I Dropped Baby Jesus

I Dropped Baby Jesus

I Dropped Baby Jesus


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Saturday, Dec 19 - Who Am I?<br />

I collect nativity scenes. I have them from all over the world; and they are placed all over my<br />

house. I enjoy putting them out every Christmas. Some years I hold back on just how many get<br />

unwrapped; I go for simplicity. Other years, they all go up. No matter how many go on the<br />

shelves, as I put the figures in place, there is a question that seems to hang over my head: Who<br />

am I in the Christmas story? Over the next few days, let's explore each figure, their character<br />

traits, and the role they played in the <strong>Jesus</strong>-story.<br />

Mary.<br />

I know. We've already looked at Mary some little<br />

bit. So, here's what I see in this woman:<br />

Pure in heart.<br />

Teachable.<br />

Humble.<br />

Surrendered.<br />

Sacrificial.<br />

Willing to be willing.<br />

Obedient.<br />

Reflective.<br />

Ready.<br />

Faith-full!<br />

Filled with God (literally and metaphorically).<br />

Not fear-less, but courageous.<br />

Human.<br />

Here are some of my favorite God-words about<br />

Mary.<br />

Greetings, O favored one (highly sought after, filled with grace), the Lord is with you! (Luke<br />

1:28, 30)<br />

And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your<br />

word." (Luke 1:38)<br />

Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from<br />

the Lord. (Luke 1:45)<br />

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the<br />

humble estate of his servant... (Luke 1:46-48)<br />

Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. (Luke 2:19)<br />

As we read God's words, we can see so much depth of character between the lines, in the<br />

woman God chose to mother His Son. If anyone had a mama's heart, Mary did! If anyone<br />

understood what it meant to be a servant of the Lord Most High, Mary did! If anyone willingly<br />

surrendered her life to sacrificial obedience - it was Mary!<br />

Are you Mary?<br />


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