H i t M U I i 1 1 1 i n M n m<br />

r i h i n t 1 1 i n i i i n n n l ' i I I m i<br />

i i \ i h i 1 i 1 i l l i i I l i i l l<br />


Dr. Join Carlti- Mumz <strong>of</strong> Brazil,<br />

opens the fip^t l»> r i0 meetmy <strong>of</strong><br />

the Little A^ i mbly <strong>of</strong> ihe Unit<br />

vd Nations at Lake<br />

N, VM flfU r being ejet tod mw<br />

chaintidn <strong>of</strong> Ihut body The<br />

Little A tinbl^ i a gtnt.ral or<br />

steering commHU e which co<br />

ordinatp tlit praiLodmgs uf ths<br />

NOTICE to Persons in Military Service or<br />

Patients in Veterans' Hospitals and tp<br />

Their Relatives and Friends<br />

ll Xnii iii III Ihi militm HMii ci tri- ipatitnt<br />

,„ , , , ! , , m In pit il mil Hi in t» Miti nr if iuu<br />

m , iiliiiM in Imiiil nl i 1"' '"I w h o ls l n the<br />

7Milil II , 11 n i ii i i p ''" n l '" ' %l '' ' l n ^ hiistiit.il<br />

„(,„ , |, |, IHI, «I]| (li in In \citi m thi- Prirrury<br />

, IKIII. « U N A I - H i i n k 1 m r<br />

h m i l V \ L k n i m i i t u i F t<br />

I I I i l n t n l i I n u r e h i ! i n U s I m t m i l<br />

i p t i l l l n u h i l h u I h r J i i D I s l i i f c L n i<br />

j n i u l l H i l n t H U I t n r d h m k h i m i<br />

1 i M i i l l ( K u i U J m i f m i D n n l n<br />

111 ind All lull iv (1 an C I 1 If<br />

r I I 11- \ J- A S~T li M A HH \\<br />

• l(hMIIINI -Phnflo hilpn iiu«h<br />

lilt •,! Im ami uhM/hig ullhln J4<br />

h 111 inUlnimi mn rm Nt) lin 1<br />

II 1 lIMti t f ir lm ,1, lii,,n,|,,,<br />

H in I! I- Hun,, .,,! Fa Ifk ai Ai<br />

I inlli l in N I I hinr 4 jili 11<br />

•nriNhT I IAfJO I him a m\ hiautl<br />

ful ^nlnp! plan 1 malic b> I hlrkprlns<br />

. I In II1I1, ililnltl whiih musl he suhl lu<br />

5 IM, » Itlilih n, Jj, Ciinn Tiidll Man<br />

• • " "Mi idundi f iiklii anif Allanlli<br />

i%>, Allnntlr ClH w!4U0 4 b<br />

nil K T\H1FS Ump, mil imp i Md<br />

4 hui J I-*!i\ thlni^ l& new AIKII 4 pi<br />

Walnut li Innm isUllf anil 2 ihilili<br />

( mhlnatl n rhilin I idl i an I *lrtrnli<br />

ulih lVl mind All In mullcm cm<br />

Hilli n I hum ^1T4 If<br />

II-<br />


I 1<br />

IIII 1(1 ir,<br />

- i l l I « l i I f i t<br />

H u i n<br />

Mil ( ,HI,, lull<br />

M (as Knnfcin All whllr<br />

n fulh iriNul iti il with aulti<br />

iiniiil JO apuitmi nt si?<br />

Iii mndrl Sdi Apulj Wm<br />

^l {/<br />

ill f inillnj, fnlK<br />

H I tllL X*<br />

ri H nl 1 Mr,<br />

ni il* N I<br />

I I<br />

FOR SALE<br />

i IiRuuM i-iiinliur d mtili hrd<br />

liimt mattic^h **lntl hui with<br />

|ii lilk Jnillris him lu Hllh mil r il<br />

ikn Mu y it mile, i] i iim<br />

ilh Ml H<br />

tin<br />

i h,,,t M<br />

tn Id %1<br />

f | i |ii-i 1%<br />

l<br />

New Store Hours<br />

Starting April 7th<br />

Monday<br />

Tuesday<br />

Thursday<br />

Friday -<br />

Saturdays<br />

9 00 a m - 5 30 p m,<br />

9 00 a m - 5 30 p m,<br />

^ 00 a m - 1 00 p. m.<br />

9 00 a m - 5 30 p m.<br />

900a m -900p.m.<br />

9 00a m -800pm,<br />


AH Bui I1I1I,. _<br />

1111II1H1 \\ 1 ciMI I 1 II I i% flt<br />

i n ml l%| »| 1, ,1 1 I x 1 lit ni<br />

^" "In 11 mil ri t In uiyrt<br />

Blwl " 1 inl 1 ihln t 11\<br />

f i %t\i<br />

\n\v* 1 111<br />

If<br />

IC 1 in Suiii 1 Mn<br />

nltllnn IHillliii<br />

I tin 1iik H.tiiu<br />

. I I h im Tuik<br />

1 w Inli mail nul II<br />

U k 'I 1/<br />

I ,<br />

SE\WV In<br />

all kin I I<br />

itoinlnt M<br />

QI UJI pi<br />

H J HI "<br />

I H i I i £ n t i d i p m l i i<br />

W a i i n i l I i i l i w i s i i h<br />

H i n k * n i k k i n i h v n r<br />

i u I h i i l i i t<br />

i l f F H i I I i n m m , i l u I- u<br />

elriinni^ I i d Sun 1 In I i I it<br />

Ul tn ill ilimlli M li il<br />

5fc I V n il nil hit i I i il [<br />

B^If "•-•'--•'- il<br />

IJOHM a i 1 in 11 1 1 in \ i 1<br />

pkil in "I f li I ( in lit i n<br />

gfr , !, [ I, ! 111 11, 1111 i, il in I in<br />

en 11 i 11 1 11 iiii 1 M 11 1-<br />

1-t<br />

arHiini 1 'Kl ^1 t ( 1 M I- 1 1 il in<br />

I Kl ill I I I il hi n<br />

{bin 1 1 1<br />

llii i 11 In I<br />

lilmu llii II<br />

br.fr, 11 i n i<br />

h^ui 1 h ii _i<br />

p m<br />


I M I I<br />

I 1<br />

CHI-1 I 11 I I<br />

1 Mil<br />

Rrti 1 1111,<br />

BU 1 I rtir-H 1 Hi •<br />

I I I \l I II<br />

O| 1 11<br />

I h<br />

1<br />

Illi \i'<br />

y\<br />

I<br />

JO YOli KNOW lilt- liiUlshill liiliii. ,.l<br />

.jour Lift- 1 nhiLi aitry ' 111 In- Uiiii! In<br />

•I vuu.<br />

ROY Ii,Uiyv. Kh'M Asl-isiunl<br />

- £gullli!ili- I.If,. Assuiiinri' sSinli'li<br />

PIlTull;,) i,i. I'll.,llu Ull',1<br />

J. if<br />




a^^.»-\ll B|, fin lm<br />

1 ,t,a i ini| hrll<br />

nd H ilnul Vln<br />

I.I<br />

th<br />

111 H M HI i v.<br />

nn li in in<br />

i Hill ni 1 nl<br />

il I , \\ I •,!<br />

II MM\\ I i I<br />

i n I H I I P I I i 1 1 j , M<br />

r u i n i I I i I j , l i s<br />

I I I u i I j , l / t 1<br />

1 l i i i H i s ,<br />

A l i i k i n<br />

Ink 1 in<br />

i l k i n k i r<br />

\ t i u i i i i<br />

I f<br />

M M 11AN HI IMlm<br />

li in Ii miitui i um n<br />

^ n I! in HIIIIIIK iim ill!<br />

f<br />

i u in<br />

i \ i l u n i<br />

i i n l i m<br />

i h ILI> T<br />

I lit! n<br />

«ul il<br />

if<br />

till)<br />

I hnnp<br />

UTHM n ii<br />

ml Ml nil I<br />

n i \m I<br />

fi ni }l<br />

k I ill<br />

1 1<br />

ll I ifi I u<br />

I • . w i l l ! T r l<br />

I h l n t h M<br />

I- r I),I<br />

ii Al I mil i ,u<br />

»«ittln^ m 1 hinii,<br />

1-Til<br />

1/ I Ii 1!<br />

,11 ml! I i t<br />

,1 1 i ,<br />

II h ^ilnlps Sit 11 SI im Tihl<br />

1. u fi dtrp fi[t,ir SI ill 1<br />

i nil II ii fi 1-ilkH hr h ith<br />

i \iiiiin Hill lin Mimli ai<br />

If<br />


Yale Keys - 20c Each<br />

2 for 35-1<br />

KlVi mniii-: rnmjtit'li 1 !Mi'ksl!i)!h zpw-<br />

w. Auiiiniiiliiio' iiii'kN a liiii'i'iuiii<br />

gyi(K. Alk'n. TO (.Vnluil Ave.<br />

L- Hi'-shii' yiilii ll'tiiu' «ltli<br />

Milt Hiilcniiiiul iiKlii.si.is Nim<br />

^«oii Bk.',, MiniMiiHh inmiliilliin, As-<br />

:k|l|rii liit:VhiiMl!^. Kiri'<br />

•:l'l:Nni.;N! : itnoFINi;<br />

MMIi *l I'hnnp iJlii'i. li<br />

nniillU" iiiillli*<br />

W O l l n f i . s u i v i f u i l i m , I .<br />

U n t i l A | i | i l l i i n i v K i i •<br />

M i I ' i i i i t i i , s i i i i i " i i i<br />

("KB fAHiThniiKiii un,l<br />

Btnciiiliiifi. Nlailfis, fu<br />

W«r .«•> liilili-, K. Molnis<br />

My MiiK.i HiilPS, Kiiu<br />

j"Mra I-'ilnl Hltfl Mavs Ij niliiij.<br />

2 pahti <strong>of</strong> gloti<br />

Blanket cl Air<br />

Bondtrm.llc<br />

Miial Seal<br />

Hm , the latest in<br />

h<br />

»»**. with dehydmted .Ir<br />

You IMV, It in<br />

RKHSKS IlKNOVATKn . . !W<br />

«!»liiKS in nllitliPsscs hull!. Willn<br />

I Orvun <strong>City</strong> BcdilinK «"».. Ka<br />

>. 'I'elciihiinc Ottjan Cllj y;i00<br />

fl.[y K<br />

I I \ IS I i Hill- Jl -<br />

l^wis. ;i \^ i I,niiu 1<br />

I iim<br />

lull R «!<br />

1 -iiimj rs<br />

I II<br />

SAI.K Slin'is, nil-ill UI'tndiMS. sralii<br />

lii.iiio Hl.nk. US \. Pin KIT ill,. Al-<br />

liinlii- (My. r.ill ,\t 1(1 n 11 (• ('!!> a,11)57.<br />

Dial! Miiilni till 1', 8, KlllTr Huii'N anil<br />

HiiiiiliN. If<br />

PiluNI-: -JMi-R Wm. ,1 Hmllh,<br />

I-'iNl-lii 1 ! H HiiklMV riiiillii'Is ilriil<br />

fri'uli In Jinn iliuir.<br />

-,[ I Int, sin! t I n<br />

kl/t >4 1 n imp<br />

il hi I I u III<br />

I mill! n Nt<br />

I<br />

r in n u Inlt I<br />

I I h MU InL<br />

I I! 1/ B<br />

iu nn ihlf<br />

4-TO<br />

111 M I I IA 1 I S I! fiii.(i il IH<br />

nun i ihln* I<br />

ink I i iihiI<br />

If<br />

HM- «1IM I I K MI Hi<br />

i I , 1 I 1 tl!'.<br />

II , 1. I 'fill<br />

I 1, ill<br />

III \TI li<br />

I fl k li I<br />

I h II<br />

lln-i. il<br />

t ID<br />


OCEAN t RON I—2 bsdrnam bungal<br />

fully furnlihed sll ek-clilc kllil....<br />

insludln^ new Hntpoinl fin|e and<br />

Pil^ldalrp Cgmplete with Venetian<br />

blinds and diaii#M Fullv sneer *<br />

Pilic-d icgsnnablr Can be flnanc<br />

H I Am 4U11 Crnlrol ai I hum.<br />

LORN Lit Bun^ulfm ntili 48 th §1<br />

itidr<br />

ream<br />

Amijg<br />

isog v<br />

A Illr<br />

Lfxm<br />

bedi in<br />

chtni<br />

it ire<br />

byy af<br />

nil L*<br />

SALF<br />

nmi all<br />

lPCl Veni 1 !<br />

SEIeened<br />

able rnn<br />

4U31 t.nl<br />

'fJ pnirff<br />

"nndHInn<br />

nt MAdlsi<br />

—M"dcm<br />

T O U S e L t J l<br />

m-i 6 bat<br />

and rilntn<br />

Auprtivur<br />

UBSO0<br />

- 1 IHBi<br />

UH tit"* kitchen<br />

Ian tiilfinii and i<br />

1 rar feat age<br />

be financed<br />

ral av rtinne *<br />

Nstm> Loltakf<br />

KBiag l-urr<br />

Any bmkir jr<br />

n 5=^22<br />

fully equlpfitd<br />

nei Iniyilcin 2n<br />

IS 5 shllfeMIK<br />

H looms Ijblj<br />

flir li»p«-lln<br />

M rite But illX)<br />

lm<br />

¥ i i l l i<br />

II "r<br />

im-v.<br />

i<br />

ru, Int<br />

l?nTd<br />

Cuitls<br />

ib<br />

ruum<br />

laiiit<br />

2 kli<br />

n A<br />

n<br />

1-Faniliy Anartmnnl<br />

building f- urniKhed % mth<br />

fudc S ih prit e<br />

^1**VW Fclward H Mlllh 21 t A^hii\<br />

Chean c H> N J if<br />

I i--<br />

In tup j<br />

hth I<br />

in 1 i(ji) hi a k<br />

nfiill n I- ilii<br />

lnk T aim t nl<br />

^" h n jni<br />

l fiiini |M<br />

}• \\ nrl II<br />

nni* 2\m<br />

mndi m<br />

OH hnl<br />

^ ir i^( I<br />

^1 > rfP) < I 1 Sun<br />

Mills J I Astiuit f\<br />

if<br />

hi<br />


ATTRAL1IVI- l-berlitiom bynKHlow In<br />

Idem residential nelghbni huad !• urn<br />

uhd lth f tl O<br />

«lth few<br />

ded<br />

billing it dedufl price uf ne\t rn<strong>of</strong><br />

5400 fl Iiuiihiilc Dr|Lt nl |73JO H<br />

Ahtntj 717 Wcslu ui 1<br />

rn<strong>of</strong> jf<br />

TrNTRAL Int. ltlon<br />

IluUlit \\U b=btdiuum t uesl<br />

Nkpl> furn<br />

lll 1<br />

n \\(&U\ ><br />

1 hill iilltl tn txtilltm t iiullllun 111 t-<br />

j|i K ir ik< Hnd il kiiiiil Mm t hi J!< I<br />

11)11 hmlK Mini lnj fill ill. Rililutt-<br />

mini ntlut uf LI]IK h riit fm t\it il^<br />

iht itllinj, in if i ifinsun in«i aim<br />

Iii iiiiptilntnunt i nlj HJII A^i nt\<br />

717 Wnin m nn<br />

nN iMfliv AVf nim Ijin hi Ai<br />

iratllir filifdi mm i utm II ust wllh<br />

nlli 1 littlinnni t ff It ni 1 IIJIUI Imml<br />

> urnlHhrd nnd JUBI itrtnIK prffit-rt I<br />

find iiMlhif-tl Inkldi ijil htuitd ind In<br />

sulgti 1 I^iikt 111! lind 1-fln Kuiuirn<br />

IlcLullK In ffi t HJII AMIKI 717<br />

Wi-slcy in. 3.30<br />

TtNTHAI Iirnliin Illlllll 1 uiH<br />

Uniih Mu§ g uti iuik I Hr m*<br />

Mimli fuinl»hil nil Iii nil until<br />

Iltin Ntiir hlh mil i mil il Rtul hui<br />

fin Sll in Hair Aktnn ""T « *ln<br />

uv 3.,Tfl<br />

NFS\ ! fflTA* f* II inx, i ini<br />

r m kiU lu n ulc I ai h<br />

h.Hl I t in-US $11 ,iiO Ru<br />

Buikti Hft. ( nlinl ^<br />

Hinint<br />

t Itt 1] II<br />

.'. II I<br />

i tn<br />

IJ 1 AMI! ^ A Ullnunl Oil h I<br />

i! r hi il In i i h p ilmrni ism<br />

1,11.111 *l'l J»l Rjntll I Hi ik I<br />

I mil I I HI<br />

K)l II III<br />

ff iin i<br />

mil I Km<br />

\l li\\<br />

n n<br />

I NIL I<br />

lint<br />

nliHl<br />

nt<br />

• V i<br />

nrn 1 Ind mil, limit<br />

-,ritl 1!K1 m nit in kli h n<br />

lif utfii f i i m ill nm urn<br />

but mi i IIII k i M li m Iii<br />

Bl iktr RIU I i n!r il ji<br />

fu<br />

k r I in<br />

f n hr<br />

f i h<br />

it II i<br />

kill<br />

Hl'M AI !A\ i In lull<br />

It III II 'ilti i 1 mil<br />

1 ill r nt II hi if h fl ni<br />

p i h !pM!>l f il quit 1 ill<br />

iilJ A^hin i tl ph n fr"H1<br />

n III Iihiino ZII1<br />


Al ART Ml* M Nl i AshUi i IS<br />

fhil |H5 tjt) niMnih uniuini^tid<br />

Miiici hint t hfdiuntu*, Ihifik<br />

iinlnK Kim kli^ht-n an 1 baiih<br />

k ihi LdHiiiri < Kui i/ \h\ i<br />

iuntil a\ Uiean c Iti Ask h<br />

Whoosh! Want to Take a Trip<br />

To <strong>Mar</strong>s? Take Off in Philadelphia<br />

For the flr&t time in tht y<br />

f any plunUirium a R< k«_'l Iu<br />

ll b<br />

hiiw will be<br />

Hi Frunklin In in FeLs<br />

lllule in<br />

Fhil Hh.lphM during Apul and Mdy<br />

Autfft-nt! s ill tdK£ &n miotm iry<br />

l U l t b<br />

ri\i lu<br />

£ &<br />

pljnet b><br />

simulyttd tntktt<br />

ship dud Lxpltnt<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>£ bUriJLL<br />

Flights art ^cheJ<br />

uli-d fur 3 p m gv<br />

cry day txcepi <strong>Mar</strong><br />

day and at 8 JO p m<br />

un Wednesday*; Fn<br />

dyys and SaturdttV^<br />

Extra trips will IJ<br />

(nude on ^e§k ends<br />

To<br />

thig<br />

for<br />

p<br />

the plan<br />

b h<br />

p<br />

tarmm chamber has<br />

bDnn converted ml<br />

a siwcL ship b v<br />

which ihe traveling<br />

audience may Ieg\e<br />

the earth and reacn<br />

M^ n gpoce trav **<br />

vtJ]{ be fli££Ug&€d j<br />

the light <strong>of</strong> suth re<br />

tent development*<br />

dfc the first i-uctes,,<br />

ful stop rutket<br />


Life<br />

<strong>of</strong>f at<br />

N M<br />

set<br />

A'liite Sand<br />

in 1049<br />

TIlC na!(l.lblllt> Uf<br />

lift? LxibtniM «R tin<br />

tr<br />

if FAN > RON I first fl r ipji im nl<br />

I^u Ijidmnnis Ilk hnlh ill tie Mi if<br />

Litilun l^lr^ i < i in iifiiiik i J in<br />

sl i*. (ft (n fnnt |> h n iniil<br />

(Fill 1 Jl (ft I M "iLinnrn i ».rrfi sn H<br />

Am IN -! til CentFul *\ I hi m<br />

life txibtiilM<br />

planet means<br />

the physical cuhdi<br />

tiunn tlitrt must b<br />

\er> simildT to thosi<br />

on tdrth<br />

Jhc ttll& nf our<br />

byrfiL^ die compu§cd<br />

tif ((implex mult-eu<br />

tomppnenl <strong>of</strong> which<br />

j^ water Under<br />

high temptfdiurt tht<br />

i^dporatc and the telb<br />

*n died Up the oth* 1<br />

i n ly cold tt mpi rdture<br />

tht \&aU r in the cet fi<br />

f I in \ mfjltLii] ir ^irmture ^.oul 1<br />

ln\K n -in J lift vuiuld cea^t<br />

< ii tdrlh ai u riLtdii atmo^<br />

phtrt uf ri pjecul kind in %hich i^<br />

found 2Q jitr ctnl ux>gcn If ut<br />

€*r i «i!sti heres ary trf<br />

mjint nn hft Watt r i^ the uni<br />

\tr il nl\tnt v ithtiut which must<br />

phv it il p]rntehdi>* Idking place un<br />

W i ii |i* '<br />

thi h<br />

,HTll m (<br />

MHhill<br />

Ml h\ II iH |p ilunm f I (Ii i<br />

I ti M Hi I n m i rn i h mi ir t r<br />

ii I i n - he Ir m I Hi f \ It<br />

ni h h I «li i rn wlnrJ u J i<br />

i i^ In n n't jshi u'iH j mpli n I<br />

ii nmh i I i is c SL t *> M | U H i<br />

UA SdiilnrI 1 Itii I<br />

I ^' h '-I % \m« R\ \\ Y Pull lir<br />

I i ui\\ m tn\ BE si hiflurik h i !<br />

I ii W_I4\ lumi, (I IM \ i II<br />

n i ~lr_H \V wfldRH \\t I lull I<br />

^ f AR AliUl Mi IhlCH<br />

ill =ncl I ll n '<br />

h nml I I \ sih<br />

M 1 - it ml It m<br />

i\wt MI r\i i\iin n i i'nui ri<br />

5 it-h mth (,ini liur iu $1<br />

k lining i m hih $ A<br />

th [ K^rifl thijil) C ail 17IM \\<br />

IH Hiu t thinp<br />

i _ HI<br />

Ui linukum<br />

11 I Oi in<br />

It K^R sIROI Ll-R $8<br />

^10 t 1 ni!H n ^<br />

I [ h m irihi-W<br />

mil h<br />

rl fl i r<br />

f h<br />

1<br />

«l; * i Htr il t\<br />


NTED TMII snliill elrfliir rr<br />

'ialiirii 'd film rHimi's in iiciinl<br />

illliitii HiiNrr. 110 Alliillllr HV, If<br />

NAVV Sliilnli'ss KIWI H i-u fi<br />

!, HTi'rzrr iii iUTfi-rl rnndiiiiin<br />

In- BWii Tiii-Mlny, Wcilni'silay nr<br />

iiij in tHia wi'nii'v iii :t-m<br />

IM'TOMATII'(ilia hut<br />

kal Alniiii.1 ni'ii, $;i<br />

iii-i I'hum- IM-.I,<br />

r hi-nli-r ;«!-<br />

Xi\ Crniiai<br />

LAKiiK si/i Kiis> H|ilnnii vwisl<br />

ilfliT fnr iiulck Mir. I'lmni 1<br />

nr ii|(|ily Min Uiixhtun j.l.<br />

KI.Ki'THU* Uiniijf. fli<br />

hti 111 14 1 iMiiiliiin<br />

in IIM'. .Muil is! .1 ml i<br />

i<br />

li in ii<br />

linilliliin<br />

iilv iffi iuri ii-<br />

i ' i i n t i l ' J i i ' r n<br />

i i i ' i ; i y H l r i i i i<br />

l - i i<br />

ri'riiuiTiii«iui<br />

PHONE 1296<br />

HIL1C »lil IWiliUTi THI1<br />


Tilt \ I-SINCJMIM 14,1 l r<br />

oprn ^11 <strong>Mar</strong> Rnnltii. fill t<br />

Timilj Ml» S Jl Rliiffild<br />

HIT i<br />

FUN ^ MAN H<br />

uomj i»-t ly nr^n<br />

t I OH iwidk i il<br />

ill en II i n If<br />

in nil<br />

jflful<br />

Siltt<br />

lilt<br />

nih in,<br />

ii ii lm<br />

urh<br />

Mini<br />

:! Al<br />

itnli,<br />

N C 1<br />

. 1 •.•, .ilk<br />

anil i<br />

Illnl 11 III<br />

( t ni i \\\<br />

1 Rl nm n<br />

MI iii mllils<br />

In<br />

I<br />

id<br />

ml ill!<br />

tilt.ll<br />

\n\ it'<br />

1 hun<br />

Uti t<br />

i n Hi<br />

v Mm Munk<br />

I f)I» I Hi HIM Yi.<br />

:t-m<br />

HOMKRS IiuINT .l-iirnrr limiwns c\-<br />

(•riillnnally ^rll huili Ininiiiiliiiv on 1<br />

rao )nls Modern I'nnipnrr'rirps iiilh<br />

lr tiiiih nnil Nliniirr, Bpniitlfui hliMie<br />

iiros. fluivrni nHil shrubriC'iy: Ri»iiNon=<br />

lilili*/ 111 syllli> Hn fstillr. V(ii inform.:!-<br />

"I il S I'i m i«<br />

thin, i'iili Sfimeifi PcHnt ffllf.,"<br />

m:!<br />

i-«<br />

fi.NI.Y janwi. wilh Irrnls. lirli.H rust.<br />

Low iiixrs. T«o hpflrnnrtlN siin I'onni.<br />

•illiniifil tiiuiKi Siimi> fiiiHilUK'<br />

IJIIKC Inl fOsiSl, Suulh Kifir- nf .lilh<br />

si nlnl, rinr mllu wra! (if H.'iy, rifii-n<br />

'1 ii) S._ <strong>of</strong> lihiinn ISMRi i' mtniniis<br />

li, IJ, Turnpr. l(<br />

lin NINTH HT. - Threo upiirlrm'iil<br />

liMilHInu "Ktirnlhlii-ri. iiii hiii wilier<br />

lii'iii. rtrfilMi'ralliin riisi flooi nil;i|il-<br />

jihir ;is still p- Hffirr ni ri'sl:iiif;ini, !n=<br />

mn-i'linn iin.v llmi'. Slfi.SllO. J'hllii<br />

rtit;. SA. n.2aa> .T-;HI<br />

Tiuifiiniilj hnmr<br />

nv. Fiitu flooi hiis a<br />


'iSDR Wesley<br />

fnmpleto n hi _ „,.,<br />

rxlrii iHVHtnry. L'pppr fun flonr.N<br />

hpdruiiitis. *1 liivtiWrivH 21 nd n<br />

hath* Nlcejy furnished wllh frv<br />

crpllans, TwiUjyi- usiiiiRe. A vrn\<br />

home with a uwirj infnmP for WlfitH!<br />

Miirr Ageney, 737 Wfiley^ av. 3=*if<br />

i-finrn ypHiinirnl «ilh<br />

hm<br />

fuii<br />

r«'f>FAMII,Y hiimr- wUh lomiiirlf 1-<br />

lipflrnnm jipjirtnipn! oa vitvh floor.<br />

nonrl ronrtltliilT sinrt liiiiitit Ivin iiloi'ks<br />

from brurh, Anlltltiiitr.(l Inr'inu- fur<br />

ilits i'ornlng spjiNon m ii^f). Oi%ru-r's<br />

r<strong>of</strong>k biitlorn prl« Is Sln.fjOO. r'ninlsMrcl<br />

and a gnuii |nciinit> piwlucpr. Iliin<br />

Agency. 737 Wesley iiv, 3-:«i<br />

i/wmifmitiBondttmiliegMl*<br />

unlta thi two pans Into iilngle unit //Itfaff<strong>of</strong>/on<br />

MULB<br />

Imjfs<br />

il'll'K. l!li! Hi-IJJIM, lailln hl'lill'l. S<br />

roii*i^. ni'i' liri',-*. KUTlirill jMil<br />

I inn, JiiTn ^KfMi Atilimy us.. ^ I"<br />

p. m. H;iliirii;ii Hnii HIIIII!:II ±<br />

JTRcin IH'YH uiniil iriinspoiiiiliim It's<br />

• •111 hill reiuihii'. l!pl S|ii(|(>hiik iinij Auguiil,<br />

V,P«I <strong>of</strong> i.ith «i, .Mrirt.no, Wriip Bos<br />

111(1 Hrnllnni Lmiiiri-, MO<br />

TWII nr THRKK B'-rliiHim rnlUipp til'<br />

Aiiitilmrn! umitcd. VriHl.v^ itmtiil.<br />

Cnuplr' Hilh 1 rhlltlri'iv Unrilrnlshpcj,<br />

nnlry'n, IHrij Asliurs uv.. lihone 0781.<br />

nr 12 Uiilli.n UL, lihiin,if U2M.<br />

TU'O or THUEK lipHniom Imnualiiw ni<br />

itpiii lmr>nl. neiii oreiin. lit'iison or<br />

piiri si'iisiin.' Irum 3Slh sl, Io inth sl.<br />

ririisoMiiiiii*, Sni-'iM fiimiiy, I., M.<br />

suniieiii, sionehuisi cniiri, i:pp toils them eo.<br />

He will he li siifcokslui person even<br />

though lie piles up mi store <strong>of</strong><br />

wnrlilly Boocb,<br />

A isiinan Hiiiris hy (jfvinu [reel.v<br />

<strong>of</strong> her faith in her husbiiiirt. Her<br />

ftilo- is an elnsely tied with his that<br />

when he sueteerts. she benefits too<br />

—Loutae Bruiier in Woman's Life.<br />

Tn clean ii cement, flriiir, I'irst w«i<br />

It with tieur wnlt'r jiiitl then mnp<br />

vvilli a lieutrul jjuaii allcl warin<br />

water, Afler eleuning and drying,<br />

give the fluori a iirntoetive euat <strong>of</strong><br />

water emulation wax which is eorn-<br />

rnolily known as iBlf.polishiii( wax.<br />

The wax should be renewed if il<br />

m n <strong>of</strong>f In the'traffic areas<br />


delieati eyelet apron topi a<br />

flounced rid velvet tkirt to make<br />

• pretty coiiume lor this tiny<br />

miss, who models lelf-eonieloui-<br />

ly it i New Vork fashion ihow.<br />

Eyelet trlrils the eollir and<br />

fjuffed ileevei <strong>of</strong> the whitt Or-<br />

iandy blouse.<br />

SHORE<br />

CAB Phone<br />

0665<br />

(HUH I MOHC.AN F*<br />

Ilh A W«< AIl-Tur<br />


24-Hour Service<br />

PI.0114<br />

Courses Offered ;/<br />

Health OfficiaU '•<br />

CouraH In Public Hsalth tor i<br />

Jemey, Health Offlclab arc If i<br />

in Camden April S under tb* <<br />

surship <strong>of</strong> the New Jcrtey SUttel<br />

poitinqnt or Health antf Bull<br />

varsity gr^erdiiig to State<br />

siener nfyHealth Daniel Al<br />

Introduction to Public<br />

course covering the Organ<br />

boards <strong>of</strong> health powc<br />

new state health Iiwi<br />

training course!<br />

lems to be selected<br />

be given by Halph T Finher, el<br />

Stati! Department <strong>of</strong> Health<br />

This course open to eirtfiieir^<br />

memberg af local boardi si hi<br />

an 1 other Intf reited psrsoni.<br />

mast Thursdays 1 30 to • 30 B<br />

AprU 8 to June 1 at Room lie<br />

401 Penn It Building! ClIBd<br />

and upeclal $<br />

d by the CUM<br />

T Finher, el<br />

<strong>of</strong> Heilth<br />

L. W B«tU,OD.<br />

OptometrUt<br />


Muue Cllj K S Phi<br />

H<br />

LOCAL ExpraM A Co<br />


tt All DawripUMi<br />

NickTr<strong>of</strong>.<br />

HBpion A*<br />

Pk, IM*<br />

General Hauling<br />

Top, Soil for Safe<br />

Gravel - Dump Truck<br />


NI Waal AVMM<br />



Phone O C. 0605<br />

1 Eait 11th Street<br />

LOCAL and IAH1O Oi#TAJtOM<br />

Moving and Storage<br />

rrompi EfBclanl - Coin-team<br />

Motor Freight<br />

Service<br />

(Formerly<br />

Omn t its K l<br />




John F Holland, lac<br />


OMB <strong>City</strong>; loih & H'M A»«-<br />

• hi.iir I) C 31131<br />

rhlln— M S rnnl Ht.<br />

IhnH<br />

MA f IIM1 MA 1 mil MA, 1 Ma*<br />

WHIM enn i<br />

IT oonp f<br />



ON t'LOTHINO<br />


400 Watt Avenue<br />


hsiiiiv iif Walter B. ChaUIn, 8r,, dp.<br />

Pulsulint tn the judgmenl nl Irving<br />

Kllch. SUrinsalr. <strong>of</strong> the Cnunly nf Cape<br />

MBV miiijp nn the thliteentn day nt<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>t'h AH- 1D50, «n thn rnrflplalnl nf<br />

thu suiiscilheir, ihr Rxvrulnr nf said<br />

diHPHapit, nollcD li herphy given to tho<br />

rrerliuiis nt laid rtfrcased In Bihlhlt tq<br />

thf suhsciiher und0; nath or ufflrrna.<br />

titin their Haims antl demands agajnit<br />

thn estate nf said drtnaied wilhln il»<br />

mnnlhs fiiim the thlrlwnlh day nf<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>ch AD. l!IS0, nr they will be fur.<br />

•\vr barri'd nf any (idtiun against the<br />

.uliu-rlber.<br />

IJuler <strong>Mar</strong>ch 1,1. AD <strong>1950</strong><br />

J, RtJiH CHATTIN',<br />

BKccutor.<br />

John.E. BtiHwell, ar,..<br />

Atlnrnpy<br />

tlrran I'lly. New jerscj.<br />

S-lB-St-pf, SK.M<br />

o|ahl<br />

. It Is ordered, on this<br />

f <strong>Mar</strong>ch, A, D, 1030, thiil<br />



Oil the cnmniaini <strong>of</strong> wmripld S.<br />

Illirhner. udmlnlMtiutriM <strong>of</strong> the Kstuie<br />

iif NicholiiK S. Foster (Incensed nnlpr<br />

In slum cause, fur sale <strong>of</strong> iRnds to pat<br />

ilebtj,<br />

WInflfid s. Hllcltner. Adrninislratnr<br />

nf the Kitate <strong>of</strong> Nlrhplas H r'nslci.<br />

[Icifaiieii. having eshiniiert til Ihla<br />

r'nurt. under with, a juw iind true nr.<br />

I'iUint nf !tic person!!! estate and dpbls<br />

if said Nichnlas H, Fusler iteiesseit.<br />

ivhcrrhy (I niippaiK Ihnt the porgnnul<br />

estiite <strong>of</strong> "siilrt Nlrhnliw S Fostci-. dp.<br />

crnsml, Is Insufficient tn nay his debt*.<br />

" J .. - . .j)B-Cmin ,„<br />

lirpmiBes, it is order<br />

1 persnhs inleresiid" In ihp lands;<br />

tenements, heredltamenti unfi real<br />

eitalc <strong>of</strong> said Nlehnlns 8,_ rosier, lie.<br />

ceasod, olipeiii htfnre the Cnurt. at Iho<br />

court-hnujie in nape. May Cniiit Hnusr,,<br />

nn the tenth diiy <strong>of</strong> May nexi, at ten<br />

li'i'lnck In the fnreniinn. to shim' causr<br />

ulty sn mucji <strong>of</strong> the landi. inBcmcnis,<br />

heiDdllunlpnls and real pslul, <strong>of</strong> the<br />

snld Nlehnliis fl, Koste'r deeeaswi.<br />

Hhoijld mil he sold as will hi. jufflr-lenl<br />

ti) |iay his dehlB. or the residun there.<br />

»f. as the cusp may require: nml llii,!<br />

fhi.N ordrr. signed hy the Suirogalp.<br />

?,h!ijl hp Immediately hereaflpr se! nn<br />

.•if three 1 <strong>of</strong> ihe most iiuiilic II|III> in<br />

ihi> I'niinty <strong>of</strong> Cape May for six wivUs<br />

siiiiesiiliply. iind lie puiilliihcii nl least<br />

mice pai'h week for the aamq llmi Ih<br />

The Senlinpl-Lflduer, one <strong>of</strong> Ihp niivg.<br />

luiuin <strong>of</strong> ihis stnte.<br />


Judyc,<br />

Phone 2889<br />

ond J<br />



1241 Bay Ave,<br />



31 Yean' Bap. — Work OimtNf<br />

Tune Anywhere »S.OO<br />


Sti W, Vrrnon Av.. IJnwo«4, N. »i<br />



Vw.Mtty, UtUlty mat Bttatj<br />


PUone O. C.<br />

•Radio Repairing*<br />

NJ.L <strong>On</strong>dMlt<br />


Ulf BAY AVI. PIMM WI<br />

fflltiHiiiiiiMttmi.<br />

Fireplace Wood<br />

Seasoned Oak<br />


We Deliver<br />

i.... Wati Av,<br />

^liiMililllitifiitMllllliliil,<br />

Partnlt an! CommeroUl<br />

Photographer$<br />

DavalapUif ni PriaUM BtrfM;<br />


m Artnir Afn, n. MM ;<br />


Have your nwl Slsj by<br />

nuhlne. They stit ciasBth<br />

truer, butter. All tvpu,<br />

quIeltM' tmnm. Bits* tfi^S<br />

J. A. CHAMPION<br />

B4 W, 16th Street<br />

. ' MADE TO ORDER<br />




M. C. MILLEi<br />

21 Ytmn' Expcrlnee Io OHI CltT-<br />

1111 Bay Ave, Ph. 2S23:<br />

f I.&SKD Hl'NOAVK<br />

Socony Vacuum<br />

Ul M80EY ATI.<br />

^.•id&mM-M'i:- s , « t . t \JsJ<br />

* ' - > • >1<br />

• \

LfJtfttftft Thursday, <strong>Mar</strong>ch So, 10SO<br />

Scab Aid<br />

Tots<br />

•--&<br />

art<br />

Finances Care for<br />

Crippled Children<br />

Ta« M«4I«] gwitiy <strong>of</strong><br />

,,1 . New Jency<br />

* •Wni <strong>Mar</strong>ch until Easter. the an<br />

' ' ' Butcr Still appeal Is being<br />

• fundj to support the worR<br />

New Jersey Chapter <strong>of</strong> the<br />

_1 Society tot Crippled Ctnl-<br />

and Adults, as welf as that <strong>of</strong><br />

t national organization.<br />

_ pennies,, dimes and dollars<br />

t we contribute to purchase these<br />

seals support u program thut<br />

Jt needed treatments und serv<br />

to many New Jersey people<br />

, ptherwue. would probably HO<br />

tout them.<br />


Easter Seu] Society is de-<br />

to the task <strong>of</strong> making life<br />

and more productive for<br />

<strong>of</strong> handicapped children<br />

iu.<br />

irgfst group <strong>of</strong> these are'the<br />

Iv handicapped—thr>siipt! a sHfTiriitins n.ir him to afipriir<br />

in c-iiurt Suiuniuy ToHnuiri Unite'<br />

in yfjpi'ar, so h** was iifri^it-tl iir'tl<br />

htUi ufififr SM Lilt! inr luuil Mun =<br />

Hay.<br />


The vuuih t-iir;ii.-f:tii>il thut lw<br />

hycin'l huti ijr" MjiptifUifniy in j-s-i<br />

rt'jjiiii'i'niijiit jiiiitH?. 1«iiI h*' "iidlin!!i-ii<br />

that tiurtiiM, 1 h t = int^!\ ffiinj; \>vi \m\<br />

he huii Ijnuiiht Hi* ]^(i ,hlUf;t li-<br />

O-n-^' Hi. 1 Milt! U)V i-liV hi NM = fi !,*• =<br />

FEAST FOR EASTER. .. Abbott;<br />

•Here la the latest treat<br />

fee're tucking into our already<br />

famous Fancy Four package . . .<br />

intriguing aervingi tin delightful pttiu<br />

fours ihapea) <strong>of</strong> velvety-amooth<br />

vanilla ice cream lavishly coated with<br />

rich ehocolate1and decorated in the spirit<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Eaater season. Each package<br />

contains four servings—the ideal<br />

help for a hostess on siKcial occasions.<br />

Ask your Abbotts or Jane Logan<br />

dealer to show you , , ,<br />




l<strong>of</strong>ifed to his father,<br />

•If you can't afford II to comply<br />

wiih ihe motor vehicle law jiou<br />

shouldn't be operating u car." Judge<br />

Warren commented, "I hciiiu IhiN<br />

will impress the lesson tlmt ii mini-<br />

MiiillS is iiiellllt in he i.lieyed. Ml.I<br />

ism.red."<br />

There was a line iif 111) nil fill h<br />

(if the charm's, plus 12 i-nsls<br />

Cub Scouts to<br />

Have Minstrels<br />

In Auditorium <strong>of</strong><br />

High School, April 29<br />

T h e Occiin Cily C u b Se'.in» hiivi<br />

set the ili.li- iii 1 , A|.nl 'in fin- ll.eii<br />

llihii i.niiuiil inlMMril -h'..v in i!.r<br />

iliKti -il'lllH.l illllllll.l'llllll<br />

TMi- >hi.w will linvc ii t-iivt nf ije-<br />

iwi.t.ri Iiii iind ;4f. h.,>> ,,! (•UP, ijjie<br />

fiiiisiPiM iriini eiKfil li. II years. Mr-<br />

J c h n nnhiiu.M i> direfttni:. i.ii.l ilinrt<br />

Huv will lie th,. IHUTI..I',I1"I<br />

A [i-ht-ni^iil lui- liu. i,i..ilu(HM,f.<br />

will tiik,. fii;,! !• h..,,i.[T,,u nil*., [M...M<br />

iiiKl iiBiiin :s!.iti,iiiy ;.Hi in,,.,ii ,i: ih,.<br />

MII'IJI r'.i.ini .,! ll,i' fil'-l 1'r. -1.-. 11 i -<br />

liiii C'hiirih<br />

PliiM* iil^.i i.n- I j, • i i JJ il .,,!, l,,r i. I<br />

Hutjk ifietliNi.: I,. .Ahiiii |,.ii,,ii ;,!*• I<br />

pnvi!,.ii. t.H April i.i in !i ,• ( hurt ii.<br />

ill H p in Tht•!',• u 11! I... .(. ilr.iin., 1 ... |.ru- !<br />

H'.'.ii! M r I'ri--,lie I •.',!,,i i,' i j<br />

>|.i'l.-.i,F|.|l lueully I t Alhip:!ii- U . U<br />

E),;-:r," !.. I :,l: .• ;: !• v<br />

Nu! i-;lv i| A I M . I . i .- ,i: '.., • :.<br />

l,'-.ii.--v i".Mi... .r Urn,.,;.. 11, -1.- ,. :<br />

I.,- nil., r ;n 1 % .in- :r.- ,,;. :r ,•:. -,[.•, .<br />

v.|.|f,.rc i i u . n u i - II. .- i \. ...il.-..-|<br />

M l . pn-Milei i tl II.. I •• -111:.- • i . • I '<br />

f"h:ir;tit.- (/,,!• MI I'h't- |,. [...li-ii ,1,. |.,r<br />

.ill eluiriliil.l.' cuiii- tlnllf 1111 • • 111- I<br />

Ihi litlll il:ilus.lr> H e I- :.!.., i. |,i|.|<br />

1. i-t siiliP,! Hi !h,. H, i , , i: Ail..i - = I<br />

(ii.ild ;<br />

Observes<br />

104th Birthday<br />

Mr* lli.riHI C W Iruii ,,]'.<br />

i'SI residi-llt ..I C'.ipe Mill t.'...ii'l><br />

(!S iiir i,^ kilUUl! iiltM'tS (.(; iiir I<br />

in-illi IIII Iliiiiiv (.ilMUi.|«;ir> v i - . ;<br />

lerd(i> (it th,. h(,iti.. ..] I1..1 i<br />

d.umhter niiM •-•.,i: = i.. = l;rv Mi j<br />

iiilfi Mi-.. AII.ITI JI.M-I-I 1 .'I Bur. I<br />

Icliih<br />

Mrs W.iii.iriitl 1 iii.. I :,. In, » '<br />

rcii I n . I I I !••<br />

Still the one fine ear<br />

in the low-price field<br />

m aSfe<br />

|^st Drive the '50 FORD... at your FORD DEALER'S<br />


North Oeeu <strong>City</strong>, N, J.<br />

•A-<br />

v<br />

STAINT€N*S<br />

Open Daily 9:1B A. M. - OPEN FRIDAY «nd SATURDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 - T.bphon. 1S32<br />

ii<br />

Luxurious Nylon and Acetate .,.<br />

fur a slim<br />

fashion line, choose<br />


our own<br />

s<strong>of</strong>t classic<br />

BLOUSE<br />

Oes'piJ Mtliiiiiilr 1<br />

lor us by K. WRAGCE<br />

2-95<br />

Short Sleeves ~<br />

Fri nch Cuffs . .<br />

with trim,<br />

Barryrnnrp<br />

Collar and<br />

Strai«ht RacU.<br />

Sizes 32 . 40 .... While, Pink, Mai/..-. Blur, Aqua.<br />

Loveliest memento <strong>of</strong> all . . . a Cor<br />

or Potted Plant <strong>of</strong> her favorile Spring Blooms.<br />


No Matter Your Choice . - . Our Flowers Arc Fr •sh niid Fi/iijrnnt<br />

Front Nearby C*repiihnii8e.H<br />

Lilies<br />

Tulips<br />

Azaleas<br />

Hyacinths<br />

Daffodils<br />


We Telef raph Flowers<br />

Telephone 1532<br />

Schrafft's Chocolates<br />

in Easter Wrappings<br />

1.00 to 3,00<br />

Boxed EASTER EGGS<br />

%Ib.49c lib. 79c 2 lbs. 1.49<br />

5 lbs. 2.50<br />

Lovell & Covel's Famed<br />


1.00 lb.<br />

Manhmallow Chicks<br />

2 for 5c<br />

MlyEggs 25c lb.<br />

> » • ,<br />

Good News for N, J,<br />

Theff'« food new* for Orean <strong>City</strong><br />

>wd ill* f«l »f New Jersey In («.<br />

Jsy'ii New lerwy Poll, whlih In not*<br />

|M*i«l pfrm»nrnO> un Hit- editorial<br />

puff.<br />

69th YEAR—No. 5!<br />

Printed and Published in America** Greatest Family Resort<br />


Telephone 0304 or 0305<br />

OCEAN CITY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AI^RIL 6, <strong>1950</strong><br />

Reserve Your Free, MaiUAway<br />

Copies <strong>of</strong> Spring Edition Now<br />

Pul.Mr.tlon OfflH<br />

B«tlIMI.L*A(ar Hi.lltll,,,, 1th (t, ud HHU •».<br />

Frld.7. Mr wl<br />

maralBf, with<br />

tcnpcniBrtfi I<br />

rluudliuu sad wmriBtr.—tt. S, J<br />

Iher Bernv, :, "'"i'^B<br />

PRICE 5 CENT1 ^<br />

RpiiilK Kdiliun will in/ plihlisheil<br />

tun wfi-lc In,II. U.Uiij 1 i.i!<br />

Thiil'-ili.y April 21),<br />

l.ail yrlir's inBf was a reenril.<br />

lirmkrr »« til siir. flu |iugp»,<br />

Thi* ti-ur 1 !. HIM i^Lilili,!, u,i.<br />

iitllir reruril. il will lie larger<br />

Iliaii iu«l VHUIS.<br />

A- ,1" Hill .1 Hill 1,1 II,,; •'Ihi.<br />

Or. ill. (^i'.v S!.,i\ ' i!|, t,i tlii!,. III<br />

(u'ly ceiii,! lie,in it-- iMrth ;il-<br />

n-,,,.1 71 yi-:ir.~ niJii li. liii- jiri.f.<br />

en! It «ill h,. ihe iniitt i ,iMi-<br />

.ilih, .l..<br />

;-^kpm<br />

Ih:.' I.:,- .••. I I,e.n |,l.iih.i ill li.r<br />

if,, |,i Mi-,,.,1|,,, ,,1 Clr.^ii fity<br />

It Kill i.li'ilk Unntiil'r rrfiiril<br />

iii llie minilii-r .if i iijiii*^. This<br />

M-iii, r.ii Un. lir»i 1 iirit.. I'i.lMHI<br />

^ili lie lirinieil. i-iim|i(ii eU uillp<br />

fil.lMHI Itriilifil i-urli vi-iir pirv-<br />

j.iimi\:<br />

•Jit...: .- ;;!..•• .!.„ ,-,- ii.-M-l.<br />

II :.n .1 |.,..,|,l, i.'l.iiil >h ;,l i-\<br />

I '- in i. ,\l,,ih ,,l Iiii..<br />

tlilX ,'iM f.i iiV.l.iril ij. [.Ill<br />

S|,rn •• Kilil.ni • -.- I ii I, ...i,.-<br />

.•i.lK I ,1..; 1.' ,<br />

li-i.It i. i. In,<br />

Kill lite iijiiii.i-iiinilv lo ^ftfli<br />

(I.Is I',toil iif ii.miFM'i.Ners .^ IIri-<br />

(imilril. ^ilil li.is ^piilS S|iriiift<br />

« III In- ii ji.lii PI fui "|ipr-<br />

<strong>City</strong> Tax Rate I \ Nma s ^ hi * f<br />

4 Cents Less<br />

Than Estimate<br />

i.ti.i<br />

.,ii.i><br />

i-,i,i,,,,,<br />

suadrr". if it<br />

(lei I. riiuis uhi-rr VOI<br />

in. Ilii- ^liriiit I ilili.il<br />

eiinimiiiiili , ,,l, ,,,, ,.,• j<br />

the i i.s.H.MMiiiiiU i.f mal<br />

1 Officially Set at<br />

$8.48 61 Cents *<br />

Over La8t Year K I<br />

f)(•(•!(M <strong>City</strong>'s |ii'i!|ii'('!y tiix<br />

I'itti- fur l!)"i(l wiiH olficiallv<br />

1 -el at 8K..1H pel- SKili o|' va(-<br />

iiiiliiiii ycflii'tliiy in tile liH<br />

niiiili- fiIIlijif- by ficrlrjim ~S\,<br />

<strong>Mar</strong>liy, |iri-siilfiit ol thi- ('uric<br />

.Wiiy iiiuMiy iliiiinl ii|' 'lax<br />

III) 1(11 It illliul-<br />

Mi inn.<br />

Tin- HIM riiic Is i.i ri-iiis iiieli.<br />

II Ihufi lli.t %ear, hill il I* fuiir<br />

iiiiis hAier thiifi llie lehlutiv**<br />

i.^iinmlr Miiiile'ln ih#. Oeeiiri ill.<br />

i iiinmissiiihers tiliri! (he tiULlge!<br />

%i iU inlrtMliieed l«u ftiitnihs agii<br />

'' . ..' CIV :• i.l II.,. : • ,<br />

,.)<br />

SI.IHNII IliCliKNT<br />

Orchids Await Best-Dressed<br />

Of 16 Houses I" ^ster Boardwalk Parade<br />

Police Recover<br />

$S00 Worth <strong>of</strong><br />

Stolen Goods<br />

| ROMJITIVS at<br />

|iii il suninii'i 1 \i'it<br />

( ity wi-i'i' rli'iiri.<br />

pnlici- ill-purl Mir<br />

: \vt-i-l< wil h tin<br />

Siinii.i'N I'liinl<br />

K ••• K li..<br />

i iili i,I.,i: .i IJ.,<br />

Trenton Man<br />

Heads Schools<br />

Board Elects Him<br />

for 2-Year Term<br />

' l i . i l : . , : . i ' ' ' . . i ( • - , ' ,. , . l . , i .•: ;<br />

3 Hurt, 2 Held<br />

in Car Crashes<br />

I Both on Cauitway,<br />

Eight Houri Annrt<br />

l| V,' I I<br />

' Sl'.i'i i.f .: V.M r.-t.ti<br />

i,\\ hi ri i.'.. r inr v. MI -k ,<br />

I II lii Ihr timi 1 iiF Sain<br />

iiriiig only hinr a! (lie 1U<br />

ii-H l.iid lieeii ri.|!!!f!ed lu<br />

**>. iii!i ^ it! III!. iirojH.rlie*<br />

li* 1 ! ^ iif llie nthi.r nevi-ii hiuh<br />

ineN «era* iiiiiirird at Iheir «i<br />

>.|<br />

Thi<br />

. n j «l liltlMjiiiJi \T<br />

1 '"'• : I'di.K K STATION<br />

'i'lir,'.. ,„.,..,.!;.,<br />

. CM ! 1 I . - t i l<br />

|il|-|.|l I'<br />

.'ill<br />

Id<br />

I,'<br />

•lUhl I . .in<br />

•.In<br />

—Pliiiiii by John V Pi.nt ii) c .h<br />

Urges Speed on<br />

Waterway Issue<br />

Worth $50 Million<br />

If U. S. Takes Over<br />

Nl'H- .l.rii.y .ill; I'c;i h, i- ir.ulc illlip.<br />

SSO.IHin IIUII im ii SV.IIIIUIIMII I1U."-!-<br />

nit'llt. iii',urilnii4 lit Hirhiirii W<br />

Nellie. u . M k n u u i i I'l-idii ^iiiht.-<br />

Ill<br />

nl .<br />

— C ii|ie May<br />

-• Cii|ie MliV )'!>!!){<br />

H- lleitiii^ Ttt« ii^liij!<br />

' "". l.liMFP 'liiU ii^liiii<br />

= Middle TuuiiMiiji<br />

— Nurth IVIIduiiuil<br />

+ Oeiiiii < ily<br />

— Neii Ule c H\<br />

I SI,,,,,- ll.iilii.r<br />

-^ Illlifr |||« n^liip<br />

, + Wml (line y\x\<br />

4 llnl Uililuiiud<br />

•* U'lidu'iiod<br />

— WKduuiiil c IM<br />

Witodhiiie<br />

4.?s<br />

rCancerfund<br />

Group Orpnizes<br />

: Resort to go Over<br />

$1,100 Quota, is Hope<br />

! fi.r i*. e r r ,,nt ii- ;i r. ---lilt el hiltii! •<br />

miln. lie ri-H-rs tu lln- " I r r n ^ "I !.,,,. f..„".."..' „.,. \..,;l(<br />

Ihe fedeiiil K.,v,.r.,n.«-l.l in t h e |.r... ; '•" : " : , : , " . , • , ; , , „ , , . . „ M l.,<br />

IKiial ihiit il Hike u s e r tin- m u n i ' , ", • ;,-„ " , : ,,.,.,.ii,.,i ,,".",..<br />

"iZTw<br />

Th, seniit.ei..,,,!,,, ';•"-—,:;:„:';;' K k ,r;!!;i''::..<br />

i "',h" S ,^,,, wnte h, yHl,riA'Ml.r.,' v.-ro ,n,.l...l :.. Nl,,,., Me-<br />

Aispniblyiniin if v.iu iir.. iiili-r | , l , i l , ( . I , , . „ . , , , l , n ,,;.,<br />

t, ^ . 1 , ( i P, , . , i i : C i \ \ :\ h , ii i . l ; , i l l : , i<br />

p . i i . l i , I i . i I I - , . - - . . , ! I h e i - . l i t , , I n ,, i . l<br />

I I . I ' I.i .'.'. i i > i . i i I I , . i v , . . I I , . i n I n 1 1 1 .<br />

' i r h t I I ,. ,-;,!. L r i i s l t i ' d i n i . i f , , n . , .<br />

|,. r : \ \ i . l ' i t S 1 , , ! S > . j . l i i ; , i r , i i | . | , i h i ., Ill .<br />

• I ' l l ' " I M i ' ' l i i | j h v . : i y I T i n - i , r u . i n i / i i l i n i i . . I m i f ) , , . : , , , f , | v<br />

I.ii U hi, Uii.: h,il,t\\ iill 1 ,.|||.|. ! I ..IIHlilih.. I(. (.;il|v ill; Ki,i||. t;if i,,,'<br />

(ii-iiii-e.- |.. hn.,1 ih,. Mel,, ; i r ! I "I- Ihi. Amerieiili' l':iii|.,.|- S u v i e i v<br />

ii;i.li..,i li.i.. ii I,ii.;lil; un tUc 11 r • I I " ! I P iinniiiiiiiv.l yeili-i Hiiy In ('iiir. II<br />

V "rhii\,r. j4,.nerii| ih:,!! f,..ii. h,.;i.<br />

1'iii the ..IlMlliil i..(|i,p;M!.M<br />

Tile (|iinta fur fliTan <strong>City</strong> [•, SI Inn<br />

v h i l e iill i.f Ci!|,e May C'uulily i*<br />

;i Mil in u ill ii iiimiiiHiiii i.l Si) (liiii<br />

With tin 1 ;ui|iiiintiiieiil r,f n utmi],<br />

nl Mili-i'iimiiiitli>f>_ chnirmi-ii in-.i<br />

tci in innliitis. Mr. Tliavi-r i-«|iri-Mi|.,l<br />

(( indclH.. ijiiit ihi 1 j T (.s,irt uill j 1 , !<br />

v ell hi.yiiMil jiK i|uiitii iind pi.rhiipi<br />

i >;ii.(.(l iinf vciirs ciilleilKHi (if<br />

*l.:)M<br />

Mils. KI,IA«ON TRKASi'REIl<br />

Mf -Rnlh Kliiiiiiin, secfeliiry [»<br />

ihi. Wesh.y ii\.. sihiiiil. s'iis- iiiijinuilei'<br />

iiH tli.iiNiirer (if ill* 1 Hiijti (iiinpiiiiiti<br />

v iiiell will he rariie.l nil until the<br />

emi nf Alilil ttmlor clir.-il sii)ieri isiiih<br />

..i tile riiji.. May ('(uillty C'hiiiiter (if<br />

tl , ! Ciuicer Hneii.l.V:<br />

dm- nf (he first steps will be the<br />

phirhiK .if cuiii ri't-epUiele^ in Ktiii',<br />

ittui iither piihlie pliiet 1 ?; tin ou^liin<br />

iiir eily In r..i.| j i\e ili.t'iilitjh?: frum<br />

pi rums wild iithi-rwiM- tnifihl iinl-liu<br />

(.(ititiii'leil<br />

Ilii\se\|.r. Mr Thnyer In ih,. II.-,.<br />

M:l« {,.,.<br />

iili'.l ill II..-<br />

•i"i K..k H u n<br />

• Hi imil L'^nil<br />

(In.,I I., th,. {<br />

' \ KitisU ;iii!ii,iiii,(.[<br />

i.llllne li.e i'l,.I I<br />

. I ' l i i - i h<br />

U Iv<br />

iiiiirii,<br />

i<br />

'JI<br />

i-l.r..t..i" fu<br />

i l l ill ir% l,,i<br />

rl.il-,. F.ill-t liil-<br />

• lit'.t in.".. ..I I,-i<br />

rt Man Heads<br />

Glass Co. Plant<br />

Ayen Appointed<br />

Superintendent<br />

I'I<br />

Mr<br />

iiiiiiii I...!i.i<br />

I', iili,|. ,,,<br />

rel, «h.<br />

Special Bus to<br />

Be Operated<br />

For Egg Hunt<br />

u;<br />

C.li<br />

tin<br />

-p.,,<br />

tie,I fur .Siiliiriliiv jiftenioun cm llie beach.<br />

li'ii.iiiitii; liii'ij--r all the lime, with in 1 "<br />

iii'iurrtinu KI ihi' Chamber iii t'ummercf,<br />

ni,!,.ic:.ili. IHU nrnwii intu a small parade<br />

MI; ,,|. .l.i.'iniijiii. uill leyil iill yhildrqi 10<br />

'~ til, .;,', ne nl |In- lui,it hefnre il he-<br />

• in. .i! 1 ::'i p in<br />

til KIN " TO PKESIDK<br />

I hi- ii.-e.ni fitj ll.Eh Si-hnnl iinnri<br />

,11 ilii.I eiilni- |||.,I fiiiipic i.i the<br />

iii,I,. M,., Hi.lh Ci'iitic. whci u-iiii<br />

' ri. | ti , ml,. ,,1 M,.» f)i-..:in C.ly luM<br />

h will iireMdi- liver the parade<br />

ill [ Nl ,• I iif. l,,...h atlemiiiiB the Pelrep<br />

Iir. I<br />

i.<br />

,1 1<br />

Wf^ p<br />

I ; .,di!i.,..l hy the r,v,nri h.<br />

'•ill hiiii. :i« ins liM'litufj >.',..i.<br />

M, Me... Aii.-,.n.i, (Mid, l-i'ilui-ii,!.. ;<br />

V.jim.iit}. .,!;, I Sniffli..;!, Il^iliii j | , . j<br />

I \,-r pill ri!f,-i d ill, iiirpiii,.,. ;,,.,' il- i<br />

li I ,ls III I ' I I W T the lernlnry hy nir I<br />

III-' ailil Mrs ..Ii'J.rri.'IVI with Ihe I ,<br />

MII:. 'I'l.inmy. iiinl Mrs .leiiiJiei ,.' : i !<br />

M',-thpr. i di r..>it!i. iMihi.r in Di'inii |<br />

C.i!.ir:t.!ii. in- KJ'.I I,iik,. C'il> I'lii: ',<br />

Haddon Hts, Couple i<br />

Buy Lurav Hotel •<br />

I Tin 1 ll-.ri'i'-ytiirv f.nriiv lli.tel «'(•?<br />

I Wi f lev iiv iuis snl.I ihis week hi<br />

,!i!iii! W Aph I,, Arthur W ini.i Aril:;<br />

T;.|le,v, i.l IliiH,Inn l|,.iKht> N ,J<br />

svh,, niil i,|u-r,Mi. it inr I!,,- l!l"i|l<br />

: In 1.in...Hi'<br />

Ii!;.|<br />

id<br />

,|<br />

•iirly<br />

nlei.<br />

12 311 '<br />

ll ftill si. mill IVnlr.'il<br />

kl iliiiiti<br />

nwni'tl Iiu' I,may Im<br />

si % til yiiirs. Hill ili-v.ili- iiiliisi'll I,-<br />

thi- r>i'lnw:il'i- ll.ili-l. Hiii.ii h r in-.<br />

Mitin-.l m \ at mu-<br />

st inn! Oii-iiii IIV , wns sold this wi-i-k<br />

by Mrs IJiliim Morris, Us opi'nitu 1<br />

ICr II iiiinihi-r ul yi-iil's. In Mrs Ih-li-r<br />

(li Piitlsviili-. Pa Mrs<br />

P i 1 is! d .irrn iny nl 2Ut K!<br />

i.r.il «',..!, y in :• I ly 4(1 |, m,<br />

The SiTi.i.d ;r:p ... il! I,..,,,. Buy<br />

•n iiliii H;itti.,>i.il r.l ;,l 1^(1<br />

p in imil Atiiintii' ii\ iind Hilt-<br />

• iinil I'd ill lU ffi<br />

II « ill iirni'i'i'.l up Alliiul;.. nv<br />

milk iiu stnpp ii^ (.iiH, rnriii.r<br />

\Uiere iietcNpiiry.. t., !!,(. ti-nmii^<br />

ill ii! Hth nl iind the h..iiri!«iilu.<br />

It «iil liiivc (hi.re iit I |i i-i<br />

lean. Ml li »l inn! frtitriil in i,t<br />

1 111!, iir.il |,|-i,,.|i'tl Mililh nil f..||.<br />

Sunrise Rites<br />

To Usher in<br />

Day f s Program<br />

Two-Hour Fashion<br />

Pageant Scheduled<br />

For Afternoon<br />

Major Events<br />

For Week End<br />

Here are the major evihta in<br />

Ogean <strong>City</strong> over this week end:<br />

Ciaod Friday — Union Charon<br />

iervice In the Pint Prubytor-<br />

Un < liurch, noon to 3 p. m.<br />

S«tmd»v_F»itfr Eff nunt<br />

far children, on the beach be-<br />

twcBn |Rlh and ttni ttm., VM<br />

B, m.<br />

Sunday—l'nlon tunrlK urr-<br />

iet In the Music pier noUrlnm,<br />

ii».n>.<br />

Sunday—rrumrn*di! on the<br />

boardualk. wiih •WkrdJnf <strong>of</strong> or.<br />

chldii, beuMnitr» and oltatr<br />

prlieii. I is 3 p, in.<br />

Milady will have her tra«<br />

ditiona] opportunity to dis-<br />

play her new spring bonnet<br />

and other finery Sunday<br />

afternoon when the annual<br />

promenade will take plac«<br />

an the <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> board-<br />

walk.<br />

The fashion parade—in which<br />

fimily groups will play a larie pirt<br />

—is <strong>of</strong>fieially scliedulea for the tw*<br />

ours between I and 3 p. m,, and<br />

•ill be under the joint auipieei <strong>of</strong><br />

he <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> luiinea M#n*i A»-<br />

ncialion and the Serviee Clubi<br />

'utnicll.<br />

Fifty orchldi and boutonlere*<br />

"ill be prennUd lo HlaeMd<br />

esuplei and finiiiH sppearinf on<br />

the boardwalk, belween 6th ud<br />

iOth tin., dnrlnf tho« hour*,<br />

(hiidren ueanpaBled by their<br />

parent. Hill be ehHen fur imnu,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Euler bunniei,<br />

JudMes (if the promenade repre.<br />

niini local orianizationi, will make<br />

heir selections while riding In an<br />

iitnmobile In the [our-block area<br />

he city cornmisiioners ilso art<br />

icheduled to welcome holiday vU-<br />

lurs from another car.<br />

trill nv<br />

1 13 p i<br />

i.rrn u,^ iit<br />

Blood Donor<br />

S" £| Drive Sagging<br />

Bloodmobile to<br />

Be Hera April 21<br />

Prrliii Ciiy ^ • j..iIift! sJ..v. n h;,(i.<br />

'> i» il» sii|i|iun ul II.c Airi'ri. [Hi<br />

If.'tl C'ri,f> lilipniliilfiliili'. il wu« r...<br />

juirll'tl yii.I,M,l;.y hy l)r Wjllumi<br />

A_I!,ii'hi,.li.. hlmnl i.l,,n,,r riiiiiriii;,,,<br />

Till' Ri'd C n i » l,,r ii iiiiiiilli iiiii<br />

lii'i'ii uraiim n-Miri i-iii/cns'i,, niiin<br />

lili-cliufs tu di.iiiiti' ii pint ut hi.mil tn<br />

Hie priiijiMHi. i,iii up I,, ,|,lt(, II,,,<br />

plcfliirs arc HII.H HI :ip|,|.iirii'L!. lie<br />

Wnrhli-r will iissiinni nwm'Fshiii<br />

i-tu <strong>of</strong> tin- [.roperlv iimli-<br />

iiils Glass Cnmimny<br />

Walter O. Swansuii, plniil m:in-'iii|.<br />

ni'pr. annnuneed Him Mr, Ayers ,„.' The sale wiiilinnriled<br />

sumed his new duties April 1. Ite.Cniev realty nffleo<br />

furmcrly was superintendent <strong>of</strong> tin.-: -____^__^.<br />

eielltilie division <strong>of</strong> the plan!, ] JOHN PKI.TO IN IIOSIITAI,<br />

A gradiiatc uf Ashley. Pi., Ilinlr ""•<br />

Si-nmil, Mr. Ayers nltemled Ihe L'ni<br />

.lulin I'i'lto. isnti Ashiiry av<br />

virsity <strong>of</strong> Pehnsylvaniii iind reeeivi'il! ^".' ''<br />

his degree ill eleetriiMil i-nglni'i-riivj !r *... ,<br />

from Drpxol Iiwtitute. I,),.'"!!,'<br />

He is a dircclor nf the South Jer<br />

*y ChapuiT <strong>of</strong> HIP Sncioly for Ad-<br />

vaneenient <strong>of</strong> Mnimijemeht, hnvlim<br />

liieviotisl.v served in the nftlee uf<br />

iirnsident nnd national rppresentu.<br />

live <strong>of</strong> that organlftilinn. Ho al»o<br />

i» a pflit president nf Hip Simlh<br />

Jrrwy Supervisors' Club <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Cnmden Y.M.C.A.<br />

Tho position nf siiperintenrimit <strong>of</strong><br />

lie seientifle divisioii has been ns-<br />

signed to Blair A. rorbes. a resident<br />

if Vincland, in addition to his nri";.<br />

ent duties as suiH'rintendent <strong>of</strong> the<br />

contiiner and ncccMories division<br />

Wendell W. Collieott was named as.<br />

sistant superintendenl <strong>of</strong> the sci<br />

entitle division.<br />

Rotary to Hear Sargent<br />

Norman V, Sirient. director <strong>of</strong><br />

Publie Relationi, will deliver an<br />

•nittr meuaft to Hotirlani and<br />

heir wivit at Plymouth Inn tomo/-<br />

rew (Friday) night.<br />

irarlur and pivsidcnl ul th"<br />

s Cillh, if a piilieiil ill ih,.<br />

Univi-rsity Hnypityl. phihi.<br />

ih.a, Inr iihsiTvatinn. lie enlri'.<br />

Ihi' hriS|Jital Munriay and' ex*<br />

(, to ri'lnuiu lliere hir a Wi,ek.<br />

TO nu:s<br />

"II is niJi-i'SKiiiy in him. Hie,.,<br />

pli'dBi 1 ." as [oim m possible sn ihn!<br />

iipp»iiitui,.. i'iirii^ ciiii cisii Ihein in fur<br />

•pi'i'liil iiiltf<br />

Sipiipll ti>ls-. .ii-riimpanied by an<br />

i'i nil will he iii<br />

Kpeitiiiiiis will have plenty <strong>of</strong><br />

riii,III (,, watch the 1 festivities from<br />

ihe iluK-ljedeilieil hnardwalk;<br />

In (lie event <strong>of</strong> unfavorable<br />

Hoalhnr Ihe liuni ivlll he post,<br />

noiied until Mondny, sami. time,<br />

sump place.<br />

The t'llfltiiher nl ConimiTCP An-<br />

liiiutii-ed that several .thuuKand prize<br />

liickiiMes svilUbij buried in the sand,<br />

Stiine uf iliem will contain a prise<br />

slip fur speciiil awatris at various<br />

iip.aees nf inisiness or at the 20th st<br />

pavilion.<br />

Motorists are urged nol to park<br />

their ear« on either side <strong>of</strong> We».<br />

ley *v. bflwcpn jOUi and I2nd si*.<br />

Salurday aflernaan.<br />

, Chilriren winniiii! live ehieks or<br />

Page 3. Pleaie<br />


Amusenif ntST=page .8.<br />

Bei.Kon's column. "Ijunk in B<br />

Ahead"—page 21<br />

Churches i iiieiiidhitr Snmers<br />

Puiiif i—pniji-a 12 and 13.<br />

Classilted : 'Ada — page 21; Tno<br />

Late to Classify, page g,<br />

Editorial—page 10. '<br />

Family Life Today—page IB.<br />

New Jersey Poll—page 10.<br />

Obituary—pages 3 and 17,<br />

Social, Personal—psies 4 and 5,<br />

Some Point—pages g and 7.<br />

Sports—piles IB and 18,<br />

State House News—page JI,<br />

Classified Ad Bargain Offered<br />

In Spring Edition - - But Hurry!<br />

ulli'h 1 *" n! l ht s fn* ln «i-«-'«*«'S cUisined adverli»emenl page<br />

will have ihr fines! barwin ever <strong>of</strong>ferei by thi* newapaper in Ih.<br />

annum Sprini Edition, which will b, published week «!« n"^<br />

A|irll 30.<br />

This edition will have the largest rireulaliqn in the hlitsry <strong>of</strong><br />

The Spntincl-I.tdgrr—18,000 eoplet, •"«pr» 91<br />

Conies will go to thnumnds or urospeellve •ummer viiltmi, u<br />

will as to The SonHne|.Ledief« retulBr suhicriben and all <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> property owners, aut-Bf.tawn as well as ideal. "," ~.<br />

The deadline for elanlHed adt in the Sprint Edition will he<br />

OW, while ipaee It Mill available, . - •» "

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